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The best remedy for mosquitoes. Folk remedies from mosquitoes - the struggle at home. The best means of protection against mosquitoes for adults

Get rid of mosquitoes, midges and ticks will help essential oils Tea tree, eucalyptus, carnations, thyme, geranium or lavender.

If you wear the contact of the oil with the skin - you can mix 20 drops of any "anticomarine" oil with 30 grams of any base oil (best of all - from grape bones or wheat sprouts), and apply the resulting mixture on open areas Skin. You can "enrich" baby oil, cream or vaseline with essential oil.

If you are applied to the idea of \u200b\u200bapplying essential oils on the skin - you can drip them into a medallion-pitcher and wear it on the neck.

In the apartment or cottage house You can add essential oils in aroma lamps and put them at open windows. Another option is to impregnate with a mixture with a napkin and put it on the night next to bed.

Spicy carnation from mosquitoes

A proven and very effective folk remedy for mosquito bites - carnation, a popular spice. The specific smell of the clove buds is pleasant for a person, but the insects are not transferred.

Cutting spoon Carnations Pour a glass cold water, I bring down to boil on slow fire, wait for cooling and strain. Tampanel apply a clove to open areas of the skin, you can spray them and clothing. This will provide you for protection for several hours.

Carnation can also be used to replace the fumigator or anticomarine spiral. Cut the lemon on thick slices and stick cloves in them. Citrus-spicy smell is usually associated with the Christmas atmosphere, but also as a means from insects work perfectly. Place the resulting composition next to the bed or table on the veranda - and insects will not disturb you.

Vanillin - effective remedy for mosquitoes and midges

The fragrance of vanilla is associated with fresh pastries. In comparison with the carnation, this smell is much less sharp, and and make a vanilla lotion from mosquitoes is much easier.

Divide a teaspoon of vanillin in a glass of water - and the means is ready. Moisten a cotton swab and wipe the open areas of the skin. You can also spray with vanilla water or room.

Vanillin solution is especially valuable in cases where we are talking About the annoying midge - scare it harder than mosquitoes, and even special means Do not always cope with this task. And Vanillin will ensure good protection.

Vanillin is not necessary to use in solution: you can add half a teaspoon of vanilla powder to 50 grams of the children's cream, after which mix thoroughly. The resulting fragrant cream is applied to the skin, eliminate the "sink" fragrance - and enjoy life without mosquitoes.

Mosquito scared chairs: Wormwood, Dress and Valerian

Another old and proven folk remedy for the defeats of mosquitoes - brazers from the root of Valerians, wormwood or spicy.

By one and a half liters of water, we need to take a handful of crushed roots of any of these plants, bring to a boil on slow fire, after which it is to pour into a thermos and insist 30-60 minutes, after which it is strain and allow you to cool.

The resulting means wipe open areas of the body and spray clothes, it is capable of preventing mosquito bites for 4-5 hours. However, Valerian needs to be used with caution to use cat owners: the smell of Valerian will scare mosquitoes, but guaranteed to attract unnecessary attention to the pet.

Funds from mosquitoes from a home aid kit: camphor and "asterisk"

If there is camphor drugs in a home aid kit - they can also serve a good service in scaring insects. Any camphor-containing means for outdoor use can be gradually rubbed into the skin behind the ears or lubricate wrists. And in order to drive mosquitoes from the house, you can boil the water in a small saucepan, add a few drops to it and boil a few minutes - the fragrant camphor pairs will make insects leave the room.

Another excellent means for scaring mosquitoes - Vietnamese balm "Golden Star", well-known called "Star". It contains clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and mint oil, and this "cocktail", pointlessly applied to the skin in small quantities, protects quite effectively from mosquitoes. However, it is not worth using allergies, also "asterisk" is not recommended for children under five years old.

Cologne "Carnation": the best of alcohol protection

The smell of alcohol blood axes Also noticeable, so for short-term protection you can handle the skin with alcohol, vodka or even brandy. However, the best alcohol-containing folk agent from mosquitoes is cologne-colon "carnation", which includes the extract of carnation flowers.

It is an inexpensive cologne with a rather sharp odor, which seems unpleasant to many. However, as a means of mosquito "Carnation" is very good. A small amount of cologne is applied to the skin or clothing, providing insect protection for several hours.

Even very good vacation In nature is able to spoil insects, in particular, mosquitoes. Their bites cause pretty unpleasant consequences: Itching, burning and redness of the skin.


The smoking spiral is perfect for gatherings on the open, as well as for use in the room where electricity has not been carried out. The spiral consists of insecticides, which in the ignition begin to be unpleasant to mosquito the smell. However, the smell is harmful not only for insects, but for, so it is possible to adjourn the spiral only with open windows so that the room is well ventilated.

The electrofumor to protect against mosquitoes will cause less inconvenience when used in a closed room than a spiral. The device included in the socket is placed a cardboard plate impregnated with insecticide. The smell of the heating plate diverges through the room and 10-12 minutes begin to kill mosquitoes. The electrofumigator is designed to be located about 12 squares. If the processed is more, in parallel, you can use the second device.

Repellent-aerosols from mosquitoes do not use in open areas of the body. It is best to apply them on and hair. If this option is not, for example, you plan to sunbathe, give preference to repellents-creams and lotions. However, you should not rub the cream into the skin; For protection, it is enough to smear the open areas of the body with light movements. There are two to three hours repellents, after which the procedure can be repeated.

An excellent vehicle for night struggle with mosquitoes will be carnation oil. Mix your cotton disc with this solution, put the head of the bed and forget about annoying peak and bite. If there is no oil at hand, you can use the usual alcohol: its smell is also not transferred. But alcohol evaporates much faster, so the effect will not be so long.

You can scare the bloodsucks from the home and without the help of chemistry. So that the mosquitoes do not fly to visit, arrange several tomato seedlings on the window sills. This smell will become an insurmountable barrier not only for mosquitoes, but also for flies.

Tip 3: How to protect yourself from mosquitoes during the rest in nature

Summer - best time for relax. Some prefer to spend it in hot countries, others - within the city or in the country. At the resorts, as a rule, prices bite, and in their native forest or on the river - mosquitoes bite. Provided from these annoying buzzing insects during the rest in nature is not so difficult.

You will need

  • - Roots Piny, Cinnamon, Anise, Cedar or Eucalyptus Oil, Onions, Pine or Spruce Corses, Valerian, Juniper, Carnation, Basil, Cherry, Tobacco, Spray, Creams and Gels for Commary Protection


Mosquitoes react very sensitive to various flavors. That is why almost all means intended to protect against bloodsuckers are based on the use of plants that distinguish unpleasant odors for them.

Reliably protect against mosquitoes during the rest of nature will help an ordinary weed - drinking, growing almost on all forest glades. Take a handful of chopped roots of this plant, throw them into the bowler, fill with two glasses of water, boil and cool down. Wipe the resulting decoction open parts of the body.

Do not like mosquitoes and smell cinnamon. Mix the bag with ground cinnamon with a glass of water and boil in the resulting solution with gauze or any other tissue. The dried material is tightened on top of the head remove or raise around the perimeter of the site you have chosen for recreation.

If your hiking turned out to be anise, cedar or eucalyptus oil, you can safely use it as a means to protect against mosquitoes. Lubricate them open areas of the body or drip a couple of drops into the fire. Spreading around you or your place to relax a specific aroma will scare annoying insects.

If your own calm is more expensive of people's opinions, protect yourself from mosquitoes with on Luka.. Cut the bulb in half and lubricate it all open areas of the body. But most likely, the smell coming from you will scare not only mosquitoes, but also your friends.

In order to protect yourself and their loved ones from mosquitoes, spread the fire from spruce or pine cones. Valeriana, juniper, carnation, basil, cherry and tobacco smoke are also related to scapors.

There are many special repellents (creams, sprays and gels) to protect against mosquitoes, to be applied to both open areas of the body and clothing. On how to use this or that means is indicated in the instructions attached to it. For proper use Repellents your holiday does not hurt any mosquito.

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The mosquitoes can displays us as in the country and in the apartment. In order for bites and obsessive nuts, we smear themselves with protective creams, we run into stores behind the fumigators, we hang special mosquito nets on the windows. However, it becomes much easier to fight mosquitoes, if you know exactly what kind of smells they do not tolerate.


If you decide to go to the woods on the kebabs, do not forget to grab juniper sprigs. The fact is that when combustion in a fire, the juniper is thinning a special fragrance capable of killing all mosquitoes a few meters around.

For a simple walk in the forest, it is worth dressing so that the open areas of the body can as small as possible. All those sections of the skin that could not close should be gratened with fresh leaves of rowan or cherry.

Insects like it to stick to the face. However, the decoction of the roots of wormwood is able to save from a similar attack. The decoction is done like this: the roots of the wormwood turns, fill with a liter of water, bring to a boil and insist about half an hour. After cooking you need only generously rinse your face.

Particularly effective in the fight against mosquitoes Essential oils of eucalyptus, basilica, carnations, anisa. To forever expel insects from your home, it is necessary to moisten with the oil of these plants of the Kutka shutter and put near the windowsill.

If you want not only to protect your apartment from mosquitoes, but also decorate it, then put the fresh branches in the vase. This smell scares many insects.

Big room can get rid of mosquitoes in as soon as possible, evaporating over the source of a 100 grams of camphor or valerian.

Do not rush to the store behind the interchangeable block for the electric fumigator. Instead, you can fill in an empty bubble 100% eucalyptus extract.

Video on the topic

Summer, fun, vacation and ... mosquitoes. Such a scenario is repeated from year to year. How to effectively deal with them?

  1. Relevant clothes. If you plan to rest on open air, then you need to get dressed properly. Shirt and shirt with long sleeves, pants of free cut and socks will guard the body from bites.
  2. Gas attack. Mosquitoes are extremely sensitive to smells. I don't like the scent of basil, vico, mint, rosemary and calendula. Plants planted at home or in the country.
  3. Away from water. Mosquitoes multiply B. aquatic environment. Even small water tanks can lead to their rapid appearance. In order not to become an object of insect attacks, water bodies, lakes and other places of them should be avoided, especially in the evening and night time.
  4. Apple vinegar - mosquitoes simply hate it. It is enough to lure a couple of drops into the skin to forget the annoying "neighbors for several hours.
  5. Various means (repellents). In the store and pharmacy you can purchase spray, body oil, candles and other insect protection products.
  6. Mosquito nets are a great way to protect the room from insects. They are divided into two types: sliding and stationary.
  7. Aromatic essential oils. The smells of vanilla, lavender, eucalyptus and even feline mint scare mosquitoes. You can mix your oil with water and spray your body or clothing. The ether smell will hide the human smell, which attracts pests so much.

Video on the topic

People lead a war with mosquitoes for many centuries. What only during this time was not invented. It is curious that some of people's methods Combating these annoying bloodsuckers can be called truly unique and efficient!

You will need

  • - Fumigators
  • - Spiral
  • - Aromatic lamps
  • - Anti-mosquito nets
  • - Ultrasound dischargers
  • - Grass


Fumigators. Currently, the most common way to combat is the use of so-called fumigators. These are electrical mini-devices that spray poison for mosquitoes. An anticomarine plate is inserted into the fumigator, and the device itself turns into an electrical network and is located at no less than 1 m from the person. Attention! It is impossible to use a fumigator in a house where there are pregnant or nursing women. In addition, fumigators negatively affect pets. During the etching of mosquitoes of domestic animals should be locked in separate room, and aquariums and terrariums with turtles or snakes - close tightly.

Spiral. Special antitomarine spirals are sold in stores. The principle of their action is based on spraying poisonous substances that are part of the helix. Some developers argue that such spirals are a full analogue of anti-emergency plates for the fumigator, that's just the effect of them the greatest. The operating instructions for an anticomarina spiral says that it needs to be soldered from one end. In principle, it will help to overcome obsessive bloodsuckers, but it can be even better to be made: you should put such a spiral on a hot frying pan, and then walk around the room with a frying pan in the hands: you need to get around all visible places of mosquito clusters. The frying pan should be thoroughly rinsed and quenched with boiling water!

Aromatic lamp. This method of combating mosquitoes can be called unique, since it allows you to combine two cases at once. But first things first. Currently, in souvenir shops, you can purchase special aromatic lamps, spraying those or other plain oils. It is curious that the purpose of their use is to create a pleasant aromatic atmosphere, and not in the fight against the mosquitoes, but if you make such a lamp of carnations, cedar, eucalyptus or needles - a mosquito will not seem little! As you know, these insects hate similar smells and try to get away as soon as possible. With the help of such a simple device, you can immediately kill two hares: drive, and create an intimate setting in the house.

Other ways to fight. Classical methods of combating mosquitoes can be called mosquito nets On the windows and the use of various sprays and creams (before using it, it must be checked for anti-allergenicity). In addition, you can decompose on the windowsill and in the corners of the apartment leaves of peppermint, Melissa, Basilica, Lavender: and mosquitoes will die, and other insects will scatter. The ultra-primary method of combating mosquitoes includes the use of an ultrasound repelter emitting high-frequency sounds. The mosquitoes cannot bear them.

Tip 7: how to destroy mosquitoes in the apartment and on cottage plot

What do you know about the ordinary mosquito? The buzzing, flies, bites - cause discomfort, overshadows us with his presence, and besides, it manages various diseases.

They do not give us the opportunity to relax in nature or calmly sleep indoors. And it all started in the cities from the 18th century, since a person created everything for its existence favorable conditions. But today the destruction of mosquitoes has become just a global issue around the world.

Mosquitoes can multiply throughout the year in wet basements. Of course, they have smaller sizes, but they are more smashed. For days, we do not notice them because they are sitting in dark places. But at night you all know perfectly well. Therefore, today there is a serious struggle with mosquitoes. Not only of their painful bites, which can lead to allergic reactions in the body, are also worthwhile, they are also carriers of various diseases.

If we talk about the destruction of mosquitoes in the apartment conditions, then you all know all sorts of ways, from mosquito nets, to electrical fluors. But sometimes they do not even help get rid of persistent bloodsicles, since they are getting used to all possible means and their immunity is produced.

Best in the fight against mosquitoes in apartment conditions Apply the irrigation method seating mosquitoes, such as walls and ceilings.

As for the processing of an open territory, it is necessary to first handle herbal cover, small shrubs, fence, walls of buildings, etc. But it is best to first treat all the wet places where female mosquitoes are breeding and fruit. This applies to all kinds of water bodies, puddles, standing water in a variety of tanks. Only after that you can proceed to the destruction of large individuals of this type of insects.

To process all surfaces, you must also pay attention to the drugs used by you, as they must undergo compulsory certification. But it is best to destroy mosquitoes in open areas to contact the specialists, as they know not only the necessary drugs, but also the doses of their use, the use of which will be safe for the human body, fauna and flora, but not only not only for mosquitoes. So near the reservoirs, special bactericidal preparations are used, which do not harm the fish fauna of an existing reservoir.

With the arrival of spring, all living things wake up, including mosquitoes. The mosquito attacks accompany us, starting with the spring-summer period and almost until late autumn. How to get rid of mosquito raids? Exclude mosquitoes from nature is impossible - this is the most important link in the food chain. To date, various means of mosquitoes have been developed. All these drugs can be consecrated to three groups: means for applying skin and clothing, bracelets on the wrist, means to combat mosquitoes at home. Cost to remember about the means of combating mosquito attacks and for our children. For them, a separate series of drugs has been developed.

This article discusses the most best tools from mosquitoes. This information will help you choose a means to combat mosquitoes suitable for you.

OZZ Extreme is one of the best aerosols from mosquitoes. This drug is applied to clothing and skin. High quality Means provides recommended in Russia, MGK-Combo universal substance. This substance has a synergist structure and is the only substance that is really struggling with ticks.

OZZ Extreme is available in capacity, 150 ml. It is used exclusively on clothing and skin. Provides high-quality protection against mosquitoes and midges, as well as ticks, blind and dryness. Effective effect of the drug up to 5 hours, after which it is recommended to apply it again.

2. Mosquitall

Mosquitall - one more good tool To protect against mosquitoes in the form of an aerosol. It is also effectively suitable for protection against mosquitoes and hoarse. The duration of the useful substance is up to 3 hours. Aerosol is recommended to use both on the skin and on clothes. Mosquital is harmless to children from 5 years. The basis of this aerosol does not include alcohol-containing substances. Produced with a pleasant smell of lemon. The Mosquitall aerosol recommends 81% of consumers.

This brand has developed a line of drugs to protect against mosquitoes specifically for kids. The special formula of drugs is recommended by leading world institutions and meets international standards. Provides reliable protection Child from mosquito attacks for 2 hours. The Gardex Baby ruler includes both aerosols and sprays to protect against mosquitoes and bracelets and clips that are very familiar to the kids. Some Gardex Baby preparations are designed for children from 1 year. Gardex Baby not only effectively protects the child from mosquito raids, but also has the highest safety assessment.

4. RAID plates

This combination of mosquitoes is intended for use in a room where there is electricity and an electrical outlet. Plates from RAID mosquitoes are available in packaging of 10 pieces. Use them is very simple: the plate is inserted into a special fumigator and plug in electrical outlet. The drug begins to act 15 minutes after the fumigator heats up. The effective action of the plate from RAID mosquitoes begins after half an hour after the start of use, so the drug should be used in advance. Plates act exactly one night, after which loses useful qualities. This species Commier struggle is recommended in the children's room. The drug is absolutely safe for children and animals.

5. Spray Off

This spray from mosquitoes is perfectly suitable if you are going to spend time in nature. An excellent formula of the spray of Off provides protection against mosquitoes and other insects for more than 4 hours if sprinkling spray off on the skin, and if you treat it with clothes, the protection will be valid about a month and ticks five days. Produced in a comfortable canister, 100 milliliters.

6. My Sunny

By the name of this funds from mosquitoes, it is easy to guess that it is designed specifically for children. The line of the "My Sunny" series includes spray and cream to protect against mosquitoes, as well as a pencil balm, which is applied after mosquito and insects. The "My Sun" preparations include an effective component IR 3535. All products of the "My Sun" line have been tested and they are recommended for children from 1 year. The drug is not toxic and does not cause allergies. Recommended for use by leading pediatricians.

7. Cream OZZ 18

The OZZ 18 cream is one of the most effective repellent creams from mosquitoes in the modern market. Superb is suitable for insect protection in places of their large cluster. The cream OZZ 18 is applied to open areas of the skin and face. The effective effect of the drug is about 4 hours. It is not recommended to use the OZZ 18 cream for more than three times per day. The cream is not toxic and does not cause allergies. The components of the drug leave on the skin a pleasant feeling of softness. Produced in a convenient package, 50 milliliters.

This type of protection against mosquito attack is one of the best in the Ozz line. Ozz Lotion-spray deep penetrates inside the skin and provides protection from mosquito bites from 6 to 8 hours. A pleasant natural smell of the drug with aloe and chamomile extracts will like almost everyone who is going to a long walk in the forest or in the forest park area. OZZ Lotion Components are not toxic and safe. Natural components The drug is perfectly suited to people with problem skin, as well as people sensitive to allergies. Ozz Lotion-spray can be purchased in pharmacies and specialized stores in a convenient capacity.

9. Raptor Spirals

Spiral Raptor - effective tool To protect against mosquitoes, intended for use in the open space. However, it can be used in a closed room, only after using the drug, the room is worth ventilating. The principle of operation of the spiral from Raptor mosquitoes is very simple: it should be installed on a special metal stand and light. The spiral begins to slowly smoke and it goes smoke, which destroys mosquitoes. This smoke is absolutely safe for humans and animals. The action of one helix Raptor lasts up to 7 hours.

Comer cream Off Kids is designed specifically for children. In its foundation, a gentle formula is laid with a pleasant smell, which very much like children. The components of the OFF KIDS repellent cream are absolutely safe and recommended for using leading pediatricians. This tool is excellent to protect the child from 3 years, as well as an adult person. Useful action The cream lasts about 2 hours, after which it can be reused. Produced in packing, 50 milliliters.

With the onset of warm days we all walk more on fresh air. Young families leave with children in the park, in nature, to reservoirs. And someone will hurry to work on their homes and dachas. But, unfortunately, with the first rays of the Spring Sun, the annoying mosquitoes will be waited. They are able to spoil the most beautiful day.

These small insects are active from May to October. They hunt people with thin light skin and can articulate small children.

How with the simple and affordable funds protect against mosquito bites in the forest, on garden plot Or on holiday near the river? How to quickly take itching and unpleasant feeling, if still mosquitoes served?

Read in this article:

First measures against mosquitoes

How does Komar find a sacrifice? The mosquito female is focused on the carbon dioxide exhaled by man. It can find people according to their thermal radiation. Insects also attract the smell of lactic acid, which is highlighted by sweating glands.
Mosquitoes usually fly to light. So they can be lured out of the room, and then you need to close the door. As the first means of protection against mosquitoes, justify yourself and grids on the windows.
In the evening, it is not worth walking on vacation on vacation, otherwise you risk covered with stains or blisters from bites.
In the country area, it is necessary to cut grass, in high thickets multiplied and hiding many mosquitoes.

Effective means of mosquitoes

Anti-Vampires are effective lamps, special bracelets and long-established repellents and fumigators.

1. Ultrasonic repeller. The device imitates the squeak of males. He does not like the females, so they hurry to fly away. A man and pet ultrasound does not feel, the wave is configured only on mosquitoes. Ultrasonic repeller can work from the network, the sound emitter is put in the socket and protects your home. Screlers on batteries in the form of a bracelet or keychain for keys will save from mosquitoes in nature.

2. Lamps from mosquitoes. This merciless killer of bloodsuckers is destroyed for other insects. Ultraviolet lamps attract mosquitoes with light and destroy them with microtoks. Or lamps with repellents, in fact, a large fumigator, scare mosquitoes due to a greater radius of action.

3. And in third place, indispensable sprays, aerosols, creams and ointments from mosquitoes and other mosquitoes. Undoubtedly, they are effective, but ... chemistry, it is so too much in modern life. To the same time, the period of action of repellents is limited only by several hours, after re-applied.

Alternative to chemicals from mosquitoes, folk recipes from mosquitoes:

1. Aromatic oils. Essential oils of lavender, valerians, geraniums, tea tree, carnations, basils, voices, mint, cedar, eucalyptus are suitable for effective protection against bloodsuckers. Just mocking a piece of wool in any of the oils, and then leave this "gift" near the open window or the head of the bed. Mosquito does not like such a smell, they will not fall close.

2. Houseplants. Rosemary and geranium - home plants that help scare insects with their fragrance. Also do not like the bloods of the smell of tomatoes leaves. For this purpose, you can put a pot with room tomato on the windowsill.

3. Lemon with carnation. Take a lemon, cut in half, and then stake in it 4 pcs. Carnations. Put on the bedside table near the bed - a calm night is guaranteed. Beautiful aroma and absolute absence of mosquitoes!

4. Corses and juniper. On holidays from the mosquito attacks will save the bumps of ate and sprigs of juniper, thrown into the fire. Their smell is able to scare insects.

5. Rowan and cherry. If we grasp the visible parts of the body with rowan leaves or cherry, then the annoying moss will not like it.

If it still failed to avoid contact with the mosquitoes, then the proven means will help. The bounced places can be treated with onion or garlic juice, or lubricate with soda solution.

I would never have thought that I would write about mosquitoes. But life forced. A few years ago, I settled in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region, which is famous for his mosquitoes, is the terrain of the swamp. In the country area, I was met by hordes of signer bloodsicles - then it turned out that I had a city resident - allergic to their bite. Since then, my studies have been held in a tireless struggle not only with weeds, but also mosquitoes.

Per last years I managed to try out a lot of repellents and realized that I absolutely do not want to splash chemistry. So in my anti-emergency arsenal, natural funds began to appear. I first learned about the repellent property of the Balzam "Star", then met the essential oils and other folk recipes. And here also familiar, knowing about my misfortune, began to advise new funds. Therefore, I decided to conduct improvised testing at the weekend and choose from all the variety. effective methods protection against mosquitoes. For more interest adds several popular recipes from the Internet. I share with you the results of my extreme experience.

The first tool is a mixture of "children's cream" and vanillina. I had the cream's most ordinary, Vanillin, too - but the effect of this mixture pleasantly surprised. But first things first.

Initially, this method seemed to me one of the most controversial: I did not fit in my head that Vanillin could scare mosquitoes. It turned out that he can! I squeezed half a tube into a pre-prepared container and poured a vanillin bag, everything mixed.

The mosquitoes did not even try to sit on the hands, which I smelled the mixture, whether it was really because of the smell of vanillina, or because of a viscous consistency of the cream. By the way, the latter in my understanding has become a big minus. I was sticky all day, all garbage backed up. The feeling is not pleasant. But he really scared mosquitoes. So as a whole, I can say that the tool works. Alternatively, you can try to dilute vanillin in water (bag for a bottle of 0.33 ml). This liquid needs to be sprayed on open areas of the body and on clothing. The method also turned out to be effective, but the smell of Vanillina quickly dishes, and the mosquitoes begin to bite. The cream works longer.

Shampoo, vinegar and vegetable oil

To prepare this fund you need in equal parts mix shampoo, vegetable oil and table vinegar (not an essence). You can read about other areas of vinegar applications in the article.

Positive feedback In the network I found a lot, I didn't like this mixture at all. Of the advantages: just cook, easy to apply, it will not stick and quickly absorb. Cons: The first bite of the mosquito came in exactly the leg that was namazan by this means, follow-up - too. And in five minutes I was retraced with strawberry beds, as I risked to be shed to death. And this mixture is not very pleased to be applied to the face: acetic evaporation in the first moments pulls the eyes.

I do not know: maybe the shampoo was not the same or some kind of mosquitoes, but I did not cause this repellted mixture of admiration. By the way, I used the first shampoo that fell under the arm, but if you pose, you can find a shampoo on a natural basis.

Naturonik Zoogley

This remedy with a very extraordinary title brought me a friend who loves all organic. Since his composition did not give any complaints, I decided to include it in my list of natural funds from mosquitoes. And it consists, judging by the instructions in a box, from various plant extracts - lavender, dusty, walnut leaves, tomato, basilica and two more dozen items. Also there are gils and uterine milk. And also - the extract of dragonfly larvae. How exactly this extract affects mosquitoes, I do not know, but apparently repeats very effectively, once the dragonfly is depicted on the bottle with the means.

The cream-spray "Naturonik Zoogley" I was very pleasant surprised

This is a tool with pleasant unobtrusive (which is important for me) a conservative-grassy aroma, on consistency is similar to body lotion. Not sticky, absorbed quickly. And most importantly: my mosquito friends it turned out to be not like. Footed from me about an hour and a half. Then still sprinkled, it was confused and quietly went to work on the bed.

I tried it already on the second day of testing, so I immediately noticed a pleasant additional effect: the old bites on the legs began to be less. For me, this is a huge plus - as usual allergic itching I can remove only with antihistamine preparations. And here everything is simple! And in the evening I generally became the yoglaye's shock - bruises and "asterisks" from the vessels that I always remain in the fields of bites, began to be brightened. I didn't even immediately believe my eyes.

Balm "Star"

Next, on the list, we have a "asterisk" balm - since childhood, familiar with a jar of bright red color with a three-alone smell. It is usually used to treat colds, rubbing joints, prevention of muscle pain. But few knows that it is also a repellent. It consists of balm mainly from (clove, cinnamon, mint and eucalyptus). Also there is a camphor, which is used to scare away mosquitoes. By the way, I read a lot about the miraculous effect of camphor and was going to include it in the list of test funds, but could not buy anywhere.

But back to Balzam: I use it as a means against mosquitoes for no first year. True, I see in it and the pros and cons who will tell you now. Of the minuses in the first place costs the smell. They can breathe hours or two, but then the mint-eucalyptus fragrance becomes suffocable. For example, my head begins to hurt from him. The second minus: if accidentally handed the eye - there will be a fire! Third disadvantage: short action. One application is enough for about 15-20 minutes, after which the mosquitoes begin to actively be interested in my person. Fourth: You can not open the jar! Well, just unreal. Plus, perhaps, one-only, but important thing - the tool really helps.

As I have already written above, I use balm not one year, but not in the country, but when I go to the forest for mushrooms and berries. I rub the "asterisk" small areas of the skin (hands, neck, ankles) that do not protect clothes. Since the area of \u200b\u200bapplication is small, then the smell concentration is quite tolerable - you can survive a couple of hours. I also decided to break the problem with a sub-unopened jar - I buy liquid balm now. His cap is unscrewed with a slight movement of the hand.

Essential oils

It is quite logical after the Balza "asterisk" to tell about essential oils. In the country, I tested three: tea tree, clove and eucalyptus. Pay attention to the fact that the last two is in the composition of Balzam. I will immediately say that I do not recommend getting climber. IN large quantities They can call allergic reaction. And their little children are better not to use. By the way, the Balza "Star" also applies to the most over three years for children.

Some daches advise to drop some oil on a T-shirt or pants. This is the first thing I tried. Unfortunately, this method did not justify himself. Mosquitoes cautiously flying "marked" places and happily dug into all other parts of the body. For myself I found the only one good option The use of essential oils - aroma lamp. Of course, in this case, it is not about protecting yourself in a greenhouse or in beds, but about salvation in cottage house or gazebo (which is also very relevant). I note that the best thing works in closed rooms. You need to set fire to the candle in the aroma, pour a teaspoon of water to the bottom and pump oil (5-10 drops enough). You can use only one type of essential oil or make a mixture, pose different flavors. If there is a lot of mosquitoes in the room, try not to add water - then evaporation will be more concentrated, and insects will leave the occupied territories much faster.

Lemon and carnation

It is worth an equally effective way with lemon to a trick with an aromalamp. You will need. Cut the lemon in half, the halves cut the tails so that they stood smoothly on the table, and stick dry boutons into a juicy flesh. I liked the mixture of lemon flavors and carnations, although the smell and not intense. Or I thought it seemed because of the fact that before that, I had already time to test the essential oils in another room.

Such a mosquito repeller is convenient to put on the night next to the bed - unlike the aromatic lamp, it does not smell very much and will not be annoyed in a dream. And not yet to be afraid that you are inappropriately burning the house - there is no fire here. This means also helps well, despite the simplicity of manufacture. But again, with the reservation that the room should be small and closed. And because of the heat, the lemon was quickly told me, and the smell became weaker - it is minus.

Wormwood and Pijma

Next, my testing moved to the apartment - the weekend came to an end, and it was time to return home. Wormwood and Pijm are also listed in the list of folk remedies against mosquitoes. Use both plants themselves and essential oil from them.

Very often there are tips on scaring insects with hintsome oil. But the effectiveness of this repellent I could not appreciate, since it turned out to be difficult to find. In pharmacies in which all other essential oils were purchased, it is not for sale.

For the experiment, I used the usual wormwood and a support from the nearest field. A little softened leaves and stems to strengthen the fragrance emanating from them, and put it in a vase on the window. The result is zero! It was a failure. The mosquitoes were flying out the window, and continued to fly - only a little slower, probably, looked at the bouquet exposed in the opening. This Council from the Internet consider it useless.

Tomato leaves

And last remedy: leaves of tomato. Going into a greenhouse with tomatoes, you always feel the characteristic smell of their foliage, especially if it is touching it with a lacaron. By the way, I really like this fragrance - he is from those distant times when I was still a greenhouse in Grandfather, to see whether the first tomatoes did not ripen.

The first way with tomato leaves is: they need to remember a little and put on the windowsill. I confirm that this is an effective measure not only against mosquitoes, but also against other flying insects, which usually fly into the light and get into the rooms. The question is where in the desired quantity to extract the leaves of tomato. Do not draw all the plants in the greenhouse!

The second way: to lose the leaves and smear the clothes and the skin with a highlighted juice. He immediately called me bewilderment. I understand that the person who advised Tomati saw only in the store and no longer contact them. If it were different, he would probably know that the juice of tomato leaves causes irritation on the skin, and leaves spots on clothes. But for the sake of the experiment, I still tried to apply juice on your hand. Enough a couple of minutes to confirm my right point. Burning, itching, easy redness - I just didn't want to wait for a longer, I went to wash the boots from my hand soon.

Results of my testing

First place: Undoubtedly, "Naturonik Zoogley" from the manufacturer "Sasher-Honey". He conquered my heart, hesitated bites and scared mosquitoes.
Second place:cream with vaniline. If it were not for sticky, then stand in the first place with "Naturonik".
Third place:vietnameseBalms "Star", which can be bought in any pharmacy. This is my favorite and tested for hiking in the forest. I will not refuse him. Well done Vietnamese!
Fourth place: essential oils. Well help dispersed mosquitoes in the country house or gazebo.
Fifth place: Lemon with carnation / tomato leaves. Very simple and surprisingly effective techniques. Lemon with a carnation is ideal for a city apartment: and looks beautiful, and well mosquitoes scares.

And what natural means from mosquitoes do you use? Let's share your experience.

10 folk remedies from mosquitoes

Mosquitoes as well as we react to flavors. But unlike us, the smell of carnations, basilica, eucalyptus and anisa cannot tolerate.
Refrigerating means include the smell of valerian and tobacco smoke. One hundred grams of camphors, evaporated over the burner, get rid of Muh and mosquitoes even very large rooms.
In antiquity to scare off mosquitoes and other insect bloodsuckers, the decoction of the roots of dusty was used - one of the most common weeds.
You can use finely chopped fresh leaves and cherry or basil flowers.
The mosquitoes and the smell of cloves, basilica, anise and eucalyptus. Any of the oils of these plants can be used to protect - it is enough to lubricate open areas of the skin, or drop oil into cologne (5-10 drops), as well as on the source of fire - in the fireplace, fire, on a candle or a preheated frying pan. Moisten the oil of these plants with a vaccine and put on the windowsill.
Tea tree oil can also be used as a repenel, it helps it from bites.

Fumigator Hand Made

When you have a liquid for an electric fumigator, do not rush to run to the store behind the interchangeable block. Fill in an empty bubble 100% extract (!) Eucalyptus. Mosquitoes will forget the road to your home.

Site under the windows of your country house elderberry or bed of tomatoes. Fresh elderber branches bring into rooms, they scare mosquitoes in the same way as the smell of tomato leaves.

If you decide to sit in nature, boil the samovar on pine or fir bumps, or throw a slightly dried juniper juniper into the fire.
Old folk remedy against mosquitoes - Persian, Dalmatian or Caucasian chamomile (she is Pyrethrum). Dried inflorescences, stems and leaves of these types of chamomile, crushed into powder, affect insect nerve cells. It is enough to decompose around the apartment or house several chamomile bouquets, and you will be delighted from mosquitoes for a week.
The smell of cedar oil scares not only mosquitoes, but also flies and cockroaches.
No insect will touch the face, if washed with a decoction of the roots of wormwood. Prepare a decoction simply: the handful of chopped roots poured one and a half liters of water, bring to a boil and insist.
If already bitten

Itching from the mosquito bite can be removed with a solution of drinking soda (0.5 teaspoon on a glass of water), ammona alcohol (half with water) or a pale-pink solution of manganese.
Bending places can be lubricated with kefir or spokeshaw.
Well remove pain and itching from bite slightly softened fresh leaves of cherry, plantain, parsley or mint.
And do not forget about the old Good Balsam "Star". By the way, he also blends mosquitoes.