Repairs Design Furniture

How to poison midges. With what funds and how to remove the midges from the apartment and prevent the reproduction of annoying insects. Some options for drugs are discussed below.

Small insects in the apartment brings a lot of trouble and inconvenience, especially in the warm season. And although they are completely tiny, but I don't want to live with them in the neighborhood, so we try to fight with them. However, not everyone knows how to get rid of the midges in the apartment. This article will be devoted to this.

First of all, you need to figure out where they appear. Most often, insects turn out to be where they are spoiled products: in the garbage bucket, on a casually left the scraper of the apple or on a piece of some product that slewed under the bedside table. Their appearance is better to warn.

Before getting rid of the midges, it is necessary to carefully check each corner and find the source of their reproduction, and then proceed to their destruction. The whole apartment must be carefully checked. If the midges settled in the sink, then it requires disinfection. For this, it is enough just to pour a special solution into it.

Then we will look at how to get rid of the midges in the apartment with specific methods. For this you can use different traps. For example, you can use chemicals that are sold in stores. They are usually sprayed around the room, close all the windows and doors tightly and leave the house for several hours. However, this method is unacceptable in residential roomsSince the smell of funds can soak furniture, products and other items.

Before getting rid of the midges in the apartment, for example, in the kitchen, prepare carefully. Take the glass and put the bait on it. The most corrupted product can act as bait. Next, the bank should be bought from above to the oilbox, which is desirable to firmly fasten with scotch. In the film should make small holes. Through them, the midge will be able to sweat the smell of rotting and get into the banks. When a fair amount of insects accumulates in the vessel, it will have to be thrown out. They usually fall there and drown.

You can also put an open vessel with water that attracts insects.

After getting rid of the midges in the house still managed, you need to spend general cleaning All rooms. And try to disinfect all surfaces so that no pending eggs remains.

If any fruit pies often bake in the apartment, or the owners are engaged in winemaking, then insects are permanent "residents." How to get rid of the midges at home, if there are a lot of them and they appear constantly? This is enough difficult question. However, here you can cope with them. For example, insects can be twist. To do this, you need to warm up the camphor in a pan and bring it to all rooms. It will not hurt people, but the midge will kill. You can also use an ordinary vacuum cleanerwith which you can easily catch a large number of insects.

but best Method The struggle is still prevention. Try not to leave garbage in the bucket on for a long time, especially in summer. We often clean the room and make sure that no piece of fruit or vegetable can get into inaccessible places. Periodically disinfect the drain in the kitchen. Then it does not have to "break his head" over how to get rid of the midges in the apartment?

The fruit fly is a small harmless insect, but it is always unpleasant to detect it in the house. Attracts her smell of spoiled fruits, nectar in flowers indoor plants. In the warm season, Drozophile can fly to a residential premises from the street, if just sprinkling air freshener in the room with a berry or fruit aroma. How to get rid of fruit flies in the apartment? What are the means to use?


Where do Drosophila come from?

The paths of penetration into the apartment near the fly several:

  1. The insect chooses soft, slightly or strongly spoiled fruits as a place to lay eggs, because their peel is easier to contact. Since the fleece itself, and the eggs have it small size, It is almost impossible to notice that vegetable or fruit is infected.
  2. The larvae and eggs of the fleet can appear in the house along with the soil for indoor plants.
  3. Opened windows without mosquito nets or open doors - Another way to which the insect can get into the apartment. Midges fly on the smell of fruits, room colors or spoiled food.

Where to look for the larvae of fruit fly in the apartment?

To get rid of these small insects, it is not enough to just destroy adult individuals - the drosophils are actively multiplied, the female is able to postpone about 20 eggs for 2 years, and in 2 months (just such a life of an adult insect) it can produce up to 2000 eggs. Insects are hatched in the early morning, and after 8 hours after this, the female is ready to multiply. If you do not start the fight against drosophila on time, it will easily flood the whole house.

The most frequent habitat midges:

  1. Garbage bucket or bowl with pet food - it is here to be created optimal conditions For the laying of eggs and accumulation of adult insects, because the disadvantage of food is not observed in such a place.
  2. Pots with indoor flowers. Wet land, fallen leaves, beginners are also attractive for insect.
  3. Places of storage of vegetables and fruits. If there are several fruits in Tara, one of them can begin to deteriorate before others, and the flies will necessarily feel the smell.

Did Drozophils are harmful?

In fact, a special damage fruit flies are not applied: they do not have the slightest interest in man or animal, do not bite them, do not diverse dangerous diseases. The only thing, and that is unlikely possible a possible threat - the risk of getting an intestinal disorder. This probability is available if the fruit is infected with larvae.

How to deal with fruit fluff?

Noticing in the house the appearance of unreasonable guests, you need to carefully examine the apartment and find all the pitched food: a fruit forgotten on the table, the proceeds of food in the trash can spoiled in the heat of a pet food in a bowl. If tea welding is used as feeding for indoor flowers, you need to explore and the pots of the ground.

From all discovered possible sources of appearance of drosophila, it is necessary to get rid of them immediately by sending them to the garbage. Capacities for storing fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly flushed to remove the larvae and eggs from the surfaces.

Flowers need to transplant into pots with fresh land. If part of the leaves or plant flowers began to rot, they are removed. The rooms themselves are often watered, but gradually - the mooring soil embarresses the midges.

Folk Methods

To clean the apartment from the midges, you can independently build traps:

  1. Since one of the favorite delicacies of Drosophila - Banana, it can be used as bait. Fruit remove the peel, put it in a plastic bag or plastic bottle. Using toothpick, several holes are made in polyethylene or plastic. Leave the trap next to the habitat of the midges. For the next 2 days, a significant part of the midge will fly inside, and they will not be able to get out.
  2. No less bananas fruit flock drosophile loves honey, fruit juice or apple vinegar. The trap is done like this: they take a deep tank, they pour one of the listed liquids there, covered with a package or food film. Make a toothpick hole. Insects attracted by the smell will take a trap.
  3. Another possible variant - use glass jar. A piece of banana, orange or any tied fruit is put on the bottom of it. From the sheet of paper make a cone with a small hole at the top. Turning it over it, insert the blank in the throat of the bottle. Moshki is easily penetrated into the banks, and they will not fly back.
  4. In a disposable cup pour beer, diluted with sugar and yeast water and leave near the accumulation of insects. Hearing a tempting smell, midges will fly to him and drown.

In addition to traps, you can use other means.


The crushed solid camphor is placed on the old frying pan (the one that will not be sorry to throw), put on fire. As soon as the frying pan rolling and pairs will go, the container is rolling throughout the apartment. For a person, the smoke formed is not dangerous, but the midge will not suffer.

Pillow for midges

A pair of recipes of poison delicacy for insects:

  1. ½ Glass of milk is mixed with 40 g of sugar and the same amount of ground black pepper. In the liquid, wash the paper napkin or a piece of toilet paper, put on the plate next to the midges. After some time there will be no insects.
  2. 10 g of honey is combined with 1 g of saccharin, wetted with this composition. Put on the windowsill.

A vacuum cleaner

The place in which the midge accumulated is treated with a vacuum cleaner. A working unit is drawn into insects, locked them in a dust bag. To empty the capacity you need beyond the apartment.


Drozophils are very sensitive to temperature, overcooling for them is destructive. If they attacked the apartment in the winter, it is enough just to leave the window in the kitchen open, leaving the house. A few hours later, all the flies would die.

So you can destroy adult individuals, but if somewhere there are larvae, then in the time insects will appear again. So that this did not happen, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the garbage bucket and a pet bowl, the land in flower pots Halong manganese solution.

Manganese or matchki

This method is suitable if the flies wound on the plant. We prepare a weak mortar of manganese, processes them twice a month flowers.

You can also use ordinary matches: their head is sticking down into the ground in a pot. Sulfur with matches will destroy the larvae.


Fruit flies do not tolerate geranium smell. If midges started in the kitchen, you need to get rid of spoiled fruits and put a pot of placing a pot with this plant on the windowsill.


Midges and smell of garlic do not like, so it helps laying a crushed head next to the habitat of Drosophila. After a few hours there will be no insects.

Orange and carnation

In the orange peel sticks the spices wand, lay next to the place in which midges are collected.


How to get rid of fruit flies if there is no time to mess with the construction of traps or the preparation of poisoning compositions? You can use ready-made traps or preparations.

Manufacturers offer to choose from:

  1. Repeptants. Impregnated chemical compositions Ribbons from which poison insects are based on. Such means cannot be called completely safe for a person - the room in which the ribbon is located, be sure to ventilate.
  2. Sprays. Special fluids containing fatty acids, falling on larvae and insects, destroy them. For a person, they do not pose a danger.
  3. Stop. Modern deviceswhich affect insect electricity. The only drawback of some models is a lot of electricity consumption.
  4. Traps. The traps made by the factory method do not contain poison, most of them are used insects the substance, and the midges flying to the trap dies from hunger, failing to get out. You can even put such devices in the kitchen, without fear that they will harm a person or an animal.

Preventive measures

Prevent the appearance of drosophila in the apartment is easy, enough:

  • comply with cleanliness;
  • regularly (minimum 1 time per day) to carry a bucket;
  • wash the dishes immediately after the meal;
  • pasting fruits immediately throw away;
  • do not leave food in a nurse's bowl for a long time, remove it immediately like an animal will be.

If the midges do not eat, they will not appear in the apartment.

Even if the midges started in the apartment, you should not immediately rush to the store for chemical preparations - It is possible to get rid of them and, without the use of toxic substances.

By themselves, these small midges do not pose a threat to humans, but inadvertently swallowed together with the food larva can cause the digestive tract. Drozofil fertility is extremely high: one female gives from 200 to 1,500 and more eggs. In the kitchen can dwell within two months, which means that the risk of earning MIAZ increases.

Eggs Drosophyl can get into the house on cats and dogs, with products or shoes. Forage base of midges - rotting organic substances. It may be a flicker, an underwayed wine glass, spilled milk, settled in the garbage bucket, a piece of meat, caught in the gap during cooking, wet soil indoor plants. You can expand the list infinitely. Midges tall even feeding pets.

How to get rid of midges

Step 1. Revision

The main enemy of kitchen midges is the most ordinary hygiene that deprives them of food. Therefore, when Drozofil appears, first of all, check the kitchen from the inside:

  • Thrick the potatoes, onions, carrots for winter. Throw or recycle bothering vegetables. Do it regularly.
  • Take out under bulk products Separate tanks so that moisture does not fall into them. During the crosspatch, carefully check the paces for the presence of larvae of fruit flies.
  • Remove all products subject to deterioration in the refrigerator. Try to fill in a vase with fruit as it is omitted, and not the future.
  • Thoroughly wash the bread and dried. Only then put bread in it.
  • If there are plants in the kitchen, explode the ground, remove the fallen leaves, wipe the pots from the outside and wash the pallet with a cleaning agent. If you have a midges in flower pots, change the ground to the new, and the leaves of the plants are irrigated weak mortar Manganese.
  • Take the garbage and wash the bucket several times with a potent disinfectant.
  • If you have domestic animals, change the water in the drink and start the rule to remove the residues of the feed in the refrigerator or the container specially designated for this.
  • Check the cleanliness of the refrigerator. Be sure to put it in order if there are heights, old food residues, products.

Step 2. General cleaning

It is very important to carry out a general cleaning of all kitchen surfaces. The focus of the breeding of the midges may unexpectedly be in some pitch, where inadvertently fell, for example, a piece of apple.

  • Thoroughly wash the plate, especially its side walls. The oven can quickly clear the ferry. Put inside a baking sheet with water diluted with dishwashing tools. Heat oven to 100 ° C and leave for 30 minutes. Now the fat and the rush will easily take themselves with a damp cloth.
  • Be sure to check the microwave oven. To get rid of tightly adhesive fat, use a mixture of 500 ml of water and 1 tablespoon citric acid (or 4 tablespoons of lemon juice). The resulting solution is heated in the microwave for 5-10 minutes at maximum power, then give the device to cool for 5 minutes and wipe the surface with a sponge.
  • Clearly clean all hard-to-reach places with a brush, wash the floors. Special attention is paid to the separation under the sink.
  • One of the places of breeding the midge is the drain of the shell, where small pieces of organic were often stuck. To clean the drain, you can use any means for pipes or traditional recipe. Pour some tea spoons into the hole food Soda, Pour a glass of vinegar and wait 20 minutes. Then rinse with hot water.

Step 3. Destruction of midges

If you have already removed everything, and midges are still happy about life, it is worth using special traps. Wrap the edible film plastic glass or a jar, pre-put on the bottom of a piece of fruit or a slightly sweet wine, compote, apple vinegar. Plot the film in several places with a thick needle and leave the capacity at night. The fruit flies attracted by flavors will fly to the bait, but they will not be able to leave back because of the sizes of the holes. The filled trap is better to immediately throw in a trash container on the street.

In addition, you can apply different chemicalsSold in specialized stores, and aromatic oils. Drozophiles do not like sharp odors, so it is worth freezing an aroma with oil patchouli, lime, lemon, ylang-ylanca or decompose the sliced \u200b\u200bgarlic in the kitchen.

How to prevent the return of kitchen midges

So that the fruit flies do not appear again, it is necessary to follow these simple rules:

  • Take the garbage in time and do not allow the bucket to be contaminated.
  • Do not leave products and disadvantaged food on the table. Be sure to find a place in the refrigerator for perishable edible supplies and in plastic containers - For croup.
  • Wash the dishes on time.
  • Conduct wet cleaning Kitchen every week. Try dryly wipe the stove, sink and tables.
  • Water home in moderation, immediately clean the fallen leaves, and sprinkle the soil with sand or decorate with decorative pebbles. This will prevent the appearance of midges.

Such innocuous at first glance midges bring a lot of trouble by hostesses of apartments and houses. In addition to the fact that the midges in the apartment are carriers of the mass of diseases, their vinegar are very painful and can cause swelling and itching. These insects very quickly multiply and deliver a lot of trouble on their excretion.

There are many ways to combat midges in the apartment - from folk remedies to a variety of chemical sprays and fumigators. But all methods will be powerless if they do not use them comprehensively, and simultaneously preventing insects in the apartment at the same time.

Where do midges come from: eliminate the cause

Most often, two varieties of midge appear in the apartment: fruit midges - drosophiles and soil midges - syrium. If you do not find the place of their distribution, the fight against midge will be useless, because They will appear again and again.

Important! Before getting rid of the midges in the apartment, you first need to find a place that has become their nutrient medium in the apartment.

Where do midges come from in the apartment:

  • Dirty fruits and vegetables brought from a garden or shop. If insect eggs were postponed on the fruits, then in a favorable environment (as the fetus edited) from them begin to quickly appear small midges in the apartment. The life of the midge is small (about a day), but in the presence of a favorable nutrient medium (rotting fruit, for example), they multiply at high speed.
  • Bin. The irregular removal of garbage is one of the most common causes, why appear in the apartment of Moshki. In the remains of food in the garbage bucket, there may be eggs insects, which in the process of rotting waste begin to actively wake up. Food garbage that fell to the surface of the bucket (if the bucket does not wash), it may cause the appearance whole army insects.
  • Pets' corner. Many midges love to settle in living corners - rodent or bird cells, aquariums, etc. Food residues or poorly washed bowl of a pet, aquarium with long-not changed water, is an excellent environment for the Moshk settlement.
  • Houseplants. Midges are very fond of indoor plants, especially if the soil is excessively moistened. Some hostesses water the plants by tea welding, which can also cause the active spread of the midges, because They love tea very much and his welding.
  • Neighbors. Midges can penetrate the apartment through ventilation moves from unclean neighbors.
  • Sewerage and water supply. If you get into the pipes, food particles can be stuck in the siphons and bends, where they begin to decompose. This process can lead to the emergence of whole hordes of moshcars, with which it is not so easy to cope.

Important! Moshki most often fall into the apartment with the help of the person himself, but the further spread of moshcar depends on the purity of the room and the timely cleaning of the water and sewer pipes.

After the reason for the appearance of the midges is installed, it should be struggle with incorrected guests With the help of preventive and sanitary activities.

How to quickly bring the midge

The first thing you need to do to quickly take the midges from the apartment is to hold a general cleaning of the room: wash all surfaces, remove crumbs, wipe the floor for furniture, throw away all products with the slightest signs of damage.

10 tips, how to bring midges from the apartment:

  1. Conduct a thorough revision of all kitchen cabinets, where products of plant origin and cereals are stored. It is necessary to check that there are no trash and dampness in the storage locations. If necessary, cereals should be suspended in dry and hermetically sealed banks, and all bulk products with traces of damage should be immediately taken out to the garbage.
  2. Get all fruit vegetables. Fresh fruits and vegetables - put in the refrigerator, torn - throw out in the trash.
  3. Sleep the places of the cluster of the midge. If the midges are much a lot, you should spend all the surfaces where the hordes of black midges are seen.
  4. Daily endure trash, and be sure to wash and dry the garbage bucket.
  5. Do not leave on the tables the remains of food, sweet drinks in glasses, tea and tea bags. If there is at home small childthen you should pay attention to the place where it is worth children's chairs - kids very often scatter food, and even a small piece of abdicated food can attract a mass of the midges.
  6. Check filters and siphons under the sinks (especially in the kitchen), if necessary, process them with special means.
  7. Processing special sprays the entire room where midges appeared. It should be careful, especially if animals and small children are present in the house. It is better to conduct a procedure in the respirator and special gloves.
  8. If the source of the appearance of the midges serves indoor plants, it is necessary to change the soil or handle the soil with special insecticides. It should be monitored so that the soil disassembled is not to fill plants with water, regularly loose soil.
  9. Do not leave the caustic dishes in the sink.
  10. Regularly monitor the cleanliness of the living corner.

Quickly get rid of midges will help special means From insects that can be purchased almost in any supermarket.

Effective means of midges:

  • Aerosols (Dichlofos, Raptor, Raid, Combat). Before applying, you need to remove all toys, food, butt the film all surfaces. The procedure is better to carry out when closed windows, pre-put overalls, but after processing the room must be thoroughly ventilated.
  • Fumigators (Reid, Combat, Fumitx, Moskitol). Safer than aerosols, but act no less efficiently. The lack of a fumigator is that it begins to act in 3-4 hours, and the complete getting rid of insects occurs after 6-7 hours.
  • Repellents (OFF!, Gardex, Moskitol). In the case of the repellent there is a special strip, impregnated with chemical poisoning substances that scare the midges. Repeptants are convenient to use, because They can be hung in any room, but unsafe for other domestic inhabitants, so the room needs to be able to ventilate.
  • Insecticides (Thunder-2, Mogir, Bazudin). Applied for the soil of plants, if the source of the appearance of the midges became indoor plants.
  • Tools for cleaning pipes (Flup, Mr. Muskul, Mole, Tiret). The tool is poured into the sink and leave for a while. This will help not only eliminate the midges, but get rid of all clogs in the pipes.

All chemicals are very effective when dealing with annular midges, but is not safe for a person, and it's not always cheap. Therefore, a good alternative to purchased tools are folk methods of combating insects.

Folk remedies from midges

You can get rid of the midges with your own homemade means: the manufacture of traps or by the impact of some flavors that scare insects.

How to get rid of OT. fruit midges in the apartment:

  • Aromomasla (aromas of cloves, Verbena, Ylang-Ilanga, Patchouli). It is worth installing the aromolamba indoors with the addition of recurrent oils, like the midges immediately leave the room.
  • Camphor. The camphor is crushed and poured into the pan, pre-well heated. As soon as pairs begin to stand out, the fire is turned off, and the frying pan is neatly carried throughout the perimeter of the room. The aroma of camphor instantly breaks the moshkar. It should be noted that Camphor's pairs are absolutely safe for others, including animals and young children.
  • Geranium and tomatoes in a vase. If these plants will be present in the apartment on the window sills, midges will never lead in the room.
  • Basil, Anis, Eucalyptus, Horseradish - The smell of these plants scares insects.
  • Orange and carnation. The orange sticks a few sticks of the carnations and places in the places of cluster of the midges.

Trap - the safest and an effective way Fight with midges, you can make it possible from any girlfriend.

We bring midge using traps:

  • Of plastic glass : The bottom of the cup is placed bait: a piece of overripe fruit or vegetable, honey, sweet water, compote, etc. From above the glass is closed polyethylene filmin which small holes are made. The glass is left overnight in the kitchen, and in the morning its contents together with caught midges is poured into the toilet.
  • From a container with dishwashing solution. In the container where a bit of a soap solution remains, pouring apple vinegar, compote, juice, wine, etc. to attract fruit midges. Insects will fly on the bait and sink due to the means that reduces the surface tension of the fluid.
  • Sticky traps. Cut the paper sheets on thin strips that need to be mixed in a solution of three tablespoons of black pepper, a glass of milk, and one tablespoon of sugar. The traps hang around the entire perimeter of the apartment, which creates some inconvenience, but it is helping to quickly "collect" all the midges.
  • Bottle of beer or wine. Leaving such a simple bait overnight, you can collect a lot of midges that will fly on the bait and "stick" to the bottom of the bottle.

To get rid of the midges in pots with indoor plants, you should stick into the soil of the match with heads down and cut the amount of water for watering.

To remove the midges from the sewer and water pipes, It is necessary to pour a little soda into the hole of the sink, and in 5-7 minutes pour 1-2 glasses of vinegar. After 20 minutes, flush pipes with water.

Get rid of the midges in the apartment is a time-consuming and troublesome occupation. Therefore, it is better to prevent their appearance in the apartment, watching purity and order indoors, removing the garbage in the apartment and living corners of pets, paying attention to the content of indoor plants and the state of sewer and water pipes.

The appearance in the apartment midges often becomes sudden. Their presence annoys and brings discomfort. The family of fruit flies belongs to the detachment of docking. They are numbered more than 2,000 species. The most common - drosophilas ( fruit flies). Insects can very often be seen near the fallen fruits and home plants.

Methods of combating S. different species The midge is the same. It is not difficult to withdraw them if you remove the source of infection. It should be borne in mind that the midges breed very quickly, so it is necessary to get rid of them soon.

general information

Fruit fly (drosophila) can be found next to the person, thanks to the insects, the power supply appears. Drozophiles love rotting fruit, floral nectar, skins juice.

Moshki reaches 3 mm long. Life cycle They have a brief. Development from the egg to an adult insect occurs in just 10 days, to maintain the population of the flies are fruit very quickly.

Eggs of the female puts in products spoiled fruits, home plants. When the eggs appear from the eggs, the process of their pokuclization occurs in the same products. When an insect comes out of the doll, it can already put eggs the next day.

Causes of appearance

The main reason for the appearance and in other places of the apartment can be considered a violation of sanitary and hygienic standards. But it happens that in the house perfect purity, and midges fly. Perhaps they fell from the neighbors or were listed with already pitched products.

Factors contributing to the appearance of midges:

  • Burning room. In such conditions, there are always power supplies for insects. The berries left on the table, dirty kitchen sponge or feed remains in hamsters cells - all this can lead to the invasion of the midge.
  • Rejected fruits and vegetables left in the kitchen or stored in the storage room.
  • Houseplants. For flies, an ideal environment for accommodation in acidic pallets for pots is created. From there pests extend throughout the apartment.
  • Sewage. If a sewer pipes For a long time not to clean, they accumulate raid rot, which loves midges.

Note! Midges are not harmful to man, do not share infections. They only deliver discomfort by annoying buzz.

Effective methods of struggle

If insects penetrate the apartment from the neighbors, you need to put lattices from the ventilation mines mosquito net.. If there are gaps and cracks, they need to be removed using silicone. If the risers in the bathroom are sealed not hermetically, this problem can be removed using mounting foam or cement mortar.

Destruction of midges from indoor plants

How to get rid of? In the occurrence of insects, it is necessary to reduce the amount of irrigation in order not to create dampness. To stick into the ground a few matches head down or sprinkle on top of ground pepper.

To destroy the larvae and eggs of pests in the ground with home plants, it is necessary to be treated with a solution of potassium mangartee-cancer, then spray the soil insecticidal preparation from insects.

Smells screaming insects

Many types of insects, including fruit flies, do not tolerate some fragrances:

  • ylang-Ilanga;
  • verbena;
  • patchouli;
  • anisa;
  • carnations;
  • basilica;
  • lavender.

The smell of geranium scares the midges, you can grow a plant on the windowsill next to other colors.

Another effective - camphor alcohol. It is poured on a hot bastard for evaporation. The caustic smell will scare insects. It is desirable to leave the room for a while and to ventilate it.

Homemade traps

It is easy enough to make, you can do with infirred materials.

Several variants:

  • Take an empty plastic bottle, cut off the neck. Insert to the resulting funnel cut off the neck a bow. On the bottom to put the bait (fed fruit, jam, a bit of beer or wine). Finding into the bottle, midges can not get out.
  • In a glass jar to pour a little apple vinegar. Make a funnel of paper (better yellow color) With a small hole, fasten your tape on the bank. The smell of vinegar attracts insects, and lured into the trap. Another way to use apple vinegar is to drop it into a bowl, and wrap it with a multi-hole package.

Industrial glue traps

You can buy ready-made preparations against fruit flies:

  • Raptor;
  • Aeroxon.

The principle of the action of the traps is simple. They have a sticky-bait adhesive liquid that attracts insects. Finding on the adhesive surface, midges can no longer get back. Use according to the instructions described on the package.

Chemical ways of destruction

To combat midges sometimes resort to help (aerosols or solutions). It is possible to use such agents only in rooms that are well ventilated. Before spraying the surfaces, all foods need to be taken out or hide into sealed containers.

Means from flying insects:

  • Raptor;
  • Combat.

For etching moshcar from the room, you can use a fumigator from mosquitoes. Enable enough to include on the network for the night. Such the method is ineffective against larvae and insect eggs.

How to deal with? Check the list of chemicals and recipes of folk remedies.

Recipes effective tools from Tarakanov S. boric acid And the rules of their application are described by the page.

Go to and learn how to get rid of mold on clothes and prevent the fungus re-appearance.

Folk remedies

Proven recipes:

  • Put the shine root in the transparent package and not close it. After some time, the midge will leave the apartment limits.
  • Put in the kitchen of cuns with sovereign bananas or pieces of fallen fruits. When a large number of midges are gathered in one place, close the cun and take it out to the street.
  • Leave a few compotes for the night in a cup. In the morning, cover it with a lid and put in a microwave per minute. Midges will die.

Prevention measures

It is easier to warn the appearance of midges than getting rid of insects. Knowing the features of their livelihoods and nutrition, you can take effective preventive measures:

  • Observe cleanliness in the house. Do not allow the table, for the closet and other food furniture.
  • Trimming fruits and vegetables do not leave immediately in the bucket, but put in a bag and tie it.
  • Take garbage daily.
  • Do not leave on the table products and bread crumbs.
  • Wash daily bowl for pet food.
  • Do not storage dishes in the sink.
  • Regularly clean the sink and clean the sewage special means.
  • Do not overcoat home plants.

The appearance of the midges in the house often suggests that a comfortable nutrient medium appeared for them. Annoying insects may appear in any apartment, even clean. Therefore, you need to save voracious flies of food and take preventive measures to protect the house.

Video - Instructions on how to make a trap for annoying midges:

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