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Weather tick on indoor plants Whey Watering. How to deal with a spider tong in the garden - the best methods and means. How to remove the spider tick of a greenhouse or greenhouse

It would seem that the flowers are growing in the room, not in contact with the street, should not be affected by pests, but they get to them. The real problem is a colony of a paouth tick on indoor plants. How to deal? Let's deal with together.

This microscopic pest does not distinguish the naked eye. But the traces of its livelihoods can be seen, focusing on damage applied plants. A fabulous fan of vegetable juice leaves punctures on the leaves, when considering the light, they are clearly visible. Over time, they merge, forming spots, damaged leaves dry. The plant suspends growth, the leaves are pale. A postinka, which produces pest, speaks of a strong population of the plant with ticks. This stage of the defeat requires immediate actions, otherwise the flowers can just die. In order not to miss a danger, they need to be examined regularly. A traces of molds, having a kind of whitish dandruff, as well as silver strips and spots, are also talking about setting up colors with ticks. For his search, it is better to use a magnifying glass, choosing a sunny day. With electrical lighting, the chances of detecting it is small.

Biologists include ticks to the class of spine-shaped arthropods. Such a classification is possible due to the special structure of its body. That is why all insecticides applied from other insects against ticks are powerless. For them, other means are needed. In nature, there are more than 2,000 different types of ticks. They can be found in any corner of the globe.

For indoor plants, the following types are the greatest danger:

  • cleaning mite - absolutely omnivorous, striking up to 200 species of plants;
  • cleaning tick red - specializes in indoor plants and is most dangerous for them;
  • tick cobweb red-legged;
  • clean tongs Cotton Turkestan.

The community of these microscopic arthropods studied not to the end, therefore, it is possible to open and other varieties.

The main food of any representative from the above list is plants juice. Lained room flowers quickly weaken and die. What is the danger of pawless ticks?

They are difficult to detect

The size of an adult individual regardless of the type is no more than 1 mm, and the color - greenish-brown different shades makes it easy to merge with foliage. Only winter females are brightly painted. The tick lives on the outstanding side of the leaves, so his colony is not striking.

They quickly breed

The cycle of reproduction of a tick, called metamorphosis, can last from the month, to the week and depends on the ambient temperature. At a temperature of about 30 degrees, the heat of the larvae overlook the eggs after 3 days, and after a few days they are ready for reproduction. Therefore, the colony of ticks grow very quickly, capturing new territories.

Ease of infection

The pest can be added to the house with bought by plants or other landing materials, with a soil, on the soles of shoes and clothes. Finally, the tick can get into the room through the opened window, listed by the wind, and the number of roles here does not play.

Availability in females bands

If the conditions for development and nutrition becomes unfavorable, female ticks fall into a peculiar stage of rest in which they can be up to 5 years. But more often they are simply arranged for wintering - the light day is shorter than 17 hours does not give them the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle. Winter ticks on the leaves or in the soil pot. They are able to go down to a depth of 20 cm. It will suit any slot - in the windowsill, wall, ceiling, or in the floor. The same female and long-term heat come.

Such features of the life cycle make a struggle with the pest of difficult and long.

What indoor plants are subject to infection

Most of the types of ticks are omnivores, some have their own special preferences, but most of them do not live on the plants of the Gesnery family because of small hairs covering their leaves. They have their own pest, also from the mites family - flat-seller, but it does not apply to the web.

This pest and aloe does not complain, but it will be happy to eat on the juices of other colors:

  • citrus
  • marrantovy;
  • aoid;
  • cutrov.

Often the tick can be detected on the ficus, fuchsia, crotone, balsamines. Special gourmets prefer one species: phalaenopsis tick attacks orchids, and cactus flatwood - cacti. But the favorite target of this insect is roses. Even with an indifferent struggle with small arthropods, a web tick on a rose is revealed again and again. Some flower products, because of this, simply stop growing it.

But still you can cope with this pest.

Chemical preparations against a paustic tick

A lot of means from a spider tick is invented, and they all belong to the class of acaricides or insectoacaricides.

Insecticides of this pest cannot be destroyed, they will not harm it.

Table: Insectoacaricides and acaricides for the destruction of web ticks.

A drugClassFeatures of application
AKTELLIKAkaroinsecticidActs at all stages of development. Hazard class 2. DANGER FOR PETERS. Outdoor processing is recommended
ApolloAcaricide with hormonal actionSterilizes adult individuals, destroying all the others. Hazard class - 4
DemitaAcaricide, active ingredient - FenazakhinLowly toxic, dangerous for fish. Resistance, so only single processing
KarateInsectoacaricideActs at all stages of development. Danger class - 3. dangerous for bees, fish and pets
BitoksibatsillinBiological insectoacaricideSafe intestinal preparation for adult pests
UnionContact acaricidHazard class - 4
NissoranAcaricide hormonal actionSterilizes adult individuals, destroys all the others
OmaithAcaricide contact actionAmazes adults and nymphs. Hazard class - 2
SanmightContact acaricidActs all individuals. A resistance to the drug may develop, so over the season, single processing. Hazard class - 3
SeltelInsectoacaricideActs of individuals of all ages.
TalstarInsectoacaricide from a group of pyreroidsActs at all stages of development. For people little toxic. Dangerous for fish and bees
Flumite.Hormonal AcaricidActs at all stages of development, sterilizing adults. Treatment single. Malotoxic
FufanonInsectoacaricideActs all individuals. 3 class of danger
EnvidorInsectoacaricide, breaks lipid exchangeActs at all stages of development. Hazard class - 3.

First of all, it is necessary to apply Bitoxylin Cyllain, Apollo, Akarin, Flumite, since they are less dangerous for a person.

How to get rid of the spider tick, if the chemical means do not want to apply? There are many people's methods.

Folk remedies

First of all, these are various brazers and infusions.

  • In 1 liter of water, there are 100 dried leaves of alder or 100 g of fresh for half an hour. The blackened decoction for 12 hours is filled and used for spraying.
  • 50 g of leaves or 30 g of dandelion roots pour hot (40 degrees) with water and insist about 3 hours, strain.
  • 100 g of chopped roots of shit is poured a liter of water. Allowed an hour and filter.
  • 20 g of garlic teeth are passed through garlic press and mixed with 1 liter of water. Focusing without insisting, and immediately handle.
  • Finely cut a large bulb, poured 0.5 liters with warm non-rigid water, allowed from 5 to 7 hours under the lid. Use a lesioned solution.
  • Gently wipe the leaves with a medical alcohol with 965 concentration. Special attention should be paid to the processing of the sinuses of the leaves where the tick can hide.
  • If only 2-3 minutes turn on the household UV lamp with the rays of medium length, the tick will be destroyed. You can do it 3-4 times a week.
  • It is possible that the use of acetone mixture and 96% alcohol in the proportion of 1: 2. In this solution, it is better to completely completely dip the plants. Combine processing process with a transplantation, carefully cleaned the roots from the old substrate.

How to handle plants and flowers

The unsystematic struggle with the spider tick will not give the proper effect, on the contrary, it will form a persistent immunity to poison. Therefore, in the fight against such a dangerous pest, it is necessary to observe the sequence, methodologicalness and not forget about some trifles that can reduce all efforts to zero.

What do we have to do?

  • It is necessary to process not only the affected plant, but also all the other flowers standing on this windowsill, and possibly in the whole room.
  • Cut all damaged leaves and destroy.
  • To arrange a shower for plants, you can even wash the leaves with a soap solution and rinse. For those plants with which water procedures are contraindicated, are arranged a steam bath. To do this, they put them in the bath and a quarter of an hour turns on very hot water without closing the drain. But the doors, on the contrary, cover.
  • Carefully disinfect all pallets, you can hold them in boiling water.
  • Treat leaves with a selected drug, wasting the entire surface. Sing them ground in a pot.
  • Polyethylene package on the flower and tie it, creating a closed space. The package is not removed up to 2 days. The plant should not stand in the sun, otherwise it just welds.
  • While the web tick is powered with poisons, carefully treated with alcohol or soap solution. The outside surface pots, windowsills, frames, glass, not missing a single gap. I will not extend the curtains.
  • To completely destroy the tick processing, you need to repeat 2 more times with an interval of 6 days, but not more. Perhaps you have to change the folk remedy or acaricide so that the ticks do not have addiction.

In order not to start the tedious struggle again, it is necessary to carry out prevention measures.

Prevention of appearance

The tick loves dry air and high air temperature. In order not to deliver his pleasure, the flowers need to spray often, and to ventilate the apartment so that it was not too hot.

A good preventive measure can be hot shower every 3 weeks. Many plants calmly carry temperatures up to 45 degrees.

All that is associated with plants and is brought to the house from the outside, should undergo strict control and, if necessary, processing. The new flower is washed in the soul and put on an empty window sill, where he must pass a two-week quarantine. The soil for plants needs steaming, like all the others used to compile the components, including drainage mixtures.

The web tick is a very dangerous and cunning enemy. It can quickly destroy the whole collection of room colors. Therefore, it is necessary to fight it mercilessly, only then can it be defeated.

Lovers of indoor plants constantly have to fight pests. The most dangerous and frequent look is a web tick. Small animals secrete a web that protects their masonry and helps move to other plants. The main danger of ticks is omnivorous, they are calm and happily live on any cultures. Consider how to quickly get rid of the web tick, retaining the plant.

The body size of the animal (this is not an insect, refers to a spider-shaped) - from 0.2 to 1.2 millimeters, rare species reach 5 millimeters. In most cases, it is difficult to notice the pest that has appeared, it is usually detected by the change in the form of plants. Pliers are dangerous short life cycle, it lasts only 8-40 days. Within 7-8 days, an adult special develops from the egg, ready to multiply. Adult ticks have 8 legs, body color varies from different types from Beles and yellow to red-brown.

The female makes masonry on the bottom of the foliage, in the ground, on the walls of the pots. It covers their cobweb. Eggs are well protected by a smooth sheath, under adverse conditions do not die, and slow down development, while maintaining vitality for several years. Nature has created an ideal pest - multiplied quickly, under adverse conditions goes in the range, eats everything. It is possible to identify the infection by the spider tick in the appearance of the affected plant.


It is difficult to notice the eggs of the ticks, their size is less than a millimeter. They are white or translucent, covered with a dense shell. The female folds them with small groups (1-3 pieces), turns the web to protect and create favorable conditions for development. The larvae appear after 3 days.

Thin Pautinc

The main sign of the appearance of the tick is a web, which massively rushes by adults in the lower part of the foliage. Under its clusters, the colonies of eggs, larvae and ticks are hidden. Some species of these spiderwebs almost do not fly.

With a strong infection, the plant is all shrouded in the finest networks, on which dust accumulates, the excrement of small spine-shaped (black dots).

Yellowing leaves

It feeds the tick of plants juice, sucking it from any location of the ground part. At the point of puncture, a small white speck is formed, the best noticeable on the leaves. Cells cease normally function, photosynthesis slows down, the conductivity of intercellular structures is violated.

Small specks grow up, the leaf dries into separate areas, yellowing, becomes sluggish, loses the turgor and elasticity. The indoor plant acquires an unhealthy look - the leaves are yellow and sluggish, ejunted by the web.

Fitting and dry leaves

Loss of foliage is the last stage of infection. Separate spots on the plates are connected, the sheet dries and falls off. With a violation of photosynthesis, protective plants reduced. Large tick colonies literally suck all the strength from the flower. They attack the ovary and buds, they deform even durable stems. One exa remains from the flower.

Where do they come from

Pliers penetrate home and infect healthy cultures in several ways:

  1. After the house appears the new plant affected by the tick. Detect small pests difficult, the newly acquired flower often hides in the crown of eggs or adult individuals. All newly arrived plants need to be sent to quarantine for a period of 2-4 weeks.
  2. Infected soil. When transplanting and rejuvenating domestic flowers, you can infect them with a tick of the soil. Even purchased land may contain pests.
  3. Placement of domestic flowers in the gardens, on balconies and loggia. Mass of the ticks lives on the gardens and summer cottages.
  4. Light small pest can be added to the street from the street, from open Framug and Forms. Most colors are standing on the windowsill or just near the windows.

Often, old pots mined from storage rooms are becoming spars. A person can bring a tick to the house on things and clothes.


From hundreds of types of ticks, indoor crops most often affect only a few most common.


One of the most common and dangerous species, as it is characterized by phenomenal omnivores. Most of the types of agricultural culk are striking, only coniferous species of trees do not touch. Ordinary tick harms indoor plants.

Tetranychus urticae grows up to 0.3-0.6 millimeters, has a green-yellow color of adults and eggs. A year gives several years, which eat culture under the root.


Red pests often affect room flowers, especially get roses, orchids, calves, lemons. Tetranychus Cinnabarinus loves warmth, well multiplies on indoor plants. The tick female has a brighter red color.


This type of tick (atlanticus) quickly multiplies under conditions of high humidity and temperature. Body size - 0.4 millimeters, color - yellow-green. Citrus and palm trees prefers from home cultures.


It is difficult to detect a false tick due to the lack of a cobweb. Body size - 0.2-0.3 millimeter, is usually painted in green or red. Harms orchids, palm trees, citrus.


This type of tick chooses certain cultures, the main preference is cyclamen, in their absence there will be geranium, gloxy, balsamine. He loves heat and moisture, often infects a greenhouse. Small calves (0.1-0.2 millimeters) are almost imperceptible on the leaves, clusters of ticks are similar to dust.


A wide tick rarely dwells on the street, prefers premises. Eggs are poorly hidden, so it's easier to fight him. Food preferences for this species - cacti, citrus, ficuses, oleander.

Cactus flat

The flower water is the name of the flatwelt. This tick costs without a web, so it is especially difficult to notice. The planes suffer to greater extent succulents and citrus.


A fan of cereal crops do not disgust and household colors. Due to long legs, it is easily moved and can quickly infect a large area. From this type of ticks suffer from ficuses, permia, bearing.

Methods of struggle

Destroy ticks on plants is not easy. Animals have high protection properties, can survive a dangerous processing period in the range of the range. With the onset of favorable conditions, they are moving again to development. In most cases, only complex measures and constant tracking of the condition of colors help. Folk ways are helpful only with a small amount of ticks when the eggs did not penetrate the ground.

General rules

When combating ticks, it is important to comply with several basic rules:

  1. The patient plant is strictly isolated for the entire period.
  2. Place the place regularly, where flower is standing, as well as a pot.
  3. Earth in tick treatment is protected by polyethylene.
  4. Highly infected parts of the bush is better cut.
  5. Tools for processing are regularly changed.
  6. When using any drugs comply with the recommended time of repeated processing, even if the tick is not visible.

After the victory over the pest, the bush is better to transplant to a new pot, change the soil, process the roots of biopreparations.


When using chemicals, it is important to comply with dosages and multiplicity of application. For the destruction of the ticks, preparations of two groups - acaricides and insectoacaricides have been developed.

Important: Most effectiveness is achieved, alternating means with different active ingredients.


Used for treating bushes and soil strait. Well removes ticks of different types. Roomflowers are better to cover the package to enhance the impact and efficiency. To destroy all individuals, repeated sputters are required.


The drug is made of mushrooms toxic for ticks and other pests. The action occurs within 3-7 days. Eggs and larvae will not be removed, so repeated processing is required.


The drug works against different types of ticks, acts on individuals in any stage of development. Suitable for processing at any temperatures and humidity. Contact acaricide causes death within a few hours after spraying crops. It is important to completely shed all the plant without leaving dry plots.


The acaricidal drug destroys adult animals, larvae and eggs, sterilizes females, making them blades with non-visual. Penetrates through the sheet to the bottom.


The insectoacaricide of the new generation is effective against all the stages of the tick development. For complete removal, repeated processing with intervals per week. It is necessary to alternate with other drugs.


The remedy with the speaking name is used to combat different types of tick. Acts up to 2 weeks. To increase efficiency alternate with acaricides of other groups.

Folk remedies

Households against ticks are safe for people and animals, but often for the pests themselves. Choose them when the infection of the nonset, visible damage on the plants is not yet.

Infusion of garlic

2 garlic heads insist in a liter of water 5 days. Filling, dilute the liter of water. Thoroughly spray all the plant.

Onion infusion

For the manufacture of onion infusion use 2 methods:

  • 100 grams of husk on 5 liters of water, withstand 5 days;
  • 2 onion heads per liter boiling water, insist day.

The finished solution is filled with, reduce the concentration by adding the same amount of water, refuel into the sprayer.


For treatments use ammonia alcohol. Consumption - 3 millilita per liter of water. Desperate flowerflowers wipe the bushes with medical or isopropyl alcohol using for plants with dense rigid foliage. In this way, it is easy to destroy flowers.

Soap mortar

In the liter of water dissolve 20-30 grams of soap, several drops of ammonia alcohol add. The most effective turns out to be tar, boric or sulfur soap.

Water diluted vodka

Vodka is bred by water in proportion 1 to 1, spray on a bush or wipe the voice disk.

Infusion of dandelion roots

The roots are finely cut (30 grams), add a liter of water. Insole time - 24-48 hours.

Wrestlers from cyclamen tuber

In the liter of water for 30 minutes they boil chopped cyclamen tubers. They cover the decoction and withstand to complete cooling. Wipe or spray victim flowers.

Infusion of calendula flowers

Fresh or dry calendula flowers (glass) are poured with boiling water (liter). Insist to cooling. Used after squeezing.

Laundry soap

72% Economic Soap is one of the most reliable ways to remove ticks. The infected plant needs to be fine, covering the foam all parts of the bush. After applying the foam, the flower is left for several hours so that soap dries.

The plant washed from soap close the package, not allowing to dry, and withstand a few more hours.


Stone is obtained from cinnamon oil. Processing a bush for 2-3 weeks, with an interval of 3 days. Regular processing is needed, since the means acts only on adult ticks.

Examples of lesions and methods of treating domestic flowers

The web tick, in most cases, not particularly picking up in food - gradually spreads to all plants in the apartment. The first crops suffer.


The tick is multiplied at high temperatures and low humidity. Eggs puts out in the sinuses of the leaves, moves further on the color pains, damages buds. Use washing, mechanical cleaning, preparations of phytodeterm and akarin.


Vanka wet is a favorite tick delicacy. The pest eats fleshy stems and leaves. The plant is gentle, it is difficult to fight. Use Aktellik, Apollo.

Room Rosa

Roses to process are difficult due to spines and a large amount of foliage. The most effective is the pesticides - inener, anticlest.


Room culture often suffers from ordinary, clover and wide tick. Ficus loves moisture, for prevention it should often spray. When infected use folk remedies and chemicals.


On the delicate stems and the foliage of Anthurium Tick attacks often. If the washing does not help, biopreparations (phytodeterm, actor) or chemical means are used.


At violets, the ticks sweep the central part of the sockets with a growth point, spoil the leaves. Fighting with pests is not easy - violets do not like water, do not need spraying. With hairs-covered leaves of small ticks, it is difficult to remove it, use thick brushes (dental). The leaves are sprinkled with gray. The most reliable means - insectoacaricides (accommodation). They are used several times, alternating drugs.


The web tick is the most frequent pest of drazes. You can detect it on spots on sheets and slowdown in growth. A bush is washed with a solution of soap, biopreparations are used, with a strong lesion - accuters, flumayt.

Prevention of infection

Family lovers must constantly monitor the state of their favorites to notice the appearance of the pest in time. Most often, the tick falls into the apartment with a new plant. The newly arrived replenishment is sent to quarantine, separating it from the bulk of colors.

Help: Quarantine events last 3-4 weeks, you can conduct preventive treatment with folk remedies.

Regular inspection

The whole collection of colors you need to regularly inspect. The tick can be reduced by a stream of air from the window, the soil is infected in which the plant is transplanted. The pest may appear by a random, indefinite way.

In case of inspection, the bushes need to be armed with glasses and a magnifying glass, raise branches and sheets, pay special attention to the lower parts of the plates. Patients, dried parts of plants remove.

Compliance with microclimate

Dry warm air in apartments, especially in winter, contributes to the comfortable life of the ticks and the rapid growth of the population. Flowers are often standing on the windowsill near the heating radiators, which in winter are overcame.

It is important to maintain moisture, exposing water tanks, or use a moisturizer. Pests do not like the direct sun, drafts. Rooms need to be aircraft, in the absence of the Sun lighting flowers with ultraviolet lamps.


Regular irrigation from the sprayer creates uncomfortable conditions for the pest, sheeps the web. For cultures that do not love moisture (violets), it is necessary to monitor especially carefully.


Flowers need not only spray, but also wash under the jet of water. This procedure is carried out monthly. The land is closed with a film and irrigate a bush in a bathroom with a mesmer jet out of the shower. The temperature of the water is 25-35 °.

Disinfection of soil

Before use, the soil for plants is calcined in the oven or freeze. It destroys eggs and larvae, which can save viability for a long time in the absence of food and activated when the plant appears.

The fight against the spider tick usually lasts long and often ends with a slowdown in growth, the loss of appearance and even the death of the plant. This makes particularly important preventive measures, regular inspections. With a strong infection, it is better to use chemicals. If strictly follow the instructions, they will not damage the colors, they will return to plants health and beauty.

Against the web, and any other, the tick is hard to fight, as it quickly adapts to insecticides and multiply with horrific speed. But it is possible to cope with him if timely take the right measures, depending on the type of plant, the place of growing and prevalence of the population.

Description of the paouth tick

Biologists celebrate very small insect sizes 0.2-1 mm, so it is almost impossible to see it without a magnifying glass. The color of the tick is light green, red or yellow, depending on the type of this spine creature. Women's individuals are capable of postponing on the day of 7 eggs, having them on the loud side of the leaves. In winter, the female hides masonry in the tree bark or in false foliage.

The most common type of tick on the Russian expanses: ordinary, which eats many plants from the garden, to room. Another name of this pest is a berry, strawberry or strawberry.

The name of the pawnite tick got, because shears the web on green plantings.

Interesting ! There is one decorative plant - Kleshchenin, the seeds of which are similar to small ticks. These seeds are very poisonous and dangerous for a person.

Often with sputter ticks are confused by flat-fledged, or false web ticks. Their sizes are exactly the same, but they do not fly the web. They, in contrast to their relative, love high humidity.

What is dangerous for plants?

Since this insect sucks juice from leaves, it leads to a gradual elimination of part of the tissues. Numerous "dead zones" form drying territory, as a result - the leaves are falling. And without foliage, the plant can not eat and develop, so dying.

In addition to this main reason, why the tick is dangerous, several more:

  • it transfers viral and fungal diseases;
  • distributes the disputes of gray rot;
  • makes a plant vulnerable to disease.

While the insects did not have time to multiply in geometric progression, immediately need to apply various methods of combating larvae, eggs and adult palate ticks.

  • With an infected plant brought from a nursery or shop.

Important! When buying a new flower, you need to immediately inspect the pet. If there are white or yellow dots on the leaves, you need to give up the purchase.

Tip! Immediately, the new plant put on 2 weeks in a separate place, away from other plants. If you suddenly have problems with tick or other insects, other landings will not suffer.

  • With purchased or street soil substrate, humus. Insect under adverse conditions can be able to fall into hibernation and do not detect himself. At high temperatures and reduced humidity, the tick wakes up and activated.

Tip! Before using such a soil, it needs to be disinfected with hot temperatures, such as calcination.

Distinguish the following signs of plants lesion by tick:

  1. Thoughtful specks, similar to holes made by needle.
  2. Yellow or light green dots.
  3. Fitting flowers, leaves.
  4. Slow growth of plants.
  5. Silver cobwebs between leaves.
  6. The presence of small insects on the back of foliage, similar to red or yellow moving points.
  7. A large number of ticks on the web - with a large lesion with a tick.
  8. The presence of black grains, easily separated from the plant - the excrement of the tick.

In order to destroy or remove the pest, gardeners and gardens use:

  • chemical;
  • biological;
  • folk and mechanical means from a web tick.

The most effective drugs manufactured by industry, if they are correctly applied.


These funds include insectoacaricides. In most cases, these drugs are used only in non-residential premises and require accurate use.


Processing is carried out 2 times with an interval of 2 weeks. In order to comply with safety, it is necessary to put on a protective suit, otherwise poisonous pairs will lead to poisoning.

Method of application: Breaks in water 2 ml of substance for 2 liters of water, spraying plants through the sprayer. One ampoule is enough for 10 square meters. m. planting cucumbers, tomatoes.


Designed to destroy a tick on fruit trees, grapes and berry cultures. Effectively destroys eggs and small insects. The adult part is valid only as a sterilizer, making females barren. Contains the substance clofenthesin.

Treatment with the drug is carried out at the moment of swelling of the kidneys of early spring, spraying it on the bark and branches of shrubs, trees. Strawberry spray before flowers appear on the plant.


The drug contact action is effective on fruit cultures: pear, apple trees, grapes. Spraying is carried out with a solution with a solution of 1 liters per 10 acres. Processing is carried out before flowering.


It works against all types of ticks on gardens, berry and fruit crops. Destroys insect and larvae masonry. The active ingredient is brompropylate. Due to the fact that it does not affect the bees, it can be used in the flowering phase. Effective at any temperatures. The rate of consumption of the drug: from 0.8 to 2 l, depending on the area. Method of application: Breaks 1 ampoule of 12.5 ml per 8-10 liters of water and abundantly wet the leaves and stalks of plants.


The active substance is propargy. The effectiveness of the drug - at a temperature of from 25 o C. does not destroy eggs, but exterminates adult insects and larvae. It is used on the open soil, melting cultures, cherry, apple trees, plum, lemongrass.

Method of application: Dilute 10-15 ml in 5 liters of water and spray plants. For citrus dosage, increased by 5 ml.


The active ingredient is Malation. Effective within 10-14 days after processing. Breaks 5 ml of poison in 5 liters of water and spray plants. According to its impact, the domestic carbofosu is similar, processing is carried out only in open, well-ventilated rooms.


Similar to the composition of Fuffanon. Efficiency is preserved for 2 weeks. Method of application: 10 ml is diluted on 10 liters of water and spray:

  • malina - 2 times 2 liters per 10 bushes;
  • apple tree - from 2 to 10 times over the entire season of vegetation 2-4 l per tree;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes in Teplice - from 1 to 5 times for the entire garden season of 1-3 liters per 10 acres.

Akarin (Agravertin)

Tool of contact-intestinal action. Made from streptomycess, fungus living in the soil. Produced in ampoules. Efficiency is achieved by two- or fivefold cultures:

  • cucumbers, eggplant, sweet and bitter pepper - 2-8 ml / 1l water;
  • cabbage colored, white - 4 ml / 1l water;
  • currant and other berry shrubs - 2 ml of substance per 1 liter of water.


Effective against all types of this pest, both in the open soil and in the greenhouses. But if it is planned to be hosted to plants of phytosayulyus, a predator tick, eating a spider tick, this drug should not be applied. The hazard class of bitsibatsillin - 3 is safe for bees and useful insects. This drug also helps against the Colorado Beetle.


It is less harmful than a widely advertised accomplish, but also uses protection tools: respirator and gloves. The active ingredient is Aversectin-s. It is often confused with phytoosporin, although the latter is a very weak tool from the web tick, it also helps to get rid of fungal diseases listed by insects.

Effective against settlers on currant, apple tree. You can apply shortly before harvest and flowing.

Method of application: Dissolve in 1 l warm water 1 ampoule of the drug and bring to 10 liters with water. Spray plants:

  • fruit-berry trees and shrubs 1.5 ml per 1 liter;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes - 10 ml per 1 liter of water.

For greater efficiency and sticking the solution, it is necessary to dilute in it a household or green soap.


Others, no less effective preparations from web ticks:

Important! When processing, it is necessary to remember that with the time of the ticks adapt to chemicals, so you need to make the control processing by another.

Biological means

Biological means include natural methods with useful insects.

In natural conditions, the number of web mites is smaller, as its predatory conifers eaten, like phytosayulyus. This useful insect is powered not only by adult pests, but also larvae, eggs. The predatory tick is safe for animals and humans.

Suitable for use in closed greenhouses, greenhouses. For home it is not advised to buy. You can buy it today in specialized nurseries and by mail.

Folk Methods

Folk remedies are no less effective at the initial stages of tick-in-law than chemicals. And the safety is superior to them.

Important! Before proceeding with the processing of plants, you must prepare them - wash under the jet of water. It is also recommended if the flowers are in the apartment, wash all the windowsills with warm water with soap.

Popular means from a web tick:

  • Garlic. Insist a pair of heads, finely chopped, in 1 liter of water, closing the lid. The process lasts - 5 days. Before use, garlic infusion is bred with water 1: 1 and the plant washes.
  • Alcohol. This method is suitable only for plants with thick, fleshy leaves. It is processed like this: gently wipe the lyric solid with a cotton tampon.
  • Long husk. 100 g of raw materials poured 5 liters of water and insist 5 days, filter and spray flowers. You can also apply the fine bulb, insulating it in 0.5 liters of water for 30 minutes. If you add to the infusion of iodine (3-4 drops), then the effectiveness of the drug will increase.
  • Soap solution. The easiest way, but also the most time-consuming. Suitable for indoor plants. Any soap is dissolved in water and achieve a large foam. Then all plants are laid and leave a foam for 2 hours. After the processing is over, carefully close the soil with cellophane and plants are washed. Next, all the flowers leave in the bathroom.
  • Dandelion. 0.5 kg of fresh greens insist in 10 liters of water for 4 hours and spray seedlings or plants in the garden with this innocence. Processing is repeated several times.
  • Soda Calcined (50 ml of dilute in 10 liters of water) helps from insects in the greenhouse.
  • Calendula. Infusion of 0.5 kg per 5 liters of water, withstand 5 days, spray plants.
  • Birch tar. Dilute 10 ml of 10 liters of water and watered the cucumber, pepper, other plants obtained by a terrical solution.

Also as a folk agent apply a decoction of dope. 100 g of dried raw materials poured 1 liter of water and put on 1 day, etching ticks and other annoying insects.

Wormwood infused during the day helps to get rid of the spider tick on the gooseberry in the period of ripening green berries. For this, 0.5 buckets of grass are poured with warm water, insist 12 hours and boil 30 minutes. The resulting decoction spray the plant.

To defeat the pest on lemon, 1% a solution of boric acid is used. The processing itself must be carried out 4-5 times.

How to deal with pest?

Prevention and methods of struggle depends on plants growing grounds. So on the open soil, treatment is carried out by systemic drugs and ordinary work.

In the garden

The first effect against pests in the garden will be the usual watering from the hose. A jet directed to the lower side of the leaves will wash them out of favorite pets.

Also help breaking the struck leaves from the plant and landing near the calendula. The fragrance of this flower will scare the tick.

After harvesting and before disembarking, it is necessary to carry out the soil. It will help get rid of the Winter Custom Tick Winter Females.

On colors

You need to exterminate ticks immediately as soon as they have become noticeable on the colors, for this use acaricides. One of the effective tools is inener, you can also use accomplishing, vermitex or accommodation.

But at the initial stage, if only 1-2 plants are affected, you can apply the usual economic or green soap, use ammonia or ammonia alcohol. For this, a solution is prepared - 1 tbsp. A spoonful of the ammonia is diluted with 10 liters of water and wipe the leaves on both sides.

Also effective against these pests of decoction from clubs of cyclamen. For cooking, you need to cook a couple of pieces for half an hour on low heat. Then give a breaking day and treat flowers from the sprayer, trying to get on the bottom, the dysple side of the leaves. The decoction is used 1 time per week, two-time processing will be enough.

In the garden

If the tick appeared on shrubs or trees, the chemical preparations are used: Akarin, PhyTenerm, Aktellik, Sanmayt, Envidor.

At seedlings

Folk methods and biological methods are used to combat ticks in seedlings, sit down to a spider bow in the predatory phytosayulus.

Also apply such a recipe: take the leaves of black whites 0.5 kg and poured 5 liters of water, the day insists and sprinkle seedlings with this means. Before use for sticking, robes advise add 30 mg of liquid soap.

Tip! Spraying is carried out be sure to be late in the evening when the sun has already gone, otherwise the plants will receive burns.

In greenhouses

Get rid of a tick on greenhouse tomatoes, watermelons, eggplants, if you increase the level of humidity up to 80%, as well as:

  1. Remove all affected leaves and burn them.
  2. Put turpentine next to the seedlings and cover the primer. The tick will fall and dying. Similarly helps Cashier from Luke and Garlic.
  3. Forming a plant with phosphoric fertilizers.
  4. Use Insecticides: Neon, Actors, Biopreparations: Biotline, Phytodener.

On indoor plants

The tick is especially dangerous for room colors: adenium, aloe, money trees and other succulents. The usual soap solution and the processing of the windowsill, window frames and all plants will help to get rid of the tick. You need to make a procedure 5 times.

Cellite ticks could move to the curtains, so they need to be wrapped. The same should be done if plants are planned to be treated with chimperics.

For processing it is better to use a sponge and pour each sheet and twigs. Soap foam also need to be applied to the top layer of the soil, then this layer will need to be removed and add it new.

Important! For urban conditions, the use of insecticides with 4 degree of danger is contraindicated. They allocate very toxic pairs that are reflected on health.

Hydrogen peroxide will also help if we rub with a solution (2 art. L. 3% tools to dilute in 1 liter of water) leaves of favorite colors.

Also ticks are afraid of ordinary dichlorophos. For processing, you need to wrap the flower in Celofan, having done the hole in it, pushing, trying not to get on the plant, leave in the cold, for example, on the balcony. After that, repeat the processing the next day. This method will allow to get rid of the tick in 2 days.


In order to exclude a tick in the house:

For the prevention of infection with a tower in a greenhouse or in the open ground, you can land next to the seedlock. He will attract useful insects and scare off by the pawless ticks with its aroma.

It is not so easy to fight with a tick, it is much easier to arrange preventive measures and treatments with drugs. But in fairly launched cases, using the full range of funds in a timely manner, you can save and cure at least the residue of the harvest in the garden and in the garden, as well as your favorite flowers in the apartment.

Plants, despite almost greenhouse habitats, are not less susceptible to various infections and invasions than their streets. One of the frequent unwanted guests on green pets is a web tick on indoor plants.

What does a web tick look like on indoor plants

The web tick is a whole family of insects common in the world. Very small - 1-2 mm. And less, they make tremendous damage to typical room plants, such as orchids, roses, tradesansans, geraniums. They suck the juices from the green parts of the plants, as a result of which the leaves and flowers begin to dry and fall, the plant is gradually dying. It is very difficult to notice the pest with the naked eye because of small sizes and colors. Most often, the web ticks have a green color, less often - yellow, orange or red.

Most often, the pawless tick can be applied when buying flowers in pots. Plants in stores are not always processed properly, and "newbies" is better to initially put alone on quarantine to prevent invasion of other plants.

Also insects can be taken on cobwebs from the street with open windows. No mosquito nets are saved, since the sizes of pests are small, and they can freely penetrate the barrier. If plants stand on an open not glazed balcony, the probability of infection becomes even higher.

Insect eggs can be used with forest or garden land. The eggs of the cute tick have high stability, and can be maintained in the thickness of the Earth under five years. They do not have most chemicals, temperature racing and dryness of the substrate.

Types of spider mite

There are the following varieties of pests:

  • Colutory tick ordinary. The most frequent "guest" in all regions of the world, and is of great danger. Practically without paralleling in "food" and amazes any green plants. Hiding on the wrong side of the leaves and on young shoots. For a brief life, the female postpones several hundred eggs, of which, under suitable conditions, new insects are hatched in several days.

  • Red web tick prefers orchids, lemon plants and roses. The most dangerous representative of a kind. It has bright raspberry-red body color. Meets less frequently ordinary.

  • The Atlantic web tick dwells with high humidity and temperature above room. Prefers tropical species of plants. It is rare quite rarely compared to red and ordinary, characteristic of the hot regions.

  • Cyclameni web tick is dangerous in that it can affect not only green parts, but also roots, and tubers. Forms large colonies, seemingly resembling antennae or a dust adhered to the plant. Prefers high humidity.

How to identify the presence of pest

The presence of the pest does not necessarily indicate a cobweb flight. To see the threads of the web, which gossip the web tick, is very difficult, because they are too thin, and become visible to human eye only in large quantities. Most often, signs of insects are small yellow points on the back of the leaves. These are the places of tick bites, in which he sucks juices from the cells of the plant. The affected leaves begin to twist and sink.

Sometimes the web ticks will fall in buds, especially in roses, geraniums and orchids. The insect uroduces petals, the buds lose their color and shape, with a strong deformation of both the petals themselves and the shape of the flower becomes visible. In this case, the appearance of the web is not typical.

Ammunted plants

The list of plants affected by pests is very long. The ordinary web tick is striking almost everything, right up to cacti. Other species are somewhat more selective in their tastes, however, and settle in homes much less often. Most susceptible to defeat:

  • azalea;
  • rose flower;
  • fuchsia;
  • ficus;
  • calla;
  • orchid;
  • dracaena.

General measures of struggle

The struggle against the pest is reduced to the processing of both the plant itself and its substrate, the containers in which it is located, and the shelves or the windowsill. Since insect eggs are very stable, processing is carried out with several repetitions, taking into account the development cycle of the paouth tick on indoor plants and the alleged rapidity.

Chemical methods

Modern chemical preparations are an effective means of combating the attack of a paustic tick. Most chemicals destroys both adult insects and their larvae, and eggs. Funds to combat pests are called acaricides, and struggle with many types of pests:

  • Aktellik acts on the digestive system of insects, making it impossible to digest food and causing their death. Chemical is very toxic, and processing them is carried out in the open air or in a non-residential room using chemical protection measures;

  • Phytheerm has a neurotoxic effect on ticks, less dangerous for a person. Processing they should also be carried out in the open space and with the use of chemical protection;
  • Neon is a contact acaricide that destroys eggs of eggs and a chitinous shell of adult insects. The effect is maintained for several weeks, which prevents the growth of hatched insects from the surviving eggs;
  • Fluumite adversely affects the most part of the eggs of a paustic tick, new individuals do not appear. It is better to use it together with other drugs with less activity against eggs and insect larva;

  • Apollo - hormonal acaricide, acts on eggs and larvae insects, is practically non-toxic for adult cobwebs, so it should be taken with other drugs. Adult individuals, along with this, the chemical sterilizes that stops the development cycle;
  • Akarin is an insecticide with a neurotoxic effect, insects are dying within 4-8 hours after processing. When combining acarin treatment with other drugs (having a ovocidal effect) exhibits high efficiency. Processing them spend once every 3-4 days three times. Toxic for a person, so it is necessary to work with it using gloves and masks, in the absence of children and pets.

When processing chemicals, it is important to comply with the concentration and apply chemical protection measures.

Folk Methods

With reluctance to use chemicals or from reasonable concerns, you can resort to folk methods. However, it should be remembered that they are not as effective and practically do not act on the eggs of the tick, which is why the processing should be carried out once every 3-4 days within 2-3 weeks.

  • The soap solution is prepared from the economic or tar soap. The soap chips foam, foam apply on the plant and leave for several hours. Then the foam was washed off and the plant is covered with a plastic bag for a day to create a greenhouse effect and preserving high humidity.

  • Alcohol treatment is suitable not all plants, but only those that have dense leaf plates. Moisturized cotton swab or disk wipe the entire surface of the leaves, stiffs, trunks and buds;
  • The infusion of garlic is made of two crushed garlic heads per liter of boiled water. The infusion is prepared for 5 days, applied diluted clean water in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • The onion infusion is prepared from six grams of onion husks on one liter of boiled water. They insist for four hours, then filter. The solid is treated with a spray gun green parts of the plant and the soil three times in five days.

Additional methods

All additional methods go only together with a folk or chemical method of struggle and cannot be used as separate and independent. These methods can be used as preventive:

  • The mechanical method is reduced to the removal of all amazed leaves, washing with soapy water and hot soul. Also, this method includes an increase in humidity by frequent watering and wrapping the plant by a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect;
  • The biological method implies the use of natural enemies of a web tick, for example. At home, especially in winter, it is difficult to find them, but in the summer you can leave plants at the open window and put bait for ladybugs;

  • Bacterial method - the use of drugs, which contains strains of bacteria, destructive for a web tong. These drugs include domestic biothelin, cytoxibatsillin, foreign triphodermin.

Prevention measures

The main prevention is the regular spraying of the plant, since the ordinary web tick, the main pest, loves dry air. The lesions of the red and the Atlantic tick, loving humidity, are much less common.

Bought in the store or on the exchange of plants is best to leave for a couple of weeks away from the main mass, wrapped with a plastic bag. Even if the "Novice" appears signs of infection, fight pests on one flower is much simpler than on all plants in the house.

The recruited land or a purchased substrate is better to be processed in the oven on the disappears or disappeared, as well as to treat acaricidal agents to destroy insect eggs. In the same way, it is desirable to act with clayjit, stones and sawdust.

It is also possible for the prevention between decorative plants to plant less beautiful, but scaring insects parsley, dandelion, basil, aloe, calendula. Their smell scares ticks both from the plants themselves and from their neighbors.

Some plants can arrange a hot short-term shower with temperatures of 36-38 degrees. It is not necessary to carry out similar liberties with roses or orchids, but some cacti such a procedure will benefit.

Tick \u200b\u200bon orchid

Most often on orchids, you can meet the Red Tick. Insects are collected in extensive colonies, the lower part of the leaf of the thin web of white or whitish color. On the leaves, small yellow dots appear, then merging into the yellow pattern, the plant stops growth and flowering. Especially often pliers settle on young growing leaves, which contain a large amount of juice.

Infection occurs when buying orchids or when exchanging plants between flowers. Also, the source of insects can serve as a transplant to infected soil.

Measures to combat tick and prevention on orchid

Since orchids are fairly gentle plants, when combating a spider tick, you need to be very neat. When selecting chemicals, read information on the package so that the chemical is suitable for use on orchids. Also for effective struggle should alternate several types of chemicals to eliminate the formation of sustainable insects.

Of the appropriate chemicals, "Apollo", "Akarin", "Sanmight", "Tiofos", Kicklevik, etc.

Any chemical substance should process not only the plant, but also the soil, and containers with pallets, windowsill and neighboring plants for the prevention of re-invasion.

Spider tick on indoor plants - Photo:

Numerous ones are formed on the leaves light spots, and if the colony is large, the plant is covered with thin, barely noticeable patchwork(Hence the name of the tick) and very soon begins to dry.

They are difficult to discover because too small sizes and coloringHelping to merge with foliage (ticks are brown, greenish and yellowish color). Females remaining for wintering have red color.

Female ticks live less than a month, but for this period, hundreds of eggs are able to postpone. New individuals appear in the masonry in three days. The biggest problem is that the eggs up to 5 years remain alive.

They are waiting for their o'clock on the crust, in the sinuses of the plant, in the ground and even in the window frames, on the windowsill and in the chips of flower porridge. That's why the fight against them is long.

Frequently web ticks bring from the storeTherefore, a new plant should be placed in quarantine at least two weeks.

Types of mites

Web on colors: what to do? To understand how to withdraw a spider tick with room colors, you need to know that they there are several species:

Indoor plants attack other types of pasta ticks: pacific, strawberry, red (flat).

All pliers are capable adapt to the most unfavorable conditions, slow down the processes of vital activity before the onset of good conditions for breeding. This condition is called a range.

How to deal at home?

Fighting with a spider tick is difficult, so it is worth practicing prevention.

Most types of ticks do not like wet air, and the plants are necessary often spray, maintain moisture At the desired level in many ways.

Immersion of plants in water It rarely helps, because the ticks are capable of forming an air bubble around them.

Leaves of plants are necessary wipe on both sides A damp soft cloth that must be constantly rolling in hot water so as not to transfer ticks from the plant on the plant. Favoring leaves and flowers can not be left in a pot.

Pots before reuse need to wash with detergents, Store them better in not heated in winter rooms. Frame washing with detergents. Wooden frames to paint as much as possible.

The web tick not only damages the plant, but also is a carrier of various diseases, for example, gray rot and disputes of various mushrooms.


How to treat flowers from a paustic tick at home?

All funds will be effective only when repeated processing. It is necessary to process the neighboring plants, frames and windowsill.


How to cure flowers from a spider tick? When a tick is found, the plant must first wash thoroughly with economic or tar soap. Hoy each sheet and every sinus, hacking the foam and gently treating all parts of the plant. Leave the flower for several hours (you can and for a day), cover by plastic package. Then thoroughly wash the soap under the warm shower.

If the defeat was insignificant, this procedure would be enough, however, it should be be sure to repeat Two or three times during the week. Plant should be sprayed with warm water twice a day and regularly inspect.

Rama and windowsill wash with hot water with any detergent. The remaining plants on the windowsill also need to be processed in order to prevention. The web tick does not tolerate fresh air and ventilating.

What if the defeat went far enough? We must first carry out treatment with soap, then spray with drugs "Intavir", "Phytoverma", "Carbofos". When processing the window into water, it is also worth adding "carbofos".

Sometimes helps a fairly simple method: Near the plant put an open container with finely chopped garlicor skipidar, the plant is tightly closed along with a capacity of 2-3 days. Edges pots need to be lubricated degtem.

Methods of struggle on colors

How to get rid of a spider tick on indoor colors? For each plant, it is necessary to select an individual method of struggle.


Web tick on orchid - Photo:

Flower is amazed many types of ticks, for example, phalaenopsis tick, living in sinuses. Web tick on orchids - how to deal? First, the plant must be washed with soap, then process one of the chemicals, it is better to use non-toxic "PhyTenderm" or aqueous solution of the drug "Aktellik".

Weather tick on orchid: What are the measures of struggle? To combat tick, special sticks produced in Holland are used, which stick into the ground in a pot with orchid. Act sticks "Plant-Pin" and "Etisso" Based on the following principle: the substance from which they consist is dissolved during irrigation, absorbed into the ground and together with water is absorbed by the roots, from where it gets into the ground part of the plant, the flower becomes unsuitable for powering ticks.

Soil, moss, orchid pots after shopping treated boiling water In order to prevent the web tick.

What does an orchid look like a spider tick, and how to avoid infection of plants - in this video:


Pliers often affect balsamines. If this happened at the end of summer, in the fall or winter, then the plant must be cut down. The remaining part was washed and handled insecticide, better by the drug. "Alatar"Since it is very difficult to get rid of the tick on the balsamine.

Web tick on balsamine - how to deal? If infection occurred in spring and summer, The plant is treated with soap foam, then spray insecticide, the procedure is repeated several times after 3-5 days. If the plant does not represent a special value, it is better throw awayand to prevent the appearance of a tick on other colors.

Web tick on balsamine - Photo:

Room Rosa

How to cure and save a rose from a pawite tick at home? Putting tick on a rose in roommates appears permanentlyTherefore, it is important to carry out prevention. But if the plant is already amazed, then we must begin treatment as quickly as possible. Are there homework from the spider tick on a rose?

A web appeared on the room rose: what to do? To begin with, we need to wash the rose hot, up to 50-55 degrees, water with dissolved soap. Leave the plant for a day under the cellophane package and then wash off with water of the same temperature.

Then you need to try processing garlic infusion. If it does not help, then spray with any chemical preparation, it is better to use "Neon".

How to use a remedy from a spider tick on home rose? In each case, when you have to process the flower, you must resort to the help of various chemicals.

Weather tick on a room rose - Photo:

Weather tick on home rose: how to deal?

About, than process Home rose from the web tick, you will learn by looking at the video:

A few more useful tips on how to get rid of From the spider tick on a rose at home, you will get from this video:


For the prevention of the cage tick ficus it is necessary regularly spray. A web tick on the ficus - how to deal? When infected carefully wipe each sheet on both sides well wash Rag and, withstanding a plant for a day under a cellophane package, wash off soap with warm water. Then you need to spy ficus calendula alcohol solution, diluted water, not missing any sheet.

Effectively irradiation of leaves ultravioletwho do not take out ticks. Ficus leaves can be covered oil-containingdrug and leave for a few days.

Weather tick on a ficus - Photo:


When the plants are found on the plant, numerous tick colonies must be first wash with soap, those leaves that are amazed strongly cut. Then remove from the pot, inspect the roots, remove damaged, neatly rinse roots In warm water and transplant into a clean capacity to a new land.

After this spray a plant epic. As a rule, such treatment is enough.

But if it did not work out to get rid of ticks in this way, you will have to resort to spraying more toxic preparations, for example, "Karate".

Weather tick on Anthurium - Photo:


Most often, the violet (sensipolia) is amazed by cyclamenite tick. Affected leaves trim, then flower spray with the drug "Phytovern", processing repeat twice after 10 days.

Weather tick on violet - Photo:


The plant is striking a simple web tick. Fighting it lies in washing long leaves in warm water with soap.

If, after repeatedly conducted water procedures, the tick still remains, then you need to resort to insecticide. For example, K. "Phytoverma".

Weather tick on the dragerate - Photo:

The most efficient prevention of the web tick on any room plant is washing under the warm shower with economic or tar soap.

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