Repair Design Furniture

Why are there midges in the apartment? How to get rid of small midges in an apartment or house. How to get rid of midges at home

Very often, housewives are faced with such a problem as a large number. Such a phenomenon cannot be called pleasant. Therefore, the question immediately arises: how to get rid of fruit gnats on the kitchen?

Why do insects start?

It should be noted right away that fruit flies are not capable of causing significant harm to human health, however, they can cause a lot of trouble due to their annoyance. An annoying midge starts up where there is always something to eat, so the kitchen becomes a favorite place. Midges feed on juice of fruits and vegetables, therefore, as soon as the process of decay begins in them, they immediately appear. It is also characteristic of fruit flies that they multiply very quickly, and in just a couple of hours the number of midges doubles. If you do not fight with them, they will scatter throughout the room and cause you a lot of trouble.

The question immediately arises: how do midges get into our house? Everything is very simple, they are already present in plant foods, or to be more precise, eggs, once laid by an adult, are found on fruits and vegetables. Midges can also appear in flower pots, as their eggs can be in the ground.

Naturally, having noticed fruit flies in their kitchen, each person asks the question: how to quickly get rid of fruit midges? Let's figure it out.

How to withdraw correctly?

The appearance of midges should in no way be associated with the cleanliness of the room. Their presence does not depend on the amount of dust and dirt. To prevent the breeding of midges, you must thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before sending them to the refrigerator or placing them on the table. As soon as the food is processed, it is necessary to wipe it thoroughly, as in a wet state they begin to rot very quickly.

In order not to wonder how to get rid of fruit gnats in the kitchen, the following prevention recommendations should be followed:

Folk remedies for getting rid of fruit flies

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid such unpleasant guests as fruit flies, the only option is to destroy them as soon as possible. Our great-grandfathers also knew how to get rid of fruit gnats using folk remedies. Mandatory is spring-cleaning, at the same time, vegetables and fruits that have rotted are thrown away, and the places where they lay are well washed so that not the slightest reminder remains.

Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the bathroom and sink, as fruit flies often lay their eggs in the drain holes. When the basic preparation is carried out, it will be possible to proceed directly to the destruction itself:

Getting rid of with traps

Today, there are many ways to get rid of fruit gnats at home, and in addition to folk remedies. For example, in Lately special traps are very widely used. They are small containers with a small hole. Inside the container there is a bait that attracts fruit flies so much. This method is excellent, since there are rooms where, for some reason, chemical treatment is prohibited. Consider what traps exist:

1. Trap in the form of a can. Something sweet is put into a glass container, a paper funnel is inserted inside, along which the midges sink to the bottom. Once inside, they can no longer get out.

2. A sticky trap is made independently and at home, for this you need to boil sugar syrup, pour it into a saucer and put it where the midges like to be most of all. Arriving to eat, they stick to the syrup and die.

3. You can buy adhesive tape in a store, the effect is that a special composition is applied to the tape, which attracts fruit flies, and, sitting on it, they instantly stick.

How to get rid of fruit and berry midges?

Drosophila penetrate into the apartment through the window, because under the window there may be fruit tree... The crop falls to the ground and rots, respectively, insects will actively reproduce there. Naturally, the most in a simple way, how to get rid of fruit midges, in this case it will constantly harvest and prevent it from rotting, but this does not always happen, so the fruit should be collected and thrown away as soon as possible. It is important to remember that in no case should you poison them with chemical agents on a tree, otherwise you can harm your health.

How effective are aerosols in the fight?

If midges appeared on the fruit (how to get rid of, we are now figuring out), then, of course, in this case it is worth resorting to chemical processing using aerosols. Today, there are a lot of such funds, so it will not be difficult to purchase them in the store.

Naturally, such substances should be used infrequently, since they have rather bad smell and can affect the health of not only midges, but also the people themselves. With the help of aerosols, the entire surface in the kitchen or in the place where insects like to be so much is processed, after that it is necessary to ventilate the room.

How to get rid of gnats with oils?

Drosophila is not very fond of pungent odors, so one of the most effective remedies is the use of essential oils. If you are thinking about how to get rid of fruit gnats in an apartment forever, then it is worth remembering that oil cannot kill them, it will just scare them away for a while, so this method is not always suitable, but this type of struggle will not cause any harm to human health ...

How to deal with midges with a vacuum cleaner?

Drosophila starts very easily, but it turns out to be not so easy to get them out. You can consider another way to get rid of fruit gnats. For example, it is quite logical to use such household appliances like a vacuum cleaner. Some people think this way of fighting is stupid, but in fact, it may well turn out to be effective. If before that all the reasons for the further reproduction of fruit flies were eliminated, then you can simply suck the midges into a vacuum cleaner and knock out a good garbage bag.

Other ways to get rid of gnats

Drosophila are not very fond of the smell of orange and carnation, so if there is an orange peel in the house and such a spice as carnation, then they can be used in the fight against midges. It is enough to boil a little peel along with a clove, this aroma will quickly scare away annoying flies. You can also use vinegar and soapy water. Having diluted everything in one container, place it in places of a large accumulation of fruit flies, the smell will attract them, and they will begin to drown in the trap you have set.

Preventive measures

In order not to puzzle over how to get rid of fruit gnats, how to get rid of annoying fruit flies, it is enough to adhere to the usual preventive measures. After all, if midges start, then they will then begin to multiply quickly and will soon fly throughout the apartment. To prevent this from happening, you need to do the following:

  1. Always remove garbage from the premises on time.
  2. Clean the places for draining water, while you can use chemical agents or even occasionally pour boiling water over them.
  3. The trash can, even if you use special bags, should be cleaned at least once a week.
  4. Products that have begun to deteriorate, even slightly, must be thrown away immediately.

If you follow the above tips, gnats can disappear from your life forever and will not annoy you with their presence in the kitchen. When using any methods, folk or modern, it is possible to never again face a similar problem.

More than a thousand species of midges have been identified in the world. Some of them annoy animals and plants, while others, such as midges in an apartment, interfere with the tenants. If you ask different people why the midges prevented them, you can hear completely different opinions:

  • they end up in my tea;
  • a cat chases after them and tears off the curtains;
  • they creep into the eyes and ears of our children;
  • they bite painfully;
  • they have spoiled the leaves of my plants;
  • they carry the infection;
  • I love cleanliness, and midges are a sign of indoor pollution.

What unites these people is the desire to get rid of annoying insects as soon as possible and not to contact them anymore.

The owners of apartments, faced with the appearance of a horde of small flying insects, often wonder: where do midges come from in their home? And the next logical question for them becomes: how to deal with them? It is clear that in order to take them out, you need to find the place from where they appear, and destroy not only the flyers themselves, but, if possible, their larvae. Consider the main places in the apartment, where these "annoying" can huddle and multiply.

Depending on the type of midges, the places of their settlement differ. Midges can grow in the kitchen, bathroom, living or green area. Kitchen midges love rotten fruits or vegetables, soaked cereals, wet rags, water blockages. Indoor unwanted guests arise in places of insufficient hygiene of pets (rabbits, fish) or in a humid environment created by excessive watering cultivated plants(colors). Pay attention to two interconnecting points: no matter where they appear in the apartment, there are two factors everywhere - dirt and dampness.

Housewives, accustomed to perfect order, may argue that they have no such "disgrace" in their apartment, but midges still appear. Then where do they come from? There are moments that are difficult to track and control. These include: pieces of food (fat) stuck in the sewer, small leaks from the refrigerator or trash can, contaminated soil for flowers, cereals, soaked or infected already in the warehouse, intensive growth of blue-green algae in the aquarium. Accordingly, it will be possible to remove the midges if the source of its penetration into the house is correctly determined. If you analyze all the places where midges come from, the most common of them are:

  • spoiled fruits or vegetables, cereals;
  • irregular removal or inadequate hygiene of the bin;
  • "Blooming" water in the aquarium, a dirty and humid living area;
  • flower pots (especially if tea leaves are your favorite fertilizer);
  • plumbing, ventilation shafts.

Now that you have learned where the nasty Diptera come from, you can start answering the question of how to get the midges out once and for all. There is no point in fighting them if the place of their appearance is not clearly defined. Only after finding the cause can the "enemy's power" be completely destroyed. In Soviet times, there was only one remedy that was applied to all the insects that bored tenants - "Dichlorvos". However, it was inconvenient and even dangerous to fight with it. Now there are more humane methods to destroy flyers without inhaling chemical fumes.

The fight against kitchen gnats consists in the timely removal of garbage, removal of rotten food, hanging sticky traps (including inside kitchen cabinets). You should also keep all dishcloths clean and dry, and periodically fill your sink with grease and blockage remover. In the absence of such, ordinary soda, poured into the hole of the sink in a large number and drenched (slaked) with vinegar. In addition, all cereals are reviewed and sorted out, and the shelves are wiped with soap or vinegar solution. Flying small fry can be caught in homemade traps: a bottle with a narrow neck with unfinished juice or a leaky glass covered with polyethylene with rotten pieces of fruit.

Remove flower gnats that spoil the leaves and root system, not so easy. To begin with, it is necessary to reduce the watering of the plant to a minimum, remove the remains of the tea leaves, if it was used for "feeding". Then stick 4-5 matches into the pot with the sulfur head down and spray the leaves weak solution potassium permanganate. If such a "folk" remedy did not help, continue to fight insects using insecticides for the soil: "Thunder", "Agravertin", "Fitoverm", "Karbofos", etc.

Other types of midges can be removed by thorough cleaning, washing the aquarium, changing the drainage in the living corner. Various pungent and persistent odors help to fight room midges: garlic, camphor, incense, citrus. They "refresh" the air in any place where midges have appeared. Remember that the most proven remedy is removing moisture and keeping the room clean.

Insect description

The common lacewing is a green midge with transparent wings. It belongs to the genus Chrysoperla, whose representatives prefer to feed on other insects on both larvae and adult midges. It is most active at night, and during the day it prefers to hide in secluded corners.

The common lacewing is a medium-sized midge

Her distinctive feature are transparent wings elongated shape... Their scope in especially large specimens can reach 3 cm, although the body does not exceed 6 mm. If you look at the wings in the light, you can see that they are lined with a whole network of veins shining in the light.

The insect is widespread in regions with a climate suitable for its life: the fleur-eaters do not tolerate the heat, which leads to their death, and at temperatures below about 15 ° C they hibernate before the onset of heat. They are common throughout Europe with the exception of its northernmost latitudes. Also, the common lacewing can be found in Canada, the United States and in some regions of Southeast Asia.

To wait out the cold winter, midges fly into outbuildings and human houses. There, they climb into secluded places: for example, cracks in walls or furniture.


During her life, which lasts about 2 months, the female lacewing makes 2 clutches. Each of them contains 100-900 eggs.

Insect development stages:

  1. Eggs. They are attached to the underside of the leaves by fine threads. At first the eggs have green color, but then gradually darken.
  2. Larvae. They appear after a few days and begin to eat actively. Their brown or reddish body is no more than 7 mm long. They have a well-developed jaw apparatus. When attacking the victim, paralytic poison is injected into its body.
  3. Pupa, which, after a few molts, becomes an adult fleur-eater.
  4. Imago, ready to reproduce.

Larvae and adults are so voracious that cases of cannibalism are not uncommon among the species. In conditions middle lane only one generation of lacewings manages to appear per year, and in the southern regions it can manage to develop up to 4 generations.

Reasons for the appearance

Flairnits rarely fly into apartments, but it still happens. If the majority of domestic midges are attracted to a person's dwelling by food debris, then the common lacewing flies into an apartment in which aphids live on indoor plants. This is the main factor provoking the appearance of an insect.

In August or September, the midge moves to a person's dwelling, feeling the approach of autumn cold weather. It can also be brought home along with wildflowers and items that for a long time were on the street.

Benefit or harm?

Lacewing is safe for humans. She is not blood-sucking insects so it doesn't bite people. All its life, the insect is engaged in the destruction of pests, and the fleur-eater is useful. She is specially moved to the gardens so that she hunts her natural prey and rescues fruit crops from the invasion of aphids. But people, in whose houses a green midge starts up, experience discomfort and disgust, so they try to drive out the insect as soon as possible.

Fighting the lacewing

Although the lacewing does not harm a person and his property, such a neighborhood is rather unpleasant. Therefore, you need to know how to get rid of green midges in the house without harming the health of the household.

The appearance of the fleur-eater in wooden house may indicate that its walls are gnawed by a woodworm beetle.

First of all, you need to understand why the fleur-eater settled in the room. Most likely, houseplants have been attacked by other pests that are attractive food for gnats and their larvae. Therefore, you need to inspect all the home flowers. If infected specimens are found, they must be immediately quarantined and treated with insecticides.

Mechanical removal

Destruction of the insect imago is the most primitive way of fighting. Although it does not allow for the elimination of clutches of eggs and larvae, the number of adults participating in reproduction decreases. Combined with insecticides mechanical removal gives a positive result.

You can use special traps sold in stores:

  1. Aeroxon is a sticky trap impregnated with a compound that is attractive to gnats. Designed primarily to combat small insects flying around houseplants, which include the common lacewing. The glue is safe for plants and humans, because there are no toxic substances in it, and it is also odorless.
  2. Another trap from Aeroxon is a window tape that allows you to catch insects that fly into your apartment from the street.
  3. The well-known adhesive tape from the company "Raptor" from midges and flies. Time-tested tool.

Adults can be caught with a vacuum cleaner. At the same time, it is recommended to wage war with clutches: having found them on indoor plants, it is enough just to crush the eggs.

Another possible way the fight against green gnats is based on the fact that these delicate insects do not tolerate heat. Therefore, if possible, the air in the room is heated above 30 ° C, which causes the mass death of the fleece.

Chemical insecticides

Before deciding on the use of toxic substances against ordinary lacewings, you need to weigh the pros and cons. After all, this insect is harmless to humans and it can be removed without the use of pesticides, and it is extremely undesirable to use toxic substances in residential premises and this is done only in extreme cases when other methods are ineffective.

When handling a living space, you need to use personal protective equipment, and then make sure that the room is sufficiently ventilated.

Sprays and aerosols will help to get rid of any annoying midges in the house, for example:

  • Dichlorvos;
  • Raptor;
  • "Raid" and many others. dr.

They are sprayed indoors in accordance with the rules and regulations written in the instructions for the product.

Flernitsa larvae live on plants, feeding on pests. Therefore, indoor flowers must be treated with insecticides intended for this purpose. Many flower growers consider the most versatile and effective chemical "Aktara" - a systemic agent that allows you to deal with all insects on plants at the same time.


There are no specific measures to prevent the appearance of green midges with transparent wings in the house. But maintaining health will help to avoid this. indoor plants: a house with no power sources is unattractive to any insect, and the use of mosquito nets on the windows and doors of the house. Also, a folk trick says that midges cannot stand strong odors, so they will be scared off by the aroma of plants rich in essential oils, for example, ordinary geranium or tangerine.

You need to start the fight against green midges by putting in order the domestic plants, as well as the destruction of adults and clutches. If it is not possible to cope with the spread of an insect in an apartment, then chemical sprays and aerosols will come to the rescue. They are effective mainly against adults, so treatment must be carried out until the complete destruction of the population in the house.

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The fruit fly is an annoying insect that causes a lot of hassle in the kitchen.

Drosophila flies, vinegar and wine flies, and this is the name of the small black midges, in the kitchen harm your prestige and disturb your peace of mind. They are not dangerous for human life and health. These annoying creatures are found almost everywhere, with the exception of regions with a harsh cold climate. If you look at this baby under a magnifying glass, you will find that it looks like an ordinary fly.

Where do these insects come from in the apartment? It seems that the doors and windows are closed, the vents are protected by a fine mesh, and the vile - here it is, flying like a cloud over your flowers or a trash can. There are the main sources of insects entering your apartment:

  • a box with vegetables and fruits. Should some fruit spoil slightly, it becomes a tasty bait for midges. If eggs were laid on apples or grapes in a store, insects will appear in a matter of hours, even the temperature will not stop them. vegetable box in fridge;
  • the trash can is the favorite place for these creatures. Spoiled foods are ideal breeding and feeding grounds;
  • sink drain - residues of food waste accumulate in a glass or sump. You may not see them, but be aware: the midge finds this dirt and uses it for food and reproduction;
  • ventilation systems with exits to neighbors. Rarely does anyone protect internal outputs into the ventilation ducts with a fine mesh, so that it is not difficult for insects to get to you from less clean neighbors;
  • indoor plants - there are often midge eggs in the ground and wait for favorable conditions for them: heat and humidity.

Basic principles: how to get rid of midges in an apartment or private house

We figured out where the wine gnats come from, and listed the main reasons for their appearance. Now is the time to talk about how to get rid of gnats in the kitchen. Do not rush to look for the phone number of the pest control service. Start by reviewing your habits, because they are often the main reason for the reproduction of harmful insects. Find the source of the problem and fix it: get into the habit of washing fruits and vegetables brought from the store, take out the trash more often than you usually do, do not leave dirty dishes in the sink for a long time.

But if the problem has already appeared, there are several ways to quickly solve it.

Related article:

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever: homemade products and industrial insecticides, why cockroaches can settle in an apartment, what to do to prevent this from happening, tips for making traps with your own hands and recipes for preparing insect mixtures, reviews on the effectiveness of different methods - in our publication.

Folk and factory remedies for midges in the kitchen

So, you've noticed a swarm of tiny insects in your kitchen. First, determine the location that attracted them. If it is a plate of fruit, sort it out, wash and discard any tainted ones. You already know where the fruit flies come from, most likely you brought them from the store. Cover the plate with a napkin, or better yet, put it in the refrigerator.

The sink drain should be filled with cleaning liquid or a solution of baking soda and vinegar.

There are very effective folk recipes how to get rid of small midges in the kitchen. Let's consider them in more detail.

Folk recipes: what helps against midges

A person can use many methods of dealing with annoying insects, and most of them are based on the use of improvised means. So, how to get rid of midges at home, there are several options.

Remedy 1: fresh horseradish root

Fruit flies do not like the pungent smell of this plant. If you put pieces of horseradish on the shelves and cabinets, the flies will look for salvation in a panic. Leave the window open for them.

Remedy 2: camphor oil

If the house has an aroma lamp, pour camphor into it and place it indoors. You can simply heat the oil in an iron mug over the hotplate. With the same effect, you can use essential oils fir, eucalyptus, cloves, lemon and lavender.

Remedy 3: smoke

If you have tobacco, juniper needles, incense or fir cones on hand, light it in an ashtray. Close the kitchen door, but don't forget to open the window. The smoke will drive out the midges.

Remedy 4: vinegar and soapy water

Add a glass of warm water, some dishwashing liquid, Apple vinegar and sugar. Instead of vinegar, you can add wine. It will smell like a favorite insect treat. Tighten the top of the glass with vacuum foil and make a small hole. The midge will rush into the trap and drown. Set up these traps in areas where insects gather.

Remedy 5: wormwood and wheatgrass

A decoction of wormwood or wheatgrass weed is sprayed in places where fruit midges appear. By the way, this method will save you from mosquitoes in nature, apply the composition on open areas body.

Remedy 6: vanillin

Vanilla aromas in the kitchen are very appropriate, but they do not like Drosophila. Sprinkle the vanilla solution all over the kitchen or place the vanilla sticks on the shelves.

Remedy 7: garlic

Crush a few cloves of garlic and cover with water for a couple of hours. Use the finished tincture to water the plants.

Remedy 8: Geranium

Set up a couple of pots of geraniums on your kitchen windowsill. Mushka really doesn't like this one fragrant flower and will bypass your kitchen.

Factory remedies: how you can poison midges

We explored options on how to get rid of midges folk remedies... Household chemical stores offer aerosolized chemicals to combat gnats and different kinds Velcro.

Remedy 9: Velcro

Simple and safe means for people. They are simply tapes with a layer of glue on which insects sit and stick. This ribbon, strewn with corpses of flies, looks not very pretty, but it works very effectively. The main thing is to place it in a place where you would not accidentally touch it, or your cat or dog would not fall into such a trap.

Remedy 10: aerosol insecticides

These chemicals can harm people and pets, so they are sprayed in an open area. Remember to cover the aquarium if you have fish in your kitchen. After spraying the chemical, the doors to the room are closed, and after an hour the kitchen is thoroughly ventilated. Of the popular means, Raptor, Dichlorvos, Deta, Raftamid, Cobra and Moskitol should be noted.

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen mechanically

All kinds of Velcro - effective remedy... The sticky trap is easy to make with your own hands.

Remedy 11: cardboard and honey

Cut out a strip of yellow cardboard. If it is not at hand, use thick yellow paper. Lubricate it with honey, secure with tape on a wooden skewer and stick it into a flower pot or an apple in a fruit bowl.

How to get rid of house gnats in the kitchen, depending on their origin

Tiny flies can swarm around fruits, onions, settle in cereals and flour, live in sewers, or flower pot... Depending on their habitat, an appropriate remedy should be selected.

How to get rid of fruit gnats quickly

If a swarm has settled over a fruit basket, prepare a simple trap for it.

Remedy 12: syrup and soda

A bottle is required for the trap. Pour sweet syrup, fruit soda or juice at the bottom. Roll a sheet of paper into a bag and insert it into the neck of the bottle. The flies will get in through the tiny hole at the tip of the bag, but they won't be able to get out. Caught flies are poured with soapy water and poured into the sewer or onto the street. Insects hatch from eggs on day 8, so to completely destroy the colony, you will have to update the trap for at least two weeks.

How to get rid of onion gnats

If the onions are not removed from the plastic bag, they will suffocate and begin to rot. The smell will certainly attract midges. How to get onion midges out of the kitchen?

Remedy 13: sawdust

Go through all the onions, remove the spoiled onions. Then put the onion in a box and cover with dry sawdust. So, you will preserve root crops for a long time and get rid of insects that do not like the smell of sawdust.

How to get rid of insects in cereals

Tool 14: freezer

Conduct a full audit of all bulk products... It's a pity, but the infected porridge will have to be thrown away. Some people advise to bake them in the oven or rinse them with water, but you yourself understand that such procedures do not improve the quality of the product. Do not postpone the trip to the trash can: while you are fiddling in the kitchen, petty invaders can leave the selected boxes and move to clean ones.

How to effectively get rid of midges in indoor flowers

The most common cause of insects in a flowerpot is contaminated soil. If there is such a suspicion, it is better to do a plant transplant. How to get rid of midges at home in flowers?

Remedy 15: potassium permanganate

Water the soil in pots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Do not overdo it with concentration, otherwise you may ruin the flower.

Remedy 16: matches

The midge does not like the smell and taste of sulfur. Take Matchbox and stick the matches with their heads into the ground. The bigger, the better. Feel free to water the flower and change matches as the sulfur dissolves.

Remedy 17: citrus

Spread lemon, orange, grapefruit, or tangerine peels in a pot. The smell will scare away midges.

Remedy 18: Ash

Apply a thin layer wood ash on the ground in a pot. This will not only scare away insects, but also fertilize your plantings.

How to get rid of sewer gnats forever

Sewer flies are very small - only a couple of millimeters. They are especially active towards the night, when people do not interfere with them swarming around the drain holes. The most unpleasant thing is that such insects, after traveling through the drains, can sit on food in the kitchen. So it is imperative to deal with such unwanted guests.

Remedy 19: boiling water

To kill the eggs and larvae in the drain, pour boiling water over them. You will need at least 4 liters of hot liquid. For greater confidence in the result, after spilling, add some kind of cleaning chemical, for example, "Mole", to the drain.

Remedy 20: fly swatter

Everything ingenious is simple. In the end, the most commonplace way to get rid of small midges in the kitchen is to physically destroy them. Arm yourself with a fly swatter or just a rolled-up newspaper - and into battle!

Prevention measures

The most important and effective preventive measure is cleanliness. Do not leave spoiled food, clean the drain regularly and take out the trash. Cover windows with fine mesh, watch out for indoor flowers, and do not leave food in your pet's bowl. These simple rules prevent gnats in your kitchen. If you have any more more effective ways control of fruit flies, share them in the comments.

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Where do midges come from in my apartment? - a question that worries many housewives. To answer it, let's take a closer look at what these flies are, how they reproduce and what they love.

Midges are often found in the kitchen.

Description of midges

Fruit flies are different - fruit flies do not live long, but it all depends on the living conditions. The cooler environment, the longer the flies live. Therefore, in winter period they live up to three months, and in summer, when the air temperature rises to 25 degrees, they live only 10 days.

Drosophila reproduce very quickly. Flies lay up to 80 eggs at a time.

They prefer fruits and vegetables, sweet juices, syrups and alcohol. Once in the nutrient medium, larvae appear from their eggs - white worms 3 millimeters long. In a favorable environment, midges appear after 4 days, and after eight hours they already lay eggs. Therefore, there are always a lot of them in the house, if you do not take measures to destroy them.

There are several characteristics of these insects:

  • Drosophila lays eggs under the skin of mature fruits, so no matter how many fruits are mine, the larvae are there. To get rid of them, you need to wash with soap or pour boiling water over the fruits.
  • They also feel good in sewers, which is why they are confused with sewer flies.
  • Moshkara appears early in the morning, so it seems to a person that it comes from nowhere.
  • Drosophila can feed and reproduce on 400 species different plants... It is even difficult to imagine how much this is a lot.
  • Flies prefer sweet and citrus scents, they can even fly in the smell of an air freshener.
  • If the fruit fly is deprived of food and habitat, it can fly away. But how much she can fly on her meager wings remains a mystery.
  • Fruit gnats react well to sudden movements and fly away, so if you decide to catch it manually, please be patient. Because no matter how long you catch it, it will fly away anyway. It will be more effective to use traps.
  • Dry environment is destructive for midges. She loves dampness and mold, tolerates frost well enough.

Drosophila lives only 10 days in summer.

Causes of the appearance of midges

Where do midges come from in an apartment? There are many reasons for their appearance. The main ones are described below:

  • In the house, midges appear if you do not sort out fruits and vegetables in time, rotten fruits are a good environment for their habitation and reproduction.
  • Kitchen and floor rags and towels should be washed frequently because dirt and moisture are conducive to their proliferation.
  • Sinks at home should be cleaned of food debris after each dishwashing, as decaying organic matter contributes to their appearance.
  • Leaking pipes are a favorable environment for fruit flies, as they love dampness and mold. Therefore, even a small leak can provoke the appearance of a whole horde of nasty midges.
  • Bottles of wine and various syrups should be kept tightly closed because fruit flies like sweets.
  • The reason for their appearance may be an unmade trash can. The consequence of which will serve as a horde of annoying midges in your house.
  • Many people wonder why they appear, despite the cleanliness of the apartment. No matter how much you clean, they can fly in from the street or through the ventilation. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of mosquito nets on windows and ventilation ceilings.
  • Midges can appear not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom or toilet. A wet rug or a poorly washed bathtub will be enough.
  • Indoor flower pots are also a favorable habitat for annoying midges, if constant humidity remains there. To avoid their appearance, you should cover the ground around the plant. decorative stone or granite chips.