Repairs Design Furniture

Rejugation of bear from plastic bottles. Homemade traps for the Medveda. Requirements for smell

Experimental dacifices are well known that there is no worst of the Medveda in the site. Mole cricket (it is also called earthy Cancer, Wolf, Kapolenka, Medveda) - This is the most common, the most endless, the most elusive insect is the pest. Everything is explained very simple. Any kind of soil is a home for him. In addition, a voracious insect does not happen anything and eats everything in its path: both roots, and stems, and young shoots, as well as raindrops and larvae of the May beetle. Nature provided it with all sorts of devices for movement everywhere: in the ground, in the air, in water. And yet there are ways to get rid of the powerful enemy.

At the garden, the Medveda prefers the most wet places and well-heated, as well as those where humus and manure are located.

Especially it attacks cabbage, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, beets, eggplants, cucumbers. On the lack of flowers, the roots of shrubs and trees.

Earthy cancer with great pleasure settles on our sites and in search of food to continue the kind, moving in the upper layers of the soil, cutting the root system of the plant and spoils the leaves. If yesterday you landed the seedlings, and she stood perfectly, then in the morning, if there are bear in your garden, seedlings can fall and completely start.

Signs of appearance Cabustooks on the garden are small exploshed holes in the ground. As soon as you find them, you need to immediately take measures to combat the bear.

Video: What does the Medveda look like and ways to deal with her in the garden

Chemicals to combat the bear

The most famous and popular drugs for the destruction of the Medveda are considered:

  • Antideward;
  • Bovterin;
  • Grizzly;
  • Thunder;
  • Medvetoks;
  • Medvocide;
  • Zarin;
  • Rubit rofhats;
  • Rubezh;
  • Rembeck;
  • Regent;
  • Fenasin Plus.

Applying funds must be strictly in accordance with the instructions attached to drugs.

By the way! In addition to Kapustyanki, some drugs are perfectly fighting with other garden pests, such as a wire, larvae of the May beetle and giant garden ants.

Folk remedies against the Medveda

The main advantage of using folk remedies for getting rid of the bear is that you do not allow chemistry into business, although certain methods still include the use of chemicals in combination with folk tricks. However, it is worth understanding that some of the methods and means are not able to destroy all cabbouts in the garden, but in combination and in the complex they will be very effective.

Tip!Please note that the proposed tools helps to fight the bear at different stages of its appearance. For example, you can protect the garden in advance from the insumage of pests (in the autumn or early spring), or right times the seedlings landing, or work "on the fact" the appearance of cabbustan in the garden.

Vegetable Primanka

Take a fairly large carrot or beet. In order for the root of the root from the root, a slightly disturbing or damaged it. Drop the well through the length of all carrots, put the root root and fall off the ground. And then spread and slightly burst around carrots poisoned bait. To the smell spread even stronger, pick up the place of the bait.

Null Primanka

When in the fall, you will pull the beds, then put a few dung silence in the garden (and it is best to take horse manure). It can also be made early in spring. When with the onset of the heat of the Medveda wakes up and starts to postpone the eggs, then most likely, it will choose one of these navigasses. You will only learn to burn it in a timely manner.

Covered Kashi Prim

Swarge pearl, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, add fragrant unrefined oil to it for the appearance of the smell in the proportion of 1 tbsp. Spoon of vegetable oil by 0.5 liter bank porridge. And then put in porridge one of the chemical shipments against the Medveda and decompose in the cappustyanka moves.

Traps with beer, honey or yeast with sugar

Take a bottle or jar and slightly fill it with beer, water with yeast and sugar, or dear honey. Highway a pit near the typical habitats of the Medveda, put the container and stick the earth there. Above the sheet of cardboard sheet, gauze or lid from the bucket (depending on the container used). When Kapolenka comes to an attractive smell for her, it will fall into the trap and can no longer get out.

Important!For more information on the manufacture of each of the traps, look in the rollers below.

Video: Cabustook trap with honey

Video: Cabustook trap with beer

Video: Cabustook trap with yeast and sugar

Note! With a large invasion, the Medveda this way can hardly cope, but to solve issues with small pests it will be quite good. Moreover, he is very entertaining.

Baits from Ruberoid

Put old slices of rubberoid directly to the selected kapustyanki moves, and then press them on top of pebbles and leave so much. The fact is that the Medveda loves to make nests where the land is wet and well done, namely, the necessary conditions are created under the black rubberoid. When the time comes, put the gloves and dramatically lift the frontier. Most likely, you will find a whole cabbustan socket that you need to destroy with your hands or other objects.

Processing of Grooks Egg Shell

Start to collect eggshell in advance. As soon as a sufficient quantity is scored, it's good to warm it up so that it is small, but in no case is not a bulk like sand. When the crushed shell is ready, pour it with unrefined oil for a more attractive smell (although many are used without oil). Even before the seedling landing, during the reoper of the garden or the creation of grooves, wrap it all the egg shell. When the Medveda appears and starts to be touched, she will not be able to digest her.

By the way! The egg shell is an excellent fertilizer for soil.

Solution from washing powder and dishwashing agents

At the bottom of the bucket, it is necessary to pour a little washing powder (a pair of grieving) and pour a little bit (somewhere 2-3 tablespoons) of any means for washing dishes. Then add some water, to solve it well before obtaining a good soapy solution. After that, fill the bucket to the top and pour the holes of the Medvedka on the garden.

Important! The method is rather controversial (because the powder contains phosphates, synthetic flavors and other additives that are not very useful for the soil), but effective.

Video: How to get rid of the bear with the help of washing powder and dishwashing agents

Soap mortar

Take 100 grams of economic or tar soap and soda on the grater. Then dissolve in a bucket of water and pour a mink of the Medveda. Those cappustans that will get out to the surface, bring the shovel or any other subject (for example, for a fork). All other insects should perish in their poisoned nora.

Note! The method is very similar to the previous one, but the soap solution is safer than washing powder.

Birch Degotia solution

Take the sawdust and birch delet (the remedy is very effective and environmentally friendly). In order for the sawdresses not to whine the soil, they must be pre-poured boiling water, and then add tar (2-3 tbsp. Spoons of money per 1 liter of water) and mix well. When you land the seedlings, then at a depth of 2 centimeters near the seedlings, lay out the sawdust, soaked in tar, and then sprinkle the ground. When the smell is weathered, seedlings will become strong enough, and the Medveda can no longer apply significant harm.

Video: Super way to protect seedlings from a bear with a birch tar

Solution of ammonic alcohol (ammonia)

Ammonia solution (ammonic alcohol) is not only a wonderful feeding, but also an effective method in combating the bear. Dilute the remedy is necessary as follows: Take 10% of the ammonia alcohol and in 10 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. A spoon, well having stirred. Wipe the solution just planted on the root, I try not to fall on the leaves. After the water is absorbed, inspired by loose and dry ground so that ammonia does not evaporate for a long time, but acted in the soil.

Video: Vixed alcohol from the Medveda

Plants scarying

Kapoolenka does not tolerate the smell of certain plants: flowers, trees, vegetables and greens.

To protect against the Medveda, you can land around the beds following the following flowers:, chrysanthemums and calendula.

Clevders (sprigs of fir, pine or spruce), which should be put along the beds, are perfect against the cabbust.

You can also stick in the soil of fresh branches of alder or aspen. The branches should be 2-4 centimeters in diameter, and the depth of the seal of about 20-30 centimeters.

Even against kapustyanki, garlic cloves and leek husks can work well.

By the way!Medveda has natural enemies: crows, starvations, fun, earthying, lizards, mole and hedgehogs. Perhaps raven still do not need to attract to himself to the site, but the starlings and hedgehogs are quite acceptable.

Video: Folk Methods of Fighting Medved

Direct (straight) Protection of seedlings from the Medveda

You can also prevent destruction and damage to the seedlings of Cabesthanka with the help of direct protection of the seedlings themselves from its attack.

For example, you can keep the roots of seedlings into the cloth or cotton.

Video: An easy way to protect seedlings from a bear

Another option is put on seedlings cut plastic bottle.

There is not a single gardener, who would not give up the grief of the Medveda. However, there are still tested methods of struggle that will help defeat this sophisticated opponent of country landings.

Video: How to get rid of the Medveda - Medvetoks and other ways

In contact with

By the beginning of the summer, she already makes the masonry of eggs, which are always at least a few thousand. In order to ensure the comfort of their children, the Medveda cuts off the parts of garden plants - so it creates a shady coolness of small cubs.

I would like to praise insect for so strong maternal feelingsYes, only the language does not turn: it's a shame to lose harvest with your own hands. Let's wonder how to get rid of the Medveda folk remedies?

How to deal with it?

Thousands of horticulture holders annually turn to new methods to combat the bear folk remedies.

You can highlight a few most productive ideas:


The Medveda is easy to lure what she likes most.

The pest does not know that the bait will be destructive for it, as it contains poison.

One of the options for such tricks is the use of carboofos in the amount of 50 grams.

Kilo boiled bran or pea green and 30 ml of vegetable oil will also be needed. The mixture bursts underground.

Another way to bait the Medvedok is the bait of the Medveda of the shell of eggs, which the insect considers deals. The shell preloads to be missed until the powder state.

Add vegetable unrefined oil. Little mixture in each hole when landing along with vegetable seeds. If the insect attacked already after planting, then pour the shell small along the length of the furrows near the holes (about 40 mm deep). The Medvedka will devour the oil powder and dies.

You can also purchase ready-made bait:

  • "Fenaksin Plus";
  • "Thunder";
  • "Zolon";
  • "Medvetoks";
  • "Bolkla";
  • "Rubit";
  • "Messenger".

All these drugs are poisonous, but, as studies and practical experiments show, their negative impact does not apply to poultry and bees. but with cows, rabbits and sheep should be careful.


In addition to folk methods of combating pests, eating potatoes and tomatoes, there are other. For example, the use of special dischargers.

They can be:

  • chemical;
  • electrical;
  • ultrasound.

Chemicals are differently called fumigators.. The basis of their actions is the influence of a certain chemical or substance complex.

Electrical affect current discharge. Most often, they destroy mosquitoes and moshkar, but for removing the Medveda, these discreteners also apply.

Ultrasounds against the Medvedok have not yet been developedBut gardeners use similar mobbo repelters and confirm the excellent effect of the effect of these devices in relation to bear.

Ultrasound spreads vibration waves around itself for a considerable distance. It is very worried about the pool, and she leaves a spaced place in a hurry. Enough ten days to the powerful device scared the pest(for example, Tornado LEV.02).

On solar panels

Another effective mobbo cleaver and bear is sunny. The turbuler of the Medvedok on solar panels also spreads the sound that dislike the pests. One of the proven marks is Solar.

Her pros is obvious:

  1. Medveda will never get used to the signal, as it constantly fluctuates.
  2. The device is lit in the dark.
  3. The battery is recharged not only from the Sun, but also from the light of the moon.


A grooves filled with manure can be used as traps for pests with clamshes. They break down to a depth of 50 cm and have the same width. Manure in them should be tumped very tight.

Medveda, looking for a place for wintering, goes to warm manure and breaks into it. With the onset of cold weather, closer to December, the groove must be broken and spread the fertilizer on the site. Leaning, the Medveda will die.

Using manure you can use in May when the insect begins to put eggs. Placing a few pile at the cottage, you can expect the pest to crawl into them to remove the offspring. Periodically, heaps need to gut.

The simplest trap for the Medveda - in the spring to wear into the ground a few cans with water. At night, several bear will be in water captivity.

In this photo, a film is clearly represented:

So, what major abstracts can be allocated from the read:

  1. Medvedka - the enemy of potatoes and tomatoes.
  2. The pest does not endure Luke, garlic.
  3. Poison, killing bear, can be dangerous for pets.
  4. A variety of dischargers can long remove the insect from the garden.
  5. The laying of the eggs of the pest occurs in May, And the Medveda tries to find a warm refuge, for example, a dung bunch.

In this video, it clearly tells how to deal with the Medveda:

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The Medveda almost always lives in Earth, only at night getting out of shelter and lining the garden plot for conquesting of the new territory. The fight against annoying insect is extremely difficult. This is due to the secretly lifestyle of the pest and the impossibility of insecticides to get to it through the thick soil layer.

Than dangerous Medveda

Most often, this is a small flying creature attacks the gardens with a good deposited, fertile, wet and aerated soil. It is difficult to overestimate injury damage. It can only damage all the landings in just a few days. There is no big territory nor specialized poisons or birds. If she managed to spread out, it is almost impossible to get rid of it, and with the crop will have to say goodbye.

With the Medveda need to fight as soon as it appeared in the garden. It is possible to determine the uninvited guest by the exhaust ground - these are tunnels for which the insect moves. Living underground, where dark and warm, it eats the roots of tomatoes, thereby acting on the whole plant entirely.

On a note!

The Medveda is very picky in his culinary preferences. Estimated everything in its path, she will never touch the weed grass.

The severity of the fight against the bear lies in its natural ability to adapt in any climatic conditions. It quickly multiplies, hides deep in the ground, and the larvae can calmly fall in the remains of the plants. To many poisons, it is developed by immunity, therefore various methods will have to be used in the fight against it, alternating them or apply comprehensively.

Null Primanka

The pest loves to hide in the dung heaps, put eggs in them, wintering. Dung bait can be built in autumn, after cleaning the site. For this, the manure is scattered over the sophisticated land, leaving the organic on the surface. In winter, the eggs of the bear, which were postponed in the manure, will die from the cold.

In the spring, null piles are arranged locally in certain parts of the garden. The organic is laid on polyethylene (it will be easier to remove it along with the insects from the site). For 2-3 weeks, the warm "dwelling" will attract the polar from the entire garden. As soon as the dung bunch will gather a large amount of polyethylene insect tie into the node and removed from the garden. By the way, the use of polyethylene, linoleum as a substrate for manure is also useful also because the bear will not "escape" from such a trap under Earth.

Use protective shelters

One of the easiest, but fairly effective methods is considered to be used in the garden of shadow traps. They serve pieces of plywood, slate, rubberoid, linoleum dark tones. They are laid down on the site and are waiting when insects will gather under them, looking for shelter. Under such a roof warm, quiet and safely, and if there is a small deepening in the ground and throw a rice or porridge there, then also tasty. Opening such a trap should be quickly and without noise, otherwise insects will have time to hide in the depths of the soil.

Sades often use beer traps, as they know that an alcoholic beverage on the bear acts as Valerian on cats. In the spring, approximately in mid-May, plastic bottles are laid next to the garden beds in the ground in such a way that the neck is almost shorted with the surface (the bottle is installed under the tilt). The container is filled with beer, and the neck is covered with moistened alcohol marley. The bear from afar to feel the smell of yeast and hop, and immediately "to the table" will be collected from all over the garden. Blooming the fabric, it falls into the beer and can no longer roll out from there. For a couple of weeks, approximately 9-12 adults fall into the sweet trap. As soon as the bottle is filled, they dig it, destroy pests, poured fresh beer and continue to collect insects.

Scaring smell

Some plants exude such a smell that the Medveda cannot transfer it and quickly retires from the site. Move the pest of the velvet, coriander, fir and pine branches (needles). Plants are planted around the perimeter of the garden. Chew are laid in the wells when planting tomatoes seedlings. Under the Earth, the needles retain their fragrance for a long time, which scares livestock.

Does not like the Medveda and the smell of the flicker fish, garlic, onion husks, nut leaves. If these components supply land when planting tomatoes, the insect will work by the party.


The Medveda does not tolerate the smell of iodine. When disembarking seedlings, it is recommended to shed holes with iodine solid.

Oil trap

Very simple and effective way to destroy adult individuals. The minks in which insects live are very simple - they can be found in the well when planting tomatoes, next to bushes, between the beds. If you find a climb, you must pour the entrance to the "house" with sunflower oil. The oil cork will not give the Medveda to breathe, from which she will die quickly. Well, if she still succeeds in getting out, it will be easy to destroy it manually. Consider that the oils may need a lot, especially if the laz is deep, but the ground is dry.

On a note!

You can also pour the kerosene diluted with water. Either kerosene mix with sand and decompose the resulting substrate in a broadcast.

Poisonous bait

Treatment of ammona

Divosed in the water ammonia with their sharp aroma is able to repent the departure desire to appear next to tomato beds. Processing is carried out like this: there are small grooves around the plants, then a concentrated circle with concentrated ammonia alcohol is watered. It is important in this process that the tomato bush itself is not soak.

The Medveda scares not only the smell of ammonia, but also an increased dose of nitrogen in the soil. Such a method of getting rid of the pest is admissible only in the first part of the vegetation of tomato bushes, since then the surplus of nitrogen can cause a delay in flowering and fruits.

Another way to use the ammonia is: to stick in the ground next to the bushes of a mob, impregnated with ammonia.

Application of natural enemies

Natural enemies of a garden parceller - birds (graphs, crows, herons), insectivorous animals (hedgehogs, lizards, moles, earthrooks), insects (ants, grippers, nematodes), flying insects (Larra Osa). By the way, the wasps most effectively destroy the bear. They find Lases in the ground, drive out insects from them and stuff them, paralyzing the victim.

You can lure on the Pennate and Insects section with sweet bait. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that, for example, earthmock and mole can with benefit to bring the garden to the garden, rehabilitated the whole land and damage the roots of vegetable plants.

Windmills against Medveda

Surprisingly, the polarms are afraid of any, even fleeting noise, and try to quickly retire from the place where to live uncomfortable. Create various sounds on the site is easy. For this, around the perimeter of the garden (at a distance of 10 meters from each other), high iron pipes are installed with a small diameter. Propellers from plastic or other metal are attached to the tops of the pipes. The main thing is that even a weak wind can easily create their rotation. The emerging vibration is perceived by the bear quite definitely - they associate noise with danger. The colony quickly leaves the plot in search of a quiet place for habitat.

Aspen stake

This old method is used so far due to its incredible efficiency. The fact is that the polar the smell of aspen wood sinks. For the catch of an annoyed insect around the perimeter of the place of a large cluster of the enemy in the ground, fresh aspen (or outer) pegs are sticking at a distance of 60-100 centimeters from each other. A close neighborhood with an aspen pest cannot withstand and nothing remains to be escaped from a dangerous site.

Modern methods

If you apply all kinds of folk remedies for years, and the pest is not going to leave the country area, then it is necessary to use heavy artillery against it - chemicals. The essence of the operation of the insecticides is as follows: insects eat the poison that affects them from the inside. Soon the Medveda dies. By the way, along with her, the wire is also destroyed.

It is more correct to fight a bear more correctly during the seedlings landing. For this, the root of tomato seedlings is treated with an act car or a prestige of 290 FS. In the growing season, efficient Medvetoks apply. It is brought into the soil between the beds during irrigation.

Most effective means against the Medveda:

  1. Thunder - the drug is scattered in minks. The Medveda eats a poison bait and dies.
  2. Bollas - acts on the nervous insect system, paralyzes it. The drug is safe for humans and animals, does not accumulate in fruits and soil.
  3. Penasin Plus - Sweet Granules are attracted by the smell of pest. After a delicious meal, the insect dies in a matter of hours.
  4. Grizzly - effectively struggling with larvae and adult individuals. The drug is treated by a plot, after which, after a day, all the pests in the land are dying.
  5. Bovterin - the drug contains a dangerous fungus for a bear. The remedy is mixed with sunflower oil and water the wells when planting seedlings. Insects get out of under the ground, they can be collected and destroy outside the plot.

On a note!

In the spring, most of the insects dies due to the damage to fungal diseases.

Prevention of the appearance of the polar

Frequent landing, weed grass, the use of fresh manure, irregular watering - all this is the reasons for the enhanced misfortune to the garden landings. However, if you keep vigilance, to carry out agrotechnik in accordance with the rules, applying cunning folk methods, the number of insects in the garden can be significantly reduced.

Prevention measures:

  • it is necessary to regularly carry out deep loosening. It is especially important to do this at the end of May, when eggs and hatched larvae are still in Earth. Hitting the surface, they will die;
  • the mulching of the Earth under the bushes will prevent the reproduction of the Medveda, since under the thick layer of the mulch is created unfavorable for insect climate;
  • adding poisonous drugs during the loosening of the soil will contribute to the extinction of a large number of polarms located in the soil layer;
  • to protect your garden from the invasion of the Medveda from the neighboring plantation with the help of an iron fence covered to a depth of 50-60 centimeters;
  • since the bear disgusts chicken litter, it is not necessary to regularly carry out regular treatment with an aqueous solution based on it. And in addition to spraying, it is recommended to pour a mixture of chicken litter in mink.


The Medveda is dangerous not only for tomato. She eats everything that comes across on her ways - cucumbers, eggplants, potatoes and many other vegetable crops suffer from its permit. Plants affected by it, in most cases, die. Fight with a bear is better using an integrated approach, applying 3-4 methods at once. So that all efforts do not disappear for nothing, the neighbors should get rid of the insect. Only a message can be defeated this inside and keep the crop.

There is a gloom on the bear!

A large number of chemical means of combating a bear for the most part are not so effective as promised manufacturers.

Therefore, people have to try various folk methods that are not small. Faced with such a living and omnivorine pest, it is desirable to have such a means that will be effective in the first and only application.

The Medveda loves gardeners who are well driven by their sites and regularly watered them. The insect of the Medveda is striking both ground parts of plants and roots, roots and even sowned seeds. All vegetable crops (except garlic) and strawberries are a diet of the Medved

You can deal with a bear pea:

* 1 kg of halves of pea (precisely halves);

* Remedy for Colorado Beetles (Fury, Aktara, Antihuk, Decis, ConfanDord, etc.);
* 1 l of water.

The remedy for the colorado beetle is to dissolve in 1 liter of water, and then soak in a solution of pea halves. The peas must stand in a solution for at least 12 hours, then the halves are well absorbed the cooked mixture, and will acquire the power we need.
After it remains only to scatter halves along the garden or the site, which was noticed by a unwanted guest.
Use this method during the spring plowing. It is necessary that the halves are found in the ground at a 15-centimeter depth.
Why halves?
Use only halves of peas, since halves lose the ability to germinate and remain in the soil for a long time, thereby continuing their invisible battle with the bear throughout the season.

And further:
The method with peas is very effective. Only I used wheat instead of peas. The number of pests decreased. But the seedlings still protect plastic.

And another fishing method of struggle with the bear, without chemistry.

The method of struggle is that it turns out, the insect does not tolerate the smell of the flicker.
When landing seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage in the well need to put a few pieces of cheap fish.
Even the head, bone and scales are suitable. The fish quickly boots, and the Medveda takes this place to the party.
At the edges of the beds with carrots, beet, green crops, I lay out pieces of fish, slightly sprinkle the earth. While the seeds germinate, the fish begins to deteriorate, and this smell does not give the pest to destroy young shoots.
Playing the fish is desirable during the entire period of insect activity up to harvest.
Or instead of fish in the well put garlic. Just one teeth. Of course, it is better to put new cloves several times during the season, but it's very simple to do it.

Another new bread recipe for the fight against the bear

In the former times, "the pox" was not, and the peasants somehow saved their crop.

In the fight against the Medveda, I tried a lot:
Both plastic rings, fabric, and egg shell, and fish - everything is without. Together with potato tubers when landing Claus, the thief did not help.
Plastic and Fabric for the Medveda are just a kind of fence that it easily overcomes.
The neighbors went to another way: put rattles, but the effect was also short-lived. I had to transplant seedlings 2-3 times on new places.
Last year, I was advised by a new way of struggle, and he really turned out to be effective.

In early spring, when the Medveda is already looking for food, and in the garden there is still nothing grows, I feed it with a special "treat."
Pieces of stale bread soak in such a mixture:
- on 1 liter of water, add 1 package of any insecticide, 1 pack or ampoule of phosphoxas and 2-3 cl. vegetable oil.
Then the bread is lowered into each well with the seedlings or potato tubers.

The result is excellent !!!
Last summer, I did not translate anything and remained with the harvest. We planted 2 buckets of potatoes - collected 20! And from the pest - nor news.
Doubt the methodology? Check yourself.

The easiest way to protect - helps alder.

Stick around each seedlings to a depth of 10-12 cm around the perimeter stick to a few thin rods of alder.

Olha is an insecticidal plant and well scares the bear, as drying, twigs need to be changed.

You need to plant a flower on the borders of the site, he is unpretentious to have a specific aroma, it will reliably close your garden from the misstitution.

Medveda loves beer!

Oddly enough, but a rather effective means of combating the bear is ... Beer! The bait is prepared as follows.

Thoroughly wash several glass bottles and pour 100-150 g of fresh beer into each one of them. Skip bottles in different places in a somewhat inclined point up, as shown in the figure, while the neck should be a little above the ground and do not touch it.

Place traps cover on top of a piece of iron or old tile. Since the bear attracts wet places, from time to time water around the ground traps with a small amount of water, but do not allow the formation of puddles and make sure that the water does not fall into the bottle. It is desirable before pouring the soil, the neck of something to shut.

After 6-10 days, the bottle can be digging. Pests, penetrating into it, can not get back on slippery glass surface. Then, having got rid of insects, you can replace beer in a trap and re-install it in places of cluster of the bear. One such trap is quite enough for 4 m2 of the area. Flights of the Medveda can be started with the first works on the site and end before the frost.

In the fall to frosts in places of large cluster, you dig a few pits in a chess order at a distance of approximately half the meter from each other, put a horse manure in them, pour the hill of the earth on top and mark them. With the onset of strong cold weather, open the pits and scatter the manure through the snow. Hidden there for wintering in a large number of pests will die from frost.

Fighting a bear with plastic bottles

And we are struggling with the bear so: cutting plastic bottles on 2 wide rings, insert into the ground so that the seedlings get the seedlings inside the ring. Zelashko and Dysyshko need to trim. There is such a kind of flower club. The Medveda crasles to the plant, rests in plastics and bypassing it.

It is necessary to eat it! And do not fight her

By the way: Medveda is treated with tuberculosis.

It is said that the recovery occurs in 90% of cases. And this is not a joke is traditional medicine!

If you are seriously sick, then you probably eat not only the pool, to recover.

So, better not to hurt!

In an adult Medveda, a dark brown body is long 3-5 cm and small wings.

During the pairing period, the Medveda is capable of flying over long distances. The Medveda is adapted to an underground lifestyle.

Wintering the Medvedka in the soil at a depth of 70-80cm. At the occurrence of the heat of the Medveda, horizontal moves at a depth of 3-5 cm.

The presence in the portion of the Medveda can be found at drying plants, on small hollys, vertical turns 10-15 cm deep and the ground trail from their underground tunnels.

Agrotechnical methods of combating the bear:

  • Swimming of rifles to a depth of 10 cm in all egg laying Medveda, to destroy the strokes of the Medveda and the destruction of eggs.
  • Refusal to apply plant feeding of plants with a fresh cow in areas where bear dwells.
  • Watering by the infusion of chicken litter the Earth in dry weather to scare the Medveda.
  • Landing around the perimeter of the velvetsey plot, the Medveda does not tolerate their smell.
  • The device in the fall of beef traps at the soil temperature above + 9ºC. The two pits with a depth of 60 cm, lay the manure in them, which is scattered when sustainable freezers.

Chemical methods of combating a bear on the basis of the G0SDeardy catalog of pesticides allowed for use in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2011:

  • Insertion into the soil during the period of vegetation to the depth of 3-5 cm Thunders (30 g / 10 m²) and fenakne plus (100 g / 10 m²) - allowed for use of vegetable, floral cultures of strawberry potatoes, grizzly (20 g / 10 m²) - Permitted for the use of floral cultures, medveox (3 g / m²) - allowed for the use of floral cultures and potatoes. Log in to the processed area for manual works 7 days
  • Bankola-based baits are permitted for use vegetable, floral crops, strawberries, potatoes. For the preparation of 1 kg of bait, 10 GG of Bankola, 800g wheat bran, 50-100 g of water, 50g of molasses (50g sunflower oil). Consumption of bait 1 kg per 100 m².

Proactive measures in combating

It is an animal hated by any girostlier refers to the family of the squad of the straw-raised - the nearest relative of the locust, behaves also - are found everywhere where you wish to grow something from vegetables, berries, colors.

Medveda have an oblong dark brown body 5-8 cm long and about 1-1.5 cm wide: a small headband and a significant belief-shaped abdomen with filamentous appendages at the end (churches).

The body is covered with a protective shell, under which the Medveda hides the head in case of a threat. She is well distinguishable to the facets (like flies) eyes, long mustache and two pairs of sucks. Rota apparatus of a rodent type.

So looks like Medveda

The front limbs are designed for breaking and shaking the Earth. Adult pests have developed scaly wings and are able to fly several meters.

The Medveda Ries the moves in the surface layers of the Earth, and on the way all juicy rhizomes, root, root, young roots, so it is sometimes called earth locust. Especially harm seedlings in the spring - the tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, cutting roots in fruit seedlings.

Very often you can come across the strokes from the bear - the holes in the ground with a diameter of 3-4 cm. At a depth of about 15 cm, you can overlook the egg laying - a small camera, sized fist. Eggs postpone 100-300 pieces in spring.

The Medveda is very heat-loving, so makes eggs only in those areas that are well warmed by the sun. By winter, it goes to the depth, breaking the network of vertical moves - does not tolerate the frost, below zero already flows into the hibernation.

For the winter, despite the high fruitiness of the Medveda, not everyone survive, only those who managed to find the rapid places - beds with good shelter or null piles.

The cucumbers died from the Medveda - Sudden Wither

Given this lifestyle of the pest, you can lead a sightual struggle. By the way, in some regions, in particular, in Kuban, the Medvedka is called cappustic - cabbage it destroys once or two.

Fighting bear in autumn

In the fall, after digging potatoes, beets, carrots, you need to cook traps for a bear: digging the pits or ditches, a diameter and a depth of about 50 cm, put there by 3-4 shovels of fresh manure (any). Top to cover with a straw with a pile.

Kapustyanki by this time is already looking for reliable shelters and the most heated places, therefore, most likely, they will sleep in the dung bunch (humus or compost is not suitable - cold).

When a foorst is at the beginning, middle of November, you need to unprove the pits, spread the manure in beds. The pests will die from the cold, they are no longer able to find new places for wintering or anewded in the soil.

How to deal with kapustyanka in spring and summer

  • In the spring, as soon as the Earth pulls off, pests crawl into search of food. They appear before the mass vegetation of herbs, therefore, the deep rustling of the vegetable in the early spring fork. Part of the razoring hole will freeze in the spring frost.
  • Before landing, the main crops can shed the soil (beds, tracks) divorced bird litter. It is impossible to water seedlings with such a solution, and it is possible for 1-2 weeks before the seedling landing - Kapoolenka does not like the smell of bird litter. This temporary measure is not long, but will allow you to scare it on the seedlings.
  • When planning seedlings, we include a collective mind and smelting. Install everything that can scare away.

Folk Methods Combating Medved

  1. When landing in the well, lay on a spoonful of chopped egg shell, with a spoon of empty (unrefined) vegetable oil - helps a bit.
  2. Perhaps between the holes with a sediment smoked fish - the smallest and dry, thoroughly proof - it is believed that the Medveda does not tolerate the smell of smoked. In fact, most likely, this smell is simply disorienting it, overlaps the smell of a young root seedlings. It makes sense to stick next to the hole or straight into the hole to throw pieces of small rise (tulka, salaka). The fish will quickly swell quickly, and periodically need to put fresh batch on the bed, reducing 10 cm deep into a depth of 10 cm. Measure is unpleasant, but oddly enough.
  3. Helps to scare up a branch of the branches of alder and aspen - their smell is also unpleasant for the pest. Use the branches with the bark - it allocates essential substances. You need to stick at least through the meter along the beds with seedlings and thin branches change weekly on fresh.
  4. Beer traps: This drink is attracted by the Medveda. It is necessary to use bottles with a fairly wide neck, bottle are suitable from under milk. Insert them in the aisles to be obliteled, at an angle of 45 degrees, on the bottom of the beer (no more than 1/3 bottles). The main thing is that the Gorryshko turns out to be in the earth or a little lower. Inside the pests to endure from beer and destroy. Menate beer at least once a week. Such traps are really triggered.
  5. A little scares the union of the smell of Luke, you need to approximately half an eye on the onion husk on 10 liters of water - it's a lot, actually collect the husk need all year round. Pour it with boiling water and insist the day, although you can cook on a garden furnace about 20 minutes. Then strain and the resulting solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4 or 1: 5. Water with a solution to pronounced seedlings, but not on dry ground, but after the main irrigation or rain. The method in fact helps weakly, offered from hopelessness.
  6. Does not like Kapoolenka and the smell of velvetsev, these colors have plenty of advantages, the roots scare up the pool, the flowers attract pollinators, the smell of leaves scare the TRU and Clahodradian beetle. However, the method is not a reliable, a slight decrease in pests is, but it does not help to get rid of it.

Effective methods of combating the bear

Checked methods are, however, you still need to attach the effort. For example, Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov advises to use the fact that the Medveda in the warm season lives only in the surface layers of the soil, does not roet the moves deeper than 15 cm in light soil and not deeper 10 cm in dense. Therefore, the technical method of struggle is to burst the walls of the bed, so that Kapoulinka does not get through it. However, we do not forget that the pest can fly from place to place, and in addition, in the spring, getting off to the surface, from the meter depth can dug the course across the bed.

Pepper springs spouse

If you want to truly protect the landing - you need to do high beds with sides of about 50 cm high and 15-20 cm in the ground. Really helps. The disadvantage - Kapoolenka remains on the plot, continues to damage vegetables that cannot be planted for high beds, as well as the seedlings of fruit trees.

Cropped banks or bottles protect vegetables seedlings

Another simple way that has been practicing many gardeners at the stage of planting seedlings of vegetables is a rings of plastic bottles. It is better to take 2-liter wide bottles, but mayonnaise buckets or plastic cups from sour cream or sour cream are suitable. Cut the bottom to get a ring at least 20 cm high. And plant seedlings into it. Ring Jack so that 5 cm protection protrudes over the ground (sometimes the bear is climbing on the ground). The disadvantage is that the protection is temporary, while the seedlings are young, but often this is enough until it grow up, crept and get root.

Potatoes suffer very much from the bear, turns out its pest so that no velvets helps, but helps deep loosening of rods and dip. You need to loosen at least once every two weeks, at a depth of 15 cm - it ruins the nests. In order not to make a mistake with the place where to walk the hoe, mark the rows of planting potatoes. Potatoes from the Colorado Beetle are more reliably protected - prestige or prestigirator, but whether chemistry use is to solve you.

If you refuse to use insecticides, it remains to lure the bear from the hole in the traditional ways of gardeners:

  • Pour soap water or water with vegetable oil in holes
  • Cutting a cotton swab or a cloth moistened with kerosene or gasoline in Nora

The unfounded creature is to destroy (cut the shovel), but you need to find nests, they are next to the inlet - Kapustyanki and their larvae need oxygen. It remains to raise the passage and find a nest. Some are trying to add it with your finger, but usually it is a little further, just filming the turn of the scoop. Eggs can be burned or soaked in gasoline like colorado.

Preparations from Medveda

For the Medveda are toxic (poisonous) insecticides from a group of phosphorus compounds, neonicotinoids, pyreroids.

These chemical preparations are sold in garden and flower stores in the form of solutions or suspensions for spraying colors and vegetables, i.e. Preparation of aqueous solution. But there are special drugs from the Medveda - with the same active substances entered in the bait, i.e. in the finished form, it seems all this on cat feeds, only color shades (usually greenish).

Finished poisoning for a poison in granules have attractive to pests with taste and smell:

Fenasin Plus Rubit Granules - It is not that other than carboofos (phosphorodorganic compounds), the rate of payment of 100g / 10 m2, to a depth of 2-5 cm. This tool causes the misstate the misstate when eating for 3 hours, the rubbish is preserved up to 20 days, not phytotoxic. Analogs: Alatar, Anti-Claus, Inta-C-M, Spark M, Fufanon Nova, Carbofos.

Medvedox - the active substance Diazinon (phosphorodorganic compounds) is also quite effective, the rate of application is 3 g / m2 to a depth of 3-5 cm. This drug besides the Medveda protects from the cabbage flies, a wire, whoning is to enter the wells when landing. The manufacturer promises protection up to 60 days. Analogs: Barguzin, Vallar, Grizzly, Thunder, Thunder-2, Earthlis, Medvegon, Muravyin, Moged, Polar, Provotox, Terradox.

Rofocus is an active ingredient imidaclopride (nononicotinoids), the norms of making 30 g / 10 m2, to a depth of 3-5 cm, protects additionally from the wedge. Analogs: confident, spark gold, prestigerator, prestige, taper, etc.

Any poison is desirable to start applying to seedlings for 7-10 days. As a rule, 100% of destruction they do not give, do not lose the vigilance and when discovering Nor take additional measures.

If you bought a ready-made poison from the Medveda - it just needs to be poured into a hole when landing either in a mink of pest.

If you bought a nadohymick in the form of an emulsion concentrate (in ampoules or vial) you need to prepare the poison from the cabbustan with your own hands: boil wheat (grain), barley, oats, barley or corn to the state of the semi-preparedness (not in porridge). Cool and focus with kerifies.