Repairs Design Furniture

Cells for quail from the grid. Cells for quail: basic requirements, assembly with your own hands. Cage for quail from vegetable plastic boxes

Making cages for quail with their own hands easily, having a drawing and simplest tool at hand. The main material for the house is a mesh, but boards, plywood and even plastic boxes are suitable.

Requirements for cells

Before looking for drawings with cell size for quails, it is necessary to study the optimal conditions for breeding birds. The design of each house will differ depending on the age of the feathery, as well as, for what purposes they are grown.

The cell device makes many requirements, but it is important to comply with at least 3 important:

  1. Lack of high humidity. Inside it should be pure, dry. Optimal air temperature about + 20 o C.
  2. Each design is designed for the content of a certain amount of livestock. You can not overfill them.
  3. Depending on the age of individual, the grid is selected with a suitable cell size. It is impossible young to settle in a house with a large-scale grid.

Quail very grated. Dominics with birds are located in places protected from noise, bright light, drafts.

Tip! It is easier to produce cells from the grid itself, but quail more comfortable in houses with partially closed walls.

Cell drawings for quail

Considering the drawing of the cell for quail, it is necessary to immediately decide on the number of livestock. One bird on average requires 1.5 dm 3 free space. The optimal height of cages for quails is 250 mm. Reducing the space for one individual is impossible. Quail will decrease egg production. Grown individuals on meat will lose weight.

The cell adult nurses make 25 cm high, 100 cm wide, 60 cm deep. The dimensions can be changed by 5-10 cm. The length of the feeders is calculated so that 2.5 cm are discharged by 1 head.

Dimensions of cells for multi-age quail

In their own hands, the cells for home breeding quails sizes differ from the intended population of the number of livestock. An adult flock of 10 individuals take up to 17 dm 2 free square. A similar amount of nonaxes area is reduced to 12 dm 2. Most often, the houses are populated 10, 30 and 50 pets. Dimensions data for a specific number of livestock displays the table.

How to make a simple cage for quails: Step-by-step instructions

Beginner birds are optimally the first time to start 20 birds. For such a quantity, the cell circuit for quails assembled with their own hands is as follows:

  • width - 70 cm;
  • depth - 35 cm;
  • height - 20 cm.

Dimensions can be changed by increasing the depth of 60 cm, height - up to 30 cm. Housing inhabitants must have enough free space. The frame is collected from bars with a cross section of 25 x 50 mm or a corner with side shelves of 25 x 25 mm. The ceiling, sides and the back wall cut out of plywood. The floor is filling from a grid with narrow cells of 16 x 24 mm. The front wall is sewn a large-scale mesh with a cell size of 32 x 48 mm.

Tip! The side shelves and the rear wall can be built out of the grid if the design will stand inside the barn, where there are no drafts.

Collecting a step-by-step cage with your own hands for quails as follows:

  1. From bars collect wooden frame. Elements are connected by self-drawing, enhance with mounting corners. If the frame will be metallic, the corners are welded with each other or take to the bolts.
  2. Phaneur or mesh are applied to the walls, dimensions mark, cut into fragments. To the wooden frame Fanera is fixed with self-draws. The walls from the grid to the bruus or the corner easier to fasten the wire. According to a similar scheme, a plywood ceiling is made.
  3. The grid is cut onto the floor. For conventional livestock, it is attached to the frame at exactly. If the design is designed for non-bumps, the floor is made with a bias of 10 o to the front wall. The grid is cut on 10 cm width more from the frame. From the stock is wound up the egg collector.
  4. Fix the floor start from the back wall. The bias are made so that 3 cm gap for pumping eggs outside the cell in the egg collector is formed between the lower end of the front wall and the floor mesh.
  5. On the front wall in the grid, the rectangular window of arbitrary size is cut. It will be the door. The carved piece of the grid is used for the sash, securing the fragment by homemade loops, deposited from the wire.

The finished design is equipped with a feeder, drinker, under the bottom installed the pallet under the falling litter.

On the presented video cells for quail:

Cells for quail with their own hands

The presented descriptions and photos of cells for quail will help to easily assemble the design.

From the grid and wooden frame

The bar is popular as a material for creating a frame. It is easier to mount the liner from the grid or plywood. The height of the same cell frame is 20 cm, the depth is 35 cm, the width is 70 cm. Multi-tiered complexes often create for compactness. Cells plunge on each other with a pile or manufactured on shared racks. Between each tier leave a free clearance for the pallet. The racks from the bar are cut taking into account the legs.

Size the dimensions of the grid for quail cells with a roulette along the side elements of the frame. The back wall, the sides and the ceiling fragment can be chopped out of plywood. If the house will stand in the barn, the frame is all the grid. The floor together with the egg collector is attached to a slope of a fine grid. The feeder is hanging outside, so that the quail got feed only head, squeezing through the wide cells of the grid.

From the grid without a frame

Collect homemade cells for quail breeding is easiest of the same grid. Elements are connected without a frame. The principle of assembly is as follows:

The frameless model is better to use as a single-tier design. Dimensions can be increased to 50 heads. Installing tiers, frameless houses are undesirable due to the strip of construction.

How to make a cage from plywood for quail

Wooden cells for quails with the street content of the bird are in demand. The solid side walls are closed from drafts and wind. The frame is collected from the bar. Boc, ceiling, rear wall - from plywood. The floor and the facial wall are mounted from the grid.

The size of a house for 20 quails is similarly taking 20x35x70 cm. The manufacturing process is similar to the frame design. To reliably, the Phaneur in the place of docking with a bar is washed with carbon black, and then fixed by self-drawing. In the side plywood elements, a pair of venetian-solids with a diameter of 3 cm is drilled. The finished house is treated with an antiseptic before population of feathered pets, lacquer.

Tip! Wooden cells are very stable. They can be put on each other if the length of the livestock is supposed.

How do you easily build a cell from plastic boxes for quail content

If you gave a couple of quails, and there is no place to keep them, the accommodation is easy to build from vegetable plastic boxes. It will take 2 low containers and 1 height more than 17 cm. Boxes must be the same dimensions.

The assembly process occurs in this order:

  1. All drawers scold protruding legs.
  2. Low container will execute the role of the pallet. A high drawer plunge him. From the second low container make the ceiling. Between themselves, 3 drawers are connected wire.
  3. On the front wall, the holes are done to quail the heads are turned to the feeder. To do this, sufficiently cut partially jumpers with a side shelf of a high drawer.
  4. The door is more convenient to do in the ceiling, drinking the hole on the bottom of the top container.

Quail enough plastic box at the initial stage, it is only necessary to put the container under food and water.

Cellular battery for quail

In order to compact use of the place of the cell for the content of quails, it is more convenient to plunge stack, forming a battery. Initially, the design can be collected whole on total racks. The frame is better to do from the steel profile, since a large amount of quail livestock creates an impressive load.

For three tiers, 6 legs are prepared with a length of 170 cm. In the corners there are 4 supports and 2 intermediates. 3 tiers are formed from the jumpers, where the first bottom is located at 70-80 cm from the ground. Between the ceiling by the lower and floor of the higher cells, it is possible to gap 3 cm under the pallet. It is cut from the galvanized sheet. Cut the frame with a metal grid. The size of each cell is obtained with a height of 25 cm, a depth of 60 cm, 70 cm long.

Tip! In a large battery, the length can be increased to 1.4 m. At the point of attachment of the intermediate racks inside the cells put partitions. It turns out instead of three six cells.

Brawra design for chicks

Bruner is a cozy warm house for chicks. Make it in the form of a box of plywood. The floor is covered with a grid with narrow cells a maximum of 10x10 mm. In the ceiling plate cut holes - outstands. You can put the grid instead of plywood. Then the ceiling is covered with a piece of fiberboard to preserve heat. The front wall is made from a fine grid or plexiglass. The feeders are small chicks inside the Bruder. Be sure to provide lamps backlight and heating.

Make a housing for quails is easy. Several useful tips will help improve the design:

  1. For cellular batteries, optimally organize 3 tiers. Maximum them can be increased to 4 pieces. A larger number of tiers complicates the care of quail.
  2. The lower tier is preferably to raise the maximum from the floor so that the birds do not hurt from drafts.
  3. Multi-tiered batteries are fixed with rear wall to a stable support, for example, building wall.

Fold the cells are much easier than to contain quail themselves. First, the newcomer is preferably trying to start to 10 individuals. If everything goes well, the livestock increases.


Cells for quails do not need to do huge. Birds inside should feel comfortable, but free to move.

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It is possible to grow quail even on a small area, because these birds do not occupy a lot of space, they consume little feed, but differ in high productivity. Cells for quails with their own hands - a great way to provide the birds optimal conditions of content, and at the same time save money on the purchase of the necessary equipment, especially since it is possible to make them with your own hands according to drawings using infirm materials.

In this article you will find drawings and step-by-step instructions for making cells from the grid, wood and plywood.

Is it possible to make a cage for quail with your own hands

To make a cage for quail with your own hands, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions, in which all stages of manufacture are described in detail.

In production, you need to consider several important factors. (picture 1):

  • Number of birdswill be contained in the farm;
  • Egg trays and pallets for litter, which greatly facilitate bird care;
  • Places for fastening, Feeders and additional heating equipment.

You also need to prepare the material from which the design (plywood, metal mesh or tree) will be made, and select the tools needed to work. For the assembly, you will need scissors for metal, hacksaw, self-tapping screws and a stapler for fastening the mesh.

Figure 1. Main types of cages for quail

According to step-by-step instructions, the design is manufactured so:

  1. Cut the blank for the rear and side walls, and the lid of the future cell.
  2. Make a frame of wooden bars and copp it with self-buildings or nails. The tree is grinning and treated with an antiseptic so that the birds are accidentally injected.
  3. The front wall is made from a metal mesh with large cells so that the birds can freely cover their heads in it, and reach me to food or water.
  4. The floor is made from a grid with small cells, and the pallet is set to collect the litter.

To simplify the collection of eggs, equip a special tray with a bent edge, which is a kind of continuation of the floor.


Regardless of the number of birds contained in the economy, for each age category, their cells are needed: for newborn chicks, young, nurses, birds intended for a slaughter and dilution features.

Before starting work, you must necessarily take into account the age of individuals (Figure 2):

  • For small chicks Tools brower with artificial lighting and heating system. It is a box with transparent (preferably glass) walls and lid. In such a bruder, the stable temperature and humidity required for growing healthy young people are constantly maintained.
  • Young birds And adult individuals do not need a closed space, so they can be kept in small cells with mesh floors. The older the bird is, the larger the cell size can be.
  • Adult birdsintended for breeding or slaughter on meat, contain in small structures from plywood, plastic or wood.
  • For non-sleeps Tools special houses with inclined floors for eggs.

Figure 2. Types of designs from mesh, plastic and plywood

In general, all models have the same design. The exceptions are only models for meat breeds: they must be small and low to limit the movements of birds, slowing their puberty and increasing the increase in live weight.


Since quail has a restless character, it is easy to scare from sharp sounds, the main requirement for the equipment is the safety of birds.

All materials that are used for manufacture should not have sharp corners or irregularities so that the birds are accidentally injected. The floor is recommended to be covered with a grid corresponding to the age of birds through which a litter and garbage will fall on the pallet, but the legs of the birds will not be stuck in the grid.

In addition, you need to choose materials that are easy to clean and disinfection. For this purpose, it is possible to use polished wood, phaneur, metal mesh or plastic.


Metal mesh and plywood are considered the most popular materials. They are easily processed, clean, and their surface is fairly smooth and safe for quails.

For the manufacture use drawings that allow you to make the design of the desired size. As a rule, we first make a wooden frame, which is later trimmed with a mesh or plywood.

Note: Even if the cell is made of plywood or tree, its front is made from the grid, since it is much easier to mount feeders and drinkers.

To simplify cleaning, the upper part makes removable or provide for the loop, so that, if necessary, the cell can be easily discovered for cleaning and disinfection.

Make a cage for quails with your own hands: Scheme

The quail cell scheme is very simple. It consists of a frame and the trim, which is fixed throughout the perimeter.

Such a design allows you to quickly make a product from undergraduate materials with minimal labor costs. Drawings for construction are shown in Figure 3.

More information about the construction of cells for quail you will find in the video.

Place for building

Figure 3. Basic drawings for manufacture

In summer, the cells can be placed in the shade of trees and other buildings, away from noise, and in the winter - to transfer to heated barn with ventilation. Since quailing enough restless birds, it will be better to place them in a quiet place with a small shadow.

Production of cells for quails with their own hands: video

Details of the manufacture of quail cells are shown in the video. From it you will learn how to properly select materials for construction, and in what order should be assembled so that the finished product is solid and durable.

How to make a cage for quail from wood

Wood products are most often used to maintain a small number of individuals. This material has several important advantages. First, it is environmentally friendly and does not harm the health of birds. Secondly, wood is a relatively inexpensive material that is easy to process and grinding.

To properly make a wooden cage, you need to take into account some features of its manufacture.

Features of construction

Depending on the number of individuals, they can be single or combined in the section. Single made on the basis of a frame-based frame, which simply is trimmed with sheets of polished wood.

Multi-tiered are also made on the frame, but the side and top compartments are attached to the wall to the wall.

Schemes: Wooden Cage for Quail

Wooden structures are made by their own hands according to the drawings, with which you can comfortably place all birds (Figure 4).

To begin with, a frame of a suitable size is knocked down, and then the side walls, the floor and the upper cover are fixed to it. For ventilation in the side walls, small holes are drilled. The front door is made from the grid fixed on the canopy, so that it was convenient to clean inside, and the feeder and cream could be hung on the grid.

Figure 4. Examples of manufacture of wooden models

Wooden floor is desirable to cover the grid at a short distance from the board. It is better if the floor is retractable (by type pallet) so that you can quickly collect the accumulated litter and trash. If they contain nails, the floor is made under a slight bias, and at the end make a small chute for eggs.

Choosing a place

Wooden cells, compared with similar products from the grid, sufficiently massive, so before their manufacture you need to immediately decide on the place where birds will be located.

They are better placed on multi-tiered racks indoors with good air-exhaust ventilation. Quail perfectly transfer such content without reducing egg production, so it is possible to place them in any building, and if one or two bird is even on the balcony in the urban apartment.

How to place quail

Wrong conditions of detention negatively affect the egg and meat productivity of birds. To avoid such difficulties, you need to correctly place the livestock, focusing on the age of birds.

Young age up to 10 days will be seeded in Bruders - special heating boxes and artificial lighting, where they adapt to new living conditions.

Models for non-bulls should be quite spacious, since with the complete absence of movement in females, egg production is significantly reduced. Meat birds, on the contrary, contain in small and low cells. Individuals intended for breeding are in pairs.

Cage for quails from plywood with their own hands

One of the optimal options for construction is the manufacture of plywood. It is inexpensive and practical material with which it is easy to work, and the finished product is easy to clean and disinfect.

Make a cage from plywood just, if you know certain features of manufacture.

Features of construction

As in the case of polished wood, plywood models are made on the basis of the framework, to which the walls are fixed. The frame can be made from a grinded tree treated with antiseptic (Figure 5).

Also, for the framework, fittings are used, but in this case you need to ensure that the rods are not rusty and not sticking out inside the cells, because birds can easily be drunk.

Construction scheme

The scheme of the manufacture of plywood cells is very simple, and its construction on a long time.

It is done in several stages:

  1. Cut wall blanks: side sizes 350 * 200mm, rear 700 * 200mm, ceiling - 700 * 350mm.
  2. In the side walls drill ventilation holes.
  3. Details are treated with antiseptic or varnish.
  4. Billets are fixed to the frame with the help of corners and screws.
  5. The grid is laid on the floor under a slight bias. The size of the cells depends on the age of birds: what they are older, the larger there can be cells.
  6. The door from the grid is fixed on the front wall.

Figure 5. Production of plywood structures

At the final stage, a feeder and cream are installed on the door, and you can proceed to the population of birds.

Calculation of materials

Calculating the number of cells according to the schemes, you can independently calculate the number of materials, guided by the schemes shown above.

How quailing must be in the cell

On average, for a cell with a floor area of \u200b\u200b20-30 cm, a normal content of 5-6 adult birds is considered normal. But optimal is considered when in a cell in size 150 * 50 cm contains up to 80 heads.

Cells for quail with their own hands made from well-made materials will cost three times cheaper of finished fixtures. Homemade devices are universal, suitable for cottages and apartments. It is possible to build functional poultry houses in 1-2 hours with a minimum set of tool - from plywood, plastic drawer, wood or combined materials. Take into account that the size of the quail house affect the quality of eggs and meat.

Dilution of quails at home is a profitable business. The demand for eggs and feed meat is there, the feed consumption is small, the departure of the minimum - birds live even in the apartment.

Ready factory cells are quite expensive

Poultry farm with experience determine the size of the formula: the area for planting one individual - 1, for non-paste - 1.2 sq.m. Do the poultry drawing at the rate of 10 or multiple the number of heads. Maximum - 50 quails, but in the conditions of the apartment contain such a number of birds in one poultry house undesirable. The problem is not only in the design dimensions - the high concentration of quails in the closed space affects their health, the number of eggs. As an example, the drawing of the cell for 30 birds, its size is 1 meter in length, 0.4 meters wide. To grow meat quails, the specified parameters increase by 5 cm.

Frameless Cell Scheme for Quail Content

Quail small, it will be comfortable in cells height 18-20 cm. The smaller height, the larger than the bird. It is beneficial for business, because non-bunches are quickly added in weight, their egg production rises.

The height of the cell should not exceed 25 cm, otherwise the birds will bounce and injure. Cage made of metal mesh

Poultry Content Requirements

How to make a cage for quail in which birds will be comfortable? To do this, you can use simple advice:

  • For breeding birds at home, it is necessary for a separate room or isolated from other animals space.
  • Bright light worries birds, so you need soft natural or artificial lighting.
  • Non-sucking places should be regularly ventured - you will have to take care of ventilation or a window.
  • Quail is afraid of cold and drafts. The room temperature should not be below 20-24 degrees, above zero.

Constructive features

The finished drawing is on the Internet there are enough of them - will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe correct cell design.

Pay attention to the shape of the egg collector - it protrudes over the front wall for 10 centimeters, equipped with protective sides, so that the eggs do not roll on the floor.

Cell scheme in context

The floor in the cells is inclined so that the eggs are free to rolling on it. But if the angle of inclination exceeds 10 °, the birds will start going down. Observation of the parameters will help the difference of the height of the front and rear walls in 5 cm. At the height of the rear wall 18 cm, the size of the front wall is 23 cm.

The cells of 1x1 cm wide, 1.2x1.2 cm is enough so that the birds do not get out of the cell.

For the convenience of bird care, the door is recommended to do on the front wall. Sometimes the poultry products combine the wall and the door, fixing it on the frame with loops or other locks to save space. With the same purpose, multi-tiered poultry houses are made.

Multi-tiered poultry house


Cells for quails are made of different materials. Usually used those at hand, or those that are cheaper:

  • Metal grid.
  • Wood.
  • Plywood.
  • Plastic boxes.

Cage from plywood for 20 birds

Each material has pros and cons. Metal mesh at home wins strength, durability, hygienicness. Soldering lamp, burner, boiling water are suitable for metal disinfection. Metal lattices do not interfere with the sunshine - light completely fills the cell.

The manufacture of structures from the tree is popular because the wood is an environmentally friendly material, it looks aesthetically in any interior. Lack of wooden structures - limited disinfection methods. An open fire cannot be used, chemical solutions can damage the structure of wood.

Plastic Mesh Cage with Wooden Karks

With high humidity, wood is deformed, dampness accumulates in the cell and fungus is formed - a favorable environment for harmful bacteria. It is advisable to treat the cage by antifungal solutions and more often clean during operation.

Plastic Birds

Making cells from vegetable or fruit boxes takes an hour of time. Calculate the size of the frame, do not have to do the drawing - you can immediately start the installation. You will need:

  • 1 High (30 cm) and 2 low (10-15 cm) boxes of the same length and width.
  • Metal hacksaw.
  • Metal wire.

Cell from fruit boxes can be made per hour

Cut the corner protrusions from above from the box. Take a low box - it will replace the pallet in the cage - and install a large box on it.

From above, cover the large box of the second low instead of the lid. It is important to choose the same size of plastic structures so that the angles coincided, and the structure was stable. Then secure plastic boxes with metal wire, rush holes for light and move them. The size of the cells on the front side should be such that the birds watered heads to them and enjoyed the feeder.

Compartments for feed and drink are attached to the outer side of the front wall. The door cuts over on the front wall and is fixed to the cage frame with metal wire.

Domestic poultry is ready - it remains to settle quails. Cells for quails with their own hands from plastic boxes - cheap, hygienic and aesthetic option.

Combined cage

For the manufacture of combination design at home, wood (plywood) and metal mesh will be needed. The drawing includes:

  • Frame.
  • Sidewalls.
  • Rear walls.
  • Gender (collection for eggs).
  • Pallet.
  • Fixtures for feed and water.

First cut out wooden framework elements: roof, backs, sidewalls, pallet. The size of the structure is calculated by the formula indicated above, taking into account the number of quails. Then you do the holes with a diameter of 10-20 mm in the sidewalls for normal illumination of the cell and fasten the wooden parts with each other.

Manufacture of wooden frame

The next step is the floor mount, the collection for eggs to the frame. The floor is cut out of the metal grid and fixed by self-drawing so that a 10 centimeter protrusion remains ahead. Do not forget that the floor in houses for quail is oblique.

Final stage - installation of feeders and drinkers at a level slightly above breast of quail.

The drawing of the metal cell is the same as the combined structures. The only difference is that the frame in the first case is made of steel or aluminum pipes, a metal profile.

Homemade combined cells

For multi-tiered structures, a separate drawing will not be required - tiers of the same size installed one on the other and fixed with wire.

Poultry care

Clean the pallet from the accumulated waste twice a day and rinse it safe for quail with a disinfectant. Use the filler for bird pallets - it neutralizes the unpleasant odor. Ideally, you must have two replaceable pallets. Regularly ventilate the room, remove the waking food and do not forget to change the water quail.

It is possible to grow quail even on a small area, because these birds do not occupy a lot of space, they consume little feed, but differ in high productivity. Cells for quails with their own hands - a great way to provide the birds optimal conditions of content, and at the same time save money on the purchase of the necessary equipment, especially since it is possible to make them with your own hands according to drawings using infirm materials.

In this article you will find drawings and step-by-step instructions for making cells from the grid, wood and plywood.

Is it possible to make a cage for quail with your own hands

To make a cage for quail with your own hands, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions, in which all stages of manufacture are described in detail.

In production, you need to consider several important factors. (picture 1):

  • Number of birdswill be contained in the farm;
  • Egg trays and pallets for litter, which greatly facilitate bird care;
  • Places for fastening, Feeders and additional heating equipment.

You also need to prepare the material from which the design (plywood, metal mesh or tree) will be made, and select the tools needed to work. For the assembly, you will need scissors for metal, hacksaw, self-tapping screws and a stapler for fastening the mesh.

Figure 1. Main types of cages for quail

According to step-by-step instructions, the design is manufactured so:

  1. Cut the blank for the rear and side walls, and the lid of the future cell.
  2. Make a frame of wooden bars and copp it with self-buildings or nails. The tree is grinning and treated with an antiseptic so that the birds are accidentally injected.
  3. The front wall is made from a metal mesh with large cells so that the birds can freely cover their heads in it, and reach me to food or water.
  4. The floor is made from a grid with small cells, and the pallet is set to collect the litter.

To simplify the collection of eggs, equip a special tray with a bent edge, which is a kind of continuation of the floor.


Regardless of the number of birds contained in the economy, for each age category, their cells are needed: for newborn chicks, young, nurses, birds intended for a slaughter and dilution features.

Before starting work, you must necessarily take into account the age of individuals (Figure 2):

  • For small chicks Tools brower with artificial lighting and heating system. It is a box with transparent (preferably glass) walls and lid. In such a bruder, the stable temperature and humidity required for growing healthy young people are constantly maintained.
  • Young birds And adult individuals do not need a closed space, so they can be kept in small cells with mesh floors. The older the bird is, the larger the cell size can be.
  • Adult birdsintended for breeding or slaughter on meat, contain in small structures from plywood, plastic or wood.
  • For non-sleeps Tools special houses with inclined floors for eggs.

Figure 2. Types of designs from mesh, plastic and plywood

In general, all models have the same design. The exceptions are only models for meat breeds: they must be small and low to limit the movements of birds, slowing their puberty and increasing the increase in live weight.


Since quail has a restless character, it is easy to scare from sharp sounds, the main requirement for the equipment is the safety of birds.

All materials that are used for manufacture should not have sharp corners or irregularities so that the birds are accidentally injected. The floor is recommended to be covered with a grid corresponding to the age of birds through which a litter and garbage will fall on the pallet, but the legs of the birds will not be stuck in the grid.

In addition, you need to choose materials that are easy to clean and disinfection. For this purpose, it is possible to use polished wood, phaneur, metal mesh or plastic.


Metal mesh and plywood are considered the most popular materials. They are easily processed, clean, and their surface is fairly smooth and safe for quails.

For the manufacture use drawings that allow you to make the design of the desired size. As a rule, we first make a wooden frame, which is later trimmed with a mesh or plywood.

Note: Even if the cell is made of plywood or tree, its front is made from the grid, since it is much easier to mount feeders and drinkers.

To simplify cleaning, the upper part makes removable or provide for the loop, so that, if necessary, the cell can be easily discovered for cleaning and disinfection.

Make a cage for quails with your own hands: Scheme

The quail cell scheme is very simple. It consists of a frame and the trim, which is fixed throughout the perimeter.

Such a design allows you to quickly make a product from undergraduate materials with minimal labor costs. Drawings for construction are shown in Figure 3.

More information about the construction of cells for quail you will find in the video.

Place for building

Figure 3. Basic drawings for manufacture

In summer, the cells can be placed in the shade of trees and other buildings, away from noise, and in the winter - to transfer to heated barn with ventilation. Since quailing enough restless birds, it will be better to place them in a quiet place with a small shadow.

Production of cells for quails with their own hands: video

Details of the manufacture of quail cells are shown in the video. From it you will learn how to properly select materials for construction, and in what order should be assembled so that the finished product is solid and durable.

How to make a cage for quail from wood

Wood products are most often used to maintain a small number of individuals. This material has several important advantages. First, it is environmentally friendly and does not harm the health of birds. Secondly, wood is a relatively inexpensive material that is easy to process and grinding.

To properly make a wooden cage, you need to take into account some features of its manufacture.

Features of construction

Depending on the number of individuals, they can be single or combined in the section. Single made on the basis of a frame-based frame, which simply is trimmed with sheets of polished wood.

Multi-tiered are also made on the frame, but the side and top compartments are attached to the wall to the wall.

Schemes: Wooden Cage for Quail

Wooden structures are made by their own hands according to the drawings, with which you can comfortably place all birds (Figure 4).

To begin with, a frame of a suitable size is knocked down, and then the side walls, the floor and the upper cover are fixed to it. For ventilation in the side walls, small holes are drilled. The front door is made from the grid fixed on the canopy, so that it was convenient to clean inside, and the feeder and cream could be hung on the grid.

Figure 4. Examples of manufacture of wooden models

Wooden floor is desirable to cover the grid at a short distance from the board. It is better if the floor is retractable (by type pallet) so that you can quickly collect the accumulated litter and trash. If they contain nails, the floor is made under a slight bias, and at the end make a small chute for eggs.

Choosing a place

Wooden cells, compared with similar products from the grid, sufficiently massive, so before their manufacture you need to immediately decide on the place where birds will be located.

They are better placed on multi-tiered racks indoors with good air-exhaust ventilation. Quail perfectly transfer such content without reducing egg production, so it is possible to place them in any building, and if one or two bird is even on the balcony in the urban apartment.

How to place quail

Wrong conditions of detention negatively affect the egg and meat productivity of birds. To avoid such difficulties, you need to correctly place the livestock, focusing on the age of birds.

Young age up to 10 days will be seeded in Bruders - special heating boxes and artificial lighting, where they adapt to new living conditions.

Models for non-bulls should be quite spacious, since with the complete absence of movement in females, egg production is significantly reduced. Meat birds, on the contrary, contain in small and low cells. Individuals intended for breeding are in pairs.

Cage for quails from plywood with their own hands

One of the optimal options for construction is the manufacture of plywood. It is inexpensive and practical material with which it is easy to work, and the finished product is easy to clean and disinfect.

Make a cage from plywood just, if you know certain features of manufacture.

Features of construction

As in the case of polished wood, plywood models are made on the basis of the framework, to which the walls are fixed. The frame can be made from a grinded tree treated with antiseptic (Figure 5).

Also, for the framework, fittings are used, but in this case you need to ensure that the rods are not rusty and not sticking out inside the cells, because birds can easily be drunk.

Construction scheme

The scheme of the manufacture of plywood cells is very simple, and its construction on a long time.

It is done in several stages:

  1. Cut wall blanks: side sizes 350 * 200mm, rear 700 * 200mm, ceiling - 700 * 350mm.
  2. In the side walls drill ventilation holes.
  3. Details are treated with antiseptic or varnish.
  4. Billets are fixed to the frame with the help of corners and screws.
  5. The grid is laid on the floor under a slight bias. The size of the cells depends on the age of birds: what they are older, the larger there can be cells.
  6. The door from the grid is fixed on the front wall.

Figure 5. Production of plywood structures

At the final stage, a feeder and cream are installed on the door, and you can proceed to the population of birds.

Calculation of materials

Calculating the number of cells according to the schemes, you can independently calculate the number of materials, guided by the schemes shown above.

How quailing must be in the cell

On average, for a cell with a floor area of \u200b\u200b20-30 cm, a normal content of 5-6 adult birds is considered normal. But optimal is considered when in a cell in size 150 * 50 cm contains up to 80 heads.

Due to the simplicity of the content, home rewrings uses the status of the owners favorite, providing their useful products. Proper housing arrangement for these birds is a guarantee of good growth and reproduction, which allows to obtain a sufficient amount of meat and eggs. You can make cages for quails with your own hands using simple diagrams and drawings.

Basic requirements for cakes for quails

Deciding to start quail, it is advisable to bother in advance about the presence of durable and comfortable cells, allowing you to provide the necessary conditions for the life of birds. Designs can be purchased in specialized stores, but for fans of reasonable savings the best option will be their creation with their own hands. This will allow not only to save the tools, but also to optimize the space.

Definite requirements are presented to the conditions of content and cells for quail.

  1. The absence of dampness in the room, compliance with a certain temperature regime in the range of 18-20 degrees. This significantly reduces the number of bird diseases leading to death.
  2. When quailing in cells, it is important to comply with their quantity. So, the top ten of birds selected for reproduction, it will take a cell 15-17 dm². And to obtain food eggs and meat, the landing density should not exceed 10-12 dm².
  3. The size of the mesh cells must be selected depending on the age group of birds. It's too large for young people, the chicks will easily tear through it.

When creating a cell, it should be remembered that the overwhelms are very bugles and poorly carry a large number of external stimuli. Protect them from exposure to drafts, loud noise and unnecessary illumination. Regardless of the chosen type of design, the cell must be as closed and made of durable material.

Materials from which you can make cells do it yourself

The most acceptable options when creating the rear and side walls - boards, galvanizing, plastic and plywood. And the front of the cell is traditionally manufactured from a small mesh or rods located at a short distance from each other. Front there is a hinged feeder.

The front of the cell is made of the grille, leaving the bird feeding hole

To comply with the purity in a quail cell, it is performed from a small grid, under which the pallet must be installed, which allows you to remove the accumulated litter. Such homemade cells can be installed one to another, which allows you to save space indoors.

As the experience of most bird owners shows, cells are completely not suitable for their content, completely made from the mesh material. In such designs, quail behave restlessly, due to the constant stress, they practically do not carry, poorly gaining weight, press each other.

Parts of the cells are made from different materials:

Cell from combined materials can be made independently Frame cells make from a metal profile Mesh cell must be strengthened with dense materials: wood, plywood or cloth Battery for quails helps save space

In the manufacture of cells for quails, it is very important to take into account the age of birds and the ultimate goal of the content. There are several basic types of structures:

  • bRODERS: For small chicks from birth to 10 days;
  • cells for young age up to 45 days;
  • structures containing adult birds;
  • cells to obtain a food egg;
  • individual premises for the parental herd;
  • special cells for fattening on meat.

All hatched chicks, professional breeders are immediately placed in specially equipped brudes. They allow you to maintain the necessary temperature for the harmonious and proper development of young people. In addition, such structures must be additionally equipped with a round-the-clock lighting system, without which the full growth of chicks is impossible. These cells must be closed with the size of the mesh cell of 10x10 mm. The feeder and drinking are placed inside the box. It is desirable that in such conditions of quail were located for 2-3 weeks from the date of birth.

Bruds for Quail - Gallery

Inside the BRUDER, it is necessary to maintain comfortable temperature and illumination Bruder helps to grow up to 90% of young quail Bruner provides good conditions for growing and developing

Keeping cubs should be translated into a new cell equipped with a larger floor mesh, which allows you to carry out thorough cleaning. Recommended cell size - 16x24 mm. The design itself can also be made from the grid with the size of the cells of 24x24 mm.

The best option for adult quail - combined cells manufactured from plywood and grid. To ensure the comfort of nashcheys, the bottom of the design should be located under a slope of 7 to 8 degrees to the drinking. The cell requires an egg collector, to organize which can be due to the continuation of the bottom length equipped with the limiter. The size of the DNA mesh cells should be 16x24 mm, and a mesh with a cell size of 32x48 mm will suit the creation of the side walls.

Dimensions and diagrams of cells depending on the number of birds

The main task of the poultry of the dilution of quails in order to obtain meat is the creation of conditions under which birds will be sedimed. For this, in the manufacture of cells, the parameters of its height reduce. Such structures are traditionally performed from a grid with a cell 32x48 mm, providing a sufficient level of lighting that affects the growth of birds.

The size of the cell, depending on the number of poultry, is bred to obtain meat - table

The optimal height of the structure is usually 240-250 mm. For accommodation one twink, according to approximate calculations, 1.5 DM 3 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire design is required. With a closer landing, it will not be possible to achieve good egg production and weight gain.

If we are talking about the content of adult individuals in order to obtain the maximum number of eggs, the cell specifications may be such:

  • height - 170-240 mm;
  • width - 1 thousand mm;
  • depth - 600 mm;
  • the front of the waterion is one sheard 10 goals;
  • front of feeding - on one head 25 mm.

The homemade feeder used both for the breeding of birds on meat and to increase the egg production must correspond to the optimal dimensions:

  • width - 50 mm;
  • the height of the outerboard is 80 mm;
  • the height of the inner side is 50 mm.

Multi-tier cellular batteries

Often, for the rational use of space in the room, the cells put on each other, creating a single unit into several tiers.

When creating cell batteries, consider some nuances:

  • the lowest cell is lifted above the floor by 80-100 cm. This allows you to provide comfortable maintenance and protects birds from the unwanted exposure to drafts;
  • the maximum number of tiers in the battery should be equal to five, subject to the content of no more than 30 dinds in one cell. So it is possible to avoid pushing the mesh floor, as a result of which the eggs stop sliding into egg collectors.
  • place the door in front of the design. This option is convenient if there are several cell batteries nearby.
  • to achieve maximum stability, attach the battery to the wall of the room. This will help prevent a sudden drop in the entire design.

Drawings and step-by-step manufacturers

One of the most simple cells for the feedback is a galvanized mesh design. It will come in handy for temporary content of already grown birds and can act as an element of a multi-tiered design. For its manufacture you will need:

  • galvanized grid - 1 m²;
  • wire or plastic clamps;
  • cutting tool.
  1. Measure 105x70 cm of material and cut the main workpiece.
  2. After that, from the remaining parts of the grid cut two side walls with a size of 30x30 cm.
  3. On the main billet, make the folds corresponding to the following parameters: The height of the front wall is 16 cm, the back wall is 14 cm, the width is 30 cm.
  4. The remaining part of the material is useful for the organization of the egg collector. When it is created, be sure to heat the end to a height of 3 cm to prevent the egg roll.
  5. Fastening the design with plastic clamps or wire pieces.
  6. The floor of the cells will equip an additional grid with a smaller cell cut into size. Crepe it with wire brackets.
  7. At the top of the design cut the door, the dimensions of which will allow you to freely put the bird inside.

When the grid is bent, it is not always possible to make straight angles. You can cope with this problem using two edged boards connected by loops. In the gap between them gently shake the grid and, measuring the required length, fold the boards together.

Make a galvanized mesh cage - video

For the manufacture of a touchscreen, you can use any materials treated with antiseptics. In this case, the lateral walls of the design act as a support that allows you to insert a litter of the desired size without any problems.

Cells from plywood or tree for young and adult birds

No less convenient and functional are cells made of plywood. The cheaper of this material allows to significantly save on their production. Such designs are suitable for maintaining a small number of birds and are the best option for young.

The process of assembling plywood cells involves the initial creation of a reliable frame. However, in some cases, the mounting of the walls can be performed using wooden bars.

Instructions for making cells from plywood with their own hands.

  1. First, reveal the Fanur or DVP, relying on the following dimensions: side walls - 350x200 mm, ceiling - 700x350 mm, end wall - 700x200 mm.

    2. The sidewalls equip the holes with a diameter of 30 mm, which will provide the required ventilation level.
    3. To comply with the hygienic standards, wooden billets cover with colorless water-based varnish or antiseptic.
    4. Start a box assembly. Use self-tapping screws and adhesive for additional strength as fasteners.

    5. From the grid with a cell 16x24 mm, pick up a floor blank for a size of 700x350 mm.
    6. Secure it to the main box with nails, while ensuring an angle of inclination to the front wall of 7-10 degrees.
    7. At the front wall of the design, attach the mesh door using special canopies.
    8. The finished cage will equip the trough and drinking.

Several such cells installed on one to another create a battery that ensures space saving indoors.

Cell options from plywood do it yourself - video

Cell of plastic

Plastic cage for quail - a simple and economically favorable option. It can be made of ordinary lattice boxes used as packaging elements. The advantages of the plastic cell are made in the cheapness, ease of manufacture, care and durability.

To create such a cell you will need:

  • three drawers of equal dimensions;
  • flexible durable wire;
  • pilka for plastic and metal;
  • a sharp knife.

When choosing suitable boxes, it should be noted that the height of one of them should be equal to 30 cm. It will be located in the structure of the structure, and all the others will become its details, including the ceiling, cover and pallet.

Cell collection instructions.

  1. Cut all the protruding parts of the main box at the top edge.
  2. Make it dock with the bottom of the box using the existing legs and grooves.
  3. At the top, fasten the second low box. Use the mounting double-sided tape, rope or wire as fasteners.
  4. At the roof of the cell, make a door cut by the hatch type. To do this, make the slots along the three sides, and the fourth undermines up. It is advisable to attach a loop lock from a wire.
  5. Outdoor front wall Slide in several places for feeding birds.
  6. Below you mounted the mounted feeder in the form of a horror and drinking.

Holes in the front wall should be sufficient to be able to easily cover the bird and get to the feeders.

Making a simple plastic cell - video

How to make brudes yourself for small chicks

Cutting chicks require special conditions, providing that brower can. For its manufacture you will need:

  • the sheet of plywood is a thickness of 10 mm, in size 1525x1525 mm;
  • wooden timing with a cross section of 20x30 mm 1200 mm long;
  • galvanized mesh with a cell of 10x10 mm;
  • pVC panel;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • two piano loops of 300 mm.

Dimensions of the required parts - Table

Details Quantity (pcs.) Size (mm)
Side walls 2 480x500.
Rear wall, bottom and ceiling 3 700x500
Salazki under the pallet and the mesh bottom 6 4 things. - 460x20, 2 pcs. - 660x20
Top part 1 640x50
Bottom part 1 640x60
Sidewalls 2 400x50
Mesh bottom frame 4 2 pcs. - 660x20 and 2 pcs. - 480x20
Doors 2 400x445
Rake for pallet frame 4 2 pcs. size 655x20 and 475x20
Facial detail 1 700x95

Instructions for the manufacture of Brudera.

  1. First, it is necessary to make billets from which the main design is collected equipped with a pallet. To do this, cut four straps measuring 460x20 mm. They will serve as a side walls. You will also need two strips for the end of 960x20 mm.
  2. Then perform the mounting of the slats with the help of self-tapping screws as shown in the photo in step 2 and 3.
  3. Create a frame from pre-prepared parts that set as shown in the photo (step 4 and 5). On the front of the side slats, set the hinges for the doors. Attach the design to the main case.
  4. Next follows the stage of manufacturing a mesh bottom resembling sandwich. Cutted blank from the grid. Fix between wooden straps using self-samples (step 6).
  5. The litter is performed in the same way as the floor, but instead of the mesh, use one-piece material. On the front side, equip the design with an additional plank that prevents the rash of the litter (step 7).

Bruder for quail with your own hands - video