Repair Design Furniture

How to decorate a hallway in an apartment. Wall decoration in the hallway - which material to choose. Among the main advantages of decorative stone

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today we would like to talk about such a part of the living space as the corridor.

Very often, people do not attach much importance to its decoration, and during the repair they use inexpensive materials, which are then hidden behind cabinets, shelves and other furniture. However, even the narrowest corridor can become a highlight in your home - you just need to show your imagination and decorate the walls in the hallway with an idea.

We will begin our publication by trying to take a fresh look at the hallway, and determine what we would like to see new here, and try to understand the pros and cons of the existing layout. We will also talk about small details with which you can transform the look of an existing repair. So let's go!

A new look at your corridor

If you live in an apartment, then you most likely will not be able to radically change the functionality of such a room as a hallway. The inhabitants of the private sector have much more room for imagination, but you are in no hurry to get upset, as we will definitely find a way to quench your thirst for change without losing precious space.


  • Before you start planning a renovation, carefully study the available space and think over its functionality.
  • Pay attention to all the things that you need in everyday life, whether it is placing open shelving, or installing built-in furniture. Or maybe you want to see photographs on the walls that show people dear to you or wonderful moments of youth.
  • Many keep souvenirs brought from an unforgettable vacation, but unfortunately, they still have not found a place for themselves in the interior, and are forced to gather dust somewhere on the closet.

Each such little thing will help you to form in your head the image of the future decoration, and will tell you the direction of the design in which to move.

Creativity is essential in everything. Thanks to this, familiar things will appear before you in a completely new light. Look at the photo above and appreciate the author's idea. The implementation of such a project will not require much effort and time from you.

What you need to consider first before choosing the option for finishing any utilitarian space:

  • Functional purpose of the corridor... For example, if you are planning to decorate the passage leading to the bedroom, then you do not have to take care that the materials used are protected from street dirt that accumulates in the hallways.
  • The shape and size of the room.
  • General style of living space, or at least adjacent rooms. Consideration this issue it is necessary so as not to cause a person's feelings of disharmony and bad taste.
  • Color palette- this is another tool with which you can harmoniously fit the hallway into the style of the house, or vice versa, highlight it, and create a kind of buffer zone for the transition between rooms.
  • If you have small children or pets in your apartment, then you should think about using non-marking materials that, if necessary, can be washed or restored by processing.

Of course, this information is not enough to fully imagine the appearance of the future room, if you are not an artist or designer. Therefore, along the way, we will give a lot of photos from design projects some of which may be right for you.

Hallway wall decoration - we combine beauty with functionality

For many years now, one of the most common decorations for narrow spaces has been paintings (see How to hang paintings on the wall: options) and art photographs. If you want to decorate your corridor in this way, then you should make sure that the overall color scheme of the room is made in light, neutral colors.

Another great way to decorate a hallway is to place a mirror in a designer frame on the wall. This technique will increase the functionality of the room, visually expand its boundaries, and add new colors to any interior. There are many solutions at your service, which designers around the world tirelessly offer to buyers.

To increase the functionality of the corridor, you need to place it around its perimeter narrow shelving- on the shelves you can store shoes, things and other accessories. If the width of the hallway is enough to conveniently place options with swing, or pull-out cabinets, then we use them.

This way you can organize more storage space, which is very important in houses where there are many residents, or guests often come. In more compact corridors, it is recommended to use narrow, open shelving, or cabinets with compartment doors.

We combine an open rack with an arched opening Compact hanging shelf

Another element that can change beyond recognition appearance rooms are sconces and lamps. In addition to aesthetics, when installed additional sources light, you improve the light level of the room.

The next way to diversify appearance hallway - this is placement around the perimeter LED backlight... This design technique will allow you to visually divide or connect separate parts of the space, or highlight against the general background individual elements interior. If you place such lighting on the bottom of walls and cabinets, you can achieve a floating effect.

You can also try designer light installations to create accented details in the interior. Such elements look very advantageous against the background of dark walls and furniture.

Such devices have little effect on the overall illumination of the room - yes, however, they are not intended for this, since they have a purely decorative purpose. With their help, you can easily create an atmosphere of intimacy and a kind of mystery.

Wall decoration methods

In this part of the article, we will talk about building and finishing materials that are most often used in modern renovation... Their assortment is very large, and therefore not everyone will immediately find out how to make the walls in the hallway best. We will try to help you in this matter, and submit for consideration different options designer finishes.

Wall panels

Wall panels are a modular material that is ideal for finishing small utilitarian spaces such as a hallway.

Let's briefly list the advantages of these materials:

  • Installation of panels is easy, and will be within the power of almost any master;
  • Wall panels are unpretentious in maintenance, and easily tolerate wet cleaning;
  • The price of these products is very attractive to buyers;
  • This type of finish can be done on unprepared, curved walls;
  • Over time, such a covering can be easily replaced with a new one, without arranging a pogrom in the house.

Advice! Many types of panels will not require replacement after long-term use. It will be enough to repaint them yourself.

Also, the advantages include a rich selection of colors and textures on the market today.

Manufactured Wall panels from following materials: natural wood, Fiberboard, chipboard, MDF, PVC, glass, drywall and gypsum vinyl, among which there are three types:

  • Type-setting (rack and pinion)- long narrow slats that are attached to a wooden or metal lathing;
  • Leafy- produced in the form of solid modules, the width of which can reach 2m 44 cm, which is very convenient when sheathing long rooms;
  • Tiled- these panels are produced in the form of solid squares, or wide rectangles, which, in addition to mounting on the lathing, can be glued directly to the wall.

Advice! To hide the single-level and corner joints of sheet panels, special moldings are used.

The choice of specific models, first of all, depends on the size of the room, the desired texture and color, and, of course, your financial capabilities.

When using typesetting panels, you can play a little with the visual perception of the person. So, for example, if you place them horizontally, then the length of the room will visually increase, and if vertically - the height. Combining this finish with mirrors or glossy stretch ceilings, you can change the look of the room beyond recognition.

Many wall panels work well with gypsum and polyurethane moldings and stucco moldings. Thus, you can focus the attention of the person in the room, on certain sections of the walls.

In addition, with the help of panels, you can simulate almost any coating, from masonry to mosaics or frescoes.

Wallpaper in the corridor

And, of course, how to do without the classics of the genre - wallpaper (see Choosing wallpaper in the hallway and creating a unique design). If in the recent past, typical wallpapers were glued in all houses and apartments, today the choice is so huge that it is almost impossible to cover the whole variety of materials, colors and textures.

What can we choose from today when we think about what to paste over the walls in the hallway:

  • Cork - wallpaper made of natural, environmentally friendly material, which is suitable for natural interiors.
  • Non-woven - in fact, they can have any surface. They differ in the base, which perfectly absorbs moisture, so that such wallpaper is easy to glue.
  • Vinyl is the most popular type of wallpaper in Russia. They are durable, easy to clean, have a durable surface, and the choice color solutions truly great.
  • Quartz - these wallpapers are painted quartz sand, applied to a paper or non-woven base. This coating is unique in its kind - it does not suffer at all under serious mechanical stress, and easily tolerates even cleaning with a brush with stiff bristles. Possesses refractory properties, but at the same time has a rich appearance, and creates a feeling of a single piece without joints when gluing.
  • Liquid wallpaper is perfect solution when decorating rooms with complex curved geometry.
  • Metallized with embossing - the surface of such wallpapers contains a thin metal layer with an applied embossing, making them incredibly elegant and beautiful. With the help of such a coating, you can create a sense of luxury in the interior.
  • Textile - are fabrics for upholstery. They look very elegant and rich.
  • Linkrusta is a fabric base with a plastic layer applied. These wallpapers are easy to paint, wash and have a very long service life. They have only one drawback - the most complex gluing technology, when performing which you need to keep in mind that these canvases are soaked in water before sticking, and after drying on the wall, they shrink significantly. It is better for an inexperienced person not to take on this work.
  • Wall murals - surely everyone is familiar with this material. Do you want a waterfall in the room, scattering millions of refreshing splashes? Please, photo wallpaper is at your service.

Unfortunately, we cannot describe all this variety in this article in more detail, since the volume allotted for the article is limited in our country.

Other materials and finishing methods

What else can you decorate the walls with to diversify the look of your hallway? How do you like this decision to leave them without finishing at all?

Using open brickwork, which can also be performed using brick-like tiles, is very popular in the interior in America and some European countries. This style is called "Loft". The rough masonry element can be successfully combined with almost any other style, but it requires some skill and an artistic eye.

To create an original wall covering, you can use decorative plaster, which is a natural, environmentally friendly material. Truly at your service huge selection imitation solutions and colors.

The surface of these materials perfectly permeates steam, which contributes to normal gas exchange in the room. In addition, the strength of the coating is sufficient for long years- it is enough to periodically paint over the walls.

Another finishing material is tiles, which are used not only for floors, but also for walls. Very often, when creating an interior, designers combine various materials, for example: the bottom is made of wood panels, and the upper part of the room is whitewashed or finished with stone.

In any case, summing up, we want to say that the finishing method is limited only by your imagination. If you doubt your decision, then try to involve a person in the work who can make a design project for your hallway and show you the future result visually.

Installation instructions for any of the listed materials, as well as a more detailed description of them, can be easily found on our website. After reading the profile articles, you can make the walls of the hallway yourself. Also watch the video in this article, where individual design projects can be considered in more detail.

A creative approach to a fun but serious renovation procedure is welcome. But for this you need to arm yourself with the appropriate knowledge and experience. As they say wise people: only stupid learns from their mistakes

x, and the smart one uses someone else's experience. Tips & Tricks experienced craftsmen are always useful, especially if the conversation is going about the walls in the hallway, finishing options, photo... By listening to wise advice, you can reduce costs, and competently organize the process.

3d panels in the decoration of the walls of the hallway

In terms of traffic, the entrance hall is not inferior to either the kitchen or the toilet. Keep this in mind when preparing for a renovation. The material for the walls in the hallway must meet the following requests:

On the market building materials the range of finishing products is huge. It is difficult to opt for anything specific. Do not be upset about this, there is always a way out. So, for example, a successful combination of textures looks quite interesting and gives rich food to the design minds.

Prompt! The possibility of revision is the main selection criterion. The walls in the hallway are regularly exposed from the outside. Therefore, in case of serious damage to the plane, it is better and cheaper to repair it than to replace it.

A lot of alternative variations are offered, decorating the walls in the hallway. In order for the finish to be of high quality, look beautiful, it is recommended to read the photos and choose your own, original way... Before opting for a particular coating, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of the room, the microclimate, financial capabilities, general style interior. It is not advisable to use delicate types of coatings, as the surface will quickly lose its presentable appearance.

Before opting for a particular coating, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of the room, the microclimate, financial capabilities, and the general style of the interior.

What will be the decoration of the walls in the hallway is a matter of personal preference. But in order not to be mistaken, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with each type of finish separately.

Prompt! Before the start finishing works, the surface of the walls must be carefully prepared, responsibly approaching the implementation of each stage.

Decorative plaster - practicality and convenience

The popular finishing option allows you to get a certain relief, color or pattern. A variety of textural fillers makes it possible to advantageously present a color scheme, for example, marbled, or an unusual relief pattern. The advantages of the material are obvious:

The possibilities of this type of coverage are truly endless. Thanks to the granularity of the plaster, you can achieve a beautiful effect for any design idea. But the material should be applied only on a perfectly flat surface. Otherwise, the wall will not look beautiful, every defect of the previous stage of repair will be revealed.

Prompt! Decorative plaster is not as easy to work with as it might seem. Only an experienced professional will be able to carry out the finishing with high quality and without errors.

Thanks to the granularity of the plaster, you can achieve a beautiful effect for any design idea.

Paint - simplicity and affordability

Even an inexperienced person can paint a room with paint. For this type of work, special decorative compositions are sold that are easy to apply and hold well. They are divided into categories:

The budget option for finishing, in addition to obvious advantages, has some disadvantages.

Prompt! Ventilate the area frequently during operation and protect the freshly painted object from damage.

Even an inexperienced person can paint a room with paint

Wallpaper - classic version

Adherents of the classics like wallpapers the most. This is understandable, because no type of finish has such a variety of patterns, textures, colors. Moreover, different kinds wallpapers are perfectly combined with each other. This makes it possible to embody the most daring ideas, decorating not only the walls, but also the ceiling.
Wallpaper conceals surface defects well, is resistant to wear and tear and is well cleaned. The modern assortment is amazing. Wallpapers are:

  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • liquid;
  • cork;
  • photowall-paper;
  • paper;
  • glass wallpaper.

The latter type, according to experts, is unsuitable for the walls of the hallway.

Prompt! If cats or dogs live in the apartment, then it is better not to use wallpaper. Animals can tear them apart and nullify all the work, it will not be possible to restore the spoiled one.

Wallpaper conceals surface defects well, is resistant to wear and tear and is well cleaned

Wall panels - strength and durability

The composite is ideal for wall decoration in the hallway and in the corridor. The advantages of the coating are difficult to underestimate:

Price for given view finishes depend on the materials that went into production:

Wall panels are produced in the form of strips, slabs and sheets. On sale, the products are accompanied by molding, with the help of which the seams and joints of parts are hidden.

Prompt! The panels are not afraid of moisture, are resistant to mechanical damage and are very durable, because the warranty period of use is 15 years. The panels can be placed on the wall in different ways: vertically, horizontally, at an angle.

Wall panels are available in the form of slats, slabs and sheets

Laminate - simplicity and reliability

The analogue to the previous version is laminate. In terms of performance, it is not inferior to competing finishing materials. Main advantages:

There is also no need to prepare walls for laminate flooring.

Prompt! In rooms where high humidity, laminate flooring cannot be used. In damp rooms, the material is deformed, defects are irreparable.

Decorative stone - environmental friendliness and luxury

Decorating walls with stone is an expensive pleasure. Decor is used in combination with other types of finishing materials. Fake diamond quite durable, not much different from natural. One can talk endlessly about its aesthetic merits. The entrance hall, decorated with stone, looks amazing. The production is based on gypsum, so stone is considered an environmentally friendly material.

Stone adorned hallway looks amazing

Finishes off with a stone Bottom part walls in the hallway. This place is most susceptible to wear and tear: households touch with shoes, bulky items, for example, a bicycle or a stroller, leave scratches everywhere. A wall of stone will serve you for a long time and faithfully. In addition, if desired, it can be painted, the embossed surface will retain an attractive appearance. Repairing or replacing the damaged area is also not difficult.

Prompt! To decorate the wall with stone, a flat and smooth surface is required, otherwise, it is extremely difficult to dock the elements. The wall will turn out to be uneven, with steps on the surface.

Tiles - moisture resistance and economy

An old and time-tested finishing method. Ceramic tiles have the following advantages:

High performance will allow you not to think about repairing the hallway for many years. In rooms where there is regularly high humidity and sudden temperature changes, tiles are indispensable. The tile is well washed, the pattern is not overwritten, plus: the glossy surface visually increases the space.

Prompt! Tiles are difficult to combine with other types of finishing materials. Treats the material as decorative coating walls should be very delicate.

An old and time-tested finishing method.

Frescoes - grace and originality

Those who prefer unique finishes will love the frescoed entryway. The architectural painting on the wall looks truly rich and original. Such a hallway will become the subject of the secret envy of friends and acquaintances. Walls with frescoes vividly emphasize the non-standard thinking and refined taste of the owner of the house. Elegance, the transition from stereotypes to creativity, quality - these are just some of the aesthetic advantages.
Disadvantages of this finishing material:

  • high price;
  • complexity of execution.

Frescoes have several types of bases:

  • non-woven;
  • synthetic;
  • interspersed with plaster or marble chips.

The antiquity effect is achieved by the cracked pattern and textured chips. The desire to decorate the walls with frescoes is an expression of romantic mood, creative nature.

Prompt! It is quite difficult to make murals yourself, it is special technology... And, even an inexperienced home craftsman can decorate the walls with ready-made frescoes.


Choosing a wall covering in the hallway is not difficult. It's a matter of taste. And, taking into account the nuances: the microclimate of the housing, humidity indicators, the quality of finishing materials, you can profitably reduce time and financial costs. The ability to combine, design and fantasize will come in handy in any situation. Go ahead and experiment!

Wall decoration options in the hallway

Walls in the hallway 47 photos of finishing options:

Everyone wants the decoration in his home to be stylish and sophisticated.

It is also necessary to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the house. To achieve a winning result, you need to try over each room.

Choose the color and material of finishing for walls and ceilings, choose suitable furniture, decorate the room with different ones and carry out other work.

In this article, we will look at how to correctly and stylishly decorate the walls in the hallway.

Many do not pay special attention to the hallway, but in vain, this is the same part of the house as the bedroom, living room, kitchen and other areas. This is the most placed location in any home, which cannot be said about the living room or balcony.

This part of the house makes the first impression on the guests and also influences the mood of the people.

It is in this room that a person lingers before leaving the house, this location meets guests and residents. Therefore, special attention should be paid to decorating the walls in the hallway.

At modern choice styles and stylistic solutions, the design of the walls in the hallway can be varied. Do not forget that the design should not only be beautiful, but also reliable and functional.

For finishing it is necessary to choose high quality materials.

In the introductory material, you can view photos of the walls in the hallway and visually evaluate the design options.

Choice of materials

The hallway or corridor is the place in the house where you can give free rein to imagination and dress this location in any materials.

Everything is suitable for decorating the walls in the hallway, except for ceramic tiles. This material is best left for kitchens and bathrooms.

Experts say that before dressing the hallway, it is necessary to level the surface of the walls and only after that, do the decoration. This procedure can be skipped if it comes about mounted frames.

In order for the decor to be not only beautiful, but also of high quality, you need to properly prepare the room and sanding the walls is one of the most important actions. You can cope with this task yourself or call specialists.

Many people, in pursuit of stylish and unusual decor, go overboard with bright accents, embellishments and other decoration techniques. Remember Golden Rule: more is not better.

The interior of the walls in the hallway can be simple and elegant at the same time. No need to clutter up anyway small space... As a rule, in average apartments, the entrance hall has small size.

If you want to decorate this location, just one accent is enough.

Another popular and winning technique that designers often use is dividing the hallway into zones, decorating each part separately and creating the so-called decorative wall in the hall.

For example, decorate a wall wood paneling, decorate with photo wallpaper, stone and more.

When decorating, do not forget that the color of the walls in the hallway should be combined with the color scheme of the entire room.

Wall decoration with wallpaper in the hallway does not lose its relevance. it universal material which is suitable for all rooms. This option is optimal in terms of cost, it looks good and the wallpaper is not difficult to change if the image gets bored. Experts advise using plain wallpaper for small hallways, without large drawings.

Such an option as finishing the wall with a stone in the hallway is more expensive, however, it will look much more spectacular. This design is perfect for the eco style, which uses natural materials such as stone and wood.

With the help of paints you can make bright accent... Nowadays, modern stores offer a huge selection of paintable wallpapers that can be diluted with various colors and shades.

Photo of the walls in the hallway

In any apartment or house, the hallway is a business card, because this is the first room where your guests get. From the design of the hallway, you can add the first impression of all your home.

We bring to your attention a selection best photos with the design of this room.

Corridor decoration feature

Often, the hallways are quite small in size, and there are windows in them. Therefore, there are peculiar features in the matter of arrangement and decoration. If the housing is endowed with small sizes, it is customary to use a light color scheme in them. At the same time, finishing materials must have many specific properties:

They will be resistant to high humidity, especially for flooring.

Simple care where cleaning is as frequent and thorough as in the kitchen.

The floor coverings are resistant to mechanical damage such as heavy objects that have been dropped.

Decoration of the ceiling of the hallway in the apartment

Don't put too much wisdom here in organizing complex structures... As a rule, the most popular ceiling design option here will be a smooth, light-colored surface.

Using tension structures, the ceiling is drawn up as quickly as possible. As a result, it turns out completely Smooth surface... But, there will still be a drawback in it, it will not be possible to build in lamps, and you will have to equip only some pendant models lighting fixtures.

With suspended ceilings, you will have absolutely no restrictions in terms of the choice of lighting devices.

If the hallway smoothly continues another room, and it is not at all separated from it, it would be quite logical to have the same ceiling lighting - in each of the rooms in this case. Most a good option will be perfectly flat, white ceiling... Thanks to him, the space will visually appear larger, while you do not have to face the problem of combining colors. You can see similar options for the hallway photo decoration presented in this article.

Also an excellent option for expanding space is the use of glossy stretch ceiling... Combined with the gloss of the gloss on the flooring, the room will look much larger than it actually is.


White color is ideal for decorating walls in the hallway, especially in small dimensions. With finishes such as vinyl wallpaper, liquid, paintable, water-based paint, panels of a snow-white color, you will practically not have any problems in terms of cleaning and maintaining cleanliness.

At the same time, light walls will be just perfect to decorate some wall decor, or choose bright furniture.

Here you can also use such a design technique as accentuating one of the walls. This will help wallpaper with a pattern, panels, photo printing, at the same time with monochromatic options for light surfaces. The brightness of the accent wall can also be supported by the same shades of lighting fixtures and other accessories in the hallway.

They can also be finished with wall panels. If you have private house, materials with imitation of natural wood will look best here.

If you start from modern styles hallway decoration, they use concrete surfaces... Liquid or vinyl-based wallpaper is a great help in this, decorative plaster, compositions on a metallized basis.


Cladding made of stone or ceramics is just perfect here, especially when it comes to your own private home. These options are convenient, durable, reliable, and add special charm.

Figured options for tiles in different colors able to embellish the interior. Thanks to such a variegated coating, the hallway will look very original.

Laminate is also perfect here, but directly at the entrance to the house from the street, there should be more moisture-resistant materials on the floor. For example using floor tiles, a small area can be laid out with it near the front door.

Parquet in the hallway will look chic and luxurious, but you should be as careful with it as with laminate, especially near the front door.

Photo of the design of the hallway

Arranging a hallway is an interesting and challenging task. Few of the owners of apartments in old buildings can boast of large areas. So you have to rack your brains: how on small area place everything you need, and even do it so that it looks stylish. After all, it is this room that creates the first impression of an apartment or a house as a whole. Therefore, the design of the hallway is a responsible task: the development of interior design may well set the tone for the design of all other rooms.

Narrow hallway

To correctly arrange a narrow hallway, to put it mildly, is not easy. There are few solutions, but there is still a choice. The first way is to figure out which side you can take with furniture. Preferably the one on which the doors are located far from each other. It is worth placing furniture along this wall.

Borrow under furniture in narrow hallway the longest wall is the right decision

The second option is to use two adjoining walls - a short and a long one - under the cabinet and the hanger. It is also a good option in functional and aesthetic terms.

Placing furniture along two opposite walls in a narrow room is absolutely wrong: you have to maneuver between them, constantly bumping into corners. To prevent the second wall from looking empty, you can fix a mirror on it, hang narrow wall panels on which to place decorative elements or some little things.

There are several traditional design techniques, which allow you to expand the visual boundaries, and new developments in the field of storage systems will help to put everything you need in a small volume.

Walls, floor, ceiling

To make the room look larger, the walls should be light, preferably with a slight degree of gloss. For example, there are textured paints or plasters with a slight addition of mother-of-pearl. Glossy ceiling(a weak gloss is more appropriate) - this is usually a stretch. It will reflect light and what is happening in the room, making it more spacious. In the economy version, plastic panels will give a glossy effect.

If you do not like gloss at all, you can do without it, but it is better not to refuse light tones. Moreover, most often colors are chosen in warm shades.

It is desirable that it be as common ceiling lighting, and in some areas. For example, near the mirror. Mirrors in general are a great way to visually enlarge a room, and correctly illuminated, they are also very beautiful.

One of the trends recent years-. Moreover, some of the walls are made smooth - usually painted, and only a part is trimmed with stone. In the photo above, you see several tricks at once, thanks to which small hallway looks more spacious. First, a carefully designed lighting scheme provides enough light to create a cozy atmosphere. Secondly, mirrored cabinet doors, reflecting the situation, push the boundaries of the room. Thirdly, the vertical columns of raw stone make the ceiling taller than it actually is. An important role is also the choice of furniture - glossy and mirror surface does not look "heavy", does not load the space. The chest of drawers is selected with a small width. It does not interfere with movement, but performs its functions.

Also note that when designing small rooms, the floor is rarely darkened. If so, everything else - walls, ceilings, furniture - should be very light. Details of a darker color look great on them, preferably the same shade as flooring.

Furniture for a narrow hallway

After everything was decided with the color and texture of the walls, the design of the hallway continues: it was the turn of the choice of furniture. Most the best way- order the manufacture of a wardrobe and a hanger in the hallway. Furniture will be made according to the size of your room, individual filling (hangers, shelves, baskets, etc.) will be developed according to your requirements. But such a pleasure is well worth it. More economical option- use of modular furniture. One-piece "hallways" - cabinet furniture of certain dimensions - today are losing more and more to this new type of configuration. The plant is developing a collection of shelves, wardrobes, cupboards, pencil cases, hangers, nightstands, dressers, benches. All of them are made in the same style and color. From such a "constructor" you can assemble what is most suitable for your option.

Two variants of "assembly" from one collection of modular furniture for hallways

In general, you can use not only closed systems storage, but also open. True, only if you are ready to maintain perfect order: after all, everything will be in plain sight. But it will be better to dry outerwear in open furniture.

Sometimes the hallway is so narrow that the open cabinet door completely blocks it. Then the exit is with sliding doors... They almost do not take up space. But in this case, it is better to make a built-in wardrobe: with an equal occupied area, its functionality is much higher.

Sliding wardrobe can occupy the entire wall in the hallway or only part of it

This type of furniture is also good in that it can occupy the entire wall, it can be combined with a rack or an open part - a chest of drawers, a shoe rack, a hanger, etc. There is also - they allow the use of two adjacent walls, with which a hull or modular furniture usually fails. They are good for linear hallways.

If space allows, you can do it. It differs from the built-in wardrobe greater depth- 1-1.2 m is the minimum. But you just can't imagine how many things are included, and how convenient it is to use it.

Separately, it is worth talking about the place of storage of shoes. For this, there are special shoe dressers or shoe racks. They are different forms, can be built into the hallway or stand separately. The shelves in them can be:

In order not to just take up space, a seat is often made on the top of a freestanding shoe rack. It is both a shoe cabinet and a bench on which it is convenient to put your shoes on.

There is also an option of a round rotating shoe rack, divided into sectors. Compact and convenient solution.

Rotating shoe rack - new in storage systems

If you use at least a few ideas, the design of the hallway will be stylish and comfortable.

Small hallway: layout features

If the area of ​​the hallway is only 4 sq. m, you can't put a lot of furniture in it, because most of the walls are occupied by doors that go into it, there are at least two or three of them. The design of the hallway of a small area is already from the field of art. You have to use any available wall area, because there is very little of it. And here the best way out is to order the manufacture of furniture. Since the equipment will be small, large amount it will not pour out, but it will be possible to use every centimeter.

First you need to find a place to place the hanger. Take a good look at the room, find an opportunity to put a cabinet or simply, and under it - a shoe rack with a seat.

A wardrobe in the corner is a great way to make full use of the available space.

Hallways with an area of ​​4 sq. m - "heritage" small apartments type "Khrushchev". In them, free space is generally a rarity: even for one person there is not much of it, and there is nothing to say about a family. But in any case, the composition of the furniture strongly depends on your wishes, and also on the layout. There are several guidelines that you can heed or not.

Arrangement of a hallway in a private house

If the hallway is spacious, the task is to correctly arrange the desired furniture. Though the best choice there is still a wardrobe, options are also possible in its size and location. The most optimal is the corner one. It allows you to use the area to the maximum, while all things are in their place and at hand.

If you wish, you can separately make a hanger - for "duty" clothes, in which in cool seasons they go out into the yard, and under it - a shoe rack with a seat and the same "duty" shoes.

Positioning the dressing area as close to the door as possible is the right decision

Now about where to place the cabinet or hanger. The answer is simple: as close to the entrance as possible. So that you can immediately remove outerwear and shoes. For this area, it is necessary to provide a floor covering that will be easy to clean, and at the same time will not allow debris to spread. Usually at the entrance they are laid ceramic tiles or something like that, and on top - dirt mats.

Hallway with stairs

If during the planning of the house it was decided not to "inflate" the technical premises and the entrance hall turned out to be small, moreover, it goes into it, it will be problematic to place everything you need. Especially if the family is athletic and you need to place sports equipment somewhere - skis, skates, roller skates, skateboards, etc. If the design of the stairs allows, the most reasonable option is to arrange a kind of wardrobe under it.

Drawers and simple shelves with doors - a lot of things can be placed More convenient pull-out systems separated by mesh dividers - everything is in sight and it is much easier to search
A closet under the stairs is a great way out in a small hallway

In some homes, this area is used to store vehicles for both large and small, such as prams and bicycles. If bicycles can still be left in a shed or garage, then it is simply impossible to do this with a baby stroller. And often for this "vehicle" is the most comfortable spot just under the stairs.

Hallway decoration in different styles: photo

The hallway can be decorated in any style: classic, provence, minimalism or hi-tech. The choice is yours. To make it a little easier, to understand what suits you best, this section contains photos of hallways of different styles.

A long corridor is divided into zones with lighting and - so it looks not so dull and monotonous

The chic interior is emphasized by well-designed lighting, imitating decorative plaster

A long wall-length is a great option. But in order for it to "fit in" and not crush with massiveness, the doors should be light, or better, with mirrored inserts. Although the highlight of this interior is the special design of the door - an excellent design move

Black and white range - strictly, but always relevant

Unusual shape of the cabinet, soft tones of beige and brown. The interior design of the hallway is soft and calm

A very simple solution - for storing clothes

Playing with light and color is a great way to make your hallway look unusual.

Using every available centimeter of area is a smart decision

Minimalism - it will teach you to order))

Mirrors in wooden frames - beautiful interior, unusual presentation

Stylish, beautiful, functional - this is the feeling of this hallway design. adds practicality without compromising design.