Repairs Design Furniture

Examples of hallway design in the apartment. The hallway in a private house is the original design ideas and modern design options (115 photos). Small-sized modular halls in the corridor - make out the hallway in a modern style

The hallway is a place that people who have come to the house first see. The first impression of the apartment begins to be created after the first step. Unfortunately, many corridors have a small size. For inexperienced people, make the design of the hallway in the apartment seems an unbearable task.

Functional purpose

Usually, the hallway is designed to store things. People are changed from home clothes in a street. Depending on the weather from the wardrobe, the caps, umbrellas and other things. Based on the number of things, the cabinet is selected and its size is set.

Rules for creating interior

It is not necessary to equip the interior design of the hallway. The main error in the independent interior creation is the presence of a plurality of things.

It is not worth clogging a corridor with many furniture and shelves, everything should be moderately compact, so that the feeling of disorder does not make up.

Unlike private houses, in the apartments of the corridors are small, and I want to make them visually more. To increase the space, bright shades of walls, gender, furniture are used.

An important factors are the presence of mirrors and well-made lighting.

Even from the smallest hallway to really create a spacious room. Designers advise the doors leading from the corridor to the room, replace the arches.

Walls and floor

The main stage Creating an interior of the hallway begins with the floor, and ends with the walls. Thanks to light tones, you can increase the room. When using dark shades, the lighting should be increased.

All owners know that dirt from the street constantly accumulates in the hallway. Flooring should be perfectly laundered and have resistance to moisture. For the floor, the tile coating is perfect.

The use of laminate in the hallway gives it a special style. Laminate is not moisture-resistant and will have to certainly remove street dirt in order to avoid raving laminate.


With good lighting, the corridor will seem more voluminous. Daylight lamps can be removed, so their use is not recommended in the hallway.

For example, a girl who will be painted in the corridor, before leaving will see unnatural makeup colors, so it is recommended to do natural lighting.

Choice of furniture

Many do not like clothes being constantly in sight. Buying a wardrobe is the optimal option. The wardrobes are made individually for the client, taking into account the size and wishes of the customer, therefore are the best option.

On the closet, you can put the doors with mirrors, which will undoubtedly play a role on expanding space. In the closet it is necessary to provide a separate shelf for shoes, divide the place for everyday clothes and the one that is worn by special cases.

For convenience, you can install a chair for removing the shoes, or put the emblem. There must be a shelf for accessories (keys, scarves, caps) near the entrance door.

How to make a corridor spacious

The hallway must be divided into 2 parts: the hall and the hallway. In part of the hallway, you can restrict ourselves to the wardrobe. In the lobby, you can set the tremor, the emblem, hanger and shelf for accessories.

Do not buy a lot of furniture, as it will create a sense of discomfort. You can use pictures on the walls - it distracts attention from focusing on the small size of the room.

Use of flowers

It is worth remembering that the hallway is a "business card" of the host of the house, and on this "card" there is a first impression of the apartment as a whole. The main role of the design is played by the color scheme.

It is best to think through the interior design in advance, focusing on previously created. They can always be found on the Internet or consult with specialists.

It happens that in the corridor of the apartment immediately felt emptiness, or overcrowding of objects. Specially prepared professionals in the field of design will always help find the Gold Mid.

Pastel shades

Pastel tones are well combined with wardrobes, they are also combined with plants and various interior items.

For a narrow corridor, there are pictures on the walls and other works of art. Pictures not only adorn the interior, but also point to the tastes of the host of the house.

In the corner of the room you can put a flooring or a large vase, which will certainly give a refined style.

Dark tones

But if the owners are firmly convinced that light shades will not fit, then it is permissible to add a bit dark. Usually dark make the floor covering so that the dirt is not too noticeable.

When using dark tiles, there will be no problems with washing floors. Designers recommend using dark variants of furniture and wallpaper from below, and at the top there are bright shades.

When choosing wallpaper, you can focus on the same drawings with different colors to perform a smooth transition from dark to light.

Due to the use of dark shades in the room, less light becomes, so it is necessary to increase the number of lamps. Do not forget that the switch for convenience must be placed at the exit.

In many corridors, install wardrobes, but few knows what their advantages.

Let's deal with the dignity of the wardrobe:

  1. Availability of multiple niches and shelves.
  2. The ability to install mirror doors.
  3. Hiding things unnecessary for review.

Thanks to a set of shelves, all accessories, minor things, as well as outerwear can fit in the closet. Also, they often set a separate place for shoes.

In the closets you can hide switches, Wi-Fi routers and other electronics that I would not want to leave.

Mirror doors will help to increase the visual review of the room and correct the upper clothes before going out.

Everyone wants his apartment to be different and stand out among others. It is always nice to hear when you remember the remarkable things in your apartment.

Designers made a list of memorable things that can be put in the corridor:

  • the use of decorative elements (staining of walls in bright colors or installation of original lamps);
  • installation of antique items (armchair, dresser, flooring);
  • oval mirror installed opposite the front door;
  • patterns on the doors;
  • wall mural, on which the forest is depicted, desert, space;
  • original ringtone call.

What is worth paying attention to first

We are often in a hurry with arrangement and completely forget about the most important things, noting the inconvenience after repair. Usually, after a major repairs, such flaws seem to be trifle, so their solution is postponed for later.

And, as you know, it is postponed for later, it will never be done, so it is necessary to initially take into account all possible factors of inconvenience so that you can think about them in advance.

  1. It is necessary to approximately calculate your own wardrobe and decide whether to install the mezzanine and hooks.
  2. Perhaps you need to make hooks at a low level for children.
  3. Do not store all things, it is likely that it's time to get rid of some.
  4. Pay attention to lighting.
  5. Think out where shoes will be stored.
  6. Make sure that there is where to sit down in the corridor.
  7. It is quite reasonable to install the storage hanger of umbrellas.

When creating the design of your apartment, not everyone can contact highly qualified specialists for various reasons.

But everyone can create his own unique design of the corridor, using other people skills, learning on their mistakes and looking at the results.

To anyone to decorate their own apartment in a modern style, creating comfort and comfort in his home.

& NBSP & NBSPs: - & NBSP & NBSPsPot: - & NBSP & NBSPCF: -

6-11-2016, 13:33

Show me your hallway, and I will say what your home is. Approximately such a way can the expression common in the masses and literal meaning will be reduced to the following: to design the interior of this room it is worth it with all seriousness. If you do not know how to make a hallway in your apartment, offer 35 photos with better ideas that may help you achieve an impressive result.

What to start?

No less logical answer: attention requires absolutely everything. Walls, ceiling, the choice of proper flooring and lighting, the competent selection of furniture - all this ultimately determines the degree of attractiveness of your hallway not only in your own eyes, but also the eyes of your guests.

Perhaps, before the immediate start of the design of the hallway in your apartment, it is worth determining the character of the interior.

Do you prefer old good classics? Then you probably be better based on such balanced and tested samples.

Or must surely emphasize the originality of your premises and make a complaint about the relevance and modern? In this case, it is advisable to move towards more relaxed design options.

Walls. We select texture and color

The main choice you have to do is decide on the material for the walls. Smooth decorative plaster in the hallway, for example, is good because it allows you to apply absolutely any drawing.

The win-win option in terms of color is beige. "Mattering" any room.

No less popular with brick texture. The hallway acquires a more expressive and expensive look.

Summary:Many photos of the design of the hallway in the apartment above are convinced that even from this at first glance a narrow and inexpressive room can be made a real candy. Take into account other people's ideas, but do not go along the way of the blind copy of them. Only, in this case, you will be happy to see a pleasant result, every time you cross the threshold of your own apartment.


& NBSP & NBSPs: - & NBSP & NBSPsPot: - & NBSP & NBSPCF: -

13-12-2016, 19:10

If the size of your hallway leaves much to be desired, it does not mean that you should not pay due attention at all. Moreover, the design of a small hallway in the apartment requires the optimal use of free space and a thorough choice of a suitable color gamut. Decide with the final option you will be helped by real photos of small hallways in our favorite city apartments.

First, consider some nuances, ignoring which on your part can seriously prevent you from getting a high-quality and easy-to-face result.

Less details

The modest sizes of your hallway do not allow you to get roaring in terms of saturation of space by those or other details. If you ignore this designer rule, risk seriously spoiling your interior. About as in the photo below.

Adhere to incomprehensive minimalism - and you will be happy!

Less furniture

Fuck the large-sized furniture - there is a chance that it will steal in your hallway harmony and comfort. Prefer shallow cabinets, small dressers and shelves.

Placing furniture, stick to a single color solution. An irrepressible game with shades can spoil even the best idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of a small hallway in the apartment!

Sliding wardrobes - a wonderful solution

An indispensable thing - a built-in wardrobe in a small hallway. It will allow you to save precious free space and provide great convenience in ordering to streamline the vital things in this room.

Corners - Do not forget

If your hallway has an angle, there is a reason to use it for an embedded corner wardrobe or any other kind of furniture.

Avoid dark tones

Choosing a flower gamut for a small hallway, we will weigh the use of dark shades. No, it does not mean that it is completely better to refuse them, but at least it is reasonable to use them and combine with bright for equilibrium - it is worth it.

Do not be afraid of mirrors

For the hallways with modest size dominant in our apartments, it makes sense to integrate the use of mirror surfaces in the designer concept. They will help give the room the desired volume and emphasize those or other details in the interior.


Options for finishing the ceilings in a small hallway - a bunch. For example, you can go through the smallest resistance and use the elementary whitewash. Moreover, the white color gives a good illusion of an increase in space.

Another simple, but a much more common option is stretch ceilings. There are many positive points from this solution: there is a higher aesthetic appeal, and the possibility of expressive decorative decoration, and a wide selection of lamp selection for organizing the lighting of the hallway. The photo below illustrates an elementary option that attracts attention to himself by its unpretentiousness.

If you do not lazy and make efforts, you can create quite cute hardware from simple drywall.


In order for your small entrance hall, it does not seem even less after the final installation in it cabinets, shelves and other facilitating the life of a person's furniture accessories, there is a reason to take care of worthy lighting. Otherwise - all the works of the Nammark: and your beauty just won't notice. In this case, the owners cost only one major lamp.

And here the owners did not shake on the gorgeous lighting of her little hallway. Although she behaved in itself in warm and light colors and, most likely, did not need this support in such support.

In some cases, it is enough to do and one LED bulb. Above, we have already demonstrated an example of such a decision, let's fit the opinion and provide another "Pruf" to argued our thesis.

If there is a desire to emphasize some detail in the interior of the hallway, you can use the lamps for this. For example, in the embodiment, the lamps placed on the wall are beneficially highlighted with a mosaic with a mirror surface on the opposite wall, creating an incredibly rich and attractive effect.

Despite the dominance of LED lamps, neatly mounted directly into the ceiling, some owners successfully use old good plafones. Attention: this is not a universal solution, its use is limited by the nature of the interior design of your hallway.

A small flashlight immediately at the entrance seems to be visiting your hallway and appearing in the doorway guests. It is domesticated from the threshold - the expression as the skin more likely describes the essence.

For dessert in this section - a surprisingly harmonious design of a small hallway in an apartment with large ambitions. The perfect color balance, nor a hint of the temperature conflict, conceptuality at the head of the corner and delicate tenderness - what else to add?

The option is much more modest - but it is possible to invest savings and forces in the development of the interior of other rooms in the apartment.

Wall Decoration Material

The choice that is facing the owners is great: from decorative plaster (examples -) to ceramic tiles and wallpaper. The owners of this room were limited to exactly the last option.

Stone motifs in the design of small parishings are not less common than wallpaper on plant topics. Most often, decorative plaster performs in the role of a stone texture expression tool. It is easy and convenient for facing.

Unsredition classic: Wallpaper pattern, tested by time - will withstand not yet one ten years. Ideal in cases where the room does not boast of extra square meters.

Similar motives, however, this hallway seems to us a little boring. However, the owners and did not set themselves the goal to hit all the original design - they only skillfully used the space and achieved a certain degree of comfort and comfort.

Walls can be simply painted. If you make it high-quality paint and quite skillfully, you can achieve perfect color reproduction.

Just above, we looked at stone laying and classic wallpapers. Below are an example of rational use of two these materials in one small hallway.

The rule of light tones in small rooms is valid. Take a look, the hallway is not just small - it is tiny, but the color is selected so well that you notice it only when you put a similar purpose.

Sometimes you can afford some designer liberty and mounted in the hallway, non-bank furniture or some intricate accessory.

Vertical wallpapers in this room look somewhat infernal. The ceilings are becoming higher, the room acquires the weight and necessary dimensions.

You can find fault with a white color by and large in only one case: he is good before inappropriate, eternal and universal.

The same can be extended to beige. The choice of beige color is often perceived as a manifestation of Dunovkusia, but when you consider such photos with examples of the design of a small hallway in the apartment, then you understand that it is not. Cute and cozy room, whose hosts were injured with all the basic points of the correct construction of the interior in the small Khrushchev corridor in and hallways.

Choosing an outdoor coating

One of the most popular types of outdoor coverage for modern urban apartments - Linoleum. It is cheap, possesses good properties and, in general, allows you to painlessly solve the issue with the correct choice of material for its floor. A typical example of frequently used linoleum in small vessels - in the photo.

Another common option of the outdoor coating for the overwhelming majority of apartments with a small hallway is laminate. More durable than linoleum, but at the same time somewhat more expensive. In the hallway, a combination of laminate and ceramic tiles is often used. The direct thoroughties and the input zone are stacked more hardy and not so sensitive to abrasion and mechanical stress tiles. Everything else is laminate.

An example of Linoolem, which is focused on expressiveness. Many owners recently have a choice in favor of such such options, accentuated to transmit an abstract pattern.

How to keep tile laying in a small hallway? It is believed that diagonal laying makes the space wider. Normal, on the contrary, leaves everything as it is. An example of the latter in the photo below. Your choice?

Time is rapidly developing, and now there is a traditional ceramic tile and granite on the change of laminate. Feature - the characteristic laminate texture and size remains. This tile is very healthy suitable hallway. In addition, it is functional: porcelain possesses a good anti-slip coefficient, withstand any blows and will delight the eyes for many years.

Want to add your little hallway originality? Allow the paintings - this is a great tool not only to emphasize the expressiveness of the room, but also to enlarge it visually.

Output:as can be seen, the design in a small hallway in the urban apartment does not necessarily have to be boring, template and random. Can you impress your guests with an area of \u200b\u200byour hallway? Impress the interior, the competent organization of free space, warm, "atmospheric" lighting and ... with his friendly smile. The latter is on your conscience, and you can learn from all the rest, carefully studied the above-mentioned real photos of the hallways in urban apartments.


The first impression of the apartment among the guests is precisely with the hallway.

But to equip such a room, showing your taste preferences and accommodate the necessary things not easy, because not every entrance hall boasts a large area

Approaching the design of the hallway seriously, you can make a real stylish and functional room on several square meters.

What to do with a small hallway?

Few people boast a spacious hallway. Moreover, there was little attention to such a trifle in the USSR.

It was calculated that in such a room there should be a maximum hanger and shelf for shoes. But even the design of a small hallway can be beautifully beat and accommodate all the necessary things.

First, furnishings and walls in such a room are required to be bright.

Secondly, it is necessary when choosing furniture to the smallest detail to take into account space. There may be a wardrobe, when he is very cumbersome, then you should stop the choice on the corner cabinet or just a chest of drawers and shelves for shoes and things.

Thirdly, you should not forget about the lighting so that the light is not too bright and did not cut the eyes, but at the same time, the twilight will be inappropriate.

Arrangement of a narrow hallway

The design of a narrow hallway is especially problematic to place furniture. However, with such a difficult task you can cope.

For example, when the room is long, it must be divided into zones: for shoes, outerwear and lounge itself.

Multi-level ceilings will cope with this, as well as experiment with different wallpapers and even flooring.

For visual increase in the hallway, you can use mirrors, photo wallpaper or just a small increasing drawing on the wallpaper.

Angle parishion

The angular entrance hall is probably the easiest in the design. Here are straight to ask the angular cabinet with mirror panels.

Moreover, such a decision will make even a large cabinet barely invisible in the interior.

So the tightly can fit not only the shoes and wear, and the vacuum cleaner and even the stroller, especially since the ideas of the hallway design do not end.

Staircase in the hallway

In private lows or in two-storey apartments there will be a ladder.

Do not rush to sew everything under the staircase plasterboard, or lay bricks.

This space can be safely used under the closet, where there will be all sorts of trivia, outerwear.

And if the staircase is combined with the hallway, then under it you can make a small soft corner and put the flooring. It will be an ideal place for reading and privacy.

Hall in Khrushchev

The hallway in Khrushchev is difficult to arrange due to its small dimensions and uncomfortable panicing.

Most often it is a long and narrow room, which crosses any furniture or a small tambour in bulk with the hall. In this case, it is possible to make the design of the hallway in the apartment in several ways.

Redevelopment, remove the doors to the hall and in the kitchen or visually expand the space game space and the minimum selection of furniture. Several advice on the arrangement of the hallway in Khrushchev:

  • choose correctly color enough bright, but not white, and then the whole dirt will be visible immediately. On the network laid out successful photos of the hallway, from which an example can be taken;
  • you can use glossy elements: mirrors ,;

  • if the space does not allow any furniture, you can use hooks, small shelves;
  • but if the hallway is very long, then closer to the wall (narrow) make a wardrobe;
  • at the bottom of the mezzanine to mount point lamps.

How to be with an entrance hall in a private house?

Private houses are often constructed by projects to order, and the usual factory furniture may not come up, we need a modern hallway design. It is also necessary to take into account whether heating is in the hallway or not.

So if the structure of the structure does not allow the ability to install metal doors, lily supplement them with internal wooden, then it will be wet and at least cool here.

Therefore, it is better not to make room with materials and furniture that moisture (drywall, chipboard, etc.).

In such cases, there will be an excellent option for wrought massive furniture, and the walls are covered with plastic.

The perfect kit for the hallway in the house will be:

  • hanger for outerwear, locker;
  • a few chairs;
  • shelves for shoes and chest;
  • mirror.

As you can see even a small area, it is possible to make a cozy and functional hallway.

Photo of the hallway

We definitely could not get around the venue of the hallway, because it is with this, sometimes, quite a small zone and the impression of the house or an urban apartment begins. Sometimes it seems that the arrangement of the input zone does not have a significant value, but in the end, you fully feel all the inconvenience, if the hallway is not properly decorated.

What mistakes most often allow the interior of the hallways, as well as how to fix them, we will tell us in our article.

No shelter

A similar picture can be observed in many destroyers of urban apartments, where there are not many places, and shoes, furiously scattered on the floor, takes the entire free area at the entrance door. Agree it is inconvenient, not aesthetically, and not practical, because shoes are fasterly acquired a shabby appearance.



Dimensions of the hallway do not have a significant value, because in the furniture stores you will be able to offer different options for the feeds of any size for storing everyday shoes, for example: narrow wall closed organizers, benches with shelves, vertical rins, drawers with fading riding and so on.

Install the shelf for shoes in the hallway, and it will become more functional and clean.


Impractical floor

Another annoying oversight is the installation of knowingly not the right floor covering in terms of wear resistance. For example, laminate, especially not expensive, is absolutely not suitable for the floor near the entrance door to the apartment. As the weather is changing every day, if today is sunny on the street, - tomorrow it can go rain, as a result of which we come to the house in the wet dirty shoes, which in turn is reflected in the state of poor-quality floor covering.

Very soon the joints of the laminate slabs, in which the moisture was seeded, will swell, and the appearance of the floor will change forever.


If you do not intend to use expensive floor facing material in the entire hallway, you can sit it only at the entrance where shoes are. At the same time, you can choose a porcelain stonework or tile with an interesting geometric pattern, which, like a carpet, will be an additional decoration of the input zone.


Little light

For many, the lack of high-quality lighting in the hallway is not critical, often because people simply get used to the fact that this area in the apartment is covered with only one source with a low-power lamp.



It is not necessary to mount the point light throughout the perimeter of the ceiling in the hallway, but you can install a lamp-suspension with two-three horns, and in addition to attach the wall brake in the mirror.


Things atpasic

We are all different, it is undoubtedly, just like the presence of each certain habits or a well-minded lifestyle. But we believe, the mess in the hallway can be justified only by the inability or ignorance of how to properly organize a small space.


Unless you finally finally enjoy the built-in section of sections to accommodate shoes, outerwear, bags and other things, it is possible to save yourself once and permanently and an entrance hall from chaotic storage of items, simply by placing them behind closed doors.


Lack of landing place

Even the most small space of the hallway can accommodate everything you need for comfortable fees before leaving home. Therefore, the absence of a bench or compact pouf is not appropriate here, and quite uncomfortable, especially for children and people aged.



At the exit from the apartment, be sure to place a chair, stool, pouf or bench, to which you can sit down to go. If you need to save too small area, - use multifunctional furniture, or folding items: benches with shelves for shoes, book stools, narrow dressers with open and closed shelves, and so on.


Impractical cladding of walls

It is convinmed not to use paper wallpaper for the design of walls in the input zone, since, in the case of contamination, they can not even wipe so as not to damage the surface. Also, do not practical are some types of interior paints.


If you make the walls in the hallway with wallpaper, it is necessarily washing, but it is better to combine them with wall panels from the lining, polyurethane elements or treated tree. Material for the wall cladding here should be, first of all, easily deteriorating and preserving its appearance after cleansing contamination (dust, moisture and mud splashes).

Small mirror

Not only women, but men can appreciate the lack of a small wall mirror. It can be considered only to the belt in it, but it will not work for evaluating the appearance of full growth.



The mirror is usually a fairly compact object of the situation, so even in the smallest hallway, if you wish, you can install a fairly large instance to the floor. It is only necessary to take care of reliable fasteners, and the input zone will be much more comfortable.


Boring view

Often, the situation of the hallway in the average apartment is not distinguished by an unusual designer approach, and in vain, since an interesting design near the entrance doors can positively influence the mood of a person when he is going to, for example, an important or exciting meeting.


Do not be afraid that the entrance hall will not be as used to see her neighbors, - create a face comfortable, because you live here. The bed is small, but the original rug, select a figured mirror, hang a couple of paintings with your favorite story, or paint the wall of the wall into a beautiful unusual color.


Carpet at the entrance

To be carpet in the hallway or not, - to solve you, but in any case it should not occupy the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe floor, as it is completely not practical. In the place where shoes are usually put, pushed or dirty traces are formed, and near the door itself the carpet will be wrapped or strain.


If you are accustomed to the fact that the hallway is always supplemented with a soft coating, but you wish to keep clean and attractive appearance of the floor, we recommend using small compact mats or narrow carpet tracks, which can be searched abroad the bench for shoes, for example, and becomes only Barefoot.


Excess objects

If only we are talking about special designs to accommodate the wardrobe in the hallway, it is better to abandon a massive chest or ottoman, which occurs most of the area in a small hallway.


In general, the hallway should not be unnecessary, not relevant in it, objects. Only the most necessary, functional items, without which it is difficult to do with: neutors for shoes, puffs, hangers and mirrors, console for trifles.