Repairs Design Furniture

Is it possible to make decorative plaster in the apartment. Technology finishing walls with decorative plaster with their own hands. Stucco finishing with stencils

How to make exclusive repairs and to save well on materials well? One of the most interesting ways of making walls is the application of decorative plaster. But is it possible to create complex textures, patterns and drawings on the walls without buying expensive materials and without mastering complex construction techniques? It turns out this is quite simple. You can use the most conventional gypsum putty.

Advantages of using decorative plaster in the interior

Get interesting options for the texture of the decorative surface of the walls, using a simple putty is not difficult, it is enough to turn on the fantasy and not be afraid to experiment. Especially since plaster mixes, both ready-made and dry (which are prepared independently) have excellent adhesion. They perfectly lie on the brick, foam concrete, plasterboard, plaster. Special additives that manufacturers are added to the mixture do not allow plaster plaster to quickly stick.

Additional coating of decorative lacquet laccation will provide longer operation of operation and the possibility of humid surface treatment in the case of contamination.

Gypsum putty can be combined before the start of work. The use of several colors or shades can provide amazing visual effects. You can paint the decorative plaster after applying. There are several ways to process textured surfaces, each of which will allow you to create a unique color.

Observing everything technological processes And "stinging" a slightly hand, everyone will be able to create an author's unique pattern on the walls of its apartment.

The special positive quality of gypsum mixtures is their environmental purity, because its main component of natural origin - gypsum. Putty does not absorb foreign smells, allows the walls to breathe, does not cause allergic reactionsdoes not distinguish any toxic substances.

Decorative plaster mixture made correctly will last for a long time. In durability it will be competition decorative stone or ceramic tiles.

Caring for decorative plaster is quite simple. The only disadvantage is relative fragility. Therefore, in children's, where children play moving games, they may not carefully move the chair or hit the wall, such a coating is not recommended. Make so that the breakage part can not be quite difficult. Is that hanging from above a small picture.

How to make a mixture for decorative plaster?

Spankless for decorative plaster is used as start-up (coarse) and finishing. What putty, take to solve the wizard, since the result of the work will depend on the structure of the mixture.

There are already ready-made cools. Their structure and consistency are optimal for applying. However, they are quite expensive. If we consider that there are several layers of coating to perform decorative plaster, the value of the material will be high, and it is hardly possible to save.

Prepare yourself a working solution from dry gypsum mixture is easy. We pour some water into the plastic bucket and, gradually sucking a dry mixture, actively mix the solution with a drill with a mixer. So bring the composition to the desired consistency, at which it will be convenient to work with it. Relative proportions of water and dry mixture The manufacturer indicates packaging.

If the designer plan requires a colored coating, we make decorative plaster from putty using pigments. You can take dry powder or liquid colors, and add as needed during the preparation of the solution.

The composition of decorative plaster can include solid particles (sand, marble crumb) and soft (for example, foam). With their help on decorative coating, a variety of furrows and recesses are formed.

Applying decorative plaster

Before proceeding with the coating, it is necessary to prepare a tool for working with decorative plaster. To do this, you will need:

  • spatula (ordinary, gear and rounded edges);
  • rollers (with a pile, cloth, with rubber stamps and stencils and other devices);
  • graters, set of grinding nets or sandpaper;
  • construction level or rule;
  • screw materials (fabric, paralon pieces, newspapers, maple).

The technology of applying decorative plaster includes several stages:

  • the preparatory stage includes the primary processing of the walls and their leveling;
  • applying the base layer;
  • creating texture;
  • summary processing.

1. Preparation of surfaces

At the first stage, it is necessary to clean the surface of the walls from old coatings, remove old wallpapers, paint, remove detachable parts of plaster and other, poorly hold parts. Next should be sized and sharpen all cracks and potholes.

The first layer designed to align the surface is recommended to be applied to a pre-projected surface. The primer, penetrating a few millimeters deep into the base, glues and strengthens the surface, allowing a more tight layer of putty to fix it on it.

After checking the plane of the walls, we apply a launching layer with starting plaster and let him dry well. The next day, when the entire layer became absolutely dry, we clean the surface from large irregularities. You can do this with a wide spatula. Before applying the next layer (textured), it is recommended to break the surface once again.

2. Applying a layer of decorative plaster

Preparing a mixture for decorative plaster needs not much. Since the thickness of this layer should be no more than 3 - 5 mm (depending on which the texture is applied), will have to experienced way Calculate this amount so that in the process of work the composition does not change its delicate, and it was possible to carry out all manipulations directly on the wall.

To get the desired structure on the applied putty, use the most different methods. They are not limited to existing rollers and ready-made stencils.

Consider some ways of applying patterns and textures:

1. Roller with a pile

Most simple device To apply decorative plaster textures - is the usual roller with a pile. Rolling with such a roller through the freshly abandoned layer of putty, the wizard creates a rough surface. If the "pile of putty" is easy to smooth the spatula, it turns out a completely different picture.

After drying, sharp plots of putty must be cleaned. To do this, it is easy to walk on them with a spatula, sandpaper or a special abrasive grid.

2. Stencil roller

In construction stores you can find rollers with a variety of patterns. Stencil leaves an impression on a putty applied on the wall. For the successful use of stencils, it is necessary to follow certain rules:

  • the putty layer must be as uniform as possible so that the pressing depth does not distort the common picture;
  • rolling roller need all the time in the same direction;
  • the smoothness of the impression will be possible only under the condition of constant washing of roller with water - this is the only inconvenience when working with such a tool.

3. Spatula

Using conventional spatulas for putty, gear for masonry tile, Kelma and similar tools The wizard can create the most unique patterns. The only limitation is fantasy.

4. Screw materials

If there are no standard tools at hand to create decorative plaster, you can use a wide variety of remedies. The usual kitchen sponge, brush, newspaper, plastic bag or oil pack, pieces of fabric or paraclone wound on the wallpaper roller can be successfully applied to the creative approach in creating a unique decorative finish.

Ways to create texture

Consider several simpler and most popular methods for applying decorative plaster using various spatulas and girlfriends.

1. "Scales"

To create an invoice that will imitate fish, the scaly on the wall need a small halfter, but the usual spatula of different sizes can be used.

Method 1. Apply layer of plaster on the surface of the wall. Starting from the ceiling, make a half-day or spatula of small semicircular movements, indulging and removing a bit of putty.

Attention! It is impossible to prey the layer to the very base. It must be remembered that there are the minimum allowable thickness of the layer, which will well hold on and does not sprinkle soon. For starting putty (plaster), this minimum is 3 mm, and for the finish -1 mm.

Method 2. Choose a solution on a spatula and apply in semicircular movements from top to bottom, overlapping gradually previous strokes. They can be made the same size in a checker order (it will seem to be scaled) or arbitrary size And chaotic, without adhering to strict order.

In this way, not all walls indoors are usually covered, but allocate a specific zone, panels.

2. "Shub"

Forgotten method of decorative plaster, which used our parents for lining houses, finds in the inner decorative finish new life. The process of applying "fur coats" from putty will also differ.

To create such a coating, you must apply a layer of putty on the wall with a thickness of about 3 mm. Take care of smoothness is not worth it. Further, on fresh putty, we place a thin oilcloth (you can take large garbage bags), smoothed and slightly press so that it adheres to the surface. The next day, carefully remove the film. There will remain many small wrinkles, tubercles and grooves on the putty.

3. "Flowers"

You can make an abstract pattern on the surface of the walls in the form of roses using a piece of newspaper and package. We take an unnecessary newspaper and commemorate in a small ball, overlook the thin pack. Thus, it will be a kind of stamp. We press an improvised tool to a fresh putty and get an amazing print looking like a flower. We repeat in random order.

4. "Algae"

On a paralympoous, rubber or wallpaper roller, secure the rubber harness (you can thick rope). Hire on the fresh layer of putty, the pattern mimicing algae will be obtained. Move the roller in the same direction, for example, from the bottom up, as the putty will stretch a little behind the roller. After drying, you need to remove the protruding parts of the relief.

5. "Feathers"

Dress the walls in light feathers are quite simple. To do this, you need wide rubber spatulacut through small cloths on the work edge. Apply a layer with a layer of finishing putty with a thickness of up to 3 mm. Wide curved and wavy strokes in any direction, apply a drawing on the wall. Cover your entire surface without skipping. For greater truthfulness, focus the smears regarding the guide lines that will play the role of the pen.

6. "Broker"

Using the comb for masonry of ceramic tiles, perform a relief surface on the fresh layer of putty. The putty is applied with a layer of about 3 mm. It is convenient to use the starting spacion mixture. We carry out vertical, horizontal or inclined stripes in any manner like.

Similarly, turning on the fantasy and having tried it in practice, you can perform a wide variety of patterns, up to artistic bas-reliefs. But it is not enough to make a unique spacure texture. Without additional processing, any bulk pattern will simply be lost on the surface. You need to think in advance the method and color of painting.


The best decorative plaster looks if different shades or colors are present. You can give the textured surface of a variety of color in several ways.

Attention! Before painting you need a spatula to remove the protruding parts from the surface of the decorative plaster. Also, if possible, remove dust and fine particles of putty.

1. Remove excess paint.

This method provides beautiful overflows of shades of the same color. Minus this method It is paint overrun.

Apply the hair roller paint over the entire surface and rolling well, trying to cover the entire surface without skipping. You need to apply paint quickly so that it does not have time to dry. By fresh layer, we carry out a wet bath sponge, removing the surplus of paint. In the deepening it remains more, and less on the elevations.

2. Removing the dry paint layer.

To highlight the texture of decorative plaster, this method should perform the following actions: paint the entire surface in the selected color and wait for a day. Spatula "Czech" on the convex parts of plaster, removing the surplus of already dried paint. Thus, the convex structure is distinguished, amazing patterns are formed.

3. Staining in several layers.

This method can be successfully used when decorative plaster is quite small or strongly protruding. First of all, the entire surface of the base color is covered using a roller or brush. After drying, we carry out a roller, slightly moistened in the paint of a darker or light tone, on the surface of the invoice.

4. Staining putty before applying.

This method is appropriate to apply for the processing of small areas, since, painting the putty by the colors, it is very difficult to achieve the same shades in different batches. It is also used when performing "Venetian plaster".

To decorative surface, made from putty, was more durable, after painting it must be applied a protective layer. To do this, make a mixture of the wallpaper glue and panel varnish (glaze). The mixture is applied to the surface of the wall with tampony. From above, after drying, everything is covered with acrylic varnish.

Or varnish on water based Divide the proportion of 1: 1 with water so that it is better penetrated into the putty and applied in two layers.

How decorative plaster made from putty is presented in the next video. It clearly shows the process of working on decorative coating and the final result of the use of fantasy in practice.

What is stucco, knows even far from repairing a person. And if someone happened to make repairs, then you can hear a whole lecture on the topic "What is the best plaster". However, in such a question it is better to be an expert on its own, than to listen to someone else's opinion.

What plaster is better: dry or wet?

Plasterboard, in fact, there is nothing but a dry plaster whose sheets are mounted exclusively indoors. The simplicity of attachment and the lack of "wet" affairs provides a significant efficiency of the process, even if a beginner will be accepted for business. In the hands of the competent builder, dry plaster will allow to implement the most bold multi-level structures And the partitions on the wall and the ceiling. But in the dry method there are also disadvantages - drywall unstable to the harmful effects of atmospheric phenomena, which significantly reduces its spheres of use, besides, its strength still leaves much to be desired.

The monolithic plaster is the same "wet" method of applying a solution to the surface, aligning which the builder receives a monolithic, perfectly smooth coating layer, which, besides, resistant to weather and mechanical effects. Such a coating will not take a lot of space and has solid durability. Of course, the disadvantages include an increase in the timing of the work and the weighting of the process, and there is a monolithic coating more expensive drywall.

Step-by-step instruction S. exclusive photos and video materials.

In turn, the monolithic plaster is divided into ordinary and decorative. With the first option, we most often meet - the main purpose of the smooth, aligning all the roughness of the walls of the layer is to prepare surfaces to further paint processes or pasting with wallpaper. Decorative is used as self-sufficient coating playing at once the main role in the design of the interior design. Decorative coatings Also separated in composition and appearance.

What plaster is better to stucked the walls - the war of the base

The binder, as the basis of the mixture, is determining in the classification of plasters. If an unequivocal answer was to question: "What plaster is better to stucked the walls," we would have used only one for a long time, but the competition is eternal, since the minuses inherent in one material are the advantages of the other. So, selecting the mixture, it is necessary to simply take into account how one or another material is applicable for the conditions of the room in which work will be carried out.

Gypsum plaster is very elastic, it can be applied with a thick layer to 5 cm in one coming and not be afraid of the appearance of shrinking cracks, which are possible in cement mixtures. However, it should be borne in mind that this material is very quickly grasped, so the masters make the knees in small portions. The weight of the gypsum is significantly less than the same cement, respectively, on the same weight of the gypsum material will allow to cover a larger method. In addition, low weight allows you to work with such mixtures when aligning the ceilings. The advantages of gypsum blends include high heat and sound insulation. Watching concrete and other smooth bases is possible without using a special strengthening grid.

What the cement plaster wins is strength, which is a significant factors in their favor when plastering rooms with a high degree of risk of mechanical damage. Moisture resistance and frost resistance of cement-based mixtures also exceeds specifications Gypsum. Cement mixes are one of the cheapest than they have gained high popularity.

Universal plaster on a lime-based base is distinguished by low cost and sufficiently high qualities for finishing both walls indoors and facades. Facade mixtures are used only in combination with other components, such as plaster and cement. Often manufacturers add to their composition synthetic fibersthat strengthen the surface. The minus of the limestone is - it is afraid of moisture, therefore it is not used to shock the walls in the bathroom or basement.

Exceptional elasticity and clutch are acrylic plasters, which are simply indispensable when applied to an uncomfortable surface. They are distinguished by high wear resistance, you can safely wash with a brush without fear of using detergents. Cons acrylic blends are their relatively high cost and low vapor permeability. However, both drawbacks can be reduced to zero - acrylic mixtures are usually painted in color, which allows you to save on the process, and with vapor permeability, the correctly calculated system of the facade insulation will cope.

Site Masters Website prepared for you a special calculator Calculator consumption of plaster. You can easily calculate the desired number of plaster.

Silicate plasters at their cost are not lagging behind acrylic. Under them - liquid potassium glass, which gives them special vapor permeability, so they are most often used to plastering walls warmed by minvats. The advantages of the silicate foundation include resistance to mold and fungus, as well as self-cleaning from dust. Their minuses are the price and ability to change color when changing humidity. However, hidden, they again acquire their original appearance.

There are also compositions based on silicone resins. They are not susceptible to rotting and indifferent to weather and mechanical damage. High vapor permeability, adhesion to any base, hydrophobicity - the list of advantages of silicone plasters is quite large.

Diverse colors and application techniques are also their advantages. Minus - a fairly high price. Speaking about what facade plaster is better, it is impossible to categorically in the same embodiment - as you have convinced, each composition has its advantages and cons. The wise decision when repairing is to weigh everything "for" and "against" and not forget to consult with your wallet.

What decorative plaster to choose - take into account the appearance

We dealt with the basics, it remains to find out how the mixtures of external features are qualified to easily determine what to choose for our repair. Specialists share formulations on color, stone, terrazite (mineral) and venetian, there is also a special type of decorative plaster - grapitto.

Colored formulations, as a rule, contain an acrylic basis mixed with dye and sand. Such mixtures are ready for operation - they only need to be diluted with water in the correct proportion and apply to the surface. Plastering of this type is often drawn up by various effects, for example, it is widely known. Coroede. Colored mixes are used as for interior decoration premises and facade works.

Stone plaster, as can be seen from the title, mimics the stone surfaces, for example, the same marble. It is used for finishing works. various elements buildings, such as columns, socles. In essence, it is a fine concrete, in which the filler serves as a stone crumb, and the binding element is cement and limestone dough.

The terrazite plaster mixture is used when facing facades to imitate rock materials. This is a pretty heavy coating, so the surface is prepared for it, making a grid of shallow scratches at a distance of 3-5 cm. It is done with a hammer and chisel or any other suitable tool. The terrazitic mixture is based on lime, mica and cement, as well as sand and stone crumb.

Sgrafito - Special View artistic plasterWhose help, a relief pattern coating with a selected pattern is obtained. The technology of work with such a coating is to uniformly applying multi-colored layers on top of each other and further removal of parts with the receipt of counter-electric. The process is very laborious, which makes such a coating very rare and a kind of interior addition

Of course, it is impossible to bypass the Venetian plaster. it special materialBased on which acrylic binding material and marble flour. However, the secret of Venetian coating is not only in the solution itself, but also in the technology of applying plaster - this is a plurality of the finest layers forming the texture of the chaotic pattern. Slim applying gives visual pearl overflows. Minus such a coating is to continue its merits. To get such beauty, you need an experienced specialist and expensive materials.

Ways to decorate the house set, but in lately Decorative plaster becomes more and more popular. They are very diverse, allow you to create unique in the appearance of the walls, ceilings. Different types They give different effects, plus the application of decorative plaster can also be different. As a result, a huge number of variations for any interior in any style.

Types of decorative plaster

Decorative Stucco - Willing Interior Decoration

Decorative plaster is used for finishing walls and ceilings indoors, facades of buildings. The basis can be various substances as natural (gypsum, cement, marble dust) and artificial (acrylic, silicone, silicate) of origin. It is called so because it forms an attractive externally surface with different textures - from smooth as marble of Venetian plaster to a relief stone or "under a fur coat". The number of options is infinite - the application of decorative plaster The process is creative and exactly repeat it is unlikely to succeed. This is another plus of this type of finishing.

According to the formated surface, the following types of decorative plaster distinguish:

  • Relief. After applying such compositions on the surface, some inhomogeneities and irregularities often form, that is, they create relief. Their plus is low requirements for the preparation of the foundation. It should be durable, should not turn. Also there should be no significant drops, but the ideal smoothness is not required.
  • Smooth. In this category, only one subspecies - Venetian plaster, but allows them to create surfaces with different appearance. This plastic mass, often translucent. It includes marble dust, malachite and other natural materials. With its help you can imitate marble, plug, skin, silk, precious wood, different metals, finishing with malachite, granite.

Immediately I must say that textured and plastic plasterings are often difficult to divide, as you can use different techniques on the same composition. The photo below presents the options of only one type of plaster - different techniques of applying decorative plaster allow you to get very different surfaces.

Some decorative plaster are so plastic that you can create with them. work of fiction. It turns out very beautiful and original panels.

Several strokes ...

By changing the decorative plaster, all these diverse reliefs are obtained - from simple to complex.

It is worth considering the division of them in terms of application. There are two large groups - for outdoor and internal work. There are also universal compositions, but rarely. Almost all the compositions that were discussed above - for internal works. These are more interior solutions. Some of them are abrasion racks, some can be washing with detergents and even brushes, but strict operating conditions on open air They will not stand.

For external use, some types of textured plaster are suitable - a coroede, for example. This type of finishing material is just as universal. It can be seen on the facade, indoors. In apartments, this is usually corridors and, in offices and institutions in this way can be discontinued corridors or office space.

Example of finishing houses with decorative plaster Outside: on the base stone plaster, above - on the walls - cored

Putchals for external work are mainly more coarse structure, contain components that increase the resistance to ultraviolet and other climatic influences. In this category there are specific plasters - stone. They consist of small fractions of natural stones in the solution of the binder. Applying decorative plaster of this type is just a spatula or stainless grater. Rarely used other elements. On facades and fences, the creation of reliefs is not best idea - dust will be clogged and spoil appearance, and flush it is not easy.

Surface preparation

For different types of decorative plaster, various degrees of surface preparation are required. But unambiguously we can say that you need to remove everything that can fall off. The surface should be durable, dry and clean, should not crumble. Also mandatory stage - primer. And not by any formulation, but special, which creates a rough coating. It increases adhesion (clutch).

For embossed (structural and textured)

Under all the embossed, it is possible for the walls or ceiling, especially not to smooth. The composition is applied quite a decent layer - up to 1 cm, so it hides the differences to 8-9 mm. But to reduce the expense of the cheap composition, it is recommended to remove large irregularities. The protrusions are shy, the pits are smeared with a suitable plaster. Next, the mandatory stage is the coating of the primer. After drying, you can start applying decorative plaster.

Structural plaster is usually applied by two layers. The first is basic - stacked smoothly and dry. The layer thickness is indicated by the manufacturer, is given usually with some admission. This layer also serves as leveling, but again, to reduce costs, better to align the surface. The second layer is already applied slightly thinner, and it is starting to form a relief.

But not all the structural two-layer plasters. In many, you can form a relief immediately after applying, without a base layer. Usually the recommended layer in this case is somewhat thicker.

Near Venetian plaster

The compositions of this group require perfect smooth surface. Not so smooth as under painting, but almost like that. Small differentials are allowed - no more than 2-3 mm on square meter. Standard - First, the layer of plaster (ordinary) is applied to the walls, the painting mesh is treated. After drying, an alignment layer is applied to an ideally even state. Next - primer, and after drying this layer - the application of Venetian plaster.

Application techniques

To tell about each way of applying decorative plaster is impossible - a lot of different details and nuances. The easiest case - with textured plaster. They are simply applied to the spatula. The whole difference is in the direction of the spatula, in the depths of the beard, which leave splashes, and in color. But it is in the baseline. No one prevents experimenting on these compositions. Another thing is that on the structural effect of the same actions it turns out more impressive - more plastic compositions.

What can be used to create a decorative effect

Application of decorative plaster is possible by very many tools and ordinary household materials and devices from them made:

  • Cologma and metal graters. Used not only to apply an equal layer, but also to form geometrically chaotic drawings on it.

  • Building grabs of plastic, foam. They are equalized from the well-appointed too protruding relief.
  • Sand paper with small grain. Also for equalizing the relief, but according to the already dried material. If compared with the previous method - the effects are different.
  • Foam sponges. They are multifunctional. They can be:
  • Cellofanovy films and packages. Also a multifunctional tool:
    • Extras on fresh decorative stucco thin soft polyethylene film, It is possible to form the hands of the relief. It may be some kind of abstraction or something with some motives. When the relief is ready, the film is neatly removed, the relief is left to dry.
    • Film wrapped with crumpled paper. Get simple but effective tool For the formation of an inhomogeneous and chaotic pattern. Application techniques can be used different - circular movements, short "stags", waves, strokes, comets, tails, etc.
    • Just jumping cellophan, but already tougher and "dot" it into the plaster, we obtain the surface, something resembling the moon.
  • Rollers. Conventional foam or fur rollers are used, as well as special in any pattern. Normal are used to create a basic relief, on top of which are then applied more pronounced strokes. The form and form of the "basic" relief depend on the length of the pile. When rolling, foam roller turns small protrusions-depressions. When rolling the shaggy - more clearly pronounced. The longer the pile, the greater the differences.

    Different rollers - different surfaces

  • Hands in rubber gloves. Pattern can be done any. The task is to repeat more or less similar to the rest of the plane.

  • Brushes. You can get stripes, waves and a bunch of appearance options.

Principles of relief formation

Decorative plaster is attractive in that it allows you to create a unique drawing - you can use your own fantasy. So that this drawing looked harmoniously, you need to know some general rules. W. good manufacturers In the description of each composition there are rules for working with it. There describes the procedure, methods of application, techniques for the formation of decorative surfaces.

A simple way - rolling with a roller with a pattern molded on it

Large firms (manufacturers or shopping centers) Master classes are carried out on which each wishes can try to work with a specific decorative plaster, which is provided in the same place, and not experiment "on the spot." Therefore, before buying, be sure to read the entire available material, browse the video, which are also often available, and in large quantities - Work methods are really a lot. Describe words - difficult and often incomprehensible. Much easier to do everything in video format. We will try to briefly summarize the techniques.

    • When working with structural brush, painted in mass (the kel is added to the composition), the thin is first applied basic layer. It can be smooth, maybe a slightly textured - laminated one of the rollers. This layer is given to dry (6-24 hours depending on the manufacturer). Then the same or clarified composition (the unpainted composition is added, having a mass of several tones lighter) is formed by one of the reliefs. Further options:
        • Immediately after formation, while the plaster dried, too protruding parts are slightly smiling with a stainless or plastic ironing.

      • Wait until the layer is dry. Emery paper attached to the holder or wooden bar, believes some part of the relief.
    • Working with textured plaster applies one layer. Without waiting for drying, they immediately take a grout and form the desired relief. Example - Work with plaster Coroede. This composition is widespread, but mostly all surfaces make the same - with vertical strokes formed by intersions. There are several very interesting techniques in the video.

  • The most difficult way to apply Venetian plaster. The layers are very thin, translucent, they are much and applied in different ways:
      • The first is the smooth, thin base layer. He dries.
      • Thin chaotic strokes are applied, which are gradually filled with the surface. In this case, some, not very pronounced relief - different thicknesses are turning strokes, different directions.
      • The layer is left to dry by 4-5 hours.
      • Take a large stainless spatula or grater and rubs off (rail) surface. At the same time, sharp edges are slightly erased, the surface becomes smooth, places in the form of velvety. The "marble effect" begins to manifest.
      • The next layer is almost the same, but only it is necessary to align the surface as possible.
      • The layer is left to dry by 1.5-2 hours.
      • Clean the smooth, without a burp shirt with rounded ends (so as not to damage randomly). At this stage, the surface acquires a glossy shine.
      • Finish stage - decorative wax coating. This layer increases the moisture resistance of the coating, the glossy shine becomes more pronounced.

Application of decorative plaster: video lessons

Not all the nuances of finishing work can be understood as words. Previously, everything was transferred from the master to students with the help of internships. Modern technologies Allow the process to make the process more massive - video lessons and master classes give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to move that words described very difficult. This section contains several interesting ideas on decorating walls with embossed plaster.

As you understood, the application of decorative plaster is creative. But without experience, to imagine what results are those or other of your actions difficult. We look carefully, try to copy movements. First, it is advisable to practice on a piece of sushielding drywall - to work out the technique. When the result is arranged, you can start decoking the walls.

At the final stage of construction of the house or repair of the apartment, the question always arises about how beautiful and cheap item. The decoration of walls with decorative plaster is one of the most popular wall decoration options, both inside and outside the house. The process of applying decorative plaster is creative and requires special skills, but, with a great desire, it can be performed independently. In this article we will talk about the main features of decorative plaster, as well as its pluses and minuses.

Decorative plaster for interior walls - pros and cons

Decorative plaster for internal wallworms has the following advantages:

  • Easy to apply plaster on the walls;
  • The resulting drawing of plaster will be unique for each wall;
  • Environmentally friendly coating;
  • No joints and seams on the walls after decoration;
  • Strength and resistance to the effects of dust and dirt;
  • The ability to wash the pollutable plastered surface;
  • Walls decorated with decorative plaster, have increased sound insulation;
  • The ability to dye the plastered wall allows you to fly a fantasy in design

However, in addition to the advantages, the decoration of walls with decorative plaster also has disadvantages:

  • The complexity of the removal of plaster from the walls;
  • High-quality imported plaster is quite expensive;
  • Before applying decorative plaster on the walls, they must be additionally cleaned and process.

Also read: Liquid wallpapers in the interior - photo of rooms

Decorative stucco wall decoration: types of plaster

Decorative plaster There are two main types: Facade and interior. The most resistant to external influence is the facade plaster, so it is used to finish the outer walls of the house.

There are such types of decorative plaster for walls in composition:

Interior plaster is divided into four main types:

  • Silicate plaster

Produced on the basis of "liquid glass", and most often used for finishing external walls building. This type of plaster has high plasticity and very durable. In the stores it comes in the ready-to-use form.

  • Mineral Plaster

It is the cheapest plaster. It is based on ordinary cement and has white color, Therefore, requires staining. Such stucco is sold in dry bags.

  • Silicone plaster

Silicone plaster has in its composition silicone resins that make it very plastic and moisture resistant. Plaster is sold at once ready to use.

  • Acrylic plaster

Acrylic plaster is made on the basis of acrylic resin, which makes such a plaster with a rack deformation. This plaster is sold ready to apply.

Classification of decorative plaster for the result obtained:

  • Structural plaster

Such a type of plaster has a grain structure with the addition of small granules and may have inclusions of natural stone with small fractions or wood.

  • Textured plaster

This type of plaster allows you to give the surfaces of the walls a special relief and texture. It may also have enclosures of granules, and from structural plaster differs a little different composition.

  • Venetian plaster

Venetian plaster is made of marble powder, which gives the walls of the finishing effect natural stone. The main advantage of this type of plaster is its complete waterproof.

Required wall preparation for decorative plaster

Before the decoration of walls is launched with decorative plaster, it is necessary to clean and prepare the walls. The old coating (wallpaper, paint or plaster) is removed from the walls, and the gaps are embarrassed by a putty. Then before applying plaster, the walls must be further pricked. Wall is ready to start plaster.

Also read:Choose both in the corridor in the apartment - 50 photos

Modern wall decoration with decorative plaster - 22 photos interesting options Updated: June 16, 2017 by the author: Andrey Zinchenko

Types of plastecocks

Stucco for walls in the apartment is used when carrying out any repair. Its main function is to improve the quality of the surface and its refining. The plastering mixture for interior decoration allows you to change the relief, texture, drawing, color, raise sound insulation and protective properties of walls.

When refrming naked surfaces from aerated concrete or brickwork, a rough plaster is first performed to eliminate existing irregularities, chipping, chosen, cracks, and then decorative trim.

For initial processing uses cheap building formulations with a large size of the fraction. These include such types of building mixtures:

  1. Cement-sandy. It has the highest rating among leveling solutions, consists of cement and sand. It is used in the presence of deep chips and the curvature of the ceiling greater than 5 mm. Depending on the state of the wall, the proportions of the components may be different. After completion of the work, a flat, but rough surface is obtained, which must be discharged with putty.
  2. Lime. It is difficult to work with cement mortar, because it turns out hard and quickly freezes. To avoid this, lime add to it. At the same time, the share of cement in the mixture should not exceed 5-10%. Thanks to the lime, the mixture becomes plastic, well lies and increases the speed of work. After lime plastering, shtlocking is performed.
  3. Gypsum. Gypsum has high absorbent properties, therefore it is used for interior decoration of rooms. On plaster plaster you can immediately apply a decorative finish coating. It should be borne in mind that it dries quickly, so it should be brewed in small volumes.

Gypsum or cement plaster - which is better

Solving what plaster is the best: cement or gypsum, you should consider their quality and functionality of the room. The choice also depends on the future interior and the effect that needs to be achieved.

Mixtures on a cement basis can be bought in dry and in the finished form. They are considered universal and used for any premises, including a bathroom and a kitchen.

Features of use are determined by the grade fraction. The plaster with a large grain is suitable for roughing, and fine-grained can be made of finishing shocking, since it forms a flat smooth surface. The advantages of cement solutions include:

  • the available cost of the mixture;
  • the possibility of independent preparation of the solution;
  • long service life;
  • a simple method of application that does not require greater experience in conducting work.

In order to prevent the appearance of cracks, it is necessary to apply a fine solution with a thin layer after drying the previous one. When processing concrete surfaces, it is necessary to perform a pre-primer, as they have a low level of adhesion.

Cement plaster With lime differs with plasticity, has a high adhesion and does not need a pre-primer. Such walls are not afraid of moisture, so the mixture is used to finish the surface in the bathroom. In addition, due to the presence of lime, it protects the walls from the appearance of mold and fungus. Cement mortar is better acquired in the finished form.

Gypsum solutions are a good alternative to cement and suitable for rooms with low humidity. The advantages of plaster plaster include:

  • high ductility composition and ease of performance when finishing ceilings and inclined planes;
  • effective noise and thermal insulation of rooms;
  • high drying rate, the possibility of applying a large layer and obtaining a flat smooth surface;
  • it is possible to use gypsum compositions for concrete and brick masonry without reinforcing grid.

The disadvantages include a higher value of the material compared to cement types of compositions.

What plaster to choose for the bathroom

Plastering for the bathroom is selected depending on the material of the walls. The main condition that is presented to it - it should have moisture-repellent properties, since there is constant moisture contact with the walls in the room.

The best option for the finishing bathroom is the tile. Plaster for baths under the tile is plastering or on cement basis. In a relatively dry toilet or in a well-ventilated spacious bathroom for finishing surfaces removed from shower watering can, you can use waterproof gypsum mixture. However, it absorbs moisture well, and can be collapsed, so "moisture resistant" should be on the packaging of the finished composition.

Stucco on a cement basis is considered more universal. The best bathroom finishing option is cement mix. It is produced in different versions depending on the material of the walls:

  • Concrete. Masters recommend chosen for concrete surfaces cement-limety composition or modern polymer cement plaster with plasticizers and additives that make a solution more plastic.
  • Brick wall. It is inert to the action of moisture, therefore, for it you can use any of the proposed compositions: cement, cement-sand or limescale.
  • Aerated concrete. The material is characterized by high porosity and has a corrugated surface. Such walls need mandatory alignment. To do this, choose special plaster mixes with reinforcing additives, since cement-based compositions are not suitable for this.

For finishing the ceiling and surfaces located near pipes, plaster for wet rooms on a silicone basis with special additives is required. Such construction mixture It is called saniting and distinguished by high performance characteristics.

What plaster to choose for alignment of walls

Achieve perfect smooth walls It is possible using drywall, special solutions or plaster. The choice of option depends on personal preferences and is determined by the material from which the walls are made. For leveling large irregularities, it is better to use plaster with a cement or lime basis. For decoration of walls that have small potholes and cracks, another plaster is used for wall leveling:

  • silicone - consists of mineral fillers, silicone resins and pigments, can be used in any premises;
  • acrylic - includes mineral components and acrylic resins, prone to flammability, therefore is not suitable for alignment of walls in the kitchen and in high temperature zones;
  • silicate - universal mixtureconsisting of mineral filler, pigments and liquid glass, provides high quality coating;
  • mineral - most a budget optionallowing to achieve a unique decorative surface of the surface, contains cement, lime and marble crumb.

Plaster is used in the process of finishing the room. It is needed to align the walls, hide the depressions and cracks, close the seams between the masonry, etc. Before salaling wallpaper walls are necessarily treated with plaster. Otherwise, due to the uneven surface, the wallpaper will be superimposed on each other or, on the contrary, a gap between the joints of two canvons will arise. In addition, the plaster has good thermal insulation properties - it does not pass the cold air inside and does not produce warm.

Sometimes plaster is confused with putty. The putty and plaster according to the properties are very similar, but there is a significant difference - the plaster is used to align the walls with great curvature and externally, it looks like, since it contains a filler. And already after putting putty to smooth the grainy texture of plaster.

What plaster is better for the walls of the apartment? It is impossible to answer this question. Definitely, because when choosing a coating, it is necessary to take into account the material of the walls (concrete, brick walls) and in what conditions the plaster will be operated ( increased humidity, Normal temperature mode etc.). There are several types of plaster in composition: gypsum, cement, lime, clay. Greater practicality has plaster with plaster and cement. Sometimes the binding elements are combined: a lime mass is added to the cement-sandy solution.

What plaster is better: dry or wet

To understand which plaster to choose for walls in the apartment (dry or wet), you need to deal with the properties of all types of coating. Dry plaster is called drywall. The wet method of alignment of the walls is performed using a plaster solution. At the same time, the coating thickness is regulated depending on the surface irregularities. Each type of wall decoration has its pros and cons.

Plasterboard consists of three layers: cardboard, gypsum layer, cardboard. Dry stucco use not only for alignment of walls, but also for the construction suspended ceilings, partitions, door and window slopes. Advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • strength;
  • versatility;
  • ecology.

Among the minuses, it is possible to distinguish the possible appearance of cracks, no resistance to a pair and water, the complexity of attachment of paintings, shelves, etc. On designs from plasterboard.

The wet plaster is also called monolithic, because after drying the mixture on the wall there is a perfectly smooth coating without jams. This finish takes more time than the installation of plasterboard sheets. The manual master puts on top of the wall ready for the mixture and smoothes until it frozen. Pluses of wet plaster:

  • it does not "eat" the space, as plasterboard makes it. The dry plaster is attached to blocks of a certain thickness, the thickness of the wet plaster can be monitored;
  • durable. The service life of such plaster fluctuates from 15 to 30 years. With proper care, the coating will remain in its original form;
  • resistance to mechanical stress. With careless handling of drywall, dents may appear, this does not happen to the plaster;
  • moisture resistance. Wet plaster is not afraid of water and steam, so it can be used to align the walls in the bathroom and the kitchen.

What plaster is better to stucked the walls

When the room occurs in the room sooner or later the question arises: "What plaster is better to stucked the walls?". To deal with this question, it is necessary to find out the advantages and disadvantages. different species Plasters.

By destination, plaster is divided into:

  • simple - ordinary plasterwith which the walls are leveled for further salary or painting;
  • decorative - applied as finish finish For walls, there can also align the surface with small grooves, depressions, irregularities;
  • special - the composition has particles that change the properties of the mixture. So, when adding a barite concentrate, the plaster becomes x-ray-protective, and if adding liquid glass and quartzite, it is possible to obtain an acid-resistant mass.

Simple plaster, in turn, is divided into a few more species depending on the binder:

  • cement and sand. The proportions of the main components may be varied, it depends on the purpose of applying the mass. It has a rough surface, so after drying it is applied to a layer of putty;
  • lime. It is easier to work with such a plaster thanks to the plasticity of the mixture, so the time of application of plastering on the surface is significantly reduced. Cement in mass is present in a small amount (up to 10%). This is reflected on the strength of the material;
  • gypsum. Gypsum plaster does not have waterproof properties, so it is better not to apply it in the bathroom. It dries quickly enough. This property must be considered when choosing the amount of dry mixture for water dilution.

What decorative plaster to choose

Decorative plaster is used as finish coat walls. A variety of color and textured solutions of such a material allows you to pick up necessary view Plasters under a certain interior. According to the binder element, 4 main types of decorative plaster are isolated: mineral, silicone, acrylic, silicate.

Mineral plaster is made on the basis of cement, which add marble crumb, mineral elements, etc. It is usually produced in the form of a dry powder, which is necessary before working with water. However, the manufacturer of San Marco makes it precisely the finished lime, which is easier to give color in volume and it is more convenient in working for the wizard. Such a coating has high adhesion To any kind of material (wood, plywood, plasterboard, other). Among the advantages of these materials, it is possible to note resistance to mechanical damage, environmental friendliness, fire safety, strength.

Silicone resin is added to the silicone mixture, which makes the texture of the material of unusual (lamb, cored). Thanks to the elasticity with the mass conveniently working. Such plaster is vapor permeable, moisture resistant, protects the walls from ultraviolet rays. It is convenient that this material can self-charge. He does not collect dust and dirt. If all the same pollution appeared, it can be easily removed with a wet sponge.

Acrylic plaster is based on acrylic resin. It is resistant to temperature drops, does not crack, sold in the finished form. However, it is important to remember if the walls are insulated with a mineral wool, such a type of coating plaster is not suitable.

Liquid glass is added to the silicate mass. It is very durable and elastic, so the walls do not crack the walls. For her just to care for it. To remove dust from such plaster, you can simply wash the wall with water with the addition of any detergent. Such a mixture will quickly dry, therefore, without proper training, it is necessary to smooth out the silicate plaster, creating a pattern, quite difficult.

Among the decorative plasters of the well-known manufacturer San Marco can be seen:

  • - After drying on the wall, a beautiful glossy shine appears. This type of plaster is very steady, so it does not need to be coated additionally wax. This mixture is made based on acrylic resins, which makes the structure of the plaster supplies and elastic.
  • - Mineral plaster, creating a drawing, exactly repeating marble. For proper technique Writing the wall is shuddered by two colors.
  • - The basis for this type of decorative plaster is acrylic, which add a fibrous filler to create an invoice. This mixture is suitable for creating large ornaments on the walls, drawings.
  • - After drying, the oxidized metal resembles. After applying on the wall, it becomes rough, like real rust iron. It looks natural and impressive.

Decorative plaster can be both smooth and textured, matte or glossy, soft or impact-resistant - it all depends on the material. There are options with imitation for various natural effects. So, you can find a decoration for marble or travertine. Beautifully look at the surfaces decorated with decorative.

The video shows an example, as one of the most popular vinyl plasters is applied with the creation of a decorative tile effect. In the category you can see all relief materials San Marco.

Benefits of San Marco Plastekers

The catalog of our company SAN MARCO presents the best options for plastering mixtures to perform draft and finishing internal works, which are most in demand when designing interiors in 2019:

  • venetian - with the effect of world map, marble, gloss, rain and others;
  • textured - under concrete, stone, granite, old and travertine.

The advantages of the presented materials include:

  • the ability to create a variety of effects;
  • minimum surface preparation and easy application solutions;
  • available cost thanks to the direct delivery of products from Italy and the absence of unreasonable trading allowances.

All types of plaster solutions are made of natural materials and provide high quality performance. For the convenience of buyers, they are packaged in capacity with a capacity of 1 kg, 5 kg and 25 kg, so you can easily buy the required mixture.

Orders are drawn up by phone indicated on the site of our online store or through the basket. We are delivered in Moscow and the region, the goods can also be taken in our salon. Payment terms should be discussed with the manager when placing an order.