Repairs Design Furniture

Sharpening drills using fixtures. How to sharpen the drill with your own hands? Simple fixture for sharpening bore. Homemade sharpening machine - the basic principles of the design

You can easily make a fixture for sharpening the metal drill with your own hands. This will require some time and several basic elements for the future design.

The devices used for sharpening drills for metal, wood, plastic and other material are divided into two types:

  1. Specialized. They can sharpen only one specific type of cutting tool;
  2. Universal. With their help, all sorts of cutters, drills for metal, wood, etc.

If we talk about the manufacture of a device with your own hands, here usually craftsmen try to make a universal model. The device is obtained user-friendly and efficient for sharpening the drill of small and medium diameters. For household purposes, it will be perfect.

Elements of devices

To make a sharpening device, you will need some elements and tools:

  • Stand;
  • Tublings to turn on / off sharpeners;
  • Disk for a grinder;
  • Electric motor;
  • Electrical cable to connect the device to the network;
  • Plugs;
  • Material for hull.

All components of your machine for sharpening the drill will be located inside the housing. So you will be able to improve your own safety when working with grinding equipment.

Collecting the design, be available. Leave the pulley from the electric motor, since it is put on it for sharpening. It is advisable to pre-select a stationary place for the machine, because it should be fixed on the workbench or desktop.

The process of assembling the grinding device itself is as follows.

  1. Install the electric motor at a predetermined place.
  2. On the table, where the device will be located to sharpen metal drills, apply markup for fastening.
  3. Electrodel Make holes on the markup under the mounting bolts.
  4. Secure the electric motor with metal clamps at its rightmost place.
  5. Fix the casing that will play the role of protection.
  6. Install a grinding disk on the electric motor pulley.
  7. The engine itself must have an elongated pulley, as it will be more convenient when operating a sharpening device. Do not forget to fit the puck before installing the circle.
  8. If the diameter of the pulley and circle did not coincide, you can use the transition sleeve. Side of the sleeve is drilled by a hole under the thread, which is then mounted an auxiliary fastening bolt.
  9. You do not need to choose too powerful. High revs will only harm your metal drills. Most craftsmen adapt to the grinding unit the engine seized from old washing machines.
  10. After the assembly is completed, connect the tips, connect the engine and the entire electric car through the cable to the outlet.

Auxiliary devices

If you managed to collect a fairly useful grinding device for various drills for metal, wood or plastic, we advise you not to stop there.

There are several additional elements, equipping with a sharpening device, you will significantly expand its functionality and increase your own comfort when working on drills.

  • Check pattern. To determine the right corners when sharpening the drill, you will be useful for a special table or a template. The template will always be at hand. With it, you determine how correctly sharpening angles are made, what is the duration of working edges, which angles between the jumpers and working edges. Templates are made of thin soft metal based on a new drill to its first use;
  • Guides. A kind of small consoles made from metal stripes. Their bolts are fixed on the housing of the sharpening device. When you work, you will need to put a drill on these guides, gradually submitting a sharpeble tool to the abrasive stone;
  • Communions. The easiest option is to take the usual metal transportation, cut off part of the device and secure on the stand. Sut off the part of the transport area where the scale is more than 30 degrees. This is due to the fact that the sharpening drills at a smaller angle is not carried out.

Multitasking device

If you make a similar device, accuracy and convenience of sharpening drills for metal will increase significantly. At the same time collect the design is quite simple. To make the mechanism, arma the following components:

  • Roller salads;
  • Guides;
  • Shaft;
  • Transporter;
  • Drill cartridge.

  1. The guide is recommended to make a wide and consolidate the transportation on it.
  2. A bolt will perform in the role of the swivel axis, which is inserted into a predetermined hole.
  3. A guide and movable metal plate is located on the swivel.
  4. On the surface of the plate is mounted axis and tube.
  5. One end of the axis is used to install the drilling cartridge, and the other is applied under the handle.
  6. The thrust plate will move due to the threaded axis.
  7. At the bottom of the plate is the limiter. It performs two functions at the same time - fixes the mechanism in the desired position and indicates the desired angle.

The process of operation of the device looks like this:

  • The cutting drill is installed in the cartridge;
  • The plate is fixed in the desired position to create an angle of sharpening;
  • The device rotates along the longitudinal axis of the handle;
  • There is an angle;
  • The cutter turns 90 degrees, after which the second half of the metal drill is handled.

Operating Rules

Since we are talking about working on a homemade sharpening device for drills, some rules should be followed here. They will protect you from injuries, and will also allow the drill to correctly.

  1. When sharpening drills, make sure that the shoulders are the same. So you make sure that the drill is neatly, smoothly entered the device and after sharpening will be able to qualitatively drill holes.
  2. Before starting the machine, make sure that the grinder is tightly fixed on the electric motor pulley.
  3. The first step of sharpening the drill is performed by a large-grazing grinding disk. At the moment when burgers will begin on the metal drill, change the grinding disk to a more delicate to complete the sharpening.
  4. Performing sharpening with your own hands, clearly stick to the specified angle.
  5. The rotation of the sharpening circle should be carried out strictly towards the blade. In the opposite movement, you will not be able to work at a suitable way.
  6. Make sure that the drill does not overheat when sharpening. Periodically stop, let's cool the drill to cool. But in no case do not compose by lowering in cold water, because due to this, the metal will lose its strength.

See visual video about the assembly of grinding devices. Be sure to consider the diameter of the cutters that you have to be stuck on the machine so that the collective mechanism ensures high-quality and efficient product processing.

The fixture for sharpening swells with your own hands will need a home master with a periodic execution of the drilling with withstanding a certain accuracy of diameter, rigid sizes in the axes of holes.

Sharpening machine - buy or make?

Make with your own hands. Buying equipment will save time. But there are a lot of questions on the combination and installation of additional devices. Economical Chinese masters on household appliances put unrefidently corps, fencing from cliffs.

The machine for sharpening swells with their own hands, we will start with the selection of the engine. Try to purchase an electric motor 0.5-08 kW. Power value indicative. Twisted to Ø 20 when sharpening a large load does not create. Applicable even the low-definite motor of the edition of the 60s: the durability is guaranteed - then they did on the century.

Confuse weight? But the workbench and the bracket, if you mounted on the wall, will be less sensitive to vibration. Do not chase turnover. The sharpening of the faded swells is rarely required, and the usual, from the R6M5 alloy and the like, on the stone with a rotation of less than 900 turns will not be plugged.

Requirements for sharpening device rolled:

  • Accurate centering of the engine shaft without radial beating.
  • The ability to install additional protective covers.
  • Provide the installation of the unable massive base for the engine mounting, additional devices.
  • Installing a height adjustment, changing the angle of location in a horizontal plane, a gap adjustment with a stone.
  • Take care of the installation of the folding safety screen from the unbreakable transparent material.

We collect the machine for sharpening swelling with your own hands

Rehend critical to applications: "Assembled emery from waste, which was lying in the garage under their feet." Universal sleeve with landing space for a grinding circle Ø 32 by ordering a tonary-professional. Detail will be made from alloy steel.

The accuracy of the sliding landing will exclude the beat of the new abrasive. I do not put the key. Screw M4 with a spinal head will enter the keyway through the threaded hole in the sleeve. Reliability of fixation is verified.

Left stone fixation thread, self-tasking. The reference side of the engine and the clamping washer are performed Ø 50-60 mm. For security reasons, on both sides of the abrasive, safety gaskets from a paronite, plastic, birch plywood are put.

The rotation of the circle is allowed only from top to bottom with a reservoir.

The side surfaces of the emery circle are not intended for processing, thinning threatens the breakage of the circle.

The girlfriend, except for the support function, will hold the sharpening fixture, the horizontal engine is to eliminate the beyon, aligning the cylindrical surface with a row, angular guides - for sharpening a manual tool under the desired degree.

The cover with the abundance of the cutting tool and the multifunctional use of the eats is desirable to install with a folded side lid on the hinges: the cup installation will require a greater width, changing the grinding wheels of other graininess and hardness should not take time.

Do not do without fixture for sharpening

Processing steels, viscous materials on a greater depth leads to blurring the cutting edge of the drill. The cutting speed is reduced, there is overheating of the working part, the chip extraction is disturbed. The tool breakage happens more often at the output from the part.

Sharpener rely on experience and hardness of the hands. Our task is to learn how to copy the factory sharpening of the drill with the help of a high-spirited snap. Remove the head - science is not good. Restoring the ability to cut in will start with duplication of the plane of the cutting edge.

The homemade fixture for sharpening the roller should be easy to perform and convenient to use. Required conditions for sharpening snap:

  • Saving the orientation of the drill when the position correction is free.
  • Arbitrary change in the angle of the spatial position of the instrument.
  • Easy installation and dismantling design.
  • Safety use.

Sharpening device with your own hands

Rotate the fixture by 90 0 is carried out only towards yourself. With respect to the axis of the incoming cylinder of the abrasive, the negative angle of the guiding plate is unacceptable. The playground of the girlfriend acts as a protective stop.

The guide plate is selected from sheet steel with a thickness of 5-8 mm. Along the upper plane, we feed the angular groove. The deepening where the drill will be resting on the machine.

Amateurity with a girlfriend is admissible in case of substitution of material to thick textolit. Then the hand mill is suitable. A sample is required without deviating depth and directions, otherwise the accuracy of the operation to restore the cutting edge of the drill is not achieved.

The convenience is that with the longitudinal movement of the drill on the groove area of \u200b\u200bthe support increases due to palm contact with the guide plate. Turning the drill when contact with sharpening, an arbitrary change in sharpening angle does not threaten.

The support plate bears from the bottom of the bushing. Usually it trim the pipe. After welding, the inner diameter is calibrated with an embodiment. In size of the tube we select the bracket and bolt. We order twisted 2 nuts with a cylindrical surface with a free fit into the tube.

Check and self-control

Finish the bracket last. Its position will predetermine the functionality of the sharpening device for spiral rolling. It is time to spend a test sharpening. Referring to Abraziv above the center of the axis of the sharpening circle, correct the cutting part, rise at the expense of the hinge - the treatment of the nape.

Common mistakes when sharpening:

  • Billing drill due to difference in the length of the cutting edges.
  • Asymmetry of cutting edges.

In the first case, due to the displacement of the axis of the drill, it becomes complicated to the cerination point. The hole diameter will exceed the drill diameter. Thin drill breaks. The diverseness of the cutting edges leads to premature depreciation of the edge involved when a slowdown in work.

How to make a right sharpening. We order a tokary with an inner cone. Break it on a steel sheet. We rest in the shank in the cone, leave the risks on the metal with the puffs of the side edges. Did not coincide? We refue to optimum.

Video: Device for sharpening drills

The drowker can be done manually, on machines or special abrasive disks.

If you are drawing the drill manually, then it is necessary:

  • keep hard for the shank, and the other hand to send it a spiral part;
  • cutting edge of the drill to press to the side surface of the abrasive circle;
  • after sharpening one hand, you must smoothly turn the drill, while the cutting edges must necessarily have the right slope to the axis and take the desired configuration.

The drill is sharpening on both sides alternately. At the same time, be sure to control the cutting edges.

Remember! The tip of the burava must be exactly in the center.

Otherwise, when working it will deviate. It is worth noting that the drill in no case cannot be emphasized, otherwise it can get defects (bending).

For example, if after sharpening you noticed that the cutting edges of unequal and tilted at different angles to the axis, it means that the middle of the transverse edge is not in the center of the drill, and it will not work incorrectly.

During sharpening, be paid attention to the initial angle of the tool. It is he who will later become your guideline. Then inspect the bull for damage:

  • if you discovered serious defects, you can use coarse sandpaper;
  • if the defects are small and the drill is blocked very slightly - use the conversion circle. This operation is necessary for thin borals;
  • if the drill on concrete has the defects of the shank cone - process the upper part of the tool, gently pressing it to the sharpening circle;
  • after processing, once again, carefully inspect the rear surface of the bora;
  • if you notice, or identified the template that you got the perfect cone - you correctly sharpened the tool.

After that, process the cutting edge of the drill. The size of the jumper with rational tooling tool must be 1-1.7 mm.

What features of grinding machines

A homemade device for dragging drills is designed for through and deaf berants from steels, cast iron and various solid alloys. Depending on the type, the machines can be endowed with different functions. On some of them, during operation, you can vary the angle.

Sharpening machines are:

  • universal - apply for various cutting tools;
  • specialized - for one species.

It is to universal machines that include drill sharpening devices, because they can be treated:

  • taps;
  • cutters;
  • dolbnyaki;
  • sENKERS.

Machines are divided into two categories:

  1. Industrial - have high power and are designed for sharpening a large diameter tool. Power depends directly from the engine.
  2. A household grinding machine for drills is compact enough and often used for home use. With it, you can handle even the brins of small diameters.

Distinguish seven sharpening methods:

  1. Single bed.
  2. Complicated screw.
  3. Shaped.
  4. Elliptical.
  5. Conical.
  6. Two perception.
  7. Screw.

How to make a fixture for sharpening drills

For the manufacture of a homemade machine you will need:

  • toggle switch;
  • abrasive circle;
  • plug;
  • engine;
  • stand;
  • wires.

Follow our advice:

  1. For security reasons, place the homemade machine into the case, leave only the axis and the abrasive circle. Remember, the device will work from the network.
  2. Select a place in advance where your fixture is to sharpen drills. It is desirable that it is on the metal table.
  3. Next, place the electric motor on the worktop with mounts (clamps) and mark the locations of the bolts, if it has paws.
  4. After that, remove the electric motor and make 4 holes.
  5. Later, install the engine again and secure it gently with bolts.

Council: If the engine has no feet - it is possible to strengthen it with metal strips (clamps).

The electric motor for our future machine should be equipped with a special extended shaft to wear a grainy disk. For this:

  1. Install the fastening nut, after cutting the right thread at the end of the shaft.
  2. Secure the disk using the washer and nuts.

If the diameter of the shaft and the disk holes match, then install the washer on the shaft, and then the abrasive disk. If the shaft diameter and holes do not match, then you need to add a sleeve.

Pre-make a special side hole with a thread for a bolt in order to be able to firmly fasten it on the shaft. After that you can wear a sleeve.

If you can not decide on the electric motor, then simply take the motor of the old washing machine. It is perfect for a homemade sharpening device.

It is worth noting that you must prepare a starter and wires in advance, which will later need to be connected. It is very important that the starter has at least three or four open contacts. Its winding must be connected using two buttons to the phase line.

Attention! The electric motor will be unsafe, regardless of the type - during operation, the rotating shaft may accidentally wind the cord, wire, hair.

Council: Make a metal box to protect the machine from dust, abrasive particles, and you are from random injuries.

How to cool the drill on the machine

  1. When sharpening it is necessary to ensure that two leather drills are the same. If you reach such a correspondence - then the axis of rotation of the drill is completely coincided with the center of the opening.
  2. Before starting sharpening, make sure that the abrasive disk is tightly fixed.
  3. Always start the process with a rough abrasive. After the burr will appear on your drill, you can change the abrasive into smaller.
  4. Watch around the angle of sharpening.
  5. Do not allow switching windings so that the abrasive disk spinning on the contrary. It should always move only towards the blade.

Note that the drills do not endure overheating. During the sharpening, regularly cooler a bull. But in no case, do not lower the drill hot into the water, as cavities may appear in it.

Additional devices

  1. Guide

In order not to keep the drill in the process of sharpening on weight (this may result in injury). Provide a substrate or guide as a small console. It is performed from the metal strip, bended, as shown in the figure and is screwed to the bed (base). The drill is based on it and fed to a circle under the desired angle.

  1. Coromet

Make on the guide described above, risks (marks) for the necessary sharpening angles. It will be much more convenient to use it.

If it is difficult for you - cut off the upper part of the usual transport and stick to the guide.

Angles less than 30 0 for sharpening do not apply, so sacrifice them.

  1. Universal device

To facilitate the sharpening of the instrument, in particular the drills, a mechanism consisting of drilling cartridge, shaft, roller guides (silas) and transportation.

The main substrate described above is made wide. Protractors are glued on it. A hole is drilled in which a bolt is inserted, serving axis for a rotary surface.

It is installed on roller sled plates on which a pipe with a cartridge on the axis is fixed. The plate itself moves forward / backward using a conventional feeding mechanism (thread axis).

At the bottom of the rotary plate, the displacement limiter is fixed. It serves to rotate the device to the desired angle and for its stopper.

Work with device

  1. A drill is inserted into the cartridge.
  2. The plate is rotated to the desired angle and stop the pointer.
  3. Create a handle by achieving the necessary sharpening of the half of the drill.
  4. Notice division.
  5. Turn the drill to 90 0 and repeat the operation, bringing the drill to the selected point.

Qualitatively perform metal processing (including drilled hole in the metal part) is not possible without using the tool, mechanical characteristics and the geometric parameters of which correspond to the required values. That is why the question of how to sharpen the metal drill is correct, relevant for home masters, which often work with such an instrument wear out (which is natural) during operation.

The sharpening of the metal drill using a special device simplifies the task

Cash the drills designed for metal work is much more common than those with which wood processing is performed. When processing such a soft material, which is wood, drills are practically not blown and can successfully operate a very long time, fully retaining their initial characteristics. It is quite different about the drills, with which the holes are performed in the details of the metal. To monitor the condition of such drills, it is necessary to constantly and immediately take action if their working part was subjected to wear.

The fact that the metal drill must be improved, testifies a number of signs:

  • creaking and hum, published by a worn tool;
  • intensive heating of the drill in the process of its use;
  • low quality created holes.

The work of the worn drill is not only ineffective, but also unsafe. At any time, such a drill on the work part of which significant loads occur, it may break, and its individual fragments, flying in different directions at high speed, can cause serious injury.

Sharpening parameters drill

Both in the production and at home, the metal drill can be sharpened on elaborate machines equipped with a sharpening circle of the corresponding hardness. It is best to use serial equipment in such cases. If it is not available, then you can get drills on devices made with your own hands. It should be borne in mind that the characteristics of this equipment, as well as fixtures for sharpening the drills used with it complete, largely determine the quality of such a procedure.

The most important parameters that should be considered to correctly sharpen the metal drill with their own hands are:

  1. the angle under which the rear part of the tool is located to the coal plane;
  2. sharpening angle of the front surface of the cutting part;
  3. length of the transverse jumper on the cutting part;
  4. angle at the top of the cutting tool;
  5. the length of the cutting edges.

In order for the sharpening drill to be high quality, it is necessary to provide it to the processing zone at the desired angle. To solve this problem, various devices are used, which are equipped with grinding machines.

It should be borne in mind: if the sharpening of the metal drill is made incorrectly, it can lead not only to a substantial result, but also to the tool breakage.

What is necessary for the procedure

To sharpen the drill on the metal itself, it is necessary to determine first of all, to solve what tasks it will be applied. In production conditions for sharpening, the drills are used, as a rule, special devices that ensure maximum accuracy and performance of such a process. When performing sharpening drills at home, you always have to look for ways to make the result of this process with high-quality.

In the minimum set for sharpening the metal drills should be included:

  • emery machine;
  • the grinding wheels of various hardness selected depending on the material of the manufacture of the drill, which must be sharpened;
  • capacity for coolant and fluid itself, which can use conventional water (or machine oil);
  • fixtures allowing to withstand the right sharpening angles.

When sharpening drills, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • the angle between the plane of the front of the drill and the base of its cutting edge (such an angle, measured in the main cutting plane, is called front);
  • rear angle, which is measured in the same way as the front, but on the rear plane of the drill;
  • an angle at the top of the tool, measured between two cutting edges.

For sharpening, metal drills for all the rules must be followed by the following values \u200b\u200bof the above parameters:

  • the front corner of the cutting part - 20 °;
  • rear angle - 10 °;
  • the angle at the top is 118 °.

If you need to sharpen the metal drill in production or at home, you must strictly follow safety. This process is accompanied by the formation of a large number of sparks, from the impact of which it is necessary to protect organs of vision. In addition, since such a procedure is performed with sharp metal tools, it should be carried out using the gloves to protect the hands.

The emery machine, equipped with a sharpening circle, is a universal device that allows even at home to sharpen the metal drill. Using such a device, the technological operation should be started with the processing of the rear surface of the tool. The drill that needs to be sharpened is held in relation to a comprehensive circle so that its cutting part is located in parallel to the surface of the circle. The sharpening performed according to this technique is optimally suitable for the metal drills, the diameter of which does not exceed 10 mm.

To qualitatively accurate drills, the diameter of which is more than 16 mm (including equipped with carbide plates), it is best to use a emery machine with a special device. The application of the latter allows not only to monitor the sharpening angle of the drill of a significant diameter, but also to perform such a process with maximum security.

Complete machines equipped with additional devices are recommended to be used in cases where the following categories must be sharpened:

  • used to drill deaf holes for which the decrease in the axial force of cutting is characterized;
  • universal, characterized by increased strength;
  • used for drilling deep holes and characterized by a slight value of applied.

The main task that devices solve that allow you to qualitatively sharpen the metal drill on the grinding machine, is the correct orientation of the cutting part of the tool with respect to the surface. That is why there is a special reference plate in the design of such a device. It is installed on it the machine itself, the engine, which rotates the grinding wheel, as well as the rotary column, on which the processed tool is fixed. The use of such a column allows you to sharpen the drills in almost any spatial position, having their cutting part with respect to the surface of the sharpening circle under the required angles.

Advantages of using special devices

The high advantage of the use of grinding machines equipped with special devices is that the movement of the tool being processed on them is provided by the drive connected to the electric motor. The design scheme of such a drive includes an bearing unit and shaft. At the end of the last and fixed the drill, which must be sharpened.

Before starting the procedure, the tool is fixed on the device under the required sharpening angles. After the metal drill is fixed on the movable column of the device, it itself is supplied to the rotating sharp circle. Thus, all the angles that need to be formed on the rear surface of the cutting part are kept during sharpening automatically. Among the main shortcomings of such a machine for sharpening, the drills usually mark its large sizes.

If you are looking for a response to the question of how to correctly sharpen the drill on metal without performing complex manipulations with the processed tool, you can recommend more compact devices. One of these devices is a plating machine. It is installed on the spindle of the usual electric drill, from which it is driven by its main working element - a grinding circle. One end of such a device is equipped with a special coupling connecting the device with a rotating spindle of an electric drill, and the other is a lid with holes of different diameters, in which the working parts of the sharpened drills in the metal are inserted.

Teach someone to enjoy this device, allowing you to quickly sharpen the drill at home, very easily. At the same time, you can not even show such a video or live process, everything is clear and without a demonstration. To sharpen the metal drill using such a device, it is enough to insert a tool into the opening of the corresponding diameter until it stops and turn on the electrode, which will rotate the grinding circle. Sharpened with the help of such a simplest device tool possesses all required geometric parameters.

It would seem that the drill can be sharpened using any device capable of bringing a grinding circle into rotation. Meanwhile, without the use of fixtures for fixing the tool during sharpening, this procedure cannot be performed qualitatively. In addition, you can get serious injuries. You can only access the simplest method of sharpening in the event that you need to sharpen the drills of a small diameter that is easy to keep in hand during processing.

After you have plisted the metal drill, you need to perform such a technological operation as the edge. It is necessary in order to bring the quality of the cutting part of the recovered tool to the required values. Rendering is performed using sharpening circles with a small graininess. At the same time, all irregularities are eliminated from the cutting part of the drill, it is attached to the smoothness. Drills, on the working part of which there are no roughness is created in the process of drilling less friction, heated less, and therefore, they are able to serve longer. To perform conversion operations, both in production and at home are used grinding wheels made of silicon carbide.

Drills, the working part of which is equipped with attacks from solid alloys, can also be composed, but it should take into account a number of nuances. Carbide plates are very critical to overheating, therefore, it is possible to qualitatively sharpening such drills on metal only on low speed of rotation of the sharpening circle. In addition, performing sharpening, it is necessary to ensure that the tool does not overheat. Otherwise, carbide plates are cracking or even broke off at the site of the soldering.

To sharpen carbide plates, you can follow the technologies for processing conventional cutting tools. It is also necessary to keep in mind that for sharpening drills with carbide plates, sharpening circles with diamond spraying are used, since only they can effectively cope with the processing of such a solid material.

When working with solid blanks, the working surface of the drill is rapidly wears. Blutted drill is strongly heated and loses strength. This is due to the "release" of the metal. The tool periodically must be sharpened. However, this applies not only to the drills.

Drills refer to inexpensive devices. In any case, those models that are used in the household. Nevertheless, buy a new tip every time it is blurted - wasteful.

There are factory fixtures for sharpening, but at the same time the concept of economical use of home instruments is violated.

Tree drills are practically not stupid, except that the tool can "drive" on high speeds in a resinous workpiece. Winged tips and stones are not sharpening. There remains sharpening drill on metal. Many mechanics with experience are carried out by this procedure, without any devices.

However, the accuracy of the work leaves much to be desired, and the eye meer is not for each domestic master is being developed so professionally. In any case, the minimum mechanization is necessary.

How to make a homemade fixture for sharpening drills?

First of all, it is necessary to acquire a means of control. No matter how you draw the drill, a template is needed to verify the accuracy of work.

Conventional drills for working with ferrous metals have an angle of edge 115-120 degrees. If you have to work with different materials - check out the corner table:

Processed materialsharpening angle
Steel, cast iron, carbide bronze115-120
Brass alloys, soft bronze125-135
Red copper125
Aluminum and soft alloys based on it135
Ceramics, Granit135
Wood of any breed135
Magnesium and alloys based on it85
Plastic, Textolit90-100

Knowing these values, you can prepare several templates, and in accordance with them, make sharpening yourself. In this case, one and the same drill can be used for various blanks, it is worth only to change the angle of the vertices of the workspace.

The simplest, but very effective adaptation for sharpening - sleeves of different diameters, fixed on some base.
Conceptual device drawing on illustration:

IMPORTANT! The tool in the bushing should not hang out, the error is only one degree will reduce the quality of drilling.

It is best to make a whole clip from copper or aluminum tubes, under the sizes of the drill. Or chop up a sufficient number of holes in Bruke from soft material. The main thing is to install a comfortable girlfriend on your sharpener, which will allow you to move the fixture for sharpening at the right angle, and serve as reliable focus.

In this way, our grandfathers used. Only as a material for the manufacture of a grinding machine - a corner, used oak bar.