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How to solder a soldering iron: species necessary materials. How to use the soldering iron with rosin: learn how to solder how to solder

Everyone knows what a soldering iron, and why it is needed, but not everyone knows how to use it. And the tool is quite useful not only in the television workshop, but also in household. With it, you can efficiently restore the torn cable, repair the power tools, household appliances and much more. However, the soldering iron must be able to wake, and also need to be able to properly choose consumables.

If we are not talking about the soldering of chips and high-voltage equipment, then the process itself does not represent any complexity. Most domestic tasks can be made independently without referring to a specialist.

Soldering device

Electric soldering iron necessarily has a heater. The heater may be nichrome or ceramic. Ceramic heaters are good in their own way, but they are quite demanding on working conditions. Therefore, electricity soldering with a spiral heater (EPSN) is best suited for household. It is rather unpretentious and, importantly, inexpensive devices.

The work part of the soldering iron is the sting. The heater brings it to a high temperature, allowing you to melting the tin solder, which is soldered. On the body of the soldering iron, there is usually a screw that fixes the sting and with which you can adjust its departure. The soldering iron handle has an extension or a separate apron that does not give hand even randomly slip into a preheated part.

In recent years, compact gas soldering has appeared, which immediately made competition with electric soldering iron. They are refilled with purified butane, exactly the same that is used to refuel lighters. Soldering a gas soldering iron due to the impact open flame miniature nozzle. The flame temperature can be adjusted within 750-1200 ° C. At one refueling, the soldering iron can work 60-90 minutes depending on the setting. Such a tool is able to completely replace the electric soldering iron with a power of 150 W. For household needs, it is more than enough, if, of course, it is not about soldering the pipes or a saucepan.

Selection of soldering iron

First of all, it is necessary to determine for what purposes the soldering iron is purchased. For the house usually take a device that can be soldered cables, wires, fix the plugs of equipment, etc. For these purposes, the device is 25 W. More powerful devices are used when soldering massive parts, and this is already industrial application. At the same time, it is not worth buying too low-power solders by 5-15 W. They are designed for soldering by microcircuit and fine equipment, for example, to repair mobile phones.

Pay attention when buying a soldering iron for home and on its incoming tension. It is necessary that this was a device running from 220 V, and not from 12 or 24 .... It is desirable that the soldering iron had a fork of a European sample. Modern houses All are increasingly equipped with a grounding, which in this case will exclude the electric crash when the trigger on the body.

If the sting in the soldering iron is extracted, it means that it can be replaced if necessary. Learn very simple - Soldiers with replacement stings have a bolt (bolts) of fixation on the case. Bolt allows you to adjust the length of departure, and in turn it affects the temperature of the open part.

The sting is copper and nickel plated. The latter do not overturn, so practically do not need to care. However, they are somewhat more expensive. The red-walled stood from time to time should be cleaned from solder and edit a file. There are no difficulties in these operations - a file is taken and a desired form is given to the stare. It is advisable to do this when the stare is removed, clamped in the vice.

As for the shape of the soldiers, except for the classic "handle" form on sale you can meet the so-called "pistols". The difference between them is only in the form of a handle. Pistol there are also fast-making soldering tips with a transformer, but they already relate to the instruments of a professional class. Many specialists believe that the classic soldering iron shape is more convenient in work.

Consumables for soldering

Solder. Connection of parts with a soldering involves the use of solder - tin alloy with lead. The process of soldering can be compared with hot gluing. The glue in this case protrudes the solder.

Proportions of tin and lead in the solder can be different. Manufacturers are applied to labeling, where the number of tin is denoted by the percentage of tin, for example, PR-61 - solder tin-lead, in which the tin content is 61%. Solder from such an alloy will melt at a temperature of 180 ° C. It is much smaller than the melting point of copper or aluminum, to solder which is most often.

Changes in the ratio of lead and tin is reflected at the melting point of the solder. For example, if tin in the solder is 40%, then the melting point of such an alloy will be 240 ° C, and if the tin is 90%, then the alloy begins to melt only at 310 ° C.

The labeling of imported productions is different from domestic. To understand what is for alloy in front of you, you need to look into the accompanying documents or search for labeling on the Internet. However, with domestic soldering, the alloy of the solder has no particular importance. The most refractory solder melts at 300 ° C, which is also below T (pl.) Of copper or aluminum. But it is easier to work with low-lethal solders, so you should give preference to balanced solders, where tin and lead is approximately the same.

It is more convenient to use the privacy in the form of a wire with a diameter of 1-3 mm. For sale there are solders in the form of a tube filled with flux. Such a solder - an amateur; Many experts prefer simple wire solder, which leaves the ability to more accurately dose the solder and flux.

Flux We are necessary to protect metal parts from heat oxidation. The copper sting of the soldering iron is quickly oxidized, as a result of which a non-metallic film is formed on it, which is bad for the solder. Flux removes the oxides film and contributes to the uniform distribution of the solder. The processing of parts and contacts with a flux is called a tincture.

There are two types of fluxes - acidic and non-acidic. Acid fluxes are most often used when soldering iron alloys (cast iron, steel). After working with acid flux, it is necessary to remove its residues so that the acid does not detract the metal. It is necessary to work with acid fluxes very carefully, because Acid easily corrosive skin.

From non-acidic fluxes most common rosin - purified pine sulfur. For most household problems, rosin is quite enough. Quality rosin is transparent and has amber color; It is not so fast dirty sting and not very smoke. You can also have orthophosphoric acid at hand for cases when the oxidation is significant.

Technology soldering

When you need to solder one item to another, to discharge the contact or ends of the wires, our task is to secure the spike of the solder.

  1. Good contact and spike strength depends on the quality of performance. The soldered parts must be well cleaned, degreased and germinate.
  2. If the electric wire solder is performed or any other electrodets, you need to make sure that they are not under voltage.
  3. Produce a soldering best under kitchen hoodSo that the smoke of the rosin is immediately removed from the room.
  4. It is very important not to overload the soldes. They themselves are unlikely to sleep from the soldering iron, but plastic (for example, wire insulation) may suffer from high temperature. Therefore, the exposure time for the high temperature on the items must be minimal. It is advisable to make a soldering in one right.
  5. Details connected by soldering should be fed - to handle flux and solder. The listed wires stop beate, so they are twisted without tinnitus and only then solder.
  6. When soldering cables or wires, it is cleaned the ends of the insulation, the wire itself is cleaned mechanically and treated with a flux with a soldering iron. To isolate high quality speeded wires It is necessary to pre-put on them with a thermoshrinkable polymer. After that, the ends of the wire are twisted between themselves and fix the solder, which ultimately should cover the entire contact part.
  7. The spike place is closed by a heat shrinkable Cambrid, which after heating envelops the spike and reliably it isolates it from contact with other wires.
  8. Wire solder is convenient to serve as a spike place, and not to pick up tin stain. But since a person has only two hands, the solder is obtained only if the details are securely fixed. Do not try to solder Navis - only in vain spend time and nerves. It is better to first fix the soldered parts by the clip, and then to solder them.

That's actually all the technology. As you can see, she is not good. The main thing is to comply with some simple rules and understand what is done and in what order.

One of the most reliable ways to connect wires and parts - soldering. How to solder a soldering iron how to prepare a soldering iron to work, how to get reliable connection - About all this further.

In everyday life used "ordinary" electric solderingry. There are from 220 V, there are from 380 V, there is - from 12 V. The latter differ in low power. Used, mainly in facilities in rooms with increased danger. It is possible to apply them in domestic purposes, but the heating occurs slowly, and the power is not enough ...

You need to choose one that is comfortable "lies" in hand

Power selection

The power of the soldering iron is selected depending on the nature of the work:

In the household, it is enough to have two soldering iron - one low-power - 40-60 W, and one "middle" is about 100 W. With their help, it will be possible to cover about 85-95% of the needs. And the solder of thick-walled items still better entrust the professional - there is a specific experience.

Preparation for work

When the soldering iron turns on the network for the first time, it often begins to smoke. It burns out lubricantswhich were used in the production process. When smoke ceases to stand out, the soldering iron is turned off, waiting for it until it cools. Next must be sharpened.

Shading sharpening

Next must be prepared for the work of the sting. This is a cylindrical rod made of copper alloy. Fixed using a clamping screw that is at the very end of the thermocamera. In more expensive models, the sting can be slightly sharpened, but, mostly, there is no sharpening.

We will change the most tip of the sting. You can use a hammer (flatten copper as you need), a file or emery (just tooltenten unnecessary). The shape shape is chosen depending on the intended type of work. It can be:

  • Find in the form of a blade (like a screwdriver) or make a flat on one side (angular sharpening). This type of sharpening is needed if massive parts fall. Such a sharpening increases the plane of contact, improves heat transfer.
  • Robbing the edge of sting in a sharp cone (the pyramid) can be if it is supposed to work with small parts (thin wires, electric power). It is easier to control the degree of heating.
  • The same cone, but not so acute is suitable for working with larger diameter conductors.

More universal is considered sharpening "shovel". If it is formed using a hammer, copper is compacted, it will be necessary to adjust the tip less frequently. The width of "blades" can be done more or less, working around it on the sides with a file or emery. With this type of sharpening, it is possible to work with thin and medium soldered parts (turning the sting to the desired position).

Soldering tune

If the sorry of the soldering iron does not have a protective coating, it must be sent - to cover with a thin layer of tin. It will protect it from corrosion and rapid wear. This is done at the first turning on the tool when the smoke stopped stand out.

The first way of tinning the sore tip:

  • bring to operating temperature;
  • touch the rosin;
  • melt the solder and rub it along the whole sting (can be wooden chips).

The second way. Mix the rag with a zinc chloride solution, heated sting to lose a rag. Melt the solder and a piece of cooking salt to rub it all over the surface of the sting. In any case, copper should be covered with a thin layer of tin.

Technology soldering soldering iron

Almost everyone is now used by electric soldering. Those who have a job with soldering, prefer to have a soldering station, "lovers" prefer to manage to do with ordinary soldering iron without regulators. Have several solutions of different power enough for work of different types.

To figure out how to solder a soldering iron, you need to imagine a process in general, then deepen into the nuances. Therefore, let's start S. brief description Sequences of actions.

Soot implies a sequence of repetitive actions. We will talk about the soldering of wires or radio engineering details. It is with them who has to be found in the economy more often. Actions are:

On this soldering is finished. It is necessary to cool the solder and check the quality of the connection. If everything is done correctly, the soldering place has a bright shine. If the solder looks dim and porous - this is a sign of insufficient temperature during the soldering. Soldering itself is called "cold" and does not give the desired electrical contact. It is easily destroyed - it is enough to pull the wires in different directions or even hide something. Another place soldering can be charred - this is a sign of a return error - too high temperature. In the case of wires, it is often accompanied by the laying of isolation. However, the electrical parameters are normal. But if the conductors are soldered when the wiring device is better to redo.

Preparation for soldering

First, let's talk about how to solder the soldering iron wire. First you need to remove isolation. The length of the gentle area can be different - if the wiring is going - the power wires are taken off 10-15 cm. If you need to solder the minor conductors (the same headphones, for example), the length of the gentle area is small - 7-10 mm.

After removing the insulation, it is necessary to inspect the wires. If there is a varnish or oxide film on them, it must be deleted. There are usually no freshly accepted wires of the oxide film, and the varnish is sometimes present (copper has no red color, but brownish). Oxide film and varnish can be removed in several ways:

  • Mechanically Use sandpaper with small grain. It treated the bare part of the wire. So you can do with single-core wires big diameter. Handle emery paper Thin wiring is inconvenient. Strategic so can be broken so at all.
  • Chemical method. Oxides are well dissolved with alcohol solvents. Varnish protective covering Removed using acetylsalicylic acid (ordinary pharmacy aspirin). The wire is put on the tablet, warm the soldering iron. Acid corrosive varnish.

In the case of lacquered (enameled) wires, you can do without stripping - you need to use a special flux, which is called "flux for soldering enameled wires". He himself destroys the protective coating during the soldering. Only so that he never began to destroy the conductors, after the end of the soldering it is necessary to remove it (with a damp cloth, sponge).

If you need to solder a wire to some metal surface (for example, grounding wire to contour), the preparation process is not much changed. The platform to which the wire will be soldered, must be cleared to pure metal. First, all the contaminants are mechanically removed (including paint, rust, etc.), after which the surface is degreased using alcohol or solvent. Next you can solder.

Flus Processing or Mud

When soldering, the main thing is to ensure good contact of soldered parts. To do this, before starting soldering, connected parts must be fed or processing the flux. These are both interchangeable processes. Their main purpose is to improve the quality of the connection, facilitate the process itself.


For the processing of wires, a well-heated soldering iron will be required, a piece of rosin, not a large number of solder.

We take the stripped wire, put it on the rosin, heating the soldering iron. Werewind, turn the conductor. When the wire turns out to be all in the molten rosin, on the sting of the soldering iron, we gain a little solder (just touch the sting). Then we remove the wire from the rosin and the tip of the sting is carried out along the bare conductor.

Conducting wires - mandatory stage when soldering

At the same time, the solder of the finest film covers the metal. If it is copper, out of yellow, it becomes silver. The wire should also turn a little, and sting to move up / down. If the conductor is well prepared, it completely becomes silver, without skipping and yellow tracks.

Flice treatment

Everything is easier here, and more difficult. It is easier in the sense that only the composition and brush are needed. Tassel dip in the flux, we apply a thin layer composition in place soldering. Everything. This is simplicity.

Complexity in the choice of flux. There are many varieties of this composition and under each type of work should be selected. As we are talking about how to solve a soldering iron wire or electronic components (fees), we will give a few examples of good fluxes for this type of work:

For soldering electronic components ( printed circuit board) Do not use active (acid) fluxes. Better - on aquatic or alcohol basis. Acid and have good electrical conductivity, which can disrupt the operation of the device. They are also very chemically active and can cause destruction of insulation, corrosion of metals. Due to its activity, they are very well prepared to solder metals, therefore they are used if they need to solder the wire to the metal (processed the site itself). The most common representative is "Soldering Acid".

Heating and temperature selection

If you want to know how to solder a soldering iron, you need to learn how to determine whether the soldering place is heated. If you use a conventional soldering iron, you can navigate the behavior of rosin or flux. With a sufficient level of heating, they are actively boiled, pair allocate, but do not burn. If you raise the sting, the drops of boiling rosin remain on the tip of the sting.

When using a soldering station, these rules proceed:

That is, at the station set 60-120 ° C higher than the melting point of the solder. Clearance of temperatures, as you can see big. How to choose? Depends on the thermal conductivity of soldered metals. The better it takes the heat, the higher the temperature should be.

Making solder

When the soldering place is trimmed enough, you can add solder. It is introduced in two ways - melted, in the form of a drop on the steering of the soldering iron or in solid form (solder wire) directly into the soldering area. The first method is used if the soldering area is small, the second - with significant areas.

In the event that you need to make a small amount of solder, it relates to the steering of the soldering iron. Solder is enough if the sting became white, and not yellow. If a drop hung is a bust, it must be removed. You can knock on a couple of times along the edge of the stand. Then they immediately return to the soldering zone, by staring along the place of the soldering.

In the second case, we enter the solder wire directly into the soldering area. Warring, he begins to melt, spreading and filling the emptiness between the wires, occupying the place of evaporating flux or rosin. In this case, it is necessary to remove the solder on time - its oversupportment is also not well affected by the quality of the soldering. In the case of soldering wires, this is not as critical, but when soldy electronic elements The boards are very important.

So that the soldering is high quality, you need to do everything carefully: to clean the wires, warm the place of soldering. But overheating is also unwanted, like too much solder. Here you need a measure and experience, and you can recover all the actions for a number of times.

Device for more comfortable soldering - Third hand

How to learn to solder a soldering iron

To begin with, take some pieces of single-core wire of a small diameter (you can - mounting wires, those used in connection, etc.) - work easier with them. Cut them into small pieces and train them. First, try to solder two wires. By the way, after the meadow or processing the flux, it is better to twist among themselves. So increasing the area of \u200b\u200bcontact and it will be easier to hold the wires in place.

When soldering several times it turns out reliable, you can increase the number of wiring. They will also need to be twisted, but under the use of passes (two wires can be twisted with their hands).

Normal soldering means:

After the soldering of several wires is mastered (three ... five), you can try stranded wires. The complexity consists in stripping and tinning. Clean only the chemical method, but to bridge, pre-twisting the wire. Then the listed conductors can be tried to twist, but it is quite difficult. We will have to hold them with the help of tweezers.

When it is mastered, you can train on the wires of larger sections - 1.5 mm or 2.5 mm. These are those wires that apply when laying wiring in an apartment or house. Here on them and you can train. All too, but it is more difficult to work with them.

After completing the soldering

If the wires are treated with acid fluxes, after cooling the solder, its residues should be washed away. To do this, use a wet rag or sponge. They are wetted in solution detergent Or soap, after - remove moisture, dried.

About how to solder a soldering iron you know, now it is necessary to acquire practical skills.

At first glance - to discharge the wires is the simplest task. However, there are a number of nuances that need to be known both beginnie and experienced radio amateur. First of all, consider the technology of soldering: the connection of soldering is nothing but diffusion, that is, the penetration of metal particles in each other. This property of the materials connected provides both high strength and electrical conductivity of the connection.

Of course, for mutual penetration, at least one of the metals should go into a liquid aggregate state, that is, melted. To ensure adhesion - metals should be suitable for each other, and their surface is cleaned of contamination and oxides.

For a high-quality connection, you must execute three rules:

  1. Solder compatible with soldered metal;
  2. Flux to clean the selected material from oxides;
  3. Right-selected soldering iron.

Let's start with the third item. We will immediately make a reservation that you can warm the metal and smear the solder using gas burner or construction dryer. But this is the topic of other publications.

So how to choose a soldering iron for wiring

As an example, we consider the usual wires, a cross section of 0.8 - 3.5 squares, which is the most common size under household installation work.

Thin thin wires are used when assembling mounting boards, and a soldering iron for microcircuits is suitable for working with them. Thicker conductors are applied in power supply, there are somewhat different soldering technology.

Power of the soldering iron

First of all, the soldering iron is selected in power, and not on the temperature of the sting. Wires, especially copper, have high thermal conductivity. When you touch the tip of the soldering place the soldering place, part of the thermal power is instantly dissipated by the conductor. This must be taken into account, knowing the thickness of the vein.

The soldering iron for wires must have a power of 40-60 W. Lower power will be distributed over the cable, and you will have to spend a lot of time to warm the connection site.

First, the quality of the soldering will worsen.

Secondly, insulation will be damaged from long heating.

Too high power Flux instantly evaporates and also melts insulation.

Incorrectly chosen temperature delivers discomfort to the radio amateur. As a rule, one of the soldered wires has to hold the hands. If it is heated along the entire length - you can burn your fingers.

Power is considered sufficient if no more than 2-3 seconds go on the spike. Of course, under the condition of the complete melting of the solder and spreading it on the metal of the conductor.

IMPORTANT! It is better to choose more "cold", but a powerful soldering iron with a thick sting, which is low-power but "hot."

Proper sting

The perfect option for connecting wires is a copper sting with a flattened end.

Copper will accumulate enough thermal energy so that it does not dissipate on the wires. A flat end will provide a wide contact spot. Lack of copper tip is a tendency to oxidation. Even the thinnest layer of oxide becomes the heat insulating gasket, deteriorating heating working area.

You can solder modern conical fans of composite materials or ceramics.

The difference is only in the technique. Such a sting must be pressed not across, but along that it is not always convenient.

Soldering gun instant heating

Not bad option for soldering wires. The high temperature of the tip and the flowing current from the transformer instantly warms the place of the spike, not the time to melt isolation.

If the sting has a loop form - you can cover a spike from all sides, increasing the effectiveness of heating. However, such soldering iron cost more than ordinary.

Right soldering set

The main tool was determined. In addition to the actual soldering iron, a certain set of related materials and devices is needed.

  • Device for removing isolation, or mounting knife. There are no special criteria, the main thing is that the veins do not break down at stripping. It is also necessary to have a knife for removing the lacquer coating from bare lived;
  • Flux. His choice is almost religion. Make from a variety of materials, it can be solid, desiccable or liquid - purpose one. More precisely two: clean the surface and do not give the formation of oxide.

Most good option - Banal pine rosin. The only drawback is weak fluidity (in our case should penetrate into a twist), and with overheating is formed a nagar. Many use the so-called. soldering lady. To give preference to some option pointless. Anyone who knows how to work with a soldering iron - has a favorite flux in arsenal.

Preparation of wires and soldering iron to work

It will seem strange, but many radio amateurs do not know how to relieve the soldering iron. Not only to send the wires - also know a few.

Immediately make a reservation - only copper lugs are necessary to browse. Fucking ceramics or composite materials can be cleaned without using abrasive. For the beginning, the sting is removed from the heating tube. The file or supfil gives it the necessary form of the tip.

Then we cleaned with sandpaper (shallow) to shine. The total surface of the sting is subject to processing, and the tip is only a tip. After that, a piece of solder is put in a jar with a rosphol, and a heated soldering iron is placed under tin.

Video lesson soldering wires using conventional rosin.

IMPORTANT! Temperature should not exceed 300 degrees, otherwise the sting will be instantly covered by oxid.

The molten rosin will clean the copper, and the solder will spread over the surface. There is still a method used during work. On the woods (better coniferous rocks) It is a piece of rosin and solder.

The tip of the heated soldering iron should be vigorously in the wood mixture. It happens at the same time mechanical cleaning and tinning.

Wires before soldering need to be string. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time to warm up, the insulation is melted, and the soldering will succeed in poor quality.

An exception is done in the case when it is necessary to make a twist from stranded wires. Then the logging and the soldering can be combined. In other cases, the tips of the connected conductors must be impregnated with molten solder.

The tip of the wire is seed, a lacquer coating is removed by mechanically, and the flux is cleaned immediately. After that, the solder is recruited on the soldering iron, and the wire is covered with tin from the edge of the insulation.

It is possible to do it right in the jar with rosin, just there will be more smoke.

After preparatory procedures, proceed to the connection.

How to solder wires

Despite the fact that good quality Solder can make a braziness soldering, it will be better to first make a twist. So strength, and electric contact will be more reliable. Scruption options in the diagram:

If the wire is single-core, the twist is done after the rewinding and soldered. The stranded wire can be twisted immediately after stripping, and then solder. The sting of the soldering iron should have contact with the wire, the maximum possible area, to ensure warming up.

A good soldering turns out if the connection is warm by the soldering iron, and the solder is fed to the working area separately. Then you don't have to tear off the sting from the place of heating to forget the next serving of tin.

As soon as you see "boiling" solder, and it will fill all the cavities - you can remove the soldering iron.

IMPORTANT! It is impossible to move the wires before the appearance of a matte plaque on the tin, testifying to the "grasp" of the spikes.

A qualitatively proplayed connection looks like this:

Nowhere can be seen naked metal, the surface of the solder is smooth, without a shell, a smooth matte shade.

IMPORTANT! At the end of the soldering, do not forget to isolate the wires.

Technology of proper wiring soldering electric soldering iron

Among many ways to connect electrical wires, the soldering is the most reliable method. Working with a soldering iron requires amusement, understanding of the technological process and certain skills. You can familiarize yourself with how to solder wires can be used in the video, photo.

Technological features

In the process of soldering, the solder fills the space between the electrical pipelines. The melting of the solder itself occurs at a temperature much lower than metal wires. The quality of the electrical contact directly depends on the purity of the connected elements and their good enveloping. Before soldering the wiring, the surface is cleansed from the oxidative film and fats. For this, special fluxes are used. They increase the quality of spreading molten mass, and also reduce surface tension.

What is needed for soldering

Wire soldering requires the presence of an appropriate tool, as well as some materials. The set for spike veins of electrical storage includes:

  • soldering iron;
  • solder;
  • flux;
  • auxiliary accessories.

Soldering iron

With this tool, it is heated by the parts connected. The soldering iron can be used gas, thermo-friendly, electric. Most practical when working at home electric tools. They consist of a handle, a heating device, as well as a working tip. The electrical instrument connects to the power grid and after a while the temperature of his sting reaches about 300 degrees. This is quite enough to melting solder and connecting elements.


This metal alloy has a reduced temperature of its melting and good fluidity. It includes lead, copper, as well as tin, silver, nickel, cadmium. Spike copper conductors are carried out by Pos-60. This brand shows that the alloy consists of tin with lead. In this case, the tin component accounts for 60%.

Most convenient material It is pure tin, but it has a very high cost. Surface material is produced in the form of pasta, granules, powder, wire, ingots, or foil. Note that special zinc-based alloys are required for the spike of aluminum electrical conductors. For these purposes, such materials such as CA-15 and CO-12 are perfect.


Before switching the wire, the connection of the connection is carried out by a special material. The flux includes a mixture of special substances of organic and inorganic origin. With the help of this substance, the connection is prepared before soldering.

The most used fluxes include orthophosphoric or acetylsalicylic acid, rosin, bora and ammonia salt. Pine resin is very convenient when carrying out solders, however, it requires the execution of some manipulations. The coating of the acid on the parts connected and the chips is carried out using a small brush. Some firms producers produce a special wire (solder) with annexed rosin. This significantly speeds up the soldering process and does not require separate processing of each vein.

Auxiliary supplies

The additional accessories for soldering works include a workplace that will not be afraid of random drops of the molten flux or solder, the stand for the electric panel, a small file. In addition, it will take a sponge (wet fabric) for the solder tip wip, the knife for stripping the connected lived, grinding the skin, passage, alcohol, and a tape.

Proper connection of electrical wires for soldering

Before soldering wires, the soldering iron is prepared by connecting conductors. For this, their veins are released from the insulating layer, are cleaned and degreased. The connection of them together can be performed by any of famous methods. The most common methods include a mechanical twist of two or more conductors. Note that it is impossible to connect aluminum and copper veins together. For this purpose, special transitional terminal workers are used.

Preparation for work

In order to understand how to solder right electric wires, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the work process itself, as well as hold preparatory stage. He assumes the performance of direct preparation of the workplace. To do this, all the necessary tools, materials are located on the soldering table. The room in which the soldering will be carried out should be well ventilated.

The electric staple must be on a special stand near the outlet. Watch that its cable does not touch the hot case, as well as sting. After this preparation is performed, it is cleaned by the connected lived from isolation at a distance of about 40 mm and the oxide film is removed. This can be performed using the emery paper of fine-grained type. Stripping cores should have a brilliant metal look. Take care of the presence of a tape or a heat shrinking tube.

Luzhi technology

After the preparatory procedures are met, the logging of stripped surfaces is carried out. This must be performed before connecting to each other. To do this, the soldering iron is heated, the end of the conductor is heated. The heated custody is immersed in the rosin, after which the soldered alloy with the sting of the soldering iron is carried out along the cleaned area. To speed up the procedure, you can slightly turn the electrically wire. After the end of this procedure, there will be a uniform silver view. This process is repeated for all connected electrical conductors.

Work with the prowla

The solder alloy has a certain melting point. When the soldering iron is heated, it moves from a solid state into liquid and spreads over the surfaces connected. At this point, physical and chemical processes occur, ensuring the necessary reliability of the compound. Note that good coating The solder is achieved exclusively on pure surfaces released from oxide film, as well as fatty contaminants. The use of solders with part in their composition is significantly accelerating the soldering procedure.

Process soldering

We will later consider how to solve the soldering iron wire? Holding a passage in one hand, a wire twist is performed. When connecting, there lived a small cross section and a small length of the soldered place to conduct twisting at all. In this case, the electrical conductors are tightly pressed to each other. A pre-heated electrical machine is taken into the second hand, a small amount of solder is recruited on its tip.

Clicking with a little effort sting to the place of connection of the conductors, their ends are heated. After waiting, when the applied rosin will start melting, the area is covered with molten surge material. After its spreading and penetration into all the gaps on the veins, the coupling place is left to cool. After that, the interconnected vein can be isolated using the isol or the shrink tube.

To fully figure out how to solder electric wires with a soldering iron, pay special attention to the good warming of the spike site. In case of insufficient temperatures, the solder will not be able to carry out the necessary wetting of the surface before frozen. This will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the spike and reduce its strength. Such a process is called "false" or "cold" soldering. During the frozen of the solder material, the connected elements cannot be torn. They must be in a fixed state until the solder is completely cooling. At the final stage, the paired space is wiping with alcohol to cleanse the flux residues.

To securely draw the compound, it is necessary to wind on the sealed veins of 3-4 layers of insulating tape. When using a shrink tube, it should be put in advance to one of the ends of the wire. The length of this insulator should be 20 mm longer than uninsioned space. After the spike, it is stretched to the connected section, heats up with ordinary lighter or hair dryer. The resulting electrical connection will be enclosed in hermetic isolation.

Tricks soldering

Before connecting the wires with an electric soldering iron, you must follow the sting to be in pure form. This will increase the thermal conductivity and strength of the connection. Wet fabric is used to clean the tip.

When using a flux of active type, the stripped conductor conducted the conductor is processed by the composition, heated with an electric staircase with a rotation in a small amount, and then according to standard technology. When soldering twists, it is allowed to skip the meadow procedure, and immediately process the connection of the compound by flux, and then proceed to solder the twisted conductors. In this case, the place of spikes with alcohol is maintained to remove balance of aggressive chemical materials.

Strategic conductors are fluffy in front of the tinnitus and dip in the rosin. A solder application is very carefully so that each conductor is completely covered with them. Upon completion of the cooling, the cores are connected and paved with a tower with a tin.

After studying the main technological processes and viewing video, you can learn to freely connect the electric pipes by the soldering method and even move to more sophisticated work.

Learning to solder wires - consideration of all nuances soldering

Home / Articles / Learning to solder wires - consideration of all nuances soldering

Soldering wires soldering iron does not represent anything difficult, therefore, even inexperienced electrician can cope with this way of connecting copper. Next, we will tell you how to solder the wires in the distribution box - the location where the wiring wiring is made. The technology will be made step by step, with pictures and video examples, so that you can be more clear how to make two wiring. Immediately draw your attention to the fact that we will tell how to solder copper veins. This is due to the fact that aluminum conductors At home, practical is not used. GOST standards for different non-ferrous metals (aluminum and copper conductors) are recommended to be avoided, so the only safe option for a private house and an apartment is a digesting of copper cable vehicles.

Step 1 - Prepare the tool

First you need to prepare a soldering iron to the wire of the wires with your own hands. All that is required is to carefully clean the sting from the remnants of solder or other possible pollution.

To do this, you can use the usual file. In addition, you must prepare the solder and flux, without which the soldering iron will not get the wires. As for the solder, in order to solder the veins, you can use either alloy tin and lead, or a special thread, as shown in the photo below.

Flux is necessary in order for the solder solder uniformly covered soldered materials. In addition, the flux eliminates copper veins from an oxide film, which significantly worsens the reliability of the compound. As a flux you can use either rosin or special soldering acid. And the other option is popular with the masters.

Another important stage of preparation is to create a suitable workplace. You must have a rosette and a soldering iron stand, so that the technology soldering the wires is safe.

By the way, you can make a soldering iron with your own hands, which will not take much time and strength. Homemade apparatus will serve you for quite a long time, what you can make sure!

Step 2 - Perform a mud

So, if you need to solder two power wires with each other, then the first thing you must remove the polyethylene isolation and make the bare cores, especially if they are very thin. A multicore conductor before soldering first twisted, after which it is processed by flux, on top of which a thin layer of preheated solder is applied. It is necessary before soldering, prepare the sting of the soldering iron - plunge it into the flux (in the same rosin, as shown in the photo), and then in Tin, so that the tip is covered with a small layer of solder.

The logging of wires for the soldering is quite simple - first you must put a bare core on the rosin, then warm up this place to the soldering iron, so that the wiring plunges into the flux. After that, it needs to be reached and evenly from all sides to process the solder. To properly apply the heated alloy of tin and lead to the surface, scroll through the wire during the suspension. If you need to connect the veins in the junction box, for convenience instead of rosin you can use acid. It is enough just to bring a tassel to the surface that you need to solder.

If the cores of a large cross section (thick), the login is performed in the same way. The only difference is that it is not necessary to pre-twist the veins, like a multi-breed conductor.

After you follow the logging, you can move to the soldering process. Immediately draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to perform work only with the disconnected electricity. Soldering wires under tension is strictly prohibited!

Step 3 - Sweep the veins

Well, the last thing remains - to solder two prepared wires in the distribution unit. All that is needed is to twist or impose veins on top of each other and warm up the place of the soldering iron connection. Solder melt and after it freezes - electric conductors will connect securely.

Important moment - During the soldering, do not move the veins, otherwise the connection will not be quite reliable.

It should also be noted that the preliminary login can not be performed, but simply twist the wiring and the disintegration box, to be treated with their flux and do it should be sued. However, so we do not recommend to solder, because in this case the connection will be much worse.

The final barcode is insulation of the cooled area. About how to isolate wires we told you. Best of all individually, it is possible to exhibit each living with a tape, and on top of it to use a heat shrinking tube. On the video below you can view the whole order of soldering:

It's important to know!

Above, we told how to solder wires in the distribution box, however such an action is not suitable if you need to solder contacts with a diode tape or in general on the board (chip). So, provide short review Possible technologies soldering:

  • Connect the LED tape. If you need to connect the LED tape, which means it is to discharge the contacts from the power supply unit with the tape conclusions (copper mugs), then first bring the veins plus and minus, then treat the acid conclusions on the tape and drop on them molten solder. Everything that remains is to press the wires to the location of the connection and heat the soldering iron. When solder will freeze, insulate the bare area using adhesive Pistol or heat shrink.
  • Work with boards. If you decide to solder wires on the chip, then the soldering technology will already be more responsible. To solder a condenser, a transistor, a resistor or the same LED, you need a soldering iron with a power of 5 to 20 watts. A more powerful apparatus can overlap and then your efforts will be in vain. In addition, the sting must be very thin, because Excess tin will be jumpers, which in turn will be "sore".
  • Soldering headphones. If you suddenly decided to repair the headphones with a plug 3.5, which often break in the area of \u200b\u200bthe connector, then for a start, see the video on the Internet, which tells how to learn how to solder enameled thin wires with silk thread inside. In short speaking - you will have to consider enamel before copper, perform a luggage and then only solder the plug with wiring.
  • On this technology of self-soldering ends. We hope that now you know how to solder the wires of a big and small cross section at home!

    Learning to solder wires soldering iron Video lesson for repairing headphones with microphone and plug 3.5

    Photo Gallery (6 photos)

    How to solder wire on your own?

    In order to solder the wire to the wire, you need to buy several tools and materials at once, such as:

    1. Flux - means for cleaning the surface of the oxide metal. There are:
      • acidic;
      • anti-corrosion;
      • cheekless;
      • activated;
    2. Solder - alloy tin and lead.
    3. Workplace (Clean, spacious table, as lining can be used metal sheets or wooden boards).
    4. Soldering iron (the sting must be clean, without residual an old rosin)
    5. Rag or sponge for cleaning sting.

    When soldering wires, a number of rules should be observed that will help competently and quickly solder wires:

    1. It is necessary to work in a well-lit room with a desktop lamp that works from external power sources.
    2. It is necessary to work only with wires without tension.
    3. There are a number of types of compounds, each of which is suitable for different categories of soldering.
    4. In addition, there are a number of metals that are not suitable for spike. These include rusty metal (it is poorly connected in a spike, while the wire with such a living has a high probability of burning), aluminum (after the process of stripping the wire is completed, there is a possibility of forming a so-called oxide film on it). This problem It is characteristic of aluminum: when weaving this metal, an oxide film is formed in 100% of cases. This film can be deleted chemical or mechanical pathwhich will be selected based on the soldering method. In order to avoid its education, you need to use a flux that is designed for the spike of the materials you need, chrome parts, parts made under high pressure (not melted and not fused with the solder).
    5. Metals, which are suitable for soldering: tin, silver, copper, brass, zinc, nickel, iron, stainless steel.

    If all rules are met and the tools are collected, then you can move to the preparation process:

    1. Heating of the soldering iron - a soldering iron must be heatled to a temperature that will exceed the temperature of the solder.
    2. Preparing the soldering iron - the sting of the soldering iron must be cleaned, after which it is dipped into flux. Flux is a rosin or other substance helps to clean the metal. After that, you need to warm up the solder and put on the sting.
    3. Burn wires. Perform this procedure is simple enough. There are 2 types of wires - single-core and stranded. In both cases, it is necessary to bargain the wires from isolation, after which, you need to clean the wires from different pollution. In case you need to clean the wires, access to which is limited, then you can use cotton wands.

    Step-by-step instruction of the soldering process

    litted sting of the soldering iron

    Consider the instructions of the soldering process on the example of the fastening of 2 copper wires.

    If all the preparation stages are made, then you can move directly to the soldering process:

    1. The first thing to do is to make the wires. When a mezzanius of stranded wires need to be pre-twisted, then the process will occur much faster.
    2. For the logging of wires, it is necessary to take a bare core, put on rosin or to handle with another flux, after which it is necessary to neatly pour it on top of the solder.
    3. Fix the wires - sometimes special machines are used for this, sometimes homemade structures. In the case when you incorrectly fixed the wires, the soldering process may not end the best way.
    4. Connection - At this stage, we connect 2 pre-treated cores and water them. In order to implement this processThe heated part of the soldering tool is required to melt a little solder, after which it gently apply it to the connection of two lived.
    5. Cleaning the connection - Under the end of the soldering process, it is necessary to clean the connection site lived, it can be done using sandpaper or file. Very important process, since if there is oxidation in this place, the wires can burn.
    6. The insulation winding is most often for these purposes the tape is used, it is the most universal option. Its pluses are easily accessible, you can buy in any store, easy to use, there is nothing difficult to wrap the wire with a tape, long-term, can not be changed for a long time. '

    if the wire is clean and made of copper, then the logging will occur instantly

    How to disappear wire?


    1. First you need to prepare a soldering iron. You need to warm up the tool, then process the flux, after which it gently melt a small amount of solder.
    2. After that, it is overwhelmed from isolation the necessary place of the wire and clean it from mechanical pollution.
    3. Logging Wire - you need to apply on the flux wire, and delete all oxidation.
    4. Secure the wire.
    5. Denote the area of \u200b\u200bthe decay - to cut a small rake to a file, which will move the sting.
    6. Gently move sting on the laid line, several times until you reach the result.
    7. Wait until the wire cools up to room temperature.
    8. Apply isolation.

    This process does not carry any difficulties, the only thing that is required is to follow the instructions of the instruction, the decay process is not much different from the two-wire spike process.

    Selection of soldering iron

    So, let's start with the fact that the soldering iron is the most basic part of the soldering process. From right choice This tool depends the speed and convenience of performing work.

    Electric soldering iron are divided into 2 types:

    1. Spiral. Spirals are heated slowly, but more durable.
    2. Ceramic. Ceramic, in turn, are quickly heated, but require careful use, since it is very strongly susceptible to mechanical exposure.

    Also, the device is subdivided by power:

    • 3-10 W, mainly used when placing chips, very tiny sizes;
    • 20-40 W, are in demand for radio amateurs and in everyday life;
    • 60-100 W, with their help soldiers with a cross section of large sizes;
    • 100-250 W, for working with a metal of large sizes;

    Basically, experienced shareholders use soldering stations, as they are equipped with an adjustable heating range and are able to maintain a constant temperature. Soldering Station In the hands of the wizard, much accelerates and improves the work process, but the newcomer, unfortunately, will not be able to feel the advantages.

    There is a certain number of characteristics for which soldering iron differ:

    1. Soldering tension.
    2. Form of sting.
    3. The maximum temperature of the sting.

    We must not forget about such an important thing as the stand for the soldering iron. It heats up to three hundred degrees and with any embossing can lead to immediate fire flammable materials. It is necessary to very responsively choose the necessary stand, which is fully suitable for the existing soldier.

    Purpose and classification of wires

    The wire is a product of electrical engineering, which consists of 2 or more metallic wires covered with winding from any non-metallic tissue. Used to communicate the current source with the consumer.

    The wire consists of 2 parts. The first one veins is a part conducted. The second part is insulation, that is, what protects the core from external stimuli. A wire and aluminum wires are usually used as a core, insulation is made of paper, rubber, lacquer coating.

    There is a certain classification of wires:

    • winding;
    • copper;
    • high resistance wires;
    • mounting connectives;
    • output;
    • wires for rolling stock;
    • isolated for air lines;
    • uninsulated;
    • wires for geophysical works;
    • heat-resistant;
    • thermoelectrode;
    • warm;
    • automotive;
    • aviation;
    • installation;
    • communication wires;

    1. Use overalls. When working with a soldering iron, it is better to always wear overalls, such as gloves, special apron, glasses. This will help avoid burns and injuries when working. In addition, it is sometimes necessary to use a mask to avoid getting toxic vapors into the respiratory tract.
    2. Do not leave the soldering iron dry when heated. It is always necessary to make a soldering iron rosin, it will help to avoid oxidation.
    3. Choose a soldering iron better with a changeable sting to use different forms.
    4. It is better to use different temperatures for different types of alloys. So you can make a spike much better and long-term.
    5. Use reliable lighting. Use table lamps And lanterns with external power sources. This will help continue work in case of power outage.

    Soldering is considered a very convenient and well-proven way to connect conductors and radio components. With it, it is also possible to solder the wire to the board with electrical contacts located on it.

    The quality of the soldering, ultimately, determines the reliability of the formed compound, so that before the start of work, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of this not quite a simple procedure.

    In order to attach the conductor to the board, first of all, a soldering iron with a power depending on the thickness of the wire itself is required.

    Typically, for these purposes, soldering devices are used with a working power ranging from 25 to 40 watts.

    In addition, it will be necessary to stock up with a set of consumables, noticeably facilitating the conditions of the soldering (solder, rosin and flux). It is also desirable to prepare a tool for heat removal by which you can protect the fee from strong overheating.

    Preparation of wires

    To obtain a high-quality connection, it is extremely important to properly prepare the wire to the soldering, for which it is necessary to do the following mandatory operations:

    1. First, the working end of the wire is cleaned from polyvinyl chloride insulation for a slightly large size of the future contact.
    2. Then, from the exposed stranded end, manually or with the help of the passage, a tight twist is formed, which is then waving in rosin with the solder.
    3. Upon completion of this operation, they go to the board, the pin five of which should also be carefully listed.

    Installation of heat sink

    In order not to overheat and not damage the contact located on the board is recommended to the place of the soldering to apply any metal object, which in this case performs the function of the heat sink.

    It is traditionally used by tweezers, but, in the extreme case, a powerful metal clip or twig can be replaced with it.

    To ensure reliable frosting of the molten solder, it is necessary to fix the conductor in the soldering area for a while (immobilize it). Otherwise, the soldering procedure will have to repeat.

    Upon completion of the connection of individual conductors, a temporary device for heat removal is removed from the working area.

    Thus, knowing the soldering procedure, many electrical appliances can be repaired, in particular the Christmas garland, player, LED lamp.

    Solder Clay

    Flexible loops from thin conductors have long been used in modern household appliances. They can be found in the usual mobile phone, as well as in any sample of computer equipment, in which there are stranded compounds.

    As a rule, in the loop of the conductor tracks are very thin and are located closely one from another, which imposes on the soldering work the following restrictions:

    • to solder a loop to the board, a soldering iron will be required, the power of which should not exceed 24 watts;
    • when soldering, it is advisable to use a special magnifying lens fixed on the bracket working stand;
    • to ensure a good heat removal from the working area, massive tweezers will need.

    Often it is necessary to connect two thin wires with each other (to eliminate their cliff in a loop formed from several conductors). In this case, you first need to clean the torn ends, and then tightly twist them with each other.

    In order to insulate the connection location, a plastic tube (Cambrick) is tensioned to one of them.

    Upon completion of the cleaner soldering, an insulating tube with a small tension moves to the connection zone.

    Is it possible to do without a soldering iron

    Sold without soldering iron wires to the board - quite perfectness. To do this, take a small size metal capacity (type of a row) and fill it in finely peeled soft solder, mixed with a thoroughly extended rolling pan. For these purposes, it is more convenient to use a metal cover from a standard coffee can.

    Then the tank with a solid solder mixture is heated by any affordable way until the latter transition in the liquid phase. All subsequent operations must be performed very quickly to prevent the cooled of the finished composition.

    You need to dip in the molten solder the end of the swept conductor, and then carefully drop by liquid makeup on the card contact. Quickly press the end of the wire to a non-frozen drop of molten solder, and wait for the cooling of the connection zone.

    In conclusion, we note that in modern electronic devices Condition of the conductor at the contact point of the board is the most common malfunction.

    So after mastering the technical admission of their connection without a soldering iron, it will be easy to restore any damaged electronic product (such, for example, like a personal computer keyboard).

    Soldering is a process in which the compound of metal parts is created, due to the chemical reaction, which occurs between the metal and the molten solder. In this case, there is no mechanical damage to the crystal structure of the material of the connected parts.

    What can you solder?

    It will not be possible to solder aluminum or rusty metal, chrome objects, since an oxide film is formed on the surface of the elements, which will prevent the compound process. You can perform the soldering of the prepared surfaces from:

    • iron and stainless steel;
    • copper, tin and brass;
    • zinc and nickel;
    • silver.

    How is soldered steel?

    The process of any soldering is produced in three stages: cleaning the surfaces of the surfaces from oxide films, heating to the melting point of the solder, applying solder (soldering).

    So how did you get the tin? To perform soldering began to perform the following steps:

    • From the surface of the connected parts to remove foreign materials, chips. To do this, you can use a metal brush or sandpaper.
    • In the connection zone, on the surface of the parts, it is necessary to apply flux (for example, BS-35, when soldering ordinary steel, and BS-45, when soldering stainless steel).
    • Heat the parts to the desired temperature, connect and apply solder.
    • With the help of water or a special chemical cleaner, remove the remains of the flux. If this is not done, an rust appears on the site of the soldering, since chloride is included in the flux.

    Types of heaters

    The selection of the type of heater depends on the size and thickness of the seed steel elements. If you need to perform a solder of steel wire or thin sheets, you can use a soldering iron with a chromium or ceramic heater, picking up the appropriate power, or a soldering iron without a heater that you can warm up the burner or on the usual gas stove. If you need to perform the solder of thick sheets of steel, then for heating will have to use the gas or gasoline burner. During the work of the soldering iron, the stare will form oxidation, which will reduce the temperature of the soldering iron.

    For cleaning, you can use either simple emery paper or a special cleaner, for example, ST-40. If the tip of the soldering iron is covered by the solder, then this will provide a wider range of heat transfer and increase the efficiency of the soldering.

    Selection of solder

    Solder is an alloy of tin and lead in a certain relation. The ratio of the proportions of the alloy determines the melting point and viscosity of the resulting alloy. Solder is selected according to the desired compound characteristics and types of materials connected. When soldering began to use without flux solders, and the flux is applied separately.