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A short description of romeo and juliet. W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet": history, heroes of the work


Escalus, Prince of Verona
Count Paris, a young man, a relative of the prince
Capulet - Heads of two warring houses
Uncle Capulet
Romeo, son of Montague
Mercutio, relative of the prince, friend of Romeo

Benvolio, Montague's nephew, friend of Romeo
Tybalt, nephew of Lady Capulet
Brother Lorenzo
Brother Giovanni - Franciscan monks
Balthazar, servant of Romeo
Gregorio - Servants of the Capulet
Peter, the nurse's servant
Abram, servant of Montague
Apothecary Page Paris
Lady Montague, wife of Montague
Lady Capulet, wife of the Capulet
Juliet, daughter of the Capulet
Juliet's Nurse

Scene of action - Verona and Mantua

Chorus enters and announces:

Two equally respected families
In Verona, where events meet us,
They are fighting internecine
And they do not want to appease the bloodshed.
The children of the leaders love each other,
But fate adjusts their intrigues,
And their death at the coffin doors
It puts an end to irreconcilable strife.
Their life, love and death and, moreover,
The world of their parents on their grave
Make up a creature for two hours
Played before you were.

Act I

In the square of Verona, Samson and Gregorio, armed with swords and shields, are preparing "not to be disgraced" in front of the "Montague mongrels". Seeing Abram and Balthazar, Samson and Gregorio begin to bully them, Samson demonstratively calls on his comrade to show his "valiant blow". Benvolio appears. He orders the servants to hide their weapons and disperse. However, Tybalt, noticing Benvolio, declares that he "hates the world and the word 'peace'." Benvolio and Tybalt fight with swords. The adherents of both houses join the fighting. The heads of both warring families with their wives come out onto the square. They loudly insult each other. The prince intervenes. He stops "traitors, murderers of silence", orders "to throw swords from inglorious hands" and orders Montague and Capulet to come to him to testify.

Lady Montague is concerned about her son's condition. She asks Benvolio why Romeo seeks solitude, avoids communication with his parents, does not answer questions. Benvolio promises to find out his secret from a friend.

Benvolio learns from Romeo that he is unrequitedly in love with Rosaline. "Beauty, she will take her world of beauty intact to the grave," because she took a vow of celibacy. Benvolio advises a friend: "Give free rein to your eyes - admire others."

Capulet tells Paris that the prince fined him and Montague. Paris woo Juliet, but while Capulet responds to his proposal evasively: "After all, my daughter is still a child, she is not yet fourteen years old." He advises Paris to "come to terms" with Juliet, and then two years later, her father will declare her the bride of Paris. Capulet invites Paris in the evening to his party, where there will be "a rich congress, like the stars of the night, shining brides." There, a young man will be able to impartially appreciate the beauty of Juliet.

The servant, who is ordered to go around with a list of all the guests of the Capulet, accidentally meets Romeo and Benvolio on the street and asks them to read the names and addresses of those invited to him (the servant is illiterate). Romeo sees Rosaline on the list and decides at all costs to sneak into the ball under a false name in order to look at his beloved. Benvolio shares the aspirations of his friend, but pursues a different goal: "The Capulet will have the most prominent beauties of Verona at the ball." Therefore, Romeo will be able to compare Rosaline with other girls, and Benvolio is sure that his friend will immediately forget his sadness.

Lady Capulet announces to Juliet that young Paris has wooed her. The nurse and the mother unanimously praise the groom in every way - "not a man, but a picture," "a flower that Verona has never seen." Mother advises Juliet to take a closer look at Paris at the ball, to try to get to know him better. Juliet dutifully agrees to please her parents.

Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio with several mummers and a torchbearer stand in front of the gates of the Capulet house. Romeo still complains about his unhappy lot, about the fact that “under the burden of love” for Rosaline, he “bends down”. It seems to him that he is visiting not for good, since the day before he had a bad dream. Mercutio assures a friend that dreams are "nonsense ... the fruits of idleness-dreams and a sleeping idle creature." However, Romeo is uncomfortable:

... Something unknown,
What is still hidden in the dark
Ho will be born from this ball,
Will prematurely shorten my life
The fault of some terrible circumstances ...

Romeo, Benvolio and Mercutio, wearing masks, enter the hall where the guests of the Capulet are dancing. Romeo sees Juliet among the dancers, cannot take his eyes off her, asks the servant who this girl is, but the servant cannot give an answer. Romeo does not know that before him is the daughter of Capulet, the sworn enemy of his family. Romeo instantly forgets Rosaline, forgets his misfortunes and laments.

Disguised as a monk, Romeo approaches Juliet, kisses the girl, she kisses him back. Romeo learns from the nurse that Juliet is the mistress of the house. He is shocked, but cannot fight the passion that gripped him. FoMeo does not intend to give up on Juliet just because she is a Capulet. When Juliet herself finds out who kissed her at the ball and who she liked so much, she perfectly understands that in the eyes of her parents - “Romeo is not a groom”.

Act II

A feeling of overwhelming love overwhelms the young couple. Both Romeo and Juliet can think of nothing but each other. Romeo, sneaking into the Capulet's garden, waits for Juliet to appear on the balcony of his room to take another look at the one that shocked his imagination.

... Juliet, you are like day!
Stand by the window, kill the moon by the neighborhood;
She is already sick with envy,
That you overshadowed her with whiteness.
Leave to serve the goddess of purity.
The virgin's wardrobe is pathetic and nondescript.
It doesn't suit you. Take it off.
Oh dear! Oh my life! Oh joy!

Juliet appears on the balcony. Not seeing her lover, the girl speaks out loud to herself. She is sorry that Romeo mows the Montague surname, she dreams that he would disown the pi l family and make her his wife, so that she would no longer be a Capulet. After all, the name is not the main thing, the main thing is the man himself: "Romeo under any name would be the height of perfection as he is."

Romeo from below answers that for the sake of his beloved he will accept a new baptism. Neither the high fence nor the hostility of Juliet's family can stop his love. For him, “death from their blows is better than a long century without the tenderness” of Juliet.

Juliet asks the young man not to lie to her, not to give empty oaths.

Of course I'm so much in love
What should you think stupid
But I am tougher than many,
Who act out modesty ...
Sorry for the ardor and don't take
Direct speeches for ease and accessibility ...
What I own is beyond my control.
My love is without bottom, and kindness is
Like the breadth of the sea. The more I spend
Thus I become more boundless and richer.

Juliet asks Romeo, if he “decided to marry without jest,” to inform her maid the next day when and where the wedding will take place. Lovers cannot part for a long time. Having repeatedly said goodbye, they return to each other again and again. Finally, Juliet, who is insistently called by the nurse, disappears.

Brother Lorenzo brings a basket of sleeping herbs to his cell, from which he will prepare a healing potion. He argues that everything in the world has meaning and everything is necessary, for everything was created by the earth, "the foremother of all breeds":

What amazing powers
I put the earth in stones and flowers!
There is no such fiber in the world
That she would not be proud of
How can you not find such a basis,
Where there would be nothing wrong.
Anything that comes in handy is useful, not on time -
All good things turn into vice ...
So they split our soul in two
The spirit of kindness and evil willfulness.

Romeo comes to Lorenzo, asks the monk to marry him to Juliet as soon as possible. Lorenzo makes fun of how quickly Romeo forgot about Rosaline. But the young man has an answer: he preferred Rosaline to Juliet, because "she was angry, and this is kindness." Lorenzo agrees to fulfill the young man's request, because in the marriage of Romeo and Juliet, he sees the "denouement between the quarrels" of Montague and Capulet.

Romeo meets Benvolio and Mercutio. Te wonder where their friend disappeared the night before, when they agreed to leave together after the Capulet ball. Romeo answers evasively; he still does not find the strength to tell his friends about everything that happened to him last night.

The nurse appears. She needs to talk to Romeo face to face about the wedding. Romeo tells Juliet through her that she, under any pretext, come by noon to confess to the monk Lorenzo, who agreed to marry the lovers.

Juliet waits impatiently in the garden for the nurse. She counts the minutes until the nanny arrives, scolds her for being slow. The nurse gives her the words of Romeo, and tells her that at night her husband will come to Juliet by the rope ladder.

Brother Lorenzo performs the wedding ceremony on Romeo and Juliet. Romeo asks Juliet to find words to express the feelings that overwhelm him. Juliet replies:

The wealth of feelings is alienated from embellishment,
Only inner poverty is wordy.
My love has grown so terribly
That I can’t cover half of it.


Mercutio, Benvolio, a page and servants are walking along the square. Benvolio persuades Mercutio to go home: he has a presentiment that today they will not avoid trouble, because "Capulet are everywhere." But while they are bickering, Tybalt appears. He clings to Mercutio, pulls him up. A quarrel breaks out. Benvolio tries his best to prevent the conflict, offers to retire, discuss the "issues" with a "cold soul" and disperse.

But then Tybalt sees Romeo. For nothing in the world, he would not agree to leave without a fight. Romeo (who is now a relative of Tybalt) calmly explains that he does not want to argue with him, that he is ready to forgive his "blind malice", offers to part with friends. Mercutio, who is not yet aware of the fact of Romeo's marriage, contemptuously declares that he must wash away Romeo's shame with blood (Romeo's conciliatory mood seems to be a shame to Mercutio).

Mercutio draws his sword and throws himself at Tybalt. Romeo is trying in every way to separate the fighters, rushes between them. From under the arm of Romeo, Tybalt wounds Mercutio and hides with his accomplices.

"Plague, take both of your families!" - exclaims the dying Mercutio. Benvolio leads him away. Romeo feels guilty for the fact that his friend and relative of the prince is so dangerously wounded because of him, while Romeo himself "silently took a mortal offense" - a public insult from Tybalt, a man who became his family an hour ago.

Benvolio approaches Romeo and announces to him that Mercutio is dead. The triumphant Tybalt returns. Romeo rushes at him to avenge his deceased friend, kills Tybalt and runs away.

The townspeople run in, the prince, the Montagues, the Capulet and their ash. Benvolio tells the prince what happened. Lady Capulet weeps over the corpse of her nephew, demands justice and revenge. The prince, whose family feelings also suffered (Mercutio is his relative), orders that Romeo be immediately expelled from the city. The angry prince imposes a huge fine on the Montagues and the Capulet, whose strife has finally bothered him. If Romeo reappears in Verona, the prince orders to execute him.

In the garden of the Capulet, Juliet is waiting for the evening when she sees Romeo again:

After all, lovers see everything in the light
A flurry of lightning faces.
Love and night live by the sense of the blind.
Great-grandmother in black, prim night,
Come and teach me fun
In which the loser is in the barysh,
And the stake is the integrity of the two creatures.
Hide how the blood burns with shame and fear,
Until suddenly she dares not
And he will not understand how pure everything is in love.

The nurse tells Juliet that Tybalt is killed and Romeo is exiled. At first, Juliet begins to reproach Romeo, "a dragon in a charming guise", "a nonentity with the features of a deity" for the murder of a cousin. The nurse picks up her lamentations:

... In men there is no one
No conscience, no honor. All pretense
Empty seduction and deception.

Here Juliet, as if waking up, pulls herself back. Her beloved "was not born for shame", he is a wonderful person, pure, sincere, and scolding a husband is meanness on the part of his wife. For her, the worst thing is not the death of a cousin. But if something bad happened to Romeo, Juliet's life would be darkened forever. She cannot bear the thought of the expulsion of her beloved. The nurse promises to find Romeo (he is hiding with Lorenzo in the monastery) and bring him to Juliet.

Brother Lorenzo persuades Romeo to leave the city unnoticed, to wait until the prince's anger passes. Ho Romeo is deaf to all his convictions. He wants to rush to Juliet, he raves about her, without her he has no life.

The nurse comes to Lorenzo's cell, informs Romeo that Juliet longs to see him. Romeo, in a fit of nobility, renounces his family and draws out his sword to stab himself (because he caused Juliet so much suffering). Brother Lorenzo stops the young man, scolds him for the tearfulness and blindness of his actions, for the fact that Romeo scolds his family.

Lorenzo reminds that Romeo should thank God for his happiness. He is not killed by Tybalt, Juliet loves him and waits for him. Brother Lorenzo advises Romeo to quietly go to Juliet at night, and in the morning, before bypassing the guards, return and immediately leave for Mantua, until the opportunity presents itself to publicize their marriage and reconcile the families of Montague and Capulet. Lorenzo promises to regularly send Romeo to Mantua news of Juliet with his servant.

Juliet cries all the time because Romeo is banished. The parents decide that their daughter is being killed by the late Tybalt. The father believes that Juliet needs something to distract from the sorrowful thoughts. Paris, appearing on the day of mourning (Tybalt's funeral) in the Capulet's house, recalls his matchmaking. Capulet himself promises Juliet's hand to Paris, schedules a wedding for the next Thursday (that is, three days later) and orders to notify his daughter about the upcoming celebration.

At dawn, Romeo is about to leave Juliet's room. Lovers cannot leave. Romeo promises to send his wife news from a foreign land, encourages her to hope for the best, assures that the pangs of separation will later serve as a memory for them. Juliet is plagued by misgivings. Romeo disappears.

Lady Capulet announces to her daughter that in three days she will have a wedding with Paris. Juliet cries bitterly, explaining her melancholy with the pain of the loss of Tybalt. Mother promises to get even with Tybalt's killer (i.e., Romeo) through loyal people add poison to his food. Juliet volunteers to compose the poison herself, but refuses to marry Paris.

The Capulet appears. He does not understand how the daughter dared to disobey him, how it could be “not obvious to her how many times the groom is more noble”, and not be proud of the parents' choice. Juliet is scolded by her father. It literally drives him crazy that his many years of efforts to find a worthy groom for his daughter were not crowned with gratitude and unremitting obedience on her part. The Capulet threatens to kick Juliet out of the house, to deprive her of a piece of bread and gives her two days to think. Juliet begs her mother to intercede for her and postpone the marriage for at least a month, but her mother is adamant. The parents leave.

Juliet is crying in the arms of the nurse. Ta advises her to spit on her husband and marry Parkes, because "the new marriage will overshadow the previous one with its benefits," and "the current husband is so far away that it is like a dead man, the same benefit." Realizing that the nurse is no longer her ally, Juliet sends her to her parents: to ask them to let Juliet go to confession in her brother Lorenzo's cell.

Paris comes to Lorenzo, sets his wedding with Juliet on Thursday. Lorenzo tries to dissuade the young count from a hasty marriage under the pretext that he "does not know the bride's way of thinking." At Lorenzo's, Paris runs into Juliet, calls her wife. Juliet, without directly refusing to marry, nevertheless does not answer Paris' questions and in every possible way avoids communication with him.

Left alone with Lorenzo, Juliet asks him to do whatever it takes to turn her away from her hated marriage and help reunite with Romeo. Lorenzo tells her to go home, to give her father consent to the wedding, and on Wednesday evening to drink before bed, a bottle of the drug that Lorenzo gives her. It will immerse Juliet in such deep dream that will be indistinguishable from death. Relatives will bury her in the family crypt in a coffin without a lid (this is the family tradition of the Capulet). Meanwhile, Lorenzo will call Romeo and come with him to the crypt. In forty-two hours, Juliet will wake up, and Lorenzo will arrange an escape for him and Romeo. Juliet fearlessly takes the bottle and promises to follow his instructions exactly.

On the pretext that she needs to pray properly before the wedding, on Wednesday evening Juliet persuades the nurse to leave her alone in the bedroom for the night. At the thought that the monk could have given her a real poison to drink, Juliet "is pierced by a slight cold, and horror stops the blood." She dreams of Tybalt, who puts Romeo on a sword. Juliet drinks poison "for the health of Romeo" and falls on the bed without breathing.

In the morning, active preparations for the wedding are underway in the Capulet's house. Finally, the nurse goes to wake the young bride, who returns in tears. News of Juliet's death spreads throughout the house. The Capulet is in despair. Lorenzo appears, who was preparing to "marry Juliet and Paris", who will now be performing her funeral service, and the festive dinner "will go to the funeral ceremony."

Act V

Balthazar brings Romeo to Mantua the news that Juliet has died and lies in the family crypt. Lorenzo gave a letter to Romeo, in which he explained that Juliet would still wake up from sleep, to his brother Giovanni, but he had no one to send a letter to Mantua.

Romeo is going to Verona immediately. Romeo does not want to live without Juliet, but seeks to see her before her death, albeit dead. Before leaving, he is visited by a pharmacist. He brings Romeo, at his request, poison, one sip of which kills a person instantly and without suffering.

Lorenzo learns from his brother Giovanni that his letter to Romeo has not been sent. Brother Lorenzo hastily embarks on the Capulet's crypt, because "Juliet can get up from minute to minute." Lorenzo decides to hide her in his cell, but in the meantime still write Romeo and call him from Mantua. Lorenzo does not know that Balthazar has already visited Mantua, and Romeo is racing towards Verona,

Paris comes to the tomb of Capulet with his page, Paris says goodbye to his failed wife, removes her coffin with flowers. Hearing footsteps, Paris hides.

Romeo and Balthazar appear. Romeo sends Baltazar away, explaining that he wants to remove the expensive ring from his wife's finger. However, Baltazar, just in case, is hiding in the bushes nearby, in order to come to the rescue in case of anything, since the sight of Romeo is scary.

Paris stops Romeo, arrests him (Romeo has no right to be in Verona). Romeo tries to avoid conflict, explains that "he is preparing his own reprisals." Ho Paris stands his ground. They start to fight and Romeo kills Paris. The page rushes to call the guard. Romeo brings Paris, at his dying request, into Juliet's crypt,

Left alone with Juliet, Romeo weeps over her lifeless body:

My love! My wife! End
Even though I sucked your breath to the bottom
He didn’t cope with your beauty ...
Forgive me! Juliet, what for
You're so beautiful?..

Romeo presses his lips to Juliet's face to "capture with a long kiss with death his indefinite contract." Romeo drinks poison for his love and dies.

Brother Lorenzo enters the tomb. He already knows from Balthazar that Romeo came to Verona without having heard from him. Lorenzo sees Romeo and Paris at the coffin of Juliet. He does not immediately find "a clue to this one."

Juliet awakens. Lorenzo bitterly explains to her that an evil force prevented his actions. He didn't keep his promise. Romeo is dead. Lorenzo hurries Juliet, persuades her to leave the crypt. He is ready to help the unfortunate woman take monastic tonsure.

Juliet refuses to leave the crypt. Exit Lorenzo. Juliet sees that the bottle from which Romeo drank the poison is empty. She kisses her husband on the lips, hoping that at least a drop of poison remains on his lips. Juliet hears voices. It is approached by the watchman's crypt, summoned by the page of Paris. Juliet grabs Romeo's dagger and stabs herself.

In addition to the watchmen, the prince and Montague from the Capulet come to the crypt. They arrange a biased interrogation of Balthazar and Lorenzo.

Lorenzo tells the prince what was the real reason for the death of the young offspring of the Montague and Capulet families. Montague's wife also died: she could not bear the separation from her son. The prince reproaches the heads of the warring families:

Where are you, implacable enemies,
And your argument, Capulet and Montague?
What a lesson for the haters
That heaven is killing you with love!

Capulet and Montague shake hands at the children's grave, agree that they will erect a monument to Romeo and Juliet out of pure gold. All retire to mourn together. According to the prince, "the story of Romeo and Juliet will remain the saddest in the world."

The tragedy covers five days of one week, during which a fatal sequence of events takes place.

The first act begins with a scuffle of servants who belong to two warring families - the Montagues and the Capulet. It is unclear what caused the enmity, it is only obvious that it is long-standing and irreconcilable, drawing into the whirlpool of passions both young and old. The servants are quickly joined by the noble representatives of the two houses, and then their heads themselves. On the square drenched in the July sun, a real battle begins to boil. The townspeople, tired of strife, hardly manage to separate the fighting. Finally, the supreme ruler of Verona arrives - the prince, who orders an end to the clash on pain of death, and angrily leaves.

Romeo, son of Montague, appears in the square. He already knows about the recent strike, but his thoughts are occupied by another. As befits at his age, he is in love and suffers. The subject of his undivided passion is a certain unapproachable beauty Rosalina. In a conversation with his friend Benvolio, he shares his experiences. Benvolio good-naturedly advises to look at the other girls and chuckles at his friend's objections.

At this time, Capulet is paid a visit by a relative of the prince, Count Paris, who asks for the hand of the owners' only daughter. Juliet has not yet turned fourteen, but her father agrees to the proposal. Paris is noble, rich, handsome, and one cannot dream of a better groom. The Capulet invites Paris to their annual ball that evening. The hostess goes to her daughter's chambers to warn Juliet about the matchmaking. The three of them - Juliet, the mother and the nurse who raised the girl - vividly discuss the news. Juliet is still serene and obedient to the parental will.

Several young men from the enemy camp, including Benvolio, Mercutio and Romeo, enter the lavish carnival ball in the Capulet's house under masks. They are all hot, sharp-tongued and adventurous. Particularly mocking and eloquent is Mercutio, Romeo's closest friend. Romeo himself is seized on the threshold of the Capulet's house with a strange alarm. “I'm not expecting any good. Something unknown, / That is still hidden in the darkness, / But it will be born from the current ball, / Will prematurely shorten my life / The fault of some strange circumstances. / But the one who guides my ship / Already set the sail ... "

In the midst of the ball, amid the random phrases exchanged between masters, guests and servants, the gazes of Romeo and Juliet for the first time intersect, and, like a blinding lightning, love strikes them.

The world is instantly transformed for both. For Romeo from this moment on there are no past attachments: “Have I ever loved until now? / Oh no, those were false goddesses. / I did not know the true beauty from now on ... ”When he utters these words, his voice is recognized by Juliet's cousin Tybalt, immediately grabbing at the sword. The owners beg him not to make a fuss at the holiday. They notice that Romeo is known for nobility and there is no trouble, even if he attended the ball. The hurt Tybalt harbors a grudge.

Romeo, meanwhile, manages to exchange several lines with Juliet. He is dressed as a monk, and behind the hood she does not see his face. When the girl slips out of the hall at the call of her mother, Romeo learns from the nurse that she is the daughter of the owners. A few minutes later, Juliet makes the same discovery - through the same nurse, she finds out that Romeo is the son of their sworn enemy! "I am the embodiment of the hated power / Unknowingly fell in love."

Benvolio and Mercutio leave the ball without waiting for their friend. Romeo at this time silently climbs over the wall and hides in the dense garden of the Capulet. His instinct leads him to Juliet's balcony, and he, freezing, hears her pronounce his name. Unable to bear it, the young man responds. The conversation between the two lovers begins with timid exclamations and questions, and ends with an oath of love and a decision to immediately unite their destinies. “I am not subject to what I own. / My love is without a bottom, and kindness is like the breadth of the sea. / The more I spend, the more boundless and richer I become ”- this is how Juliet says about the feeling that struck her. "Holy night, holy night ... / So unreasonable happiness ..." - echoes Romeo. From that moment on, Romeo and Juliet act with extraordinary firmness, courage and at the same time caution, completely submitting to the love that swallowed them. Childhood involuntarily leaves their actions, they suddenly transform into people wise with the highest experience.

Their confidants are the monk brother Lorenzo, Romeo's confessor, and the nurse, Juliet's confidante. Lorenzo agrees to secretly marry them - he hopes that the union of young Montagues and Capulet will serve the peace between the two families. In Brother Lorenzo's cell, the wedding ceremony is performed. The lovers are overflowing with happiness.

But in Verona, the summer is still hot, and "blood boils in my veins from the heat." Especially among those who are already hot-tempered as gunpowder and are looking for an excuse to show their courage. Mercutio whiles away the time in the square and argues with Benvolio which of them loves quarrels more. When the bully Tybalt and his friends appear, it becomes clear that a hassle is indispensable. The exchange of caustic barbs is interrupted by the arrival of Romeo. “Leave me alone! Here's to me the right person- Tybalt declares and continues: - Romeo, the essence of my feelings for you is all expressed in the word: you are a scoundrel. However, the proud Romeo does not grab the sword in response, he only tells Tybalt that he is mistaken. After all, after the wedding with Juliet, he considers Tybalt to be his relative, almost a brother! But nobody knows it yet. And Tybalt continues to mock until the enraged Mercutio intervenes: “Cowardly, despicable obedience! / I must wash away her shame with blood! " They fight with swords. Romeo, terrified of what is happening, rushes between them, and at that moment Tybalt deftly strikes Mercutio from under his hand, and then quickly disappears with his accomplices. Mercutio dies in Romeo's arms. Last words, which he whispers: "Plague, take both of your families!" Romeo is shocked. He lost his best friend. Moreover, he understands that he died because of him, that Mercutio was betrayed by them, Romeo, when he defended his honor ... "Thanks to you, Juliet, I am becoming too soft ..." - Romeo mutters in a fit of remorse, bitterness and rage. At this moment, Tybalt reappears in the square. Having drawn his sword, Romeo swoops down on him in "fiery rage." They fight in silence and frenzy. Seconds later, Tybalt falls dead. Benvolio in fear tells Romeo to flee urgently. He says that Tybalt's death in a duel will be regarded as murder and Romeo faces execution. Romeo leaves, depressed by everything that happened, and the square is filled with indignant townspeople. After Benvolio's explanations, the prince pronounces a verdict: from now on Romeo is condemned to exile - otherwise he will die. Juliet learns about the terrible news from the nurse. Her heart squeezes with mortal anguish. Mourning the death of her brother, she is nevertheless adamant in justifying Romeo. “Is my spouse condemning me? / Poor husband, where is a good word for you to hear, / When his wife does not say it even in the third hour of marriage ... ”Romeo at this moment gloomily listens to the advice of his brother Lorenzo. He convinces the young man to hide, obeying the law, until he is granted forgiveness. He promises to send letters to Romeo on a regular basis. Romeo is in despair, exile for him is the same death. He languishes with longing for Juliet. They manage to spend only a few hours together when he sneaks into her room at night. The trills of a lark at dawn inform the lovers that it is time for them to leave. They cannot tear themselves away from each other, pale, tormented by the impending separation and anxious forebodings. Finally, Juliet herself persuades Romeo to leave, fearing for his life. Lady Capulet, who enters her daughter's bedroom, finds Juliet in tears and explains this with grief over Tybalt's death. The news that the mother informs makes Juliet freeze: Count Paris is in a hurry with the wedding, and the father has already decided on the wedding the next day. The girl begs her parents to wait, but they are adamant. Or an immediate wedding with Paris - or "then I'm not your father anymore." After the parents leave, the nurse persuades Juliet not to worry: "Your new marriage will overshadow the first with its benefits ..." "Amen!" - notes in response Juliet. From that moment on in the nurse, she no longer sees a friend, but an enemy. Remains only person who else can she trust - Lorenzo's brother. "And if a monk does not help me, / There is a means to die in my hands." “It's all over! There is no more hope! " - Juliet says lifelessly when she is alone with the monk. Unlike the nurse, Lorenzo does not console her - he understands the desperate situation of the girl. With all his heart sympathizing with her and Romeo, he offers the only way to salvation. She needs to pretend to be submissive to her father's will, prepare for the wedding, and take a miraculous solution in the evening. After that, she must plunge into a state that resembles death, which will last exactly forty-two hours. During this period, Juliet will be buried in the family crypt. Lorenzo will let Romeo know about everything, he will arrive at the moment of her awakening, and they will be able to disappear until a better time ... "Here is a way out, if you do not fear / Or confuse something," the monk concludes, not hiding the danger of this secret plan ... “Give me the bottle! Don't talk about fear, ”Juliet interrupts him. Inspired by new hope, she leaves with a bottle of solution. In the house of the Capulet, they are preparing for the wedding. Parents are happy that their daughter is no longer stubborn. The nurse and mother tenderly say goodbye to her before bed. Juliet is left alone. Before the decisive act, fear grips her. What if the monk tricked her? Or the elixir won't work? Or will the action be different from what he promised? What if she wakes up ahead of time? Or even worse - will she survive, but lose her mind from fear? And yet, without hesitation, she drinks the bottle to the bottom. In the morning, the house reads the heart-rending cry of the nurse: “Juliet is dead! She passed away! " The house is filled with confusion and horror. There can be no doubt that Juliet is dead. She lies in bed in her wedding dress, numb, without blood on her face. Paris, like everyone else, is overwhelmed by the terrible news. The musicians invited to play at the wedding are still awkwardly treading, waiting for orders, but the unhappy family is already plunging into inconsolable mourning. Lorenzo, who came, pronounces words of sympathy for those close to him and reminds that it is time to carry the deceased to the cemetery. … “I had a dream: my wife came to me. / And I was dead and, dead, watched. / And suddenly from her hot lips I revived ... "- Romeo, who is hiding in Mantua, does not yet suspect how prophetic this vision will turn out to be. So far, he does not know anything about what happened in Verona, but only, burnt with impatience, awaits news from the monk. Instead of a messenger, Romeo's servant Baltazar appears. The young man rushes to him with questions and - about grief! - learns the terrible news of Juliet's death. He gives the command to harness the horses and promises: "Juliet, we will be together today." From a local pharmacist, he demands the most terrible and quickest poison and for fifty ducats he gets a powder - "Pour into any liquid, / And be strong in you for twenty, / One sip will put you down instantly." At this very time, Brother Lorenzo is experiencing no less horror. The monk, whom Lorenzo sent to Mantua with a secret letter, returns to him. It turns out that a fatal accident did not allow the assignment to be carried out: the monk was locked in the house on the occasion of the plague quarantine, since his friend had previously been caring for the sick. The last scene takes place in the tomb of the Capulet family. Here, next to Tybalt, the dead Juliet had just been laid in the tomb. Lingering at the coffin of the bride, Paris throws flowers at Juliet. Hearing a rustle, he hides. Romeo appears with a servant. He gives Balthazar a letter to his father and sends it, and he himself opens the crypt with a crowbar. At this moment, Paris comes out of hiding. He blocks Romeo's path, threatens him with arrest and execution. Romeo asks him to leave kindly and "not tempt the insane." Paris insists on being arrested. The duel begins. The page of Paris rushes in fear for help. Paris is killed by Romeo's sword and, before dying, asks to bring him into Juliet's crypt. Romeo is finally left alone in front of Juliet's coffin, He is amazed that in the coffin she looks as alive and just as beautiful. Cursing the evil forces that carried away this most perfect of earthly creatures, he kisses Juliet for the last time and with the words "I drink to you, love!" drinks poison. Lorenzo is late for a moment, but he is no longer able to revive the young man. He rides in time for Juliet's awakening. Seeing the monk, she immediately asks where her husband is, and assures that she remembers everything perfectly and feels cheerful and healthy. Lorenzo, afraid to tell her the terrible truth, urges her to leave the crypt. Juliet does not hear his words. Seeing the dead Romeo, she thinks only about how to die as soon as possible. She is annoyed that Romeo has drunk all the poison alone. But next to him is a dagger. It's time. Moreover, the voices of the watchmen can already be heard outside. And the girl plunges a dagger into her chest. Those who entered the tomb found dead Paris and Romeo, and next to them the still warm Juliet. Lorenzo, who gave vent to tears, told the tragic story of lovers. The Montagues and the Capulet, forgetting about the old strife, stretched out their hands to each other, inconsolably mourning the dead children. It was decided to put a golden statue on their graves. But, as the prince correctly noted, all the same, the story of Romeo and Juliet will remain the saddest in the world ...

Of the 37 dramatic works by Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet is the first mature tragedy that became the focus of the early period of creativity, which researchers call humanistic or optimistic. The work of the Renaissance is rightfully considered a masterpiece of world classical literature.

The play, which leaves no one indifferent, tells about the high sincere love of a young man and a girl from two warring clans, for several centuries it has firmly established itself in the repertoires of academic and experimental theaters around the world. With the relevance and depth of its problems, as well as the skill of creating heroes, the work awakens to creative achievements not only theatrical creators, but also film directors, who have presented the world with several dozen adaptations of the famous tragedy.

The work is written on the basis of a wandering plot, literary adaptations of which are known in the works of ancient, Italian, French and English authors. However, the variation has received worldwide recognition. famous plot by Shakespeare. Glaring problems, a multi-faceted plot, rich images - all this makes the play of the English classic a great achievement of world drama.

William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet: summary

From the very first lines of the work, it becomes clear that between the noble families of Verona, Montague and the Capulet, an irreconcilable enmity has long been going on, which not only engulfed all the relatives of the clans, but also their servants. A conflict ensues between the latter, which is witnessed by the public and the duke (in some translations - the prince). He orders to end this endless war, otherwise the guilty will be punished. Benvolio was also a participant in the conflict. He tells about what happened to his friend and relative Romeo - the son of Montague. However, all this does not bother him, since his mind is occupied with heavy thoughts about unrequited love for Rosaline, without which he does not see the meaning of life. The young people are joined by their third friend - Mercutio, a relative of the duke.

Accidentally meeting the servant of the Capulet, the young men learn that a masquerade ball will take place in their house. To dispel a friend, the guys decide, wearing masks, to go there. Before the masquerade, a relative of the Duke Paris asks the Capulet for his daughter's hand. The father, referring to her young age - 14 years old, still does not refuse a noble and rich young man.

Before entering the Capulet's house, Romeo felt a premonition that something irreparable would happen that would shorten his life, and it would arise at this ball. At the masquerade, Romeo and Juliet see each other, and love pierces their hearts like an arrow. Romeo tells her of his admiration. By his voice, Capulet's nephew Tybalt recognizes him and grabs his sword. The owners stop him, not seeing anything terrible in the fact that Romeo attended their celebration, but Tybalt still harbored a grudge.

Acquaintance and wedding

From Juliet's nurse, the lovers learn in turn that they are children of sworn enemies, but this does not affect their passionate feelings. Romeo spent the whole night under Juliet's balcony. By the morning they already swore to each other in eternal love and pondered how to get married secretly. Lorenzo's father and nanny became the lovers' assistants. On the same evening, the young were married.

Meanwhile, Tybalt wants to get even with Romeo, but meets his friends, with whom he enters into a heated squabble. Romeo comes and tries to prevent the conflict, considering Tybalt already his brother. Trying to protect the honor of his friend, Mercutio enters into battle with Tybalt, in which he dies. Before his death, one of the most important phrases of the work sounds from the lips of Mercutio: "A plague on both your houses." Tybalt appears again, and an enraged Romeo kills him, after which he hides in the cell of Lorenzo's father. The duke appears in the square and condemns Romeo to exile to the city of Mantua.

This news became for Romeo tantamount to death, because he will be forced to part with his beloved, who probably already hates him for killing his brother. He is comforted by the nurse, saying that Juliet's love for him is stronger than the pain over Tybalt's death. Lovers say goodbye and languish from suffering before close separation.

Paris reappears and Capulet sets the wedding day. Juliet refuses, which is why her parents disown her. She goes for advice to Lorenzo's father, who has figured out how to save her from remarriage and help loving hearts... On the night before the wedding, she must drink a potion that will put her to sleep for two days. Everyone will decide that she is dead and take her to the family crypt. Juliet did everything as the holy father ordered. The Capulet family and Paris bitterly escort her to last way... Meanwhile, Lorenzo sends a messenger to Romeo to be there when Juliet wakes up.

Due to the cholera epidemic, the messenger was not released from the city, and he could not convey the message to Romeo, to which his servant Balthazar had already arrived and announced the death of Juliet. The newly-made husband does not want to live without his beloved anymore, and having bought poison, he goes to Verona to share the last refuge with his wife.

Paris comes to the crypt of the Capulet to say goodbye to the bride, where Romeo also appears. A duel ensues between them, as a result of which Paris dies. Before the coffin, Romeo admires his chosen one, who is beautiful and fresh, as in life. Having said goodbye to his beloved, he drinks poison and dies. Lorenzo doesn't have time to stop him. A noise outside distracted the holy father from the coffin in which Juliet had awakened. Seeing Romeo dead, she kisses him to taste the poison and, piercing herself with a dagger, falls near her husband.

The Capulet family, Montague's father, the duke and the city community gathered at the tomb, to whom Lorenzo told a tragic love story. As a result, the fathers of warring families, united by grief, shook hands, promising to erect golden monuments to their children. And the duke summed up: despite the reconciliation of families, the story of Romeo and Juliet will remain the saddest in the world.

Characteristics of the characters

The character system of the tragedy is quite developed. In addition to the main acting characters, there are many secondary characters in the work: messengers, servants, cooks, musicians, townspeople and others. All characters Shakespeare conditionally attributed to the two warring camps of Montague and Capulet.

But there are characters who do not belong to clans and carry, perhaps, the most important semantic load - Lorenzo's father and the duke. They are fair and honest with everyone. Each, for his part, is trying to reconcile families, but only the main characters - Romeo and Juliet - succeed in this at the cost of their lives. The images of the main characters have long become household names, as symbols of eternal, sincere and selfless love. They are ready to put everything on the altar of their love: wealth, honor, name and even life.

The main ideas of the work

“Romeo and Juliet” is the personification of the author's humanistic ideas about the freedom of choice of a person, his ability to independently build his life. The author does not share his father's mercantile views in his desire to marry his daughter to a rich and promising groom. Hence arises and social problem in the work. Juliet's disobedience reflects withdrawal family relations and the principles of education of the Renaissance, the pursuit of the right to personal happiness. Father Lorenzo, violating certain principles, helps the young, thereby confirming another moral idea of ​​the work - it is love that is the basis of marriage.

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is the greatest work that tells us about the love story of two young people. Who hasn’t heard of Romeo, who hasn’t worried about Juliet, who hasn’t fully believed in a happy ending? Probably there is no such person who has not read or watched the play about Romeo and Juliet, two heroes of Shakespeare's great work. Well, who has not yet had time to get acquainted with the world masterpiece, we offer you for reader's diary a work of Romeo and Juliet in a summary of acts and scenes.

Romeo and Juliet very briefly on acts and scenes

Thanks to our play Romeo and Juliet, you will be transported to an Italian city and follow the fate of the heroes. Meet two warring families, whose hatred will lead to irreparable. Let's begin our introduction to the work of Shakespeare by chapters, starting to consider the play of Romeo and Juliet from the very beginning.

Act 1

Scene 1

Act one takes us to Verona for retail space... It is there that we meet the servants of the two warring families of the Capulet and Montague. The servants of the first decide to provoke the servants of the representatives of the second family in order to start a fight with them. But what needs to be done is to blame not the real ringleaders, but just the servants of Montague. And now the fight is ripe. She was seen by Benvolio - Montague's nephew and best friend Romeo. He wanted to separate the servants, but heard a reproach from Tybalt, the nephew of the Capulet. He accused Bevolio fighting with the servants. Now the nephews of the two warring clans clashed in battle. More and more adherents began to join them.

Further, we see how the representatives of the two families themselves appear on the square, where the men also wanted to rush into battle, but their wives stop them. Here the prince of Verona appears and orders everyone to disperse. Only the Montagues remain in the square, who are trying to understand the cause of the fight and find out if their son also took part. V recent times he doesn't look like himself. Benvolio promises to find out the reason for his friend's behavior. As it turned out, he is in love with a girl who took a vow of celibacy. A friend advises to forget her, because there are many beautiful ladies in the area.

Scene 2

Count Paris, a relative of the Prince of Verona, fell in love with Juliet and desired to marry her. He asks her parents for her hand. They ask to postpone the wedding and decide to arrange a ball in order to understand the daughter's attitude to young man... They themselves hope that he will find some other girl.
Guests were invited according to the list. I learned about the celebration and Romeo, who immediately decided to visit it. The guy hoped to meet Rosalind there, with whom he fell madly in love.

Scene 3

The third scene takes us to one of the rooms in the Capulet's house, where parents and daughter are talking. The subject of their conversation was Paris. Respecting her parents, the girl promises to take a closer look with the nephew of the Count of Verona.

Scene 4

And now Romeo and his friends, dressed in masks, enter the Capulet ball. A certain anxiety does not leave the young man, and then there is also a disturbing dream. The guy is in no hurry to the holiday, feeling that this evening will change his fate, where at the end his death will await.

Scene 5

The party is in full swing, the Capulet welcome their guests and invite them to dance. Tybalt hears the voice of the enemy among the crowd and wants to find him, but the head of the family orders him to calm down. Romeo himself, dressed in a priest's costume, saw a beautiful girl among the crowd of those present. Immediately he approached her, not yet knowing that this was the enemy's daughter. Her beauty fascinated him, he even forgot about his Rosalind. Juliet was also fascinated by the guy.
From the breadwinner, young people learn the names and understand that they are from opposite warring families. The young man leaves the ball, Juliet is amazed and complains that she fell in love out of ignorance.

Act 2

Scene 1

The first scene of the second act of our summary takes the viewer and reader of the play by William Shakespeare to the walls of the Capulet garden. The guy wants to see the one that struck the heart. He jumped over the wall, despite the protest of friends. Mercutio believes that there is no point in looking for someone who does not want to be found.

Scene 2

Romeo under Juliet's balcony. A girl just comes out there and begins to think out loud. She spoke of her love for the son of her parents' enemies, lamented about his belonging to the Montague family. The young man heard everything and could no longer sit under the balcony. He goes up to the balcony and confesses his feelings as well. Juliet does not believe, sees a catch in this, but soon becomes convinced of Romeo's sincerity. Young people decide to get married against all odds. At the end of the conversation, a decision is made to send a messenger to whom Romeo will tell the date and time of their wedding. Romeo himself plans to ask his spiritual mentor Lorenzo about this event.

Scene 3

At this time, Lorenzo in his cell disassemble the herbs, amazed at how the good principle intertwines with the evil, how in one plant they are preserved as healing properties, and poisonous. Romeo entered and began his conversation. The monk immediately reproaches the young man, his love is not constant. Recently he loved Rosalind, and now he asks to marry Juliet. But nevertheless, he agrees to get married, as he hopes this wedding will end the feud between families.

Scene 4

Friends waited for Romeo. They began to mock their friend's oohs and sighs. Here comes the nurse, whom Mercutio calls a procurer. The guy tells the nurse the time. It will be noon. Juliet must come to church, ostensibly for prayer. There the groom will be waiting for her. Together with the message, the wet nurse is given and rope ladder with a request to lower her from the balcony at night so that Romeo could climb up to her beloved.

Scene 5

In the fifth scene of Shakespeare's work, a conversation between a girl and a wet-nurse takes place. She briefly tells Juliet what she heard from Romeo. The woman sends the girl to confession.

Scene 6

Act 3

Scene 1

Mercutio learns about Tybalt's desire to kill Romeo. Just when the sacrament of the wedding is being performed on the square, the friend of the protagonist meets with Tybalt Capulet. Tybalt begins to call Romeo names, but Montague Mercutio does not want to enter into a fight with a relative. Tybalt takes out his sword and Mercutio has no choice but to engage in battle with the enemy. This battle is seen by the hero of the work. He wants to stop the fighters, but Tybalt takes the opportunity to injure Mercutio from under his arm. He dies. Romeo cannot forgive that. He starts a fight with Capulet's nephew and kills him.

The townspeople come running to the square, representatives of warring families come, as well as the prince of Verona Escal. Regardless of Benvolio's story, for Romeo's arbitrariness, the prince expels the guy from the city, and finishes the families.

Scene 2

Meanwhile, Juliet is expecting Romeo, but instead receives word from the nurse that her husband has killed Tybalt. Juliet immediately began to scold her husband, but immediately stopped, because the feelings of love overpowered hatred. She was glad that her lover was alive. Sends the nurse to Romeo to come to her at night.

Scene 3

Romeo in the cell of the monk Lorenzo, who announced the decision of the prince. The young man is in a panic, he wants to kill himself, because he will not survive the separation from his beloved. But Lorenzo calms the guy down, offers to go to a neighboring city, where he will wait for the reconciliation of the families, and there the young people will reveal their secret of marriage. The nurse comes and says that Juliet is waiting for her husband tonight. Romeo perked up again.

Scene 4

Meanwhile, Paris came to Juliet's parents, who still hopes to marry the girl. In the conversation, a decision is made to play a wedding two days later. The mother was instructed to report the decision.

Scene 5

Juliet met with her chosen one. They say goodbye and the guy leaves. The nurse says that the mother is going up to the room. A conversation between mother and daughter took place. The mother told about her desire to poison Romeo, and also says that she and her father are going to marry Juliet to Paris. She refuses. The father hears this refusal and, in a rage, says that the daughter has two days to think. When the parents leave, the nurse also begins to insist on a wedding with another, and the girl realizes that in the person of the nurse she has lost her ally. She decides to go to the monk.

Act 4

Scene 1

In a panic, Juliet asks the priest for help, otherwise she is ready to end her life, because she has already been given to Romeo. The priest offers a way out. He gives a potion, from which the girl should sleep for two days. Everyone will consider her dead and bury her in a crypt with an open coffin. At this time, he and Romeo will arrive at the crypt, wait for Juliet to wake up and they will be able to escape forever from the city. Juliet, agrees to the dangerous plan and takes the medicine bottle.

Scene 2

In the house of the Capulet, preparations are underway for the future wedding, because the father does not abandon the hope of persuading his daughter. Here comes the daughter. She is joyful and talks about her positive decision. So that the daughter does not change her mind, the father informs that the wedding will take place tomorrow.

Scene 3

The heroine goes to the room and orders the nurse to leave her alone. For a long time she did not dare to drink the contents of the bottle, fearing that it was poison or thinking that drinking would not help. But he still drinks the contents and falls asleep.

Scene 4

In the morning, the nurse goes to the room to wake Juliet.

Scene 5

On the bed, the nanny found the girl's lifeless body. All came running to the cries of the nurse. Paris also came running. The priest tries to calm everyone down, saying that Juliet's soul is in paradise and talking about the funeral. They decide to bury the girl in the crypt right in the bride's dress.

5 act

Scene 1

Romeo is in another city, but for a long time he does not receive news from Verona. This starts to worry him. There is also a dream, where he dreams of his death, from which Juliet saves him. Balthazar arrives and talks about Juliet's death. This news is killing the guy. He buys poison and decides to go to the crypt to die nearby.

Scene 2

Lorenzo sent an assistant to Romeo in advance with a letter and an explanation of the plan, but he did not find the guy and returned to Lorenzo with unpleasant news. Lorenzo writes another letter, and he decides to go to the crypt to wait for the girl's awakening. He decides to hide her, and then give Romeo.

Scene 3

Paris goes to the girl's cemetery to say goodbye to her. Servant orders to guard the entrance. Hearing footsteps, the servant informs Paris about it and he hides. Sees Balthazar and Romeo heading towards the tomb. Thinking that Romeo would desecrate the tomb, Paris jumped out and challenged him to battle, not hearing Romeo's words. In battle, the guy kills the failed groom of his beloved. Recognizing the murdered Paris, he puts him in the crypt. He himself drinks poison and waits for his death. Lorenzo heads for the crypt, but does not make it in time. He sees traces of blood and two lifeless bodies. Juliet wakes up. Lorenzo invites her to leave, but she stays. She understands that her sweetheart is dead, he was poisoned. She kisses, hoping to get poison as well. Then he sees the dagger and kills himself.

The tragedy ends with the words that there is no sadder story than the story of two lovers Romeo and Juliet.

Shakespeare: "Romeo and Juliet" summary

What grade will you give?

The story of tragic love - writers and poets of all times and peoples turned to such a plot. Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet was no exception. It was not an English classic who became the ancestor of such a plot. But the ability to show overwhelming happiness loving people, which is even capable of overcoming a sad end - this is the idea of ​​Shakespeare's work.

History of creation

He loves her. She loves him. Relatives are against their union. Lovers solve this problem in their own way: the imaginary death of their beloved, which led to the true death of the young man. This plot has been known since the time of Ovid, who so colorfully painted in his "Metamorphoses" the love story of Pyramus and Theisba. The only difference with Shakespeare's story was that it was not the poison that caused the death of the young man in love, but the sword.

Of course, Shakespeare was familiar with the work of Ovid. But he also studied well the novella of the Italian Luigio da Porta, who as early as 1524 described the love of Romeo and Juliet of Verona in the "History of Two Noble Lovers". This story has undergone changes many times (Juliet was 18 years old at first, before her death she manages to talk to Romeo, but then dies of longing for her lover).

The main source that served as the basis for the immortal work of Shakespeare was Arthur Brick's poem Romeo and Juliet, created by him in 1562. Shakespeare slightly reworked the plot: events take place in the summer for 5 days (Brick has 9 months in winter). He finished work on the work in 1596 ( exact date creation unknown, but it was printed just then).

The plot of the work

Two noble families from Verona, Montague and Capulet, have been at war for centuries. Even the servants of the masters are drawn into the conflict. After another massacre, the Duke of Verona Escalus warns that the culprit will be punished at the cost of his own life.

Romeo, a member of the Montague family, is in love with Rosalind, who is Juliet's girlfriend. Mercutio's friend and Benvolio's brother by all possible ways trying to ward off sad thoughts from Romeo.

At this time, the Capulet family is preparing for the holiday. Invitations were sent to all the noble people of Verona. At the celebration, the 13-year-old daughter of Senor Capulet, Juliet, is to be introduced to her fiancé, Count Paris.

Romeo comes to the ball at the Capulet's house with his friends. After all, here he hopes to meet Rosalind, who is the owner's niece. So that no one recognizes them, the young men decide to use masks. Their plan was exposed by Juliet's cousin Tybalt. To prevent a possible conflict, the owner of the house tries to stop Tybalt.

At this time, Romeo meets Juliet's gaze. Sympathy is born between young people. But on the way to happiness is a huge obstacle: the age-old feud between the Montagues and the Capulet.

Romeo and Juliet swear allegiance to each other and decide to get married, believing that this will end the bad relationship between their relatives. Romeo, through the nurse, negotiates with the monk Lorenzo about the ceremony.

A few hours after the wedding, the young man witnesses how Tybalt kills his friend Mercutio. Romeo, in a rage, inflicts a fatal blow on Tybalt himself.

Tragic events led to the fact that the Duke decides to expel the young man from Verona. Monk Lorenzo invites Romeo to wait out a certain time in Mantua.

At this time, Juliet's parents inform her that they are preparing to marry her off to Paris. In desperation, the girl turns to Lorenzo. He gives her a special sleeping pill to simulate death with it. Romeo does not know about it.

When the young man saw Juliet sleeping, he decided that she was dead. Romeo kills Paris and takes the poison himself.

Juliet wakes up and sees the lifeless body of Romeo. In despair, she stabs herself. The death of the lovers reconciles the Montague and the Capulet families.

main characters

Daughter of Senor Capulet, surrounded from childhood with the love and care of loved ones: parents, cousin, cousin, wet nurse. In her incomplete 14 years, she has not yet met love. The girl is sincere, kind and does not delve into the conflict of families. Obediently follows the will of the parents. Having met Romeo, she completely surrenders to the first feeling, because of which, as a result, she dies.

A romantic young man from the Montague family. At the beginning of the novel, he is in love with Rosalind, Juliet's cousin. His love for Juliet turns him from a frivolous reveler into a serious youth. Romeo has a sensitive and passionate soul.


Montague's nephew, friend of Romeo. The only one of all the characters who does not support the enmity of families and tries to completely avoid conflicts. Romeo trusts Benvolio completely.

The nephew of the Prince of Verona. Juliet's groom. Shakespeare describes him as handsome and with kind soul: it also doesn't support family conflict. Dies at the hands of Romeo.

Monk Lorenzo

A confessor who takes an active part in the life of Romeo and Juliet. Secretly crowns lovers. He is ready to pray for everyone, and ardently wishes to stop the war between the Montagues and the Capulet.

Tybalt- Juliet's cousin, maintaining a blood feud between families. Kills Mercutio, and himself is killed by Romeo.

Mercutio- a friend of Romeo, a young rake, narcissistic and sarcastic. Was killed by Tybalt.

The main idea of ​​the work

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows true human values ​​that can destroy tradition. Love has no barriers: it is not afraid of any prejudices. Young people are ready to go against society for the sake of their happiness. Their love is not afraid of life or death.