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When to plant seeds to seedlings: accurate dates on the lunar calendar. We consider in the reverse order. Growing seedlings in "Snails"

Seedlings is young plants specially grown in greenhouse and greenhouse conditions to then put in open soil. It is often used in vegetable growing, decorative gardening and growing various plants. Thanks to the seedlings, it is possible to get high yield ahead of time up to one and a half. Popular vegetables are so grown: cabbage, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and many others.

As soon as the snow falls and spring comes, summer houses are already concerned about to start planting seedlings to receive a rich harvest in the future.

When planting seedlings

This is done in advance for weeks or months before landing into the ground in the country area. The landing time depends on the culture of the plant. Common B. last years It became the lunar calendar for seedlings, according to which they grow seedlings. Some daches are confident in the effectiveness of the method. Others relate to it skeptical.

Research is obtained different ways. Used pots, trays for eggs or cups of paper or plastic. Time to grow seeds depends on the culture of the plant and its variety. Therefore, before the beginning of cultivation, you need to know exactly when to plant the seedlings correctly and how to do it so that everything happens during the required period.

Usually it is beginning to grown from April to May. At the same time, in May, you can go to the country ground, building a film shelter there. This is permissible, of course, if the year was not cold. One month before the transplantation of plants from insulated sections, gradual hardening are produced for seedlings. She is taken out by open areas, extended duration on the street.

Consider opening time Seedlings of individual types of vegetables.

Planting pepper

This culture loving heat is a whole storehouse of vitamins and trace elements for the human body. It has a large number of Vitamin C and not less - Vitamin A. Pepper is added to a variety of summer salads or separately to meat dishes. That is why dacms like it and often grow in beds.

Unlike other cultures, which can approach an alternative method, the pepper without seedlings will not succeed, he is required for a long time Before the ripening of fruits: from about a hundred twenty to one hundred thirty days. To understand when putting peppers to seedlings, you need to consider that it is planted for the third month when the term is already from sixty to eighty days. During this period, Kostik begins to bloom.

The first shoots will arise well, when the daily temperature ranges from twelve to fifteen degrees, and the night - from six to ten. In the ground it is planted approximately at the very beginning of summer. At this time, frosts are already unlikely to come. When ripening in greenhouses, seedlings periodically need to harde with the sun. Otherwise, after disembarking, it risks immediately burn.

Tomato time

Favorite tomato, this round vegetable Orange or red, grown simply. However, it is absolutely necessary to maintain a certain temperature.

Shoots may arise three days after landing. The maximum period of waiting time is only seven days, week. In order for development to be normal, the temperature from twenty to twenty-five degrees should be constantly maintained. At a higher temperature, the growth slows down, and then the plants will completely stop in development.

Seedlings organize about two or two with a small month before disembarking. Late varieties have a term less: from forty-five to fifty days. Thus, seed seed from the tenth of March to the first of April. The transplant begins at the end of the last frost.

In the northern regions, this is the period of the second decade of June, and in the central - the first half of May. After hardening the seedlings occurring within two to three weeks, it is moved to an open ground.

Time of cucumbers

The most capricious for the transplant is considered by many vegetable cucumber. Before landing, seeds should germinate. From the end of March - early April prepared seedlings.

Before planting seeds, they are soaked in the manganese solution (two grams per glass of water). Then put on a wet fabric. At the same time, the temperature should be within twenty - twenty-five degrees. After the manifestation of seedlings, they are planted in a pot that have a width of six to ten centimeters.

The transplantation should take place at the age of plants no more than twenty-five - thirty days. In the greenhouse, the plant should be hit in mid-May, and on the site - in a month.

Time of Kabachkov and Eggplant

These cultures are also capricious, as well as the previous ones. Normal growth and development occurs at twenty-five - thirty degrees, and they give the shoots aged from ten to fifteen days.

With too low temperatures, shoots will be released much later. Zucchini receive only three months after the transplant. Therefore, it is necessary to grow seedlings in advance.

In the soil, sprouts are planting two months after planting seeds to seedlings. Freezing to transfer him no power, so eggplants are transplanted from the end of May, and the seedlings are planted in the middle of the first spring month.

Cabbage time

For cabbage landing and transplantation can be very different different varieties. But usually it is necessary to plant a cabbage to seedlings two months before the planned transplant. Early grades are starting to raise from mid-March, and Late - a month later.

The first yield of cabbage is collected three to four months, the average - after four to five months, and later should be waiting for the first fruits in only five - six months after the transplantation into the ground.

The plant loves light and resistive tolerate cold, however, it has quite high demands for the soil. Shoots are capable of growing and developing well at temperatures from six to ten degrees, but over time, the temperature must be increased to fourteen to eighteen degrees.

All deadlines must be carefully studied before starting seedlings. Then the harvest will be truly good.

Plant seedlings for greenhouses in February

Most cultures begin to plant already in February. But early grades at the end of winter are only prepared for landing. Before sowing, all seeds must necessarily paint and leave for some time warm. Damaged grains sow not make sense. They are usually thrown out.

At the end of winter, it is usually planted with celery root and early cabbage. You can also plant eggplant, because the seeds will germinate longer than other common cultures. Dolly they will have a distillation of seedlings. Therefore, to get the fruits before August, all eggplant seeds must be planted in the first half of February.

It is not easy to get a luk-shirt. Shoots will germinate for a long time, therefore it is not necessary to speak about an early crop. Seeds have a shell, due to which punishing occurs slowly. To accelerate the process, they are dipped in water with manganese and leave for minutes by twenty, after which it is washed with cold water.

Then the treated seeds are covered with a light cloth, for example, gauze and leave in a warm place, and after the appearance of seedlings, plant. For their strengthening, a solution for microferters is sometimes used.

Then they prepare seedlings and for pepper. As already mentioned, immediately in the ground, the seeds will simply not be chances.

From the greenery at this time they grow basil and salad, as well as parsley and dill. Even if you put it out of mind, in cooking, ready-made plants can always be used, just trimming them again and again.

Any seedlings need to be kept in a lit place where there are no drafts. For the February seed it is better to use in addition to natural, solar - artificial illumination from one or more lamps.

The process starts from the moment of the purchase of seeds. The bag should be taken seriously and carefully examine, having studied the shelf life, the manufacturer and the other. It depends directly directly, whether the crop or seeds will be able to lie in the ground or other seedlings.

To grow seedlings, it will take:

  • Decide where the container will be located, preference should be given to a bright area;
  • flat sticks for notes;
  • transparencies;
  • fertilizer dissolved in water;
  • small containers.

Specialists advise not to grow seedlings in a single capacity, you can not notice germs. Seedling, produced separately, will save time if you need to repeat everything. At home it is better to use a container at forty cells, the length and width of which is five centimeters, and the depth is seven. It is convenient to place it on the windowsill, and the plants will receive the necessary area.

Step-by-step instructions for growing seedlings, consists in:

  1. Filling with a container with wet soil.
  2. Alignment of the soil using a ruler or a similar device to obtain a smooth horizontal surface.
  3. Take care of seeds - if cells are provided, then two seeds are put on each other (weakly can be removed).
  4. Dry cartons pressed seeds into the soil until full contact, then germination will be better.
  5. The powder from above is the soil - it must exceed four times the diameter of the seed, this is the main rule when landing.
  6. The date, varieties on the prepared wand, is especially necessary if different varieties are grown in one container.
  7. Capacity coating polyethylene filmnot pollen to germination.
  8. Indoor containers in a dark warm place without drafts, light should not be because an excessive amount of moisture will be distinguished under the film, because of which the seeds are rotten.
  9. Removal of the film after their germination.
  10. Seedling begins to appear about two, or even three weeks, but if the container is stored in the right place, they usually arise for the tenth - fourteenth day.
  11. After germination, they are placed in the sun (but not under direct rays); With a cold room, you will have to add a heater and it is necessary to ensure that the temperature is maintained constant.

Plants watered when moisture on the soil will not be felt. It is more convenient to do this with a spray gun.

Fertilizer is used one - twice.

In the room, the seedlings hold from six to eight weeks. Even for two weeks, it is prepared for transplant, periodically transferring it to open air and increasing every time the time.

When planning seedlings in the ground, follow the following recommendations:

  • Plants are better at sunset, then they will not be dried;
  • it is necessary to check that there are good political and plants and soil;
  • it is necessary to try not to spoil the root coma;
  • after landing, the hole is watered;
  • you can add bait for snails;
  • the soil must constantly remain wet.

Farm growing seedlings: sawdust

Most often, the technology is used to grow colors. For example, petunia is very simple and efficiently growing. However, it also applies to vegetables. For this method, it will take less time and resources, as well as it is easy to grow even in a small apartment.

Often, the technique is used to grow cucumber, tomato, the fetus of the pumpkin family. Maturation here is faster. To achieve a similar result on Earth, chemistry will need. The root in sawdust is stimulated well, and it does not make sense to interfere in the process.

Sawdust for seedlings must be treated with antiseptic. Seeds are most vulnerable to different infections, which can reduce the chances of germination to zero. The sawdust is first hung with boiling water, and only after processing. Usually, the role of antiseptics is water with manganese, where the sawdust is placed on a quarter of an hour or a little more. Then they are dried outdoors. If moisture remains, it can provoke the appearance of mold, and the last will cause malicious microorganisms.

Capacity for seedlings should be sufficient so that the root develops freely. It is recommended to choose ordinary wooden boxes with high sidelights as it. It is enough for it for a whole bed of tomatoes or cucumbers, and a large depth will allow you to pour a lot of sawdust, which is required by technology. When growing, the height of the layer should be from eight - ten centimeters.

The bottom must be tightened with cellophane. Then the first layer of sawdust is refused, behind him the second, which is up to one and a half centimeters in thickness. It should be moisturized, as the role of the main soil plays. Next lay seeds, making a slight deepening in the sawdust. The box is tightened with the same film as on the bottom, and remove into a dark dry and warm place.

After the appearance of germs, the film is removed, and the drawer is transferred to the bright room. Shoot spray every day. A week later, they make the first feeding. Total - no more than three, as procedures are held twice a month. For them used weak Solution Cowboat, injecting by spraying.

Cultivation of seedlings: Toilet paper

The method is often used when there is little free space for containers. Here you will need plastic bottles, cellophane and toilet paper. Oddly enough, the method showed itself efficient. However, seedlings in this case should be fed by a liquid agent.

So, plastic bottles are cut in half, the hole is twisted. The film is cut into long stripes from ten to fifteen centimeters. The toilet paper is also cut, placed on top of the film and moisturize well.

Seeds are poured on paper, neatly uniformly lay out them. Then covered with the same paper moistened ribbon. All this wrapped into a roll and fastenly tie for fixing in such a position.

All rolls are put in halves of bottles, fill them with water for four - five centimeters. They need the light immediately. Therefore, bottles are placed on the windowsill. In a day, water should be changed, and in five days add the root stimulator.

Sprouts will appear about two - two and a half weeks. It is impossible not to notice, the roll will become green. Then plants are transplanted either in separate containers or in open ground. It is not necessary to get rid of toilet paper, in the ground it will safely decompose.

As you can see, it's easy to grow seedlings. Material resources are practically not required. It is enough only to arm yourself with simple rules, and then use everything on hand. Hurry up, soon in 2016 the seating is beginning!

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What vegetables sow on seedlings

Why grow seedlings if you can sow seeds right into the ground? Seedling is not so strongly attacked by pests and weather influence, it is not so easy to drown out weeds, it allows you to get an earlier harvest. In addition, in the cool regions with a short summer culture with a long vegetation period, it is possible to grow only through seedlings. What kind of vegetable crops grow ensure? Root Celery, Pepper, Eggplants, Basil, Parsley, Mangold, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Belococcal, Beijing and Cauliflower, Estragon, Melissa, Issop, Majora, Pumpkin, Patchsons, Zucchini - Here is an approximate, but far from a complete list of garden plants that grown through seedlings.

When planting seedlings of vegetables

Sowing seed vegetables on seedlings in January

In the first month of the year, preparatory, pre-sowing works are carried out: prepare the soil and container for seedlings, the manual sprayer, move and sort the seeds, checking them on the germination, buy missing sowing material. In the third decade of the month, from January 20, the early cucumbers for the greenhouse can be buried on the windowsill.

Sowing seed vegetables for seedlings in February

In the first week of February, seed seeds of root celery, and from the second decade of the month - the seeds of pepper and eggplant. On the same time, we seem tomatoes seedlings for greenhouses, and from February 20, growing on the windowsill of Mangold seedlings, parsley and basilica. If you have not yet sowed early cucumbers, you have the opportunity to do it in February.

Sowing seed vegetables on seedlings in March

In March, there comes a queue color and white cabbage and tomatoes: cabbage sow about 10-15 March, a little earlier, in the first decade, you can sow early tomatoes, bell pepper, leek.

Sowing seed vegetables for seedlings in April

In the first half of the month, seed seeds of Melissa, Majorana, Issop, Estragona, Basilica, Salada. In the first two decades, sow patissons, pumpkins and zucchini seedlings. From the mid-month there comes a turn of growing cucumbers for the soil, and at the end of April, sowing vegetables in open ground, as well as landing in the garden of the grown seedlings.

Pots for vegetables seedlings

And beginners and experienced flowerflowers It is necessary to solve the problem with tanks for seedlings. Despite the fact that many have developed a biased attitude towards plastics, this is today the most affordable and harmless material in which vegetable seedlings grow well and develops. For the manufacture of such tanks, material is used without harmful substances, in contrast to the cardboard packaging, which is impregnated with protection from bacteria and mushrooms that cause rotting. Under the influence of these impregnations, seedlings of vegetables slows down or generally stops growth until the chemistry sees.

Plastic boxes for seedling or cassette for seedlings with a pallet - the most optimal choice, if you have big plans for growing gardening crops. A small amount of seedlings is better, of course, grow in ceramic pots, because in this case the picking seedlings can be avoided, but the pots of cumbersome, and on our windowsons and so a little place.

Instead of ceramic pots, seedlings with a long rod root, which is easily damaged during transplantation, can be sowed into peat pots that exclude the need to pick up plants, and seed out the seedlings, without removing from the pot, and right in it: it does not prevent the roots of the plant grow Through its walls and bottom deep into the soil. In addition, porous walls allow seedlings to breathe, they do not contain pathogenic organisms and harmful impurities.

Another remarkable invention will help you to grow healthy seedlings - peat pills for seedlings. They can be stored somewhere in the box, almost without occupying space, until then, until they are needed. And when they need them, you just throw them into the water, wait until they swollen, then lay out seeds on them, which sprinkle with a thin layer of soil. Then the pills are on the pallet and placed on the windowsill in anticipation of shoots.

Soil for seedlings of vegetables

Earth for seedlings can be different, but it must comply with certain requirements:

  • the soil must be fertile and balanced, saturated macro- and microelements in the form in which plants will be able to accept them;
  • the soil for seedlings should have such qualities as lightness, porosity and looseness, in order to turn oxygen to the roots of plants;
  • the soil must be hygroscopic;
  • the hydrogen soil rate for seedlings should be within 6.5-7;
  • the soil must contain a useful microflora.

But what in the soil for seedlings should not be, so it is:

  • toxins, which are saturated with land along the airfields, large motorways, on lawns in the smokey cities. It is better to take the soil in the forest, grove or forest stitch;
  • active decomposing components, the decomposition process of which increases the temperature sometimes up to 30 ºC, from which root system seedlings can die;
  • clay, the presence of which makes any soil unsuitable for seedlings.

Today there are soils literally for all vegetable crops, there are universal compounds, on the basis of which you can independently create the substrate you need. Unfortable to compile a seaside soil mixture Such components: various composts, sheet ground, overwhelmed manure (humus), wood chips, non-recycled low-door peat, sawdust of wood, opened by varnish or impregnated with creases, hay pipe and cutting straw, incurred sea sand, incompeted Cartoon Career Sand.

Components used for compiling seaside soils: riding, transition, as well as frozen and humble nine peat, treated with high temperature cherry earth, sand and soup with meadows, but not garden, sphagnum, coniferous sawdust, crushed bark coniferous trees, fallen needles, peanut shell, grain husks.

Lamps for seedlings of vegetables

Immediately alleged: the incandescent lamps are not considered as a backlight for seedlings, as they produce too much heat and too little light. For seedlings, lamps with another emission spectrum are needed. For the organization of backlighting at home, the fluorescent lamps of daylight or phytolamba with a purple-pink glow spectrum are used.

From fluorescent lamps to highlight the seedlings are more suitable for those that have a cold spectrum. To organize the backlight of the window sill with a length of 80-100 cm You will need one fluorescent lamp with a capacity of 30 W of the cold spectrum, and in the electricity you can purchase a lamp, a lamp, plug and wire. More popular steel in lately Phytolamba, as they highlight even less heat and have a more successful light spectrum at the same power as fluorescent lamps. A good result gives a combination in one place of phytolamba and luminescent lamps, each 18 W.

At the initial stage of growing seedlings, when shoots just appeared, the lamps are needed close, at a distance of 10-15 cm from the container. It will be appropriate to use reflectors that increase the efficiency of the backlight, not allowing the light to spread in different directions, and directly directly to the seedlings, and at the same time protect our vision from the tedious light of fluorescent lamps and harmful radiation phytolamp. Reflectors from a self-adhesive mirror film, powered into cardboard, foils for flowers or just a watman leaf - the most successful device for reflection of light, which does not form glare, and forms a soft scattered light that is so useful to plants.

Vegetable Care

Watering seedlings of vegetables

The soil in the container with the seedle should always remain barely wet - neither the dryness of the soil, nor stagnation in it can not be allowed. To make it easier to maintain a constant soil humidity, watering is carried out from the sprayer, and the container must be kept on the pallet from which the excess water is drained. Thirsty seedlings are watered with a divider with a divider (shower nozzle), and even better to use lower method Moisturizing, water in the pallet - it stimulates the development of the branched root system from the seedlings. Water for watering take the estimated or filtered, room temperatureThe plants are watered on the principle of "little by little, but often."

Temperature for seedlings of vegetables

By the criterion of "Requirement of seedlings to heat", vegetable crops are divided into three categories:

  • cold-resistant, which prefer a reduced temperature on average about 13 ºC, that is, 14-18 ºC during the day and 6-10 ºC at night. These include all kinds of cabbage (Kohlrabi and color prefer to a pair of degrees above);
  • moderate plants that require 16-18 ºC during the day and 12-14 ºC at night - celery, onion and leeks, beets, salad, potatoes;
  • very demanding plants for which a comfortable daily temperature is 20-24 ºC, and the night 10-16 ºC - eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini and patissons, melons and watermelons, tomatoes, beans.

Temperature mode can be adjusted if you use a greenhouse for seedlings. To do this, adjust the number sunlightFinding on plants and also use ventilation. Seeders grown with a constant and optimal temperature for culture are distinguished by strong health and subsequently higher yields, while even a small and short-term decrease in temperature can lead to a delay in the growth of seedlings, and the increase in temperature contributes to the seedlings the stems are pulled out and the leaves are pulled out.

Immediately after the appearance of shoots, the temperature is sharply lowered:

  • for cold-resistant cultures up to 6-8 ºC;
  • for Bakhchyeva - up to 15-18 ºC;
  • for heat-loving - up to 12-14 ºC.

There are no longer needed to shoot at the seedlings to seedlings, and 2-3 weeks before landing seedlings begin to boost, reducing the temperature to the level of open soil first briefly, for 1-2 hours, but every day increasing the duration of these sessions every day.

Transplant seedlings of vegetables

When the sprouts grow up to 3-5 cm in height and begin to produce a second pair of leaves, it comes time to dive seedlings - replant stronger copies into separate containers. Do it in order to increase the area of \u200b\u200bpower and the degree of illumination of each seedlings. The plants are carefully removed from the soil for a fork, supporting them for the seedlines and, slightly shortering their roots, transplanted into a separate ass, drowning into the soil along the semi-sodoli.

Some fragile cultures are often damaged during transplantation, and those who have deep rod roots, is generally contraindicated by picking. In such cases, seeds are engaged individually immediately in peat cups, so that it does not have to do with picking and expose the seedlings with unnecessary tests.

Facing seedlings of vegetables

After the seedlings of the first pair of real leaves, the seedlings need to be seeded. You can mix in the ground for transplanting when picking the granules universal fertilizer Prolonged action and no longer think about feeding to the landing of seedlings in open ground. And you can make liquid fertilizers of weak consistency in the soil. The number of filtering seedlings until the landing in the open ground is two.

When to plant vegetables seedlings in open ground

The seedling landing in an open ground is carried out when the Earth warms and freezes will be run, and each culture has its own time. For example:

  • tomatoes and peppers planted into an open ground, which warms up to 15 ºC;
  • eggplants require soil temperature 18-20 ºC;
  • the cucumbers disembark no earlier than when the ground warms up to 16-18 ºC;
  • celery is sufficient soil temperature 12 ºC, and onions - 10 ºC.


In greenhouse seedlings bring to about 10-20 may, and on open Grokes It is not planned on June 10, because at the beginning of summer freezing on the soil.

Calculate that shoots will appear after your sowing in 3-15 days. It is also necessary to take into account the age of seedlings, which it should achieve before landing on permanent place. 2-3 days need a plant to take care.

Here is an example of such a calculation: Celery's sighter plant on the bed around May 25. Take the optimal age of the plant from this date, it is 70-80 days, reduce for another 15 days, which will go to the shoot, and a few more days for adaptation. It turns out that you need from May 25 to subtract about 95 days. Comes to sow seedlings Celery needed after February 25.

If you need to get the first harvest by a certain period, take into account the duration of the vegetation of the plant from landing before the appearance of fruits. This time is indicated on packaging with seeds.

The time of growing earlyness is approximately 100 days. Successful age seedlings to move to a permanent place - 45-50 days. Sprouts at 7-8 days. Sit down seedlings To the greenhouse around June 1. It turns out to get a yield of tomatoes for fresh salad by July 20, it is necessary to sow seeds 100 days before that day plus a week for shoots and a few days to adapt. It turns out the date - April 1-8.

Cucumbers, zucchini, melons, more early cultures, but worse transfer the transplant to the ground. Start growing them in separate peat pots. These are very light-loving plants, so it makes no sense to sow them earlier than April 10-20.

To make it easier for you to navigate the deadlines, the dates of landing the most popular on dumart sites Plants: Celery. Soil - May 25. The growth of seedlings is 70-80 days. Shoot - 15 days. Sowing seeds - after February 25. Low. Soil - June 5. The growth of seedlings is 70 days. Shoot - 12-14 days. Sowing seeds - after March 10. The worship is early white. Soil - after May 20. The growth of seedlings is 50 days. Shoot - 5 days. Sowing seeds - March 15. Baklazhan. Soil - June 5. The growth of seedlings is 50 days. Shoot - 12 days. Sowing seeds - April 1.Tomat. The growth of seedlings is 45-50 days. Shoot - 7-8 days. Sowing seeds - 1-8 April. Human. Soil - after May 25th. The growth of seedlings is 25-27 days. Shoot - 3 days. Seeding seeds - not earlier April 25. Salad. Soil - June 10. The growth of seedlings - up to 40 days. Shoot - 4 days. Seeding seeds - after April 25. The middle-air space. Soil - after early cabbage. The growth of seedlings - up to 40 days. Sowing seeds - the end of April.Tykva, Patchsson ,. Soil - June 10. The growth of seedlings is 25-27 days. Shoot - 4 days. Seeding seeds - after May 10th.

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Tip 2: When to search for seeds seeds in April and May 2018 on the lunar calendar

April and May are the hottest time for dacms, gardens and gardeners. It is in these spring months that you need to do so much and not forget. A good tip can serve the lunar calendar garden work At this busy time.

Optimal days to work with seeds, landing and transplanting seedlings of flowers, vegetables and other garden plants In April and May 2018:

Plant care work:

Tip 3: When to sow tomatoes, peppers and eggplants in 2019 on the lunar calendar

Sowing beloved varieties of tomatoes, peppers or eggplants are carried out according to the timing of the ripening of these cultures, the cultivation zone is taken into account. But if you take a favorable sowing day in the moon calendar, then the seedlings will turn out even better, and the crop will grow richer.

Best daysfor middle strip Russia for sowing, dive, landing in the soil for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants on the lunar calendar in 2019 will be:

in January - 19, 20;

in February - 16;

in March - 15, 16;

in April - 17, 18 for eggplants. For peppers and tomatoes in April there is no most favorable days;

in May - 17, 18 for tomatoes and peppers. For eggplants - this is 15, 16, 17, 18;

in June - 13, 14, 15, 16 for tomatoes and peppers. For eggplants - it is 11, 12, 13, 14.

Forked for work With seeds and plants on the lunar calendar will be considered such days:

in January - 6, 7, 8;

in February - 3, 4, 5;

in March - 2, 3, 4, 6, 30, 31;

in April - 5, 26, 27, 28;

in May - 5, 23, 24, 25;

in June - 3, 20, 21.

An important crop seedling seedlings is care for seedlings, which includes right watering And feeding when growing.

Favorable days for watering will be:

in January - 10, 11, 19, 20, 27, 28;

in February - 6, 7, 16, 24, 25;

in March - 5, 15, 16, 23, 24;

in April - 2, 3, 11, 12, 20, 29, 30;

in May - 2, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27;

in June - 5, 13, 14, 23, 24.

When irrigated, it is possible to use simultaneous feeding of seedlings. We should not forget that the organic or mineral fertilizers for feeding seedlings are needed in small doses.

On a note. If seedling has a green healthy color of the leaves and grows, without stopping in growth - there is no reason for concern.

Tip 4: When to plant eggplants to seedlings on the lunar calendar in 2019

Eggplant care is always a lot: they are quite capricious, love water, and they love them colorado beetles. But each dachane dreams of growing at least 10 bushes for food. As a rule, eggplants are planted with a seaside way.

To fall on its site such a culture as eggplant, you must first grow seedlings. Of course, it is possible to buy seedlings, but more often the gardeners prefer to sow and grow up the plant on their own - it is cheaper, and choose more (there is no risk to buy a "cat in a bag").

Before you begin to grow eggplant seedlings, it is necessary to sow seeds in a clear time. Recently, they are increasingly treated in this case to the lunar calendar, because it is known that it is the moon and passing by it of various phases so affect the development and growth of plants.

It must be remembered that the period between seeds and the planting of the finished plant In the soil or greenhouse should not exceed 80 days. By this time, seedlings will be strong enough to be able to survive a transplant without disease. Seize Eggplant is better separately, preferably away from the tomatoes with which they do not like to grow nearby. Water warm water every 5-6 days and every two weeks finger.

In 2019, on the lunar calendarsowing eggplant seeds is necessary in favorable days Avoiding those days when the moon is complete. To determine the right days, refer to the table:

As can be seen, time for landing is very extensive. If you follow the instructions of the lunar calendar, which in 2.5 months you can get a good strong seedlingsSubsequently easy to fall into an open soil and grow vegetable.

Eggplant - culture rather demanding on the conditions of detention, especially the caprink of seedlings. Therefore, in the summer to assemble from plants decent yield, It is necessary at the end of winter-spring to plant seeds in a seedy pot, and after 70-80 days to transplant the crumbsticks at a permanent place for further growth, fruiting.

Eggplant shoots are beginning to break through the ground no earlier than 10 days after the landing, and a couple of months, plants are necessary for development and growth, only after the specified period of seedlings are ready for "moving" to a permanent place.

Since the culture is very capricious and demanding, plant seeds should only be in fertile light soil, which passes air and does not delay water. Not superfluous - take into account the Phase of the Moon and make sowing into favorable days for this.

When to plant eggplants to seedlings in 2019 on the lunar calendar

It is possible to make the landing of eggplant to seedlings on any day the growing moon, and to the new moon and the full moon it is better to abandon Seva. It is believed that on the germination of crop seeds, the fruits of which are formed above the ground, the full and young moon acts negatively.

As for the favorable days for landing eggplants, in 2019 these are:

  • in January: period from 7 to 20 numbers;
  • in February: the period from 6 to 18 numbers;
  • in March: a period from 7 to 20 numbers;
  • in April: from 6 to 18th.

When to plant eggplants to seedlings in 2019 in the suburbs

The deaths of the village of culture depends on where the seedlings will be transplanted - in a greenhouse or open soil. If there is no heated greenhouse on the site, then in the suburbs, it is necessary to sow eggplants in the suburbs not earlier than the middle of March, if there is such a structure, landing can be made somewhat earlier - in February.

It is worth remembering that eggplants - the culture of thermal-loving, develops well at temperatures above 20 degrees. In the suburbs, this temperature is set only in May, that is, earlier this month, seedlings cannot be planted into the ground, as they may die. Therefore, when landing seeds, be sure to keep the location garden plot (In the north or south of the Moscow region, it is located), and especially - the formation of the average daily air temperature in this area in the area of \u200b\u200b20 degrees, and only after that make simple calculations (referring back 70-80 days) and plant seeds.

Important: Eggplants are well transferring a transplant, but not only overgrown instances. In order to prevent the death of seedlings after the "moving" to a permanent place, it should be treated as closely as possible to the optimal date of planting culture specifically for its locality.

I remember my first experience of growing seedlings, it was and exciting, and joyfully at the same time: a new fascinating hobby appeared - vegetable growing. In the very first year, there was a good seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, onions-row.
The article collected her observations as a novice, I hope it will be useful to read the novice dacnis.

Earth preparation for seedlings

The preparation of land for seedling begins in the fall.Do not be afraid to stock too much land, it does not happen much. If for seedlings, cook 10 vestors - you definitely do not lose. It is convenient to prepare the composition in the vendors, and for the carriage home to move into double dense tie packages. It is possible to store the land on an unheated balcony or loggia, Siberian frosts under - 40 thus displaced the soil, in the oven to warm the land in the oven.

Ingredients: Well-ripened humidage 2 parts (it is determined visual - black, as on the black mill, without remnants of non-inflexible plants), simple garden land 1 part (it is best to take from the beds where legumes or siturates grew). For peppers, you can take more humoring, even more for eggplants, they are the most demanding of the fertility of the Earth. Add a glass on the bucket of the mixture wood ash And about 1 kg of pure sand. Instead of half a dose of ash, you can add superphosphate 25 g, if the ash is not at all, you can add 50 g of superphosphate instead of it. It is important to check whether there is no rainworms in the ground - they are useful only in the country, and in small capacles can spoil the gentle roots. Ideally, you can sift the Earth.

Capture some pure sand, it will come in handy for sprinkling around the drooping stalks in case of transfusion of seedlings and the appearance of the first signs of the "Black leg" disease.

If you did not have time to cook soil mixture Alone, the purchase land and sand will also be suitable. I tried I. special compositions For each type of vegetables, and universal soil - I liked everything.

The earth must be taken from the balcony for 5-7 days before the start of work so that it is well excited. When weeds began to germinate in the ground, it is considered ready for sowing. 4-5 days before the sowing date you need to decompose the land in the tanks and shed hot water With manganese, proportion of about 2 g per 10 liters of water.

Prepare the capacities of different sizes in advance.Many buy peat pots, but I read that the earth often dries in them. I use for a bow tale of the capacity with a height of 8-10 cm, for peppers with eggplants and tomatoes to the first diver - disposable 200 ml cups and 250 g plastic packaging from under sour cream. Transparent cups are better to make an opaque box, since plant roots are better to be in the dark. Experimented with the size of the containers and came to the conclusion that for peppers and eggplants are suitable as large - 7-8 cm in height, width, length and ordinary 200 ml cups; For tomatoes from the first dive to the second, 200 ml cups are suitable, and after the second picking, large containers are needed so that the roots are where to grow, for example, cropped 1 liters of milk tetrapaks.
It is very desirable to pierce the bottom of the capacities: can be seed, 2-3 punctures. Regarding the drainage: I tried to grow and without it, and with a ceramzite drainage, did not notice the difference.

What else can come in handy for seedlings

The opaque film is required for covering the boxes and the capacity to set down water, can be water. Specially measured the rigidity of our water water - It turned out to be very hard, there are divorces on the surface of the Earth. It was convenient turned out to be a pulverizer with a regulator into two positions - one trickle and spraying. We use old trays to not wear cups one by one on the loggia and back, and so that the plums from the cups happen to the pallets, and not on the windowsill. I was also useful to a room thermometer - it is difficult for a beginner to determine the air temperature on the windowsill, loggia, and for plants it is very important to observe the temperature regime.

If the windows come out are not south, there will be a daylight lamp for backlight, and better several.

If you intend to feed and not against mineral fertilizers, then you will need a mangartan, "ideal", superphosphate, urea, nitroposka, boric acid. For the preparation of the Bordeaux fluid for the prevention of phytoophulas at tomatoes: Copper vigorous, hawed lime or calcined soda (100 g of copper sulfate is dissolved in 1 liter of water, the volume of up to 5 liters is adjusted, in another capacity in 5 liters of water, 100 g of greased lime or calcined soda , slowly mix, pour the first solution into the second, not the opposite; storage is not subject to storage).

How to decide on seed varieties

The most reliable is to consider vegetable landing In the experienced neighbors in the country, ask them about the features of varieties, as well as read the tips of the experienced dacities of your region. The image on the seed packaging is always beautiful, but you need to know how culture will behave in the conditions of the native land. Do not forget after excursions in neighboring sites to write the names of varieties.

It is not one or two to choose to choose to choose, but several proven varieties - with a good germination, friendly maturation, resistant to a variety of diseases. Carefully read packaging with seeds.

Pick up the secondary and early grades of peppers, eggplants and tomatoes to pamper themselves with their first fruits already at the end of July, and maybe before. If there are greenhouses, Country Azart and time - buy and late Led Tomatoes. Latest peppers and eggplants in Siberia do not have time to ripen, so if there is no heated greenhouse, then you should not risk.

For myself, I wrote the following mostly praised varieties, but also bought for the sake of experiment and 1-2 grades of each culture simply like the label like.

Peppers: Ed Knight (he is a red knight), BelaDonna (it is a white lady), swallow, Atlant F1 (Prefix F1 means hybrid, usually high-yielding, not requiring premodest processingBut subsequently the seeds from hybrid fruits are not used to obtain their own), the star of the East, Shanghai, Aristotle, California Miracle (True, the latter is small to germinate). These varieties are thick-walled.

Eggplant: Epic F1, King of the North F1, King F1 Market, Mirabella, Black Handsome.

Tomatoes for salads and universal purposes: Bullie heart (similar to oars), miracle of land, mazarini, orange, Malachite Box, De Barao, scarlet candles, golden king. This is all greenhouse varieties.

Tomatoes for salting: Intuition, Cascade, Nocturne, Kostroma, Soselka, Parsley Ogorodnik, Black Mavr, Red Giant, Labrador, Jury F1 (Bipop), Intrigue F1. Most are greenhouse.

Long-storage tomato: Martha - for open soil.

Tomatoes for open soil, early: Miracle of Light, Early 83, Golden Heart, Banana Red, Apple Tabs of Russia, Snowdrop, Red Cap, Spool, Buyan (Fighter).

Leek: The most win-win variety - tango.

Duration of sowing, the effect of the lunar calendar, folk signs

The first, in mid-February, sow peppersSince they tight rose. Then eggplant - They can be sown in the mid-end of February, and in the first decade of March. By the time of the start of fruiting, the height of the plants would still be approximately the same, I checked.

Peppers, sowned in mid-February, on the right, in mid-March - left.

Eggplants in early May, sowing in mid-February (in the middle among peppers).

Eggplants in early May, sowing in mid-March.

All eggplants and peppers in the greenhouse in July, height is the same.

Seeds tomatov Divide into three bugs: late interderminant (with unlimited growth) in the first days of March, the secondary-day - in the first decade of March or even in mid-March, i.e. 60-65 days before landing in a greenhouse, the early determinants (the height of these is limited to 40-70 cm, they do not grow above) for open soil - in early April, in 45 days landing in open ground, usually such tomatoes are planted after the last frosts, those. In the first days of June.

If there is a desire to experiment with tomatoes and achieve a high barrel, which can then deepen into the ground when transplanting to a greenhouse and achieve a variety of processes from the trunk (there are such intensive methods), you can sow at the end of February, but be prepared for processing seedlings, difficulties When transporting high plants to the cottage. I tried to grow intense methods of the varieties of tomatoes dimensionless and golden rain, only the golden rain was successful, despite the fact that he was not a large-scale. But there was a lot of time on the garter and steaming in the greenhouse, as well as the trouble with illuminated and excitement due to the pallor of seedlings. Of course, if the Tomato's top broke, it is easy to revive, putting into the water for several days, the tomato barrel is easily powered by root, but this is all the extra care.

The stranded Tomato Tip will quickly give roots in the water.

Spend at the end of February, it will still not grow much and not so demanding to the light.

If you believe in the lunar calendar, the main rules are as follows: plants whose fruits ripen over the ground, sow on a growing moon, and ripening under the ground - to descending; On the full moon and the new moon, as well as 1-2 days after and to them, the earth and plants give rest.
But our grandmothers followed one simple rule: landings are made on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. It was believed that the plants planted these days will be well fruit, as the name of the days of the week - nouns female, called such days of the week "Women's Days".

It is also useful to look at the weather outside the window: if it is still cold and overcast, the blizzard means, the nature "feels bad", sow a wound, wait a couple of days.

Determination of the number of seedlings

Pay in advance how much can be placed on the windowsill cups and boxes with seedlings, maybe it will be necessary to make an additional "windowsill", under which you need another lamp for the backlight, substitute the table to the window. The racks are now popular, especially in flower flowers growing several hundred of the roots of beautiful flowers. For vegetables, the greenhouses will be needed in the country, especially in the conditions of Siberia, and after all, an unlimited number of roots do not go there, it is also necessary to take into account.

The seeds are soaked in the tissue bags in a pale-pink solution of manganese minutes by 15-20, removed, washed for 2-3 seconds in running water. It is possible to soak in the "ideal" solution for a day, or in the water obtained from the monstering pure snow, it is called "alive", but it is better to soak in a wet marlay that the seeds "breathe". Then it is useful to temper the seeds, putting them in the refrigerator at a temperature of + 2 + 4 degrees on the nights, it is possible and less (day should be removed and kept at room temperature). Do not forget to sign the varieties of seeds. There are also methods of heating seeds - on the battery, in the thermos, etc. But, I think it is complicated for a newcomer dachanka, you can forget to control, overlay seeds, "burn" them, sufficiently and the above-described preparation methods.

Sowing seeds

It is necessary to sow every grade of seeds into a separate container, as the varieties ride differently. The land is a little tamples, shed, wait for water to absorb, make the holes-deepening with a pencil, put the seeds, fall asleep with dry loose land from above to a height from 0.5 to 1.5 cm, depending on the size of the seed. The smaller the seeds, the smaller the height of the backfill, golden Rule Landings - depth should be like a three-year seed width.

Since I grow peppers and eggplants Without a dive (this is a plants transplant in a more spacious tank with a root plug), like cultures with gentle roots, easily damaged when dive, then I sow 2 seeds in one cup, then I chose the least developed. Yes, and the germination of seeds is not 100%.

Tomatoam Picking is needed, it gives an impetus for the development of lateral roots than them more, the better nutrition fruits. Also dive (more precisely, two divers) gives a small respite of tomatoes seedlings, it is not so pulled out as without dive. Therefore, tomatoes can be placed in the boxes - containers with a height of about 8-10 cm.

We do not forget to sign the immentable marker names of varieties on containers, you can code, so as not to write a full name of the variety on each cup; Mark the sowing date for subsequent control of shoots.

Marked cups with seedle pepper:

Next, crops are closed with an opaque film, remove into a warm place, where the temperature is about 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees for tomatoes, and for peppers and eggplants, it is possible and more than 25-28 degrees. You can make a difference from the sprayer if the land is dry. Mode on the sprayer - Spray (spraying). Do not water the jet, so you can inappropriate to move the seeds that began to germinate. After that, do not close the boxes immediately, let it be better to ventilate.

Leek It is possible to decompose on the pure snow unfolded on the rambled land, put it in a cold place, and when the snow becomes, pour out the ground with a layer of about 0.5 cm, cover with a film.

Light for seedlings

Before the appearance of shoots, you need to air landing for a few minutes once a day. Tomatoes boost quickly, on 3-5 days, as soon as notice the first shoots, they look like a plump loop - put on the windowsill, under the backlight. You can use a temporary relay, including a lamp in the morning from 7 h. To 8-9 hours, in the evening after sunset and up to hours 21-22, and in cloudy weather and more. With an increase in the daylight, in the first decade of March, the lamp can no longer be used. Also to increase the light, wash the window at least from the inside.

Especially demanding to light tomatoes. I have only one daylight lamp, so first peppers and eggplants grow under it, then, closer to mid-March, I move them to the windowsill without backlight, they will no longer reach the light. And I just put the tomatoes on the window sill with a lamp, because tomatoes are sang, starting Martha at first.

Light for peppers and eggplant

Watering seedlings

Watering should be moderate as soon as upper layer The lands will be dry, only warm water, in order to avoid diseases, about once a week. Ideally, it would be nice to water so that the water does not concern the stalks of plants. To do this, use a spray gun, put the spout to the Stream position (jet), direct the stream away from the plant stem, for example, on the walls of the cup.
When overflow and turning the stalks carefully wrap the sand around the stem, as if "salting." Check if all the cups have a plum holes.

If there is no possibility to water seedlings in a timely manner, use hydrogel, mixed with soil during landings.

Temperature for seedlings

The temperature for pepper should be in the afternoon about + 16-18 degrees in the first week after germination, for eggplants + 17-20 degrees. At night - up to +10 degrees. Next, the temperature can be enhanced: day - to room temperature, and at night to + 15-18 degrees.

After the appearance of germs in the form of "loops" can be transferred to the windowsill, gradually removing the film, and as soon as you see the seedy leaves - we put in the coldest and the lightest place, at night it is not terrible temperatures even + 5 + 10 degrees, day + 13- 15 degrees. After 3-4 days, the temperature can be raised to + 17-20 degrees during the day and up to +15 degrees at night.

Some can be grown in a cool place, like tomatoes, but still need to ensure that the sprouts do not look oppressed.

You can adjust the temperature by simply preparing the boxes with cups to the window and from the window, opening the window for a while in a glad weather. You can cover (loosely) trays with cups with something, especially in the first couple of weeks to reach the appearance of germs. Do not forget to reclaim the shelter after closing the window. It is not particularly treated with the opening of the vents, it is easy to freeze seedlings. Control the temperature.

If some plants do not like in appearance, do not hurry to throw away, just mark them (I draw on the cups with a marker of pluses and minuses). Sometimes seemingly fastening hybrids with an increase in the daylight grow better fasteners. Observe them, write down the results of the observations, next year it will be interesting to check the results of the past sowing.

Feeding seedlings

By the feeding of peppers and eggplants, you can take a couple of weeks after the appearance of two-three real leaves, with the first picking. The proportions are always written on fertilizer packs. For example, for the first feeding it is approximately 1.5-2 grams of superphosphate and 1-1.5 grams of potash salt on a bucket of water, 1.5-2 grams of urea. The feeder is made after the usual watering for warm water. Two weeks after the dive need another feeding. And a week before the disembarkation, you need a fantastic salt with a potash salt, as well as extractive (splashing on the leaves) feeding, one liter on about 100 plants: half graam of mangarteau, 0.3 grams of copper sulfate, 0.3 grams boric acid on 1 l of water.

Tomatoes feed after 7-10 days after dive, as well as as soon as the first flower bud appears. Proportions for first feeding: 1 teaspoon of urea, 40 grams of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt on 10 liters of water, this is enough for about 200 plants. The feeding is made on a wet land, after the feeding you need to pour again, if the soil is reckled, we will smash the feed for 2-3 days. The second feeding: Potassium and phosphorus increases twice, nitrogen (urea) is added only if the leaves of the pale green color, and the lower no boosters.

General rule for feeding: it is better to do it in warm weather outside the window so as not to provoke plant diseases.

During the day before the disembarkation, peppers can be sprayed and eggplant with epin solution. If tomatoes have already appeared for 4-5 days before landing, plants have already appeared, plants should be sprayed with a boric acid solution - 1 liter of water 1 grams of boric acid, while spraying is carried out only in cloudy weather, in the morning, since the sun can appear in the sun on the leaves Burns.

Also, for the prevention, it is necessary to process seedlings 1-2 times with 1% Bordeaux liquid, the preparation is written above, and immediately before the disembarkation spray with low-fat milk, the proportion is 1:10 with water.

Some porcine complex mineral fertilizer 2-3 times.

Pulling seedlings turns it into a thin-scale, pale green, subsequently the fruits will not receive enough power out of the soil, so it is important to monitor that seedlings do not stretch.

Picky and eggplant pickup I do not make, the reasons wrote above, but to ensure that the seedlings are not pulled out, it is still necessary. To prevent plant drawing from the lack of light, part of the seedlings of peppers and eggplant can be searched after the fifth-sixth real sheet (we do not believe the seedy), the plant will stop the growth for a couple of weeks, it will give more fruit, although later for a couple of weeks. Incommitted seedlings will give even less fruit, but earlier, so they pour not all peppers, and part, if we want to try harvest early. If we enter the seedlings already after disembarking into the ground, it may not be enough time for the development of side shoots.

Tomatoes pee absolutely necessary. The first picking is carried out in the phase of two real leaves, watering is produced in two hours before the process.

In a new cup, a finger is deepened or a pencil, size - so as not to be fused the root. The lower part of the root is repelled by nails or scissors by about a third. Keep the plant for leaves, and not for the stem, as you can reverse the thin stem. We transfer to the deepening, we carry almost to the seedy leaves, we carefully fall asleep, slightly tamper around the stem.

Two days after that we do not set the plants in the sun, the temperature is supported + 18-20 degrees, at night + 15-17, if it is hotter, plants will grow. On the second day after the dive carefully shry the ground - toothpick, fork, the temperature is reducing again.

The second picking is produced when Easter will become closely in a glass, plants simply translate, without cleaning the roots from the ground, do not touch the roots.

Left 8 cups of tomatoes between the first and second pickup, on the right tomatoes immediately after the second dive.

Spend a couple of times "cutting" a centimeter by 3-4, so that the bleached leg is increasing.

Tree-trimmed sometimes in mid-April:

We need to tie plants as soon as they begin to clone. I enjoyed tapping a twine to the wooden shampuric for home kebabs, there are shampuric cheap. The sword wrap up "eight" so that the trunk does not touch the shampus.

Garter to shamproofs.

For a couple of weeks before disembarking, seedlings are necessarily hardened, and both in the sun and in the cold, as well as in the wind.

First, just open the vessels not only during the day, but also at night. Then, in warm time, they bring to the balcony for a while from 2-3 hours, and after a couple of days, leave for a whole day. But at night the first days cover with film.

To adjust the temperature, use the thermometer, the door to the room can not be closed if the balcony or loggia is strongly cool in any of the days.

Before hardening the soil must be spilled with warm water, so the seedlings will be warmer, but at night the plants do not indulge in any case! And also watering does not produce cloudy weather.

If the first signs of the top of the top (the "Black leg" disease), suck, as if the "salute", around the sand stem.
Watch that the plants do not break the wind so that the soil does not dry - in the wind and the sun it happens faster than in a warm apartment.

We harde on the loggia, not forgetting about the temperature control of the thermometer.

Peppers and eggplants Before disembarking, no more than 20-25 cm should be height, with a thick stem (3-4 mm at the soil surface), the leaves should be about 12-14, several buds.

Tomatoes before landing should be no more than 30-35 cm, the smaller the better. Well tempered seedling has a slightly purple trunk. Buds are also welcome.

Peppers and eggplants before landing:

Spend before landing:

  1. Strongly small or, on the contrary, deep sealing seeds.
  2. Leave the plants that proceed with the "cap", they will not give excellent harvest. If it is a pity to throw such plants, then the hat must be removed, in a mixture of it.
  3. Overchard the frequent location of seeds in the box, it is necessary to have it so that it can be easily cut, that is, at a distance of 2.5-3.5 cm from each other.
  4. Insufficient lighting, warm air - contributes to the stretching of seedlings. This also includes too early sowing, when all nature is still "sleeping" (January - the first half of February for peppers and eggplants, all February for tomatoes).
He strongly overgrowed tomatoes seedlings in mid-May (planted in January):

  1. Excessive watering or, on the contrary, irregular.
  2. Do not close plants from a strong draft, so the plants are "cold" from the supercooling of the soil.
  3. Plants often touch, roll off the unresolved to see if they satisfied. Control of crops can be done, but then there is already a seite, taking into account the percentage of germination. It is about 50-90% for different varieties and cultures.
  4. Watering not so much water water - There will be accumulation of salts in the soil, putting on the surface.
  5. Excessive or insufficient hardening.
  6. Closely placed cups, because of this foliage it does not get enough sun. Plant crowns should not be very touching.

At the beginning of March in a beautiful pot of velvets, there will be 4-5 seeds. Flowers will grow rapidly, will delight you in the process of care of the seedle.

You can hurt and growing indoor tomatoes. The capacity after the second diver should be large, somewhere 3-5 liter. Many fruits, of course, will not, but this is because only to raise the mood. Sowing can be made in early February or March, dive and everything is done just as for ordinary tomatoes. The varieties of indoor tomatoes are different, I found on sale only "Florida Petit", I liked the results.

Tomatoes "Florida Petit" in mid-May (planted in early February):

Cucumber, I also tried to grow on the windowsill, fruits from planted in December I did not wait, the plant gave only flowers and 1-2 cm fetus fetus, then dried everything. But from the F1 planted in March, the cucumbers rose, however, very small, with the little finger of an adult, and there were only 5-6 things.

Cucumbers "Liebelle" in mid-May (planted in early March):

An important factor in the successful preparation of seedlings on the windowsill is a good seed material. Purchase seeds tested firms, in tested stores. If you have your seeds, I have nothing to worry about.

Preparation of seeds

If you have the seeds of last year (fresh), then there will be enough two or three hours to treat them before planting in a solution of manganese (pink).

If seeds more than a year, it is better to soak them first in warm water for several hours, and only then go to the manganese 2-3 hours. Otherwise, the friendly shoots will not be, some seedlings will grow more than others and after a while they will coal smaller.

The seeds treated in mangartean are filled and lay out on a conventional flossover or a cotton disk, after 30-50 minutes the seeds acquire a bulk state, and now they are easier to suck them.

Purchased treated seeds (they are in the shells of green or red) are not treated in mangartee and they are not soaked, but are seeded with dry in a very moistened soil. The soaking of these seeds can only harm the friendly germination.

Dates of planting seedlings

Seeds seeds for seedlings, not immediately all cultures, because they have a different growing season.

  • And pepper - seed in early February.
  • Tomatoes - sow in the second half of February or the first decade of March.
  • Cabbage - (early), in the first half of March, (Late) at the end of March-first half of April.
  • Cucumbers - at the end of March, the first half of April.

Seedlings, sown in February, will first not be strong and lush, as a result of lack of light. The offensive of spring, the sun and heat increase, the light day will lead to the fact that seedling in a couple of weeks will awaken, gains power and strength.

When landing at the end of February, seedlings in May will be held the whole cycle of vegetative maturation and in the open ground there will be eggplants and peppers 30-45 centimeters height, and the tomato is even higher. Now they will remain only to be taken away, blooming and bring a powerful harvest, much earlier than seedling, sown later.

Landing seeds

Clamps fall asleep (or container, which was prepared) the landing substrate. After a murder of a rambling (finger comes), the height of the mixture is brought to approximately two-thirds from the height of the glass.

If the earthen substrate is wet, then the filled cups are cooked to planting seeds. If the earthen mixture (substrate) turned out to be dry, then the filled cups are abundantly shedding with water. The seeds are then lay out, on the substrate and over the mixture of the substrate, layer in 1-2 centimeters. Again, slightly tamper with your fingers and slightly moisturize.

The soil above the seeds should be no higher than two centimeters, otherwise the seeds take a long time, or at all they may not climb.

All cups usually lay 2-5 seeds. With confidence as seeds, there are enough 2-3 pieces (after picking, after a week they leave one, the most magnifying health of a seedler).

If you do not have confidence in the seeds, then you need to search for 5-6 seeds in every glass. In pair of growing seedlings (tomatoes and peppers are well adjacent to pairs), then 3-4 seeds are sulking into the cup.

With the same quality of pepper, tomatoes, cabbage, cabbage and eggplant, pepper, the highest site of tomatoes has the most low germination. Consequently, when sowing peppers, it is better to progress and sow into each glass for a couple of seeds more.

Putting and watering seeds, the cups are covered with cellophane (which eliminates the drying of the substrate before the seed shoots appear) and put them in any warm place (until seeds are not needed to germination). It is necessary to look daily under the film, in order not to miss the beginning of seed shoots. Following the appearance of shoots, the film takes off and put cups with plants on the light.