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How to breed a flower female happiness. Peppercut representatives of the genus. Lighting and temperature indoors

Spathifulum is a tropical plant that easily grows in homes and apartments. It is characterized by unpretentiousness in care at home, constant flowering and beautiful flowerswhich exquisitely decorate the interior of the premises.

According to experienced flowerflowers, spathifulum fills the house with positive energy and brings happiness and well-being to the owners. If there is no mutual understanding in the family, and the scandals and quarrels are frequent phenomenon, the flowering of the plant ceases, and the tips of the leaves dry. Often the plant dies.

The birthplace of Spathifylum is considered to be tropical forests of Philippines, America, Colombia, Brazil and Venezuela.

The opinions of florists and flower flowes agree that this flower is undemanding in care.

Secrets of the care of spathifilum houses

  • Watering . In spring and summer time, Spathiflow needs abundant irrigation, because during this period the plant is actively blooming. The main thing is that in pauses between watering the outer layer of the soil fused, since the overvailing is destructive. In the fall and winter watering is moderate. During this period, the plant costs longer without watering, but I do not advise you without attention. If the winter is spatilulum to keep on the cool windowsill and abundantly water, problems with the root system cannot be avoided.
  • Lighting . The plant feels wonderful when scattered light falls on it. Contrary to the fact that Spathifulum loves lighting, the straight rays of the sun shall apply serious damage to the leaves. For this reason, keep the pot advise under the cover of the shadow. In the summer, the shading is necessary.
  • Temperature . 16 degrees of heat - the average content of the content in the cold time. Even if the temperature regime decreases by several degrees, the plant will not suffer, but development will slow down. Summer and spring optimal temperature 23 degrees. With abundant watering in the summer, the spathylulum will endure even the temperature approaching 30 degrees.
  • Air humidity . Spathifylum is not afraid high humidity. Flowers recommended regularly spray flower, like Croton. To create a good microclimate, plant a plant into a vase with a pallet, the water from which will provide comfortable conditions during evaporation.
  • Podkord . At the beginning of spring for feeding, use mineral fertilizers. For a liter of water, take a half gram fertilizer. During the growth of the young plant, feed twice a month, after the number of procedures for the fertilizer of the Spathifloum fertilize twice. In winter, feed once a month with smaller doses.
  • Transfer . Replane once a year in the spring. Along with the growth of the stem, the root system, which fills the pot. Be sure to take into account that in excessively big Gord. Spathifulum blooms badly. Replane along with an earthen room.
  • Substrate . For spathifylum, a soil consisting of peat, sheet land, sand and humus. Such soil is characterized by high moisture intensity and excellent aeration.

Even novice flower care at home for spathifylum will not bring much trouble, if he listens to the above recommendations. You just need to pour the flower correctly, maintain optimum humidity And in time to feed.


As practice shows, if the spathifylum contains in a suitable place, it blooms from young age and without breaks. The first flowers that keep up to the month appear six months.

Spathifylum cleans the air indoors from harmful compounds, including xylene, formaldehyde, toluene, carbon monoxide and benzene. It also reduces the number of bacteria in the air and perfectly shows itself in the fight against fungi and mold.

Most popular types of spathifylum

  1. Abdominal . A variety is characterized by an underground creeping stem, bright green leaflets of a lancing form 20 cm long and a width of 6 cm. The length of the color saw is 25 cm. COLIOVIDE COLLECTION WITH A White, slightly concave bedspread. Happy eye blossom round year.
  2. Charming . Reminds the previous variety of spathifylum. The list of differences consists of larger leaves and a light green shade of a flower bedspread. Flowers for a year.
  3. Wallisa . The most compact variety. Leaves width 5 cm and 20 cm long with distinctly noticeable revennated streaks. The highlight of the type - the two-color coat of the patch, which from white color Slowly goes into a green shade. Does not bloom in winter.
  4. Cannoliste . The plants have large bright green leaves of ovoid shape, which are reminded by Cannes foliage. White covered green shade is combined with yellowish chipboard and fragrant flowers. Excellent indoor plant with excellent decorative qualities.

The listed types of spathifylum are suitable for the content of an apartment. They are easy to leaving and undemanding to habitat, like popular species of cacti.

Such a flower advise you to present the girl as a gift. The main thing is that she liked room plants, and she was not lazy to give a green pet a little attention.

Spatifylum reproduction

We discussed the subtleties of the care of the hero. Consider the reproduction of spathifylum. This procedure is simple.


Vegetative propagation methods are applicable to many plants, including Diffenbachia, Croton, Drazen and Spathifulum. This is the most popular way of reproduction of spathifylum because of simplicity.

  • At the base of a full-fledged plant, "kids" appear, which are a leaf outlet with roots. With the arrival of spring them gently separate. The main thing is that the roots do not cut off. To root the resulting cuttings, use perlite or wet sand.
  • So that the reproduction of Spatifylum has passed without trouble, the new bush is sure to cover with a perforated transparent cap. Otherwise, the cuttings will have to be tired.
  • As soon as the root system is strengthened and starts, a young plant move to the ground. I told about the composition of the substrate at the beginning of the article. Flower provide standard care.

Method of the second - division of rhizomes

It is possible to propagate the spathifylum and a way to divide the root system. Such an approach ensures one hundred percent survival rate. However, inept actions of the novice can lead to the death of the parent plant. For this reason, this method is resorted experienced flowerflowers.

  1. The rhizomic division operation is carried out in spring. This time is best suited for transplant manipulations.
  2. With the help of a sharp knife, the rhizome is gently divided into parts, and the sections are treated wood coal. Subsequent actions are similar to the reproduction of cuttings.

The method is the third - reproduction of seeds

It is possible to get a young plant of spathifluma with the help of seeds, but this is an unreliable way. Practice shows that reproducing the plant at home using seed material Really, but not every attempt end with success.

  1. To artificially pollinate flowers, which manages not always. Seeds are characterized by a low germination and get sprouts problematic.
  2. I recommend hanging out the seed material in a container with a sandy-peat mixture that be sure to cover the glass. Control the humidity of the air and ventilate the sprouts, otherwise suffocate. It is easier to propagate spathifylum vegetatively.

An interesting fact: it is impossible to propagate the spathifylum by rooting the sheet. If we lower the sheet into a water container, it will not release the roots and rotates. Similarly will end, if stick the sheet into the soil. Since the seed material is not very suitable for this purpose, multiply better cuttings Or by dividing the root.

Problems in breeding, pests, disease

Although the spathifilum is not a capricious plant, in some cases it delivers many troubles. Not correct care Instantly affects the state of leaves, which are yellowing or black, and elasticity is reduced. The presence of these symptoms indicate problems in breeding.


To begin with, let's talk about pests that lead to the appearance of unpleasant diseases. Spatifylum has a large number of enemies.

  1. Mealybug . Appears due to dampness and high soil moisture. Choosing a defenseless plant, the pest is justified between the leaves. The flower is regularly inspecting. To eliminate a small amount of insects, a clean rag and alcohol solution is suitable. In the case of global infection on the revenue, tincture of citrus crusts along with insecticides will come.
  2. Sent mushroom . Amazes the top side of the leaves. The plant signals the appearance of a sage fungus with blackened leaves. This ailment is subject to operational elimination, since it prevents respiratory processes and photosynthesis. To combat a sage mushroom, soap water is suitable, which is treated with a damaged surface.
  3. Shield . The appearance indicates dark spots, which are covered by stems and leaves. To carry out effective treatment, spray the plant with a composition prepared on the basis of a soap-tobacco solution and denatured alcohol. If you leave the problem without attention, in the future the leaves will begin to twist and dry.
  4. Cobed tick . This pest carries the greatest threat to spathifylum. His presence is easy to determine on a web on the foliage. To eliminate the problem, remove the web, and the flower is treated with soap solution. In severe cases, I recommend using insecticides or ground sulfur.

To prevent the damage to the green pet pest, regularly wipe the leaves with a damp sponge, but do not forget to cover the soil with polyethylene before it.

What to do if you black and yellow leaves

Most often, the yellowing of the foliage of spathifylum causes irregular care. Since in natural conditions the flower grows in the tropics, he likes warm with scattered light and humidity. Dry air, sun rays, low temperature, Wrong watering is far from a complete list of reasons why the flower dies.

Many harm is applied by plants and insects that settled on it. If the yellowness is rapidly capturing the leaves, probably during the inspection of the flower you will find on the stems non-crude guests.

Often the problem with yellowed leaves has a pathological character. In an adult plant foliage turns yellow after long flowering. For the restoration of strength and resumption of growth, the flower resets the leaves.

If the plant cares, as soon as possible, determine the root cause of the phenomenon and proceed to eliminate. It will help attentive inspection.

Causes and ways to deal with the yellowing of the leaves from Spatifylum:

  • Pests. If they are, the plant is treated special composition, and the soil carefully disinfected.
  • Wrong watering . If the soil is overly dry, I do not advise you to pour right away. The amount of water recommended to increase gradually, carefully tracking the state of the plant.
  • Improper location. Spathifylum loves heat and scattered light. At the same time, he can not tolerate heating devices and drafts.
  • Low humidity air. Regular spraying of leaves helps to solve the problem.
  • Close pot. The solution to the problem is reduced to resetting in a spacious container.
  • The blackening of the leaves is the first sign of radiating roots.. Excess feeding and excessive irrigation lead to the blades of foliage. If the root system is rotting, a change in a new soil will help correct the situation.
  • With moisture deficiency and low temperatures, the edges of the leaves. So that the flower came to life, systematize watering and move the plant to the room with the recommended temperature. With the black foliage, focus quickly, otherwise you will lose spathifylum.

To avoid the problems listed above, it suffices to comply with the rules of content and care.

Despite the unpretentiousness of Spatifylum, you need to create all the conditions for it. Only in this case the flower will bloom and smell in your small greenhouse. The necessary conditions:

  • Temperature. This flower is a warm-loving - the most optimal temperature for its growth is approximately 23 ºС, the minimum temperature is 18 ºС. That is why it is best to put a pot with a plant in a warm place. Do not forget that Spatifylum does not tolerate drafts, and therefore you need to take into account this moment when choosing a place.
  • Humidity. Since the homeland of this flower reigns predominantly wet climate, you need to create similar conditions for its normal development. To do this, it is best to buy a sprayer and once a day spray plants or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.
  • It is not worth putting a pot with a plant on the window, where the sun's rays fall almost every day, since Spathifloum is. The most preferred option is to select a place from the northern side at 30-50 cm from the window. If the plants are missing, you will notice it immediately - its leaves will begin to shrink and fall. In this case, naturally, the flower needs to be put in a lighter place.
  • It is equally important to pay attention to the soil - an acidic soil is suitable for spathiflum, which is easy to cook with your own hands. To do this, take a mixture of humus, squeezing, peat and leafy land in proportions 1: 1: 1: 2. You can add to the mixture and some charcoal.
  • Do not forget about the importance of watering. So, during flowering, as well as in the warm season, spathifulum needs a good watering, in winter the amount of irrigation is reduced by two times. You should not use water from under the tap, it is best to buy a bottled liquid or give water to strengthen during the day. Once every two weeks you need to arrange plants with a wellness shower.
  • It is very important for spathifylloums and competent feeding, because because of its absence, the plant will not bloom the second time. When choosing feeding, you need to remember that the overaction of nitrogen can lead to green mass extension, and therefore it is best to buy universal additives for indoor plants With a balanced content of all trace elements and vitamins in them.

As you can see, indoor flowers are spathifylum, which is very simple, can become a real decoration of your home-made greenhouse.

Alas, but any indoor flowers can get sick or undergo pest attack. Not to lose gentle woman's happinessYou need to know which methods will help to save a plant from diseases. So, most often on spathifylum attack the shield, called the name due to its appearance. If you do not take steps in time, the insect from the legs to the head will tighten the plant, which will lead to his death.

That is why you will have to prepare an ordinary soap solution and, armed with a sponge, remove pests from the plant. After that, the flower is additionally treated with insecticides. A day after the flower warm shower And close the soil with polyethylene. In addition, a spathifylum can be attacked by a web tick, looking like a small red spider.

It most often appears on the bottom of the leaves, over time, enveloping the plant. For plant treatment, a soap solution or complex insecticides are used. After 2-3 hours, be sure to rush the flower with conventional warm water. By the way, if you had such, there will be no special problems during the struggle against pests, since the methods are almost identical.

If you want to give a young bush spathiflum to someone from his friends, you need to know how the flower is properly multiplied. So, there are several ways: with the help of cuttings, dividing the main bush and occasionally - with the help of seeds.

The latter method is quite complicated, and therefore it is not recommended to use it at home, because you will only spend a lot of strength and time that it does not guarantee you to get the result.

The first few ways are performed as follows:

  • Shining. First you need to cut off the young flower process and lower it into a glass with water. Waiting until he gives new shoots and leaves, transplant it in a pot, supported the soil in advance mineral fertilizers and organica for better growth Flower.
  • But most often choose a vegetative breeding method, as the easiest - it is carried out during the flower transplantation. Separate the formed kids, choosing those of them that have a formed root system. It is very important to choose the power to choose the pots, so that the roots are freely placed inside. So that the plant quickly gothes, you need to prepare a suitable soil mixture. To do this, mix the ground with peat, sand, turder, you can add a fine brick crumb.

Spatilulum from the Aroacea family (ARACEAE) from rainforest South America. These plants adherents are warm and wet climate. Very beautiful, evergreen plant, with a white elegant flower on a yellow-green cob. Spathifylum one of my most likely plants. With proper care, it will always delight brightly green shiny leaves and elegant white flowers. In the people, this flower is called "female happiness."

It is believed that if a woman becomes herself, then in her house will always dwell with happiness and harmony. And if a young girl got a plant as a gift, he will soon meet the love of his life.

The first weeks of stay in the house

Best, especially in the first time, placing the plant in the floor with a shady or shady spot. Spathiflums do not tolerate bright sun ray, They can burn leaves. If there is too much light for spathifloum, then the leaves become pale green, losing their juiciness.


Caring for spathifylum cannot be called complicated, this plant is very unpretentious. In order for the spathiflum to have a bright, juicy foliage and well bloom, you need to adhere to several rules.

For the location of the flower, the North, North-West side is well suited.

Spatifylum perfectly feels in the shadow semi and does not tolerate outdoor sunlight. But this does not mean that the plant must be put in the darker corner. In too dark, the leaflets of the spathifylum begin to be fine and stretched, becoming more oblong, it speaks of a lack of light.

In this case, it is necessary to find a new place for him. Spatifylum does not like dry premises.

Since spathifylum tropical flower, he prefer a fairly high air humidity. Therefore, on the second day of stay, start spraying it, it is best twice a day in the morning and in the evening. To foliage remained beautiful, you can wipe it with a damp cloth every 2 days, so the plant gets extra moisture and cleaned from dust.

It is very important that the land in the pot also did not save, it should always be wet on the depth of one phalanx of the finger. In the period when the plants have abundant bloom, you must not forget to cut the old inflorescences. They take into themselves too much moisture, thoring the appearance of new flowers. If you purchased a spathifylum in a plastic transport pot, after 2 weeks it will need to transplant.


Since the plant is still tropical, it needs a rich watering and high humidity.

Watering special attention must be paid during flowering, in spring and summer. Church of the Earth Koma leads to the death of the plant.

For watering and spraying, it is necessary to use only weathered water (at least 12 hours).

The most important signal of the lack of water by the plant is its drooping leaves. But if after irrigation during several hours, the leaves do not rise, then most likely there is very low moisture in the room.

In such case, the plant must be rearranged to another place or organize bowls with a wet clay under the pot with spathifulum.

In the period of heating devices, watering should be increased.


The bloom of spathiflum is sufficiently long and with proper care can continue all year round. Most. an important aspect for good blossom It is a properly selected place, humidity and nutritional soil.

In order for the spathiflow re-bloomed, it is desirable for 2-3 months to contain it indoors at 20 degrees, but not lower than 16. And to start increasing watering, feeding and air humidity. In compliance with these rules, Spatifylum will delight you with their delicate, white flowers.


Feed the plant stands in a period of abundant flowering, often in spring and summer, once a week. IN winter And the off-season period, the interval between the feeding should be increased to 2-3 weeks.

It is the lack of mineral substances at the end of winter, at the beginning of spring can affect the absence of formation of flowering barriers. It is worth using a universal fertilizer or fertilizer for flowering plants. It must be remembered that the fertilizer needs to be made only in wet soil, after irrigation, otherwise you can burn the rhizome plant.


Spathifulum should be resettled once a year or two, it is better to do this at the end of winter, before flowing, or in the fall after. The soil is selected universal, weakly acidic. The pot should choose a little more than the previous one.


The reproduction of spathifylum occurs during the transplantation period, by dividing the bush. Spatifylum quickly grow up and forms new outlets. In transplantation it is necessary that its core remains in each bush. The division of the bush is better to exercise the same in the spring.

What is more dangerous for spathifylum

Publishing an earth coma leads to the death of the plant. The leaves become sluggish, lowered down. It is necessary to avoid premises with open heating devices. No need to put a plant at the battery. Low humidity leads to a drying of the leaves, the tips are yellow. Also, spathifulum is afraid of direct sunlight, leaves can get serious burns.


The most encountered pests on spathifylum: Website tick, triples, torment Cherver.

Spatifylum is not in vain in high demand and well-deserved respect, especially from women. After all, this beautiful and gentle flower Lifting in our life family harmony. Even if you do not believe in signs, lush greens in combination with white flowers causes a feeling of delight. All this plant is unpretentious, and despite his tropical origin, perfectly gets along in our apartments. But in order not to harm the plant with inefficient actions, you need to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of care.

History and description of the plant

Charming and gentle, which is how I want to describe this, modest, at first glance, flower. Spathifylum is one of the busiest plants. And it does not matter, a holiday on a calendar or weekdays, the plant is not delayed in a flower shop.

Elegant spathifylum never delayed in a flower shop

For the first time, the plant was described in the XIX century. But widespread as a room plant received in the 60s of the last century.

In Nature, Spatifylum prefers to settle in wet and warm places. Wild-growing copies are found in the swampy terrain, along the banks of the rivers and streams. The area of \u200b\u200bdistribution is considered to be the territory from central to South America and the island of Old World - New Guinea, Sulawesi, Philippines, Palau, Molukki and Solomon Islands.

Spatifylum prefers wet and warm places for settlement

Spathifulum - very attractive perennial evergreen. In nature, as a rule, submitted by terrestrial species, but epiphytes are found. The plant has a short rhizome, but there is no stem - its long stuffs begin to grow vertically straight from the ground level and are crowned with glossy leaves of saturated green color. Sheet plate solid, oval or lanceal shape with a pointed tip. The surface is decorated with a clear relief from residents - well-distinguishable central, and walking in parallel from her side.

Plant, depending on the species, has different heights. There are quite miniature specimens that grow a little in 20 cm. And there are also giants at all - their height exceeds the meter bar.

For landscaping the interior, you can buy small or large spathiflums, species diversity it allows

Numerous flower makers grow up length with petioles, or somewhat higher. Inflorescences consist of a screwdriver of yellow or dairy and white bedspread, growing at the base of the patch. The bedspread resembles an elongated ellipse, it grows longer than the pillage. Closer to the completion of the flowering process, the white bedtop begins to change its color and becomes greine.

The name of the plant belonging to the family of aroid is literally translated as "bedspread" and "sheet", which is actually confirmed by the appearance of the flower.

Why do plant call "female happiness"?

Spatifylum has a few names - a white sail, a female flower or a lily of the world. But it was the "female happiness" firmly fixed in everyday life. It is believed that this gentle flower is endowed with a large magic force. For attention to yourself, the flower thanks the hostess. He brings her joy, happiness and peace of mind, increase self-esteem and strengthen health, it acquires harmony not only with me, but also with the outside world.

Spatilulum is called "female happiness", because the plant thanks his mistress for keeping with these values

Slightly adopted with spathifylum

  • if you give this plant with a lonely woman, then sincere love will not make himself wait long;
  • if a woman is childless, spathifulum will help to gain maternity happiness;
  • family couple the plant will give harmony in relationships;
  • if you give a flower to someone else's person, happiness will leave your home.

In order to double the positive effect of spathifylum, to him in a couple you need to purchase another happiness - male, that is, Anthurium. Ground and abundant flowering plants are an indicator of ideal and harmonious relations in the family.

In order for the positive effect of spatiflower acquired a double force, in a pair to it you need to buy anthurium

Spathifulum or Anthurium?

Both of these plants represent one family - aroid. But, nevertheless, the differences in appearance are present.

What is the difference between Spatifylum and Anthurium - Table

Types of spatifylum used in home cultivation

The genus of spathifylumov includes about 50 species. But there are not all kinds in bedroom flowering, but only the most adapted to home conditions. In addition, there are many hybrid forms obtained by the efforts of breeders.

  1. The name of his discoverer is considered the most unpretentious, and therefore is very popular. Kusty sizes perfectly fit even in small premises - The height of the plant is only 20 - 30 cm. The color gamut of oblong lanceal leaves ranges from emerald-green at a young age to dark green in adult plants. Copper small, white. Its surrounds the snow-white bedspread, which over time can be green. It has plentiful blossom, which lasts from spring to autumn.
  2. Spathifylum spoamidoid. Plant is high - up to 1 m in height. Glossy leaves, dark green, on the edges a little wavy. The stiff is long - up to 70 cm. Inflorescence in the form of a white coil, surrounded by a long bedspread of an extended-oval shape.
  3. Spathifulum abundant. In popularity is not inferior to Wallus due to the long period of flowering. The leaves are elongated, oval, first light green, and then acquiring a more rich color. Flowers of small size, white. The height of the plant reaches 50 cm. On the basis of the type, several hybrids are derived, one of which is popular Mauna Loa.
  4. The largest representative of the genus. With proper care grows by 1.5 meter giant. Leaves are large - up to 90 cm long, width 30 - 40 cm, dark green. The surface has a pronounced ribbon. Inflorescences are large - almost 50 cm.
  5. Glossy, dense, dark green leaves Form a plant with a height of 50 cm. A feature of this species is the vertical growth of cuffs, which practically do not deviate aside as in other species.

Photo gallery species of Spatifyluma

Spatifylum Wallis is the most popular among other species Spathifylum spoamidoid stands out thanks large sizes Spathifulum Abundant is the parent form for many hybrids
Spatilum sensation Real giant among conifers Spatifylum Alan Cherces grow almost vertically

Peppercut representatives of Rhoda

Peppercut representatives of the genus Spatifylum are good because it is impossible to meet plants with the same coloring leaves.

His bright green foliage, which is clearly visible white strokes, as if abandoned by the painter's brush, causes enthusiastic exclamations. In height unpretentious plant Grow up to 50 cm.

Spatifylum Picasso thanks to unusual coloring is a unique view.

High decorative plant, 50 - 60 cm high. Tight green leaves are covered with white numerous strokes. The inflorescence consists of white-yellow or slightly greenish reel wrapped in a white bedspread. By the way, the plant is quite rarely found in flower shops, although it is difficult to call it difficult to care.

Spathifylum Domino will delight any esthete

Features of growing and caring for a flower at home

It is no secret that all the flowers love the right care. Spatilum in this regard is no exception. And even though the plant can be bolder to rank uncomplicated in terms of content, some nuances need to know.

Season Temperature Lighting Humidity
Spring-summerDuring this period, ideal for
the flower is considered
temperature within
22 - 23 0 C. Sup
raising up to 27 0 S.
If a decrease happens
temperature, then readings
thermometer should not fall
below 18 0 S.
From spring by autumn spathifylum
need bright but scattered
shine. Direct sunny rays
contraindicated, so in
summer period Plant need
slightly diagnosed. Okay
plubs with flower
near the Eastern or Western
window. Southern direction
also good, but behind the curtain.
North window too
low-Sunny. Spathifylum
with the leaves of one-year-green
coloring more shadowed.
Peppercut plants require
better lighting.
Genetically laid
moisturized requires contain
flower with humidity not lower
Autumn-WinterIn the cool period
will bring the temperature B.
average 16 0 s. main thing to
the bit of thermometer ne.
dropped below 12 0 S.
In the period when solar
light is not enough, flower
need to be placed near the southern
window. If spathifylum occupies
position near the north window,
then it needs to be heated.
In the heating season
systems humidity best
maintain as in summer
period using wet
filler decomposed in

In winter, with lack sunlight, it is possible to unwell a reflective substrate under the pot with spathifylum

The thermal-loving spathifylum is not under any circumstances it is impossible to keep on the draft, so when carrying out the plant aside aside. And here fresh air In summer, loves very much. Slightly pronted and inaccessible to the wind place on the balcony or in the garden will greatly please your flower.

Watering and Moisturizing Features

Soil in the pot with spathifylum should always be in a state of moisturia. In the spring and summer, watering should be abundant. In winter, the frequency of moisture is reduced, depending on the temperature in the room.

The main rules of watering

  • never overcoat the soil;
  • the liquid accumulated in the pallet must be drained, since the stagnation of water in the roots will lead to their illness;
  • do not allow the earthen coma to cut;
  • watering only spend well-spanned water, which should have a room temperature;
  • bloom - that period when it is not worth noticeing for water;
  • we carry out another watering, focusing on the state of the upper layer of the soil - it should dry by several centimeters deep into.

In summer, with raising temperature mode Plant needs daily spraying. It turns out well on the shower, with which the leaves get rid of dust. But the flowers during swimming is best hide from water drops. In winter, when keeping in a cool room, the plant does not spray. If the spathifylum is placed near the included heating devices, the spraying is necessary. Water for spraying should well stand out and be no lower room temperature.

Maintaining the humidity of the Four Flower of at least 50% is an important condition for normal development


The period of vegetation of spathifylum lasts from March to September. It is at this moment that the flower needs nutrients. As a rule, for feeding use universal fertilizers For flowering plants having a balanced composition. But the concentrated solution should be diluted slightly more than it should be, otherwise the gentle root system can get a burn.

Very well reacts a plant on the organic and natural additives. Alternation of mineral and organic feeding gives a stunning result.

Any type of liquid fertilizer is brought only in pre-moistened soil.

Fertilizers - Table

If the spathifylum blooms in the autumn-winter period - it must be supported, but the feeder makes less frequently than during the actively active vegetation

The soil

Personally pick up the land for your plant - the main task of the flower. As a representative of the family of aroid, spathifylum prefers loose soils, well-pass moisture and not preventing gas exchange in roots. It is easiest to buy a ready-made substrate for aroid and add pieces of charcoal to it. But it is also easy to prepare so much, it is enough to purchase the following components:

  • leaf Earth;
  • ferrous land;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • river sand.

It is not bad to carry the spathifylum and simple sheet humus, but to give a greater looseness to its composition should be introduced brick crumb and charcoal.

Important little things

  1. The soil for spathifylum should be a weakness - pH 5 - 6.
  2. Be sure to use charcoal in soils. This is an excellent antiseptic that will protect the roots from rotting in the event of an inadvertent mooring of the soil.
  3. Purifiedly made substrate need to be displaced. To do this, use a hot dark pink solution of manganese.

Charcoal - the required component when composing the soil for spathifylum, and activated carbon is needed for the powder of small swap in transplantation

Choose a suitable pot

If someone does not know, then spathifulum loves close spaces. If we transplant the plant into a larger capacity, then the frequency can not be waited. Only when the roots will belated the entire volume of the substrate, flowers will appear. Therefore, choose a pot, which a little more than the previous one, so that the root system is cozy.

The material from which the pot is made, the values \u200b\u200bdoes not have. But for large species (for example, sensation), it is better to choose an adorable container - a ceramic pot or a small tub.

Presence of drain holes for removal excess fluid - The main requirement for any container. Running in the pallet after watering water must be slate.

Drainage holes at the bottom of the pot - a prerequisite


Since the pot for spathifylum is needed small, the transplant will have to spend often. Young plants are transplanted annually, and those who have reached 5 years of age are transplanted as needed. Signal serve roots sprouted through drainage holes and slowdown growth.

Most best time For the procedure - spring.

Large plants growing in personnel or large ceramic capacles to transplant is not so easy, so not to expose the flower starvation, upper layer The depleted land is replaced with a new, more fertile. We need to be replaced carefully not to damage the roots.

Spathifulum loves close tanks, but an overly born flower needs to transplant

Do I need to transplant after purchase?

After buying a plant you need to transplant. The main reason for this is an inappropriate substrate. The transportation soil is very moisture, long enhances and serves as the root of the root system. In addition, a purchased plant often roots have nowhere to develop further, as they fell the entire peat com. But the transplant should be carried out no earlier than in a week and a half. During this time, the plant should adapt to new conditions in order not to test the double stress.

Method of transplant

  1. Choose suitable potted pots with drainage holes.
  2. At the bottom, be sure to lay a layer of clay, with a height of at least 3 cm.
  3. Mat a little soil from above.
  4. If you transplant a recently purchased plant, then carefully remove it from the pot, try to remove pieces of transportation soil, but only those that easily depart. You can also lower the roots in the basin with water and rinse them slightly. If the spathifylum has already been replanted earlier, and you change the cramped pot, the transplant is carried out by the transshipment method, so that as much harm can cause roots.
  5. Set the flower in the center of the new container and start with the sides to add a cooked soil.
  6. The landing should be carried out at the same level.
  7. After the soil fills the pot, slightly knock them on the edge of the table, so that the earthen the mixture can easily distribute the roots.
  8. Pour the plant. Wait for the extra liquid to fall into the pallet and remove it.
  9. Put the plant in a suitable place.

How to transplant purchased by Spatilum - Video


You can propagate the spathifylum by 3 ways - the division of the bush or rhizomes, stalling and seeds.

Delivery of bush or rhizome

This is the easiest way to get a few new plants. Conduct it during transplantation.

  1. Remove the plant from the pot.
  2. Decken the extra earth.
  3. Polish long roots so that they do not break.
  4. With the help of a sharp knife or scissors, divide the rhizome in such a way that they remain the growth points on them, consisting of at least 3 young leaflets and roots.
  5. Sleep places Push the activated carbon.
  6. Deliki land in a small pot with a suitable soil.
  7. The soil must be well moistened, because in the first days, young plants are not desirable to water until the wounds were dragged. But the leaves can be sprayed.

To get new spathifylums in the spring can divide the plant during transplantation


This method can also be called simple, but there are some nuances that will help the successful rooting of the cutting. Young outlets that appeared at the base of an adult plant can be carefully separated. the main task For a flower plant - to reveal the root system so that the further landing of the young plant is crowned with success.

Roof cuttings in wet sand. Preferably in minitheet to create favorable conditions - Heat and sufficient humidity level. It is also possible to grow roots in simple water with the addition of activated carbon. After the root system is formed and new leaves will begin to appear, the spathimilum plant plant.

What errors may occur when rooting a cutlery - video

Reproduction of seeds

The occupation is time consuming and is not always completed. But nevertheless, who is interested in the process itself and who is not afraid of difficulties, can try.

The biggest problem is a fast loss of seeds of the ability to climb. Therefore, you will have to pollimate the available spathiflow or contact your help to the same enthusiasts as you.

What care problems may arise and how to eliminate them

Spathifylum is not capricious, but sometimes underwent or ignorance of the rules of care can lead to a sad result. So that this does not happen, you need to learn to understand the plant. After all, it suggests that it went wrong.

The yellowed leaves can signal several errors:

  • low air humidity;
  • disadvantageous watering, in which the earthen car is often in the proceeding state;
  • watering with rigid, not enough water;
  • after a long and abundant blossom, the Nutritional Nutrition deficiencies may experience.

Carefully inspect the plant, analyze the state of the soil and the conditions of detention:

  • if the room is too hot, then you need to increase the humidity around the plant and spray the leaves daily;
  • dry earth immediately do not pour large quantity water, and increase the norm gradually, bringing to the desired frequency of watering;
  • water only advanced water;
  • during the flowering period, the plant needs feeding, do not forget about it.

The yellow leaves of the Spathifylum may be a consequence of several reasons, which one, you will understand by analyzing the situation

The tips of the leaves begin to black. The most likely reason may be excessive watering at low room temperature. Try to lead the temperature and frequency of irrigation to put normal standards, and the spathiflow will quickly increase a new healthy foliage.

The black edges of the leaves in Spathifylum speak about low temperature and overvollage

Flowers start green. This is not a problem at all. The fact is that in the final flowering stage, white beds starts green and faded. This process is quite natural, and you just need to trim the bloomer at the base. And some types of spathifylum and are completely colored light green color.

Leafs brown and dry. This is a signal about low air humidity. Regular spraying of the leaves will return the freshness of green foliage to spathifylum.

With low moisture, the tips of the leaves begin to dry

Spathifylum does not bloom. The reason can serve too much the pot, because while the plant does not win the whole space - the flowering will not come. Another reason may be lack of light. Rearrange the plant to the most illuminated place (but not on the straight rays of the sun) and soon the spathifloum will cophes with white inflorescences.

The flower slowed the growth, the leaves acquire a chlorotic coloring. It happens from lack of manganese and iron. If these trace elements are present in the nutrient solution, it means that the plant cannot fully assimilate them due to poor soil or cold aeration. Transfer Flower B. warm room And replace the substrate if there is a need.

With unbalanced nutrition, spathifylum can slow down growth

Sometimes water droplets may appear on the leaves. Do not worry. So the plant naturally gets rid of excess fluid in tissues at high humidity ambient. Take this note if you are frequent spray fans.

Diseases and pests characteristic of spathifylum

If it does not eliminate errors in the process of incorrect care on time, then the pests of indoor plants will be happy to settle on the flower. And diseases - frequent satellites of weakened plants.

Fighting and prevention of diseases and pests - Table

Thin cobweb - the first sign of the appearance of a tick

Spathifulum is a universal flower. It looks great as a soling plant, is harmonious in combination with other representatives of the flora. With proper care will please you long blossom. But in order to really enjoy the beautiful appearance of Spathifylum and feel his beneficial effect on it, with a flower need to make friends.

Diseases I.
Symptoms Measures of struggle Prevention
Often occurs
excessive moisture
soil. Plant looks
lifeless, leaves
lose tour, go down.
From the base of the soil
pulls rose
black, leaves disappear.
  • Remove spathifylum out

pot. Free the roots from
substrate and carefully
inspect them.

  • Rotten roots doinched

sharp scissors.

  • Ranks sprinkle

thusted activated

  • Suggest within

several hours.

  • Ride the flower in a new

pot with drainage

  • Fully change the substrate.
  • Do not water for several days,

while the top layer of the soil is completely
do not die.

  • Add water to water


  • When landing always

use drainage.

  • Do not pour

spathifylum. Strictly
observe irrigation rates.

Is a consequence
pest infection.
Manifests itself on top
side of the sheet in the form
black bent that
easy is erased with fingers.
Prevents normal
photosynthesis in the tissues.
  • At the initial stage

sheet plates with soap water.

  • With launched disease

it should be deleted strongly
amazed leaves and process
flower with actara preparations
or decis.

  • Do not decline

normal level

  • Conduct prevention


AphidLower sheet -
the most likely place
small clusters
insects who live
due to the plant juices.
As a result of the leaves
start yellowing I.
If the defeat of the phone is wearing
protracted, it is worth applying
Phytodeter or accility.
Create a solution according to
  • At the first signs

appearance of pest
perfectly will help shower -
warm jets of water melt TRU
and traces of her stay.

  • Take care of normalization

humidity level around

  • Excellent prevention

walk out a flower spraying
weak soap solution.

Leaves start
twisted on them
little appear
light dots. This is traces
from punctures in places where
pest feeds by juice
plants. Another one
the sign is thin
pautinka, powdered
Aktara and Aktellik - Preparations,
who will help to cope with
Do not forget that insecticides
toxic and when working with them
need to open windows and
use individual

And the reproduction of this flower is simple, although, like any living organism, he needs in care. But if you do not be lazy and give him a little attention, he will thank you with his undepair and long-lasting beautiful bloom.

Plant Features

Like the rest of the racoids, the spathimilum is not deadly, but still poisonous. In its leaves there is calcium oxalate, therefore, some allergies of touch can cause dermatitis to them. It is not worth allowing a cat if it has in your house, chew a plant. The death of the animal is unlikely, but the ulcers on the mouth of the mucous membranes, diarrhea and vomiting are unlikely to be delighted. On the other hand, poisonous phytoncides spathifylum in the air does not highlight, so it does not threaten the poison. It is worth considering it beneficial features. The plant excellently cleans the airspace in the house from harmful components. True, for the effectiveness of this process in the room in twenty square meters Six or seven adult plants should live. However, it is not a problem - the reproduction of the Spathiflum is easy, even a beginner flower industry will cope with it.

Choose the windowsill

This plant is shadowfully. Moreover, it just prefers a lack of scattered lighting. On bright, straight light, spathifloum leaves fade and begin to dry. So that the perfect choice It will be the northern, usually empty window. True, if the light is very small (for example, a large branching tree is growing in this place), the foliage becomes thick-green, mines and pulls out. Blossom is questionable. Yes, and the reproduction of the spathifylum will not be successful - new specimens simply do not fit. But this plant is well survived with even daylight lamps are not required - quite ordinary, apartment. This uses phytodizainers when making offices and shops. In the summer, it would be nice to endure the pots on the street - on the balcony or garden. Only again, it is necessary to choose a privacy, so that the plants do not get burns and not "buried" from excess sunlight.

Temperature mode

No particular thermal conditions are not needed to create spatifylum. Normal room temperature It is quite suitable. True, if the thermometer shows less than +18, the flower growth stops, and it will not bloom. Higher temperatures are required and during the reproduction of spathifylum: 22-23 degrees are needed for observerness. Therefore, often they are covered with cropped plastic bottles With holes, creating mini greenhouse.

From what you need to carefully protect Spathifylum, so it is from drafts. Even when the fan is running nearby, the flower can get sick and die. When using the air conditioner, you should not include the mode below 20 degrees, and pots with plants need to move away from it.

How often watered

Spathifylum - plant moisture. The soil in his "house" should always be wet. No need to wait for the complete drying of the earth coma. However, when overflow, the likelihood of root reloading is large. Therefore, if an hour after irrigation in the pallet there was still water, it must be drained. The sign of excess moisture is the appearance on the leaves dark spots. Noticing them, it is necessary to revise the chart of polishes. The lack of water is manifested by a sharp decline in all the leaves. It is not necessary to scare: just a couple of hours after receiving moisture, they will straighten again.

Especially cautious should be, watering disassembled spathifylum, - reproduction and transplants can injure the plant. Therefore, the Earth sheds well to these procedures, but watering only the day after three or four.

Humidity is important

Loves spathifylum and spraying - like all plants with a large sheet plate. In the heat such manipulations need to be done twice a day - in the morning, before the onset of the sun, and in the evening when he subsides. If there is no such possibility (for example, in the office), the pot is put in the pallet with a wet moss, pebbles or clay. However, even these measures do not get rid of the need to spray a flower in the summer at least every other day.


Navigate to the new place of residence is needed throughout life. Young plants need to transplant annually, adults who are more than five years old - only when the roots filled the entire pot. You can determine the moment by the roots that seemed through the drainage holes. The new pot is bought low and only a little larger than the previous one: in such conditions, the spatilum is faster and blooms more quickly. Drainage is necessarily, and it is better to choose bigger. If it is possible, you need to add to the soil sphagnum - the soil will not stop too sharply. The ideal substrate will be consisting of derdy land, sand, peat and leaf land. 1: 1: 2 ratio. After transplanting, in the evening, the plant is sprinkled with epin (two drops on a glass of warm water). So it is faster and painlessly arrive. With the same purpose, the watering stops, but the spraying is mandatory twice a day before the resumption of irrigation.

Sheet searition

Sooner or later you will want to increase your plantation of these beautiful plants. First of all, it will be warned against the mistakes of those who did not grow spatiflow before. It is impossible to reproduce a sheet. Unlike, for example, begonias, spathiflow leaf, lowered into the water, simply rotates without giving roots. The same will happen if it is immediately stored in the ground, as they do with many succulents. Flowerwood is practiced by the reproduction of spathifylum cuttings or rhizoma division. It is possible, of course, the use of seeds, but it is complicated by many factors that will be discussed below.


Vegetative methods apply to almost any plants - one more, others less. Not exceptional and spathifylum. The reproduction of the division of the bush is most popular thanks to the relative impact of the process. At the base of an adult plant, "kids" are formed - a small sheet rosette with intrusted roots. In the spring, when the transplant time comes, they are gently separated from the parent plant. The main thing in this process is to unravel the roots, trying not to cut them away. The cuttings are rooted in wet sand or perlite. Spatiflowum reproduction will occur without trouble if each new bush is covered with a transparent cap, preferably with holes. If they are missing and do it impossible, they will have to go on two or three times a day. When the root system creates and strengthened, the unlocked plants move to the substrate prepared by the already described method.

Division of rhizomes

You can also send spathifylum to another way. The reproduction of root delets, on the one hand, gives almost one hundred percent survival rate. On the other, it is necessary to be able to do not to heat the parent plant. So only experienced floweries are resorted to it. Such an operation is also made in the spring, during transplant manipulations to once again not disturb the plant. Rhizome is divided sharp knifeThe sections are sprinkled with crowded charcoal. In no case activated! Otherwise, the same as under stingy.

Challenges with seeds

There is another way, very unreliable, get a new spathifylum. The reproduction at home with the help of seed material in theory is possible, but it is unlikely to be crowned with success. First, to obtain them, artificial pollination will need, which does not always give planned results. Secondly, the germination of the seeds of this flower is very low. Moreover, the seeds are not lying: Even a day, half of them will not be guaranteed not to give sprouts. Thirdly, after sowing in a sandy peat ground, the container is covered with glass, and your task becomes at the same time and maintain its humidity, and not give the sowing material to suffocate. Therefore, mainly the method remains purely theoretical - gardeners propagate spathifulum vegetatively.


The main thing that attracts amateurs of indoor plants in Spathiflum, is a long, up to two months, flowering. An additional bait is also the fact that most of the varieties produce "cobs" rather willingly. However, it happens that, despite the care and proper care, the plant climbs. There are several ways to push it in the right direction.

  1. Rearranged pot. Most often, blooming is caused by an unfavorable light or thermal regime. You can try to move the plant in a more "bright" place. At first, so that it is accustomed to, you need to either take it or move it into a less illuminated place. After adaptation, it will be possible to give spathifylum more light. Very often almost immediately, he throws buds.
  2. Often stimulates bloom Increased humidity. Either make more frequent spraying, or turn on the air humidifier, or simply place a tank with water.
  3. If such simple response actions were not given, translate spathifylum (temporarily!) To water starvation. At first a couple of weeks, water it less often, and then leave for a week at all without water. In order not to harm the flower, splash it more often. Withstood the specified time, move the pot closer to the light, return to the normal irrigation regime and adopt the spatiflow fertilizers for flowering plants. For a month he will bloom.

Well, so that the blooming is longer, it is necessary to trim the shrinking "cobs" in time. Then they will not slow down the development of new ones.

Try to bring spathifylum to your outdoor garden. Reproduction (photo. See in the article), is not difficult and almost always successful, allow you to quickly decorate your house with this beautiful plant with glossy leaves and gentle white flowers.