Repairs Design Furniture

How to get rid of blackclosure on the cabbage. Locking flower. Growing an attraction. Caring for anxious signs of infection with torment cherver

The appearance of this pest is not confused. This is a rather major relative of the shield. The torment Cherberry pulls up to 8 mm in length.

The female individuals of the "shaggy lice" have an undeveloped body of an oval shape, more inherent insect larvae. Numerous eggs they are set aside in special bags in the sinuses of the leaves. The shoots on which the pest dwells is covered with a sticky wax flying white.

The males are not at all like females - they have wings and normally developed limbs, the body is divided into departments and ends with a beam of tail threads

With the help of his mouth, the female and larvae easily pierce the surface of the sheet, bud or escape and suck juices from it. Young worms are extremely moving and easily moved between plants. Female males do not eat, because as they grow their oral apparatus atrophy.

Symptoms of infection with milders

To detect pests, it is sufficient to carefully examine the indoor plant.

Basic signs:

  • flooded species, lethargy of leaves and shoots;
  • underdeveloped buds, deformed leaves;
  • white torment raid with lumps;
  • small "mosquitoes" (Samvtsa males) on the windows near the pots;
  • the presence in all parts of the plant adhesive mucus (dust);
  • the presence of white engines in the earth-coma during transplantation;
  • the presence of white oval insects.

Any of these symptoms can talk about the appearance of the clerk. No flower is insured against infection. To special control you need to take citrus, amarylline, coagulation and palm plants, as well as cacti, violets and orchids.

Often suffers from the pest of Azalea, the photo of which is given in the article. Pest attacks young shoots. Leaflets cease to grow, begin to shrust. Azalea, the photo of which demonstrates its beauty, affected by insects, loses its former look.

Harm for the plant

Mute Cherver literally pulls out of flowers nutrients, violating their growth and normal development. Sweet breast dew, secreted by females, provokes the development of attached fungal infections. Due to the sticky impermeable coating, the breathing of the green pet is worsening. This can lead to fading and even the appeal of leaves.

Puffy Whew (another name of the Chervestians) does not prefer a certain part of the plant, striking everything that meets on her way. Under the blow, not only shoots, buds and leaves, but also roots. If not starting treatment as soon as possible, the Cherver will spread to surrounding indoor plantings. Over time, he will destroy them all. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately declare war, if you noticed a torment Cherver on indoor plants. How to deal with the pest will be told below.

Causes of the appearance of mild custody

Why do these harmful insects appear?

The main reasons are somewhat:

  1. The presence of eggs and larvae in the soil. Even purchased soil may be infected, so it is very important before using it to process it with hot steam.
  2. Transfer of larvae with newly acquired plants. New pets must be contained separately and periodically carefully examine. You can put them next to the rest of the colors, only finally making sure the absence of any pests.
  3. Care errors - low temperature Air indoor, moisture stagnation in the soil, insufficient illumination, excessive fertilization. Incorrect care significantly reduces the immunity of the plant, provoking various diseases.
  4. The presence of dust on the leaves, irregular removal of dry parts.
  5. Unreasonable replacement of land in pots. Harmful insects can start inside a blind earth coma.
  6. Poor-quality water for watering.

People's methods to combat mild cherver

Now you know what the pest is dangerous for plants. You can easily determine what a torment Cherver settled on indoor plants.

How to deal with such insects? With a small focus of infection, you can try to get rid of it without special means.

Popular home methods of struggle:

  1. Infusion because medicinal herbal. For plant processing, you can use the hand, calendula. Powder purchased in a pharmacy should be boiled water. After cooling the means, they are treated with a plant. For the preparation of infusion, apply the following ratios: 100 g of chemistry (calendula) per 1 l of liquid.
  2. Tincture of garlic. This is enough effective method Fight with mild cherver. Whole garlic middle size head clean and crushed. Pour a liter hot water And let it stand for 4 hours. The tincture of garlic is applied to the leaves and the trunk with the help of a wool or sponge.
  3. Oil emulsion. In a liter of warm water stir 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Spray the affected leaves from the spray gun.
  4. Soap-alcohol solution. For its preparation, it is better to take a natural soap, without perfume additives. On 1 liter of water there is enough 1 teaspoon of grated soap and 1 tablespoon of ethyl alcohol. Spray the affected parts of the plant, avoiding the solution to the earth alone. Conduct the procedure 1 time in 3 days. Rush the applied tool is necessary after a day after spraying.
  5. Tincture of lemon and orange zest. A surprisingly simple recipe that allows you to efficiently relieve a plant from pests. Take the crusts of the lemon, orange and fill them with boiling water. The ratio is as follows: 30-50 g of cedars per 1 liter of fluid. During the day, the tool must appease. Then treat your green pets with this infusion using a spray gun.

Chemical preparations from mild custody

With ineffectiveness folk methods or large foci of infection have to refer to chemical insecticides.

Label effective drugs Against the mild custody:

  • "Decis".
  • "Vestimen".
  • "Colorofos".
  • "Nurell D".
  • "Phosphamide".
  • "Bi-58".
  • "Aktellik".
  • "Phytoverm".
  • "Aplaud".

Special difficulties with such substances occur should not. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions and observe all precautions.

The affected plants need to be placed in quarantine. Usually 3-4 insecticide treatments. If the pests still remain, you need to change the drug.


Take care that the drugs used not caused harm:

  1. You can use chemicals only in a well-ventilated room.
  2. Exclude a number of children and domestic children.
  3. In order to avoid poisoning, apply personal protective equipment.

Preventive measures

  1. Periodically carefully examine green plantings.
  2. Regularly transplanting grown flowers.
  3. Inspect the earthen com during transplantation. Rinse hot water (about 55 ° C).
  4. Correctly care for flowers according to their preferences.
  5. Delete the filament parts of the plant in a timely manner. Dried leaves can serve as convenient shelter to various pests.
  6. Before boarding pots of boiling water, and disappear soil.
  7. Observe quarantine measures against new plants.

Insects are an integral part of any ecosystem, but there are no places on the landscaped windowsides. Especially if a torment cherry appeared on indoor plants. How to deal with the pest, you know. Therefore, use any available methods. After all, healthy homemade plants without pests are actively developing and delighting eyes with bright greens and abundant flowering.

Did you get into the team where there was an upset that did not give rest to the whole team? Cooperation with such people affects productivity, a general atmosphere and self-esteem of each participant of the team. After all, the effect of the behavior of the scoundrels is cumulative because negative interactions affect our mood is stronger than positive.

The book of the teacher of Standford University of Robert Satton "Do not work with M * Daki" tells about how the scoundrels interfere with the work of the team and what to do with them.

Harm from self-director

Distinctive feature Teams and organizations that are managed by the villains or in which the copies of the bastards are taught, in that the atmosphere in them is permeated with fear, hatred and desire to take revenge.

Scoundrels bring irreparable harm to any team.

In the organizations built at fear, the staff are constantly looking around, trying to avoid accusations and humiliation. Even knowing how to help the company, they are often just afraid to do it.

Scoundrels also suffer

Insulting people scoundrels often become victims of their own actions. Employees who are constantly mentally and physically devour others, undermine their own efficiency, setting up colleagues and leadership against themselves, and weaken their social ties.

People who have fun in the fact that they take the strength from others - they suck all the juices from their careers.

Warning: Do not hurry to brand people

Before you blaming a person and put a label of an incorrigible self-timer on it, try to figure out the situation and look at it from all sides. Sometimes it happens that some of the closed or unfriendly, but decent employees are easy to adopt for certified scoundrels.

"Working with a person whŏ at Pervamĭ The look seemed to asshole, I am every̆ Once it was convinced of the error in the superficial impression: they all turned out to be absolutely normal as soon as we went closer. "

Peter McDonald, IDEO

Of course, there are people with whom the method does not work: the more you recognize them, the more you get evidence that these are typical scoundrels. But it is better to draw conclusions based on accurate facts, and not on the contrived views.

Apply from the impact of scoundrels

Limit the chat with a scoundrel to reduce the chance to infect the "Rig's fever". In addition, tactics of evasion from communication with such people reduces damage caused by them.

The longer we remain surrounded by the bastards, the more prone to becoming exactly the same.

Reduce communication with a scoundrel to a minimum.

If you feel that the atmosphere around you is permeated by the actions of the scoundrels, assemble things and leave the room immediately. Go or hold on to the villains as far as possible.

The difference between how a person is drawn with powerful and unrelated people, is the best measure of human character. Do you want to surround yourself with decent people?

Plotting in dirt

Since the rest of the rest is in dirt, it is best to communicate with them calmly and good-naturedly. Using quiet questions, refrain from increasing the voice and arrogant comments: it makes people defend and behave even more bold.

This method is similar to a small exam, the purpose of which is to find out what the person is annoyed. Holding to a detailed, non-aggressive tone, you will notice how surprisingly changing the poisonous behavior of the chopping in dirt, as it becomes calmer, softer, as smiles when it is possible to get to the truth.

Most often people humiliate you when you have the fact that they do not have, or when your behavior in any way hurts. In most cases, they feel near you are not in their plate. Therefore, the method is no less successful and based on compassion, which will facilitate communication with them.


When communicating with a chatter, the voltage is irreplaceable. He will help you keep cool. Try a replaced fantasy way. Boltunas should be aware that their endless turning, as a rule, is inappropriate, so the open protest method will also be effective. It is best to resort to him without strange witnesses, because the talker will have to save the situation to preserve its dignity.

You can start with the fact that you are affectionate and tenderly wrap the chatter, as you love it (if so), but sometimes he talks too much about things, not all interesting. Teach Boltun to look at the expressions of persons and poses surrounding to understand the degree of their interest. At the first moment, the chatter can be shocked, and this will cause a protective reaction. If so, you will have to be more frank and lead examples of its tedious chatter. But do not forget to assure that you still understand it and love it.

Offer him to remember that a certain gesture is raising eyebrows, touch - can serve him by a signal to convert the conversation. Often, protective reactions and fear are caused by the inability to own elementary communication skills and understand the language of the face and body of others.

If the chatter is impenetrable or continues to use your time and energy, you should show hardness, applying a way of an open protest, and not let it cross the boundaries permitted.


People crowded with contempt and hate most need to apply the way of love and good. They need to talk to them as softer, otherwise they will never cease to behave familiar to them. Self-discordants do not require food, alcohol, cigarettes or sex. They were hungry for love and attention.

There are minutes when you can't sit back and watch how people make themselves. In this case, only a way to retreat can help. After you have tried everything and honestly admitted to your beloved person, you know about his problem and are ready to help him - and everything is in vain! - Nothing remains, how to retreat and provide him to be fed out of trouble. You can never help the self-searcher until he himself wishes to help himself.

Avoiding trouble

If you want to communicate with the avoidance - first try to catch it, preferably before he holds. The first thing to apply with it is a way to protest. Do not think that it can hurt him, it is not your care. On the contrary, tell him that you think about his habit to run away from the difficulty that you are tired of it and that he must solve this problem.

Usually avoiding troubles are not inclined to argue, so when you express discontent, it most often listens and acts. Of course, he can escape, as usual, flight, if he does not be able to digest what he heard from you.

If you find out with avoiding relationships, and he still runs away, do not regret what they started the quarrel, since now, at least, you know who is wrong. Just remember that if a person runs away, he has no matter to you.

Dormant but deadly volcano


Girls are extremely dangerous, for they can turn your life into a nightmare. A gossip can only stop what you knows who he is and what is trying to do. Use the open protest method and explain what behavior is inappropriate - especially if you are gossipped about you. If the gossip is fluttering about some of your friends or friends, doubt it with the words: "I'm not going to listen to it," or "I do not believe in any kind of word", or "I am not interested in me."

Try to and in your professional life there is no place to be gossips, for they are able to destroy your career.

Fate wrestler

All you need a fatal fighter is tenderness, love, care. It is simply amazing how quickly the method of love and good can cool it with dust and even transform it. It will not necessarily occur instantly, but in the end you will see a more kind and fitful person in front of you.

If the fatal fighter becomes aggressive, having wrapped his rage on you, the only way out is to apply the way to retreat, say: "Goodbye", "Chao", "while" - and no longer return. The retreat method is also indispensable when to continue relations with such a person becomes simply impossible.

If no ways do not help with the "fatal wrestler", you do not have anything left to decorate.

Sad and doomed victim

Being near the sad and doomed victim, it is best to rely on the way of removing the voltage. It is necessary to periodically "merge" accumulated bad energy, otherwise you will simply weaken, spending too much time with the victim. These people are just a walking bad mood that can be very contagious - you can easily pick it up as a disease.

Smiling doubled yanus

First of all, use a method of open protest, showing Janus that you are known for his fraud. Never give such people a descent. Having met resistance, Janus, even if you caught him with a political one, can deny everything. In this case, grab about the scandal method and give the will to your anger. But remember: never resort to physical violence, no matter how much you want. Your sincere, confident reaction will remain in memory of the two-year-old Janus, will torment him all his life.

Indecisive weakk

The indecisive slack is so much confident in itself and too early that you need to handle it extremely carefully. Therefore, the way of love and good is most preferable to the fact that you give the weakness to feel your willingness to be near at a difficult moment.

You may want to apply and a way of quiet issues to help him make a decision. Ask questions that will help clarify the situation and give weaks the opportunity to come to some logical conclusion. If an indecisive slack brings you to white casting, and the ways of love, good and quiet issues do not work, it remains only to fold the weapon and leave the poor man in proud.


When communicating with the consumer, the open protest method is one of the outputs. This method allows you to understand that you feel used and offended. In some cases, the resistance on your part causes the consumer to test the banks for their nasty. If your friendship is not indifferent to the consumer and respect, he can take a different look at himself and on your reactions. If you manage to keep calm, the open protest method will make it possible to establish a dialogue that will help restore spoiled relationships. If you feel that you are trying to manipulate, use you in this situation, tell me straight and hard: "No, it will not go. I won't let him behave with anyone, I don't like it."

Another option is to leave and no longer give the consumer to use you.

Evil junk-tyran

Very often, these dictators, if they fight with them the same weapon, are experiencing at the same time amazement and disgust for their behavior. In essence, allowing their anger to rebuff, it is possible to protect yourself once and for all of such attacks. Shouting louder than they, you will again gain courage.

In addition, the method of scandal is suitable in contacting-tyran. Do not let him torment you with its "faders" and enjoy your humiliation. On the contrary, act boldly and coolly. If you put it in place, the junction can even construct you. Do not deliver his pleasure to imagine your fear.

Your tyrant-boss will also feel respect for you, although it can explode even stronger. You will win anyway: Even if it wates his rage on you, you, at least, keep your dignity. Another opportunity - go away from thrust-tyrana and stay from it as far as possible. Humorous way will help. There are many cases when good-natured humor saved the position and dust of Tirana fed.


The way of an open protest immediately gives a joker to understand that you do not consider it witty and do not intend to be an object of vile jokes and stories.

It is necessary to stick to the solid tone to make it shift. Do not be afraid to talk with a joker in a similar way, because he does not understand in a good way. When the joker releases a poisonous speed to your address and is justified by the fact that he "just faded", or tries to raise you with the remark: "You don't understand the jokes?" - Put it in place immediately. Tell him that you understand the jokes, but do not find anything funny in what he slipped. Do not worry that you hind him or get his feelings. In the end, this person does not care about your feelings.

Since the joker brings to him the wall of jokes to protect his chilly self-esteem, you may not be able to break his offensive behavior. Joker can just wait for you with hand and continue in the same vein. In this case, refer to the method of scandal. Also remind the joker, applying the way of an open protest that today's heavy position in the world will quickly put an end to his jokes, especially if they are dangerous from the point of view of interracial or sexual behaviors.


In communicating with ignorant, all variety of methods at your disposal. What you choose depends on how neither the rigid fetalob or stupid. Start with the way of removing the voltage if the opponent will seem to you so unbearable that you can keep anger you can only delay your breath.

It is usually not enough to pour out your anger to ignorant. Therefore, it is possible to influence it with the help of an open protest, explaining how little childthat his actions are completely inappropriate.


With madmen, the best ways to remove tension and quiet issues are best. The calmer you hold on, the less provoke a madman and the easier it will be to communicate.

Ultimately, you can always get away from madness and engage in more pleasant things, because without professional assistance they will never be able to change their hard behavior. Do that in your power to send such a person to the doctor, and if you can't succeed, save yourself. Even if you are beyond yourself and are ready to strangle the one who makes you nasty, always suppress your aggressive impulses and do not make what can spoil your future and expose the life of danger.

Faced with madness, never try to deal with your hands, but try to find legal paths. Then, no matter how painfully it was, tell me: "I will not think about it," to cope with bitterness in the heart, sowned by a madman.

Acklessly lgunushka

It is best to cope with a shameless lnicker will help a way of quiet issues. If, suspecting him in a lie, you start to pour questions, the lnugushka will eventually bend in the corner and will appear in an uncompripable form.

Then comes a turn of an open protest, which gives the liarichka to understand that you have been painted it, as some of the lnugs hide the truth only in order to hit you. You may want to help them save a reputation, even though you know what they are lying. Take the method for removing the voltage, and let the lnuging weave anything. And if he wants to impress you harmless fudges, apply a humorous way. Easy smile on your face often shows the liarichka that you know the true state of affairs, but do not tend to humiliate it.

Dirty dog

The Paktochnyh is worth exploringly to understand that his nastyness is not welcome and look disgusting. The method of scandal, and then the way the retreat is best explained in the insection of this type your attitude towards it.

You should not be polite and friendly with Paktochnyh, as it is usually impressive on them. These manipulators are too dangerous, so after ask them to peppers, go immediately! Do not let pauses in your life.


Scrolls are a classic type of harmful creatures, for they have an unusually low self-esteem. In dealing with the miser, you can help a way of quiet issues. Specifying certain questions, you will give him to understand how trouble is unpleasant. Most likely, the soul will be confused by learning about your point of view. And the answers spree the light on his hidden fears, which will make you more understanding and patient towards the opponent, even if he behaves unworthy.

Another way is an open protest method. The necessary conditions - compassion and understanding, therefore, communicating with the souls, follow the friendly tone. The way of love and good will best demonstrate your empathy.


Narcissus is not able to talk about anything if it is not related to himself. It is best to communicate with him a way of love and good, since by thely love and absorbed person's own person, Narcissis is solely because of deep fears, uncertainty and commissionality. Understanding this will help you better feel the problems of Narcissus and successfully interact with it. Narcissus does not seek by anything to be an egoist, it is so due to low self-esteem. Narcissus does not know how to give something surrounding, because it is too exhausted, worthless and busy with his problems.

If its self-absorption depletes your patience, the method of removing the voltage will calm you and help continue communication. If the egoism and the insecurity of Narcissa hurt you, you must speak about it using a method of open protest. However, adhere to a calm, restrained tone, otherwise you will not listen. If you begin to accuse him and say the bitch, Narcissus will defend themselves, scolding you and denying her egocentricity. His "I" is usually fragile as the egg shell.

If you notice that Narcissus communicates with you only when it is convenient for him, does not pay attention to your words, translates all the conversations for yourself, you can ask why he chose you. You can declare and leave Narcissus. Most people who collided with Narcissus ultimately prefer the way to retreat, since the moment comes when their patience is bursting. After you stop communicating with Narcissus, thoughts will help you: "I will not think about it," when you unexpectedly remember him, and a humorous way that will show all the absurdity of his behavior.


Despite the fact that the priests are unscrupulous manipulators, you lack courage to blame them in everything, because in the depths of the soul you still believe that at least the smallest of what they say is true. When sugar flatter begins to simply pour through the edge, the method of tension removal will help you cope with unpleasant emotions. If this is not enough to overcome the hostility, grab the humorous way in order to suspend the desires of the prize to please you.

You can smile and good-natured to say: "Well, come on, go on, do I really, as you say? Probably, you need something from me." This combination of humor and an open protest can cause a denying an explosion, after which it is not bad to put into the course of other funny observations like "If you don't stop talking to such a honey voice, I will get diabetes," or "You will throw this sweet syrup to me to see me How will the ants cut me? ", or" Are you still not tired? " Show them that you see through their subchalim "things." If you can no longer carry the podliz and their flattery, try to apply the mirror method. Speak with them the same way as they, imitating their sweet voice. Usually they guess what is the matter.

Self-aided despot

Faced with a smug despot, immediately show him the method of quiet issues, as far as it is unpleasant and boring you.

If, on the other hand, the smug despot takes an impregnable position and you find that it is dangerous to use the method of mirrors, stop at the method of a substantiated fantasy, to spend time with despot without prejudice.


When the arrogant will tighten their favorite song "I am better than you", the method of quiet issues is best suited. Set the snobs more questionsSo that they understand all the absurdity of their claims to others. Questions like "Who told you that you are better than the rest?" Or "Why wouldn't you talk to such a person?" They are usually knocked off with them, as they do not know what to respond to it.

It is very pleasant to express in the arrogant snobs all that you think, for they do not expect such a turn of events and are shocked by your attacks. If you find that there is enough palls from the arrogant snob and his friends, throw them and leave, saving your nerves. People who consider themselves better than you do not deserve attention.


Nowadays, women often succeed more than their men's friends, and some unsure of themselves, representatives of strong sex can not accept it. Although many of these men consider themselves highly developed and progressive people, they, like fossil, unable to get rid of the youthful belief that boys should be more, better, stronger and smarter than girls.


Mentor - Little Despot - just can't live without playing the role of the first violin. But if children can still be raised, then adults with their established beliefs and values \u200b\u200bare experiencing irritation and humiliation, when someone is trying to control them.

Do not let the mentor descend. Explain that you do not concern His desire to lead everything, but attempts to lead you annoy. At the first suspicion of such behavior, you need to apply a method of open protest. The method of the mirror also creates miracles, forcing the mentor to alert, for he instantly boils at the slightest attempt to control him himself. The mentor cannot clearly tolerate, so that it came to him as he comes with others. Remember that if you insistently unnecessary it, it may not be indebted and fall into fury. However, feeling on his skin, what is it when you are taught, what, how and when to do, he will stop attempts to indicate you.

Ruthless mentors deserve the method of scandal. Turn on heels, tighten your stomach and loudly declare that no longer fail controls and instructions what to do, since you are a reasonable adult person who can independently make decisions. A little rude will show this person to which anger you are capable. If nothing helps and the mentor continues to manage you, delivering anxiety and grief, you will have to retreat. Otherwise, be sure: you will stop being yourself and you will seek to think on your own.

Suspicious skeptic

Show as much patience as possible. The way to remove the voltage will help you get rid of negative emotions. If you decide to support skeptics using the love and good method, then you may acquire good friends and allies.

If these people are too acting on your nerves, you will have to retreat in the same way as in the case of other harmful creatures that you take a lot of energy. Leave them to the care of psychologists!

Harmful people at work

Like the neighbors, the staff do not choose - if only you are not heading the company. But today's situation in the financial world sometimes even leadership allows you to choose employees and customers to choose yourself.

In our turbulent time, employee must own communication skills with all types harmful people In order not to lose job. In the workplace, the ability to interact with difficult personalities is a truly survival issue. Ways to remove the voltage: "I will not think about it" and a substantiated fantasy can be your closest allies at work.

Harmful chiefs. The bosses are bosses, they are the first violins, so you respect them or not - the question is minor, if you want to keep the job and make a living. The main thing for you is to learn to adequately do with them and fight your own anger. Harmful people who endowed with the authorities are inclined to be evil built-in-tyranans, accusing critics, mentors, consumers, competitors, smiling two-way Januss and squeaks or their options.

If you value your workplace, other methods may turn out to be risky. It is impossible to force the heads to defend themselves and put them in the non-departure light, since it is always always for them and you cannot do anything about it - so express your anger more acceptable way.

If your work does not present for you great value, risk and applying outdoor protest methods, quiet issues, mirrors or scandal. In the end, is it worth staying for work, if anxiety and tension threaten your health? Leave if you can. We need no need to be victims. Now there is an opportunity to raise the voice, leave or go to the appropriate instances that will help us find out the relationship.

Harmful staff. A harmful employee can appear in the batch of a competitor, pulling into the dirt, smiling two-faced Janus, a gossip, a pacia or instigator. Although the work environment is very different from home, many people tend to look at the chef as a parent, and in the employees to see brothers and sisters. As a result family relationships Often transferred to the working environment.

Most efficient to harmful employees are applied ways to relieve tension and quiet issues. Never lose self-control and do not take off the scandal. The verbal violence at work is unacceptable in any kind! Whatever the situation has developed, you must behave as a professional and a cultural person. If you are too provoked to a quarrel, use a method of open protest and with a harmful employee, and with the boss, directly stating the latter about what happened. Give a difficult colleague to know what you understand what is happening, and you are not going to go about him, but go to the highest bosses - to the chief - for justice and justice.

Harmful subordinates. Some subordinates are so envy to their superiors that they take the role of a gossip, "dormant, but deadly volcano," instigator, adjustment, self-satisfied despote or suspicious skeptics. Subordinates should behave correctly with the head of at least due to their position, while the boss should respect the subordinates, while occupying the position of the authority. The boss, displeasing subordinate, should always keep calm, never give in to anger and not to use the scandal method. In handling of harmful subordinates, it is necessary to own ways of open protest and quiet issues.

Harmful professionals. There are harmful representatives of power and there are harmful professionals: doctors, lawyers, businessmen, politicians and even psychologists. As far as these people were formed, no matter how they successfully succeed in school, subsequently at the medical institute, lawyer and with successful surrender of all exams, it does not give them the right to consider themselves above others and insult them.

Too often, professionals are covered with their titles and degrees that give them the opportunity to feel more significant and powerful. Too often, they show their poisonous behavior as evil junk-tyranny, fatal wrestlers, competitors, smiling dirty yanuses, sweeping in dirt, daffodils, arrogant snobs, mentors or suspicious skeptics.

Such harmful professionals need to be put in place. Their task is to help and maintain. And it does not matter how well known these doctors and lawyers or how many articles are written about them, - first of all they must help you. You pay them money, you need their services, so do not be afraid of them. You have the full right to ask them questions and count on polite appeal. It is best to use when communicating with harmful professionals a way of quiet issues. Keyword - calm. In the end, they are also sensitive creatures and often offended if your voice sounds like a claim. They will begin to defend themselves, talking to you hassle or rude. Therefore, communicating with them, it is extremely necessary to follow their intonations.

Keep calm and polite tone, loud enough, but not sharp and not shrieking. If, despite your tricky manners, their tone leaves much to be desired, use the way of an open protest and tell me calmly, but firmly that you prefer more polite entry and do not suffer humiliation.

Harmful staff. Harmful people service personnel They can manifest themselves like underwent snobs, self-satisfying despots, consumers, evil rinsing-tyranny, chatters, competitors, smiling doubled yanuses or adjustments. Perhaps many sellers today are rude and disliked because they envy your ability to buy what they themselves cannot afford. They would be willing to be in your place - the place of the buyer, and not the seller.

Whatever made such people to poisonous, you should not suffer from this. Now you have the opportunity to deserve to leave unpleasant provisions. Harmful members of the service personnel need to use open protest. If it does not help, try the method of the mirror, and if it does not work and it is not to take their help at all. It is better to use the method of scandal and retreat - go and do not pay for unwordified services.

07/25/2006 01:49:44, Mom Ksenia

Did you get into the team where there was an upset that did not give rest to the whole team? Cooperation with such people affects productivity, a general atmosphere and self-esteem of each participant of the team. After all, the effect of the behavior of the scoundrels is cumulative because negative interactions affect our mood is stronger than positive.

The book of the teacher of Standford University of Robert Satton talks about how the scoundrels interfere with the work of the team and what to do with them.

Harm from self-director

A distinctive feature of teams and organizations that are managed by the villains or in which the copies of the merrys are incurred, in that the atmosphere is permeated with fear, hate and the desire to take revenge.

In the organizations built at fear, the staff are constantly looking around, trying to avoid accusations and humiliation. Even knowing how to help the company, they are often just afraid to do it.

Scoundrels also suffer

Insulting people scoundrels often become victims of their own actions. Employees who are constantly mentally and physically devour others, undermine their own efficiency, setting up colleagues and leadership against themselves, and weaken their social ties.

People who have fun in the fact that they take the strength from others - they suck all the juices from their careers.

Warning: Do not hurry to brand people

Before you blaming a person and put a label of an incorrigible self-timer on it, try to figure out the situation and look at it from all sides. Sometimes it happens that some of the closed or unfriendly, but decent employees are easy to adopt for certified scoundrels.

"Working with a person whŏ at Pervamĭ The look seemed to asshole, I am every̆ Once it was convinced of the error in the superficial impression: they all turned out to be absolutely normal as soon as we went closer. "

Peter McDonald, IDEO

Of course, there are people with whom the method does not work: the more you recognize them, the more you get evidence that these are typical scoundrels. But it is better to draw conclusions based on accurate facts, and not on the contrived views.

Apply from the impact of scoundrels

Limit the chat with a scoundrel to reduce the chance to infect the "Rig's fever". In addition, tactics of evasion from communication with such people reduces damage caused by them.

The longer we remain surrounded by the bastards, the more prone to becoming exactly the same.

If you feel that the atmosphere around you is permeated by the actions of the scoundrels, assemble things and leave the room immediately. Go or hold on to the villains as far as possible.

The difference between how a person is drawn with powerful and unrelated people, is the best measure of human character. Do you want to surround yourself with decent people?

The phrase "pest on the cabbage" in most people is immediately associated with small insects, which broke up, practically sucks from the seedlings "Life". Who did not smear in memory of children's years a picture when in the village Grandma, gaining ash burlap in the bag, triggered cabbage disembarking, saying that a black flew on the cabbage appeared. Any vegetable product should really be ready to be ready for this problem, and microscopic midges are not only interested in the cabbage, but also by other representatives of the cross-color family, for example, radish, radish, mustard, pants, chrysanthemums.

The overall characteristics of the pest

Ithaca, cabbage eating black flea - small jumping bugs with a convex back and highly developed rear limbs. Please note that in the beds you can meet insects of this category of other colors - green or blue, and black with yellow stripes. Despite the external differences, maliciousness of fleas is the same - on the leaves of the cabbage appear holes, passing into ulcers and leading to yellowing and drying over time. In the young plants insects threaten through holes. Cabbage loses the ability to form a healthy kochan. In length, the body of the fleece is not more than 3 mm - the female and 1.8 mm - the male. In the wintering insect is arranged, like other garden pests in top layer Soil and vegetable residues.

Important! The maximum flew activity is observed between 10-13 hours and closer to the evening from 16 to 18 hours, that is, at the hottest time of day. A quickly multiplying population will easily destroy all young landings literally per day. Fleece, feeling danger, scatter - it can be seen with a naked eye.

Female coming out of the ground in early spring, when establishing steadily warm weather, eggs eggs in most cases directly to Earth under cabbage seedle. Then the larvae appear, which are hidden in the ground and develop there within 2-4 weeks, including the pupility step. At the same time, their nutrient diet consists of small cabbage roots and other close plants. At the outflow of 10-12 days, young bugs appear, which attack young leaves of cabbage plants. Depending on the external conditions One season may appear one, two, and then three generations of fleece.

How to deal with a black flesh

Preventive actions

  • Mandatory deep autumn soil resistance. Here, everything is clear - the bug-arranged bugs will be turned onto the surface and with the onset of low-temperature regime will die.
  • Early Spring - a period of rapid development of weeds. Their in the garden and around the perimeter of the site should not be. Special attention of the weed grass of the family of cruciferous - bugs, radish wild, shepherd bags, fuzzies, etc.
  • At the final stages of vegetation, the removal of weeds should be carried out in such a way that the ground seeds fall as little as possible.
  • Cabbage early grades It is better to suck under the film. To plant seedlings, you need to choose cloudy weather. As the flea loves heat and heat, then high humidity It will not attack on plants, which means the period of adaptation to the open soil in the cabbage will be more or less calm.
  • The surface of the soil is better to mulch the bevelled grass, superfluous and therefore torn from the tomatoes of stepsing. Also, you can decompose the sprigs of the Pijmas - this smell of the fleece does not like.
  • With heat seating standards or already landed in open sad Plants need to be protected with a transparent breathable blade from nonwoven material. It may be a spandbode, Loutrasil, etc. The ash or ground red pepper is scattered around the edges of the panels.
  • The fine-grade irrigated water is shown, in which garlic infusion or infusion of dandelion of the medicinal, wormwood green.
  • Plants need to feed the timely - it accelerates their growth, makes strong and endless. In such a state, they will be able to permanently transfer damage to the flesh. And rude large leaves For insect less attractive.

Mechanical methods

  • Scaring. A canvas is attached to a stick, lubricated with a sticky substance. It may be honey, solidol, long-haired glue. Those "flag" need to spend along the rows of cabbage on the leaves. Frightened insects take off and jump, and as a result sticks to the trap. In a short time, a lot of flew on the canvas. They are believed, the material covering again with an empty substance and the procedure continues. Instead of canvas, you can use cardboard or plywood.
  • Traps can be made individually for infected plants. A cone-shaped cap is twisted from the paper, the dimensions of which would allow to put on the seedlings without damaging it. The inner surface of such a design is also covered with a sticky composition. When installing the cap, the plant needs to be ridiculously hurt so that the flea of \u200b\u200bthe pile to where it is necessary.
  • If the cabbage is crushed black flew, then between the rows you can arrange a container flat viewfilled with water mixed with kerosene. Periodically, the lubricating composition is subject to replacement.


The methods described above will not allow black flew on the cabbage, if the garden is a dachanik arriving at the weekend. Prevention should be made much earlier than the problem may arise, and the use of folk methods is effective only at the initial stage of distribution of the population in the garden. In order not to lose the crop, the situation is necessary with the help of insecticides:

  • "" - phosphorganic insectoacaricide of non-system type, which has an intestinal contact effect. Comes in the form of an emulsion concentrate. Spraying is shown during the growing season. Two-time processing is allowed with frequency - after 20 days.
  • "Intavir" is a drug group of pyreroids. It comes in the form of a powder or tablets. In specially running cases, a solution is allowed every 2 weeks three times.
  • "Decis" is a complex drug, a pest affects contact-intestinal manner. After entering the body, blocks nervous system, overlapping its power supply. Next, paralysis and death. Malotoxic agent, safe for humans.
  • "" - white crystalline powder. Means derived amine. It is a second-toxic. Recommended during the growing season. It does not accumulate in plants - already 7 days after processing is not detected in the tissues. The period of active protection is 15 days.