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Seedling cabbage on the windowsill. Three ways to grow strong cabbage seedlings. Video: Ground preparation rules for seedlings

Cabbage is the most ancient garden culture. The vegetable is valued for the high content of proteins, sugars, vitamins and mineral salts. His healing properties are well known. The technology of cultivation of the plant is pretty simple, but how to grow cabbage seedlings at home so that it does not go to the arrow and formed a dense fork, not everyone knows. Let us dwell on the main stages and agrotechnical receptions of the seedy - from the preparation and seeding of seed before sending seedlings to the garden.

General requirements

A seaside cultivation method is used to obtain early vegetables, promotion of heat-loving crops into regions with an adverse climate. Due to the fact that in the initial phases of the growth of seedlings takes a small area, it is possible to optimize conditions and care.

Sewing at home cabbage to seedlings, it should be remembered the rules of cultivation in relation to this plant.

  1. Of all the open-air cabbage vegetables are most sensitive to light. Therefore, the most appropriate place for it is not a windowsill, but a greenhouse, a greenhouse, a seating page in the open space. In the extreme case, a balcony or loggia with southern exposure.
  2. The colder, the better. The cabbage seedlings are less harmful decrease in temperature to 0⁰ C, the heat above 18⁰ C.
  3. The best age seedlings for transplanting in open ground - 55-60 days for early varieties, 35-40 days for the middle-easier and late cabbage. The overgrown seedlings are worse, it is sick, its yield is reduced.
  4. Cabbage can, but undesirable to grow with a reckless way. She loves dive - it stimulates branching and strengthening the root system.

Important! Determine the need for seedlings. The generally accepted density of landings of the early and cauliflower is 50 roots on 10 m², middle and late - 25-30. Add to a calculated number of about 15-20% - part of the seed will not go out, something will die when transplanting.

Preparatory stage

Before planting a cabbage to seedlings, prepare the soil, planting dishes and seeds.

The soil

Address primer acquires in specialized stores or harvested from autumn themselves. For soil, it is necessary to take one part of the garden land, 2 pieces of humus and some river sand. Half the volume of humus can be replaced by the uphoe peat. To enrich macroelements on the bucket of the prepared substrate, up to 70 g of superphosphate and a glass of wood ash are made.

For seeding, it will take a low (10-12 cm) tray and individual transplant containers - nutritional pots, plastic, paper, film cups or other similar devices. Nothing of it is needed when growing seedlings of cabbage in a greenhouse or on a cold bed under a film cover.

Note! To protect shoots from the disease with a black leg, after sowing, pollinate the soil by colloid gray.


You can purchase ready-made seed produced by the manufacturer. Their distinctive feature is a colored shell or a multi-layer coating (granule). In this case, practicing dry sowing. In all other options for planting cabbage to seedlings, a mandatory stage - pre-sowing seed preparation.

The causative agents of diseases such as vascular bacteriosis, black spottedness, false income dew, are transferred to seed material. Effective method of prophylaxis - thermal disinfection. Seeds warm up in water heated to 50 ° for 20 minutes. Some gardeners are recommended for enhancing exposure, instead of water to take a weak (1%) solution of manganese. After heating, the seeds are washed with cool water (2-3 minutes), dried.


The soil embanked in the box, the tray is slightly compacted, the rebier of the line makes the longitudinal rows of 1,5 cm deep and the interval of 3-4 cm. The seeds are folded quite thickly, after 1-2 cm, closed the same soil mixture, carefully watered. At this stage of growing seedlings of cabbage seeds for germination, heat and high humidity are necessary. Therefore, the box is covered with film and put in a warm place (up to 22⁰С) until the first searches appear.

Many gardeners practice sowing into individual containers, where the seedlove will develop until the landing. In the plastic cup, the cassette puffs up the soil mixture, with a wand or finger make a deepening and lay from 1 to 3 seeds. Next, the process of germination is identical to the existence in the box.

Dates of sowing

Current for beginner dachnikov Question when you plant a cabbage to seedlings. A good seedling in front of the disembarkation should be a chunky, compact, with a thick stem and 4-5 real leaves. Based on climatic conditions, varieties and optimal seedlings, we present approximate dates of seeds and landing seedlings in open ground.

  • Ranned white white and color. Sowing - mid-March, seedling landing - the end of April is the first numbers of May.
  • Middle-timed varieties. Sowing - in the 20th of April, landing - beginning of June.
  • Late cabbage sow April 15-20, sit down - from mid-June.

Temperature mode

Cool resistance is a distinctive feature of a culture. It not only withstands low temperatures, but needs them for effective vegetation. Immediately after germination, cabbage seedlings need to provide thermal regime not higher than 10-16 days, and 6-10⁰ - at night. It depends largely on the choice of landing site.

Choosing a place

For early varieties, the cultivation of seedlings of cabbage in heated greenhouse is practiced. Pre-prepare beds with loose nutrient soil. Seed seed depth - 1-2 cm. If dive is supposed, sow pretty thick. But from the greenhouse, seedlings can be immediately transplanted on the garden - in this case, it is recommended to rack sowing with an interval between seedlings 3-4 cm.

The varieties of the middle and late satiety of ripening sow into the greenhouses or cold raids. In mid-April, film or glass shelter will fully protect seedlings from night frosts. The walls and the volume of the soil of the ramp will support the necessary thermal balance. The lifting cover will ensure the ventilation.

Modern way - growing seedlings in cassettes. The device consists of small cells, each of which by volume of soil is ideal for one seedlings. Economically spent soil, seeds, seedlings do not need to dive. Cassettes are placed in greenhouses or greenhouses, but you can also on the balcony or veranda.

Late cultural varieties in the southern regions are sown on solar, well-warmed open beds. To protect shoots from minus temperatures, underfloor materials use.

Important! If there is no other place, except for the windowsill, for seedlings there are no, create temperature mode by venting. Another option is the day to carry landing boxes on the street, for the night - to put into the room.

Care for seedlings

Young plants love moisture and good ventilation. Water them with ordinary or melt water. A couple of times per season for the prevention of root rot, crops are spilled by a mortar of manganese (0.5 g / l of water).


One of the most time-consuming processes of growing cabbage seedlings - dive. Do it in the first sheet phase. The seedlings on a quarter tear the central root and put it in an individual container, blocking to the seedy leaves. The sawn plants are abundantly watered and for a couple of days put in warm, protected from the sun. After the seedlings passed on, it is put on the cold.

Cabbage - Favorite vegetable on our table. The variety varieties allows all year round to include vitamin dishes with cabbage in the menu. However, environmentally friendly products can be obtained only from their garden, knowing the technology of growing this vegetable culture. Crop the cabbage largely depends on the quality of seedlings.

Selection of Cabbage Cabbage Seedlings

Before purchasing seeds, it should be determined to land the cabbage. Different varieties are used for the pickling, dumping, cooking soups, salads, etc. In addition, cabbage varieties are distinguished by maturation terms. Earls are good for consumption in the summer in a fresh form, and medium and late - for blanks and long-term storage.

White cabbage - the most popular vegetable on our table

Table: Cabbage varieties for maturation timing

Types of cabbage in maturation timing Names of varieties and hybrids Characteristic of type
Early varieties
  • Rinda F1,
  • June
  • Cossack F1,
  • Duma F1.
Cabbage - gentle, very tasty fresh, but is not stored for a long time. It forms small loose kochess weighing up to 2 kg with juicy leaves, which are used for the preparation of salads, Solyan and Summer
Mediterranean grades
  • Glory,
  • Present,
  • Mydo F1
Casuals are larger (3-5 kg), are best suited for salting and quay. Dense elastic leaves do not destroy in brine when stored in barrels or banks and do not lose their taste. Cabbage is maintained in fresh form until the middle of winter
Late varieties
  • Snow White,
  • Moscow late 15,
  • Valentine F1,
  • F1 aggressor,
  • Kolobok F1.
Cabbage is designed for winter storage. Having a good effort, does not deteriorate until spring. From late varieties, a delicious and crispy sauerkraut is also obtained. Casuals are very dense, the leaves are rigid, for salads and consumption of raw form are suitable

Moskovskaya Cabbage Late 15 - a yield lateur-grade forming a dense large knocker weighing 4.5 kg

If the area allows, it is desirable to grow cabbage with different maturity times.

Video: Cabbage varieties overview

Sowing seed cabbage to seedlings

To obtain a strong life-based seedling, cabbage should be carefully prepared soil and seeds, take sowing at the best time and create comfortable conditions to seedlings.

Preparation and selection of soil

Soil for sowing should be light and loose, have a small acidity. You can prepare a mixture of fertile land with sand and humus (1: 1: 2). The soil taken from the bed must be pre-shedding 0.05% by a solution of manganese or phytoosporin-M (1 drop per 1 liter). An ral solution (1 tablespoon of ash per 1 liter) contributes to the sinic acid of the hydrochilant soil (1 tablespoon of ash per 1 liter).

Soil for seedlings Cabbage can be prepared by the fertile land, sand and humus, adding vermiculitis to save the desired humidity level

Seedlings are very well developing on the finished soil, which is sold in garden shops. It consists of peat, land, river sand, fermented wood sawdust, biohumus and mineral supplements. Such a soil is fully ready for use and does not require disinfection. When sowing a bioroant (for example, "friendly shoots") seeds ride 3-4 days earlier than when using conventional soil, and seedlings better tolerate picking and transplantation.

Biogrount "Friendly searches" for seedlings Cabbage contains biohumus and mineral additives

Instead of soil seedlings, a coconut substrate also uses a coconut substrate with the addition of vermiculite (3: 1). Wing fiber has a high moisture and breathability, vermiculite contains nutrients.

Porous coconut fiber capable of keeping moisture better than peat

The seedlings are growing well in peat tablets made from a compressed peat, enclosed in a natural shell. Peat is enriched with additional components: mineral, antibacterial substances, growth stimulant. Seedlings grown in such tablets is practically not amazed by a black leg.

Instead of the soil when sowing cabbage seeds, you can use peat tablets

Choosing Capacity for Growing

Roots in seedlings Cabbage are thin, fragile leaves are easy to break, which leads to a height of growth, so it is better to immediately suck seeds into separate containers. For the cultivation of seedlings without picking, small plastic cups or containers with cells are well suited. Capacity should have drainage holes so that moisture is not in the soil.

When growing cabbage in a separate cup, picking is not conducted

Instead of cups, you can use jobs from yogurt, cropped plastic bottles and even egg shell. Seedlings are easily removed along with a lump of land during transplantation, and when growing in the eggshell, it is planted at all along with the crushed capacity. The perfect air-water mode is created when growing seedlings in peat pots, where the container itself is a fertilizer and landed together with seedlings.

It is convenient to grow cabbage seedlings in cassettes with cells, where every seedler grows separately and does not interfere with the other

If you need to plant a large number of seedlings, the cabbage is more convenient to use spacious drawers with a pallet. The grown seedlings necessarily dive into separate containers and then planted into the ground.

For a large number of seedlings cabbage more convenient to use seedlings

Preparation of seeds

Delicated seeds are not required to process before sowing. They have already passed pre-sowing preparation and enclosed in a shell from the organo-mineral mixture, into which fungicides and trace elements that increase the germination are added. Such seeds are immediately sourced into the nutritional soil - they are larger than untreated, and they are easier to decompose in the tank. However, the germination of such seeds retain only 2 years, while ordinary - 4 years.

Seeds necessarily calibrate, selecting larger for sowing

Unprocessed sowing material must be prepared. Before the seeding seeds are calibrated, selecting medium and large in size - not less than 1.5 mm. For this, they are placed in a 3% salt solution for 5 minutes. Small light seeds pop up, heavy, those who are used to sow. They are washed with clean water and dried, then disinfected from pathogens of bacterial and fungal diseases in a 2% heatman solution for 20 minutes and washed with water again. To accelerate the germination of seeds, they can be placed 12 hours into epin solutions (1 drop by 0.5 l), nitroposki (5 g per 1 liter) or 3 hours per olted solution (30 g per 1 liter).

Unprocessed cabbage seeds before sowing disinfect in a mortar

Improve the germination of cabbage seeds contributes to their hardening. For this, the seeds are placed in the container, poured with hot water (50 ° C) and leave for 15 minutes. Next, the locking seeds are kept for a day in the refrigeration chamber at a temperature of 1-2 ° C. Then they dry and start cropping.

When processing seeds, cabbage use hot water with 50 degree temperatures

Methods of planting seedlings

Seedlings are planted in two ways:

  • with further picking:
    • in the ramp
    • in containers;
  • without dive:
    • in cups,
    • in peat pots,
    • in peat pills,
    • in snail.

A large number of seedlings to save space are conveniently grown in a railing or container.


When sowing a plant on Square 1 m 2 there is about 25 seedlings.

  1. In the box, the soil is poured with a layer of 4 cm and spill it with a solution of phytosporin-M or gamiir.
  2. They place the grooves 1 cm deep every 3 cm and lay the seeds in them with a range of 1.5 cm. Pop soil, compact and moisturizes the soil.
  3. They cover the crop of the film and put in a warm place (+20 ºC).
  4. After 4-5 days, shoots cut out, leaving the power area to each 2 × 2 cm sprout.
  5. After 2-3 weeks, seedlings having 2-3 real leaves are seated in peat pots or cups in which they remain until landing on the beds.

In a seedl box, you can grow a large number of seedlings.

Container with cells

It is more convenient to grow seedlings in plastic cassettes.

  1. The cells are filled with nutrient soil, not reaching the upper edge of 3 mm so that the roots do not sprout into the adjacent cell.
  2. In each cell, 2-3 seeds are layered, they are plugged on 1 cm and watered from the sprayer.
  3. The cassette is covered with polyethylene film and before the appearance of germs are kept in a warm place, following the humidity of the soil and remove the condensate.
  4. After the appearance of 2-3 real leaves, the seedlings in the greeting cups are transplanted.

2-3 seeds are put in each cell

Can be grown cabbage seedlings and without dive, immediately putting them in separate containers or in snail at a considerable distance from each other.

Plastic cups

Cultivation of seedlings in cups provides a greater percentage of plant survival and their continuous growth.

  1. Capacity on 2/3 is filled with soil, 2-3 seeds are placed on a depth of 10 mm, the earth is sprinkled and moisturized with a pulverizer.
  2. Cover the film and transferred to a warm place.
  3. As soon as the sprouts appear, the shelter is removed.
  4. After growing 2-3 leaves, weak seedlings are cleaned, leaving one strong plant in a cup.

When sowing cabbage seeds in customized seedlings grows more strong

Gardeners who prefer to grow seedlings in separate molds, eagerly use peat pots. The cultivation of seedlings in peat packaging facilitates the germination of seeds, an increase in yield by 30%, in addition, the root system during landing into the ground is not injured. Seedlings are planted together with a pot, which under the influence of moisture is dissolved after a while and enriches the soil with nutritional elements.

Peat pots can be the most different shape and size

Peat tablets are pucks from peat different diameters, enclosed in a natural shell, which allows you to maintain the original shape. From above made grooves for sowing seeds.

  1. Before boarding the tablets are placed on the pallet or in large cells and wetted with water. Nobuhai, they increase high to 8 cm.
  2. Seeds are put in recesses and cover 1-2 mm peat from the tablet.
  3. The pallet put in the greenhouse until the cave shoots appear.
  4. After the appearance of shoots, the aubrics open.

Cabbage seeds are sown in recesses made in the top of peat pills

The cultivation of seedlings in peat tablets containing nutrients, has obvious advantages: additional feeding of plants and the introduction of growth stimulants, the root system is not damaged during transplantation to the ground.

Landing in Ulitku.

Cultivation of seedlings in the snail is a way to save the place and soil. Shoots in the snail are evenly illuminated and well ventilated, without interfering with each other to develop. The material for seedlings should be dense.

Snail with cabbage seeds put on the pallet and are covered with a film that when shoots appear

Video: Cabbage seedlings in snail

The dependence of the time of planting cabbage to seedlings from maturation time

The time of sowing cabbage to seedlings is determined depending on the rapidity of the variety:

Sowing seeds of the secondary range Rinda is carried out in April, and in August, you can harvest in August

Many dackets that have experience in growing cabbage seed seeds not at the same time, but every 3-4 days. This allows us to stretch the harvest period.

In the open ground, the early cabbage is planted in 45-50 days after sowing, seedlings of medium and late varieties - aged 35-45 days.

How to care for shoots

Healthy seedlings can be grown only with proper spurious care.

Temperature mode

To germinate seeds, you need to create a greenhouse effect: to cover the crop of the film and maintain the temperature not lower than +20 ºC. It is necessary to contain the soil in a wet state, but at the same time carrying the ventilation daily, remove the condensate. With the appearance on the 3-4th day of the seeding of capeners, shoots remove the film and transfer seedlings for a week in a cooler room with a daily temperature of 10-12 ° C, night - 6-8 ° C.

Capacity with sowing seed cabbage is placed under the film until shoots appear

If this is not done, seedlings will stretch and disappear. In the future, it is provided for plants the optimal temperature regime: 18-20 ° C during the daytime and 14-18 ° C - in the night. Lower indoor temperature can lead to a slow growth of seedlings.


On the 3-4th day there is a friendly appearance of shoots that need to provide good lighting. Seedlings are better located on the windowsill on the south side, creating a scattered light, having prolonged with paper or with reflective screens. For the intensive development of seedlings, it is necessary to provide a 12-hour daylight, in a darkened room it will require additional reading with a phytolamme or luminescent lamp.

Cabbage seedlings need good lighting


Cabbage actively develops with air humidity 75% and soil - 85%. To do this, when drying the upper layer of the soil is carried out abundant watering with warm water. With a lack of moisture, the plants begin to wither, the leaves are yellow. However, it is worth avoiding excessive watering of water can lead to the development of root rot and the death of seedlings. Wet soil is necessarily breaking, providing air access to the root system.

Cabbage seedlings need to water, and on hot days - and spray

With a violation of the light or temperature mode, with incorrect watering of seedlings can drop and stretch. In this case, the plants must be transferred to individual cups, pinching the root and drowning a seedman to seedy leaves. Slow down the growth of plants will help in the soil of a solution of the antlert (1 ampoule by 500 ml), which also contributes to the formation of strong stalks and a developed root system.

In case of insufficient lighting, the cabbage seedlings are thinned and stretched out

Picking cabbage

If seedlings were grown in a common container, with the advent of 2-3 real leaves, it must be seen in separate cups. Seedlings growing in small cells are transplanted in the capacity of larger. It is very convenient to dive seedlings into peat pots - when planting in the ground, plants are planted along with the package.

Cabbage seedlings with 4-5 real leaves are ready for landing in the ground

Undercabe seedlings

The feeding is needed seedlings of cabbage for better growth and development. Nutrient additives are brought when watering or by spraying. The first feeder is carried out 2 weeks after sowing seeds, bringing a solution of complex fertilizer agriculta-1 (25 g / 10 L) into the soil. Well affect the development of plants and extraxanital feeding. A cooked solution of agricola-1 fertilizer spray leaves with a sprayer in the morning or evening.

Repeated seedlings after 10 days after dive.

Cabbage seedlings are useful to bore the complex fertilizer of agricults containing all the necessary trace elements.

Before disembarking seedlings to the ground, a third feeding is carried out.

When using complex fertilizers containing a balanced number of macro and trace elements, the cabbage seedlings develop well and easily adapts to the conditions of the open soil.


A week before the transplantation, the seedlings begin to order:

Prevention of disease

In case of violation of the agricultural sources of seedlings can get sick. Cabbage most often suffers from black leg and perronosporosis.

Seedlings thickening, excessive watering and non-compliance with the temperature regime often lead to the appearance of a black leg. Symptoms of the disease - darkening and pinning of the stem in the root part. It is impossible to save such plants, so it is necessary to make the main emphasis to protect the seedlings.

Before sowing, it is necessary to disinfect the seeds and the soil, in the future, when watering, use only warm water, adding potassium mangartage into it. In phase 2-3 leaves, the cabbage seedlings spray with 0.2% phytosporin-M solution. The acidic environment is favorable for the development of black leg pathogens, so the soil with a high level of acidity is necessarily lime. At the first signs of the disease remove the amazed plants, healthy transplanted into a new soil, process seedlings with 1% burglar fluid solution.

Black leg - fungal disease that quickly spreads in violation of the agricultural machinery of growing cabbage seedlings

Excessive watering and too high indoor temperature contribute to the development of perilosograph. This fungal disease is particularly often striking young plants with a weak immunity. In the upper part of the sheet appear yellow-brownish spots, the reverse side is covered with grayish raids. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to disappoin the plants of the ash (25 g / 0.5 m 2) or to be treated with phytosporin-M solution (3 g / 5 l), after a week, re-process.

Excess moisture and elevated air temperature lead to the development of peridosponosis

Protection against pests

The main enemies of the cabbage seedlings are a cruciferous flew and aphid. The appearance of white spots and holes on the cabbage leaves - the result of the attack of the cruciferous fleece.

Conducting fleas damage the seedlings of cabbage, pulling holes in the leaves

TLL detects its presence in seedlings white cabbage, and then brown raids on the leaves.

In the fight against pests, natural preparations can be used: herbal decoctions (chamomile, cleanliness, wormwood), a solution of ash (150 g / 5 L) or milk with iodine. You can wash plants with soap water. With the mass invasion of insects, chemical preparations are used - Bolkla (0.7 g / l), anabazine sulfate (1 g / l).

Grow healthy seedlings of cabbage under the power even novice gardener. Knowing the peculiarities of a vegetable culture and creating comfortable conditions for it, you can collect the entire season to harvest, prepare vitamin salads from cabbage, peel or store in the cellar to the very spring.

The process of cultivation of cabbage seedlings is almost identical to all varieties of cabbage. This article will consider an example of growing seedlings of white cabbage.

In terms of maturation and time, it can be divided into:

  • Early (seeded in the first half of March);
  • The secondary (seeded from March 15 to April 15);
  • Love (seeded in the first half of April).

How to pick up cabbage to seedlings?

For seeding cabbage seeds, a soil mixture is recommended, which consists of one part of the turf of the land and two parts of humus. It is recommended to add ash to this mixture, from the calculation of 1 kg of a mixture of 1 tablespoon of ash. This enriches the soil with additional trace elements and warns the emergence of certain seedlings.

Sowing cabbage to seedlings must be started with the preparation of seeds. Before proceeding with the seeding process, the seeds must be processed by applying generally accepted ways to prepare seeds before sowing.

Before sowing, seeds are carefully selected. Seeds of cabbage are poured by a 3% solution of cook salt for 5 minutes. The pop-up seeds merge along with water, and the remaining thoroughly washed and dried. Seeds of large and medium fractions are selected for seeding.

Planting cabbage to seedlings are made by disinfailed seeds. From causative agents of diseases, seeds can be displaced using a solution of manganese, after which it was rinsed with water. But this processing gives a small percentage of probability. More effect can be achieved with heat treatment. For this, the seeds are placed in a gauze bag and fall in hot water for 20 minutes. The water temperature should be within 48-50 o C, because At lower temperatures, the necessary effect will be lost, and with higher, seeds can lose their germination.
There is another way to disinfect seeds: they are kept in garlic solution (30 grams of extended garlic dissolves in 0.5 glasses of water) for one hour. After that, the seeds need to rinse with clean water and dry thoroughly.

On the packing of seeds can be indicated that they have already passed the necessary processing. In this case, it is necessary to carry out only thermal processing, which is necessary to increase the stability of seeds to fungal diseases.

Places seeds in boxes 20 * 30 * 7. In the soil, it is praised at a distance of 3 cm from each other of the grooves depth to 0.7 cm. In these grooves and seeds are sown. After sowing, the surface of the soil is aligned and is covered with a film. The first shoots are manifested on the fourth day after evicting. Boxes with seedlings are recommended to be exhibited in the most illuminated places.

Main methods of growing seedlings

There are two generally accepted methods of growing cabbage seedlings:

  1. First method. As soon as germs appear, the seedlings are rebounded (unnecessary sprouts are removed). The distance between the remaining seedlings is 1.5 cm. After a week, the remaining sprouts are transplanted (dive) in. When picking, the plant must be deepened to the ground to the seedlings. After 2-3 weeks, seedlings from the cassettes are transplanted into the cups, the size of which is 6 * 6 cm. The sprouts are removed from the cassettes with a lump of the earth, after which they are placed in the glasses to seedlines and put on the soil. The last step will be the transplant of seedlings directly into the ground.
  2. Second way. Seedling Cabbage from the boxes is transplanted immediately into the cups, bypassing the transplant stage to the cassette. The size of the cups for the early seedlings is 5 * 5 cm, and for late - 8 * 8 cm. When transplanting the main root must be trimmed by 1/3 of length. It is necessary so that the root system is better branched. Sprouts in the cups are plunged to seedy leaves with peaks.

Early Cabbage Seedlings

For growing seedlings of early cabbage, some rules must be followed.

Cutting seedlings must be carried out in three stages:

  1. After 7 days from the date of recording in the cassette. 2 grams of ammonium nitrate dissolves from the calculation of 1 liter of water, 4 Gy of superphosphate, 1 grade of potash fertilizers.
  2. After two weeks since the first feeding. The dosage of the components is doubled.
  3. Two days before disembarking in a permanent soil. At this point, seedlings already have a developed root system and 6-8 of these leaves. On 1 liter of water dissolves 2 g of ammonium nitrate, 4 grams of superphosphate, 6-8 gras of potash fertilizers.

Watering seedlings are carried out in moderate quantities. It is strictly impossible to allow excessive soil moisturizing.

To obtain healthy cabbage sprouts, it is necessary to provide it with 14-16 hour light mode. Depending on what power there are artificial lighting lamps, they are located on the seedlings at a distance from 10 to 50 cm (as the plants grow, the distance must be adjusted). The recommended time for the inclusion of artificial lighting lamps is from 8 am to 11 pm.

For the friendly germination of shoots and development of plants, the following thermal regime must be observed:

  • Before the first searches - 18-20 o C;
  • Sprouted seeds - a sunny day 15-17 o C, cloudy day 13-15 o C, at night 7-10 o C;

Cabbage care at home is practically no different from standard events. Before the seedlings are planted in a permanent soil, it is necessary to start hardening two weeks before the alleged transplant. In the first stages of the plant gradually teach to the cold air, for which the vehicles open.
At the second stage, the plants are revealed to a balcony for 2-3 hours during the daytime, but protecting seedlings from direct sunlight. Gradually, time increases, and the protection against sunlight is cleaned. When conducting hardening, seedlings are practically not watered. At the last stage of hardening, if the night temperature exceeds the mark of 2-3 o C, the seedlings on the night is left in the fresh air, pre-taping the film stretched on the frame.

Seedlings in permanent soil

Rechazzle seedlings in permanent primer is carried out:

  • For early varieties - the end of April-beginning of May;
  • For secondary varieties - the end of May - the beginning of June;
  • For late varieties - mid-May.

It should be remembered that the cabbage is very susceptible to cold, so it is recommended to cover it at night. After disembarking, the first days the seedlings must be covered by direct sunlight.

Video: Caporous Seedlings Growing Technology

Good all the time of day! Today, a garden theme will be devoted to the most popular vegetable on our beds - cabbage.

If you draw up a list of garden crops leaders, they will undoubtedly enter such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and our today's heroine.

True, regardless of the preferences of one or another varieties of the first three vegetable crops, our beauty is mainly growing exclusively white. Rarely, who puts broccoli or color. And about the rest of the species to speak and do not have.

But this is how it says, everyone's taste. Today I will tell you about different representatives. Suddenly you want to master the new grade for yourself. Moreover, the time of sowing and growing is no longer waiting. So let's talk about how to do it.

The timing of landing of any culture, and cabbage, including primarily depend on what climate is present in a particular region. That is, weather and climatic conditions are taken into account.

It is clear that when cold weather, plants are growing slower, and seed seeds should be seeded earlier. However, in the southern regions, the timing of landing seedlings into open ground, earlier than in the northern. So it is also not forgotten.

According to popular beliefs and on the tips, it is best to plant it on seedlings during the period when the moon is growing.

The table shows the favorable and unfavorable deadlines for work with this vegetable culture.

In addition, the landing depends on the variety. If you need to get the result quickly, it is better to sow seeds of early varieties. If you are going to store cabbage for several months, then medium. And naturally, it is better to use late varieties seeds for the winter.

It is clear that all varieties have their own period of growth and development. And in accordance with this, all of them are planted in open ground in different times.

Let's consider these deadlines for white and red blood varieties:

  • for early grades, this period is 50 - 55 days
  • for average - it is 40 - 45 days
  • and for late varieties, it is the smallest, only 30 - 35 days

But the deadlines for other varieties of this popular culture:

  • for broccoli, he will be 45 - 50 days
  • for color, this period is the same and amounts to 45 - 50 days
  • and for Brussels, he is the longest, and is almost two months, or rather 50 - 60 days.
  • for a short term, Kohlrabi and Savoy Cabbage have, it is only 35 - 45 days.

And it is impossible to discount the fact that the seedlings we will dive. And at this time the plant will adapt to new conditions (I do not want to apply in this case the word "root"). And it will also go about a week.

Now, knowing all these numbers, as well as knowing the approximate date of disembarking into an open ground, you can accurately calculate the exact date of sowing seed seedlings.

This is a scheme that you should always stick to, and then the plant will go up in time, will grow and give a great harvest.

Features of growing different types and ripening varieties

As we have already identified, there are different varieties and types of this culture. And all of them have different maturation time. Therefore, they are planted at different times and in different times.

In the northern regions, early varieties can already be sown in mid-February, or in early March. But April - the most appropriate time for sowing a culture of medium ripening varieties. And begin to sow seeds from the very beginning of the month, not bag.

But with late varieties, it is possible to do a little bit, and go landing only by the end of April. There is a lot of time, and cabbage will have time and grow, and mature, and gain strength for long storage in the winter.

And now let's look at this question in more detail, literally for each variety and sight. As we could see, there are quite a lot of them. And let's start with the most popular and beloved - with white beauty.

  • February 15 - March 15 - the timing of landing varieties
  • March 1 - March 31 - Middle-air-timed varieties
  • March 15 - April 15 - You can sow seed late varieties

For the red cabbage, these deadlines are:

  • March 15 - April 15 - seeds of early varieties
  • March 30 - April 30 - can be engaged in landings of the middle and late varieties

Color cabbage loved on many garden sites, and every year it is growing more and more actively. And here there are also early and secondary varieties.

  • March 15 - April 15 - the timing of the first of them
  • April 1 - May 15 - just a time for the second. Often, the middle-timed varieties are seeded at the seedlings already in the greenhouse with the onset of warm days. Then planted in an open ground.

Kohlrabi is a storehouse of vitamins, and just a beautiful and original vegetable culture. It loves to grow, and most importantly love to collect a crop - unusual beautiful forks.

  • March 15 - March 30 - Dates of sowing early varieties
  • April 1 - April 31 - sow medium varieties
  • since May 1, all late varieties

This adorable "Brussels" beauty is not so often grown on our gods. But if it was already settled once, then there will be their permanent resident.

  • March 1 - April 1 - it's time to sow early beauty varieties
  • April 1 - May 1 - It's time for medium grades
  • April 15 - May 15 - the best time for rapid varieties

Broccoli - she also has a beautiful name! And she is something like! Even cut her sorry when it matures. How not to put it on the garden with our Russian familiar beauty. And what dates are determined for it?

  • March 1 - April 1 - early grades, or immediately in the ground from May 15 to June 15
  • March 15 - April 15 - time to sow secondary varieties
  • April 1 - May 1 - it is just possible to sow seeds of late varieties.

And we also have forgotten the overseas savory cabbage. For her, such:

  • February 15 - March 15 - the earliest varieties
  • March 15 - April 15 - Estate and Late Sort

And at the beginning of the chapter we also spoke about climatic zones and sowing features in them.

So, in the Urals and in Siberia, it is customary to suck seeds to seeds around the middle of April. This is if we are engaged in the landings of early varieties. And at the end of April you can prepare seeds of medium and early ripening varieties.

In the Volga region, it starts to sow early cabbage from mid-March, and continue until April. And already, starting from the first April days, they sow the middle-air and late varieties.

In the suburbs and in the middle lane, Russia are beginning to sow from mid-March, and the middle and late varieties will protect the middle of April. And there it is already beginning to sow and grow seedlings.

Methods and features of growing seeds

Cabbage loves full day day. For its flowering and tying, at least 12 hourly lights are needed. If the light is not enough, then germination may not be. Early varieties, and they ripen almost day 90-100 after sowing.

It all needs to be considered when choosing a way down. And there are two of them. The most common - the ease and the second less popular is reckless.

Eat growing

Since planting seeds in seedlings is a more common and practiced way, we will consider it at the beginning.

If all the work on the cultivation of seedlings to divide into steps, then you can allocate (conditionally, of course) such steps as:

  • preparation of soil
  • disembarking seeds
  • care for seedy
  • picking and hardening
  • rechazzle seedlings in open ground

As for the soil, it is easier to purchase it now in the store. But if you decide to prepare it yourself, then the soil is prepared in the form of a mixture of peat and compost, which consists of humus, earth and sand. Moreover, sand should be no more than five percent of the total mixture.

Cooking the ground, prepare the container under the seeds. Here you can take or a common box for all seedlings immediately, or use individual cups to land. In this case, you will not need to recruit the seedlings, replant it subsequently.

Fill the prepared ground capacity.

During the day before sowing, it should be thickened to shed a solution of such drugs as Gamiir and Alin-b.

If we use a tank for a shared planting, then we make shallow grooves in 1 cm. Depth. The distance between them should be at least 1 cm, and better a little more. The earth must be slightly moistened by spraying from the sprayer, then sow seeds with a distance of 1 cm.

After that we spray the seeds of the earth and spray the earth slightly again. Then we put on the windowsill, and we are waiting for germination. The optimal temperature for this is 25 degrees Celsius.

The first seedlings will see the light in a week. And there will appear friendly, pleaseing shoots. After that, we lower the temperature for a week to 17 degrees. Watering is necessary moderately so that there is no excess of moisture. It is best to water through a syringe, or a rubber pear. In this case, small gentle roots are not injured.

Peak seedlings are very small, about 14 days after the appearance of germs. After that, a small sprout adapts 7 - 10 days, and then again begins to grow and develop. The best temperature for this is 20 degrees. Watering at all times of growth should also be moderate. And it is also necessary to provide seedlings with a sufficient number of light.

With the onset of warm days it is time to challenge our nonsense. For this, 12 days before landing in an open ground for her, at first, you can immediately open the window, over time this period can be slowly lengthened. And a few days later, you can always leave it on a cool balcony. And also gradually increase the time of her stay.

Flashing method of cultivation

The second method of cultivation is reckless. As it is clear from the word, he implies seed falling directly into the open ground.

Here, cook seeds must be more carefully more than for seedlings.

  • Sorting
  • Select
  • Holding in warm water within 15 minutes

All this is significantly important stages and measures for the preparation of seeds.

After that, you can proceed to sowing. Singing seeds to a depth of 2 cm. Standardly believed that 10 square meters. meters enough 1.5-2 grams. seed.

As soon as the first three leaves appear, it is necessary to break and remove weak sprouts. After the appearance of 5-6 leaves, one more, last thinning is done.

For this method, the cultivation of seedlings is carried out in the same way as at the previous method.

When to plant cabbage to seedlings

And so, we decided to plant your favorite vegetable culture with a seaside way. And already decided on the varieties and terms of landing it into open ground. In this question we have already figured out well. How to count and calculate, I hope, understood everything.

We know that in July it is possible to collect the first harvest of early cabbage. If you calculate, it must be planted no later than the first decade of March. At the end of March will be later late. This is the time for medium and late varieties.

It is clear that these are very approximate. After all, we also know and have already considered that the main factors are still climatic conditions of the terrain where you are engaged in landings.

In addition, it is also not a year for a year. Then in March, all the snow melted, and it lies in a meter thick. That is, the weather conditions are as follows that the timing must be revised and move into one of the parties. All this must be considered. And also take into account how many saplings need to grow in home heat before their landing in the ground.

Many calculations. And below is an exemplary table, which can help a little with the terms of sowing various varieties.

Terms of landing on seedlings of early cabbage of different varieties

Early cabbage, many sow for the early portion of fresh vitamins. It is not so much planted, mainly using medium and winter varieties. After all, they are solid, the salads are harvested and stored all winter.

But the early beauty is very good and tasty, so everyone tries to grow it as early as possible in time. Therefore, let's still crash for the timing of its landing.

When you buy seeds, be sure to pay attention to acquiring the desired variety. In our case - early. Early varieties are almost in all kinds and varieties of our heroine. And for all of them a different time of sowing. About this, as a rule, there is information on the packaging. You can also find approximate terms of her sowing and disembarking into open ground.

Early varieties require the most time for keeping at home. And this means that some varieties are already starting to plant back in January (for example, Savoy).

In the chapter, which is higher, we have already considered in detail when it should be sowed. It remains only to adhere to it.

Belococcal and blocked beauty sow 40 - 60 days before landing in the ground; Kohlrabi - for 30-35 days; Savoy - in 40 - 50 days; Brussels and color - also in 40 - 50 days.

Now let's consider in more detail how to plant one or another look.

Planting for cauliflower seedlings at home

Here we also do not come up with anything new. Depending on the grade, it is necessary to sow seeds at any time.

Below is a table that will help you in the definition of these deadlines. And also in it can be found with what kind of varieties exist.

And so, judging by the table, the most optimal age seedlings are considered from 25 to 50 days. We find our grade, and we look at what age is considered optimal for it.

In accordance with this, we begin to engage in seeds. We swore them and rejected unnecessary. Determine the date. This is an important point. You need to be sure that by the time the seedlings will require a transplant to the street, there must already be quite comfortable and warm for it.

Seeds are sifting either in separate cups, or in common container (we have already considered the landing methods today). After 7 - 10 days, shoots should appear. This will happen if the temperature for this was comfortable, that is, 24 - 25 degrees.

But after their appearance, this temperature will be excessive, and it must be reduced half. An ideal place on the windowsill overlooking the sunny side.

If the seeds put the seeds in a common cry, then it is necessary to dive in time. This time comes, as a rule, on day 12 after the appearance of germs. The day before it is important for the plant's plant, the cry must be reserted again at a temperature of 23 degrees.

And after the procedure, the temperature regime is the same as before the transplant, that is, 12 degrees Celsius.

A week before landing in the ground, you can start hardening. To do this, open the vessels and make seedlings to the balcony.

Under such conditions, it then stands until it is planted into open ground.

Video about how to grow cauliflower

In this video, it is described about the process of growing cauliflower at home. This is a manual, like a certain desired crib for gardeners and gardens, especially for beginners.

Currently, "colorful forks" is grown in various regions of our country. And who else does not, for sure, looking at the video, will be impressed and buy a bag, another seed of this wonderful vegetable culture.

When to plant the June white-born early

Radial beauty, to have all gardeners growing this culture on their country areas. Belococcal grades without a doubt the most grown, and at the same time traditional vegetable culture. And of course the most favorite.

Early varieties are the greatest popularity among its numerous varieties. This is due to the fact that in June I want to get a fresh harvest. From here and such a popular name - "June".

The main feature of the "June" favorite is the fact that from the beginning of sowing to obtain a crop runs about 100 days. Therefore, it starts to plant it from mid-March, and in separate regions, depending on the circumstances and weather conditions - until mid-April.

Some special conditions for its cultivation did not come up. Also, as for all other species and varieties, the seeds are sulking to a depth of 1 cm, with a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from each other.

So far, the optimal temperatures have not appeared for this event should be 18 - 20 degrees, with a plus of course. And when shoots were processed, the temperature should be reduced to 14 degrees. This temperature is important to withstand for 5 to 6 days. Then can be grown simply at room temperature on the windowsill.

Do not forget about the light, it should be enough. Lack of light, or its disadvantage contributes to the stretching of seedlings. And this does not make it stronger.

If the seedlings rose quite tightly, they need to be launched between them to leave at least 1.5 cm. Usually, weaker plants are usually removed. A week later, the maximum in two, after the appearance of the seedlings, they are pricted in small containers, reducing to seven-cooled leaves.

Then, after another two weeks, the seedlings again dive, and this time is already transplanted into separate cups.

In addition, this variety is still frost resistance. It is not even terrible freezing to - 5 degrees. This can be taken into account, and with an early landing in an open ground, this can not be afraid. And even not required plants to stream at this time.

Dates of landing broccoli

Broccoli Of course, it is not so often you can find in the gardeners, but if you decide to plant it, then you need to follow some rules. Although the main in the landing work is carried out in the same way as when landing other types of cabbage.

In order to get more than once a harvest, and a few, very convenient to drain seeds in 2-3 stages. The interval between them can be made up in this case from 5 to 15 days.

Sow seeds without any innovations, as well as everyone else. At first they cook dies, scatter the earth in them and process it. They move the seeds and sow them to a depth of 1.5 cm, the distance between the seeds is kept in 3 cm. Seedlings grow lush, so they will need a little more than usual.

Then they fall asleep the seeds of the earth and spray from the sprayer. Waiting for shoots in 7 - 10 days.

Let me remind you that the early grades are sowing 45 days before landing in the ground, and the Late - for 35 - 40 days. Here the difference is not so tangible.

A feature is that the seedlings are planted with parts. The first part is planted into the ground in the beginning of May (of course, if there is weather conditions for this). After 5 days, you can land the second batch, after another 5 - the next one. And after 5 - the last one.

In general, it is possible to transplant the graceer seedlings for a bed in two weeks after the appearance of the first seedlings. But in any case, you should navigate the weather.

And in order to deal with this question once and for all, let's see the video on the topic of planting broccoli.

Now that we all learned about the sort of cabbage, about the deadlines of their sowing and growing, we can easily handle landings, care and care of seedlings. And we will easily grow up any of the famous species and varieties.

Good luck in gardens!

Belococcal and cauliflower takes leadership positions among the most consumable vegetables. It is used to prepare salads and boors at all times of the year. And there is also broccoli, Kohlrabi and Brussels, of which dietary stew and casserole are obtained. All varieties can be grown on their own plot, not to buy in the store. And in order for the cabbage better to survive in the open ground, it is not planted there in the form of seeds, but already formed seedlings.

Choose and prepare seeds

Home and purchased sowing material must comply with the climatic conditions in which the plant has to be developed. Some varieties do not tolerate heat, others die from frequent rains or during drought. Information in which regions can be grown by this cabbage, indicate the packaging. If the planting material got from a good neighbor, it is recommended to carry out the ordering procedure.

Selection of seeds
Step 1: Pour a blank on a sheet of paper, and separate the deformed instances. Spoiled seeds can not be used to grow seedlings.

Stage 2: The remaining sowing material is immersed in a jar with water, and will add some salt there. Dissolve a tablespoon of dry ingredient in 1 liter of liquid, thoroughly stir together with seeds. Wait until the empty shells fall upstairs, and the "live" cabbage drops to the bottom.

Stage 3: Gently merge the solution with bad seeds, the remaining rinse in ordinary water, and slightly dry. You can start disinfection and hardening. This stage is missing if the seeds were purchased from a reliable manufacturer, and there is no doubt about their quality.


  • Dilute in a cup of water by manganese, so that a strong pink solution with a purple tint is obtained.
  • Seeds to pour into a piece of gauze, tie a cloth, and immerse in the container for 20 minutes.
  • Remove and rinse, dry on a sheet of paper.

Second natural option:

  • Clear 30 g of garlic, crushing or grate to get shatter.
  • Insist the obtained billet in 100 ml of water 3-4 hours.
  • Immerse a bag with seeds into a solution for 50-60 minutes.
  • Sowing material washed under running water.

An easy way to disinfection is to buy in the store "Phytosporin" or "Maxim", "Fundazole" or "Formal", and treat them seeds. Modern manufacturers are usually faced in bags of planting material, which is enough to plant into the ground, and do not need to disinfect with manganese or fungicides.

To activate the germination of the future cabbage, you can immerse the workpiece into the container, and pour it with 100 ml of water. Add 5 ml of 3% peroxide, and stir the seeds with a wooden wand for 15 minutes. Sowing material should be covered with small bubbles. This means that oxygen launched the combustion process of amylose, and the first shoots will appear after 3-5 days.

Contrast water treatments
Some daches believe that the plant should be protected by the fungus by hardening. Boil the water, and pour into a glass or can, put in the refrigerator so that the fluid temperature drops to +2 degrees.

Other boiling water container. Immerse in it for 20 minutes a bag of sowing material. Remove, and put in a glass with cold water. Hold 2 minutes.

There is an alternative version of the hardening when the seeds that have been in hot water are shifted onto a saucer, squeezed with a damp cloth, and put in the refrigerator for a day. The perfect location is the bottom shelf, away from the freezer.

The ending touch, stimulating the growth of seeds - the solution with the addition of the drug "Ideal" or nitroposki. They are soaked literally for 15 minutes, rinsed, and dried so that the planting material becomes crumbly. It is not necessary to use stimulants if the package states that the cabbage was treated with nutritional mixtures.

  1. In equal proportions, ferry land and humus. The second component can be replaced with a compost. In such a soil, river sand is sometimes added - 5% of the total mass. Chernozem thanks to this component becomes more loose.
  2. Peat, earth and coarse sand in the same quantity. Plus wood ash as a fertilizer (2 l mixtures of 100 g additive).
  3. The main part is the ferry land (75%). Sand (5%) for soil looser, ash (15%) to feed seedlings with useful substances. If there is a high level of acidity in the soil, you can add 5% of lime.
  4. It has proven itself an option from the humus and the turf (35%) with peat (30%). In some cases, olhovy or other small sawdust is added.

Components are connected, and insist several weeks so that the additives are dissolved in the chernozem. Soil before use must be sifted to saturate with oxygen. Be sure to disappear, or abundantly pour steep boiling water. Alternative - moisten the soil with water with the addition of fungicide or manganese (liquid should be pink color).

Tip: So that the soil remained loose, did not stop, and constantly "breathing", it is recommended to add expressed perlite to add, or swath ballogel balls.

Picking helps to form a strong root system in the cabbage, so the seeds preferably plant in the box or small cassettes.

The first layer is drainage. You can pour:

  • sunflower husk;
  • small pebbles, such as pebbles or gravel;
  • coarse sand;
  • sawdust, which absorb moisture well;
  • chopped brick;
  • crushed clay shards;
  • grated foam.

The second layer is a soil. It is tightly talked, and there are some more land in the top, in which cabbage is planted. It is possible to make a garden or a hole with a depth of 1.5 cm. Watering with ordinary water, or make a solution with the addition of fertilizers stimulating growth.

The distance between future cabbage bushes is a minimum of 1 cm, otherwise the plants begin to select "food" neighbors.

Use a match or a wooden wand, the tip of which to dip in the water. Glue the seed to the wet adaptation, and gently put in the ground, but do not push. Sowing material should remain on the surface. With the help of a spatula, it is sprinkled with soil. The thickness of the upper layer is about 1.5 cm. Square the ground from the pulverizer, and cover the film.

If small cassettes were used to landing seeds, they can be shoved in cellophane packages that are tightly tied. Shoots appear approximately 7 days, sometimes earlier, or later for 2-4 days. If the sprouts are not visible after 2 weeks, it means that the seeds are disappeared.

Tip: Some dacifics are not deeply buried by seeds, because of which they germinate with the "cap", which prevents breaking running. The shell must be moisturized from the sprayer several times during the day, and then pushing the needle, and carefully remove without damaging the cabbage.

Temperature Mode and Watering
In the room with a future seedliness should be warm. Within + 20-18, it is impossible below, otherwise he slows down the growth of shoots. When the first sprouts, the cabbage must be chosen. The optimal option is + 6-10 degrees for 6 days. Thanks to this, seedlings are not pulled out, and becomes resistant to night frozen.

After 3-4 days after the crossing of the seed, the film must be removed, and cover the box with glass. Put on a well-lit window, and to air daily, lifting the edge of the cover with a matchbox.

Cabbage in the daytime feels comfortable at a temperature of 16-18º marked "+". At night, you can lower up to 10, and even +6. In the cloudy weekdays in the room should be no more than +16, but better within + 14-12, otherwise the seedlings will become fused.

Watering the soil before the appearance of germs is prohibited. Young shoots are fed by a solution of manganese: on 1 liter of warm liquid 5 g of powder. It is impossible that in the soil the liquid is forced, otherwise the root system suffers from the fungus called the "black leg".

Important Stage: Picking

Seedlings, which turned 11 days, need to be seeded in a pot or plastic cups.

Recipe for soil and picing rules
It is recommended to prepare the basis of peat and the turf (2 kg) with a humus (1 kg) and sand (0.5 kg). At such a number of components will need a glass of wood ash.

Pot with a layer of drainage to fall asleep on 2/3 prepared mixture, and thoroughly take it. Form in the center of each cup deep hole. Cabbage roots must be freely accommodated in Yamke. It is impossible to be bent or chatted. Too long roots can be shortened by a third.

In each pot, put in spit, fall asleep the ground, and the rampage of the ground around the seedlings with the help of a spatula. Pour cabbage to water, wait until it is absorbed and shove the earth. Outside, only semi-sideled leaves should remain.

Comfortable conditions
Pots with cabbage to put on the most illuminated window, because for normal development the plant needs ultraviolet. The room temperature should not rise above +17, but cannot be lowered below +14.

Water every 7 days, trying to make moisture only to earth. The optimal time for water procedures is 7-10 in the morning. It is impossible that cabbage "fell asleep" with wet leaves.

For the first time, feeding into the soil is made after the appearance of 3 seedlings. It will take 10 liters of distilled water, in which 40 g of superphosphate with 20 g of nitrate is separated and 10 g of sulfuric acid potassium is added. You can repeat the feeder 10 days later.

You can also use a solution with adding:

  • liquid cow manure with superphosphate;
  • chicken litter diluted with hot water;
  • boric acid with copper vigor;
  • magnantages or zinc sulfate;

Tip: After making a fertilizer solution, it is better to pour seedlings with ordinary water so that the chemical components do not burn the root system.

Preparation for adult life
Thirsty seedlings begin to order 2 weeks before disembarking. Pots with cabbage need to be taken to the balcony, you can even leave spending the night if the temperature is lowered at least -5. Recommended to treat "Intavir" to prevent the appearance of a cruciferous flew.

Information in the piggy bank

Seeds of early grades planted in pots in the first days of March, and in the open ground - in early May. Such cabbage has small heads that weigh no more than 1.5 kg.

The preparation of the average varieties is engaged in the third week of April. They get into bed in the last days of May - closer to early July. This variety is ideal for the preparation of fresh salads and sauerkraut.

Latest options in the pots are planted in early April, and in the middle of May. This variety has large heads that are suitable for long-term storage in the cellar.

Cabbage is not very good. It suffices to observe the temperature regime, not overdo it with water, and in time to make fertilizers so that the seedlings quickly fit in a new place, and gave a rich harvest.

Video: All about Cabbage Growing