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How to dry the cellar: Tips of homeowners. The most accessible and efficient cellar drying methods on the floor in the basement Oil liquid

The dampness in the cellar is a familiar phenomenon with which all residents of the private sector are fighting from the season. Excessive moisture can appear in the form of condensate on the walls and the ceiling due to insufficient measures for waterproofing of the room, water can be formed on the floor of the basement from the proximity of groundwater or because of spring floods. The products themselves can become a source of unwanted humidity, if they are assembled not in time or not sufficiently sucked. By itself, the water is not dangerous, but it leads to the destruction of the construction and all its details, in addition, contributes to the appearance of aggressive mold, fungus and various insects.

To dry the cellar, and this article will be devoted, because it is simply necessary to fight with an excess moisture in the basement, otherwise it will not work out.

Preliminary Drying Rules

Seeing the cellar and basements need in summer when it is warm and dry weather. It is recommended to start this procedure as early as possible, better immediately after the rainy season. Events on the drying of the cellar can last from the week to one and a half months - depending on how much all the walls and the floor are wounded.

We need to start drying a cellar with natural measures, and if they are insufficient, you will have to go to the second stage - forced drying.

Here, how can you dry the basement in a natural way:

Attention! If earthen floors are used in the cellar, it is recommended to change their upper layer annually. For this, the soil, infected with mold and fungus, cut off and put out on the street. Instead of this layer, the basement is covered with a layer of dry coarse sand.

How to dry the cellar without ventilation

It happens that there are no exhaust ventilation in the cellars either it is, but the faulty or natural traction is not enough to ventilate the entire basement. It happens that the weather in the summer stands rainy and cloudy, which weakly contributes to a high-quality drying of the cellar.

In such cases, the cellar is needed, which is carried out by artificial methods. There are several such methods and each of them deserves separate attention.

Drying cellar with a roas

As the most primitive brazier can be the usual metal bucket. You can take an old bucket with a leakage bottom or at all without the bottom. Galvanized pelvis or some kind of metal is suitable.

Burning container must have legs, about 10-15 cm high, you can also put a bucket in the basement on bricks or stones. In any case, it is necessary to provide air flow from below, which will stimulate the spread of the heat in the cellar.

Important! If the basement floors are made of wood, and there is no possibility to remove them, the drying method is categorically forbidden - it is fireless! All wooden and other combustible structures and equipment are necessarily taken before drying from the cellar. If the entrance to the cellar is made in the form of a hatch, it is necessary to provide a way to lower the warmer inside. It can be the usual rope with a crochet at the end.

The bucket is filled with coal or firewood and burn the bonfire on the surface of the earth, and only after that they lower the roasting in the cellar, using the rope and hook. The same applies to the dropping of firewood or coal: first, the bucket is extracted from the basement to the street and only after that add fuel.

Man remains only to monitor the state of the fire and maintain the flame. To dry high quality, the brazier should burn the clock 10-12. Thanks to the bottom line, the heat will spread through the cellar, filling with smoke and hot air all the corners of the room.

As a result of such a drying, the cellar will not only get rid of moisture, but also disinfected - caustic smoke will destroy mold, fungi and insects. Brazier need to have strictly in the center of the cellar so that the heat and smoke spread evenly.

Tip! It is recommended to use firewood from linden or birch as a fuel. This wood has disinfectant properties.

In no case can not be included in the basement, while brazier works there - a person simply suffocates in such a room or choose carbon monoxide!

Drying cellar with a candle

This method is very ancient, it was used by hundreds of years ago. So that the drying is possible with this method, the basement must be equipped with an exhaust pipe, which is usually located under the ceiling of the room.

Candle is placed in tin jar and set directly near the ventilation of the cellar. Be sure to extend the main pipe by installing metal corrugations or tin pipe on it.

A small candle warms the air located at the entrance of the pipe, because of this, it begins to circulate in the basement faster, the thrust increases. As a result, the air temperature in the cellar does not rise, but increases natural ventilation - Walls and floor drain much faster.

Doors or luke of the cellar when using this method must be open!

Important! Instead of a conventional candle, you can use dry fuel tablets. This substance during combustion distinguishes disinfectant gases, which will not be superfluous in the fight against mold and microbes in the basement. For drying, the cellar will need to burn 10-15 tablets.

Drying cellar electrical appliances

This method is quite expensive, because during drying a cellar is spent a lot of electricity. You can use two types of heaters in the basement:

  • Closed heaters, such as oil, infrared, convector. The electrical appliance is located in the center of the cellar and the air indoors evenly warm up. For a complete drying of the basement, no less than ten o'clock will be required, sometimes heaters in the basement must work for several days.
  • The electric tub is designed to dry out the rooms after flooding, so it is perfect for the seasonal drying of basements. This device is very powerful, the heat gun is capable of drying the cellar in just a few hours, so the whole process will cost cheaper than in the case of a household heater.

Attention! If there are earthen floors in the basement, you need to put a rigid base on them for the electrical heater.

Dried cellar fan

Usually the cellast is dried, opening the doors in warm and dry summer days. You can speed up the natural process by installing the fan in the middle of the staircase. Mandatory condition This method is the presence of an exhaust pipe in the basement, because the fan just disperses the air, speeding up the circulation.

Depending on the sizes of the cellar, the fan may be required on three to five days.

Tip! Very effective fan blades inserted directly into the pipe ventilation system basement.

Using bourgearies in the basement

The stove of the type of burzhuyka is very effective in drying cellars. However, such a furnace is far from every private economy. Those who have bourgeois have, can dry their cellar very cheaply and quickly.

The burzhuyk is placed inside the basement so that its pipe fit to the exhaust hole of the ventilation system. Heat oven wood or coal - it does not matter, the main thing is that heat in the basement is sufficient.

The hot smoke coming out of the bourgear tubes accelerates air circulation in the ventilation ventilation channel. Additionally hot walls of the furnace warm the room, dried mold and fungus, eliminating condensate and excess moisture from the basement.

The method of the stove is considered fire hazardous, so inside the basement at the time of drying there should be no wooden items or other flammable materials. You can not use the bourgeito in those cellars, where the ventilation is made of plastic - the pipe is simply melted from the heat of the oven.

What to do with the cellar after drying

Upon completion of the ventilation, the installation of the dried shelves perform, the basement includes boxes and a crust, set inside the cellarboxes and boxes for vegetables or fruits.

In general, an extra moisture in the basement should alert the owner: if condensate appears, the walls or the floor will appear, it means that something is not done at the stage of building a cellar.

Improve the waterproofing of the underground storage can be several methods:

In a dry basement, the mold does not apply, there are no fungus, there are no bacteria and harmful insects, so the products are perfectly stored, until the next season, remaining the same delicious and useful.

There are several drying methods of the basement, each owner can choose the one that is more convenient for it and is appropriate.

The usual thing is to store various products and conservation in the cellar. An unpleasant fact is the presence of moisture that can spoil all stocks. To cope with the situation that has arisen, you need to know how to dry the cellar. To do this, you can use not only specialized, but also remedies. The article is devoted to the analysis of each of the drainage methods, as well as the prevention of moisture.

Preparatory stage

The appearance of moisture in the cellar or basement does not pass without a trace. It usually leads to the formation of mold and its distribution throughout the basement. So before the start of drying the basement must be passed preparatory stage. The basement or cellar room is carefully examined and evaluated general state. After that, it is necessary to raise all the elements that are in the cellar. This applies not only to product reserves, but also of various shelves, which are also present there. If the frame is made of metal, then it will be needed high-quality service. Make it better in the transition period - in the middle of summer. The air is warm outside, and the cellar is empty, since it is still early for new blanks. Wood flooring from the shelves must be put out the sun so that ultraviolet rays do their role.

All mold in the cellar or basement will be required to remove the brush. After that, the surface is processed by the antiseptic composition and is painted as desired. Simultaneously with the emptying of the cellar, it is necessary to open his input and leave in this position for several days. This is done for pre-venting. It is worth conducting a procedure only if there is good warm weather on the street. If the basement is equipped supply ventilation, then the air will remove part of the moisture. It is advisable to inspect the ventilation channels to make sure that they did not cling to anything.

Dry options in the presence of ventilation

Drying basement or cellar after pre-training You can produce with hot air. You can get it using various combustible substances. It is necessary to follow the safety rules so as not to provoke a fire.

Bucket with coals

If the basement is equipped with a ventilation system, then drying will be made much easier. It can be too warm weather. The pressure difference is small, which interferes with the outflow of air from the basement. To start the process, you need to heat the air, which is in the basement. It will go through the ventilation channels, while collecting moisture. To carry out the process, you will need:

  • old metal dishes;
  • charcoal.

As a metal vessel, you can use a bucket or a large saucepan. Even those in which there are many rust holes are suitable. The main requirement that the bottom could withstand the weight of coal. Using a drill, the holes for air flow are additionally drilled. A steel cable is tied to the bucket knob or handles, on which the container can be suspended. The bucket is filled with coals, and they are roasted. To speed up the process, you can use the vacuum cleaner or fan. After you managed to achieve uniform burning, the container can be omitted into the cellar. The cable is fixed from above and the hatch closes. The bucket should not get to the floor of the cellar.

In the process of burning mass fraction Oxygen will decrease. If it is not enough, then coal will go out. That this does not happen, it is necessary to open the door for fresh air portions every half hour. This can be done through the supply tube if it is available. A small fan is installed on it and the injection is made. Go to the basement while the process is prohibited. In the compact room quickly accumulates carbon monoxide And smoke, which at the time can make losing consciousness. When it becomes clear that the coal completely burned down, then it is necessary to get a container and closed the base tight for several days. The process will still continue.

Note! By-products that stand out during burning will contribute to the destruction of the fungus. Therefore, in this way you can kill two hares at once.

If a wood coal Not available, then you can use peat or ordinary coal, which can be purchased on the basis. It is possible to achieve a temperature that will exceed 80 °. This increases efficiency and speeds up the process. Charcoal can be prepared independently if there are required wood breeds.

Electrical devices

If there is no special desire to mess around with the roar, constantly watching her, then the cellar can be dried with the help of available electrical devices. Oil radiators can be used for heating in winter infrared heaters or small duitsa. An excellent solution will be an industrial thermal fan. The device is placed in the middle of the cellar. If the floor in the basement of the earthen, then it is necessary to build a wooden shield or use another stand for the heater. The cellar lowers the extension. The cross-section of its cable must correspond to the alleged load so that short circuit does not occur.

By time, this method of drying the basement will take much more time. In addition, it is worth watching overheating sensors that can be in the device. The temperature in the basement may not reach 80 degrees, but will exceed the maximum permissible for the heater. An excellent solution during the drying of the basement or the cellar will be an electric industrial fan heater. In terms of capacity, you can choose depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe cellar. Performance of this option will be ideal for the cellar.

Tip! It is better to connect the heater into the outlet, which is right near the electric meter or has minimum distance for him. Usually they are the most powerful.

Dry alcohol and candle

An interesting solution for drying cellar and basement can be the use of ordinary candle. Naturally, one candle will not be able to do anything if it is located in the middle of the room. Maybe a hundred candles will give a result for the cellar, but it will be completely covered by Garoy. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange it elsewhere. The candle is placed in a container, which is not susceptible to burning, and ignite. After that, it is placed right under the exhaust tube of ventilation. Additionally, it can be slightly lengthened to omit closer to the floor. The candle will warm up the air under the pipe and create the desired traction. To increase the inflow to the basement or the cellar, it is necessary to some one to open the hatch or the door. Thanks to the rapid change of air masses in the cellar or basement, drying occurs. Periodically you need to change the candle. Instead of a candle for drying basement, you can use dry alcohol, which is placed in a special burner or on a metal base.

Note! In most cases, when using this method, a reverse reaction occurs during the warm period of the year. The basement or cellar is again filled with moisture even more. This is explained by the fact that the cold air from the basement is replaced by warm, which is subsequently condensed on the walls in the form of water droplets. If such an effect was seen during drying, it is necessary to stop the procedure and use the heating method or wait for the beginning of autumn.

Forced injection

When the ventilation system is correctly organized in the basement, then there may not arise problems with its drying. There are several ways to organize overpressure inside the basement or cellar. The first of them implies the installation of the injection fan to the supply pipe. In this case, its performance should be as much as possible. The higher the figure, the faster there will be a replacement of masses inside the basement. In this case, everything ventilation pipes Must be cleaned of garbage and removed protective grilles. The fan can also be placed on the exhaust pipe. In the case when there is only an exhaust pipe, and the air supply takes place through the hatch, then the fan can be mounted directly in the opening of the hatch. He will perfectly cope with his tasks.

Dry without ventilation

Drying without ventilation cellar or basement will be a more troublesome occupation, but still it can be carried out using progress or specialized funds.

Using submail

Not all during construction knew about the need for ventilation in the basement or cellar. Therefore, in some cases you need to know how to dry the cellar without ventilation. In any case, it will be desirable to arrange ventilation for the basement or cellar, which is appropriate to do in the warm season. Special substances that perfectly absorb a large amount of moisture can come to the rescue helping. One of them are sawdust. They can be purchased or received for free in any joinery workshop. It will take a lot of them. The sawdust layer is covered with all available planes in the basement. They will not be able to provide complete dryness of the cellar, but will lower the moisture to an acceptable level. At the same time there will be a need to replace the flooring as it wets. Tightening this is not worth noting the putrefactive processes that will exacerbate the situation.

Another one affordable tool It is harated lime. It should also be scattered throughout the perimeter of the basement or cellar. It will be able to absorb a certain amount of moisture. At the same time, it will also provide a certain disinfection. In almost every locacy, calcium chloride is available. It is able to absorb moisture, which will be equal to half of its weight. We will have to be stockfall of the substance, if the humidity in the basement or cellar is significant. It can be used repeatedly. To do this, it will be necessary to hide it on a metal counterfeit for drying. Collect condensate from walls and ceiling in the basement or cellar will help carton boxes. If there are a large quantity in the covers, they are enough to put them in the basement for a day. After drying in the sun, they can be used again.

Note! Before falling into a basement or cellar, where the hawed lime or calcium chloride was laid out, it is necessary to heat the room well.


Excellent help, which will tell you how to dry the basement is absorber. They can be two types:

  • non-volatile;
  • working from the network.

The first are a small plastic container with a special substance that is fixed above it. It collects moisture into this container. Typically, such devices have small dimensions, so several devices will need a cellar or basement. The dryers in which Freon is used are more efficient. Structurally, they resemble air conditioners or refrigerators. They condense moisture in the basement on the tubes, after which it is going to the pallet, which periodically need to empty. Video about drying cellar can be viewed below.

How to prevent moisture

Permanent seasonal drying of the basement or cellar is not a way out. In addition, over time, this will lead to the destruction of building materials, which will suffer large spending on the recovery of the basement or cellar. So that this does not happen, it is important to spend preventive actions.


Often it is a problem that in the basement or the cellar has increased humidity. Very easy to leave an earthen floor, without making ties on it. But the moisture that is contained in the ground will necessarily rise to the cellar. One of the simple ways to solve the problem will be the use of a dense polyethylene film. It stacked on the floor with the allen on the walls. Top can be placed wooden panels or sheet Materialwhich will be convenient to move. If, after applying this method, humidity in the cellar or basement decreased significantly, then the source is the floor. To secure the result, it is necessary to pour a screed with a waterproofing gasket.


If, after the floor covering the film, the situation has not changed, then the problem can be covered in the walls, more precisely, in their waterproofing. Concrete and brick have praises through which water will definitely be seamless. At the construction stage, this moment could not be taken into account and the waterproofing of the cellar or basement could not be issued. To solve the issue, you will have to attach a lot of effort. The first thing around the building is digging a trench. It should make the available basement walls for drying. They need to withstand to complete drying. And only after that proceeding with finishing work.

One of the simple solutions will be laying a rubberoid on bitumen mastic. The surface of the walls carefully examines. All cracks and potholes that may be present are close. After a long stay in a wet medium, the wall of the basement or the cellar must be treated with antiseptic composition. After drying, one or more layers of the primer composition on the walls of the basement are applied. Next is applied by a layer of bitumen mastic. After drying on the second, it is possible to stick a ruberoid. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the nest between sheets so that it turned out a hermetic design. Along the way, you can exercise the insulation of the basement or the cellar of the penplex.

Note! In an emergency it is possible to carry out waterproofing from the inside of the basement or cellar. But it is worth remembering that it will not prevent moisture to climb on the walls, as well as destroy the building material outside.


Making ventilation for the basement or cellar is not particular problems. If the basement is right under the house, then the inflow can be made directly from the house so that warm air falls into it, and not cold from the street, which could be a problem in winter. The outflow is made directly from the basement or cellar. At the same time, the pipe rises above the roof of the building and the deflector is mounted at its end. So it will be possible to achieve natural circulation Air flows.


As can be seen, the flooding of basements or high humidity in the cellars is not something out of a series of outgoing. Most often it is enough to take simple measures to prevent such actions. Dried a basement will also not be much difficult if we are being patient and attached to the required effort.

Unpleasant stench, condensate and fungus - trouble from high humidity. Properly made drainage, waterproofing and ventilation will help get rid of dampness in the garage. Often problems with humidity are visited at certain times of the year. It is necessary to understand the reason and find out the best way to get rid of dampness in the garage, how to dry the cellar.

When designing a garage, it is important that the maximum high level of groundwater is not raised higher than half a meter below the cellar floor.

Even advised to make a cellar on the hillside.

But often, you have no large selection where the garage will be.

In this case, you need to think about the drainage system.

Reducing the level of groundwater will also protect the garage from grounding soils in winter (clay, loam, sandy). It is better to carry out the removal of the bunched soil under the construction and replace it s sandy mixture.

Clay and loams possess weak water permeability. It reduces drainage efficiency and leads to stagnation of water in the ground and, often, it penetrates the cellar. Another plus replacement of the soil.

Drainage of the garage outside must perform 2 functions:

  • Waste flood and surface water from the garage;
  • Reduce groundwater level.

In the first case, it is necessary to take care of superficial drainage. In the simplest version, this is a ring ditch with an exit to the storm sewer. Watch the drainage ditch to be found water. Adherence to the collaborator storm sewage It will help to avoid it.

The scene or layer of plastic clay around the perimeter of the garage will be removed from the flow of water along the wall of the foundation.

But often, there is no opportunity to spend serious work on Drainage. In this case, it is necessary to enhance waterproofing. It is important to understand that the basement absolutely impermeable for water will not be able to do. But maybe there will be no much moisture and the ventilation will successfully cope with humidity, and during the flood period will have to pump water from the drainage pit.

Except through the soil, water penetrates inside the cellar in wet air. If the overlap of the cellar has weak thermal insulation, then condensate is formed on the ceiling. When the ground at the level of the cellar floor is still warm, not freezing, and the air is already cold.

The third and last path in which the water falls into the garage is a roof. Any actions are meaningless to dying the basement if the roof flows.

Water in the basement of the garage what to do

To close the question about water in the basement of the garage, you need to do:

  • and drainage sufficient for your conditions;
  • Thermal insulation and ventilation;
  • Disinfection and antifungal processing.

Waterproofing garage

Resistance to the appearance of water in the garage basement can be seriously increased by waterproofing and drainage. These methods are used more often:

  • External drainage (surface and deep);
  • Internal drainage;
  • Injection waterproofing;
  • Penetrating waterproofing
  • Caution formulations.

External drainage is quite effective, but its device is not possible everywhere. For example, in the garage cooperative.

For an external surface drainage rush or a groove with a slotted collector bias or a pipe with water reservations is paved. The groove and water reservations are often protected by lattices.

For external depth drainage, large excavation. It is necessary on the external perimeter of the garage to choose the ground to the depth of half the meter below the floor plane of the basement.

In the trenches, perforated pipes are stacked under the slope or half-meter layer of large rubble. It is recommended to protect pipes or crushed geotextile from graveling.

Blind of water fluids 1-2 cm per 1 meter pipe.

Top trench filled with sandy mixture. Recommended on top to make a break.

Pipes and trenches with rubble are associated with a single system with storm sewer.

Internal drainage is needed to collect and output fluid that fell to the floor of the cellar.

There are two options:

  • System of perforated pipes in the gravel layer (about 50 cm), with an outlook in the storm system;
  • The bias of the floor of the basement to the drainage pit, with the removal of water with a pump or gravity in a storm sewer.

To protect against water, the garage cellar is effective, but the road is injectable waterproofing.

The essence of the method is that from the inside of the basement, in the walls and sex, through the holes is injected under pressure special composition. The waterproofing composition forms on external surface Barrier between the wall and the soil.

With competent execution you will receive long-term leakage protection.

It is also important to protect the material of the walls and floor of the basement. This is recommended to use penetrating waterproofing materials.

The special composition applied to the wet concrete is crystallized in the pores and cracks, reliably closing them for the liquid.

In addition to the listed methods in the waterproofing of the basement, mastic applies widely.

Ventilation and thermal insulation

The temperature in the cellar is committed to the temperature of the soil. For soils with good thermal conductivity (such as clay), additional heat insulation of the cellar will be required.

For storage of products, it is required to maintain a temperature of 2-4 o C and 85-95% moisture.

To maintain heat, thermal insulation is used, and for the output of excessive humidity - ventilation.

Usually organized supply and exhaust ventilation. Consists of two channels:

  • Intake, brought to the floor (50 cm to the floor);
  • Exhaust, under the ceiling.

Passionate and exhaust ventilation channels are recommended to disseminate the opposite sides of the garage: the best way is diagonally.

The effectiveness of such ventilation depends primarily on the difference in temperature inside and outside the garage.

The headings of the ventilation pipes are required to close "fungi" to protect against precipitation.

Also for amplifying ventilation, the garage is molded. The easiest way is a brazier with coals.

Disinfection and antifungal processing of cellar

Usually, the protection of the cellar from microorganisms is overlooked. But it's not right.

Mold and flexible not only create a dull look, but also destroy the waterproofing layer and the concrete wall. What returns moisture in the cellar.

Therefore, before bookmarking the storage of the harvest, it is recommended to handle the cellar against harmful microorganisms.

The cellar is cleaned and disinfected by a solution of copper or iron vapor. Walls and ceiling are whiten (you can also add vitrios in the whip).

How to dry the basement

If you find that the cellar is raw, you need to take steps to his drying.

For better drying, you will need to endure all items, including racks. And organize ventilation for several days (usually 3 days).

Help dried the cellar using:

  • Flowing iron stove;
  • Brazier with charcoal;
  • A lit candle (the exhaust pipe is lengthened with almost the floor and put a candle for it).

Observing listed measures, you will create favorable conditions for storing agricultural products and conservation in your garage cellar. Products will not deteriorate for a long time and retain taste.

Increased humidity in the cellar appears for various reasons. First of all, it is necessary to find out why it has risen, take measures to eliminate, and then lead it to normal. At the last stage - if necessary, to carry out disinfection. In any case, without properly organized ventilation and waterproofing, the problem will appear again and again. Therefore, before driving the cellar, check the ventilation pipes did not hit whether the waterproofing was injured.

Prevent the appearance of dampness

As usual, this "disease" is easier (and cheaper) to prevent than to treat. It is still solved at the design stage:

Inspect the floor

Very often in the cellar of the floor make earthen. Often it is a source of excessive humidity. Through it, the moisture contained in the ground falls inside. To reduce moisture in the cellar, you need an earthen floor to align, ravarbing and putting thick polyethylene film. You can use the runneroid, but it is more likely. Although it seems more durable, but breaks due to less elasticity.

Top on the film pouring sand or land is not necessary. Sometimes there is a large amount of water in the basement (random flooding). Then the film is simply removed, water takes part in the ground, partly evaporates through ventilation. After the dampness is gone, you can set the floor again. If the Earth or Sand will be from above, you will need to pick it up in this juicy, getting a film.

If the floor in the earth's cellar - through it and the most moisture comes

If after laying the film the level of humidity in the cellar decreased, then you found the reason. You can leave everything as it is, only periodically change the "flooring", and you can make a concrete floor with full waterproofing. The choice is yours. So that the film does not rush when it goes, run away wooden shields and throw them on the floor.

Improve waterproofing

The second reason why humidity increases in the basement - the insufficient degree of vapor barrier or waterproofing of the walls. This is usually found if the cellar is lined with bricks in particular - silicate. The material is very hygroscopic and well passes the water pairs. They settle drops on the ceiling and all objects.

The problem can be solved if you make good outer waterproofing: dig a wall and apply bitumen mastic in two layers. Previously, they were deceived by the resin, but the mastic is more efficient and easier in circulation.

But earthworks are far from always to joy, and not always the walls can be dug. In this case, you can make the inner waterproofing of the cellar walls. For this, there are impregnation based on cement: "Pink", "Calmatron", "Hydrotect", etc. They penetrate to a half-meter in the thickness of the material (concrete, brick, etc.) and block the capiles for which water seeps. The water permeability decreases at times. The only minus is the price. But they are really effective.

All these measures will prevent the emergence of high humidity in the basement. But what if the moisture is already there, how to dry the cellar? Next, consider ways to reduce humidity.

Preparatory work

From the basement, all reserves, as well as all wooden designs, well cleaned. On the street inspect wood - shelves / boxes / boxes. If they are not injured, there are no fungus or mold, they are simply folded in the sunshine for drying. If there are traces of lesion, wood is impregnated with a solution of copper sulfate (a concentration of 5-10%, not more).

Good results gives the whims of lime - she will also "collect" moisture from the air. Therefore, before dying the basement makes sense to whitewash everything. Just do it not as outside. You need to apply a thick layer of lime on the walls. To do this, make a bucket of thick whitewings, add a bit of the diluted copper mood. It is an excellent disinfector, but the concentration should not be higher than 5-%, maximum - 10. The resulting thick liquid is spilled in half into two containers.

The first half is lowered into the basement, dressed in old things, put on glasses, cover hands. Take paint brush For blissing (it looks more like a small broom) and it is well aware of the corners. Then the brush is breaking out, and splash it on the walls and the ceiling. Just macat in thick whitewash and splash on the walls. They are covered with drops, lime tubercles.

After everything was covered with lime, we are waiting for a day until it gets up. Everyone repeat with the second bucket. As a result, the walls and ceiling are obtained porous and uneven. But the condensate on them is rarely hanging: lime is quite well kept moisture inside. After the lime gets free, you can begin drying the cellar.

Drain of basement with ventilation

Sometimes it happens: it was dry in the cellar, and suddenly dampness appeared. One of the reasons is bad ventilation. First of all, check the purity of Ventkanalov. If necessary - clean. If everything is fine, but dampness does not leave - it means the exhaust pipe works badly. It turns out when the air in the cellar is colder than on the street. Heavy and cold, he himself will not rise through the pipe. There is a paradoxical, at first glance, the situation: it was cold on the street and raw - it was dry in the cellar. Warmed - moisture drops hung and the ceiling, walls and objects, appeared a sharp smell. Here in this case, to dry the cellar, it is necessary to activate the movement of the air. There are several solutions.

Sometimes the increase in air movement leads to the fact that the humidity in the cellar does not decrease, but increases. This can often be observed in hot weather. The reason is that. Preheated air carries with itself a significant amount of moisture in the form of vapors. Finding into the cool cellar of the air cools, and the moisture condenses on the coldest surfaces: the ceiling, walls, sometimes on the shelves and banks. If you have such a case, then the ventilation stops. Even close the supply pipe and slam the lid well, limiting the inflow of warm air.

How to dry the cellar in this case? Wait for autumn, and when the rains are not yet, but the temperature is already + 10 ° C, start ventilation by one of the proposed methods. Works. If you have a cold night in the summer, you can turn on the fan overnight, and in the daytime of the vent rip. So gradually you can reduce the humidity in the cellar and in the summer.

Heat the cellar

If it is necessary to remove dampness even during warm weather, and ventilation only worsens the situation, you need to heat the air in the basement so that it comes out to the outside, carrying out moisture (the higher the air temperature, the more vapor it may contain).

To do this, take an old bucket or other metal container about the same volume. Make a lot of holes in it (you can ax) in the bottom and walls. Such a holey bucket is tied to the cable (secure securely). Inside, coals are poured for kebabs (you can burn yourself), the bucket should be almost complete. Coals incite and achieve stable burning (to overclock the burning, you can adapt the vacuum cleaner on blowing it out). The bucket with smoldering coals is lowered on the cable inside the cellar, they are fixed so that it hangs over the bottom, cover the lid.

Periodically, the cellar cover must be opened, inlet an additional portion of oxygen (every 20-30 minutes). You can put the fan on the supply tube or periodically turn on the same vacuum cleaner. If the coals still went out, they are burned again.

Attention! Inside it is better not to climb, do everything from above. First, the temperature there is high (indoors of about 2 * 3 meters about 70 ° C), secondly, the smoke accumulates and, maybe the carbon monoxide.

As coals burned, the bucket got, the cover was closed. Three days inside do not look: smoke and gases will kill mold and at the same time with a drying you will disinfive your cellar. Usually one such "firebox" is enough to dry the basement in the house or on the street. Similarly, you can get rid of dampness in the basement under the garage.

Sometimes instead of charcoal use coke or coal. It gives a higher temperature and "processing" passes longer, but it is harder to burn, requires more oxygen, often - forced imaging (adapt old vacuum cleaner And corrugation, but turn it on to blow it out). But the temperature rises even higher and dried is still more efficient. But the price of coke is large, even because of the purchase of a bucket and you will not break.

Instead of a bucket with burning coal, you can use other heaters:

  • the burner on the propane (omitting the burning on the wire, to watch it so that she did not heat anything and leave hanging in the middle, as tired, the valve is closed, you can open the cover only every other day);
  • heat gun decent power (3-5 kW);
  • kirogas;
  • lower to the basement bourgeois and protrud.

You can use all these ways, but you have to fall into the cellar in order to ignite Kirogas or Bourgehog. And this is an unsafe and alone such a way do not use such a way. It is necessary that someone insured you upstairs. Relative to the heat gun: it is also better to drag it with a cable (knitted), and not to descend.

How to dry the basement in the garage is told in the video.

How to dry the cellar without ventilation

If the ventilation did not do during construction, it is advisable to arrange it now. At least some: get rid of dampness will be easier. It is better, naturally, two pipes are one on the influx, the second on the outflow - as described at the beginning of the article. If the cellar is made separately on the street - it is easier to organize: struck the land and the roof of the cellar, inserted pipes, poured all with concrete solution.

It's more difficult with the garage, but it is decided here for aesthetics. But if the basement without ventilation under the house, make it all harder: the foundation is better not to break, and you will not stretch a lot of pipes in the floor to the room. But even in this case, do at least one pipe. Let even through the cover, output into the wall or ceiling, put the supplier fan. It can be included on the feed, then on the exhaust and in such a way, at least somehow drip the cellar.

Having at least such ventilation can be used by any of the methods described above. You can also try to collected moisture. For this inside Enclosed hygroscopic materials:

If all these dances with the tambourines do not inspire confidence (although they work), driving the cellar using modern technology. There are such appliances Household air dryers. They are more likely to put in the pools to get rid of dampness indoors. Need a model of average power. They cost about 20-30 thousand rubles, they work from the household network 220 V. In the process, moisture from the air in a special container. You will need to merge water periodically.

One way to dry the crude basement is to put a household air dryer

Disinfection and fighting fungi and mold

Increased humidity in the cellar will go to the fact that on the walls, shelves, the ceiling appears mold, fungi different species And colors, and all this beauty is accompanied by "flavors". In this case, all that can be taken out of the cellar - take it out and lay out to be dried. Wooden shelves, boxes, boards, racks after drying Self with lime with the addition of a solution of copper sulfate. Better twice.

In the cellar from the walls and the ceiling, you consider all the growths, whiten lime with copper vitriol twice (the technology is described at the beginning of the article). Before the main drying, you can spend special events that destroy the dispute (or for some time they are neutralized).

Couple lime

In the cellar put a barrel to pour a negro lime. Lime takes at the rate of 3 kg per 1 cubic meter volume. In the barrel of lime should be a maximum, a little more than half. All pour water. Do not interfere. Quickly get out and tightly (hermetically) close the lid and all ventilation channels. You can open two days later, to ventilate good, then you can go down.

Repeat processing after 7-10 days. Couples of lime should smear mold and fungi, destroy insects and their larvae. They also with smells of damp and sharpness very effectively cope. True, a few days in the cellar will smell lime.

Sulfur (smoke) checker

Use a sulfur checker. They are sold in stores selling seeds or workers. Each has an instruction. But, if briefly, you need to act according to the following scheme:

  • take all metal things if it is impossible, cover their lubricant layer - solidol or something similar.
  • Gilt the wick of sulfur checkers, it starts to smooth.
  • Quickly come out, the lid and vent riples are hermetically close, leave for 5-6 hours.

If the basement in the house, it is desirable to leave it at the time of processing: a couple of breaths in insufficient tightness and the lungs will need to be put into order for a long time.

Disinfection occurs due to the formation of sulfuric acid. It is obtained with a sulfuric anhydride and water reaction. Therefore, it is more effective than mold with a sulfur checker killed in wet cellars.

After 5-6 hours (or after the time specified on the package), open the ventacanals and the lid (in such a sequence). Leave at least 12 hours open. Gas residues are weathered during this time. You can go.

From the experience of the operation of such checkers, it can be said that it is necessary to light them twice as much as the norm. Then everything will really be neutralized.

Mold removal tool

Sometimes white fluffy pigs appear on wood or walls. This is one of the types of fungi. It can be struggling with the methods described above, but if only he is present, it can be found on the construction market to remove solid mounting foam (Sell there, where and foam). Tubus insert B. mounting pistol And apply to places with fungus. It instantly begins to turn around. And then in this place does not appear.

Underfilling on the floor

If you have an earthen floor, the bed on it is a dense polyethylene film (for which - described above), escape wooden lattices And throw them to the floor. Under them to scream pieces of haired lime. And I will collect moisture to collect the fungi to create "bad" conditions.

How to dry the basement after flooding

If the flooding was random - you need to pump water in any available way, and then act according to the standard scheme:

  • To make everything you can make their cellar.
  • Leave for a while all the open lid and ventilation products.
  • When more or less freeze, remove the garbage, fungi, mold from the walls and floor.
  • Cheer lime.
  • Dry one of the ways.

If the subtoping is periodic - in the spring, for example, you will have to make a full-fledged drainage system, and this is a separate conversation.

All the ways described above how to dry the cellar are mostly based on practical experience. They enjoy everywhere and very often. In one case, one method works, in the other - the other. Your task is to find the most efficient for your situation.

Dampness in the cellar is evidence of errors made in construction. Perhaps the room was not provided with good ventilation or moisture removal. But even a well-designed cellar is sometimes subjected to flooding and the need for drying occurs almost every owner of the cellar.

Before the process of drying from the cellar, you must endure all the old products and systems of wooden structures. In particular, it should not be left in the room:

  • pallets for bulk vegetables;
  • wooden racks;
  • shelves;
  • boxes.

Most. simple way Disinfection of the cellar is the whitewashing with the help of lime. It is carried out with a solution of copper sulfate in the proportion of 100 grams per bucket.

For the protection of structures in this room, from mold and putrid fungus Effective will be a decade-free solution of copper or iron mood. The same solution must be rinsed all the walls before drying, as well as to process earthen floors.

So that dampness did not destroy the entire harvest, the burial walls need to dry. In the rainy season, it is hoped for the fact that the cellar will dry by itself - very careless.

Folk ways of drying cellar

After disinfection and processing of all the surfaces of the cellar, you can safely open ventilation hatches and pipes. The air in this room becomes severe over time, so it is not necessary to count on natural ventilation under the action of traction.

Most Popular folk ways Drying cellar, which can be tested independently:

  • Using an iron stove;
  • Drying with brazier;
  • Application of candles (to increase natural traction).

Using iron stove

The drying of the cellar / basement of the iron stove is a rather time-consuming method, but effective. If the farm has a suitable stove, then simply protrop it in the indoor room.

Drying cellar brazier

The most preferred option for rapidly drying the cellar is the use of brazier. The process is carried out a few days after the natural drying. Brazier is very easy to do. You can use, for example, an old bucket. The bucket is put in the center of the room and in it constantly supports the fire until the dye of the cellar.

To ignite the brazier, the fine wood chips is used. When the flame breaks up and strengthened, you can put a larger on the bucket. Castle quickly displaces raw and stagnant air from the cellar.

Use of Canda

Increase the air craving in the cellar will also help the ordinary candle in one single instance. True, for this method of drying, it takes an extension of the ventilating pipe installed in the basement almost to the floor (see figure on the right). After that, a lit candle is installed under the pipe inlet. It can be placed in a conventional canned jar.

To create an initial impulse directly in the pipe, it is recommended to light a sheet of paper. This will quickly create the necessary thrust in the pipe, which will continue to be supported by the candle flame. Fully dry the cellar in this way can be possible for three days. Candles are constantly replaced.

When the cellar is finally succeeded, it is possible to make all the shelves and racks. These items must be checked for mud and fungi. If the foci is seen, a solution of copper sulfate will help to get rid of them.

Learn how to eliminate dampness in the basement of your home in the article from the same category from dampness, mold and pests.

Dry the cellar in the garage, or you can directly under the house in two bills. To do this, use heat of fire and a variety of simple devices. So that vegetables and downturns stored in the cellar all winter, it must be dried in advance.

How to dry the cellar: techniques of experienced dachans

How to dry the cellar if the basement is made with a violation of hydro or thermal insulation? This is an urgent question for most dacms and residents. country houses. The wet cellar is unsuitable for proper storage Vegetables and billets for the winter, so today we are talking about ways to remove condensate and improve the functioning of the room.

How to find a source of moisture

To dry the basement is necessary if:

  • Moisture drip on the walls and ceiling. To determine the reason why water appears in the basement, you can conduct a simple experiment. Stick to the previously dried surface of the surface of polyethylene 30x30cm, strengthening the edge of the sealant. After a couple of days, check the piece. If the droplets appeared under polyethylene, the water comes from the foundation, and if on top (and the place under polyethylene is dry) - then the reason in the wrong drying of the walls or their poor insulation from the outside.
  • The walls are adopted if the scene from external walls The basement was made without a slope, or concrete crackled. That is why the liquid flows there in rainy or snowy weather, leaks down on the wall and forms wet stains inside on the walls, and the floor can cover water.

  • The fluid may leak into the cellar if there is no or defective the drainage system from the roof. Staining close to walls rainwater fall inside the repository.
  • Dense bushes and shady trees growing in close proximity to the basement, prevent normal soil ventilation and moisture stress.
  • Water in the cellar may appear due to the malfunction of the water supply system if the pipes are under the floor.
  • Dampness can increase in the destruction of waterproofing in the underground room.

Important! It is better to focus on eliminating not the effect, but the causes of flooding.

Preparatory work before fall

To proceed to the drainage process, you need:

  • Clean all shelves from stored vegetables and blanks.
  • Remove everything wooden elements: Shelves, shelves, stands, barrels. Raise them to the street, wash hot water and soapy, dry.

Important! To protect the wooden elements from mold, apply a layer of blots (lime) with copper vitrios.

  • To prevent mold formation, apply on a tree antiseptic impregnationwhich can be bought in the store.
  • Ceiling and walls War, and open the laza door for drying.

Methods of forced drying

If all work did not give the expected result, it will have to be forced to dry the room. Allocate main ways to dry the cellar:

  • work of brazier;
  • candles that increase air craving;
  • dehumidifier action.

Important! Periodically dry the wet cellar at high groundwater or for cleaning after flooding will help the pump for pumping water from the basement. We recommend that it will be necessary to purchase such a device, it will become an assistant in many other household problems.

Accelerated drying with brazier

You can get rid of dampness in the repository using a conventional portable brazier. Before you dry the room with a natural way, and the brazier will only "achieve" the residue of condensate. The drying process looks like this:

  1. Discover all ventilation moves. Spill fire in the roaster.
  2. Lower the fixture to the bottom. You can do this manually or with a rope and hook.
  3. Support it exactly as much as it is necessary to remove dampness.
  4. For all the laws of physics, dry and warm air gradually rises upwards, thereby displacing the removal.

Before proceeding, you should consider some nuances:

  • For ignition, use soaps and wood sawdust. As soon as the fire is rooted, put larger firewood.
  • Do not extinguish the drug before the smoke and hot air will be filled with an entire room. It kills all the biological activity indoors.

Important! It does not always happen that condensate will disappear immediately after the procedure, if necessary, repeat the manipulation again.

Drying basement with a candle

This method is not suitable for all rooms, as it is possible to get rid of the water in the cellar using a candle only in small areas.

  1. Install the usual candle in the jar.
  2. Put it directly under the ventilation pipe.
  3. In the pipe, place the burning paper that gives the push of a pull.
  4. The burning fire increases the craving, so the wet air is pulled out, giving way to dry.

Important! This method It will be applied to those who have in stock 3-4 days for drying. Fueling with several candles or replace them with alcohol burner.

Drying air

To quickly dry the room of a large perimeter, special dehumidifiers will come to the rescue. These devices will dry and maintain the storage in good condition.

Important! The most relevant driers for large-sized vegetable stores or cellar cellars. You can buy them in any construction store. It is better to ask the consultant, explaining the urgent problems of your repository.

The principle of operation lies in the fact that the air passing through the dryer is cooled, and the liquid is settled in a special receiver, after which the droplets settles into the pallet. The peculiarity is not in heating, but in cooling the air. Modern devices Work on the basis of freon, like refrigerators or air conditioners.

Interesting! These instruments are suitable not only for the cellar, but for other rooms.

How to isolate the cellar from moisture

Proper waterproofing of the cellar from groundwater guarantees protection against moisture penetration inside through the foundation of the room. There are several types of insulation.

  • Caution. Processing with solid bitumen or mastic of internal and external foundation walls with a brush.
  • Powered. It is performed by rolled insulating materials by type Ruberoid. The main minus operating is the presence of joints.

  • Plaster. Processing with polymer-specific compositions of all surfaces of the foundation, which seals all the cracks and holes in blocks.
  • Bulk. Floor flooring with two-component compositions based on cement and sand (dropping, rubble). The fill provides for the full filling of the floor area so that it does not remain rushed or untreated places.

The groundwater in the cellar can periodically appear in minor quantities, even if the foundation is isolated. It depends on the location of the room, from atmospheric precipitation and other weather conditions.

  • The heater can be omitted into the cellar if the degree of moisture does not exceed 60%. It is necessary to monitor its position and do not leave the instrument included without your home presence.
  • The fan heater works on the same principle, but contributes not only to warming up air, but also its movement.

  • IN small premises Easy to use silica gel. Spread it in packages in the room. Granules will gradually plunder moisture.
  • Calcium chloride powder is able to absorb moisture in the volume, which is twice the volume of the powder itself. Place the drug on the inclined board. One end of the board is placed in any container. After drying, you can easily use the powder again.

  • High groundwater can be redirected by external drainage systemthat will allow you to take them from the foundation.
  • Mold is washed off by boring, acetic or citric acid.

Elimination of moisture in the basement is a rather laborious process, therefore it is better to take care of dry waterproofing in advance when building. In case the problem appeared, use the proposed methods, and extend the service life of the cellar.

Video: how to dry the cellar fan

How to dry the cellar from excess moisture

With the onset of autumn in the life of all gardeners, becomes one problem more: how to keep the entire harvest. It's no secret that all grown vegetables and fruits, and subsequently and banks with clocks are put on storage in the cellar. But for the summer season, the air there became heavy, unpleasant and raw. And then the question arises about how to prepare the cellar to winter?

First thing

Why can you start all the work? First of all, it is necessary to take on fresh air everything is stored inside:

All these storage tools must be cleaned and thoroughly wash with warm water with the addition of soap and soda. After that, the designs need to completely dry and ventilate in the fresh air.

For the purpose of disinfection, all wooden structures are treated with a solution of copper sulfate, and then bete. If you do not trust the old "grandfather" method, you can purchase a special antifungal composition, which will also be perfectly cope with this difficult task.

After conducting procedures, you can proceed to the processing of walls and the floor of the cellar. First of all, they must be washed and treated with a solution of copper mood to prevent the appearance of mold. Only after the execution of such actions can be processed to the drying of the cellar.

The easiest way of drying

Many may seem that it is enough to ventilate the cellar. Alas, it is not. The air in such a room is very wet, stagnant, and most importantly - heavy. That is why the simple opening of the door will not help. Many all their lives only had the premises and only after a while began to ask themselves the question of drying the cellar.

The easiest way in the fight against the fox and stagnant air is the introduction of additional extract. All that needs to be done is to extend the ventilation entrance to almost the floor, and under it put the can with a candle (it will create the required traction). Thus, the plump air will leave the cellar. To create an initial thrust, you can burn a sheet of paper, and then substitute a candle in the ventilation pipe. With the help of such a device, in a few days, there will be no wet air drop in the cellar. But at the same time do not forget to leave entrance door open - it will ensure the influx fresh air.

How to warm the cellar

Of course, the option with the candle is far from the only one. There is a huge number of ways to combat excessive moisture. For example, warming up. Today in stores you can find all sorts of special thermal devices. They allow how to dry the cellar, and use them in everyday life.

The most popular device is a thermal gun. With the help of it, you can warm the walls of the cellar very well. To do this, it is only enough to send it to the right direction and leave so for a while. Despite the fact that this method is rather lightweight, not everyone uses. And then the question arises again how to dry the cellar on the street.

Previously, for this procedure, the fire was just bred. But, of course, this is not the safest option. To replace it, he came easy to use a brazier device. It will not make it a lot of work. It is enough to take a metal bucket, make the legs for him or just put on the edges of the bricks, break through the small holes below. After this design, you must load the chip and ignite. When the flame breaks well, you can add large lamps to the fire.

Brazier is placed in the cellar. The flames from her not only dries all the walls, but also will fade the old air, and smoke will kill all fungi and bacteria that lived there before. Such a procedure effective than the usual fire, as well as much safer.

How to make a cellar well ventilated

Often in the cellar of the stale and plump air, and get rid of it hard enough. This problem will help solve the installation of additional ventilation.

To properly circulate air, you need to make two mines at different parts of the room. For ventilation, it is better to use pipes with a diameter of about 15 centimeters. They must pass air flows inside and release them out. Do not forget about maintaining the temperature. In winter, it should be from -2 to +5 degrees Celsius. If you do everything right, then the question is how to dry the cellar, will not constantly disturb. All you need to do is good to disinfict the room.

How to dry the cellar after flooding

With the arrival of spring, each dachnik suffers. After all, there are nowhere from the monstering snow, and all this water will definitely gather in the cellar. So why start work?

First of all, you need to completely pump water. It is best to do this with the help of a pump. After the water level reaches the minimum value, it is necessary to make all the wooden structures from the cellar. If there is an opportunity, then you will throw them away. Seeing the cellar with the help of a roaster. In such a situation, this method will be the most effective (it was described above).

Dried cellar in the garage

Not all owners fold their products and supplies in a separate room. Many have no such opportunity, so they are equipping their cellar, for example, in garages. But here there is another problem: how to dry the cellar in the garage?

Most of the methods described above will suit this procedure. But exist and more effective means. For example, in any agricultural store you can consult about how to dry the cellar, and most likely the seller will advise to use a sulfur checker for this. In efficiency, it is comparable from the roasting, but it does not allocate so much heat and smoke.

Those who know how to remove moisture from the cellar with the help of a brazier, and denies all other ways, it is necessary to take care of the construction of the drawing so that everything is not buried there from smoke.

Cellar in the house

Little living area makes the most of the use of all space. Therefore, often people have to equip the cellar directly in the house. Yes, this is not the most convenient option, but nothing can be done.

In such a situation, find the answer to the question of how to dry the cellar in the house, it becomes problematic, because it is impossible to use the roasting there - all the walls will be buried. An option using a candle is not so simple, and the heat gun is far from everyone can find.

So, how to dry the cellar in the house, if there is such a need? By tradition, before proceeding to all the action, everything should be taken out of the cellar. Then dry all the walls, best with the help of electrical heating appliances (a conventional heater is quite suitable). After that, all surfaces need to be treated with a tool against bacteria and fungi and improve the basement waterproofing to prevent such cases.

Dear drying method

Many people believe that it is easier to pay money than to perform the work itself. For them, they came up with a special way of drying basement - with the help of injections. This is the most complex and expensive technique from all presented above, which is inserting special waterproofers into the ground pump. These injections are made throughout the perimeter of the cellar and prevent moisture penetration into it.

The cellar is undoubtedly one of the most important premises in the farm. Its construction should be carefully thought out. But if after all, the cellar must urgently dry, then only the improvement of waterproofing and installing a newer ventilation system will help in this case.

How to effectively dry the cellar from moisture and condensate?

The dampness in the cellar is a huge problem for most daches and country inhabitants. As a rule, humidity increases due to poor-quality heat or waterproofing, as well as due to large number stored vegetables and fruits. In some cases, condensate is formed due to the lack of a ventilation system. Whatever the reason, the wet cellar is not suitable for storing products in it, which, with constant exposure, moisture will quickly deteriate. That is why moisture needs to be removed and completely get rid of such a phenomenon as condensate. About how to dry the cellar and properly prepare it for a crop laying, we will talk today.

Conducting preparatory work

Humidity in the cellar is usually sufficient high levelTherefore, condensate is formed on the walls and ceiling. Preparatory work include full liberation Premises from the vegetables stored there since last year (they are already unsuitable for eating, so they are best removed from the repository).

In addition, it is recommended to temporarily get rid of the wooden elements of the room (racks, pallets, various bodies, cores, shelves, etc.). All wooden structures need to be taken out into the street, then rinse with hot water and soap solution. Before future use, they must be completely dried.

Before carrying out air drainage in the repository, all the supplies and products from there should be taken out.

A fairly common and efficient method of disinfection of wooden storage elements is the application of the plating layer with the addition of conventional copper sulphate. As a whitewash, as a rule, is the usual lime, which can be found on sale in any store. Air humidity and condensate in this case will not affect the wood.

In addition, to protect the wooden elements from mold and fungus, it is necessary to apply antiseptic impregnation on them. You can use any composition sold in the store.

Walls and storage ceiling will also be twisted and dried. Otherwise, due to increased dampness in the room, it will not be possible to keep the harvest in proper form. In the fall, when it will be continuously pouring rains, the cellar will not succeed in high quality, so all work must be spent in the summer.

How is the drying of the storage?

In order to get rid of extra moisture in the cellar, it is not enough just to open all the ventilation holes and the hatch cover. In the cellar, the air will be systematically cooling, and the moisture is condensed from it, so he will not succeed in the underground room with conventional ventilation. The humidity and condensate even after several days of the content of the repository with an open hatch will not go anywhere. To dry the cellar before the seasonal crop laying, more radical methods should be used.

You can select several most common ways, with the help of which the drying of the room is carried out. Air humidity and condensate are a big problem, but when they are forced drying, it is enough to get rid of them.

So, remove excess dampness, humidity and condensate in the following ways:

  • Dry cellar or vegetable store with iron stove.
  • Drying basement with brazier.
  • Use the most ordinary candles that will enable the natural craving of air.
  • The use of special dryers.

It should be noted that the warming of storage with an iron stove is an extremely laborious and troublesome business, therefore it is recommended to refuse this method at once. Yes, and not everyone has the opportunity to install such a storage stove. It is better to use the remaining three methods, as drying the cellar is important quickly and without unnecessary trouble.

Fast drying with brazier

It is possible to remove the extra humidity of the air and condensate from the cellar using the simplest brazier. This is a device small sizes (Portable) There are practically in any country household. In any case, you can ask for neighbors.

Brazier quickly heats the air indoors.

Before drying the cellar with the hardware, it is necessary to partially get rid of excess dampness with the help of a natural drying for several days. In this case, the brazier will only "finish" the remaining dampness, humidity and condensate.

If you are not found suitable for drying or brazier, you can make it with your own hands from the simplest old bucket.

The drying process itself is as follows:

  • Before you start drying, we open all the holes that go to the cellar (LAZ, ventilation pipes).
  • Next, we lower our brazier (bucket) to the bottom of the repository. You can do it yourself or with the help of a rope and hook.
  • In the roar, we burn fire. It needs to be maintained for a while until the raw air leaves the room.
  • According to the laws of physics, warm and dry air from the bottom of the cellar will begin to gradually rise, displacing the crude air into the open holes. After some time, the cellar will completely succumb.

The principle of drying the basement with the help of a brazier from a regular bucket.

Before driving the cellar in this way, it is necessary to provide some nuances:

  1. To ignite the brazier, it is recommended to use wood sawdust and chips. As soon as the fire turns around, in the roar you can throw and larger wood. It is important that the roastery roaster takes place before you lower it on the bottom of the cellar.
  2. The heat from the fire will quickly warm the room, deriving the crude air outwards. In turn, dry air will quickly spread through the cellar. It is necessary that the smoke is impregnated with the whole room. This will allow you to get rid of any biological activity in the repository, which also negatively affects the storage of vegetables and fruits. The effect of heating air in this case will be preserved for a long time.

However, the condensate in the cellar disappears immediately after drying, so you need to wait a bit and repeat the event, as well as check the quality of the operation of the ventilation system.

Drying cellar with a candle

If you do not want to mess around with a roasting, that is, a simpler way to make the cellar dry and get rid of dampness. This requires the most common candle.

The candle must be put under the exhaust pipe.

The burning candle put under the exhaust air duct will increase the air craving, and will also allow to get rid of dampness. At the dryer of the cellar with the help of a candle will take much longer than the time than in the case of the roasting, but if you have a hurry, you can use this way without problems.

When using the drying method using a candle, it is required to increase the length of the ventilation pipe (inlet, if two pipes are used). This should be done. Next, the lit candele is installed directly under the inlet of the exhaust pipe. The candle is best placed in a small container (for example, in the bank).

To give a certain impulse, which will be the beginning of the air thrust, it is necessary to set up a paper sheet in the exhaust pipe. Next, the thrust will be supported by the flame of the candle.

Above it was noted that this is a slow way of drying and it can be used if you have enough time. All the work on the drying of the cellar is best to produce a few days before harvesting so that the room will work to warm up, dry and get rid of all biological activity. With the help of a lit candle, dry the cellar is possible for 3-4 days. During this time, you will have to change several candles.

If the cellar has large sizes, then get rid of dampness and humidity with the help of a candle will not work.

Drying air

Since it is difficult to dry the cellar of large sizes to be difficult, special dryers are used to efficiently get rid of moisture. These devices allow quality to dry the room, and then maintain the humidity indicator at the normal level. Carrying drying in the cellar is preferably periodically.

Appearance and scheme of air dryer.

Especially relevant dryers in commercial exploitation of basement and vegetable stores. Modern dryers are sold in large building stores, as well as in specialized departments, therefore no problems with their purchase will arise. About how to dry the cellar with a desiccant, it is best to ask the seller-consultant who can advise the model suitable for your room.

The principle of drying of stagnant and raw air in the basement is that the moisture is always condensed on cold surfaces. The air passing through the usual desiccant is cooled, and the moisture settles in a special receiver, after which drops flow into the pallet. Dehumidifiers operate on the principle of cooling air, and not its heating (unlike roar and candles), so the device will compose a cellar to some extent. However, you can find such devices that can be heated to the original temperature at the exit.

Modern dryers work on the basis of freon (as well as refrigerators, and air conditioning). In the dryer, the air will fall using a fan. If your home is also wet air, then the drier from the basement is quite suitable for use in other rooms of the building.

What method to choose?

It is possible to make a cellar with absolutely dry and suitable for storing fruits and vegetables using any of the proposed methods. You should choose one or another method on the basis of the total area of \u200b\u200byour cellar. For example, there is no need to buy a dear desiccant if the area of \u200b\u200byour cellar does not exceed 2 square meters. In this case, the problem of humidity is easily solved with a roastery or candle.

Lower fruits and vegetables in the cellar can be immediately after all the work on the drying room will be completed. It is worth noting that dry the cellar is additionally not recommended during operation. This approach will negatively affect the quality of the stored vegetables.

In order not to have the need to often dry the cellar, it is necessary to provide a qualitative ventilation system in advance. For small cellar, a design of two pipes (inlets and exhaust), located at different heights, is quite suitable. They will ensure continuous air replacement. If the cellar has a large area, then the device is recommended. forced ventilation. In addition, if the cellar ceiling is a floor of the dwelling, it will be necessary to make high-quality heat insulation overlap. It is impossible to allow cold air from the repository to affect the microclimate in the house.

Tips and effective ways how to dry the cellar in the garage

Garage owners sometimes face the problem of high humidity in the cellar arranged there. This affects the properties of the metal and the storage conditions of products. Sometimes such situations arise at a certain time of the year. But it happens that the appearance of water is associated with omissions construction work. Regardless of the reason for the appearance of condensate, the question arises - how to dry the cellar, removing condensate and dampness.

Prevention methods

In order not to face the emergence of humidity in the cellar, it is necessary to take into account the following conditions when designing the premises:

  • When choosing the material of the walls, preference should be given to hydrophobic materials characterized by poor properties of water. Such materials belongs to the concrete of the brand M 400 and higher. And you can also use additives in simple concrete, promoting an increase in water-repellent qualities.
  • The use of external waterproofing prevents the penetration of groundwater outside.
  • The installation of the scene around the garage will lead to the removal of water, resulting from rain or melting of snow.
  • The ventilation pipes should be located in the cellar. The channel for inflow of air should be almost at the height of the floor (more than 10 cm). The exhaust pipe is under the ceiling surface (10 cm below). Equipping the pipes outside the umbrella will save from falling inside the cellar. For creating great power Pulling the air ducts should be made of direct shape. In the absence of the possibility of installing pipes in the literal position of the side, the removal is located at an angle of at least 60 ° in relation to the horizon. The tilt must have a length of no more than 100 cm.
  • The presence of vapor barrier between the basement and from above the location will prevent moisture from entering.
  • In the presence of earthen sex, moisture getting inside the cellar. When tamping and coating the floor with plastic wrap, humidity indicators are reduced. Installation of concrete floor with waterproofing will save from condensate.
  • The presence of waterproofing and vaporizolation of the walls will lead to a decrease in the hygroscopicity of the material. Outdoor isolation Performed through the coating of outdoor sides by mastic. For internal insulation, cement-based compositions are used.

Drying basement equipped with ventilation

Before draining the basement should be prepared. To do this, you will need lime and sulfate copper. Removing all shelves and drawers, you need to check the presence of mold sediments. If they are, then wooden surfaces We are treated with copper sulfate dissolved in water. The concentration of the solution is 5-10%.

The area inside the cellar is leaving a limestone. A thick mixture is taken limestone with admixture of copper sulfate (5-10%). Mix the corners well. Surfaces in the room spray with a brush thick solution bleel. After drying the lime re-apply another layer. When the walls are lit, you can carry drying.

How to dry the cellar in the garage, if first there was no condensate, and then appeared. The reason may be the clogging of the air ducts. When cleaning the moisture pipe disappears. But it happens that moisture remains. Then, it is necessary to carry out the process of activating the movement of the air masses in the following ways:

  • Install fan high power on a traction pipe. Open existing hatches and windows. Drying period lasts 3-10 days.
  • Apply heat supply using a candle. For this, the air duct for the outflow in the cellar is extended and a burning candle is placed under it. It is possible to use dry alcohol. Under the influence of heat pipes, a good thrust creates and appears.
  • Heating the room by means of "brazier". It can serve as a bucket with holes or a different metal tank. Gearing coals, coke, stone coal are placed in the container. Then the bucket is placed in the cellar, the door and windows are closed. Sometimes doors should be converted to enter fresh air. After extracting coals, it is necessary to regret again. After burning all the coals, the bucket is removed. The usual one such bucket grabs the drying of the cellar.

In hot weather there are situations that an increase in air movement leads to an increase in condensate. This is due to the difference in temperatures inside and outside the room. In this case, the ventilation is not conducted. You need to close all the hatches and windows. After lowering the air temperature to + 10 ° ventilation Actions One of the methods.

Seeing the cellar in winter it is possible when using other heaters:

  • Heat gun for 3-5 kW;
  • Kirogaz;
  • Burzhuyki furnaces;
  • Burners on propane.

When applying such methods, one more people need to be protected.

The process of drying the cellar in the absence of ventilation

There are no tubes in the absence of a ventilation system. You can remove the pipe into the wall or ceiling. Another option is the acquisition of a fan with a supply and exhaust mechanism. The cellar without ventilation will be dried when using hydrophilic materials:

  • Dry sawdust, whose scatter contributes to lowering moisture indicators.
  • Hairted lime, unfolded on the shelves and along the walls, removes the humidity and contributes to the destruction of the fungus.
  • Calcium chloride with moisture absorption properties. 1 kg of substance is required by 1.5 liters. After the calcination of the wet composition you can use it again.
  • Dry cardboard boxes used to eliminate condensed moisture on the ceiling.

You can also purchase a special technique - a household air dryer.

The cellar after flooding should first expose water pumping. And then you have to endure everything. After drying open doors And the hatches are packed with lime. After that, already apply the described methods.

Isolation from moisture with drainage

When installing isolation during the construction period, the problem with the presence of humidity disappear. But it happens that moisture still appears. Then the methods of external and internal drainage are applied.

Exterior drainage assumes removal of water into sewage outputs. Stages of external drainage:

  • Copper trench below the cellar floor level by 40-50 cm;
  • Through separate two-meter distances, wells are made, where the tubes are inserted.
  • A geotextile is stacked in the trench to eliminate flooding.
  • Flashing with gravel or sand trench, on top of the geotextile.
  • Murbs of soil on top of the trench.

Internal drainage is used when dragging the cellar of a large area. Stages of drainage:

  • Drain of trenches indoors in a depth of about half a meter.
  • The geosptic material is stacked on the bottom of the trench.
  • Running trench gravel at a distance of 15-20 cm.
  • Laying drainage pipes with a slope of 3 mm for each pipe meter.
  • Pipe coating with gravel mixture.
  • Laying geotextile material.
  • Floating with sand trenches or earth.
  • Installing the shoe at the lowest floor point. It can be bought or done independently, providing a hose for water output.
  • Equip the well pump for water pumping.

Drainage systems are better to equip even during the construction of the cellar.

For different cellars when removing moisture suitable miscellaneous methods. You can use the air dryer for the basement with your own hands or at the construction stage, think over the removal of excessive moisture.