Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a portable electrocos from girlfriend. How to make a lawn mower from the remedies: a new life of an old vacuum cleaner or washing machine Mechanical trimmer malfunctions

All the owners of the household plots face the problem of the shelter of grass, which grows literally in front of the eyes, and over the season it takes several times to add your site. On the replacement of the usual handmade spit, benzotrimmers and electrical exposures have long come. But the price of them does not decrease and is quite tangible for many daches and private houses. Folk craftsmen still found a way out of this situation and learned how to make trimmers with their own hands literally from remedies, using a benzo and power tool, not intended for these purposes.

Most often, the self-made electric trimmer is made on the basis of an ordinary grinder, which is available for each home master. This tool is almost perfect for alteration in the trimmer. It has a bigger than the stores, power and greater number of relief per minute. In addition, the regular nut used in the grinder to fix the discs already has holes through which it is easy to insert a fishing line (cord).

So, there are many options, from which to make a bargain (holder). The easiest is longer than for shovels, wooden Poll. By the end of it under the desired angle attached by the Bulgarian using the usual tape. The fishing line is inserted into 2 holes of the nut, after which it is spinning. So in a few minutes you get a trimmer that can be mounted without any problems.

For the safety of the self-made apparatus, it is possible to improve it, making a protective cover (how to do it, it will be discussed below).

For advanced masters having a welding machine, you can advise a more advanced design to fix the grinder and protective casing. She is manufactured aluminum tube (serves as a holder) and a metal square profile. Looking at the figure below, it is possible to understand the principle of making holder.

Bulgarian is fixed on the holder with bolts inserted into the holes that are designed to attach the handle to the machine.

The following photo shows how this design looks below.

By the way, the holder itself can be screwed to the holes for fastening the handle, when you want to make a simple trimmer, which is easily assembled and also easily disassembled if you need to use the grinder of its direct intended purpose.

In order for while working it was more convenient to keep the trimmer in his hands, and he did not rotate around the axis of the bar, you can attach to it side handleMade from a bent pipe.

From vacuum cleaner

The trimmer from the engine from the vacuum cleaner is made on the same principle as from the Bulgarian. The motor must be fixed on the rod, and the engine is fixed either knives or a plastic or metal disk into which insert the line. From above, the cutting tool is closed by a protective casing.

In order for dust and small particles of beveled grass to enter the engine, shot from the vacuum cleaner, it can also be hidden in the plastic casing made from sewer pipeAs shown in the next photo.

Since the engine in the vacuum cleaner is highly breeding, he needs cooling. Therefore, under the washer in which the fishing line is inserted is recommended to insert a homemade disk with cutting and curved blades so that it serves as a fan creates a vacuum. It is required so that the air sucks through the hose from above and cooled the motor.

In order to facilitate the load on the hands of the mower operator, the unit can be install on the platform with wheels. In this case, it will be something similar to the lawn mower.

To secure the fishing line, you can also use either a pulley with a suitable planting hole, or a plastic wheel from the trolley.

From drill

The simplest mower in minutes is made from a drill or screwdriver. But before you should make a knife from a sharpened metal plate with a hole drilled in the center. The bolt is inserted into this hole and clamping the nut.

Since the drill with this nozzle does not have a protective casing, then such a tool is sufficiently dangerous for the user. To protect yourself, you can place a drill, like Bulgarian (this was stated above), on a cutlets from the shovel or on an aluminum tube.

Also to protect the user mower from knives, the drill can be fastened with the cover (fastened to the plastic tube, and dresses on the body of the machine).

The drill to the rod is mounted using clamps.

From chainsaws

For chainsaws, many different nozzles have already been invented, expanding the capabilities of this unit, for example, cultivator, boring, boat engine, as well as a spit nozzle. As she looks like, you can see in this video. In case you want to make a trimmer from chainsaws, then the maximum that you can do is lawn mower on wheelsSince the unit's engine is sufficiently heavy, and apply the above-described options for the manufacture of trimmers (with the lower drive) to it will not work.

Therefore, the trolley is first made. It can be welded from a corner 25x25 mm. Frame size should be 500x600 mm. Wheels are attached at the corners of the frame.

When installing the trolley handle, you should pay attention to the fact that it does not overlap the ward (starter).

The gasoline engine is installed (fastened through the holes for fixing the bus) on the frame so that the gearbox is rotated 90 degrees and the shaft is located below.

Now it remains only to fix on the shaft of the unit cutting tool. This is done as follows.

  1. To the "asterisk" of the device, it is necessary to weld a small cut pipe, a length of 80 mm and a diameter of 50 mm. The pipe is better cutting on a lathe so that the ends were perfectly smooth.
  2. Next, find a tube with a slightly large diameter - equal to 58 mm. It must also be cut off with a length of 80 mm. Thus, you will get a telescopic shaft that is connected using 2 bolts (M6), located opposite each other. On bolts must be a lock nut. Below is a diagram in which the trimmer head is made, which serves to fix the cutting tool.

In telescopic pipes, you need to do several holes so that you can adjust the height of the knives above the ground.

The knife is better to make such a design as in the following figure.

Due to the fact that the movable knives on rivets are fixed on the disk, they simply take off with a stone or dry branch. It will save the shaft and gear from damage that may occur when the tool is encins.

Rivets that hold knives on the disk must be necessarily metal.

The diameter of the disk (made of sheet steel 4 mm) must be 180 mm. Knives are made of 30 mm wide strips and 120 mm long, cut with a baccoon with a wood handle.

Knife for trimmer with your own hands

If you need to seize plants with thick or rigid stems, then the usual line will not cope with this task. Therefore, without a special metal knife, you can not do. Knives for trimmer can be bought in a specialized store, and can be done independently, for example, from the old disk from the circular saw (without attack). The knife is made as follows.

Homemade protective casing

If a homemade mower is manufactured by you, then you will need a protective cover. He will save your eyes, body and legs from injury to small pebbles and fragments of knives if they break.

Trimmer casing can be made from a leaf of aluminum or thin tin.

In this way, you can manufacture and install a protective cover and on the trimmer purchased in the store if the shield for some reason split. The shields in the factory apparatus are made of plastic and are often broken, if you unsuccessfully knock the head of the trimmer about the ground to lengthen the fishing line.

Trimmer belt

For more comfortable work with the trimmer, if it is implied to treat a large area, the rigorous grass, it is desirable to use a special belt. This device removes fatigue from the hand and back of the mower operator and greatly facilitates the process, if compared with the same work, but without a belt.

Belts are shoulder and Renta. The shoulder strap is the easiest device and consists of a loop with two or one latch (carbine), with which it is attached to a mosiest unit. The second carbine is usually attached to the plastic plate, protecting the side of the operator from the pressure of the trimmer bar.

The shoulder belt is usually used with light trimmers, weighing 3-4 kg. For more severe units, it is more convenient to use the Range belt.

Trimmer belt can be easily ordered over the Internet or buy in a specialized store, where these devices and components for them are sold.

The price for the ranked belts begins from 250 rubles and higher.

If a desire to make it with your own hands will appear, then any hostess, looking at this device, can easily sew it from the primary means (old belts and belts). Perhaps you will have to buy buckles and carbines. But still we recommend buying a finished Range suspension and not waste time and money for the manufacture of the worst quality than the finished, fixtures.

With a question of a neat and fast mowing of grass near the fear of the cottage, I came up for a long time when I had to learn to use the ordinary oblique - Lithuanian.

Immediately thought that it would not be prevented by a simple lawn mower to buy which at that time was not easy. Therefore, I decided to experiment with the homemade design.

As a result, I acquired the practical experience of making grass, thanks to which I managed to buy a trimmer, which is well suited for my purposes.

Based on the knowledge gained, I express advice to a home master as you do with your own hands to make an electric trimmer from the exported equipment based on the electric motor from the vacuum cleaner, a drill or a grinder with pictures, diagrams and photographs, allowing you to repeat a similar design.

Please note that my lawn mower was going to an ambulance from the most affordable materials. Its fastening was done for reliable operation without complying with any design conditions, but with the provision of elementary safety requirements. So do not judge strictly for the unpretentious appearance of the design.

Safety regulations

I will start with this section in order to recall: any self-made design of the lawn mower may cause harm to health. Especially important is the requirement for:

  1. electrical equipment;
  2. rotating with a high speed of parts of the mechanisms.

Consider briefly these two factors.

Electric hazard trimmer

Electricity does not think about your health. It creates the path of the current where the best conditions and less electrical resistance are provided for it. : Clothing surrounding objects worth the car. There is nothing strange in this. We must take care of yourself, apply protection tools.

When creating an electric trimmer, you immediately pay attention to the strength and quality of the insulation of all the current parts both inside the engine and on the outer scheme. Its installation should perform a qualified worker.

During operation, the homemade trimmer is necessary:

All three listed devices should be checked. They must meet safety requirements for technical specifications, setpoints, be properly established.

Hazard mechanical scheme

Collective engines develop very high speeds of rotation. In vacuum cleaners, they can range from 11,000 to 30,000 revolutions per minute. This is enough to make small pebbles from under the cutting head, a piece of wire or chips, like a bullet from a rifle.

The difference will be that the direction of the bullet chooses a sniper, and the pebble from the lawn mower is the case. Where it will fly to predict it is impossible. Therefore, when working it is necessary:

  • provide a steady body position, which is a general requirement;
  • protect yourself with dense clothing from natural cotton fabrics or jeans;
  • put on the feet, durable shoes, and not open sandals;
  • use glasses or protective mask.

Motor Mower from the electric motor from the vacuum cleaner

My design consists of:

  • collector engine;
  • node fastening it on a wooden barbell;
  • self-made cutting knife;
  • reference wheel;
  • switch buttons;
  • protective covers.

Electric motor

The basis of the design of the lawn mower takes a collective engine from the old vacuum cleaner of Soviet times by 300 watts of the Bran brand. From its use, it was necessary to refuse after the long-term operation began to wear various gaskets, the air movement was impaired. I'm tired of eliminating the appearing fistulas, affecting the pressure and suction, therefore I bought him a replacement.

The appearance of the collected trimmer from the engine side is shown in the photo. Since it is no longer used, it was covered with rust, and the residues of bevelled grass have long been dried and remained stuck to all the details. I am much more convenient to work as a factory structure.

The engine did not have to redo the engine. Simple, vice and hacksaws for metal made several fastening elements and protective covers. At the next photo raise the cap, carved from a plastic bottle, closing the brush knot.

In this picture, the working knife is poorly visible, but it can be considered higher.

For greater clarity, lifted his finger with a protective cover and showed a close-up engine from the side of the brushes. Here completely all factory details remained in a working condition.

From the opposite side, the condenser mounted on the factory.


The fastening of all parts of the self-made trimmer is made on a dried wooden stick without any processing. He drilled the mounting holes in it, and some details, for example, a handle bracket screwed a piece of wire.

All these connections are visible in different pictures.

Homemade knife for grass

It is noteworthy that when I took off the impeller of the fan, I saw: the released on the rotor shaft is ideal for fastening a homemade knife. Even the nut and gaskets did not have to choose.

Bad experience

At first I tried to mount the wire of the wire of different diameters. She normally began to mow the grass, but very quickly fell. Its structure does not withstand mechanical loads on the gap and bending developed by large engine turnover and counter grass. Therefore, manufacturers of trimmers produce different grades of the fishing line.

Method of manufacturing lawn mower

He made a knife for self-made trimmer for the following technology:

  • took a metal plate made of soft steel;
  • cut out it with a rectangular shape;
  • drilled a hole in the center of the shaft diameter;
  • powed the edges to reduce the loads when coating.

To show the way for its fastening through the factory sleeve, I unscrew the nut a little, and the knife itself simply moved my hand.

Support wheel

The main disadvantage of this design of the lawn mower, as well as all trimmers with the lower location of the electric motor, is to apply large physical efforts to hold the knife in the desired plane when coating. The muscles of the employee are strained at the same time, and he himself quickly tired. Need focus on land.

Therefore, I attached small wheels from the old children's trolley to the enclosure of the engine and the rod by the adapters. They are light, but greatly make it easier for work.

Switch button

It must be placed on the handle directly under the palm.

So you can quickly turn off the trimmer.

Select design

Used a special fastening of the button with a self-definition from one of the measuring electrical appliance resource. It is simply screwed to the wooden rod with a soft copper wire in isolation and for better visibility, the photo shifted from its side axis.

The switching ability of contacts with a margin withstands the power developed by the engine of 300 watts.

I draw attention to the self-return function. Apply a regular switch I do not advise. If you accidentally fall at work, you will lose an equilibrium or something unexpected, and the working trimmer will slip out of the hands, you cannot stop it instantly. A sharp knife will cut everything that comes on his way.

To prevent accidents with such situations, I even on the factory trimmer. I think safety and health is more expensive than such amenities with risks.

Method of installation

Random access to electrical wires of wires is limited to an insulation of a special insulating tape.

In the next photo, I specifically denied them. So you will be better visible mounting and connection.

Soldering, by the way, did all the same. Although there are many other designs described in a separate article.

The wires to the button of the self-made lawn mower are simply wrapped around the rod, and on the reverse side are twisted and soldered into the gap of one feed cable vein. The compounds are measured by the tape, closed with protective cambricks.

According to the safety rules, any, not zero. But in the design under consideration, each time it has no particular sense to determine its position, and the home-made trimmer was created for the sake of experiment, and not long work. He proven himself quite satisfactorily during the lawn.

Protective covers

You have already seen their image on all the above photos. From above the engine to protect the collector node during operation, I simply inserted a sliced \u200b\u200bneck from a plastic bottle.

The lower case was able to make the body of the same vacuum cleaner, cutting out part of the sector from it. Attached his screws with nuts.

Trimmer of Drill or Bulgarian

The principle of creating a homemade design on the basis of this tool is exactly the same as in my case.

The engine is attached at the bottom end of the bar, and the working knife is made in the form of nozzles.

Principle of fastening of a knife

For a drill, you can turn two nuts on a regular stud, pulling them with their keys, and the plane of the created stop is used to install the knife.

The fastening nut will complete this design. If you put wide washers, the fixation will be stronger. Stopper nuts can be replaced by one, but it will be necessary to weld. The pin end is inserted into the cartridge drill and clamping, as a drill.

The knife hole must be drilled in the center, and ensure a good balancing with the nozzle. Otherwise, the laterals will arise, which are not calculated drill bearings.

Install the correct direction of rotation of the rotor with a drill switch. When the trimmer is turned on, the nut must work on the knife clamp, and not unscrew. Otherwise, the knife with sharp edges can fly out of the attachment.

Trimmer shelf nozzle

Make your own hands the coil for fastening the fishing line can be, but I do not see any sense in this matter. It's easier to buy it in the store or use from broken trimmer.

The fact is that in the process of work, when the fishing line is shortening, its cutting length can be restored by a simple blow of the rotating head of the ground. This feature works when accurately comply with the size of the nozzle after complex mechanical settings. A disposable fastening of the fishing line requires frequent trimmer shutdowns to replace it.

Take care first of all about your safety. For this:

  • once again, remember the rules for handling electricity;
  • do not work without protective covers with open rotating knives;
  • do not trust out in unauthorized people without proper preparation of your dangerous homemakers;
  • when coating, do not be distracted, but control the working territory. Do not allow children, animals, random visitors.

The self-made lawn mower helps to feel all the delights and disadvantages of electric mowing of grass, features of the work of such devices, the need to balancing the center of mass. After purchasing a small experience, use it easier to choose a factory model professionally prepared for long-term use.

Today, the market of electric and gasoline lawn mowers can provide a large number of different options and models. But in the case when there is no budget to the mower, and I don't want to melt manually, then the lawn mower with your own hands can be made at home from handicraft parts and materials. The lawn mower with their own hands will significantly save money in contrast to the factory analogues.

Necessary materials and tools

Such a device, like an electric power supply, is not the subject of essential. But the presence of a similar tool at home will significantly save labor costs when ledging herbs. Very simple lawn mowers can be made even from the electric motor. They include the same details and functionality as the factory counterparts.

Lawn mowers on the electric motor include:

It is necessary to constantly comply with the safety of work, and therefore you need to build an element of emergency and automatic shutdown of the electric mower.

All electric costers the principle of operation is the same. After the voltage is supplied to the electric motor, its shaft begins to rotate. And since the knives are fixed on the shaft, then they cut the grass on high electric motor verges.

Choosing a suitable engine

You can use the engine as a turf mower:

  • from the vacuum cleaner;
  • from a washing machine;
  • from the grinder;
  • from trimmer.

If you need to roll out small sites, then the engine will be the engine from the old drill. It does not need to even disassemble, it is enough just to fix in a vertical position.

The lawnmower with their own hands from the washing machine or the Soviet sample vacuum cleaner can be made without much effort. They have all the necessary details. An electromotor with a capacity of 0.5 kilowatt is the optimal option for the shelter of grass near the house, and the recommended number of revolutions is about three thousand. From the speed of the motor, and accordingly, its blades depends on the quality of work and the grass.

The longer the knives of the device, with a smaller number of revolutions, can be used due to the increase in linear speed. But its power should increase in order to deal with the increasing load. In practice, it has been proved that for home needs enough device with a power of one kilowatt and engine turnover. One and a half thousand. And the working plane is half the meter. In the case when the engine power is less than these indicators, it is necessary to regularly pelt blades to obtain the desired result.

If only the motor on three phases was found on the farm, then the launch capacitors should be added to such a design. They must correspond to the engine capacity. The drawings of the lawn mowers from the Bulgarians or other source materials can be easily found on the Internet or specialized literature.

Additional materials for design

For the immediate mowing of herbs, knives are designed. In order for them to make them own, you need to prepare the plates of steel up to 45 centimeters long, 3-4 centimeters wide, and a thickness of 2-3 millimeters. Thin knives are better and sharpening the grass, and the thick are more durable.

They can be made in three variations:

  1. One strip that has exactly in the center of the hole, and sharpened face from the desired sides. Its length should be from thirty to fifty centimeters.
  2. The design consisting of two parts that are attached on a solid edge is fixed with bolts.
  3. Sharpened disk.

To save the wheels and the material for the handles can be taken with the old baby carriage. Choosing the diameter of the wheels, it must be borne in mind that the distance between the earth and the blade should be no more than 5 centimeters. If possible, you need to adjust the height of the landing of the lawn mower. When the cutting part of the apparatus consists of two elements, then maneuverability indicators are improved, and if from 3-4, then reliability. Such wheels can also be made of plywood and mounted on the shaft with bearings.

The casing to protect against blades can be made of plywood, steel barrel or body of an old washing machine. Moreover, in this element, the lawn mowers need to make holes for the normal functioning of the electric motor and entering the closed part of the air mower.

The housing of the washing machine can also be used to create casing around the blades. Motor spars are made of plywood or steel sheet. The cord for connecting the device to the network needs to be selected taking into account the power of the motor. As an option, you can take it from old appliances.

In order to make a knife for a lawn mower with their own hands, as well as all other elements of the design, you need to prepare the required materials in advance:

As an alternative to the Bulgarian or Electrolzik, you can use the metal or wood hacksaw, but with small teeth. And also experts are always recommended to draw a drawing device to have an idea of \u200b\u200ba future design.

Principles of operation of the electric motor

A similar engine can be as single-phase, which runs from a regular network, and three-phase, in need of additional electricity. Connecting an electric motor, you must always remember personal safety. For the engine operating in the same phase, the protection of the UZO must be installed, and the three-phase motor must have appropriate capacitors.

For home lawn mower, you can also use a drill with turns of up to three thousand. Collecting the design, it is necessary to choose the power of the sensing mower to its proximity. The battery or electric drill mounted on the basis of or platform will qualitatively perform its tasks, and the grass will be confused.

In the process of work, we should not forget about the intervals of work, since you need to give a motor time to rest in order to avoid overheating. Such a tool will easily clean the territory from the grass and give the lawn an attractive appearance. The platform for which the engine is installed must be optimal sizes so that the grass can be mounted near the wall.

Step-by-step assembly instructions

Depending on the source materials for the electric mower, such steps will be different. One of the most common options is the assembly of mowers from the old washing machine. It will be useful to consider step-by-step instructions for creating a similar device.

Actions should occur in such a sequence:

For this you need:

  • install the switch and switch in a convenient location near the handle of the device;
  • connect the power cable with a fork;
  • installation of the UDO.

Capacity for collecting grass must be installed at the very end. She is done in the form of a box or bag.

The coating of the knives with the help of the casing is mandatory, as this will increase the safety during operation. Such protection needs to be done for the motor to avoid garbage and its durability, as well as resistance.

Design from Bulgarian

There are quite a lot of ways to create a similar device. The easiest is its attachment to the bolts to a pre-prepared platform or basis.

The most common option is the assembly of such a self-made, using a baby carriage.

For this you need:

  • Disassemble the stroller, but leave the basis with wheels.
  • Prepare a board that will fall on the axis of the wheels.
  • Fix it.
  • Attach the grinding or clamps to the blackboard.
  • On the grinder you need to install the blades or fishing line.
  • Attach the switch to the handle.

Such a design can be equipped with a protective casing so that the grass does not flush on the side, or the waste collection capacity.

Masters self-taught in the entire history have already invented a lot of self-made models. They turn out for the assembly form and the complexity of the design. More advanced models have the function of adjusting the height of the pc and so on. Make a mower with your own hands it is necessary to ensure that the safety is above all. The power on the mechanism must be set so that the machine is turned off immediately after it is released.

In order to learn how to make a mower with your own hands, sometimes a good emission is required. At the assembly points of the scrap metal, you can always find the discharged frame from the corners. Less often, it is still possible to find wheels on the hinge, preferably at an angle of 180 degrees. But even if it was not possible to find such a frame, it can be easily welded from the girlfriend.

The working shaft moves at the expense of the belt transmission from the saw itself to the pulleys, to which the fishing line is attached. This design will serve many years without additional service. A similar option is more complicated in the manufacture, as it has a two-wheeled frame and two rotary cutters. On the other hand, he has its advantages, since its productivity is much higher than that of ordinary self-propelled vehicles.

Independent manufacture of the device and an inventory, of course, reason to be proud of your invention. But it is also necessary to remember that collective design solutions will always be better displayed on the quality and safety of the structure.

The benefits of homemade devices can be attributed to:

  • saving funds on the acquisition of the necessary materials at a low price instead of a new tool;
  • the use of a tool that does not have a commodity view, but not lost its functionality;
  • an independent assembly allows you to always improve the invention, as well as know its design perfect.

In such a model, the height is not regulated, and due to this lawn, it is not always possible to cut out exactly. As well as minus is the lack of tank for collecting grass, which automatically increases human labor costs. A severe tool of self-assembly can sometimes ruin the lawn with its weight. This is an objective factor in favor of choosing a factory model instead of self-assembly.

Tired of making grass on the countryside by manual oblique? Then you have two outputs: buy a lawn mower factory assembly or make it yourself. From the point of view of saving is more preferable, the second option is preferred, and I am ready to tell how the lawn mower is going with your hands from old parts.

Description of the assembly process

Electric lawn mower consists of:

  1. Carcasson which all functional elements are installed;
  2. Engineproviding rotation of the working part of the mower;
  3. Knifecarrying grass mowing;
  4. Casingprotecting the foot operator;
  5. Wheelallowing you to move the lawn mower in the area during operation;
  6. Control knobsgiving control over the apparatus;
  7. Power system fragmentsTo which the UZO (protective disconnection device) and cord with a fork are.

Step number 1: Making framework

To make a lawn mower with your own hands, you will first need a framework:

Picture Description

We select material.

An ideal option as a raw material to create a metal sheet with a thickness of 2-3 mm.

Cut metal.

If the sheet is too large, it should be trimmed with a grinder. For the visa under consideration, the square is quite suitable for a side of 500 mm.

We do a hole.

In the middle of the resulting section, the end-to-end hole under the motor shaft is needed. You can make it in two ways:

  • Insert a special crown in a drill and drill the right way. But there is such a nozzle weekly, and buy it specifically to solve the described task is irrational;
  • Cholution in the circumference of the holes by the usual drill on the metal, and then knock the circle formed inside.

Step number 2: We select and install the engine

Homemade electric lawn mowers can be equipped with engines that can be found in the household:

Picture Comments

A vacuum cleaner.

The electromechanical lawn mower is the second life of the old vacuum cleaner.


The angular grinding machine is fixed on the frame is also capable of becoming a driving force for the knives of the self-made lawn mower.


And even drills fit for mowing grass.


In this case, you will have a gasoline lawn mower, which will free you from wires and sockets, but will give a gasoline to buying.


Another representative of household appliances, which is very often used by homemade masters. As can be seen from the photo - the drawings during the assembly were not applied, the price of details is insignificant.

Power and the number of revolutions should be selected according to the length of the installed knives. For example, for the capture of 400-500 mm, it is enough for the following parameters:

  • Engine power - 1 kW;
  • Number of revolutions per minute – 1500.

If the knives are shorter, then the motor will need more powerful and with a large number of revolutions committed.

It is also worth paying attention to the mount:

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Flanged engine.
  • Put it in a starting position on the frame plate;
  • Location fasteners;
  • Drill them with a drill;
  • We screw the motor bolts.

Normal Engine.
  • We install on the side of future handles two corners directed vertically upwards from each other equal to the distance between the ears of the motor mounts;
  • Drill holes in them;
  • We put the engine in the original position and screw to the corners bolts.

You can improve the mounting system of the usual engine. To do this, it is enough to drill in the corners of several holes at different heights. Then the motor can if necessary, it will be possible to raise or lower, thereby changing the height of the grass attached.

Step number 3: Made and fix knives

For a knife, if the lawn mower is made by your own hands, it is perfectly suitable for a hacksaw blade on a 2 mm tree.

In thickness I want to stop separately:

  • Thin Knife better cuts grass;
  • Fat The knife better tolerate stones strikes.

Therefore, consider the features of your site when choosing this parameter.

Instructions for turning the hacksaw to the work part of the lawn mower looks like this:

  1. Cut the cloth in accordance with the sizes of the frame. In our case, it is 400 mm;
  2. In the middle drill or break the hole with a hole for the engine shaft;
  3. I drag the edges of the parties opposite to each other in accordance with the rotation of the motor;

If for each half of the knife to break along the cutting edge of the sides, as is done in the factory models, then during the operation of the device, the bell herb will be blowing out from under the lawn mower.

  1. We screw the resulting knife to the engine shaft from the bottom side of the frame.

For fastening, be sure to use the washer-grover and lock nut, otherwise the blades will be turned off and fly from the shaft.

Step number 4: Find a protective casing

The protective cover is a metal strip, coarsed in the ring and installed under the frame around the knives. Thanks to him, the operator's legs do not threaten garbage from the lawn mower, nor randomly unscrewed and jerked knives from the tree.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut out From the metal sheet, the bandwidth is 150-200 mm. If you have an old cylindrical washing machine in the farm, then it is possible to cut off part of its enclosure to obtain the desired steel ring;

  1. Bend In the ring. In this case, it is necessary that the opening remains to be left through which the beveled grass will be thrown. Here you can even adapt the grassball for lawn mowers to which the factory models are supplied.

Step number 5: We select and install wheels

As for the wheels, it is important to determine the two main points:

  1. number. Two wheels will ensure the maximum maneuveracy of the lawn mower. Three or four set a more accurate distance to the Earth, thereby allowing more smooth the grass;

  1. Height. Calculate so that the knives are as a result at an altitude of 50-60 mm above the earth. By placing them above, you will simply bend the grass, and not to scam, and below - risk cutting into the work part in the ground in uneven areas.

Step number 6: We select and install the handles

Here is absolute freedom for your imagination. The main thing is to comply with two rules:

  1. Acceptable height. The handles should be at the level, allowing you to hold on to them without leaning. In the opposite case, you earn back pain even before you finish bringing the lawn in order;

  1. Correct location. If you collect a lawn mower with three wheels, then the handles need to be installed on the part of two. Then you can easily turn the unit, just raising the front wheel.

The handle from the old car or baby carriage can solve this problem.

Step number 7: Install the Elements of the Power System

To the manufacture of lawn mowers, according to a part of the power plant, approach the electric shock, as the damage to the electric current is the second largest danger during its operation after the possibility of departing knives.

Store the following rules:

  1. Raise the cord. Secure the tape along the handle - it will protect it from the garbage from the aggregate;

  1. Set the start button on the handle;
  1. Carefully insulate All locations of wires. In particular, it concerns the connection point of the RCD.


You got acquainted with the step-by-step assembly of the self-made lawn mower. The video in this article contains additional materials regarding the topic considered. In the comments, you can ask any questions you are interested in.

Create a family well-being island, a beautiful well-groomed plot using a minimum of manual labor, every owner dreams. The lawn mower do it yourself is one of the ways of rational use of nodes from abandoned mechanisms. The resulting tool not only saves funds, but takes into account the features of a particular lawn. Depending on the need, the craftsman can create a hand-handed tool, an electrically driven. The use of various types of cutters, wheels, the layout of them leads to unusual solutions. Read about popular on our website!

Motivation to create a tool from undergraduate materials

First of all, it is necessary to determine which tool will effectively replace the usual manual braid when leaving the site. Perhaps a dense appearance, frequent bushes and flowerbeds will not provide access to the area of \u200b\u200bthe area, and then the "whirlies" of herbs will need to be removed manually. The lawn mower do it yourself needs to be assembled for mowing area, more than 4 acres.

Choose a way to drive cutters - the basis for collecting the necessary nodes. Knives can be moved:

  • as a result of manual exposure, push forward mechanism, which requires great physical strength;
  • using electrical energy of single-phase or three-phase current;
  • motor from the battery;
  • using the internal combustion engine, two or four-stroke.

Deciding with the energy component, you will need to choose wheels, handle, platform for collecting lawn mower with your own hands. Collect the desired fasteners and components of the connection, protection and connection schemes.

Principles of use of electric engines

The electrical engine can be single-phase, operating from a 220 V voltage network, or three-phase. When the motor is connected, it is necessary to follow all safety rules when working with electrical appliances. Uzo protection must be performed for a single-phase motor, and a powerful three-phase condenser in the circuit corresponding to the container in the circuit.

For your own hands, you can use a powerful low-speed drill at a speed of 1500-3000 rpm. It is necessary to correctly select the power ratio and the proof width, so as not to overload the motor. Installed on the platform, rechargeable or network drill will create the required torque, and the grass will be bevelled. In the process of work, do not forget to observe recreation intervals, for cooling the brush engine. Such a tool will help clean the seamless territory, easily develops and does not require a lot of storage space. The platform on which the engine is installed must be narrow so that the wall area can be processed. Sustainability depends on the location of the center of gravity. What it is lower, the less the moment of overturning from the platform. How to cost the lawn mower with your own hands, watch the video:

By creating a tool yourself, remember that it is a means of increased danger. You must enable the blocking button in the scheme, triggered when the knife breaks or breakage. It is impossible to work with electric mowers in wet weather, in the morning dew.

More complex models with a motor, with a capacity of 1.5 to 6 kW installed on a specially executed sole. The engine is better to use asynchronous, it is less noisy. The chassis represents metallic rubberized wheels with a wide protector so that the grass is less reversed. Bearing nodes in sleeves on the axis are more reliable than plastic liners.

Run the deck and the knife can be using an old frying pan and a tool steel plate. Design when knives are attached on the mandrel, more efficient. It is important to comply with the proportions and profile of sharpened edges using drawings in the photo of the lawn mower with their own hands.

Great value for the performance of the high-speed node has the correct centering. A small beating can create a strong vibration, destroy the connections, create a backlash at the expense of the seating.

The household always accomplice mechanisms and details always accumulate. Something can be found on household landfills of old things. Unfortunately, such cemeteries surround any residential area. Perfect wheels from the baby carriage, the handle from her will come in handy. Specify an example of a lawn mower with your own hands from the washing machine of Soviet times. They were then made from a strong metal. Engines from these machines are not better in parameters and capacities are suitable for use in the lawn mower.

The high-quality steel case will serve as a protective skirt and a guide when dropping the grass of the Welcome. In addition to the motor, two pulleys and a belt are used to transmit rotation from the engine to the knife drive. The motor is fixed on the platform and plug into one phase.

Such a mower works at the local area, as it is tied to the network feeding cord. You can use a special coil conduit by the extension, picking up the cross section corresponding to the engine power. Such a device is produced in at least 40 meters long and must provide mobility.

Using the engine chainsaws in the lawn mower does not require additional protection. It is so performed in dustless design. Air filters are clogged.

How to make a mobile lawn mower do it yourself? The tool-made drill tool depends on the battery capacity and requires recharging on the network. In the absence of electricity, it remains to build a lawn mower based on an internal combustion engine. All small technique that is refilled by gasoline or a combustible mixture can become a donor for a self-made car haircut machine.

Do you have an old chainsaw "Friendship" or "Ural"?

Here is an example of folk smelting. Beautiful frame from the corner was thrown as unnecessary from the warehouse in scrap metal. Special nodes of wheels with a turnover of 180 0 on the hinge were found there. Do not be such a frame, the platform could be welded. The extended work unit is made with independent driven by chainsaws by belt transmission. The torque is transmitted to the discs where metal chains are served with a cutting tool. 25 cm long. The lawn mower from their own hands is effectively used for several years. An improved version with a rotary cutter and a two-wheeled frame was performed. It works more productively, but complicated in the manufacture.

Each master is proud of its inhabitant and tool performance. However, it should be understood that the collective mind of designers, designers creates no less functional, but safer tools.

The advantages of self-made tools include:

  • saving money for the acquisition of the instrument;
  • the ability to use lost commodity value, but suitable for use parts;
  • thorough knowledge of your instrument and the possibility of its improvement and repair.

The height of the grass of the grass is not regulated, and the glade is not always obtained at exactly. The lack of grass collector increases the share of manual labor. A heavy tool with narrow wheels, it happens, spoils the appearance of the lawn - this is an objective answer, why it is better to use the tool of factory manufacture.

Video about one of the options for a washing machine lawn mower