Repair Design Furniture

Technological map for the layout and compaction of the pgs. Sand and gravel mix: features and scope

High rates of construction, accelerated development of residential areas, office buildings makes us think about the quality characteristics of concrete. It is impossible to create a solid, strong foundation without a concrete solution. Concrete is the main connecting, structural material in construction. The quality of concrete directly affects the strength and service life of structures. It is possible to prepare a solution from sand and gravel mixtures, paying attention to the source of occurrence and observing the required ratio of components.

Appointment of ASG

Sand-gravel mixture, or in other words ASG, consists of gravel. The composition is prepared in two ways:

  • natural;
  • artificial.

The resulting mixture is in great demand and is used in industrial, road, housing construction:

  • for ;
  • for the manufacture of monolithic, reinforced concrete structures;
  • as a drainage layer of the road surface;
  • landscape alignment.

Types, mixture structure

Gravel in the mixture should be up to 75% by weight.

The proportional content of sand, gravel in the composition of the mixture is the main criterion for grav mass. Gravel should not be more than 75% of the total mass. Great importance is given to the size of the components, and also checked for compliance with standards. Based on the proportional content of the components, two types of sand and gravel soil are distinguished:

  • Natural (PGS). The ratio of gravel in percentage in relation to the total mass is not less than 10, and not more than 95 - 1/5 of the entire composition. The classic composition is not subjected to additional processing. The gravel mass is mined in a quarry and immediately shipped to the buyer. Basically, the content of gravel is 10-20% of the bulk. The percentage can rise to 30 if the mixture was mined in reservoirs. The size of the elements reaches from 10 to 70 mm. With a separate agreement with the buyer, the size may be larger than the declared one, the maximum value is 10 cm.
  • Enriched (opgs). The proportions of the components are as follows: sand 30%, gravel up to 70%. 3/4 of the entire enriched mass is gravel.

You can get an enriched composition through special preparation. Observing certain proportions, the necessary components are mixed. The result is oops. Given the percentage of gravel, five groups of enriched mixtures are distinguished.

  • 1 group. The percentage of gravel from the total mass is 15-25%.
  • 2 group. The amount of gravel is 25-30%.
  • 3rd group. The content of the component is from 35 to 50%.
  • 4 group. The percentage of gravel is 50-65%.
  • 5 group. Gravel in an amount of 65 to 75%.

The greater the percentage of gravel contained in the solution, the harder the mass is obtained. depends on the amount of gravel specifications solution, operating parameters. The final cost of concentrated gravel compounds is affected by the amount and percentage of content natural stone.

According to the deposit and the original source of formation, natural gravel mixtures are divided into:

  • Ravine (mountainous) are characterized by an admixture of rocks, the shape of natural stone is acute-angled, the size is different. The heterogeneity of the structure of this type does not allow the use of the ravine-mountain type for the production of concrete. The mixture is widely used as a drainage during the repair of highways, pits and pits are filled up.
  • River (lake). There is a small amount of clay, shell rock. The shape of the elements is rolled.
  • Marine. Impurities are contained in a small amount, or absent. The shape of the stones is round, dense.

Lake-river, sea gravel mixtures are used for the manufacture of concrete mortar, which is necessary for buildings of special strength, pouring the foundation.

Features of the choice of mass

Enriched sand-gravel mixture should have gravel grains of the largest size.

In all branches of construction: preparation of structures, pouring of any type of foundation, concrete is required. A responsible approach to the manufacture of concrete mortar ensures the reliability and strength of structures. An important role in the technological process is played by the ratio of components.

The main point is to buy high-quality products correctly, it is not worth saving. Concrete reflects how the material is extracted. Pay attention to various impurities, the structure of the mass should not contain them. The absence of foreign components increases the adhesion between gravmass and other components of the solution.

To work with the foundation, enriched mixtures are used, since the amount of gravel in them exceeds the sand content, which increases the density and reduces the friability of the solution.

Compaction degree

Transportation of bulk material leads to its compaction. Compression is controlled by regulatory building standards. The exponential value that determines the amount of reduced volume is called the tamping (compacting) coefficient. Compaction standards are fixed at the state level.

Compaction of the material is a natural process, the coefficient depends on the mass of the batch. Important points are the quality of the material and the method of transportation. The average compaction index is 1.2, according to the standards. For example, for sand, the tamping index is 1.15, for crushed stone - 1.1.

The compression ratio is an important point in construction. At the beginning of the work, a preparatory stage is carried out, during which the thickness, level, quantity and other indicators necessary for subsequent work are determined. The acceptance of the final result is affected by the compaction factor.

Ramming of sand and gravel.

When compacting the soil by tamping, the main rules are observed. Differences in the depth of the dug trench are leveled by compaction from the most high marks, gradually moving to lower ones. Compaction is carried out until the density is reached, which is prescribed by the regulations. At the time of work with the mixture, freezing of materials is not allowed, the humidity corresponds to the norm. The process is considered completed when the number of strokes does not exceed the established limits. The so-called "two control strikes" rule.

Concrete preparation process

During individual construction, the mixture is prepared by hand. With small volumes of construction, there is no need to hire expensive construction equipment. Before starting work, it is worth determining the structure, calculating the mass, preparing the appropriate components.

For self-kneading, you will need the following consumables and tools:

  • supply of cement of the required grade;
  • clean warm water;
  • opgs;
  • container for kneading;
  • (concrete mixer);
  • bucket.

Properly matched components affect the quality result. For an enriched look, it is worth making the ratio of parts 8 to 1, where the first is a mixture, the second is cement. This coefficient was determined by trial and error, and is currently actively used. experienced craftsmen. How much water to add is an individual matter. It is worth focusing on the dryness of the components, gradually add liquid until the desired consistency of the solution is reached.

Portland cement is a hydraulic binder that hardens in water and air.

Cement for mortar use those brands that provide desired strength. These are m300, m500, m600. Recently, Portland cement has become popular, which has excellent astringent properties. With a small amount of work, concrete m400 is used, taking into account the fact that the finished mixture should be used up for two hours.

Quality concrete made from PGS is affected by the size of natural stone. The solution acquires the necessary strength with a gravel size of 8 cm. The necessary proportions are maintained: 6 - mixture, 1 - cement.

One of the most demanded materials from the modern construction industry is a sand and gravel mixture. This bulk material, which has a granular structure and is a mixture with in certain proportions.

Interestingly, the sand-gravel mixture finds application in various areas of construction. It is used both on large-scale facilities and in the construction of small private houses.

Varieties of ASG

Like any building material of complex composition, sand and gravel mixtures can be classified according to different criteria. But the most common parameter is the origin or method of obtaining. From this point of view, such mixtures are of two main types:

  1. Natural, obtained by mining from natural sources, quarries, coastal waters, etc. V natural origin the proportion by volume is 10%, and by mass - 95%. The size of the gravel grains varies widely. The minimum value is 10 mm, maximum size can reach 70mm;
  2. Enriched. These are natural mixtures that are added to obtain a new ratio.

Also of great importance is the degree of humidity of the sand-gravel mixture. It often happens that the material gets to the construction site slightly moistened or, conversely, excessively dry. This is rarely done intentionally, but rather depends on the conditions of storage and transportation. But be that as it may, if used for cooking concrete solutions, then the degree of humidity must be taken into account. In cases where the sand is wet, the amount of water added to the solution is reduced compared to the initial parameters of the recipe. To ensure normal grip when using dry, the volume of water is increased.

Scope of PGS

Despite the fact that the extraction and production of natural sand and gravel mixtures has a lower cost compared to enriched ones, this building material is still used much less frequently. This is explained by the insufficiently high strength properties of such mixtures, as well as the structures obtained with their help.

Most often, natural sand and gravel mixtures are used for the construction of the bottom cushion of multi-layer road surfaces, as well as for backfilling. garden paths. A significant proportion of the composition of natural makes them suitable material for the installation of drainage channels, as well as backfilling of pits and trenches for laying communication lines.

In this case, the strength properties of building materials play a secondary role, or even do not matter at all. But what becomes really important is the ability to absorb and effectively remove moisture from the surface. building structures. For such purposes, natural sand and gravel mixtures are almost ideal.

The most popular type of sand and gravel mixtures is the 5th group, with a content of 70%. Such a mixture is characterized by the almost complete absence of shrinkage when used as a basis for various building structures. Moreover, deformations are not observed even under very significant loads. Therefore, it is this sand-gravel mixture that is used as the primary stable layer when pouring large areas with concrete.

Sand and gravel is one of the most common inorganic materials used in the construction industry. The composition of the material and the size of the fractions of its elements determine which variety the extracted mixture belongs to, what are its main functions, where it is more suitable for use.

Sand and gravel mixture is used in construction for filling in the lower layers of various bases, for example, asphalt or other road surface, and for the manufacture of various mortars, such as concrete with the addition of water.


This material is a universal ingredient, that is, it can be used in different types activities. Since its main components are natural materials (sand and gravel), this indicates that the sand and gravel mixture is an environmentally friendly product. Also, PGS can be stored for a long time– there is no expiration date of the material.

The main condition for storage is the presence of the mixture in a dry place.

If moisture still gets into the ASG, then when it is used, a smaller amount of water is added (for example, in the manufacture of concrete or cement), and when the sand and gravel mixture is needed only in dry form, it will first have to be thoroughly dried.

A high-quality sand and gravel mixture, due to the presence of gravel in the composition, should have good resistance to temperature extremes and not lose its strength. One more interesting feature This material lies in the fact that the remains of the used mixture cannot be disposed of, but can later be used for their intended purpose (for example, when laying a path to a house or in the manufacture of concrete).

Natural sand and gravel mix is ​​low cost, while the enriched ASG has a high price, but this is offset by the durability and quality of buildings from such an environmentally friendly material.


When purchasing a sand-gravel mixture, it is necessary to pay attention to the following technical indicators:

  • grain composition;
  • the volume of content in the mixture of sand and gravel;
  • grain size;
  • impurity content;
  • density;
  • characteristics of sand and gravel.

Technical characteristics of sand and gravel mixtures must comply with accepted state standards. General information about sand and gravel mixtures can be found in GOST 23735-79, but there are also other regulatory documents regulating the technical characteristics of sand and gravel, for example, GOST 8736-93 and GOST 8267-93.

The minimum size of sand fractions in ASG is 0.16 mm, and gravel - 5 mm. The maximum value for sand according to the standards is 5 mm, and for gravel this value is 70 mm. It is also possible to order a mixture with a gravel size of 150 mm, but not more than this value.

In the enriched ASG, the average content of gravel is 65%, the clay content is minimal - 0.5%.

According to the percentage of gravel content in enriched AGM, materials are classified into the following types:

  • 15-25%;
  • 35-50%;
  • 50-65%;
  • 65-75%.

Important characteristics of the material are also indicators of strength and frost resistance. On average, ASG should withstand 300-400 freeze-thaw cycles. Also, the sand and gravel composition cannot lose more than 10% of its mass. The strength of the material is affected by the number of weak elements in the composition.

Gravel is divided into categories according to strength:

  • M400;
  • M600;
  • M800;
  • M1000.

Gravel category M400 is characterized by low strength, and M1000 - high strength. The average level of strength is present in gravel categories M600 and M800. Also, the number of weak elements in the gravel of category M1000 should contain no more than 5%, and in all others - no more than 10%.

The density of ASG is determined in order to find out which component in the composition is contained in more, and determine the scope of use of the material. On average, the specific gravity of 1 m3 should be approximately 1.65 tons.

Not only the size of the sand is of great importance, but also its mineralogical composition, as well as the particle size modulus.

The average compaction factor of ASG is 1.2. This parameter may vary depending on the amount of gravel content and the method of compacting the material.

Not the last role is played by the coefficient Aeff. It stands for the coefficient of the total specific efficiency of the activity of natural radionuclides and is available for enriched PGS. This coefficient means the rate of radioactivity.

Sand and gravel mixtures are divided into three safety classes:

  • less than 370 Bq/kg;
  • from 371 Bq/kg to 740 Bq/kg;
  • from 741 Bq/kg to 1500 Bq/kg.

The safety class also determines which scope of application this or that CGM is suitable for. The first class is used for small construction activities, such as the manufacture of products or the repair of a building. The second class is used in the construction of automotive coatings in cities and villages, as well as for the construction of houses. The third class of safety is involved in the construction of various sites with a high load (these include sports and children's playgrounds) and large highways.

The enriched sand-gravel mixture is practically not subject to deformation.


There are two main types of sand and gravel mixtures:

  • natural (PGS);
  • enriched (OPGS).

Their main difference is that the enriched sand and gravel mixture cannot be found in nature - it is obtained after artificial processing and the addition of a large number gravel.

Natural sand and gravel mixture is mined in quarries or from the bottom of rivers and seas. According to the place of origin, it is divided into three types:

  • mountain ravine;
  • lake-river;
  • marine.

The difference between these types of mixtures lies not only in the place of its extraction, but also in the scope of further application, the amount of volume content of the main elements, their sizes and even shapes.

The main features of natural sand and gravel mixtures:

  • the shape of gravel particles - the mountain-ravine mixture has the most pointed corners, and they are absent in the marine AGM (smooth rounded surface);
  • composition - the minimum amount of clay, dust and other pollutants is contained in the marine mixture, and in the mountain-ravine mixture they prevail in large quantities.

The lake-river sand-gravel mixture is characterized by intermediate characteristics between the marine and mountain-ravine SGM. Silt or dust can also be found in its composition, but in small quantities, and its corners are slightly rounded.

In OPGS, gravel or sand can be excluded from the composition, and crushed gravel can be added instead. gravel crushed stone- this is the same gravel, but in a processed form. This material is obtained by crushing more than half of the original component and has sharp corners and roughness.

Crushed gravel increases the adhesion of building compounds and is perfect for the construction of asphalt concrete.

PGS or sand and gravel mixture - natural material, mined in a quarry and having a certain percentage of sand and gravel. One of the main building materials. It is used to perform construction work of any level of complexity in the construction of private and multi-storey buildings and road construction. It is popular due to its affordable cost and wide scope of use. The percentage of gravel in the mixture can vary from 20% to 75%.

Types of sand and gravel mixture

Depending on the degree and quality of material processing, it is divided into the following types:

  1. Natural PGS. The material after extraction is not subjected to additional and special processing. Transported to the site immediately after production.
  2. Enriched PGS. After mining, the natural material is processed. It differs from each other by the percentage of sand and gravel.

Natural AGM, depending on the place of production, is divided into:

  1. Mountain ravine. It differs in the appearance of the particles. Due to the significant content of impurities and granulometric composition, it is not recommended for the manufacture of concrete, but can be used in road construction, for creating bases, foundations and decoration land plot in the process of improvement.
  2. Lake-river mixture. It has a uniform composition. Particles are mostly streamlined.
  3. Marine type. It is quite easy to distinguish by the rounded shape of the particles. It has the least amount of various inhomogeneous impurities.

Lake-river and sea gravel mixtures are used for the manufacture of concrete required in the construction of buildings, when pouring the foundation.

The Gravit company produces natural AGM in the Marusino quarry with a gravel content of 60-65% and coarse sand of 35-40%. There are no organic impurities in ASG, which makes it applicable for foundations and concrete production.

Where is PGS used?

The scope of use of the sand-gravel mixture is very extensive. PGS is actively used in industrial, housing and road construction. Many construction companies prefer to replace crushed stone and sand due to their high cost with high-quality ASG. It is not inferior to them in its characteristics. Provides high quality construction works.

Application of PGS:

  1. Road construction. For the device of the bases of roads, the device of all layers of a roadbed.
  2. Foundation device. PGS is used as a replacement for sand and gravel.
  3. Creation of blind areas. Blinds - a waterproof covering around the building. ASG serves as a replacement for sand and gravel here.
  4. Improvement of land plots, leveling of sites.
  5. Production of some brands of concrete and reinforced concrete products that do not carry a large load: well rings, covers and bottoms for rings, tray elements, fence elements.
  6. For backfilling when laying pipelines.
  7. as a drainage layer.

The range of application of PGS is wide and varied. It can easily replace crushed stone and sand. This makes it possible to save money without compromising the quality of construction work.

PGS can replace sand and crushed stone in the following types of work:

Private construction

Construction of roads to dachas, houses and cottages. Creation of foundations and blind areas during the construction of a private country house. When carrying out landscaping on the land.

Construction and manufacturing companies

PGS is used to create foundations for multi-storey buildings up to 5 floors.

The device of temporary roads and access roads to construction sites and during landscaping is also used. Many companies have already begun to replace traditional crushed stone and sand with ASG.

Mortar concrete units in the production of concrete use high-quality ASG with a high content of gravel different sizes and the absence of organic impurities. Impurities reduce the quality of concrete. In order for the concrete to be thick and durable, there must be gravel grains in the ASG different size. Small gravel will fill the voids between large grains and provide the design strength of the concrete.

You can buy high-quality ASG without organic impurities at the West Siberian Sand Quarry company (quarries,) by calling 255-11-16. Managers will be happy to tell you about the characteristics of the PGS and accept your application.




1.1. A typical technological map (hereinafter referred to as TTK) is a comprehensive regulatory document that establishes, according to a specific technology, the organization of work processes for the construction of a structure using the most modern means of mechanization, progressive designs and methods of performing work. They are designed for some average working conditions. TTK is intended for use in the development of Work Production Projects (PPR), Construction Organization Projects (POS), other organizational and technological documentation, as well as for the purpose of familiarizing (training) workers and engineering and technical workers with the rules for the production of work on the construction of a foundation made of dense crushed stone - gravel-sand mixture of optimal grain composition.

1.2. A dense crushed stone-gravel-sand mixture of optimal grain composition is recommended for use in the device:

Upper and lower layers of bases for cement concrete and asphalt concrete pavements;

Bases for one- and two-layer coatings made of gravel and crushed stone materials treated with liquid organic binders;

Under coatings of cold asphalt concrete.

1.3. The purpose of creating the presented TTC is to give a recommended flow chart for the construction of a base from a crushed stone-gravel-sand mixture, the content of the TTC, examples of filling in the necessary tables.

1.4. The regulatory framework for the development of technological maps are: SNiP, SN, SP, GESN-2001 ENiR, production norms for the consumption of materials, local progressive norms and prices, norms for labor costs, norms for the consumption of material and technical resources.

1.5. The use of TTC helps to improve the organization of construction work, increase labor productivity and its scientific organization, reduce costs, improve quality and reduce the duration of construction, safe performance of work, organization of rhythmic work, rational use of labor resources and machines, as well as reducing the time required for the development of PPR and unification of technological solutions .

1.6. On the basis of the TTC, as part of the WEP (as mandatory components of the Work Execution Project), Working Flow Charts (RTC) are developed for the performance of certain types of work on the construction of the foundation. Working technological maps are developed on the basis of standard maps for the specific conditions of a given construction organization, taking into account its design materials, natural conditions, the available fleet of machines and road construction materials and tied to local conditions: the type of gravel-sand mixture, fractional crushed stone and layer thickness. Working technological maps regulate the means of technological support and the rules for implementation technological processes during the production of works. Design features foundation arrangements are decided in each specific case by the Working Design. The composition and level of detail of materials developed in the RTC are established by the relevant contracting construction and installation organization, based on the specifics and scope of work performed.

Working flow charts are reviewed and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the General Construction Contractor, in agreement with the Customer's organization, the Customer's Technical Supervision.

1.7. Work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the following normative documents:

SNiP 12-01-2004 "Organization of construction";

SNiP 3.01.03-84. Geodetic works in construction;

SNiP 3.06.03-85. "Car roads";

SNiP 12-03-2001 "Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements";

SNiP 12-04-2002 "Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production";

VSN 19-89. "Rules for acceptance of work during construction and repair highways".


2.1. The technological map was developed for the installation of a single-layer base with a thickness of h = 18 cm from a dense crushed stone-gravel-sand mixture, optimal grain composition, by mixing on the road using a mounted road milling machine DC-74 (Fig. 1) as a driving mechanism.

Fig.1. Mounted road milling machine for pneumatic wheeled tractor

1 - tractor-tractor; 2 - single-rotor cutter; 3 - dosing system for liquid binders and water; 4 - drive gearbox; 5 - milling rotor; 6 - distribution pipe with nozzles for liquid binders and water

2.2. For the device of the base layer are used:

Gravel-sand mixtures;

Crushed stone fraction 20-40 mm;

Technical water.

2.3. Foundation work in progress all year round, the working time during the shift is:" width="40" height="21"> - coefficient of use of mechanisms by time during the shift (time associated with preparation for work, and carrying out ETO - 15 minutes, breaks related to the organization and technology of the production process and the driver's rest - 10 minutes every hour of work).

2.4. The scope of work covered by the map includes:

Acceptance of gravel-sand mixture and fractional crushed stone delivered to the construction site by dump trucks;

Uniform laying of the FMS on the working layer of the subgrade by a motor grader;

Distribution of crushed stone over the layer of HPS;

Mixing with a cutter HPS with crushed stone, followed by moistening the mixture;

Leveling the mixture and leveling the surface of the layer with a motor grader;

Consolidation of the base with self-propelled rollers.

2.5. The base of the pavement should be arranged wider than the pavement by 0.5 m on each side for cement concrete pavements and by 0.3 m on each side for other types of pavements or by the width of the reinforcement strips.

2.6. In all cases of application of the TTC, it is necessary to link it to local conditions. When linking the Standard Technological Map to a specific facility and construction conditions, production schemes, scopes of work, labor costs, mechanization tools, materials, equipment, etc. are specified. After linking, the map can be used when laying foundations for roads III-IV technical categories.


3.1. The following work must be done before the foundation is installed:

The readiness of the subgrade was ensured in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.06.03-85;

Temporary access roads were prepared for the supply of materials to the place of work;

Layout work has been completed to ensure compliance with the design thickness, base width and transverse slopes.

3.2. The gravel-sand mixture is delivered to the construction site by dump trucks and unloaded onto the subgrade in the amount necessary for the construction of a structural layer of a given thickness, taking into account the safety factor for the consumption of material for compaction, which is assumed to be 1.25. To create a front of work, the mixture must be delivered with a backlog of one or two interchangeable grips.

3.3. Work on the construction of the base from crushed stone-gravel-sand mixture of optimal composition is carried out by the in-line method on 4 grips 250-300 m long each.

3.4. On the first grip, the following technological operations are performed:

Dismantling of heaps of GPS with a motor grader;

Leveling the FMS with a motor grader into a continuous prismatic roller.

3.5. Breaking up heaps of gravel-sand mixture is carried out by motor grader HBM 190TA-3 in 3 circular passes. Following the dismantling of the HPS, its leveling is carried out. The leveling of the mixture is carried out by a motor grader to a width of 4-5 m and in 3-4 circular passes when the motor grader knife is installed at a grip angle of 80°-90° and a cutting angle of 0°-3°.

3.6. On the second grip, the following technological operations are performed:

Unloading of fractional crushed stone onto the GMS layer;

Leveling of crushed stone with a motor grader over the GMS layer.

3.7. Reception of crushed stone of fraction 20-40 mm from dump trucks KAMAZ-55111 on the layer of GMS is carried out by a road worker in heaps located at the same distance. From one dump truck, 4 equal piles should be obtained. Then the crushed stone is evenly distributed over the layer of the FMS for the entire length of the capture by the motor grader HBM 190TA-3 in 2 circular passes. Moistening of the gravel-sand mixture layer and the crushed stone layer with water is carried out using a KDM-130V watering machine with a water consumption of 0.4 m per 100 m of surface.

3.8. On the third grip, the following technological operations are performed:

Mixing gravel-sand mixture with crushed stone;

Leveling the resulting mixture and laying out the base.

3.9. After planning work, the gravel-sand mixture with crushed stone is mixed with two mounted cutters DC-74 in two passes along one track. The cutters follow each other along one lane (at a distance of at least 10 m) in second gear and turn around at the end of the grip to pass along the next lane. The first two passes of the cutter are carried out along the edges of the base being arranged, and then in the middle with overlapping of adjacent strips within 0.25-0.30 m. Mixing can be considered complete if the composition of the mixture is the same over the entire surface and layer thickness.

After mixing the gravel-sand mixture with crushed stone and checking the homogeneity of mixing, the mixture is leveled and the base is leveled using an HBM 190TA-3 motor grader.

The leveling of the mixture should be carried out to the width of the base to be arranged. The layout of the surface of the crushed stone-gravel-sand layer during the construction of the base is carried out by a motor grader in 5 circular passes at speeds I-II. In case of insufficient width of the subgrade to turn the motor grader, temporary ramps are arranged at the ends of the grip.

Fig.2. Foundation layout plan

3.10. On the fourth grip, the following technological operations are performed:

Humidification of the mixture to the optimum moisture content;

rolling crushed stone-gravel-sand mixture;

Correction of defective places on the surface of the base manually;

Compaction of crushed stone-gravel-sand mixture.

3.11. Wetting the mixture up to optimal humidity perform watering machine PM-130V, which should move along the edge of the planned material in a circular pattern. To evenly distribute moisture in the mixture and exclude the possibility of waterlogging the subgrade, water is poured through spray nozzles in two steps at the rate of 0.7-0.8 m per 100 m .gif" width="11" height="25 src="> at 100m base.

3.12. The mixture is rolled with a DU-50 smooth-roller roller from the edge of the base to its middle, overlapping the previous track followed by 1/3 of the width of the rear roller. The speed of the roller should be 1.5-2.0 km/h. The number of passes of the roller along one track is set according to the results of trial rolling (from 4 to 6).

After rolling the base, check its evenness with a three-meter rail and the compliance of the transverse slopes with the design values. The sections of the base, on which there are defects, are manually corrected after two road workers. They align the edges of the base layer, remove excess material and pour understated places.

3.13. The crushed stone-gravel-sand mixture is compacted by two smooth-roller rollers DU-49. The number of passes of the roller along one track is determined by trial rolling and ranges from 10 to 25. Compaction should begin along the edges of the base. During subsequent passes, the roller is shifted to the middle of the base with the overlap of the previous pass by 1/3 of the width. The speed of the roller at the initial stage of compaction should not exceed 3.0-5.0 km/h, during subsequent passes the speed of the roller can be increased to 12-15 km/h. At the final stage of compaction, in order to create the proper structure of the material and increase the strength of the base, the speed of the rollers should also not exceed 1.5-2.0 km / h. Rolling is performed according to the shuttle scheme.

During the compaction process, the moisture content and density of the compacted layer are checked. If necessary, it is additionally moistened with the help of a PM-130V watering machine, at the rate of 6-12 l / m. Water is poured 10-15 minutes before the start of compaction in several steps. A sign of the end of the layer compaction is the absence of a trace from the passage of a heavy roller.

Fig.3. Base layer compaction scheme


4.1. Control and assessment of the quality of work on the construction of a crushed stone-gravel-sand base is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents:

SNiP 3.06.03-85. "Car roads";

VSN 19-89. "Rules for the acceptance of work in the construction and repair of roads."

4.2. Quality control of the work performed should be carried out by specialists or special services equipped with technical means that ensure the necessary reliability and completeness of control, and is assigned to the head of the production unit (foreman, foreman) performing the work.

4.3. Production quality control of work should include incoming control of working documentation, supplied building materials and products, as well as the quality of previous work performed, operational control of individual construction processes or technological operations and acceptance control of work performed with conformity assessment.

During the input control of working documentation, its completeness and sufficiency are checked technical information for the production of works.

The suitability of the gravel-sand mixture and crushed stone for the foundation device must be established by laboratory analyses.

Materials received at the facility must have an accompanying document (passport), which indicates the name of the material, the batch number and quantity of the material, the content of harmful components and impurities, the date of manufacture.

The results of the input control are recorded in the Logbook of the results of the input control in the form: GOST 24297-87, Appendix 1.

4.4. Operational control is carried out in the course of construction processes or production operations in order to ensure the timely detection of defects and the adoption of measures to eliminate and prevent them. Operational control checks compliance with work performance technologies, compliance of work performance with the working draft and regulatory documents. Control is carried out with the help of geodetic instruments under the guidance of a foreman. Instrumental control should be carried out systematically from the beginning to its complete completion. In doing so, the following should be checked:

base width;

The quality of mixing gravel-sand mixture with crushed stone;

The thickness of the distribution of the mixture.

results operational control must be registered in the General work log.

4.5. During acceptance control, it is necessary to check the quality of work selectively at the discretion of the Customer or the General Contractor in order to verify the effectiveness of the previously conducted operational control and the compliance of the work performed with the design and regulatory documentation with the preparation of certificates of survey of hidden work. This type of control can be carried out at any stage of work.

4.6. The results of quality control carried out by the Customer's Technical Supervision, Architectural Supervision, Inspection Control and comments of persons controlling the production and quality of work must be entered in the General Work Log.

4.7. Quality control of work is carried out from the moment materials arrive at the construction site and ends when the facility is put into operation.

The quality of work is ensured by the fulfillment of the requirements for compliance with the necessary technological sequence when performing interrelated works and technical control over the progress of work set out in the POS and PPR, as well as in the Operational Quality Control Scheme.

4.8. An example of filling out the Operational Quality Control Scheme is shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Name of operations subject to control

Composition and scope of control

Control methods

Scope of control

Who controls

Stakeout work of the base layer

Layer width - ±10 cm
Cross slopes - ±0.005
Elevation marks - ±10 mm
Layer thickness - ±10 mm

Surveyor Laboratory

Importation and distribution

Input control

Laboratory control


Sealing the base layer
Compliance with rolling schemes

Layer density - no trace on the surface from the skating rink 10-12 t
Layer thickness - ±20 mm
Layer width - ±10 cm
Cross slope - ±0.010
Clearance under the 3rd rail 10 mm
Elevation marks along the axis 50 mm

Instrumental measurement, laboratory control


4.9. Upon completion of the installation of the base, the completed work is presented to the Customer for examination of the hidden work and signing of the Act, to which is attached:

General work log;

The executive scheme of the instrumental verification of the finished base layer with the application of deviations from the project, made during the construction process;

Passport and quality certificate for crushed stone;

Laboratory conclusion on the compliance of the applied gravel-sand mixture.

All acceptance documentation must comply with the requirements of SNiP 12-01-2004.

4.10. At the construction site, it is necessary to keep a General Journal of Works, a Journal of Architectural Supervision of a Design Organization, and an Operational Journal of Geodetic Works.


5.1. An example of compiling a calculation of labor costs and machine time for the installation of a crushed stone-gravel-sand base is shown in table 2.

table 2

Rationale, GESN

Name of works

Scope of work

per unit rev.

For the entire volume

Foundation device made of gravel-sand mixture 12 cm thick

Addition of fractional crushed stone


5.2. Labor and time costs are calculated in relation to the Elemental Estimated Standards for Construction Works (GESN 81-02-27-2001 Part 27, Highways).


6.1. An example of scheduling the production of works is shown in table 3.

Table 3

6.2. When drawing up a work schedule, it is recommended that the following conditions be met:

6.2.1. The column "Name of technological operations" lists in the technological sequence all the main, auxiliary, accompanying work processes and operations included in the complex construction process for which the technological map has been drawn up.

6.2.2. The column "Accepted composition of the link" shows the quantitative, professional and qualification structure of construction professions for the performance of each work process and operation, depending on the complexity, volume and timing of the work.

6.2.3. The work schedule indicates the sequence of work processes and operations, their duration and mutual coordination along the front of work in time.

6.2.4. The duration of the complex construction process, for which the technological map has been drawn up, must be a multiple of the duration of the work shift for one-shift work or a working day for two- and three-shift work.


7.1. The need for machinery and equipment.

7.1.1. The mechanization of construction and special construction works should be comprehensive and carried out in sets construction machines, equipment, small-scale mechanization, necessary mounting equipment, inventory and fixtures.

7.1.2. Means of small-scale mechanization, equipment, tools and technological equipment necessary for the performance of work must be completed in standard sets in accordance with the technology of the work performed.

7.1.3. When choosing machines and installations, it is necessary to provide for options for replacing them if necessary. If the use of new construction machines, installations and devices is envisaged, the name and address of the organization or manufacturer must be indicated.

7.1.4. An indicative list of the main necessary equipment, machines, mechanisms, technological equipment, tools and fixtures are given in table.4.

Table 4


8.1. When performing work on the installation of a crushed stone-gravel-sand base, one should be guided by the current regulatory documents:

SNiP 12-03-2001. Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements;

SNiP 12-04-2002. Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production;

8.2. Responsibility for the implementation of safety, labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire and environmental safety measures rests with the work managers appointed by order. Responsible person provides organizational leadership construction work directly or through the foreman. The orders and instructions of the responsible person are binding on all those working at the facility.

8.3. The labor protection of workers should be ensured by the issuance of the necessary funds by the administration personal protection(special clothing, footwear, etc.), the implementation of measures for the collective protection of workers (fencing, lighting, protective and safety devices and fixtures, etc.), sanitary facilities and devices in accordance with applicable standards and the nature of the work performed. Workers must be created the necessary conditions work, food and rest. Works are performed in special footwear and overalls. All persons on construction site are required to wear protective helmets.

8.4. Sanitary facilities, motorways and pedestrian roads should be located outside the danger zones. A first-aid kit with medicines, a stretcher, fixing splints and other means for providing first aid should be kept in the workers’ rest trailer and constantly replenished. medical care. All workers on the construction site must be provided with drinking water.

8.5. The person responsible for the safe performance of work is obliged to:

Familiarize workers with the technological map for signature;

Monitor the good condition of machines, mechanisms and devices;

Explain to employees their duties and sequence of operations.

8.6. Persons aged at least 18 years who have passed:

Medical examination and found fit for work in construction;

Training and testing of knowledge on safe methods and techniques of work, fire safety, first aid and having a special certificate about this;

Introductory briefing on safety, industrial sanitation and briefing directly at the workplace.

8.7. The technical condition of the machines (reliability of mounting units) must be checked before the start of each shift. Each machine must be equipped with an audible alarm; before putting it into operation, it is necessary to make sure that they are in good condition, that they have protective devices on them, that there are no unauthorized persons in the working area and give an audible signal. When working with several machines following each other, it is necessary to keep a distance of at least 10 m between them.

8.8. Drivers are prohibited from:

Work on faulty mechanisms;

On the go, during operation, troubleshoot;

Leave the mechanism with the engine running;

Allow unauthorized persons into the mechanism cabin;

Stand in front of the locking ring disc when inflating tires.

8.9. When operating the motor grader, the following requirements must be observed:

When turning the motor grader at the end of the profiled section, as well as on sharp turns, the movement should be carried out at a minimum speed;

It is necessary to level the soil on freshly filled embankments with a height of more than 1.5 m under the supervision of a responsible person;

The distance between the edge of the subgrade and the outer (along the way) wheels of the motor grader must be at least 1.0 m.

8.10. The supply of a dump truck in reverse to the place of unloading should be carried out by the driver only at the command of the road worker who accepts the cargo.

8.11. When working on soil-compacting equipment, the following requirements must be observed:

The skating rink must be equipped with sound and signal devices, the serviceability of which must be monitored by the driver;

The operator of the rink must wear overalls, to protect the eyes from dust, goggles should be worn.


9.1. The numerical and professional composition of the complex team is 10 people, including:

Motor grader driver of the 6th category - 1 person.

Ice rink driver 5th category - 1 person.

Watering machine driver - 1 person.

Rink driver 6th category - 2 people.

Road milling machine operator, 5th category - 2 people.

Road worker of the 3rd category - 1 person.

Road worker of the 2nd category - 2 people.

9.2. Labor costs on the foundation device are:

Labor costs of workers - 48.84 man-hours.

Machine time for - 31.02 machine-hours.

9.3. Output per worker - 100 m / shift.


10.1. The TTC was drawn up using the regulatory documents in force as of 01/01/2010.

10.2. When developing a Typical technological map, the following were used:

10.2.1. Reference manual to SNiP "Development of projects for the organization of construction and projects for the production of works for industrial construction".

10.2.2. TsNIIOMTP. M., 1987. Guidelines for the development of standard technological maps in construction.

10.2.3. "Guidelines for the development and approval of technological maps in construction" to SNiP 3.01.01-85 "Organization construction industry"(with change N 2 of 01.01.01 N 18-81), SNiP 12-01-2004 "Organization of construction".

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