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Types of building materials and their classification. Classification of basic building materials Examples of materials used in construction production

According to the degree of readiness, the construction materials and construction materials are distinguished - finished products and elements mounted and fixed on the site of work. Building materials include wood, metals, cement, concrete, brick, sand, mortar for stone masonry and various plasters, paints and varnishes, natural stones, etc.

Building products are precast concrete panels and designs, window and door blocks, sanitary products and cabins, etc. Unlike products, building materials are subjected to processing - mixed with water, compacted, saw, teshut, etc.

By origin, building materials are divided into natural and artificial.

Natural materials - It is wood, rock (natural stones), peat, natural bitumens and asphalt, etc. These materials are obtained from natural raw materials by simple processing without changing their initial structure and chemical composition.

TO artificial materials Believe brick, cement, reinforced concrete, glass, etc. They are obtained from natural and artificial raw materials, by-products of industry and agriculture using special technologies. Artificial materials differ from the initial raw materials in both the structure and the chemical composition, which is due to the fundamental processing of it in the factory conditions.

The largest distribution was obtained by classifications of materials for the purpose and technological basis.

For appointment, materials are divided into the following groups:

construction materials - materials that perceive and transmit on loads in building structures;

heat insulation materials, the main purpose of which is to minimize the transfer of heat through the construction structure and thereby ensure the necessary thermal regime in the room with minimal energy costs;

acoustic materials (sound-absorbing and sound insulation materials) - to reduce the level of "noise pollution" of the room;

waterproofing and roofing materials - to create waterproof layers on roofing, underground structures and other structures that need to be protected from exposure to water or water vapor;

sealing materials - for sealing joints in prefabricated structures;

decoration Materials - to improve the decorative qualities of building structures, as well as to protect structural, thermal insulation and other materials from external influences;

special materials (for example, refractory or acid-resistant) used in the construction of special structures.

A number of materials (for example cement, lime, wood) cannot be attributed to any one group, since they are used in pure form, and as raw materials for other building materials and products. These are the so-called general-purpose materials. The difficulty of classifying building materials for the purpose is that the same materials can be attributed to different groups. For example, concrete is mainly used as a structural material, but some of its species have a completely different purpose: Especially light concrete are thermally insulated material; Particularly heavy concrete - the material of special purpose, which is used to protect against radioactive radiation. .

According to the technological basis, the materials are divided, given the type of raw materials from which the material is obtained, and the type of manufacture, to the following groups:

Natural stone materials and products - Get from rocks by processing them: wall blocks and stones, facing plates, details of architectural purposes, edge stone for foundations, crushed stone, gravel, sand, etc.

Ceramic materials and products - Get out of clay with additives by molding, drying and firing: brick, ceramic blocks and stones, tile, pipes, faience and porcelain products, tiles facing and for flooring, ceramzite (artificial gravel for light concrete), etc.

Glass and other materials and products made of mineral melts - Window and facing glass, glass blocks, glass profile (for fences), tiles, pipes, products from satalles and slagositallov, stone casting.

Inorganic binders - Mineral materials, predominantly powdered, forming a plastic body when mixing with water, with time acquiring ancient state: cements of various species, lime, gypsum binders, etc.

Concretes - Artificial stone materials obtained from a mixture of binder, water, small and large aggregates. Concrete with steel reinforcement is called reinforced concrete, it resists well, not only compression, but also bending and stretching.

Construction solutions - Artificial stone materials consisting of binder, water and small aggregate, which over time transition from the tough in ancient state.

Artificial non-Russian stone materials - Get on the basis of inorganic binders and various aggregates: silicate brick, gypsum and hardware products, asbestos-cement products and structures, silicate concrete.

Organic binders and materials based on them - bituminous and detection binders, roofing and waterproofing materials: rubberoid, pergamine, isol, brizol, waterproof, tol, gluing mastic, asphalt concrete and solutions.

Polymer materials and products - A group of materials obtained on the basis of synthetic polymers (thermoplastic nonormoreactive resins): Linoleums, Relin, Synthetic carpet materials, tiles, woody plastics, fiberglass, foams, poroplasts, celloplasts, etc.

Wood materials and products - result from mechanical wood processing: round forest, lumber, blanks for various carpentry, parquet, plywood, plinths, handrails, door and window blocks, glued structures.

Metal materials - The most widely used in the construction of ferrous metals (steel and cast iron), steel rolling (2-ways, chawllers, corners), metal alloys, especially aluminum.

  • Natural (natural) - without changing the composition and internal structure:
    • inorganic (stone materials and products);
    • organic (wood materials, straw, fire, reed, husk, wool, collagen).
  • Artificial:
    • Umbrella (hardening under normal conditions) and autoclave (hardening at a temperature of 175-200 ° C and a water vapor pressure of 0.9-1.6 MPa):
      • inorganic (clinker and clinker-containing cements, gypsum, magnesia, etc.);
      • organic (bituminous and deckluts, emulsions, pastes);
      • polymer (thermoplastic and thermosetting);
      • comprehensive:
        • mixed (mixing several types of minerals);
        • compounded (mixtures and alloys of organic materials);
        • combined (mineral combination with organic or polymeric).
    • Clamps - hardening from fiery melts:
      • slag (by chemical base slag);
      • ceramic (by character and varieties of clay and other components);
      • glass mass (according to the alkalinity of the charge);
      • stone casting (according to rock formation);
      • comprehensive (according to the type of components connected, for example: slagocheramic, glass wool).

For use are classified into two main categories. The first category includes - structural: brick, concrete, cement, timber, etc. They are used in the construction of various elements of buildings (walls, overlaps, coatings, floors). To the second category - special purpose: waterproofing, thermal insulation, acoustic, finishing, etc.

Main types of building materials and products

  • stone Natural Building Materials and Products
  • binding materials inorganic and organic
  • forest materials and products from them
  • hardware

Depending on the purpose, the conditions for the construction and operation of buildings and structures, appropriate building materials are selected, which have certain qualities and protective properties from the impact on them of a different external environment. Given these features, any building material must have certain construction and technical properties. For example, the material for the outer walls of the buildings should have the smallest thermal conductivity with sufficient strength to protect the room from the outer cold; Material of the structure of hydrochromelic purposes - waterproof and resistance to alternate humidification and drying; Material for coating roads (asphalt, concrete) should have sufficient strength and low abrasability to withstand the load from transport.


Materials and products must have good properties and qualities.

Property - The characteristic of the material manifested in the process of its processing, application or operation.

Quality - A set of material properties that determine its ability to meet certain requirements in accordance with its appointment.

The properties of building materials and products are classified into four main groups: physical, mechanical, chemical, technological, etc.

The chemical includes the ability of materials to resist the action of a chemically aggressive medium, which cause metabolic reactions leading to the destruction of materials, changes in its initial properties: solubility, corrosion resistance, resistance to rotting, hardening.

Physical properties: medium, bulk, true and relative density; Porosity, humidity, moisture production, thermal conductivity.

Mechanical properties: limits of strength in compression, stretching, bending, shift, elasticity, plasticity, rigidity, hardness.

Technological properties: Convertibility, heat resistance, melting, hardening and drying rate.

Physical properties

  1. The true density ρ is the mass of the material volume of the material in an absolutely dense state. ρ \u003d M / VA, where Va volume is in dense state. [ρ] \u003d g / cm³; kg / m³; T / m³. For example, granite, glass and other silicates are almost absolutely dense materials. Determination of true density: The pre-dried sample is crushed into the powder, the volume is determined in the pycnometer (it is equal to the volume of the displaced fluid).
  2. The average density ρm \u003d m / ve is the mass of the unit of volume in the natural state. The average density depends on temperature and humidity: ρm \u003d ρv / (1 + w), where W is relative humidity, and ρv is the density in the wet state.
  3. The bulk density (for bulk materials) is the mass of the unit of the loose of bulk grainy or fibrous materials.
  4. Porosity P is the degree of filling material of the material by pores. P \u003d VP / VE, where VP is the volume of pores, Ve is the volume of material. Porosity is open and closed.

Open porosity is communicated with the environment and among themselves, filled with water under normal saturation conditions (immersion in water bath). Open pores increase the permeability and water absorption of the material, reduce frost resistance.

Closed porosity of PZ \u003d P-software. An increase in closed porosity increases the durability of the material, reduces sound absorption.

Porous material contains both open, and closed pores

Hydrophysical properties

  1. The water absorption of porous materials is determined by the standard procedure, withstanding samples in water at a temperature of 20 ± 2 ° C. In this case, the water does not penetrate into closed pores, that is, water absorption characterizes only the open porosity. When removing samples from the bath, water partially follows from large, so water absorption is always less porosity. Water absorption in the volume Wo (%) is the degree of filling material with water: WO \u003d (MB-MC) / VE * 100, where MB is a mass of a material saturated material; Mc is a sample mass in a dry state. Water absorption by weight WM (%) is determined with respect to the mass of dry material WM \u003d (MB-MC) / MC * 100. WO \u003d WM * γ, γ - the bulk mass of dry material, expressed in relation to the density of water (dimensionless value). Water absorption is used to estimate the structure of the material using the saturation coefficient: Kn \u003d Wo / n. It may vary from 0 (all the pores in the material are closed) to 1 (all the pores are open). A decrease in KN speaks of an increase in frost resistance.
  2. Power permeability is the property of the material to pass water under pressure. The CF filtering coefficient (m / h - the speed dimension) characterizes the water permeability: KF \u003d VV * A /, where kf \u003d Vv is the amount of water, m³ passing through the wall with an area of \u200b\u200bS \u003d 1 m², the thickness of A \u003d 1 m during T \u003d 1h With the difference in the hydrostatic pressure at the boundaries of the wall p1 - p2 \u003d 1 m of water. Art.
  3. Waterproof material is characterized by a W2 brand; W4; W8; W10; W12 denoting one-sided hydrostatic pressure in kgf / cm², in which a concrete sample-cylinder does not pass water under standard testing. The lower the KF, the higher the waterproof brand.
  4. The water resistance is characterized by the softening coefficient KP \u003d RB / RC, where RV is the strength of the material saturated with water, and Rc is the strength of the dry material. KP varies from 0 (reinforcing clay) to 1 (metals). If kp is less than 0.8, then such material is not used in the building structures in water.
  5. Hygroscopicity is the property of capillary and porous material to absorb water vapor from the air. The process of absorption of moisture from the air is called sorption, it is due to the polymolecular adsorption of water vapor on the inner surface of the pore and capillary condensation. With an increase in the pressure of the water vapor (that is, an increase in the relative humidity of the air at a constant temperature) the sorption humidity of the material increases.
  6. Capillary absorption is characterized by the height of water lifting in the material, the amount of absorbed water and the intensity of suction. Reducing these indicators reflects the improvement of the material structure and increase its frost resistance.
  7. Humidity deformations. Porous materials when changing humidity change their volume and dimensions. Shrinkage - a decrease in the size of the material when it is dried. Swelling occurs when the material is saturated with water.
Thermophysical properties
  1. Heat conductivity - the property of the material to transmit heat from one surface to another. The Nekrasov formula binds the thermal conductivity λ [W / (M · C)] with a volumetric mass of a material expressed in relation to water: λ \u003d 1,16 √ (0.0196 + 0.22γ2) -0.16. With increasing temperature, the thermal conductivity of most materials increases. R is thermal resistance, R \u003d 1 / λ.
  2. The heat capacity with [Kcal / (kg · c)] is the amount of heat that must be informed of 1 kg of material to increase its temperature by 1 ° C. For stone materials, the heat capacity varies from 0.75 to 0.92 kJ / (kg · s). The heat capacity increases with the increase in humidity.
  3. Fireflowness - the property of the material to withstand a long exposure to high temperature (from 1580 ° C and higher), not softening and not deforming. Refractory materials are used for the inner lining of industrial furnaces. The refractory materials are softened at temperatures above 1350 ° C.
  4. Fire resistance - the property of the material to resist the action of fire during a fire for a certain time. It depends on the combustibility of the material, that is, from his ability to ignite and burn. Failed materials - concrete, brick, steel, etc. But at temperatures above 600 ° C, some non-aggravated materials are cracking (granite) or strongly deform (metals). Empty-facilible materials under the influence of fire or high temperature are smoldering, but after the cessation of the fire, their combustion is stopped (asphalt concrete, impregnated with antipyrin wood, fibrololite, some foams). The combined materials are burning with an open flame, they must be protected from fire constructive and other measures, to process with antipirens.
  5. Linear temperature expansion. With a seasonal change in the ambient temperature and the material at 50 ° C, the relative temperature deformation reaches 0.5-1 mm / m. In order to avoid cracking of the structure of high length, the deformation seams are cut.

Frost resistance of building materials: the property of a saturated material of the material to withstand alternate freezing and thawing. Quantified frost resistance is estimated by the brand. For the brand, the largest number of cycles of alternate freezing to -20 ° C and thawing at 12-20 ° C, which can withstand the samples of the material without reducing compression strength of more than 15%; After testing, the samples should not have visible damage - cracks, painting (loss of mass no more than 5%).

Mechanical properties

Elasticity - Spontaneous restoration of the initial form and size after the termination of the external force.

Plastic - The property to change the form and dimensions under the action of external forces not destroying, and after the termination of the external forces, the body cannot spontaneously restore the shape and size.

Residual deformation - Plastic deformation.

Relative deformation - The ratio of absolute deformation to the initial linear size (ε \u003d ΔL / L).

Elastic modulus - Tension relationships to rel. deformation (e \u003d σ / ε).

Strength - The property of the material to resist the destruction under the influence of internal stresses caused by external forces or other strength is evaluated by the strength of the strength - the time resistance of R defined in this form of deformation. For fragile (brick, concrete), the main strength characteristic is the tensile strength. For metals, steel - compression strength is the same as when tensile and bending. Since building materials are inhomogeneous, the strength limit is determined as the average result of a series of samples. The test results are affected by the form, sizes, the state of the support surfaces, the loading speed. Depending on the strength, materials are divided into brands and classes. Marks are recorded in kgf / cm², and classes - in MPa. The class characterizes guaranteed strength. The strength class is called the time resistance to the compression of standard samples (concrete cubes with the size of the edge 150 mm), tested at the age of 28 days of storage at a temperature of 20 ± 2 ° C, taking into account the static variability of strength.

The coefficient of constructive quality: KKK \u003d R / γ (the strength of relatives. Density), for the 3rd steel KKK \u003d 51 MPa, for high-strength steel KKK \u003d 127 MPa, heavy concrete KKK \u003d 12.6 MPa, wood KKK \u003d 200 MPa.

Hardness - An indicator that characterizes the property of materials to resist the penetration of another, more dense material into it. The hardness indicator: HB \u003d P / F (F - the area of \u200b\u200bthe imprint, P is the force), [HB] \u003d MPa. Moos scale: Talc, Gypsum, Lime ... diamond.

Abrasion - loss of the initial mass of the sample when this sample passes a specific path of the abrasive surface. Abrasion: and \u003d (M1-M2) / F, where F is an abrade surface area.

Wear - The property of the material is to resist simultaneously with the effects of abrasive and shock loads. Wear determine in the drum with steel balls or without them.

Natural stone materials

Classification and main types of rocks

Mountain breeds are used as natural stone materials in construction, which have the necessary construction properties.

By geological classification, rock rocks are divided into three types:

  1. magmatic (primary)
  2. sediment (secondary)
  3. metamorphic (modified)

Chemical sediments: limestone, dolomite, gypsum.

Organogenic rocks: Limestone-shelter, diatomit, chalk.

3) Metamorphic (modified) rock rocks were formed from erupted and sedimentary rocks under the influence of high temperatures and pressures in the process of raising and lowering the earth's crust. These include clay slate, marble, quartzite.

Classification and main types of natural stone materials

Natural stone materials and products are obtained by treating rocks.

By the method of obtaining, stone materials are divided into:

  • ripped stone (boot) - mined by explosive way
  • rough-grained stone - get a splitting without processing
  • crushed - get crushing (crushed stone, artificial sand)
  • assorted stone (cobblestone, gravel).

Stone materials are divided into

  • stones of irregular shape (crushed stone, gravel)
  • pieces that have the right shape (plates, blocks).

Hydration binders are divided into:

  • air (hard and gaining strength only in the air)
  • hydraulic (hardening in wet, air and under water).

Place plaster for partitions are made of a mixture of building gypsum with mineral or organic fillers. Plates produce solid and hollow thickness of 80-100 mm. Gypsum and gypsum concrete slabs are used for the device partitions inside the building.

The gypsum concrete panels for the base of the floors are manufactured from a gypsum concrete with a strength limit when compressing at least 7 MPa. They have a wooden wrapping frame. Panel dimensions are determined by the size of the premises. Panels are designed under the floors from linoleum, tiles in rooms with normal humidity.

Blocks Gypsum ventilation are made of construction gypsums with a strength limit for compressing 12-13 MPa or from a mixture of gypsum-cement-buttzolan binder with additives. Blocks are designed for the device of ventilation channels in residential, public and industrial buildings.

Blocks Gypsum puzzle are used for low-rise construction, as well as when erecting partitions within buildings and structures of industrial, administrative and housing. The lock connection of the blocks in the masonry is achieved by the presence of a groove and ridge on each of the horizontal planes. The compound of groove-rings allows you to quickly install the wall of the puzzle blocks. In each block there are two cross-cutting emptiness, allowing to get the lung structures of partitions. When laying the walls of the void of all rows, forming hermetic closed air cavities filled with efficient insulating materials (clamzit, mineralvate, polyurethane foam, etc.). When filling out these voids with heavy concrete, you can create any carrying structures. Plates gypsum puzzle houses are designed for the element assembly of undesupply partitions in the buildings of various purposes and for the inner cladding of the outer walls of the buildings. Gypsum blocks are applied in accordance with the construction norms and rules for self-supporting and enclosing structures of residential, public, industrial and agricultural buildings, mainly under low-rise construction.

Due to its physico-mechanical properties, the laying of plaster blocks has high indicators of the soundproofing index of air noise (50 dB) and thermal conductivity, which has an important value in the construction of both residential and industrial premises.

Artificial fuggling materials

Artificial fuggling materials and products (ceramics) are obtained by firing at 900-1300 ° C molded and dried clay mass. As a result of the firing, the clay mass turns into an artificial stone, which has good strength, high density of addition, water resistance, waterproof, frost resistance and durability. The raw material for receiving ceramics is clay with entered into it in some cases, extensive additives. These additives reduce the shrinkage of products during drying and firing, increase the porosity, reduce the average density and thermal conductivity of the material. As additives, sand, crushed ceramics, slags, ashes, coal, sawdust use. The roasting temperature depends on the temperature of the clay melting temperature. Ceramic building materials are divided into porous and dense. Porous materials have a relative density of up to 95% and water absorption of more than 5%; Their tensile strength does not exceed 35 MPa (brick, drainage pipes). Dense materials have a relative density of more than 95%, water absorption is less than 5%, the strength of compressing up to 100 MPa; They have a durability (floor tiles).

Ceramic materials and products from low-melting clay

  1. Brick clay ordinary plastic pressing is made of clay with exaggerating additives or without them. Brick is a parallelepiped. Brick stamps: 300, 250, 200, 150, 125, 100.
  2. Brick (stone) Ceramic hollow plastic pressing is released for laying of bearing walls of single-storey and multi-storey buildings, indoor rooms, walls and partitions, lining of brick walls.
  3. Brick construction light is made by molding and firing masses from clay with burning additives, as well as from sand and clay mixtures with burning additives. Brick size: 250 × 120 × 88 mm, brands 100, 75, 50, 35. The clay ordinary brick is used when laying internal and exterior walls, pillars and other parts of buildings and structures. The brick is clay and ceramic hollows are used with the masonry of the inner and outer walls of buildings and structures above the waterproofing layer. Brick is easy to use when laying outdoor and inner walls of buildings with normal humidity indoors.
  4. Tiles are made of fatty clay by firing at 1000-1100 ° C. A benign tile with a light blow hammer is pure, not a rattling sound. It is durable, very durable and fire-resistant. Disadvantages - large average density, weighting roof construction, fragility, the need to arrange roofs with a big slope to ensure the rapid water drain.
  5. Drainage ceramic pipes are made of clay with extension additives or without them, the inner diameter is 25-250 mm, a length of 333, 500, 1000 mm and the thickness of the walls is 8-24 mm. They are made on the brickly illustrian plants. Drainage ceramic pipes are used in the construction of drying and moisturizing and irrigation systems, collector-drainage water water.

Ceramic materials and refractory clay products

  1. Stone for underground collectors produce trapezoidal shapes with side grooves. It is used when laying underground collectors with a diameter of 1.5 and 2 m, with a sewer device and other structures.
  2. Ceramic facade tiles are used for cladding buildings and structures, panels, blocks.
  3. Ceramic sewer pipes are made of refractory and refractory clays with extensive additives. They have a cylindrical shape and a length of 800, 1000 and 1200 mm, the inner diameter of 150-600 m.
  4. Flooring tiles on the sight of the facial surface are divided into smooth, rough and cramped; in color - on one-color and multicolor; In the form - on a square, rectangular, triangular, hex, four-edged. Tile thickness 10 and 13 mm. It is used for the furniture of floors in the premises of industrial, water management buildings with a wet mode.
  5. Ceramic roofing tile is one of the most ancient types of roofing materials, which is actively used in construction and in our time. The process of manufacturing ceramic tiles can be divided into several steps - the clay billet first give the shape, it is dried, the coating is applied on top, and then burn in the furnace at a temperature of about 1000 ° C.

Coagulative (organic) binding materials

Solutions and concrete based on them.

Organic binders used in the waterproofing device, in the manufacture of waterproofing materials and products, as well as waterproofing and asphalt solutions, asphalt concrete, are divided into bituminous, party, bitumen. They are well soluble in organic solvents (gasoline, kerosene), possess waterproof, capable of moving from a solid state in plastic, and then liquid, have high adhesion and good grip with construction materials (concrete, brick, wood).

Anhydritic binders

Anhydritis is found as a natural rock (Caso4) without crystalline water (natural anhydrite NAT) or is formed from artificially prepared anhydrite in the installations for the extraction of sulfur from flue gases on coal-operating power plants (synthetic anhydrite SYN). It is often denoted by REA - gypsum. In order for anhydrite to perceive water, the main materials, such as building lime, or basic and singers (mixed inhibitors) are added to it as causative agents (inhibitors).

Anhydride solution begins to capture in 25 minutes and becomes hard at no later than 12 hours later. Its hardening occurs only in the air. Anhydrite binding (AV) comes in DIN 4208 two strength classes. It can be used as a binder for plasters and screeds, as well as for internal building structures. Stuccoings with anhydrite binders need to be protected from moisture.

Mixed binders

Mixed binders are hydraulic binders containing thin-fat trails, blast slags or blast sands, as well as lime hydrate or portland cement as an inhibitor for water perception. Mixed binders are hardening both in air and under water. Their compression strength is set by DIN 4207 at least 15 N / mm² 28 days after laying. Mixed binders can be used only for solutions and unarmed concrete.

Bituminous materials

Bitumes are divided into natural and artificial. In nature, clean bitumens are rare. Typically, bitumen is produced from mining sedimentary porous rocks impregnated with them as a result of lifting oil from the underlying layers. Artificial bitumens are obtained in oil processing, as a result of distillation from its composition of gases (propane, ethylene), gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel.

Natural bitumen - solid substance or viscous liquids consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons.

Polyethylene pipes are made by continuous screw extrusion (continuous extrusion of the polymer from the nozzle with the specified profile). Polyethylene pipes of frost resistant, which allows them to operate them at temperatures from -80 ° C to +60 ° C.

Polymer mastic and concrete

Hydraulic structures operating under an aggressive environment, the action of high speeds and solid flow, protect special coatings or cladding. In order to protect facilities from these effects, polymer mastic, polymeric concretes, polymer concrete, polymerism are used to increase their durability.

Polymer mastic - Designed to create protective coatings, preventing structures and structures from the effects of mechanical loads, abrasion, temperature drops, radiation, aggressive medium.

Polymer concrete - cement concrete, in the process of preparation of which silicone or water-soluble polymers are added to the concrete mixture. Such concrete have increased frost resistance, water resistance.

PolymerBetones - These are concrete, in which polymer resins serve as astringent materials, and the aggregate - inorganic mineral materials.

Polymerrators differ from polymer concrete in that they do not have rubble in their composition. They are used as waterproofing, anti-corrosion and wear-resistant coatings of hydraulic structures, floors, pipes.

Thermal insulation materials and products of them

Thermal insulation materials are characterized by low thermal conductivity and a small average density due to their porous structure. They are classified by the nature of the structure: rigid (plates, brick), flexible (harnesses, semi-tested plates), loose (fibrous and powdered); In view of the main raw materials: organic and inorganic.

Organic heat-insulating materials

Sawdust, chips - applied in dry form with impregnation in lime, plaster, cement.

The felt construction is made of coarse wool. They produce it in the form of a 1000-2000 mm length impregnated with an antiseptic, a width of 500-2000 mm and a thickness of 10-12 mm.

Camsheets are produced in the form of plates with a thickness of 30-100 mm, obtained by a wire bond resulting from 12-15 cm of the rows of pressed root.

The construction properties of wood vary widely, depending on its age, growth conditions, wood species, humidity. In the freshly edged moisture tree - 35-60%, and it depends on the time of cutting and the tree of wood. The smallest moisture content in the winter tree, the greatest - in the spring. The greatest humidity is characteristic of coniferous rocks (50-60%), the smallest - solid deciduous rocks (35-40%). Hyd from the most wet state to the fiber saturation point (to a humidity of 35%) wood does not change its size, with further drying its linear dimensions decrease. On average, the drying is 0.1%, and across the fibers - 3-6%. As a result of the volume drying, the slots are formed in the joints of the wooden elements, the wood cracks. For wooden structures, it should be used the wood of the humidity at which it will work in the design.

Wood materials and products

Round Forest: Birovna - Long Tree Trunk Cuts Cleaning from Sounds; Rounded (Snodovar) - Brica 3-9 m long; ridges - short segments of the tree trunk (1.3-2.6 m long); Brica for piles of hydraulic structures and bridges - segments of a tree trunk 6.5-8.5 m. The humidity of the round forest used for the supporting structures should be no more than 25%.

Building materials from wood are divided into lumber and slab materials.


Lumber is obtained by sawing round forest.

  • Plates are longitudinally painted into two symmetrical parts of the brica.
  • The bar has a thickness and width of more than 100 mm (two-tonished, triple and four-digit).
  • Bar - sawn timber up to 100 mm thick and width of no more double thickness.
  • The hill is a scaled outdoor part of the log, in which one side is not processed.
  • Board - sawn timber up to 100 mm thick and width of more double thickness. It is considered the main type of sawn timber.

The high-tech type of sawn timber is a wall and window glue bar, as well as bent-glued bearing structures and overlap beams. They make them by gluing by waterproof boards, bars, plywood. (Waterproof adhesive FBA, FOK).

Carrying products made from lumber. Stroganny long products are a molding (lining, floorboard, plinth, rail), platbands (window and doorways), handrails for railings, stairs, windows, windows and doors. Carpentry products are manufactured on specialized factories or in coniferous and hardwood shops.

Wood slabs

To the number of slaughter building materials from wood include: plywood, wood-fiber plates, chipboard, cement-chipboard, oriented chipboard.

For the manufacture of metal building structures and structures, rolling steel profiles are used: equilibrium and non-equivalent corners, channel, 2-way, and brass. Bars, bolts, nuts, screws and nails are used as fasteners. When performing construction and installation works, various methods of metal processing are used: mechanical, thermal, welding. The main methods of production of metal works include mechanical hot and cold metal processing.

With hot processing, the metals are heated to certain temperatures, after which they give the appropriate forms and dimensions during the rental process, under the influence of hammer impacts or press pressure.

Cold processing of metals are divided into metal and processing of metals with cutting. Maintenance and processing consists of the following technological operations: marking, cutting, cutting, castings, drilling, cutting.

Metal processing, cutting is carried out by removing metal chips with cutting tool (stringence, planing, milling). It is produced on metal cutting machines.

To improve the construction qualities of steel products, they are subjected to heat treatment - quenching, vacation, annealing, normalization and cementation.

The hardening lies in the heating of steel products to a temperature, slightly above the critical, some excerpt at this temperature and in the subsequent rapid cooling of them in water, oil, oil emulsion. The heating temperature during hardening depends on the content in carbon steel. When quenching, the strength and hardness of steel increases.

Vacation is to heat the tempered products up to 150-670 ° C (tempering temperature), highlighting them at this temperature (depending on the steel grade) and the subsequent slow or fast cooling in calm air, water or oil. In the process of vacation, the viscosity of steel increases, the internal voltage in it and its fragility decreases, its workability is improved.

Annealing consists in heating steel products to a certain temperature (750-960 ° C), exposure to them at this temperature and subsequent slow cooling in the furnace. Under the annealing of steel products, the hardness of steel decreases, its workability is also improved.

Normalization is the heating of steel products to a temperature somewhat higher than the annealing temperature, exposure to them at this temperature and subsequent cooling in calm air. After normalization, steel is obtained with a higher hardness and a fine-grained structure.

Cementation is the process of surface carburization of steel in order to obtain high surface hardness, wear resistance and high strength; In this case, the inner part of the steel retains a significant viscosity.

Non-ferrous metals and alloys

These include: aluminum and its alloys are light, technological, corrosion-resistant material. In its pure form, it is used for the manufacture of foil, casting parts. For the manufacture of aluminum products, aluminum alloys are used - aluminum-manganese, aluminum-magnesium ... Used in the construction of aluminum alloys with a minor density (2.7-2.9 g / cm³), have strength characteristics that are close to the strength characteristics of construction steels. Products made of aluminum alloys are characterized by the simplicity of manufacturing technology, good appearance, fire and seismic resistance, anti-magnetism, durability. Such a combination of construction and technological properties in aluminum alloys allows them to compete with steel. The use of aluminum alloys in enclosing structures allows you to reduce the weight of the walls and the roof of 10-80 times, to reduce the complexity of installation.

Copper and its alloys. Copper is a heavy non-ferrous metal (8.9 g / cm density), soft and plastic with high heat and electrical conductivity. In its pure form, copper is used in electrical wires. Mostly copper is used in alloy various species. The alloy of copper with tin, aluminum, manganese or nickel is called bronze. Bronze is a corrosion-resistant metal with high mechanical properties. Apply it for the manufacture of sanitary fittings. The copper alloy with zinc (up to 40%) is called brass. It has high mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, well leaving hot and cold processing. It is used in the form of products, sheets, wire, pipes.

Zinc is a corrosion-resistant metal used as an anti-corrosion coating when galvanizing steel products in the form of roofing, bolts.

Lead is a heavy, easy-circuited, corrosion-resistant metal, used to conjugate seaming pipes, sealing deformation seams, manufacturing special pipes.

Metal corrosion and protection from her

Impact on metal structures and environmental structures leads to their destruction, which is called corrosion. Corrosion begins with the surface of the metal and extends to the depths of it, with the metal loses its shine, its surface becomes uneven, isolated.

According to the nature of corrosion destruction, solid, selective and intercrystalline corrosion are distinguished.

The solid corrosion is divided into uniform and uneven. With uniform corrosion, the metal destruction occurs at the same speed over the entire surface. With uneven corrosion, the destruction of the metal flows with a different speed on different sections of its surface.

Electoral corrosion covers individual areas of the metal surface. It is divided into superficial, point, end-to-end, and corrosive stains.

Intercrystalline corrosion is manifested inside the metal, while the borders of the crystals constituting the metal are destroyed.

According to the nature of the interaction of metal with the environment, chemical and electrochemical corrosion distinguish. Chemical corrosion occurs under action on a metal of dry gases or liquids not electrolytes (gasoline, oil, resins). Electrochemical corrosion is accompanied by the appearance of an electric current arising under action on the metal of liquid electrolytes (aqueous solutions of salts, acids, alkali), humid gases and air (electricity conductors).

To protect metals from corrosion, various ways of their protection are used: the sealing of metals from the aggressive medium, reducing environmental pollution, ensuring normal temperature and humidity conditions, applying durable anti-corrosion coatings. Usually, with the purpose of protecting metals from corrosion, they are covered with paint and varnishes (primers, paints, enamels, varnishes), protected by corrosion-resistant thin metal coatings - serve for a device of walls, foundations, floors, roofs and other parts of residential and non-residential buildings and structures. S. m. Usually divided into natural, to rye are used for construction in such a form, in what they are in nature (wood, granite, ... ... Big medical encyclopedia

  • There is still no unambiguous answer to the question of which material is better to make the walls of a residential building. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Builders and designers cannot come to one opinion regarding the choice of the most optimal product to perform walls. The thing is that in each particular case, the best material must be selected, based on the designation of the construction, its configuration, climatic conditions of the terrain and the financial capabilities of the owner. In our article, we consider the most common wall materials, we will describe their properties, pros and cons, and you yourself can choose the best of them, based on the conditions of construction.

    Factors affecting the choice

    The fourth part of all costs for construction goes to the construction of walls. Since incorrectly selected material for the construction of walls in the future can lead to even greater spending, when it is elected, the following factors should be taken into account:

    1. If you want to save on the arrangement of the foundation, making a small-gulled lightweight option, then for the walls, choose the light material. Additional savings in the case of using light elements for the walls of the house will be in transportation and laying, because it can be performed with its own hands without using expensive lifting techniques.
    2. Choose building materials that are characterized by good thermal insulation characteristics. Otherwise, the cold walls in winter will cost you expensive due to heating costs.

    Tip: It is best to perform a heat engineering calculation, taking into account the climatic conditions of the construction region. Only so you can be sure that you have chosen the material and the design of the walls. So, in the northern regions of our country, even the walls of materials with high thermal insulation properties need insulation.

    1. If it is for the construction of walls at home to use piece materials, such as brick, then a considerable share of expenses will amount to the cost of payment of mason. Even if you do all the work yourself, then consider temporary and physical costs. It is much more profitable and faster to build from large-sized elements. The greatest speed of the walls of the walls of houses built on frame-panel and frame-panel technology.
    2. Choosing building materials for the walls, it is worth considering how easily they can be finished and whether they need it at all. For example, the walls of the skeleton house from an OSP can not be separated at all, but simply paint, and the house from the login needs a solid trim outside and inside.

    To understand what to build your home, you need to understand the characteristics of building materials, so we will further describe the properties of each of them, we will list the advantages and disadvantages.


    The house built from the brick can be a good eyelid, or even a half. There are many types of bricks, characterized by important operational and technical characteristics.

    So, silicate and ceramic brick species use for the construction of walls. Consider their features:

    • Ceramic brick Made from the burned red clay. It is durable, moisture-resistant, environmentally friendly material. There is a full-length and hollow brick. The more emptiness in the brick, the higher its thermal insulation indicators.
    • Silicate brick Made on the basis of lime, sand and some additives. It also happens full and hollow. The latter option is characterized by ease and improved thermal insulation qualities. Silicate full-scale products are characterized by good sound insulation properties, but high thermal conductivity.

    Also, this wall material is divided into facial and ordinary:

    • Build walls at home is better from private brick. Products may have small defects in the form of cracks and chips, but due to this, their price is more acceptable. In addition, the appearance of the product is not so important for the inner masonry of the walls, as for facial masonry.
    • Facing brick (facial) - This is a wall material that the facade is issued. All products must have a proper geometric shape, a smooth or embossed surface, be without flaws and defects. The price of facial brick is higher than his ordinary fellow.

    The strength of this wall material is directly related to its brand, which can be from M 75 to M 300. The number indicates the load that one square centimeter of the product can withstand. The higher the brand, the greater the proportion of the product. To build a 2 or 3-storey house, brick brand is quite 100-125. To perform the foundation and base, use products with a brand 150-175.

    Also, when choosing a brick, it is important to take into account its frost resistance, that is, the number of cycles of freezing and thawing, which the product can withstand without damage and reduce the strength of no more than 20%. This indicator of the letter F and the number of 15 and higher is labeled. For warm regions, it is possible to use products with frost resistance 15, in colder latitudes, the F25 brand bricks are used. For facing works, brick with frost resistance is not lower than 50.

    Advantages and disadvantages of bricks

    Among the advantages of this wall material should list the following:

    • An impressive service life.
    • Aesthetic appeal.
    • Unlimited possibilities in terms of design and the incarnation of the most complex projects.
    • The material does not give in corrosion, damage to mushrooms and microorganisms.
    • The product is not lit.
    • High sound and thermal insulation characteristics.

    The disadvantages include this:

    • Due to small sizes and a large specific weight, laying walls of bricks is done for a long time and is worth a lot.
    • Under the walls of the brick, it is necessary to equip a solid blurred foundation, and this entails increased costs of materials and earthworks.
    • In most cases, brick walls need to be additionally insulated.

    Ceramic blocks

    Craftsmoblock is a material made of a mixture of clay and wood sawdust, after which the element is burned in the furnace. This is a rather durable product that allows you to quickly build a wall of the house. The strength of the ceramoblock is so high that it can be made from it a multi-storey house. Inside the material has a porous structure, and the outer surface is corrugated. For hermetic compound, the ends of the material have grooves and ridges.

    The height of the ceramblock is multiple with brick masonry rows, and the remaining sizes can be different. Thus, from the cerarmoblock can be built on projects that are designed for brick. But the speed of construction is significantly higher, since one ceramicoblock is 238x248x500 mm, which weighs 25 kg, equal to 15 bricks, each of which weighs 3.3 kg. In addition to increasing the speed of construction, the costs of the solution are reduced, because it will be needed less.

    Important: The width of the ceramoblock can be 230, 240 and 250 mm, and the length is within 250-510 mm. On the long side of the product goes the castle comb-groove.

    Walls with a thickness of 380 mm from this material do not need insulation, since the thermal conductivity of the product is only 0.14-0.29 W / m² of ° C. Marking of wide blocks M 100. If you need to perform thin, but durable walls, you can take items with marking 150. Frost resistance of ceramic blocks is at least 50 cycles.

    Pros and Cormoblock Cons

    To the merits can be attributed:

    • Small specific weight and high strength significantly expand the use of this material.
    • Installation of large-sized products is performed quickly and without unnecessary labor.
    • Saving the solution due to the size of the elements and the absence of the need to make vertical seams.
    • Frost resistance of a conventional cerachnoblock is higher than that of ordinary bricks.
    • Good refractory. The product is able to withstand the burning for 4 hours.
    • An optimal microclimate is created in the cerarmoblock room, since the walls can "breathe" and adjust air humidity.
    • The house can serve one and a half century and does not lose its heat insulating characteristics.

    This material and disadvantages have, among which it is worth named:

    • The price of steamoblocks is high enough.
    • Since these products are relatively new on our market, it is difficult to find a good bricklayer to perform masonry.
    • This fragile material must be very gently stored and transported.


    This material is characterized by excellent thermal insulation characteristics. In the thermal conductivity of a wall of a gas-block, 300-400 mm wide is not inferior to a multilayer brick design. Walls made of gas components support the optimal temperature and humidity regime indoors. The material was not exposed to rot and differ in an impressive service life. Thermal insulation quality of the gas block is 3 times more than the brick wall.

    Aerated concrete is quite light, so it is easy to transport and lay it. It is easily cut in conventional hacksaw to the desired size. The laying of elements is performed on a solution or a special glue, which takes a bit. The smooth smooth surface of the gasoblocks is easy to decide. Aerated concrete is considered environmentally friendly and non-combustible. It has a sufficiently high frost resistance.

    ATTENTION: The density characteristic is important for aerated concrete. This indicator may be within 350-1200 kg / m³. For an ordinary residential building, it is enough to take elements with marking 500-900.

    Advantages and disadvantages of gasoblocks

    Pluses this wall product a lot:

    • Laying walls from gas blocks is 9 times faster than brickwork.
    • Low thermal conductivity of the product is a big plus in his favor.
    • Aerated concrete has a high fire resistance, it does not allocate harmful substances during combustion.
    • Porous material structure contributes to high frost resistance.
    • According to the steam concrete carpural ability, only with wood.

    Cons of aerated concrete:

    • Low bending strength.
    • Material is susceptible to cracking.
    • Gigroscopicity. After absorbing moisture, the heat-insulating indicators of the aerated concrete are reduced, so the facade needs a protective finish.
    • Directly on the gas blocks can not be preserved plates of overlapping and beams, so the monolithic armopoyas should be done before them. This will attract additional consumption and time spending.


    Many people who have decided to build a house make a choice in favor of a tree. This natural material is environmental purity. It creates a favorable microclimate in the house, supports optimal humidity and saturates the air with healing phytoncides. In a wooden house, warm in winter and not hot in summer, since wood is characterized by good thermal insulation characteristics.

    Wooden house can be built from the following products:

    1. A log can be natural form or rounded. In the latter case, the material has the correct shape and a smooth surface, but needs additional protective processing, since the natural protective resin layer, which is under the crust, is removed during the otling process.
    2. You can use glued (profiled) and sawn or planed timber. More quality houses are obtained from glued bar, which has special grooves and ridges for dense adjacent elements. The sawn timber is often used to perform frame houses.
    3. Frame-boiled houses are made from PSP, chipboard, moisture-resistant plywood, which are attached to the frame. Inside the wall is laid insulation.

    The main advantages of wooden houses are their environmental friendliness, comfort and acceptable price. Under such a house you can make a lightweight foundation. Disadvantages - fire hazard, shrinkage.

    Building materials and products are classified according to the degree of readiness, origin, appointment and technological basis.

    According to the degree of readiness, the construction materials and construction materials are distinguished - finished products and elements mounted and fixed on the site of work. Building materials include wood, metals, cement, concrete, brick, sand, mortar for stone masonry and various plasters, paints and varnishes, natural stones, etc.

    Building products are precast concrete panels and designs, window and door blocks, sanitary products and cabins, etc. Unlike products, building materials are subjected to processing - mixed with water, compacted, saw, teshut, etc.

    By origin, building materials are divided into natural and artificial.

    Natural materials - It is wood, rock (natural stones), peat, natural bitumens and asphalt, etc. These materials are obtained from natural raw materials by simple processing without changing their initial structure and chemical composition.

    TO artificial materials Believe brick, cement, reinforced concrete, glass, etc. They are obtained from natural and artificial raw materials, by-products of industry and agriculture using special technologies. Artificial materials differ from the initial raw materials in both the structure and the chemical composition, which is due to the fundamental processing of it in the factory conditions.

    The largest distribution was obtained by classifications of materials for the purpose and technological basis.

    For appointment, materials are divided into the following groups:

    construction materials - materials that perceive and transmit on loads in building structures;

    heat insulation materials, the main purpose of which is to minimize the transfer of heat through the construction structure and thereby ensure the necessary thermal regime in the room with minimal energy costs;

    acoustic materials (sound-absorbing and sound insulation materials) - to reduce the level of "noise pollution" of the room;

    waterproofing and roofing materials - to create waterproof layers on roofing, underground structures and other structures that need to be protected from exposure to water or water vapor;

    sealing materials - for sealing joints in prefabricated structures;

    decoration Materials - to improve the decorative qualities of building structures, as well as to protect structural, thermal insulation and other materials from external influences;

    special materials (for example, refractory or acid-resistant) used in the construction of special structures.

    A number of materials (for example cement, lime, wood) cannot be attributed to any one group, since they are used in pure form, and as raw materials for other building materials and products. These are the so-called general-purpose materials. The difficulty of classifying building materials for the purpose is that the same materials can be attributed to different groups. For example, concrete is mainly used as a structural material, but some of its species have a completely different purpose: Especially light concrete are thermally insulated material; Particularly heavy concrete - the material of special purpose, which is used to protect against radioactive radiation. .

    According to the technological basis, the materials are divided, given the type of raw materials from which the material is obtained, and the type of manufacture, to the following groups:

    Natural stone materials and products - Get from rocks by processing them: wall blocks and stones, facing plates, details of architectural purposes, edge stone for foundations, crushed stone, gravel, sand, etc.

    Ceramic materials and products - Get out of clay with additives by molding, drying and firing: brick, ceramic blocks and stones, tile, pipes, faience and porcelain products, tiles facing and for flooring, ceramzite (artificial gravel for light concrete), etc.

    Glass and other materials and products made of mineral melts - Window and facing glass, glass blocks, glass profile (for fences), tiles, pipes, products from satalles and slagositallov, stone casting.

    Inorganic binders - Mineral materials, predominantly powdered, forming a plastic body when mixing with water, with time acquiring ancient state: cements of various species, lime, gypsum binders, etc.

    Concretes - Artificial stone materials obtained from a mixture of binder, water, small and large aggregates. Concrete with steel reinforcement is called reinforced concrete, it resists well, not only compression, but also bending and stretching.

    Construction solutions - Artificial stone materials consisting of binder, water and small aggregate, which over time transition from the tough in ancient state.

    Artificial non-Russian stone materials - Get on the basis of inorganic binders and various aggregates: silicate brick, gypsum and hardware products, asbestos-cement products and structures, silicate concrete.

    Organic binders and materials based on them - bituminous and detection binders, roofing and waterproofing materials: rubberoid, pergamine, isol, brizol, waterproof, tol, gluing mastic, asphalt concrete and solutions.

    Polymer materials and products - A group of materials obtained on the basis of synthetic polymers (thermoplastic nonormoreactive resins): Linoleums, Relin, Synthetic carpet materials, tiles, woody plastics, fiberglass, foams, poroplasts, celloplasts, etc.

    Wood materials and products - result from mechanical wood processing: round forest, lumber, blanks for various carpentry, parquet, plywood, plinths, handrails, door and window blocks, glued structures.

    Metal materials - The most widely used in the construction of ferrous metals (steel and cast iron), steel rolling (2-ways, chawllers, corners), metal alloys, especially aluminum.

    For the construction and decoration of buildings and structures, various artificial and natural buildings are used. The use of a particular material depends on the design destination, its properties and operating conditions.

    Natural building materials that have gained the most widespread - brown stone, gravel, crushed stone, sand, clay, granite, marble.

    Dog stone It is large slices of sandstones, limestone, the granite of an irregular shape of 150 to 500 mm. It is used for the device of foundations, building walls of non-residential premises, paving the slopes of channels and slopes of embankments of the earthen canvas of roads, etc.

    Gravel - loose accumulation of rocks, consisting of an invertation of $ breaking of granite or basalt-shaped basalt size from 1 to 20 mm. In size, gravel is divided into small, medium and large; By origin - on the river, lake, sea and glacial. Gravel is widely used in the preparation of concrete, the upper coating device, the ballast layer of railways, as well as in hydraulic construction.

    Crushed stone Stone building material, which is raised by the crushing of various rocks up to 5-70 mm. The strength deception corresponds to the strength of the initial rock. Crushed apartments as a placeholder at $ coating prepaid, for the construction of rubbed coating and layers of road-clothes roads, as well as for the mouth of the drainage of the draining layers of hydraulic structures.

    Sand - fine-grinding loose mass, consisting of $ ren of various minerals and rocks. The composition of the sand is inherent in $ twisted particles of quartz, field-living crystalline grains and a number of other minerals. Sand consists of fractions measuring from 0.1 to 2 mm. It is widely used in construction as an artificial underlying layer under the foundation of the foundation $ cops, for the preparation of concrete, various solutions and artificial stone materials.

    Clay - Mountain breed, which includes kaolinitis, montmorillonite and a number of other minerals, the size of which does not exceed 0.01 mm. Clay has the properties of plasticity, swelling, if moisture, can increase the volume several times.

    Granite - The magmatic rock, which includes quartz, field spat, mica and other minerals. Granite has a very large density, on average, 2600 kg / m 3. It is mechanically handling and is used for facing floors, steps of stairs, columns, walls, as well as for the preparation of high-strength granite rubble.

    Marble - Mountain breed of metamorphic origin, resulting from recrystallization of limestone. The marble is mined in careers with the help of stone, percussion machines, rope saws. Marble Along Sgra $ NITE is widely used as a finishing material, and in construction, both white marble and its color varieties with different patterns, which manifests itself after polishing is used.

    In the construction of buildings and structures, a seven, volcanic tuff, basalt, diabases, shenitis, labradorite and some other materials of igm and sediment rocks are also widely used.

    Artificial stone materialsused in the inclusion of building structures on plants reinforced concrete structures and reinforced concrete products.

    Brick - One of the most common materials in construction. It is obtained by molding and burning a variety of natural clay and additives in the form of sand and other materials $ deals. Bricks in general have water absorption properties (at least 8%), frost resistance, strength, thermal insulation; Properties of concrete types of bricks depend on their composition, those $ production and destination. Brick dimensions Composition $ 250x120x65 mm. Depending on the strength of the brick divide on the eighties: 50, 70, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250 and 300. The higher the brick brand, the greater its strength in compression.

    Cement - One of the most common minerals belonging to the group of hydraulic binders. The cement includes calcium silicates that form $ with high-temperature processing of limestone, clay, bauxites and a number of other minerals. As a result of the firing for $ native cement raw materials, a writhing clinker is formed, which is crushed into powder and mix with various active additives. The quality of cement depends on the subtleties of clinker grinding, and consumers determine it on a brand. Cement produces different brands, for example:

    • 0 Slagoportland cement marks: 200, 300, 400 and 500;
    • 0 Plasticized portland cement marks: 300, 400 and 500;
    • 0 Pozzoline cement marks: 200, 300 and 400;
    • 0 Glind-grade cement marks: 400, 500 and 600.

    Depending on the purpose, several types of cement are produced with various properties: a rapid, acid-resistant, expanding, sulphate-resistant, etc.

    Building lime Refers to the group of air vehicles of the cheating materials. It is obtained by firing and subsequent processing of carbonate rocks (limestone, chalk). Lime $ hawed and overexposed. It is used to prepare for building solutions, silicate bricks and a number of other autoclave silicate concrete products.

    Building plaster Available by firing natural gypsum - fast-rigging binder material. It is applicable in the production of plaster concrete, plastering issues of triggers and other gypsum products, as well as as additives to cement.

    Concrete - Durable artificial stone material, which includes cement, gravel or crushed stone, sand and $ da. The mixed materials until the solidification is called the concrete mixture. Concrete is characterized by the following properties, as durability, density, impermeability, frost resistance, shrinkage and expansion, creep, as well as fire resistance. The concrete mixture is produced by mechanical mixing of its components in special concrete $ shades with a capacity of 65 to 1600 liters or on special zooms of $ daughters and delivered to a construction site in a finished form or are not found $ mediocre on the construction site.

    The best concrete mixture is produced at factories, where it is on $ the most balanced and rationally selected $-based on the composition. Depending on the design solutions, the concrete solution is placed directly on the construction of PO $ spare in the constructed design or poured into a special one but the formwork is intended for this, which gives $-creator the required form. Density differences are distinguished by heavy and light grades from 25 to 600. Heavy concretes are used mainly by erecting the supporting structures of buildings and structures, and lungs - porous materials can be used as aggregates - clamzit, pumice, vermiculitis as aggregates. .

    In cases where the concrete is mixed into a formwork with a frame of steel reinforcement, after solidification, a design called monolithic reinforced concrete design.

    In our country, reinforced concrete structures were very widespread. The technological process of their creation consists of the preparation of a concrete mixture, augmentation of reinforcement frames, molding, laying, and concrete mixing seal in the inventory metal formwork, as well as a special heat-woofer processing of designs in a chamber of steaming to give concrete necessary strength by accelerating the hardening process .

    Building mixture It is a mixture, sand and binder component. Depending on density, solutions are divided into heavy and lungs. For their preparation, it is used by a solution with a capacity from 30 to 1800 liters. Solutions are used to fill the seams of the stone Ikir $ personal laying, plastering the surface, for sealing the seams of concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

    Asbestocent It is formed when mixing water, cement and asbestos and has a high mechanical strength when bending, a small density, low thermal conductivity, resistance to leaching mineralized in $ Dami, low water permeability and high frost $ bone. The asbestos cement is made by fibrous or smooth shears of roofing, facing plates, pipe products pressure or non-pressure. In agricultural buildings, asbestos-cement $ constructions made of leaf asbestoscent, thermal insulating $ metal and wood framework are widely used.

    Binding substancesorganic or inorganic with $ Stava form a separate group of building materials.

    Mineral binders When mixed with water, form a tough mass, which solidifies under the action of physicochemical processes.

    Of organic binders Materials are most widely used in construction and repair is bitumen - Material consisting of hydrocarbons and their derivatives and derivatives obtained as a result of oil distillation, from the waste of acidic cleaning of lubricating oils, as well as from coal and peat. It is widely used in road construction to obtain asphalt concrete, for the manufacture of rubberoid and pergamine, for waterproofing walls and foundations.

    Heat insulation materials Construction is necessary to ensure a given thermal regime of buildings, coopys, pipelines, etc. The efficiency of the Evaluble Wort $ fierce depends on the volumetric mass of these materials, which is expressed in kilograms per cubic meter volume (kg / m 3).

    The organic heat-insulating materials include $ wood-fibrous plates, reed, foam, fibro s Lithuanian plates, as well as wood chips and sawdust. Their volume of the weight is from 10 to 100 kg / m 3. The inorganic warmned $ to the televisions include lightweight concrete, aerated concrete, foam concrete, fiberglass, glass gamble, from which felt, mats, stoves, and a number of other insulation materials produce. The bulk mass of the saneorganic thermal insulation materials may be barking, kg / m 3.

    Timber are treated and untreated.

    Round untreated Timber are widely applicable to construction as a support and logs to cut the derside of $ twenty structures and structures, as well as raw materials for sawing and processing.

    To treated materialsbelow, bars, edged and unedged boards, parquet riveting, wood veneer. The prepaid timber is obtained from wood coniferous and hardwood trees. Timber possess small density, strength, ease of processing, etc.

    From wood, carrying and enclosing the conservation of $ doors: beams, farms, frames, arches, panels, window ideaments. Details of various wooden structures are connected to $ using nails, brazing, knaps, various metal fasteners, as well as glue. Wooden structures connected with glue, have increased strength, ease, durability, as well as fire resistance and low cost. These qualities determine the widespread use of these materials in construction.

    Fibrous and wood-chip slabs are obtained from wood waste and woodworking, widespread in housing and civil and industrial construction as thermal insulation and finishing material. The use of such slabs, decorated with thin wood veneer of valuable breeds, makes it possible to effectively use defi-cycle timber, as well as improved decorative properties.

    Metals and metal structures are widespread in construction, as they have relative ease, high strength and combined with materials of any kind. Steel structures are made from a structural one today by the industrial method and combine the cooling of $ or rivets among themselves. In construction, aluminum alloys, characterized by high specific strength, decorativeness, good anticorrix $ rioty properties are also widely used. It is made of wall panels, suspended ceilings, window bindings, finishing and about $ movies.

    Roofing materialsused for roofs. These include asbestos-cement sheets and tiles, rubberoid, tile, tiles of different types, galvanized sheet steel, but the latter is quite rare, as you have a $ juice cost. Roofing materials are characterized by waterproof, durability, frost resistance, ogu $ infelosity.

    Decoration Materialsyou give buildings and facilities you are juice aesthetic qualities, as well as protect the structures from external influences. This group of materials includes: departure $ rabfish plasters, natural and artificial stone materials, ceramic products, paints, varnishes, glass, wallpaper, linoleum, veneer, chipboard and metals.

    Plasticswidely applied in construction. They are easy and have great specific strength. From plastics produce flooring, plumbing equipment and pipes of various purposes, including water construction, plinths, handrails, facing material.

    Film materialsthey were distributed in ameliorative construction as an anti-filter material when building channels and reservoirs of various purposes.

    Asphalt concreteapplied in road construction, obtain from a compacted and rationally selected mixture of rubble, sand, mineral powder and bitumen in the asphalt of $ tone mixing plants.