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Houses from a double bar - construction technology, projects and prices. Finnish Technology Double Warmed Bar CPSB Building Companies on Technology Double Bar

An increasing number of experienced builders in Western European countries believes that only a double bar with an eclaw can ensure the durability of the house built at the maximum comfort of living in it. On the other hand, advertising in the media suggests that to build an inexpensive, but very high-quality and durable house can be exclusively from the lumber of natural humidity.

What to choose from a variety of offers presented in the market? The natural humidity bar is really an excellent building material, but only with the condition that its moisture content meets the required standards. If this is not the case, then you will have to put up with the crowns of the walls, with cracked wood, with drafts and other unacceptable things.

Advantages of Finnish technology

Double timber technology was developed in Finland about 20 years ago. The inventors of this technique put the goal of creating a building material, which in efficiency will exceed the available lumber and will be completely devoid of flaws inherent in them.

Double timber projects have demonstrated such advantages as:

  • low degree of thermal conductivity;
  • a small thickness of the erected walls;
  • monolithic design of walls in the assembled form;
  • during the first year of exploitation of the house, the shrinkage of the walls is not more than 3 cm;
  • suggested construction deadlines;
  • high level of environmental safety in comparison with other sawn timber;
  • all-season construction opportunity;
  • low price, both the most building materials and construction with its use.

Constructive features

The development is based on the design, similar to the sandwich panels. That is, the sidewalls of the timber are made of wood and mirror fit each other. Between the sidewall is thermal insulation. The thickness of the wooden sidewalls on average is 70 mm, although this indicator may vary in accordance with the climatic conditions characteristic of the region.

Currently, various insulation are applied, including bulk materials of mats and stoves. The main requirement to the thermal insulation used is its natural origin and, as a result, environmental safety. Anyway, the thermal conductivity is characterized by the insulation, the degree of thermal conductivity is characterized than the one demonstrates wood.

The seeded timber is a universal building material that can be used in the construction of buildings of the most detailed destination. Indeed, at the construction stage, between the insulation and the wall, you can lay the required number of layers of plates of mineral wool and vaporizolation.

As a result, the construction of a double bar can be adapted to a particular climate strip. After all, the thickness of the minvati and the width of the wall material can be changed in accordance with the needs of the customer.

For example, using Finnish technology, you can build walls with a height of up to 10 meters and a thickness of up to 340 mm. Such parameters are suitable for a variety of objects, starting with premium residential buildings and ending with the baths.

The specified wall thickness is not the limit, but the walls thicker does not make sense, since already in winter it will be warm in the house, and in the summer cool.

Special advantages Finnish technology guarantees during the construction of the sauna and bath. According to statistics, the baths of a double bar are more durable than similar buildings from solid wood. And certainly, in such a bath will be warm, regardless of external weather conditions.

This building material is characteristic of a curious feature. If we assume that one bath of a double bar, on one side of the walls, will cover blue or subjected to rot, be sure that this defect will not affect the opposite side of the beams.


Double timber production is performed on a special, fully or partially, automated equipment - a cup-cut line.

The production process includes the following steps:

  • submission of the workpiece;
  • drilling;
  • chashclock;
  • dressing under the cluster;
  • cutting;
  • removing cutting cutting;
  • codes;
  • packaging.

Using the equipment for the production of double bars, we obtain building material on a wood basis with moisture content of no more than 14% and absolutely accurate milling lines.

Technology for construction work

Building from a double bar is characterized by:

  • small labor costs;
  • efficiency of implementation;
  • lack of need for special equipment;
  • a small number of builders.

Instructions for erection of the house from this largely unique material is simple and effective. The fact is that constructively, a double bar is similar to a glued or profiled analogue, but in weight is much easier. Consequently, building becomes more convenient and easier.

The construction of the house of a double bar is a phased process, during which the foundation is prepared with its own hands, waterproofing is stacked, and the walls are risen.

IMPORTANT: In no case do not carry out the construction of walls at atmospheric precipitation.
If the design is assembled on a quarter or up to half and went rain, cover the construction with a polyethylene film.
As a collected form, the wall is distinguished by increased hydrophobicity, but a separate timber will absorb moisture in the layer.
Therefore, the storage of building materials on open areas is allowed in the package and under a specially equipped canopy.


Considering the fact that the weight of the construction site is somewhat less than the mass of the house of solid wood, the foundation is used lowly releasing. The optimal solution will be the ribbon foundation laid around the perimeter of the entire house to a depth of 60-80 cm.

Such a basis will not only withstand the weight of the structure, but also will save expensive building materials. Before assembling walls, the ribbon base is covered with a layer of waterproofing. These can be specialized permeable breathable coatings or bitumen mastic.

Laying Bruus.

Walls from a double bar are collected approximately as with the use of other profiled sawn timber. Directly on the foundation laid the rails, the surface of which is in one horizontal plane.

The first series of dry thick profiled boards is laid on the rails, which, along the assembly, form a solid connection with the cross-shaped form.

After the first row took its place, the gap between the foundation and boards on both sides is blown by the mounting foam. As the foam drying, an eco-star is placed in an empty space between the boards (biologically stable and fireproof filler made of recycled waste paper).

The combination of boards during installation of the hollow system is carried out by means of a spike that enters the squad ensures the required strength. In the end, there are no slighted slots between separately taken beams.

The most important point is. In order to ensure its density and reliability, building materials go to the area with pre-prepared profiling.

Connection strength practically has no analogues. After all, the difference between connecting elements of two adjacent bars is not more than 1 mm. As a result, the installation is carried out with an effort literally in tension than other building lumber can not boast.

As the walls are assembled, insulating material is gradually added. To ensure the long-term operation of the assembled walls, the inner side of the bar is necessarily covered by the membrane (vapor barrier film).

Important: The house with walls built on this technology is characterized by increased energy efficiency.
High heat engineering properties make it possible to significantly reduce the costs associated with the heating of winter and air conditioning in the summer.
The degree of thermal conductivity of walls with a thickness of 200 mm, with mineral wool as a heater, complies with the standards of SNIP II-3-79 "Heat engineering in the construction of individual residential facilities."
The thermal conductivity of such structures is similar to the parameters of the walls with a thickness of 1.5 meters from full-scale brick!

External treatment

After the new wooden assemblence, it must be protected from the outside of the negative impact of the environmental factors. To do this, you should apply tinting and lacquer coating or simply paint the surface of the wall of the enamel. Regardless of the method of surface processing of the bar, the result will be neat and aesthetically attractive.


So, let's try to summarize and decide how justified the construction of houses on this technology is:

  • Choosing this type of extension, you get warm cozy accommodation, which reduces the costs associated with heating.
  • The wooden house, built on Finnish technology, can be commissioned in a short time due to the minimum shrinkage (not more than 1.5%). Thanks to this, you can set out immediately how the house will be assembled.
  • Such buildings are quick-planning, without the need to use lifting special equipment.
  • There is no need for a massive expensive foundation, since the entire construction is characterized by low weight (not more than half a cubic meter).
  • Ability to place all engineering communications inside the wall.

Apply a double bar and dew and mold point you will not disturb you.
After all, the design is processed by antiseptics, and besides, well ventilated.
Again, there is no need for finishing works (enough tinting or painting enamel).

In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic. This will help you decide on the right choice of building materials.

The construction of a bar from a bar is considered an optimal option due to the ecology of the material of the walls, their low thermal conductivity, high construction speed. Baths built from the usual profiled and from a double bar externally look idly, however, there are a number of differences both according to the technical characteristics and in the method of building walls.

The design of the double bar was not designed in Russia, but in Austria. Then the technology began to be applied in Germany, and then the design was more successful success in Finland. In Russia, the technology of a double timber began to apply relatively recently.

Wall material - glued bar or wood drying with moisture content of less than 14%.

Brous production is conducted on longitudinal milling four-sided machines. Bruz connection - double profiled sealed aboded lock.

Between two bars (external and internal) distance 130-150 mm. At this interval, the insulation is equipped with an emotor with the addition of antiseptics, flames, boric acid, borants needed to ensure fire safety buildings. The density of the insulation is up to 70 kg / m 3.

Table. Sections of Bruus

Important! According to GOST 18288-87, the timber is called a lumber height and a thickness of more than 100 mm. In this case, the design elements have a smaller thickness and rather refer to profiled boards, but the builders still call the "double bar" or "double spool" technology. Sometimes profiled wall elements are called "minibus".

And one moment. Double bar technology and frame construction are completely different things. The skeleton bath has a "skeleton" formed by vertical racks and bodies. Between the racks, the minvatu is usually laid, on both sides of the walls are sewn with vapor insulation, and then OSB or boards. During the construction of a double bar, there is no "skeleton". All walls around the perimeter are carriers. This technology is akin to construction from a full-fledged profiled bar than to frame construction. Stiffness of walls is provided by double corner connections. In addition, the eco-tailed joints and cracks are lacking, insulation is obtained better than slaughter or rolled materials.

In the Russian Federation at home and baths on the technology of double bar began to build 40-50 years ago and the reviews of the owners of such buildings are more than positive.

Video - Review of the owner about the house of double bar

Features Double Brue Technology

Heat efficiency.A wall of double bar with a thickness of 220 mm (of which 130 mm - insulation) on heat efficiency is comparable to a wooden wall with a thickness of 700 mm or with a brick wall with a thickness of 1.2 meters. The vapor permeability of walls of a double bar is maintained, freezing is excluded.

Energy efficiency. It requires the minimum amount of energy to warm out the house or bath from a double bar.

On a note! According to SNIP II-3-79, the thermal protection quality of the double bar is 2.5 times higher than that of the glued bar.

Ecology.Applied to an eco-water insulation by 82% consists of cellulose and 18% of antiseptics and flames. These substances do not excrete toxic substances into the atmosphere, are completely safe for humans. And the tree is environmentally friendly a priori. Glue during construction does not apply. In the bath there will be an aroma of natural wood and a favorable microclimate.

Lack of problems of traditional wooden log cabins. The shrinkage shrinkage can be up to 10%, and if an uneasy wood was used initially for construction, the percentage of shrinkage can reach 17%. Shrinkage continues for several years (at least a year and a half) after the construction of walls, making it impossible to finish processes, the installation of compensators is required, etc.

In the process of shrinkage, wood cracks, cracks are formed, cacopat requires. Castle compounds in the process of drying are losing hermeticity.

Walls made of double chamber drying vehicles have no more than 2% shrink. The risk of cracking is minimized. Corner compounds with a double sample and additional insulation of the shafts of the EcoCite are not a freezing zone. Eco-out inside the walls are not prone to shrinkage or fringing. It does not require cacopate walls and additional thermal insulation. There are no cracks between the crowns due to the high altitude of spikes and the deep groove of the elements of the walls.

In the eco-house, insect pests, mice, rats.

High construction speed.The wall kit for one month is fully prepared on the production of the customer's project. The finished set is supplied to the object ready for assembly, for the convenience of marked.

On a note! In the design process, not only the size of the construction, the location of the premises is selected, but also the calculations of wind, snow, seismic loads are made. Also, the project may also include integrated beams of overlaps and integrated scaffolding, which are protruding beyond the limits of the walls of the bars, for which the builders are placed on them. Integrated wood spill after facade dyeing. This is achieved additional savings and increases the speed of construction. And the carrying capacity of integrated beams of overlaps is higher than that of classic floor lags.

Approximate deadline for the construction of a large house of up to 130 m 2 is 3 months, of which about three weeks goes to assembling walls, the rest of the time occupies the construction of roofs and overlaps, installation of doors, windows, gaskets and other works. Accordingly, a small sauna can be built in a much shorter time.

On a note! All elements are made extremely factory, and not in handicraft conditions. In production and shipment, constant quality control of the material, its size, humidity is carried out.

During construction there is no need to use heavy lifting equipment. Works can be made in any season of the year.

Hidden communications. In the houses of a double bar there are special cavities (cores or refurbations), in which the wiring, pipes, etc. are placed. The house or bath, both from the inside, and outside looks aesthetically and neatly. Wiring and pipes are hidden, but maintainable at any time.

Photo - Walls from the inside smooth, do not need finish

Durability.Estimated service life of a double bar to 110-115 years.

Affordable price. The cost of building from a double bar is below about 30% than the baths from the profiled, glued timber or the rounded log.

The possibility of construction on the foundation of a lightweight type.As a base, screw piles are usually chosen, less often - ribbon foundation. A screw foundation with painter can be used. This moment depends on the state of the soil on the site, the proximity of the groundwater occurrence.

Video - Lack of dew point in a double bar

Construction Nuances from Double Brous

  1. The strapping platform is permissible to make a natural humidity bar.

  2. Lags should not be located below the strapping platform.
  3. The insulation of the floor should not rely only on vapor barrier, there must be a solid solid base.

  4. Floor lags, the terraces are better not to fix the corners, from the loads can rip the heads of the screws.

  5. Plate beams are better not to apply. This design is prone to warping and cracking.

  6. It is important to comply with the installation technology of door, window salary.

  7. It is important to connect the wints without gaps. If there are gaps between the crowns, the centering will disappear.

  8. The first crown must be attached to the strapping bruus or board.
  9. If there is elements with defects in the area delivered to the section, it is better to turn the bar as an unsightly side inside the cavity where the eco-house is pumped.

  10. Of the double bar, it is not recommended to build large-sized multi-storey buildings. This technology is relevant for low-rise construction.
  11. When designing, it is necessary to provide refurbishment in the walls, and there should be no more than three and a half meters between adjacent boxes. This is necessary to eliminate the walls of the walls under the action of a dense layer of eco-house, which has pressure on the outer and inner wall of the construction.

  12. There may be a variant of a wall of 6 meters long without sides, in this case, in the middle between the inner and outer walls, a solid bar is installed vertically. This timber will be inconspicuous. The event will preserve the stiffness of the walls and exclude deformation under the pressure of the insulation.
  13. During the construction of walls between elements, gaps can remain. It is impossible to continue construction to eliminate all the cracks. To do this, the method of tightening walls can be applied.

Prices for Bar of Natural Humidity

bar of natural humidity

Building Baths on Technology Double Bar: Instruction

First of all, the base is laid under the bath. For a dual bar bath, the optimal version is a screw foundation. Under the bath with dimensions of 6x4 m, 9 screw piles spin. To familiarize yourself with the subtleties of the arrangement of the bases of this type can be in.

The plan for construction is the following:

  • installation of strapping;
  • assembling massive walls. Domocomplekt will be delivered to the site, all elements will be marked. Nails and copp in the process do not apply. You will need anchors, studs, screws, mounting plates;
  • arrangement of overlaps;
  • roof construction;
  • installation of window and door blocks;
  • installation of communications;
  • the finishing finish, namely the painting of the outer walls and the treatment of the inner walls by impregnations intended for baths and saunas (paint and pair in steam room are not used). Also, the finishing includes work on the installation of the simulation of the bar and the corners on the subservit of the outside and inside the bath;
  • installation of a bath furnace, chimney assembly, furniture alignment.

Step 1. On the foundation, namely, the pile tempes must be laid a double layer of rubberoid, fixing it with bitumen mastic.

Step 2. Over the waterproofing, the strapping bar is placed, which is desirable to predend the antiseptic. If a wing, porch, terrace, terrace will be addicted to the bath in the future to the bath, in the strapping bar of the bodice and strapping of the extension. Pulling the strapping is carried out "in trustess".

Important! If the headbands of the screw piles are not exhibited by level, it can be compensated for by the support-strapping structure. The upper surface of the strapping timber should be located in a single plane and be strictly horizontal without errors.

Before tight fixation of the strapping design, it is necessary to measure all the diagonals, check their equality.

Under the inner partitions (in places where gender lags will be based on a bar) set a single strapping bar with a cross section of 150 x 150 mm. In those places where there will be a large load (bearing walls of the house), set a double remotely fixed timber of the same section. Rigid fixation is performed by studs. Place two bars, between them the segment of moisture-resistant plywood, they drill all the elements through, after which they are tightened with a pin.

It is important to verify that the foundation and blockage strictly correspond to the project drawing.

Step 3. It is necessary to take the first floor scheme, look at it numbers on it and choose these elements from the kit brought to the site. Elements are installed in pairs. It is recommended to additionally fix the first crown, connecting it with the strapping of perforated mounting corner and self-drawing.

Another fastening option - the starting bar is fixed through the long screw, screwing down the hardware in the groove of the bar. The starting bar in this case is the elements of the first crown, having a height of 2 times less than the remaining wall browns.

Typically, long elements are first stacked, and short vehicles are perpendicular to them, it is formed, referring to communications in the future. The ends of the brushes profiled, the upper and lower neighboring rows are connected by the Schip-Groove system. By placing each element, it should be poured by its image through a bar, so that the compound is as dense as possible.

In the process of construction, it is important to control the horizontal of the crowns, the equality of diagonals, follow, so that there are no cracks due to a loose fit of the parts.

When assembling walls, window and door salaries immediately install. These elements are not fixed in neither self-draws nor nails.

For the manufacture of salary requires:

  • plotted board with a thickness of 30 mm;
  • profile P-shaped 60x27 mm, 2 mm profile thickness;
  • sawn timber board.

How does the casing box arranged? Since the double bar technology implies that there are two walls - the outer and internal, the design of the casing is different from the cluster for the log cabins.

It is necessary to take two rigged boards and combine them with a long side. After that, you need to cut the protruding spike and over the end to screw the few long screws to fix the boards. To the resulting billet clouds, you must simultaneously fasten two P-shaped profiles. The distance between the profiles and the width of the workpiece is selected based on the total thickness of the wall, the length should correspond to the height of the door or window opening minus 3-4 centimeters in the shrinkage. The placade "puts on" to the ends of the opening.

The horizontal element of the cluster consists of two t-bored boards interconnected. The length of the workpiece is equal to the width of the opening. To billet in the center you need to screw the board with a width of 13 cm (the distance between the inner and outer walls of the bath). On the ends, it is necessary to cut the grooves with a length of 3 cm for a neat docking of the cluster elements.

On a note! You can make the entire casing without using P-shaped profiles, according to the principle of the horizontal segment of the placade described above.

Step 4. When the walls of the first floor are collected, the process of insulation of the walls of the walls is eco.

The extreme crown is closed with vapor insulation, in which the holes are made. Fix vaporizolation can be ordinary building stapler.

The insulation is loaded into the cavity of the walls through the instrument hose. The hose is connected to a plastic pipe that is inserted into the hole of the vapor barrier and begin to feed the eco-water. Due to the use of a film covering the upper part of the wall, the loss of the insulation is prevented, blowing it into the street.

At first, the loose ekwata fills approximately half the cavity of the walls, after which, under its own weight begins to be seal. As a result, a uniformly insulated wall of the first floor is obtained (cotton lies tightly to the vaporizolation itself). Further, the specialist pulls out the pipe and adds a little eco-house directly from the hose so that there is no difference in the density of the insulation throughout the wall area.

On a note! If you collect on your own walls using double bar technology, it is possible with your own hands, then an eco-insulation is a process that will have to be entrusted to masters having the necessary equipment. If you fall asleep eco-house from bags, the density of the insulation will be insufficient and uneven, which will lead to a number of negative consequences.

When the insulation of the walls is completed, vaporizolation can be removed. Next continues the construction of the walls of the second floor, if it is provided for by the project.

The walls of the second floor are insulated with an eco-art as well as the walls of the first floor.

The photo shows a dismantled partially window sill for the purpose of controlling the quality of insulation. The windowsill is installed using felt

Step 5. The next step is the installation of the rafter system. There are no difficulties and wisdoms, all the calculations are made at the design stage, and the production of the desired sizes are manufactured in production. Stropile legs are based on the skiing bar. The fixation of the elements is performed by self-draws and mounting plates.

It is not necessary to worry that rafters under their own weight and weight of the roof, snow will lead to the deformation of the walls. All wall nodes are very hard, the compounds are maximally dense, and the load of the roof is evenly redistributed to the ski bar and the upper strapping.

Step 6. On the rafter system, the windproof film is rolled on top and fasten. The fixation of the canvas is made by a construction stapler, observing the nesting of the neighboring cloths 10-15 cm.

Also, the membrane closes window openings. The film is cut in size from the size of the openings plus the allowance of 15-20 cm and fasten the stapler to the inner part of the outer wall timber.

Windproof Prices

windproof film

Step 7. On top of the membrane fasten the boards of the crate. Boards are fixed with long self-strokes through the rafters. The shadow step depends on the type of roofing material, which is selected for the bath.

Step 8. If the beams of overlaps are not integrated, they are fixed with metal fasteners to the strapping of the building. The cross section of the lag 50х200 mm, the step is selected depending on the load on the overlap, the optimal version for the bath is a distance between lags 60 cm, provided that a separate independent foundation is equipped under the bath furnace.

You can move to the binder of the draft floor and overlap. The stitch is carried out by OSB plates. At first to the lower part of the beams are fixed with a stapler of the cloth of vapor insulation, then the OSB is fixed with self-drawing through the bottom of the beams. OSB can be replaced with a cutting board with a thickness of 40 mm. The floors are insulated with an emotion, falling asleep it between the beams.

Slinged from the bottom (from the side of the undergraduate room) is trimmed with vapor barrier. Over the vaporizolation (again, on the side of the room), a doomle is attached. Those. Vaporizolation is located on top and bottom of the rafter. Equouth will be blown in the free space.

Prices for OSB plates

plates of OSB

Step 9. At this stage, the Equipment Equipment will be needed again. It is necessary to insulate the roof. Ecostat is blown through the holes in vapor barrier (they are made between the shell boards closer to the skate bruis. On inclined planes, eco-tested density up to 55 kg / m 3. Works are carried out at the height, security rules are required.

If in the underpants there are reinforcing elements, partitions, walls, they are insulated with an emotion through the technological holes. The holes are drunk in the flip of a drill with a circular nozzle "crown". The diameter of the crown is selected slightly greater than the diameter of the hose for the filing of the Eco. Dumpled piece do not throw away.

Inside the flip of flipping the stapler fasten a piece of vaporizolation, cut the hole in the material, the hose is inserted there and pump the emotion.

When the insulation is injected, the hose is removed, and the film is simply separated from the wall. Now the drinking piece of timber must be inserted into the hole, sealing the insulation layer so that the eco-gun is not poured out.

It is important to properly approach the insulation of all the cavities of the construction.

Step 10. Work on the installation of roofing material.

Step 11. Laugh cornice skes.

Step 12. Mount the drain system.

Step 13. Wear work on laying communications. Electrical wires in the bath must be placed in a metal corrugation.

Step 14.

Step 15.. Produce painting works of the facade. The inner walls are covered with natural impregnation based on beeswax or flaxseed oil.

Step 16. Spilute integrated forests.

Step 17. Mount the simulation of a bar for technological passages.

Step 18. Flooring the first floor covering, such as a circular board in a steam room, linoleum or laminate in a rest room, ceramic tiles in a shower.

Above, we considered the principle of building the building on classical technology of a double bar. The elements were assembled without insulation, any gaskets, brazen and nails. The Technology "Double Bar Lastochka Tail" has differences, is considered even more reliable and allows you to build buildings of high floors and a large area.

We have already mentioned that the household complex is fixed in production strictly in size. In the angular elements there are cross-cutting holes for vertical studs. Inside the walls, the hairpins are connected and increasing. After the construction of the walls, it winds with a washer with a washer, tightening the wints on top of the heels. That is, the studs are used as braised.

Added groove "Lastochkin Tail", which inserts a special fastening element. The connector is clogged into the grooves of the image, placing a detail rounded side down. It is no longer possible to pull out the connector from the bar.

The compound "Lastochka Tail" make not only on the outer corners of the walls, but also on all the redesters. What does it give? Even with a strong change in the linear dimensions of the wood due to temperature and humidity fluctuations, the external and internal perimeters can be moved slightly slightly, but the general geometry of the house will remain unchanged, the geometry of all angles will continue.

Video - construction of the house on the technology "Double Bar - Lastochkin Tail"

Video - double bar. We build a bath 6x4. Day1-2. Foundation and half of the walls

Video - double bar. We build a bath 6x4. Day 3-5. First floor walls are ready

Video - double bar. We build a bath 6x4. Day 6-8. Electrician, floors

What is a double bar house, which wood is used, the stages of construction, advantages and disadvantages, the price range of construction, vaporizolation and insulation.

Currently, the house of a double bar is increasingly implemented in the quality of the year-round dwelling, if 10-20 years ago at home of this type watched as a wonder, then at the moment it is no longer a luxury, but a standard building for accommodation with an attractive appearance.

In this article, it is described in detail, which are inherent in a double brue pluses and and minuses, which positive parties and shortcomings, a price analysis of a double bar. What is the essence of the dual bar design, which is the technology of building a double bar, the nuances of the construction of a double bar, which means when erecting the jack's swamp method.

How does the production of a double bar, experience in the domestic market, how strong the design is how to perform reliable installation of vaporizolation. What is better than an eco-wool or mineral wool as a heater, as well as sawdust or flowing cellulose, which exist stages of the technology of the double bar.

How is the creation of a reliable foundation, whether finishing is needed, whether additional vapor barrier is needed, which wood type is used to create wooden houses from a double bar.

Positive sides

  • Natural wood is characterized by environmental clean.
  • Elements for internal and outer walls are made in factory conditions from a dry grinding board with a thickness of 45 mm, and have one hundred percent readiness for the assembly. After drying, the boards reach humidity no more than 12%, which contributes to the minimum shrinkage at home. Therefore, you do not need to wait six months to talk and celebrate housewarming.
  • Each pinned timber is equipped with a double comb-cast lock, which creates a dense, reliable, unproduced connection. Therefore, the seams are not required, as in log structures.

With a small wall thickness of 220 mm, where wood is 90 mm, and the insulation is 130 mm, high energy saving indicators are ensured.

The total weight of the building is relatively small, which makes it possible not to lay the capital foundation. On the bulk and unstable soils on the site the ideal base are screw piles. But, if the nature of the soil allows one of the options to be unlunned belt foundation.

With the use of modern technology in a wooden housekeeping, it was possible to maximize the construction time.

A simple assembly of wooden elements is carried out without the use of special equipment. The work is carried out by several workers, which significantly saves construction costs.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

Ask a question expert

Important! You can build at home from a double bar at any time of the year, the only requirement is the lack of rain or snow.

Disadvantages of double bar

The main minus technology lies in an uneven shrinkage of a wooden structure, which occurs as a result of a large temperature difference from the outside and inside the building. Delta should not be more than 2-3 mm.

It is difficult to achieve high quality assembly, so it is necessary to conclude a contract with professionals, and not "shabashniki", which I want to make money on a light, at first glance, work.

Another important minus lies in the selection of the insulation, which is used to fill the voids between the exterior and inner side. Due to the large range of insulating materials available in the construction market, it is difficult to make the right choice and give preference to some one option. Only specialists know what characteristics and properties each type of insulation has.

Despite the fact that the listed shortcomings of the double bar are much less than the advantages, the main indicator is the operational characteristics of the building. Disadvantages of such technology can have been manifested for several years. The most unfavorable moment is climatic conditions, therefore, before the construction of the construction, it should be consulted from specialists and find out in advance whates the Finnish technology of construction in the specific region of Russia has.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

Ask a question expert

Important! To avoid the unpleasant moments associated with the shrinkage of the building, you should carefully choose applicants for work and order building material from a proven manufacturer who guarantees a high-quality drying of a bar.

Positive sides

  • Beautiful and neat appearance.
  • There are excellent thermal insulation characteristics and high energy efficiency indicators of the entire structure.
  • The dense compound and the absence of slots between the seams creates reliable sealing of walls and protection against wind penetration.
  • The walls of the house "breathe", so there is a favorable microclimate in the premises.
  • The presence of space between the external and inner rows of brusade walls allows to hide all engineering and communication networks (water pipes, sewage pipes, ventilation channels).
  • Economically advantageous accommodation due to low-cost materials, lack of need for interior wall decoration and additional insulation. Fast payback due to low costs of hiring workers, heating, building maintenance.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

Ask a question expert

Important! The buildings of the double bar are much cheaper than houses of the same size, but only from the glued bar 150x150 and without thermal insulation materials.

Disadvantages of houses from dual timber

  • The main fears are climatic conditions. Therefore, you need to know how the climate of the region can adversely affect the house from a double bar. What minuses are present with frequent freezing-defrost cycles. Consistent temperature differences can lead to a non-uniform shrinkage, as a result of which cracks are formed in the wood. Reduces this risk of using high quality material.
  • The second significant disadvantage is the wrong choice of insulation. Equata is best suited, which is placed between the walls of external and internal without tamping, while its blowing is performed in several stages. Only in this way, the natural density of the insulation is achieved. The main requirement for the implementation of such a procedure is the correct calculation of the number of eco-plates at the plus temperature. Insufficient filling of the gaps will lead to the absence of the necessary parameters and a decrease in the energy efficiency of the building, and excess to the deformation of the walls at low temperatures.
  • In the houses from a bar double minus is the complex performance of repair work. But the manufacturer ensures that with timely and high-quality wood processing with special antibacterial agents, such a procedure will not be required.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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Important! It is impossible to save on the insulation, as it can lead to low thermal insulation indicators, as a result, the condensate will appear, mold, fungus - what will follow the damage of the entire building.

How can affect the choice of a house of a double timber flaws and dignity?
Having considered all the positive and negative sides, it will be possible to decide independently - to build a house from a double or no.

Pros and cons of such construction shared almost equally. If in the number of the first is much more, then the deficiencies prevail. Therefore, before you decide on the construction of the house from a double bar, all the pros and cons should be carefully learned and write down in a column. Possible nuances should be discussed with specialists. You need to seek help only to professionals with sufficient experience.

Pros and Cons Twin Brous Technology

Therefore, builders have to apply various techniques to reduce the strain of walls and their reliable insulation.

Strict energy saving standards today "do not miss" even a 20-centimeter bar.

Such a thickness of wood is insufficient for the construction of warm houses in the district of the Central Urals, not to mention the northern regions of Russia. Therefore, wooden frames have to be further insulated from the inside.

Economical and effective solution of this problem gives us a double bar, first tested by the builders of Finland. Even in this forest country, it is not easy to find a deck, quite thick in order to protect the house from a forty-portus frost.

Finnish engineers calculated all possible energy saving options and concluded that building eco-friendly and warm housing from the wood is quite real. Only for this you need to use not a massive bar, but two thick boards, between which the insulation layer is located.

So there was a new technology that received in our territories is not quite the right name. Despite the fact that the words "double" and "timber" sound solid and from the point of view of advertising perfectly, from a technical point of view this technology would be called a wooden "wall-sandwich".

Considering the design of the wall built from the "double bar", we see elements here inherent in both a chopped house (a special docking of the boards on the corners) and the classic frame (double trim).

The role of a bar here performs a planed board with a thickness of 44 to 70 mm thick and a height of 140 mm, put on the edge. Its planting faces are profiled according to the "groove-comb" system, which allows to achieve tight contact and protect the seam from purge.

The spatial rigidity of the structure is achieved through the corners connected by the "Pulling" method when the grooves are cut into the grooves on half of their height.
The main advantage of this technology is high energy saving.

The thickness of such a wall does not depend on the cross section of the log or timber, so the layer of the insulation can be chosen in accurately compliance with the requirements of heat engineering norms.

Another plus, which gives us the construction of houses from a double bar - the minimum shrinkage of the walls (not more than 1-2%).

It is possible to operate the building built on the Finnish turnkey technology, immediately after the completion of the assembly of the walls and install the roof. Wait six months until the wood dries and the crowns of the cut will find their place, it is not necessary.

Installation of double board walls is quite simple, not too time consuming and does not require the involvement of powerful lifting mechanisms. It is positively reflected in the construction period and its cost. Simultaneously with the assembly of double wooden walls, laying of thermal insulation into space between the boards is carried out. Therefore, a double bar house does not require additional insulation and finishes.

Eating a building of wood, not impregnated with harmful synthetic resins, the most correct solution will be the use of safe heat for health.

Polyurethane foam for insulation of walls of a double bar is a rather expensive material. The foam crumb releases toxic gases and over time completely destroys. Mineral wool requires the installation of vaporizolation (it is not needed, it is not needed) and over time it is flattened by forming empty cold cavities.

For the insulation of boxed walls, linen fiber or chopped straw can be used - materials that are not joined and optimally combined with wood.

The disadvantages of this technology are usually attributed to the insulation shrinkage. However, this problem, as we indicated above, occurs only when laying mineral wool.
Theoretically, there is a risk of cracking in the wall arising due to the uneven drying of the outer and inner covering boards. However, in practice such comments on the part of the owners of houses built on the technology of a double bar, not marked.

There are no long-term instrumental observations for the behavior of double wooden walls in Russia. Therefore, the customer remains only to trust the experience of Finns, which for more than 20 years successfully build and exploit such buildings in the harsh northern climate.

You will not get a house from a double bar on your own, since it requires machine processing of boards, slicing and grooves for high-quality walls of walls, as well as docking recesses of angular connections. Therefore, to save personal funds, abandoning the team of specialists and buying a household complex, will not succeed.

Price analysis

In the first approach of the house according to the technology of a double bar, more than the log cabins from the wood massif. The average cost of a square meter of a double warmed wall is 5,500 rubles. The price of 1 m2 walls from a solid bar with a thickness of 150 mm is about 3,500 rubles. At the same time, it is impossible to forget that the timber even with a thickness of 20 cm needs insulation.

The technology of a double warmed wall gives us a ready-made construction that does not require additional work. Therefore, for comparison, we will make a simplified estimate on the wall, built from a profiled timber.

So, the cost of "bare" brusade wall with a thickness of 15 cm is about 3,500 rubles per 1m2. The price of the insulation (20 cm is an equalized) with the installation - 800 rubles / m2, the cost of materials and installation work on the installation of the frame and the lining of the clapboard another 600 rubles / m2.

Additional events for the warming of a log of a bar will cost us 1400 rubles for 1M2. As a result, we get 3500 + 1400 \u003d 4,900 rubles per "square" walls.
Compare this amount with a warm wall of a double bar, we see that the difference is not so significant. If you consider the serious advantages of this technology, then the double bar can be called a profitable alternative to traditional wooden cuts.

Double bar design

The construction of a bar from a bar is considered an optimal option due to the ecology of the material of the walls, their low thermal conductivity, high construction speed. Baths built from the usual profiled and from a double bar externally look idly, however, there are a number of differences both according to the technical characteristics and in the method of building walls.

The design of the double bar was not designed in Russia, but in Austria. Then the technology began to be applied in Germany, and then the design was more successful success in Finland. In Russia, the technology of a double timber began to apply relatively recently.

Wall material - glued bar or wood drying with moisture content of less than 14%. Brous production is conducted on longitudinal milling four-sided machines. Bruz connection - double profiled sealed aboded lock. Between two bars (external and internal) distance 130-150 mm. At this interval, the insulation is equipped with an emotor with the addition of antiseptics, flames, boric acid, borants needed to ensure fire safety buildings. The density of the insulation is up to 70 kg / m3.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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Important! According to GOST 18288-87, the timber is called a lumber height and a thickness of more than 100 mm. In this case, the design elements have a smaller thickness and rather refer to profiled boards, but the builders still call the "double bar" or "double spool" technology. Sometimes profiled wall elements are called "minibus".

And one moment. Double bar technology and frame construction are completely different things. The skeleton bath has a "skeleton" formed by vertical racks and bodies. Between the racks, the minvatu is usually laid, on both sides of the walls are sewn with vapor insulation, and then OSB or boards. During the construction of a double bar, there is no "skeleton". All walls around the perimeter are carriers.

This technology is akin to construction from a full-fledged profiled bar than to frame construction. Stiffness of walls is provided by double corner connections. In addition, the eco-tailed joints and cracks are lacking, insulation is obtained better than slaughter or rolled materials. In the Russian Federation at home and baths on the technology of double bar began to build 40-50 years ago and the reviews of the owners of such buildings are more than positive.

Features Double Brue Technology

Heat efficiency.

A wall of double bar with a thickness of 220 mm (of which 130 mm - insulation) on heat efficiency is comparable to a wooden wall with a thickness of 700 mm or with a brick wall with a thickness of 1.2 meters. The vapor permeability of walls of a double bar is maintained, freezing is excluded.

Energy efficiency.

It requires the minimum amount of energy to warm out the house or bath from a double bar. On a note! According to SNIP II-3-79, the thermal protection quality of the double bar is 2.5 times higher than that of the glued bar. Ecology. Applied to an eco-water insulation by 82% consists of cellulose and 18% of antiseptics and flames. These substances do not excrete toxic substances into the atmosphere, are completely safe for humans. And the tree is environmentally friendly a priori. Glue during construction does not apply. In the bath there will be an aroma of natural wood and a favorable microclimate.

Lack of problems of traditional wooden log cabins.

The shrinkage shrinkage can be up to 10%, and if an uneasy wood was used initially for construction, the percentage of shrinkage can reach 17%. Shrinkage continues for several years (at least a year and a half) after the construction of walls, making it impossible to finish processes, the installation of compensators is required, etc. In the process of shrinkage, wood cracks, cracks are formed, cacopat requires. Castle compounds in the process of drying are losing hermeticity. Walls made of double chamber drying vehicles have no more than 2% shrink. The risk of cracking is minimized. Corner compounds with a double sample and additional insulation of the shafts of the EcoCite are not a freezing zone. Eco-out inside the walls are not prone to shrinkage or fringing. It does not require cacopate walls and additional thermal insulation. There are no cracks between the crowns due to the high altitude of spikes and the deep groove of the elements of the walls. In the eco-house, insect pests, mice, rats.

High construction speed.

The wall kit for one month is fully prepared on the production of the customer's project. The finished set is supplied to the object ready for assembly, for the convenience of marked. On a note! In the design process, not only the size of the construction, the location of the premises is selected, but also the calculations of wind, snow, seismic loads are made. Also, the project may also include integrated beams of overlaps and integrated scaffolding, which are protruding beyond the limits of the walls of the bars, for which the builders are placed on them. Integrated wood spill after facade dyeing. This is achieved additional savings and increases the speed of construction. And the carrying capacity of integrated beams of overlaps is higher than that of classic floor lags.

An approximate deadline for the construction of a large house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 130 m2 is 3 months, of which about three weeks goes to the assembly of the walls, the rest of the time is building the roof and overlap, installation of doors, windows, gaskets and other works. Accordingly, a small sauna can be built in a much shorter time. On a note! All elements are made extremely factory, and not in handicraft conditions. In production and shipment, constant quality control of the material, its size, humidity is carried out. During construction there is no need to use heavy lifting equipment. Works can be made in any season of the year.

Hidden communications.

In the houses of a double bar there are special cavities (cores or refurbations), in which the wiring, pipes, etc. are placed. The house or bath, both from the inside, and outside looks aesthetically and neatly. Wiring and pipes are hidden, but maintainable at any time.


Estimated service life of a double bar to 110-115 years.

Affordable price.

The cost of building from a double bar is below about 30% than the baths from the profiled, glued timber or the rounded log.

The possibility of construction on the foundation of a lightweight type.

As a base, screw piles are usually chosen, less often - ribbon foundation. A screw foundation with painter can be used. This moment depends on the state of the soil on the site, the proximity of the groundwater occurrence.

Construction Nuances from Double Brous

  • The strapping platform is permissible to make a natural humidity bar.
  • Lags should not be located below the strapping platform.
  • The insulation of the floor should not rely only on vapor barrier, there must be a solid solid base.
  • Floor lags, the terraces are better not to fix the corners, from the loads can rip the heads of the screws.
  • Plate beams are better not to apply. This design is prone to warping and cracking.
  • It is important to comply with the installation technology of door, window salary.
  • It is important to connect the wints without gaps. If there are gaps between the crowns, the centering will disappear.
  • The first crown must be attached to the strapping bruus or board.
  • If there is elements with defects in the area delivered to the section, it is better to turn the bar as an unsightly side inside the cavity where the eco-house is pumped.
  • Of the double bar, it is not recommended to build large-sized multi-storey buildings. This technology is relevant for low-rise construction.

When designing, it is necessary to provide refurbishment in the walls, and there should be no more than three and a half meters between adjacent boxes. This is necessary to eliminate the walls of the walls under the action of a dense layer of eco-house, which has pressure on the outer and inner wall of the construction.

There may be a variant of a wall of 6 meters long without sides, in this case, in the middle between the inner and outer walls, a solid bar is installed vertically. This timber will be inconspicuous. The event will preserve the stiffness of the walls and exclude deformation under the pressure of the insulation.

During the construction of walls between elements, gaps can remain. It is impossible to continue construction to eliminate all the cracks. To do this, the method of tightening walls can be applied.

Double Bar Swallow Tail

Above, we considered the principle of building the building on classical technology of a double bar. The elements were assembled without insulation, any gaskets, brazen and nails. The Technology "Double Bar Lastochka Tail" has differences, is considered even more reliable and allows you to build buildings of high floors and a large area.

We have already mentioned that the household complex is fixed in production strictly in size. In the angular elements there are cross-cutting holes for vertical studs. Inside the walls, the hairpins are connected and increasing. After the construction of the walls, it winds with a washer with a washer, tightening the wints on top of the heels. That is, the studs are used as braised.

Added groove "Lastochkin Tail", which inserts a special fastening element. The connector is clogged into the grooves of the image, placing a detail rounded side down. It is no longer possible to pull out the connector from the bar.

The compound "Lastochka Tail" make not only on the outer corners of the walls, but also on all the redesters. What does it give? Even with a strong change in the linear dimensions of the wood due to temperature and humidity fluctuations, the external and internal perimeters can be moved slightly slightly, but the general geometry of the house will remain unchanged, the geometry of all angles will continue.

What is the essence of the new technology?

It is also known to the novice builder that chopped houses have two main disadvantages - thin walls and shrinkage of the crowns. The latter occurs due to the drying of the wood. Therefore, techniques are used that prevent the wall deformation and contributing to their effective insulation. According to the existing standards of the wall of the house must be not thinner than 20 cm.

Solve this problem allows the technology of a double bar, which for the first time the builders of Finland applied. In the country a small number of sufficiently thick trees, which could be used to build houses, protecting them from severe frosts characteristic of the region.

Finnish engineers managed to develop technology that allows you to build warm wooden houses with relatively low financial costs. She got the name "Double Bar". In fact, this technology has little in common with the bar in the usual understanding. Its essence lies in the fact that in order to achieve due thickness of the walls, two tipped boards are used, between which there is a layer of insulation. -

Houses on the technology of double bars are characterized by improved thermal insulating characteristics, relatively with homes from a solid timber of a similar section. Compared to a warmed glued bar, glue compositions are not used in this technology. In the insulation often serve Equata or Minvata.

Double timber: production

The production of material for the construction of houses on the technology of a double bar differs from the manufacture of a conventional profiled timber. It is carried out on special equipment - in a fully or partially automated cup-cutting line.

It is carried out in several stages:

  • production of the workpiece;
  • drilling holes intended for mounting the edged board;
  • chashclock;
  • commodity;
  • cutting blanks;
  • removal of residues;
  • marking;
  • insulation material; packaging.


The main dignity of the house of the double bar is high energy saving. The thickness of its walls does not depend on the diameter of the log or bar. The insulation layer is selected in accordance with the requirements specified in the generally accepted heat engineering standards. The second advantage of the technology is the minimum shrinkage of the walls, fluctuating in the range of 1-2%.

Opinion expert

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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You can start the full exploitation of the house built on Finnish technology, on the completion of the assembly of walls and roofs.

It is impossible to immediately use the usual houses from the bar, as it is necessary to wait until the tree and the crowns will dry into place. In this case, there is no need to wait.

Installation of a house of a double bar is relatively simple, not laborious and does not require the use of complex construction equipment, which favorably affects the construction time and financial costs. In parallel with the assembly of walls, thermal insulation works are carried out, filling the space between the boards. The walls in the houses of a double bar should not be additionally insulated and finished.


"Double timber", despite the many advantages, has a number of flaws. The most significant is the shrinkage of the insulation, but it occurs only when using mineral wool. There is also a probability of cracking.

They can be formed due to the uneven drying of the cover of external and internal boards used for houses that are erected by the "double bar" technology. The builders assure feedback in the fact that in practice, such problems do not arise at all. At a minimum, there were no comments.

Experience in the domestic market

In the domestic market, technology is applied from recently, so no one will guarantee that wooden houses will fully fulfill their functions in our climatic conditions. It is necessary to just trust the Finnish experience of house-building, since they are over 20 years old carry out construction of houses from a double bar and successfully exploit the buildings in their more severe climatic conditions.

Alone to build a house for this technology is not possible, since the boards treated on special machines are needed for its quality construction. It is also necessary to cut spikes, grooves and docking recesses intended for angular connections. Without the team of specialists and the acquisition of the Domocomplekt, it will not work out. Therefore, to save on financial costs is problematic.

Structural construction

Double timber technology is not comparable to conventional frame construction, where the insulation is between two thin walls. In this case, everything is held on the bars. There is also a subspecies of this technology - "double mini-timber". Its construction is similar, but the walls in it are thinner.

The increased strength of the design also provides overlapping beams if they are cut into the walls in the construction process. In technology, it is possible to use exclusively dry lumber, which largely affects the strength of the house as a whole. This is due to the fact that the drying of the bar leads to a loss of 13% of humidity, due to which molecular ties are torn. In the future, the bar will give exactly the same amount of moisture that will be absorbed. Therefore, there will be no deformation.


For the construction of houses, the walls of which consist of several overlaps, the important question is vaporizolation. Without his consideration, it is not recommended to carry out construction. A double bar is an exception, despite the fact that the walls of houses raised by this technology, after a certain time, inevitably become moisture. Therefore, there is an opinion that the insulation between the bars is the place of education rot. At the same time, construction companies specializing in building houses on this technology argue that there were no unfortunate problems with a double bar. Ownership reviews are that the film is enough to be used only in overlaps.

But there are exceptions. Some owners are concerned about the lack of such a vapor barrier, so during construction use windproof membrane, which is superimposed after the insulation. Experienced builders are skeptical about it, as it will not give the walls to breathe freely, but they can serve much longer.

Equata as insulation walls

When building a wooden house, not soaked with synthetic resins, the useless insulation will be the best option. The optimal material is an equal, the main component of which is cellulose. She does not rot, does not give shrinkage and is not susceptible to fire.

Calculations for the material are as follows:

  • acoustic insulation - 46 dB;
  • dew point - in standard conditions condensate will not occur;
  • insulation - 0.13 m2 for each m2 wall;
  • the heat transfer coefficient is 0.2 W / m2.

EcoWhat will bloom in a dry way into interbruse space. The height should be no more than three meters. The procedure is carried out in stages. But here there are certain difficulties: EcoWhat in the "double bar" is blown in the same way as inside the frame walls. If the latter wells are closed and it is not difficult to achieve the required density, then the material is more falling asleep and, as a result, can settle. Experienced builders have found a way out of this situation and use a special blowing unit. Recently, a mineral wool has also found great use.

Mineral wool as insulation

The material is distinguished by reliability, environmental friendliness and relative cheap. If mineral wool is used as a heater, then it is necessary to organize steam barrier to the room (for EcoWhat they do not). In addition, over time, it is flattened and, as a result, an empty cold cavity is formed in the walls. Therefore, the material will have to be covered with an antiseptic inside and outside.


For the insulation of the walls, it is recommended to use layers of lying. If you have only fresh at your hand, you can soak them for a day in lime and only then knead. The procedure is as follows: M2 sawdust and two cement bags fall into the agitator. Everything is slightly moistened, stirred, fall asleep into the space between the walls and the trambet. An essential disadvantage of the material are mice, mold or dick.

Flewing Celulose

The material effectively performs the problem of insulation of walls. Often, during construction, the insulation is not used at all, as they believe that the air itself is an excellent insulation. But it is important to understand that it serves as thermal insulation only in the case when still. In this and the task of other materials: they create a large number of cavities with "fixed" air.

Sometimes polyurethane foam, but it is relatively expensive, so it was not widely used in construction. In this case, the material allocates toxic substances and after a certain time is destroyed.

Box walls are insulated with linen fiber. A shredded straw or other material is also suitable, which is not lured over time. It is also important to remember its compatibility with wood.

Hello, we bring to your attention the Finnish technology of wooden house-building "Double bar". All production is located in Oryel and we are manufacturers.

The wood used passes several steps of processing: first the forest is sawing on a high-precision disk sawmaker, which provides it with perfect geometry. Then the entire timber with a humidity of 40-60% is laid in a modern drying chamber, where 10-15% dries up to humidity! Such a material will serve at least 50 years longer, will not give a shrinkage (which is very important), will retain the initial appearance and does not crack over time. The next stage of processing is the creation of a domocomplekt in the project, at this stage the dried timber is processed on the German four-sided machines (the profile is cut, grinding is performed). Such a domocomplekt for the project will easily collect 2 people.

The wall thickness can be from 190 mm to 340 mm, of which the minibus is a table from 45 to 70 mm from the outer and inner side, and between them is an eco-water insulation from 100 to 200 mm.

The minimum home complex consists of external walls and internal partitions, its value is calculated strictly proportional to the number of cubic meters. Woods.

Wooden turnkey house cheap

The preference of a huge number of developers is focused, first of all, to ensure that the wooden house is warm and reliable. To achieve such goals, there is a profitable and efficient technology for the construction of wooden houses "Double Bar". Time-tested Finnish way of construction firmly settled in the construction market, this technology has a lot of advantages.

A double bar is a unique system consisting of two elements, which uses a lumber, which has passed a variety of drying and calibration steps. The elements of the wall are divided into external and inner side, between which there is a space for filling an Eco-Water insulation. The special structure of the castle connectors make it possible to create tightness in the joints without using metal fasteners or adhesive compositions, which is very important in the construction of environmentally friendly and durable housing.

The beginning of all works is to prepare a bar for future construction. Lumber paste chamber drying to eliminate the appearance of cracks during operation. After preparation, the material enters production. With the help of modern four-sided machines, all elements of the design are created, which are most accurate and without gaps with each other.

When designing each house, the time is determined to build it. In some cases, there is a need to produce work in the winter. Thanks to the technology of a double bar, such a task can easily decide, since the construction of cement mixtures or other processes that are not resistant to minus temperatures are not used in this technology. Regardless, what time of year is being built, the design, erected by double bar technology, will not be exposed to shrinkage due to calibrated, dry lumber.

The indisputable advantage is the economy of the whole design. When compared with other methods of construction, savings will begin with the foundation. Light house design will allow the use of a screw foundation, which will significantly affect the cost. Despite the low weight of the house, its design will have high rigidity due to the double locking connection of the longitudinal profiles.

The correct wooden house should have excellent heat-saving properties. Built wall on Finnish technology will have triple protection. This protection consists of an external bar, mean with thermal insulator and an internal bar. Tightly adjacent boards will ensure efficient windproof and, in the complex, will retain heat in winter and cool in the summer. The triple insulation system will exclude the appearance of condensate, and thanks to the unique properties of the tree, the humidity inside will be moderate. Dry wooden walls will create their microclimate, filing the aroma of the tree all the room.

One of the main advantages of the technology double bar is economy. Let's consider in more detail. So you made the right choice, deciding to move in the city. First on what you feel

Save your funds (choosing a double timber construction technology) is the installation of a foundation. The design of the house is pretty easy, which protects you from the extra costs of the construction of expensive powerful foundations.

1) You order the entire complex of work at NovProject. In itself, the construction of a double bar technology is very inexpensive. Accordingly, you again save your accumulations.

2) the most inexpensive option for the construction of your country house - buy a ready-made set of home for self-installation. This is where our products are not equal! Nor at a cost, nor for ease of assembly!

And this is actually so! Collect the house of 100 m2 will easily be able to two men, without having any skills in the house-building. But it is about the box itself, but it will have to invite specialists to roofing the work (sheet metal) for the roofing work. We are needed here, as they say, a hand stuffed. Thus, your savings in the construction of your home will make a decent amount!

Speaking again about saving funds thanks to the technology of a double bar, it is worth noting that the house built from the bar does not require multiple finishing works, it's up with dry mixtures, decorative plasters. Facade finish will be covered only by the usual painting varnish. A beautiful and aesthetic appearance will not require constant close up of cracks or frequent refoxtal painting. Natural environmentally friendly material will be able to resist the set of weather conditions. Interior room also does not require any additional finishes. Smooth wooden walls already have a finished decorative species.

A cheap house from Brous will always create a pleasant atmosphere of comfort and comfort. The modern technology of a double turnkey bar for dignity deserves the title of optimal solution for construction. The question of the cost-effective building of the house, thanks to such a system, can now be easily solved. The construction of a wooden house will take a small amount of time, and after the completion of the finishing finishes in the house you can immediately live without the need to wait for the shrinkage of the structure.

Stages of building houses from a double bar:

Sketch project At this stage, we must decide on the choice of architecture, plans, facades of your future at home. To do this, you just voicate us your wishes or send a picture of the project that you would like to build. You can also choose one of our typical projects from the house catalog.

Working project At this stage, our designers draw a scheme for generating products for production. The working draft is done free if the construction contract is concluded. If you are not ready to build yet, the working draft will cost you 200 rubles per M.KV. Common area of \u200b\u200bthe house along the axes.

Making a home complex is the most important and time consuming process. As a rule, the manufacture of products for building a house of 130 - 150 m² takes an average of 1 month. Depending on the complexity of the architecture of the future at home.

Installation on the site is carried out after the manufacture of the "designer" for the assembly. It is important to note that the installation of a house of a double bar is made without a single nail or applying adhesive compositions harmful to health. The strength of the design is achieved due to durable lock connections.

A tree, as material for construction, is, first of all, environmentally friendly. This material can be considered almost perfect in terms of easy processing and availability of prices. A huge number of different variations in design made it possible to create a new understanding in the construction of houses from the bar. Many designers and architects prefer precisely the technology "double timber" to build houses. The house and comfortable house will last for many years to you and subsequent generations.