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Painting metal surfaces with their own hands. How to paint metal without unnecessary difficulties? Application of powder materials

The main problem of any metal (and black, and color) is corrosion. Under this term is often quite narrowly understood only rusting, but in fact, corrosion is the process of destruction of the material under the influence of external ambient. It is almost impossible to create conditions in which metal products would preserve the "status quo" without additional anti-corrosion processing - iron and its counterparts always strive for self-dispersion. Obviously, the corrosion of the metal can no longer be considered high-quality and reliable: the surface loses strength, decorative properties and over time comes to full dissent.

Anticorrosive coloring: What product choose?

On ferrous metals, corrosion looks like a familiar rust, it can manifest themselves in the form of a white-green plaque. Not only weakens metal, corrosion spoils appearance Products. Specialized paint successfully copes with both problems. One of the main conditions for the success of the enterprise is to ensure good adhesion to the substrate, for this, the treated surface must be prepared for coloring.

The market is wider than paint materials for ferrous metals, as the demand for them is greater. In addition, the treatment of non-ferrous metals is more expensive, and the primers for them belong, as a rule, to the upper price segment.


First of all, the stained object must be cleaned. On the packages of some materials it is indicated that they can be used right on top of corrosion, but it means firmly holding rust, and non-flaming layers. Whatever paint you choose, the surface is required to clearly clean the rigid brush or even emery paper, to delete old paint and peeling rust. Then the surface is thoroughly washed using special cleaning products and dried.

Stages of the process

There are several approaches to staining metal surfaces. Traditional way - Three-part, when the whole process is divided into three stages:

To save time, you can use specialized products that combine several functions. For example, the products "2 in 1" - an example of an anti-corrosion wagon enamel can be an example.

Surface stripping passes as usual, and then you can do without intermediate priming, as this material combines and anti-corrosion, and decorative features. Products are available in 6 finished colors, quickly dries (the time of the interlayer drying does not exceed 1 hour), does not have a sharp smell and has a high weather resistance. Enamel-soil perfectly suitable for use both indoors and on open air. The product retains an attractive appearance of the surface and does not require updating for up to 5 years.

Finally, the most configured and common means of all possible is the material "3 in 1". In the product line of Tex, this product is represented by anti-corrosion enamel 3 in 1 "Rust".

The use of this material does not require pre-training Surfaces, enamel can be applied directly to the residue tightly holding rust. Rzavostop acts equally well and on rusty surfaces, and on pure metal. The priming stage can also be skipped, as the enamel includes anti-corrosion pigments. Products are available at 13 color solutions, among other things, with a metallized effect: golden, silver and bronze "rust" are presented on the market.

Tools and color conditions

The best decorative effect is achieved when applied with spraying - the material falls in a smaller. But since this equipment is far from every home, you can use traditional tools. For big smooth surfaces A synthetic roller with a short pile is suitable, and small and complex surfaces (lattices, fences) are better in painting with a brush.

Before starting to work, read the instructions attached to the product and find out how much moisture and temperature is best to carry out color. The more carefully you follow the recommendations, the longer the coating will laugh and the better the metal will be protected. Color must be carried out at a temperature not lower than + 5 ° C and air humidity not more than 80%. Improving moisture and temperature decrease increases the time of the material drying.

Metal structures were widespread in many spheres of human activity. Metal products are distinguished by low cost, they are practical, convenient to install and transport. However, metal structures need constant care, as they strongly react to environmental impact.

Painting Metal is not only one of the ways to protect the product from corrosion, but also an excellent opportunity to improve the appearance of the design.

Painting metal products is necessary to give them additional protective and decorative properties. Coloring is widely used as a method of protection because of its simplicity and relative cheapness. In addition, unlike other protective coatings, color paint can be chosen.

How is metal painting?

Application of the anti-corrosion coating is possible absolutely for any metal surfaces. For this, various paints are applied, but the best method Painting paint powder paint is considered. The main advantages of such a coating can be called high strength, durability and efficiency.

Apply powder paint can be on most of the existing metal products.

Do not matter dimensions and design type: the same successfully paint is used for both external and internal work.

The entire process of spraying polymer powder paint is safe and fully complies with high environmental standards.


Such qualities of powder coating, as durability, efficiency and environmental friendliness, displace traditional paint from the field of metalworking, in particular from the automotive industry. This way you can paint not only the body, but also the engine and other details. Protection of large-sized structures is also achieved by applying a layer of paint.

By big accountAll we are indifferent to the color of the mast LEP, but here is the term of its service is important, and the easiest way to protect the mast from corrosion is painting. Painting metal products with decorative and protective goal is important in architecture, where many metal structures are used. These are fences and gates, lattices on windows, fences and fences, metal doors and railing.

An additional advantage is the possibility of painting metal-finding complex configurations.

It does not remain aside and furniture, mainly office and production. Collapse metal tables, workbenches, racks, cabinets and safes.

Types of paints for metal

A wide range allows you to properly select the paint optimally suitable for each surface and its purpose. In particular, for painting of metal in the city of Moscow, the following variants of coloring mixtures are presented:

1. Paints applied with an airbrush. Allow painting hard to reach places Products.
2. Paints used to protect non-ferrous metals.
3. Paints for rapid application on metal that do not require pre-removal of rust.
4. Polymers for powder coating.

On the one hand, painting metal products goes along the way to simplify the process, and on the other it becomes more difficult to choose the range of the range needed in the kaleidoscope.

Oil paint is better suitable for internal surfaces, it quickly loses color and cracks, and it also takes a bad temperature over 80 degrees.

Alkyd paints are used for galvanized, they are well idle, but also sensitive to high temperatures and combustion.

Many are now preferred acrylic paints - They are durable and not faded, protect against corrosion. Consider temperatures up to 120 degrees - they can cover the heating batteries. These paints are environmentally safe and do not burn.

The choice of paint for metal should be done, first of all based on the purpose of the product prepared under painting.

Paint, which was applied to the design without violations technological process, Provides a high-quality protective layer and also performs aesthetic function.

Powder painting of metal products

By technology, powder painting can be painted ceramics, glass, heat-resistant plastic, wood, but the most common material is metal. Metal can be any: steel, cast iron, stainless steel, aluminum and its alloys, galvanized steel, non-ferrous metals, etc.

We paint everything: rivets, fences, visors, doors, screws, kleimmers for fastening facades, instrument housing, lamps, terminals, containers, urns, radiators, racks, supports, frames, fasteners, parapels, facade cassettes and much more.

How to order a metal staining in Moscow?

In order to familiarize themselves with the options for applying an anti-corrosion coating for metal, contact our consultants on any of the following phone numbers.

We will select a painting method that will maximize your requirements. Metal coloring in Moscow is produced only by qualified specialists in rooms equipped with modern appliances.

If your product complies with the parameters of our equipment in size and weight, we will paint it efficiently and in a short time.

ABOUT polymer coatingsToday, many have heard, but not many know how the process of application occurs, especially if we consider that it is not familiar with all liquid paints, but a powder that is sprayed on metal under the influence of electricity. In this article, we will tell about what powder painting of metal products and how it happens on large industries and in small private shops.

The composition of the polymer powder is a complex chemical formulaon which it makes no sense to stop in this article. Let's say easier - it is a heat-resistant, electric powder for painting a metal that does not require dissolution in active solvents.

Today, this dye is becoming increasingly used for car painting and their individual parts that are most of all under negative impact.

Interesting! Metal paint powder paint - the pleasure is not from cheap, and after all works, the price of the product can rise several times.

Theoretically, the powder painting of the metal can be carried out in the conditions of a garage or mini-workshop, but without buying specialized equipment here can not do.

As we said above, the coloring occurs under the action of electricity, that is, the paintopult should not only blow the powder through the nozzle that the task itself is impossible for simple toolsBut also charge the paint with a positive charge of energy. And the painted product in turn should be energized, but have a negative charge, in the commoner called "mass".

It is this technology that allows not easy to paint the product from the metal, but also to introduce coloring pigment into the molecular structure. If we talk about the advantages of such a method of staining, then you will have to list for a very long time.

Therefore, we will only dwell on the most significant, which are directly related to the quality of the coverage:

  • High adhesion with any metal surfaces.
  • Stability even to substantial temperature differences.
  • Full insensitivity to moisture and corrosion appearance.
  • Elasticity and resistance to mechanical damage. The product covered with a powder polymer, during deformation does not lose the paint layer, which is twisted in the form of damage.
  • Texture of powder paint can overlap the small flaw surfaces of the product.
  • Powder paint is not only decorative coating , but also a full-fledged additional protection of the product from all kinds of impacts of both natural and mechanical.

Of course, this paint cannot be called an ideal coating that has no deficiencies, but they are all connected with the technical side of the issue, that is, application and removal:

  • If in the process of staining were made of flaws, they will later be very difficult to remove.
  • As a rule, powder polymers are applied in three layers, which naturally affects the cost and rate of application.
  • As mentioned above, it will take for applying powder paint special equipment, do without which, fail. Therefore, if you want to paint one product, then it is independently unprofitable.
  • Despite the fact that the powder paint practically does not spread during the application process, the instructions for working with it provides for some experience and hardness of the hand.
  • Only powder painting of metal products is possible, since other materials do not miss the current, and therefore, there will be no result.

As can be seen, the ratio of positive and negative qualities Powder paint has almost the same, but, despite this, its popularity is growing from year to year.

Process of coloring

Despite the fairly high cost, powder paints for metal, possess one an interesting feature, namely, minimal losses during staining. It is important for both large factory workshops equipped with all necessary equipmentAnd for work with your own hands, when the paint is not applied in a special hermetic chamber, but in a garage or other small room.

The secret is that in spite of pretty high pressurewhich gives the compressor, powder blows out of the collapse, very slowly, and staining occurs on close distance From metal, which eliminates paint volatilization in different directions. If we talk about specialized shops, then the powder painting of metal structures is produced in sealed chambers, with special ventilation and filter system.

Filters in this case perform two functions:

  • Do not allow to penetrate the chamber with small particles of dust and flying garbage.
  • Called paint particles that did not come into contact with the product, and retain them for further use.

Important! By producing staining in an independently manufactured workshop, you need to take care of full sterility and tightness, since the dust particles flying in the air are capable not only to spoil the appearance of the product, but also disrupt the adhesion of the dye with the metal.

And it can be clearly understood the whole process of working with polymer powder dyes, you can watching the video in this article.


Another feature of powder dyes is that after applying, they need polymerization, which passes in another chamber under the influence of high temperatures.

And the temperature level directly depends on which layer of the dye is polymerized:

  • Layer of soil - polymerization at 160 degrees for 15 minutes.
  • Layer of paint - polymerization at 180-190 degrees, for 20 minutes.
  • Surface, decorative layer of varnish - polymerization at 200 degrees for half an hour.

Heat treatment is necessary for powder dyes, as they are melted and even more tightly grapped with metal. Another plus of the polymerization process is that during the melting period, the paint spreads throughout the product and penetrates the places where the spray gun cannot penetrate.

The camera itself is a hermetic compartment, equipped with automatic and thermocouples, which should be at least two. Since one freezes the temperature at the bottom of the camera, and the second above. Sensors and automation analyze both indicators and give the average level of warm-up.

In addition, automation controls the temperature rise and holds it on required level For a specified time.

By the way, the polymerization chamber can be built independently (see making the furnace for powder painting with their own hands), for this you need to possess some knowledge of the electrician to calculate and install heating elements. And also be able to handle welding apparatusIn order to build a frame.

Important! Use one camera for painting and polymerization is not categorically recommended, as the paint deposited on the walls will come into contact with the metal and create insulation of the walls, with the result that the temperature on the sensors will differ significantly from the one that is really in the chamber.

The painted product is placed in the polymerization chamber after applying each layer and the required time is withstanding, after which the heaters are turned off and give the chamber to cool to a temperature of about 100 degrees, after which the product is removed and the final cooling occurs already when room temperature. After that, you can move to the next layer of paint or decorative varnish.

Let's summarize

As can be seen, the process of working with powder polymer paints, quite complicated and labor-intensives, but considering everything positive characteristics Such a coating can be compensated for most of the costs, since the painted product not only takes the original appearance, but also receives additional anti-corrosion protection, which no other types of paints will be able to boast.

- The responsible process on which the duration of the operation of the product depends. High-quality painting Metal structures are impossible without surface preparation.

Before the color requires complete cleaning and degreasing surface to achieve high adhesion Paints with metal. The application of paints and varnishes occurs according to a certain technology in several stages. On the initial stage Surface primer is performed. The primer is necessary to improve the adhesion of the surface of the surface, increasing the anti-corrosion protection and to reduce the overall paint consumption. Usually the priming is performed in one or two layers. At the final stage, the coating of the primed metal structures is carried out. paint and varnish material. LKM is applied to the surface with a kraskopultum. The use of painting ensures the maximum uniform applying enamel. Depending on the technology, staining is used in one, two or more layers. Painting each layer ends with drying.

We offer services painting metal structures and metal products Any complexity in the painting and drying chamber in the factory conditions.

Our equipment

In our production, the colorech ct 15000 is used in our production and a sliding color for long metal structures.

The COLORTECH CT 15000 passage and drying chamber is a specially equipped closed room in which painting and painting work can be carried out in compliance with all rules. fire safety and sanitary and hygienic requirements. The camera makes it possible to make painting quickly and in accordance with the technological requirements and dry the paint applied to the surface. Drying temperature - 60 ° C.

The paint-drying chamber is designed for painting, purge, drying and cooling of large-sized products. The camera consists of a housing, machine preparation and removal units and control panel by all systems. Painting in the painting and drying chamber occurs in strict accordance with temperature regime Companies-manufacturers of paints. Depending on the painting technology, the camera can operate in the following modes: "Color", "purge", "drying", "cooling".

Specifications ColorCh CT 15000

Mobile sliding painting chamber is a design made of P-shaped frames. Internal perimeter working area Made of transparent PVC material enclosing painting zone. The camera is used for painting long metal structures, as well as in cases where the metal product cannot be applied to the ColorTech chamber. Length sliding paint chamber - 37 m.

Technology Painting Metal structures

Technology Painting Metal structures includes the following processes:

  • preparation for coloring
  • primer
  • application of LKM.
  • drying

Before the color is performed complete cleaning and degreasing the surface - the surface is cleaned from rust, scale, oils, dirt, moisture and other contaminants. Purification of metal rolling on our production is performed using the Gostol TST P-2000X500 writing installation. This machine purifies the surface of the metal directional flow. A manual abrasive tool is used to clean the metal structures.

After cleaning and degreasing, the stained surface is covered with a primer with a thickness of 0.04-0.05 mm. The soil is the basis of the paint coating. It provides proper adhesion between the metal and the subsequent layers of paints and varnishes. The primer also serves to increase the anti-corrosion protection and waterproof products.

At the next stage, the coating of metal structures with paint and varnishes. For painting apply oil paints, enamels, varnishes, nitroemali, perchlorvinyl and glyphthali enamel, nitroleki, etc. Coloring is carried out with the help of spraying (spraying method) and is the most perfect way. Depending on the technology, the surface is painted into one or more layers. Each subsequent layer is applied after complete drying of the previous layer. Painting and drying of metal products occurs in a painting and drying chamber.

Topic of this article - painting of metal products in production conditions. The material proposed to the attention of the reader, of course, does not pretend to complete the coverage of all possible solutions: Within its framework, we have to get acquainted with a pair of technologies, massively used in the modern industry. We will have studied powder painting of metal products and hot galvanizing.


Industrial coatings combine two functions: decorative and protective.

What kind of paint can protect metalware?

  1. First of all, from corrosion, transformation into unstable oxides when contact with water and atmospheric oxygen.

Useful: corrosion is subject not only black steel. Electrochemical corrosion Aluminum, for example, is reduced from the migration of charged particles from its surface. For the occurrence of the process, it is enough with aluminum to put in the electrolyte (say, the water rich in mineral salts) any product of copper.

  1. Moreover, paint coatings Protect metal from contact with aggressive environments present in many industries.
  2. Finally, they provide basic protection against mechanical damage. This property is particularly relevant for soft metals (the same aluminum).


Let us turn from the study of the theory to acquaintance with practice.

Powder painting


Due to the fact that the powder painting of metal products is so popular?

The list of advantages is quite large.

  • Powder paints are extremely economical. In contrast to traditional painting hand tool And even more so pneumatic spraying, the loss of coloring material is reduced to almost zero. Most of the powder is deposited on the surface of the stained product; The part of the dye, which wakes up when applied, can be reused.
  • The powder painting of metal products does not require the use of solvents that are used only as a carrier for pigments. Not only: eliminated the contamination of the atmosphere by their toxic couples, which positively affects the environment and eliminates the harm to the health of workers.

The dye consists of one component - a pigmented polymer powder.

  • Before receiving finished product - takes a minimum of time. The coating is applied with one layer.
  • The dye does not require preliminary preparation and dilution, does not thicken over time and has an unlimited shelf life.
  • The process can be fully automated, which implies stable quality coverage, regardless of the professionalism of employees.
  • The protective layer is almost deprived of the pores. The reason has already been mentioned - the absence of solvents evaporating during the drying process.
  • Finally, the appearance of flops and uneven staining is impossible by virtue of the most extended technology.

The price of the painting of the profile of the profile by a cross section to 30 mm is about 20-27 rubles, a cross section of 60-250 mm - 50-55 rubles.


What does the process of powder painting look like?

The most time consuming part of the work is to prepare the surface. It consists in complete cleaning against pollution, rust and old coatings. IN industrial conditions For this purpose, sandblasting settings are commonly used, using a portable quartz sand as an abrasive.

It is curious: in the case of the preparation of complex surfaces, a significant part of the work is performed with their own hands, using manual power tools.

Before staining, the surface is degreased by a solvent. And this work is often performed manually - the usual rag.

An alternative way to prepare the surface that implies a greater degree of automation - etching with acids or caustic soda solutions. However, after their application requires a thorough flushing of metal.

The process of painting itself consists of two technological operations.

  1. Electrostatically charged powder is sprayed in a chamber equipped with filters for capturing it, using manual or automatic spray guns. Thanks to the statics, it evenly settles on the surface of the grounded part.

  1. Then the painted product moves into the furnace, where at a temperature of 150-200 degrees, the coloring powder is melted, forming a monolithic coating, and is polymerized. After cooling in the air, the product is ready for shipment to the customer.

Hot galvanizing

This type of coating is usually applied solely in defective purposes: decorative properties of galvanized, directly say, leave much to be desired. However, the galvanization provides exceptional strength and durability of protection: from 65 years in an industrial medium to 120 during operating conditions.

In the photo - water supply risers from the galvanized pipe after half a century of operation.


  • Corrosion resistance of metal with hot zinc is approaching resistance of stainless steel And far exceeds all paint coatings.

Curious: with minor damage to protective or protect in other ways. The instruction is associated with the plasticity of zinc and its propensity due to the electrochemical processes themselves are independently distributed over the steel surface at a speed of about 2 millimeters per year.

  • The zinc film is much more stable by any LKM with respect to shock influences.


  1. The preparation of the product under the galvanization is reduced to its etching with acidic solution and washing large quantity water.
  2. Then it is loaded into the cylindrical drum and plunges into the bath with zinc melt. The rotation of the drum creates a melt stream, evenly fills all irregularities and pores of the metal.
  3. The drum is removed from the bath and is spinning to remove zinc surplus due to centrifugal forces.


As mentioned, we are described only two technologies among countless industrial painting methods ().

In the video in this article, the reader will be able to find an additional useful information. Successes!