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Characteristics of the work of travelers for the period of practice. Examples and samples of the positive characteristics of the student from the place of practice

After passing practice, students draw out a final report, part of which is the characteristic of a student from the place of practice. This document will provide an opportunity to the headclott in an educational institution to put an objective assessment for the skills gained. Its content depends on the place of passage and type of practice, as well as a specialty student.

Characteristic on student

This document is at the place of practice - an organization or in an enterprise where the student mastered professional skills. Writes the characteristic of the student the head of practice from the enterprise. There is no single form of this document. An exemplary sample of the production characteristic on student student can be developed in an educational institution, which sent to pass practices, or is issued in arbitrary form.

There are also strict requirements to the type of this paper. As a rule, it is drawn up on a sheet of A4 sheet, a company format can also be used, where a student practiced. The document with the signature of the head of the organization (practice in the enterprise) and the seal of the company in which practical training was held.

When writing the characteristic, it is necessary to include the following items in it:

  • data on the company, which was the place of practice (name, addresses and phones);
  • information about the trainee (F. I. O., educational institution, the specialty and course obtained);
  • information on the progress of practice (which studied, what professional skills mastered, the obligations performed, etc.);
  • characteristics of a student (description of his professional and personal qualities).

A description of personal qualities should concern only the scope of work, and not all the manifestations of the student's nature.

For example, you do not need to write in the characteristic that "the travelers is a good and responsive man, but note attentiveness, accuracy and punctuality - you need.

The characteristic should give an objective representation by the head of the practice from an educational institution about the level of knowledge and student's diligence.

It is necessary in order for the assessment for the practice passed is not overestimated or understated. Therefore, the document is in a positive one for a student, but objectively evaluate all its quality.

For example, it is possible in the text characteristic to write that "the student in a timely manner fixed the inaccuracies in the documents, adequately reacted to the comments and proposals of the head of the practice and staff of the department in which practical training was held.

Practice information

In the course of training practice, familiarization with the future profession is being familiar with the work and materials relating to the work, in general, the student receives a brief information about the content of the specialist duties, it is possible to perform uncomplicated labor functions by travelers. Basically, this practice takes place in the educational institution itself, sometimes in companies that have entered into an agreement with the university on such a type of practical learning of students. Such practical training occurs after graduating with a student 1 course.

Therefore, a section with information about the passage of practice contains general phrases about what the travelers did.

For example, "during the passage of educational practice, official instructions of a lawyer, legislation regulating the scope of the Company's activities, has studied. Introduced with local regulatory acts. Independently issued additional agreements to sales contracts.

To fully describe the name of each regulatory act is not necessary, their student will independently include in the report or a diary of practice.

At the same time, if the practitioner sought not only to familiarize himself with the actual work of the company and a specialist in the profession received, then it should be noted in the text characteristic.

For example, "In addition to the material and skills indicated in the chart of the training practice, he independently studied personnel records in the enterprise, helped to perform the functions of the recorder in the personnel department, replacing a temporary absent employee. At the end of the practice, adopted for an internship as a specialist of the specified department. "

Progress information

From the second course, the student is undergoing manufacturing practice. During such practical training, he delivers into all the official responsibilities of the future profession, independently performs some operating functions, can replace during the main employee.

For example, replace them with the main employee at his vacation.

In the course of industrial practice, the student implements its theoretical knowledge, performing job responsibilities in the workplace. These features take into account when describing the course of industrial training.

The characteristic of the student from the place of occupational practice contains information about which practical skills received a student, a description of the job responsibilities.

For example, it is not enough to write that "the student is familiar with the work of economist."You need to specify specifically what he did in practice.

« The student performed the duties of the leading specialist of the Planning and Economic Department:

  • calculation of the cost of various types of finished products;
  • calculated the calculation of certain planned performance indicators;
  • monitored production costs;
  • she made a proposal to save fuel for heavy vehicles. "

Exact formulations can be taken from employee job duties whose functions performed a student.

Information about pre-diploma practice

Before the last course, students are sent to the passage of pre-diploma practice. It is one of the varieties of production practical training. The difference is that the student has already chosen the topic of qualifying work and in practice collects material for it.

Therefore, the characteristic from the place of passage of pre-diploma practice should contain information about the knowledge gained and practical skills on the topic of the thesis.

For example, a student has chosen the topic of qualifying work "Increase labor productivity". The progress section will be as follows:

"The student studied the work with the staff at the enterprise and the qualifying and professional composition of the company's employees. I made calculations of the production standards for certain categories of workers and types of equipment used. Conducted chronometric measurements of equipment downtime and classified the causes of their occurrence. Participated in the implementation of measures to improve labor productivity. Calculate the effectiveness of the replacement of outdated equipment. "

Examples of student characteristics from practice

After passing a study practice, you can give the learner characteristic of the following content.

"The student of the 1st Course, who studies in the specialty" Management "at the Economic Faculty of the World State Institute, Makarov Ilya Mikhailovich, passed a study practice in MirSman CJSC.

In practice, studied:

During the passage of practical training, the company carried out the instructions of the head of the department, prepared the texts of the orders on appointing, paying premiums, enhancing salaries.

The student showed himself as a responsible and attentive worker. The charged responsibilities performed qualitatively and in a timely manner. Well applies in practice the theoretical knowledge obtained during training in the university.

Example Characteristics for Industrial Practice

A student of the 4th year of the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bof the Moscow Pedagogical University Vellageov Ekaterina Yuryevna was a production practice in Muo "Secondary School No. 454" as a teacher of German.

In practice, she performed all the duties of the staff teacher:

  • conducted training classes with students of grades 5-7;
  • developed lessons' plans;
  • class lead guide in 6 "d" class
  • conducted test work on the results of the quarter and half of the year;
  • engaged in extracurricular work with students;
  • organized an open qualifying test for school teachers.

When practicing the practice, the student has established itself as a competent and responsible specialist who fulfill all the official duties of the teacher in an educational institution. With students behaved correctly, applied in practice knowledge on the psychology of adolescents. Different in the original supply of educational material, assessed the knowledge of students objectively.

For a good organization of the open lesson, Wellwen E. Yu. He received an excellent appreciation from the specialists of the district education department. Thank you letter from the municipality is directed at the place of study of the student.

Example Characteristics with pre-diploma practice

Student of the 5th year of the Faculty of Agrotechnology Goretsky Agricultural Academy of Ptolomeev Alexander Fedorovich passed pre-diploma practice in the experimental economy of Tushinsky on the basis of the Research Institute of Seeds and Selections.

In practice, the official duties of the agricultural engineering of greenhouse crops, replacing the specialist who went on vacation. Additionally, she studied the technologies of watering and making fertilizers to grown greenhouse cultures, conducted a comparative analysis of the advanced methods for organizing breeding work on the cultivation of the seed fund of individual grades of white cabbage.

An analysis of the soil composition on the fields of the enterprise, created a weather card for the last 5 years. Analyzed the effect of negative atmospheric factors on various sorts of cabbage.

The deployment of the Dutch technology of growing leafy cultures on the basis of the economy, on the basis of the farm, independently made calculations on payback and timing of the introduction of this technology, compiled a feasibility study for a business plan for the purchase of the necessary equipment.

When practicing practices, the theoretical knowledge and skills and skills are perfectly applied, manifests a scientific interest in work, seeks to study new products in the field of seed production.

The resulting theoretical and practical knowledge and skills characterize the student Ptolomeyev A. F. as a specialist ready for independent work.

General conclusions

Drawing up the characteristics on students passing practical training in the enterprise is not particularly difficult. To do this, you can use the form developed in an educational institution where the travelers came from, or write it independently in arbitrary form.

In the text, the characteristic needs to be specified which practical skills and knowledge received a student performed by them duties. The content of this document depends on the type of practice, the closer to the end of the training, the diverse and the volume becomes the skills of the trainee.

After passing a training, industrial or pre-diploma practice, the student must receive a characteristic from his head and to grant a characteristic, on the basis of which the final assessment will be put up.

In the characteristic of the trainee, information about his skills and skills, the level of its professional training, the volume and quality of the assignments made by him for the period of practice and of course the recommended assessment is.

Executive executives often shift their responsibilities for writing such a characteristic on the students themselves. Unfortunately, this is a common practice, but do not despair. The samples below estimate the passage of the practice student on excellent. You can use them as an example for writing your own characteristic, changing only the underlined data on your own.

Option 1. On the passage of informational practice

Characteristic student

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich Ivanovich

1. Period and type of practice:
From 25.05.2008 to 07/30/2008 Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich passed a familiarization practice

2. The organization provided place:
OAO Gazprom, Russia, Moscow region, Moscow, ul. Lenin, 65, tel. 56-89-45

3. Student responsibilities during practice:
Studying the internal regime and regulations, technical documentation, equipment available at the enterprise, technological schemes, charter and regulations of the Organization, conducting analyzes and testing of finished products to comply with GOST and other standards.

4. Conclusion and evaluation:
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich showed his ability to work with difficult conditions, to act independently and without tips, which indicates its high theoretical level of training. Also during the passage of practice, he mastered the necessary skills necessary for work, practical skills.

The proposed rating is "excellent."

Option 2. On the passage of production practices

Characteristic student

Issued by Medvedev Igor Dmitrievich, who was held at a production practice at Gazprom, from 01.06.2000 to 31.12.2000.

During the practice of student Medvedev Igor Dmitrievich, partnership agreements, sales contracts, delivery, hiring, as well as other personnel and accounting documents were also studied, internal documents were also studied.

During the practice of practice, the student actively participated in the work of the financial, technical, legal department of the enterprise: was financial documents, legal reports, listed information into an automated system of financial and economic activities, negotiated, signed the Customer Treaties, conducted an analysis of activities, carried out technological operations, etc.

At the end of the practice, the student of the dust is exposed to "excellent"

Characteristic student

Herra Borisovich, student in the Sverdlovsk Railway Academy

Egor Borisovich passed production practice from March 23, 2006 on June 21, 2006. In the Sports Office of the Sverdlovsk Railway

Performed the following duties:
Control of movement of compositions, restoration work, control over the state of railway tracks

Probated the following professional skills:
We list skills

Professional skills work 5
Quality of performance of tasks 5
The desire for the development of new professional knowledge, skills 5
Goodwill, ability to communicate with customers 5
Clear observance of the routine of the day and work discipline 5
Feeling responsibility 5.
Ability to apply knowledge in practice 5

Option 3. On the passage of pre-diploma practice

Characteristic student

I was issued to Petrov Sergey Ivanovich 1998 born

Sergei Ivanovich passed pre-diploma practice with employment in the period from 01/01/1999 to 31.12.2000 at LLC "Zarya" as a mentor.

During the passage of the practice, the student performed the following duties:

In the functional responsibilities of Petrova S.I. During this period, it was:

- Laboratory tests

- repair and repair of equipment
- Laboratory tests
- adjusting equipment and control of his work
- control of entrusted territory
- Analysis of work efficiency
- High-altitude work related to the control of arrangements
- preparation of weekend graphs
- execution of technological operations
- Reporting and estimated documentation

(student) is one of the most important documents that are in a wide variety of situations: upon receipt and end of the university, when translating, for promoting or punishment, to pass the commission in the military registration and enlistment office, etc. Sample characteristics from the place of study or passing practice should be At the ready for each head of the educational group, an employee of the dean, a curator of travelers in the enterprise to alleviate and speed up reporting.

Structural elements characteristics

Any or graduate consists of standard moments that must be described. Next, it is complemented by specific data, depending on the place of its purpose and individual moments relating to the personality of the student. So, from the place of study should include such standard data:

  1. Cap or header part. You need to specify the full name of the university, address, contact information, as well as the details of the institution where the document is sent.
  2. In the main part of the characteristics (the first paragraph) indicate the student biographical data (name, year of birth, the time of admission to the school, faculty, specialty, name of the academic group).
  3. Data on academic performance and relationship - average score, the availability of abilities for selected activities, interest in the specialty, achievement, participation in additional events (conferences, exhibitions), visiting classes.
  4. Psychological and pedagogical data: Features of behavior, interaction with a group and teachers, personal qualities, level of culture.
  5. Date and signatures of responsible persons (necessarily dean or rector and compiler - curator or other person)

Characteristic on a student from the place of study. Sample compilation

... (FULL NAME) studied in ... (the name of the university) on the day separation with ... by ... (training period).

For school time, she showed himself a capable and diligent student. Diligently studied general educational and special disciplines, special attention paid to practical and laboratory classes. Pulse in all subjects is high - 4-5 (s - a). Training qualification work on the topic "..." (name) was distinguished by independence and creative contribution.

During the practice in ... (the name of the institution) showed successful mastering special disciplines, managed to apply them in practice in such basic functions entrusted to him: ... (Description of the tasks of production practice). He showed himself as an initiative, responsible and non-standard thinking practitioner, for which the high assessment of the management of the enterprise was noted.

... (Name, surname) was an active participant in the life of the university: the head of the Faculty Student Council, a member of the disciplinary division of the student council. During his studies, participated in scientific and student conferences (name) and round tables.

... (First name, surname) is a purposeful, creative and resourceful person. He used an authority among fellow students and treated teachers with respect.

Interested in fantastic literature, engaged in athletics, enjoys aircraft production.

The characteristic is provided on request ... (institution name) / student ... (FULL NAME) can be recommended for graduate school.


Signatures of responsible persons

So it may look like a characteristic from the place of study to work. Its sample can be changed depending on the individual characteristics of the person characterized.

Characteristic from the place of practice by the student

The student's characteristic is drawn up not only by an educational institution, but also by the enterprise (organization), in which he passed any type of practice - a familiar, production or pre-diploma. It is drawn up to illustrate the degree of assimilation of practical skills by a student, to analyze the use of knowledge to them in a potential workplace, to estimate its attitude to work. This feature includes:

  1. Title (name and contact details of the institution that issues a document).
  2. Student's biographical data, a branch of an enterprise or organization, where he passed an internship period.
  3. A description of the functions provided for the execution of travelers, the degree of mastering them necessary skills, attitude to the work performed (initiative, good faith), attendance.
  4. Assessment for past practice.
  5. Date and signature of a responsible person.

Characteristic in the military registration and enlistment office

Sample Characteristics from the place of study can be used to pass the commission in the military commissaria. In this case, the document includes, in addition to the main, such items:

  • clarification, a student of the course, specialty and group at the moment is a student;
  • whether the classes are missing (if so, how many passes over the period is a month, six months, year);
  • are there any comments on the discipline, whether the behavior can be described as not corresponding to the requirements of the higher education system;
  • character features: how bassifies, is it prone to conflict, as accustomed to solve difficult situations;
  • whether it was noticed in unlawful activities.

This characteristic is also suitable in the case of a request from other instances, such as police.

Characteristic from the place of study. Sample for schoolboy

The characteristic of the student school can be drawn up when transferring, when issuing a commission in the military registration and enlistment office, on request by other instances (police, social services), etc. In this case, the sample characteristic from the place of study may look like:

... (FIO student) During the training, he showed himself as a responsible student. He was an active participant in the life of the team, to the instructions of the class teacher referred to.

Passing classes for ... (The name of the student) was not noted. The student showed activity in classes, diligently performed homework. Middle score on subjects of the social and humanitarian cycle - ... (Evaluation), mathematical - ... (Evaluation). The student is an active participant in the school and district physics Olympiad.

... (Name, surname student) During the study, participated in such extracurricular activities: the exhibition of technical creativity in the city (name), KVN among high school students ... (name) of the district, events dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, City Day and New year.

... (Name, surname of the student) sociable, friendly, knows how to make contact with people, among the peers has many friends. By character - responsive, honest, balanced, optimist. On temperament - Sanguine.

He is interested in football, engaged in boxing, chess, interested in creativity (learns to play a guitar). He took a permanent participation in the subbates.

In relation to the elders, I always consider and polite, listens to the opinion of more experienced people.

Parents were actively interested in the school life of the Son, visited all the meetings. Mom ... (Name of the student) - Member of the Parent Committee of the Class.


1. Characteristic from the practice of a student FULL NAME, which took practice in the agricultural machinery "Grape" Simferopol district.

Advisors Alexey Alexandrovich Student Yuf "Katu" Nau during the passage of production practices for the office of the economist in the APK "Vinograde" of the Simferopolsky district proven itself as a responsible, executive and persistent person. I deepened and secured theoretical knowledge and skills in solving economic issues. He conducted research work on the agro-industrial complex "Grapes".

· Natural and economic conditions of the economy, its size, structure and specialization of production;

· The size of the resource potential of the economy and the effectiveness of their use;

· State of technology and economic efficiency of production in crop production;

· The relationship of the economy with enterprises: organizations;

· Formation of the market mechanism.

Performed all the instructions of the main economist and took an active part in the economic activity of the enterprise.

The level of knowledge with which the practitioner came to production practice was quite high. Knowledge in the field of enterprise economy, as well as the ability to work on a computer allowed the student without difficulty to deal with the organization and features of economic work at our enterprise.

I did not have the comments to the student for the period of practice, the chief economist of the agro-industrial complex "Vinogradova", Okorokova V. N. I believe that the work carried out by delegaters Alexei Alexandrovich decorated in the "Report on Industrial Practice" deserves estimates perfectly.

2. Characteristic from the practice of a student in economics

Characteristic from the practice of students of the III course of the southern branch of the Crimean Agrotechnology University.

A student FULL NAME From June 21, 2010 to July 16, 2010, IUF "KATU" NUBIP of Ukraine was sent to the passage of production practice at OJSC Tribalava "Crimean" Saksky district, to explore and master the production practice program.

During the practice of practice, the student showed himself as a competent student, diligently attended and fully fulfilled the established program.

In the process of passing the practice, the student showed a good level of theoretical knowledge, and secured their practical skills with a large share of independence, took an active part in the work of the departments and assisted their specialists. The paper showed diligence, hard work, reliability and goodwill.

A student Communicable, diligent, disciplined, conscientiously performed instructions of the executive practice from the enterprise.

The passage of production practices on the discipline "Economics of the enterprise" is recommended to evaluate "excellent".

3. Characteristic with student practice on winery

FULL NAME, Student of the TBP Group 31.1 of the Southern Branch of the National Agricultural University of the National University of Bioresources and the Environmental Management of Ukraine of the Technology Faculty passed the production practice at Evpatorie Winzavoda LLC from 05.06.10 to 07/30/10.

During the practice, the student got acquainted with the main techniques of wine bottling and in the "Tetra-Pak" of the format of Prism and Bric, performed various work in the filling shop, showed itself as a conscientious, executive worker. Throughout the practice, it was sought to get the maximum amount of information.

Head of Practice from the factory: Slyusarenko V.I.

4. Characteristic to a student from the place of practice, accounting practice.

GL Accountant of the Crimean Experimental Station of Horticulture UAAN at the student of the 3rd course of the accounting and financial faculty of the IF "Crimean Agrotechnological University" Babina Maxim Mikhailovich.

During the passage of practice at our enterprise from 06/23/08 to 19.07.08, student Babin M. M. Provert himself as a conscientious and responsible travelers. The level of vocational training and skills is fairly acceptable for the future bachelor in the specialty "Accounting and Audit". During the practice, the student was entrusted and the right to assist accountants to fill out some registers on what was happening at that time to economic operations.

Examples of characteristics from the practice of students will be constantly added.

5. Characteristics of a student from the place of technological practice of practice

FULL NAME passed the production practice at the GP "Alushta" from September 10, 2007 to 03.10.2007

The student got acquainted with the acceptance of grapes and the development of wine materials, studied the range of products, got acquainted with technologies in the field of processing of wine materials.

FULL NAME manifested itself as a responsible, executive, disciplined worker. The team has proven itself from a positive side.

Student characteristics from practice - This is a document that contains an assessment of the professional knowledge and training of a student, his business and personal qualities during the passage of the production or pre-diploma practice.

The student's characteristic is drawn up by an employee of the personnel department or the head of the organization's division, in which the student passed the practice and is provided to the educational institution.

How to write a description of the student

The characteristic of the student from the point of practice is written from the third person of the past time (for example, worked, performed, showed, etc.).

Blank characteristics on student student contains the following information:

  • date of preparation;
  • title of the document;
  • FIO of student student, place and time of practice;
  • description of the work performed;
  • evaluation of the vocational training and knowledge, business and personal qualities of a student who has been practiced;
  • signatures of authorized persons of the organization, which gives the characteristic, printing.

Sample student characteristics from practice


This characteristic is given to a student of the Russian State Technological University. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Kovaleva Svetlana Vladimirovna, who held pre-diploma practice in LLC "Segment" from May 10, 2012 to May 29, 2012

During the passage of the practice of Kovaleva S.V. Performed the following duties: I got acquainted with the mission and goals of the company, the structure of the enterprise, took part in the work of the delivery contracts, reporting, studied the rules of the trade visit, the basics of merchandising (the concept of displaying goods on the shelves).

During the practice of practicing in LLC "Segment" Kovaleva S.V. showed a good level of theoretical training. To fulfill all tasks, conscientiously suitable and with responsibility. Showed her desire to receive new knowledge.

In general, the work of Kovaleva S.V. Deserves estimates "Excellent".

Characteristic is drawn up on a student who has taken practice on the company's branded form.