Repairs Design Furniture

Ultraviolet laser do it yourself. How to make a powerful laser at home. Features of production laser cutters

Today we will talk about how to make a self-powerful green or blue laser at home from handicraft materials with your own hands. Also consider drawings, schemes and device of self-made laser pointers with an igniting ray and range up to 20 km

The basis of the laser device is an optical quantum generator, which, using electrical, thermal, chemical or other energy, produces a laser beam.

The basis of the laser is based on the phenomenon of forced (induced) radiation. The radiation of the laser can be continuous, with a constant power, or impulse, achieving extremely large peak capacities. The essence of the phenomenon is that the excited atom is able to emit a photon under the action of another photon without its absorption, if the energy of the latter equals the difference in the energy of the atom levels before and after radiation. In this case, the radiated photon is coherent photon, which caused radiation, that is, it is its exact copy. Thus, light gain occurs. This phenomenon differs from spontaneous radiation in which the emitted photons have random distribution directions, polarization and phase
The likelihood that a random photon will cause induced radiation of an excited atom, exactly equals the probability of absorption of this photone at an atom in an unexcited state. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance light that the excited atoms in the medium were larger than the unexcited. In equilibrium state, this condition is not performed, therefore various pumping systems of the active medium of the laser (optical, electrical, chemical, etc.) are used. In some schemes, the working element of the laser is used as an optical amplifier for radiation from another source.

In the quantum generator there is no external flux of photons, inverse population is created inside it with various pump sources. Depending on the sources there are various pumping methods:
optical - powerful flash lamp;
gas discharge in the working substance (active medium);
injection (transfer) current carriers in semiconductor in zone
r-p transitions;
electronic excitation (irradiation in vacuum of a pure semiconductor by electron flow);
heat (heating gas, followed by its sharp cooling;
chemical (use of chemical reaction energy) and some others.

The primary source of generation is the process of spontaneous radiation, therefore, to ensure the continuity of photon generations, the existence of a positive feedback is necessary, due to which the resulsive photons cause subsequent acts of induced radiation. To do this, the active laser environment is placed in an optical resonator. In the simplest case, it represents two mirrors, one of which is translucent - the laser beam is partially out of the resonator through it.

Reflecting from the mirrors, the radiation bundle passes the resonator repeatedly, causing induced transitions in it. Radiation can be both continuous and impulse. At the same time, using various devices for quick shutdown and inclusion of feedback and a decrease in the very period of pulse period, it is possible to create conditions for generating a very high power radiation - these are the so-called giant impulses. This mode of operation of the laser is called modulated quality facilities.
The laser beam is a coherent, monochrome, polarized narrow-controlled light stream. In a word, it is a beam of light emitted not only that synchronous sources are also in a very narrow range, and sooner. Summary extremely concentrated light flux.

The radiation generated by the laser is monochromatic, the probability of photon radiation of a certain wavelength is greater than the closely located, associated with the broadening of the spectral line and the likelihood of induced transitions at this frequency also has a maximum. Therefore, gradually in the process of generating photons of this wavelength will dominate all other photons. In addition, due to the special location of the mirrors in the laser beam, only those photons that are distributed in the direction parallel to the optical axis of the resonator are presented at a short distance from her, the remaining photons quickly leave the volume of the resonator. Thus, the laser beam has a very small divergence angle. Finally, the laser beam has strictly defined polarization. To do this, various polarizers are introduced into the resonator, for example, they can serve as flat glass plates, mounted at the corner of the brutener to the direction of the spread of the laser beam.

From how the working body is used in the laser, the working length of its wave is depends, as well as other properties. The working fluid is subjected to "pumping" by energy in order to obtain the effect of inversion of electronic populations, which causes forced radiation of photons and the effect of optical amplification. The simplest form of an optical resonator is two parallel mirrors (there can also be four or more) located around the working fluid of the laser. The forced radiation of the working body is reflected in the mirrors back and amplified again. Until the output of the outside, the wave can be reflected many times.

So, we formulate a brief condition necessary to create a source of coherent light:

need a working substance with inverse population. Only then can be obtained to gain light due to forced transitions;
the working substance should be placed between the mirrors that exercise feedback;
the amplification given by the working substance, and therefore the number of excited atoms or molecules in the working substance should be greater than the threshold value depending on the reflection coefficient of the output mirror.

The design of the lasers can use the following types of working bodies:

Liquid. It is used as a working fluid, for example, in lasers on dyes. The composition includes an organic solvent (methanol, ethanol or ethylene glycol), in which chemical dyes (coumarin or rhodamine) are dissolved. The working wavelength of the liquid lasers is determined by the configuration of the molecules of the dye used.

Gases. In particular, carbon dioxide, argon, crypton or gas mixes, as in helium neon lasers. "Package" with the energy of these lasers is most often carried out using electrical discharges.
Solid bodies (crystals and windows). The solid material of such working bodies is activated (doped) by adding a small number of chromium ions, neodymium, erbium or titanium. The following crystals are usually used: alumo-yttrium grenades, lithium-yttrium fluoride, sapphire (aluminum oxide) and silicate glass. Solid state lasers are usually "pumped up" with a pulsed lamp or another laser.

Semiconductors. The material in which the transition of electrons between the energy levels may be accompanied by radiation. Semiconductor lasers are very compact, "pumped up" by electric shock, which allows them to be used in household devices, such as CD players.

To turn the amplifier to the generator, you need to organize feedback. In the lasers, it is achieved when placing an active substance between reflective surfaces (mirrors) forming the so-called "open resonator" due to the fact that part of the energies emitted active substance reflected from the mirrors and returns again to the active substance

The laser uses optical resonators of various types - with flat mirrors, spherical, combinations of flat and spherical, etc. in optical resonators that provide feedback in the laser can be excited only by some certain types of electromagnetic field oscillations, which are called their own oscillations or modes of the resonator.

Fashion are characterized by frequency and shape, i.e., the spatial distribution of oscillations. In a resonator with flat mirrors, oscillation types are predominantly excited, corresponding to flat waves propagating along the resonator axis. The system of two parallel mirrors resonates only at certain frequencies - and performs in the laser and the role that the oscillating circuit plays in conventional low-frequency generators.

The use of an open resonator (and not closed - a closed metal cavity - characteristic of the microwave range) principal, since in the optical range the resonator with dimensions l \u003d? (L is the characteristic size of the resonator ,? - the wavelength) simply can not be made, and with L \u003e\u003e? A closed resonator loses resonant properties, since the number of possible types of oscillations becomes so large that they overlap.

The absence of side walls significantly reduces the number of possible types of oscillations (mod) due to the fact that the waves propagating at an angle to the axis of the resonator quickly go beyond its limits, and allows you to save the resonant properties of the resonator at L \u003e\u003e?. However, the resonator in the laser not only provides feedback due to the return reflected from the radiation mirrors into the active substance, but also determines the laser radiation spectrum, its energy characteristics, the direction of radiation.
In the simplest flat wave approximation, the resonance condition in a flat mirror resonator is that a whole number of half-filled on the resonator is laid: L \u003d Q (? / 2) (q is an integer), which leads to expression for the type of oscillation type with the index Q :? Q \u003d Q (C / 2L). As a result, L. radiation spectrum, as a rule, is a set of narrow spectral lines, the intervals between which are the same and equal to C / 2L. The number of lines (component) at a given length L depends on the properties of the active medium, i.e. on the spectrum of spontaneous radiation on the quantum transition used and can reach several tens and hundreds. Under certain conditions, it is possible to select one spectral component, i.e. to carry out a single mode generation mode. The spectral width of each of the components is determined by the loss of energy in the resonator and, first of all, the transmission and absorption of light by mirrors.

The frequency profile of the gain in the working substance (it is determined by the width and form of the working substance line) and the set of own frequencies of the open resonator. For used in open resonator lasers with high qualityness bandwidth of the resonator ?? p, determining the width of the resonant curves of individual mod, and even the distance between adjacent modes ?? H is less than the width of the amplification line ?? H, and even in gas lasers, where broadening lines are the smallest. Therefore, several types of resonator oscillations fall into the gain circuit.

Thus, the laser does not necessarily generate on one frequency, more often, on the contrary, the generation occurs simultaneously on several types of oscillations for which the amplification? More losses in the resonator. In order for the laser to work at one frequency (in one-frequency mode), it is necessary, as a rule, to take special measures (for example, to increase the loss, as shown in Figure 3) or change the distance between the mirrors so that only one falls into the increasing circuit fashion. Since in optics, as noted above ,? H\u003e? P and the generation frequency in the laser is determined in the main frequency of the resonator, then to keep the stable generation frequency, it is necessary to stabilize the resonator. So, if the gain in the working substance overlaps losses in the resonator for certain types of oscillations, they arise to generation. The seed for its occurrence is, as in any generator, noises representing spontaneous radiation in lasers.
In order for the active medium to radiate the coherent monochromatic light, it is necessary to enter feedback, i.e., part of the light-emitted light flux to be directed back to the medium for the implementation of forced radiation. Positive feedback is carried out using optical resonators, which in the elementary embodiment are two coaxial (parallel and on one axis) of the mirrors, one of which is translucent, and the other is "deaf", i.e., completely reflects the light stream. The working substance (active medium), which creates an inverse population, is located between the mirrors. Forced radiation passes through the active medium, enhanced, reflected from the mirror, again passes through the medium and is even more intensified. Through a translucent mirror, part of the radiation is emitted into an external environment, and the part is reflected back to Wednesday and is reinforced again. Under certain conditions, the flow of photons inside the working substance will begin avalanche-like an increase, the generation of monochromatic coherent light will begin.

The principle of operation of the optical resonator, the prevailing number of particles of the working substance, represented by light circles, are in the main state, i.e. at the lower energy level. Only a small number of particles represented by dark circles are in an electronically excited state. When exposed to a working substance, the pump source is the main amount of particles goes into an excited state (the amount of dark circles has increased), an inverse population has been created. Further (Fig. 2B), spontaneous radiation of some particles in electronically excited state occurs. Radiation directed at an angle to the resonator axis will leave the working substance and the resonator. Radiation, which is directed along the axis of the resonator, will suit the mirror surface.

In a translucent mirror, a part of the radiation will pass through it into the environment, and the part will reflect and again will go to the working substance, involving the particle in the excited state into the forced radiation process.

In the "deaf" mirror, the entire radiation stream will reflect and reappears a working substance, induced by the radiation of all the remaining excited particles, where the situation is reflected when all excited particles have given their storage energy, and at the output of the resonator, a powerful flow of induced radiation was formed on the side of the translucent mirror.

The main structural elements of lasers include a working substance with certain energy levels of the components of their atoms and molecules, a pump source that creates inverse population in the working substance, and an optical resonator. There are a large number of different lasers, but all of them have the same and moreover a simple principal scheme of the device, which is presented in Fig. 3.

The exceptions are semiconductor lasers due to their specificity, since they have everything special: and process physics, and pumping methods, and design. Semiconductors are crystalline formations. In a separate atom, the electron energy adopts strictly defined discrete values, and therefore the energy states of the electron in the atom are described in the level language. In the semiconductor crystal, energy levels form energy zones. In a pure, non-impurity semiconductor, there are two zones: the so-called valence zone and located above it (on the energy scale) of the conduction zone.

Between them there is a gap of the prohibited energy values, which is called a forbidden zone. At a semiconductor temperature equal to the absolute zero, the valence area should be completely filled with electrons, and the conduction zone should be empty. In real conditions, the temperature is always higher than absolute zero. But an increase in temperature leads to thermal excitation of electrons, some of them jumps from the valence zone to the conduction zone.

As a result of this process, some (relatively small) amount of electrons appear in the conduction zone, and in the valence zone until its full filling will miss the corresponding amount of electrons. The electronic vacancy in the valence zone is represented by a positively charged particle, which is called a hole. The switched electron transition through the prohibited zone from the bottom is considered as the process of generating an electron-hole pair, and the electrons are focused on the lower edge of the conduction zone, and the holes are at the top edge of the valence zone. Transitions through the forbidden zone are possible not only from the bottom up, but from top to bottom. Such a process is called electron recombination and hole.

When irradiated with a pure semiconductor, the photon energy of which is somewhat exceeds the width of the prohibited zone, three types of light interaction can be performed in the semiconductor crystal: absorption, spontaneous emission and forced emission of light. The first type of interaction is possible when the photon is absorbed by an electron located near the upper edge of the valence zone. In this case, the energy power of the electron will become sufficient to overcome the prohibited zone, and it will make a quantum transition to the conduction zone. Spontaneous emission of light is possible with spontaneous return of the electron from the conduction zone in the valence zone with the emission of the energy quantum - a photon. External radiation can initiate a transition to an electron valence zone, located near the lower edge of the conduction zone. The result of this, the third type of light interaction with the semiconductor substance will be the birth of the secondary photon, identical in its parameters and the direction of movement of the photon, initiated the transition.

To generate laser radiation, it is necessary to create in the semiconductor inverse population of "working levels" - create a sufficiently high concentration of electrons in the lower edge of the conduction zone and, accordingly, a high concentration of holes at the edge of the valence zone. For these purposes, in pure semiconductor lasers, the fluid flow of electrons is usually used.

The resonator mirrors are polished edges of the semiconductor crystal. The disadvantage of such lasers is that many semiconductor materials generate laser radiation only at very low temperatures, and the bombardment of semiconductor crystals by the stream of electrons causes its strong heating. This requires additional cooling devices, which complicates the design of the apparatus and increases its dimensions.

The properties of semiconductors with impurities differ significantly from the properties of nestless, clean semiconductors. This is due to the fact that atoms of some impurities are easily given to the conduction zone according to one of their electrons. These impurities are called donor, and a semiconductor with such impurities - a P-semi-veter. Atoms of other impurities, by contrast, are captured by one electron from the valence zone, and such impurities are acceptor, and a semiconductor with such impurities - a P-semi-conductor. The energy level of impurity atoms is located inside the prohibited zone: in "-Polponds - not far from the lower edge of the conduction zone, y / ^ - semiconductors - near the upper edge of the valence zone.

If in this area, create an electrical voltage so that from the part of the r-semiconductor there is a positive pole, and from the P-semiconductor side is negative, then under the action of the electric field, the electrons from the P-semiconductor and the hole from / ^ - semiconductor will move (injected) in R-P transition area.

When electron recombination and holes, photons will be emitted, and in the presence of an optical resonator, laser radiation is generated.

The mirrors of the optical resonator are the polished edges of the semiconductor crystal, oriented perpendicular to the P-P transition plane. Such lasers differ in miniature, since the size of the semiconductor active element can be about 1 mm.

Depending on the feature under consideration, all lasers are divided as follows).

The first sign. It is customary to distinguish laser amplifiers and generators. In the amplifiers at the inlet, weak laser radiation is supplied, and at the output it is respectively enhanced. There are no external radiation in the generators, it occurs in the working substance due to its excitation using various pump sources. All medical laser devices are generators.

The second feature is the physical condition of the working substance. In accordance with this, the lasers are divided into solid-state (ruby, sapphires, etc.), gas (helium-neon, helium, argon, carbon dioxide, etc.), liquid (liquid dielectric with impurity working atoms of rare earth metals) and semiconductor (arsenide -Hall, arsenide-phosphide-gallium, selenide-lead, etc.).

The method of excitation of the working substance is the third distinguishing feature of lasers. Depending on the source of excitation, lasers with optical pumping, with pumping due to gas discharge, electronic excitation, injection of charge carriers, with thermal, chemical pumping and some others are distinguished.

The laser radiation spectrum is the following feature of the classification. If the radiation is concentrated in a narrow wavelength interval, it is considered to be monochromatic laser and its technical data indicates a specific wavelength; If in a wide range, then you should consider a laser broadband and indicates the wavelength range.

By the nature of the emitted energy, pulsed lasers and continuous radiation lasers are distinguished. Do not mix the concepts of a pulse laser and a laser with frequency modulation of continuous radiation, since in the second case we get in fact the intermittent radiation of various frequencies. Pulse lasers have a high power in a single pulse reaching 10 W, while their mid-pulse power, determined by the respective formulas, is relatively small. In continuous frequency modulation lasers, the power in the so-called impulse is below the power of continuous radiation.

According to the average output power of the radiation (the following sign of classification), the lasers are divided into:

· High-energy (created flux density. Radiation power on the surface of an object or bio-object is over 10 W / cm2);

· Mid-energy (created flux density radiation power - from 0.4 to 10 W / cm2);

· Low energy (created flux density. Radiation power is less than 0.4 W / cm2).

· Soft (created energy irradiation - E or power flow density on the irradiated surface - up to 4 MW / cm2);

· Average (e - from 4 to 30 MW / cm2);

· Hard (e - more than 30 MW / cm2).

In accordance with the "sanitary standards and rules of the device and operation of lasers No. 5804-91" by the degree of risk of generated radiation for the service personnel, the lasers are divided into four classes.

First-class lasers include such technical devices, the output collimant (concluded in limited bodily corner) radiation of which is not dangerous during the irradiation of the eyes and human skin.

Second-class lasers are devices, the output radiation of which is dangerous when irradiated with the eye direct and mirror reflected radiation.

Third-class lasers are devices, the output radiation of which is a danger upon irradiation of the eyes direct and mirror reflected, as well as diffusely reflected radiation at a distance of 10 cm from the diffuse reflective surface, and (or) when the skin is irradiated with direct and mirror reflected radiation.

Fourth-class lasers are devices, the output radiation of which is danger when irradiating the skin diffusely reflected radiation at a distance of 10 cm from the diffuse reflective surface.

Many of you probably heard that we can make a laser pointer or even the cutting beam can be quite at home using simple remedies, but how to make a laser on your own, knowing little. Before getting to work on it, be sure to read the safety appliance.

Security Rules when working with a laser

Improper use of the beam, especially high power, can lead to a damage of property, as well as greatly harm your health or health of third-party observers. Therefore, before testing a personally made instance, remember the following rules:

  1. Make sure that there were no animals or children in the room where the tests are conducted.
  2. Never direct the beam on animals or people.
  3. Use protective glasses, such as glasses used when conducting welding.
  4. Remember that even the reflected ray can harm vision. Never shine with a laser in the eye.
  5. Do not use the laser to ignite items while in a closed room.

The simplest laser made of computer mouse

If the laser is necessary for you only for the sake of entertainment, it is enough to know how to make a laser at home from the mouse. Its power will be quite insignificant, but it will not make his work. It will take only a computer mouse, a small soldering iron, batteries, wires and a shutdown toggle switch.

First, the mouse needs to disassemble. It is important not to catch out done, but carefully spinning and removing them in order. First, the upper casing, behind him the bottom. Next, using a soldering iron, you need to remove the mouse laser from the board and solder new wires to it. Now it remains to attach them to a shutdown toggle and bring the wiring to the battery contacts. Batteries can use any type: and finger, and so-called pancakes.

Thus, the simplest laser is ready.

If the weak beam is not enough for you, and you are wondering how to make a laser at home from handicrafts with a fairly high power, it is worth trying a more complex way of its manufacture, using a DVD-RW drive.

To work, you will need:

  • DVD-RW drive (the recording speed should be at least 16x);
  • aAA battery, 3 pcs.;
  • resistor (from two to five ohms);
  • collimator (you can replace the detail from the cheap Chinese laser pointer);
  • capacitors 100 PF and 100 MF;
  • lantern LED made of steel;
  • wires and soldering iron.

Progress of work:

The first thing we need is a laser diode. It is located in the carriage DVD-RW drive. It has a larger radiator than an ordinary infrared diode. But be careful, this item is very fragile. While the diode is not installed, it is best to wind up its withdrawal with a wire, since it is too sensitive to static tension. Pay special attention to polarity. If the power to sum up is incorrectly, the diode will immediately fail.

Connect the details according to the following scheme: Battery, power button, resistor, capacitors, laser diode. When the design of the design is verified, it remains only to come up with a convenient case for a laser. For these purposes, the steel case is quite suitable from the usual lamp. Do not forget also about the collimator, because it precisely turns radiation into a thin beam.

Now that you know how to make a laser at home, do not forget about the safety of safety, keep it in a special case and do not carry with you, since law enforcement agencies can nominate you claims about this.

Watch the video: Laser from DVD drive at home and do it yourself

Laser cutter is a unique device that is useful to have in the garage of every modern man. Make a laser for cutting metal with your own hands - easy, the main thing to comply with simple rules. The capacity of such a device will be small, but there are ways to increase it at the expense of recessive fixtures. The functional of the production machine, which without embellishment - can not be achieved homemade. But for domestic affairs, this unit will fit very by the way. Let's look at how to build it.

How to make a laser cutter in the garage

Everything is brilliant simply, therefore, to create such equipment that can cut the most beautiful patterns in durable steels, can be made from ordinary girlfriend materials. For the manufacture, it will necessarily need an old laser pointer. In addition, you should stock:

  1. Lantern working on battery batteries.
  2. Old DVD-ROM, from which we need to remove the laser drive matrix.
  3. Soldering iron and a set of screwdrivers for twisting.

The first step will be disassembling the drive of the old computer drive. From there, we should extract the device. Be careful not to damage the device itself. Drive drive must be writing, and not just reading, the case in the structure of the device matrix. Now we will not go into details, but simply use modern non-working models.

After that, you will definitely need to extract a red diode that burns the disk while recording information on it. Just took a soldering iron and cashed fastening of this diode. Only in no case do not throw it. This is a sensitive element that may quickly spoil during damage.

When assembling the laser cutter itself, the following should be taken into account:

  1. Where better to install a red diode
  2. How the elements of the entire system will be powered by
  3. How will the electric current flows in the part will be distributed.

Remember! On the diode that will be accomplished by burning, much more electricity is required than the elements of the pointer.

This dilemma is solved simply. A pointed diode is changing with a red light bulb. Disassemble the pointer with the same accuracy as the drive, damage to the connectors and holders, will spoil your future with your own hands. When you did it, you can start making the housing for homemade.

To do this, you will need a flashlight and rechargeable batteries that will have a laser cutter. Thanks to the flashlight you will get a convenient and compact part that does not occupy a lot of space in everyday life. The key point of such a case is to choose the right polarity. A protective glass is removed from the former flashlight so that it is not an obstacle for the directional beam.

The subsequent action is the washing of the diode itself. To do this, you need to connect it to charging the battery, observing the polarity. In conclusion, check:

  • Reliability of fixing the device in clips and retainers;
  • The polarity of the device;
  • The direction of the beam.

Inaccuracies to do, and when everything is ready to congratulate yourself with successful completed work. Cutter is ready to use. The only thing to remember is its power is much smaller than the capacity of the production counterpart, therefore it is not too thick metal.

Caution! The power of the device is enough to harm your health, so be careful during management and try not to shove your fingers under the beam.

Strengthening homemade installation

To enhance the power and density of the beam, which is the main cutting element, you should prepare:

  • 2 "Condera" at 100 PF and MF;
  • Resistance for 2-5 ohms;
  • 3 rechargeable batteries;
  • Colmimator.

That installation that you have already collected can be strengthened in order to get enough power to get enough for any work with the metal. When working on the amplification, remember that you will turn on your cutter directly into the outlet will be suicide for it, so you should take care that the current first falls into capacitors, after which the batteries were given.

Using adding resistors, you can increase the power of your installation. To further enlarge the efficiency of your device, use a collimator that is mounted to accumulate the beam. Such a model is for sale at any store for the electrician, and the cost ranges from 200 to 600 rubles, so it is not difficult to buy it.

Further, the assembly scheme is performed in the same way as it has been considered above, it only follows around the diode to turn the aluminum wire to remove static. After that, you have to measure the current strength, for which the multimeter is taken. Both edges of the device are connected to the remaining diode and are measured. Depending on the needs, you can resolve the indicators from 300 mA to 500 mA.

After the current calibration is made, you can move to the aesthetic decoration of your cutter. For the housing, an old steel flashlight on LEDs will be completely comes. It is compact and fits in his pocket. To the lens do not get used, be sure to get the case.

Store the finished cutter follows in a box or case. There should not fall dust or moisture, otherwise the device will be disabled.

What is the difference between the finished models

The cost is the main reason why many craftsmen resort to the manufacture of a laser cutter with their own hands. And the principle of work is as follows:

  1. Thanks to the creation of a directed laser beam, the impact on the metal
  2. Powerful radiation makes the material evaporate and go under the strength of the stream.
  3. As a result, due to the small diameter of the laser beam, a high-quality section of the workpiece is obtained.

The cutting depth will depend on the power of the components. If the factory models are equipped with high-class materials that provide a sufficient index of recess. That homemade models are able to cope with 1-3 cm.

Thanks to such laser installations, it is possible to make unique patterns in the fence of a private house, components for decorating the gate or fences. There are only 3 types of cutters:

  1. Solid-state. The principle of operation is tied to the use of special varieties of glass or crystals of LED equipment. These are inexpensive manufacturing plants that are used in production.
  2. Fiber. Through the use of optical fiber, you can get a powerful stream and sufficient cut depth. They are analogues of solid-state models, but due to their capabilities and performance characteristics are better than them. But also more expensive.
  3. Gas. It is clear from the name that gas is used for work. It may be nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide. The efficiency of such devices is 20% higher than that of all previous ones. They are used for cutting, welding polymers, rubber, glass and even metal with a very large level of thermal conductivity.

In everyday life, without any special costs, it is possible to obtain only a solid-state laser cutter, but its capacities with a literate gain, which was disassembled above, is enough to perform household work. Now you have knowledge regarding the manufacture of such a device, and then only act and try.

Do you have experience in developing a laser cutter on metal with your own hands? Share with readers, leaving under this article a comment!

Who in childhood did not dream of laser? Some men dream still. Ordinary laser pointers with a small power have long been not relevant for a long time, since their power leaves much to be desired. It remains 2 ways: to buy an expensive laser or make it at home from undergrades.

  • From the old or broken DVD drive
  • From computer mouse and flashlight
  • From the set of parts purchased in the electronics store

How to make a laser at home from the oldDVD Drive

  1. Find a non-working or unnecessary DVD drive having a recording function with a recording speed above 16x, which give the power of more than 160 MW. Why you can't take a CD writing, you ask. The fact is that its diode radiates infrared light, not visible by the human eye.
  2. Remove the laser head from the drive. To access the "insides", unscrew the screws that are at the bottom of the drive and remove the laser head, which is also held with screws. It can be in a shell or under a transparent window, and maybe at all outside. The most difficult thing is to extract the diode itself from it. Attention: the diode is very sensitive to static electricity.
  3. Get the lens without which the use of the diode will be impossible. You can use the usual magnifying glass, but then each time it will have to be twisted and configured. Or you can purchase another diode complete with a lens, and then replace it on a diode extracted from the drive.
  4. Next will have to buy or collect a diagonal power scheme and collect the design together. In the DVD diode, the drive is central to the drive as negative output.
  5. Connect the appropriate power supply and focus the lens. It only remains to find a suitable laser container. It is possible for these purposes to use a metal flashlight suitable in size.
  6. We recommend to see this video, where everything is shown in very detailed:

How to make a laser made of computer mouse

The power of the laser made from the computer mouse will be much smaller than the power of the laser made by the previous way. Production procedure is not much different.

  1. First of all, find an old or unnecessary mouse with a visible laser of any color. Mouses with invisible glow do not fit for obvious reasons.
  2. Next, carefully disassemble it. Inside, notice the laser that will have to be disappeared using the soldering iron
  3. Now repeat items 3-5 from the instructions described above. The difference in such lasers, repeat, only in power.

Each of us kept in the hands of a laser pointer. Despite the decorativeness of the application, it contains the real laser, assembled on the basis of a semiconductor diode. The same elements are installed on laser levels and.

The next popular product assembled on the semiconductor is a written DVD drive of your computer. It has a more powerful laser diode with thermal destructive power.

This allows you to burn a disk layer by applying tracks with digital information on it.

How does the semiconductor laser work?

Devices of this type inexpensive in production, the design is sufficiently massive. The principle of laser (semiconductor) diodes is based on the use of a classic P-N transition. It works such a transition as in conventional LEDs.

The difference in the organization of radiation: LEDs emit "spontaneously", and laser diodes "forced."

The general principle of the formation of the so-called "population" of quantum radiation is performed without mirrors. The edges of the crystal are cleaned mechanically, providing the effect of refraction on the ends, akin to the mirror surface.

To obtain different types of radiation, a "homochrome" can be used when both semiconductors are identical, or "heterogery", with different materials of the transition.

Actually laser diode is an affordable radio component. It can be bought in stores selling radio components, and can be removed from the old drive DVD-R (DVD-RW).

Important! Even a simple laser used in light pointers can seriously damage the retina.

More powerful installations, with a burning beam, can deprive vision or cause skin burns. Therefore, when working with similar devices, observe maximum caution.

Having at the disposal such a diode, you can easily make a powerful laser with your own hands. In fact, the product may be completely free, or you will be hung for funny money.

Laser do it yourself from dvd drive

To begin with, it is necessary to get the drive itself. It can be removed from the old computer or purchased on the flea market for the symbolic cost.

Information: The higher the stated recording speed, the more powerful burning laser applies in the drive.

After removing the housing, and disconnecting the control loops, dismantle the writing head with the carriage.

The procedure for extracting a laser diode:

  1. Connect the legs of the diode with each other with the wire (shunt). When dismantling, static electricity can accumulate, and the diode may fail
  2. We remove the aluminum radiator. It is quite fragile, has a fastening, structurally "sharpened" for a specific DVD drive, and in further operation is not needed. Just snack the radiator with nipples (not damaging the diode)
  3. We get a diode, freeing the legs from the shunt.

The element looks like this:

The next important element is a laser power scheme. Use the power supply from the DVD drive will not work. It is integrated into the general management scheme, to extract it from there is technically impossible. Therefore, we make the supply scheme independently.

There is a temptation to simply connect 5 volts with a restrictive resistor, and not to suffer with the scheme. This is an incorrect approach, since any LEDs (including laser) are not powered by voltage, but current. Accordingly, a current stabilizer is needed. The most accessible option is to use the LM317 chip.

The output resistor R1 is selected according to the power current of the laser diode. In this circuit, the current must correspond 200 mA.

You can collect the laser with your own hands in the case from the light pointer, or purchase a ready-made module for a laser in electronics stores or on Chinese sites (for example, Ali Express).

The advantage of such a solution - you get the finished adjustable lens included. The power supply circuit (driver) easily fits in the module housing.

If you decide to make a housing yourself, from some metal tube - you can use a regular lens from the same DVD drive. Just need to come up with a fastening method, and the possibility of adjusting the focus.

Important! Focus the beam is necessary with any design. It can be parallel (if you need a range) or cone-shaped (if necessary, obtain a concentrated thermal spot).

The lens bundled with the control device is called the collimator.

To properly connect the laser from the DVD drive, you need a contact diagram. You can track down the minus and plus wire on the marking, on the circuit board. Make it need before dismantling the diode. If there is no such possibility - use the Typical Tip:

Minus contact has an electrical connection with the diode housing. It is not difficult to find it. Regarding the minus located below, the plus contact will be right.

If you have a three-tab laser diode (and such a majority), the left will be either unused contact, or the connection of the photodium. It happens if there is a burning and reading element in one case.

The main housing is selected based on the size of the batteries or batteries that you plan to use. In it carefully secure your homemade laser module, and the device is ready for use.

With the help of such a tool, you can engage in engraving, burning on a tree, cut the low-melting materials (fabric, cardboard, felt, foam, etc.).

How to make an even more powerful laser?

If you need a cutter on a tree or plastic, the power of a standard diode from the DVD drive is not enough. It is necessary either a ready-made diode with a capacity of 500-800 MW, or you have to spend a lot of time looking for suitable DVD drives. In some models of LG and Sony, laser diodes are installed with a capacity of 250-300 MW.

The main thing is that such technologies are available for independent manufacture.

Step-by-step video instruction telling how to make a laser from DVD drive

Hello ladies and gentlemen. Today I open a series of articles dedicated to powerful lasers, for Habrapoisk says that people are looking for similar articles. I want to tell how to make a pretty powerful laser at home, and also to teach you to use this power not just for the sake of "shifting on the clouds".

A warning!

The article describes the manufacture of a powerful laser ( 300mW ~ Power 500 Chinese Pointers), which can harm your health and health surrounding! Be extremely careful! Use special safety glasses and do not send a laser beam on people and animals!

We learn.

On the Habré, just a couple of times slipped articles about portable lasers Dragon Lasers, such as Hulk. In this article, I will tell you how you can make a laser that is not inferior to most models selling in this store.


First you need to prepare all components:
- non-working (or working) DVD-RW drive with recording speed 16x or higher;
- condensers 100 PF and 100 MF;
- resistor 2-5 ohms;
- Three AAA batteries;
- soldering iron and wires;
- collimator (or chinese pointer);
- Steel LED flashlight.

This is a necessary minimum for the manufacture of a simple driver model. The driver is, in fact, the fee that will display our laser diode at the desired power. Connect the direct power source to the laser diode is not worth it. The laser diode is needed to feed the current, not the voltage.

The collimator is, in fact, a module with a lens that reduces all radiation into a narrow beam. Ready collimators can be bought in radio logs. There are already a convenient place for the installation of a laser diode immediately, and the cost is 200-500 rubles.

You can also use a collimator from a Chinese pointer, however, the laser diode will be difficult to fix, and the collimator body itself is probably made from metallized plastic. So, our diode will be badly cooled. But this is possible. This option can be viewed at the end of the article.

We do.

You must first get the laser diode itself. This is a very fragile and small detail of our DVD-RW drive - be careful. A powerful red laser diode is in the carriage of our drive. It is possible to distinguish it from a weak one by a larger radiator than an ordinary IR diode.

It is recommended to use an antistatic bracelet, as the laser diode is very sensitive to static voltage. If there is no bracelet, then you can wrap the dedication of the diode with a thin wire until it is to wait for the installation into the case.

According to this scheme, you need to discharge the driver.

Do not confuse polarity! The laser diode will also fail instantly with incorrect polarity of the supply power.

The scheme indicates a condenser 200 MF, however, for portability, 50-100 mf is quite enough.

We try.

Before installing a laser diode and collect everything into the case, check the driver's performance. Connect another laser diode (non-working or second, which is from the drive) and measure the current strength by a multimeter. Depending on the speed characteristics, the current strength must be chosen correctly. For 16 models, 300-350mA is quite suitable. For the fastest 22x, you can apply even 500mA, but a completely different driver, the manufacture of which I plan to describe in another article.

It looks terrible, but it works!


You can boast about the weight with the laser only before the same crazy techno-maniacs, but it is better to collect in a comfortable body for beauty and amenities. It is already better to choose how to like it. I mounted the entire scheme in the usual LED flashlight. Its dimensions do not exceed 10x4cm. However, I do not advise you to wear it with you: if there are never any complaints with the relevant authorities. And it is better to store in a special case, so that a sensitive lens was not dug.

This option with minimal costs is used by a collimator from Chinese pointed:

The use of a factory-made module will allow you to obtain these results:

The laser beam is visible in the evening:

And, of course, in the dark:


Yes, I want to tell and show how you can use similar lasers. How to make much more powerful copies that can cut the metal and wood, and not just to wait for the match and melted plastic. How to produce holograms and scan items to obtain 3D Studio Max models. How to make powerful green or blue lasers. The scope of the application of lasers is quite wide, and one article here is not to do.

Need to remember.

Forget about security technician! Lasers are not a toy! Take care of your eyes!

Each house there is an old technique that has become unusable. Someone throws it into a landfill, and some craftsmen try to apply it for any self-contained inventions. So an old laser pointer can be found decent application - it is possible to make a laser cutter with your own hands.

To make a real laser from innocuous baubles, you need to prepare the following items:

  • laser pointer;
  • lantern with battery batteries;
  • old, it is not a working writing CD / DVD-RW. The main thing is that he has in stock drive with a working laser;
  • set of screwdrivers and soldering iron. It is better to use a corporate cutter, but the usual one may come for inappropriate.

Making a laser cutter

First you need to remove the laser cutter from the drive. This work does not represent any difficulty, but you have to gain patience and maximum attention. Since there contains a large number of wires, the structure of them is the same. When choosing a drive, it is important to take into account the presence of a writing option, since it is in such a model that a laser can be recorded. The recording is performed during evaporation of a thinly applied metal layer from the disk itself. In the case when the laser is read on reading, it is used in prison, highlighting the disk.

When removing the upper fasteners, you can detect a carriage with a laser located in it, which is capable of moving in two directions. It should be carefully removed by unscrewing, there is a large number of detachable devices and screws, which are important to remove carefully. For further work, a red diode is needed, with which the burning is carried out. To extract it, a soldering iron will be needed, and you also need to remove fasteners with accuracy. It is important to note that an indispensable detail for the manufacture of a laser cutter cannot be shaken and drop in connection with this, removing the laser diode, it is recommended to be careful.

How the main element of the future model of the laser will be extracted, it is necessary to weigh everything carefully and come up with where to put it and how to connect the power to it, since it is necessary for a diode of a writing laser much more than for a diode from a laser pointer, and in this case you can use Several ways.

Next replaces the diode in the pointer. To create a powerful laser, the pointers must be retrieved by a native diode, it is necessary to install a similar one from the CD / DVD-RW drive. The pointer is dealt with the sequence. It must be cleaned and divided into two parts, the part is located on top to be replaced. The old diode is extracted and the required diode is installed in its place, which can be fixed with glue. There are cases when, when removing the old diode, difficulties may occur, in this situation you can use a knife and shake a little a little.

The next action will be the manufacture of a new case. In order for the future laser to be convenient to use, connect to it and to give it an impressive view you can apply the lantern case. The converted upper part of the laser pointer is installed in the flashlight and is supplied to it from the battery packs, which connects to the diode. It is important not to confuse the polarity of the power. Before assembling the flashlight, the glass and pieces of the pointer must be removed, as it will be bad to carry out the straight laser beam.

The last step is to prepare for use. Before connecting, it is necessary to check the strength of fixing the laser, correctly connecting the polarity of the wires and is smoothly installed.

After committing these simple actions, the laser cutter is ready to use. Such a laser can be used for burning paper, polyethylene, for ignition matches. The scope can be extensive, everything will depend on fantasy.

Additional moments

You can make a more powerful laser. It will take:

  • dVD-RW drive, you can not operate;
  • capacitors 100 PF and 100 MF;
  • resistor 2-5 ohms;
  • three rechargeable batteries;
  • wires with soldering iron;
  • collimator;
  • steel LED flashlight.

This is the uncomplicated set is completed for assembling the driver, which will remove the laser cutter with the required power. The current source to the dude cannot be connected directly, as it is instantly spoiled. It is also important to consider that the laser diode should be powered, but not the voltage.

The collimator is a housing equipped with a lens, thanks to which all rays converge into one narrow beam. Such adaptations are purchased in radio components stores. They are convenient because they are already equipped with a place to install a laser diode, and as for the cost, it is quite small than 200-500 rubles.

You can, of course, apply the housing from the pointer, but in it the laser will be difficult to attach. Such models are made of plastic material, and this will lead to the heating of the case, and it will not be quite cooled.

The principle of manufacture is similar to the previous one, since in this case a laser diode is used from a DVD-RW drive.

In the manufacture, it is necessary to apply antistatic bracelets.

It is necessary to remove the statics from the laser diode, it is very sensitive. In the absence of bracelets, you can do with undergrades - you can wind a thin wire on the diode. Next is the driver.

Before assembling the entire device, the driver is checked. At the same time, it is necessary to connect a non-working or second diode and measure the force of the current to the multimeter. Considering the speed of the current, its power is important to pick up according to the standards. For many models, the current of 300-350 mA is applicable, and for more speeds, you can apply 500 mA, but a completely different driver must be used for this.

Of course, such a laser can collect any non-professional technician, but still for beauty and convenience, such a device is the most reasonable to build in a more aesthetic case, which it is possible to choose any taste. It will mostly be collected in the LED Lantern Corps of the LED, as its size is compact, only 10x4 cm. But still it is not necessary to wear such a device in your pocket, since the relevant authorities may make complaints. Such a device is best stored in a special casemer, in order to avoid dusting lenses.

It is important not to forget that the device is in its kind weapon, which is worth using with caution and cannot be directed to animals and people, as it is very dangerous and can harm health, the most dangerous is the direction of the eye. It is dangerous to give such devices to children.

The laser can be equipped with different devices, and then from the harmless toy there will be a rather powerful sight for weapons, both pneumatic and firearms.

Here are the uncomplicated tips on the manufacture of a laser cutter. A slightly improved similar structure, you can make cutters for cutting acrylic material, plywood and plastic, producing engraving.

Many technical inventions man painted, watching natural phenomena, analyzing them and applying knowledge gained in the surrounding reality. So a person got the ability to light fire, created a wheel, learned how to generate electricity, received control over the nuclear reaction.

In contrast to all these inventions, the laser has no analogues in nature. Its occurrence was associated exclusively with theoretical assumptions within the emerging quantum physics. The existence of a principle that lay down the basis of a laser was predicted at the beginning of the XX in the greatest scientist Albert Einstein.

The word "laser" appeared as a result of a reduction in five words describing the essence of the physical process to the first letters. In the Russian version, this process is called "enhancement of light using induced radiation."

On the principle of its work, the laser is a quantum generator of photons. The essence of the phenomenon underlying it is that under the action of energy in the form of a photon, the atom radiates another photon, which is identical to the first direction, its phase and polarization. As a result, the radiated light is enhanced.

This phenomenon is impossible under conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium. To create induced radiation, various ways are used: electrical, chemical, gas and others. Lasers used in living conditions (laser disk drives, laser printers) use semiconductor method Stimulation of radiation under the action of electric current.

The principle of operation consists in passing the flow of air through the heater in the thermofense tube and, reaching the set temperatures, hitting the special nozzles to the soldered part.

If the fault occurs, the welding inverter can be fixed with your own hands. Repair tips can be read.

In addition, the necessary component of any full-fledged laser is optical resonatorThe function of which is to enhance the light beam by repeatedly reflected. For this purpose, mirrors are used in laser installations.

It should be said that creating a real powerful laser with your own hands at home is unrealistic. To do this, you need to have special knowledge, carry out complex calculations, have a good logistical base.

For example, laser installations that can cut metal are extremely heated and require extreme cooling measures, including the use of liquid nitrogen. In addition, devices operating on the basis of a quantum principle, extremely capricious, require the finest settings and do not tolerate even the slightest deviations from the necessary parameters.

Required components for assembly

To build a laser scheme with their own hands, you will need:

  • DVD-ROM with rewriting feature (RW). It has a red laser diode with a capacity of 300 MW. You can use laser diodes from Blu-Ray-Rom-RW - they emit purple light with a capacity of 150 MW. For our purposes, the best Roms are those that have a greater recording speed: they are more powerful.
  • Pulse NCP1529. The converter generates a current of force 1a, stabilizes the voltage in the range of 0.9-3.9 V. These indicators are ideal for our laser diode, which requires constant voltage in 3 V.
  • Colimator to obtain a flat beam of light. Now there are numerous laser modules from, including collimators.
  • Output lens from ROM.
  • Case, for example, from laser pointer or flashlight.
  • Wires.
  • Batteries 3.6 V.

To connect the details, it will be necessary to determine which cable is phase, and where zero and grounding. This will help such a tool as.

Thus, you can collect the simplest laser. What can make such a handicraft manufactured "light amplifier":

  • Slag a match at a distance.
  • Melting polyethylene packages and thin paper.
  • Empty a ray for a distance of more than 100 meters.

Such a laser is dangerous: it will not burn skin or clothing, but can damage the eyes.

Therefore, it is necessary to use such a device.

Laser do it yourself on video

Have you decided to do something incredible using simple details? The laser in our time is not considered a novelty, but it is not difficult to make it at home. We will tell you how to make a laser by using the drive for reading disks and a conventional flashlight.

Attention! The power of the laser reaches up to 250 million. Before the start of the experiment, take care of your safety and put on safety glasses (welder's protective glasses). In no case do not induce the laser beam on people or animals, especially in the eyes. Laser can be injured by a person.

In order to make a laser himself, we will need:

1. A device for recording DVDs.
2. Laser pointer AIXIZ (you can take another).
3. Screwdriver.
4. Flashlight.

How to find out the power of the laser diode?

You can determine the power of the laser by the characteristic of the recording speed of the two-layer disks:

1. Speed \u200b\u200b10x, laser power 170-200 millivatts.
2. Speed \u200b\u200b16x, Laser Power 250-270 Millivatts.

Instruction. How to make a laser?

Step number 1. We spin and open the lid. We release and remove the carriage (the drive structure may differ, but in each drive there are two guides for which the carriage carries out the movement) and disconnect all the plumes.

Step number 2. Freeing the carriage, proceed to the spout of the screws and parts for the release of the diode itself. There may be two diode lasers in the drive:

1. To read the disk (infrared diode).
2. To record a disk (red diode).

To the desired diode (red), the board is attached, use the usual soldering iron to release the diode.

Step number 3. After a short process, we must get a diode in this form.

Many radio amateurs even once in life wanted to make a laser with their own hands. Once it was believed that it was possible to collect it only in scientific laboratories. Yes, it is so, if we talk about huge laser installations. However, you can collect a laser easier, which will also be quite powerful. The idea seems very difficult, but in fact everything is not difficult at all. In our article with the video, we will tell you how you can collect your own laser at home.

Powerful laser do it yourself

Laser scheme do it yourself

It is very important to comply with the elementary safety regulations. First, when checking the operation of the device or when it is already assembled completely, in no case should you direct it into the eyes, on other people or animals. Your laser will turn out so powerful that it will be able to light a match or even a sheet of paper. Secondly, follow our scheme and then your device will work for a long time and efficiently. Thirdly, do not let the children play with him. And finally, keep the collected device in a safe place.

To assemble a laser at home, you will need not too much time and components. So, first, you will need a DVD-RW drive. It can be both workers and not working. This is not fundamentally. But it is very important that it is exactly a recorder, and not a normal drive to play disks. Drive recording speed must be 16x. Can be higher. Next, you will need to find a module with a lens, thanks to which the laser can focus at one point. For this, an old chinese pointer may well come around. As a body of the future laser, it is best to use an unnecessary steel lantern. "Stuffing" for him will serve wires, batteries, resistors and capacitors. Also, do not forget to cook soldering iron - without it, the assembly will be impossible. Now let's see how to assemble the laser from the components described above.

Laser scheme do it yourself

The first thing to be done is to disassemble the DVD drive. From the drive, you need to extract the optical part by disconnecting the loop. Then you will see a laser diode - it should be gently getting out of the housing. Remember that the laser diode is extremely sensitive to the temperature difference, especially the cold. While you do not install the diode into the future laser, the definition of the diode is fine with a thin wire.

Most often, laser diodes have three outputs. The one that in the middle gives minus. And one of the extreme - plus. You should take two finger batteries and connect to the driving extracted from the housing using a 5 ohm resistor. For the laser to light up, you need to connect the minus batteries to the average bottom of the diode, and plus to one of the extreme. Now you can collect a laser emitter diagram. By the way, you can feed the laser not only from the batteries, but also from the battery. This is the case of everyone.

To make your device when turned on, you can use the old Chinese pointer, replacing the laser from the pointer to the assembled. The entire design can be accurately packaged into the housing. So she will and look prettier, and stored longer. The housing can serve as an unnecessary steel lamp. But it can also be almost any container. We choose the lantern not only because it is stronger, but also because in it your laser will look greatly presentable.

Thus, you yourself were convinced that for the assembly of a fairly powerful laser at home, it does not require deep knowledge in science, no expensive equipment. Now you can assemble the laser yourself and use it for destination.

Many know about the possibilities of laser technologies and their benefits. They are used not only in industry, but also in cosmetology, medicine, everyday life, art and other industries of human life. However, not everyone knows how to make a laser at home. But it can be built from the girlfriend. To do this, you will need non-working drive for reading DVDs, lighter or flashlight.

Before at home, you need to collect all the necessary elements. First of all, you need to disassemble the DVD drive. All screws that hold the top and bottom cover of the device are twisted for this. Next, the main loop is disconnected and the board is unscrewed. Protection of diodes and optics should be hacked. The next step will be the extraction of the diode, for which the pliers are commonly used. In order for static electricity to damage the diode, its legs must be tied with wire. It is necessary to remove the diode to be careful not to break the legs.

Further, before making a laser at home, you need to make a laser driver, which is represented by a small circuit regulating the diodes. The fact is that if the power is not exhibited, then the diode can quickly fail. As a power source, you can use finger batteries or battery from a mobile phone.

Before making a laser at home, you need to consider the fact that the burning effect is ensured by optics. If it is not, the laser will just shine. As optics, you can use a special lens from the same drive from which the diode was taken. To correctly set the focus, you need to apply a laser pointer.

In order to build a typical pocket laser, you can use the usual lighter. However, before making a laser from a lighter, you need to find out the technology of the structure. Lusha is just purchased a qualitative incendiary element. It should be disassembled, but it should not be thrown out the details, as they will be useful in the design. If gas remained in the lighter, it must be released. Then the insides must be pulled out with a drill with special nozzles. Inside the housing, the lighter is located a diode from the drive, several resistors, switch and battery. All elements of the lighter need to be installed on their places, after which the button that previously lit the flame, will turn on the laser.

However, for the construction of the device, you can use not only a lighter, but also a flashlight. Before making a lantern lantern, you need to take a laser block from the CD drive. In principle, the structure of the homemade laser in the flashlight does not differ from the laser device in the lighter. It is only necessary to take into account the power of the power, which almost never exceeds 3 V, and it is also desirable to build an additional voltage stabilizer. It will increase the term it is very important to take into account the polarity of the diode and the stabilizer.

All the collected stuffing should be accommodated in the case of a disassembled flashlight. Previously from the flashlight removed not only the inner part, but also glass. After installing the laser block, the glass is installed in place.

Is the most progressive, but also expensive at the cost of technology. But with its help, such results can be achieved, which are not for the power of other methods of metal processing. The ability of laser beams to attach to any material the necessary form is truly limitless.

The unique capabilities of the laser are based on the characteristics:

  • Clear focus - due to the ideal orientation of the laser beam, the energy focuses at the point of exposure to the minimum loss,
  • Monochromatism - the laser beam has a wavelength of fixed, and frequencies is constant. This allows you to focus with its usual lenses,
  • Coherence - in laser rays a high level of coherence, therefore their resonant oscillations enhance energy by several orders of magnitude,
  • Power - The above properties of laser rays provide focusing of the energy of the highest density at the minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe material. This allows you to destroy or burn any material on a microscopically small area.

Device and principles of work

Any laser device consists of the following nodes:

  • source of energy;
  • working body producing energy;
  • the focus, fiber optic laser, mirror systems that enhance the radiation of the working body.

The laser beam is pointing to the heating and melting material, and after a long exposure - its evaporation. As a result, the seam comes out with an uneven edge, evaporating material is deposited on optics, which reduces its life.

To obtain smooth thin seams and removal of vapors, use the technique of blowing inert gases or compressed air of the melt products from the zone of the laser.

Factory models of lasers equipped with high-class materials can provide a good exploration indicator. But for household use they have too high price.

Models made at home can crash into metal to a depth of 1-3 cm. This is enough to make, for example, details for decorating the gate or fences.

Depending on the cutter technology used, there are 3 species:

  • Solid-state. Compact and easy to use. Active element - semiconductor crystal. Models with low power quite affordable price.
  • Fiber. Fiberglass is used as an element of radiation and pumping. The advantages of fiber laser cutters are high efficiency (up to 40%), long service life and compactness. Since there is little heat during operation, there is no need to install the cooling system. You can make modular structures that allow you to combine the power of several heads. Radiation is broadcast on flexible fiber. The performance of such models is higher than solid-state, but their cost is more expensive.
  • . These are inexpensive, but powerful emitters based on the use of chemical properties of gas (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, helium). With their help, you can cook and cut the glass, rubber, polymers and metals with a very high level of thermal conductivity.

Homemade household laser

To perform repair work and manufacturing metal products in everyday life, laser cutting of metal is often required with their own hands. Therefore, homemade craftsmen have mastered the manufacture and successfully use manual laser devices.

According to the cost of manufacture for household needs, a solid-state laser is suitable.

The power of the self-made device, of course, can not even be compared with production devices, but it is quite suitable for use for domestic purposes.

How to assemble a laser, using inexpensive parts and unnecessary items.

For the manufacture of the simplest instrument, you will need:

  • laser pointer;
  • flashlight on battery batteries;
  • cD / DVD-RW (old and faulty suitable);
  • soldering iron, screwdriver.

How to make a manual laser engraver

Laser cutter manufacturing process

  1. From a computer drive, you need to remove a red diode that burns disk when recording. Please note that the drive must be writing.

After dismantling the upper fasteners, remove the carriage with the laser. For this, gently remove connectors and screws.

To remove the diode, it is necessary to reconstruct the fastenings of the diode and remove it. It is necessary to do it extremely neat. The diode is very sensitive and it is easy to damage, dropping or sharply shaking.

  1. The diode contained in it is removed from the laser pointer, and the red diode from the drive is inserted instead. The clarity of the pointer is disassembled into two halves. Old diode shake, steaming the knife edge. Instead, a red diode is placed and fastened with glue.
  2. As a hull of a laser cutter is easier and more convenient to use a flashlight. The top fragment of pointers with a new diode is inserted into it. The glass lantern, which is for the directional laser beam of the barrier, and the pieces of the pointer must be removed.

At the stage of connecting the diode to power from battery batteries, it is important to clearly comply with polarity.

  1. At the last stage, it is checked how reliably all the elements of the laser are fixed, the wires are properly connected, the polarity is observed and the laser is fixed.

Laser cutter ready. Because of the low power, it is impossible to use it in working with the metal. But if a device, cutting paper, plastic, polyethylene and other similar materials are needed, then this cutter is quite suitable.

How to strengthen the power of a metal cutting laser

You can make a more powerful laser for cutting metal with your own hands, equipping it with a driver collected from several parts. By means of the board, the cutter provides the desired power.

The following parts and devices will be needed:

  1. cD / DVD-RW (work old or defective), with a recording speed greater than 16x;
  2. 3.6 volt batteries - 3 pcs.;
  3. capacitors per 100 PF and 100 MF;
  4. resistance 2-5 ohms;
  5. collimator (instead of laser pointed);
  6. steel LED flashlight;
  7. soldering iron and wires.

To the dode, the current source cannot be connected directly, otherwise it burns. The diode takes feeding from the current, and not from the voltage.

Focusing rays in a thin ray is performed using a collimator. It is used instead of laser pointer.

Sold in the store of electrical goods. There is a nest in this detail where the laser diode is mounted.

Laser cutter assembly is the same as the model described above.

To remove static with a diode, wound around it. For the same purpose, antistatic bracelets can be used.

To verify the driver operation, the current force supplied to the diode is measured by a multimeter. To do this, the device is connected non-working (or second) diode. For the work of most homemade devices, the current of 300-350 mA is sufficient.

If you need a more powerful laser, the indicator can be increased, but not more than 500 mA.

As a case for homemakes, it is better to use the LED flashlight. It is compact and convenient to use it. In order not to dirty lenses, the device is stored in a special case.

Important! The laser cutter is a kind of weapon, so it is impossible to direct it on people, animals and in hand to children. It is not recommended to wear it in your pocket.

It should be noted that the laser cutting is impossible with their own hands, but with household tasks, it will quite cope.

Many know about the possibilities of laser technologies and their benefits. They are used not only in industry, but also in cosmetology, medicine, everyday life, art and other industries of human life. However, not everyone knows how to make a laser at home. But it can be built from the girlfriend. To do this, you will need non-working drive for reading DVDs, lighter or flashlight.

Before at home, you need to collect all the necessary elements. First of all, you need to disassemble the DVD drive. All screws that hold the top and bottom cover of the device are twisted for this. Next, the main loop is disconnected and the board is unscrewed. Protection of diodes and optics should be hacked. The next step will be the extraction of the diode, for which the pliers are commonly used. In order for static electricity to damage the diode, its legs must be tied with wire. It is necessary to remove the diode to be careful not to break the legs.

Further, before making a laser at home, you need to make a laser driver, which is represented by a small circuit regulating the diodes. The fact is that if the power is not exhibited, then the diode can quickly fail. As a power source, you can use finger batteries or battery from a mobile phone.

Before making a laser at home, you need to consider the fact that the burning effect is ensured by optics. If it is not, the laser will just shine. As optics, you can use a special lens from the same drive from which the diode was taken. To correctly set the focus, you need to apply a laser pointer.

In order to build a typical pocket laser, you can use the usual lighter. However, before making a laser from a lighter, you need to find out the technology of the structure. Lusha is just purchased a qualitative incendiary element. It should be disassembled, but it should not be thrown out the details, as they will be useful in the design. If gas remained in the lighter, it must be released. Then the insides must be pulled out with a drill with special nozzles. Inside the housing, the lighter is located a diode from the drive, several resistors, switch and battery. All elements of the lighter need to be installed on their places, after which the button that previously lit the flame, will turn on the laser.

However, for the construction of the device, you can use not only a lighter, but also a flashlight. Before making a lantern lantern, you need to take a laser block from the CD drive. In principle, the structure of the homemade laser in the flashlight does not differ from the laser device in the lighter. It is only necessary to take into account the power of the power, which almost never exceeds 3 V, and it is also desirable to build an additional voltage stabilizer. It will increase the term it is very important to take into account the polarity of the diode and the stabilizer.

All the collected stuffing should be accommodated in the case of a disassembled flashlight. Previously from the flashlight removed not only the inner part, but also glass. After installing the laser block, the glass is installed in place.