Repairs Design Furniture

High-quality painting of ceilings made of drywall do it yourself. How is the painting of plasterboard ceilings, how to properly paint the plasterboard ceiling of water-mounted paint

Any surface decorated with modern materials should look flawless. This is especially true of the ceiling, because it is entirely fully opened by the gilt and their guests. We offer to consider the features of the painting of the surface of the drywall, the choice of paint and apply it with their own hands.

Before painting the surface, you need to choose high-quality paint. It is necessary to immediately notice that the oil materials for this type of work are not suitable. Instead, experts are recommended or materials on a water-dispersive basis. They are characterized by properties that are highly appreciated during construction or repair:

  • such paints will quickly dry;
  • they are not toxic;
  • do not possess nasty odor;
  • it is amenable to update - they do not need to be removed before applying the next paint layer.

Dispersion paints have long retained their original shade, they are resistant to damage, but on sale such compositions come mainly in white color. In contrast, dispersion tools have a wide selection of shades.

Experts advise painting a plasterboard ceiling with materials containing latex. They give an even high-quality coating that is not afraid of contaminants. Such surfaces will be well sufficiently wet cleaning with the use of household detergents. In addition, such paint is able to hide small defects in the ceiling surfaces. To obtain the perfect coating, you will need to apply 2 layers of the composition.

Acrylic materials also enjoy great demand - they are easy to use, inexpensive and damage-resistant.

To work in premises with high humidity, the use of silicate coloring compositions will be optimal. These paints prevent the appearance of fungus and mold.

Almost all the best qualities combined silicone paints. They easily seal cracks with a depth of 2 mm. Coatings of them are completely waterproof. After drying the material on the surface, a film is formed that is not afraid of contaminants and damage.

In addition to the difference in the composition of paints and varnish materials differ in one by the degree of glitter. Almost every manufacturer produces both glossy and matte products, as well as their varieties, in the title of which there is a "floor" prefix. Matte materials help hide surface defects, make the ceiling a little "deeper". Glossy materials are more stable and not so much suffer from wet cleaning. However, any scratches are clearly visible on such coatings.

Often the ceiling from GLC paint white enamel. It is also distinguished by stability and long service life. The only negative is the high cost of such a material.

Preparing tools - what will be required to work?

Before painting the ceiling made of plasterboard, it will be necessary to prepare the necessary tools. Their list is small, but all of them must be needed at hand.

First of all, it is necessary to buy a high-quality fur roller. The pile on the tool should be short, since the rollers with long Villas are not able to evenly apply the paint layer. Also carefully attribute to the material "fur coat". Do not buy tools with foam rubber, because bubbles are formed on it. A good option will be the roller, the basic elements of which are made of fur. They paint the surface well, not leaving divorces. Together with the roller we advise you to purchase a handle extension.

You will need a painting brush to work, which you will use on the edges of the panels, in the corners and near the holes.

You will also need paint bath. Do not take too much product, because the material in it will dry very quickly.

Do not forget to purchase personal protective equipment with a cap - wash the paint from the skin and the hair is quite difficult.

Shavi processing - an important stage before painting

For the manufacture of the ceiling of plasterboard, only one sheet of material is not used. For this purpose, special panels are used, when styling the joints are formed. Before, made of drywall, it will be necessary to seal the seams so that the surface is as smooth as possible.

The processing of each joint consists of three stages: priming, sealing and reinforcement.

  • Priming is necessary in order to associate plaster dust that appears after laying panels. Thus, applying primer, you can prepare the ceiling to cover with the following materials.
  • The sealing of the joints with putty will help close different holes in the size of the hole. For this, the mixture is diluted with warm water and stirred to obtain a homogeneous mass. Apply to the surface you only need fresh solution, as it penetrates better in the seams.
  • For reinforcement, experts advise to apply Cherpunkka - a special tape that strengthens the joints. The product can be glued to the base of plasterboard panels before applying putty or after drying the first layer of the shunt mix.

Painting the ceiling - how to achieve the best result?

In order for the painting of the prepared ceiling from the plasterboard brings a good result, it is necessary to strictly follow a certain technology. First prepare the material: open the jar and gently mix the paint. If you use thick water paint, it will have to dilute with a small amount of water.

Start applying paint in hard-to-reach places - in the corners and joints of the ceiling and walls. At the same time move the tool is best as if you poke a brush into the ceiling. This method will help to avoid divorces and drills.

Next begins to apply a layer of paint to large areas. Roller must move in parallel wall with windows. Each strip left by the roller must intercede on the previous one by no less than 10 cm. Do not allow the excess composition on the roller in order not to leave the drums. Also watch the "fur coat" of the tool was completely covered with paint.

To save a homogeneous layer, stick to two rules. First, be sure to bring the started layer to the end, without even short breaks. Secondly, do not change the roller before you finish the layer.

Color the ceiling made of drywall will have several times. The second layer is applied immediately after the complete drying of the previous coating. However, this time, the bands must be perpendicular to the previous one - just so you can achieve the most evenly and homogeneous coating. After applying several bands, pauses should be made and inspect the surface.

If you wish, you can do painting with your own hands with the help of a kraskopultum. This method has two big advantages: you get homogeneous coating and save time. However, do not forget that some formulations are not suitable for working with this device. For example, paints with thick consistency are not used when working with the paintopult.

The last stage of any plot of repair work is the finish finish of surfaces. The process of sticking wallpaper or applying other coatings is very important, as it determines the appearance of the premises for a long time. So, "answers" for the comfort of the house and the mood of all family members. The ceiling painting has long become the most significant and convenient option to complete the perfect room design.

Modern paints are easy to apply, they perfectly fall and easy to care. In addition, there is a huge selection of colors and coating options for every taste and wallet. What kind of paint to choose for the ceiling, how to properly prepare the surface and apply the coating - here are the main questions that are worried about the novice wizard. The simple tips below will be answered.

Types of ceiling structures

During repair, the ceiling can be left in original form (wood, reinforced concrete) or use materials that close the basis. For example, plasterboard, rails, modules, mineral plates, fabric or PVC canvas, as well as a wooden board ("lining"). From non-standard solutions, you can offer to sash on the ceiling parquet or mount the cork coating.

Concrete and plasterboard can be painted or hooked by wallpaper. Wooden ceilings look beautifully if they are covered with varnish. Stretch, from PVC-canvas, have many colors already in the finished form. But mineral plates, rails, metal modules finish finish are not subject to.

Conventional overlaps from reinforced concrete have one significant disadvantage - an uneven surface. Therefore, before the color of such ceilings, serious initial preparation will be required. Suspended design from drywall is deprived of such problems. Of course, the surface to paint in any case will have to be prepared, but the complexity of the work is incomparable with the processing of reinforced concrete.

Standard preparation of the plasterboard ceiling to paint provides for a number of operations:

  • seaming;
  • putty;
  • grinding;
  • applying primer.

But since the surface with the right installation should turn out to be smooth, without cracks and savings, then the painting of the ceiling of plasterboard on the teeth is even a novice. The main thing is to carefully prepare the basis and choose high-quality coverage. Fortunately, in modern construction stores you can find a full range of colors from various manufacturers.

Ceiling paint selection

With all the variety of assortment, the question will still arise: "How to paint the ceiling of plasterboard?". In order to answer it, you will have to analyze all the options that the construction and finishing materials offer. There are several types of paints that are suitable for these ceilings:

  • water-emulsion;
  • water-dispersion;
  • silicone;
  • acrylic;
  • acrylic with latex;
  • silicate;
  • enamel.

The perfect paint for the ceiling of plasterboard should have a number of qualities: to go well, to provide a flat coating, be easy to care, affordable and safe. Therefore, it is worth analyzing all kinds of paints from the point of view of the above requirements.

One of the most popular options for finishing the ceilings are water-based paints. They do not harm health, safely dry, almost no smell and are easily applied. In addition, mixing white paint with a special dye, you can get almost any tone and halftone.

Coatings based on water-dispersion compositions are more durable than based on "water-emulsion". In addition, they are very moisture-resistant and well fall. An essential disadvantage is a limited color scheme. For those who want to create a curly ceiling using a few tones, the water-emulsion paint is more suitable. Especially since it is very available at the price.

What else can you paint the plasterboard ceiling? A successful solution will be acrylic paint or acrylic with latex. The latter creates an ideal smooth coating, masks small cracks, perfectly withstands the impact of moisture, but the price of such compositions "bites". In wet rooms you can use silicate or silicone paint. Silicone will help hide enough deep cracks and create a fully waterproof film on the surface of the plasterboard. This option is advisable to use in the bathroom or kitchen, and in other rooms there is a water-free paint.

Increasingly, various enamels can be found on the ceilings. But with their help, it is possible to obtain only a brilliant, glossy surface. It looks good, but emphasizes the slightest irregularities and flaws. In addition, this beauty will cost quite expensive.

Of all the above, the following conclusion suggests: For painting of plasterboard ceilings in a dry room (living room, bedroom), water-oulamations can be used. But in the wet (kitchen, bathroom, balcony) - silicone or latex paints.

Preparation of the surface under painting and selecting tools

A few words about how to put the ceiling to paint. The preparation of the surface will become a basic quality painting. From this will depend on the appearance of the design. It is important to accurately make a putty, sealing seams and primer.

For these purposes, the following tools and materials will be needed:

  • putty (finish and start);
  • two spatulas (big and small);
  • reinforcement grid;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • drill with a mixer.

Subsequent painting will also require the presence of roller, tassels, peel for paint and paint itself.

Several recommendations for how to prepare the ceiling under painting: first of all, you need to close all the seams between the sheets of HCL using the starting putty. For the main surface it will take the finish. The layer will be about 1 mm. Important: Complete drying of the putty occurs only in thin layers! Therefore, each subsequent can be applied only after drying the previous one.

For more efficient acquaintance with the process of putting off the seams and the entire sheet, you can watch the video painting and putty the ceiling of the plasterboard. For rooms, it is recommended to use a gypsum putty, and only cement is suitable for the bathroom. Gypsum is not resistant to humidity and poorly tolerate temperature difference. The polymer putty is universal, but also the price has a higher.

When the putty is over, and the surface is completely dried, you can start grinding. The grinding process will complete alignment and make a sheet almost perfect. Clean the influx follows sandpaper using circular movements and only with artificial lighting. The directional light of the lamp will give the opportunity to see all imperfections and eliminate them.

The last stage of the preparatory work will be primer. But the primer mixture can be applied before putty. This will give additional adhesion to putty and make the coating more durable. For drywall, acrylic primer will be an ideal option. It dries quickly and provides a long service life of the entire finish.

Stages of applying coating on plasterboard

The painting process has several nuances:

  • paint application must be carried out in one reception, otherwise the appearance of divorces is inevitable;
  • roller can only be used one, since it is impossible to find a fully identical tool;
  • staining should be made only one side of the roller;
  • without careful preliminary preparation of the surface of flaws, painting can not be avoided.

Regardless of what the ceiling is painted, first handle the angles with a small brush, and then go to the entire surface. The first layer is applied horizontally, and the second - vertically. You can produce painting and in three layers, then the "Vertical Layer - Horizontal - Vertical" scheme will be used.

If the question nevertheless arises, the better to paint the plasterboard ceiling, you can always go to the nearest building supermarket and seek advice from the manager. Indeed, even in the segment of water-leveling coatings, you can meet several options from different manufacturers. And the result will be directly dependent on their choice.

The finishing finish of standard ceilings from GLC will not be particular difficulties. However, now in the trend, multi-level structures with smooth lines and unusual forms. How to paint a curly plasterboard ceiling? Are there nuances inherent in this type of finishes only?

When repairing in its apartment, a significant number of hosts prefers drywall structures. This technology allows you to get perfectly flat planes, create multi-level original compositions, place open lamps and hidden backlight points, give the ceiling really unique designer species.

However, all this will be achieved only under the condition if very careful preparatory and painting works were carried out. Even minor shortcomings and errors are always noticeable, including traces of poor painting. The highest requirements should be made to the materials, and the question is paint paint Plasterboard ceiling, becomes one of the most important.

A variety of similar materials in stores is very large, but you should not immediately buy the first paint, focusing only at its price from the desire to save. It is necessary to go through a small "libez" by the main characteristics and parameters of the selection.

Basic decorative and performance of paints

The inexperienced buyer, going to the store for the paint, often holds in the mind only preferred her color, forgetting or not knowing that this material is characteristic of a number of other, no less important qualities.

  • In the first place, you can still put decorative qualities, since, in principle, it is the main function of paint in the conditions of the apartment - press The ceiling of aesthetic appearance.

It is clear that the classic, most familiar for the ceiling is white, although it is possible a variety of options. The variety of shades manufactured by manufacturers is quite large, but most of the masters in the same prefer to use the base color, producing the desired tinting as needed using special dyes.

  • Depending on its component composition, the paint may have a different degree of glossiness covered with it. So, there is a division into highly shiny paints, glossy, semiam and matte.

- Glossy paint may seem beneficial from the point of view of the surface of the surface - it is much easier to remove the tempered dust or random spots. It is more resistant to abrasion, to use detergents, that is, it is easier to be wet cleaning. However, with all this, the glossy coating will definitely show all the flaws and putty, and painting works - the game of reflected light will make noticeable even, it would seem that completely minor flaws.

- Matte paint as no other suitable for the ceiling surface. Such a coating visually will expand the room, and defects will also be well and even small level drops. But from the operating side, it has worse indicators - the evaporated places of cleaning will be much harder. Nevertheless, in most cases, it is still a matte variety of paints for ceiling works.

- The half-one occupies a median position, evenly combining the advantages and disadvantages of the same paint.

  • Paint can be ordinary, "smooth" or to have textured inclusions that give the painted surface with special decorative microrevalic properties. As a rule, the texture paint for ceilings is used quite rarely, it is more suitable for the walls.

  • Regardless of the degree of glossiness, the paint can be washing, that is, a resistant to repeated wet cleaning, or does not meet such requirements. Of course, the washable materials are much more expensive, and they are more profitable to apply in those rooms where the ceiling area is small, but the concentration of possible evaporation is maximum, for example, a kitchen or bathroom. Ordinary paints are not so expensive, and sometimes it is cost-effective to use them, occasionally Conducting a "refreshing" repair.

  • An important parameter is the shelterness of the paint - its ability to give the surface of the selected shade even on a contrasting base. The shelterness is determined by the amount of layers applied, which will be enough for an absolutely smooth background.

High-quality colors are sufficiently two-layer application, although in advertisements you can meet a mention and one layer (the masters belong to this with skepticism). If there is no experience in using an unknown paint, it is better to purchase a small amount to start a small amount and carry out an experiment on a small fragment of the ceiling surface or just the remaining piece of drywall - this can be determined to determine its required amount.

  • When performing painting works, the consistency of paint, its viscosity and adhesion to the surface is becoming an important factor. Too liquid paint extremely difficult to work on the ceiling, will lead to a large amount of losses will not give the uniformity of application. On the other hand, with an unnecessarily viscous material, it is difficult to work, and the quality of painting will also be low. However, it is easy to bring thick paint to the required state of the solvent (often - ordinary water), but if it is also purchased too liquid, the situation is worse.
  • There is also the concept of thixotropy - usually this characteristic is indicated on banks with paint possessing such a property. It consists in changing the denotation (discharge) in mechanical stirring and a quick viscosity set at rest. Such paints give very few drills when applied, but their cost is quite high.

  • An essential criterion when choosing a material becomes the speed of its drying. This will predetermine the performance of painting work - the less time, the faster it is possible to apply the following layer or proceed to the subsequent stages of the overall decoration of the ceiling. Usually, the average time of drying is indicated in the passport documentation for paint under normal conditions of temperature and humidity in the room.
  • For plasterboard ceilings, the apartment becomes an extremely important ability to "breathe" paint, that is, to carry out a free steam exchange. Otherwise, condensate will accumulate on the surface of the ceiling, which will lead to both its types and serious domestic inconveniences.
  • And finally, the coloring component itself, and the solvent, and the additional ingredients of the material must be absolutely safe for the health of people and animals and not to represent any ecological threat. At the same time, paint should prevent the emergence and spread of colonies of microorganisms (bacteria, mold, fungus). The painted ceiling must have pronounced fire facilities.

Prices for the ceiling and walls

Paint for the ceiling and walls

What paint is better to use for a plasterboard ceiling

Now it is worth considering existing paints from the standpoint of their chemical and component composition. A lot of their varieties are produced, and you need to know what kind of coming to the store do not take into account at all, and which are fully applicable for use on plasterboard ceilings.

Oil paints

This type is perhaps the oldest one of all others. The solvent of such paints is mineral or vegetable oil (olifa), which in the process of oxidation from the effect of oxygen dries, leaving the film coating.

The advantages of such materials are a bit lowest and good covering ability. They dry by them for a very long time, vapor permeability is very weak, under the action of ultraviolet there is a rapid destruction of the applied layer, and after a couple of years, it is usually starting to peel, losing an attractive look.

At the same time, "update" the surface after oil paint is not easy - it is necessary to complete surface cleaning, as no other over the oil is already lying. The conclusion is categorical - it should not use such paint for drywall ceilings.

Alkyd paints

In many respects, on its operational qualities, they are similar to oil. The main difference is in the used type of solvent. This is usually volatile organic compounds - turpentine, White spirit, gasoline and t.P.. The composition also includes alkyd resins, painting pigments and special additives that increase the plasticity of the material and accelerating the process of drying.

The painted surface is obtained on a resistant film, which can successfully withstand many external influences - temperature drops, humidity, ultraviolet. However, over time, the inevitable fading and yellowing occurs. Paint to a certain extent is parpuralBut still this indicator is far from ideal in the conditions of residential premises. In addition, the paint is unsafe in terms of ignition.

Alkyd paint - also not the best option for plasterboard ceiling

Alkyd paints can be glossy (enamel) and matte, they are well sufficiently wet cleaning, resistant to abrasion, after complete pouring becomes harmless to the environment and man. However, it is possible to use them on a plasterboard ceiling exclusively for considerations of cheapness and good coating. Rather, they are well suited for painting wooden or metal parts and structures, both inside and outside the house, but for the ceiling it is better to purchase a more acceptable option.

Silicate paints

Refer to the category of mineral dyes created on the basis of silicate - "Liquid glass", sodium or potash. Such paint creates an extremely durable layer on the surface, which at the same time is characterized by the highest vapor permeability compared to all other LX.

The composition of silicate paints includes alkaline components, which causes non-safeness when carrying out painting works - the means of protecting the skin and mucous membranes are necessarily used. After the frozen composition becomes harmless.

Features of the chemical composition predetermines the use to give a shade exclusively alkaline pigments, and this significantly limits the range of color options. However, since white color for a plasterboard ceiling is most often optimal, then this lack is insignificant.

Silicate paints are especially good for premises with high humidity, and of-per Pronounced vapor permeability, and due to the antiseptic effect - on such a surface there will never arise any colonies of microflora, even without the use of any special soils.

Disadvantages of such paint are also considerable. First, weak elasticity - it is not capable of close the small defects of the surface - even completely thin cracks will be distinguished. Such paint never feels well on the ceiling, which was previously separated by synthetic compositions on an organic basis. It is impossible to use it and then when there are any polymer parts on the surface in the surface - it simply does not crystallize them. And one more important warning - if the ceiling at least once was painted with silicate paint, attempts to repaint it with a different material will be unsuccessful.

Water soluble or emulsion paints

From all paint materials for internal painting works It is water-soluble paints that are the most acceptable option. As follows from the very name, the solvent for them is the usual water, in which all other components are in emulsion or dispersed state:

  • Film-forming The base is the binding components of various types, which, after evaporation of water, create a tightly adjacent layer with high adhesion on the surface, holding all other ingredients.
  • Pigments - special dyes that give the material the desired shade.
  • Fillers - significantly improve the physical and protective qualities of the paint and varnish layer. In various kinds of paint, talc, marble or quartz dust, other mineral or organic components can be used.
  • Special additives - serve to optimize the processes of adhesion, uniform spreading paint, water evaporation and polymerization of binders.

Water soluble paints are divided into several varieties:

1. On a polyvinila acetate basis (PVA). In the spacious, they are most often called simply " water-free ". They relate to the most inexpensive of water-soluble, which causes their very wide popularity.

Polyvinyl acetate water-emulsion - low resistance to moisture and abrasion

The paint practically does not smell, has good adhesion, it is easily washed off from the hands and tools. As a rule, it is available on sale only with white, but it is very simply amenable to pigmenting to the desired shade.

The water-making paint is absolutely harmless, non-toxic and does not distinguish any evaporation even with thermal exposure, therefore it is excellent for coating dry-cooling ceilings in residential premises. Almost all of the other LCMs easily fall on it, that is, repaint the surface with time will not present ore.

Chief flaw water Immulsions - Weak resistance to abrasion and exposure to induce after full polymerization. A wet cleaning of such a ceiling is better not to subjected - it can form a noticeable eye divorce. For this reason, it is better to apply it for ceilings only in rooms with a normal level of humidity.

2. Butadiene-styrene paints are something similar to PVA, but it is advantageous from them resistant to abrasive load and good water resistance - the possibility of more thorough care of the surface of the ceiling appears. However, all these advantages are reduced to no main disadvantage - such paint is extremely vulnerable to the effects of light, under the action of ultraviolet rays, it quickly loses its original color.

Butadiene-styrene paint - the main drawback in low ultraviolet resistance

Butadiene-styrene paint can be used for a drywall ceiling, but only in those rooms where there is no direct light exposure - hallways, storerooms, ottles, etc.

3. Latex water dispersed Paints have in composition as a binder of a synthetic rubber resin (latex). They create high strength film on the surface, very resistant and to the effects of water, and to mechanical loads. At the same time, the film is quite vaporural, and the condensate on its surface should not be formed, unless, of course, not "overdo it" with the amount of layers applied. Light resistance is not bad, though inferior to acrylic LKM.

The covering ability in latex paint is very worthy, and even one applied layer is able to tighten cracks with a width to a millimeter, and in two "goals" it will be enough to create a smooth surface with some silky effect. For a plasterboard ceiling - a great solution, however, is not the cheapest.

When working with latex paints follows take measures For protection, leather - after the polymerization of the composition, it is very difficult rubs away from the hands.

4. Acrylic paints stand out against the background of all waterproof A variety of shades - acrylated resins of nestricane pigmentation. However, as already mentioned, white shade is considered optimal for the ceiling - and it is really white in acrylic performance.

According to physical qualities, they are practically not inferior to latex, ultraviolet are not afraid at all. Employments under the layer of such paint can be regularly wiped with a damp cloth without any damage to the surface. Somewhat worse, they have pronounced the property of tightening irregularities - acrylic paint is capable of completely closing the hair slot to 0.5 mm. However, the application of the second layer should be completely smoothed a similar defect.

The paint of this type is considered universal - it is suitable for all types of finishing internal works. Excellent she will show itself on the plasterboard ceiling.

The most profitable solution and price, and in quality - acrylic paint

The price of them is currently considered moderate, so in terms of the criterion "price - quality" acrylic painting of a plasterboard ceiling, probably, will be the best option.

5. And finally, silicone paints, which are considered the most modern, combining the advantages of all other varieties. They have a pronounced water repellent effect, are practically not exposed to pollution - they are poorly held by the departed dust. Care of the ceiling covered with silicone paint will not present any difficulty - they are extremely resistant to abrasion.

Shelterness of such paint - above all silence, it is capable of tightening cracks even up to 2 mm wide. Despite the seeming density of the film being created, it has good vapor permeability, and the ceiling will remain "breathable." The paint is completely harmless in liquid, and in a polymerized form. Its applying does not require any increased security measures. According to the durability of the coating with the preservation of the initial species, it is also an unconditional leader.

The most modern is silicone paint. Practically without flaws, with the exception of a very high price

The only serious disadvantage can be considered only the high cost of such materials, so it is infrequent to paint the extensive surfaces of the ceiling surfaces.

When choosing a paint for a plasterboard ceiling, in addition to the type of LKM and listed qualities, you should pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer, preferring the known brands that accompany their products from the branded quality guarantee. Unreasonable savings in such a matter can be destructive.

So, without any doubt, you can purchase the paint of the Finnish company Tikkurila, German "Caparol", "Jobi" or "Dufa", Russian "Eurolux" or "Admiral", British "Dulux" and "Johnstone's", Polish "Sniezka" and A number of others. It is clear that the purchase should be made only in a specialized store, to exclude a fake.

Video: The advantages of acrylic water-emulsion paint "Dulux"

And one more important remark - do not forget to look at the shelf life of the goods. The paint, of course, is not a food product, but the exceeding storage time also affects its quality and suitability to use.

The use of plasterboard for ceiling overlap is considered one of the best methods for the embodiment of design ideas when creating an interior of premises. The success of this finishing material is explained by its numerous advantages. Often the final stage of creating the ceiling construction becomes painting the ceiling of plasterboard.

Glk's paint selection

For finishing the ceiling coating consisting of plasterboard plates, there are a large number of solutions. One of the most popular and reliable options began painting a surface with a number of features.

But before applying the coloring composition on the plasterboard coating, a certain list of preparatory measures is carried out, including priming, shtlocking and grinding of the ceiling plane. The purpose of all these procedures is to identify minor irregularities and other defects and their further elimination.

After the preliminary work is completed, it is necessary to choose which paint is better to paint the ceiling of plasterboard. Immediately should exclude the use of painting compositions on an oil basis. Experts believe that the best for painting GLCs are water-emulsion and water-dispersive paints.

Dispersion exceed emulsion compositions in quality and range of characteristics, including the ability to maintain moisture resistance and initial view for a long period of time. But they are inferior in the possibility of selecting color, as they are most often released in the shades of white.

Manufacturers of emulsion paints offer products in a variety of color schemes. The presence of bright and saturated tones helps in creating different interior - and classical, and trendy.

The paintworks produced on a water basis are characterized by rapid drying and lack of persistent unpleasant odor, they do not have toxicity and after use form a solid film, which can be updated if necessary without working work on the removal of the previously created coating.

Today, the domestic finishing materials market offers consumers a huge selection of paints on water-based - silicone, acrylic, acrylic with latex, silicate, with a mineral composition of all sorts of shades from numerous manufacturers. All of them are distinguished by the advantages, but have limitations in application.

The most expensive are paints with the addition of latex - they are distinguished by a number of advantages, among whom are:

  • lack of vapor permeability;
  • resistance to different types of contaminants;
  • creation of perfectly even and beautiful coverage;
  • the presence of the ability to carry out wet care with the help of detergents.

If there are 2 layers of acrylic latex painting on the drywall surface, you can overlap the crack to one millimeter.

When making a decision, which paint is better to paint the ceiling of plasterboard, specialists advise to pay attention to acrylic water disposals, which have resistance to abrasion when cleaning, and besides, they are intended for use in different premises and are therefore most in demand.

For painting surfaces that are constantly exposed to moisture, the best solution will be the choice of silicate composition capable of securely protect against harmful microorganisms. It does not require additional use of antiseptic agents.

All the best characteristics of silicate and acrylic compositions are combined in silicone paint, the high elasticity of which allows you to overlap 2-millimeter cracks.

After its application and complete drying, a waterproof film is formed, reliably protecting the surface of the ceiling in places such as a bath and a kitchen. Silicone paint ceiling coating, steadily contamination and it does not require the use of antiseptic additives.

When creating a plasterboard surface, the composition is applied in several layers, strictly adhering to the instructions available on its packaging. Each layer must dry completely and only then proceed to the following staining. If imported paint is purchased, then it is applied 2 times using a special roller, and when the products are domestic - 3 times.

By purchasing a water disposal, it should be determined with the degree of its gloss, since it is a glossy and semi-convex, as well as matte and semmat. As for matte paint, after applying, it contributes to a visual increase in the height and the creation of the original design of the room, helps to make minor defects.

Glossy compounds are resistant to abrasion, and the surface painted with them is easily easily, but it is clearly visible all flaws and defects allowed during painting. Specialists recommend using paint semi-man or half-one.

Plasterboard ceilings abroad are usually stained with enamel, which is a more high-quality, quick-drying, resistant to dampness products having a white color. All listed advantages are reflected in cost. For this reason, enamel is not popular among domestic consumers.

By making a choice, as and how to paint the suspended ceiling of drywall, it is necessary to read labels, which contain information regarding the purpose of paint, its consumption per "square" area and abrasion resistance during wet cleaning.

The process of preparing a plasterboard ceiling

The durability and appearance of the ceiling surface of the GLC after applying paint depends on the compliance with the staining technology at each stage of repair work, including the implementation of preliminary measures.

Preparation consists of several stages:

  1. Primer seams.
  2. Sealing the junction places.
  3. Reinforcement of seams.

Puttailing of the plasterboard plane before painting

Gypsum Core GLC consists of ordinary gypsum and various polymer additives. If in the palms to be lost his piece, then it will turn into dust, and it is meaningless to produce painting works on the dusty surface. The surface of the plasterboard, first of all, should be processed by the primer. Special attention is paid to places of joints and those sites where the core of the material occurs.

The reasons for the formation of cracks on the plasterboard surface of the ceiling structure can be somewhat - for example, a poorly made embedded seams produced with a violation of technology. Obtaining a good result depends on the raw materials used and the human experience carrying out this work.

When processing the joints of the joint, the seam injection material is mixed according to the manufacturer's instructions: first in water having a room temperature, a mixture is added and stirred to the consistency of thick sour cream using a building mixer. When putty is ready, you can proceed to the seams of seams.

At the stage of their reinforcement, they use a special tape - sickle. Stick it is permissible before applying putty or after laying its first layer.

When sticker, the sickle follows:

  • place it exactly in the center of the seam;
  • when working not with a one-piece ribbon, perform the gluing of the brass with the occasion of one edge to another;
  • put a sulfyan in the seam with force;
  • if there is an excessive putty on the surface of the GLC, it is necessary to remove it on the sickle laying;
  • do not use the finishing putty instead of the reinforcing tape, since it is not intended for such a type of work, which may end the seam cracking;
  • wait for the complete drying of the first applied layer of a spacion mixture with sickle and put another layer.

As a result of the compliance with the listed rules, the seams are smooth and carefully sealed. For this work, a spatula will need, in which the length is greater than the width of the seam. In this case, the tool is moved so that it is on its edges on a plasterboard sheet.

After completion of the processing of the seams and glue, the sickle is proceeding with the shtclotation of GLC. There are several finishing methods. The most economical of them consists in laying one layer of putty solution, grouting and applying the finish coating.

The result of the work done is a smooth and beautiful surface. This method is used for many years and is considered the most accessible regarding fulfillment and financial spending.

Recently, struts are increasingly carried out in three layers. After starting processing, the surface of the Occaution, the following layer is applied and amitated again, glassball is glued, which provides a better adhesion of the finishing materials and prevents the spacious mixture.

Finishing is applied to the finish putty plasterboard. The use of special, already prepared compositions sold in banks allows you to get an absolutely smooth surface. It is necessary to apply them with a large spatula, and in the presence of small irregularities it is necessary to use small emery paper. After completion of the finishing processing of plasterboard sheets, they are ground and proceed to painting the suspended ceiling.

Since the result obtained largely depends on the existence of the skills to perform such a type of work, experts advise to act as gently and leisurely, using exceptionally high-quality materials from proven companies.

Tools and building materials for painting drywall

To paint the ceiling surface from GLC, you will need:

  • roller with a short fur pile, preferably on a long handle, because the foam tool forms air bubbles on the stainable plane;
  • plastic tray for coloring composition;
  • paint brush used for proscure on the ceiling of hard-to-reach places;

  • water-emulsion paint;
  • koler to create a desired shade that allows you to paint the ceiling in any color and thereby make the interior original;
  • acrylic primer deep penetration.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare a set of working clothes and a headpiece so as not to get dirty in the paint.


To obtain the desired result, you need to accurately comply with technology. After making a decision, what kind of paint paint the drywall ceiling, and the acquisition of the coloring composition is embarking on the coating finish. After opening the can with a water-emulsion system first thoroughly mix its contents. If the paint has too thick consistency, some water is added to it.

Paint the plasterboard surface is starting with hard-to-reach places that are the corners and places of adjacent the ceiling plane to the walls. For this, use the brush, and do not work forward or back, but by pulling it. This method of applying the coloring composition does not leave the gypsum of divorces and strips.

Then the roller is loose in the paint tray and roll over its ribbed sloping surface, as a result of which the excess composition is removed. In accordance with the technology of staining of plasterboard ceiling elements, the first layer of paintwork products are applied parallel to the windows, making it by entering each subsequent strip to the previous one by about 10-15 centimeters.

After drying, they start painting the second time. Now the paint is applied perpendicular to the first layer, or rather towards the door from the window openings as side by opposite. Such a cross method allows to obtain absolutely even and smooth coating.

During the staining of the ceiling surface, it is necessary to stand long with a raised head, as a result of which you can not notice non-crushed or poorly processed areas. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically move aside and from another angle to inspect the ceiling.

You can invite an assistant, which at the sight of the wrong part will inform about it with the purpose of timely elimination. There is also a technique for staining of surfaces using a collapse.

If the ceiling is planned to paint in the room, the upper edges of the walls should be protected from random roller smears. To do this, use a polyethylene film, the strips of which are glued with painting scotch.

It can also help when staining the ceiling design in different colors using the separation of the sections of its surface. Especially this method is relevant when painting a two-level ceiling.

  1. Do not interrupt the process after the start of staining the ceiling of plasterboard paint - the first layer should be applied to the entire plane. The roller does not change at the same time, because after it has its own original decorative trail.
  2. It is impossible to be interested in the selected surface zones of the ceiling structure in order to improve the applied layer of coloring composition, if they started to push. If you do not adhere to this rule, ugly spots or divorces will remain on the coating.
  3. Ceiling staining should always be started with corners, which will require a small brush, which will allow you to accurately perform all manipulations, not blurring the walls of the paint room. After all the corners around the perimeter are scratched, it is necessary to make a slight retreat so that you can walk on the plane with a roller with paint. Compliance with this technology will protect the walls from the ingress of the coloring composition.
  4. The roller in the process should be fully immersed in the paint tray, and then remove its excess with the help of a ribbed surface. If this is not done, then the composition will not be able to be distributed to the tool evenly, as a result of which the quality of the ceiling plasterboard structures will suffer.
  5. When staining the ceiling, you should not make chaotic roller movements. Move should be taken exclusively in one direction. The subsequent layer is placed perpendicular to the previous one. When staining in three layers is scheduled, the first will be vertical, the second is horizontal, and the third is again vertical.
Compliance with this sequence allows you to achieve an excellent result when creating a ceiling of plasterboard.

Plasterboard is excellent material for finishing the ceiling. It has an ideally smooth surface. However, only its installation is not enough in order to achieve a beautiful visual effect. An excellent option for drywall is its painting. To achieve the most beautiful and high-quality coverage, you need to know the secrets of paint. The painting of the ceilings from the plasterboard will be completed with their own hands, while complying with the simple rules for finishing the ceiling with paint.

For painting ceilings from plasterocraton can be used a variety of paints. Usually, paints are used to cover the ceilings, which are bred by water. Such paints do not have a resistant smell, dry quickly, are subject to cosmetic repairs.

It is important to remember that it is not worth using oil paint to cover the ceiling of plasterocraton. This kind of paint is suitable for coating wooden and metal surfaces.

There are many varieties of paints with a water basis, each of which has its own characteristic features.

Types of paints for plasterboard

  • Water-emulsion. It has a wide range of color solutions.
  • Water dispersive. Waterproof paint, which is not flushed with water for a long time.
  • Silicone. Paint is resistant to pollution, has properties to overlap surface cracks.
  • Silicate.Paint is used for surfaces that are located in rooms with constant humidity. The material is resistant to the development of fungi and mold even without antiseptic preparations.

When choosing paint, it is also important to draw attention to its structure - a holistic type of surface will depend on the choice. One should take into account the structure of a single-level or two-level ceiling.

Types of coatings

  • Glossy.The coating emphasizes the irregularities of putty and surface defects.
  • Matte.Such a coating makes errors in the coating trim less noticeable.

When choosing paint, it is important to pay attention to the material covered, as well as the conditions and humidity of the indoor air, where repair work will occur.

Glossy paint for plasterboard ceiling: coating properties

When choosing an invoice for a ceiling of plasterboard it is important to pay attention to the surface itself. As a rule, such a ceiling has a smooth form, so it will not be a problem to choose the paint. However, each of the species has its own characteristics that must be taken into account before making a purchase.

The best glossy paint has advantages over paint with matte structure. This kind of paint is suitable for any types of premises. The paint has excellent detergents, after wet cleaning, retains the original look.

The glossy surface has many advantages, so the cost of paint will be an order of magnitude more than matte paint.

Advantages of glossy paint

  • Durable. This type of paints is most resistant to external influences. Glossy paint long retains the original form even with a frequent mechanical effect on the surface.
  • Durable.A film that is formed after drying the paint due to the resin content in the material, allows the paint to stool on the surface, do not crack and not crumble.
  • Aesthetic. The paint has reflective properties, which contributes to visual expansion of space. It should be used light color, then the effect will be maximum.
  • Eco-friendly.The material is harmless to health, does not have acute smell.
  • Economical. The paint has good consumables, so, despite the high cost, are an economical option.

Good glossy paint has a mass of positive properties. A large selection of colors will allow you to choose the perfect solution for any interior.

Types of paints for ceiling of plasterboard (video)

Painting Ceiling of Gypsum Carton Water-Emulsion Paints

Before performing painting with water-emulsion, you need to decide what kind of paint to choose. Today, a diverse choice of paints is presented in the construction market. Each view has its own purpose.

In order to properly choose the paint, which will have better qualities: durability, resistant to external influences, aesthetics - when purchasing it is important to carefully read the product label.

Only important reading the characteristics of the manufacturer will help not be mistaken in the choice of high-quality water-free paint.

Nuances when choosing paint

  • Take into account the type of work for which the paint is suitable.
  • To correctly determine the number of paint necessary, it is important to take into account its consumption per sq.m.
  • Determine the degree of shelterness.
  • Ensure its resistance to external influences.

When buying paint, you need to take into account its storage. The warehouse must have a special temperature, since with its drops, the paint structure is destroyed, which leads to the deterioration of its quality.

When choosing paint, it is important to choose the right purpose - for painting the ceiling, then the paint will not drip, easily and firmly falls on the surface of the ceiling.

Application of water-mounted paint on the ceiling of plasterboard (video)

How to paint the ceiling of plasterboard with your own hands without divorce

Painting the drywall ceiling will not be difficult. The main thing is to have a set of necessary tools, and also consistently follow the instructions.

Phased actions:

  • With the help of the sickle, close the seams between plasterboard plates.
  • It is necessary to put the entire surface of the ceiling. Apply the first layer, wait for it to dry, apply an additional layer of putty.
  • Using the emery film to sand surface.
  • Wipe the surface from dust.
  • Open the can with paint and mix it well.
  • With the help of a brush to scroll the seat of the ceiling and the wall to avoid divorces.
  • Skuff the roller in the bath with paint. Apply the first layer in parallel with the window.
  • To impose an additional layer of paint on the painted first layer.

Several layers of paint will ensure uniform applying and distribution of it throughout the surface of the ceiling.

In front of the direct painting, it is important to fulfill all the preparatory work - the type of future decoration will depend on their quality.

Before performing the work, it is advisable to close furniture and floor with polyethylene - it will save time and strength, protects from cleaning after repair.

Painting of the ceiling of plasterboard do it yourself (video)

You can easily paint the ceilings from drywall on your own easily and quickly, owning instructions for choosing suitable paint, surface preparation and methods of applying it to drywall. This material is a smooth surface that is excellent for the ceiling. To apply paint to it easily, given that it is made of the highest quality materials.