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Negative women qualities list. What are the character traits: positive and negative sides of the person

When they talk about the character of a person, they mean a set of mental properties that determine the behavior of an individual in society. Multiple people do not exist. Everyone has its own features. One manages perfectly get along with the surrounding and new acquaintances, and another is not easy to communicate with relatives and relatives. It all depends on temperament and certain character traits.

What does the character of a person depend on?

Scientists for a long time studied human behavior in various life situations. Numerous studies have shown that the traits of people are primarily dependent on genetics, and then from education. In addition, some aspects of behavior are determined by the physique of a person. So, the famous scientist Kechmer was able to describe three types of physique people with certain features of character.

Skinny high people with elongated features of the face belong to the group of asthenics. They have a weak muscles and bad physical training. Asthenics are always serious, poorly adapt to new conditions. To its inner world, such people do not let anyone let anyone. Bad feathers character traits - anger, stubbornness, rudeness, greed. At the same time, people with such a build of the physique are distinguished by high mental development. A huge number of scientists belongs to the group of asthenics. Most of them dedicate a lot of career time, but they do not pay attention to the usual human relationship. Many prefer to live alone and not a family of families.

Attrethics are broad-circulating people, with good physical fitness and a beautiful figure. Most of the athletes belong to this group. These people have a pleasant appearance. They are rarely impressionable and practically do not show their emotions with the help of facial expressions. The characteristics of the character of people from this group are quite diverse. Athletics are often egoists. They know that in any case they will get the desired. On the other hand, they are very kind. Rarely leave close in trouble.

Several character traits

Based on the fact that human behavior is formed due to several factors, experts identified several groups of character traits. First of all, the attitude of a person to other objects of society is formed. The features of the nature of a kind person are responsiveness, a desire to help, sociability. The bad person will be rude, selfish, cynical and soulless. Sometimes one person can have at the same time conflicting character traits. It can easily find a common language with others, but will not hurry to help a friend who was in trouble.

It is distinguished by the characteristics of people who show the work towards work. It is these qualities that it is determined how a person will be able to earn a living. To succeed, it is necessary to be hardworking, to have creative thinking. Good businessmen are initiative, persistent and conscientious people. The list of negative traits of the character of a person is laziness, passivity, irresponsible attitude to work. Some tend to earn a dishonest way. In this case, negative and positive traits are also working at the same time. Such people can not be called conscientious. At the same time, they are persistent, have creative thinking.

It is very important to understand how an individual belongs to itself. The good features of the character of a person are a feeling of self-esteem, a good attitude to a reasonable criticism, modesty. Egocentrism can be attributed to the opposite features (the desire to always be in the center of attention), shyness, the presence of complexes, excessive sample.

It is also important as a personality belongs to the things around it. The character traits of people are slightness, greed, careless attitude towards things. Positive qualities include thrift, accuracy, economy. All these qualities in person can be raised. It all depends on the family of behavior in the family. If parents are used to scattering clothes and do not rush to wash shoes after the street, the child will come in the same way.

Character Damage Dependency

Very often the concepts of "character" and "temperament" are confused. In fact, these are completely different things. Temperament is a complex of mental features of the person who are congenital and affect the behavior of a person in society. The main features of the character of a person are formed in the process of its communication with others. At any time, the person can be re-elected. But the temperament cannot be changed. This is a special soil, with the help of which mental qualities of a particular individual are developing to one degree or another.

Man has already has a certain style of behavior from birth. Character features are not determined by temperament. At the same time, there is a very close relationship between two concepts. It depends on the temperament, which positive or negative traits of the character of a person will be extended to a greater extent. In addition, the same quality in people with a different behavior model manifests itself in different ways. So, sociable Sanguins will be able to find a topic for conversation with any personality. Flegmatics are also sociable. But they are revealed only in a narrow circle. Below will be considered all types of temperaments with your own features.


These are people with a weak nervous system. They rarely find a common language with others, almost never share their problems. Positive traits of the character of a person of this type are neat, love everything stood in their places. Melancholics are never late. They can trust any secret. A man with such a warehouse of temperament rarely will be deceived. Talented scientists are very often belonging to the melancholic group. Such people fully devote themselves to work. Thanks to their hardworking and talent, many manage to use the latest discoveries of technology.

Melancholics have a special attitude towards people. Character features are formed from early childhood. Baby with such a warehouse temperament rarely play with peers. They prefer to be in their fictional world. The child will consider the toy device for a long time - will disassemble, and then collect it again. Active games with melancholics are absolutely not interesting.

Melancholics have a tendency to depressive states. It all depends on what kind of environment a person gets. If mutual life and kindness reigns around him, Melancholic will feel great. If a person falls into a bad company, where everyone for himself is not excluded the development of neurosis. Constantly is in this state very dangerous. It is among melancholics that suicide is quite common. After all, melancholics are very wounded personalities. Even the simplest failures quickly bring them out of themselves. Native should be alarming if a person with a melancholic temperament is in a bad mood for a long time.


A person who finds a common language without problems with each refers to a group of cholerics. People of this type are always in motion. They seek to try in life absolutely everything. It is very important that Choleric goes in the right direction. Parents should send the baby's emotions to the right direction. Child a choleric from early childhood should visit various sections and circles, travel a lot. Free time can be directed in a negative side. It is cholericians who are constantly striving for communication, fall into a bad company and the first to try drugs.

Choleric is leaders in life. Often, people with such a warehouse of nature seek tremendous success in life due to their perseverance and perseverance. But some of them, unfortunately, have such a trait of character like greed. This leads to the fact that a choleric seeks to earn big money in an illegal way.

Most of the actors belong to the choleric group. People with such temperament are very talented. They are easily reincarnated, they play absolutely any roles. But there is a bad quality in this area. Cholerics are able to deceive perfectly. They do it as professionally that rarely anyone can suspect something. At the same time, cheating cholerics learn from the earliest childhood. A child can easily portray a patient in order not to go to school or kindergarten.


This group includes people with a balanced nervous system. Sanguines easily find a way out of any situation. They are not inherent emotionality. First of all, they soberly assess their capabilities, and only then find a solution to any problem. Sanguines are always moving. Very many character traits are combined with cholerics. People from this group are not accustomed to focus on trouble. They are rarely prone to bad habits. They understand that it is worth trying, and which will damage the body. It is this quality of sanguits and distinguishes from cholerics.

Sanguines love to be surrounded. They do not tolerate loneliness. People from this group have a fear of going crazy. They only have half a day to be alone with themselves so that stupid thoughts began to come. But in the company Sanguins feel just excellent. They rarely have leaders, but also influence is also not always amenable. Sanguines are often talking, have a great sense of humor. Any lack of people with such a type of temperament can turn into dignity.


People with such a warehouse of temperament are distinguished by a stable nervous system and an analytical warehouse of the mind. The main features of the character of a person of this type are restraint and imperture. It is very difficult to understand that phlegmatic feels in fact. People with such temperament rarely open others. Finding into a new environment, they can adapt for quite a long time. Characteristic for phlegmatics are feelings of longing and anxiety. Although they are not inclined to complex nervous disorders, unlike melancholic. People with a similar temperature of temperament practically do not have fears. They are afraid of sharp changes in life. Phlegmatics are not hurry to change the place of work, even if it is not possible to get a good income. People from this group in most cases live in one place for decades. Even the opportunity to improve the conditions will not make them move to another city.

Communication character traits with human well-being

The physical well-being of a person is closely related to its character traits. Personality that has fears or experiences anger, sooner or later begins to hurt. Similarly, it is easy to understand what the features of the character of a person chained to bed are. The kindness and compassion of such a person is rarely inherent. Sophisticated diseases often form selfishness, anger, greed and envy in humans. Scientists conducted a number of studies that helped to find out how bad well-being affects the behavior of a person in society. So, for example, the heart muscle is associated with the emotional component of man. If there are no problems with this organ, people are always open to others, share their impressions with pleasure. But problems with the cardiovascular system form such traits such as closedness, distrust, suspicion.

The kidneys are pair of organs. The best feature of the character of a person who is associated with this body is openness. If the kidneys are healthy, an individual without any problems share its feelings and experiences with others. If a person has a hereditary tendency to a urolithiasis, he does not strive to open his soul relatives and relatives. And joy, and alarming such people tend to keep in themselves. Often, the kidney problems are from melancholics. But the Sanguins are rarely known the painful sensations associated with the renal colic or the formation of stones.

Is the character really defined by the facial features?

Many studies have been proven that appearance largely shows what character traits are inherent in a person. This can be explained from a physiological point of view. Even on wriggles, you can determine which features of the character of a person over the age of 40 years. Melancholics, which are not inherent excessive emotionality, often look younger than their years. But the Sanguines and cholerics have facial wrinkles before all. Despite this, even in the elderly, smiling people look much better. Good health affects appearance. People who have a raised mood and easily perceive problems, sick much less often.

The relationship between the features of the face and character, people have noticed from a long time. For example, it was noted that a thin man with a long nose always possesses cunning and prudent. Such a person rarely gets around with anyone, so almost never starts the family. But the high forehead testifies to talent and high mental development. Unfortunately, it was noted that people with high foreheads have a tendency to betrayal. Evil and heartless personalities are very often a square face with inexpressive features. People with such external data are prone to violence. But to rely on one appearance, determining the character of a person, should not. A lot depends on what environment the individual lives and its upbringing.

Child Formation

It has long been noticed that character is formed in the process of lifetime. How a person behaves in society, depends on the lifestyle and environment. At the same time, a lot depends on parents. Such qualities as kindness, accuracy, generosity is formed up to 5 years. The child most often takes the behavior model of parents. Therefore, adults should understand that the child's education is a responsible occupation. From an early age, children should understand what the character of a person's character is, what qualities you need to stick, and what to avoid.

Each person is individual. Everyone has their own, individual qualities: personal interests, worldview, character traits. We are not like each other, but still need each other. Every person, like a piece of puzzle, complements the other, creating a holistic picture genesis. We need each other, and this is not an obligrant. After all, only being in society with other people, we will be able to realize our desires, their needs, opportunities, to achieve something in this life, and not just exist. There is a piece of marble, and a person must live!

To enjoy life, we must learn to the main thing: to love and respect other people. Without respect, no person can exist. If you constantly humiliate someone, insult, to speak nasty, then naturally, even the strongest, will not stand it. Therefore, we must learn to respect each other, because the law of boomeranga is valid in life: as we treat others, they will treat you. We need to learn, not only take, but also to give.

What can you start? You need to start from yourself. To learn how to not only take, but also to give, you need to learn to self-development our strengths, our positive qualities. But what qualities we call positive, and what are negative? Often people confuse some qualities with others. Let's look through a couple of examples of the parties character, which cause doubt, positive they are or negative.

It would seem that, kindness Positive or negative character trait? We strive to be kind, help others, but the kindness can be harmful. A simple example: we want to help the girl parting with their guy. Yes, we do, maybe a good act for a girl, but if the guy loves a girl, why should we help her feelings, his dreams, hopes. A kindness can be useful only when it does not harm anyone, so before you commit a kind at first glance - weigh all "for" and "against".

The second character of character, which is also questioned, enterprise. Suppose we decided to open our work, but for this we need to solve many questions. One of the main issues is competition, we need to get rid of it. And then we make all legitimate ways, take all sorts of innovations in the business world, whatever our business flourish, and the neighbor is the opposite. But after all, the neighbor may have a wife, children, parents. Having lost its business, he will not be able to feed his family, his relatives and loved ones. In no case should do enterprise in egoism! Taking some case, think about others.

Sense of beauty. This trait of character can be positive if the feeling of taste, the feeling of excellent, does not raise and does not obscure other qualities, and we are not becoming perfectionists in pathological form. Example: We all strive to look good and usually when we leave somewhere in the city for a holiday, we dress with special brightness and even some pomp. And we see a woman, dressed in an unbroken, with a punching hair, with an old handbag, with shoes that were fashionable in the 20th century. Naturally, we think that she has no taste, but we do not know that this woman has 3 children, her husband's husband, who died in war, and now she has to come to feed their chad, save on everything, including .

Or criticism of writers, artists, creative people. We do not like their paintings, creativity, their style to portray the world. But this does not mean that they have no feeling of beautiful, they just see this world differently. For example, not everyone loves abstractionism. But "Black Square" Malevich to this day attracts the inventive minds of ordinary people. We need to learn to follow only. It is impossible to say that others have no feeling of beautiful if we do not know His worldview, its values, views.

Critical - Damn it's necessary, but is it positive? Usually we love to criticize them for their actions. For some reason, it seems to us that it may be better that everything can be done differently, better. For example, you are the owner of a major corporation on the development of the city, and you need to make a residential building, spending the minimum of money and time. You come to various architects with your projects, ideas that explain to you. You do not like everything, you criticize everything. Why then it seems to you that you can do better. So take and make! Everyone can criticize, but to offer a constructive solution - units. Become one of those units.

At the end, I would like to draw attention to such a trait of character, causing disputes not one ten years, it humanity. It would seem the feature perfect, it's better not to find it, but where is the edge of what is permitted to us. For example, a century of euthanasia. Do we have the right to show, as it seems to us, humanity and make such an act, how can we live after that, and is it worth it? There are no answers to these questions, and to this day. Humanity should know the borders, without a border, it loses its true purpose - to live for other people.

We are people, we can make mistakes, we can have some kind of character traits, but only it depends on us how we will dispose of them. Positive or negative traits of nature are not given as a burden, but as our individuality, and you need to learn how to dispose of it correctly. Not only in relation to yourself, but also in relation to others. Everything always returns - the law of boomeranga.

Any of us has both positive qualities and negative. And which of them are the worst?

So, the basic bad qualities in humans

  • The envy is one of the worst qualities that harms as to whom they envy and the most envious. Enlightening can be left negative than emotions, and since they will arise often, they can poison life and envious (it is proved that they are not only often adjusted to depression, but also provoke the development of certain diseases). And the envy prevents developing, strive to live more and normally.
  • Arrogance. With arrogant people, it is extremely difficult not only to interact, but also to communicate. They always consider themselves better than others and because of this suffer from themselves, since even friends and relatives and relatives are turned away from them.
  • Quiliency. Hot-tempered people often interfere not only around, but also themselves, since the inability to restrain their emotions prevents ordinary duties and achieve goals.
  • Arrogance. The arrogant people are extremely unpleasant, so it is logical that nobody loves them.
  • Egoism. All egoers are doomed to loneliness. They are very difficult to live with them, they are not intended for a normal family life, because they are not ready for sacrifices and think only about themselves.
  • Hypocrisy. Himself of hypocrisers such a quality can help, but here are all others when the essence of man finds out, they will certainly turn away from him.
  • Pessimism. Pessimists are often real whims and annoyingly annoying. In addition, this quality interferes with those who are inherent, because if a person is initially configured to failure, he literally attracts them and does not consider it necessary to make efforts to achieve goals.
  • Laziness. Lazy people cannot work normally in the team, they do not like their colleagues. And even laziness is a great hindrance to the exercise of the intended. Lazy can find a bunch of excuses, just just do nothing. Such people rarely become successful if they do not learn to fight their laziness.
  • Aggression. She prevents to communicate, build a family, work. Often aggression is combined with other similar quality - rudeness. People with such a feature are not respected in the team, and close and relatives try to limit communication with them.
  • Impudence. Yes, the arrogant person himself can achieve a lot thanks to such his quality (no wonder they say that "arrogance is the second happiness"). But all the rest are extremely negative.
  • Infantilism is immaturity and lagging in the formation of a person. Infantile people behave like capricious and spoiled children than heavily annoying. They cannot make decisions, take responsibility and respond to their actions.
  • Cruelty. Brutal people are capable of any actions, even the worst. In childhood, they torment animals, then go to peers. If a family appears in such a person, he will show cruelty towards the spouse and children. And these children who will often see the manifestations of such negative quality can take it and also become cruel.
  • Cowardice. Cowardly people cause sympathy, and sometimes contempt. This quality prevents decisions to make decisions, to decide on many actions, try something new.
  • Stupidity. It ranks first in the ratings of the worst human qualities. With stupid people, it is not interesting to communicate, it is difficult to interact. At first, stupidity may seem innocent and even cute, but gradually begins to annoy. Many stupidity consider an innate feature, but in fact it can be eradicated if they develop, improve and constantly recognize something new.
  • False. A lie for good can sometimes be useful, but if a person lies constantly, he eventually confronts in his own lies and will certainly be exposed. And lies are ready to forgive few. As a result, the liar simply stop believing that at some point he could turn against him.
  • Greed. It belongs to mortal sins and always punished. The greedy does not like no one. Such quality may interfere with working, live and enjoy life, because the greedy man always wants more, he is rarely content with what is.
  • Frivolity. Light people are often getting involved in adventures, rush out of extremes to extremes and never think about the consequences, and it may at some point to prevent themselves not only by them, but others. Frivolous often summarize others.
  • Indifference sometimes wounds much stronger than rudeness or cruelty. And if a person is indifferent to his relatives and relatives, they can feel no need and, in the end, turn away.
  • Dispelness is not the worst quality, but it can be very disturbed. First, touchy people often do not have friends, as they are offended by trifles. Secondly, it is very difficult to communicate with oppressive, because they can be offended by anything.
  • Irresponsibility. If a person is not ready to respond to his actions, it means that it cannot be rejected in a difficult situation. Nobody belongs to irresponsible people, they do not seek them for help.
  • Egocentrism. A egocentric person considers himself a center of the world and does not accept any opinions except her own. And it interferes with developing, interacting with people and build a normal relationship.

If you are inherent one of the listed qualities, start working on yourself to eradicate it and make yourself better.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, there are no ideal people, and each of us has both positive and negative character traits. However, the paradox is that the same personality for someone can be a model of "the right" qualities, and for others - not the best representative of humanity. In this article you will learn what it depends on and in what situations is manifested.

What is positive and negative qualities of a person

The nature of any person has both positive and negative sides, but noteworthy the fact that in different situations the same quality can carry a different promise and perceived differently. For example, consider such a feature as a pedantic. Probably, many have such colleagues or you yourself are pedantically approach your professional duties. Of course, this trait of character is often very appreciated by the authorities, putting the example of other employees, and not in vain - thanks to her, the employee is able to achieve high results and improve company performance. Of course, in this case, the mentioned quality is considered as favorable. In the same time, imagine a man or a woman with pedantic inclinations in the home atmosphere. Often, other households suffer from this feature of nature, considering it extremely negative and complicating life. The home pedant is tirelessly following the order, demanding that others adhered to, despite fatigue, lack of time and other factors. If the remaining family members are not prone to the manifestation of this feature, then in the house, for sure, conflict will occur regularly.

List of human positive qualities

It is quite expected that completely different qualities are valued in different areas of life. Consider them in more detail by groups.

Positive qualities in relation to society

GoodwillSurely, everyone is nice to each person when they relate to him, and if this quality is pronounced in you, then, apparently, you make a pleasant impression on others. CommunicabilityWonderful quality, thanks to which you can find an approach to almost anyone. PepperMany people want to be interested in their problems and sincerely sought to take part in their decision. Of course, society appreciates such people. SuitlessEspecially appreciated in managers, teachers, doctors and many others.

Positive features manifested in labor

DiligenceA person who applies maximum efforts to make his job well, for sure, will reach this goal. PerseveranceThe one who possesses persistence will surely not quit the case halfway, even if something he does not hold something with him. CuriositySuch a very ambiguous quality can be very helpful in labor - a person who works not "on the machine", but trying to delve into the details of his activities, clearly reaches a more impressive result. AccuracyIf a person neatly performs his work, then, for sure, he will not have to redo it, unlike many of those who do not have this feature.

OptimismIf you are accustomed to look at life with optimism, and look for advantages in its manifestations, then, most likely, you live easier than many others. DeviceThe one who has been accumulating the resentment and discontent for several years, will not be able to gain peace of mind, unlike the removal person. OpennessA person who is open to other people and for the whole new, more often acquires true happiness in life than those who try to get angry from the world. PeacefulOf course, a non-conflict person is much easier to build relationships with people than conflict.

Positive qualities for women

A woman can perform in a few roles, and for each of them there are their priority sides.
    Wife: Care, decency, loyalty, light temper, kindness, sensuality, cleanliness. Mother: Speedness, caring, kindness, sensitivity, patient. Friend: Paturalness, initiative, optimism.
In general, there is no single image of an ideal woman. Someone believes that the woman should be an ambitious, independent, active, while others are convinced that the "real woman" characterize such features as fasciance, meekness.

Positive traits of the nature of a real man

For the long-established social concepts, the "real man" should take place as the miner, as well as a caring and loving husband and father. When most women describe the perfect man, it is often possible to hear such epithets: kind, generous, active, faithful, family, gentle, passionate, cheerful, caring, erudite, persistent, sexy, neat, enterprising, and so on. When it comes About a man, as about the father, then as a positive characteristics, attentiveness, kindness, caring, sense of humor, patience and other, a good man worker should have hard work, punctuality, diligence, collectivism, and so on.

List of human negative qualities in groups

Negative character traits in relation to society

EgoismWhen a person thinks only about his own well-being, and often reaches him at the expense of others, it is a good meeting on the part of society. Ill-witnessPeople who show an unfavorable attitude towards others often receive a similar reaction from them. DishonestyIf a person behaves dishonest towards others, it is unlikely that he should hope for a benevolent attitude towards himself. CoarsenessRough representatives of society rarely find a common language with other people, which subsequently does the most effect affect their lives. MagnifyingFucks possess charisma and charm only in some novels and films about love - they usually try to avoid them in real life.

Negative character traits manifested in labor

SalelessnessIf you are the owner of this quality, then surely it does not lead to your bosses or colleagues. LazinessHere and so everything is clear - the lazy man rarely demonstrates wonders of working capacity, and has time to go much less than most others. NegligenceThe one who casually does his job is unlikely to make it really good. IrresponsibilityVery negative not only for labor, but also for many other spheres of life. SlownessNaturally, a person who works slowly is not the most desired candidate for most employers.

Character traits in relation to life

PassivityA person who does not seek something to achieve in life, and increasingly allowing his affairs on a sidier, rarely gets something really worth something from destiny. NalledPerhaps there is nothing surprising in the fact that the one who exhibits breathlessness towards the world around the world, prefer to be avoided. ClosedWhen a person is closed, he deprives himself joys to communicate with many interesting personalities, as well as many discoveries that could significantly decorate his life. EnvyThe one who often envies others is more focused on someone else's life than their own. As a result, it turns out that my own life seems to pass by.

Negative features for a woman

EqualityWith such a woman, it is almost impossible to build a harmonious family, and in a career and friendship, this is manifested extremely negative. SanidityIt may manifest themselves both in the conduct of life and in appearance. HubertyProbably, many had "pleasure" to communicate with such women, and communicating with them clearly did not leave positive emotions. SugiabilityMany women themselves suffer from this feature of their own character and force to experience negative emotions around. CattleIn some cases, someone can calculate this quality favorable, but in general it still has a negative color. Moreover, many chatty women do not suspect that they are tedious, considering themselves just sociable.

Negative qualities of a real man

GreedIncreasingly, in various forums, you can meet messages from women who are sincerely outraged, believing that this is one of the most unpleasant male traits. However, in friendship it is found in the bayonets. SalelessnessA trait that will not lead to anything good in relationships, not in a career. TunesWith such a man, it's quite difficult to build a family, but there is nothing about career accomplishments. CrueltyOf course, no one will like a man who is able to raise his self-esteem only due to the humiliation of other people. InfidelityIt may be about married infidelity and not only. Also, the trait can manifest itself in friendship and work.

List of positive qualities of a person for a resume

By drawing up a resume before the interview, it is important not to forget to specify your positive qualities - it is this graph that can be decisive at your reception to work.

What good qualities should focus

So, studying your resume, the employer, hopes to see the list of your personal advantages in it, which will have a positive will affect not only at work, but also on the atmosphere in the team. What traits will give him to understand that you can deal with you? First of all, it is, of course, communicability, After all, a person who is capable of finding a common language with other people will clearly not pump the situation among colleagues. Also do not forget to mention about conscientiousness, reliability, optimism, responsibility, accuracy - All this, for sure, will be approvingly meeting in a new position.

Professional positive qualities

Of course, when applying in any organization, you will need to mention, not only about personal characteristics, but also about the qualities that you need any good professional. It can be about such features as oratory and organizational abilities, discipline, punctuality, scrupulousness, stress resistance, fast learning, high performance. If you have any professional awards or diplomas, certainly, specify this in the summary - for sure it will be you only in plus. In the event that we are talking about creative work, you can mention such quality as creativity.

List of negative personal qualities for resume

However, when applying for a job, it is worth considering that some qualities may not like your employer, despite the fact that in other areas of life they can have a positive effect. An example can serve emotionic - Your young man can be delighted with this feature, but it will not at all cause optimism from your potential boss if you are applying for a cashier or waiter. In the piggy bank of negative personal qualities for a resume can be reached shyness - She can be mounted with many people, but will be completely inappropriate in some posts. Also in different ways can be interpreted and such a feature as independence - Some employers will perceive it simply as the inability to work in a team. In some organizations, you are unlikely to play straightness - Sometimes it borders with the lack of a feeling of tact, ignorant, and just undesirable in certain situations and, especially in the service sector. Think well before specifying in a resume such as quality as principle - It is also far from priority for many tenants and causes obvious alertness on their part.

What qualities the features of character should be mentioned at the interview

Many applicants, getting to the interview, make one common mistake - they voiced only their positive qualities, making it clear that they do not have flaws. Of course, it is unlikely that at least one employer will believe that this is true - he may come to the conclusion that you are lying or not able to give yourself an objective assessment. That is why when it comes to shortcoming, mention such qualities that specifically in this organization will be perceived approvingly. You can tell the employer that you consider your negative quality what you often give attention to the trifles - if you apply, for example, on a vacancy of a doctor, then, of course, such a revelation will be perceived positively. In general, think what a negative feature will be loyal perceived In the institution, whose employee you want to become. And of course, do not forget about the features that are valued almost everywhere: performance, friendliness, optimism, sense of humor, responsibility, self-control and others. Of course, try not to make reality or subsequently, when taking a job, at least strive for the specified qualities, if you really do not possess them.

Breeding, a new identity receives a unique character as a gift. Human nature may consist of the features inherited from parents, and may manifest itself in a completely different, unexpected quality.

Nature does not simply cause behavioral reactions, it specifically affects the manner of communication, attitude towards others and his own person, to work. The character traits of a person create a certain worldview.

From character dependent human behavioral reactions

These two definitions create confusion, because both of them are involved in the formation of personality and behavioral reactions. In fact, character and temperament are heterogeneous:

  1. Character is formed from the list of certain acquired qualities of the psychic warehouse of the individual.
  2. Temperament is a biological quality. Psychologists highlight four types: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic.

Having the same temperament warehouse, individuals can have an absolutely different character. But the temperament has an important impact on the production of nature - smoothing or exacerbating it. Also, the human nature directly affects the temperament.

What is character

Psychologists, speaking of character, imply a certain combination of the features of the individual, persistent in their expression. These features act as much as possible on the behavioral line of personality in diverse relations:

  • among people;
  • in the working team;
  • to his own personality;
  • to the surrounding reality;
  • to physical and mental work.

The word "character" of Greek origin means it is "mining". In use, this definition introduced the naturalist of ancient Greece, the philosopher theophrast. Such a word really, very accurately gives the definition of nature of an individual.

Theophrasta first introduced the term "character" into use

It is as if it is drawn as a unique drawing, it gives rise to a unique print, which a personality is carried in a single copy.

Speaking easier, character is a combination, association of sustainable individual mental characteristics.

How to understand nature

To understand what kind of nature has an individual, it is necessary to analyze all his actions. It is the behavioral reactions that define examples of character and characterize the identity.

But such a judgment is more likely subjective. Not always a person reacts as he tells him intuition. The actions affect the upbringing, life experience, the customs of the environment, where the person lives.

But it is possible to understand how the temper is it possible. Observing and analyzing a long time a certain personality, one can identify individual, especially sustainable features. If the personality in completely different situations behaves equally, showing similar reactions, takes the same decision - this indicates the presence of a certain nature.

Knowing what character traits are manifested and prevailing from personality, you can predict how to show yourself in a particular situation.

Character and his features

The character trait is an important part of the personality, this is a stable quality that determines the interaction of a person and the surrounding reality. This is the defining method of resolving emerging situations, therefore psychologists consider the trait of nature as the predicted personal behavior.

Variety of characters

Features of the Nrava Man acquires in the process of all life term, it is impossible to attribute certain features of nature towards congenital and characteristic. To analyze and give an assessment of a person, a psychologist does not simply define a set of individual characteristics, but also allocates distinctive features.

It is the character traits that are defined as paramissions in the study and compilation of the psychological characteristics of the individual.

But, determining, evaluating a person, studying the traits of behavior in social terms, the psychologist uses and knowledge of the meaningful direction of nature. It is determined in:

  • strength-weakness;
  • latitude-narrow;
  • static dynamism;
  • wholeness of inconsistency;
  • integrity-fragmentation.

Such nuances make up the overall, complete characteristics of a certain person.

List of personality traits

Human nature is the most difficult cumulative combination of peculiar features, sampled in a unique system. This procedure includes the most vibrant, sustainable personal qualities that are detected in the relationship between the relationship of a person-society:

Relationship system Inherent features of an individual
Plus Minus
To his own personality Propy Condescension
Self-critical Narcissism
Meekness Boastfulness
Altruistic Egocentrism
To surrounding people Sociability Closed
Complacency Related
Sincerity False
Justice Injustice
Commonness Individualism
Suitless Related
Courtesy Brankdonnia
To work Organizations Laxity
Compelling Stupid
Performance Sanidity
Enterprise Inertness
Goodworking Lenity
To subjects Economy Wasting
Careful Negligence
Neatness Negligence

In addition to the characteristics included in the psychologists in the gradation of relations (a separate category), the manifestations of nature in the moral, temperamental, cognitive and wall sphere were distinguished:

  • moral: humanity, rigidity, sincerity, good nature, patriotic, impartiality, responsiveness;
  • temperamental: amarness, sensuality, romanticism, lively, susceptibility; Passion, frivolity;
  • intellectual (cognitive): analytical, flexibility, inquisitiveness, resourcefulness, businesslikeness, criticality, thoughtfulness;
  • stenic (volitional): categorical, perseverance, durability, stubbornness, dedication, timidity, courage, independence.

Many leading psychologists tend to believe that some features should be allocated in two categories:

  1. Productive (motivational). Such features are pushing a person to commit certain actions and actions. This is a target feature.
  2. Instrumental. Presentation during any activity individuality and method (manners) action. These are ways.

Graduation character traits by alport

Theory of Alport.

Famous American psychologist Gordon Alport, an expert and developer of gradations of individual characteristics of an individual, personality features distributed into three classes:

Dominant. Such features are brighter than all identify behavioral form: actions, a certain personality activity. These include: kindness, egoism, greed, secrecy, softness, modesty, greed.

Normal. They are equally manifested in all numerous spheres of human life. This is: humanity, honesty, generosity, sassay, altruism, egocentrism, pleased, openness.

Secondary. These nuances do not have a special effect on behavioral reactions. These are not dominant in behavior. These include musicality, poetry, diligence, operational.

A strong relationship is formed between existing human features of nature. This pattern and forms the final nature of the individual.

But any existing structure has its own hierarchy. Not an exception and warehouse of a person. This nuance is monitored in the proposed gradation structure in an alport, where minor traits can be suppressed by dominant. But to predict the act of personality, it is necessary to focus on the whole set of features.

What is typical and individuality

In the manifestation of the nature of each person, the reflection of individual and typical is always reflected. This is a harmonious association of personal qualities, because the typical serves as the basis for identifying individual.

What is a typical character. When a person has a certain set of features, the same (general) for a specific group of people - such a warehouse is called typical. It is like a mirror, reflects the adopted and the usual conditions for the existence of a specific group.

Also typical features depend on the warehouse (specific type of nature). They are the condition for the emergence of behavioral type of character, in the category of which "write down" a person.

Understanding which signs of a given personality, a man can be averaged (typical) psychological portrait and assign a certain type of temperament. For example:

Positive Negative
Activity Incontinence
Energy Hot temper
Sociability Aggressiveness
Determination Irritability
Initiative Rudeness in communication
Impulsiveness Instability of behavior
Phlegmatic person
Perseverance Low activity
Performance Slowness
Calm Loading
Restaurant Understanding
Reliability Individualism
Good luck Lenity
Sociability Rejection of monotony
Activity Superficiality
Goodwill No perseverance
Adjustability Bad preferably
Cheerfulness Frivolity
Courage Folding in actions
Resourcefulness Inability to focus
Sensitivity Closed
Impressionability Low activity
Performance Understanding
Restraint Vulnerability
Cardichship Shyness
Accuracy Bad performance

Such typical features of the character corresponding to a certain temperament are observed in each (to one extent) of the representative of the Group.

Individual manifestation. Relations between personalities are always evaluating, they manifest themselves in the rich diversity of behavioral reactions. The manifestation of individual features of the individual has a large influence of the emerging circumstances, formed worldview and a certain environment.

This feature is reflected in the brightness of various typical features of the individual. They are unequal in the intensity and develop every person individually.

Some typical features are so powerful in humans that they become not just individual, but unique.

In this case, typical develops by definition into individuality. This classification of the individual helps to identify the negative characteristics of the individual who interfere with manifest themselves and seek a certain position in society.

Working on himself, analyzing and correcting the shortcomings in its own character, each person creates that life to which he seeks.