Repairs Design Furniture

GOST control of paintwork. Requirements for paint and varnish coatings. Requirements Coccusky Metal Surfaces

Paint and varnish coatings should:

    it is firmly held on the surface;

    have the necessary mechanical strength, troopiness and elasticity;

    have resistance against the impact of moisture, petroleum products, exhaust gases and sun rays;

    be water and gasproof;

    maintain their qualities at positive temperatures in the summer of negative temperatures in winter;

    be neutral, not cause corrosion of painted surfaces;

    quickly dry after applying to the surface and do not require complex drying devices for this;

    provide the necessary color of the painted surface with minimal thickness and the number of layers applied, i.e. have good covers;

    being inexpensive, durable and allow to produce partial or complete restoration of inexpensive and affordable ways.

Not one of the modern materials does not fully meet the specified requirements. According to this and a number of other reasons, in most cases, coatings are made multi-layered.

10.2 Structure of paint and varnish and requirements for basic materials

The main elements of the structure of the multi-layer paint coating are: a layer of soil, a layer of twinweight and several layers of paint (Figure 10.1).

The first coating layer is applied to the prepared surface - ground. Its main purpose is to provide high adhesion between metal and subsequent coating layers.

Based on this, the soils are required:

    high adhesion (adhesion) to metals, wood and other structural materials;

    the ability to maintain subsequent coating layers due to the interpenetration of materials;

    good anti-corrosion properties;

    if possible, rapid drying.

1 - stained surface;

2 - a layer of soil;

3 - layer of local putty;

4 - a layer of common putty;

5 - a layer of paint.

Figure 10.1 - the structure of a multilayer paint coating

Puttlevka is used to align the surface in the surface. There are local and general sweep layers. The first intends to align large defects, the second is to obtain a smooth coating throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe area.

Sweattte materials required:

  • good adhesion to soil;

    sufficient mechanical strength, especially impaired and vibration resistance;

    relatively good dryness;

    ability to grind.

The processed spatlet or primer is covered with several layers of paint. Each layer passes the stage of drying.

From the paints required:

    sufficient adhesion to soils and spatles;

    the ability to form a solid protective film;

    high weather resistance;

    resistance to the effects of technical fluids and other substances with which the coating is in contact with the operation of the machines.

10.3 Classification of paints and varnishes

Paintwork materials are indicated by five groups of characters.

The first group of signs determines the type of paintwork material and is denoted by a full word, for example, "primer", "spiteling", "enamel", "lacquer".

The second group of signs determines the main resin that is part of the film-forming substance, and is denoted by two letters: GF - glyftali, PF - pentaftali, FL - phenolic, ml - melamine, EP - epoxy, VL - polyvinyl acetate, NC - Nitrocellulose, Ma and vegetable oil and etc.

The third group of signs determines the group to which the paintwork material is assigned to its purpose: 0 - primers and varnishes semi-finished, 00 - Plocks, 1 - Weather-resistant, 2 - resistant indoors, 5 - special (for skin, rubber, etc. ), 7 - resistant to various media, 8 - heat-resistant, 9 - electrical insulating. Between the second and third groups of signs is rated.

The fourth group of signs relates mainly to enamels and defines their color. Dimensional words ("white", "blue", and if there are shades "Blue - 1", "Blue - 2", etc.). If the enamel color is assigned a number, then in the fifth group of characters, the color number first is indicated, and then writes the color completely words. There is a dash between the fourth and fifth groups of signs.

An example of a conditional notation: "Enamel ml - 12 - 38 blue" (enamel, basic film-forming resin methylinic (ml), weather resin (1), sequence number of the second (2), color blue (38).

Paint coatings are classified according to the coating material, the appearance of the surface of the coating (coating class) and by operating conditions.

According to the appearance of the surface of paints and varnish coatings are divided into four classes. The first class is characterized by a smooth, monophonic surface, without defects visible to a naked eye (car bodies). The second class allows on the surface of individual minority defects: sorts, strokes, trail of stripping, etc. (buses, cabins, and the plumage of trucks). The third class allows irregularities associated with the condition of the surface to be painted to its color. The fourth grade admits visible defects that do not affect the protective properties of the coating. According to the third and fourth grade, frames, axes, wheels, cargo platforms and other parts of the machines that need only in anti-corrosive protection are stained.

Under the conditions of operation (stability), paintwork coatings are divided into eight groups: resistant indoors (P); Weather-resistant (a) (car coatings); chemically resistant (x, hk, housing); waterproof in fresh (c) and sea water (VM); heat-resistant (T); oil resistant (m); Gas-resistant (b) and electrical insulating (E).

According to the degrees of gloss, paints and varnish coatings are divided into glossy, semi-convened and matte.

An example of the conventional designation of the paintwork; "UM NTS - 25, Blue, I. P" (The coating is applied to nitroemal (NTS) of blue, performed according to the first class (I) and resistant during the operation indoors (P).

The most important indicators of varnishes and paints include: viscosity, bottling (the ability of paints to give a smooth, smooth surface, without strokes from the brush and without ripples when applied by a pulverizer), drying time, covering (paint property when applied to a thin uniform layer to make an invisible color to the painted Surfaces), adhesion (the ability of paint film sticking to the painted surface), strength and hardness of film, water and oil-resistance, toxicity and flavors.

1. This standard applies to paintwork covers (hereinafter referred to as coatings) of industrial products and establishes general technical requirements for selecting coatings on decorative properties.

2. Under the decorative properties understand the properties of the coating, providing its aesthetic perception.

The decorative properties of the coating are characterized by color, glitter, texture and class according to GOST 9.032-74 *.

3. The choice of coating on decorative properties is carried out at the design stage in the process of artistic design of products.

4a. Designed in the process of artistic design, finishing options are recorded in the map of the color factor solution of the finishing of the product.

(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 1).

10. Types of harmonious color combinations are given in.

11. An example of selection of coatings on decorative properties is given in.

ATTACHMENT 1 Mandatory
Coating classes for products

Group of industrial products

Painted surfaces

Class coating, not lower

Top class cars (type ZIL-117) and large class (type "Seagull"), medium, small and especially small class (type "Volga", "Moskvich", "Zhiguli", "Zaporozhets") *

Cargo cars, trailers and semi-trailers

Rama, chassis details

Metal parts platform

True career automobiles

Cabs, knots, plumage, battery boxes

Exterior surfaces of platforms of fuel and oil tanks

Rama, corners, chassis

Buses **

trunk railways of King 1520 (1524) mm: locomotive traction (passenger, postal, luggage), electric trains and diesel trains

Side walls of the bodies of passenger cars of locomotive traction

Side walls of wagons of electric trains and diesel trains, as well as postal and luggage wagons, raids, windscreen parts of the heads of electric trains

The middle part of the roofs, frames of wagons, trolleys and boiler rooms

End walls of car bodies

cargo railway railways 2020 (1524) mm

Exterior surfaces

Construction and road vehicles, self-propelled, mounted and mobile

The surface of the parts of the machines in the field of view of people (with the exception of surfaces whose coverage is carried by the conservation service)

The remaining surfaces of construction and road machines

Agreecultural machines. Agreecultural equipment

Facing details of agricultural machinery

The remaining surfaces of agricultural machinery

Machines, blacksmith-presses and foundry machines:

machine tools for accuracy A, B and C according to GOST 8-82 *

Basic surfaces that determine the appearance of machines

Surfaces available for ferris, but not defining appearance

* For all-wheel drive cars of a particularly small and middle class of body coating not lower than III.

** For a small class of type "Youth" bruise, the body cover is not lower than II.

machines of ordinary performance, blacksmith-presses and casting machines

The main surfaces that determine the appearance of machines and machines

Surfaces available for ferris, but not defining appearance

The surfaces inside the machines and machines are not available for the ferris (surfaces of the hydro and lubricant equipment, etc.).

The main surfaces that determine the appearance of the device

instruments of direct communication with a person in the area of \u200b\u200bpermanent visual perception: large, for example, copiers, aggregative means of computing equipment (rack consoles, etc.).

middle, for example, countable machines, wall-key computing machines, cash registers, analytical devices - chromatographs, household radio electronic equipment, etc.

small, for example, portable writing machines, Felix countable machines, household optical and medical devices

Instruments surrounding humans, but entering the zone of visual perception irregularly:

large, for example, shields of auxiliary instrumentation

middle, for example, secondary electronic automatic devices with recording and showing device (potentiometers)

small, for example, pressure gauges, voltage stabilizers, relays, etc.

Automatic devices in servicing a person does not take part:

large, such as wagon scales (platforms);

middle, for example, weather appliances and equipment;

small, for example, diffmanematers and other devices


1. When several classes are specified for the same surfaces, the specific class is set according to standards or specifications on the product.

2. Classes of coating for products in export performance are set according to standards or specifications on the product.

Appendix 2. Recommended
The maximum achieved class of coatings for enamels and varnishes

Name of material

Gloss, covering texture

The maximum achieved class according to GOST 9.032-74 *


Smooth monophonic

ML-1110 according to GOST 20481-80 *


ML-197 according to GOST 23640-79 *

High-daisy and glossy


ML-1156 according to GOST 5971-78 *


ML-1156 Black according to GOST 5971-78 *



Glossy and semi-units

ML-279 OP according to GOST 5971-78 *


ML-279 according to GOST 5971-78 *

Smooth Pictures (Hammer)



Relief "Shagren"



Smooth monophonic


Glossy and semi-units




MCh-145 according to GOST 23760-79 *

Glossy and semi-units

Pentafthalic and glyphthalova

High glossy

PF-163 according to GOST 5971-78 *




Deep matte


NTS-11 according to GOST 9198-83 *



NTS-25 according to GOST 5406-84 *


Nts-256 according to GOST 25515-82 *

NTS-5123 according to GOST 7462-73 *

Semi-conventional and semmatovy



NTS-1125 according to GOST 7930-73 *

Semi-conventional and semmatovy




NC-134 lacquer with aluminum powder

Epoxy and epoxy epoxy


Glossy and semi-units

EP-140 according to GOST 24709-81 *


EP-51 according to GOST 9640-85 *

Semi-man and matte

EP-773 according to GOST 23143-83 *



Glossy and semi-units

EF-1118 GOST 5971-78 *


EF-1118 PM according to GOST 5971-78 *


EF-1118 m according to GOST 5971-78 *

EP-525 according to GOST 22438-85 *








PF-188 according to GOST 24784-81 *



Semiam and semi-man

PF-218 according to GOST 21227-93




KH-1100 for TU 6-10-1301-83

Frosted and semiam


Semiam and matte

Xs-119 according to GOST 21824-76 *

Xs-119 e in accordance with GOST 21824-76 *

EP-255 according to GOST 23599-79 *

Semi-conventional and semmatovy

Oil and alkyidity




Polyester unsaturated


High glossy and glossy






Glossy and semi-units










Glossy and semi-units







KO-88 according to GOST 23101-78

Semi-conventional and semmatovy

Semiam and matte

Smooth monophonic








Relief "Moir"

Semiam and matte


Smooth monophonic


EF-083, EF-083 L

Notes: GOST 9.402-80 *

Method of coloring

Method of drying coatings


Pneumatic spraying




Chemical oxidation

Anodic oxidation

Mechanical cleaning with grinding skins No. 5-4 according to GOST 10054-82 *

Mechanical cleaning with electrocorundum to № 6 according to GOST 3647-80 *


Pneumatic spraying





Spraying in the electropol

Temorradiative convective


Chemical oxidation


Anodic oxidation

Mechanical cleaning with grinding skin No. 6-5 according to GOST 10054-82 *

Mechanical cleaning with electrocorundum to № 12 according to GOST 3647-80 *


Pneumatic spraying





Spraying in the electropol



Temorradiative convective

Chemical oxidation


Anodic oxidation

Airless spraying

Mechanical cleaning with grinding skurt number 25-6 according to GOST 10054-82 *

Hydroprocessing sand cleaning of no more than 0.5 mm

Mechanical cleaning with electrocorundum to № 25 according to GOST 3647-80 *


Pneumatic spraying



Spraying in the electropol


Chemical oxidation


Anodic oxidation

Airless spraying

Mechanical cleaning with grinding skurt

Inkjetty with an exposure in solvent pairs

Droblastry, shot, hydraulic cleaning with fraction size not more than 0.8 mm



Mechanical cleaning with metal brushes

Mechanical purification by edctocorund

* - From January 1, 2006, GOST 9.402-2004 is introduced (hereinafter).


1. Under coatings with a putty surface preparation operation before painting is not rationed.

2. It is allowed to apply other surface preparation operations, besides those specified in the table, providing the required quality of the painted metal surface according to GOST 9.032-74 * and other methods of staining and drying that ensure the necessary quality of the coating.

3. For IV class of coating, the number of grinding skins and electrocores are not regulated.

Appendix 5. Reference
Types of harmonious color combinations

1. Using the color of paintwork coatings to create the appropriate color solutions of products is determined by the psychological (emotional) and physiological effect on the person of individual colors and color combinations.

When choosing the color combinations of coatings, their harmony must be the first and main condition.

2. To obtain harmonious combinations of colors, it is necessary that there is a certain relationship between colors (contrast or similarity between colors in color tone, light or saturation).

3. The relationship between flowers is achieved using the principles of choosing color combinations in a color circle (damn 1).

Color circle

Well - yellow; Jo - yellow-orange; O - orange; Ko - red-orange; K - red; P - purple; FP - purple-purple; F - purple; C - blue; SZ - blue-green; Z - green; Zhz - yellow-green; I, II, W, IV - Color Zones

Heck. one

4. When choosing color combinations, the characteristics of four psychological optimal primary colors are taken into account - yellow (221), red (7), blue (427), green (324) and intermediate - orange, purple-purple, yellow-green.

5. Color combinations are divided into five major groups on psychophysiological characteristics: contrasting, related, relative-contrast, equitonal, complex.

9. The car is operated in atmospheric conditions of moderate and tropical climate, contaminated by road dust, mud and exposed to a periodic washing of hot and cold water with brushes. Interremant dates are 3 years, car care is permanent.

10. The specified operating conditions are satisfied with paintwork coatings obtained on the basis of melamino-alkyd enamel ML-12, perchlorvinyl enamel of the HC-110.

The coating system consisting of two layers of enamel ML-12, applied to the primed surface, resistant under atmospheric conditions of moderate and tropical climate for 3 years.

The coating system consisting of two HP-110 enamels, applied to phosphated and primed surface, is also resistant under conditions of moderate and tropical climates for 3 years.

11. The color, texture, brilliance and enamel class ML-12 and the HC-110 meet the requirements: enamel color ML-12 orange (121, 128), H-110 enamel yellow (285, 286), coatings according to recommended - smooth , glossy (ml-12), semi-conjunctive (HPF-110), the maximum achieved class of coating II for enamel ML-12 and III for enamel of the HC-110.

12. Considering the level of production of the painting area (production - serial, staining on the streaming conveyors by the method of pneumatic spraying or spraying in the electric field, drying in thermoadiating drying chambers at a temperature of 130 ºС), the enamel ML-12 should be selected, which is applied by the specified method and has mode Thermoradiation drying at a temperature of 130 ºС for 20 minutes.

Edition with changes No. 1, 2, 3, 4, approved in June 1976, March 1980, February 1986, March 1989 (IUS 7-76, 5-80, 5-86, 5-89 ).

Resolution of the State Committee of Standards Council of Ministers of the USSR on September 3, 1974 No. 2089 Date of Introduction Installed


The limitation of the term was filmed by the decision of the USSR State Standard from 13.03.89 No. 455

This standard applies to paintwork (hereinafter referred to as coatings) of products of products and establishes groups, technical requirements and references.

1. Coating groups

1.1. Depending on the purpose of the coating is divided into groups installed in Table. one.

Table 1

Coat group

Operating conditions

Designation of operating conditions


Climatic factors


Sea, fresh water and her couple

Freshwater and her couple

Sea water


X-ray and other types of radiation, deep cold, open flame, biological effects, etc.

X-ray and other types of radiation

Deep cold (temperature below minus 60 ° C)

Open flame

Impact of biological factors


Mineral oils and lubricants, gasoline, kerosene and other petroleum products

Mineral oils and lubricants

Gasoline, kerosene and other petroleum products

Chemically resistant

Various chemical reagents

Aggressive gases, couples

Solutions of acids and acidic salts

Solutions of alkalis and base salts

Solutions of neutral salts


Temperature above 60 ° C

Electrical insulating and electrical wires

Electric current, voltage, electric arc and surface discharges

Electrically insulating

Electrically conductive

Note. The value of the limiting temperature is added to the designation of the operating conditions of heat-resistant coatings, for example, 8,160 ° C.

If necessary, the value of the limit temperature is added to the designation of the operating conditions of other coatings, for example, 4 60 ° C, 6/1 150 ° C, 8,200 ° C.

Section. one.

2. Technical requirements

2.1. Coatings must comply with the requirements set in Table. 2.

table 2

Class coating

Name of defect

Norm for coatings



pictures (hammer)




glossy, including lesing effect



deeply matte

glossy and semi-units

semiam and matt



Not allowed

quantity, pc / m 2, no more

size, mm, no more

distances between inclusions, mm, not less

Not allowed

Not allowed

Not allowed

Not allowed

Strokes, risks

Not allowed

Not allowed

Waviness, mm, no more

Not allowed

Not allowed


Not allowed

Not allowed


size, mm, no more

distance between inclusions, mm, no more

Alignment is allowed

Not normalized

Strokes, risks

Separately allowed

Not allowed

Waviness, mm, no more

Not allowed


Not allowed

Inhomogeneity of Figure

Not normalized

Not allowed


quantity, pcs / m 2, no more

size, mm, no more

Alignment is allowed

Not normalized

Not allowed

Strokes, risks

Separately allowed

Waviness, mm, no more


Not allowed

Inhomogeneity of Figure

Not normalized

Not allowed


size, mm, no more

distance between inclusions, mm, not less


Not normalized

Not allowed

Strokes, risks

Separately allowed

Waviness, mm, no more


Not allowed

Inhomogeneity of Figure

Not normalized

Not allowed


quantity, pcs / dm, no more

size, mm, no more


Not normalized

Separately allowed

Strokes, risks


Waviness, mm, no more


Not allowed

Inhomogeneity of Figure

Not normalized

Not allowed


quantity, pc / dm 2, no more

size, mm, no more


Not normalized

Separately allowed

Strokes, risks


Waviness, mm, no more



Inhomogeneity of Figure

Not normalized



Do not normal

Do not normal

Not normalized

Not normalized

Do not normal

Do not normal

Strokes, risks

Do not normal

Do not normal

Waviness, mm, no more

Not normalized

Not normalized


Not normalized

Not normalized

Inhomogeneity of Figure

Not normalized

Not normalized


1. The sign "-" denotes that the use of coatings for this class is unacceptable or economically inappropriate.

2. In technical cases, the use of high-chart coatings for III - IV classes, glossy - for V - VII is allowed. At the same time, the standards for high-glossy coatings of III - IV classes must comply with the standards for glossy coatings, glossy V - VII classes - for semiamatic.

3. For products with an area of \u200b\u200bstainable surface less than 1 m 2 For I - III classes, the number of inclusions are counted on this area if not the integer is obtained, then the value is rounded towards a larger number. The table shows the size of one inclusion. When assessing the coating, all inclusions visible under the conditions of paragraph 2.6 are taken into account. For the coating of all classes, another number of inclusions is allowed if the size of each power on and the total inclusion size does not exceed the specified class specified for this class in the table.

4. Allocated for IV - VII classes, individual surface irregularities due to the condition of the surface to the surface.

5. Allowed for cast products weighing more than 10 tons increase in the waviness of 2 mm coatings for III - VI classes.

6. It is allowed for welded and riveted products with a stainable surface of more than 5 m 2 increase in coating waviness by 2.5 mm for class III, by 3.5 mm for IV - VI classes.

7. It is allowed to apply the classification and designation on regulatory and technical documentation in the event that the specifics of the stained non-metallic materials do not allow to characterize the class of coating in the table. 2.

2.2. Coating defects are not allowed that affect the protective properties of the coating (punctures, craters, wrinkling and others).

2.3. Requirements for the surface of the painted metal are given in Appendix 2. Requirements for non-metallic surfaces are set in standards or technical conditions on the product.

2.4. Requirements for roughness of the primed or covered surface are shown in Appendix 2A.

2.5. Planting requirements are shown in Appendix 3.

2.6. The control is carried out in a daily or artificial scattered light, at a distance of 0.3 m from the inspection object. Artificial lighting standards are accepted by SNIP II-A9-71.

2.7. Methods for determining the brilliance and presence of coating defects are given in Appendix 4. Estimation of the profilograph profilograph-profilometer is given in Appendix 5.

2.1 - 2.7.

2.8. Coating quality control is allowed to be carried out according to a sample, manufactured and approved in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications on the product.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

3. Designation of coatings

3.1. The designation of coatings is recorded in the following order:

a) the designation of the paintwork of the external coating layer according to GOST 9825-73;

b) Class coating in Table. 2 or according to the relevant regulatory and technical documentation indicating its designation;

c) Designation of operating conditions:

in terms of exposure to climatic factors - a group of operating conditions according to GOST 9.104-79;

in terms of the impact of special environments - by table. one.

3.2. It is allowed in the designation of the coating instead of the paintwork material of the external coating layer to record the designation of paintwork materials in the technological sequence of application (primer, putty, etc.) indicating the number of layers or designate the coating in accordance with standards or specifications.

3.1, 3.2. (Modified edition, change No. 3).

3.3. The designation of the paintwork material, the coating class and the designation of the operating conditions is separated by points. When exposed to various operating conditions, their designation is divided by the "dash" sign. Examples of the designation of coatings are given in Table. 3.

Table 3.

Designation of coating

Characteristics of the coating

Enamel ML-152 blue. VI.U1

Blue enamel ML-152 coating in class II, operated in the open air of a moderate macroclimatic area

Enamel xs-710 gray.

Luck XC-76.IV.7 / 2

The coating of the HS-710 gray enamel with the subsequent varnish lacquer x-76 by IV class, operating when exposed to solutions of acids

Enamel HF-124

blue v.7 / 1-T2

The coating of the Blue Emal CH-124 according to V class, operating under a canopy in the atmosphere, contaminated with gas and other industries, in a tropical dry macroclimatic area

Primer FL-03K Brown VI.U3

The coating of the primer FL-03K according to the IV class, operated in a closed room with natural ventilation without artificially adjustable climatic conditions in the conditions of a temperate macroclimatic area

Enamel PF-115 Dark gray 896.III.U1

Covering dark gray 896 PF-115 enamel in III class, operated in the open air of a moderate macroclimatic area

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

3.4. Indicating the coatings is allowed to indicate special conditions of operation with the full name.

3.5. If the painted surface is simultaneously or alternately located in various operating conditions, then they are all specified in the designation. At the same time, the main condition for exploitation is in the first place.

3.6. If the paintwork is preceded by a metal or non-metallic inorganic coating, then their designations are separated by a fraction, and the designation of the paint coating is put on the second place. For example, a cadmium coating with a thickness of 6 μm, followed by staining with red-brown polyvinylbutiral enamel VL-515 by III class, to operate the coating when exposed to petroleum products:

CD6 / Enamel VL-515 red-brown. III.6 / 2.

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

ATTACHMENT 1 . (Excluded: No. 3).

Appendix 2.


Requirements for painted metal surfaces

Class coating

Name of the indicators of the surface

Norm for coating



pictures (hammer)




glossy and glossy with lesing effect



deeply matte

glossy and semi-units

semiam and matt


Visually comparison with the sample approved in accordance with the NTD on the coatings, during the arbitration - profilograph-type 1 profilometer according to GOST 19300-86 or other devices of a similar type

Risks, strokes

Visually, comparison with the sample approved in accordance fromNTD on coatings

Inhomogeneity of Figure


Wavy coatings

The calibration line of 500 mm long, applied to the edge on the verified surface. Using another line or probe, the maximum gap between the surface and the ruler is measured. The ruler is set in such a way that the highest waviness is determined on the surface being checked.

ATTACHMENT4 . (Modified edition, change No. 3, 4).

Appendix 5.

Score assessment by profilograph-profilometer

Higure estimation by a profilograph-profilometer of the surface of the coating is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the device at the maximum length of the transit of the sensor 40 mm. The recommended vertical increase when recording 2000 - 4000 times, horizontal - 4 times.

Shagreen is characterized by a height h.and the foundation t.irregularities. According to the profilogram, the average height and average base in millimeters for five maximum protrusions are determined:

where h. 1 , h. 2 , h. 3 , h. 4 , h. 5 - Height of irregularities at five points;

where l. 1 , l. 2 , l. 3 , l. 4 , l. 5 - the basis of irregularities at five points.

Accuracy Assessment is given in the table.

ATTACHMENT5 . (Introduced additionally, meas. No. 4).

Group T95.

Interstate standard

Paint coatings

General requirements for choosing on decorative properties


General Requirements for Choice by Decorative Properties

MKC 25.220.60 87.020

Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards of September 28, 1979 No. 3734 Date of Introduction

Restriction of the validity of the Discontinued Protocol No. 4-93 of the Interstate Council on Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 4-94)

1. This standard applies to paintwork covers (hereinafter referred to as coatings) of industrial products and establishes general technical requirements for selecting coatings on decorative properties.

2. Under the decorative properties understand the properties of the coating, providing its aesthetic perception.

The decorative properties of the coating are characterized by color, glitter, texture and class according to GOST 9.032-74.

3. The choice of coating on decorative properties is carried out at the design stage in the process of artistic design of products.

4a. Designed in the process of artistic design, finishing options are recorded in the map of the color factor solution of the finishing of the product.

(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 1).

4. Coatings on decorative properties should correspond to the functional purpose and operating conditions, a volume-spatial structure, tectonics, dimensions, plastic of the external form of the product, aesthetic expressiveness and harmony of the color and textured combinations of the surface of the products.

5. The choice of color coatings, brilliance and texture is carried out on the table.

Name of product groups

1. Products operating in atmospheric conditions, on natural backgrounds, such as agricultural machinery, road and utility vehicles, trucks, etc.

Colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue zones and achromatic; clean and complex; bright, medium and dark in lightness; Small, medium and maximum saturation.

The number of primary colors in the color solution scheme is not more than 4.

Combinations of color contrast, for example, cadmium-yellow (219) * and blue (485);

skinny-contrast, for example, greenish "ivory" (524) and emerald (315);

related, for example, gray-beige (661), brown (685) and red-orange (29)

Smooth, glossy and semi-shy

Official edition

Reprint is prohibited

Edition with change No. 1 approved in May 1985 (IUS 8-85).


Name of product groups

Requirements for color and color combinations of paint and varnishes

Requirements for texture and gloss coverage

2. Products operating in urban streets and creating a diverse color in the overall transport stream, for example, buses, trolley buses, taxis, specialized cars

Colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue zones and achromatic; clean and complex; bright, medium, dark in lightness; Small, medium and maximum saturation.

Combinations of color contrast; Relatively contrast, related; Equitonal, such as cadmium-yellow (219) and dark sand (795)

Smooth, glossy

3. Individual transport, such as passenger cars, motorcycles, bicycles, etc.

Colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue zones and achromatic; complex; bright, medium and dark; Small, medium and maximum saturation.

Combinations of colors related; Relatives-contrast

Smooth, high-gloss and glossy

4. Products operating in interiors of industrial premises in contact with man, for example, appliances, machines, machinery, equipment, etc.

Colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue zones and achromatic; complex; bright, medium, dark in lightness; Small and medium saturation.

The number of primary colors in the color solution scheme is not more than 3.

Flower combinations are equivalent, for example, gray-green (365) and light gray-green (352), animated-contrast, for example, "ivory" (229) and gray-green (365)

Smooth, glossy, in-oglantse, semi-wave, matte

Smooth patterns ("hammer") and embossed ("Shagren") are allowed

5. Products of cultural and domestic use, functioning in a residential interior in contact with a person, such as vacuum cleaners, washing machines, refrigerators, household radio electronic equipment, fans, manual mechanized tools, etc.

Colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue zones and achromatic; complex; bright, medium, dark in lightness; Small, medium and maximum saturation.

The number of primary colors in the color solution scheme is not more than 2.

Combine colors related, relative, contrast and equitonal

Smooth and embossed, glossy and semi-man

(Modified edition,

6. Classes of coating for product groups are given in Appendix 1. The class of surface coating of products that are constantly in the field of view of a person should be no lower than IV.

7. The choice of paintwork materials providing the required class, texture and gloss of coating are carried out according to applications 2 and 3, color - according to standards or specifications for paints and varnishes.

8. Assessment of compliance with the requirements of claim 4 is carried out by an expert method.

9. The selection of the surface preparation operation using the coloring method and drying the coating is carried out by Appendix 4.

10. Types of harmonious color combinations are shown in Appendix 5.

11. An example of selection of coatings on decorative properties is given in Appendix 6.

Appendix 1 Mandatory

Group of industrial products

Painted surfaces

Class coating, not lower

High-grade passenger cars (type ZIL-117) and a large class (type "Seagull"), medium, small and especially small class (type "Volga", "Money

hIV "," Zhiguli "," Zaporozhets ") *

Cargo cars, trailers and


Rama, chassis details

Metal parts platform

Heavy carboards

Cabs, knots, plumage, battery boxes

Exterior surfaces of platforms of fuel and oil tanks

Rama, corners, chassis

Buses **

trunk railways

Side walls of passenger car bodies

1520 (1524) mm: locomotive traction (pass

Locomotive traction

sahir, postal, luggage), electronic

Side walls of the wagons of electric trains and

ropes and diesel trains

diesel trains, as well as postal and luggage wagons, sinks roofs, windscreen parts of the heads of electric trains

The middle part of the roofs, frames of wagons, trolleys and boiler rooms

End walls of car bodies

cargo railway railways 2020 (1524) mm

Exterior surfaces

Construction and road vehicles,

Surfaces of parts of machines in

self-propelled, mounted and mobile

the field of view of people (with the exception of surfaces whose coverage is carrying a conservation service)

The remaining surfaces of construction and road machines

Agreecultural machines. Agreecultural equipment

Facing details of agricultural machinery

Machines, blacksmith-presses and foundry machines:

The remaining surfaces of agricultural machinery

machine tools of accuracy A, B and C

view of machine tools

Surfaces available for ferris, but not defining appearance

* For all-wheel drive cars of a particularly small and middle class of body coating not lower than III.

** For a small class of type "Youth" bruise, the body cover is not lower than II.


Group of industrial products

Painted surfaces

Class coating, not lower

machines of ordinary execution, the cousins

The main surfaces that determine external

honor-presses and casting machines

view of machine tools and machines

Surfaces available for ferris, but not defining appearance

The surfaces inside the machines and machines are not available for the ferris (surfaces of the hydro and lubricant equipment, etc.).

The main surfaces that determine external

instruments of direct communication with a person in the area of \u200b\u200bpermanent visual perception: large, for example, copiers, aggregative means of computing equipment (rack consoles, etc.).

view of the device

middle, for example, countable machines, wall-key computing machines, cash registers, analytical devices - chromatographs, household radio electronic equipment, etc.

small, for example, portable writing machines, Felix countable machines, household optical and medical devices

Instruments surrounding humans, but entering the zone of visual perception irregularly:

large, for example, shields of auxiliary instrumentation

middle, for example, secondary electronic automatic devices with recording and showing device (potentiometers)

small, for example, pressure gauges, voltage stabilizers, relays, etc.

Automatic devices in servicing a person does not take part:

large, such as wagon scales (platforms);

middle, for example, weather appliances and equipment;

small, for example, diffmanematers and other devices


1. When several classes are specified for the same surfaces, the specific class is set according to standards or specifications on the product.

2. Classes of coating for products in export performance are set according to standards or specifications on the product.

Name of material

Gloss, covering texture


Smooth monophonic

ML-1110 according to GOST 20481-80


ML-197 according to GOST 23640-79

ML-12 according to GOST 9754-76

High glossy and glossy

ML-152 according to GOST 18099-78


ML-1156 according to GOST 5971-78


ML-1156 black according to GOST 5971-78


ML-242 according to GOST 10982-75


ML-283 according to GOST 10982-75

ML-28 according to GOST 9754-76

Glossy and semi-units

ML-279 OP according to GOST 5971-78


ML-279 according to GOST 5971-78

Smooth Pictures (Hammer)

ML-165 according to GOST 12034-77


ML-165 PM according to GOST 12034-77


Relief "Shagren"



Smooth monophonic


Glossy and semi-units




MCh-145 according to GOST 23760-79

Glossy and semi-units

Pentafthalic and glyphthalova

PF-115 according to GOST 6465-76


PF-163 according to GOST 5971-78



PF-223 according to GOST 14923-78




NTS-11 according to GOST 9198-83


NTS-184 according to GOST 18335-83


NTS-25 according to GOST 5406-84

* With polishing.


Name of material

Gloss, covering texture

The maximum achieved class according to GOST 9.032-74


NTS-256 according to GOST 25515-82

NTS-5123 according to GOST 7462-73

Semi-conventional and semmatovy



NTS-132 P according to GOST 6631-74

NTS-1125 according to GOST 7930-73

Semi-conventional and semmatovy


NTS-132 K according to GOST 6631-74



NC-134 lacquer with aluminum powder

Epoxy and epoxy epoxy

EP-148 according to GOST 10982-75


Glossy and semi-units

EP-140 according to GOST 24709-81


EP-51 according to GOST 9640-85

Semi-man and matte

EP-773 according to GOST 23143-83



Glossy and semi-units

EF-1118 PG according to GOST 5971-78


EF-1118 PM according to GOST 5971-78


EF-1118 m according to GOST 5971-78

EP-525 according to GOST 22438-85

EP-0010 according to GOST 10277-90





GF-1426 according to GOST 6745-79


Smooth monophonic

PF-115 according to GOST 6465-76


PF-188 according to GOST 24784-81

PF-133 according to GOST 926-82



GF-230 according to GOST 64-77

Semiam and semi-man

PF-218 according to GOST 21227-93


Name of material

Gloss, covering texture

The maximum achieved class according to GOST 9.032-74


PF-170 varnish according to GOST 15907-70 with alum

mini powder



Perchlorvinyl, polyvinyl chloride, copolymer-vinyl chloride


Red-110 according to GOST 18374-79

KH-113 according to GOST 18374-79


KH-124 according to GOST 10144-89


KH-1100 for TU 6-10-1301-83

KH-785 according to GOST 7313-75

KH-125 according to GOST 10144-89

Frosted and semiam


Semiam and matte

XS-119 according to GOST 21824-76

Xs-119 e in accordance with GOST 21824-76

EP-255 according to GOST 23599-79

Semi-conventional and semmatovy

Oil and alkyidity




Polyester unsaturated


High glossy and glossy





AK-171 according to GOST 10982-75


Glossy and semi-units








Name of material

Gloss, covering texture

The maximum achieved class according to GOST 9.032-74


AC-182 according to GOST 19024-79



Glossy and semi-units







KO-88 according to GOST 23101-78

KO-811 according to GOST 23122-78

Semi-conventional and semmatovy

Semiam and matte

Smooth monophonic

KO-813 according to GOST 11066-74








Relief "Moir"

Semiam and matte


Smooth monophonic


Mark primratovka

Mark primratovka

The maximum achieved class according to GOST 9.032-74 for smooth monophonic coatings

In-ml-0143 according to GOST 24595-81

EF-083, EF-083 L

AK-070 according to GOST 25718-83

GF-021 according to GOST 25129-82

GF-0119 according to GOST 25129-82

according to GOST 16302-79

FL OZK according to GOST 9109-81

FL-03L according to GOST 9109-81

In L-02 according to GOST 12707-77

according to GOST 10277-90.

VL-023 according to GOST 12707-77


1. For smooth patterns and embossed coatings using reduced primers, the maximum II class of the coating can be achieved.

2. For coating with putty, the selection of the primer does not depend on the required coating class.

3. These coating classes can only be obtained in a complex with paint and varnishes shown in Appendix 2.

Appendices 1-3. (Modified edition, change No. 1).

Surface preparation operations, dyeing and drying methods for various coating classes

coatings according to GOST 9.032-74

Operation of preparation of the surface of products before painting according to GOST 9.402-80 *

Method of coloring

Method of drying coatings

Degreasing Phosphating Passivation Chemical oxidation Anodic oxidation Mechanical cleaning with grinding sand № 5-4 according to GOST 10054-82 Mechanical cleaning of electrocorundum to No. 6 according to GOST 3647-80

Pneumatic spraying








Spraying to electronic



Chemical oxidation Anode oxidation Mechanical cleaning with grinding sand No. 6-5 according to GOST 10054-82 Mechanical cleaning of electrocorundum to No. 12 according to GOST 3647-80









Spraying to electronic

T Ermoradiasis



Chemical oxidation Anodic oxidation Mechanical cleaning with grinding sand № 25-6 according to GOST 10054-82 Hydro-respecting purification with sand size not more than 0.5 mm

Mechanical cleaning with electrocorundum to № 25 according to GOST 3647-80

Inkjetty with an exposure in solvent pairs






Chemical oxidation Anodic oxidation Mechanical cleaning with grinding skurt

Droblastry, shot, hydraulic cleaning with fraction size not more than 0.8 mm tanning

Mechanical cleaning with metal brushes

Mechanical cleaning of electrocorundum

Pneumatic spraying

Spraying in the electropol

Electrological airless spraying

Inkjet Obligue with exposure in solvent pairs dipping pouring


1. Under coatings with a putty surface preparation operation before painting is not rationed.

2. It is allowed to apply other surface preparation operations, besides those specified in the table, providing the required quality of the painted metal surface according to GOST 9.032-74 and other methods of staining and drying that ensure the necessary quality of the coating.

3. For IV class of coating, the number of grinding skins and electrocores are not regulated.

Appendix 5 reference

Types of harmonious color combinations

1. Using the color of paintwork coatings to create the appropriate color solutions of products is determined by the psychological (emotional) and physiological effect on the person of individual colors and color combinations.

When choosing the color combinations of coatings, their harmony must be the first and main condition.

2. To obtain harmonious combinations of colors, it is necessary that there is a certain relationship between colors (contrast or similarity between colors in color tone, light or saturation).

3. The relationship between flowers is achieved using the principles of choosing color combinations in a color circle (damn 1).

Color circle

Yellow; Jo - yellow-orange; O - orange; Ko - red-orange; Red; Pt- purple; FP - purple-purple; F - purple; C - blue; SZ - blue-green; 3 - green; Zhz - yellow-green; I, II, III,

IV- Color zones

4. When choosing color combinations, the characteristics of four psychological optimal primary colors are taken into account - yellow (221), red (7), blue (427), green (324) and intermediate - orange, purple-purple, yellow-green.

5. Color combinations are divided into five major groups on psychophysiological characteristics: contrasting, related, relative-contrast, equitonal, complex.

6. Contrast combinations are characterized by the use of colors having significant differences in color tone, saturation and lightness.

Contrast combinations are the most vivid and active in perception.

To enhance contrast, the sizes and configuration of the surface of the coating of different colors are taken into account, their mutual location.

6.1. Contrast colors in color tone should be on the opposite sides of the color circle (damn 2). In combination, these colors with the same saturation and light values \u200b\u200bmust enhance each other's saturation and perceived brighter.

6.2. Contrast colors in lightness should differ significantly with the same color tone and saturation.

6.3. Contrast colors in saturation should differ significantly with the same color tone and lightness.

7. Related combinations are characterized by the use of colors located in a color circle within two main adjacent colors and contains their shades (features 3). There are four types of related combinations: yellow-red, red-blue, blue-green, green-yellow.

Schemes of combinations of related colors

Related combinations are soft, few active, static perception.

8. The animated-contrast combinations are characterized by the use of colors located in a color circle in the adjacent sectors and containing shades of one primary color and two adjacent main colors (damn 4). There are four kinds of relative-contrast combinations: green-yellow-red, yellow-red-blue, red-blue-green, blue-green-yellow.

Schemes of related and contrasting combinations of colors

The animated-contrast colors are active, dynamic by perception.

9. Equivalent combinations are characterized by the use of colors of one color tone at one saturation, but different lightness; with one lightness, but of different saturation; With different lightness and saturation.

10. Complex combinations are characterized by the use of chromatic colors with achromatic. Achromatic colors are well consistent with chromatic colors with different and with equal


11. Choosing harmonious color combinations for PP products. 6-10 take into account: the correspondence of colors and their combinations of functional purpose and the conditions of operation of the product, the volume and spatial structure, tectonics, dimensions and plastic of the external form of the product; Requirements of information and safety of labor; Fashion color preferences; color and graphic scheme of the appearance of the product; The characteristics of the texture and gloss enamel of the selected colors and the quality of the coating.

Annex 6 Reference

An example of selection of coatings on decorative properties

1. Choosing a paint material for finishing the cabin of a truck model

2. For decorative properties, the coating must correspond to the functional purpose and operating conditions of the car.

3. The color of the car's cabin should be contrasting to the color of the environment (color, greens, etc.). The cabin should be bright or bright. The reflection of light from the paint coating of the cabin (especially the roofs) should be high (at least 60%) so that the cabin is minimally heated from the sun's rays.

4. To ensure favorable operating conditions of the driver, the color of the cab should not be dark, and the surface of the mirror-glossy. For quick removal of dirt, the texture must be smooth.

5. Volumetable-spatial structure, tectonics, dimensions, plastic of the outer shape of the designed cabin require its single color painting with enamels of light or bright colors. The color should be pure, unpolluted, bright, expressing the power of a car that does not cause negative emotions and unpleasant associations.

6. To create a color manifold on the streets of cities, on the roads, construction sites, etc. Color must be among the colors, mutually complementing each other in the system of the color gamut of road vehicles, construction and road machines.

7. Enamel of the selected color should be produced.

8. Requirements of PP. 2-7 correspond, for example, orange (121, 128) and yellow (285, 286) colors. Class III Class in accordance with Appendix 1.

9. The car is operated in atmospheric conditions of moderate and tropical climate, contaminated by road dust, mud and exposed to a periodic washing of hot and cold water with brushes. Interremant dates are 3 years, car care is permanent.

10. The specified operating conditions are satisfied with paintwork coatings obtained on the basis of melamino-alkyd enamel ML-12, perchlorvinyl enamel of the HC-110.

The coating system consisting of two layers of enamel ML-12, applied to the primed surface, resistant under atmospheric conditions of moderate and tropical climate for 3 years.

The coating system consisting of two HP-110 enamels, applied to phosphated and primed surface, is also resistant under conditions of moderate and tropical climates for 3 years.

11. In color, texture, brilliance and class enamel ML-12 and the HC-110 meet the requirements: Enamel ML-12 orange color (121, 128), H-110 enamel yellow (285, 286), coatings according to the recommended Annex 2 - Smooth, glossy (ml-12), semi-adhesive (HC-110), the maximum achieved class of coating II for enamel ML-12 and III for enamel of the HC-110.

12. Considering the level of production of the painting area (production - serial, staining on the stream conveyors by the method of pneumatic spraying or spraying in the electric field, drying in thermal drying chambers at a temperature of 130 ° C), the enamel ML-12 should be selected, which is applied by the specified method and has Thermoradiation drying mode at a temperature of 130 ° C for 20 minutes.

Emale HP-110 is applied by a pneumatic spraying method and has a drying mode at a temperature of 18-23 ° C for 3 hours or at a temperature of 60 ° C for 1 hour.

Thus, it should use enamel ML-12 for GOST 9754-76 orange (121, 128) for staining the designed model of the MAZ truck.

Unified corrosion and aging protection system
Paintwork coatings, technical requirements and designations

Unified, System of Corrosion and Ageing Protection. Paint Coatings. Groups, Technical Requirements and Designations

GOST 9.032-74
Date of introduction 01.07.75

This standard applies to paintwork (hereinafter referred to as coatings) surfaces and establishes groups, technical requirements and coating designations. Groups of coatings
1.1. Depending on the purpose of the coating, they are divided into groups installed in Table. one.

Table 1

Coat group

Operating conditions

Designation of operating conditions


Climatic factors

According to GOST 9.104-71


Marine, fresh iodine and her couple

Freshwater and her couple

Sea water


X-ray and other types of radiation, deep cold, open flame, biological effects, etc.

X-ray and other types of radiation

Deep cold (temperature below minus 60 ° C)

Open flame

Impact of biological factors


Mineral oils and lubricants, gasoline, kerosene and other petroleum products

Mineral oils and lubricants

Gasoline, kerosene and other petroleum products

Chemically resistant

Various chemical reagents

Aggressive gases, couples

Solutions of acids and acidic salts

Solutions of alkalis and base salts

Solutions of neutral salts


Temperature above 60 ° C

Electrical insulating and electrical wires

Electric current, voltage, electric arc and surface discharges

Electrically insulating

Electrically conductive

Note. To the designation of the operating conditions of heat-resistant coatings, the maximum temperature value is added, for example, 8160 ° C.
If necessary, the value of the limit temperature is added to the designation of the operating conditions of other coatings, for example, 460 ° C. 6/1150 ° C. 9200 ° C.
Section. 1. (Modified edition, change No. 3). 2. Technical requirements
2.1. Coatings must comply with the requirements set in Table. 2.

table 2


2. In technically reasonable cases, the use of high-gloss coatings for III-IV classes, glossy - for V-VII is allowed. At the same time, the standards for high-gloss coatings of III-IV classes must comply with the standards for glossy coatings, glossy V-V-VII classes - for semiamatic.
3. For products with an area of \u200b\u200bstainable surface less than 1 for I-I-III classes, the number of inclusions are recalculated on this area if not the integer is obtained, then the value is rounded towards a larger number. The table shows the size of one inclusion. When assessing the coating, all inclusions visible under the conditions of paragraph 2.6 are taken into account. For the coating of all classes, another number of inclusions is allowed if the size of each power on and the total inclusion size does not exceed the specified class specified for this class in the table.
4. It is allowed for the IV-VII classes, individual surface irregularities due to the condition of the surface of the surface.
5. Allowed for cast products weighing more than 10 tons increase in the waviness of 2 mm coatings for III - IV classes.
6. It is allowed for welded and riveted products with a stained surface of more than 5 increase in the waviness of the coating by 2.5 mm for III class, by 3.5 mm for IV-VI classes
7. It is allowed to apply the classification and designation on regulatory and technical documentation in the event that the specifics of the stained non-metallic materials do not allow to characterize the class of coating in the table. 2.
(Modified edition, change No. 4). 2.2. Coating defects are not allowed that affect the protective properties of the coating (punctures, crater, wrinkling and others) .2.3. Requirements for the surface of the painted metal are provided in the mandatory application 2.
Requirements for non-metallic stained surfaces establish standards or technical specifications on the product. Requirements for roughness of the primed or covered surface are given in the reference application 2A.2.5. Requirements for the shine of coatings are given in the recommended Annex 3.2.6. Controls are carried out under daylight artificial scattered light, at a distance of 0.3 m from the inspection object. The norms of artificial lighting are accepted by SNiP II-A.9-71.2.7. Methods for determining the brilliance and the presence of coating defects are given in the recommended Annex 4. Score assessment by a profilographic profilometer is given in Appendix 5.
(Modified edition, change No. 4).

2.8. Coating quality control is allowed to be carried out according to a sample, manufactured and approved in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications on the product.
Section. 2. (Modified edition, change No. 3). 3. Designation of coatings
3.1. The designation of coatings is recorded in the following order:
a) the designation of the paintwork of the external coating layer according to GOST 9825-73:
b) Class coating in Table. 2 of this standard or according to the relevant regulatory and technical documentation indicating its designation;
c) Designation of operating conditions:

  • in terms of exposure to climatic factors - a group of operating conditions according to GOST 9.104-79;
  • in terms of the impact of special environments - by table. 1 of this standard.

3.2. It is allowed in the designation of the coating instead of the paintwork material of the outer coating layer to record the designation of paintwork materials in the technological sequence of application (primer, putty, etc.) indicating the number of layers or designate the coating in accordance with standards or specifications.
(Modified edition, change No. 3). 3.3. The designation of the paintwork material, the coating class and the designation of the operating conditions is separated by points. When exposed to various operating conditions, their designation is divided by the "dash" sign. Examples of the designation of coatings are given in Table. 3.

Table 3.

Designation of coating

Characteristics of the coating

Enamel ML-152 blue. II.U1.

Blue enamel ML-152 coating in class II, operated in the open air of a moderate macro-climatic area

Enamel xs-710 gray. Luck XC-76.IV.7 / 2

The coating of the HS-710 gray enamel with the subsequent varnish lacquer x-76 by IV class, operating when exposed to solutions of acids

H-124 blue enamel. V.7 / 1-T2

The coating of the Blue Emal CH-124 according to V class, operating under a canopy in the atmosphere, contaminated with gas and other industries, in a tropical dry macroclimatic area

Primer FL-03K brown. Vi.U.

Coatings of primer FL-03K according to the VI class, operated in a closed room with natural ventilation without artificially adjustable climatic conditions in the conditions of a temperate macroclimatic area

Enamel PF-115 Dark gray 896.III.U1

Covering dark gray 896 PF-115 enamel in III class, operated in the open air of a moderate macroclimatic area

(Modified edition, change. No. 3.4).

3.4. In the designation of the coatings, it is allowed to indicate special conditions of operation of the full name.

3.5. If the painted surface is simultaneously or alternately located in various operating conditions, then they are all specified in the designation. At the same time, the main condition for exploitation is in the first place.

3.6. If the paintwork is preceded by a metal or non-metallic inorganic coating, then their designations are separated by a fraction, and the designation of the paint coating is put on the second place. For example, a cadmium coating, a thickness of 6 μm, followed by the staining of the red-brown polyvinyl butio enamel of VL-515 in the III class, for the operation of the coating when exposed to petroleum products:

KD6 / Enamel VL-515 Red-Brown.III.6 / 2
(Modified edition, change No. 3).

Appendix 1. (Excluded: No. 3).

Appendix 2.

Requirements for painted metal surfaces

1. The sign "-" denotes that the use of coatings for this class is unacceptable or economically inappropriate.
2. For all classes of coatings are not allowed, unevenly cropped edges, sharp edges and angles in the transition places from one cross section to another.
3. When dyeing cast parts, more than 10 tons are allowed to increase non-1 mm for III-VI classes.
4. It is allowed for products with a stained surface of more than 5 increasing non-plane by 2.5 mm for III class, by 3.5 mm for IV-VI classes.
5. When dyeing cast parts, weighing more than 5 tons for III and IV classes is allowed to increase the surface roughness to be putty to 630 microns.
6. Only local spatlement is allowed to cover the first class.
7. Under the individual surface irregularities, they understand irregularities with dimensions (length or width) not more than 20 mm.
8 Requirements for non-plane surface are given for flat surfaces with the greatest size of more than 500 mm. When evaluating not flatness of the surface, individual irregularities are not taken into account
9. For surfaces subjected to spatlement, under the coatings of the III of the class are allowed to have separate irregularities with a height of up to 1 mm.
(Modified edition, change. No. 3.4). Appendix 2A.

Requirements for roughness of the primed or covered surface for various classes of coatings

Note. The "-" sign denotes that the use of coatings for this class is unacceptable or economically inexpedient.
(Modified edition, change No. 3). Appendix 3.

Planting Requirements

Degree of brilliance,%, for coatings



pictures (hammer)




glossy, B.
including glossy with lesing effect



deeply matte





No more than 3.

(Modified edition, change. Number 3)

Methods for determining the gloss and defects of coatings

Exterior view

Definition method

Slicer FB-2 on products or samples - coverage witnesses obtained by technology adopted for products, or visually by comparison with the sample approved in accordance with NTD on covering

the size

Line of drawing according to GOST 17435-72 and Li-3-10 magnifier according to GOST 25706-83

A visually compared with the sample approved in accordance with the NTD on the coating during the arbitration of the type 1 profilograpter according to GOST 19300-86 or other devices of a similar type

Risks, strokes

Visually, comparison with the sample approved in accordance with the NTD on the coverage

Inhomogeneity of Figure


Wavy coatings

The calibration line of 500 mm long, applied to the edge on the verified surface. Using another line or probe, the maximum gap between the surface and the ruler is measured. The ruler is set in such a way that the highest waviness is determined on the surface being checked.

(Modified edition, change No. 3, 4). Appendix 5.

Score assessment by profilograph-profilometer

Higure estimation by a profilograph-profilometer of the surface of the coating is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the device at the maximum length of the transit of the sensor 40 mm. The recommended vertical increase when recording is 2000-4000 times, horizontal - 4 times.
Shagreen is characterized by H high and base T irregularities. According to the profilogram, the average height and average base in millimeters for five maximum protrusions are determined: Where - height of irregularities at five points; Where is the basis of irregularities in five points.
Accuracy Assessment is given in the table.

(Introduced additionally, meas. No. 4).