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The most economical option of home heating. Coverage for heat no longer scare! What is he, the most economical way of heating at home? Warm electric floor

The most economical way to heating a private house is an autonomous system running on natural gas. But often, on objective reasons, such an opportunity is far from everywhere. At the conditional second place at the cost of thermal energy, there are solid fuel boilers or heating from the fireplace / stove with a closed firebox (if the house is small), but considering the need to store fuel and the complexity of the service, this method of heating is not all. For storing liquefied gas, expensive capacity is needed. And liquid fuel besides storage difficulties, it is distinguished by expensive equipment and bad environmental characteristics. All these shortcomings are devoid of electrical heating of a private house. In addition to one - high energy cost. Although in this case there are opportunities to reduce the burden on the family budget. What features the heating of the house with electricity is possessed, the most economical way that you can warm up the house with energy, consider in our article.

Electric heaters do not need chimneys and they can be installed anywhere Source

What heaters are not suitable for the heating system

Sometimes you have to read unfair criticism in the address of some types of heating devices. They are criticized not for real deficiencies, but for fictional. Although at the end of criticism, the conclusions are fully correct - these devices can only be used as auxiliary heaters, and it is impossible to build a cost-effective heating system with their help.

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In our videos, let's talk about heating in a private country house. Our guest is the author and leading channel heat-water Vladimir Sukhorukov:

Oil radiator

It is considered non-economic - critics argue that it should not be used as a heating device due to high electricity consumption and low returns. But it is from this type of device one of the highest efficiency - about 98%. That is, almost all electrical energy it transforms into heat (the law of energy conservation has not yet been canceled), and those minor losses in 2% come to the resistance of the inner walls of the radiator with the heat carrier. Yes, it is inertial - heats up for a long time, but it cools down for a long time.

Another disadvantage - the room with it warms it for a long time.

But this property of all batteries, including water heating, in which the main way of heat transfer is a natural convection, and it proceeds slowly.

The main disadvantage is "coarse" power adjustment and the use of mechanical thermostats. And such inaccurate control of temperature modes makes an oil radiator ineffective when trying to optimize the cost of heating with electricity in a private house. And yet, it has a rather high temperature of the body when working at full capacity, which is dangerous if there are small children in the house.

There are models of oil radiators that can be hung on the wall source B-Sector.RU


The fan heater often writes that it burns oxygen. But the "oxygen burning" is nothing other than the oxidation process (combustion), and the maximum that can burn with a rather low spiral temperature is an organic dust in the air. Therefore, to talk about the burning of oxygen (nevertheless, not the firewood is lit) incorrectly, since this minor volume should be ashamed as a result of mandatory ventilation of the room.

The efficiency of such a device is slightly lower than that of the oil radiator (part of the electricity goes to the fan operation), but it is not very different if it takes into account that the engine power of the fan itself is small (about 50 W of the total 1 or 2 kW). Dignity - Very quick premises. Disadvantages - permanent noise level (albeit little) and transfer of dust around the room. And the main disadvantage of these household appliances - manual power adjustment and the ghostly ability to create on the basis of fan heaters of an automated heating system

Fan heater is the most compact heating device, and it is great for heating a small zone source ROMB.UA

Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize again that the main reason why some types of electrical heaters are not suitable for home heating - this is not an efficiency (it is almost above 95% above), and the inability to automate the system management. It is this factor that does not allow optimizing the operation of the heating system, and without that, to make heating at the house with electricity cheaply - it is impossible.

Effective electricity heating methods

Heating with electricity in a private house has the main advantages over all others - these are simple and accurate methods for monitoring and regulating the work of all nodes and elements. Even sensors and display information about working modes is more accurate than that of equipment on other types of energy carriers.

Individual electrical installation of a private house has three options for heating systems:

  • autonomous water heating systems based on electric boilers:
  • the use of infrared ceramic heaters;
  • electrical convectors with electronic thermostats.

All these systems can be adapted to the Smart Home system, and managed in remote mode.

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Differences between heating on gas and electricity in video:

Heating by electric boiler

This is a classic autonomous heating system. There are two options for heating the coolant - indirect and straight.

Electric boilers of indirect heating are two types: bean and induction.

The device and the principle of operation of the tannic boilers are quite simple - there is a heating spiral, concluded in a hermetic metal shell with a dielectric heat-conducting filler, heat from the spiral through the filler is transmitted to the surface of the Tan shell with which the heating system is in contact.

This looks like a "filling" of a shadow boiler for 9 kW, which despite the compact dimensions is able to warm the house of 100m2 Source

Induction boilers appeared for household heating systems relatively recently. Their principle of operation lies in the properties of metals to heat under the influence of an alternating magnetic field. The heating element itself is an inductive coil with a core of ferromagnetic alloy, through the "secondary winding" of which the coolant passes.

Scheme of the induction heater Source

The peculiarity of electric boilers of direct heating is that water is not only a coolant, but is part of the electrical circuit - an alternating current passes between the electrodes. From where the name of the boilers is electrode.

Each type of boiler has its drawbacks. Tannov has a scale, which leads to a decrease in the useful power and a boiler resource. Induction - Pretty roads, cumbersome and have "stepwise" power adjustment. Electrode has hard restrictions on the quality and composition of water, which should have a certain specific electrical resistance to the variable current.

Cascade of Four Electrode Boilers for Heating Big House Source

Well, the main disadvantage of the heating house with an electric boiler - the presence of the heat carrier itself and the "bulky" circulation system from pipes and batteries. The arrangement of such a system requires costs, and efficiency in comparison with electric heaters of direct action may be less if circulating pumps are used.

Infrared heaters

There are several types of heaters using radiation (radiation) as a transmission of thermal energy. This method of transmission is considered to be the most effective for heating the room - the items standing in the way of infrared radiation are heated, and then from them, by secondary convection, air is heated.

Video Description

Visively about infrared heaters in video:

There are three fundamentally different types of infrared heaters type:

    reflectors that have an incandescent spiral enclosed in a quartz glass flask;

    panel - in the ceramic monolithic plate "Zaveyn" TEN;

    film - with carbon spraying on the polymer film.

The heating of the house with electricity of the first type type refers to heaters operating in the short-wave range of IR radiation.

Such devices can be used as an additional heater, but not as a basic element of the system heating of a private house with electricity.

Disadvantages - the lowest efficiency (due to the visible part of the radiation), the lack of accurate temperature adjustment and high temperature of the housing.

The second type of device works in a soft long-wave range. The maximum temperature of the ceramic panel does not exceed 90 ° C, but on the housing it is even lower. There are two types of controls - a mechanical and electronic thermostat. The first option involves manual control and its accuracy of low. Using electronic thermostats, you can set a temperature with an accuracy of 1 ° C.

The infrared panel is so safe that it can be hung on wooden walls. Source

Film heaters are the most efficient. Usually they are used as part of a warm floor, but in principle they can be mounted in the wall or on the ceiling. But it is the installation in the composition of the flooring most of all corresponds to the correct and uniform heating of the room. Work management occurs in automatic mode using a pair of temperature sensor-thermostat.

If there is not enough space on the floor, then the film heater can be mounted on any free plane Source


The appearance of the convectors are very similar to panel ceramic heaters, but inside the metal case there is an "open" tan, enclosed inside a plate radiator. The fundamental difference in the heating method - the cold air enters the body through the bottom row of the holes, in contact with the radiator, heats up and goes through the top row of holes.

The body of the convector not only serves the protection of the Tan, but also increases the speed of the ascending flow. Due to this, with the same power, the heating of the room passes faster than from the water heating battery.

Stylish convect panel looks great in the modern interior Source

As with panel ceramic heaters, there are two types of thermostats - mechanical and electronic. And it is the electronic management of work that ensures the accuracy of the adjustment and the ability to work in several modes:

  • individual, with manual control, is used for heating a separate room;
  • group, the operation of several devices running one (general) thermostat, which ensures uniform heating of a large area or the same heating mode of several rooms;
  • intelligent, control using the remote control, connection to the GSM module and control using standard commands from the remote terminal (mobile communication, Internet), connecting to the router and control via the local network and / or the Internet.

Video Description

What is better to choose: an electric boiler or an electroconvector - visually on video:

Example of a real system with an intelligent electrical heating control circuit

NOBO, a leading European convectors manufacturer, produces two compatible systems of "smart" control of the operation of electrical appliances. Including "warm floors" (through a thermostat) and any other household appliances that are connected to the network (through a shield, "gap" in the chain or switching on / off sockets). To do this, they produce special thermostats, outlet receivers and relay receivers of the hidden editing.

Using such a system, you can monitor and manage up to 100 instruments or group zones. And the thermostats of the 700 series provide 4 modes of operation of convectors: a comfortable, economical, not freezing (air temperature is 7 ° C) and "off". According to the manufacturer, the flexibility of such a system of control of convectors and a warm floor allows you to save at the electrical heating of the house to 25%.

One of the two control circuits of the multizone electrical system Source

As a result - how to optimize electrical installation

In addition to the competent selection of heating equipment, efficient and optimal (in terms of costs), the heating system is possible only with a complex warming of the house - ranging from the base and ending the roof. Otherwise, the costs of heating the thoughtful house will be significantly higher, even despite the high efficiency of the heater itself, and the heating of the house with electricity is unlikely to succeed.

Passed those times when they did not pay attention to savings. Today everything is different. Energy is becoming more expensive every year and now it's time to look for the most profitable and economical heating at home. Take about it and talk in our material.

Each developer dreams that the system of heating a private house is economical. You can save on 3 key things:

  1. Financial. Make an inexpensive heating
  2. Savings in terms of heating
  3. Saving in terms of modern technologies

Before mounting heating, you need to decide:

  1. For what purposes will use the house. Will you live in it constantly or come periodically. From this depends on the payback period of the heating system. It may be useful to mount the economical heating.
  2. What is the key to you: save on heating now or lay the heating of a private house to the future.
  3. Decide which fuel will perform key function

Savings on finance

Let's remember immediately: save money, you will never get the most economical and advantageous heating of a private house.This is the main error of all developers. You invest money in the construction of a big house, to decoration outside and inside, but most often forget about such fundamental things like heating.

Heating costs money, but it is reasonable to save everything. You can mount the old good and verified. It will be acceptable for the price and you will provide your home with warmth in the cold season. But it will not be the most economical heating system.

About the most profitable home heating system

Now it remains to find out what kind of heating of a private house is the most economical. In this nomination, we won the water warm floors with a decent separation. And that's why:

  • Warm floors at least 30% more economical than radiators (subject to special conditions for adjusting the temperature and installation of the boiler for low-temperature systems);
  • Warm floors warm bottom up, while radiators warm first ceiling;
  • Warm floors work at low temperatures. High limit - 45 degrees.
  • Warm floors can be heated by anything.

This is exactly what they say worldwide. In fact, all modern systems for efficiency are approximately the same. It does not matter what you mounted, it is important how accurately you will adjust all this. More precisely, the adjustment of the heating system, the more economical it functions

The most important point, due to which the savings on the warm floors is achieved - this is thermal insulation. Manufacturers recommend using density 35, 10 cm thick on the first floor and 5 cm on the following.

In practice, 5 cm on the first floor is quite enough. If you certainly do not live in the region with large cold.

What a warm floor looks like, you can see in our video:

The second moment at the expense of which you can get the most economical home heating is to adjust the temperature. Puting room thermostats with the collector, the submersing module, can be saved to 50% compared with radiator heating.

You can make adjustment and simpler, and the system of the warm floor as a whole.

What fuel is more profitable?

Gas is the most economical energy carrier when heating a private house. Heating gas does not require a permanent participation of a person. What you can not say about coal heating.

Gas is far from everywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to choose either coal or electricity. Plus electric heating - turned on once and forgotten. Coal must be constantly throwing into the boiler.

Modern economy technologies

With the help of modern technologies, we can achieve the most economical home heating. But we still consider these technologies to the class of unreasonable, because the payback is quite long enough. From 10 years and above.

This technology can be attributed to the thermal pump. With the help of earthly resources, it is able to give a minimum of 4 times more energy than consumes himself. If you need a boiler at a house with a capacity of 20 kW, then for heating a thermal pump with a capacity of only 5 kW is suitable. Works thermal pump from electricity. It is worth the pump is also 3-4 times more expensive than a first-class gas boiler with high efficiency.

Solar collectors can be used as heating. There are no energy costs at all. With proper installation, solar collectors are able to warm the warm floors and provide you with the necessary amount of hot water. But again, everything rests on finances.

For these technologies, our future. The moment that the heat pump is coming, and the solar collector will become available for everyone.

As a result, we get that using a warm floor + temperature adjustment + thermal pump (or collector) We can get truly the most economical home heating.

If you look far ahead and sure that you can afford such spending, then you will definitely do not regret, mounted all this at home.

Additional ways to obtain savings

Additional savings from heating can be obtained by mounted adjusting equipment:

  1. If you have radiators, you will not extend thermostatic heads. They are installed on the supply of the radiator instead of ordinary valves. Perform a simple function - at the desired room temperature, the feed is overlap, when the room is cooled, replenish. Adjustment is relevant only for heating systems with forced circulation
  2. If you have warm floors, it will not be superfluous to install a collector with servo drives and in each room to put on a thermostat. The servo is conjugged with the thermostat and when the required temperature is reached in the room, it overlaps the flow of the coolant into the circuit of the warm floor

Two of these Lifehak make it possible to achieve additional savings on heating.

At this time, many owners of country private houses or cottages are increasingly more common for heating their homes to look for an alternative to gas as the main type of fuel. Causes are different: For some, natural gas becomes too expensive, someone has the opportunity to use other energy carriers, and someone's main gas is simply not available because of its complete absence of nearby. Then the question arises - and what does the economical heating of the house without gas exist and what fuel is it better to use?

Alternative energy

There is no unambiguous answer to this question, because in each individual case there are nuances. For example, in your land plot, many old large trees are growing, which are so asking for a boiler firebox on firewood.

Option Second: Instead of some services, the customer is ready for a long time to supply you a diesel fuel or coal. It is clear that in such situations you will be inclined to these types of energy and not pay attention to others. In the long term, it will be an error, since such sources will be running out sooner or later and will have to look for other ways of heating a country house or buy the same fuel, but already according to the generally accepted value.

We will try to develop a certain universal methodology for determining the optimal energy carrier for housing heating, which will suit each individual case. Initially, we will make a reservation that the technique will help determine for yourself the cheapest heating without gas, we do not accept it into account.

As we do not take into account different high-tech and exotic types of heating, lowered by ordinary citizens. This includes thermal pumps, solar panels, windmills and various types of machine and vegetable oils. Then how to dig a house if there is no gas and the above sources? We have at our disposal:

  • ordinary firewood;
  • eurodova;
  • pellets;
  • coal;
  • diesel brass;
  • liquefied gas in cylinders;
  • electricity.

For each of these energy carriers, the costs of the entire cold period should be made, then it will be clear how cheaper to stir the house.

Important! Before starting calculations, it is necessary to bring in accordance with the unit of measurement of the amount of fuel, that is, to prevent the confusion of volume (m3) with a mass (kg). All types of energy carriers are recommended, except electricity, lead to verses of mass - kilograms.

Counting heating costs

To find out what the economical heating of a country house is recommended for visibility to make a simple sign of this form:

In this table, the second column is filled from the cost of each type of fuel in your region, or your individual price is entered into it. The third column for the convenience of calculations is already filled. The cost of 1 kW of thermal energy is easy to determine by dividing the price of 1 kg of fuel (column 2) on its specific calorific value (column 3).

The fifth column is filled on the basis that the average consumed thermal power in a private house with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m2 per season is 5 kW / h, and the duration of the heating season is 180 days (5 x 24 x 180 \u003d 21600 kW / h).

It is clear that the projects of houses are all different and the area will be different, as the season is different and the duration of the season in your region, so you will need to make appropriate adjustments. Move the data in columns 4 and 5, we determine the calculated costs for the season.

However, these values \u200b\u200bdo not take into account the efficiency of the equipment, the values \u200b\u200bof which are given further. By dividing the calculated costs of the efficiency of the efficiency, in the last column we get a direct response to the question - the cheaper to drop the house other than gas.

Those homeowners, gas boilers already installed in whose dwellings, it is possible to add another line to comparison for another line by filling it with its natural gas data based on the actual fuel consumption indicators and its price.

It would seem that now everything fell into place and you can safely make a choice in favor of a particular energy for economical heating. But this approach is one-sided, because there is still a concept as convenience and complexity in the maintenance and operation of the private house heating system.

Choosing an energy source taking into account usability

The comfort of operation of boiler equipment supplying heat water heating is important, since any extra effort and inconvenience is your time and money. That is, the total costs indirectly increase in accordance with how much effort is applied to maintain the operation of the system. In some cases, the cost-effective heating systems after the first season do not seem so economical and sometimes you want to pay extra money, just not to contact such problems.

In contrast to the financial indicators, the convenience of use is the value for each type of fuel unchanged, so it can be found at once, which will help determine the choice. Convenience We will evaluate such criteria:

  • the complexity of the repair or maintenance of the boiler installation;
  • necessity and convenience of storage;
  • comfort in daily operation (the need for fuel loading and so on).

In order to find out which energy carriers will provide comfortable and economical heating of a private house, we will make a second table, where for each of the criteria with all types of fuel assessment on a five-point system, after which we will summarize.


No maintenance of electrical boilers do not require any maintenance, except to sometimes open the lid and make dust or clean the contacts, for which they get the highest rating. Some actions are required if you pull the country house with liquefied gas. Once every 2 years it is recommended to check and, if necessary, clean the stall and burner, because the propane is a firm four. Pellet boilers receive 3 points for the fact that they require several times a year of cleaning the combustion chamber and once - chimney.

Accordingly, wood-having and coal aggregates need to be cleaned often, as dirty. It is worse in this respect with a diesel fuel, as it often leaves its quality to be desired, because of what the service frequency is unpredictable.


It is clear that electricity does not require storage areas, while liquefied gas and diesel fuel may require some place. But when the economical heating of a private house is organized, the area under the warehouse will be needed. The same applies to Pellets, as it is necessary for them a dry room or a special silo. As for coal, it has a lot of waste, dust and dirt, therefore - the lowest estimate.

Ease of operation

And here economical electric heating turned out to be at height, because no intervention during operation requires. Pellets and liquefied gas must be replenished periodically, 1-2 times a week, or even less often. A little more often to pay attention to diesel fuel, more for supervision over work than with the aim of adding fuel.

Well, most of all the trouble traditionally delivers autonomous heating in a private house on corner and firewood, here downloads to the combustion chamber are needed from 1 to 3 times a day.

In the last column by summing, the results summed up, in accordance with which the most comfortable and convenient is heating the country house in winter with electricity. If this result is considered in the Complex with financial costs, the electricity may not be the worst option.


A comprehensive approach to the question shows that the most economical heating systems for the cottage and country house can be the most trouble-free during operation. Therefore, you should not hurry and weigh everything carefully and calculate, and even better - install an electric boiler in combination with any other.


For various reasons, despite the high cost of electricity, the owners of private houses often make a choice in favor of heating using electrical equipment. This method of buildings is considered the most expensive, therefore the question of saving funds spent on maintaining a comfortable temperature regime in the premises is relevant. Economic electric heating of a private house will solve the problem. On how to organize it, it is described in this article.

Types of electric boilers

Electric heating devices are divided into several main groups:
  • Teni;
  • electrode boilers;
  • induction equipment;
  • infrared heaters.

Tubular heaters (Tenny)

They belong to the very requested type of heating devices. Their work is based on heat transfer from the tubular electric heater with a liquid coolant (the water is usually used, less often antifreeze).

Advantages of Tan:

  • the design of the unit shown in the photo, eliminates electrical contact with the coolant. Thanks to this, you can install emergency automation, intended for a protective shutdown;
  • the type of heat carrier does not affect the power of tubular heaters, it changes in the case if the voltage increases or decreases. Thanks to this feature of the device, it is possible to organize a step or smooth method of heating. When the owner wants to realize economical heating with electricity, such an advantage should be used (read also: "").

Disadvantages of Tan:
  • the working resource of the heating elements is limited. Purchasing such a boiler, it is necessary to pay attention whether it is possible to replace the heating elements, which will further result in cash savings, since it will not be necessary to buy a new device;
  • on the surface of the Tanov, scale is formed and for this reason they can fail sooner periods;
  • water should have a certain rigidity, therefore, if this indicator exceeds the norm, it is necessary to take measures to reduce it.

Electrode boilers

The structure of such a boiler for simple: electrodes are embedded inside the tank. Heating of the coolant occurs due to heat isolating when the current is passed through the liquid. There is no absent
The electrolysis process, so the anode and the cathode alternate in continuous mode with a frequency of 50 Hz.

Advantages of electrode boilers:

  • compared with tubular electric heaters, greater reliability and long service life are distinguished. If scale is formed on the electrodes, they do not fail;
  • have smaller dimensions.

Disadvantages of electrode boilers:
  • when using water as a coolant, it requires special processing;
  • when antifreeze is used, it must be developed by the device manufacturer.

Induction equipment

Its device is similar to what has a transformer.

The induction device has two contours:

Advantages of induction devices:

  • the possibility of breakdown boiler is minimized, since it does not have heating elements;
  • practically no scale formed;
  • high degree of electrical safety;
  • the equipment works under a wide range of pressure and temperatures;
  • use of different types of coolants.

Disadvantages of induction devices:
  • considerable weight;
  • large dimensions;
  • high price;
  • the possibility of problems with smooth power adjustment.

Infrared heaters

It is believed that the most economical electric heating can be organized using infrared devices. Different producers, they differ not only by dimensions, but also weighing and color. Often, these devices are called panels, and they are usually installed on the wall or on the ceiling, where they will not interfere with the movement of people (read also: "").

Infrared heaters can be used to heat residential premises, offices, production workshops, etc. They are usually used when it is required to ensure quick heating. The principle of their functioning is based on the fact that IR rays coming from the device are heated in the room of the walls of the walls, gender, items, after which they are heat in air. The fact that it is in this way that it is organized.

Advantages of infrared heaters:
  • they provide fast room heating;
  • there is no burning of oxygen;
  • people in the room feel pleasant warm;
  • it is possible to heat the room only below, which allows you to organize electric heating economical;
  • during the work, combustion products are not formed;
  • availability of automatic adjustment and control of the device;
  • there is no circulation of air, and therefore dust does not move;
  • the device is simply mounted and it is easy to care for it - it is not necessary to attract a specialist;
  • long service life ranges from 12 to 35 years;
  • the devices are completely fireproof.
Lack of infrared heaters alone. Since the items are first heated, after turning on the device, the air is still cold (short) remains cold. But such equipment allows you to get.

Electric heating - device, see the video example:

How to organize economical heating

In a private house, you can organize an economical heating with electricity with an electrocotel (read also: "").

But provided that the following requirements are completed:

  1. It is necessary to lower the thermal power necessary for heating the premises. This requires eliminate heat loss by insulation of walls, ceiling, windows at home. After a number of works on the reduction in heat loss, electricity consumption will decrease.Of course, financial costs will be required to implement such measures, but the gasket and connecting line from the main gas pipeline is also the cheapest pleasure. See also: "".
  2. To organize economical heating with electricity for home, you need to select the correct option of heating. The correct will be the way that will save more funds will save (read also: ""). For example, if it is well insulated with a one-room apartment, an electric boiler better to use as an additional source of heat, while the system of centralized steam heating will continue. In apartments with a large number of rooms, it is desirable to install devices with built-in power adjustment, as they allow you to maintain different temperatures in each room depending on when they are used.
  3. In the room you need to install various types of heaters and combine them so that it turned out really economical heating of a private house with electricity. All types of heating devices differ in operational characteristics, and their proper compatibility can provide effective electricity heating.

    For the bathroom, the best choice will be an infrared heater, since it will be necessary to turn it on before taking water procedures, and, as you know, this device very quickly warms the room. In the kitchen, you can use the combination of heating devices. The optimal solution will be an infrared heater plus an electrical convector. You can use them as follows. It will constantly work at low power and thereby maintaining a minimum allowable temperature in the kitchen when all residents have no houses. In the evening, after returning, you need to turn on the infrared heater and quickly heat the room to a comfortable state.
  4. Manage the temperature in the house is necessary with the help of thermostat automation. It can be configured in such a way that in the absence of people in the house the temperature has decreased significantly, and in their presence, the comfortable stays have been maintained in the room. As a result, the functioning of heating equipment in this mode will allow to significantly save.
  5. If possible, use the night tariff. The price of electricity at night compared to day value several times lower. To install a multi-tariff electric meter, the property owner must be applied to the district energy supply organization.

As follows from the above information, it is quite possible to organize economical heating using electrical devices, but without performing a number of measures to do it unreal. Before proceeding with the implementation of the project, it is necessary to decide which electric heating is the most economical in this case and thoroughly think about everything. See also: "".

The cost of ensuring the heating of the house will not be so large if it is done correctly. When the power consumption of heating devices planned for installation exceeds the established value in the contract for the supply of electrical energy, then this question must be coordinated with the organization supplying electricity, otherwise serious problems can be avoided.

Heating at home with electricity is one of the most convenient and efficient ways of heating housing. It has a mass gain of relatively traditional heating technologies using gas, coal or firewood as fuel. Previously, the electrical heating system had a significant drawback in value, but modern technologies allow it to level it. How to make the heating of the house with electricity inexpensive and, we will talk in this article.

Why electricity?

Electric heating differs from classic water and gas and gas systems greater economy and practicality. The first aspect we will leave for discussion just below, and operational advantages we describe here:

  1. Electric heating is not only silent, but also environmentally friendly. It is transported by safer gas and does not allocate harmful substances at all, both into the atmosphere and inside the room. In the absence of waste disappears and the need for outputting chimneys and traction structures. Heating on the corner or wood is not at all in comparison by electrical systems.
  2. Heating with electricity does not require large lump sum. You can make a comparison on the size of the gas: To connect the house you must purchase equipment for each room, carry out the installation of communications, boiler, crash into the overall highway. Moreover, all this is necessary together, since it is impossible to postpone the summing up some part of the house to the system. And the electrical method allows you to organize a sequential installation: first the most important parts of the house are connected, and then, as funds are accumulated, ¬-peripherals.
  3. Due to the possibility of using in a private house or apartment of a multi-tariff counter, as well as the continuous development of technologies in this field, heating with electricity is now the most economical among the analogues. Do not focus on the high price of equipment - it quickly pays off due to low energy consumption.
  4. Almost every method of organizing electric heating allows you to install with your own hands, without a variety of additional tools.

Of course, the use of electrical systems for heating cannot be called perfect. Work on high-quality heating of each house requires to take into account many of the features. In some regions, the cost of electricity can be so big that it is not possible to refuse gas. In old apartment buildings, it is difficult to switch to electric heating for two reasons: it is very difficult to disconnect from the central highway, and the power grid will have to be breed again, taking into account the powerful equipment.

Despite this, the overall picture declares their scales towards electricity. For premises in which the gas is not either there is no possibility to sum up, it is also a real salvation.

Varieties of heating systems

There are several ways to organize electric heating at home. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Some cost cheaper at the purchase stage, and some are significantly saved during operation. Let's look at what features every method is:

  1. Installation of an electric boiler designed to heat the water driving through the pipes of the heating system. Perhaps the most famous method, but far from the most effective today. Manufacturers assure that the current models have become much more productive and now consume 80% less energy, but this is a controversial question. Manual inclusion-shutdown of the boiler, of course, is impractical, and the automatic with a given interval does not take into account the temperature of the day and night. A more or less economical option is to install thermostats and appropriate automation, for inclusion, depending on the temperature in the rooms, it is difficult from the point of view of installation and very expensive. Low power models with equal performance are also nothing more than advertising. Such a boiler is most likely not enough "forces" for heating a large private house.
  2. Infrared panels. This is not just a way of heating the premises, but a fundamentally excellent technology. The essence is not in warming air (which has a very low efficiency), and in the impact on the items located in the room. Under the light of IR lamps, the floors and furniture are heated and begin to publish heat themselves. The principal difference is that the traditional "radiator" method of heating of premises actually warms the ceiling (warm air from the battery rises up), and the floors remain cold. With infrared heating, the opposite is the opposite. The light is directed down, and, it means the warmest place - the floor. Complement to the system thermostat - and the economical heating of the country, private house or garage is ready. And the opinion on the dangers of IR radiation per person - no more than a myth. The main thing is not to be under the lamp for a long time, and nothing dangerous will happen.
  3. Use convectors. According to the manufacturers, this is the most effective way of heating rooms, which combines high performance and economy energy consumption. Both of these statements are the subject of a long dispute, since the technology is based on the same "radiator" principle, and in the heating of the house, many individual characteristics should be taken into account. The main difference is the essential ease of installation and operation and a lower price. An important advantage of convectors is fireproof, which is very important when heating a country or private house from a tree. Convectors allow you to set them consistently from the room to the room, are compact and pleasant to the view, as well as protected from the drops of the supply network.

Unsuitable options

There are several types of electrical equipment designed to heat the premises, but not recommended for use as the main heat source:

  • Heat fans. These devices have the simplest device and are a large hairdryer consisting of an incandescent spiral and a fan running through it the air flow through it. Their application will definitely not cost cheaply - the air is extremely cool down, and it will not work for a comfortable temperature for a long time. Do not forget also about the loads on the electrical network and the harm - too dry air is harmful to home plants and people.
  • Oil radiators are probably a common device that residents of the residents of apartment buildings are used when the central heating capacity is missing. It is surprising that this is the least effective way of heating. And even if the room is heated to a comfortable temperature, it will not be cheap.

Why this equipment is so common if it is inefficient. The fact is that all this is auxiliary devices designed to help out in the freelancer or when the main heating does not cope with its tasks. For a garage, for example, constant heating is not always needed. At the time of repair work, it can be heated with a heat gun (fan heater), operating from electricity or gas. But in the house where it is necessary to constantly hold the temperature at a certain level, the infrared panels are much more efficient.

Organization of economical heating

It is not worthwhile to lead long disputes about what equipment from the listed options is better combining economy, efficiency and safety. It will be much more practical to use one way or another in the most suitable conditions. Below are the basic principles that should be followed in order to create household heating of electricity:

  1. The first rule is common to gas systems, and for electric - Make heat loss minimal due to insulation of walls, ceiling and floor. Thanks to this, you can reduce the necessary thermal power to maintain the temperature. Of course, additional costs are needed, but they pay for economics in electricity. The temperature inside the insulated garage in winter rises above zero for half an hour if the car works inside. In a warmed house you will need only to maintain heat, and not constantly pump it, forcing the equipment to work at high power.
  2. Design the optimal system of electrical heating. For example, an electric boiler may be quite effective for heating a small one-room apartment (if the heat loss is very small). But for the house with a lot of rooms it is not the best option. It is more convenient to establish a convector system with thermostat controlling the climate in each room. Infrared panels are good for the garage, chulane or economic room, in which it is not required to keep a constant temperature.
  3. In rooms and houses that are not used throughout the day, optimally combine electrical equipment. As an example, take the kitchen with the main convector and auxiliary IR panel. The convector allows you to maintain the minimum temperature rate throughout the day, and the panel enabled before the evening intake will quickly warm the room for a comfortable dinner. Similarly, you can arrange a heating of a bathroom, a housekeeping or heated garage.
  4. The thermostat automatics allows you to accurately customize the temperature regime. Depending on the specific models and devices, you can install "hot" and "cold" periods, use photo sensors so that the room becomes warmer in the presence of people, and apply other settings. All these at first glance, minor little things can help strongly in reducing costs.
  5. A large proportion of the consumption of the heating system falls at night, when all residents are at home. Significantly reduce accounts during this period, you can turn on two-time accounting of electricity. The night rate is usually below the main 3-4 times. To replace the counter and transition to new accounting rules, contact your local energy supply company.

Electrical heater

As we see, the economical heating of a private house without gas is quite feasible. The main thing is to carefully plan the transition to electricity, consider which devices to apply for the main premises, and which are for the periphery (garage, bath, other buildings). Of course, the purchase of all necessary can "fly to a penny", but these expenses are leveled by the amount you save for further years.