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Dark points appeared on the leaves of orchids. Black spots on the leaves of orchids what to do. Necessary level of lighting

Falenopsis orchid leaves play a big role in its livelihoods.. They together with roots participate in photosynthesis, absorbing light. Also, through them, the flower breathes - at the bottom of each sheet there are microscopic pores that absorb oxygen and moisture.

Along with all its functions, they are in most cases and a kind of signaling that is noticed that the orchid fell ill. Such signals should be listened, because sick leaves cannot fully give the plant all the necessary substances, the entire flower suffers from it.

Healthy leaves of rich green color, possess dense structure. Problem you can notice right away, it is only worth considering the plant carefully.

  1. Sluggish
  2. Swimming around the edges or in the middle.
  3. Have a raid on the bottom or top of the leaves.
  4. Darken either brighten.
  5. Wrapped like wrinkled skin.

If one of these signs was seen, it means that the flower should be paid to the flower and take care of it.

ATTENTION! Once a year, orchid can dump one or two lower sheets. The flower itself looks healthy and can even bloom. This is normal, because the plant sprinkled its part sucks out, and after once, orchid will give a new sheet.

What nozzles can hit the flower?

Often, orchid is affected by noncommunicable diseases caused by improper care. Having considered the flower, it can be determined for what reason the plant began to stick.

  • Yellow bottom leaves are insufficient irrigation or errors in keeping the maintenance period.
  • Yellow spots either white dots - mildew ray, rot, pest.
  • Slisp leaves - TLL, tick, bacterial spot.
  • (either white) - TLL, bacterial spottedness, flies dew.
  • Black spots (sheet darkening) - rot, spider tick in view of the irregular watering in the cold time.
  • Soft, wrinkled leaves are pests, fusarious rot, bacterial spot.
  • Harvesting is a fusarious rot due to irregular watering.
  • Why do leaves blush and what to do about it? This is due to pests and rot because of the wrong irrigation in the cold time, or water from entering the leaves. Follow the moderate and regular watering of the plant, carry out the prevention of pests.
  • Twisting - rot, pest.
  • The edges are black - bacterial spot.
  • Mold - pests (it happens under high humidity).
  • Silver raid - pests, gray rot, malievable dew.
  • White bugs on the leaves or fungus are pests due to frequent irrigation or too high humidity.

More information about diseases and pests who are often exposed to phalaenopsis, as well as about the ways to get rid of them you will find in.

Why do they arise and how to determine the source?

Most of the health problems of orchids arise due to improper care. In order to determine what the plant lacks, or what is in abundance, it is necessary to know the optimal conditions for the content of orchids.

This flower loves scattered light. The straight rays of the Sun can leave on the leaves of the burn, because in hot summer days, orchid should be signed. Also, you should not leave it in dark places - from this leaves lose their density, becoming sluggish. In the same consequences, irregular watering can also lead. In the active period, orchid need to water 2-3 times a week, and during wintering 1-2 times a week.

The oversupply of fertilizers also often affects a negative on the plant - silver flask appears on the leaves, and the lifespan is significantly reduced. There may also be problems with blossoms - it is especially true of those orchids, which in this period give a lot of floweros.

Humidity and temperature regime are also important. In the cold flower, it is simply dying, and from the lack of humidity of the air leaves dry and yellow (about why the leaves and other parts of the phalaenopsis dry, read).

IMPORTANT! Problems will create and high humidity - orchid can easily bend, pests are easily created on the leaves in this mode.

Problems, methods of treatment and photos

Each problem exists their fighting measures. The main thing is to correctly determine the cause of the disease so that you can have timely help and not harm the plant even more. Therefore, it is worth carefully checking the conditions of content to raise the correct diagnosis.

Below we will describe the methods of treating common ailments of the leaves of the plant, will also be attached photos.

The appearance of bubbles and white loose plated can talk about many. In the event that, besides the stickiness and droplets of moisture, no other oddities were found, it is worth reviewing the conditions of detention. Orchid thus reacts to cold, or on the overabundance of moisture, feeding.

Also, the lesion can be caused by a paw-tick. In this case, it is necessary to act as follows:

IMPORTANT! The orchid affected by pests should be isolated from other plants, otherwise the risk of infection of healthy colors appears.

If the plant lacks moisture. It is recommended to increase watering and humidification. Also it should be checked if the orchid exposure to drafts, After all, this leaves and roots are refused, as a result of which the flower can perish.

Much worse if the orchid is amazed by rot. In this case, the barrel will be darkened, and the leaves are tugged and yellowed due to excessive irrigation. In this case, you need to do the following:

  1. Remove the flower from the substrate and inspect the roots.
  2. Remove those of them that have dark dots, or which do not absorb moisture when immersed in water (remain as painful in appearance).
  3. Sick leaves are removed.
  4. After all sections are processed by activated carbon.
  5. The plant is placed in greenhouse.

Tip! If the stem dressing occurred, then such orchid is no longer saved. Plant should be thrown away.

The appearance of black spots can say that the plant received a serious burn. You should shake orchid, or rearrange in a tripidist place.

The second cause of such stains are viruses. Having hit the bottom left leaves, gradually it spreads to all the plant. In most cases, such a flower will have to throw away - orchids are rarely a break of viral diseases. Moreover, patient Plant can easily infect other orchids.

Another reason can be all sorts of fungi. The plant is quite can be saved if we take a timely treatment, namely:

  1. All the affected parts of the plant must be deleted.
  2. Sections of cuts to handle iodine.
  3. Orchid itself is treated with bactericidal preparations (phytolavin).
  4. Subsequently, it is necessary to provide a flower a good air circulation.

ATTENTION! Black spots may also appear due to tough water. In this case, it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a weak solution of orange or lemon juice.

More about why stains arise on the leaves, stems and flowers of orchid Faleenopsis, as well as about the ways to get rid of them and the measures of prevention, we told in.

What is contraindicated to do?

First of all, it is impossible to leave a patient plant as it is. Hope that everything will be held itself - not the best way out.

Also do not allow contact of the affected flower with healthy. In the case of pests, this may result in all other orchids.

Failure to comply with the conditions of content is also unacceptable. Because of the negligent attitude to the plant, it cares and may die. It is also necessary to periodically inspect the flower - it will help to avoid serious problems with his health.

If you surround the plant with attention and care, then even quada's capricious beauty, like orchid, will be healthy. Any flower may get sick, and for his recovery sometimes it takes a lot of strength and patience, but the result is worth it, because it is so nice to watch how orchid is growing and pleases the eye with its flowering. Now you know why the plants fall out of the leaves. This can be a flower disease signal with which you can and should be struggling.

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Looking at the photo of the orchid phalaenopsis, few flowerflowers will remain indifferent to this spectacular flower. In addition, these plants are relatively unpretentious in care. However, they can be amazed by a dangerous disease or malicious insects. In this case, the life of orchids depends on the proper treatment.

What conditions are required for orchids phalaenopsis

Most often about the poor health of the orchid signals its leaves: they start yellowing, withering, dying. It does not always talk about the disease. Beginners of amateur flower facing, rather, with violation of the rules of care.

Owners of orchids must remember the natural aging of the flower. Falenopsis every year is deprived of one or two lower leaves.

Necessary level of lighting

Faleenopsis orchids do not tolerate direct sunlight, but at the same time they like good lighting. Therefore, the windowsill on the eastern or western side of the room will be the best place to accommodate them.

On the southern window, the orchid of this species must definitely be dialed, removing from the glass or covering the screen from the source of the straight light.

Do not forget that the right growth and healthy development is possible with the duration of the light day at 12-15 hours.From the middle of autumn and for all winter, install additional lighting over orchids, for example, phytolampu. This light source is the optimal option, it does not damage the leaves. The only rule - the lamp should be not closer than 20 cm from the plant.

If the leaves darkened, they became soft and elongated, then it signals a lack of light.

External factors: temperature and humidity indoors

Orchids are tropical flowers, they need heat. For phalaenopsis, it is necessary to maintain the room temperature in the range of 20-25 ° C. The minimum permissible for orchid (and then at certain cases, for example, during resting period) - not lower than 12 ° C.

The ideal level of humidity for this type of plant is 70-80%. In the whole room, it is difficult to achieve such an indicator, besides, it is not very useful for people. The optimal option will be regular ventilation of the room (but do it neatly, phalaenopsis do not tolerate cold drafts) and increasing air humidity in one of the following ways.

Right watering

For orchids, phalaenopsis is better to use water:

  • rain;
  • a standing minimum day;
  • boiled;
  • missed through a household filter.

If you wrap in the gauze 10 g of peat, omit this bag in 10 liters of water and leave for a day, it will soften the water.

Watering Rules:

If the problem clearly goes for the permissible limits, and is not associated with aging or errors in care, will have to seek the cause in the disease and the impact of pests.

Video: On the rules of care for orchids

Table: Diseases and pests characteristic of orchids Falenopsis

Name of the disease or pest External symptoms
Puffy dewThe leaves and buds are covered from the base with white raid, with time rising above.
SpottedLeaves are covered with stains in the form of mosaic, circles or stripes.
Brown GnilLight brown watery spots on young leaves and shoots.
Root rotThe leaves will raw, roots soften and rot.
Gray GnilGray fluffy raids on leaves and sprouts, brown dots and small stains on colors.
AnrazoseSmall black spots of round shape, increasing over time and merging into a large plot.
RustLight spots on the bottom of the sheet, with time covered with red raids.
Fusarious rotThe leaves are losing the tour, soften, twisted; The pink fence appears.
On flower, sprouts and on the reverse side of young leaves are visible small insects of green or black. The leaves are losing the shape, covered with sticky raid.
Bellenki.A mass of white small insects appears on the plant. The leaves are yellow and take a pedestal color. The plant quickly resets the foliage.
Leaves change color. Small dots and strokes are noticeable on the surface of the sheet plates. At all parts of the plant, a silver film appears.
ShieldThe leaves are covered with small, but well-visible growths and tubercles, under which insects live.
Thin cobweb on any part of the orchid. Yellow spots on the plant. Leaves twist and dry.
White raids, lumpy wool lumps, on leaves, substrate, roots and walls Pot.

Table: How to diagnose external features

Symptom Care errors Disease Pest
Shiny bottom leaves
  • natural aging orchid;
  • insufficient watering;
  • incorrect content during rest.
Yellow spots appear on the leaves
  • puffy dew;
  • fusarious rot.
  • web tick;
  • red flat tick;
  • bellenka.
Leaves become sluggish Bacterial spot.
  • cobbled tick.
Stains appear on the leaves Bacterial spot.
Leaves are covered with white sticky nails
  • bacterial spot;
  • puffy dew.
Leaves are covered with black spotsSpraying orchids in cold conditions and poor ventilation.Black rot.Cobbled tick.
White spots or points on the leaves
  • too low temperature in the room;
  • frostbite leaves under the influence of cold;
  • in the fall and winter orchid is placed on a cold window sill.
Puffy dew.
  • mealybug;
  • web tick;
  • tRIPS.
The sheet loses the tour (becomes soft and wrinkled)
  • insufficient watering;
  • low air humidity;
  • lack of light;
  • fine watering in the summer.
  • bacterial spot;
  • fusarious rot.
  • red flat tick;
  • bellenkles.
Leaves rot
  • too frequent or abundant watering;
  • for irrigation, cold, unearthly water is used.
Fusarious rot.
Leaves dry
  • insufficient watering;
  • low air humidity.
  • white throats;
  • shields.
Leaves are blushing
  • excess watering at low temperatures;
  • water entering the leaves at low temperatures.
Fusarious rot.
  • triples;
  • bellenkles.
Burn leaves
  • direct exposure to sunlight;
  • low air humidity indoors;
  • the room temperature is higher.
Leaves twist Fusarious rot.
  • red flat tick;
  • cobbled tick.
The edges of the leaves are black Bacterial spot.
Mold on the surface of the leavesHigh humidity in an incredible room.
  • white throats;
Silver raids on the leaves
  • low air temperature in combination with high humidity;
  • excess fertilizers containing nitrogen.
  • puffy dew;
  • gray rot.
  • web tick;
  • mealybug;
  • tRIPS.
White bugs on the leaves
  • mealybug;
  • bellenka.
Fungus on leaves
  • too frequent watering;
  • high humidity.
  • bellenka.

Fale Falenopsis Orchid Diseases

Most often, the appearance of the orchid phalaenopsis suffers because of incorrect care. If you notice this in a timely manner and start correcting the situation, the plant will quickly strengthen and take a healthy look. But if the time is lost, the fungal, viral and bacterial diseases will throw on a weakened flower, which can very quickly destroy orchid.

The consequences of violation of the rules of watering: why leaves become sluggish and fall

Falenopsis orchids are accustomed to high air humidity in the premises. Many novice flower trees are trying to compensate for the lack of moisture frequent and abundant irrigation. It is fundamentally incorrect: phalaenopsis from such a relationship the leaves lose the tour and shook.

If this happened in the hot season, do the following:

  • wait for the substrate drying and continue to water the flower every 2-3 days;
  • support the necessary air humidity;
  • in the middle of the day, use a fan by putting it in 2-3 m from plants and including low power.

In winter, water the phalaenopsis is no more than 2 times a week, but carry out the ventilation, opening the windows daily for 30 minutes. It is advisable to do it in not too windy weather.

SETUP: Why can the root system

Low room indoor, abundant watering and water from entering the leaf plate can lead to the development of the edema on the leaves of phalaenopsis. Because of this, the roots start to rot. In the cold season, remove the pots with orchids away from the windowsill, cut watering and do not forget to remove the excess water from the pallet.

The impact of low temperatures: for what reason dark spots appear

In the winter season, Faleenopsis orchids need special care, since they do not belong to cold-resistant. Provide a plant heat (at least 16 ° C) and regular ventilation, eliminate spraying. Otherwise, the leaves will capture dark spots of fungal origin.

If you bought Falenopsis orchid in the store and brought it home in the autumn-winter period, you may encounter another problem. The flower is hardly adapted in the cold time, its leaves are checked and covered with white spots. Cut the amazed areas to a healthy fabric and suck cuts with an impaired activated carbon.

Fungal diseases: why the plant appears rot or white raids

Most often by the development of fungal diseases on orchid, we are obliged to irregular watering, non-compliance with the temperature regime and excessive humidity. Most of all phalaenopsis is subject to mildew, anthraznosis, gray rot, less often - rust.

Bacterial diseases: for what reason are yellowing or dark leaves

From this type of diseases, the orchid phalaenopsis is most often amazed by brown spot. As soon as notice the yellowing, darkening or softening of the leaves, the appearance of an ulcer with sticky fluid, immediately cut the infectious areas completely. Lubricate the edges with iodine.

Viral diseases: Is it possible to save the plant

Orchids phalaenopsis are not sufficiently resistant to the effects of viruses, and if they are infected, they are very difficult to cure them. Most likely, the sick plant will have to destroy, since there are absolutely effective drugs and methods, and the virus can easily flush into adjacent flowers. If you see the spots on the leaves, similar to mosaic, circles and stripes, show orchid by a specialist who will confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Photo Gallery: Diseases characteristic of orchid phalaenopsis

Burai spotting most often amazes orchids phalaenopsis
Rinel is striking roots and neck orchids
Fungal diseases are dangerous for phalaenopsis
With pulse dew sheet covers white raids

Video: Care errors causing orchid diseases

Ways to deal with pests phalaenopsis

Having acquired orchid in the store, do not rush right away to put it on the window where other flowers are already located. On the plant and in the substrate there may be insects, and often dangerous.

The pests of the orchids phalaenopsis can affect the plant itself or root system.

Trips: Who leaves light tracks

Since phalaenopsis of thermal lodge, it is most often grown in a room with high temperatures. The tiny trips (their size is not more than 2.5 mm) also love heat, so it will be happy to settle almost on all types of orchids. The problem is that it is difficult to detect insects: they usually hide in the substrate. Their presence is evidenced by black dots and silver tracks on the leaves.

TRIPS destroy the entire plant: from the leaves and stems, the juices are sucking, larvae are laid in the roots.

Having found traces of trips activities, carry out such events:

  1. Orchid, substrate and all plants located nearby, treat with a solution of accutelic or phytodeterm.
  2. Repeat processing 3 times every 7-10 days.

Shields and Slopers: Where did sticky stains come from

As soon as you will see on the stems and leaves of orchids, characteristic brown or yellowish tubercles, know: the plant is affected by the fantasticist. Such plaques are not always noticeable immediately, but they are the "house" of the adult female insect.

The larva of the funker is overwhelmed by the plant in search of a suitable place, after which it is embarrassed to it, pulling the juices, and with time is covered with a brown film-shield.

The larvae and adults are powered by the flower juices and leave behind a sticky fluid that becomes a good medium for the development of fungi and rot.

The shield is also often found on phalaenopsis. Its carciro shelter is denser than falsely, rounded-convex and covered with waxing. The impact on the plant is practically the same.

Ways to solve the problem

  • thoroughly wash the plant with soap water;
  • remove the remaining pests;
  • the plant and substrate are treated with a solution of accomplishing or phytodeterm;
  • once again spray after 7-10 days;
  • pere out the flower to the new substrate.

Mathematical Chervers: What is the cause of worst leaves

Orchids phalaenopsis can be significantly injured from the tormentary cherler, since it is not easy to detect this pest. A small white insect with an oblong body covered with a fluff, hiding in the roots, the bases of the leaves and in the places of their connection. Cherver sucks juice from the plant, leaving the pulse consistency fluid. It is possible to unambiguously notice them when the flower dries out the leaves.

What to do to get rid of mild cherry

  • fully remove dry leaves and roots with orchids;
  • carefully examine all the hidden areas of the plant, select all the pest found, using toothpicks;
  • every day, inspect the orchid for the presence of new worms;
  • regularly rub all the affected places with soapy water;
  • process the substrate 2-3 times with an interval per week by the preparation of phytodeterm;
  • all month examine orchid. If you do not find new individuals, it means that the problem is solved.

Bellen: why dried leaves

Faleenopsis orchids are harmful and tiny white butterflies themselves, and their larvae. Because of their exposure, the flower will weaken, the leaves dry. Adult individuals lay the larvae in the roots and on the leaves.

To resolve the problem, you need:

  • rinse orchid and substrate with soap solution;
  • peel the plant with a solution of phytodemer, repeat a week.

TLL: Because of whom the plant is difficult to breathe

The tiny insects themselves are not so dangerous for orchids as their excrement. Isolations cover sheet sticky layer, overlapping the respiration of the plant and becoming a convenient environment for bacteria and fungi.

The removal method is as follows:

  • rinse the plant with soap water;
  • treat the plant and substrate with phytodeterma solution.

Ticks: Who Omitted Cobed Buds

To infected orchid ticks can both at home and in the greenhouse. There are 3 varieties of web ticks. In essence, they are practically identical and affected on the plant equally: they make numerous leaf punctures through which juice sucks. These traces are well noticeable on the sheet plates that begin to dry, be white and discolored. Buds fall away.

Removal of the web tick

  • collect with the orchids of all ticks manually;
  • pretty wash the vase and the windowsill under it;
  • all orchid and substrate are treated with phytodeterm solution. Repeat processing in a week.

Nematodes: What is the reason for the growth of growth

Very small worms of nematodes in size no more than 2 mm penetrate the stems and roots of orchids, feed on it with juices and poison their livelihoods. Orchid stops growing, boosts.

Faleenopsis orchids are harmful and adults, and whiteflower larva
Traces of the tick cover the entire surface of the sheet
Mathematical Cherwell It is not easy to detect between orchid leaves
With nematode, the orchid phalaenopsis stops its height
Because of the sticky allocations of the Tlima, the breathing process is hampered by the leaves of orchids.
TRIPS suck out of orchid all juices

For orchids of this species, well-lit rooms are fitted with scattered sunlight. In nature, phalaenopsis grows on the trees, and the sunshine on the way to them have to overcome the crown. The eastern window is ideal. If they are south oriented, in the summer, control the intensity of solar radiation. Prolonged exposure to direct rays is detrimental to the plant. The protection will be shading windows with paper, reflective foil, wallpaper sections. Phalenopsis is inclined to reach the light. So that it retains stability and aesthetically visual look, it must be periodically rotated.

In plants plants placed on the northern and western windows, flowering intensity will be less. For proper development and flowering, phalaenopsis requires 12-, and better 15-hour day.

The temperature regime necessary for this type of orchids does not contradict what usually happens in most residential premises. In the summer, this is +25, +28 degrees, in winter - enough +18, +20.

One of the main features of these orchids is the almost complete absence of rest periods.

To lay the FALENOPSIS flowers, it is necessary to reduce the temperature at night by 5-7 degrees. Such a temperature amplitude is common or quite possible in homes and apartments.

But a decrease in temperature up to +10 degrees can lead to the walling of the ability to absorb moisture. The plant translates the metabolic processes for the consumption of previously accumulated reserves, which is fraught with rapid wear of the livelihood system. The roots are gradually atrophy, the leaves are frozen, and the plant dies. Sometimes this reaction to the reduced temperature is confused with insufficient irrigation. And an increase in the amount of moisture in such a situation further exacerbates the situation.

Faleenopsis requires fresh air. Frequent ventilation is very useful by the plant, but it must be protected from drafts, otherwise the plant may get sick.

This kind of orchids are quite moisture. For its normal life activity, constant maintain moisture at the level of 60-80%.

If during the cold season, the room is heated by electrical convectors or other devices that are dried by air, orchid must be additionally moistened with a spray gun. At the same time, the root system should be moisturized, and not the leaves.

Diseases and pests that are most often affected by the plant

Defeat by GNILY.

A separate extensive category in this list is a variety of rotes. The list of possible symptoms is very wide and depends on local conditions, air humidity, irrigation intensity and room temperature. We list the most common and pronounced cases:

  • brown rot;
  • black rot;
  • root rot;
  • gray rot;
  • fusarious rot.

What says the sluggish, black

Some common phalaenopsis diseases show their symptoms on the leaves of the plant. Timely seen changes in color, structure and density of the leaves will help prevent the most detrimental consequences.

Most common diagnoses:

  • puffy dew;
  • anthracnose;
  • spotted leaves.

In the event of the diagnosis of viral disease of orchid, it is unfortunately not subject to treatment and resuscitation. Such a plant must be eliminated. The most effective way is to burn orchid.

A separate type of danger is the development of viral and fungal diseases in places of accumulation of products of the life of aphid. Such places themselves become seating from diseases.

Table: problems arising when growing phalaenopsis

Treatment and prevention of diseases

As can be seen from the table of symptoms, phalaenopsis is subject to many types of rot, which affect all parts of the plant. Such a variety of diseases associated with rotting is due to the moisture of the flower, the specificity of the substrate moisturizing and the instability to the lengthy temperature drops.

The emergence of viral and fungal diseases in most cases is associated with a poor-quality, infected substrate. Less often viral diseases are transferred to a plant from other indoor flowers.

What to do when the plant begins to rot

Treatment of diseases such as brown and black rot in the running stages (more than 30% of the plant affected) is almost impossible. If the smaller area is captured, the flower can be sacrificed. To do this, make a kind of surgery. The affected areas carefully cut out with a sterile knife, trying to minimize healthy fabrics. After the operation, the sections of the sections spray with coal dust and treat the bordeaux fluid. The substrate should be thrown into the pots to sterilize, pour into them a pure healthy substrate.

During the rehabilitation, the orchid needs to create the most comfortable conditions: the minimum allowable air temperature difference (amplitude is 5-7 degrees), stable moisturizing, air circulation indoors, but without drafts.

If other orchids are located in close proximity to the affected plant, they need to be treated with bordeaux liquid (one can and other copper-containing drug). The best prevention of such diseases is a thorough compliance with regiments, moisturizing, watering and lighting.

When detecting at Phalaenopsis root rot, you need to urgently make urgent measures. Remove substrate, dry pot. Clear roots from rot, affected sections. After that, the root system needs to be treated in a special solution (0.2% topsin or foundazole). For the maximum useful effect, the roots are immersed in a solution of 2-3 times with a period of 10 days. Replacing such orchid follows the disinfected pure substrate.

The prophylaxis of root rot is attentive observance of moisture and irrigation regime, as well as monitoring the state of the substrate, the timely replacement.

The damage to the orchid fusarious rot is most often associated with poor air circulation and irrigation mode. Such a rot is striking all areas of leaves, as well as young shoots. The leaves are yellow, twisted, become soft. Sometimes the process of fusarious rotting is accompanied by the appearance of the rose pink rose argent. With large-scale damage, treatment is impossible. With local infection, orchid should be treated with a 0.2% solution of Fundazola. This procedure must be performed 2-3 times a day for 10-14 days. At the same time, the solution can be dipped all the plant along with the pot. Fundazole is the most effective fungicidal drug in the fight against fusarious rot.

Fundazol is used to treat various types of rot, in particular, fusariosis. And is also suitable as the prevention of malical dew. The main active agent in this preparation is benomyl, which slows down the vital processes of pathogenic cells, as a result of which they die. Systemic prophylactic measures using Fundazola will help to prevent most of the rotary and fungal orchid diseases. The proportions for the solution are as follows: 1 gram of Fundazola per 1 liter of water. You can use the solution using a sprayer. The soil is watered with a solution, rubbing leaves. After the solution is driving, white raids appear on the plant. Ring the raids recommend only in a day. This is a fairly toxic substance, so it should be applied in protective equipment. In many countries, Fundazole is prohibited due to toxicity. It is extremely recommended to contact it pregnant.

During treatment, the spraying with water should be stopped. It should not be allowed to directly enter the drafts on the plant, while the ventilation is necessary.

As in previous cases, the best prevention of Fusaria will be the unconditional compliance of the regimes and the rules for the care of phalaenopsis.

The struggle against the gray rot includes the removal of the affected areas, followed by the treatment of healthy tissues with drugs containing fungicides. With an extensive lesion (more than 50%), the plant will have to eliminate and treat fungicides all the nearest room flowers.

Fungicide is a substance (chemical or biological origin), which suppresses the development of fungi.

The prevention of gray rotes is similar to the actions described above.

Another danger - fungi

Spotted leaves and anthracnose are fungal diseases. Their symptoms are expressed by multiple local damage to dark color leaves. Such damage is more similar to dents. Phalaenopsis is amazed by anthraznosis mainly due to high humidity. Another reason can be the stress of water in the bowl of young leaves and at the point of growth. An extensively affected plant is better eliminated. If the areas of the lesion are not particularly much, they can be cut, and healthy fabrics treat ash. It is suitable and impellent activated carbon. The substrate should be changed, and the pot is sterilized. Throughout the period of rehabilitation, the plant needs to be isolated from other similar colors.

The prevention of fungal diseases is a clear observance of the regime of watering and humidification, as well as the exclusion of water from entering the growth point and the sinus of young orchid shoots. The humidity of the room air should be within 40-70%. The ventilation is quite frequent, depending on the time of year.

Such a disease, as a pulse dew has pronounced symptoms. They are characterized by the appearance on the plant of white climb. Moreover, such a tax appears on all parts of the plant, including buds and inflorescences. Such a disease develops quickly and leads to the death of Orchids, if it does not take the necessary treatment measures on time. A more rapid development of this disease contributes to elevated temperature and abnormally high air humidity.

The treatment method provides for soaking the plant in a solution of colloidal sulfur. Preparations intended to fight torment dew are called Topcin-M, soon, Fundazol.

Prevention includes a periodic spraying of phalaenopsis phytosporin.

Viral diseases are incurable

The defeat of the orchid phalaenopsis with viral diseases is a rare phenomenon. They manifest themselves with specific patterns and stains on the leaves of the plant. The affected plant needs to be immediately isolated from the rest and, without tightening, eliminating. There are no treatment of viral diseases of orchids yet. At the same time, burn orchid is better together with the substrate and the pot.

The prevention of viral diseases will be the observance of all necessary modes for the normal flower vital activity.

Restore Turgor Falenopsis leaves will help timely resuscitation actions. They include providing plant favorable conditions. Shift its location indoors. Be sure to isolate orchid from drafts, prevent supercooling. Replacing the substrate often helps.

Photo Gallery: Most Common Diseases

Prolonged exposure to reduced temperature, increased root humidity lead to black rot. Root rotes can completely destroy the plant fusarious rot - Dangerous enemy of Phalaenopsis causes of brown rot. There may be a lack of sufficient cooling of fresh air, increased humidity in the room gray rotting can cause a gibbelnopsis so inhibits themselves struck by mildewing plant clove viruses

Pests of Orchids Phalaenopsis and the fight against them

The first rescue measure from unwanted guests living in the substrate will become soaking in the water just acquired plants. All unreadable guests will begin to get out out. If they did not turn out, it will be enough for orchid.

Released buds, sticky stains - Look for a shield

Prevention will serve a washing of leaves every 4-5 days.

The use of insecticide phytodener for orchids provides for the following proportions: 2 ml of the drug on 50 ml of water. Spray the solution from the pulverizer is needed on the entire plant. It should be clarified that phytodeter is striking only adult panels that are capable of feeding on their own. Therefore, processing is always carried out again after 5-7 days. Phytheterm cannot be used together with other insecticides.

Phytiderm is small for people.

How to save from the tormentary cherwell

White pest on yellowing leaves

The whitebird is dangerous with its larvae. They suck nutrients from orchid leaves. At the same time, the plant itself turns yellow, loses the shape and may die. Determine the whiteflink is easy. These insects are clear white color are similar to ordinary room midges. Hide from the back of the sheet.

The fight against the blonde provides for washing the leaves with a solution of economic soap (the proportion of the solution: 1 to 6), spraying the flower and the substrate by accutelle. Washing leaves with clean water every 4-5 days.

For orchids, 2 ml of accutelica is bred in 100 ml of water, followed by bringing the volume of the solution to 1 liter with clean water. It will be suitable for use during the day. Spray the solution is needed from the sprayer over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe plant. The procedure is repeated after 7-10 days. Do not spray insecticide in a closed room and be sure to apply the means of protection.

Good prevention in the struggle against pests will be attentive observation of plants, timely replacement and careful selection of the substrate.

Root tick - cause of root lesions

The root tick amazes the root system of the plant. Increased humidity contributes to its rapid reproduction. It dwells a tick in a crude substrate.

The control measures provide for the removal of the affected areas, their disinfection with the help of coal dust, substrate replacement and disinfection potted. They are disinfected and the roots themselves, for which a pale pink solution of manganese is used.

The prevention will be a thorough selection of the substrate, its timely replacement and lack of convergence.

Blinking larvae sucking nutrients from the leaves of orchid root ticks seriously damages the root system of the plant's plants. Blossoms brings orchid to rapidly exhaustion and death, Phalenopsis leaf occupied the colony of milders, when the TRIPS appears on the phalaenopsis. multiply in incredible quantities, can suck all juices from orchid

Disinfection of pots and substrate

For disinfection, the pot can be treated with boiling water, sterilized under the jet of water vapor. But such methods can deform the containers from poor-quality plastic. The optimal method is soaking the pot in the payroll solution for 15 minutes. Preparing the solution, focus on its color, which should be pale pink, in no case is not bright and the more not purple. Then the pot dried, it will not be superfluous to wipe it with alcohol.

For disinfection of the substrate, place it in the container with clean water and boil 15 minutes, and then dry on a clean towel.

Video: pests and orchid diseases

Reanimate and restore

Even almost the deceased orchid can be sacrificed. Ways to return to life depend on the state of the plant and the cause of wilting. All resuscitation methods provide for substrate substrate and disinfect potted.

Wound and fall leaves

The plant with faded leaves is enough to provide the necessary conditions for normal life: primarily observe the correct moisture, watering, lighting and ventilation regimes.

If the orchid has lost the leaves, in addition to the above, it is necessary to finish the plant. For this, nitrogen fertilizers are suitable. But it is necessary to follow the concentration of nitrogen, since its excess can lead to even worst consequences.

Examples of popular fertilizers for orchids with normal nitrogen concentration:

  • GreenWorld for orchids;
  • Kemira Suite;
  • Cameleon;
  • Oasis;
  • Bona Forte.

Phalenopsis resuscitation method, lost leaves:

  1. First you need to inspect the root system. If it is richly amazed by the processes of rotting (more than 50%), then the plant is practically doomed. If most of the roots are elastic and clean in appearance, they must be left, the rest to remove and process the cutting places with coal dust.
  2. Prepared root system to be treated with Fundazola solution. (Proportions and method of application are indicated above).
  3. Substrate and pot to disinfect.
  4. After that, put the root system in the pot with the treated substrate, and the pot itself is in the plastic bag. The package must be spacious, creating a kindness of a greenhouse.
  5. Tie the package must be immediately after splashing the plant with water. The greenhouse must often be tired, it should be launched into it.

Keep orchid in the greenhouse need to appear new leaves. After their formation, the plant should restore normal watering and spraying mode.

Do not give finally zing root

Required care can help even a plant that has lost most of the root system.

Actions to resuscitate the root system of phalaenopsis:

  1. First of all, the plant should be removed from the substrate and rinse well in warm running water.
  2. Then you should dry orchid. For 2-3 hours, it must lie on paper or towel at room temperature.
  3. Inspect the remaining young roots and assess their condition. Usually, phalaenopsis they have light green color. The structure of them should be elastic. Roots are slippery and soft, you must delete.
  4. Remove all dead and suspicious roots. Separations of sections to treat coal dust or special antiseptic drugs. Young root shoots that have a healthy look, per day to put in a strengthening mixture, which is sold in flower shops in the form of ampoules, powders, liquids. By the way, experienced flowers are recommended to conduct a strengthening procedure once a month, especially during the change of seasons of the year. Orchids are poured by immersion in an aqueous solution where such mixtures are added according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  5. After that, the plant must be placed in a water vessel. The leaves should not touch the liquid. Water in a vessel change once a day.
  6. After the growing of young roots for a length of 3-4 cm, the orchid transplanted into the prepared ground.

Often in a new pot flower has to be fixed. It is necessary for the best suggestion of the root system.

Beautiful butterfly flower start in the house is not a problem. Wrong care is the cause of orchid disease. Tips of lovers of times are directly opposite. There are signs for which even an inexperienced amateur will understand the reason for changing the color and the shape of the leaves. Incorrect care and its consequence occurs when non-compliance with the basic rules of the content of orchid.

Photo of orchid diseases and their treatment with a description

A plant for violation of content reacts not immediately. The consequences occur in a few days when the flower water has already forgotten about what happened. Therefore, only attentive attitude towards the plant and the system in care will avoid diseases. Choosing orchid needs to competent the conditions and demand of the variety. So, there are light-minded varieties that can live even on the southern window with shading, for example. More often diluted, which loves the shadow. Subtlety in care for different orchids should be considered.

The most common type of orchids in cultural dilution - phalaenopsis. It is easier to care for room content.

In order not to wonder if the orchid is sick, what to do, you need to avoid:

  • irregular watering;
  • dry air around the flower;
  • incorrect lighting;
  • temperature collapse;
  • subframe and persistence;
  • diseases transmitted through insects and by air;
  • open infected wound on the plant.

The consequences of improper content are expressed by weakening the plant. Often orchids suffer from unnecessary attention. Orchid diseases can be divided into groups:

Any orchid diseases begin with omission in care.


Incorrect lighting can lead to sheet burns. Even a spring sun can be destructive if orchid does not teach him gradually. Lack of lighting will lead to elongated growth. If the position does not fix, the flower will die. The cold glow lamps should be performed not closer than 30 cm from the sheet. From the incandescent lamp, the sheet will get a burn.


If the orchids have the leaves, one of the reasons may be a violation of watering mode. Orchid grows in a pot with transparent walls. Roots are involved in photosynthesis and deliver moisture to leaves. Therefore, the lethargy of the sheet is from a long drying of the plant or excessive irrigation. If the summer plant is strongly cut, and even during dry air, the leaves will lose tagory. In order not to create a greenhouse effect, the room is ventilated. It is important that between watering the roots completely dried. In a constantly wet substrate, root rot and the leaves from orchids are also taught.

If the plant put the water to drink with water during watering and forgotten for a day, the leaves will arise. This means that the plate was powered by water, swollen, and mocking spots appeared on it. At this time, the plant is vulnerable to any infection.

Orchid flowers have different flavors, but do not cause allergies. The smell of rotten meat and the fragrance of vanilla creates one type of colors. For better pollination, the petals hold a visiting insect.

Especially dangerous edema with excessive watering into cool weather. At a temperature of about 15 degrees, watering should be reduced, wet stains to dry the filter paper so that they do not grow up. At this time, it is impossible to spray orchids in the leaf.

When in the draft at a minus temperature for several hours, the plant will die.

Defeated orchids populate disputes and mushrooms. Mold rot. Sometimes plants buy with hillocks on the leaves in which the silence of the infection. Infection can occur through the ground, air through.

Fungal diseases of orchid leaves are presented in the photo.

Village mushrooms on the leaves of phalaenopsis can not open. Such leaves are better destroyed in order not to distribute infection. New leaves will be clean.

Roots may be affected by rot, leaves - spotty, antrahylic and mildew. Each disease has its own signs, but initially still violation of the content.

The rotes can be of different colors - brown, black, gray, but it is possible to save orchid only in the initial stage, cutting and disinfecting all infected places. You need to take a new pot and substrate, sterilize the tool. If the rot spread across the root, the plant needs to be destroyed.

Spotted leaves are caused by abundant irrigation and excess fertilizer. Washing spots appear on the fleeting plate - this is spotty. You need to change the conditions of the flower content and remove all the affected parts of the plant. This disease of orchids suffer from phalaenopsis. As stealing measures, the plant is dried and treated with fungicides.

Another disease, starting with the spots on the leaves, is an antrachose. Small brown spots grow up, necrotic attacks appear. High humidity, stagnation of water on the leaves and no ventilation - causes of the disease. Treatment is long. It is necessary to remove the amazed parts, after carrying out the processing of Fungicide three times after 10 days.

If the amazed leaves are covered on top of the top, it is a torpid dew. Wet raw warm air provoked the development of dormant dispute. A solution of colloidal sulfur, phytoosporin and changing the conditions of content will help.

Viral diseases are determined by the mosaic of leaves, small stains. They are transmitted by insect pests that are carriers. Such diseases are not treated. Plant remove.

Why do sticky spots appear on the leaves of orchids

Calculate the weakened plant can not, whiteflink, torment Cherver. With a frequent wiping of sheets with a wet wipe, pests will be detected quickly, and they will not get rid of them. The greatest harm to the orchids causes a shield that tightly sits on the sheet, feeds on the juice and highlights the sticky secret on which a sage mushroom is settled. As a result, sticky stains appear on the leaves of orchids. Remove the panel can be alcohol. If the pests divorced a lot, saving phytodener. But it is necessary to change the pot and soil.

Video of Orchid Diseases

Leaves and flowers of healthy orchid are long happy to look at her owners. From the view of an experienced gardener, stains on the leaves of orchids, sometimes appearing unfortunately. Why did these white dots appear and what to do for the treatment of spots, which can be seen on the leaves of Faleenopsis orchids?

Any depigmentation of the plant always talks about the presence of certain violations in its vital activity. It can be white spots, waterproof, over time, turning into necrotic black spots, dry brown spots, on the site of which the vegetable tissue crumbles and is rolled. Spots that may appear on the leaves of phalaenopsis indicate the disease or disturbed mineral nutrition of your pet.

Depending on the reason for the appearance of specks, they will have to be different. Therefore, it is important to distinguish signs of diseases and physiological problems of the plant. Let's deal in detail why stains of different colors appear, and the worst - white spots on the leaves of orchids.

Diseases of phalaenopsis

There is a big list of diseases of the symptoms of the manifestation of which are points on the leaves. They can be divided into two categories - diseases caused by mushrooms, and diseases caused by bacteria. Among the fungi spots on the leaves causes phytoofluorois, fuzary, cooclipolyus, pseudocolobolyus, causative agents of septoriosia and churchospos.

Bacterial pathogens of spots are mainly related to the Bacillus attitude, but there are exceptions. Basically, all these diseases are manifested in the initial stages in the form of the appearance of whitewood or yellow spots with time black of the defeat. Sometimes stains merge and massive necrotic areas with dark edges are formed.


Uredo japanika mushroom is called uredo japanika. Dark spots with a diameter of up to 3 mm appear on the leaves. Over time, the entire surface of the plant of the plant is affected and dies. Usually the appearance of this disease is a consequence of poor control over the surroundings of the plant. Most often infected phalaenopsis that are indoors with low temperatures and high humidity.

Bacillus Cypriped.

This bacterium is the causative agent of the wet rot orchids. This is a very dangerous disease that cannot be adequately treatment. At the first signs of the disease, it is recommended to remove the affected leaf.

The manifestation of the disease is very characteristic and starts with the edge of the sheet plate. At first there appears a dark watery spot that quickly spreads down the fabric. The affected area becomes sluggish, the leaf cries, the unpleasant smell characteristic of bacteriosis appears.

Rota develops literally by the hour. A light-affected spot during several hours darkens to yellow, after - to brown. On the second day, the brown is all the plant.

Dry spots

The causative agent of dry spots is the Cladosporium Orchideorum. A small brown spots appear on the plant, dry consistency. Quite quickly, they cover the entire surface of the photosynthetic organ, forming a black spution on it.


The causative agent of Phytophthora Palmiala - Mushroom Nature. This pathogen causes a black shet base rot. Extremely dangerous disease. Disputes pathogen capable of staying in the soil for a long time. It begins with the appearance on the leaves of orchids of small black spots. Quickly progresses, infecting and killing all the plant. It is practically not treated. The phyotophtor loves wet, cool conditions and infects the flower only in the presence of drip moisture.

Mesophyll collapse

The disease called the "death of leaf cells". The causative agent is not defined. Looks like a single pockets of brown on the surface of phalaenopsis. The development of this disease is associated with watering leaves with cold water.

Bacterial spotting

Under this term, the spottedness caused by the genus of the genus Cercospora is most often meaning. It looks like white, concentric specks on the top of the sheet. On the underside you can observe the development of mycelium. The disease quickly spreads to the presence of appropriate conditions - high temperature and high humidity.

Phyllostictina pyriformis

Yellow spottedness of the leaf of the pathogen is a mushroom. It develops slowly, but large-scale - fungus quickly spreads disputes, infecting all the plant. The stains are first yellowish, and subsequently darken. The mushroom is an aggressive necrotrofom and quickly kills the lips of a living plant.


Destruction of chlorophyll in plants cells. Looks like uneven, bright laid spottedness on the surface of the affected organ. It is a consequence of a huge range of problems since the insufficient amount of moisture or mineral substances (nitrogen, phosphorus) ending with the presence of root rot. Chlorosis is a symptom of the disease.

Burkholderia Gladioli.

Unusual for our latitudes wet bacterial rot. The pathogen of Burkholderia Gladioli lives in vegetable cells and causes local tissue darkening due to the destruction of mechanical structures. The affected area becomes mucous and jelly-like consistency.


The treatment of spotting is reduced primarily to the prevention. Check your plants in a timely manner, do not allow their freezing and stressing, follow the sheets there are no drip moisture. At the first signs of the disease - remove the affected leaf to save the whole orchid. Accurately determining who is the causative agent of your illness - mushroom or bacterium, use the necessary drug

Video "Orchid's Diseases"

From this video, you will learn about errors in the care and causes of disease.