Repairs Design Furniture

Technological map for mounting formwork of a monolithic house. Technological card Technological map for installation and dismantling of the formwork of walls and floors List of technological equipment, tools, inventory and fixtures

Gosstroy USSR

Central Research
And design experimental
Institute of Organization, Mechanization
And technical assistance to construction

On installation and dismantling formwork
Walls and overlaps

The album contains a technological map on the production of formworking work when erecting monolithic walls and overlap of the standard floor on the example of a 16-storey building in Leningrad.

The technological map is intended for engineering and technical workers of construction organizations.

The technological card was developed by the USSR State Builders (K.T.N. B.V. Zhadanovsky, N.I. Evdokimov, L.A. Zueva, Yu.A. Yarmov, etc.).

The technological map is intended to determine the technical and economic indicators of the construction of monolithic structures at the design stage, as well as for the comparative technical and economic assessment of the constructive and technological solutions of residential buildings under normal construction conditions.

Technical and economic indicators (labor costs, wages and development per working in shift) are compiled for formworking works when equipped with walls and overlap of different thickness using large-scale formwork for walls or small and large-scale for floors based on developed technological cards for 16-storey (Typical project 1-528kp-82-1V) at home in Leningrad.

All indicators defined according to the existing Yenir for the construction conditions of 50 m buildings are recalculated for the buildings of another floor with the use of coefficients that take into account the change in labor complexity.

Height of the built building, m








Height of the built building, m

Correction factor







When developing a map, the most characteristic monolithic structures were selected, so the data provided can be used to develop work technology for the construction of various architectural and planning and design solutions.

Installation and dismantling of wall formwork and floors


1.1 . The technological card was developed for the production of formworking work when erecting monolithic walls and overlap of the standard floor on the example of a residential 16-storey building in Leningrad.

1.2 . The work considered by the card, includes: enlarging formwork shields; Feed formwork to the installation site; mounting formwork; Dismantling formwork.

1.3 . Works are performed in 2 shifts.

2. Organization and technology of the building process

2.1 . Before mounting the large-scale formwork, the following works must be performed: breaking the axes of the walls; Leveling surface of the ceiling; checking the completeness of the brought the formwork; integuctive assembly of shields; Cleaning overlap from garbage.

2.2 . The elements of large-scale formwork are transported in the following positions:

modular shields - in size in a horizontal position of 10 - 15 pcs. on wooden strips;

brackets, railing, communications - in a special wooden container;

small nodes and details are also in a wooden container.

2.3 . The elements of the large-scale formwork entered the construction site are placed in the crane area.

2.4 . The formwork of the walls is installed in two stages: first mounted the formwork of one side of the wall to the entire height of the floor, and after installing the reinforcement - the second side.

2.5 . For the overlap device, a small formwork on telescopic racks and a large-scale formwork is applied.

2.6 . Finished formwork is checked and accepted by a master or manufacturer of work. When accepting mandatory verification, the correspondence of the shape and geometric dimensions of working drawings are subject to: coincidence of formwork axes with broken axes of structures; accuracy of marks of individual formwork planes; vertical and horizontal of formwork shields; correct installation of mortgage parts and wooden plugs; Distribution of shields.

The correctness of the position of vertical planes is evaporated with a plumb, and a horizontal level or level.

Deviations in the sizes and position of formwork elements should not exceed the tolerances specified in SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Bearing and Fencing Constructions".

rigger 2 raz. - 2.

Individual and industrial construction of multi-storey monolithic buildings, bridges and an overpass are produced using formwork floors. They are easy to install and allow the buildings of various shapes and sizes in various climatic belts with ambient air temperature from +45 to -40 degrees C.

Formwork on bulk racks

Types of formwork overlaps

From the main technical characteristics of the object under construction - its withstood load, sizes, height of the overlaps - depends the use of various types of formwork:

  • Recommended during overlaps up to 5 meters high. They are the most economical of all kinds of formwork and erected for a short period of time. The tripod base sufficiently sustainably supports the main rack. Moisture-resistant plywood shields are located on the beams of wood or metal profile.
  • Volumetric racks of formwork floors are elevated at an altitude of up to 20 meters. The ease of installation provide vertical racks connected by riglels, flange systems and jacks. By installation method, it is divided:
  1. in wedge forests, with a frame of horizontal and vertical racks, which can be installed at different angles, depending on the complexity of the work produced at different parts of construction. The submarines of the flooring and working stairs provide the necessary level of safety of working personnel.
  2. with cup forests - allowing you to install at one level up to 4 design elements.

The device of volumetric racks

The jack is made to install the main starting rack, which are fixed in the flanges, fair racks of different lengths. In the same flanges, the installation of horizontal riggers, fastening formwork sections. Dobly racks and ries of different lengths allow you to build sectional groups of various sizes. The top of the design is crowned jack with a solidki, on which wooden or metal deck beams are attached.

Starting and challenges are made of metal, providing the necessary stiffness of the structure. It can be enhanced with additional special flanges installed in the meter from each other. Ease of installation provides one single end of the rack. The uniformity of the load distribution guarantees wedge locks that increase the same reliability and strength of the entire structure.


  • Maximum height limit, M - 20.
  • Minimum height limit, M - 1.5.
  • Step pitch, M - 1.0; 1.25; 1.5; 1.75; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0.
  • Maximum limit of distributed load on the beel, kg - 1200.
  • Permissible turnover - 100 cycles.
  • Maximum turnover - 200 cycles.
  • Section height, M - 0.5.

The calculation of the formwork for construction depends on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe built building and load on the axis. For convenience of installation, the distance between the racks ranges from 1 to 3 meters with a half-meter step. The plywood sheet is selected taking into account cutting for fitting in size on the installed sites.

The advantages of volumetric struts of floating overlaps:

  • Safety of operation due to hard and reliable fastening.
  • The ability to move individual nodes without their analysis using lifting devices.
  • Ease of installation and dismantling with the help of universal fastening elements of the entire system.
  • Most effective when working at high altitude.
  • Can be used during finishing works.
  • Long - maximum up to 200 cycles.
  • The ability to develop individual project decisions in construction.

Manufacturers of the volumetrogenment of the ceiling formwork offer not only the standard dimensions of all components, but also make structures on the orders of construction organizations. It is possible to purchase a ready-made set or rent it, which will significantly reduce the cash costs for construction.

Regulatory documentation for overlap formwork

Each enterprise is a manufacturer prepares its internal standards for the production of structural elements. All components of the formworks must comply with the requirements relating to products 2 of the hazard class of GOST R 52085 - 2003, which must be confirmed by the certificate of the regional authority of Rosstandart. The technological process of production is rigidly regulated by the company's specialists at each stage.

When installing the design and work at the height, the safety requirements should be followed. All actions should be made in special protective clothing and using personal protective equipment. Workers must be familiar with the main technical documentation and have tolerances to work.

How to independently make bulk formwork

Much more economical in the construction of a private house to make a formwork with their own hands. But it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • With particular attention should be approached to the installation of support racks carrying the bulk. Reliability provides metal supports, but it's a bit more complicated to work with them than with wooden.
  • It is necessary to ensure the rigidity of the base installation. To do this, the installation is made on a thoroughly prepared platform - unevenness and stacked wooden gaskets along the axes.
  • Longitudinal beams are attached to racks on metal corners using bolted connections.
  • Transverse beams do not require consolidation, but simply fit into longitudinal. It helps facilitate the dismantling process after completing all the work.
  • Using the splines, the supporting racks and longitudinal beams are fixed.
  • The laying of plywood should be made tightly each other, carefully following the joints of the joints that should be strictly on the ceiling beam.
  • The most optimal distance between the racks is 1.5 meters.
  • Alignment of the entire design is performed using a level or level and a plumb.
  • Installation of each subsequent tier should be made after careful consolidation and check of the previous one.

For the manufacture of formwork, you can use the available lumber, but they should not be rotten and carefully dried out of the wood of coniferous rocks. The bars should have a cross section of at least 12 * 12 cm, and the beam 16 * 16 cm.

Dismantling formwork

Dismantling works depend on the timing of the drying of concrete or the completion of the necessary finishing events. With hot summer weather, the formwork can be made after 3 - 4 days. All works are made in the reverse order, which was carried out during the assembly. After that, the formwork can be reused. To do this, mark all the elements, sorting and cleaning from all contaminants.

Installation and disassembly of the volume formwork of floors is a sufficient troublesome and complex business. Requires extreme attention and concentration when assembling, from which life and health of those working may depend on. But if there are some knowledge of the technology and the required materials, it is possible to implement all the required work in the scheduled time.

Typical technological map

On the installation and disassembly of the formwork of the monolithic slab overlap

Gene. Director of CJSC "GK Inzhglobal"
A. H. Karapetyan 2014

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1.1. The technological card is designed to organize labor workers engaged in the installation and disassembly of the formwork of monolithic reinforced concrete slabs.

1.2. The technological card includes the following works:

- installation of formwork;

- Disassembly formwork.

1.3. The work of the work considered by the technological card includes:

- lines and feeding of formwork elements (frame supports, racks, tripod, uniwarm, wooden beams, plywood) on the mounting horizon;

- device formwork under the beam;

- formwork device under the balcony slab;

- device formwork for "tooth";

- device formwork for overlapping;

- device formwork device of the slab overlap;

- device of temporary fencing;

- the device of the processing agents;

- dismantling formwork;

- Cleaning, lubrication, storage and transportation of formwork elements.

1.4. Formwork must meet the following requirements:

- strength, immutability, correctness of form and sizes;

- reliable perception of vertical and horizontal loads;

- surface density (no cracks), elimination of cement milk through it;

- the ability to provide the desired quality of the concrete surface;

- the possibility of repeated use;

- manufacturability - convenience in the work, the possibility of fast installation and disassembly.

2. Technology and organization of work

2.1. Requirements for previous work

2.1.1. Before starting the installation of the formwork, the following works should be completed:

- the basis for the installation of formwork is prepared;

- the designs of columns and walls are made, the acts of their acceptance on the basis of executive geodesic shooting are made;

- brought and stored in the assembly zone of the tower crane elements of the formwork of overlaps;

- Verified presence, labeling of formwork elements;

- prepared and tested mechanisms, inventory, devices, tools;

- the coverage of jobs and the construction site are arranged;

- all activities for the fencement of openings, stairwells, the perimeter of the reinforced concrete slab in accordance with SNiP 12-03-2001 "Labor Safety in the construction of Part 1" was performed;

- The high-rise marker is made on the floor.

2.2. Technology of work production

Installing formwork

2.2.1. The operating device of the overlap begins with the supply of frame supports, telescopic racks, tripod, toilet, wooden beams, plywood sheets on the mounting horizon, to the workplace.

2.2.2. First, formwork is performed with a lower mark. Works start from the device formwork at the beams.

2.2.3. Due to the selected method of the formwork device, the device is a double deck, simultaneously arranges formwork for beam, balcony slab, "tooth".

2.2.4. Installation of the formwork begins with the installation of ID15 frames at a distance of at least 50 mm from the edge of the plate in accordance with the arrangement scheme, L.2 and l.3 graphic part.

Pre-set the height of the frame support (the distance from the floor to the bottom of the main beam) by the template, adjusting the screw heads and the screw legs.

2.2.5. On the screw heads (crown) to install the main beams (wooden beam 2.9 m).

In accordance with the cuts 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4 (L.5, 6 of the graphic part) and the layout diagram of the beams (L.4 graphic part).

2.2.6. On the main beams to establish secondary beams (wooden beams 4.2 m) with a pitch of 400 mm.

In the axes of Mr. / 1, E-w / 7, where the "tooth" passes, if it is impossible to use a 4.2 m beam (the distance between the walls clean in these places is 2900 mm and 2660 mm), set two paired beams 2 , 5 m.

2.2.7. The installed secondary beams lay the layers of laminated plywood, 18 mm thick. Thus, the lower deck is formed (mark +6.040). Phaneur to nail to wooden beams. For a layout of plywood, see List 4, as well as sheets 5 and 6 of the graphic part.

2.2.8. Take the bottom deck.

2.2.9. With the help of geodesic devices, put on the bottom deck line of the faces of the concreted beam for the vertical deck device.

2.2.10. Vertical beam deck is formed from laminated plywood bands, 300 mm wide. Sizes and layout, see the list 3 of the graphic part.

Plywood strips are combined with a bar 50x50. The bar is also used to have the ability to nail with nails to the bottom deck and to the top, see the list of 5 graphic part.

For the resistance of the vertical deck, arrange a tip from the bar 50x50.

2.2.11. On the bottom deck, install wooden beams 2.5 m.

Under these beams, put the bar 82x82 (for a height set).

Under the balcony plate, wooden beams are located perpendicular to the concrete beam with a pitch of 400 mm, under the "tooth" along the concrete beam.

For the layout of wooden beams, see L.5 and 6 graphic part.

2.2.12. On the installed wooden beams lay the sheets of laminated plywood, in accordance with the layout diagram 3 of the graphic part.

2.2.13. For the device "tooth", where the wall passes, use the bracket.

The bracket is attached with a screed.

The bracket is stacked 100x100.

Laminated plywood is attached to the bruus.

See the diagram of the deck device. Section 6-6 and 7-7 sheet 7 graphic part.

Schemes for the placement of brackets for the formation of the tooth, see the list 2 of the graphic part.

2.2.14. Device formwork under the slab overlap.

In accordance with the layout diagram (sheet 2 of the graphic part), measure the meter and mark the installation locations of the racks.

Start with the installation of extreme racks under the main beams, at a distance of 4.0 m along the literal axes.

The distance between the racks along the digital axes corresponds to the step of the main beams.

2.2.15. Insert into a rack to a solid. The rack is pushing the template to the length given by a height to the main (bottom) beam. Rack install and detected tripod.

2.2.16. On the installed and relaxed racks using the mounting plug, install the main beams (wooden beams 4.2 m). The step of the main beams is 1.5 m.

2.2.17. On the main beams using the mounting plug to install secondary beams (wooden beams 3.3 m) without fasteners. The pitch of secondary beams is 0.40 m.

2.2.18. For secondary beams, lay the sheets of laminated plywood, close to each other so that the gaps between them were no more than 2 mm. The first sheets of plywood are served from a slaining overlap, after laying at least 12 sheets, plywood is served on the arranged deck.

Lists and strips of plywood extreme on the perimeter are fixed with nails to secondary beams to avoid tipping.

For the layout of plywood, see the sheet 3 of the graphic part.

2.2.19. The sheets of plywood suitable for the beam formwork are laid after the vertical deck of beams is installed.

2.2.20. For the convenience of mounting the formwork (as well as dismantling), the standard sheet of plywood cut into parts 2440x610 mm.

2.2.21. In non-defect places, it is recommended to use the usual fane, impregnated with emulsion for lubrication.

2.2.22. The places of felled laminated plywood become susceptible to moisture and are subject to moisture-resistant treatment (molten paraffin, treatment with two layers of primer).

2.2.23. The deck surface must be passed.

2.2.24. After installing the deck plate, the balcony, the "tooth", to arrange a side, a height of equal overlap thickness.

Formwork ends of the overlap is performed as follows.

The slab line is performed, plywood strips, equal overlapping height, are attached to the deck. To avoid overturning the end, arrange a bruck from the bar 50x50.

2.2.25. With the help of universal fences, which are attached to wooden beams, arrange a temporary fence. Install the racks of the fence, with a step of no more than 1200 mm, in the stakes of the racks insert the enclosing boards.

2.2.26. The process of processing agents. The processors are made of laminated plywood. The size of the processors for outer edge corresponds to the dimensions of the opening in the ceiling plate. The processors are installed in the design position and nailed to the deck of the ceiling plate.

Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction

AOZT Tsniyomtp

On the device of columnar monolithic foundations using fine-door formwork


In the technological map, the device of columnar monolithic foundations for reinforced concrete columns using metal formwork is considered.

The organization and technology of building processes are given, the main safety regulations are indicated. Presented constructive schemes for the organization and technology of work.

Technological map developed AOZT TSNIIIMTP (B.V. Zhadanovskyhead Department, Cand. tehn science O.V. Baranov, L.V. Zhabinawith the participation of the head. Computer and Information Technology Sector Yagudaeva L.M.).


1.1. The technological card was developed on a device of columnar monolithic foundations for a framework of civil and industrial buildings using fine-door formwork.

1.2. The technological card provides for a device of monolithic foundations using small-piece formwork developed by AOZT TsNIIIMTP (project 794V-2.00,000).

1.3. As a reference when developing a card, the foundation of the 1-412 series of 14.7 m 3 is adopted.

1.4. In the technology card, the options for supplying a concrete mix in the design:

car crane in bunkers;

concrete pump SB-170-1.

1.5. Concrete mixture transportation is provided for by the SB-159B-2 concrete mixer.

1.6. Works are performed in the summer period in two shifts.

2. Organization and technology for performing work

2.1. Prior to the start of the foundations, the following works must be performed:

the removal of surface water from the site is organized;

access roads and highways are arranged;

marked ways of movement of mechanisms, places of storage, enlargement of reinforcement grids and formwork, a mounting equipment and fixture prepared;

reinforcement grids, frameworks and sets of formwork in the required quantity;

the necessary preparation is performed under the foundations;

a geodesic breakdown of the axes and markup of the position of the foundations in accordance with the project;

risks are applied to the surface of concrete preparation of paint, fixing the position of the working plane of the formwork panels.

2.2. The prepared grounds for foundations should be made on the Act by the Commission with the participation of the Customer, Contractor and the representative of the project organization. The act should reflect the correspondence of the location, the bottoms of the bottom of the bottom, the actual approach and the natural properties of the soils of the project data, as well as the possibility of the establishment of foundations on the project mark, the lack of violations of the natural properties of the grounds or the quality of their seal in accordance with the design solutions.

2.3. Acts for hidden work should be prepared on the basis of the foundations.

2.4. Before installing the formwork and reinforcement of reinforced concrete foundations, the manufacturer of work (foreman, wizard) must check the correctness of the device for concrete preparation and markup of the position of the axes and the base marks of the foundations.

Formwork work

2.5. The formwork on the construction site should be completed complete, suitable for installation and operation, without finishes and corrections.

2.6. Formwork elements entered on the construction site are placed in the zone of the mounting crane. All formwork elements should be stored in a position corresponding to the vehicle sorted by brands and sizes. Store formwork elements are necessary under a canopy in conditions that exclude their damage. Shields are laid in stacks with a height of no more than 1 - 1.2 m on wooden strips; Fights of 5 - 10 tiers with a total height of not more than 1 m with the installation of wooden pads between them; The remaining elements depending on the dimensions and the masses are placed in the boxes.

2.7. Small formwork consists of the following components:

linear shields are made of a bent profile (channel), the deck in the shields is made of laminated plywood with a thickness of 12 mm;

bearing elements - contractions are designed to perceive the loads acting on the formwork, as well as to combine individual shields in the panel or blocks. They are made of bent profile (schuelevra);

corner shields - serve to combine flat shields into closed contours;

corner mounting - serves to connect shields and panels into closed formwork contours;

tension hook - used for fastening kits to shields;

the bracket - serves as a base for the workstation.

2.8. Installation and dismantling of the formwork leads with the help of a KS-35715 or KS-45719 car crane, KS-4572A.

2.9. Prior to the start of installation, the formworks produce a consolidating assembly of shields in the panel in the following sequence:

at the storage site, a box of bouts are assembled;

on the contractions hung shields;

on the edges of the panel shields are painted risks denoting the position of the axes.

2.10. The formwork device of foundations is carried out in the following order:

install and secure the enlarged panel of the bottom layer of the shoe;

install the assembled box strictly along the axes and fix the formwork of the bottom stage with metal pins to the base;

apply on the edges of the enlarged panels of the risk of risks, fixing the position of the box of the second stage of the foundation;

retreating from the rice to the distance equal to the thickness of the shields, set the pre-assembled box of the second stage;

finally install the box of the second stage;

in the same sequence, the third stage box is installed;

apply to the edges of the enlarged panels of the upper box of risks, fixing the position of the Pop Toping;

install the Pop Topper;

install and secure the formwork of the liners.

The mounted formwork is accepted on the act by the Master or Prorach.

2.11. For the state of formwork, continuous observation should be carried out in the process of concreting. In case of unforeseen deformations of individual elements of formwork or unacceptable disclosure of the slots, additional mounts should be installed and fix the deformed spaces.

2.12. The formulation of the formwork is allowed to produce only after reaching the concrete required according to SNiP 3.03.01-87 strength and with the permission of the manufacturer of the work.

2.13. In the process of separation of formwork, the surface of the concrete structure should not be damaged. Demonstabling dismantling is made in the order.

2.14. After the formwork is removed, it is necessary:

visual inspection of formwork;

clear from the nagwed concrete all formwork elements;

make lubrication decks, check and apply lubrication to screw connections.

2.15. Formwork production schemes are given in Fig. fifteen.

Reinforcement work

2.16. The reinforcement grids of the subskings are delivered to the construction site and unload the integuctive assembly on the site, the grids of shoes - on the storage area.

2.17. The assembly of the Armokarkas Podkolovnik is carried out on the build bench with the help of a conductor, by tapping the reinforcement grids with an electric arc welding or viscous.

2.18. Armokarcasy and grids of shoes Weighing over 50 kg are installed by the automotive crane in the following order:

place the reinforcement grids of the shoe on the retainers providing a protective layer on the project.

2.19. The reinforcement works are performed in the following order:

install the reinforcement grids of the shoe on the clamps that provide a protective layer of concrete on the project;

after the device formwork, the shoe is installed reinforcement pressures with fastening it to the bottom grid knitted wire.

2.20. Reinforcement work must be performed in accordance with SNiP 3.03.01-81 "carrier and enclosing structures".

2.21. Acceptance of the mounted fittings is carried out before installing the formwork and is issued as an act of examination of hidden work. In the act of acceptance of mounted armoconstructions, the numbers of work drawings, deviations from the drawings, the quality assessment of the mounted fittings, should be indicated.

After installing the formwork give permission to concrete.

2.22. The schemes for the production of reinforcement works are given in Fig. 6 and 7.

Concrete works

2.23. Before starting the laying of a concrete mixture, the following works must be performed:

the correctness of the established reinforcements and formwork is verified;

all defects are eliminated;

F-1 foundation for reinforced concrete columns

Fig. one

Layout layout diagram

Pos. See in fig. 3.

Fig. 2.

Specification of formwork elements


Quantity on F-1 foundation, pcs.

Shield area, m 2

Mass, kg.

one shield

on the foundation F-1

on the foundation F-1

Mounting corner

Mounting corner

Tension hook

Castle tie

Bracket with flooring and hinged staircase

1. For formwork panel layout, see fig. 2.

2. Bracket pos. 20 is conditional not shown.

Fig. 3.

Pos. See in fig. 3.

Fig. four

Formwork production scheme

1 - Crane car KS-35715; 2 - storage platform; 3 - formwork shields; 4 - contamination; 5 - corners assembly; 6 - enlarged formwork panels; 7 - reinforcement frame; 8 - sling; 9 - concrete preparation

Fig. five

F-1 Foundation Reinforcement Scheme

Scheme layout nets soles

Specification of reinforcement nets

Conditional Mark.

Number, pcs.

Mass, kg.

one element

Fig. 6.

Production of reinforcement work

1 - Crane car KS-35715; 2 - storage platform; 3 - foundation formwork; 4 - laid reinforcement grids; 5 - installed reinforcement frame; 6 - sling; 7 - inventory shield (manufactured at the place); 8 - concrete Protective Layer Lock

Fig. 7.

checked the presence of fixators providing the required thickness of the protective layer of concrete;

all the designs and their elements are accepted on the act, access to which in order to verify the correctness of the installation after concreting is impossible;

cleared from garbage, dirt and rust formwork and fittings;

verified the work of all mechanisms, the serviceability of equipment and tools.

2.24. Delivery to the object of the concrete mixture is provided for by concrete mixers of Sat-92B-2 or Sat-159B-2.

2.25. The supply of concrete mixes to the placement site is considered in two versions:

automotive tap in rotary bunkers with a capacity of 1.6 m 3 mixtures of the design of AOZT CNIIIMTP;

with the help of a motorket.

2.26. The work on concreting foundations includes:

reception and supply of concrete mix;

laying and sealing concrete mix;


2.27. Concreting foundations is carried out in two stages:

at the first stage, the foundation shoe and Popponnik concrete to the liner nise mark;

at the second stage, the upper part of the subded after installing the liner is concreted.

2.28. To load the concrete mixture, rotary bins do not require an overload hoist, and fed to the boot point by a concrete mixture by a car crane that sets bins to a horizontal position.

The concrete mixer reversed approaches the bunker and unloads. Then the car crane lifts tube and in a vertical position gives it to the discharge site. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe automotive crane, several bunkers are usually placed closely one to another with the calculation so that the total capacity of them is equal to the appliance mixer. In this case, the concrete mixture is loaded at the same time all prepared bunkers-bauds and then the crane alternately serves them to the discharge site.

2.29. When concreting monolithic foundations with a concrete pump, the radius of the operation of the distribution boom allows laying of a concrete mixture to several foundations. Normal exploitation of autocutton pumps is provided if the concrete mixture is pumped with a concrete mixture with a mobility of 4 - 22 cm, which contributes to the transportation of concrete at the limiting distances without stratification and the formation of traffic jams.

2.30. Concrete work schemes are given in Fig. 8 and 9.

2.31. The concrete mixture is placed by horizontal layers with a thickness of 0.3 - 0.5 m.

Each layer of concrete is carefully sealing deep vibrators. When the concrete mixture is sealing, the end of the working part of the vibrator should be immersed in a previously stacked layer of concrete by 5 - 10 cm. The vibrator permutation step should not exceed 1.5 radius of its action. In the corners and on the walls of the formwork, the concrete mixture is additionally sealing with vibrators or toughing with manual hero. Touch the vibrator during work to fittings is not allowed. Vibration in one position ends when the sedimentation and the appearance of cement milk on the surface of concrete. Removing the vibrator when the permutation should be slowly, without turning off so that the emptiness at the tip is evenly filled with a concrete mixture.

The break between the stages of concreting (or laying the layers of the concrete mix) should be at least 40 minutes, but not more than 2 hours.

2.32. After laying a concrete mix in the formwork, it is necessary to create favorable temperature and humidity conditions for the hardening of concrete. The horizontal surfaces of the slaining foundation are covered with damp bags, tarpaulom, sawdust, sheet, rolled materials for a period depending on climatic conditions, in accordance with the instructions of the construction laboratory.

2.33. The following links are performed on the device of monolithic concrete foundations:

unloading and sorting of reinforcement grids and formwork elements, loading and unloading of armorcarcas, assembled on the stand, installation of Armokarkas Podkolnikov, installation and disassembly of the liner - link number 1:

machinist 5 raz. - 1 person,

installer (rigging) 4 solid - 1 person,

2 breaks - 2 people.

formwork work - installation of foundation formwork elements, disassembling formwork with surface cleaning, lubrication of emulsion shields - link number 2:

fixes of construction 4 discord. - 2 people,

3 solid - 1 person,

2 breaks - 1 person;

The scheme of production of concrete work when applying a concrete mix with a crane in bunkers

1 - Crane car KS-35715; 2 - concrete mixer SB-92B-2; 3 - Bunker rotary BPV-1.6; 4 - sling; 5 - bracket; 6 - fencing; 7 - formwork shields; 8 - concrete foundation; 9 - playground storage

Fig. eight

Scheme of production of concrete work when serving concrete mixture with concrete pump

1 - concrete pump Sat-170-1; 2 - concrete mixer SB-92B-2; 3 - formwork shields; 4 - concrete foundation

Fig. nine

reinforcement work - installation of reinforcement grids of shoes, consolidating assembly of reinforcement grids of pressurposters on the conductor, welding works - link number 3:

aRMATURES 3 RAU. - 1 person,

2 breaks - 2 people,

electric welder 3 disc. - 1 person;

concrete works (when the concrete mixture is applied to the concrete mixture of the concrete mixture of the concrete mixer, the supply of a concrete mixture with a crane, laying a concrete mix with a seal of vibrators, concrete care - link No. 4:

concreteers 4 solid. - 1 person,

3 solid - 1 person,

2 breaks - 2 people;

concrete works (when applying concrete mixture with concrete pump) - laying concrete mix with concrete pump with sealing vibrators, cleaning of concreteid, concrete care - link number 5:

machinist 5 raz. - 1 person;

operator 5 disc. - 1 person,

concreteers are 3 rav. - 1 person,

2 breaks - 1 person.

2.34. Production of concrete work at negative air temperatures.

In the production of concrete work in winter, it should be guided by the rules of SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Bearing and Fencing Constructions" and SNIP III-4-80 * "Safety in construction".

Winter concreting conditions are considered under the average temperature of the outer air not higher than 5 ° C or the minimum temperature for a day below 0 ° C.

In winter, the choice of additives and the calculation of their quantity is carried out in the same way as in the summer.

The construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures can be implemented, as a rule, using several ways of winter concreting. The choice of the method should be made on the basis of the requirements of the minimum quantities and energy intensity, cost, and duration of work, as well as taking into account local conditions (outdoor temperature, work volumes, availability of special equipment, electrical capacity, etc.).

The combined methods of winter concreting are promising, which are a combination of two or more traditional methods, for example, thermos + the use of concrete concrete with anti-corrosion additives, electrical heating or heating in the heating formwork of concrete containing antiorrosal additives, concrete electric power processing in warm and others.

The method of thermosa

The essence of the method is to heat the concrete due to the heating of aggregates and water and the use of heat released when the cement is hardening, to acquire a given strength in the process of its slow cooling in a warmed formwork.

Applying concrete with antiorrosal additives

The essence of the method is to be introduced into the concrete mix when it prepares additives that reduce the water freezing temperature to ensure the reaction of the cement hydrotation and hardening of concrete at temperatures below 0 ° C.

Additives are injected into the concrete mixture in the form of aqueous solutions of the working concentration, which are obtained by mixing the concentrated solutions of the indoor water additives and is fed into the concrete mixer through the water dispenser.

Preliminary electricity concrete mixture

The essence of the method is to heat the concrete mixture outside the formwork by passing an electric current through it, laying a mixture into a warmed formwork, while concrete reaches a given strength in the slow cooling process.

Preliminary electrojegenes of the concrete mix are produced in dump trucks with the help of equipment for warming up the mixture.

When the concrete mixture is delivered by concrete mixers, the mixture is performed on the heating post with the subsequent boot of the concrete mixer heated mixture.

In order to avoid excessive thickening of the combustible concrete mixture, the duration of its heating should not exceed 15 minutes, and the duration of transportation and laying is 20 minutes.

For preheating of the concrete mixture, an exoteric method can be applied. When mixing the mixture with aluminum powder, an exothermic (with heat release) is occurring.

Electric stroke of concrete

The essence of the electrical heating of concrete is to pass through it, as through ohmic resistance, alternating current, with the result that heat is highlighted in concrete.

Steel electrodes are used to summarize the voltage to concrete.

To power the electric heating and other methods of electrother treatment, it is allowed to apply lower transformers.

Heated concrete in thermoactive formwork

The heating method is feasible when using inventory formwork with steel or plywood deck for concreting walls, overlaps, etc.

It is especially effective in the construction of structures and structures, the concreting of which should be conducted without interruptions, as well as structures saturated with reinforcement. The heating method is economically and technologically appropriate not only when using collapsible and stop-over, but also block, volume-stop, catholic and sliding formwork.

The use of thermoactive formwork does not cause additional requirements for the composition of the concrete mix and does not limit the use of plasticizing additives. Concrete heating in a heating formwork can be combined with a concrete mixture, using antiorrose chemical additives or hardening accelerators.

Concrete heating designs are made after a formwork for concreting. Those parts of the design that are not overlapped with thermoactive formwork are insulated with flexible coatings (blankets) from fiberglass and glass wool.

The technology of concreting in thermoactive formwork is practically no different from the work technology in the summer. To prevent heat losses from horizontal surfaces during breaks in laying a concrete mixture and an outdoor temperature below a minus 20 ° C, a concrete structure is covered with a tarpaulo or film material.

Heating concrete using heating wires

The essence of the method of heating concrete with the use of heating wires is heating concrete using wires located in concrete, which are heated when the electric current is transmitted. The wires are fixed on the reinforcement rods of grids and frames before laying a concrete mix.

Heating concrete hot air

Application for heating hot air concrete leads to great heat loss. Therefore, this method is advisable to use with a small negative temperature of the outer air and sufficiently reliable and hermetic thermal insulation. Hot air is obtained in electrocalores or fire-fired fire-fuel facilities.

2.35. The list of machines and equipment is shown in Table 1.

2.36. The list of technological equipment, tools, inventory and fixtures are shown in Table 2.

List of machinery and equipment

Table 1

Name of machines, mechanisms and equipment

Type, Mark.

Technical specifications


Automotive crane

Telescopic boom length 8 - 18 m. Load capacity 16 t

Flow of reinforcement, formwork, concrete mix


Sat-170-1 (SB-170-1A)

Distribution boom supply range - 19 m. Performance up to 65 m 3 / h

Submission of concrete mix

Bus concrete mixer

The geometric volume of the drum is 6.1 m 3. The output of the finished mixture of at least 4.5 m 3

Transportation of concrete mix

Transformer welding

Power supply voltage 200/380 V. Rated power of 32 kW. Mass of 210 kg

Welding work


Compressed air supply

List of technological equipment, tools, inventory and fixtures

table 2

Name tooling, tools, inventory and fixtures

Mark, GOST, TU or organization-developer, work drawing number

Technical specifications


Quantity on the link (brigade), pcs.

Bunker rotary

Capacity 1.6 m 3

Submission of concrete mix

Pack of paint tank

Capacity - 20 l, mass - 20 kg

Lubrication panels of formwork

Manual pneumatic sprayer

Mass - 0.66 kg

Lubrication panels of formwork

Device for mating reinforcement rods


Assembly of integuctive carcasses

Lock for temporary fixing grids

AOZT Tsniyomtp

Reinforcement work

Clamp for temporary fastening of reinforcement frames


Reinforcement work

Designer for assembling reinforcement frames


Reinforcement work


Reinforcement work

Universal drill

Drill diameter up to 13 mm, weight 2 kg

Drilling holes

Electrically holder

Welding work

Vibrator depth

Vibron's length 440 mm, weight of 15 kg

Seal concrete mix

Salning Shesive Universal

AOZT Tsniyomtp R. Ch. 907-300.000

Terminating designs

Scrap mounted

Mass of 4.4 kg

Richtovka elements

Chisel cleaned

Mass of 0.2 kg

Cleaning welding places

Hammer of a locksmith

Mass of 0.8 kg

Cleaning welding places

Steel construction hammer

Weight of 2.2 kg

Crawling concrete

Mass of 0.34 kg

Running the solution

Sledge hammer blacksmith stupidose

Weight of 4.5 kg

Pengetation of reinforcement rods

Mute shovel

Weight of 2.04 kg

Submission of solution

Metal brush

TU 494-61-04-76

Mass of 0.26 kg

Purification of reinforcement from rust

Metal scraper

Weight of 2.1 kg

Cleaning formwork from concrete

Wheel keys

Formwork work

1 set

Scissors for cutting fittings

Weight of 2.95 kg

Reinforcement work

Combined pliers

Mass of 0.2 kg

Reinforcement work

Torch nippers

Mass of 0.22 kg

Reinforcement work


Mass of 1.33 kg

Reinforcement work

Measuring tape

Steel construction removal

Mass of 0.425 kg

Measuring work

Construction level

Mass of 0.4 kg

Measuring work

Protective glasses

Mass of 0.07 kg

Safety technique

Protective shield for electric welder

Mass of 0.48 kg

Safety technique

Casque construction

Safety technique

On all links

Safety belt

Safety technique

On all links

Rubber gloves

Concrete works

Rubber boots

Concrete works

3. Requirements for quality and acceptance of work

3.1. Requirements for the quality of the supplied materials and products, operational quality control and technological recesses to be controlled are shown in Table 3.

Table 3.

Name of technological processes to be controlled

Subject of control

Method of control and tool

Monitoring time

Responsible for control

Specifications of quality assessment

Accepting fittings

Compliance of reinforcement rods and grids project (by passport)


Before installation

Manufacturer of work

Diameter and distances between working rods

Stanciterculus, ruler measuring

Before installing grids

Installation of fittings

Deviation from the design dimensions of the thickness of the protective layer

Measuring ruler

In progress

Allowable deviation with a thickness of the protective layer more than 15 mm - 5 mm; With the thickness of the protective layer 15 mm and less - 3 mm

Displacement of the reinforcement rods when they are installed in the formwork, as well as in the manufacture of reinforcement frames and grids

Measuring ruler

In progress

The allowable deviation should not exceed 1/5 of the largest diameter of the rod and 1/4 of the installed rod

Deviation from the design dimensions of the position of vertical frames

Geodesic instrument

In progress

Permissible deviation of 5 mm

Acceptance of formwork and sorting

The presence of sets of formwork elements. Marking elements


In progress

Manufacturer of work

Installation of formwork

Displacement of the formwork axes from the project position

Measuring ruler

In the process of mounting

Permissible deviation of 15 mm

Deviation of the formwork plane from vertical for the entire height of the foundation

Reference, measuring ruler

In the process of mounting

Permissible deviation of 20 mm

Laying of concrete mix

Concrete mixture layers thickness


In progress

The thickness of the layer should be no more than 1.25 length of the working part of the vibrator

Concrete mixture seal, concrete care


In progress

The step of rearranging the vibrator should not be more than 1.5 radius of the vibrator, the depth of the immersion must be somewhat more thickness of the concrete layer. Favorable temperature and humidity conditions for hardening concrete should be ensured by protecting it from wind exposure, direct sunlight and systematic moisture

Mobility of concrete mix

Cone Stroy - Tsnyl-Press (PSU-500)

Before concreting

Construction laboratory

The mobility of the concrete mix should be 1 - 3 cm of precipitation of the cone by SNIP 3.03.01-87

The composition of the concrete mix when laying by concrete pump

By experienced pumping

Before concreting

Construction laboratory

Experimental pumping with concrete mixture with concrete pump and the test of concrete samples, the manufacture of concrete mix spent after pumping

Tubing structures

Checking compliance with the timing of the pavement, the lack of damage to the concrete when paving


After a set of concrete strength

Manufacturer of works, construction laboratory

4. Calculation of labor and machine time

Table 4.

Name of technological processes

Units. Measurements

Scope of work

Justification (Yenir and other norms)

Time norms

Labor costs

workers, person-h

machinists, Chel.-h

workers, Chel.-h (Masha)

machinists, Chel.-h (Masha.-H)

Installation and disassembly formwork

Auxiliary works

Unloading formwork elements from vehicles

Yenir 1987

§ E1-5 Table. 2 No. 1a, b

Sorting structures

Yenir 1987

§ E5-1-1 № 3

Constructive assembly of panels

Yenir 1987

§ E4-1-40 № 1

Installation of formwork

Feed the enlarged panels to the place of installation

Yenir 1987

§ E1-6 Table. 2 No. 17a, b

Installation of enlarged panels

Yenir 1987

§ E4-1-37 Table. 2 No. 1 K \u003d 0.9 (as applied)

Installing brackets for brimming

Yenir 1987

§ E5-1-2 № 4

Dismantling formwork

Removing the enlarged formwork panels

Yenir 1987

§ E4-1-37 Tab. 2 K \u003d 9 (as applied)

Dismantling bracket

Yenir 1987

§ E5-1-2 № 4 K \u003d 8 (PR-2)

Feed the enlarged panels on the storage site

Yenir 1987

§ E1-6 № 17A, b

Installation of fittings

Unloading reinforcement grids and frames

Yenir 1987

§ E1-5 Table. 2, No. 1a, b

Sort reinforcement grids:

Yenir 1987

§ E5-1-1 № 3

Yenir 1987

§ E5-1-1 № 3

Feed meshes with a crane to the installation site

Yenir 1987

§ E1-6 Table. 2, № 17a, b

Installation of reinforcement grids shoe:

Yenir 1987

§ E4-1-44 Tab. 1, No. 1 A

Yenir 1987

§ E4-1-44 Table. 1, No. 1a

Enlarging assembly of reinforcement frames on the site of the integuctive assembly

1 Element / T

Yenir 1987

§ E5-1-3 Table. 2, № 1K, 2K

Loading reinforcement frames for cars

Yenir 1987

§ E1-5, Table. 2, No. 1a, b

Feed reinforcement frames to the place of installation of the crane

Yenir 1987

§ E1-6, Table. 2, № 17a, b

Installation of reinforcing frame crane

Yenir 1987

§ E4-1-44 Table. 1, No. 2a

Welding fittings

Yenir 1987

§ E22-1-1 № 26 K \u003d 1.3 (B2-5)

Concrete works

Submission of concrete mix with a crane

Reception of the concrete mixture of the concrete mixer in bunkers

Feed a concrete mix to the place of laying in the bunkers of the crane

Yenir 1987

§ E1-6 Table. 2, № 15, 16 (by extrapolation)

Yenir 1987

§ E4-1-49 Tab. 1, № 4

Submission of concrete mix with concrete pump

Reception of a concrete mixture of a concrete mixer in a bunker of concrete pump

The supply of concrete mixes to the place of installation by concrete pump

Laying the concrete mix in the structure of up to 25 m 3

Yenir 1987

§ E4-1-49 Tab. 1, № 3, 4

In total, when applying a concrete mix:

concrete pump

5. work schedule

Table 5.

6. The need for materials, products and structures

6.1. The need for materials, products and structures on the foundation is shown in Table 6.

Table 6.

Name of materials, products and structures (Mark, GOST, TU)

Units. Measurements

Initial data

The need for the meter of final products

Main developments

Units. Measurements by norm

Scope of work in regulatory units

Consumption rate

Formwork minor metal

Reinforcement grids

Concrete mix

Snip IV-B4 § E2

E-42 electrodes

Emulsion for lubrication of formwork shields

1 m 2 formwork

7. Safety and labor protection. Environmental and Fire Safety

7.1. When monolithic foundations, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNIP III-4-80 * "Safety Safety", "Fire safety rules in the production of construction and installation work", "Device and safe operation of load-lifting cranes".

7.2. The safety of the work of work should be provided: the choice of rational appropriate technological equipment;

preparation and organization of jobs for the work of work;

the use of protective equipment;

medical examination of persons admitted to work;

timely learning and testing of knowledge of working personnel and ITER safety in the production of construction and installation work.

Special attention must be paid to the following:

methods of trimming elements of structures should ensure their feeding to the place of installation in a position close to the project;

elements of mounted structures during displacement must be kept from swinging and rotating flexible detensiats;

prevent people under the mounted elements of the structures before installing them in the design position and fixation;

when moving the cargo crane, the distance between the outer dimensions of the rigid cargo and the protruding parts of the structures and obstacles during the movement should be horizontally at least 1 m, vertically at least 0.5 m; Installation and dismantling of the formwork can be started with the permission of the technical leader of construction and should be carried out under the direct supervision of a specially appointed person of technical personnel;

moving the loaded or empty bunker is allowed only with the closed gate;

vibrator is not allowed to touch the worker in the zone of a possible fall of the bunker;

only persons who have a certificate of work on this type of machines are allowed to control concrete pumps.

7.4. When working at an altitude of more than 1.5 m, all workers are required to use safety belts with carbines.

7.5. The formwork disassembly is allowed after a set of concrete of platform strength and with the permission of the manufacturer of the work.

7.6. The separation of the formwork from concrete is made with the help of jacks. In the process of separation, the concrete surface should not be damaged.

7.7. Electrical welder jobs should be fenced with special portable fences. Before starting welding, it is necessary to check the health of the welding wires and electrode holders, as well as the density of the connection of all contacts. When breaking, electric welding installations must be disconnected from the network.

7.8. Loading and unloading, storage and installation of reinforcement frames must be carried out by inventory loading devices and in compliance with measures that exclude the possibility of falling, slipping and loss of cargo stability.

7.9. Cleaning the tray of the concrete mixer and the loading hole from the residues of the concrete mix is \u200b\u200bproduced only with a fixed drum.

7.10. It is forbidden: the work of concrete pump without remote supports; Start the work of the concrete pump without pre-fill in the flushing reservoir of concrete transport cylinders of water, and in the concrete pipe - "start-up lubricant".

8. Technical and economic indicators

Table 7.


Feed a concrete mixture with a crane in bunkers

Submission of concrete mixture with concrete pump Sat-170-1

Regulatory labor cost workers, people-day

Regulatory machine time costs, Mash.-shift

Duration of work, shift

Development per worker in shift, m 3 / cells-

Calculation 1.

Time norms for unloading the concrete mixer SB-92B-2 in the container.

The unloading time of the concrete mixer on the technical characteristic of the concrete mixer is 8 minutes (0133 hours).

The useful capacity of the drum - 4 m 3.

N. BP. On the unloading of 100 m 3 of the concrete mixture will be:

(100'0,133) / 4'1 \u003d 3.32 Masha.

Calculation 2.

Time norms for the supply of concrete mix in the construction of the Sat-170-1 concrete pump.

The operational performance of the concrete pump is determined by the formula

P e \u003d p t 'to 1' to 2,

where n t is the technical productivity of the concrete pump;

K 1 is the transition coefficient from technical performance to operational, K 1 \u003d 0.4;

K 2. - the coefficient of reducing the performance of the concrete pump, taking into account the non-permanent feed mode, to 2 \u003d 0.65.

P e \u003d 60 '0.4' 0.65 \u003d 15.6 m 3 / h.

Serve links from two people: a machine of a concrete-pumping installation 4 solid. - 1 person, concrete 2 breaks. - 1 person.

The rate of time per 100 m 3 concrete mix for workers:

(100'1) / 15.6 \u003d 6.4 people;

for driver 100 / 15,6'1 \u003d 6.4 Masha.

One of the first stages of the construction of various appointments is the installation of formwork. Often this process remains without due attention. But already at the preparation stage, it becomes clear that not everything is so simple as I thought first. Collect the frame will help the formwork installation instructions.

Types of formwork

Highlight three types of design:

  • Removable, which is dismantled after a complete drying of the solution. This formwork is assembled from individual parts. The result is a collapsible design that is dismantled and can be reused. Among the advantages of this type of formwork allocate ease of installation, the possibility of reuse, which significantly reduces the financial costs of construction.
  • Non-removable, respectively, that that is not dismantled. The installation of the formwork of this species is mainly made of polystyrene foam or foam. It remains part of the erected structures. And while performing the role of insulation.
  • The "floating" formwork is typical for the construction of a monolithic foundation, which is immersed in the ground. It is a shield assembled from boards, which is slightly slightly higher than the planned design of concrete. The shield falls into the pit and attached to its walls. Cardboard or runner rolled over it.

There are also several types depending on the purpose:

  • Wall formwork. Installation is performed for the construction of vertical structures and walls.
  • Horizontal, which is used for mounting the foundation and overlaps.
  • Curved, which allows you to pour details of unusual forms.

Installation and dismantling of the formwork of each species has its own characteristics. They need to be known to qualitative performance.

Benefits of non-removable formwork

Installation of a non-removable formwork involves the purchase of a ready-made kit for performing work. It remains only to assemble the design and make it installation. From here, there are a number of advantages with which the formwork of this type has:

  • short time performing work;
  • ease of installation;
  • small weight design;
  • resistance to the appearance of fungus and mold;
  • fire safety;
  • low cost.

Also, the non-removable formwork is simultaneously a layer of insulation and is blocks of foam, which are easily connected to each other. In this case, the inner wall is thinner than the external one. Due to this, a high level of thermal insulation is achieved.

Erecting non-removable formwork

Finished shields are fixed to corner bars using self-tapping screws or nails. Fastening should be reliable. When expanding the concrete, the pressure on the shield will increase, which can lead to cracking of the boards. The main thing is that the bar itself remains from the outside. A parallel design assembled another row at the distance of the future wall. As a result, the framework should be obtained throughout the perimeter.

A layer of rubble or sand is covered in the finished box of formwork. This will protect the solution from moisture loss, which will go into the ground. Formwork mounting technology provides protection against the flow of the solution through the available holes. For this shields are covered with film or rubberoid, which are mounted with self-drawers or brackets with a stapler.

All work must be carried out with a level. It is very important. At each stage, the smoothness of the design is checked in height, length and vertical (especially important). Two rows of shields must go strictly parallel to each other.

Basic elements of formwork

Removable formwork, which is assembled independently, consists of the following items:

  • Deck, which is a flat shield, which is the fence of the whole form. The design should be strong enough to withstand the pressure of the solution. Therefore, it is made of plywood or edged boards with a thickness of 4-5 cm.
  • Forests that are supporting design. They hold the walls, not allowing the solution to squeeze the deck. Forests made of pine bars or boards (2.5-5 cm).
  • Fasteners are all the details by which all the design elements are twisted: wire, clips, ties, hardware, and so on.

The deck is most often assembled from the $ 15 cm wide, which are connected to several rows using nails (driven from the inside, bent outside) or screws (they are twisted from the inner side). The distance between the boards should not exceed 3 mm. Shields fasten with each other additional planks.

An easier making of the deck is the use of plywood moisture resistant with a thickness of 1.8-2.1 cm.

Installing formwork

The frame will be installed exactly and in terms of the level, if the site is correctly prepared. It is placed using cords stretched between carriages. Sandy pillow falls asleep and compacted. If necessary, the boiler is prepared.

Installation of the formwork occurs in the following sequence:

  • Perimeter should be denoted by vertical guides (wooden bars, metal corners or pipes).
  • On the guides, it is required to place ready-made shields, while maintaining the required distance between them (it is equal to the required thickness of the foundation).
  • Firmly fix the deck. Put it from the outside by inclined bars (1 tablet for each deck meter).
  • Connect shields with each other 5x5 cm bruises.
  • The inner side of the formwork is made with a film (ruberoid).

Foundations up to 20 cm high do not require a serious design. For them, bars robbed enough into the land.

Installation of wall formwork

More complex is the process of building wall formwork. This distinguishes small and large-scale formwork.

The first option is suitable for the construction of small buildings (country houses, building buildings) and partitions between the premises. At the same time, they use small plywood shields.

Installation of large-scale formwork is characteristic of building buildings with high height. Metal sheets or large plywood sheets are used for work.

For mounting of walls, the foundation is prepared, in which the reinforcement is stuck. A two-row frame formwork is collected around it. When using conventional plywood, the joints are wedged with glue or sealant. Currently, the market has a special phantom for formwork. Separate sheets are connected on the principle of "spike-groove", which does not require additional sealing.

Types of overlap

Installation of the ceiling formwork depends on the type of overlap itself. The following types of structures are distinguished:

  • On bulk bowls. It is used for structures with a large height. At the same time, vertical racks, jacks, inserts, rigleels and other elements for connecting individual parts are used.
  • On the blade forests, which are used for multi-storey buildings. Instead of plywood shields, scaffolds are established.
  • On the woods of a cup type. This species provides for the installation of the frame. Racks are connected to a cup of each other.
  • On telescopic bowls. Suitable in cases where the height of the overlap is less than 4.6 m. It is based on tripods that support the entire design. From above, shields made of moisture-resistant plywood.

Fitting for overlapping

Currently, the monolithic overlap is most often used. In his example, we will analyze the process of mounting formwork.

For formwork, vertical racks are used, interconnected by the begles. They are attached at right angles to the bars going in the transverse direction. The shield from plywood is stacked on these transverse bars, which is the bottomwork.

The following materials are used to perform these works:

  • rack - timber with a cross section of 12-15 cm;
  • rigel and transverse timber - edged board 16-18 cm wide and 5 cm thick;
  • splits - a board with a thickness of 3 cm;
  • flooring - moisture-resistant 1.8 cm thick.

Before work, it is necessary to carry out accurate calculations. It is important to determine the required number of racks, the step of their placement and other indicators.

Installation instructions for floating overlaps

The instruction of the work includes the following steps:

  • Longitudinal bars are attached to the top of the racks, the second end of which is fixed on the wall.
  • The second row is collected in the same way. For this, a 5 cm thick is stacked under the support.
  • Cross bars are stacked in 60 cm increments.
  • Install the support racks (strictly vertical).
  • The racks are combined with each other.
  • Plywood sheets are stacked on transverse bars, not leaving the gaps.
  • The ends of the overlap are protected by masonry from blocks or bricks.
  • The frame of the reinforcement is collected. At the same time leave if necessary for communications.

When all the work is performed, you can pour concrete. Remove the formwork after 3 weeks.


Installation of the formwork of each species provides for the use of certain materials. If boards are used, then they must be new. Rotten old boards may not withstand the load and break. Plywood must be moisture resistant or laminated.

All works required to be performed in accordance with the calculated calculations. This is especially important for mounting the formwork of floors and walls.