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Manufacturing Armopoyas with their own hands. Aropois in a house of aerated concrete pouring

Houses from aerated concrete enjoy well-deserved popularity of the merits of this building material. But one of them, which great simplifies construction and installation work, is the large dimensions of the gas-concrete block - has the opposite side of the medal. The buildings built from such large blocks are very sensitive to the foundation of the foundation, while the vertical seams are not only destroyed, but the blocks themselves can also break, because the aerated concrete does not like stretching and bending strains.

A special reinforced concrete design is designed to deal with this problem - the reinforced belt (armopoyas). It enhances the walls and smoothes the loads that arise due to the uneven sediment of the foundation. If the walls of a gas-concrete house are composed of large building elements, which are fastened with thin seams of glue or solution, then the structure of Armopoyas includes monolithic concrete and reinforcing fittings laid crosswise and longitudinally. At the same time, the concrete is perfectly withstanding compression, and the reinforcement constituents are superbly opposed with stretching, therefore such a design, absolutely not deforming, withstands very large loads. Therefore, the wall, erected on the reinforced belt, is subjected to very insignificant effects and is not destroyed, since the reinforced concrete construction assumes all the main loads.

Since the aerated concrete blocks are put on a very thin fastening layer, it is impossible to place fittings in it. Therefore, in this case, armopoyas is performed as a separate constructive unit, which is a monolithic part of the wall. At the same time, there is a serious problem - due to the large difference in the heat transfer of the concrete and the ARMO-concrete block, the Aropoyash becomes a temperature bridge (a plot having a low thermal resistance), therefore, the outer thermal insulation of the reinforced belt takes place. Most often, insulation is made by mineral wool, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. For effective heat shields, the minimum thickness of the insulation layer must be 10 cm, therefore, armopoyas should already be an outer wall for this value.

In the wall of the gas-concrete house, at least 2 Armopoyais should be built - before the first vertical side, on the upper perimeter of the foundation, and above the last vertical near the overlap. However, if the monolithic reinforced concrete plate is used as the foundation of the house, then you can do without the lower armojoy. In addition, reinforced belt is recommended for each inter-storey overlap. The vertical enabarity of Armopoyasa depends on the characteristics of the soil, in which the foundation is made, and from the design features of the house. In practice, a box design is most often used, i.e. the width of the Armopleyas is taken equal to its height, but it should be borne in mind that a higher armoomas is able to withstand large deforming loads.

The reinforced belt is made of high-quality concrete (a brand is not lower than M-200) and metal rods with a cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bat least 12 mm. The rods are collected from the rods, which in the transverse direction knits the reinforcement with a cross-section area of \u200b\u200b4-6 mm. The frame is formed from 2 rows of rods that are separated by a height of 10-15 cm. The rods are located in one plane at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. They are connected to each other in the length of the metal wire and stacked with a pantom of about 15 cm. The same wire rods are associated with transverse reinforcement.

The reinforcement frame is placed in the formwork, but not close, but with a small gap (3-5 cm) between the rods and the inner surface of the formwork. The clearance is necessary to create an outer fill of the rods from concrete. Thermal material is then stacked outside the frame, a concrete solution is started into the formwork. In the process of filling, the concrete is thoroughly tamped. In Aropoyas, if necessary, additional details can be installed, for example, for fastening the roof. After completing the fill, the design surface must be aligned with the workshop.

Concrete is allowed to stand 3-4 days, so that it gains initial strength, after which it is possible to continue the masonry of the walls. After 7-10 days, the formwork can be disassembled. In the process of maturation, concrete should be protected from the effects of external climatic factors - in winter it is warmed by a warming material, and water is watered in hot weather and is covered with polyethylene.
Competent installation of the reinforced belt will give the walls additional strength and increase the service life of the house several times.

Photo instruction in the fill of Armopoyais on aerated concrete

We make formwork.

For formwork, we make a cake from the street: 10 cm aerated blocks, a heater 3-5 cm, a place for armo-panel, removable formwork from boards or plywood. Boards and Phaneur screwing with long wood screws. Studs 12 diameters put each meter in increments. For a frame, we use four rows of reinforcement with a diameter of 10.

For mating fittings, we use knitting wire, plastic clamps in hard-to-reach places and squares from a smooth wire with a diameter of 6

These items can be bending with hands for example, on such a device from a corner and pipe

Pour armopoyas to manual or concrete pump. Pin with reinforcement or vibrating the vibrator. Studs are wrapped with molar scotch tape before the fill.

Cover the Aropoyas film

Remove the formwork in a few days

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

The reinforced belt is considered one of the most important stages of building a block house. It is done at the end of each floor. Aropoyas on aerated concrete gives the rigidity of the entire surface of the house, "gluing" the whole design together and strengthening the whole house.

If you doubt your own and skills, you can invite specialists for these purposes, but those who are more oriented in construction business are fully capable of filling Armopoyas, following step-by-step instructions.

How to make Armopoyas on a gas concrete?

To do this, it is necessary to buy voluntary blocks with a thickness of 10 cm. From the outdoor side of the house, blocks are stacked with glue, then from the extruded polystyrene or from mineral wool is arranged with a heat outline. Then, from within the house, blocks 5 cm thick or formwork in the form of plywood are put. As a result, the homemade block is obtained, the reinforcement for Armopoyas is stacked, from 8 to 12 diameter.

It stacked in the form of a rectangle, while the framework knit - on top and from below two rods. On any market, you can purchase special fasteners, which are used in the work. This is done so that the reinforcement does not lie on the block itself, but was in the air - the so-called protective layer of concrete is created, with a gap of 3 cm above and below.

After that, concrete is poured, carefully recalls and it turns out ready-made armoomas under the slab of the overlap. More detailed description can be viewed on video, also in the photo shows drawings, schemes and step-by-step design instructions.

If you carefully look at the entire perimeter, the studs are seen, to which the overlaps will later be attached to keep the roof as soon as possible and not shifted to the parties. Street length depends on the overlap thickness. As a rule, meter elements are taken and in half.

How to fill armoomas with your own hands? This question worries many, especially beginner masters. It is likely that many familiar pictures when concrete is poured from the sleeve - a special concrete pump feeding the material to the right place. But in most cases, the Armopoyas device does not allow this task, since the pressure concrete will fall from a high height, and the formwork can simply burst. Therefore, it is often necessary to use manual work, no matter how hard it is.

When pouring Armopoyasa in a house of aerated concrete, one should calculate the subsequent load. If it is expected not too big, you can save. The volume of the design can be made smaller, but not due to its narrowing, and by reducing the thickness. Experienced masters know how to competently calculate the size of Armopleois and reduce the cost of its manufacture, while not losing the quality of the entire design, which is very important.

As for the fill, there is another important advice. This process should be made by one, and not for several goals. If this is not possible, it is recommended to install special wooden jumpers. When the time comes to fill a new part, the overlap is removed, the joints are carefully moistened and only after that you can pour a new portion of concrete.

At the end of the laying, you need to make a concrete mixture to exclude voids. To do this, take a piece of reinforcement and puzzle to them concrete. If the work is made in summer, at high temperatures, then the Aropoyas for Maurylalat is recommended to cover with polyethylene so that the moisture does not evaporate and cracks are not formed on the surface.

In this article we will deal with why I need Armopoyas on aerated concrete. The basic requirements for this structural element will be considered in detail, you will also learn how to make Armopoyas for aerated concrete.

Armopoyas for aerated concrete is a ribbon design of monolithic concrete, repeating all the contours of the building wall. In the houses from the gasoblock, this belt is a necessary element that significantly improves the strength characteristics of the entire building.

In order for the reinforcing belt is not a weak level of the house in terms of thermal insulation, the technology provides for the creation of belts not to the entire width of the wall, but with an indent from its inner side.

At the same time, the minimum width of the belt should be 25 centimeters for bricks and 20 centimeters for concrete. Free space formed after the fill of Armopoyas is filled with insulation, and closes the fitted foam block.

We also give reviews of builders specializing in the construction of houses from foamed concrete, which will help you draw up a full picture of the need to arine the reinforcing frame for ceramzite-concrete blocks:

Igor, 49 years old, Moscow:

For the past seven years, my brigade uses foam concrete materials as the main building material, I heard only positive feedback on our work.

The number of fans of this material, since its appearance on the domestic market, has grown at times. Armopoyasa on aerated concrete set in each house erected.

I believe that Armokarkas is necessarily needed for foam concrete, and manufacturers statements that block strengths and so enough for the installation of any overlaps, do not correspond to reality. As for me, it is better to reinforce it again and consolidate the work than then bite elbows.
Oleg, 45 years old, Rostov:

We build houses from gas blocks. Armokarkas establish mandatory, especially for hanging rafters and to secure overlaps from concrete slabs. Recently built in the country area the household poultry room, as a building materials used a slagoblock.

It was equipped with a brick Armokarkas, because I am sure that "the doctor prescribed" it to consolidate all buildings from building materials based on foamed concrete.

2.3 Armopoyash arrangement with their own hands (video)

Armopoyas is a reinforced concrete construction designed to strengthen the walls of the house from various loads, which arise as a result of deformation under the influence of both external and internal factors. The external factors can be attributed, the impact of wind, floating ground, a house established on inclined terrain or a hill and of course the seismic activity of the Earth. The internal factors include installation in the wall of studs and other household building devices of the home during the interior decoration. As a result of these phenomena, the walls from aerated concrete may not withstand the loads and simply nourish or crap. In order not to happen such trouble, professional builders make Armopois, to increase the strength of the house.

Armopoyas is installed throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe house if the house consists of block elements. It is usually installed between the floors and immediately before installing the roof, this is done so that the walls are not driving under the influence of the load on the walls of the roof. Thus, the roof will not break away from the house with the proper installation of Armopoya.

Installing Armopoyas with your own hands

Armopoyas can be installed using wooden flashes and with the help of voluntary blocks (about 10 cm) thickness. Let's first look at the stage of installation of the Armopoya with the second option. So: We buy Dobly blocks in our case, we do from the outer side (from the side of the street) block 10 cm and glue it to the glue, then from mineral wool we make a heat outline, from the inside the house we make 5 cm block and also put on glue.

It is possible for the scene of the third 5 cm block to use formwork, it is done to increase the area of \u200b\u200bconcrete, but it depends on the wall design.

Installation of wooden formwork for armoo

Wooden formwork for Armopoya is installed very simple. First, the formwork is installed from wooden boards, the height of the formwork of about 30 cm will be quite enough, then we assume the board to the wall and every 60-70 cm we drive additional ties, this is done so that the wooden formwork does not disappear under the influence of the mass of the compound concrete.

Then inside the reinforcement from 8 to 12 diameter. The most optimal is 12 diameter, but this is if your home is affected by external factors. Next, we tie the reinforcement and put it on special asterisks, thus we make an active lower layer. After that, the concrete is welcoming well, we compact and get ready-made armoomas.

The next step will be the installation of studs, for fastening the overlap. Studs are installed every 60 cm all over the perimeter of the walls. Studs are needed to secure the overlap and respectively the roof so that it keeps smoothly.

Accordingly, after the fill of the concrete, the bar is drilled and installed on the studs. By the way, the studs can be taken any length, we took 1.5 meter studs cut in half and inserted into Aropoyas.

Pouring concrete in formwork

You probably saw when concrete poured from a special sleeve, with a concrete pump. But in some cases, the fill of concrete from the concrete pump is impossible due to the fact that the concrete will fall from a high height under pressure as a result of which the formwork can simply not withstand and break, so you need to either fix the formwork or pour concrete using a manual Labor. It is best to use concrete brand M200 or higher, by the way as we described here. It is possible to make a concrete on your own, for this it is naudible to mix cement, sand and a phenometer in proportion 1: 3: 5 and mix thoroughly adding water.

The fill of the concrete must be performed 1 time differently, the integrity of the design can be disturbed!

But if the fill of concrete failed to perform 1 time, then it is not worth a despair. It is necessary when pouring to install a gas-block - a wooden formwork, which should become overlapping and with the next fill of concrete, moisten the edge of water and continue to pour concrete.

After 3-5 days, Aropoyas for aerated concrete is ready only to set to remove the formwork and continue the construction of the roof.

Video - Fill Armopoyas House from Gasoblocks

Any developer, thinking to build a house of aerated concrete, faces the need to manufacture Armopoyasa (it is also called seismopoyas). Armopoyas on aerated concrete is a monolithic reinforced concrete tape, sprinkled throughout the perimeter of the walls (between the first and second floor, etc.). This element is necessary for a uniform distribution of load and the connection of the walls together. This reduces the risk of cracks when the building is uneven shrinkage. Also Armopois is laid under Mauerlat under the roofing device.

Maxim Pan User Forumhouse, Moscow.

It is impossible to mount the timber (Mauerlat) directly to the stiletto aerated concrete. If this is done, then with time, under the action of wind load, the fasteners are separated. When the Armopoyas indulgent floor is appliance on a wooden flood, a dotted load from a bar on the entire wall will redistribute.

Indicative example of memberschanin with nickname mAD-MAX,which is comprehensively answering the question when the Aropoyas is needed in a house of aerated concrete . He did not have time to pour under Mauerlat Aropoyas, and the house went to the "winter". Already during the cold, arched loops under the windows in the house were cracked exactly in the middle. At first, the cracks were small - about 1-2 mm, but gradually they began to increase and for the most part revealed to 4-5 mm. As a result, after winter, the forumchanin poured the belt 40x25 cm, in which the anchor under Maurylalat was installed before the filling of concrete. It solved the problem with increasing cracks.

mad-Max User forumhouse.

I would like to add that the foundation for the house I have a ribbon - monolithic, the soil is rocky, the bases of the base, before I started building the house, was not. I believe that the reason for the appearance of cracks was the lack of Armopoyas under Mauerlat.

A gas-concrete house, and even more so the house in two floors, is needed by Armopoyas. With its manufacture, you should remember such a rule:

The main condition for the right "work" of Armopoyasa is its continuity, continuity and sliding around the entire perimeter of the walls.

There are several options for the Armopoyas device in a gas-concrete house. The manufacture of Armopoyasa begins with the calculation of its cross section and choosing the type of formwork - a removable or unknown, as well as the "pie" of the entire design.

Eyeonenow User forumhouse.

I have a house of aerated concrete with a thickness of 37.5 cm, with a facing of a brick and a ventilated gap of 3.5 cm. Use special U-blocks of factory manufacturing under the fill of Armopoyas I do not want. I saw on our forum the following scheme during the construction of the house, how to insulate the Armopoyas - on the wall block sets a partition unit with a thickness of 10 cm, then warming (EPPS), and from the inside the house is mounted by removable formwork. Also saw the option when the insulation is pressed close to the brickwork. With this scheme, the belt is greater width.

To understand what option to stay, turn to the experience of Forumhouse experts.

44Alex. User forumhouse.

I built a house of aerated concrete 40 cm thick. In my opinion, the ventilated gap between the wall and a 3.5 cm cladding is not enough, to optimally leave the gap of 5 cm. If you look at the "pie" Armopoyasi from the inside, he was the following:

  • removable formwork;
  • concrete 20 cm;
  • EPPS 5 cm;
  • partition unit 15 cm.