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Minerals: Stone Coal. Brown coal

For heating houses, wood has long been used, but to constantly maintain burning, it is necessary to put the lamps again and again. With the development of the coal-mining industry, more and more people began to use the stone coal: it gives more heat, burns longer. With the proper laying of the furnace, the portion of coal, covered in the boiler from the evening, will maintain a stable temperature all night.

History of the formation of stone coal and its types

The entire process of the formation of coal can be divided into two main stages: the formation of peat and the actual carbonization process - peat conversion to coal.

Peat was formed on extensive water-coated spaces from plant residues of varying degrees of decomposition. Part of the plants overwhelmed completely to the gel condition, part - retained its cellular structure. Their remnants accumulated at the bottom of the reservoirs, which gradually turned into a swamp. The prerequisite required for the formation of peat is the absence of oxygen. Under the thickness of oxygen water was little, hydrogen sulfide, methane and carbon dioxide were released during decomposition of residues, which contributed to hardened residues. Formed a peat.

But not all peatlands were transformed into coal. For the carbon process, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bhigh pressure, high temperature and a large period of time. Depending on the presence of these conditions, or no formation of stone coal occurred. At first, the peat was entered by sedimentary rocks, which increased the pressure and increased the temperature inside the peat layer. In such conditions, brown coal was formed - the first step of the carbonation. In some areas there was a displacement of the reservoirs, as a result of which the layers of brown coal were lowered (some of the detected deposits are at a depth of more than 6000 meters). In places, these processes were accompanied by a magma lifting and volcanic eruptions. High pressure, no oxygen and high temperatures contributed to the fact that moisture and natural gases in the brown of the corner became less and more carbon. As water and gases are replaced, brown coal turned into bituminous, then, if there is a high temperature, in anthracite. The main difference between brown coal from the stone: in the brown coal contains more moisture and natural gases and less carbon, which affects the amount of heat released during combustion.

Today, the age of coal deposits is determined by plant residues. The most ancient dating in a coal period (345-280 million years ago). In this period, most of the coal basins of North America (East and the US Center), the Center and the West of Europe, the South of Africa, China, India are formed. In Eurasia, most coal deposits were formed in the Perm period, some of the small coal basins in Europe dates back to the triad period. Increases the activity of carbon formation by the end of the Jurassic period and in chalk. At about this time, deposits were formed in the east of Europe, in the Rocky Mountains of America, in Indochita and the Asia Center. Later, the brown corners and peat deposits were formed.

Types of coal

Coal is classified depending on the content of moisture, natural gases and carbon. With an increase in carbon amounts, its calorific value increases. The smaller the moisture and volatile substances (gases), the better it transfers storage and transportation.

Lignite - Coal of the first stage of carbonation. It differs from brown coal with a smaller amount of water (45%) in the composition and high heat release. The structure has a fibrous, color - from brown to black (higher quality). Most often used in power engineering (on thermal power plants) for the heating of private houses is rarely used, as it is badly stored and has a low calorific value in conventional furnaces.

Subbittitomine coal - Color black, less pronounced fibrous structure, higher calorific value compared to lignite, smaller moisture content (30%). When transporting it crumbs, and in the open air weathering. When combustion, it allocates 5-6 kW / kg. It is used both in energy and in housing and communal services for heating.

Bituminous coal It has the highest calorific value, does not lose its qualities during transportation and storage. Selects 7-9 kW / kg of heat when burning. Some of its types are used for coking.

Anthracite- Coal of reszolno-black. It has the highest hydrocarbon content. It is difficult to regret, but burns long and without soot, it allocates a large amount of heat (more than 9 kW / kg). It is anthracite more often used for heating.

What coal is used for heating

In Russia and the CIS countries, the system has been operating in 1988. Class coal according to GOST 25543-88, which is divided into 7 categories. Only some use for heating:

Long-faced coal (D). It was obtained due to the long-term combustion process with the release of a large amount of heat (5600-5800 kcal / kg). For its ignition and burning does not require special blowing, therefore long-flame coals are often used in domestic boilers on solid fuel. Depending on the size, it happens:

  • DPK - slab large - sizes of pieces of 50-200 mm;
  • DPKO - slab fist-nut - sizes of pieces of 25-100 mm;
  • Walnut - 26-50 mm;
  • Dm - small - dimensions 13-25 mm;
  • DS - seed - 6-13 mm;
  • Dr - ordinary - no standard sizes.

Longlastic coal - optimal for heating: the flame is long (similar to the firewood), a lot of heat is distinguished, it is fired and burning easily - for normal burning enough natural traction. The relatively low cost in combination with excellent characteristics and led the popularity of this coal brand. It is purchased not only for the heating of private houses, but also for boiler houses educational and medical institutions. Moreover, fuel is used for any fraction: from large "K" to small "M".

Longlamon gas (DG). It differs from the brand of the larger calorific value. Used for heating of private houses all fractions: from "large" to "ordinary". More demanding than long-faced storage conditions, because More intensively disperse.

Anthracite. It allocates a lot of body, it has a small ash content (the asset residue is 10%), it burns long and smoothly, smoke with burning - white (all other brands "give" black smoke). Despite the high performance, it is unambiguous to recommend it for the heating of private houses. It is impossible: anthracite has a high cost and hees it hard.

In some cases, they buy skinny angles "T", fatty "F" or weak "SS". The remaining classes have mainly industrial use. They are used in power engineering and metallurgy, some brands for coking and enrichment. When choosing coal, you need to pay attention not only to its characteristics, but also on the shipping cost. If you do not sell longlastic or anthracite in your region, you will most likely have to do so that it is presented in the market. You need to pay attention to the recommendations of manufacturers of your boiler: the documents are usually indicated by the brands that the equipment was designed. They must be used.

To improve comfort and for the purpose of saving, many prefer to have several fractions: it is more convenient for the "Walnut" fraction or "large", and fall asleep on a long burning. At the coldest periods, there are some amount of anthracite, which, although it is too difficult to burn, but in the heated boiler burns long and hot.

Coksory and enriched corners pass special processing to increase the calorific value. These species are used in metallurgy and energy. For household boilers, such fuel does not fit: due to an excessively high combustion temperature, the furnace can break.

If you listen to people with experience, then they say the best effect gives the following sequence of fuel fuel to the boiler: melt long flames, then fall asleep the anthracite fraction "nut" - it burns for a long time you give a lot of heat, and on the night, add "seeds", which will burn until morning.

The order of the extracts of brick furnaces recommend another: melt the furnace with firewood, when it turns around well, fall asleep with "seed" or (pushed and open the damper for better oxygen intake). If there is a lot of dust in the seed, you can moisten with water - so it flared up easier. When the heat in the oven is enough, you can use the "fist".

What is charcoal and what is it used for what

Charcoal is used by people for many thousands of years ago: it was found during excavations in the settlements of cavemen. It is unlikely that they made it themselves, rather collected on fires or retained the remains of fires, but, apparently, they knew about its properties and knew how to use.

Today in our country this type of fuel is used mostly for cooking: it is used in mangals and barbecues, put into fires. Sometimes used for fireplaces: it burns for a long time, it highlights a lot of heat (7800 CCL / kg), and smoke and soot is almost not formed. The remaining ash is excellent fertilizer and is used to fertilize forest land or agricultural fields. Wood coal ash is also used for fertilizer production.

In industry, charcoal is used to smell cast iron. For the production of tons of alloy, only 0.5 tons of this fuel are required. In this case, the cast iron receives increased resistance to corrosion and strength. How flux is used by stone coal when smelting brass, bronze, copper, manganese, zinc and nickel. It is made of solid lubricant for mechanical engineering, used for grinding in instrument making and printing, etc. Filters of various purposes make filters from charcoal.

Today, charcoal is beginning to be considered as an alternative to traditional fuel: in contrast to coal, oil and gas, it refers to renewable materials. Moreover, modern technologies make it possible to obtain charcoal, even from waste industry: from sawdust, pipes, shrubs, etc. From such crushed raw materials, briquettes are formed, which give 1.5 times more heat than ordinary charcoal. In this case, the heat allocated a longer period of time and the heat is uniform.

How do charcoal

Up to the 20th century, charcoal was obtained by burning wood or piles of a special form. They laid the wood, fell asleep her land, set fire to the special holes. Such a technology is publicly available and up to this is used in some countries. But it has low efficiency: 1 kg of coal takes up to 12 kg of wood, besides, it is impossible to control the quality of the resulting charcoal. The next stage of the development of carbon is the use of pipes in earthy furnaces. Such an improvement raised the effectiveness of the process: 8 kg of forest went to kilogram.

In modern carbohylic devices, 3-4 kg of raw materials are spent on a kilogram of the product. At the same time, pays great attention to the environmental friendliness of the process: in the production of charcoal, a lot of smoke, soot and harmful gases are distinguished into the atmosphere. Modern installations secured gases are captured, sent to special chambers, where it is used to heat the furnace to the coxocation temperature.

The conversion of wood in charcoal occurs in an oxygen-free atmosphere at high temperature (pyrolysis reaction). The whole process is divided into three stages:

  • at 150 o C, removal of moisture from wood;
  • at 150-350 o with the release of gases and the formation of organic products;
  • at 350-550 o C separate resin and non-confined gases.

According to GOST, charcoal is divided into several stamps depending on the type of wood used:

    • A - hard-hard breed;
    • B - solid and soft, coniferous rocks (o).

The brands b and in - most often these are divided briquettes, on the manufacture of which are waste of wood processing enterprises. This is a great form of biofuels, which has long been used in Europe for heating and even in power plants: in their combustion, sulfur compounds are not formed (sulfur in wood coal), and the hydrocarbon is contained in minimal quantities. Using the technologies of the ancestors can be lit coal for their own needs. .

I remember in childhood at the age of "accreaming" 3-4 years old Dad told me where coal, oil, gas and other natural resources are taken from. Recently read the post about "big holes of the Earth." "What looks like a giant hole in the ground from a bird's-eyeproof". The fact of influence from the read, after dozens of years later, this topic was interested again. I started I propose to get acquainted with this article (see below)

Trees, grass \u003d coal. Beasts \u003d oil, gas. Brief formula for the creation of coal, oil, gas.

Coal and oil are found between sediment sediments. Essentially, sedimentary rocks are dried dirt. This means that all these layers, including coal and oil, formed, mainly due to the action of water during flooding. It is necessary to add that almost all reserves of coal and oil have vegetable origin.

Coal (charcoal remains of animals) and oil formed from other animals contain nitrogen compounds that are absent in oil of plant origin. Thus, to distinguish one type of deposits from another is easy.

Most people are amazed by learning that coal and oil are essentially the same thing. The only real difference between them is the water content in the deposits!

It is possible to understand the process of forming coal and oil to be easiest possible on the example of a tricky cake. We all saw how the warmed filling follows from the cake to the baking sheet. As a result, a viscous or charred substance is obtained, which is difficult to reject. The more leaving the filling sunbathing, the harder and the black it will become.

This is what happens with filling: sugar (hydrocarbon) in the hot oven is dehydrated. The hotter the oven, and the longer the cake of the pastry, the harder and the chicks will become lumps of flowing filling. In fact, the blackened stuffing can be considered a variety of low-quality coal.

Wood consists of cellulose - sugar. Think about what happens if a large amount of plant material is rapidly buried in the ground. In the decomposition process, heat is allocated, which will begin to dehydrate herbal material. Water loss, however, will lead to further warming up. In turn, it will cause further dehydration. If the process proceeds in such conditions that heat is not dissipated quickly, then heating and drying continues.

Heating the vegetable material in the ground will lead to one of the two results. If water can find out from the geological formation, in which the dried and dehydrated material remains, it turns out coal. If water can not leave the geological formation, then oil will turn out.

When moving from peat to lignitu (brown coal), to bituminous coal and anthracite, the water content in them (dehydration degree or degree of decrease in water) changes by linear dependence.

The necessary ingredient in the formation of fossil fuels is the presence of kaolin clays. Such clays are usually included in the products of volcanic eruptions, especially in the composition of volcanic ash.

Coal and oil - obvious results of "Noeva Flood". During the global catastrophe and the subsequent Noeva Flood behind it, huge amounts of overheated water resulted out of the bowels on the earth's surface, where they mixed with surface waters and rainwater. In addition, thanks to hot rocks and hot ash from thousands of volcanoes, many of the sedimentary layers were heated. Earth is a wonderful thermal insulator capable of driving warm for a long time.

At the beginning of the Flood thousands of volcanoes, the movements of the earth's crust fed the forest throughout the planet. Volcanic ashes poured huge accumulations of wood trunks that floated in water. After these accumulations of the trunks were buried between the heated sedimentaries, deposited during the Flood, coal and oil were formed in a short time.

"The result: Industrial accumulations of oil and natural gas can be formed in several thousand years in the sedimentation basins [dried dirt layers] under the conditions of hot fluid over comparable periods of time."

In hot and wet mud plastics arising from Noahow Flood, ideal conditions were created for the rapid formation of coal, oil and gas.

Necessary time "creating" coal, oil.

Laboratory studies conducted in the past few decades have shown that coal and oil can be formed quickly. In May 1972, George Hill - Dean of the Shakhtar College - wrote an article published in Journal of Kemikal Tenolodzhi, known now called "Keektek". On page 292, he commented:

"For a happy chance, it resulted in a rather striking opening ... These observations suggest that in the process of forming high-grade coals ... probably, high temperatures at a certain stage of their history were subjected. Perhaps a mechanism for the formation of these high-grade coal was a certain event that caused short-term sharp heating. "

The fact is that Hill was simply managed to make coal (indistinguishable from natural). And he went for six hours.

More than 20 years ago, British researchers invented the method of transformation of household garbage into oil, suitable for heating houses and use as fuel of power plants.

Natural coal can also form quickly. The Argonne National Laboratory reported on the results of scientific research proving that under natural conditions coal can be formed in just 36 weeks. According to this report, it is necessary for the formation of coal to form wood and kaolin clay as a catalyst to be buried quite deeply (to exclude access of oxygen); And so that the temperature of the surrounding rocks amounted to 150 degrees Celsius. Under such conditions, coal is obtained for only 36 months. The following was noted that at higher temperatures, coal is formed even faster.

Oil-renewable natural resource.

A large intrigue is that oil and natural gas reserves may not be so limited and the ultimate, which many of them represent them. On April 16, 1999, the regular reporter "Wall Street Journal" wrote an article "Not a joke at all: the oil field grows directly in the process of oil production." It begins like this:

"Houston is something mysterious going on" Eugene Island-330 ".

It was believed that the productivity of this field, located in the Mexican Gulf far from the coast of Louisiana, has decreased many years ago. And for a while, it led himself as a regular field: Following its discovery in 1973, the volume of oil production on Southext-Island-330 has reached peak values \u200b\u200b- about 15,000 barrels per day. By 1989, production fees decreased to about 4,000 barrels per day.

Then, unexpectedly ... Fate smiled again "Eugene Island". The field, production on which leads "Pertz Energy Co.", gives today 13,000 barrels per day, and the likely reserves took off from 60 to more than 400 million barrels. It is even more strange that, according to scientists who study the field, the geological age of the current oil is quite different from the age of oil that has been taking 10 years ago. "

So it seems that oil is still formed in earthly departments; And its quality is higher originally found. The more research is carried out, the more we learn that natural forces producing new oil are still in action!


Watching photos of huge careers for coal mining, aware of the data on the reserves of oil deposits, it can be assumed that:

Oil in ancient times was formed on the site of previously extensive forests, jungle. Those. Where now there are the largest oil reserves, coal in the world, before there were impassable forests with giant trees. And all these forests at one point were collapsed in one more huge bunch, in the subsequent grounds, under which, without access, coal, oil was formed. At Siberia - Jungle, deserted Kuwait, Iraq, UAE, Mexico many thousand years ago were covered with impassable forests.

In the case of the future apocalypse, our descendants, as well as we, in several thousand years have a chance to have the richest deposits of minerals. In addition to those that we will not have time to learn and recycle, new people will appear. And with confidence it can be said that it is geographically, they will be on the site of the current dense forests - again our Siberia), Jungle Amazons and other wooded places of our planet.

A message about stone coal can be used in preparation for the lesson. Story about stone coal for children can be complemented by interesting facts.

Stone Coal Report

Stone coal is Solid exhaustable non-removable mineral resources, which a person uses to obtain heat by burning it. By classification refers to sedimentary rocks. Coal, as a source of energy, people began to use in ancient times along with firewood.

How is stone coal formed?

Stone coal appeared on Earth about 300-350 million years ago, when the tribal fans grew lifestyle, the first gifted plants began to appear.

It is believed that stone coal was formed as a result of sediments of wood. There were ancient forests whose trees were accumulated in swamps, where without access of oxygen, the activity of bacteria decomposing plant residues is reduced to zero, a peat is formed, and in the process of burial of these residues, coal is formed under high pressure and temperature.
So for the formation of coal, the peat is needed at a depth of three kilometers. At this depth, the peat layer is twenty-meters, will turn into a stone coal with a thickness of the layer two meters.

Types of coal

All types of coal are placed on the formation and location of their location are called coal basins. Today, different types of coal are mined.

  • Anthracites are the most solid varieties with great depths and having a maximum combustion temperature.
  • Stone coal - many varieties extracted in mines and in the open way. It has the widespread distribution in many areas of human activity.
  • Brown coal - formed from peat residues, the youngest kind of coal. He has the lowest combustion temperature.

How to get coal?

Previously, stone coal was simply collected in the placement places to the surface. This could happen as a result of the displacement of the layers of the earth's crust.
Often after the collaps in the mountainous area, the deposits were taken away, and people got the opportunity to get to pieces of "fuel stone".
Later, when the first technique appeared, the coal began to develop in an open way. Some coal cops plunged at a depth of more than 300 meters.
Today, thanks to modern technology, people are lowered to a depth of more than 1000 m, where high-quality stone coal is mined.

Different types of coal can be used to obtain heat. When combustion, it stands out in much more than you can get it from wood or other solid fuels. The hottest varieties of coal are used in metallurgy, where high temperatures are needed.
In addition, coal is valuable raw materials for the chemical industry. Of it, many of the necessary and useful substances are mined.

We hope the stated information about the coal helped you. And you can leave your report on the stone coal through the comment form.

Officially, these are layers of accumulation of biomass from forests and plants, focused under other layers. Or it was powerful ancient peatlands (the bottom is the worst layer).

This picture of coal layers occurs everywhere:

Nazarovsky coal section. Two thin layers close at the surface

The main layer with brown coal does not look like an erratic mass with chaotic laid petrified trunks of ancient trees. The reservoir has clear strata - many layers. That is, the official version with the ancient trees does not fit. And it is not suitable for the reason for the large sulfur content in the layers of brown coal.

Table of content of some chemical elements in coals, peat, wood and oil.

In order not to think about the table in the meaning of the table, I will write conclusions from it.
1. Carbon. In the wood, its least of the listed fuel sources. And it is not clear (if you take into account the traditional version of the formation of coal), why when accumulating the organicities (wood or peat) in the layers the amount of carbon is increasing. The contradiction, which no one explains.
2. Nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen compounds are one of the building elements of wood, vegetation. And why the amount of nitrogen decreased after turning the wood or peat into the brown coal - it is not clear again. Again a contradiction.
3. sulfur. There is no sufficient in the wood for the accumulation of this chemical element. Even in the peat of the sulfur is negligible compared to layers of brown and stone coal. Where does the sulfur get into the layers? The only assumption - sulfur in the layers was initially. Mixed with an organic? But somehow strange the concentration of sulfur in coals coincides with the content of sulfur in oil.

Usually sulfur is pyrite, sulphate and organic. As a rule, pyrite sulfur prevails. The sulfur contained in coals is usually in the form of magnesium sulfates, calcium and iron, iron pyritan (pyrite sulfur) and in the form of organic sulfur-containing compounds. Separately determine, as a rule, only sulfate and sulfide sulfur; Organic is defined as the difference between the amount of common sulfur in the corner and sum of sulphate and sulfide sulfur.

Sulfur Kchedean is an almost constant stone coal satellite and, moreover, sometimes in such quantities, which makes it unsuitable for use (for example, the carbon of the Moscow basin).

According to this data, it turns out that the accumulation of organic (wood or peat) is not related to coal. The formation of brown coals is an abigenic process. But what? Why are brown coals are relatively shallow, and coal can be at depths of up to two kilometers?

The next question is: where all the fossils of the vegetable and animal world in the brownal plates. They should be massive! Trunks, plants, skeletons and bones of dead animals - where are they?

Find leaves prints only in overnight rocks:

Petrified fern. Such petrified plants come across in coal mining. This instance is produced during work at the Mordinsky mine in the Donbas. But to these alleged fossils we will return lower.

This refers to an empty breed of coal mines. I did not find anything on the brown coal.

Coal formation areas. Most of the coal is located in the northern hemisphere, is absent on the equator and tropics. But there is the most acceptable climate for the accumulation of organics in antiquity. There are no areas (in the latitudinal form) of accumulation at older equators. Such a distribution is clearly related to a different reason.

One more question. Why is this useful fuel from the fossil not used in antiquity? There are no massive descriptions of the extraction and use of brown coal. The first mentions about coal refer only to the time of Peter I. It is not entirely difficult to get to the reservoir. This is done by a handicraft locals in Ukraine:

There are more large-scale coal mining in the open way:

Coal under 8-10 miles of clay. For the formation of stone coal, geologists say a large pressure and temperature. Here it was clearly not

Coal soft, crumbs.

When digging wells, the wells had to be bought up on the layers and find out what they were burning. But the story tells us about the beginning of the mass production of coal only in 19V.

And maybe there were no these layers up to 19V.? As it was not in the mid-19V. Trees! Watch the deserted landscapes of the Crimea and photographs of the Stolypinsky migrants who climbed in the deaf corner of Siberia by mutuals. And now there is impassable taiga. This is me about the version of the 19V Floct. The mechanism is not clear (if he was still). But back to the brown coals.

What do you think it's for the breed? Brown coal? It seems, but did not guess. These are bituminous sands.

Large-scale oil production from bituminous sands in Canada. Before falling prices for oil was cost-effective, even a profitable business. On average, four tons of bitumen produce only one barrel of oil.

If you do not know, then you will not think that oil is produced here. Looks like a browning cut.

Another example from Ukraine:

In the village of Stubong (Ivano-Frankivsk region), oil goes to the surface itself, creating small volcanoes. Some oil volcanoes are burning!

Then this is all petrifier and there will be a coal layer.

So what am I leading to? To the fact that oil during the cataclysm, the fault of the Earth came out, spread. But not petrified in the sands. And brown coal, possibly - the same, but in chalk or other sediments. There, fraction to oil was less than sand. The stone state of coal says what is mixed on the chalk layers. Perhaps leaked some reactions and the layers turned into a stone.

Even Wikipedia writes:
Fossil coal - mineral, the type of fuel formed from both parts of ancient plants, and to a large extent of the bitumen masses, which have emitted to the surface of the planet, subjected to metamorphism due to lower depths under high temperatures and without access of oxygen.
But the version of abiogenic origin of brown coals from oil spills is no longer developing anywhere.

Some write that this version does not explain the many layers of brown coal. If we consider that not only the mass of oil, but also of water-mud sources came to the surface, then the alternation is quite possible. Oil and bitumen is lighter than water - they swam on the surface and precipitated and adsorbed on the rock in the form of thin layers. Here is an example in the seismic zone, in Japan:

Water comes out of faults. It, of course, is not deep, but that interferes with more large-scale processes to exit the waters of artesian sources or underground oceans and, when weighing, throwing into the surface of the mass of rocks polished in clay, sand, lime, salt, etc. Postpone the strata in a short period, and not millions of years. I am increasingly inclined that in some places at certain times, the flood could be caused by not the passage of the wave from the ocean, but the yield of water-mud masses from the bowels of the earth.


Separate Question - Stone Coal Formation

Commentary in one of the articles from jonny3747. :
Coal in the Donbas, it is most likely a shift offset one under another, along with all forests, ferns, etc. Himself worked at depths more than 1 km. The layers are locked at an angle, as such a stove crawled under another crawled. Between the reservoir of coal and the breed, plant imprints are very often found, quite a lot came across the eyes. And what is interesting between the solid rock and the coal there is a thin ground as it were, as it were, but also not coal, it cries in their hands, in contrast to the breed it has a dark color and that it was in him often the prints were.

This observation is very clearly suitable under the process of pyrographic growth in these layers. Most likely, the author and saw:

Remember fossils of fern in photos above

Here are the excerpts from the monograph "Unknown Hydrogen" and the work "The History of the Earth without a Coal Period":

Relying on its own research and a number of works of other scientists, the authors state:
"Considering the recognized role of deep gases, ... the genetic relationship of natural carbonaceous substances with juvenile hydrogen-methane fluid can be described as follows.
1. From the gas-phase system C-O-H (methane, hydrogen, carbon dioxide) can be synthesized ... Carbon substances - both in artificial conditions and in nature ...
5. Pyrolysis of methane, diluted by carbon dioxide, in artificial conditions leads to the synthesis of liquid ... hydrocarbons, and in nature - to the formation of the entire genetic series of bitmind substances. "

CH4 → Graphite + 2N2

In the process of decomposition of methane in the depth, the formation of complex hydrocarbons is completely natural! It happens because it turns out to be energetically beneficial! And not only gaseous or liquid hydrocarbons, but also solid!
Methane and now it is constantly "wooble" in places of coal mining. It can be residual. And maybe evidence of the continuation of the process of receipt of hydrocarbon vapors from the depths.

Well, now it's time to deal with the "main goat" of the versions of the organic origin of brown and stone coal - the presence of "carbon-made vegetable residues" in them.
Such "carbonated vegetable residues" is found in coal deposits in huge quantities. Paleobotanists "confidently determine the type of plants" in these "remnants".
It was on the basis of the abundance of these "residues" it was concluded about almost tropical conditions in the huge regions of our planet and the conclusion about the buoyed bloom of the plant world in the coal period.
But! When obtaining pyrolytic graphite, the pyrolysis of methane, diluted with hydrogen, it was found that dendritic forms are formed from the gas stream in stagnant zones, very similar to "plant residues".

Samples of pyrolytic graphite with "vegetable patterns" (from the monograph "Unknown hydrogen")

The easiest conclusion that follows from the above photographs of "carbonated plant forms", actually representing only the form of pyrolytic graphite, will be like this: paleobotanis now need to think tightly! ..

And the scientist world continues to write dissertation On the origin of coal based on the biological accumulation of layers

1. Hydride compounds in the depths of our planet, disintegrate when heated (see the author's article "Is the Fate of Phaeton waiting for the land? .."), having highlighting hydrogen, which in full compliance with the Archimedes law is rushing up to the surface of the Earth.
2. In its path, hydrogen, due to high chemical activity, interacts with the substance of the subsoil, forming various compounds. Including such gaseous substances as methane CH4, hydrogen sulfide H2S, NH3 ammonia, water vapor N2O and the like.
3. Under conditions of high temperatures and in the presence of other gases that make up the fluids of the subsoil, there is a peddled decomposition of methane, which in full compliance with the laws of physical chemistry leads to the formation of gaseous hydrocarbons - including complex.
4. Lifting as the existing cracks and faults of the earth's crust, and forming new pressure under pressure, these hydrocarbons fill all the cavities available in geological rocks. And due to contact with these colder rocks, gaseous hydrocarbons go to another phase state and (depending on the composition and surrounding conditions) form deposits of liquid and solid minerals - oil, brown and coal, anthracite, graphite, and even diamonds.
5. In the process of formation of solid deposits, in accordance with the far-unfired laws of self-organization of matter under the appropriate conditions, the formation of ordered forms is the formation - including reminiscent and forms of the living world.

And a very curious detail: to the "coal period" - at the end of Devon - the climate is pretty cool and dry, and after - at the beginning of Perm - the climate is also cool and arid. To the "coal period" we have "Red Continent", and after we have the same "Red Continent" ...
The next legitarian question arises: was the warm "coal period" in general?!.

No million-year age of coal and brownal reservoirs explains another number of strange artifacts found in coals:

The iron mug found in the corner of 300 million years.

Tooth rail in stone coal

It is believed that the main deposits of the fossil coal were formed mainly in a separate period of time when the most favorable conditions were formed on Earth. According to the connection of this period with coal, he received its name of the coal period, or carbon (from the English. "Carbon" - "coal").

The beginning of the carbon, according to scientists, it comes to a significant change in the conditions on the surface of the planet - the climate has become significantly more humid and warm than in the previous period.

In countless lagoons, the river delta and the tops are brown heat and moisture and moisture of flora. In places of its mass development, the colossal amounts of peat-shaped vegetation substance accumulated, and, over time, under the influence of chemical processes, they were transformed into extensive coal deposits.

In the coal formations are often found (as geologists and paleobotanists consider) "The well-preserved remnants of plants, indicating that there are many new types of flora during the coal period on Earth. It was literally the rustling of plant greenery.

Fig. 202. Sunrise in the carbon forest

The process of forming coal is most often described as follows:

"Coal. This system is called because among its layers are the most powerful storms of coal, which are known on Earth. Coal layers occurred due to the charging of the remains of plants, the integers of the buried in the nanos. In some cases, the material for the formation of coal was the accumulation of algae, in others - clusters of disputes or other small parts of plants, in third - trunks, branches and leaves of large plants. "

Over time, plant tissues are slowly losing a part of the components of their compounds secreted in a gaseous state, which are also believed to have plants, and especially carbon are pressed by the severity of precipitation on them and turn into stone coal. First, the peat turns into brown coal, then in the stone coal and finally in anthracite. It all happens at high temperatures.

"Anthracites - coals, which are changed to the action of heat. The anthracite pieces are overwhelmed with the mass of small pores, formed by gas bubbles, isolated during the action of heat due to hydrogen and oxygen contained in the corner. The heat source, as believed, could be the neighborhood with the eruptions of basalt lan in the cracks of the earth's crust. "

As it is believed, under pressure of layers of precipitation of 1 kilometer from a 20-meter peat layer, a layer of brown coal is obtained with a thickness of 4 meters. If the depth of the burial material reaches 3 kilometers, then the same layer of the peat will turn into a layer of stone coal with a thickness of 2 meters. At greater depth, about 6 kilometers, and at a higher temperature, a 20-meter peat layer becomes a 1.5 meters thick plast.

In conclusion, we note that in a number of sources, the chain "peat - brown coal - stone coal - anthracite" is complemented by graphite and even a diamond, resulting in a chain of transformations: "Peat - brown coal - stone coal - anthracite - graphite - diamond ...

A huge number of coals that have been powered by the world industry for more than a century, according to the "generally accepted" opinion indicates the enormous length of the swampy forests of the coal era.

Fig. 203. Stone coal mining in an open section

Against the above so-called biogenic (organic) version of the origin of stone coal, creationists are actively advocated, which the age of coal formations in hundreds of millions of years does not suit anyone, because it contradicts the texts of the Old Testament. They carefully collect arguments indicating contradictions between this theory and the real nature of the occurrence of coal formation. And if we abstract from the commitment of creators of the version of the version too short history of our planet (just a dozen thousands of years, as follows from the Old Testament), it should be recognized that a number of their arguments are very serious. For example, they noted such a fairly commonly found strange feature of stone coal deposits as a non-parallelism of its different layers.

"In extremely rare cases, stone coal layers are parallel to each other. Almost all the deposits of stone coal at some point are divided into two or more separate reservoirs. The combination of an almost split reservoir with another, located above, is manifested in departures in the form of z-shaped connections. It is difficult to imagine how two layers located above each other were to arise due to the deposition of races and replacing each other forests if they are connected with each other crowded folds of folds or even z-shaped connections. The binding diagonal reservoir of the Z-shaped compound is a particularly bright proof that both reservoirs that it binds were originally formed at the same time and were one layer, now they are two in parallel with each other horizontals of petrified vegetation "(R. Junker, s . Sverer, "History of the Origin and Life Development").

Such folds and Z-shaped compounds are radically contrary to the "generally accepted" scenario of the origin of stone coal. And within this scenario, folds and Z-shaped connections are absolutely not found explanations. But we are talking about empirical data encountered everywhere! ..

Fig. 204. Z-shaped coal reservoirs in Oberhausen-Duisburg area

More detailed with the arguments against the biogenic version of the formation of stone coal can be found in my book "The Sensational Story of the Earth", which has already been mentioned earlier. We here we give only another fact to which the creationists did not pay attention, but which is simply "killing" for the "generally accepted" theory.

Let's look at the brown and stone coal from the position of the chemical composition.

When coal extraction, the content of mineral impurities in it is serious, or the so-called "ash content", which fluctuates widely - from 10 to 60%. Thus, the ash content of the coal of the Donetsk, Kuznetsky and Canadian-Achinsky pools is 10-15%, Karaganda - 15-30%, Ekibastuz - 30-60%.

And what is "ashost"? .. and what are these most "mineral impurities"? ..

In addition to clay inclusions, the appearance of which in the process of accumulating the initial peat (if you adhere to the version of coal formation from peat) is quite natural, among impurities it is most often mentioned ... sulfur!

"In the process of peat formation in coal, different elements fall, most of which concentrates in the ash. When coal burns, sulfur and some volatile elements stand out into the atmosphere. The relative content of sulfur and angled substances in the corner determines the types of coal. In high-grade angle, there is less sulfur and less ash than in low-grade, so it enjoys greater demand and more expensive.

Although the sulfur content in coals may vary from 1 to 10%, in most coal used in industry, its content is 1-5%. However, sulfur impurities are undesirable even in small quantities. When coal burns, most of the sulfur is released into the atmosphere in the form of harmful pollutants - sulfur oxides. In addition, the sulfur impurity has a negative impact on the quality of coke and steel, based on the use of such coke. Connecting with oxygen and water, sulfur forms sulfuric acid, corroding mechanisms operating on the angle of thermal power plants. Sulfuric acid is present in mine waters that leak from spent workings in shaft and overwhelming dumps, polluting the environment and preventing the development of vegetation. "

And here there is a very serious question - and from where a sulfur appeared in the stone corner?!. More precisely: where did it come from in such a big amount?!. Already up to ten percent! ..

Fig. 205. On peat swamp

I am ready to beat about the mortgage - even with its far from complete education in the field of organic chemistry - in the wood of such quantities of sulfur has never been and could not be! .. Neither in wood, nor in other vegetation, which could be the basis of peat, in the future Transformed into coal! .. there sulfur is less than several orders! ..

Moreover. If you type in the search engine, a combination of the words "sulfur" and "wood", most often only two options are displayed, both of which are associated with the "artificial applied" use of sulfur - for the preservation of wood and to combat pests. In the first case, the sulfur property is used to crystallize - it clogs the pores of the tree and at normal temperatures are not deleted. In the second, the application is based on the poisonous properties of sulfur even in its small quantities.

If the sulfurs in the initial peat were so much, how could the trees who figured it at all? .. Or for some incomprehensible reasons a certain "ancient sulfur", contrary to its modern behavior, did not block the pores of the ancient plants? ..

And as instead of repeating, on the contrary, they felt more than cozy all those insects, which turned into a coal period and at a later time in incredible quantities and fed on the juice of plants, in which there was so much poisonous sulfur? .. However, and now the swampy The terrain creates very comfortable conditions for insects ...

But sulfur in a stone corner is not just a lot, but a lot! .. Since we are talking at all about sulfuric acid! ..

And moreover, the stone coal often accompany the deposits of such a useful sulfur in the household as a sulfuric chemged. Moreover, the deposits are so big that its production is organized on an industrial scale! ..

"... In the Donetsk basin, the extraction of coal and anthracite of the coal period is parallel to the development of iron ore mines here ... Sulfur Kchertan is an almost permanent stone coal satellite and sometimes in such quantities, which makes it unsuitable for use (for example, the Moscow Basin Coal). The sulfuric cchedan is on the production of sulfuric acid, from it, the same means of metamorphization ... iron ores. "

It is no longer a mystery. This is a direct and direct contradiction between the theory of coal formation from peat and real empirical data !!!