Repairs Design Furniture

Very raw in the apartment what to do. As you can get rid of dampness in the apartment available tools. How to remove dampness from the cellar - video

For a comfortable stay in the residential premises, it is required not only to make quality repairs and to place the interior items with taste. It is also necessary to maintain the necessary state of the internal environment, that is, the microclimate. Excessive humidity in the apartment, turning into dampness, is able to harm not only people living in it, but also atmosphere and finishing materials.

Causes of high humidity

Permissible humidity indicators in residential premises should be in the range of 30 ... 60% (in accordance with GOST 30494 * 2011).

GOST in the urgent editorial office. Buildings Residential and public. Parameters of microclimate in rooms. PDF file.

Before taking measures to eliminate dampness in the apartment, it is necessary to determine the reasons for its appearance. Otherwise, the activities carried out may not have a proper effect.

In the absolute majority of examples, an increased level of humidity in the dwelling is caused by the following reasons:

The ventilation system should provide fresh air to the apartment, which is necessary for creating a good microclimate, and the output of contaminated. Periodic ventilation will not be able to fully cope with this task. Ventilation channels can be blocked by the owners themselves or the perpetrators of the problem are owners of other apartments.

Often quickly define leaks in communications is not possible due to the installation of boxes, their masking. Pour the neighbors living on top.

Determine the source of the problem can also be located on the disposal of the mold. Walking throughout the wall in contact with the street, biological defeat, signals a bad thermal insulation. Mold in the top of the wall indicates the need to check the tightness of the interpanel seam.

If the apartment appeared in the apartment at the bottom of the walls, there is a possibility of poor waterproofing from the moisture coming from the basement or error during the foundation device. Of course, the problem with this carrier structure is unlikely to be solved. But significantly reduce the dampness that appeared due to the defamations in the isolation of the room from the penetration of moisture, it is possible. To do this, it is recommended to do the floorproofing device. The necessary materials today are produced.

To resolve the issue of penetration of moisture from the roof through the measures for waterproofing the ceiling will not work. It is necessary to engage in roof repair.

If the cause of dampness in the apartment turns out to be a flowing roof, the flooding of the basement, poor thermal insulation or leakage seams between the panels, it is necessary to contact the control company.

At the level of humidity in the apartment can also affect lingerie, and the installed bulk aquarium, and a large number of indoor plants, and boiling on the plate content of containers. However, these factors have either short-term or insignificant influence.

The source of the smell of damp in the apartment can be a washing machine. The reason is the clogging of some parts of the unit, long-term storage of dirty underwear in the tank, remaining at the bottom of the drum dirt, etc.

Any of these problems can lead to the appearance of dampness in a certain place of the apartment. Finding out the reason and in a timely manner, allowing you to get rid of the attack, you can quickly eliminate the consequences to which this phenomenon leads, and restore the optimal microclimate in the room.

Interesting! Of course, a hygrometer helps to determine the value of humidity in the room. However, you can conduct an experiment by connecting children to the event. To do this, you will need a glass with water, which is placed in a refrigerator for a couple of hours (it is necessary that the water temperature decreases to 3 ... 5 degrees). After that, the vessel is required to be installed in a place where there are no devices regulating the microclimate. If, after ten minutes, condensate droplets appeared on the walls of the glass, the humidity in the room exceeds the optimal indicators.

Factors indicating the availability of the problem

It is possible to determine the significant excess of humidity in the apartment not only with the help of a special device, but also visually.

The ceiling or walls appear foci of mold and fungus. Microorganisms lightningly multiply in a closed space when the moisture content in air exceeds 70% and ambient temperature, greater than 18 degrees.

Symptoms of dampness are and arising problems with the state of the finish: can collave plaster, rot wooden materials or lag from the walls wallpaper.

Condensate appears on plastic windows. The reason can be both factory marriage in structures and problems with the microclimate in the apartment.

In addition to the listed problems of dampness in the room, for those located in the apartment discomfort will provide an indous smell that will not be possible to eliminate with any air fresheners.

What is affected by the dampness

As already noted, high humidity leads to a damage of finishing materials and interior items. Products made of paper, wood or leather are especially affected. Even door blocks can be deformed, the pictures and books come into disrepair. All this leads to the need for repair work.

But the most important thing - dampness can cause irreparable harm to the health of households. Main hazards are small children and elderly tenants. Disputes of harmful microorganisms lead to the exacerbation of chronic diseases. Finding into the respiratory system, they become the cause of allergic reactions.

Much more often, the tenants of apartments suffer from colds, and they flow in more acute form. Rejected textiles in contact with the body contributes to the development of rheumatism.

To be uncomfortable to the apartment. People decrease concentration, fatigue appears, problems with performance arise. An unpleasant odor coming from clothing also does not add positive emotions. Finally, food decreases storage time.

How to deal with dampness

By diagnosing the problem that appeared, it is necessary to be taken for eliminating the cause of the dampness. If the source of danger can be eliminated by its own, it should be done by repair work. Otherwise, it is necessary to contact the control company to solve problems with waterproofing, insulation and housing ventilation.

It is also necessary to comply with simple rules for maintaining the optimal microclimate. It is important to periodically air the room, since dampness does not tolerate fresh air.

You should not install an excessive number of indoor colors in the room, which also leads to a violation of microclimate indicators.

The most susceptible to the appearance of dampness in the apartment is a bathroom. To this not happen, it is required:

Important! Before handling joints with sealant, a disinfectant should be applied.

Equipment to reduce humidity

Remove the extra moisture from the surrounding air helps dryers. The devices have different principles of operation, power and performance. They are installed on the floor, on the table or hang onto the wall. For household use, models are suitable that can extract from air from 10 to 20 liters of moisture per day. It is more convenient if the device is completed with a built-in sensor, allowing you to adjust the humidity in the room automatically.

Prices for model range of air dryers

In the kitchen, where there is an intensive vaporization, do not do without forced ventilation, for which they are installed. The most demanded technique, which has a capacity of 400 ... 600 m 3 / h.

High humidity problems are sometimes possible to solve with the installation. Poor heating during the cold season often leads to dampness.

Prices for various types of heaters


After the reason for dampness was found and eliminated, it is necessary to carry out measures to eliminate mold and fungi. Masking of the problem site with the help of finishing is not limited to. Dangerous microorganisms must be eliminated completely.

Elimination of mold on the walls, floor and ceiling

Get rid of the mold that appeared is not so easy.

Technology of work.

Step 1.The foci of bioprovios in the apartment are determined. It is important to provide access to all distinguished areas: to push the interior items, remove carpets or curtains, etc.

Prices for thermal imagers

Thermal imager

Step 2.When carrying out the event, it is necessary to use protection tools, as many compositions are enough to poisonous: gloves, respirators and glasses.

Step 3.A coarse brush is eliminated by a colony of microorganisms. To get to the ground, often you have to remove the finishing material: wallpapers, plaster, drywall, etc. Moreover, it is necessary to clean the area, more than the area, so that there was an opportunity to kill the disputes who did not have time to manifest.

Step 4.The processing of an infected place and territory around it is carried out with the help of fungicides or antiseptics presented today in a large assortment. Applications with roller, brush or spray gun. Depending on the manufacturer's recommendations, it may be necessary to re-apply. After that, the surface should dry.

Prices for various types of protection against mold PUFAS

Pufas Mold Protection

Step 5.The processed area is ground before carrying out finishing finishing works. To do this, it is necessary to wait for a complete drying of the base.

Table. Chemicals to eliminate mold and fungus.


Means for removing green plaque and mold from walls and ceilings, as well as for prophylaxis.Used to process surfaces inside and outside buildings. Consumption: 50 ... 100 ml / sq. M.

"Element T-0" ("Alps")

Composition not containing chlorine is suitable for liquidation and prevention of bioforings (as a protective measure).It is used to treat from mold and fungus of different bases: concrete, brick, stone, wooden, plasterboard, posted. Consumption: 1 l approximately 10 m2 surfaces.

Effective preparation for processing from mold and fungus surfaces in rooms with high humidity.A caustic remedy is applied using a spray gun. After use after 10 ... 30 minutes, the base must be washed.

The composition with chlorine is designed to eliminate various types of biological lesions from internal and external surfaces.Before use, the concentrate must be dissolved with water (1: 1). Base and coatings for processing: concrete, tile, plastic, wood, wallpaper, plasterboard, paint, stone, etc. Consumption: 1 l per 15 sq.m.

"Mold Remover" (Neomid)

Rapid removal of mold from mineral surfaces.The composition is diluted with water (1: 1), applied with a roller or brush to the surface of about 0.5 hours. Packaging is enough to process 20 sq.m. Basis.

For processing surfaces of walls and ceiling, as well as eliminating traces of bioprovirations from interior items, you can use folk recipes:

Important! The use of folk agents, as a rule, implies repeated treatment of an infected surface.

From the smell of damp ventilation and furniture, you can get rid of soda. It is necessary to prepare a mixture from it, the consistency of which resembles sour cream. You can remove the composition from the surface in a couple of hours after applying, using a vacuum cleaner.

Dampness in the apartment can not only damage the situation and reduce all efforts to improve the premises, but also harm the health of households. It is important to remember - the faster work begins to eliminate mold, it is more effective.

Video - How to get rid of fungus in the house and apartment

Hello, dear readers! The other day I spoke with a friend who started the grand repairs. It turned out that everything is not so simple: they have a mold in the apartment, so they decided to get rid of it with the most categorical way. This thought the thought of telling you about what the dampness is terrible in the apartment how to get rid of her.

When the apartment is constantly increased humidity, the dampness will also appear sooner or later.

It adversely affects your home: the condition of wooden furniture or leather products deteriorates from it, the plaster becomes loose and crept on, the wallpaper falls off and can lead the floors, the books, magazines and documents are spoiled, quickly come into disrepair. Well, of course, the worst thing - the mold and fungus appears.

In addition, the state of household deteriorates. Such a microclimate can cause greasy skin and increased hair salinity, provokes skin rashes and allergic reactions, and also disrupts the operation of the respiratory organs.

Raw air simply adore microbes, and therefore your close more often sick. Naturally, dampness accompanies an indous smell.

Where did this trouble come from

Causes of dampness can be different. For a start need to be checked, from where it appears in your apartment: outside or from the inside.

To do this, you need to carry out a little experience: make a glass of the glass for several hours, which borders on the street. Then to look at the result: if moisture appeared on the wall, then the dampness in the room fell outside.

So often happens at corner apartments, and also, if errors were made during the construction of the house. But do not worry, even with such flags you can cope.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall is dry, then the reasons need to look inside the room. This is usually one of these:

  1. regular flooding basement;
  2. there is no ventilation in the apartment, or dirty and does not work well;
  3. flood from the neighbors from above (or from the roof, in the case of the top floor);
  4. wrong installation of kitchen appliances (blocked ventilation);
  5. closed during the repair of the pipe, and now the leakage is not visible;
  6. a poor-quality installation of plumbing (the bath is loosely adjacent to the wall, which is why there are constant puddles under it);
  7. permanent drying of linen in large number of houses;
  8. orangeholds of flowers (yes, no matter how whatever you are surprised, but sometimes with flowers too diligently, and they create too wet climates in the apartment).

How to cope with the problem

First of all, check the ventilation and pipes: whether it all works. If the reason for them, you will have to resort to the help of specialists who will help eliminate the problems.

If the reason is not in this, then you will definitely help the following tips.

Fresh air

One of the best ways to combat excessive moisture and dampness is the regular ventilation of the apartment.

Open the windows for the air to circulate in the rooms. This is especially true for the bathroom: at least for a couple of hours, leave it open (or, for example, for the night), then an extra moisture will leave.

If you live in a metropolis and are afraid of gaspace, then air conditioning will help: it will maintain not only the necessary temperature, but also to dry the air.

You can install the Alpine Footage: it will great help to cope with drafts in the cold season.

Flowing rooms

Heat is the main way to combat dampness and moisture.

And it does not matter, these are heating devices or sunlight. The second, by the way, is more desirable: the batteries have the risk of overpowering air. Therefore, be sure to open the curtains during the day.

In the bathroom, the heated towel rail can cope with it. If the problem is still in the basement, you will have to purchase a heater and additionally include it in the offseason: the humidity in the basements in the fall and in the spring increases.

About home affairs

During cooking, a perfect friend will be a kitchen hood: it will not only eliminate smells, but also an extra moisture.

Cleaning in a room where dampness is better to spend with "drying" means: aqueous solutions with chlorine, mangartan or vinegar. They can be wiped as the floors and furniture. And the final stage should be cleaning excess water with a dry cloth.

And, of course, try not to dry daily things in the apartment. If still there is no balcony or loggia, then try washing less often (for example, 2 times a week, and not daily). And the perfect version for you will be a washing machine with a function of drying linen!

Eliminate dampness in the closet

Dampness in the cabinet is also an unpleasant phenomenon. Things can be wet and even have an unpleasant smell. It will cope with this good dry dryer after washing and ironing hot iron with steam. And in no case cannot be wetted in the closet.

Dampness and repair

If you have to repair, then think over all the details of this grand event. After all, if the apartment is prone to dampness, then at this stage you can prevent the problem.

  1. Treat the walls with antigripping facilities (but remember that they are toxic, so follow the instructions).
  2. If you have dampness from the street, then you need to insulate the walls, thanks to this you will avoid condensate due to temperature drop.
  3. Prefer natural materials, because they breathe. For example, now there is an excellent alternative to plastic windows, the breathability of which is doubtful, - wooden windows with double-glazed windows.

Your assistants in the fight against dampness

In addition, you can eliminate dampness by folk remedies.

One of these ways is the alignment of sugar, salt or coffee rooms. You probably presented a bag with salt in the middle of the room? Well, this, of course, is extreme measure. Try to beat the details: coffee grains can be placed in a beautiful glass vase or big fuer.

Another of the best moisture absorbers is the silica gel. It is actively used even in industry. Remember such little paper bags with balls in boxes with shoes? That's it, it is.

These envelopes can be put in a closet with a linen or in a sports bag that you carry with you to workout. And naturally in shoes! And yes, it is even poured into the container and put under the bath. In such large volumes it can be bought in a pet store, because it is used for feline toilets.

This method is better to use when you are sure that it is not boring small children or pets.

If you like flowers, then with dampness, choose plants that do not need often watered. Cactis are never suitable. There are also flowers that absorb moisture from the air: this is a fern, sinonium, geranium.

It will improve the condition of the microclimate in the apartment and essential oils that refresh the air and kill harmful microorganisms: tea tree, eucalyptus, fir, grapefruit.

And yes, technology to help you: now in any store you can buy air dryer. The prices for them are quite acceptable, you can find options on any wallet.

When choosing, pay attention to the power: the higher it is better. There are automatic models, they follow the level of humidity and turn on themselves. This, by the way, can even save electricity.

I hope my tips will help you cope with such an unpleasant problem and get rid of dampness in the apartment. All you are good, my dear!

Bye Bye,

Anastasia Smolinets

For full-fledged life, a person needs air with an optimal level of humidity. There are often cases when this level rises in the bathroom, in the kitchen, living room or tambone. The owners are enough for her head, not knowing how to get rid of the smell of dampness and high humidity. In addition to the fact that the unpleasant fragrance impresses clothes and wooden decor elements, mold appears on the walls, which spoils all the impression. To cope with the problem in a short time, it is necessary to adhere to practical recommendations.

Optimal level of humidity

It is believed that the residential premises should have moisture, the indicator of which fluctuates in the range of 50-60%, not higher. To measure the microclimate, you need to use the instrument called a hygrometer. In the summer, there may be a decrease in the level of moisture to the mark of 35-40%, this feature is achieved for obvious reasons.

It is known that the human body is equally poorly tolerates both an overly wet climate and arid. People who use split systems should be extremely attentive. The air conditioner sucks moisture, causing a decrease in the optimal indicator. However, if you often dry the lingerie in the residential room, and not on the balcony, the split system will become a chopstick.

Causes of high humidity

  1. Increased humidity arises for many reasons, one of them is considered the absence of both natural and artificial ventilation. If the air circulation takes place to be, it means to check how well it works.
  2. There are often cases when humidity rises above the permissible borders for the reason that the neighbors living on top glance at the bottom. The dampness accumulates in the corners and cracks, provoking the appearance of mold.
  3. To date, not every developer can be called conscientious. Some saved on the material, others hire workers with insufficient qualifications. Increased humidity appears due to poorly sealed seams from the street part of the wall.
  4. If we talk about the house, in most cases the basement is often amplified due to a large amount of groundwater. From the lower yarus, the moisture rises to the first and second floor, while accompanied by an unpleasant smell.
  5. The modern design of many residential premises implies concealment of sewer pipes with various decorative panels. For this reason, if the water leak happened, the owner cannot eliminate it on time.

The consequences of high humidity

Important attention must be sharpened to health, which is spoiled due to high humidity.

  1. In such conditions, the human body is unable to cope even with the most banal cold syndromes, which is there to talk about serious illnesses. If it is constantly and for a long time in a wet environment, a banal cold may grow into something more.
  2. In addition to the weakening of the immune system, the humid microclimate causes allergies, ancient, skin rashes, insomnia, a runny nose, pain in the muscles and joints. Also elevated humidity contributes to the development of apathy, total fatigue, depression.
  3. There are often cases when the fungus appeared becomes the cause of chronic diseases. Older people and children are most susceptible to such reactions. In the first category, the protective functions of the body do not fully work fully, the second - the body has not yet been fully formed.
  4. If the humidity of the air passes the optimal borders, the apartment is installed caustic and unpleasant smell of mold. Sinor is entrusted to the upholstery of furniture, floor soft coatings, clothing, towels, bed linen, mattress and pillow.
  5. Due to the increased humidity of the seams of the room, evidenced by the development of mold. With each day passed, the fungus is striking an increasing surface, under the threat of walls, ceilings, cabinets, window frames, etc.
  6. If the enhanced humidity persists for a long time, an accelerated spank of food (bakery products, vegetables, fruits, flour, cereal and legumes) begins.

  1. Air Dryer. The most optimal option to combat increased humidity is considered to use the air dryer. The pricing policy depends on a particular manufacturer, the power of the unit and its model. You can purchase the instrument in the shops "Everything for the House", as well as in electronics hypermarkets. It is worth clarifying than more productive the unit, the faster it will cope with high humidity. If possible, purchase a device with a regulator and a table, which displays the level of dampness. This feature will allow you to save on electricity and do not overcover the air.
  2. Heating radiators. You can get rid of excessive moisture in the room with the help of heating radiators. Batteries are present in each apartment, but not always they can be used (the exception is the summer-spring period). If you notice that dampness is saved for a long time, periodically shield the room. During the peculiar heat treatment, the fungus dies, the air becomes significantly land. Include heating only during the cold season, avoid sharp jumps of temperature regime, due to the windows sweat.
  3. Fresh air. It is known that the wet environment is afraid of fresh air, but only if the ventilation occurs in cloudy and rainy weather. Take over the habit of opening windows 3 times a day, leave for a quarter of an hour, if possible longer. If it is possible, keep the window open constantly, closing it only in case of precipitation on the street. So that the ventilation takes place is more efficient, install the plastic windows that open up (micro-taking). Such a move will exclude the likelihood of the appearance of drafts and remove moisture.
  4. Sugar and salt. The products listed perfectly absorb moisture, but, as a rule, they are extremely rarely used. Agree, it's not very convenient to keep in the middle of the room a five-kilogram package with bulk makeup, even in the open state. The option is commemorated in the fight against humidity in small rooms, such as pantry, tambour, bathroom. It is enough to pour salt or sugar in the pelvis, then attributed to the room, do not forget to periodically stir.

Preventive action

  1. Spend an inspection of sewer pipes and heating radiators, find out if leakage has not happened. In the case, call the wizard or troubleshoot the problems.
  2. If the yard is sunny and warm, ventilate the room constantly. Do not sit in an apartment with closed windows for a long time.
  3. Air conditioner absorbs part of moisture from the room. In addition, the split system eliminates the smell of dampness and does not allow mold to hit all the large sections.
  4. Equip the kitchen with an extract. Include it every time during cooking, especially if you prefer to cook or stew foods.
  5. Check the ventilation system craving, clean it from dust and extraneous garbage. Perhaps the ventilation is the cause of an unpleasant smell.
  6. Choose indoor plants that do not need abundant irrigation. The most optimal is considered a cactus, put in 3 species in each room with a stileanese smell.
  7. It is known that natural materials absorb excessive moisture. During cosmetic repairs, give preference to products of this kind, refuse synthetics.
  8. Look at absorbent drugs that absorb excess moisture. An excellent option is the "Stop moisture" means, it can be purchased at any economic store.
  9. In winter, install an additional heating radiator in the apartment or hire the simplest blowing "breeze".
  10. If possible, dry the lingerie on the loggia or balcony. Otherwise, on the whole drying, keep windows open (relevant for warm and sunny weather).

It is enough to get rid of high humidity in the apartment, if you do not have knowledge of the existing ways. More often, repair the room, install the air conditioner, fit the apartment. Purchase air dryer, turn it on at least 4 times a week.

Video: How dangerous air humidity in apartments

In an apartment with high humidity, uncomfortable, and sometimes it is dangerous to live. In such premises, a fungus appears on the walls, causing allergic reactions. A similar microclimate leads to health problems. In the wet air, the joints begin to hurt, constant colds are tormented, insomnia begins, chronic nasal congestion, general weakness and other unpleasant symptoms appear.

Danger of raw air

The optimal humidity in the residential room is 45-60%. In winter, when the batteries of central heating work, the air in the apartment becomes more dry. For human health, it is equally dangerous as overly high content of water vapor and excessive dryness.

Most often to an increase in humidity in the apartment leads drying of linen on batteries and poor ventilation.

If the air often reuses, sooner or later the dampness will appear, from which the interior items will suffer, the furniture and leather upholstery will be spoiled, the plaster is crushed, wallpaper will dug, the wooden floor is deformed. In the crude apartment, books and documents will be spoiled, quickly mold products. But the most terrible consequence of dampness is mold and fungus that appear in the corners of the apartment. These microorganisms are able to spoil health and quickly lead housing into disrepair, especially if the walls are made of wood.

In the crude apartment worsens the general condition of the body. Overly wet air - the cause of increased oily skin, hair salinity, skin rashes and allergies. People living in dampness are predisposed to pulmonary diseases, they can begin chronic bronchitis and other problems with respiratory organs appear. Excessively wet air is heavy, it smells bad in the room, because of which it becomes unpleasant to live in it. In the crude atmosphere, any bacteria quickly multiply, so residents are subject to dangerous infectious diseases, including tuberculosis.

Causes of the appearance of dampness in the apartment

The dampness in the room may appear on internal and external reasons. To determine where the moisture penetrates - outside or from the inside, is enough to carry out a small experiment. For several hours to the wall overlooking the street, glass applied. If the closed area becomes wet, it means that dampness penetrates the room outside. Especially often it is found in angular apartments or in homes, which are disturbed by the norms of waterproofing.

If a piece of wall closed with glass in a few hours turned out to be dry, you need to look for the causes of dampness indoors. It can be:

  • on the first floor in the house with the basement - raising groundwater or technogenic flooding of the basement;
  • bad ventilation work or its absence - it happens when the neighbors closes the ventilation shaft;
  • the flow of plumbers, for example, the bath is relatively suitable for the wall and during the reception of the soul water penetrates the floor, accumulating under the bathroom into the puddles;
  • drying a large amount of linen in the apartment, which happens when there is a small child or a fallen patient in the family;
  • passion for homemade plants - any room flower evaporates water with leaves and affects the microclimate in the apartment.

Sources of internal humidity on the 1st floor or any other, as well as in a private house without a basement, can be:

  • frequent reception of the shower or bath;
  • daily wash;
  • cooking food;
  • breathing and evaporation of moisture through the skin;
  • availability in the apartment of aquariums.

Correction of microclimate

It is estimated that as a result of the economic activity of a family of 3 people in the air, up to 100 liters of water arrives. It is not surprising that in apartments with hermetic plastic windows and poor ventilation, the microclimate changes so hard that the walls begin to melt, and a black mold appears in the corners.

To reduce moisture in the apartment, the first thing is to check the operation of ventilation and tightness of heating and water pipes. If something is wrong with these systems, you will have to refer to specialists. If ventilation and pipes function flawlessly, it is possible to lower moisture in the following ways:

  1. 1. To regularly ventilate the room - it is enough to open the vessels in at least 10 minutes and the crude air will leave.
  2. 2. For the night, the door of the bathroom must be left open.

Residents of megacities can instead of air conditioning instead. It will help get rid of dampness in the apartment and prevent its gaspace.

Alpine Fortochka (trimming valve) will help to dry the air. The device provides fresh air in the apartment even in winter. Alpine Fortochka is needed indoors with bad gas exchange. To install the system, you will have to make a hole in the outer wall. It is covered with heat and sound insulation material. You can adjust the level of fresh air intake in the apartment using a damper. The exhaust air leaves the room through natural ventilation. Alpine vents are installed above the windows. The device is not suitable for carrying the bathrooms, kitchens and toilets - in these rooms you need forced ventilation.

Alpine Footage Device

Alpine Fortochka - Appearance from the inside and outside

Effectively reduces humidity and eliminates the smell of damp conditioner. The device has a function of drainage. You can simply use it as a hairdryer for apartment air, including on the appropriate mode. But even with normal operation, the air conditioner slightly dry the room.

Remove the fungus and mold, which appeared on the ceiling and in the upper corners after the next flood, will help high-quality antiseptic. Such funds are sold in business stores.

The room, strongly affected by fungus, needs to be repaired. From the walls remove the wallpaper. Sometimes it is necessary to even remove plaster. All surfaces are treated with an antiseptic and purify from fungus and mold. Highly affected parts of the walls can be wrapped in creosote. After applying impregnation, the walls and the ceiling should finally dry, only then they can be separated. It is better to use wood and plasterboard finish. These materials in excessive air humidity they absorb water, and in a dry atmosphere - allocate.

In winter, the room becomes raw because of the cold. To lower the humidity, it is enough to use electrical heating devices until the central heating has turned on. They warm the room and dried air. Received chemicals to dry apartments. For example, Henkel implements the Stop Moisture system, which includes the absorber and absorbent. The atmospheric moisture is absorbed by the absorber and enters a special container, from where it can be simply pouring into the sewer.

Mold may appear in an absolutely any room, causing an unpleasant smell, allergies, different diseases, etc. That is why it is important to know the reasons for the formation of mold in apartments, as well as several of the most effective ways to combat the already formed and developed fungus.

Harm and types of mold

Often, a mold fungus appears in our homes, which can be several types:

Before mold, none of the finishing materials known to us. But besides harm, she is also toxic for the human body, especially childish. Depending on the level of spread of mold in the apartment, symptoms can be different: first the impact on the respiratory system, and then on the whole body as a whole. Evidence of the negative influence of fungus becomes the appearance of cough, runny nose, lack of air, difficult diagnosed chronic diseases - all this is the reason for finding a raw room infected with mold.

Method number 15. Hydrogen peroxide + vinegar + boric acid

All these components are able to cope with the mold at the highest level, and everyone together gives a stunning effect. Water should be mixed with peroxide, vinegar and boric acid in the ratio of 4: 2: 2: 1, and then spray on the surface or wipe it.

Method number 16. Get rid of probably

Even if you in line with all the instructions dealt with the resulting mold, there is still no guarantee that it will not appear again. It is important not only to remove the fungus already appeared, but also eliminate all possible reasons for its re-appearance. That is why you need:

  • reliably insulate the apartment or house;
  • repair or replace the heating system;
  • To dry the air;
  • establish ventilation system;
  • lingerie is not in the room, but on the balcony or purchase a washing machine with a function of drying;
  • use hood when cooking;
  • to venture all the premises;
  • eliminate the flowing of the roof, cranes, etc.;
  • geranium and violets are a great place to reproduce the mold, so their presence in the apartment is to limit;
  • the most risky places from the point of view of the appearance of mold regularly wipe, splashing with fungus.

How to remove the smell of mold?

Often, after removing mold from the apartment and the subsequent ventilation of the smell of rotten still does not leave the room. You can fight him with means that absorb smells. So, to the place where the fungus used to be, you can pour soda, and after a few hours it is removed by a vacuum cleaner: soda perfectly absorbs odors, so after such a procedure, the smell either disappear, or it will become much weaker.

You can use charcoal as an absorber of smells: briquettes are simply set up with an unpleasant smell, and after some time there will be no trace.

At the first signs of the appearance of mold, it is necessary to act immediately, since after 10-12 months it can get to