Repairs Design Furniture

Storm canalization with their own hands: All about the device of the mountaineering for the cottage and private house. Arrangement of storm sewage in a private house: a scheme, how to do how to do how the storm sewage is done around the house

Storm sewage is a system for collecting and outputting wastewater. If we consider such a system on the site (it can be installed and around the house), then this is not just a drainage, but a whole network of branching, which is collected, filtered and accumulate water, filling the courtyard of the countryside. If there is no lavety, then all atmospheric precipitates will flock to the house, gradually destroying the foundation and adjacent area. "You can see in our article."

The standard diagram of the storm sewage is quite simple: the system of ground / underground channels that intersect in several places. The intersection points are called waterborgs.

Designed in parallel with livne sewer. The arrangement is also preferably spent at one time. The elements of the drainage and storm depth system are parallel to each other (in the case of too deep foundation and laying drainage pipes, the railway is mounted around the perimeter of the house above the drains).

Today we will look at how the storm sewage is installed in their own hands, what is the principle of its work and from which elements it consists.

The advantages of the stormwater supply

  1. Such a system is able to simultaneously accept and remove atmospheric precipitation.
  2. Its components are relatively inexpensive.
  3. Installation of the system is extremely simple.
  4. Regular cleaning of the system is carried out quickly and without using any special tools.
  5. Crossroads and corners in Livnevka are practically no, so that the probability of its clogging is low.
  6. Minimum land under installation.
  7. Drain is carried out the shortest way.

What makes it?

There are several storm sewage elements, consider them.

  1. Gutter and trays. These are special paths and canals located on the site for which Talaa, or rainwater flows into drainage wells.
  2. They are installed near the porch of the house, designed to collect flow from the roof and its further transportation to the channels. Pallets can be both light plastic and heavy. All products are marked according to the reserves of strength and purpose (laying on the roadbed, in a private site, etc.).
  3. Peskovochâteters Mounted between the receiving well and channels, their main function is to delay the garbage and not allow it to enter the sewer.

  4. Storm pipes(Usually from high-strength polypropylene with a smooth inner surface and corrugated outdoor). In their soil, extra moisture falls and moves to the end item. Storm pipes (optimal dimeth 110 mm) are connected by tees, couplings, flexible taps.
  5. Collectors Designed to collect moisture from storm sewage (the very end of the system). Collectors can be self-made (for example, from concrete) or industrial production (for example, Wavin)
  6. Storm wells. Their main purpose is to provide access to the collector for periodic service. However, occasionally, the storm wells are installed as an audit element, but as a replacement of the collector.

Storm Prices Prices

storm pipes

Now consider how the storm sewage is running. There are two types of it - superficial and depth.

Surface drainage

Surface, in turn, can be point and linear. Feature point waterboat It is that rain-seekers are installed next to the crops for watering the garden and near the drain knees. The rainmaker is a box in which water gets out of the pipes. A special basket is often worth a special basket, delaying all the garbage in the drains. Cleaning the basket and utilization of garbage is made after it is extracted.

Sometimes rain-seekers are connected to the sewer system. In such cases, it is necessary to install siphon partitions that protect against unpleasant odor. A lattice is put on the rainmaker. It can be metallic, plastic, etc., the choice of material depends entirely on future loads.

Linear The collection system, in contrast to the point, displays drains from the entire yard, protecting the foundation of the house. Moreover, if the slope of the site exceeds three degrees, then the linear catchment will prevent flushing of the upper layer of the soil. The main components of such a system - trays, or, as they are also called, a gutter.

There are a number of places in the yard, where the linear collection system must be installed necessarily.

  1. Around the house for removing wastewater from the foundation.
  2. Next to the street washbasin (if there is such), otherwise you will need to go to rubber boots each time in order to wash your hands.
  3. Near the garage gate. Linear drainage will prevent the garage flooding, and the lattice will partially remove the dirt from the wheels.
  4. Along the garden tracks. It is characteristic that the tracks must go under the bias towards the drainage canal. So they will remain dry in any weather.

Depth drainage

Drainage of deep-type is designed to collect and remove groundwater from the site. For its installation, drainage pipes are used, which are injected into the ground on the pre-prepared "pillow" of sand and gravel. Drainage pipes perforated, that is, they have a lot of holes, in order to absorb moisture that fell into their "zone of action".

Rips for drainage pipes should be located all over the perimeter of the yard. What frequency and in what order they will be placed will depend on the peculiarities of the soil and the degree of its saturation of groundwater.

Important! In order, the sand-gravel "pillow" was not kept, the layer of geotextile falls under it - this material misses moisture, but it delays small particles.

All drainage pipes must go under the bias towards the collector. The collector accumulates all the moisture incoming pipes and "throws" it into the catchment collector (, ravine or even a reservoir nearby).

Video - Storm sewage in the site

Installation requirements for landing

As already mentioned, water in the storm sewer is moving in gravity, so for the effective operation of the system, a number of factors should be taken into account:

  • the average precipitation over the year - the diameter of the pipes will depend on this figure, the size and number of rain-seekers, etc.;
  • the type of buildings and location of their location (business objects, house), due to which the length of the drainage pipeline will be calculated;
  • the nature of the terrain on which your site is located;
  • secondary water consumption for household needs.

Important! Drainage pipes should run below the level of soil freezing.

Calculation procedure

Based on the data given in the previous paragraph of the article, we need to make a calculation that will make it possible to build an effective storm system. If the calculations are true, then all sanitary standards will be observed.

The basis of the calculation is the maximum amount of water with which the system can cope. This volume can be obtained by simple formula:

D x S xQ20 \u003d V.

In the formula D - the water absorption intensity of the surface (this information can be found in reference books), S is the total area, Q20 - the maximum intensity of atmospheric precipitation (it is also available in reference books in a particular area), which is measured in l. per second On 1 hectare, and V is the maximum amount of water assigned.

So that it was more convenient, we led to the table below, in which the intensity of the absorption of moisture is indicated by various materials (D).

Selecting pipe sections

Bias Diameter
10 cm 15 cm 20 cm
1,5-2 10,03 31,53 77,01
1-1,5 8,69 27,31 66,69
0,5-1 7,1 22,29 54,45
0,3-0,5 5,02 15,76 38,5
0-0,3 3,89 12,21 29,82

If one pipe is connected immediately with several gutters, then to determine the diameter, you just dat the numbers of each of the flows. All other elements of the system - trays, lattices, funnels, etc., we will calculate the same way like pipes. These elements made of plastic are sold today in all stores. If you wish, you can order details at the locksmith - it will make them from galvanized tin.

If the drainage system is already available, then work begins with the installation of rain-seekers. We establish them directly under the drainage pipes. It is characteristic that all rain-seekers form a single system, so we equip them with the necessary number of holes for pipes. In order to connect pipes with receivers, we use the knees.

First we are placing the perimeter and the row of trenches. Next, we fall asleep into the trench of a sandy "pillow" with a thickness of 10-20 cm. Then put the pipes, while, as already mentioned, there must be a bias towards the drainage well (at least 2%), otherwise the water will not flock samoter and we will need additionally Install pumps. And this, of course, additional costs.

When installing, in addition to the main elements (pipes, rain-seekers, etc.) we will use:

  • siphons;
  • sandcloths;
  • plug - They need so that in the event of a pipe overflow, water did not move back.

In completion, we connect all the elements of the system - from pipes and sands to the drainage well - into a single network. It remains only to consolidate trays. For them, we are preparing a concrete solution (the ratio of sand and cement is 3: 1) and with its help the trays. From above, they put protective lattices on them and fall asleep the entire storm system.

Important! In order to correctly determine the angle of the slope, it is better to use a laser or water level.

Video - Installation of the stormwater removal system

  1. Despite the fact that the rains go mainly under the slope, and the vertical rain is rare, it should not be saved on a less infiltable side. Full and reliable Livnevian in all - the effective protection of the foundation of the house and the entire site as a whole.
  2. In order to check the performance of the system, you need to pour several buckets of water from the roof. It is desirable to carry out this procedure before the start of each season of the rains.
  3. Water from the drainage well (collector), already purified, can be used for watering a garden or garden.
  4. In places where the pipeline "turns", it is recommended to install viewing wells for visual control of the system.

How to clean the storm sewer

If Livnevka has been hampered, then you can seek help from specialists, and you can try to clean it yourself. Of course, if this happened for the first time, it is better that the cleaning experts spent - they will be able to withdraw, which method is eliminated by a blockage of one or another complexity. There are several such ways.

  1. Mechanical The cleaning method consists in breaking through the traffic jams and remove dirt.
  2. Chemical The method is the use of chemicals that destroy the block structure.
  3. Hydrodynamic It consists in supplying water under strong pressure.
  4. AND thermal The cleaning method is cleaning the ferry or hot water.

Often, mechanical or hydrodynamic method is often used to clean the storm sewage. But if the open type system, then cleaning will be significantly easier:

  • removal of the grille mounted on trays;
  • removing garbage and dirt from the channel;
  • washing the cleaning of channels with strong water pressure;
  • setting the grille back.

By the way, if you have a mini-sink in the farm, for example, Karcher, you can use it for flushing - the result will also be excellent.

Each person's shoes are beautifully familiar with urban lavety, whose work leaves much to be desired by creating water streams on the roads and sidewalks. Very often after dating shoes with deep puddle from your favorite pair of shoes, some pleasant memories remain. And if for residents of the city on this all the troubles ends, then for people living outside the city, damage from storm rain can be much more tangible.

In order for the rainwater streams did not destroy the base of the private house, let it occur and very slowly and did not blapted the basement and basement, contributing to the formation of rot and mold fungus, as well as to prevent the destruction of plant roots, it is important for the landing site to build a lavety - Water removal system accumulating after atmospheric precipitation. At the same time, due to the simplicity of the design of the storm sewer, each wishes are able to perform all the work independently.

Constructive features and purpose of lavety

Under the storm sewer system is meant complex of structures and pvvwhich collects, filtering and removing atmospheric precipitation into specifically designed tanks or reservoirs. The main task of such a system is to eliminate moisture accumulating after the rain and creating discomfort residents of a country house, destroying different designs and causing decays of plants. In this case, a structurally standard lavender consists of certain elements:

  • a rainwriter who is a funnel, pallet or a linear tray intended for collecting water;
  • the flavor and drain pipe, which is transported by water resources collected after the rain to sandbag, filtration device and further to the collector, cuvette, natural reservoir or discharge field;
  • looking Well, designed to control the operation of the storm sewage;
  • filtration devices or sand-trap, designed to hold soil particles, vegetable fibers and other garbage, thereby protecting the lavety from premature contamination.

All listed elements in the complex are a holistic system that functions a linear or point method. If the channel system is laid in the ground, the pipes should be used for its arrangement. If surface rs are used, plastic, asbestos or concrete chute are mounted. To ensure the natural movement of rain or melt water to the place of filtering the waste system should be laid under a certain slope In the direction of the waterborg, the discharge place or another tank.

Classification of rainwood according to the method of rainwater collection

Based on how the method of atmospheric precipitation will occur, the classification of storm sewers is performed on certain types.

Based on the constructive differences and the degree of coverage of the territory, the type of storm sewage should be selected. However, it is not rational to be repelled only from these criteria during the construction of landing. In most cases, the storm sewer system in the country house is equipped based on the features of the region of construction of the house-building. Only on the basis of the experience of organizations involved in the construction of landfills, in a specific region and the type and depth of the sewer channels are selected.

Features of the design and calculation of the lavety

Implement any plans associated with construction work without prior calculations - meaningless waste of money. If the storm sewers can not cope with the tasks set in front of it, then what's the point in its construction. At the same time, if you build too powerful sewage sewage in a private house, it will lead to unjustified monetary costs. At the same time, the following information will be required to carry out calculations and drawing up plans:

  • The averaged indicators of precipitation volumes that were recorded by meteorological services of a particularly taken region.
  • The frequency of rainfall and the thickness of the snow cover, which must be removed by means of a storm sewer system of linear type.
  • Square of waste management. In the case of a dot ravenev, the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of the private house is taken. And take into account the incomplete amount of it, and a plane projection. If a linear wastewater collection system is placed, a total area will be the result of the summation of all objects to be processed.
  • Physico-mechanical indicator of the soil of the household site of a particularly brought region.
  • The presence and place of passing previously equipped on the land plot of communications laid in the soil.

The parameters listed above and the intensity of precipitation are assembled by metelery services for many years by studying physicochemical phenomena in the atmosphere, a particularly taken area where the storm sewage is placed. All obtained data is reduced to tables and recorded in the regulatory indicators, which are based on the calculation and choosing the type of rainwater removal system.

At what depth are the channels of the Livnevka?

The gasket of trays or channels from pipes should be glued to the ground to a depth corresponding to the specifically taken region. Accurate data can be found in neighborswhich are already used by Livnevka or in building organizations engaged in sewer systems. In most regions of our state, the depth of the atmospheric precipitation system is 30 cm if the cross-section of pipes or open-type trays does not exceed 50 cm. Larger elements are stacked in the soil at a depth of 70 cm.

Considering that any land work requires large physical labor costs, too deepening the mountaineering is difficult, and no need. It makes no sense to mount the collector or the observation well below the soil freezing point during the winter period of the year. It is advisable to place them above, simply having insulation using thermal insulation materials: geotextiles and a layer of rubble, which will protect the system from freezing.

It should also be borne in mind that the channel laying should be performed with an angle in the direction of the collection of stormwater. This means that the level of introductory place in the collector well should be located below the passage of trays or pipes that are departed from rainwriters.

Standing Sewer Line

In accordance with GOST, the minimum parameters of the slope for pipe products with a cross section of 150 mm are 0.008 mm on the pattern of the mesmer. Products with a diameter of up to 200 mm are laid with an inclination of 0.007 mm / m. Based on the geological features of the household plot, these parameters may vary. The maximum angle of the slope at the docking point of the channel and the rainmaker is 0.02 mm per meter, which makes it possible to increase the rate of rainwater outflow. Directly before the sand collector, the speed of water flows should decreaseSo that weighted inclusions have time to settle and therefore the bias make minimal.

Features of laying roofing drain

Stages of making the installation of a storm waste system are similar to the principle of laying of ordinary external sewage. But if there is no roofing drainage system in a private house, it is necessary to start all activities from its construction. Installation of roofing drain provides for certain stages.

  1. In the overlap of the house-building holes are done for rain-seekers. After mounting and reliable fixation of the elements of the rain their sealing is carried out In places of adjoining.
  2. Installation of a waste pipeline and risers is performed.
  3. All individual elements are joined and fixed to the design of the private house through special clamps.

Design features of the underground part

In accordance with developed and approved work planwhich takes into account all the slopes and depth of the system passage, a trench is broken. If there are work on the insulation of pipes using geotextile material and rubble or by arranging the sand pillow, it is important to take into account their power. All other activities are held in accordance with a certain sequence.

After digging the trench, the bottom is running. Stones, roots of trees and other large the garbage is necessarily removedand the remaining emptiness falling asleep. At the bottom there is a pillow of a standard thickness of 20 cm.

Eashes the pit under the collective tank. It is advisable to use the purchased plastic reservoir as a collector device. Naturally, with a great desire, you can make a collector with your own hands from concrete, which is poured into the constructed formwork.

In the prepared trenches with sand pillows, pipes are placed on the bottom, which are combined into a common system using fittings.

If the length of the storm sewage is exceeded 10 meters, it is important to additionally install viewing wells.

In places of connecting receivers of atmospheric precipitation and pipeline pipes, sand-trap is mounted.

All individual elements and structures are connected to a single chain, and the joints of the joints are well seal.

Before filling out the ditch, the water is tested in the water-growing water. If there were no weak places in the system, they are moving to the backbone of trenches with soil. In this case, all the elements, starting with chutes, trays and ending with pallets, are equipped with grilles. The homeowner can connect the rainwater removal system into the sewer of the private house.

Man, having arranged a lavety around the house, can significantly extend the operational resource of the house-building, to save its inhabitants from puddles and dirt, prevent flooding of basement and basement, as well as protect the root system of plants from the formation of rot. Naturally, to engage in the arrangement of the rainwater removal system or there is no personal matter of each homeowner, however, the advantage of such a system cannot be underestimated.

Clean and dry courtyard after the rain, no puddle on the lawn and blurry beds, healthy plants and perfectly smooth tracks - the result of competent planning and installation of the surface drainage. It is difficult to achieve such a result independently without impressive costs, but really, if you make a storm drainage drainage for drying off the surface and withdrawal of rainwater. In the complex with a mountaineering (water removal system from the roof), the drainage network will reduce the amount of moisture penetrating into the depth layers of the soil - the load on the deep floor drainage network will decrease.

Plan the decomposition schemes of drainage networks and the landfill stands even before the construction start. The protection of the foundation in the form of a used system is easier to install, if not covered with the pit. While the construction is going on and on the site there is a technique, it is advisable to order digging trenches, so as not to dig in manually and do not deliver the dirt on the refined area. Protection against melt and rainwater is:

Livnevka and drainage around the perimeter of the house

  • Surface linear storm drainage - collection and removal of rainwater from the surface of the soil.
  • Storm sewage is a removal of water flowing through the drainage pipes.
  • Point drainage is a drainage of local areas with a problematic natural outflow.

Moisture removal scheme from the surface: drainage system

Storm sewer network

The storm sewer network is equipped with an outlook in the overall highway, if there is a collector or a tube of urban lavety nearby. In the case when the branches of the urban network are located at a high distance, the withdrawal of the local drainage system and storm sewage is organized in 2 ways: on the filtration field (covered with rubble plot for moisture removal in the soil), or in the receiving reservoir (drainage well, reservoir, roadside ditch) . Drain from private landing into a common household sewer system is prohibited.

Elements of the system:

  • Water chute, which are mounted along the edge of the roof rods.
  • Drainage pipes.
  • Watercraft containers.

Recovery Tank With Top

  • Exterior sewer pipes that are connected to the water intake tanks.

Capacities are mounted under the yield of the drain pipe, connect the nozzle with the sewer tube. Pipes are bought under the tilt to the plum site.

Drainage: Features of the Surface Storm System

The system for draining the surface of the site consists of point and linear branches connected into one network with an output to the water receiver. Storm drainage on the site is equipped in the form of open channels, proofled under the slope of the plum. The markup is performed only after studying the direction of natural outflow during heavy rain. Definite drainage lines:

Drainage network: spot water collectors and storm trenches

  • Around the perimeter of the plot.
  • On the slopes and on the venues in natural deepening.

Drainage branches on the slope

  • Around the tracks.

Storm drainage around the house is the trenches lines laid along the scene throughout the perimeter of buildings. To dry up the courtyard, lined with tiles, form channels at the entrance to the garage, near the porch, steps.

Point drainage taps are knocked in places where there is no need to lay drainage channels: under watering cranes, near the exit of the drain pipes (in areas where there is no storm sewage). Drain from point drainage wells will be removed into the overall tube with a common surface network.

Integration: Is it possible to combine landing with a drainage network

Two separate networks: Drainage and Livnevka

The optimal detection scheme of the site with a house is separate drainage and lavety networks around the house. Connect linear channels with sewage is undesirable: during a strong shower or fast snow melting, one pipe may not cope and overflow through the water reaches.

It is advisable to connect the lavety and drainage in one trench only in one case: if the trench rolls out under the removal from the point drainage and sewer, and not perforated pipes. Pipes are carried out in parallel along the bottom of the concerned trench. Stop the hermetic sewer pipe into the channel with drainage, it is impossible: the pipe diameter will reduce the useful amount of ditch, will create difficulties when cleaning the trench.

Complete Drainage and Livnevka in the filtration tunnel

Instead of trying to connect to the Livnevy and linear drainage in one pipe, it is better to make a general receiver, especially if you cannot make a knock in the city highway. Rainwater can be used for watering or filling artificial reservoirs. Plastic tanks are installed as a receiver, or wells are made without the bottom - to remove the incoming fluid into the ground.

How to make a storm drainage plot and around a country house

Storm drainage is a surface system that does not require volumetric earthworks and digging deep tranches, so you can make a simple layout with your own hands. Before starting work, the places of mandatory arrangement of lines and water collection points, plan the trajectory of the outlet. Detect all places where natural outflow is not enough, you can during abundant precipitation and after the start of the melting of snow. Also requires the installation of an extended linear storm drainage area with clay, oversaturated moisture, not absorbing water from the surface.

For preliminary calculations of the number of necessary materials, it is worth drawing the channel circuit on the plan of the site.

Standard Drainage Installation Plan

Materials: What will be needed for mounting a storm drainage network

List of materials that are needed for self-contained storm drainage drainage and mounting system around the perimeter of the house:

  • Trays (gutter) for installation around the foundation. Materials manufacturing - plastic, polymer mixture, concrete. Plastic channels are installed in areas where the lattice turns out to be minimal physical effects: along the edges of the lawn, in the flower beds. Concrete gutter - durable and durable. Such a tray withstands the load to 25 tons. Install in places of elevated loads: in the courtyards, where there is a constant traffic, on access roads. Protective lattices are also chosen: metal and cast-iron - for sections with intensive load, decorative plastic - for lawn, garden.

  • Connecting elements, struts, base. Auxiliary materials that manufacturer recommends using when assembling channels. Be sure to install struts inside plastic trays.
  • Sandowellands. Separately buy products for installation in a linear system and for mounting into rainmakers.

On the walls - preparation for taking pipe

  • Rain-seekers. Apply mainly ready-made plastic containers. The outer walls are equipped with preparation for connection with the tap. Plastic receivers are easily installed on each other - you can collect the container of any height.

Capacities with a basket and nozzles

  • Geotextile. The canvas for drainage falling channels that are not equipped with gutters.

Synthetic water permeable cloth

  1. Crushed stone, sand. The rubble fraction is medium and large.
  2. The solution for filling the base under gutter and water reservation.
  3. Drainage wells. Ready-made plastic or corrugated pipes of large diameter.

Factory PVC Drainage Wells

  • Pipes for outdoor sewage with fittings.
  • Construction tools. You will need a black boards for formwork in the canals, pegs and a line for marking, shovels, kirk, construction level.

Installation of point water testing

Point water reservoirs are elements of landfill and drainage, installed under the exit of the drainage. It is necessary to plan the installation so that the flow from the drain falls exactly in the center of the lattice.

The edge of the well must be on the same level with decorative coating

The sizes of the pits for the installation of the container are determined by the height of the receiver, adding up to 30 to 40 cm for subfolding and base. Around the perimeter should be a gap of up to 5 cm on each side. Dig out the recess, align the walls and the bottom. Be sure to check the horizontal bottom and angle so that the container does not shift during installation.

Horizontal control level

At the bottom form a tight ten centimeter layer of the rambling sand. The sand pillow lay a layer of rubble with a height of up to 25 cm. It is advisable to pour the bottom with concrete mortar. The flooded base is left for a few days until complete solidification, or fix the container in the fresh solution (if necessary fixation).

The concrete base is set to a rainmaker so that the capacitance cover is at the same level with the breakfast. If the installation is carried out before laying the decorative coating, then leave the free edge of the well above the ground to the height of the tile or stone.

Right installation of the receiver

Side gaps fall asleep with rubble or poured concrete. Before falling down to the outlet, the fitting is connected to remove the pipe. Installing internal parts: basket, partitions, fix the lid.

Arrangement of an open storm system around the foundation

Stormwater drainage along the perimeter of the building can be planned as a closed at the collection of rings, without revision wells. For cleaning there are collapsible sandplants. Linear system rules:

  • The indentation from the edge of the foundation should be from 50 cm. Optimally - plan the channels along the edge of the tracks or the scene.

Trays - on the edge of the scene with a margin of height for paving slabs

  • The depth of the channels is determined by the height of the tray with the decorative lid with the addition of the height of the bulk layer - up to 40 cm.
  • Width - up to 50 cm.

So that the installed gutters have not shifted and not deformed over time, you need to comply with several rules during earthworks. The bottom, the walls should be smooth and solid. At the bottom, they necessarily make a standard sand pillow and a crumbntage.

Plastic tray installed on the factory stand

To the tray (especially plastic) is not deformed, it is better to make a concrete base for installation. The thickness of the concrete layer is 5 cm.

Laying of the gutter

In the prepared trenches are installed a gutter. Constructions are combined with each other with special locks. The extreme points (at the beginning and at the end of the line) are closed with plastic or metal plugs. If plastic gutters are used, the factory struts are installed inside.

Sandwalker in the drainage line

The gaps between the trays and the trench walls fall asleep with rubble, or concrete. At long sites, sandplants are installed - in-depth trays with a mechanical filter. In places of installation, removing pipes are connected to sandclavers. Trenches for removing pipes are digging under the tilt.

Budget storm drainage plot: Build open channels

Take rainwater from garden tracks, flower beds and along the fence and economical open way. Instead of ready-made trays, flowing canals of the storm drainage are placed. According to the planned lines, testers dig. Depth - from 50 cm, width - from 50 - 60 cm.

Instead of gutters - bother trench

The branch is formed with a slope in the direction of the receiving tank. Walls - at an angle to the bottom to reduce the head of flowing water. At the bottom, filling in sand. Check the correctness of the slope. For one meter - up to 3 cm of the height difference.

Pipe in rubble backfilling

Geotextiles laid on the sandy layer. The edges are left free. Throughout the width of the trench, rubble layer up to 30 cm. A more durable system with a drain perforated tube inside a rubble backfill. Watch the edges of the blade of the mustard.

Dry Creek With Decorative Fasting - Beautiful Drain Line

From above, the drainage clip falls asleep with decorative material: river pebbles, multicolored crumb, stone. Dry streams are aesthetic and economical solution.

Drainage well and discharge

Drainage Well - connection connection point. With a moderate amount of water and good water-absorbing characteristics of the soil, the drainage tank is installed on a crushed pillow. Through the well without the bottom, water penetrates into the ground.

Drainage well with a falling bottom

If the device of the filter well is not possible, a liquid into a common rave highway is removed from the drainage tank or removed beyond the limits of the site - into natural reservoirs, ditch. A well removal can be supplied to a pond or a receiving Baku inserted on the plot.

Video: Montage of the lavety around the house

Livnevka and linear open drainage - only the surface part of the fundamental principle. On the perimeter of buildings at different depths, it is necessary to create 3 - 4 types of drainage systems. The choice of method of organization and technical parameters of networks depends on the composition of the soil, the depth of the foundation. Self make deep drainage networks - it is not worth it. Experts should be calculated, and the installation of trench branches is better carried out immediately after the foundation is filling. Even before the start of construction, plastic depth drainage is equipped. Not only the ability of the system is depends on the accuracy of the calculations in large quantities, but also the durability of the foundation.

Storm sewing for a private house is very necessary, because it is rain and melt water allocated from home and plot.

If you do not equip this system, then rain or thawa water will accumulate in the soil, and this adversely affects the buildings.

In this article, consider the design of the storm in a private house.

Due to the too wet soil, the building can settle down and lean.

To avoid this problem, it is necessary equipment of storm sewage.

This system can be made on its own at the beginning of construction or arrange it near the built house. Next, we will analyze the device of storm sewage.


  • if the pipe diameter is 20 cm, then the slope will be 7 mm,
  • if the pipe diameter is 15 cm, the pipe diameter should be 8 mm,

These parameters are suitable for a closed stained sewage system.

For an open type of storm sewage, there are completely different parameters, such as a bias, will be 3- 5 mm on a 1-lineage meter of the pipe.

Where there are connections of pipes with storm wells, the slope must be two centimeters on the trafficphone meter.

Storm sewing device in private household

  1. To begin with, you prepare the trenches of the required width and depth, taking into account the slope;
  2. The bottom of the trench is talked and made a sandy pillow, the height of which should be twenty centimeters;
  3. In a pre-planned place, they make a pitual in order to further set the water collection container there. You can make such a container with your own hands from concrete;
  4. Channels and pipes are put on the sandy pillow, all connect and joints to seal;
  5. In places connections with a collector, set to desert sand and garbage detention devices, also make viewing wells, in places of pipes have bends and in areas more than ten meters;
  6. All underground channels are sprinkled and covered with grille. When you, shut down the storm sewer, take into account the fact that the drains should be from each roof slide.

If you used high-quality materials and made a storm sewer in all the rules, it will last you for many years.

This system will eliminate private homeowners from slush, puddles and premature destruction.

We will have the hope that this article was useful and informative for you. Good luck in endeavors and patience!

Properly arranged precipitation has advantages for private houses, especially with a good project and high-quality assembly. The main function of the storm system is to protect against the external natural impacts of the foundation of the house and its walls, as well as basements.

Livnevka will protect the courtyard and a portion of the structure from dirt, puddles and excessive oveurgement of the soil that contributes to the poor growth of plants.

The removal of rain or melt water can be designed itself, but it is better to trust him with a specialist who is professionally suitable for installation, choosing the necessary components, and will hold work quickly and efficiently. Sewage scheme will be necessary, according to climate and conditions on the ground.

Varieties of storm sewers for a private house

The precipitation systems are presented by a network of pipes and receivers that carry out the following functional effects:

  • the accumulation of fluid with rain-seekers and pallets;
  • collection and removal of fluid outside the site or in a collector with deep drainage;
  • purification of water from splitting solids in the form of sand and ground particles.

In the private sector, there are the following varieties of storm sewers in the form of systems:

  1. Open. Include open gutters that collect water on the surface. Easy to make with your own hands.
  2. Closed. Such a complex version requires clear planning and calculations, it will be better if experts will be made.
  3. Mixed. This option is chosen to reduce the financial costs associated with construction.

Livnevka can enter into part of the general-gear ditch, go out in the ravine nearby, reservoir or go immediately to the collector, which will take filtering into the soil.

All leveling systems are two types:

  • point;
  • linear.

With the first type, the rain-seeker is done under the drain, and the funnel collecting water has a filter grid and a basket inside the sera collection.

With a linear type, the channels underground are in shallow trenches, and collect natural moisture in open trays with lattices throughout the line containing sand-trap.

IMPORTANT! The linear system, unlike the point, collects precipitation not only from the roof, but also from the adjacent territory (tracks, sites, surfaces with paving slabs). This type covers a large area of \u200b\u200bservice. What exactly to choose the type of landfill - a person must choose himself, depending on the material opportunities and accounting for the fact that every home has its own scheme, depending on the design of the building, location, size of the site and terrain.

What is the Livnevka

Standard drainage components are combined into a common interacting system with linear and accurate technological characteristics. Sewage of stormwater disposal is complex devices and channels consisting of:

  1. Rainherymen who collect all kinds of precipitation. These are funnels, pallets, trays, gutters.
  2. Point or linear pipe systems conducting sediments to filtering devices (collectors) and then to discharge places.
  3. Experienced revision wells (carry out control over the ravery) with hatches. Through them clean the system.
  4. Filters in the form of sand-collectors collecting solid particles and protecting the network from clogging.
  5. Lattices with large holes through which water (aluminum, steel, cast-iron) goes - there are rectangular and square.

The entire system of channels and devices is sent to the reservoir wells, then distributed in the place of unloading. Laying the lavety in the soil applies pipe system. In trenches and dutches on the surface, trays and gutters are embedded made of plastic, asbestos or concrete.

Watering is installed on the roof. Dake rains are always under the trumpets. At the top of the trays and pallets are always covered with lattices.

Getting Started with the installation of the rain sewer system, you must necessarily schematically make the location of the channels, and then perform work.

IMPORTANT! In order to ensure the natural movement of precipitation through the waterboat system to the place of filtering and unloading, the components of the sewer system must be laid with the inclination towards these systems.

Select pipe diameter

The lavety device involves the use of high-quality pipes. Polyethylene, plastic or propylene pipes are best for these purposes.

Polyethylene are considered the best at cost and due to the quality characteristics - the smoothness of the walls that will not save on the walls of the water and bacteria. In addition, this product skips fluid well and is considered durable.

Plastic pipes are corrugated, high and low pressure. They are good and quickly going with the help of fittings.

In addition to the above, it is possible to use pipes from metal (withstand heavy loads, especially along roads), fiberglass and asbestos cement.

The pipe system transports precipitation from receivers to the disposal site.

The diameter of the selection of pipes for the lavender is depending on the climatic conditions, power and saturation of natural precipitation, as well as the system of the system (its branching and square). The smallest diameter is considered a figure of 150 mm, with a slope level of more than 3 cm for each M tubular lead.

The diametrical calculation is calculated independently or with the help of services of professionals. For this, the average number of regional precipitation will be recognized, the land area and the correction coefficient, which depends on the surrounding soil (coating) is calculated. For example, under the adjacent asphalt territory, the coefficient will be 0.95, concreted - 0.85, engraved or sandy - 0.4.

The volume of water (q) is calculated by the formula: Q \u003d Q20 ∙ F ∙ φ. As soon as the formula shows: a pipe should cope with the amount of precipitation, it is started to determine its diametrical volume. To do this, use the technical table of Lukin.

The insertion portion of the medium size is 100-110 mm with the most suitable diameter.

IMPORTANT! In order for rain sewage to serve for a long time, it is necessary to choose the right pipe, calculating their diameter in such a way that they cope with a large flow of incoming water volume.

Storm sewing installation characteristics: depth, slope

The depth of the rain canal depends on the technical requirements of its region. It is possible to learn about the standards in any public or private construction company or in people who built Livnevy in the neighborhood. In the middle strip of the Russian Federation, precipitation is removed at a depth of 0.3 m at the diameter of pipes and trays no more than 50 cm. With large diameters of pipe products, they are allowed to deepen by 0, 7 m.

Installation work should pass in this way:

  1. Prepare trenches with a sand pillow at the bottom, 20 cm high and a bias toward the collecting well.
  2. In the trenches laid pipes that connect fittings and tightly fixed.
  3. Drainmakers are installed at a shallow depth, so knee is used to connect with other components of the system.
  4. They are convinced of the correctness of the previous actions and the functioning of the system. For this, the water bucket is poured into the rain-seeker, and it is followed that it does not give the flow. If water goes without problems, then the pipes can be filled with gravel, and then soil (or simply used land).
  5. The storm well is allowed to make plastic by setting the hatch (made of metal, plastic, rubber). Rings are swing so that the top edge of the cover is 20 cm below the Earth. Under the hatch of brick or concrete, it will be necessary to make the neck, and on top it is allowed to break the lawn.

The lavender slope norms (according to GOST) are represented by the parameter of the liner with a cross section of 150 mm - 0.008 on the p. M. With the diameter of the product - 200 mm, the slope must be 0.007 mm / m. Such data may vary and depend on the type of soil. But the maximum angle of the slope at the junction point of the rainmaker and the channel is 0.02 m / m, and this contributes to the best rapid flow rate. The system is constructed due to the minimum slope so that in front of the sand collector, the water speed decreases, which allows weighted inclusions to sedim and do not score the channel.

IMPORTANT!With independent improvement of your own house in the form of a rain system, it is advisable to get acquainted with the requirements of SNiP (document No. - 2.04.03-85).

Installation of roofing of rain sewage

The water flow system on the roof is fixed in the course of the chobs, where precipitates flow through the funnels and pipes.

Collection of precipitation in systems with funnels are arranged at the points of contact and the joint of the slopes. In the floors of the building make holes for rainhearts to establish them, hermetically attaching with the help of bitumen mastic at the place of adjoining.

Then the pipes are mounted for drains, risers that need to be attached later to the building with construction clamps.

The roofing part of the rainwater was included:

  • gutter, its external and internal angles;
  • plug and connectors;
  • hooks, funnels (including catchment);
  • pipe knees, stocks;
  • pipes - drain and connective;
  • tees (fittings) pipes;
  • brackets (for brick or wood).

After roofing, trays put trays and build a linear lavety. For this, trenches are digging and carrying out land.

Landing of the underground part of the lavety

Installation on laying rain sewage lines is identical to the installation of external sewers.

Drop trenches at a given depth and are well tamped, removing the roots of plants and other trash. Then form a sand pillow according to accepted standards.

Form a large pit in the form of a pit for a collector (plastic). The well well can be made independently using formwork and concrete fill.

Channels of water collection devices and their cleaning must be pulled at an angle. The input levels in the collector must be below the trays or pipe products that run from the precipitation receiver. Pipes connect with each other fittings.

If the rain sewage system is greater than 10 m, then the construction of viewing wells is necessary. In the area of \u200b\u200bdocking, they put sandowlamans, and their connections are sealed. The owner of the house in the future will be able to clean the sands and follow the work of the entire system.

When installing a rainmaker, it needs to fill it with concrete and put a heavy load for two days to protect the product from extrusion.

Collectors and wells are desirable to arrange higher levels of seasonal freezing (in comparison with the recommendations of the GOST lay lower). It is possible to insulate them with geological textiles and a layer of fine gravel, which are thermal insulating materials. Do not forget about the sand pillow.

After checking the operation of the rainwater supply, the trench is falling asleep, and the components in the form of gutters, trays and pallets are equipped with lattices.

IMPORTANT! If the lavety is done with the drainage system, it is paved above drainage.

Before building a storm sewage system, it is necessary to make all the necessary calculations and draw a circuit. It will fight from unnecessary financial spending and help acquire all the necessary components to the project. If in the region there are small precipitations, stormwater can be collected in barrels and use for watering the garden.