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Electric heating panels Flat thin flexible. Issues of infrared wall heaters and their use. Heat pumps - economical and eco-friendly installations

If standard heating devices are not able to provide a comfortable atmosphere in the home, then you have to purchase additional sources of heat. Recently, the popularity has acquired infrared heating panels. They differ in compact sizes and demonstrate high performance. Automation allows you to control the basic parameters of such devices.

Fairly compact heating source

Work principles

The dimensions of ordinary heating devices are much less than the area that they have to heat. To create the optimal temperature in the apartment, radiators have to spend quite a long time. Infrared heating panels cope with this task faster.

Their effectiveness is due to the fact that various surfaces and items in the dwelling well absorb infrared rays emanating from such devices. Even furniture after heating turns into a kind of source of heating. In order to be created in the dwelling, thermal energy did not go beyond the borders, do not send infrared heaters on such surfaces as:

  • ceiling,
  • walls;
  • door structures.

In this video you will learn how infrared panels work:

Thermal infrared devices have another difference from conventional heating radiators: while working they do not absorb oxygen. Therefore, they can be used to create a comfortable microclimate in urban apartments, private houses, offices, as well as industrial premises and in warehouse buildings.

Main advantages and disadvantages

The device has certain advantages compared to conventional heating devices. The main advantages:

  • any room can be warm up to a temperature of up to + 50 ° C;
  • during the operation of IR panels, the optimal temperature and humidity are ensured;
  • during the operation of the devices, there are no convection flows of air, so there is no dust in the premises;
  • due to the thermostator in the apartment, a certain temperature is maintained and energy;
  • devices minimize the difference between the air temperature at the floor level and the ceiling;
  • the ability to place IR heating not only on the ceiling surface, but also on the walls;
  • on top of the installed panel, you can lay the tile or drywall, stick the wallpaper, while on the efficiency of the device, this will not be affected;
  • a long service life is 50 years.

Such wear-resistant panels

Before choosing IR appliances for heating it is necessary to take into account their shortcomings.. Heat, emanating from them, can be felt pretty quickly after the start of work. But its distribution is pointing point. This means that in one place will be quite hot, while in the other temperature will be lower. This will not be better reflected in well-being - a person will often have headaches.

Panels are not heated by air, but only objects, so it can appear sharp smell of plastics. It will be especially noticeable if the panels are directed to the household appliances. The power of such devices is at the level of 1200 W - it is enough only to heat up to the optimum temperature of an area of \u200b\u200b8 square meters. m.

The constant impact of IR rays can adversely affect the visual function of the person.

Varieties of devices

Today there is a wide variety of IR panels. Focusing on their needs, you can easily choose suitable equipment.

By this parameter, as a module, it is divided into two main types.:

  1. Hinged. These devices are distinguished by a color housing made of metal. It is heated due to the emitter installed in the design. After installing with fasteners on the wall, the infrared panel is ready for operation, you only need to turn it on it into the outlet.
  2. Built-in. Thermal infrared panels of this type have plasterboard as the basis, which contains two layers of the emitter, as well as isolation. In the upper part, an IR emitter is installed - carbon conductive thread. The protective coating of the polymer is located on top of it. Devices are connected to the network 220 V.

There are also I. designer panels for placing on the wallThey can have different sizes and colors. In stores are available and panels in the form of a plinth. Placed around the perimeter of the room, they replace the usual plinth.

If you can finish the walls with drywall, you can use wall-mounted IR heating as the main source of thermal energy. In the presence of familiar cast-iron radiators in the apartment, such a device will be a good version of the backup heating.

Choice rules

The use of such devices is a more efficient way of heating its own dwelling. But you need to know how to choose this equipment correctly. First of all, it is necessary to decide for what purpose the device will be used.

If a model is required, which will be the main source of heating, then first should be paid to power. It is desirable that the device is at least 100 W / sq. M. If in the urban apartment, the height of the ceilings is more than 3.5 m, then it is necessary to navigate the rate of 120-130 W / sq. m.

Approach the choice of panels should be more careful, push out your needs

There are other factors that can affect the selection of an infrared heating device:

  1. Walls indoors. Their type, as well as the presence of insulation on their surface.
  2. Glazing quality. It matters here which type of windows is installed in the openings, how efficiently the sash is pressed against the frame, there are energy-saving glass in products.
  3. Characteristics of the ceiling. In what condition is the ceiling overlap, which is located on top - another apartment or roof.

All these factors have a significant impact on the heat loss in the room.


Along with the high efficiency of IR heating, its advantage is that the installation procedure is quite simple. It is enough to perform all the instructions contained in the installation instructions. It can be found on the manufacturer's manufacturer's website. Then it will only be left to turn on the device to the network, and you can enjoy a pleasant microclimate in the home.

Such devices can be mounted on the walls and the ceiling. If the last option is selected, then:

  1. When carrying out manipulations, use suitable fasteners. It must be reliable to withstand the mass of the instrument installed.
  2. The heater is fixed with the help of fasteners that come with it. These are usually steel chains or rigid brackets.
  3. During installation, it is necessary to completely eliminate the contact of the heating surface with substances and materials, which relate to the combustible class and can ignore when heated.
  4. It is necessary to provide high-quality insulation of electrical wiring contacts when installing the device using a special tape or plastic caps.

Installing the built-in system is a more complex procedure that takes place in several stages.

Installation begins with the fact that on the ceiling surface it is necessary to secure heat-insulating material based on Lavsana. The arranged isolation should close not only the entire surface of the ceiling, but also partially walls. In this case, the loss of thermal energy in the corners of the dwellings will be minimized. Mounted thermal blindflake should be installed on top of the laid coat. For reliable mounting to the ceiling, it is necessary to use places that are designed to be cut. In this case, damage to the conductors will be excluded, and the heating elements will not be affected.

When the installation of the thermal film will be completed, the contacts should be isolated on the one hand. On the other, the wire is connected. To do this, individual sections of the ceiling are connected in parallel. After that, on the wall, you should choose a place and hind the thermostat there. This device will provide the ability to control IR-heating modes.

It remains to check the performance of the system. If it works well and the film is heated, then you can go to the finish finish of the ceiling. Usually, cladding, PVC or drywall are used for this operation - materials that are not distinguished by heat transfer properties.

Infrared heating is a decision of the new time for efficient housing heating. The advantages of such devices have already managed to evaluate many apartments owners. It is enough to purchase a device, to install it correctly, and in the apartment will reign warm. The room warms up quickly to a high temperature. Ordinary heating radiators are not capable.

In recent years, specialists have noted a sharp increase in demand for infrared heaters in the electric heating instruments. This is due to the fact that due to its high consumer qualities and unique technical characteristics, today there are no devices equal to them on the effectiveness of heating and efficiency.

For stationary installation on any horizontal surfaces, electrical infrared heating panels are best suited. They are absolutely safe to use, and have a number of advantages compared to traditional electrical convectors and fan heaters.

The infrared heat panel is so simple that it remains only to be surprised why the distribution of these inexpensive, but such effective devices occurs only now.

The design of the IR appliance consists of a dielectric base, on top of which the thread of carbon is laid. Due to the high resistance of the latter, the electric current passing along the carbon fiber contributes to heating it. The heater is closed with a special decorative coating, which acts as the emitter of infrared waves. The design of the panel is provided for adjusting the temperature with built-in or remote sensors.

The principle of operation The heat panels borrowed from the Sun. As indeed, they shone, they heat the transvection, but by radiation, the heating surface of the objects directly. In this case, thermal energy passes through the air with almost loss (if not to take into account the dispersion). The radiating ability of infrared heaters is most effective in the microwave, with a wavelength of 3 microns. Such rays are able to penetrate the skin of a person, heated fabric and blood vessels, which contributes to the rapid spread of heat throughout the body.

Advantages of installing infrared equipment

Many said about the advantages of electric heating systems, so we consider the benefits of infrared heat panels with respect to traditional convectors and fan heaters:

  • high mechanical strength - even after hitting and falling, the device will work, as if nothing has happened.
  • low electricity consumption. This is facilitated by two factors. The first is the lack of air heating. The second - radiation reduces the temperature in the room by 3-4 ºС, which makes it possible to save up to 25% of electricity.
  • easy installation - it is enough to install a heater and turn it on into a conventional outlet, because the power of household wall panels rarely exceeds 1.2 kW.
  • infrared thermal panels are not dried air and do not contribute to stirring, so there are no heated air flows raising dust.
  • the devices are absolutely silent.
  • voltage drops in the power grid do not affect the operation of heating.

Of course, even so significant advantages will not be made to abandon the water system of heating, but in some cases they can become a decisive factor when choosing equipment.

Classification of IR panels

Due to the huge number of models of infrared heaters, it is impossible to classify them in all parameters within one article. Nevertheless, we highlight a number of design features that will determine several types of devices.

Depending on the design and method of installation, the heat panels can be divided into built-in and attached:

By type of installation, the infrared panels can be divided by the following groups:

Infrared panels can be classified along the wavelength. Since shortwave radiation accompanies heating above 300 ºС, then such heaters are used in industrial premises, most often with them under the ceiling. In everyday life installs long-wavelength devices. They provide "soft" heat and absolutely harmless to others, although not so effective as shortwave emitters.

Scope of application

Thanks to numerous advantages, infrared heating panels have a very extensive scope of use. High efficiency and cost-effectiveness of heaters contribute to their use for heating production areas, and ease of installation and comfort allow you to occupy leading positions in the field of electrical heating of private households.

The IR-heating apartment is most often used episodically, during the offseason, when the centralized heating system is not yet included, or is already turned off. In a country house or in the country, in the absence of other alternatives (there is no gas, and the cost of firewood or coal is exorbitant) heated electrical energy - sometimes the only output.

You can install an electric boiler and the heating water system. But how to be during a long lack of owners? Constantly to dump the house is unprofitable, and the antifreeze is unreasonably expensive to the heating system. Installing infrared panels makes most of these difficult issues, providing heat literally in the first minutes after switching on.

With other heating schemes for panels, there will also be a lesson. We are talking about those cases when it is required to increase the temperature in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Zonal heating will reduce the total temperature, so configuring the operation of the main heating to a more economical mode, you can save finances.

Manufacturers and prices

The production of infrared panels is engaged in many companies around the world. Such production is established in Russia. Among foreign manufacturers, the Czech Fenix \u200b\u200bTrading, Italian Air Comfort, Swedish Frico and Energotech can be distinguished. Their wall panels are leading in the instrument group with a heating surface not more than 100 ºС.

It is impossible to bypass the infrared panels of the step (group of companies "Luch" from Tyumen) and Peony (LLC Fitting Atelier). Their equipment, as well as the products of the Domestic company TCT, are not lagging behind the leaders in all respects. At the same time, the price of products of Russian manufacturers is below the cost of foreign analogs by 30 - 40%.

Create powerful ceiling equipment is best removed by Pirox specialists (Norway) and already named Fenix. The products of Russian TST and Energy Standart are accommodated in the same row. Most often, the heaters with a capacity of 2 kW and above are installed in the industrial premises, but they will be fully appropriate in the country cottage, with the height of the ceilings from 3.5 meters.

Traditionally, high quality (as, however, and the proceedable value) are characterized by stiebel eltron (Germany) and Polaris (England) heaters (Germany), but in this case the high price is quite justified - the production of these brands most often acts in the premium market segment.

The cost of infrared panels directly depends on the material of manufacturing and brand. So, for glass models with a capacity of 500 W, the price begins from 10,000 rubles for an import product and from 6,000 rubles for the domestic device. At the same time, metal heaters with the same characteristics can be bought for 5000 and 2500 rubles, respectively. Each additional 100 W is added to the final sum of about 10%. Product finishing with stone or wood, as well as stylization under fireplaces, etc. may increase the initial value of the order. In this case, it will have to pay not so much for the material as for a unique design and brand.

Residents of country houses accustomed to heating seriously. To live a long cold winter in comfort, you can combine several heating systems. For example, in normal mode, use conventional radiators, and during freezers, connect energy-saving infrared ceramic heaters. We will talk about them today and talk

Electrical heaters do not use Russians with special popularity, mainly due to the high cost of operation. No matter how much the device is worth it, electricity will have to pay much more. But recently heating devices have appeared on the market, which are not so noticeable "hit the pocket" of the user. We are talking about infrared ceramic panels.

Infrared heaters as such will not surprise anyone today. They are economical and effective, but they have a significant drawback. The devices of this kind are cool immediately after shutdown. And what if you combine an infrared emitter with a material that can accumulate heat?

Ceramic panel design

It was on this path that the creators of ceramic heaters panels went. Clay serves mankind for many thousands of years, and our ancestors of no accident prepared food in ceramic dishes. This material, firstly, withstands long heating, without exposing poisonous vapors, and secondly, slowly cools.

So, what is the "clay" heater? In general, this is a flat metal panel with an electric cable laid on it, which, in fact, serves as a source of infrared energy. A ceramic plate accumulating heat is mounted on top of it.

Additionally, the devices are supplied with a fan. His task is to force the cold air to be forced and the premises warmed along the room. Thus, convection is added to the radiant heating. Plus such a solution is to strengthen the heating effect, minus - additional noise, which can cause inconvenience, especially at night.

The operating temperature of the front side of the ceramic panel is 75-80ºC, which minimizes the risk of a bog from a random touch

But back to the main technology. Infrared panels are not heated by air around themselves (as ordinary radiators), and the surrounding items. In this case, it is consumed much less electricity than, for example, the oil heater. This means that the operation of "infrareding" is relatively inexpensive. And if we take into account that even after turning off the ceramic panel continues to give heat, savings is quite tangible.

Let's give specific numbers. The power of the ceramic panel is from 300 to 990 W, depending on the size. Compact models consume electricity not much more than a regular office computer. And if you compare the costs of an infrared device with convectors and fan heaters, savings reaches 30% or more. If it is a model with a thermostat, you can achieve even more impressive indicators.

However, the cost of heating should also include the cost of the device itself. Surprise price variation is great. As of December 2018, the infrared heating panel is on average from 2800 to 17,000 rubles. On the market you can find models of 30,000 rubles, equipped with the latest technology, but they do not enjoy in high demand.

Ceramic print panel

Also worth paying attention to the design of heating devices. All ceramic infrareds have a panel. A print with a pattern or texture of any material can be applied on the front side, but its absolute smoothness has a much greater. The fact is that all convective heaters along with air drive dust along the room. On an ideally smooth surface, it is not delayed, which means that the heater care will not be time consuming.

By type of installation, all ceramic heaters are divided into two types - outdoor and walls. In the first case, the instrument is fixed using the supplied brackets, in the second - are installed on legs or wheels.

If the heater is operated as outdoor, it must be equipped with a shutdown option in case of tipping

Additional options

Ceramic panel with thermostat

Like most modern devices, ceramic heaters have many improvements. The first and most important is the thermostat that allows you to change the heating temperature in manual or automatic mode.

Another important function is to protect against voltage drops. It will save the device from sharp voltage jumps that happen both in apartments and in country houses.

The fan control function reduces electricity consumption. In the cold, you can run a fan to the maximum, and when warming up, slow down or stop it at all. By the way, in some models there is a blowing mode without heating, thanks to which the heating device turns the device that gives the coolness.

On the fan air ducts, a filter protecting against dust is usually put. It is designed for a long service life without replacement. It only needs to occasionally shoot, rinse and return to the place.

The most modern heaters are equipped with cleansing and ionizing air lamps. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of such devices is not indisputable, but many find them useful.

Calculation of power

Before buying heaters for the house, you need to decide on their number. This can be done according to the simplified formula. If infrared ceramic panels will serve as additional heat sources, you need about 25 W per 1 m². If the main one is 50 W per 1 m².

But this is very approximate figures. The exact calculations are made, based on the height of the ceilings, the thickness of the walls, the tightness of the windows, etc. It is necessary to take into account all the factors affecting heat loss, and it is advisable to invite specialists for this. Their services will have to pay, but ultimately these costs justify themselves.

It is also important not to make a mistake with the place. Heaters are usually installed under the windows so that from there does not pull cold air. From the installation in the corners and niches it is worth being, since the poor air circulation reduces the efficiency of the device.

The predicted service life of the ceramic infrared heater is 30 years

Infrared electrofannel

Choosing heating devices, many of us prefer to get acquainted with the latest market innovations that help appreciate the benefits of comfort and comfort. This situation has developed with electrical heat panels. They have already won the love of American and European buyers, and now appeared in the Russian market.

There are several varieties of such devices. This design radiators and infrared installations. What do they differ from simple devices, where they are best used, and what features do they possess? About all this in the article.

Infrared warming devices

The purpose of infrared panels is the main or additional heating of residential, administrative, children's and commercial institutions. What are these devices?

This is an ordinary plasterboard sheet, with the back of which there are several layers of electrical insulation. A carbon thread is laid on top of them. She acts as a heater. The heating element has additional protection. On top of it, a decorative protective layer of polymers is laid. Infrared heat panels are connected to a conventional outlet with a voltage of 220 V.

What other technical features are the devices described? The main of them is the principle of heating the room. Unlike convectors, infrared heat panels emit waves that heat not air indoors, but objects in it. The heat produced can be compared with the warmth of the night fire, the wood fireplace, the Russian oven or the rays of the Sun.

What advantages gives such a heating option?

  • First, with the help of it, it is possible to more rationally distribute heat flux throughout the room, while saving on electricity.
  • Secondly, infrared electrical heaters do not drown air. It retains the necessary moisture threshold, so that a person feels more comfortable, and there is no sensation of a stuff.
  • Thirdly, it is possible to minimize the occurrence of convection flows. The dust does not rise from the floor, its particles are not lit, so there is no characteristic odor in the room. The same circumstance completely eliminates the appearance of drafts.

But the most important advantage of thermal panels is the creation of a special comfort atmosphere in the cold season. Its base is the temperature approximate to the temperature of the human body.

Energy Saving Technologies

Modern technologies provide high energy savings. Due to what happens? Such devices are connected to the automatic regulator, which allows you to control the microclimate in a separate room.

The system levels the air temperature at the floor level and ceiling. The items in the room gradually accumulate warmly and then give it excess space. Due to this, it is possible to very quickly warm up the premises of a large volume, creating a comfortable heat for man. At the same time, electricity savings are at least 40%.

Wide design opportunities

Heater with design

Using the described devices allows you to completely abandon complex communication systems consisting of radiators and main pipes. It is them that are used when installing the traditional water wiring of heating. Simple electrical panels can be installed on any horizontal surface. And not only on the walls, but also on the ceilings, where heating installations also demonstrate their effectiveness. At the same time, the quality of their work does not suffer. The presence of the thermostat simplifies the control and operation of electrical infrared panels.

Note! The base of the drywall and the heat of the heating circuit, which can be maximized only to 50 degrees, allows you to additionally decorate the surface of the described devices. They can glue wallpaper, put the tile and other decorative finishing materials.

Numerous studies have shown that infrared radiation is completely safe for human health. Its range corresponds to the range of thermal radiation of the human body and is 5-20 microns. Therefore, such heating is comfortable perceived by the human body. It is noted that under the action of long waves, blood circulation, muscle nutrition and tissue supply of oxygen improves. From this improves well-being, and immunity is enhanced.

Thanks to this effect, infrared radiation is widely used in physiotherapy. Namely, in complexes that give the opportunity to relax and get rid of the consequences of constant stress.

Note! When using heating infrared panels, it is possible to completely get rid of the drafts, and the air indoors does not lose its humidity and remains always fresh. This is favorable to the health of children. They are less sick with colds, and allergies do not have discomfort associated with the appearance of hazardous reactions.

Safety panels

Infrared thermal panels are safe to use. And all because they are made of environmentally friendly materials. In addition, plasterboard does not burn and does not release toxic substances when heated. Manufacturers assume that their products can be used as negligible main heating.

The simplicity of the design does not implore its effectiveness. The service life of the devices is practically no limited. Indeed, in the process of production of electrical panels, only moisture-resistant plasterboard and a heating element that creates a low temperature is used. Thanks to this, he cannot bargain as an electric tan.

Where can I use the electrical panels?

Infrared thermal panels have a wide scope of application. And all because they do not infer neither by functionality or on the effectiveness of convectors and radiators. At the same time, they are available, and it is possible to install heat panels by independently without resorting to the help of professional masters.

In the urban apartment where the central heating is functioning, the heating panels allow you to survive bad weather in the offseason, refusing oil radiators and other electrical installations. In order to appreciate the advantages of the described devices, it suffices to install heat panels in the apartment, the total power of which is only 50% of the calculated power. By the way, the latter depends on the size of the room.

In a country house, infrared panels will easily provide basic heating, but only where there are no interruptions with electricity supply. Another important condition is the presence of a good and powerful wiring. It is advisable before installing the panels to carry out a separate cable, the power of which is enough to connect the electrical devices of the new generation.

Often the one who lives outside the city constantly prefers for reliability to use solid fuel or gas boilers, but in addition to them, mounted electrical infrared panels on the walls as a reserve. This option allows you to organize some autonomy and leave home, without fearing its freezing in the cold due to the inability to once again steal a solid fuel boiler.

The built-in thermostat allows you to adjust the temperature in the range from 5 to 40 degrees. Stronger heat panels are not heated, so they can be installed in children's rooms, without fear that children are injured from touching the hot surface.

How the heat panels are mounted and transported

Montage in the house

What sizes can have heat panels? They can correspond to the size of plasterboard sheets. Therefore, if drywall is used when decorating the premises, you can immediately take care of the heating of the room, and about its design.

Conventional heat panels are attached as well as plasterboard sheets, metal profiles. The design of them is such that it is possible to perform an open, and hidden installation. The main thing is to properly display and connect electrical taps. For contact with contacts there is a special hole.

As a rule, the taps are made and stacked in the Cable Channel. It simultaneously provides open access to them and hides them from prying eyes.

Note! The back side of the panels is necessary to isolate using the insulation layer. Manufacturers pack thermal infrared panels in a special packaging, which ensures the safety of the installation during transportation.

Available versions

On sale today you can find several options for thermal infrared panels:

  1. Wall models.
  2. Accumulative devices.
  3. Window thermal panels.
  4. Ceiling, made in the Amstrong style.
  5. Ceiling-shaft electrical panels.

The title includes the principle of using heating systems. You can also find electrical panels on sale, the front side of which resembles volcanic lava or natural stone granules. Domestic manufacturers produce devices similar to paintings, complex art objects, unusual decorative panels, which fit perfectly in the concept of modern styles.

Existing alternatives

Electric convector Euut Ross

Not everyone today is solved using infrared panels. Electrical and water thermal panels can be used as a simpler and usual alternative.

The first produce heat due to the transformation of electricity. Their use is appropriate when there is no possibility to bring to some separate room with a coolant pipe. Different power, different sizes, different materials used in the manufacture - the choice is huge. Therefore, it will be easy to choose something concrete for myself.

There are also electrical panels that are "symbiosis" of the radiator and the convector. They are usually equipped with two heating elements, one of which creates infrared heat, and the other provides convection streams.

Water heat panels are conventional panel radiators connected to the general heating system or to the DHW system. As the most popular device, it is possible to provide water heated towel rails. They are very easily mounted and "live" in autonomous systems. In central heating systems, they are vulnerable. Very often there is a breakdown of water panels due to poor quality of the coolant, as well as due to the jumps of its pressure.

But the operational resource can be enhanced by connecting the adapter - an intermediate heat exchanger. It is connected to the panel parallel.


New heat panels help effectively warm the rooms due to radiation heat emissions. It warms not air indoors, but objects. They accumulate warmly and give it gradually space, creating a favorable microclimate. The thermostat mounted on devices allows accuracy to maintain the specified parameters and ensures the safety of the instrument described.

And the cottages becomes not too comfortable. The centralized heating has not yet been launched, and on the street is noticeably cool. It is not surprising that many are trying to prepare in advance for this phenomenon, acquire an effective heater. The panel heater is one of the most efficient devices in this market, which appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to achieve high popularity. The panel design is due to the fact that it allows you to fully use the available space. When installing the panel takes a minimum of space, it can be mounted on the surface of the ceiling or wall, while characterized by an impressive area, which increases the coefficient of heat recoil.

Modern technologies

Economic heaters with small power consumption panel are represented by several groups.

Carbon infrared models for wall installation

Heating is carried out by an internal element on a carbon base. The principle of operation is based on the production of infrared radiation, due to which the transfer of thermal energy is carried out. To some extent there is a convection effect, the cold air of the room is in contact with the heated surface of the instrument, naturally rises upwards, constant circulation of air masses is carried out. The mass of these devices is small, which simplifies the installation.

Additional feature - In the process of work, anions are generated, that is, negatively charged particles that improve the microclimate of the room contributing to the effective precipitation of dust.

The outer plane of the device is reached temperature, as a maximum of 80 degrees, that is, the burning of dust and oxygen does not occur, but it is possible to get a burn with careless circulation. If at home there are children, the installation is carried out with this feature. Modern modifications of this technique are complemented by temperature regulators, thanks to which the microclimate settings are corrected, the energy consumption is reduced. However, you can only see them on high power devices, from kilowatta.

Ceramic panel

Inside this device is a ceramic heating plate, due to which the uniform distribution of thermal energy is achieved without substantial surface heating. The peculiarity of the model is in significant thermal inertia, however, the heating of the room is achieved for a fairly short time. Heat from these panels is a sufficiently soft, forming a pleasant microclimate. Some drawback lies in a large weight, complicating installation.

Quartz panel

The base of the hull is made of quartz sand, and there are several metal spirals inside. First heats the contents of the panel directly, it starts to accumulate heat, transmit it to the room. This feature explains the significant thermal inertia of the device, the full heating occurs only after 25 minutes. Nevertheless, the same feature explains that it will be gradually cooling the panel, even being disconnected, can damn the room.

Unfortunately, this is not the best option if there are small children in the family, because the surface is heated to 95 degrees, so it will have to install or perform an inaccessible height, or take care of the protective screen.

The increase in air temperature in the room is achieved, mainly due to convection, but there is also infrared radiation. In fact, this device can be attributed to the category of electrical convectors, but the improvement in quartz sand made it possible to increase the inertia and reduce the surface temperature, due to which dust and oxygen are not burned.

Heating paintings

The most unusual devices for home. In fact, they are devices, but the outer surface is decorated with a pattern or photo, so they look like not as utilitarian devices, but as paintings.

Classic options

In the form of panels, more traditional devices have been produced, known for several decades:

  • Modular type radiator. Structurally, this device is very similar to the analogue of water heating, but is intended for autonomous use. Most often, the device works on the "dry" principle, that is, steel rod heaters inside are located.
  • Heater-convector of the panel type. From the point of view of the design, this is a fairly simple device within which the heat exchanger is located, and outside the convection chamber, which also performs the function of protection, forms a common appearance of technology. The principle of operation is completely based on convection. Modern modifications are fairly economical, as well as completely safe, heating the case reaches how maximum, 60 degrees, that is, it is impossible to get a burn. It should be remembered that the achievement of a given temperature in the room with this technique will take 20-30 minutes, it is not necessary to count on instant work.


In order for the device is not easy to be effective, but also worked for many years, it is necessary to accommodately approach the installation:

  • For mounting it is better to choose walls or ceilings (wall connection locations with overlap plates).
  • When fixing, mechanical methods should be used, i.e. dowels, screws, brackets. It is necessary to ensure that the strength of these elements is enough to withstand the weight of the heater without any problems.

Dignities of panels

Let us summarize the advantages that are characterized by all panel heaters, regardless of the type of heating element:

  • Saving space in the room, since unused planes of walls and ceiling are used for mounting;
  • Stylish appearance;
  • Manufacturability, energy savings;
  • Easy installation;
  • The possibility of further decoration and hiding under protective panels without prejudice to efficiency, if required interior of the room.

If we talk about what devices is better, then a unambiguous answer to this question will not be possible. It is necessary to consider each of the situations individually. For example, for an urban apartment it is worth choosing an infrared version, optimal for continuous operation, demonstrating efficiency. In order to periodically use in the country or in a country house, convector will fit better.