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Warming up the loggia of the penplex lining with their own hands. Warming up the loggia is penplex: how to make isolation with your own hands. Exterior insulation technology

Benefits of insulation of penplex

Penoplex for insulation of walls

There are several types of insulation for a balcony based on foam, but not all of them are equally effective. In a separate row there is a penplex that has a small-pouring cellular structure. The cells of 0.1-0.2 mm are uniformly in the body of the insulation, isolated one from the other and filled with air. Due to this, the material is much stronger than its progenitor - foam plane, which is easy to break with his hands. But, the main advantage that makes the material is so popular, it is low thermal conductivity. Penoplex does not miss the cold and retains heat for a long time - it can be felt, even in a strong frost, putting a hand to the surface of the insulation.

Other benefits of fastening:

  • Ease of installation;
  • Low degree of moisture absorption;
  • Does not release toxic substances;
  • Temperature operational limit from - 50 to + 75 C;
  • Service duration up to 50 years;
  • A small weight that does not have a large load on the design;
  • Collapsed by ordinary hacksaw;
  • Does not attract rodents.

So that the insulation of the balcony was perfect, it should be heated. In the case when glazing has a large area, it is recommended to install energy-saving double-glazed windows.

What kind of penplex to choose

Polympoths are produced different thickness, density and thermal conductivity. Each type of material has its own marking and is used in its intended purpose. The most soft view of the 31c fox fox. It is intended for insulation of surfaces that will not be strong mechanical impacts. It is recommended to apply, for mounting on the ceiling and walls.

It is better to put a penplex brand 35 to the floor, since it is endowed with an increased density and is not deformed by the weight of furniture, it is possible to go freely on it without leaving dents. You can pour a cement screed or install the "warm floor" system.

Plate thickness varies from 20 to 100 mm. The material of 20 mm thick has smooth edges, and thicker sheets are produced with protrusions on the edges. Through these protrusions, the sheets between themselves are tightly connected, so that cold bridges are not formed. Such a connection system allows you to abandon additional sealing of the seams and does not require squeaking the joints.

For the insulation of the walls and the ceiling, the sheets of polyplex thick 50 mm are suitable. Thicker material does not make sense to buy, because it "steals" the useful balcony area, while the effectiveness of insulation will increase not much. On the floor, the thickness of the sheets is chosen on the basis of how much centimeters can be raised it. In any case, it is necessary to carry out calculations so that, taking into account the screed and flooring, the height of the floor did not rise above the threshold.

Insulation inside or outside what is better

For balconies, two insulation technologies are used: inside and outside. Internal insulation is less efficient, since the outer walls of the balcony into severe frosts are frozen, and condensate is formed between the insulation and the wall surface. The advantage of this method is only that you can perform it with your own hands and save on payment by hired workers.

When insulating from the outside, the wall is protected from freezing by insulating material, which contributes to better heat conservation. Although the technology of external insulation is more efficient, it is not always possible to apply it. It is possible to spend the work on the 1st and 2nd floor from the ground or using the stepladder, but if the balcony is above the second floor, with your own hands to perform work very difficult. Also, after gluing the fastener, you need to carry out the finishing surface of the surface, so another question is solved - decorative decoration of the balcony from the street.

How much to buy Pleasses

Standard fasteners: width 60 cm, length 120 cm. To find out the area of \u200b\u200bone sheet, you need to multiply these values \u200b\u200b(0.6 m x 1.2 m \u003d 0.72 m 2). Consequently, the area of \u200b\u200bone sheet of fasteners is 0.72 m 2.

Now the walls are measured, which will be sealed with insulation, and the result is divided by 0.72. The resulting number is the number of sheets that need to be bought. If the number when the number it turned out with the residue (and it always happens), you need to buy material with a margin.

An example of calculating the insulation. The area of \u200b\u200bthe walls is 12.5 m 2. We divide this indicator on the square of one sheet and learn how much to buy a foam: 12.5: 0.72 \u003d 17.36. So, you should buy not 17, but 18 sheets of insulation. The principle of calculating the amount of material is the same for insulation with the outer and the inner side of the balcony.

If the insulation is mounted in two layers, it is natural that you need to buy twice the material.

Insulation balcony by penplex from the inside

Warming work begins with surface preparation. They must be solid, clean and even. The focus is on the insulation of the walls, and the best if they are lined with bricks and plastered with cement mortar. On wooden partitions, it is also possible to mount a penplex, but they should be pre-strengthened to minimize the vibration of the board parts.

Preparation of the balcony to insulation

The main stage of preparing the balcony to insulation, it is sealing the slots, through which the wind can be blown in, snow and rain. All connections between the facade wall of the house and balcony partitions are inspected, as well as the top and bottom stove. Revealed cracks are cleared and marked with mounting foam for outdoor work. When the foam is freezing, the splashes that can interfere with laying insulation are cut off by a construction knife. You should also prepare the necessary materials and tools.

Tools and consumables for mounting Polympoths:

  • Roulette;
  • Marker;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Ladder;
  • Glue-foam and gun for applying it;
  • Dowel with umbrella hats;
  • Foil film (vaporizolation);
  • Dowel for mounting crates;
  • Bruks or profile for crate.

With which part of the balcony to start insulation (floor, walls, ceiling) does not matter much, but usually work is carried out from the upper surfaces, dropping down. But if it is more convenient to immediately make the floor, you can start with it.

Wall insulation

Installation of plates on the walls is carried out from one of the corners under the glazing towards the wall of the house. If one or two side walls on the balcony are deaf, first should be saved by the insulation of them, and then move to the front, facade wall.

Phased manual insulation of walls on the balcony:

  • Using the hacksaw, it is made of cutting plates of the polyplex in the size of the wall. The extreme elements are cut samples from the side adjacent to the corner;
  • If the surface of the insulation is smooth, it makes light notches in an arbitrary direction in the place where glue will be applied;
  • Clay-foam is applied around the perimeter and in the center of the slab. It should be signed directly before gluing the part so that it does not dare;
  • The first part is applied close to the wall, the edge into the angle, and presses with his hands;
  • The second element is mounted in the same manner, tightly connected the edges of both parts;
  • After the entire inner surface of the balcony, the remaining gaps between the insulation and the wall of the house are rolled;
  • If the walls are trimmed with a facing material, a layer of vaporizolation is laid on top of the fox;
  • It is satisfied with a doomlet of wooden bars or a metal profile;
  • The walls are cladding with plasterboard, clapboard, decorative wood slabs or plastic panels.

In the case when the walls are simply painted or are covered with wallpaper without plasterboard, they are placed in a thin layer of adhesive solution, having a polymer grid into it. When the plaster is dry, it is hidden by primer, put off the finish putty, and produce finishing finish.

Heat ceiling

At the ceiling, the penplex is attached in the same way as on the walls, but additionally nailed with plastic dowels in the form of umbrellas. Their advantage is that while in the body of the insulation, they do not create cold bridges. The insulation is mounted on the insulation of the drywall.

Sometimes the distance from the ceiling to the top edge of the opening flap is small, and the pebble interferes with its movement. In this case, the cage should be attached directly to the balcony plate, at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from the surface, and in the emptiness inside the metal profile lay the polyplex strips. The space remaining between the profile and the stove is robbed, and after that the insulation of the penplex is mounted between the crates.

Important. When the pebble is arranged from wooden bars, it can be fixed close to the ceiling, and the insulation immediately glued between the rails.

Floor insulation

If the balcony plate is smooth and does not have obvious flaws, the installation of the insulation is carried out without additional preparation, but pre-processing the floor by primer. But when there are pyles and cracks on the surface, you first need to eliminate the existing defects and level the floor alignment.

  • Layer layer of waterproofing (film, coating mastic);
  • Out of insulation stacked plates of the fastener. They can not be attached to or produce point fixation on the foam;
  • Parasolation is laid on the penplex;
  • Mounted aligning layer of plywood, moisture resistant chipboard, GVL, or other wood materials;
  • Sexual coating: carpet, laminate or linoleum;

For a warm floor or tile laying, work is performed in a somewhat order:

  • Waterproofing is stacked on the draft floor;
  • Polyurex is mounted on the adhesive mixture. In this glue, the entire surface of the plates is urged with a toothed spatula. To enhance fixation, the solution is also applied to the base;
  • The space remaining between the stoves and walls is close in foam;
  • Polyethylene film is covered;
  • A cement screed poured with a height of at least 2 cm;
  • After pouring the screed, laying of ceramic tiles;
  • If an electric heating floor system is installed between the penplex and tile, the foil heat insulators are mounted instead of a polyethylene film.

Video instruction:

The principle of insulation of outer walls on the balcony is the same as internal surfaces. The only difference is that the work is carried out at the height. If this is the top of the high-rise buildings, insulation is conducted by a brigade of building mountaineering, and if the bottom apartments, to which you can get the balconies from the stairs, everything can be done.

The walls are cleaned from loose, fragile places, cloths and cracks are closed, and are covered with primer. Next, the penplex is mounted on the foam or adhesive mixture. Since the thickness of the material is glued outside, can not affect the internal sizes of the balcony, you can use the fattest insulation, if finance will allow. After mounting the insulation on glue, it is fixed for reliability with dowels with umbrella hats, one in the corners of the sheet and one in the center.

For the finishing finish of the outer walls, siding panels are used. They will protect the insulation from climatic influences and serve as decor.

Council. The insulation of the balcony from the outdoor side is usually carried out simultaneously with the insulation of the walls of the room with a balcony.

Instead of siding for finishing a balcony, you can apply decorative plaster. It is applied in two stages. The first layer of plaster is applied with a layer of 2-3 mm, and the reinforcing grid is taken. The second layer leveling is applied after drying the first. When the walls are aligned and completely dried, they can be painted in any color.

A well insulated balcony is practically no close to comfort from the living room. You can arrange a working office, a children's room, a dining room and enjoy the room in the summer and winter. To larger heat conservation, insulation is carried out on both sides of the balcony - outside and from the inside.

Among the range of insulation, the most popular option is Pleeping. In addition to the democratic price, this material differs from existing analogues with reliability and good thermal insulation. The insulation of the balcony of the penplex is quite realistic to perform with their own hands, without the help of a professional brigade of builders. For a successful result, you should purchase the insulation in the required amount and understand the technological features of the process before starting work.

  • independent insulation (personal experience)
  • On the example of Moscow

Funthiplex characteristics

Penoplex is an extruded polystyrene foam, which is released in the form of plates. The thickness of individual elements is from 20 mm. The high degree of efficiency is confirmed by the use of this material for insulation of oil pipeline networks, airfield coatings and roads. The use of inferno is used even in conditions of extremely low temperatures.

The price varies between 10-45 $ per pack. The cost of finishing a construction brigade is $ 5-10 / sq. m (average rates in Moscow).

Main advantages:

  • Due to the structure of a plurality of closed air cells, this insulation has a low thermal conductivity (mineral wool and foam is less resistant);
  • The level of efficiency and optimal tile dimensions allow economically to use the balcony area, when creating a reliable design. Such an effect is of particular importance in small apartments;
  • Eco-friendly composition (safer alternative insulation options);
  • The features of the structure provide maximum moisture resistance - about 100%. This provision explains the absence of rotting and long service life (from 50 years or more). The material is successfully used in areas with high humidity;
  • Minor weight with high strength. Plates are able to withstand a significant compressive load, while not deforming;
  • The possibility of self-installation. With plates easy to operate in the preparation process (cutting) and devices;

Fire safety is one of the important indicators to pay attention to when buying. The marking should contain the letter C. Such a designation indicates the presence of anti-view opposing fire.


  • The material is unstable to the effect of sun rays, therefore the penplex does not apply for insulation of the outer part of the balcony;
  • When interacting with petroleum products and solvents, the slab is destroyed.
    Carefully examine the components of the components of the construction foam and the glue for the installation before buying;
  • The cost of the polyplex is above traditional insulation. You can save at the expense of styling with your own hands.

Important moments:

  • The stove device occurs throughout the perimeter of the room, including the walls, the surface of the ceiling and floor.
    If you put the material only on the walls, in this case the costs will be ineffective - the room will remain cold. This circumstance plays a big role when combining the balcony part with the apartment;
  • For the installation of the fox do not need to build the frame of the crate. A similar design contributes to the loss of heat through the bridges of the cold in the design.

Preparation for insulation

For the construction of a warm balcony, you need to purchase: polyethylene with foil (provides correct vapor barrier), plates with a thickness of 40-60 mm, floor alignment boards, or a special screed, timber, fasteners, finishing material.

On the eve of the repair work, it is necessary to organize the output of electricians to connect an antenna, the Internet, various electrical appliances. Additional heating is also provided at the preparatory stage (infrared heating, a warm floor).

Wiring device in the space of the loggia on the eve of the repair.

Infrared installation for heating room.

Proper laying of insulation stages

1. The room should be released from unnecessary items before starting the process of insulation.

2. Fencing surfaces are aligned - they must be without screws and cracks.

3. With the help of fastening elements (dowels), plates are fixed (sheets are cut with a knife if necessary).

A plate of a dowel used for mounting sheets on the wall ("umbrella" or "mushroom").

Also, sheets can also be fixed by means of a special mounting glue if the surface is previously aligned.

Apply the glue composition to the surface follows (5-7 pieces per 1 sq. M) or Zigzag. Walls should be covered with primer composition for better adhesion.

4. After docking the plates, fill the gaps with special foam to create a hermetic design. Excess part of the mounting foam is cut after drying. Exclude the use of the winter version of the foammetics with toluene in the composition.

5. In order to smooth the joints, you can use tape. As a result, it turns out a flat surface;

6. The high moisture resistance of the material allows for the absence of special vaporizolation. However, if you decide to organize an additional layer, it can be made of a polyethylene film coated with foil (foam). Thus, the premises of the balcony will be protected from the humidity to the maximum. The foam layer should be fooled outside.

Polyeneetylene with metallic skot tape act on the principle of thermos, additionally insulating the room;

Metal scotch for docking polyethylene film.

7. Another way to ensure vapor barrier is the surface coating with a special plaster and G Clac;

Creation of warm floor design

After facing the balcony of the penplex, it is necessary to complete the insulation of the floor.

There are three finishes:

1. Easy floor option. A base of a bar is created in two tiers, the elements of two layers are fixed perpendicular to each other. In the design, the insulation is laid, then the cells are sewn with plywood sheets or boards. The resulting coating can serve as the basis for the final layer.

2. Screed from concrete, or sandy cement (40 mm thick). The aligned floor is lined with tiles. Mandatory condition for installation: Creating a gap by mounting foam in 10 mm around the perimeter of the floor (between the walls and the screed). The weight of the design is significant, it is necessary to conduct preliminary calculations on the load.

3. Installation of a warm floor. Installation instructions are attached to a specific system.

Warm floor device over insulation.

Hearth balcony expanded polystyrene.

Floor insulation.


Many try to enlarge the living area of \u200b\u200btheir apartment by joining the balcony room. But to use it as a dwelling, it is necessary to correctly produce insulation. If you wish, you can insulate the premises of the personnel, without spending funds to pay for the work of professionals. Before you choose the material correctly.

Is it worth using a penplex

For insulation of houses and apartments, many materials are similar features. But increasingly turning to the penplex. This is due to the fact that it has several advantages, if you compare it with other insulation. To the merits can be attributed:

The material described is often used to insulate the premises from the inside with their own hands. But it is worth noting that it has the disadvantages. Penoplex refers to flammable materials, so it cannot be used under conditions where it can cause the spread of fire.

To eliminate this lack, manufacturers of this material often use special additives. This reduces the risk of fire. Penoplex is recommended to be laid under the non-flammable material. To reduce the risk of ignition, it is enough to put the penplex between the layers of non-combustible material.

Other insulation are used less often, since during the insulation of the balcony, I want to keep each centimeter of space. If not the penplex is applied, there is less free space on the balcony, which does not allow it to use for a comfortable stay.

What should be the thickness of the Polymphate

To determine the optimal thickness, it is worth identifying for what purpose the material described will be used. In some cases, the balcony is planned to be used for storage of products. In this case, it is enough to install single-chamber window profiles on the balcony. This will not only create conditions for storing products, but also make a room warmer. In this case, it is sufficiently polyplex with a thickness of 20 to 30 mm.

Most often, the loggia is insulated for use in the winter season, therefore, the material is popular, the thickness of which is 40-50 mm.

The thickness of the material for insulation of the floor and the ceiling depends on the insulation below and the above-mentioned balconies. If these rooms are insulated, thin materials can be fixed on the balcony. If the neighbors on top and bottom did not insulate the balcony, it is worth using the plates whose thickness should be at least those that the walls were insulated.

To save money, many owners of apartments use remnants of different insulation. But it should be remembered that the Penoplex thickness of 3 cm has the same thermal insulation characteristics, as well as a foam of about 10 cm thick. This suggests that it is the penplex that it is best to use when the insulation of such premises as balconies and loggias.

Conducting preparatory work

Preparatory work is carried out as follows:

  1. First, all things are removed from the balcony. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to immediately remove everything out of the room, since the phased movement will significantly increase the lifetime of the insulation of the balcony.
  2. After that, from the walls you need to unscrew all the hangers and other similar items if they are. It is also necessary to eliminate all sticking nails and other items.
  3. Then all materials that peel off the surface are eliminated. In an example, the plaster or wallpaper can be brought into the surface.
  4. If the windows have not yet been installed, at this stage it is necessary to fix them on a predetermined metallic frame. When choosing windows, it is worth paying attention to only the models with a double or triple glass, as it is that they allow you to securely protect the balcony from the cold.
  5. Before the warning starts, it is necessary to make a wiring and install communication. All wires should be placed in a corrugated pipe.
  6. It is worth remembering that the balcony and the loggia are the premises where a large amount of moisture accumulates. That is why before starting work, it is necessary to process all the surfaces with a special primer that contains anti-grab additives. Such formulations dry for 5-6 hours after applying.

The insulation of the loggia is a penplex - a sufficiently simple occupation, since on time the whole process is only necessary to secure the material, after which the coating of the selected materials is necessary.

Following the leadership described above, you can quickly prepare a balcony to the installation of the insulation, without exciting funds for professional builders.

To carry out the insulation of the loggia of the penplex with their own hands, it is necessary to use the following materials and tools:

  1. Mounting foam. It is necessary for sealing slots.
  2. Waterproofing material. Most often applied foamed polyethylene, which has a foil side.
  3. Penoplex.
  4. Glue, which is necessary for mounting the fastener.
  5. Fasteners. Such elements are chosen depending on which walls are made from what material. For brickwork, a dowel-nails are used. To secure materials on wooden slats, self-tapping screws are used.
  6. Primer, which contains anti-grib components.
  7. Aluminum profile or wooden slats, which are used to create a frame.
  8. Reinforced Scotch.
  9. The perforator required for mounting the crate.
  10. Stationery knife.
  11. Construction level and stepladder.

How does the installation of the fastener occurs

If, in addition to the insulation of the walls of the loggia, I want to fix the finishing material on the walls, you must install fasteners for guide profiles. Therefore, first on the surface of the walls are mounted fasteners, after which the fastener is placed. In this case, the holes of the desired size are cut into the insulation.

If the surface of the ceiling is smooth, fixing occurs with the help of glue for expanded polystyrene. Dowel fungi used, which are used as an additional fastener.

If the insulation is covered with putty, it is necessary to plant them on glue. If after insulation, the panels will be installed, it is worth using a dowel. For cutting plates of fasteners, a construction knife is used.

After the first plate of the fastener is fixed with the help of glue, the second one is drained to it. If this material is tightly pressed, cold bridges will be absent even without the use of mounting foam. The gaps between the plates corners are closed by foam.

Heating insulation is characterized by the fact that during such a process you do not need to use glue. Plates of the fasteners are stacked and pressed to each other. During such work, it is possible to adopt the material without fear that it is deformed. The gaps between the plates are blown by the mounting foam. The last step becomes laying of boards or slabs directly on the penplex.

The insulation of the walls of the balcony is carried out with the help of mounting foam and dowels. First, the foam is applied between the insulation stove on the floor and the wall. After that, laying the first panel. When foam hardens, the next plate is mounted. Installation of plates should be carried out in a checker order. It prevents the appearance of cold bridges.

If necessary, you can install two layers of the insulation. This may be necessary if strong frosts are observed in the region in the region.

Warming loggia outside

It is worth noting that only the walls of the balcony can be insulated outside, as the ceiling and the floor are insulated from the inside. All work occurs as follows:

  1. First, clean the surface of the walls from pollution and old coating. If the balcony is wooden, you need to remove the entire crate, leaving only steel bars.
  2. After that, primer is applied to the walls for facades. It is best to produce such actions using a roller with a telescopic handle.
  3. Then the waterproofing composition occurs.
  4. To secure the fastener, creating a crate. You can also fix with glue. The choice of a certain type of fastening depends on which method is more convenient to use in a specific situation.
  5. Before fixing, the wall markup occurs and cutting the plates of the polystone, which cannot be installed due to the large size.
  6. After that, the glue is applied to which the plates of the polyplex are then tightly pressed. After the end of such works, it is necessary to leave the insulation to the complete drying of the adhesive composition. If the installation was carried out on the crate, after the end of the described works, you can proceed to the next step.
  7. Clauses on the seams are closed using a mounting foam. After it hardens, the surplus can be cut off with a knife.
  8. If the insulation is covered with plaster, the reinforcement grid is fixed on it.

Most often, the finish occurs when using plastic panels. This is due to the fact that they have a small cost and are not affected by weather conditions. Following the step-by-step instructions described, all work can be performed on your own, not attracting helpers.

Penoplex, it is extruded polystyrene foam, is a modern thermal insulation material, which is very similar to the foam with the only difference, which has a greater functionality and strength of the structure. This universal material allows you to work with minimal financial and physical costs. On how to solve the insulation of the balcony of the penplex, we will tell today.

Polympoths are usually produced with a 2-10 cm thick, have a rectangular shape and dimensions of 1200 per 600 mm. At the same time, the material density indicator is 35-45 kg per 1 cm 2.

Among the explicit advantages of the fossil is worth name:

  • ease of processing;
  • low weight (when working with the material does not need to reinforce the design of the loggia);
  • low flammability;
  • resistance to possible deformation;
  • elasticity in the case of compression;
  • excellent characteristics of resistance to heat transfer.

The insulation of the loggia is a penplex - a good solution for the maternity owner, which does not want the material to rejoice over the years or began to rot. The manufacturer gives a greater warranty in terms of operation - up to 50 years. Penoplex is not of interest to rodents and insects. Another plus of the material is a high degree of environmental friendliness, since you will not find in its composition harmful to the body toxins. The material boasts as indicators such as frost resistance and steam resistance. Plates have a chamfer for the maximum dense styling.

Polyurex is better not to use in open places where UV rays come. It is more expensive than foam, but according to technical parameters, it is several times higher than its main competitor in terms of insulation of the balcony.

Rules of work

If you decide to insulate the loggia with your own hands, you should remove all objects from it and clean surfaces. On the ceiling, walls and floor should not be screws or cracks.

Installation of plates of polyplex having a thickness of 2-10 cm is carried out with the help of dowels-fungi and glue, applied on the wall with dots or zigzag. For better adhesion of glue with a wall, which ideally should be smooth, recommended to apply primer.

If the tile does not fit the size, it is permissible to cut it up to the desired value of the knife. The joints should be processed with your own hands using a penochter, and from unnecessary elements it is easy to get rid of them by cutting. The plates on the edge are advised to poke the scotch - so the surface will be smaller.

It is really possible to do without an additional vapor barrier layer, since the Penoplex is distinguished by elevated vaporizolation characteristics. But the experts are still recommended from top to place polyethylene foam having a foil layer. The effect of the thermos can be easily achieved with their own hands, connecting the edges of the plates with metallized scotch. It will correctly lay a layer so that the foil looks out. Another good option is to lay drywall, which is resistant to moisture resistance, and create a layer of a special plastering mixture.

Installation of material with the help of the crate - a very unsuccessful solution. Experts believe that it is impossible to do this. If you neglect this recommendation, it is realistic to get the cold bridges in the person of the metal or wooden plates lost between the plates.

Instruction on insulation

The technology of insulation of the balcony is not as difficult to insulating the penplex, as it may seem first. After the list of necessary tools, step-by-step instructions will be shown for those who decided to choose this high-quality modern material.

To begin with, prepare the plates of the fastener, the stationery knife, the marker, the construction level. The PVC pipes will be needed by the cable, the construction mixer and the sudine, in which you will knead the glue. Do not forget about the mounting gun, culma, polyurethane foam, grater (with its help you can make grinding of thermal insulation sheets), plastic grater (for floor processing), metal mesh, polyurethane glue, sandbetone M300 with large fractions.

Preparations for the insulation of the balcony with their own hands implies removal from it items, protection of door openings and windows with a dense film, creating in the wall of the Strokes in which the wiring will be attached. Do not forget to place outlets and switches. Those metal elements that are not possible to disassemble at the time of work should be cleaned from accumulated rust, and on top to apply a special polyurethane paint, which has anticorrosive properties. Dirt from the surfaces will help remove the solid brush on the metal, and the existing layer of paint without problems will be removed by a spatula. On whitewashed or painted walls advised to make notches. The ceiling, walls and floor are treated with a drug destroying fungi and mold. During these manipulations, it is necessary to protect the respiratory authorities by using the respirator. Next, the walls, the ceiling and the floor are mandatory covered with ground penetration ground. In the walls of concrete, it is created through a hole. Prepare holes and shifts through which the electrocable will pass. For this you need PVC pipes.

The insulation of the ceiling with his own hands implies the first thing to measure its level. Next, the PVC pipes are noted with a pencil. After cooking the adhesive solution, which should not be too thick, it is applied to the perimeter of the slab using the axle of the point technology. The sheet is recommended good to press to the surface, and the flattering of laying to check the level. The canvase requires two holes in which umbrellas are placed, but not completely. At this stage, there is once again the control of flattering sheets of polyplex sheets, after which the joints of which exceeds 1 mm, should be sealed using a special polyurethane foam for these purposes.

For those who decided to choose a penplex for mounting the heat insulator with their own hands on the surface of the walls and the balcony parapet, the step-by-step instruction is as follows.

Warming starts from Parapete. The glue is applied by an assembly gun on the back of the material. Foam also recommended to apply to the surface of the wall. To facilitate the task, after installing the first sheet, you need to pull the cord through which all the following will be laid. Plates advise to have a chess. The heat-insulating sheets with a M-shaped neck must be mounted in the corners of door and window openings. Smoothing the edges of the material should be carried out by applying a grater. Thin strips of foaming will help close the slopes. Ideally, the corners must be 90 degrees. The spaces formed between the plates during their laying are filled with foam.

The reinforcement of the wall is carried out like this: the solution is applied with a toothed spatula on the material, then put a grid having a nesting, and give the reinforcement day so that the surface becomes solid. Before applying the leveling layer, the wall is slightly moisturized. After executing the "screed" you should wait a day. Next is applied to the putty, which also grabs after 24 hours. In the final walls, paint either are hooked by wallpaper. One layer should be applied after a putty layer, and the second is only after the floor finish is finished.

To independently perform the thermal insulation of the balcony, you do not need to be an experienced master or professional builder. The insulation technology is quite simple, so you only need to get acquainted with the stages of work and stock the necessary materials. As a heater, it is best to use penoplex - lightweight, durable, comfortable material, effectively retaining heat in the room. Even in the absence of experience, the insulation of the balcony of the penplex will not cause large difficulties with their own hands.

If the balcony is not above the second floor, it is best to warm it outside. It will save the inner space and simplify the whole process. At the greater height, installing the insulation without special devices will not work, so you have to hire specialists. When working on the first and second floors, it will be enough for a reliable durable lap.

For external thermal insulation, you will need:

  • plates of fasteners;
  • foamed polyethylene with a foil layer;
  • timing segment 40x25 mm;
  • self-tapping screws and dowels;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction Scotch;
  • primer;
  • adhesive for inferno;
  • mounting foam without toluene;
  • sand-cement mortar;
  • materials for outdoor decoration.

The quality of thermal insulation depends largely on the surface preparation, because even small errors can reduce the effectiveness of the insulation at times. A loose fitness of the material, shots on the joints, the fragile base under the insulation are the main causes of heat leakage.

So, begin work with the preparation of the outer walls of the balcony.

Step 1. Preparation of surfaces

The walls of the balcony must be made as smooth as possible. The brick surface is treated with primer, cement mortar or mounting foam close up all holes between the floor and parapet. You can take advantage of mastic and polyurethane sealant, the main thing is that there is no slick left. If the walls are very old, and the laying in some places in places, these sites should be aligned with cement-sands M solution and primarily.

The walls made of metal grids are plastic, plaster sheets or boards, which are pre-treated with an antiseptic. The seams should be maximally sealed, the trim is fixed very tight to the lattices. Plasterboard necessarily choose moisture resistant. After alignment or lining the wall of the balcony, the construction level is tested, the detected defects are smeared with a solution or foam, completely cut off.

Step 2. Installation of thermal insulation

Laying the insulation starts from the corner. The wall section is covered with glue: the square meter of the area is applied from 5 to 7 points of glue or 2-3 zigzag strips. The plate of the fastener is applied to the surface, squirt and very tightly pressed against the wall. In the corners, the sheet is fixed by dowels. The following sheets are attached the same way, while the seams between them should be as close as possible. After taking the balcony, the insulation joints are sealed with mounting foam.

On top of the fastener fastening foam polyethylene fooled layer outward. It is also placed on glue, adjacent stripes are attached to jack. It is very important that the joints of the upper layer do not coincide with the seams on the insulation and did not occur at the angle of the balcony. For sealing, the joints are closed by construction scotch. Folgized material must completely close the penplex, but not go beyond the scope of the balcony. It is impossible to formulate folds, crumpled sites, lumen.

Step 3. Assembling clamps

The thermal insulation layer must be closed; To fasten the finishing, you will need to install the crate. If siding is used as a finish, the bars are stuffed perpendicular to the location of the panels. The moisture content of the tree should not exceed 14%, before assembly, the bar is impregnated with an antiseptic and dried.

First fasten the bars around the perimeter of the balcony, around the windows and at each corner, then intermediate bars are screwed every 40 cm. If the balcony is often subjected to a strong wind load, the shaft step decreases to 20 cm. The screws are screwed up at a distance of 50-70 cm. A more frequent mount reduces the tightness of the internal coating.

Step 4. Finish finish

Plastic panels or siding are mounted on top of the crates - these types of finishes are most practical and attractive. Special attention on the trimming of the balcony is given to the corners and areas adjacent to the windows. All joints should be carefully closed with special straps, the panels are fixed.

Alone to insulate outside the balcony, located on the 3, 4th floor and above, will not work, so thermal insulation from the inside should be installed. Internal work occupy a little longer, because it is necessary to insulate the floor and the ceiling, lay the wiring. In all other, the processes are similar to the outer thermal insulation. It is recommended to engage in the insulation of a loggia or balcony at a plus temperature of 5-25 degrees.

For work will be necessary:

  • polympoth sheets;
  • dowels and selflessness;
  • construction Scotch;
  • sealant;
  • antifungal primer;
  • mounting foam;
  • glue;
  • knife or knife;
  • perforator;
  • drill.

Step 1. Preparation of the balcony

The balcony space needs to be completely free. If windows replacement is required, it is carried out before the start of insulation. From the ceiling, walls and floor remove the old coating, carefully close the gaps, flatter the surface. Too large gaps between the ceilings are filled with foam slices and foam foam, excessive cut off. The lattice fencing is trimmed with water-resistant plasterboard or dense waterproof plywood. Clean, smooth surfaces are covered with a layer of primer, so that the mold does not develop under the insulation.

Step 2. Fastening the Heater on the Wall

On the back side of the insulation leaf, small portions of glue are applied, distributing in the corners and in the center. Sheet is applied to the wall, ranging from the corner. Pretty pressed polyplex to the surface, fasten it with a plate dowel in 6-7 places per square meter. Next, the next sheet is fixed, snag tightly on the seam. Near the window and door opening, the insulation first try on, the pencil mark the cut slices and remove unnecessary. When the wall is completely closed, the seams are sealed with mounting foam.

The next layer is vapor insulation. To do this, use foam polyethylene with foil coating. A glue is applied to the insulation and pressing polyethylene foil outward, thoroughly straightening the material. For more convenient to work, the roll is unwinding as it is glued or divided into segments of 2-3 meters. Laying vaporizolation of jack, all seams are closed with construction tape.

Step 3. Ceiling insulation

After the walls there comes the ceiling turn. The technology is the same: the plates of the fastener are smeared with glue, pressed to the surface, align and fixed with dowels. At the joints of the ceiling with walls, thickens and folds of the material should not be formed, everything is unnecessary immediately clipped. The insulation layer is closed with foil, sinking the formed joints.

Step 4. Floor insulation

Penoplex is perfect and for heat insulation. A polyethylene film is placed on dry and even base; If the whole piece is not enough, the material is fastened with 10 cm on a 10 cm and rip the joints of the joints. On top of the waterproofing, the plates of the foam plates are tight and plays the seams between them foam. Now thermal insulation is closed with concrete tie and leave to dry. You can install any coating on the screed.

Step 5. Making the crate

If lighting is planned on the balcony, pave the wiring at this stage. After the finish finish, hide communication will not work, so first fix the wires, and then they collect the crate to finish. For the frame of the crates, wooden rails 40x25 mm are taken, processed by their means against fungus, dried.

The first raunch is put vertically in one of the corners and are styled by self-draws. After leveling vertical, the screws are tightly spinning. Retreating 40 cm, set the next rail, and so to the opposite corner. Then the vertical bars are connected by horizontal, between which they leave 25-30 cm. If it is not possible to export separate rails exactly, you can use wooden wedges.

Step 6. Final Finish

Plasterboard, plastic panels or boards are attached to the crate; In the trim cut holes for sockets and switches. The surface of the drywall is putty, ground and painted, the joints in the corners are wicked by a sealant. The final barcode is the installation of decorative baseboards for the floor and the ceiling.

  1. When insulating the penplex, it is impossible to use a mounting foam with toluene: this component destroys the structure of the insulation.
  2. In the cold regions for walls, it is necessary to choose a polyplex with a thickness of 40 mm or lay two layers of insulation with a thickness of 20 mm, overlapping the seams of the lower layer with whole plates.
  3. For ceiling insulation, one layer of 20 mm thick plates is enough.
  4. The vapor insulation material can be glued to the insulation using bilateral tape.

Compliance with technology and qualitative execution of each stage will allow you to warm the balcony correctly and for a long time, make it more comfortable and functional.

Video - insulation balcony by penplex with their own hands indoors