Repairs Design Furniture

Wooden bulk floor - what is the technology and why is it so popular? How to make a bulk floor on a wooden surface of a spill floor on top of a wooden

The bulk floor on the wooden floor, the wooden base is usually found in wooden buildings. Often it may be old houses in the villages, and modern cottages made from the cut. Whatever it was in each of these cases, it is possible to mount the bulk sex.

Types of floors in wooden houses

In a tree houses, as in any other residential premises, it is necessary to pay special attention to the establishment of sex, since it is located, usually on the first floor. Because the coating, in addition to obvious requirements for evenness and aesthetics, should also be insulated.

There are two types of floors in a wooden house: concrete or wooden. At the same time, it is the concrete base that has a greater number of advantages. It takes less time and money, and in addition, professional skills on the installation of such a coating are not required. But at the same time there is a significant increase in the load on the foundation, and the vibrations of the walls can trigger cracking the base and the loss of thermal insulating capacity by the material.

The second option is still more resistant to the oscillation of the walls and more eco-friendly. In addition, they can be processed and easy to replace parts, even after installation. At the same time, their cost is pretty rather big, the work of professional workers is required, and it is almost unrealistic to achieve an ideally smooth surface.

Materials and tools

Laying the bulk gender on a wooden basis is not such a complex process for self-execution, but it takes care and accuracy.

You will need such tools and materials:

  • Construction aluminum rule for at least 2 meters long;
  • Needle roller;
  • Special dry mix for bulk self-leveling floor;
  • Construction mixer;
  • Laser construction level;
  • Alabaster;
  • Construction lights - special racks with perforation thickness from 6 to 10 mm;
  • Big bucket for 20 liters;
  • Putty knife;
  • Building lighthouses in the form of special rivers with perforation thickness from 6 to 10 mm;
  • Stationery;
  • Building mixture;
  • Self-tapping screwdriver, dowels;
  • Vacuum cleaner and cleaning powder;
  • Triangular scraper;
  • Wooden shelter

Preparation of the base before applying the mixture

The preparation of the foundation is an important step from which the quality of the finished coating depends on and large. If you do not take into account the phased right technology of installation of bulk floors, the coating may crack, collapse and compose ahead of time. A qualitative basis is the pledge of the durability of the floor covering in your home.

In some cases, the bulk floor is done directly on the old wooden coating. Therefore, the tree is recommended to polish and give it a rough structure with the help of sandpaper. On the surface of the tree should not be fat, nor oils, no varnish or dirt.

Now you have to remove all the plinths and close all the holes that are in the floor of the bars. The floor must be carefully cleaned with a scraper, special attention should be paid to the internal compounds, you must also reveal all cracks. Carefully with a vacuum cleaner, clean the base of the future bulk sex and degrease it using the cleaning powder.

Further, well-"external" slots and cracks need to be gradually using a mortar, then align the surface. The next step will be the line along the entire length of the room at the distance slightly less than the length of the rule used. Self-tapping screws are exhibited on these lines in 30 centimeters. Now applying the laser level you need to find the highest point on the basis for future bulk sex.

Remember that it is necessary to add 6 mm - the thickness of the bulk gender and start screwing the screws at the same level, while at indoor ends, screws are screwed up and perpendicular to the pre-designated lines. Near each screw is laid out alabaster in small pieces.

The next step is to lay the beacons designed for bulk sex on the screws directly, while watching carefully so that your lighthouses do not seek - they can be additionally ceasing them. The dry mixture is mixed with water using a mixer, in proportion to the manufacturer specified on the package. The finished solution is left for 5 minutes, then check on the fluidity and homogeneity.

The finished liquid sex solution is poured at one time on an area equal to 2 square meters. The solution must be recreated using the Lighthouse Rule, ride it also needle roller to provide homogeneity. In the process of work, you need to monitor the level of bulk sex relative to lighthouses. Leave the finished floor to dry carefully.

Additional Information:

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  • Self-leveling mixtures for sex suggest the execution of all actions in accordance with the instructions and the correct calculation of the consumption. Despite the prefix ...

Lugato bulk sex is designed for wooden floors, including old floors that need to be updated and updated.

The high-speed, elastic and self-sparing bulk floor for the wooden floor is able to replace expensive and thick-layered alternative solutions (chipboard). In combination with a universal priming and reinforcing grid, a system is proposed, with which the voltage of wooden floors is overcome without cracks. A completely smooth surface is created for various subsequent work, such as: laying carpet or stagnation of ceramic tiles, paint appliances. For layers with a thickness of 1 to 20 mm (wooden floors: from 5 to 20 mm). After 5 hours, you can walk on the base (wooden floors), and after 12 hours to start the following works.

Technical data of bulk sex for wooden floors Lugato Neuaufalt:

Consumption, mixture efficiency depending on the layer thickness.

Layer thicknessConsumptionEfficiency of 20 kg of material
5 mm7.5 kg / m2oK. 2.6 m2
20 mm30 kg / m2oK. 0.6 m2.
  • The viability of the prepared mixture in the container: 15-20 minutes.
  • Work temperature: 5 - 30 ° C.
  • The time through which you can walk on the ground: after 5 hours of the menu
  • after 2-4 hours, the reasons.
  • Break in work before glue using Lugato adhesives (layer thickness of a mixture to 10 mm):
  • 12 hours -Cleasing tile
  • day-capacity flooring floor, staining
  • 3 days -Cleasing parts from PVC.
  • Time refers to a temperature of 15-20 ° C and a relative humidity of 65%.
  • Teten resistance: from 0 to 70 ° C.
  • Tensile strength while bending / compressive strength (28 days):
  • 4.7 N / mm2 / 15 N / mm2.
  • Clutch strength (28 days): 2.5 N / mm2.
  • Ingredients: standard and special cement, quartz sand, synthetic additives, a means promoting to spread, antifoam.
  • Ecology: without fibers and quartz flour. Without casein. Contains little chromate according to the prescriptions TRGS 613. Giscode ZP 1.
  • Packaging: bag 20 kg.
  • Storage period: in branded packaging about 12 months. Store in a dry place.

Preparation of the base for the bulk sex Lugato Neuaufalt:

Suitable bases:wooden base with sheets and comb, chipboard, cement plates, cast asphalt, anhydrite and magnesial seamless floor, dry solid seamless floor, like eg, plaster plates, dry-fiber plates, old tile, firmly holding color, concrete, cement seamless floor .
Foundation structure:causible to carry a load, without cracks, clean, not wet. No fat residue, wax, facilities for the surface of the floor and inconspicuous color. Wooden floors and chickens should be stable on the surface.
Preparation of the foundation:old wooden floor: Attach unfinished boards. Seal the docking seams between the floor and the wall with ribbons from the styrofoam to prevent the penetration of putty and the formation of sound bridges. Protect. Chipboard (thickness of at least 22 mm): glue into the spool and comb and attach bolts. Protect. Ceramic tile, cast asphalt: Clear. The primer is not required. Anhydrite and magnesial seamless floor: stick, remove dust with a vacuum cleaner, primed. Bottone and cement seamless floor: remove cement film with water and steel brush. Give reason to dry. Protect.

If your home in your home has lost its own kind, did not rot and dislike, or you want to arrange it heated, perhaps you will be interested in information on how to pour the floor to wooden floors, while not dismantling them. So, the concrete screed will be poured on top of the existing base, for which it initially needs to coordinate the height of the future coating with door openings and communication highways (pipes, radiators, etc.). In most cases, it is necessary to shorten the door canvases, making them down from below. Sometimes they resort to the installation of new doors, and all the highways are laid down, here the decision takes the owners of the home.

For the device of a high-quality screed on the already existing wooden flooring, the mixtures are selected that are suitable for such purposes, otherwise the risk of tie destruction in the event that the old floor has rotted or asked for old age. Here it is impossible to better fit the bulk mixtures that are easily aligned and quickly solidify. For greater strength, such a screed must be strengthened by its reinforcement, and compressive strength is desirable to be monitored after 28-30 days after laying. Usually the height of the concrete layer is 10 mm.

Concrete as a screed: Installation stages

The one who is familiar with construction knows that any such process begins with preparatory work, and the device of the floor covering in a wooden house is no exception.

Preparation of the foundation

Be sure to make sure the old floor has not rotted and can withstand the load from the new screed

The main task that stands in front of the masters in this case is to ensure high strength of the screed after its solidification.

If you are dealing with a very worn back of the previous base in the house, pumped by concrete, you need to eliminate the detached layer using grinding or milling. Copped over the years long-term operation of the outdoor structure of fat, adhesive base, old bulk mixtures should be removed, as well as align the irregularities whose differentials exceed 10 mm. For such purposes, special mixtures on a cement basis are used, and simply put, concrete. The final alignment can be performed only after complete solidification of the mass, which fill in the recess.

Having arranged the fill on the old wooden flooring in the house, all the rotten and broken boards are removed, and new ones are nourished to lags. It is also necessary to ensure that each board is reliably fixed and not swinging, which can be eliminated using ordinary self-tapping screws. In no case should there be a violep or gear deflection when exposed to its surface. If there are holes in the flooring through which concrete will be proceeded, they are sealed with putty on a tree, which consists of wood dust and plastic components. You can also make yourself prepare such a smelter: sawdust mix with oil paint in a 4: 1 proportion. Water soluble putty for such purposes are not suitable.

Phased before the main process of the draft floor is prepared as follows:

  1. The plinths are dismantled, and the places are put on their place, which will cover the openings between the wall and the floor.
  2. The slots between the installed powders and the base are sweeping. After removing the skulls between the wall and the coating, the ventilation of the underground space will be restored.


Wooden flooring in the house needs to be stabbed, and then with the help of a vacuum cleaner, remove all the garbage and rebound. The primer will significantly improve the adhesion between concrete and the old coating and prevent the appearance of air bubbles. Also, the ground will not give water contained in the solution, quickly absorb wood and ensure uniform spreading of the mixture based on the base. Dry flooring needs to be primed twice, and in the case of multilayer alignment, each layer of fill is processed. Ensure that before applying the soil, the floor is not wet, even in a slight degree, otherwise the result will not give the desired effect.


For a weak wooden base in the house, it is best to acquire a fiber-based mesh that will enhance the leveling layer. It is attached directly to the base with the help of a bracket and a special stapler. The brackets will not allow the grid to emerge after the fill of the solution. The reinforcement system must be mounted in the middle or just below the third of the thickness of the screed. Drinking brackets, control the strength of their fixation to the flooring.

We knead concrete

Preparation of solution pays special attention, because the final result depends on its quality. Mostly for such purposes, dry compounds in bags of 25 kg are acquired. At such an amount of dry matter is approximately 6.5 liters of water, unless the required consistency has been obtained, you can gradually add 0.5 liters of liquid. Do not overdo it, since the liquid solution is difficult to fill, and it will not have the necessary properties of strength. The mixing process itself is better carried out with a drill with a special nozzle before receiving a homogeneous consistency. The finished solution needs to be used within 15 minutes after the kneading, otherwise it solids and will be unsuitable for work. Also, do not forget to control the temperature in a wooden house and in solution. The optimal is considered not lower than + 10c. If you work in a new, not heated building, warm water will come to the rescue, the temperature of which should not exceed + 35c.

Fill concrete

Now that the wooden base and solution are ready, you can mount the bulk floors in the house. The screed is filled continuously until its surface is perfectly aligned. In the paper use spatulas with steel or gear blades. 4-5 hours after the wooden flooring is covered with a mortar mass, it can be accurately stroke. 6 hours after the process performed, the surface grinding is allowed if there is a need. It is usually carried out for future staining or applying liquid floors. Before grinding, the boards are removed, which are temporarily installed instead of plinths, they fulfilled their mission and no longer needed.

We process deformation seams

In those places where the deformation seams were located (doorways) with the help of a grinder with a diamond circle cut a layer of screed. Perform this process only after the bulk surfaces are sacrificed and allowed for them to walk. Next, each seam must be filled with a special material that is intended exclusively for such purposes. It has high elasticity and hermetically fills holes in the screed. When you calculate the required amount of material on bulk floors, proceed from the following parameters: 1.5 kg / sq. M. Mixtures.

After completing the work, be sure to clean the tool until the solution on it hardened that complicates such actions. For this, spatulas and rules rinse with water, and touch the hardened mass to touch the brush or spatula with a flat blade. Now you know that in a house with an old wood coating, you can arrange a tie of concrete mortar, as well as familiar with the technology of such works.

A visual example of filling the floor is presented on video:

In modern repairs, bulk floors are very often used to equalize the base and for the finishing coating. The main advantages of such floors are their durability, wear resistance, strength and convenience of mounting. In addition, it is impossible not to note their environmentally friendly and safety.
Today, bulk floors have changed qualitatively very much compared to those that were presented on the market a few years ago. An example of this can serve as 3D floors that can be called real masterpieces, thanks to the unique design with a three-dimensional image of any object.
Laying the self-leveling mixture on a concrete basis. No one causes difficulties, but how to make a bulk floor on the wooden floor? After all, not everyone likes the prospect of dismantling the old militant. And if it is a private house, where the floor is initially completely wooden? This is not trouble. There is the possibility of laying a bulk sex and on a wooden surface under certain conditions. It is important here that the old base is still a good, and the mixture for the floor was thin, in order not to reduce the height of the ceilings.
Preparation of the base under the fill of the bulk
Since the self-leveling mixture should be poured on a fairly prepared basis, this process should pay increased attention. Any foundation requires careful preparation. This is especially true of the old wooden floor. Immediately make a reservation that this old floor should not be rotten, there should be no squeaks from him, not to mention the presence of speaking boards.
First of all, dismantling of all plinths indoors. After that, with the help of a cyclical machine, the top painted layer with boards is carefully skid. Next, the grinding machine is raised by the base, detecting cracks that are necessarily available on any old wooden coating. These cracks, irregularities and gaps between the boards are smeared with a putty. For further work, it is waiting for it until it will dry. Then, using coarse sandpaper, rub all the surface. This technique will ensure the best adhesion of the self-leveling mixture with the base.
The lighted and even base with the help of a vacuum cleaner is purified from dust and degrease. Then the surface must be primed. This ensures an excellent grip of a polyurethane mixture with wood. Do it need not less than two layers. The composition of the primer should add sidewood quartz sand. The grains of this substance creates the roughness of the base surface, which increases the clutch area and creates its multidirectionality. In sum, it gives a greater adhesion of polymer and wood.
Tool necessary for work
For the production of work on the preparation of a wooden base and the pouring of the mixture will be needed:
Ordinary novelter, wedges Wooden and chisel to dismantle plinths.
Cyclical machine or manual cycle.
Coarse sandpaper or emery.
Industrial or household vacuum cleaner.
Roller or medium-sized brush for applying primer.
Flat brush or a rairy roller with a short pile for uniform distribution of polymer coating.
Needle roller for removing air from a polymer coating.
Rakly and metal spatula.
Construction mixer or drill with a nozzle for mixing the solution of the polymer floor.
Do not forget about such mandatory objects as protective glasses, work workwear, gloves and respirators. In order for you can move if necessary on the freshly mounted layer of bulk sex without fear, you need to get shoes equipped with soles with spikes.
Technology of self-leveling polymeric floor
By itself, the fill technology of the self-leveling mixture on an ordinary milking floor is not different from a similar procedure, where concrete acts as the basis. The differences are enclosed only in the initial preparatory stage, which we above considered quite in detail.
Before filling the polymer floor, you need to carefully read the instructions for the preparation of a solution that is available on the package. The solution is required to be prepared in the strictest accordance with it.
Take a dry mixture from the bag and pour it into a convenient container to mix. A plastic bucket from water-emulsion paint can be fit very good. The amount of water is poured into powder the amount of water and begin to mix with a construction mixer or a drill with a special nozzle. Stir the mixture until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then, the finished solution is laid out on the prepared wooden base. Do it start from the very long corner of the room, gradually moving towards the door.
Pull out the mass as the move is moved with a spatula to get a layer of no more than 5 mm thick. This is the optimal size in the case of a wooden base. The final alignment and removal of air bubbles is performed using a rubber needle roller. At the same time, the room can be moved using studded shoes.
The self-leveling polymer mixture for the floor very quickly solidifies, therefore the party of the solution should be prepared quickly. The gaps between their fills should be no more than 10 minutes. It is advisable to pour such a floor together using two tanks. While one person is preparing a mixture, the second fills and aligns the previous party. The junctions between the fill batches cost more carefully rolling the roller if you make the floor alone and the continuous process cannot be provided.
15 minutes after a complete fill of the room, the entire surface must be covered with a film. This is required in order to the floor do not dye dust, spoiling the quality of the glossy surface. When the bulk gender is completely dry and it will be possible to walk, the possibility of applying the finishing coating appears. This can be a polymer under three-dimensional floors, lacquer or traditional options for flooring.
Tips for specialists
In any residential premises, it is recommended to use self-leveling mixtures only on the basis of polymer resins. In rooms where high humidity is constantly present, it is necessary to use the epoxy type of self-leveling floor covering, while in the rest of the houses of the house polyurethane floor.
It is provided on the concrete base to produce technology, but installation on a wooden surface is allowed. At the same time, the complexity of work increases, since it is necessary to produce high-quality preparation of the base with a two-layer primer. This depends on the tensile strength of the coating from the wood base.

In a wooden house, as a rule, the wooden floor laminate, by the way, it is possible to unstill flooring the floor here, but better of course try to do this yourself. However, the bulk floor can be an excellent replacement, or rather one of its varieties - the leveling screed based on cement or gypsum, to which the linoleum, laminate or any other coating can be subsequently laid, including another type of bulk sex - the finish coating.

If it is properly filling, the floor is aligned horizontally and hardens quickly. Poor-quality work leads to the appearance of cracks in the floor, so it is necessary to start with the preliminary training of the place of work.

Such a floor is made on the old wooden floor, pre-sliding it with the emery paper. Plinth, if they were, you need to remove, all joints, cracks and possible holes for speaking, after which the floor must be deguted to the cleaning powder once again. Now you can close the gaps and joints - for this fitting foam and silicone sealant for joints.

A day later the next stage is primer. Its absence can lead to cracks in bulk sex and even peeling. In addition, the primer plays the role of waterproofer. Apply soil in two layers using a roller or brushes with natural bristles. 5 hours after applying the primer, it is possible to start laying a bulk sex, the maximum time between the primer and directly liquor is the day.

If the floors are wooden, it is desirable to store the floor with a film that completely isolates the tree from the screed. Therefore, the film should not have damage, all possible minor cuts or holes, and joints need to be punctured by scotch.

But between the primer and laying of the floors there is another step - markup. Draw parallel lines, slightly less than the length of the floor and at an equal interval - approximately 30 cm - screwed up at a certain height of the tapping screw. They will play the role of the level, since the bulk floor must have a thickness of about 3 cm.

The solution for the solution should be large enough so that you can stir the entire bag at once - at least 25 liters. If you prepare a solution of portions, you can get different characteristics due to the uneven distribution of chemical additives, which may affect the quality of the bulk.

Water for the solution should be clean and have room temperature. The self-leveling mixture is falling asleep gradually, stirring the mechanical nozzle for a drill in the form of a mixer within a few minutes. The weight should be homogeneous, the amount of water and the solution is proportional, otherwise the floor will be less durable. The solution should be arranged for several minutes, after which it is stirred again. Use the solution is needed within 20 minutes after the kneading.

The mixture is spilled by strips height, according to the markup by self-draws. In order for the composition evenly, there were bubbles on it, immediately after the fill it is necessary to roll a needle roller. If the room has a large volume, then the fill is better to produce through one strip. After 5 hours, it is allowed to walk along the bulk sex, and laying the linoleum or any other finish coating lasts twelve hours.