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The full liberation of Leningrad from the enemy blockade occurred. We tell us a lie about the blockade of Leningrad

Leningrad's blockade has become the hardest test for residents of the city in the history of the Northern Capital. In the besieged city, by different estimates, up to half of the population of Leningrad died. The survivors had no strength to even mourn the dead: Some were extremely exhausted, others were seriously injured. Contrary to hunger, cold and permanent bombing, people found courage to survive and defeat the fascists. To judge that it was necessary to survive the residents of the besieged city in those terrible years, it is possible according to statistical data - the language of the digits of the blockade Leningrad.

872 days and nights

Leningrad blockade lasted exactly 872 days. The Germans took the city in the ring on September 8, 1941, and on January 27, 1944, the inhabitants of the Northern Capital were rejoiced to the full liberation of the city from the fascist blockade. During the six months after the discontinuation of the blockade, the enemies still remained under Leningrad: their troops were in Petrozavodsk and Vyborg. The soldiers of the Red Army were driven by the fascists from the approach to the city during the offensive operation in the summer of 1944.

150 thousand shells

For many months, the blockade of fascists dropped 150 thousand heavy artillery shells to Leningrad and over 107 thousand incendiary and fugasic bombs. They destroyed 3 thousand buildings, and damaged more than 7 thousand. All major monuments of the city survived: Leningraders hid them, cover with sand and plywood bags. Some sculptures - for example, from the summer garden and horses with Anichkova, a bridge - removed from the pedestals and buried to the ground until the end of the war.

Bombing in Leningrad walked every day. PHOTO: AIF / Yana Vshatova

13 hours 14 minutes shelling

The art robes in the blockade Leningrad were daily: sometimes the fascists attacked the city several times a day. People hid from bombing in the basements of houses. On August 17, 1943, Leningrad was subjected to a long shelling for the entire blockade. It lasted 13 hours 14 minutes, during which the Germans dropped 2 thousand shells on the city. The inhabitants of the Blocade Leningrad admitted that the noise of enemy aircraft and tearing shells sounded in their heads.

Up to 1.5 million dead

By September 1941, the population of Leningrad and its suburbs amounted to about 2.9 million people. The blockade of Leningrad, according to different estimates, claimed life from 600 thousand to 1.5 million residents of the city. Only 3% of people died from fascist bombing, the remaining 97% - from hunger: about 4 thousand people died every day from exhaustion. When the food reserves are over, people began to eat cake, wallpaper glue, leather belts and shoes. On the streets of the city lay dead bodies: it was considered the usual situation. Often, when someone died in families, people had to bury their relatives on their own.

1 million 615 thousand tons of cargo

On September 12, 1941, the road was opened - the only highway connecting the precipitated city with the country. The road of life, laid on the ice of the Lake Ladoga, was saved by Leningrad: about 1 million 615 thousand tons of cargo delivered to the city in her city - food, fuel and clothing. During the blockade on the highway through Ladoga, more than a million people were evacuated from Leningrad.

125 grams of holbe

By the end of the first month of the blockade, the residents of the besieged city received quite a good breadless. When it became apparent that the reserves of flour would not be enough for a long time, the norm sharply reduced. So, in November and in December 1941, urban employees, dependents and children received only 125 grams of bread per day. The workers were issued at 250 grams of bread, and the composition of militarized protection, fire teams and fighter detachments - 300 grams. Contemporaries could not eat blocked bread in food, because it was prepared from almost intolerable impurities. Bread baked from rye and oatmeal with the addition of cellulose, wobbly dust, needles, cake and unfiltered malt. Buanka was very bitter taste and absolutely black.

1500 loudspeakers

After the start of the blockade, until the end of 1941, 1500 loudspeakers were installed on the walls of Leningrad homes. Radio broadcasting in Leningrad was conducted around the clock, and residents of the city were forbidden to disable their receivers: on Radio Speakers were told about the situation in the city. When the broadcast was discontinued, the sound of the metronome was broadcast on the radio. In the event of alarm, the rhythm of the metronome was accelerated, and after the end of the shelling - slowed down. Leningraders called the sound of the metronome on the radio in the living heartbeat of the heart of the city.

98 thousand newborns

In the years of blockade in Leningrad, 95 thousand children were born. Most of them, about 68 thousand newborns, appeared in the fall and in the winter of 1941. In 1942, 12.5 thousand children were born, and in 1943 only 7.5 thousand. So that the kids survived, in the Pediatric Institute of the city, organized a farm of three thoroughbred cows so that children could get fresh milk: in most cases, young milk mothers were not.

Children of the Blood Leningrad suffered from dystrophy. Photo: Archival photo

-32 ° ° frost

The first blockade winter has become the coldest in a deposited city. On some days, the thermometer column descended to -32 ° C. The situation was aggravated by abundant snowfalls: by April 1942, when the snow should have already cleaned, the height of the snowdrifts reached 53 centimeters. Leningraders lived without heating and electricity in homes. To warm up, the inhabitants of the city flooded the stoves-burzhuyki. Due to the lack of firewood in them burned all the inedible, which was in the apartments: furniture, old things and books.

144 thousand liter blood

Despite the hunger and the most severe living conditions, Leningraders were ready to give the latter for the front to speed up the victory of the Soviet troops. Every day, from 300 to 700 residents of the city handed over blood for the wounded in hospitals, transferring the material compensation to the defense fund. Subsequently, the Leningrad Donor plane will be built on this money. In total, during the blockade, Leningraders passed 144 thousand liters of blood for front-line.

Leningrad blockade - One of the most tragic and important episodes of the Great Patriotic War. The blockade began on September 8, 1941, its breakthrough was carried out on January 18, 1943, and the date of complete removal of the blockade was January 27, 1944. Like the German troops to Leningrad

The capture of Leningrad was an important part of the Barbarossa plan developed by the Hitler's command. Hitler believed that such a seizure would bring military, and political benefits. First, Germany would receive control over the Baltic coast, as well as the opportunity to destroy the Baltic fleet and troops, defended the city. Secondly, Hitler believed that the seizure of Leningrad would demoralize the Soviet command and the population.

From the very beginning of the blockade, the Hitler's command assumed the full destruction of the city, without seeing in the existence of Leningrad and its inhabitants no benefit for himself. From the side of the Soviet command, the version of the city was not considered.

Even before the blockade began attempts to evacuate the urban population. Children were originally evacuated (many of them were sent to the Leningrad region and as the hostilities develop were returned back). Subsequently, people were exported from the city along the ice road through Lake Ladoga and with the help of aviation.

The Marshal Zhukov played a decisive role in the defense of Leningrad. It was he who managed to stop the German offensive on Pulkovsky altitudes on the post of the Leningrad Front, and did not let the enemy in the city.

Food problem

After that, the tactics of warfare by German troops changed. Their main goal was the destruction of the city, and he was subjected to new attacks. In an effort to call fires in Leningrad, the Germans subjected it to mass bombardments. Thus, they managed to destroy large Badaev warehouses where significant food reserves were stored. This made a real famine of hunger.

On September 8, 1941, Leningrad is completely interrupted with the rest of the country. Free food sale was prohibited, and the issuance of products decreased. The real hunger in the city began by November. The hardest period of the Leningrad blockade was the winter of 1941-1942.

During this period, the lowest rates of bread issuance were introduced (250 g - workers, 125 g - employees, dependents and children under 12). A cold, disconnection of heating, stopping all the transport in the city added to the problem of hunger. Winter was cold, and there was almost no thaw. Wood stoves-burzhuyki became the main means of heating, walked on the water to the Neva. Gradually, mortality from hunger has become a massive. It became the usual sustainable death of passersby on the streets. Special funeral services were chosen on the streets about hundreds of corpses. Dystrophy became the main Leningrad disease. People fell from weakness and exhaustion. On the blockade streets there was his own sign: once the fallen no longer gets up. Movement on the streets is extremely difficult, because transport did not work, and all the streets were listed. The number of dead rose to thousands per day. The corpses lay for a long time on the streets and in the apartments - to clean them was almost no one. The situation was aggravated by permanent actuators and aviation raids.

In besieged Leningrad

During 1942, attempts to break the blockade were taken many times, but none of them were crowned with success. The only means of the message of Leningrad from the Big Earth became the ice road in Ladoga Lake - "Road of Life".

The position in the city has improved in the spring-summer of 1942 as cold weather retreat. The number of street deaths decreased, in the squares, vegetables were arranged on the boulevards and squares. Gradually increased rates of bread. The first tram was launched, effective measures to prevent in the city of epidemics were adopted.

As the food situation improves, art crews invented, the number of bombing increased. Information about raids for the population has carried the Leningrad radio network throughout the blockade. The famous Leningrad metronome was broadcast through it. His rapid rhythm meant an air alarm, slow - from a hang. Subsequently, the metronome was the monument to the resistance of the Leningradians.

In the besieged, the cultural life continued with the starving Leningrad. With the exception of several of the most difficult months, schools continued to work, the theater life continued. Symphony Dmitry Shostakovich, dedicated to Leningrad, was first played in the city during the blockade and broadcast Leningrad Radio. Radio itself was of great importance in supporting the spirit of Leningrad.

People at that time fought not only for survival, but also for the preservation of other values. Museum meetings, architectural monuments, the collections of the largest libraries, the precious collection of seeds of the plant's institution was saved by Leningrads in blockade.

Breakthrough blockades

In January 1943, the operation of the Soviet troops "Iskra" was crowned with success. During her, on January 18, 1943, the blockade ring was broken and established a regular message of Leningrad from a big land. The final removal of the blockade was carried out on January 27, 1944.

A significant role in the blockade played the Soviet fleet. He participated in the suppression of an opponent's artillery, the protection of "roads of life", his personnel brigades were involved in the ground battles.

According to the Nuremberg process, 632 thousand people died during the blockade, most of them died of hunger. Most of the dead Leningradians were buried at the Piskarevsky memorial cemetery, where the monument to the blockade was established. Another blockage memorial - the Moscow Park of Victory: There, during the war, there was a brick factory, in whose furnaces they were cremated the bodies of the dead.

In 1965, Leningrad for the courage and heroism of his defenders was one of the first to be awarded the title of the city of Hero.

Special blockade awards were established - the medal "For the defense of Leningrad" and the sign of the "resident of the Blocade Leningrad".

Text prepared Maria Shustrov

Granin D., Adamovich A. Blood book. St. Petersburg, 1994.
Matyushina O. K. Song of life. M., 1978.
Hass German occupation policy in the Lengistrarad region (1941-1944) No. 6, 2003

One of the most tragic pages of the Great Patriotic War is considered to be the blockade of Leningrad. History has kept many facts testifying to this terrible test in the life of the city on the Neva. Leningrad was surrounded by the fascist invaders of almost 900 days (from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944). Of the two and a half million residents living in the Northern capital before the start of the war, more than 600,000 people died during the blockade, more than 600,000 people died, a few more tens of thousands of citizens died from bombing. Despite the catastrophic lack of food, severe frosts, lack of heat and electricity, Leningraders had a courageously surrender before the fascist on the Natius and did not give the enemy of their city.

About the blockade city through decades

In 2014, the 70th anniversary of Leningrad blockade was celebrated in Russia. Today, as a few decades ago, the Russian people honored the feat of the inhabitants of the city on the Neva. A large number of books were written about blockaded Leningrad, many documentary and art films were shot. The city's heroic defense is told to schoolchildren and students. To better imagine the situation of people who found themselves in the fascist troops of Leningrad, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the events related to its deposition.

Leningrad blockade: Interesting facts about the value of the city for invaders

To capture the Soviet lands, the Nazis was developed in accordance with it, the fascists were planned to conquer the European part of the USSR for several months. The city on the Neva in the process of the occupation was given an important role, because Hitler believed that if Moscow is the heart of the country, then Leningrad is his soul. Fuhrer was confident that as soon as the northern capital falls under the onslaught of the German fascist troops, the morale of a huge state will weaken, and after that it can be conquered with ease.

Despite the resistance of our troops, the Nazis managed to significantly advance the country deep into the country and surround the city on the Neva from all sides. September 8, 1941 entered the story as the first day of the blockade of Leningrad. It was then that all land routes from the city were cut, and he was surrounded by the enemy. Daily Leningrad was subjected to artillery shelling, but did not give up.

The northern capital was in the blockade ring of almost 900 days. In the entire history of human existence, it was the longest and terrible siege of the city. That before the start of the blockade, part of the inhabitants managed to evacuate from Leningrad, a large number of citizens continued in it. Scary torments fell out of these people, and not all of them managed to live to liberate their hometown.

Horror hunger

Regular air strikes are not the worst thing that happened to survive the Leningrads during the war. The stock of products in the besieged city was not enough, and this led to terrible hunger. Receive food from other settlements prevented Blockade Leningrad. Interesting facts left the citizens about this period: the local population fell in right on the street, the cases of cannibalism did not surprise anyone. Every day, more and more deaths from exhaustion were recorded, the corpses lay on the city streets, and there was no one to clean.

With the beginning of the blockade, the Leningrads began to issue on which it was possible to get bread. From October 1941, the daily rate of bread for workers was 400 g per person, and for children up to 12 years old, dependents and employees - 200 g. But it did not save citizens from hunger. Food reserves were rapidly declining, and by November 1941, the daily portion of bread was forced to reduce to 250 g for workers and up to 125 g for the remaining categories of citizens. Due to the lack of flour, he consisted half of the inedible impurities, was black and bitter. Leningraders did not complain, because for them a piece of such bread was the only salvation from death. But hunger did not continue all 900 days of the blockade of Leningrad. Already in early 1942, daily bread rates rose, and he himself became better. In mid-February 1942, residents of the city on the Neva first issued a frozen ram and beef meat in a soldering. Gradually, the food situation in the northern capital was able to stabilize.

Anomalous winter

But not only hunger is remembered by the townspeople of the blockade of Leningrad. The story contains the fact that winter of 1941-1942 was unusually cold. Frosts in the city stood from October to April and were much stronger than in previous years. In some months, the thermometer column descended to -32 degrees. The situation was aggravated by the situation and abundant snowfall: by April 1942, the height of the snowdrifts was 53 cm.

Despite the abnormally cold winter, due to the lack of fuel in the city, it was not possible to launch centralized heating, there was no electricity, water supply was turned off. To somehow warm the housing, Leningraders used stoves-burzhuyki: they burned everything that could burn - books, rags, old furniture. The people exhausted by hunger could not withstand the cold and dying. The total number of citizens who died from exhaustion and frosts, by the end of February 1942 exceeded 200 thousand people.

According to the "Life Road" and life surrounded by the enemy

While there was no complete removal of the blockade of Leningrad, the only way that residents evacuated and supplied the city, remained Ladoga Lake. Over it, the trucks and horse owners were transported in winter, and in the summer there were barges around the clock. A narrow road, absolutely not protected from bombing from the air, was the only connection of the blockade Leningrad with the world. Locals called Ladoga Lake "dear life", because if it were not for it, the victims of the fascists would be incommensurable.

About three years later Leningrad blockade lasted. Interesting facts of this period indicate that, despite the catastrophic position, life continued in the city. In Leningrad, even during hunger, military equipment was produced, theaters and museums were discovered. The combat spirit of citizens supported the famous writers and poets that regularly opposed the radio. By winter, 1942-1943, the situation in the northern capital was no longer as critical as before. Despite regular bombing, life in Leningrad stabilized. Earned factories, schools, cinemas, baths, managed to restore water supply, public transport began to go around the city.

Curious Facts about St. Isaac Cathedral and Cats

On the very last day of the blockade of Leningrad, he was subjected to regular actuators. Shells that complained with the Earth many facilities in the city, flew out the side of St. Isaac's Cathedral. It is not known why the fascists did not touch the building. There is a version that they used its high dome as a reference point for the shelling of the city. The basement of the cathedral served as the Leningrads of the repository for valuable museum exhibits, so that they were able to save themselves until the end of the war.

Not only the fascists were a problem for citizens while Leningrad's blockade lasted. Interesting facts indicate that rats divorced in the northern capital in the northern capital. They destroyed those meager food reserves that remained in the city. In order to save the population of Leningrad from the hungry death, in His "Road of Life" from the Yaroslavl region, 4 wagon of smoky cats, considered the best rats, was shipped. Animals adequately coped with the mission entrusted to them and gradually destroyed rodents, sailing people from another hunger.

Getting rid of the city from enemy forces

The liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade occurred on January 27, 1944. Soviet troops after a two-week offensive managed to discard the Nazis from the city. But, despite the defeat, the invaders were precipitated for about six months. Finally, to push the enemy from the city only after the Vyborg and Svir-Petrozavodsk offensive operations conducted by the Soviet troops in the summer of 1944.

The memory of the blockade Leningrad

January 27 In Russia, the day is celebrated when the blockade of Leningrad occurred. In this commemorative date, the leaders of the country, church ministers and ordinary citizens come on in St. Petersburg, where the ashes of hundreds of thousands of Leningrad residents who died from hunger and art stins are resting. 900 days of Leningrad blockade will forever remain a black page in domestic history and will resemble people about the inhuman crimes of fascism.

change from 07/25/2013 g - ()

Most likely, the previously hidden information was finally missed for people, which is able to open up the genuine organizers of that terrible war, the true goals that they set themselves, and genuine events that happened to terrible and cruel time.

It seems to us that we know almost all about the Great Patriotic War, because thousands of books are written about it, hundreds of documentary and art films have been created, many paintings and poems have been written. But in reality, we only know what has long been exhausted and put up for everyone to see. There, too, there may be some part of the truth, but not all.

We are now seeing that we know very little even about the most important, as we inspired, the events of that war. I want to draw your attention to the article by Alexei Kungurov from Chelyabinsk called "On Mathematics and Historical Reality", which all the world media in its time did not ignore.

In this short article, he led several facts that smithereens break the existing legend about Leningrad's blockade. No, he does not deny that there were protracted and heavy battles there, and there was a huge number of victims among civilians.

But he argues that the blockade of Leningrad (the full environment of the city) was not, and leads convincing evidence of this to his statement.

He makes his own conclusions by analyzing publicly available, well-known information using logic and arithmetic. You can see and listen to this in more detail and listen to the record of its Internet conference "Management of history as a knowledge system" ...

In Leningrad, of that time there were a lot of oddities and incomprehension, which we now and voiced using many fragments from the title article Alexey Kungurov.

Unfortunately, reasonable and reasonable explanations for what happened at the time in Leningrad was not yet found. Therefore, it is necessary to hope that correctly formulated questions will help us find or calculate the correct answers.

In their add-ons to the materials of Alexei Kungurov, we will also use only publicly available and well-known information, repeatedly voiced and confirmed by photographic materials, cards and other documents.

So let's go in order.

Mystery first

Where did this term come from?

Blocada It is the cities of Leningrad in reality did not have. This sonor, most likely, was invented for the transfer of guilt for mass victims among the urban population. But the surroundings of the city of Leningrad in that war was not!

In the summer of 1941, according to publicly available informationdefined, quite a large territory of several thousand square kilometers, on which the city of Leningrad was located and is now cut off by the German troops from the rest of the country. It happened at the end of August 1941:

"After stubborn battles, the 39th motorized enemy hull was captured by a major railway node MGA. The last railway connecting Leningrad with the country turned out to be converted ... "

Riddle Second

Why was there so few shells?

Article A. Kungurov begins with an analysis of the written statement that 148.478 shells fell on the city during the blockade. Historians describe these events as follows:

"Leningraders lived in constant nervous tension, the shelling followed one after another. From September 4 to November 30, 1941, the city was fired 272 times with a total duration of 430 hours. Sometimes the population remained in bomb shelters for almost a day. On September 15, 1941, the shelling lasted 18 hours 32 m, September 17 - 18 h. 33 m. Total for the period of blockade in Leningrad, about 150 thousand shells were released ... "

Cungur, with simple arithmetic calculations, shows that this figure is taken from the ceiling and may differ from reality for several orders! One artillery division of 18 large-caliber guns for mentioned 430 hours of shelling is capable of making 232,000 shots!

But the blockade, according to the rooted data, lasted much longer than three weeks, and the enemy's guns were several hundred times more. Therefore, the number of fallen shells that newspapers of that time wrote about, and then they rewrote everything who wrote to us about the blockade should have been a few orders of magnitude more if the blockade had a place in the form to which we all taught.

On the other hand, many photos of the Blocade Leningrad show that Destruction in the central part of the city was minimal! This is only possible if the enemy was not allowed to attack the city of artillery and aviation.

However, if you judge the cards, the enemy was just a few kilometers from the city, and a reasonable question about why the city and military factories were not fully turned into ruins for a couple of weeks, remains open.

Third mystery

Why was there no order?

Germans had no order to hold Leningrad. Kungurov very clearly writes about this as follows:

"Background Liebe, commander of the Army North, was a competent and experienced commander. He was subordinate to 40 divisions (including tank). Front in front of Leningrad was 70 km long. The density of the troops reached the level of 2-5 km to the division towards the main strike. To speak with such a situation that in these conditions he could not take the city, can only historians who do not understand anything in the military.

We have repeatedly seen in the artistic films about the defense of Leningrad, as German tank workers enter the suburb, press and shoot trams. The front was broken, and there was no one in front. In his memoirs, the background Liebe and many other commanders of the German army argued that they were forbidden to take the citygave an order to move away from favorable position ... "

Lee, German troops behaved very strangely: instead to easily master the city and step further (we understand that the militia, which we were shown in the cinema, serious resistance to regular troops are not able to provide in principle), invaders are almost 3 years standing near LeningradAllegedly blocking all the land approaches to it.

And taking into account the fact that the counterattack from the defendants, most likely, was not or was very small, then for the upcoming German troops it was not a war, but the most real sanatorium! It would be interesting to know the genuine reaction of the German command on this legend about the blockade.

Fourth mystery

Why did the Kirov plant work?

"It is known that Kirov plant worked all the time of blockade. The fact also known - he was in 3 (three !!!) kilometers from the front line. For people who did not serve in the army, I will say that a bullet from the Mosinian rifle can be placed on such a distance if it is shred in the desired side (about the artillery tools of greater caliber I'm just silent).

The inhabitants were evacuated from the Kirov plantBut the plant continued to work under the very nose at the German command, and did not destroy it (although, with this task, one lieutenant artillerist could cope with the battery not the largest caliber, with a proper task and sufficient amount of ammunition) ... "

Do you understand what is written here? Here it is written here that the launch of the enemy, which was continuously shot from the guns and bombed the surrounded city of Leningrad, did not bother during this time to destroy the Kirov plant, who issued military equipment, although it could be done in one day!

How can this be explained? Or the fact that the Germans did not know how to shoot, or by the fact that they had no order to destroy the enemy factory, which is no less fantastic than the first assumption; or the German troops who stood near Leningrad, performed another featurewhile we are unknown ...

To understand how the city looks like, truly treated with artillery and aircraft, find the military photos of Stalingrad, who fired not 3 years, and much less time ...

Thus, the reasons for the riddles of Leningrad blockade may be worth searching in a slightly different plane, what are we used to doing it?

The offensive of the fascist troops on Leningrad, whose seizure of the German command attached important strategic and political importance, began on July 10, 1941. In August, heavy battles were already on the approaches to the city. On August 30, the German troops cut the railways that bonded Leningrad with the country. On September 8, 1941, the German fascist troops mastered Shlisselburg and cut off Leningrad from the whole country from Sushi. The nearly 900-day blockade of the city began, a message with which was supported only by Ladoga Lake and by air.

Failure to try to break through the defense of the Soviet troops inside the blockade rings, the Germans decided to take the city of Ismor. For all the calculations of the German command, Leningrad had to be erased from the face of the Earth, and the population of the city die from hunger and cold. In an effort to implement this plan, the opponent led barbaric bombing and artillery shelling of Leningrad: September 8, on the day of the blockade, the first massive bombing of the city occurred. About 200 fires broke out, one of them destroyed Badaevsky food warehouses. In September-October, enemy aviation took several raids per day. The purpose of the enemy was not only to prevent the activities of important enterprises, but also to establish a panic among the population. To do this, in the beginning and end of the working day, a particularly intense actuator was conducted. In just a period of blockade in the city, about 150 thousand shells were released and over 107 thousand incendiary and fugasic bombs were reset. Many died during shelling and bombing, many buildings were destroyed.

Autumn-Winter 1941-1942 - the most terrible blockade time. Early winter brought with me cold - heating, there was no hot water, and Leningraders began to burn furniture, books, disassembled wooden buildings on firewood. Transport stood. People died from dystrophy and cold thousands. But Leningraders continued to work - administrative institutions, typography, clinics, kindergartens, theaters, a public library worked, the scientists continued to work. We worked 13-14-year-old teenagers who were replaced by the fathers who went to the front.

The struggle for Leningrad was fierce. A plan was developed, which provided for measures to strengthen the defense of Leningrad, including the anti-aircraft and anti-archletlery. Over 4,100 dollars and jams were built in the city, 22,000 firepoints were equipped in buildings, over 35 kilometers of barricades and anti-tank obstacles were installed on the streets. Three hundred thousand Leningrad residents participated in the detachments of local air defense of the city. In the afternoon, they carried their watch at the enterprises, in the courtyards of houses, on the roofs.

In the difficult conditions of the blockade, the working people gave the front weapons, equipment, uniforms, ammunition. From the population of the city, 10 divisions of the national militia were formed, 7 of which were personnel.
(Military Encyclopedia. Chairman of the Main Editorial Commission S. B. Ivanov. Milipovdat. Moscow. In 8 volumes -2004 G.G. ISBN 5 - 203 01875 - 8)

In the fall in Ladoga, the lake due to storms movement of the courts were complicated, but tugboats with barges made their way around the ice fields until December 1941, a certain amount of food was delivered by airplanes. The solid ice on the lag was not installed for a long time, the rates of bread were repaired again.

On November 22, the movement of cars on the ice road began. This transport highway received the name "Road of Life". In January 1942, the movement along the winter road was already constant. The Germans bombed and fired on the road, but they could not stop movement.

In winter, the evacuation of the population began. The first to exported women, children, patients, old people. A total evacuated about a million people. In the spring of 1942, when it became a little easier, the Leningrads began to clean, remove the city. Bread issuance rates increased.

In the summer of 1942, a pipeline for supplying Leningrad was laid on the bottom of Ladoga Lake, in the autumn - the energy cable.

Soviet troops have repeatedly tried to break through the ring of the blockade, but they achieved it only in January 1943. The south of Ladoga Lake formed a corridor 8-11 kilometers wide. In the south coast, the Ladoga for 18 days the railway was built with a length of 33 kilometers and erected over the Neva. In February 1943, she went to Leningrad to food, raw materials, ammunition.

The memorial ensembles of the defense of Leningrad are devoted to the memory of the blockade of the blockade and the dead participants of the defense of Leningrad and the Seraphim cemetery, a green belt of fame was created around the city according to the former blockade ring of the front.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information