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Karate Zeon is an effective agricultural product of a new generation. Karate - drug from pests karate zeon instructions for use

This agrochemist is able to solve several problems at once on the gardening and garden plot, reliably protect plants from pests. According to experts, it increases the effectiveness of the fight against Colorado Beetle several times.

The drug is known in the market since 1982 Agrochimikat comes on sale under different trade names. The inscriptions on the packages are distinguished by: Karate, Karate CE, "Karate Zeon".

The substance refers to the chemical class of pyreroids, with the active ingredient "Lambda Cigalline" (50 g / l). For large agricultural enterprises, the liquid is faced into the canisters of 5 liters. In preparative form, the remedy is a microcapsulated suspension that does not smell. Insecticide karate photo resistant, has a long protection.

Owners of household plots are more convenient to use suspension in capsules. Chemical water soluble. Each package indicates the consumption of a substance to produce 10 l of the ready mixture. This facilitates the preparation of working solutions.

After spraying crops insecticide "Karate Zeon", the use of additional chemicals is not required. It is necessary to give a mixture dry. The active ingredient of the agrochemicals begins to act only at this stage of processing. After 2-3 hours. The result of spraying becomes noticeable.

Use an arbitrary amount of insecticide exceeding the recommended flow rate is prohibited.

Advantages and disadvantages

High insecticide efficiency ensures excellent results after each application. The main advantages of the drug are:

The main disadvantage of this means is a negative impact on the fauna of the ecosystem. Chemical belongs to the III class of danger for people.

Insecticide is lowly toxic for feathery, but is a greater danger to bees. Using is permissible not closer than a distance of 6 km from the Medosor zone.

For fish, chemical is also harmful. If protective solutions flow from the leaf crops will fall into the pond or lake, the mass death of the inhabitants will begin. Insecticide does not apply near fish farms.

In people who are prone to allergic reactions, the drug provokes deterioration of well-being. Even with minimal feedbacks, it is recommended to start taking medicines in advance with such people.

Apply chemical follows only if there are special equipment (clothing, gloves, glasses, respirator). It is important to follow the rules indicated on the package.

Instructions for use and expense rate

Name of culture How to process, drug consumption
Bean Spraying should be carried out no later than the growing season. Consumption: 200 - 300 l / ha. Spraying frees the plants from the muscular weevils, tryps, aphid.
Cabbage Processing starts with the onset of the growing season. Fund consumption: 200 - 300 l / ha. The drug "works" against cabbage whites, cruciferous flews, cabbage scoops and moles.
Berry shrubs and fruit trees Processing is carried out no later than the growing period. Consumption: 700 - 1300 l / ha.

The working mixture affects the web ticks, peelers, leaflerting, floss, frozing, apple colorful color.

Grain Cultures are treated while vegetation lasts. Consumption during terrestrial pollination: 200 - 500 l / ha.

If plants spray with an airplane, less working solutions are spent: from 30 to 60 l per 1 hectare. The drug destroys tool, cereal gallicles, trips, bread beetles, flea, scoop, grasshoppers.

Houseplants Small portions of the working mixture are used (0.3 ml per 1 liter of water). For each plant requires 50-55 ml of solution. Enough one processing for the year.
Greenhouse plants Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers sprayed 1 time per month. The concentration of the working solution is 0, 02%. Consumption: 70 - 130 ml for 1 square meters. m greenhouse territory.

The greenhouse greens is pollinated by a solution having a concentration of 0, 01%. Consumption of the working mixture - up to 80 ml per square meter.

Use against Colorado Beetle

These pests are not indifferent to parole cultures. Most of all Colorado beetles harm potatoes. They meet on Bulgarian peppers, eggplants, tomatoes. To destroy dangerous insects, you need:

  1. Dilute 2 ml of means in water (1 l).
  2. The resulting mixture is dissolved in a bucket with water, to withstand within an hour.
  3. Spray liquid over affected plants.
  4. Repeat processing in a month.

Spraying is better to spend during the growing season. Consumption: 200 - 400 l / ha.


The drug has a good combination with many agrochemicals. The basic condition of compatibility is the coincidence of the use of other compositions with the use of Karate. Most similar drugs have the same consumption standards.

Experts advise each combination with another tool to check in practice using minimal dosages. Good results give an alternation of insecticidal preparations related to different chemical groups.


The tool can not be used near water bodies, wells, springs. It is unacceptable preparation and use of the drug next to animal feeds, food.

Experienced farmers know how important when working with this composition is to comply with the Special Regulations:

  • spray cultures in the evening;
  • choose for processing windless days;
  • to withstand the necessary bees and fish distance to the zone of application "Karate".

All equipment, packaging from working solutions is thoroughly after processing the site. It should be taken in advance to choose a room suitable for such a procedure.

Toxicity and first aid

Despite the weakness of the impact of the chemical on people, there are cases of poisoning by this means. Most often, the reason for the extension of the suspension per unit area of \u200b\u200bthe site becomes.

Signs of lesions are:

  • the emergence of muscle weakness;
  • fallen eyelids;
  • nerve tick;
  • disturbed coordination of movements;
  • appearance of convulsion;
  • rounded from the oral cavity.

With such symptoms, you must immediately call a doctor. Before the arrival of the physicians, it is advisable to bring the victim to the consciousness, to give it to drink clean water to wash the stomach, intestines. Suggest accept adsorbents (coal activated, recider).

If the poisoning occurred with sprayed toxins, it is necessary to make a victim soda inhalation. After that, you can give patients with expectorant action.

With the tactful nature of the lesion, the problem zones should be lubricated with zinc ointment. You can make a compress from a weak manganese solution.

Protective period

This agrochemical has "Nokdown" - the effect on the majority of garden pests. The rate of death insects depends on their type, the concentration of the means. Most often, the effect is noticeable after 30 minutes. After starting processing.

It is impossible to increase the permissible rate of consumption of the means to enhance the power of the impact.

The protection duration depends on the shelf life of the drug, weather conditions. Different modifications of Karate provide the safety of cultures within a time period from 2 weeks to 2-3 months.

Storage conditions and shelf life

"Karate Zeon" retains activity for 3 years from the date of the manufacturer specified on the package. When storing the agrochemicals, it is impossible to be allowed in the room of high humidity, the temperature range must be: from -5 to +34 degrees.

All chemicals should be kept in isolated from children and animal indoors.

Similar drugs

Many farmers are used to protect crops other funds with high efficiency. The procedure for the preparation of the working solution for each composition is indicated in the instructions on the package.

The alternation of "Karate Zeon" with the insecticides of another composition prevents segmentist adapt to the drug.

Each gardener and the garden independently determines the means to combat pests on the site. Most often, preference is given to agrochemicals of a wide range of action that does not affect the health of people and plants. Such as Karate Zeon.

This composition is used to get rid of pests, prevention, premises processing in front of the fruit laying, grain for storage. It is important to observe the dosages of working solutions used on cultures, not neglect the safety rules. The competent actions of the farmer, the correct consumption of suspension will provide not only abundant harvest, but also maintain a healthy state of the ecosystem on the site.

Manufacturer: Singent

Preparative form: microcapsulated suspension (ISS)

Active substance: lambda Cigalotrin

Concentration D.V.: 50 g / l

Chemical class of active substance: pyrethroids

Packaging: kanister 5l

Pyrethroid insecticide to protect crops from a complex of pests, including ticks, as well as for disinsection of granaries and adjacent territories


Karate Zeon, ISS - Pyretroid insecticide, is designed to protect grain, technical, vegetable, fruit and other cultures from a complex of leaf-gas and sucking pests, including ticks. Karate Zeon, the ISS also applies to handling unlucky warehouses and plotting areas against a complex of barn pests. Karate Zeon, the ISS can be included in the program of integrated protection of crops.


  • Active substance Contains lambda-cigalotrine, one of the most effective molecules to protect against sucking and leaf-racing pests.
  • Fast action. Quickly penetrates through the insect cuticle and affects the nervous system, which for several minutes leads to the cessation of food activity, paralyzing effect and destruction of the pest.
  • Mechanism of action. Contact; intestinal; pronounced repellent properties even in sublutal doses; Residual protection of processed surfaces.
  • Wide spectrum of action.It is highly effective against a wide range of pests on all life stages - from the larva to Imago.
  • Reliable effect.The effectiveness against pests is better compared to the previous preparative form - the concentrate of the emulsion.
  • Improved formulation. Microcapsulated suspension; protection against UV rays; High polling point; lack of smell; The only combined microcapsulated preparative form on the market (the size of the capsules in Zeon technology is 0.1-10 μm, made by conventional technology - 20-50 μm).
  • Reducing the risk of toxicity.The active active ingredient is placed in microcapsules in the aqueous suspension, which reduces the risk of skin irritation and eye for the operator.
  • High economic efficiency.High raidness and photostability provide longer protection even under adverse conditions, which, in combination with biological efficiency and low cost of the hectare norm, provides high economic returns.
  • Verified effect.Independent tests on various cultures and 5 years of widespread industrial applications around the world confirm the high efficiency of karate in Zeon technology.
  • Flexible application deadlines.Excellent protection of plants, both when conducting planned treatments and processing in critical situations.
  • Compatibility.Compatible in tank mixtures with most pesticides and adversal. It can be included in the protection programs of various cultures, as well as programs for the integrated protection of plants from pests.

Compatibility with other pesticides

Supply in tank mixtures with most insecticides, fungicides and herbicides applied in the same time. However, in each particular case, mixed drugs should be checked for compatibility.

Protective period

2-3 weeks (depending on weather conditions, the timing of the use and type of pests).

Speed \u200b\u200bof exposure

Karate Zeon, the ISS has a pronounced "Nokdown" -Effect. The death occurs after 30 minutes and up to 2-3 hours after treatment (depending on the climatic conditions, the species and physiological state of the pest).

Technology application

The purity of the tank, main pipelines and tips, as well as the serviceability of the entire sprayer is checked before the start of protective works. Then determines the amount and uniformity of water supply through the tips and compare with the calculated data on the flow rate of the working fluid per 1 hectare. Spraying is made in the morning or evening clock in windless weather, preventing the demolition of the drug to neighboring cultures. Use Karate Zeon, the ISS in the maximum rate of consumption at high pests and when working against Imago and older larvae. The expenditure rate of the working fluid should be sufficient to cover the entire leaf surface of the culture, but do not allow the preparation from the treated surface. After completing the work with the drug thoroughly rinse the sprayer and spraying equipment.

The procedure for preparing the working fluid

Fill? Sprayer tank clean water. Turn on the stirrer, add the calculated and measured amount of the drug and continue filling the sprayer tank with simultaneous stirring. Continue stirring and during processing to ensure homogeneity of the working mixture. When using Karate Zeon, an ISS in a tank mixture with other pesticides, add preparations into water to the sprayer tank in the following order: * SP\u003e VDS\u003e SC\u003e Karate Zeon, ISS\u003e KE (* - In the case of use in a tank mixture of a component in a water-soluble package , This drug is dissolved in the sprayer tank first). Each subsequent component is added after complete dissolution of the previous one. The working solution should be used on the day of preparation.


When using the drug in strict accordance with the recommendations developed by the firm, the risk of phytotoxicity is not created.

The possibility of resistance

Absent, subject to strict adherence to the recommendations developed by the company. To prevent resistance, it is recommended to alternate the use of insecticides from different chemical groups that differ in the action mechanism.

Storage of drug

Store the preparation in a dry warehouse for pesticides in the temperature range from -5 ° C to + 35 ° C.

Storage term

3 years from the date of manufacture.

Regulations for the use of insecticide karate zeon, ISS

Culture Consumption rate, l, kg / ha Harmful object Method, processing time, features of application Expectance period (short-term transmission) The timing of the exit for the manual. (fur.) works
Wheat 0,2 Bread beetles, trips, fleece, cycards Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption: with ground spraying - 200-400 l / ha, with aviation - 25-50 l / ha 40(1) 10(4)
0,15 Klopa Harmful turtle, twi, boil 40(2)
0.15 (a)
0,1 Grass Gallians 40(1)
Barley 0,15-0,2 Flies, boils, cycards, triples, stem sawers, ph 40(2)
0.15-0.2 (a)
Corn (for grain) 0,2-0,3 Cotton scoop 40(1)
0.2-0.3 (a)
0,2 Corn Moth 40(2)
Peas 0,1-0,125 Pea Komarik, Tly, TRIPS, NEWONS 30(1)
Soy. 0,4 Cobed tick 40(1)
Mustard 0,1 Rapeseed color 30(1)
Rape 0,1-0,15 20(2)
Apple tree 0,4 Frozhorks, leafpers, ticks Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 1000-1500 l / ha
0,1-0,15 Apple tree color Spraying to flowering. Consumption of the working fluid - 800-1200 l / ha 20(1)
Cherry (Musicians) 0,4 Weather Clean Tick, Tsley, Laptop -(2)
Strawberry (Musician) 0,5 Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 300-500 l / ha
Raspberry 0,4 Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 800-1200 l / ha
Currant (Musicians) 0,3-0,4
Gooseberry (Mastery) 0,3 Weather tick, twi, sawers
Cabbage 0,1 Capping scoop, cabbage beyanka, cabbage mole, cruciferous fleece Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 200-400 l / ha 30(1)
Tomato Colorado beetle
0,4 Cotton scoop 30(2)
Onion 0,15-0,2 Tobacco Trips 25(2)
0,3-0,4 Lukova Muha
Carrot 0,1-0,2 Carrot Listoblushka 30(1)
0,2-0,25 Carrot fly Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 200-300 l / ha
Proponous gardens, forest protection strips 0,2-0,4 American white butterfly Spraying during the growing season. The flow rate of the working fluid is 1000-1500 l / ha. Waiting time for collecting wild mushrooms and berries - 30 days -(2)
Len-Dolgaine 0,1-0,15 Flea Spraying shoots. Working fluid consumption - 100-200 l / ha
Alfalfa 0,15 Blugs, Tly, Weevils, Listoblishes, Lucerne Tolstone Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 200-400 l / ha 30(2)
Sugar beets Beetcloth flea, weevils Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 100-200 l / ha 20(1)
Sugar beets 0,15 -0,2 Meadow moth Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 200-400 l / ha 20(1) 10(4)
Pastures, sites populated by locusts, wild vegetation 0,1-0,15 Locust unstatable Spraying during the development period of larvae. The flow rate of the working fluid: with ground spraying - 200-400 l / ha, with aviation - 25-50 l / ha. Waiting time for collecting wild mushrooms and berries - 30 days -(1)
0.1-0.15 (a) Locular racial (larvae of younger ages)
0,2-0,4 Locular races (older larvae
0.2-0.4 (a)
Unloaded warehouses and equipment of grain processing enterprises 0.4 ml / m2 Pests reserves Spraying. Consumption - up to 50 ml / m2. Admission to people and loading warehouses in 3 days after processing -(-) -(-)
The territory of grain processing enterprises and granaries in farms 0.8 ml / m2 Pests reserves Spraying. Consumption - up to 200 ml / m2
Grapes 0,32-0,48 Listers, ticks Spraying during the growing season. Consumption - 800-1000 l / ha 10(2) 10(4)
Potatoes 0,1 Colorado beetle Spraying during the growing season. Working fluid consumption - 200-400 l / ha 7(2)
0,2 Tli and Cycades - Virus Mine 7(1)
Pasture 0,2-0,3 Meadow moth Spraying during the growing season. The term for collecting wild mushrooms and berries is 30 days. Working fluid consumption - 200-400 l / ha -(1)

Registrant: LLC "Singen"

Registration number: 0980-07-101-018-0-1-1-0-02

Registration date: 25.12.2017

Hazard class for mammals: 3

Hazard class for bees: 1

There are restrictions on use in the sanitary zone around fisheries reservoirs

In addition to the drug Karate Zeon, TK9 GK sells wholesale many means of plant protection, including the insecticide of the new generation of Coragen, COP (highly efficient against the Colorado beetle, applety frozing and leaflerting). The full list with prices is presented in the section "Plant Protection".

Karate Zeon - Pyretroid insecticide, designed to protect crops from a whole complex of pests. Insecticide Karate Zeon is used to disinsect the granaries and territories adjacent to them. Effectively struggles with gallic ticks and other pests at any stages of their life cycle, which can settle on decorative plants and potatoes, as well as on grain, vegetable, technical and fruit crops.

Its active substance is lambda-cigalotrine - the most effective molecules opposing sucking and leaf-raging pests, the activity of which begins after drying the applied solution and the maximum after three hours the result appears.

Pluses of the use of insecticide

The drug Karate Zeon in use has a number of significant advantages, compared with others, providing him with high economic efficiency:

  • it has excellent photostability and raidness, which increases the protection duration regardless of the degree of favorable conditions. These properties determine the combination of the low cost of the drug and its high biological activity;
  • it has a wide range of action, highly efficient for pests at any stages of vital activity from the larvae to Imago;
  • available in the convenient form of a microcapsulated suspension with protection against ultraviolet rays, odorless, resistant to fire, allowing you to quickly release active substances;
  • the speed of action provides instant penetration through the insect cuticle and the impact on its nervous system and paralysis at first the digestive system, and then the entire body leading to death;
  • the variability of the timing of application both during planned treatments and in particularly critical situations;
  • can be combined with other fertilizers and serve as component of plants integrated protection programs;
  • confirmation of tests in industrial conditions around the world.

Karate zeon instructions for use

Strictly follow the instructions of Karate Zeon.

If you need to use the drug Karate Zeon, the instructions for its use is strictly regulated. For the preparation of the working solution of Karate Zeon, the rate of consumption is determined by the types of cultures and varieties of pests settled on them:

  • when processing pest cabbage: cabbage moths, whitens and scoops, cruciferous flews need to be dissolved 0.1 liters of preparation. Processing is produced during the growing season;
  • to protect the potatoes from the Colorado beetle, 0.1 liters of the drug will be required, and from the cycard and Tly - 0.2 l;
  • onions are treated with a drug from a onion flies using 0.3-0.4 liters, and from a tobacco trips, for which they take 0.15-0.2 liters;
  • the drug is effective to protect carrots from sheetoblock (0.1-0,2l) and carrot flies (0.2-0.25 l);
  • to process tomatoes from a colorado beetle take 0.1 liters, and from cotton scoop - 0.4 liters of the drug;
  • for treating an apple tree from leaflerting, frozing and ticks are divorced 0.4 liters, and from apple color from 0.1 to 0.15 liters of Karate Zeon.

Important: The specified amount of Karate Zeon preparation during the preparation of the solution must be breed in 10 liters of water.

Compatibility with other drugs

Perhaps a combination with other types of pesticides (agrochemicals), among which most of the species of fungicides and herbicides. When checking the preparations used for compatibility and the absence of phytotoxicity in cultures in need of processing are suitable for the preparation of tank mixtures from components that have similar applications.

Protective period, security measures

The protective effect of the drug Karate Zeon lasts from two to three weeks.

The period of protective activity of the drug is from two to three weeks, which is determined by the shelf life, weather conditions and the type of pest. By speed, the drug is characterized by a noticeable "knockdown" - effect. Insect death occurs after half an hour and a maximum of 2-3 hours after spraying reaches a complete effect.

The drug refers to the third class of danger, has a weakly pronounced toxicity for birds, highly toxic for fish and bees.

When using the drug, it is necessary to observe the following security measures.:

  • plant treatment should be carried out in the evening after sunset;
  • use the drug only with low wind, not exceeding 1-2 m / s;
  • the border guard zone of the territory treated and the summer bees should be up to 5 km;
  • after processing, the period limiting the arrival of bees acts from 4 to 6 days;
  • not allowed contamination of water bodies and drinking water sources by agrochemicals and their waste, including water washing containers;
  • at the newly processed territories, the grazing of animals is prohibited;
  • the drug should not fall into animal feed and food.

Important: It is impossible to use the drug in the sanitary zone around fish farm reservoirs within a radius of two kilometers, including flooding zones.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Many who used the drug Karate Zeon speak positively and advise him to use it.

The storage of the drug should be carried out in a dry special room designed to preserve pesticides at a temperature not lower than -5 and not higher than +35 degrees. The shelf life is three years after the date of production.

The drug "Karate" is quite popular with gardeners and vegetable breeding products. It is used to destroy pests of potatoes, on berries against the leaflerting, a web tir, in a garden for the destruction of gallic ticks.

Trading titles of the drug are somewhat different. It is published under the names: Insecticide "Karate Zenon"; Insecticide "Karate CE". In fact, this is the same substance. Different manufacturers have given names so that the purchased goods can be distinguished when implementing.

The appointment of "karate" - protection of plants and harvested crops from tool, tinchiks and other insects. With the advent of insecticide in 1982, the struggle against the Colorado Beetle became more efficient.

This substance has become alternating with other drugs against a dangerous pest. It is the alternation that allows us to protect the harvest for many years.

Emulsion is easily dissolved in water. It is quite easy to prepare working solutions to handle fields and gardens.

For small territories "Karate" produced in small capsules (2 ml). For production complexes, concentrates can be implemented. For agroholding, packaging in barrels (50 and 100 l) is provided.

Application "Karate" to treat plants in the garden and in the garden

Not only potatoes need to be protected from pests. Therefore, recommendations for gardeners about vegetable breeds have been developed. Standard solution needs to be breeding in water. Working solutions are calculated on the volume of 10 liters of the finished substance. It should be applied on an area of \u200b\u200b100 m².

Use of the drug on leguminous cultures.

Quite often and strongly annoyed with legumes: Non-rigid weevils, trips, trips and pea mosquitoes. To destroy pests, it is necessary to prepare a solution and perform processing.

  1. 1 liter is dissolved with 1 ml of concentrate.
  2. Plugs into the capacity 10 l and the water fills until the volume is filling.
  3. In the case of the use of smaller sprayers, it is necessary to dissolve the preliminary solution in the ratio of 1 to 10.
  4. 10 liters of the finished working preparation are used to process crops with an area of \u200b\u200b1 weaving (100 m²).
  5. When processing, spraying is produced from all sides of the sheet surface.
  6. Unwanted fluid loss on the soil, insecticide is valid only on the green plant part.
  7. The drug is valid only when eating the green part of the plant pests.
  8. It is recommended a single application of a pesticide on the crops of legume crops.

Using the drug when processing cabbage

The main pests on the cabbage are: cabbage, butterfly Belyanka, cruciferous flew, scoop and moth. The fight against these pests is reduced to the processing of working solutions.

  1. For the preparation of the primary solution, 1 ml of a concentrated emulsion in 1 liter of water is breeded.
  2. The primary solution is bred in proportion 1 to 10. Therefore, they cast the desired amount from the initial dissolution of the concentrate and create a working fluid.
  3. It is advisable to conduct processing in the morning or daytime clock.
  4. Cabbage spray on all sides, try to fill the space between the leaves when forming the fork. When processing cauliflower, the spraying torch is directed not only from above, but also from the bottom.
  5. 10 l of the finished liquid is used on an area of \u200b\u200b100 m².
  6. Recommended single processing during the Cabbage Cycle.

Application of the drug "Karate" against the Colorado beetle

Colorado beetle causes great damage to potatoes. He visits other grain cultures: tomatoes, eggplants and Bulgarian peppers. The destruction of the beetle and its larvae is carried out in the following sequence.

  1. 2 ml is bred in 1 liter of water. The primary solution is obtained, which is further divorced 10 times, dissolving the resulting liquid in a volume of 10 liters.
  2. Conduct a spraying of potato and other rapid bushes using spraying in the form of a small fog. The size of the droplets is 10 ... 20 μm.
  3. Recommend such treatment with a periodicity of 30 days. The season is possible 2 ... 3 processing.

Using the drug for processing berry shrubs and fruit trees

On the berries there are leptimers, a web tick, aphids, fruit of apple moths and other pests appear on the berries. To destroy pests, a solution is prepared in the following order.

5 ml for tall trees and 4 ml for shrubs and average apple trees, pears and cherries are dissolved in 1 liter of water.

  1. The prepared solution is further dissolved in 10 liters.
  2. A tall tree is consumed to 2 liters of cooked liquid.
  3. For processing the currant or gooseberry bush, 0.5 ... 1.0 l of the prepared solution is consumed.
  4. For processing garden strawberries, calculation is carried out on the squares. 10 liters per berry 100 ... 120 m².
  5. Recommended to carry out the processing twice per season. Periodicity 30 ... 45 days.

Treatment of grain crops

To protect the grain is treated with tractors. The concentrate is bred in tanks. For the preparation of the working solution are applied as follows.

  1. 20 ml of concentrate is bred in a tank of 100 liters.
  2. When installing standard tanks, 400 liters on the tractor will need to dissolve 80 ml of concentrate.
  3. For processing 1 hectare, 100 liters of the finished solution will be required.
  4. Requires twice processing per season.
  5. Perhaps the use of agricultural aviation. The processing is performed at the height of the flight of the aircraft at a height of 15 ... 20 m.
  6. Destroy: scoop, mole, gray and black rot, moths, grasshoppers and other grain pests.

Before laying a grain for storage using "karate" facilities. Spraying is carried out for 20 ... 30 days before the start of the grain.

Processing of indoor plants

Houseplants, as well as plants in greenhouses are processed by small portions.

  1. A solution is prepared in which about 0.3 ml of substance is used from the Karate concentrate.
  2. Dissolve in 1 liter of water.
  3. Spray flowers, bushes at the rate of 50 ml per plant.
  4. It is enough to spend one-time processing for the season.

Processing of plants in greenhouses

In greenhouses in the cultivation of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers create working solutions with a concentration of 0.02% using a finished concentrate. On 1 m², 80 ... 120 ml of the working solution are consumed.

The drug is effective for cucumber plants, but spraying should be carried out with a periodicity of 1 time in 30 ... 35 days.

When growing a spiced greenery, as well as in the winter period of onions, parsley, dill, celery and coriander, a solution is prepared with a concentration of 0.01%. On 1 m² sprinkle to 50 ... 70 ml of the finished solution.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Advantages of using insecticide

The main advantages of the drug.

  1. The drug is destroyed for a wide variety of segal pests. The action begins after eating green mass, treated plants.
  2. After making on the surface of the leaves and the stems of ready-made solutions, the plants are protected within 30 ... 60 days (the manufacturer claims that the action continues up to 9 months, but there are no such long periods of cultivation in the Russian Federation).
  3. The presence in the composition of the suspension of surfactants, which, after drying, form a durable film, allow to maintain even with strong precipitation.
  4. Among the analogues of this drug is the lowest price (approximately 1800 ... 1950 rubles / l for the summer period of 2018). The cost of production will be one of the lowest.
  5. It is destroyed up to 95 ... 100% of pests present in the garden. Explained simply. Those insects that consume parts of the plant receive their portion of toxins with food.
  6. Does not accumulate in the soil, campaign completely upon completion of the protective action.
  7. To destroy the insects released from eggs, it is necessary to re-process after 20 ... 40 days after the first spraying.
  8. It does not harm with rainworms, they do not have food without parts of the plant, but the soil products of the decay of organic substances.

Disadvantages of the drug.

  1. It is not recommended to apply in the fields where the hives are placed. Bees are exposed to the entire validity period.
  2. Many insects are addictive. Therefore, the Insecticide "Karate" must be alternating with other drugs of similar action.
  3. If you have users and surrounding predispositions to allergies, you need to take appropriate drugs to prevent the effects of using insecticide. Danger occurs during the first two hours after spraying the substance in the garden or in the garden. Strictly observe security measures when working with Karate.


  1. To combat pests in the garden and in the garden, you can use insecticide "Karate Zeon" and its analogue - "karate ki". It is recommended to alternate with other insecticides. Then arthropods will not have addiction to the drug.
  2. The drug is effective against most garden and garden pests. Insecticide action has a long validity period. It accumulates in the green mass of the plant and with any eating a fragment of the stem or sheet falls into the gastrointestinal tract of the insect.
  3. The high efficiency of the drug in the fields, in gardens and gardens. Up to 100% of existing artiforms on the surface of the stems and leaves are destroyed. At the same time, underground animals do not suffer, as they feed on the products located in the soil layer.
  4. There is a high susceptibility to the drug in people exposed to allergies. When used, it is necessary to follow personal safety measures.

Karate Zeon - Huge Power in Little Capsules

Karate Zeon is a pyreteoid insecticide, protecting agricultural crops from a huge list of pests, among which ticks, as well as used for the disinsection of granaries and territories that are adjacent to them.

Pluses of the use of insecticide

Karate Zeon - a drug that effectively copes with a wide range of pests at any stages of their life, from the larvae to Imago

Comfortable microcapsulated suspension; ensuring protection against UV rays; ignition point is high; no smell; Preparative form - microcapsulated faster-minded, the only one of its kind (according to zeon-technology the size of the capsules - 0.1-10 μm, on the usual - 20-50 μm)

Economic efficiency high

Excellent photostability and raidness contribute to an increase in longer protection even with not the most favorable conditions, due to which the complex with low cost and biological efficiency of the hectare norm, high economic returns can be guaranteed.

Purpose of the drug: protection of grain, vegetable, technical, fruit, as well as some other crops from a number of sucking and sheet-raging pests, including ticks. With the help of the insecticide Karate Zeon, the processing of warehouse unlotyped rooms, as well as the plotting territories against a number of barn pests, is also carried out. It is permissible to include the drug Karate Zeon to the programs for integrated protection of crops.

Karate zeon instructions for use, compliance with which is required.

Culture Processed against Consumption of the drug (norm), l, kg / ha Waiting time, days (number of processing)
Processing method; * Output deadlines for mechanized and manual works, days
Grapes Magnifier, leptimers 0,32–0,48 10(2)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption is 800 to 1000 l / ha.
Cherry (Musicians) 0,4 -(2)

* 10(4)
Peas Tli, nodule weevils, pea mosquito, trips 0,1–0,125 30(1)

* 10(4)
Mustard Rapeseed color 0,1 30(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Strawberry (Musician) Tly, web tick, leaflerting 0,5 -(2)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of the working solution - from 300 to 500 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Cabbage Cabbage mole, cabbage beyanka, cabbage scoop, cruciferous fleece 0,1 30(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Potatoes Colorado beetle 0,1 7(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Cycades and Tsi - Virus Carriers 0,2 7(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Gooseberry (Mastery) Tlima, web tick, sawers 0,3 -(2)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of the working solution - from 800 to 1200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Corn (for grain) Corn Moth 0,2 40(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Cotton scoop 0,2–0,3 40(1)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of the working solution: with terrestrial processing - from 200 to 400 l / ha, with aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha.
* 10(4)
0.2-0.3 (a) 40(1)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of the working solution: with ground use - from 200 to 400 l / ha, with aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Len-Dolgaine Flea 0,1–0,15 -(2)
Treatment of shoots. Consumption of the working solution - from 100 to 200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Onion Lukova Muha 0,3–0,4 25(2)

* 10(4)
Tobacco Trips 0,15–0,2 25(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 300 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Alfalfa Tsley, bugs, weevils, Tolston-dog Lucerne, leafoblishes 0,15 30(2)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Raspberry Tly, web tick, leaflerting 0,4 -(2)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of the working solution - from 800 to 1200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Carrot Carrot Listoblushka 0,1–0,2 30(1)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of the working solution - from 100 to 200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Carrot fly 0,2–0,25 30(1)
Processing during the growing season. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 300 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Equipment of grain processing enterprises and unloaded warehouses Pests reserves 0.4 ml / m2 -(-)
Spraying. Consumption is a maximum of 50 ml / m². The presence of people and the loading of warehouses after 3 days after processing is allowed.
* -(-)
Foresting strips, non-pronomy gardens American white butterfly 0,2–0,4 -(2)
Processing during the growing season. Consumption of the working solution - from 1000 to 1500 l / ha. Waiting time for collecting wild berries and mushrooms is 1 month.
* 10(4)
Pasture Meadow moth 0,2–0,3 -(1)
Processing during the growing season. The collection time of wild berries and mushrooms is 1 month. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Sections populated by locusts, pastures, wild vegetation Locust unstatable 0,1–0,15 -(1)
Treatment during the development of larvae. Consumption of the working solution: with ground use - from 200 to 400 l / ha, with aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha. Waiting time for collecting wild berries and mushrooms is 1 month.
* 10(4)
Locular racial (larvae of younger ages) 0.1-0.15 (a) -(1)

* 10(4)
Locular races (older larvae 0,2–0,4 -(1)
Treatment during the development of larvae. Consumption of the working solution: with ground use - from 200 to 400 l / ha, with aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha. Waiting time for collecting wild berries and mushrooms is 1 month.
* 10(4)
0.2-0.4 (a) -(1)
Treatment during the development of larvae. Consumption of the working solution: with ground use - from 200 to 400 l / ha, with aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha. Waiting time for collecting wild berries and mushrooms is 1 month.
* 10(4)
Wheat Grass Gallians 0,1 40(1)
Tly, bug Harmful turtle, boil 0,15 40(2)
* 10(4)
0.15 (a) 40(2)
Treatment during vegetation. Consumption of the working solution: with ground use - from 200 to 400 l / ha, with aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Cycades, Trips, Bread Beetles, Fleece 0,2 40(1)
Treatment during vegetation. Consumption of the working solution: with ground use - from 200 to 400 l / ha, with aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha. * 10 (4)
Rape Rapeseed color 0,1–0,15 20(2)

* 10(4)
Sugar beets Meadow moth 0,15–0,2 20(1)
Treatment during vegetation. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Weevils, beetral flew 0,15 20(1)

* 10(4)
Tli 0,15 20(1)
Treatment during vegetation. Consumption of the working solution - from 100 to 200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Currant (Musicians) Tly, web tick, leaflerting 0,3–0,4 -(2)
Treatment during vegetation. Consumption of the working solution - from 800 to 1200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Soy. Cobed tick 0,4 40(1)
Treatment during vegetation. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Territory of granaries in farms and grain processing enterprises Pests reserves 0.8 ml / m2 -(-)
Spraying. Consumption is a maximum of 200 ml / m2.
* -(-)
Tomato Colorado beetle 0,1 30(1)
Treatment during vegetation. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Cotton scoop 0,4 30(2)
Treatment during vegetation. The consumption of the working solution is from 200 to 400 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Apple tree Listers, frozhors, ticks 0,4 20(2)
Treatment during vegetation. Consumption of the working solution - from 1000 to 1500 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Apple tree color 0,1–0,15 20(1)
Processing to flowering. Consumption of the working solution - from 800 to 1200 l / ha.
* 10(4)
Barley Piavian, flies, cycards, stem sawers, trips, phones 0,15–0,2 40(2)
Treatment during vegetation. Consumption of the working solution: with ground use - from 200 to 400 l / ha, with aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha.
* 10(4)
0.15-0.2 (a) 40(2)
Treatment during vegetation. Consumption of the working solution: with ground use - from 200 to 400 l / ha, with aviation - from 25 to 50 l / ha.
* 10(4)

Combination with other types of plant protection products (agrochemicals): well combined in tank mixtures with a majority of fungicides, insecticides and herbicides, the deadlines for the use of which coincide. But in each case, it is worth checking for the combination of mixed pesticides.

The time of protective activity: 2-3 weeks (depends on the terms of application, weather conditions and the type of pests).

Speed: Karate Insecticide Zeon is characterized by a pronounced "NOCDUN" -EFECT. The occurrence of death occurs after half an hour and up to 2-3 hours after the spraying (depends on the climatic conditions, the physiological state and the type of pest).

The possibility of developing resistance: if you precisely adhere to the recommendations from the company-producer, there is no. To avoid the development of resistance, it is desirable to alternate the use of insecticides from various chemical groups, the mechanism of action is different.

Application technique: Before the start of protective works, tested the purity of the tank, tips and trunk pipelines. After that, the amount is set and tested the uniformity of water supply through the tips, comparing with the calculated data relative to the flow rate of the working solution by 1 hectare. Treatment is carried out in the morning or in the evening, when there is no wind, to prevent the pesticide demolition to neighboring cultures. When it is necessary to destroy imago or older larvae or when the population is high, the insecticide Karate Zeon, the ISS is used in the maximum rate of consumption. The consumption of the working solution should be sufficient to fully cover the entire leaf surface of the culture, but it is impossible to be allowed to make the drug with a treated surface. Having finished working with the drug, rinse the spraying equipment and sprayer well.

Methods of preparation of the working solution: Fill in clean water Polbath sprayer. Run the stirrer, add a measured pre-calculated amount of the drug and, without stopping the mixing, continue to fill the sprayer tank. Do not stop mixing and in the processing process to ensure the homogeneity of the working mixture. By applying a catete mixture of Zeon, an ISS with other agrochemicals, add plant protection tools to the sprayer tank in the water in this order: * SP\u003e VDS\u003e SC\u003e Karate Zeon\u003e CE (* - when used in a tank mixture of a component in a water-soluble packaging, dissolved it The first in the sprayer tank). Each new component is added only after the complete dissolution of the previous one. The working fluid must be used at the day when it was cooked.

Storage conditions: Store in a dry warehouse for pesticides at a temperature (-5 ° C - + 35 ° C).

Shelf life: 3 years from the date of production.

Preparation actions

Lambda Cigalline acts pretty quickly. The substance easily falls through the cuticle inside the insect, breaking the nervous conductivity due to the impact on sodium channels, which have the membranes of nerve cells, which is why it is constantly activated. As a result, the nervous cell depolarization occurs and the rapid loss of monitoring muscle activity.

Food activity stops for a couple of minutes from the moment the active ingredient is received in the insect's body, after this pest paralyzes and it dies. Secondary physiological changes and death from dehydration occur over the next day.

The conducted research and considerable experience of commercial use proved that if we compare with other pyrethroids, the lambda-cigalotrine shows higher activity and is characterized by a broader spectrum of action even in the case of the use of very low flow rate. Subjectal doses of insecticide are scared insects and prevent their nutrition on plants, so that you can extend protective activity and prevent damage to their pests.


Third hazard class: Pesticide is lowly toxic for birds, toxic for bees and fish.

It is not allowed to use in the San zone around fishery reservoirs at a distance of five hundred meters inclusive of the flooding boundary when the standing flood water is maximum, and at a distance of 2 km from the existing shores.

It is impossible to allow contamination of drinking water sources and water bodies to the residues of agrochemical and water, which was used to flush equipment and containers. Insecticide should not get into feed and food.

First class hazard for bees: Pesticids highly hazardous for bees.

It is important to comply with the following environmental regulations:

· Processing plants evening time when the sun has gone

· When wind speed - does not exceed 1-2 m / s

· Border and protective zone of summer for bees - from 4-5 km

· Summer restriction bees - from 4-6 days

In Russia, Karate Zeon is beneficial to the company Teknotorg48, since the price of it, which we offer is optimal.