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Shredder smell indoors. A selection of effective methods of combating unpleasant odors. Order Disinfection and destroying odors in apartments - Sanitary service "Ecomos Group"

An unpleasant odor in the room is a real catastrophe for people who are forced to be in it. And if this room is your home or work, staying in it becomes real torture. And get rid of the non-passive sinual is not very simple. Rooming the premises will not give any effect, deodorants temporarily disguise the unpleasant smell, and maybe they just mix with him, making the air even more heavy. If you have a task to get rid of the unpleasant smell into the room forever, you need a more thoughtful approach in solving this issue.

What is a dry fog to remove odors in rooms and apartments?

Innovative technology for the propagation of special solutions by spraying dry fog in the root changed the approach to eliminating unpleasant odors in the rooms. This method does not mask the unpleasant smell, but eliminates its reason returning the long-awaited freshness in your home. Recent developments in the field of deodorization of premises, such as a dry fog generator and special drugs to destroy odors, get rid of the unpleasant problem the most seemingly launched premises.

The dry fog generator spreads special fluids by splitting their molecules to a fine state. As a result, the "dry" pairs are formed, the molecules of which attracts molecules responsible for the occurrence of malicious smells, and neutralizes them to an incomprehensible state. The preparations used are absolutely harmless to humans and domestic animals, do not have cumulative effects, are not an allergen and do not lead to negative consequences. The safety of drugs is guaranteed by the available certificates. In addition, spraying by the method of "dry" fog does not leave any traces on the furniture and does not have absolutely no effect on the interior of your apartment.

Disinciti uses drugs to destroy odors in the premises of the United States and is taken for eliminating such odors as:

  • Elimination of characteristic odors after a fire, Kitchen Gary
  • Specific odor of the corpse after finding a dead person indoors
  • Removal of smells in the premises in which drug addicts, alcoholics, mentally ill people staging are trash, excrement and biological waste, discovered countless animals.
  • Smells after repair, smell of new furniture, the surplus of sudden smells of some materials used when finishing the room
  • Elimination of the urine odor of man and animals
  • Elimination of odors inherent in raw premises, with the presence of mold and the consequences of the decomposition of organic compounds
  • Full destruction of smell of cigarette smoke, smell of tobacco in punched offices and apartments
  • Deleting the shaft smell from air conditioning and ventilation systems

It should be noted that when leaving for large-scale objects, our specialist will make an assessment of the sanitary and epidemiological state of the object, will detect the source of the unpleasant odor, and will also make up the calculation of the cost.

Work on the elimination of unpleasant odors in the premises consist of 3 major stages:

  1. At the work planning stage, the source of unpleasant odor is detected.
  2. Further, the entire room is to be treated with special preparations for disinfection, the task of which is to brake the processes of rotting and decomposition.
  3. To this stage, you can proceed only when previous two are effectively completed. Special preparations are distributed for the deodorization of the room, inactivating all agents responsible for the presence of an unpleasant smell at the molecular level. In addition, the "dry" fog brings new aromatic notes in now fresh and clean air.

The specialists of the company "Disinciti" in their work use only well-proven and effective drugs to eliminate the unpleasant odor molecules, in such complex rooms as:

  • facilities after fires
  • prolonged rotting organic products
  • the smell of a decompanying corpse of a person and animals.
  • removing the smell of urine cats (due to the fulfillment of the collapse of the urcharstals), and the smell of the cats themselves, which the entire room is impregnated.
  • the smell of an old apartment, or the smell of an apartment, which rarely visit, as a rule, exuded heavy, shaft smells
  • removing the smell of mold
  • The "dry" fog method will solve the problem of unpleasant odors in the smoked rooms of hotels,
  • eliminate the characteristic smell of cooking inherent in many cafes and restaurants,
  • you will forget about the smell of hookah - a fresh aroma indoors will always only give an extra comfort to any institution.

During work on disinfection in your apartment, if you wish, you can attend. But at the stage of processing your house "dry" ferry, the room should be free, until it is completely ventured.

All specialists of our company have a profile education and extensive experience in conducting such work, skillfully turn with dry fog generators for the deodorization of premises, and are instructed in questions about the methods of applying all the drugs used.

To determine the appropriate type of processing, you must first determine what the problem is in each particular case. We will analyze the most popular examples that need to remove an unpleasant smell:

How to destroy the smell of feline urine.

In order to eliminate the specific smell of cats and cat urine, it is necessary to identify the source of the smell. To this end, the disinfector specialist with a special device reveals the location of "marked" places. These places are treated with specialized drugs, decomposing the hardware contained in the urine. If a small smell remains still, the processing is reused. After conducting the room, the specialist assesses the result again. And with a satisfactory assessment, it produces the processing of the entire room "dry" steam, in order for the walls and furniture, which influenced the steady feline smell, finally have freed from him. During the processing, the smells are not masked, they are destroyed at the root, due to the complete inactivation of specific "fragile" molecules, and a pleasant, new smell that will appear after processing, it is just a pleasant addition that the owner of the apartment can choose: the aroma of the orange pulp or flower Aroma roses. The new fragrance will remain in the apartment for 1 month, and the smell of cats will never come back.

Conduct disinfection to remove odors in apartments after sick people:

In apartments where astocial people lived with bad habits or patients mentally, the smell is always heavy and impossible. Most often this is a mixture of diverse smells, as there are always several problems at once: the absence of hygiene, garbage, human allocation (feces, vomiting, etc.), mold, rotting processes. Therefore, the most logical in this case will be the preliminary sanitary and hygienic processing of the room with a complete elimination of garbage. Next, the specialist disinfector identifies the localization of sources of silent smells and conducts the processing of these places with special solutions that completely decompose all sources. After that, the processing of the "dry" fog of the entire premises. In highly launched apartments may require several contracts in a row. After drying the solutions, the room is subject to ventilating.

Disinfection and deodorization of the apartment after the death of the animal.

After the death of the animal in the house, quite once with the processing "dry" steam. If the cause of the smell in the house was the corpse of the rodent (rats or mice), it will have to first remove it, then taking disinfection, and only then to process the room "dry" fog to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

Removal of tobacco smell in apartments, offices, restaurants

The smell of tobacco smoke is eliminated in rooms irrevocably after the processing of the "dry" fog, and this is not just a disguise of an unpleasant odor. The fact is that special solutions completely eliminate the reason for the sustainable smell - that is why you can be absolutely sure that the smell will no longer return.

Elimination of unpleasant odor after repair in the apartment

Sometimes assistance in eliminating an unpleasant smell may be needed in a completely unusual case. You made a repair, and your home was filled with a mixture of smells of glue, plastic, building mixes, new carpeted coating, furniture. In fact, such a caocophony of flavors is also quite unpleasant for constant inhalation. And in this case will also help the method of eliminating odors by spraying special solutions by the method of "dry" fog.

Unpleasant chemical smells, after the destruction of insects in the apartment, the smell of Gary, which your home may be impregnated, during the fire near the neighbors, the unpleasant flavors of the burnt food - our company will successfully cope with all these smells, by the method of "dry" fog.

Preparation of an apartment before selling

In some cases, the "dry" fog will help even save on repair. For example, when selling an apartment in which your elderly relatives lived. It seems that the repair is not bad, but the specific smell in the room can push potential buyers. "Dry" fog will eliminate the problem of unnecessary smells.

  • fitness centers, with sweat with the smell of sweat,
  • the smell of wet room in the cabins on the vessel,
  • characteristic odor of trains
  • in office premises with great cluster of people

in all these cases, there is a solution for everyone to be able to breathe with joy, and breathe clean and fresh air!

All your questions will be able to answer specialists "Disincity"

/ Destruction of odors in Moscow and Mo

Smells indoors, if they are even more and unpleasant - this is a huge inconvenience for living or work in such a place. Often because of the salty, it is impossible to enter the room. Destroy the smell in the apartment is not easy. Conventional ventilation and use of air fresheners or deodorants helps only for a while. If you want to destroy the smell in an apartment or another room forever, then you need a deeper approach to the problem.

Sanitary service "Sanitary Moscow" is successfully fighting with the destruction of odors of various origins for more than 10 years. During this time, we tried almost all the funds available on the market, destroying different smells and stopped on the preparations of the United States. Only they are really able to completely neutralize the smells and translate them and silent into fragrant.

Prices for disinfection of apartments, premises and the destruction of odors

1 room to 20 sq.m.
Disinfection. Cold fog 1700 rubles
2200 rubles
3500 rubles
5200 rubles
1-Comnta apartment up to 40 sq.m.
Disinfection. Cold fog 2000 rubles
Disinfection + Deodorization. Cold fog. 2700 rubles
Deodorization. Removal of odors, flavoring. Dry fog. 4500 rubles
Removal of the source of smell, disinfection + deodoration of dry fog. 6500 rubles
2 bedroom apartment up to 60 sq.m.
Disinfection. Cold fog 2400 rubles
Disinfection + Deodorization. Cold fog. 3300 rubles
Deodorization. Removal of odors, flavoring. Dry fog. 5500 rubles
Removal of the source of smell, disinfection + deodoration of dry fog. 7900 rubles
3-bedroom apartment up to 90 sq.m.
Disinfection. Cold fog 2800 rubles
Disinfection + Deodorization. Cold fog. 3800 rubles
Deodorization. Removal of odors, flavoring. Dry fog. 7000 rubles
Removal of the source of smell, disinfection + deodoration of dry fog. 9800 rubles
4 bedroom apartment up to 100 sq.m.
Disinfection. Cold fog 3000 rubles
Disinfection + Deodorization. Cold fog. 4500 rubles
Deodorization. Removal of odors, flavoring. Dry fog. 8500 rubles
Removal of the source of smell, disinfection + deodoration of dry fog. 11500 rubles

What is a dry fog to destroy and aromatize the premises?

This is an innovative technology that pushed out a simple deodorization into the past. Ordinary deodorants simply interrupt the smell, but do not destroy it. The air ventilation gives only a short result.

We have a solution to this problem! Scientists work and find unique solutions to combat unpleasant odors. This is evidenced by the latest equipment of a foguenerator, allowing to eliminate unpleasant odors, even seemingly, where it is impossible.

The pressure tumane generator produces a special fluid in the form of a "dry fog". "Dry steam" is connected to molecules that exude a malware smell, and neutralize them. "Dry fog", which is obtained from special drugs is absolutely safe for all family members, does not cause negative consequences and allergic reactions. You can safely use this technology in the children's room. The safety of the drug is confirmed by US and Russia certificates. The dry fog does not waste stains and divorces on the furniture.

We use the most advanced effective funds.

production of the United States and destroy such odors as:

· Resistant smell of Gary from fires and kitchen cuts.

· Corpse smell.

· Deodorization of the apartment after the asocial personalities ("Plushin Syndrome", alcoholics, drug addicts), many animals, after the death of an animal (dog, cat)

· Slow chemical smell after repair, panel finishes, etc.

· Destruction of urine smell, vomit and feather masses of animals and humans.

· Elimination of mold smell, dampness, breeding organics.

· Complete neutralization of tobacco smell.

· Elimination of unpleasant odors from ventilation and air conditioners.

For large facilities, the manager's departure to assess the sanitary and epidemiological condition of the room, calculating the cost and detection of the source of salty for free.

How do we remove the unpleasant smell in apartments and other premises?

The deodorization of the room is divided into three stages of work:

Stage 1 is primarily the identification and elimination of the source of sinuous.

Stage 2 is the processing of the room with disinfectants that prevent decomposition and rotting.

3 Stage - Only after the source of unpleasant odors was detected and destroyed, we proceed to the third stage of the apartment processing - spray substances using a dry fog generator, which finally destroy the smell and bring a new aroma to the room.

The disinfectors of the company "Sanitary Moscow" during processing use modern high-quality drugs that allow us to completely remove not only an unpleasant smell that occurs, for example, when rotting products, but also such serious unpleasant odors, as after a fire, or smell after the death of a person or an animal ( Dogs, cats, rats and mice), as well as successfully eliminate the feline smell of urine (before the decay of the urcharstals) and the smell of the cat itself, which is impregnated with the whole room. Deodorization of the apartment will also help get rid of the unpleasant smell of mold and dampness in non-residential premises or rarely visited apartments and houses.

The method of applying a dry fog to complete the smell is widely used in the USA since 1986. This method of eliminating odors is suitable not only for apartments, but also for hotels where unpleasant smells of tobacco can remain in the rooms, or when the room is planned to be translated from smoking in non-smoking. Restaurants and cafes are also often faced with the problem of removing the smell of tobacco or smell from hookahs, and we successfully solve this problem, leaving the owners only a pleasant fragrance of fresh room.

Behind the disinfection in your apartment you can be present personally. With deodorization of the room with a dry fog, it must be left at the treatment time to the processing stage. Processing is absolutely safe for both people and animals after conducting. Modern drugs combine several active substances in themselves - detergents, disinfectants and deodorizing, which significantly reduces the time of working with the room.

Our disinfectors have extensive experience and special education on disinfection and eliminate unpleasant odors and equipped with cold and hot fog generators, as well as very effective drugs. At the end of working with the object, the specialist will provide you with a complete package of necessary documents.

In order to make it easier for you to decide which processing method is suitable in your case, consider several popular problems in the most detailed:

How to bring the smell of feline urine?

In order to bring the smell of feline urine, it is necessary to identify sources of sinuous. To do this, our specialist uses special equipment that helps to quickly define "marked" places. It is these places that we process a very strong drug against cat urine that works on the biological level and does not just kill the smell, but completely dissolves the urchrimstals. We estimate the result. If the smell did not leave at all, process these places again. We carry out. We estimate. When the sources of smell of cat urine are destroyed, but the room still hovers the smell of a cat, which is saturated with all the furniture, you can carry out the total destruction of the odor of the cat with a dry fog. The dry fog is not just deodoricing the room, bringing fresh flavors, it is directed precisely on the destruction of the smell, and the deodorization of the room is a bonus of processing.

To destroy the smell of feline urine, dry fog use the drug with the aroma of fresh roses or aroma of fresh orange pulp. The smell remains for 1-2 months depending on the frequency of air. The smell of the cat is not back, unless, of course, in this room the cat no longer lives.

Disinfection and deodorization of the apartment after sick people, such as:

drug addicts, alcoholics, elderly people suffering from plush syndrome, lying sick, if many animals lived in the apartment, etc. It is divided into three stages.

First we will ask you to conduct general cleaning in the room. It is necessary, because It will be ineffectively to carry out deodorization of dry fog with elimination of smells on dirty surfaces.

Then our disinfector will start to work. We reveal the sources of smell with special equipment, if there are their localization (for example, the residues of the vomit or roast masses, animal labels), eliminate them locally with the help of powerful means against odors that completely dissolve the source of sinuous. Then we carry out the complete disinfection of the room with a cold fog with a disinfectant. We are waiting for all surfaces dry. And we carry out the final elimination of odors with dry fog, leaving you a pleasant fragrance for a long time. In difficult cases, processing must be divided for two days.

Disinfection of the apartment after the death of the animal.

In this case, it is enough processing with a cold fog with disinfectant.

How to destroy the smell of dead rat or mouse?

If somewhere under the floor or in the ventilation, a rat or a mouse died, and a malware smell is coming from it, then first it is necessary to get it and carry out local disinfection with the elimination of the smell. After that, the processing of dry fog is carried out for complete neutralization of the smell and aromatization of the room.

How to destroy the smell of tobacco in the apartment, indoors or in a restaurant and hotel.

To complete the neutralization of the smell of tobacco enough only to dry fog. The dry fog is not just flavors the room, masking the smell of tobacco, it completely neutralizes it, leaving a new aroma indoors. The smell of tobacco is not returned back.

Eliminating odor after repair, or from new furniture.

You made repairs, and in the room there is a lot of paint, or freshly cool wallpaper, and maybe you bought furniture, and now in the room it is hard to sleep with a child, because smell like new furniture? In this case, the dry fog will help you. It completely neutralizes the unpleasant smell and leave the aroma of cinnamon.

How to remove the smell from the apartment after processing from bedbugs and cockroaches?

Unfortunately, it happens that the struggle with the insect introduces inconvenience in the form of unpleasant odors after the treatment of the apartment. The smell absorbed into the furniture and does not destroy. We successfully remove chemical smells after the destruction of cockroaches and bedbugs in apartments with special means and dry fog.

In the next apartment there was a fire, and your apartment was impregnated with smoke.

In this case, the use of dry fog is very effective. The smell of Gary from the fire will disappear on always.

You have convinced milk and burned a saucepan, so that the whole apartment stinks?

Dry fog will cope with this problem.

When preparing an apartment for sale

after the elderly, dry fog + disinfection of the room will help avoid you excessive repair spending.

Dry fog applied not only in apartments,

but successfully eliminates smells in public places, such as:

Fitness centers - a dry fog eliminates the smell of sweat.

In cabins on ships

In trains (smell of food, alcohol, sweat, stubble clothes

In the offices (when there is a large number of employees and visitors in the room at the same time, it is inevitably appeared in the inevitable and plungeous air, which in time hesitates the entire room and simple ventilation no longer help).

Our task is to provide you with life without harmful microorganisms, in a clean room with fragrant fresh air.

The unpleasant odor in the room is a huge inconvenience for living or work in such a place. Destroy the smell in the apartment or in the office is not so easy. Conventional ventilation and use of air fresheners or deodorants helps only for a while. In order to destroy the smell in an apartment or another room forever, you need a deeper approach to the problem.

Order Disinfection and destroying odors in apartments - Sanitary service "Ecomos Group"

Make an application on the site, we will contact you in the near future and answer all your questions.

Order disinfection and destroying odors in apartments

Dry fog to destroy unpleasant odors and aromatization of premises

This is an innovative technology that pushed out a simple deodorization into the past. Ordinary deodorants simply interrupt the smell, but do not destroy it. The air ventilation gives only a short result.

The pressure tumane generator produces a special fluid in the form of a "dry fog". "Dry steam" is connected to molecules that exude a malware smell, and neutralize them. The dry fog is absolutely safe for all family members, does not cause negative consequences and allergic reactions. You can safely use this technology in the children's room. The safety of the drug is confirmed by US and Russia certificates. Dry fog leaves no spots and divorces on furniture.

The Sanitary Service "Ecocom Group" is successfully fighting with the destruction of various unpleasant odors. We use the most modern effective means to destroy odor:

  • Resistant smell Gary from fires.
  • Corpse smell.
  • Deodorization of the apartment after alcoholics and drug addicts
  • Deodorization of the apartment after living a large number of animals or after the death of the animal.
  • Sharp chemical smell after repair, panel finishes, etc.
  • The destruction of the smell of urine, vomit and feather masses of animals and man.
  • Elimination of mold smell, dampness, breeding organics.
  • Complete neutralization of tobacco smell.
  • Elimination of unpleasant odors from ventilation and air conditioners.

Elimination of unpleasant odors in apartments and other premises

The deodorization of the room is divided into three stages:

  1. the identification and elimination of the source of unpleasant odors in the premises.
  2. premises processing by disinfectants that prevent decomposition and rotting.
  3. processing the apartment by spraying the substance by the dry fog generator, which finally destroys the smell of the room.

The company "Eco-member groups" uses modern high-quality drugs that allow us to completely remove not only an unpleasant smell that occurs, for example, with rotting products, but also such serious unpleasant odors, like after a fire, or smell after the death of a person or animal (dogs, cats, rats and mice), as well as successfully eliminate the feline smell of urine (before the collapse of the urcharstals) and the smell of the cat itself, which is impregnated with the whole room. Deodorization of the apartment will also help get rid of the unpleasant smell of mold and dampness in non-residential premises or rarely visited apartments and houses.

At the time of processing dry fog to the stage of air ventilation, it must be left. Processing is absolutely safe for both people and animals. Modern preparations combine several active substances in themselves - detergents, disinfectants and deodorizing. This significantly reduces the time of working with the room.

Our disinfectors have extensive experience and special education on disinfection and eliminate unpleasant odors and equipped with cold and hot fog generators, as well as very effective drugs. At the end of working with the object, the specialist will provide you with a complete package of necessary documents.

The most common problems with an unpleasant odor:

How to bring the smell of cat urine. Processing of apartments from smell of cats dry fog

In order to bring the smell of feline urine, it is necessary to identify sources of sinuous. To do this, our specialist uses special equipment that helps to quickly define "marked" places. It is these places that we process a very strong drug against cat urine that works on the biological level and does not just kill the smell, but completely dissolves the urchrimstals. We estimate the result. If the smell did not leave at all, process these places again. We carry out. We estimate. When the sources of smell of cat urine are destroyed, but the room still hovers the smell of a cat, which is saturated with all the furniture, you can carry out the total destruction of the odor of the cat with a dry fog. The dry fog is not just deodoricing the room, bringing fresh flavors, it is directed precisely on the destruction of the smell, and the deodorization of the room is a bonus of processing.

To destroy the smell of feline urine, dry fog use the drug with the aroma of fresh roses or aroma of fresh orange pulp. The smell remains for 1-2 months depending on the frequency of air. The smell of the cat is not back, unless, of course, in this room the cat no longer lives.

Disinfection and deodorization of apartments after sick people

Disinfection and deodorization of premises should be carried out in the complex. After severe long-term human or pet, as well as after death, a steady smell may remain in the apartment. To eliminate this smell, it is not enough only to throw away all personal items, you also need to carry out measures for the processing of the room from bacteria.

Destruction of unpleasant odors after residence of drug addicts, alcoholics, elderly people

First, general cleaning is carried out in the room. Then the disinfector will begin to work. We reveal the springs of smell with special equipment, if there are localization, eliminate them with powerful means against odors that completely dissolve the source of sinic. Then we carry out the complete disinfection of the room with a cold fog with a disinfectant. We are waiting for all surfaces dry. After that, we carry out the final elimination of odors with dry fog, leaving you a pleasant fragrance for a long time. In more complex cases, processing must be divided for two days.

Disinfection of the apartment after the death of the animal

In this case, it is enough processing with a cold fog with disinfectant.

How to destroy the smell of dead rat or mouse

If somewhere under the floor or in the ventilation, a rat or a mouse died, and a malware smell is coming from it, then first it is necessary to get it and carry out local disinfection with the elimination of the smell. After that, the processing of dry fog is carried out for complete neutralization of the smell and aromatization of the room.

How to destroy the smell of tobacco in the apartment, indoors or in a restaurant and hotel

To complete the neutralization of the smell of tobacco enough only to dry fog. The dry fog is not just flavors the room, masking the smell of tobacco, it completely neutralizes it, leaving a new aroma indoors. The smell of tobacco is not returned back.

Elimination odor after repair, or from new furniture

An unpleasant smell can stay after repair, indoors can hold a resistant smell of paint or glue for wallpaper. Also long in the apartment smells like new furniture. In this case, it will help to eliminate the smells of dry fog. It completely neutralizes the unpleasant smell and leave a pleasant fragrance.

How to remove the smell from the apartment after processing from bedbugs and cockroaches

Unfortunately, the fight against insect introduces inconvenience in the form of unpleasant odors after the treatment of the apartment. The smell absorbed into the furniture and does not destroy. We successfully remove chemical smells after the destruction of cockroaches and bedbugs in apartments with special means and dry fog.

Processing an apartment from the smell of Gary and smoke after a fire

In this case, the use of dry fog is very effective. The smell of Gary from the fire will disappear forever.

If the milk has escaped or burned a saucepan

Dry fog will cope with this problem.

When preparing an apartment for sale

After the elderly, the dry fog in the complex with disinfection of the room will help you avoid you excessive repairs.

The dry fog is applied not only in apartments, but also successfully eliminates smells in public places:

  • in fitness centers, dry fog eliminates the smell of sweat.
  • in trains, dry fog eliminates the smell of food, alcohol, sweat, stubble clothes
  • in cabins on ships
  • in the offices, dry fog eliminates the stale air, which, with time, impregnated with all the room and simple ventilation no longer help.

We will provide you with life without harmful microorganisms, in a clean room with fragrant fresh air.

A selection of effective methods of combating unpleasant odors

Strong felonic aromas - sharpness, cigarette smoke, animal life products, finishing materials, worsen the microclimate indoors and cause sensitive people with nausea, dizziness, allergic reactions. In the article, we collected the most interesting and useful tips for those who are tormented by the question: how to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the apartment?

Before combating unpleasant smells, make 3 things: find and eliminate the sole source, spend the general cleaning and carefully ventilate the room. In addition to the obvious causes of an unpleasant fragrance - the missing food, a unwashed ashtray, a moldy sex rag - there are hidden. These include the condition of the ventilation holes and filters of air conditioners, hoods. If their unsatisfactory state requires cleaning of ventilation and replacing the filtration system of the equipment.

Store & Folk Remedies

Aerosols and other perfumes with flowers or citrus scents helps to quickly get rid of the unpleasant smell in the apartment, but give a temporary effect. Therefore, spray spray will have to be regularly. It is not recommended to use chemical flavors in the apartment where asthmatics or allergies live. To folk remedies to eliminate unpleasant odors include:

  • essential oils;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • coal;
  • zest;
  • coffee beans;
  • manganese.

The choice of substance depends on the cause of the vony.


Find the source of the "aroma" and eliminate it - wipe the heatman, soda or vinegar with old furniture, and then dry all treated surfaces. If the smell did not disappear - large containers with absorbent agent - ground coffee or salt in the cabinets for a day. Bring your wardrobe and post a long time not worthwhile things, throw away the deposited means from moths. To prevent the "Recurria", put in boxes with sachets - fabric bags filled with dry lemon crusts, herbs or coffee beans. As an analog fit the bars of fragrant soap.

What to do when smells of damp

It is important to find the source of the smell, because it signals the appearance of mold, harmful to the human body. Often an unpleasant fragrance appears in the bathroom and toilet. After inspection and cleaning of the ventilation system and drain holes, do not store wet things in the bathroom - set the towel rail or take a textile to the balcony. The folk methods of getting rid of the smell of damp include activated carbon in tablets (20-40 pieces per bathroom), coffee grains and salt - these substances absorb moisture. Also advised to wipe the walls and the floor of the bathroom with a solution of vinegar (2 tbsp. Spoons per liter of water) with 2-3 drops of essential oils.

When the apartment "smells a cat"

You can get rid of the smell of feline excrement like this:

  • apply to the place where the pet went to the toilet, a mixture of soda and liquid soap, cover a slot spot, after 1-2 hours to remove the remains and thoroughly wipe the floor;
  • treat the "lesion zone" with lemon juice or vinegar - oxidizers will remove the smell, and after wiped with water with several drops of citrus essential oil;
  • pollution on the sofa or carpet wipe with acetic solution or fall asleep with soda, after an hour to remove.

Veterinary preparations based on enzymes are sold in stores that decompose organic residues before compounds without smell. Means are safe for animals and are suitable for cleaning feline trays.

Eliminate the smell after repair

"Fragrance" from paints and varnishes, linoleum and stretch ceilings are removed using long-term air ventilation - within 5-7 days. Also, the masters are advised to place in the apartment with water with water, spend the wet rods, wipe the surfaces with a weak solution of vinegar. Some sources indicate that salt is added in water tanks. But the liquid absorbs odors regardless of the salt balance. It is recommended to interrupt unpleasant odors with aerosols. Problems of smells after repair will not be if the finish is performed using high-quality building materials. Check out apartments that are surrendered by SPB developers with finishing.

Remove the smell of cigarette smoke

Feature of smoke from cigarettes - it absorbs into porous and soft surfaces: wallpaper, furniture, curtains. For this reason, even prolonged air ventilation helps weakly. To remove the unpleasant smell, you will have to cross the wallpaper, put all textiles into dry cleaning, and the sofas and armchairs are cleaned with steam. Smooth surfaces - doors, windows, cabinets are wiping into a weak acetic solution. Since smoke penetrates everywhere, even drawers will have to process. Faster to remove the smoke helps wet towels, raised through rooms - they absorb the smell.

Folk recipes are advised to fight the cigarette smell of another smoke - from burning a laurel sheet or frying coffee beans.

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of the old apartment

The most effective way is to make and throw away all unnecessary things, especially textiles and paper. If there is no money for repair, such procedures help:

  • prolonged ventilation of all rooms;
  • general cleaning with a thorough two- or three-fold sink of floors, windows and cabinet furniture;
  • cleaning upholstered furniture and carpets using chemical disinfectants.

How profitable and safely buy an apartment in a new building

Elimination of the smell of Gari

"Aroma" from the burnt dinner is removed using a draft, tanks with water and a wet vet, absorbing the smell of Gary. If a strong fire occurred in the apartment, the cleaning procedure takes place in several stages. Initially, all surfaces are thoroughly cleaned with the help of water with the addition of chemical detergents - it is so cleaned by a fatty soot. Then the surface is processed by primer deep impregnation, which forms a film. Only after this wall and ceiling can be placed and painted or caught with wallpaper. The floor in front of the linoleum or laminate flooring is recommended to be covered with a thin layer of screed.

Household appliances, retractive smells

It is possible to fight unpleasant flavors in the apartment with the help of a steam cleaner, ozonator and an air ionizer. A steam cleaner is used to process solid surfaces and upholstered furniture. Food pairs eliminates odors, and bacteria. Ozonator is equipped with an electric generator, which forms ozone of varying degrees of saturation. When entering the air, ozone destroys dust, microbes and viruses. It is recommended to include an appliance for 2-3 hours indoors without people and animals. The ionizer produces negatively charged ions. The equipment does not disinfect the room, but is suitable for cleaning the rooms from dust and unpleasant odors.

We summarize. Shopping aerosols and folk air flavors are powerless if the source of the unpleasant odor is not eliminated. The list of leading ways to combat zone includes ventilation, thorough cleaning and acetic solution, which are processed by interior items. Special instruments - dry air generator, steam cleaner, ozonator and ionizer - destroy odors and disinfected air.

Smells are microscopic volatile particles of their sources, which are perceived by a person through the sense of smell. Thus, if you breathe fragrance of perfumes - these are particles of a perfume composition, if you inhale, thousands of various volatile microellents are literally penetrated into your nose, from decomposing organic matter. A person feels odors not only in order to simply determine which of them are pleasant, and which are not. This is a kind of danger indicator - the odor seems sharp and frills, the greater the likelihood that it is really worth going away from it and as soon as possible, so the appearance of the vony always signals that somewhere there is a sanitary problem that needs to be easily eliminated. The safest and most prompt way to do is seek help in the SES.

Professional disservation of odors may be required if the room is:

  • Soaked by the smell of gary and smoke
  • Successful
  • Flooded sewer strokes
  • Has someone else's smell, for example, previous owners
  • Very smells of pets
  • Was rolled up with rotten garbage
  • Became the place of death and
  • Long used in full antisanitarian
You can neutralize the smell in the event that it is published by any particular subject, then the processing is carried out locally, or when the source cannot be determined, except that it is within the room.
It makes no sense to fight the smell of sewage, if the plot is not eliminated in the pipe, which provokes it, or with the smell of rats, if they still live indoors and sweat the territory. You can destroy the unpleasant smell forever only when eliminating its source.

Expert treatment of unpleasant odors is carried out using the same fog generators, which are used for disinsection and deratization, however, instead of poisoning insecticides, means of disinfection, aromatization and neutralization of fragile compounds are poured into the tank of devices. Due to the high power of the equipment and the professional handling of it, the procedure does not take much time, and the result from processing is noticeable immediately.

Destruction of unpleasant odors in the apartment

The rapid and complete destruction of unpleasant odors in the apartment is especially important, so people and pets are in it constantly and regularly and for a long time inhale particles that can harm their health. The longer dangerous connections fall into the body, the greater the likelihood that this is reflected in well-being. SES services allow you to solve this problem in just 1 day.

  • The service can be provided urgently, within 2 hours after the appeal, or assigned to a convenient day and time for you.
  • Processing is carried out using professional technology - fog generators and can occupy from 30-40 minutes or more, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  • All services are provided on the official contract.
  • Warranty is provided for work.
  • Together with the elimination of the smell, you can order air flavors after processing by choosing an aroma of several options.
Simultaneously with disinfection and deodorization, it is sometimes necessary, or conducting other sanitary procedures to eliminate the causes of the smell. If you do not know where exactly the source of sinic is located and what it represents, SES specialists can diagnose and choose the best way to solve the problem in place.

Destruction of odors in the city of Moscow

Elimination of odors of any origin is possible not only in residential premises, but also at catering facilities, in warehouse and transport terminals, public places, in production and open areas.

  • SES "Dez Group" provides sanitary services to individuals, companies and organizations for over 13 years.
  • For you, specialists work with experience from 5 to 30 years in their activities.
  • "Dez Group" is a member of the National Organization of Disinfectionists Node of the Russian Federation.
  • The paper uses only modern, certified funds, are absolutely safe for people and animals in professional use and safety of safety.
  • If a complex of services is needed in your situation, for example, disinsection, and disinfection, and deodorization with subsequent flavors, you can also count on an individual discount.
  • For legal entities, companies and organizations, cooperation is possible on the basis of long-term contracts, and each processing under the contract is carried out at a reduced price.
You can order the destruction of odors in the city of Moscow or any area of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow region.