Repairs Design Furniture

Raspberries with photos and descriptions. Raspberries with photos and descriptions early raspberry varieties

Raspberry jam is one of those that should be in every home. And most likely it should not even be, but there is! After all, everyone is trying to stock up for the winter with this useful product. Such delicacy we are not only treated from cold cold in winter, but also get a lot of useful substances and positive emotions with it. Well, who does not love him! Probably difficult to find such.

Do you know that raspberry contains a large number of natural salicylic acid. It also contains citric, apple, wine-acid. Therefore, this berry is considered the best natural antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

And if we frozen, and we have the first signs of a cold, the first thing we do is drink hot tea with her. And carefully rose, it happens that the disease does not go further. From the drinking two cups of tea with this berry, there is simply no trace from poor well-being. Berry often helps. The main thing is not to forget to stock it for the winter! So that in the refrigerator always had a cherished jar!

Why in the refrigerator? To preserve all useful vitamins and trace elements as much as possible! The berry is either just a tick with sugar, or for better safety is prepared in the form of a "five-minute", and stored later in the refrigerator. With such methods, all useful substances are preserved in full.

And save it. These are vitamins A, C, E, the Vitamins complex. Vitamins also berries contains a large number of potassium, calcium. Iron, promoting the process of blood formation, copper, which is part of many antidepressants. And a number of other useful trace elements.

Therefore, the berry needs to be stock. It never happens a lot. In addition, it is easier for her simple. Prepare delicious fragrant delicacy from it - one pleasure!

I offer you 5 super fast, but from this, no less delicious, recipes for the preparation of raspberry jam "Five minutes", for the workpiece for the winter period. And also share the secrets and cooking features. To already certainly, your delicacy turned out to be the most delicious, and most useful!

We need:

  • malina -1.5 kg
  • sugar -1.5 kg


1. Walk out the berry. We remove the leaves. We carefully inspect. She loves all sorts of spiders bugs. Especially malinous beetles that lay the larvae in it.

There is a way, thanks to which bugs and their larvae are chosen from the berry. A salty solution is made, based on 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. Spoon salt. Berries are placed in a sieve, and the sieve will enhance into the solution. After 5-7 minutes, all animals pop up. Salted water merges and then beroda need to rinse well in two or three waters.

But you can just go through it. We have our own berries, so we turn it out and not mine.

2. If you have a bodie of purchased, we rinse it in cool water very carefully, so as not to remember. Then we remove the fruit. But not earlier, not to damage the berry ahead of time and not lose juice from it.

3. We put the berries in the colander, and let's keep the water, and the berries will slightly dry.

4. Lay the berries in the pelvis, or other dishes in which we will cook.

For the preparation of delicacy can not be used aluminum dishes. Juice that will be allocated from berries when interacting with aluminum loses its useful properties.

5. Melt the berry. Sugar sugar, mix. For mixing, it is better to use a wooden blade or plastic shovel. Give to stand 1 hour so that sugar dissolve a little.

6. Put on a very slow fire and interfere with it, wait until all sugar is completely dissolved completely. Then fire add and bring the syrup to a boil.

7. During cooking, a foam will appear that will need to be removed.

If the foam does not shoot, or shoot, but not completely, then the jam can quickly blame. And all the works will turn out the pump!

8. After starting the boil, let it get into just 5 minutes.

9. Decistent jam into ready-made sterilized banks and close the lid tightly. Banks I try to take small. To open and do not store it for a long time. Open delicacy, if a long time is stored in the refrigerator can score. And it is very sorry to pour it out.

10. Turn over, cover with a towel and leave until complete cooling.

11. Store ready-made jam better in the refrigerator.

Jam from whole berries

It turns out the billet for the winter from the whole berries. Berries fully retain their taste and beautiful color.

We need:

  • malina - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg

It is clear that sugars take as much raspberry. Therefore, everyone can cook from the quantity desired for it, but preferably no more than 2 kg of sugar.


1. Berries to go through, rinse, give a track of water.

2. Pour in a pelvis or other container in which we will prepare half of the sugar.

3. Put all berries.

5. We leave for 5-6 hours. During this time, she will let juice and sugar partially dissolve.

6. We put on a slow fire, gently mix so as not to damage the berries. Watch that nothing has burned, especially before that condition until all sugar is dissolved.

7. When all sugar is dissolved, add a fire and bring the jam to boil. Do not forget to remove the foam throughout the process.

If it is prepared only on slow heat, it will lose its beautiful crimson color.

8. Cook for 5 minutes.

9. And immediately decompose into the sterilized banks and close the lids.

10. Store in the refrigerator.

Jam from whole berries - another way

We need:

  • malina -1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


1. We also go through my berries. We put in a colander and give a stance of water.

2. Pour half of the sugar in the pelvis in which we will prepare.

3. Put the berry from above.

4. From above, we smell the remaining sugar.

5. We leave for 5-6 hours so that they can enjoy juice and dissolved sugar.

6. We merge the resulting juice into another dishes. We put it on fire and bring to a boil.

7. After boiling, add raspberries and again bring to a boil.

8. Cook for 5 minutes.

9. Pour the contents to the sterilized banks and close the lids.

10. Close the blanket and withstand to complete cooling.

11. Store in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jam using water and sugar syrup

We need:

  • malina -1 kg.
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water -1 Glass


1. Berries go through, rinse, fold on the colander and give a track of water.

2. In the pelvis for cooking pour water and sugar sugar. On slow fire to cook syrup. Do not forget to periodically stir, so that nothing has burned.

3. Carefully, so as not to damage the berries, pour them into syrup and also gently mix with the help of noise. You can simply twist the pelvis from the side to the side so that the berries are evenly covered with syrup.

4. Bring the syrup to a boil. With the advent of foam, carefully remove it.

5. Prepare berries with syrup can be 5 minutes, but for better safety - 10.

6. Ready jam pour into banks and leave up to complete cooling. Keep refrigerated.

Raspberry with sugar without cooking berries

The berry can be prepared for the winter and without cooking. To do this, it needs to be frozen with the help of a wooden pusher and fall asleep with sugar. Sugar takes a little more than with a hot method of workpiece. I usually be at a kilogram of berries take 1.5 kg. Sahara. But I met recipes where sugars are used and 2 kg. On a kilogram of berries.

Then leave raspberry with sugar at room temperature until the sugar is completely dissolved. Usually it takes about it approximately 24 hours. During this time, it should be intermitted periodically.

After that, lay out the contents in sterilized banks, but not to the end, leaving the top of a few space for the "sugar" pillow. Sugar sugar layer 1 cm, do not mix it and twist it with a lid. And even better cover with tight paper, and tie a ribbon.

Features of making raspberry jam

  • if you collected or acquired a dense not crushed berry, then it is better to prepare it entirely.
  • if the berry is crumpled or soft, it is better to abandon it. It is possible to overtake the berry through the sieve
  • many do not wash it. So you can do if it is your own or forest, and you know how and where she grew up. If you are preparing jam from the purchase of raspberries, then you need to wash it.
  • as noted above for cooking not used aluminum dishes
  • try to use with stirring and lays down the jam into the cans with a wooden or plastic spoon. Metal dishes are better not to use so that the berry does not oxidize
  • in these recipes everywhere, the proportions of berries and sugar are one to one. The amount of sugar can be reduced slightly, it is practiced. But I always adhere to these proportions.
  • do not try to cook at once more than 1.5-2 kg of jam, especially from whole berries so that they do not dismiss each other as their weight
  • the finished delicacy is laid out only in sterilized banks, it is desirable to sterilize them in advance, and let it be able to completely dry.
  • cover for cans should be with a smooth lacquered surface. Try not to use covers that used.
  • you can close the jar with the workpiece, as our grandmothers did. That is, just close with tight paper and tie a ribbon

  • the smaller the cooling time, the more beautiful and the original color
  • you can turn the banks after twisting, and you can not leave not inverted.
  • store the finished jam is better in the refrigerator, or in a cold basement, or in Khrushchev, the refrigerator

What to do if the jam looked or covered with mold

There are two ways, the first - throw out. The second is to try to save!

  • if you have prepared a berry in all the rules, and she still looked slightly, get it out of the cans and lay out back to the cooking dishes. Add to each liter of a cup of sugar and boil 10 minutes. Then decompose again into sterilized banks.
  • such banks need to be marked and use the contents for baking pies, for the preparation of compotes or hots.
  • if the mold appeared on the surface of the jam, then remove it, then remove the layer of jam 2 cm, and try to quickly eat it
  • or do it all the same and pour 2 cm sugar from above, make a "sugar pillow". Sugar do not need to mix

In this article, I tried to tell you about all available options for the preparation of berries by the method of "five-minute". And also paid special attention to the features and subtleties of preparation by opening small culinary secrets. Also, we looked at the troubles that can be involved with our jam. And we considered ways to solve them.

I think that now everyone can choose a recipe for themselves to taste, and without much difficulty welds the delicious and useful raspberry jam in 5 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Rubus Idaeus (Rubus Idaeus) is a representative of the pink family. This genus combines about 600 species. Most of these species were already known in the ancient world, so, the first mention of the existence of wild raspberry is available in the 3rd manuscripts. BC. For the first time to cultivate raspberries in Western Europe in the 16th century. In natural conditions, such a semi-staple prefers to grow in the river banks and in the forests. Over the centuries, this plant is among the most popular berry crops grown in the gardens. To date, this plant can be met by almost every garden plot. Fragrant and delicious fruits of raspberries are also valued for their utility, so they contain minerals that need to human organism and vitamins. This culture is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. Such a plant can grow perfectly and give good yields even in running. If the raspberry to care for the raspberry, then it will be protected from infection with various diseases and pests, and will also give rich yields.

Today, raspberries are very popular among the gardeners of various countries, such as currant, strawberries, gooseberries, strawberries, blueberries and other very useful and just delicious garden crops. Very often, gardeners grow raspberry not only for themselves, but also for sale. In this regard, the gardener tries to get a rich harvest of good quality berries.

Raspberry Raspberry is a leaf falling semi-staple, the height of which can vary from 150 to 250 centimeters. Such a plant has a rustic root, around which a large number of prescript roots grow. This leads to the formation of a strong branched system of roots. Stems are reprehensible. Herbate young shoots are very juicy green color, on their surface there is a gray raid and many little spikes. Already in the second year, the stems are decorated and painted in brown. When fruiting ends, drying such stems is observed, but next season they are replaced by new young shoots. Locked oval shape leafy plates have stuffs, they are complex, there are 3-7 egg-shaped leaves. The front surface of the leaves is dark green, and the wrong - whitish color, because it is a downset. The stool top-like cases of inflorescences consist of white color flowers, which in diameter reaches about 10 mm. As a rule, berries grow on the second year of the life of stems. Berries are small hairproof areas that have grown into complex fruit, they can be painted in a variety of shades of raspberry color, and there are still burgundy-black (in varieties that are black-related) or yellow fruits. Thanks to the repaired raspberries, its fruiting appeared on the world, its fruiting begins in the first year of growth, and for the season it takes 2 yields. The coumenic and blackberries are types of raspberries forming long stems, they cling to the support due to spines placed on their surface. Knights and Prince, are grassy types of raspberries. It's easy to grow raspberries quite simply, but in order to get a plentiful harvest, you need to adhere to the rules of the agrotechnology of this culture, and also carefully care for it.

What time to plant

The landing of raspberries in the open soil can also be engaged in spring, and at the autumn time (from September to October). Suitable for landing plot should be sunny. In the event that this culture is grown in a shaded place, then because of the lack of light, young shoots are sometimes pulled out so that the fruiting stems shadow. Different varieties of raspberries have their preferences regarding the soil. However, their most grows well on the light nutritional soils, also this plant is suitable for loam and chernozem. The soil pH required for the raspberry should be from 5.7 to 6.5. In lowlands and in places with uneven relief, it is impossible to grow this semi-staple, because they have stagnant water. Also, steep slopes are not suitable for planting, and also sublime areas, in this case the raspberries will suffer from lack of moisture. For planting such a culture, it is recommended to choose a plain or having a small slope area. On the same place without a transplantation, such a semi-staple can grown 7-10 years, after which he will need a transplant, because the soil will be very exhausted. And in this area, it will be possible to plant raspberries with raspberries only after no less than 5-7 years. Where the grained (potatoes, tomatoes, pepper) was grown, it is impossible to plant this berry culture. But the site after grain or legume crops for the raspberry landing is very good.

Spring and autumn landing differ only to the method of preparation for this procedure, and otherwise they are absolutely the same. At the beginning of the spring period, it is necessary to prepare a hole, the value of which should be 0.5x0.4x0.4 m, while the upper nutrient layer of the soil should be thrown separately. Distance between copies in the garden should be about 0.5 m, while the width of the rods should be at least 1.5 m. The upper nutrient layer of the soil must be combined with 50 grams of potassium sulfate, with 100 grams of granulated superphosphate, with 10 kilograms humus or compost and with 0.4 kilograms of wood ash. Part of the resulting soils need to be poured into the hole, and the remains should be pouring a slide near her. If before you start landing, the soil in the hole is losing, it will need to be exploded. Then the seedlock should be placed in the yam in such a way that the replacement kidney is located just below the soil level. After the roots are gently stripped, the hole should be filled with soil. It is tamed, and then around the plant do not make a very deep hole, which should be filled with water. After the liquid is fully absorbed, the surface of the well is to be closed with sawdust, humus or dry straw. The seedlock is shortened to 0.3 m above the soil level. If within a few days after the raspberry landing will be dry weather, then the rabids will need repeated watering. In the spring, planting Malina is worse than in the fall, because the probability is beyond the deadline due to adverse weather, with the result that the seedlings will take care much worse. In the spring, the landing material purchased in a special store or nursery or a nursery is either the one that has been prepared at the autumn time (it is placed in the refrigerator).

In autumn, the preparation of landing pit should be found in 6 weeks before the landing day. The site is subjected to the depth of the bayonet shovel, while choosing all the roots of weeds and make 0.2-0.4 kg of superphosphate, from 2 to 3 buckets of the recovered manure and 100-200 grams of potassium sulfate at the rate of 1 m 2 of the plot. If you support the soil before landing, the raspberries will not need phosphoric and potash fertilizers about 5 years. If a peat ground, then for each 1 m 2 of the site you need to make four sand buckets. It is best to deal with raspberries in the last days of September or the first to October. In the fall, specialists and experienced gardeners are recommended to plant this culture, because in this case it will be possible anywhere in a hurry to prepare a landing site, and the plants themselves are well rooted, and in spring time they begin to grow actively.

Caring for Malina

Immediately after it melts all the snow on the site, it will have to be released from the leaves last year, because they may have pathogenic microorganisms or pests hiding there from winter frosts. This semi-walker requires a support, so in the spring time it is necessary to make a garter of the raspberry to the grinder. If the plant is tied to a set, then as a result of this, it will be evenly covered with solar rays, it will accelerate the maturation and growth of young busty shoots, and also for such bushes it is relatively easier to care. If you decide to make trellis, you will need to be in the end and at the beginning of each row to carry out powerful columns to the height reaching 150 centimeters at the beginning. For these colums, it is necessary to stretch the wire in 2 rows: the lower row should be located at an altitude of 0.6-0.7 m from the surface of the site, and the upper - at an altitude of 1.2 m. To avoid wire sagging, it is necessary every 5 m in the ground To stick the wooden count. Place the stalks of the bushes on the wire fan-shaped, and then lock them, toning with twine. After a couple of years, it is necessary to stretch the additional rows of wire: the first - at an altitude of 0.3 m from the surface of the site, and the other - at an altitude of 1.5 m.

The rest of the time to care for this culture will be very simple. So, it needs to be systematically so much, to feed, water, loosen the soil near bushes on a small depth, after which its surface falls asleep with a layer of mulch. What is used for feeding this culture in spring time? In the event that all necessary fertilizers have been made before boarding the soil, then in potassium and phosphorus, Malina will not need for 5 years. However, feeding plants with nitrogen-containing fertilizers is necessary every year. Prepare the following nutritional solution for feeding: 10 liters of water. Connect with 1 shovel of cow litter and with 5 grams of urea or nitrate. This mixture is poured into every plant in the last days of March or the first - April. If you decide to use other nitrogen-containing fertilizer, then for each 1 m 2 of the site it will be necessary to take from 20 to 25 grams of matter. Then the surface of the soil should be loosen.

When, in autumn, all the fruits from the bushes will be collected, you need to prepare raspberries to the upcoming wintering. This procedure needs to be approached with full responsibility, since it is precisely from this that how abundant harvest will be next season. The surface of the site must be released from the old mulching layer, which should be destroyed, as there may be various pests or pathogenic microorganisms. Then the soil is neatly drunk to a depth of not exceeding 8-10 centimeters. 1 time in a couple of years, under the people, it is recommended to make wood ash and compost into the soil. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers for feeding raspberries are not used at the autumn time, because because of them, the active growth of young shoots can begin, they will find the leaves late, resulting in the likelihood of damage to them by frost. In the event that the semi-stale needs phosphoric and potash fertilizers, they should be made in not very deep (from 15 to 20 centimeters) grooves, which should be located on plants at a distance of at least 0.3 m. At 1 bush takes no more 40 grams of potash salts and 60 grams of superphosphate. The planting of flower knelts will improve the planting of flower knelts in this way, which is positively affected by the future harvest.

Watering raspberries in spring and summer time is needed only if there is a continuous drought. If it is systematically raining, then in watering it will not need. In the hot and dry period, the plant will need abundant irrigation, while water should dodge the top layer of the soil by 0.3-0.4 m. In addition, this semi-station has a need for mandatory irrigation in May, before it blooms, as well as The time of active growth and ripening of fruits. Promotion watering for such a culture is of great importance, since it has a growth kidney in the root system at the autumn time. At the same time, try so that the soil is impregnated to the maximum possible depth, then wintering raspberries will be more than successful. Most of all for watering this plant, a drip method is suitable because it has a number of benefits:

  • water savings - less liquid consumes compared to sprinkling or wheeling irrigation;
  • warm water - to water this culture of cold water in no case, and with this method of watering the liquid already relatively warm flows to the root system;
  • uniform soil blotting.

If you wish to significantly reduce the number of watering in the summer, the surface of the site should be filled with a layer of mulch.

When transplanting such a plant, you need to adhere to the same principles as when it is primary landing. This semi-station is inclined to severe growth. His roots are placed close enough to the surface of the soil, and in the summer time grows a large number of offspring shoots. If you wish, with the help of a shovel, they can be separated from maternal busta and, digging along with roots, land on a new permanent place. If an instance has grown and old, then using a shovel from it, you can cut off the youngest part along with the root system and a lump of land, while it should be noted that the diameter of its shoots should not be less than 10 mm. Such "Dellek" needs to shorten shoots up to 0.25 m, and then it is planted for another place. You can transplant raspberries by raspberries other than the winter period. However, experienced gardeners are recommended to conduct this procedure in spring time. To prevent the uncontrolled growth of such a plant, a plot where it grows must be protected, for this, the lists of iron or slate are laughed in the perimeter in the soil.

Retal rain is very simple, easy and fast. About how to multiply siblings, was described in detail above. Also for the reproduction of this plant uses shilling. Cutting cuttings produced in June on a cloud day, for this choose two-year or three-year root offspring. The length of the cuttings should be from 10 to 12 centimeters, and they should have 2 or 3 leaf plates. The cuttings at 12 h are immersed in a means of stimulating the growth of the roots, after that they produce their landing in the capacity of 0.5 liters, which must be filled with sand mixed with peat. The tanks are removed under the film, and it should be considered that the humidity of the air necessary for rooting the cuttings should be approximately 90 percent, and the temperature is from 22 to 25 degrees. After 4 weeks, the cuttings should be touched into growth. When this happens, they are neat together with a lump of land roll into a more spacious capacity: its height should be at least 14 centimeters, and the volume is 1.5 liters. After the cuttings come true, they need to start hardening, to do this, take out for some time on fresh air. The hardened cuttings land on the school bed, they will need to shap down from the scoring sunlight, which is removed only when the plants come down and go to growth. At autumn, they are transplanted to a permanent place. The cuttings are prepared in autumn time need to be treated with fungicide, which will protect them from fungal diseases. Then the cuttings need to be filled with peat and remove for storage in the cellar, basement or a different cool place. Thus, before the offensive period of the spring period, stratification will be held, it is important not to forget to systematically moisturize peat. In the springtime, the cuttings are immediately planted on the bed, while its surface must be filled with a layer of mulch.

There are types of raspberries, for the reproduction of which is used rooting the tops (like blackberry). So, their number includes purple and black-like raspberries. In the first autumn weeks, the stunned escape begins to lean to the soil, while the leaflets located on its top are becoming smaller, and she itself acquires a loop-shaped form - at this time, it is rouded. This escape should be separated along with the "handle", while it should be rooted in the same way as described above.

Spring raspberry spring

In the spring, the raspberry should be trimmed before a healthy kidney, all stems affected by frosts, and still need to cut injured, affected by the disease and underdeveloped branches. If you follow the rules of the agricultural engineering of this culture, then 1 mongon meter of the site should have 10-15 shoots. In this regard, on the bush should be cut all the shoots, leaving only those that have moved into growth in the first, they must be shortened by 15-20 centimeters. As a result of such a thinning trimming, the quality of fruits will improve, and they will be larger. Such a trimming can be carried out if desired at the autumn time, but still with the onset of spring, the bushes will need to be cut all injured and frost-damaged stems. And according to I. V. Kazakov, buds cropped in spring will give a richer harvest.

Trimming raspberries in autumn

In autumn, after harvesting, you need to remove all two-year stems, since next season they will not bloom and give fruit. Of course, they can be cut and in spring time, but in this case they will take the nutrients from the plant, so the winter they need. Cut follows all the stems that gave fruit in the current season. If the raspberries you grown are not removable, it can be crushed and early, and it is not necessary to wait for deep autumn at all. Experts are recommended to conduct a similar procedure immediately after the entire harvest with bushes will be assembled, in this case all the forces of raspberries will be directed to the growth and development of young shoots, namely they will be fruit in the next season. If removable varieties are grown, they should be trimmed at the end of the second fruiting. All cut stems are recommended to be destroyed, as pathogenic microorganisms and various pests can live on them.

It is very important to properly prepare raspberries to wintering. Very common opinion among the gardeners that raspberries for the winter must be tied and left in standing position. However, this cannot be done in any case, because the floral kidneys are not covered with snow can freeze. Bustards are flex as close to the surface of the soil and fixed in this position, tapping to the lower wires of the cholera. From the stems you need to remove the whole foliage, for this purpose the mittens and spend on the distance from the bottom up. Be careful because if you break the foliage, spending your hand from top to bottom, it can lead to removal and flower kidney. Try that during the winter this semi-staple is completely covered with snow. Therefore, if necessary, Malinnik will need to throw snow.

It is also very important to remember that air is needed by the winter plants, in connection with this, appearing on the snow cover, it is necessary to calculate. If winter is low, in this case the Malinnik will need to cover with underfloor material. In the spring time, the shelter from the site should be removed. Browse all the stems and remove those of them that suffered from frost. The remaining shoots can be raised and tie to the grinding.

Raspberry diseases and their treatment

Many gardeners are interested, because of what the foliage of the raspberry becomes yellow and flying out? In the event that foliage on the bush changed its color to yellow, this means that this copy is infected with root cancer, rust or chlorosis. To find out that the plant hurts such an incurable disease as the root cancer, in the appeared swollen on the root surface, the stalks grow too short, the fruits do not have taste, and the leaf plates become yellow and fly away. Infected plants should be removed from the ground and destroy, while the site on which they grew should not be used to land at least 8 years. If the plant is infected with rust, it will begin to manifest itself in May. The drying, yellowing and flipping of foliage will begin, the dark color ulcers will appear on the surface of the stems. It is possible to cure such a disease only at the initial stage of development, for this bush spray with a burglar mixture solution (1%). If the disease is already launched and the bushes are amazed very much, then they must be dug and destroy. The main carrier of such a viral disease as chlorosis is the TLL. In this regard, to protect the raspberry from chlorosis, it is necessary to take all necessary measures to combat TLI. In contaminated copies, leafy plates are minimized and deformed, the stalks stop developing, the fruits dry and lose their taste. In some cases, the cause of chlorosis development can be the use of cold water for irrigation, a strong alkaline reaction of the soil, an insufficient number of trace elements in the ground or stagnation of water in the soil. Try to find out what exactly the cause of the development of this disease, and eliminate it as soon as possible.

This culture refers to the number of moisture-loving, so if the plants will not get moisture, then the foliage will begin to dry out. However, if the bushes are always poured on time and sufficiently, then you need to consider the dried leaves well. If you will see thickenings on their surface, then this means that Malina is amazed by Galline. This pest postpones its larvae on the surface of the raspberry sheet plates, as a result there are similar thickening, referred to as galls. All infected shoots need to be cut to the root, while the hemp should not remain, then they burn them. If this semi-staple will be amazed by purple spottedness, which is a fungal disease, first on its sheet plates will appear the spots of the brown-red color, and over time they dry out. After all the fruits are collected from the affected bushes, they need to make a zircon drug. Cut the root all the dried stems immediately after it becomes clear that the plant is patient, while waiting for the fall, no need.

The fungal disease is actively developing in crude rainy weather in the summer. In the affected bustle on the surface of the sheet plates, gray spots with red crossing appear, the fruits dry out, and there is also a dying of the ends of the shoots. In order to plant prevention, varieties that are resistant to this disease should be chosen, and you also need to cut and burn all infected parts of the raspberry. Also an affected copy must be treated with a solution of nitrafen.

Malina pests and fighting them

The following pests can settle on the raspberries' bushes: WLL, web tick, shooting and stem malinous gallians, weevil, malinous nut-making, raspberry beetle and malinous stem fly. During the flowering period, a brown-yellow raspberry beetle can settle on this semi-staple. This pest is powered by buds, flowers and foliage of the plant, with the females in the flowers arrange their eggs. The larvae emitted from eggs eaten fruit. After snow comes out, the affected bushes need to be sprayed with nitrafen, and during the cherry blooms they are treated with phytodeterm. Malinous stem flies makes his eggs in the sinuses of the top leaf plates, which appeared on the light of the larvae eaten the stems from the inside. Malinny walnut and stem, as well as shooting gallians make their eggs in young shoots, when the larvae will hatch, they will eat them. If the TLL settled on the bush, then on the surface of the stems and sheet plates it will be possible to detect a medical dew, the shoots and twisting of foliage also occur. In addition, this pest is the main carrier of various dangerous diseases. Pointers, settled on Malina, suck her juice, while they are carriers of viral diseases and sulfur rot. In buds, the flowering female whil makes her own egg laying, stealing at the same time the flower makers. One individual can harm a large number of flowers (up to 50). To get rid of all the pests described, you need early in the spring and after all the fruits are collected, treat bushes with carbofos or accleretic. And most importantly, remember that if you adhere to the rules of agrotechnology, you will not have problems with pests.

Raspberries with photos and descriptions

Mall of raspberry varieties are divided into large-scale, traditional and removable. Traditional varieties are distinguished by their reliability, they quickly adapt to climatic conditions and undemanding to the soil, but it will not be possible to collect with them a rich harvest. Stems in large-scale varieties are relatively strong, thanks to which they are distinguished by high yields, their fruits are large and fragrant. Removable varieties give 2 crop over the season, while they are fruiting they stop only with the onset of very strong frosts. Also, these varieties differ from each other with the color and quality of taste of fruits, maturation period, and by the degree of resistance to disease and harmful insects.

  1. Cascade. The average grade is negatively reacting to drought and affected by spotting. The height of the weakly chest comes to 200 cm. The shape of dark red fruits is stupid, they weigh about 3.5 g, the taste of sweet-sour.
  2. Kumberland. The grade has moderate frost resistance and resistance to pests and diseases. Black fruits weigh about 2 g. The bush in height can reach 200 cm, the stalks arcooked is curved, does not give root offspring.
  3. Golden giant. This large-scale variety is distinguished by frost resistance and high yield. Yellow large fruits weigh 8-14 grams.
  4. Vega. Frost-resistant grade is resistant to mushroom diseases. The height of the Kusta is about 250 cm, many low-wicked shoots grow. The shape of the raspberry fruit is stupid, weigh about 4 grams, taste sweet-sour.
  5. Glen AMPL. The variety was created in England. It is resistant to frost, diseases and pests, is distinguished by a very high yield (1 hectares are collected up to 15 tons of berries). The height of a strong bush is about 350 cm, the stalks are well branched. Saturated red dense fruits have a rounded conical shape and weigh about 4 grams.
    1. Ruby. Frost-resistant grade is affected by anthyraznosis. The height of the plant is about 1.8 m, on the surface of the shoots there are many short thickens of the dark purple color. The shape of the saturated red fruit is stupid, they weigh about 3.5 grams.
    2. Mirage. The variety is distinguished by resistance to pests and diseases. On the surface of the mid-diluted bushes are small, short and sufficiently soft spikes of dark red colors. The form of large red fruits extended, weigh about 6 grams.
    3. Metropolitan. The grade is resistant to diseases and frosts, differ in yield (with 1 coastal, up to 4 kilograms of fragrant fruits are collected). The height of the represented compact bustle is about 200 centimeters. Red large fruits weigh about 8 grams.

    1. Orange miracle. The variety is distinguished by resistance to pests and mushroom diseases. Orange glossy fruits have high taste qualities, they have an extended shape and weigh from 7 to 9 grams. The taste of sweet-sour berries.
    2. Apricot. Fruits of golden color with a thin smell. Their form is stupid, and they weigh about 3.5 grams.
    3. Mulatto. The high-yielding grade is highly resistant to mushroom diseases and pests. Sweet-sour round glossy fruits painted in a dark cherry color, weigh about 4 grams.
    4. Diamond. A variety is characterized by a high yield, about 3 kg of fruits are collected from 1 bush. Large ruby \u200b\u200bcolor fruits have a bright gloss and a conical shape, weighing about 7 g. The taste of sweet-sour, dessert.

    Properties of raspberries

    Raspberry berries include fructose, organic acids - lemon, apple, wine, ascorbic, ant, cape, and also vitamins and trace elements - magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. For a long time, the raspberries are used as a contrastful agent, so, with dried berries, tea is prepared, they make jam or larch fresh fruits with sugar sand. Malina differs from other berries in that after thermal processing, all its useful properties are saved. From the foliage of the plant prepare brazers and infusions used in angina and cough. A infusion prepared from foliage and flowers is used to treat hemorrhoids and gynecological diseases. Preparations made of berries, flowers and foliage are distinguished by antipyretic, antioxidant, antisclerotic and anti-inflammatory effect, they use them during therapy of colds, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, minorocher, heart rate disorders, kidney disease. In Eastern medicine, sexual impotence and infertility are treated with such drugs.

    The infusion made from foliage is used in eels, corrosive inflammation of the skin, eczema and rashes, while they wipe the surface of the epidermis. From it they make a row with conjunctivitis and blufarite. A decoction is prepared from the roots used to treat purulent otitis and stop hemorrhoidal and nasal bleeding.

    Not so long ago at the University of Clemson, raspberry studies were conducted. An experimental animal having a cancer tumor was given a raspberry extract, it led to the death of 90 percent of cancer cells. This result cannot repeat not one known science antioxidant. With this effect, all the raspberries are possessed.

    Rasina has a series of contraindications. It is not recommended to use gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers during the exacerbation period. And she is contraindicated to people suffering from jade, gout and amyloidosis.

Malina is one of the most common berry shrubs grown in private gardens and industrial plantations. It is cultivated from time immemorial, some varieties are known since the XVI century. Today, the world leader in raspberries is Russia, far conjunct other countries. We also create a majority of new varieties - it is not surprising, as culture is better adapted for growing in a cool climate than at high temperatures.

Botanical description of raspberry

Raspberries - a semi-staple or shrub belonging to the sorcetic family roster. Most of the 1500 species grow in a moderate climate of the northern hemisphere, but some live for the polar circle and in the tropics of South America.

The origin of the varieties and objectives of modern selection

The best raspberry varieties occurred mainly from the crossing of wild species European Red and American Red. Other types of cultivarov took part in the creation of some cultivars:

  • American black;
  • American fragrant;
  • Asian yellow;
  • Asian purple;
  • Glenkur (comes from South America).

The raspberry varieties distinguish between the color, the size of the fruits and the timing of ripening. Today, no one is not interested in tasteless or small berries. Tasks are facing modern breeders:

  1. The elimination of high-yielding large-scale varieties of attractive species and with excellent taste.
  2. Berries should be well transported and stupidly hold onto the fruit.
  3. The creation of raspberry varieties, sustainable and pests.
  4. The removal of cultivars with durable shoots devoid of spikes and able to withstand the weight of a large number of berries.

Comment! Collect all the desired quality of raspberries in one grade is not yet, especially "difficult" things are doing with spines.

The structure of the raspberry

Garden raspberry is a leafy shrub that is grown in a two-year cycle.

Root system

The raspberry roots are well developed and placed for the most part at a depth of no more than 40 cm. A small number of processes penetrates on 1 m, and most often on sandy soils. For most varieties, the roots capture the territory within a radius of up to 60 cm. Only the strongest grow on 2-3 m.

On well-developed roots are formed strong shoots capable of giving an abundant harvest. The durability of the bush depends on the ability of the rhizoma to form kidneys from which substitution shoots grow. It is the pig that makes it easier to propagate most of the raspberry varieties.


The shoots of the raspberry depending on the grade grow in a height of 1.5-3 m. They can be straight, curved or located at a small angle to the ground level.

Typically, culture is grown in a two-year cycle. The first year is just growing, gaining green mass and nutrients, do not branch. They are called swamps of substitution.

Two-year-old vacancies form many side and fruit sprigs - at this time tall varieties are tied up to the grid, so that they do not lie on the ground under the weight of the berries. By the fall, they begin to fall gradually, and in the winter they die. When Rasnia gives a crop, replicated shoots cut off under the root so that they do not pull the useful substances and gave to graze a young sword.

Very other removable varieties. The first harvest they give at the beginning of the summer on last year's shoots. The second matures at the end of the summer or the beginning of autumn on the young row.

Kidneys, leaves and flowers

Malina lays two kidneys one above the other - fruit sprigs are formed from the upper, from the lower leaves. White flowers, biscuits, are pollinated by bees. Malina samoplodna, but a greater harvest can be obtained when growing in a plot of 2-3 varieties. Flowers are revealed at the same time, for a month.

For the growing season, about 40 leaves grows on every raspberry shoot. They grow, replacing each other, from early spring until the end of the summer. The life of each leaf is about a month.


Berries, and more precisely, the strongest bunch of raspberries are collected in the bunches of 3-5 pieces, ripen unevenly and require from 5 to 10 harvest fees. Usually fruiting lasts 30 days. Berries can be:

  • small - about 1 g;
  • middle - 2-3 g;
  • large - 4 g or more.

The best raspberries can give berries weighing in 8 g.

Fruit color - from pink to burgundy, black, yellow or orange. The most delicious and fragrant raspberries are painted in all shades of red.

Precast bonuses may be in shape:

  • ball;
  • oval;
  • cylinder;
  • truncated cone.

Best races of raspberries

Data on yields from one bush and the description of the raspberry varieties will help with the choice of gardeners who have not yet planted this culture or are going to expand the collection. Only the best cultivars included in the Gospectra in the 21st century will be presented to your attention. In brackets after the name will be specified the year of registration. Exception is the black-fed grade of Kumberland. It is not included in the State Registry, but is often grown in the territory of Russia and neighboring countries.

Comment! The size of the berries of the raspberry is given those that are indicated in the official description of the variety. In other sources, they will be more, in fact - too. When testing, the varieties are growing in close to natural conditions. High agrotechnology will allow to get a greater harvest, and the berry is larger than being in the state market.

Modern varieties are often originally created by removable, but recommended for cultivation in fruit-free culture. The fact is that Malina will give the same than the same total harvest if collecting berries from last year's and young shoots, or fall to the root of the root.

A varieties intended for cultivation in the regions with a cold climate are traditionally characterized by smaller berries than warm.

Tip! In the northern regions should not be planted large-scale raspberries - berries will be beautiful, but tasteless.

Early raspberries

The first berries are especially valued. A description of the early grades of raspberries with photos will help make a choice.


Malina Roven (2008) is recommended for the West Siberian region. The bush of this variety can be described in one word - "medium". This applies to height, spreadability, the ability to form replacement shoots, growth strength. Old and young leafs are light brown, cross over the entire length.

Dark red conical berries grow up to 2.8 g. They taste with sour-sweet, fragrant. Tasting rating - 4.1 points. The yield of raspberry rug - 62.4 c / ha.

The grade is winter-hardy, with medium resistance to diseases, drought and pests.


Malina Lel (2015) is recommended to grown in the Volga-Vyatka region. The bush shows the average indicators in everything - in the ability to form shoots, height, spreadability. Two-year-old Violet-brown, straight, short spikes are scattered over the entire length. Young purple stems, with rare barns.

Red, weakly pubescent berries reach the maximum weight of 3.2 g, have a trapezoidal form. The pulp of medium density, sour-sweet, received an estimate of 5 points for the taste. Here, yields tumbled - only 24,1 c / ha.

Malina Lel's grade is resistant to low temperatures and does not take drought at all. Middle is amazed by diseases and pests.


Malina Good (2013) is growing well in West Siberian, Far Eastern, East Siberian regions. Forms a bush with a height of up to 1.7 m, 12-14 replacement shoots per year. Westing brazing, two-year-gray-brown, young - beige, slightly purple on the sunny side. Spikes are rare.

Light red red raspberry berries are slightly pubescent. They reach the maximum weight of 3.8 g, have a medium-sized busting and firmly attached to the fruit. A pleasant fragrant pulp was estimated 4.7 points. Medium yield - 90 c with ha.

Winter hardiness is high, to the heat, the invasion of pests and disease, this raspberry is adapted by the average.

Association of raspberries

When the varieties of middle raspberries ripen, the first hunger is already quenched. It's time for the workpieces. Therefore, by numerous reviews, in the description of the raspberry variety for jar and juices, the main thing is not the size and beauty of the berries, but the taste and aroma.


Rasalina Sullaif (2017) is designed for cultivation in the Central Committee. The variety is not removable. Forms the average powerful bush with straight, prickly in the bottom of the shoots. Fruit and young brown leaves.

Red berries in the shape of a cone have the average weight of 3.6 g. The fragrance is weak, but the gentle sour-sweet pulp is delicious, with the estimate of the 4.6 ballast tastor. From centner collect 55.6 tons of berries.

The grade winter-hardy, pests or disease is damaged.

Rubin Bryansk

Red universal berries, weighing 3-4 g, stupid. The taste is estimated by 4.5 points. Hectares are collected 44 c berries.

Rubin Bryansky Rubin variety is distinguished by a high frost-resistant and very good resistance to diseases and pests.


Bedially brilliant light-red berries are non-domestic, their average weight is 3.8 g, the maximum - 8 g. The sweet fragrant flesh of the average consistency, with a rating of 4.6 points. Yield - about 112 c / ha.

Resistance to drought, cold, damage to diseases and pests of raspberry Caramel variety.

Late raspberries

In the northern regions, the late varieties do not always increase. Malina often goes under the winter with flowers and berries. Even if the grade really liked, think if your climate is suitable.


The newest Malina Antares (2018) is intended for the Volga-Vyatka region. The variety belongs to the average, universal destination, is unreportant. Malina Antares forms a strong underdeveloped medium-sized bush. The 7-8 substitution shoots will annually grow. Fruit leafs straight, dark brown, completely covered with medium sized spikes. Young piggings reddish.

Dark red, trapezoidal shape of the Middle Size Berries - about 3.4 g. Variety of universal destination. The fragrant sour-sweet berry received an estimate of 4.9 points. Yield with hectare - 57.8 c.

The Malina Antares variety is distinguished by high winter hardiness, during the tests did not sore and did not amaze pests.


Malina Priobskaya (2009) is admitted to cultivation in the East Siberian and West Siberian regions. A high medustaded bush forms straight brown fruiting shoots with medium sized spikes located at the bottom of the weave. Young bright purple sprigs.

Table berries, red, in the form of an elongated cone, medium weighing 3.3 g, are kept on a thin long fruit. The flesh is sweet, with sourness, without flavor. The taste of fresh berries is estimated at 4.4 points. Yield - 38.7 c / ha.

Frost resistance and drought high. To pests, heat and diseases are average.


Raspberry Muse (2009) is intended for cultivation in the Volga-Vyatka region. Forms a high bush with an average ability to form shoots. Two-year leafing brown, with solid straight spines over the entire length. Young Purple Crowd.

And at least small berries (about 2 g each), they received the highest rating during tasting - 5 points. Fruits have a conical shape and a gentle sweet pulp with a good aroma. Raspberry Musa gives 33.5 C berries with hectares.

Frost resistance of grade high, endurance to diseases, drought and pests - average.

Development of raspberry varieties

The most popular rapid raspberries have become most popular - it is fruitful twice. When choosing a variety, pay attention to the period of fruiting, as in the northern regions, not everyone can grow to frosts. One thing to lose 10% crop, completely different if you can only try berries.

In the northern regions and areas of risky agriculture often, they often make remove raspberries. Then she fertilizes for a long time on weaves of the current year once, and it matures a little later than if the berries were given the shoots of the previous season.

Bow Cossack

Malina Bow Cossack (2017) is recommended for cultivation throughout Russia. Forms a powerful reprehensive high-growth bush with a large future formation capacity. Annual Purple shoots, with short middle spikes, bent down the book. If the raspberries comes in autumn and grow in culture, fruiting once, the maturation time can be defined as medium.

Universal purpose berries, bicycles, dark red, shiny. The average mass of fruits is 3.7 g, the maximum - 6 g. The pulp of medium consistency, fragrant, the taste is estimated at 4.3 points. Attention should be paid to the yield - 175 c with hectares on average.

Resistance to diseases, frosts, pests and drought is average.

Gift Kashina

Malina Gift Kashina (2017) can be grown in all regions of Russia. It forms a high, growing straight bush with high ability to form new shoots. If in front of them to rinse them, fruiting occurs in the average time. Young shoots missed weakly.

Berries conical, brilliant, dark red, universal destination. They differ in large sizes - an average of 5 g, the maximum - 7.2 g. The aromatic berries with a sour-sweet taste was estimated 4.3 points. The yield of raspberry variety gift Kashina is also at the height - 170 c with ha.

Resistance to diseases, drought, heat and pests - average.


(2008) grown in all regions. When mowing for the winter, it starts fruit at the later dates. The slightly awesome bush is high, strong, with light brown, bumping along the entire length of escapes.

Conical berries are red, with glitter, large. Their average weight is 4.3 g, the largest 06 g. The appointment of gentle fruits is universal, the taste of sour-sweet, the aroma is thin, the estimate is 4 points. The yield of the raspberry of this variety reaches 131 c / ha.

The firebird has an average resistance to frost, diseases, drought and pests.

Indian summer-2

Malina India Summer-2 (2004) is recommended for cultivation in the central region. The grade forms a strong well-woofer, the mid-grade bush with numerous sharp spines along the entire length of escape. Fruit leaf brown, straight, young - bright purple.

The raspberry foam-molded berries on average tighten up to 3.6 g. The sour-sweet pulp, gentle, with a pronounced aroma is estimated at 4 points. But yield - 115 c with ha. The pests are affected by weakly. Sort repair.

Yellow Malina

Yellow raspberries, pictures of which you can see very beautiful berries, usually differ in sweet dessert taste and weak aroma. Fruits are better eating fresh, and when processing is used only in the assortment.


Golden-apricot pubescent berries in the shape of a truncated cone are medium, weighing about 3 g. Weak fragrance, gentle flesh and sour-sweet taste got high for yellow-starred varieties - 4.5 points.

From hectare you can collect 117 c berries. The variety is removed, resistant to pests and diseases.

Orange miracle

Malina Orange Miracle (2009) is admitted to cultivation in all regions. The versatile variety, removable, when fastening for the winter, the harvest gives in the average time. A high powerful bush with a good ability to form new shoots gives light brown leaves with spikes at the base.

Bright orange, elongated-stuporic brilliant berries are just huge. Their average weight is 5.5 g, but many bonuses are gaining more than 10 g. Tasting evaluation - 4 points, yield - 155 c / ha. The flesh is sour-sweet, gentle, as for yellow-flowing raspberry varieties, rather fragrant.

Resistance to adverse factors, diseases, pests - average.

Black Malina

It is attractive to black raspberry varieties in the photo, but the description and reviews characterize them as an exotic variety, far from the best and tasty. This wonder can be grown for a variety, and not as a major culture.

There are not so many black-like varieties, all of them are created with the participation of wild black-flowing American raspberries. This is associated with frankly mediocre taste. If someone wants black berries, there are many excellent blackberry and e-mail varieties to their services (hybrid of raspberries and blackberries).


- The most common black-sided variety. It is not at all e-mail, that is, a blackberry hybrid. Forms a tall sprawling bush, requiring a mandatory garter. Pearful leaning, purple.

The berries in the Kumbirland small, with large solid bones. The taste is sweet, without flavor. Fruiting long, berries do not appear if they are not assembled, they can dry on the fruoz. The only plus - when freezing is kept form. Yield - 4-7 kg with bush.

Malina varieties Kumberland has high stability to frost, diseases, drought, pests. Without irrigation, the grade gives little berries, and without that small they become even smaller.


Ralina Corner (2004) is recommended for cultivation in the West Siberian region. The grade forms the average emission of a bush with arcooked escapes coming throughout the entire length. Two-year brown-naizy, young - green, with a pronounced wax.

Black tight berries are small - on average 1.8 g each. Ripen early, obtained a tasting rating - 4.1 points raspberry. Yield with ha - 41 c.

This raspberry has high resistance to pests and diseases, winter hardiness - average.


There are many raspberry varieties that differ in color and the size of berries, maturation timing, shape and height of the bush. Which one is the best - depends on the personal preferences of the gardener. The main thing is to purchase landing material to obtain reliable information describing raspberries and not get lost in the abundance of varieties.

I think in every house they try to stock up for the winter with raspberry jam. It helps with colds in winter and contains a lot of useful substances.
Do you know that raspberries contain salicylic, lemon, apple and wine-acid. Therefore, it is used as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. In childhood, we often came raw and wet through the walk. Then mom disguised us in dry clothes and poured tea with raspberry jam. And then forced to wrap up a blanket and carefully penetrate. And often it happened that the disease was leaving, and without starting.

Malina is a whole storehouse of vitamins. It contains the vitamins of the group B, A, C, E. Also in it a lot of potassium trace elements, calcium, iron. Therefore, raspberry jam must be supposed. It does not happen much. In addition, it is easier to do it. And how do you learn from this article. There are many ways to prepare this wonderful workpiece, we will analyze the most delicious of them:

  • Five minutes from raspberry
  • Raspberry jam with whole berries
  • Rasian jam with gelatin
  • Raspberry with sugar without cooking

Before the preparation of jam, a berry should be sure to go away from leaves and bugs. In Railina, various bugs and spids are inhabited. There is a small secret, how to get rid of them. In 1 liter of water, we stir 1 tablespoon of salt. Berries put on a colander or sieve. The dishes are immersed in the salty solution for 5 minutes. And all our insects will be on the surface. After that, the raspberry need to rinse well. Let me lie 10 minutes in the colander to the glasses of excess water.

Malina Jam "Five minutes" (thick)

One of the most popular recipes. Due to the rapid cooking in the berries, many useful substances are preserved.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
Sugar and berries take equal proportions. Therefore, the number of kilograms may vary at your discretion.

Step-by-step recipe for 5 minutes from raspberry:

1. The berry needs to go away from leaves and bugs. After that, the raspberries need to rinse in salted water as described above. Then rinse with ordinary water and leak on the colander. Let me lie 10 minutes in the colander to the glasses of excess water.

2. Now you need to choose dishes in which we will prepare our jam. In the form of the dishes should be not high and wide enough. The pelvis has such a form, so it is considered the best option, for cooking jam. The form for dishes chose. Now we will define it with its material. For cooking jam is best suited for copper, stainless steel and brass.

3. In the pelvis, we pour all raspberries. It must be intermitted with a pusher and fall asleep with sugar sand. We mix carefully our ingredients. We leave for a couple of hours our yummy so that sugar is dissolved.

4. And at this time we will deal with the sterilization of cans. There are many ways: over the ferry, in the oven, in the microwave, etc. I sterilize in the microwave. Banks must be clean. We pour water about 1.5 cm and send to the microwave for 3 minutes at a power of 800-900.

5. We put a container with future jam to the smallest fire. Constantly stirring and bring to a boil. When the jam is boiled, foam is formed on its surface. Gently remove it with a spoon. If this is not done, the jam can be spoiled soon. Let us get bored with our jam for 5 minutes.

6. Jam neatly packaged into our sterilized banks and tightly close the lid. Banks for any jam I use small. To do not store it for a long time when you open the jar. Now our banks must be turned over and give them to cool.

Jam five-minute from whole raspberry berries

Stunning jam can be cooked from whole raspberries. This berry does not have dense skin. Therefore, the berries remain whole, it is necessary to cook it in syrup, which is obtained from the juice of raspberry and sugar when it stands.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg

Step-by-step coating of raspberry jam with whole berries:

1. Clean the berries from the garbage (leaves, bugs, larvae). We rinse them with water, we fold on the colander.
2. In the dishes in which the jam will be cooked, we fall asleep half of the sugar sand.
3. All raspberries are sent to the pelvis.
4. The remaining sugar cover our raspberry.
5. Let's leave everything in the container for 5-6 hours. Let Malina give juice. I usually do it for the night. And in the morning I bring the work started to the end.
6. In the morning I begin to sterilize banks, and then proceed to the jam yourself.
7. We light the smallest fire and send the container on the stove. Very gently mix so as not to disturb the integrity of the berries.
8. We are waiting for sugar to dissolve, slightly add a fire. When the jam boils, cook another 5 minutes. Do not forget, carefully stirred and clean the foam with jam.
9. Spill ready-made jam on jars. Thoroughly closing them with a lid.

By the way, it is possible to use and fewer sugar, for example, in this video recipe:

Raspberry jam with whole berries (ordinary cooking)

Another very tasty recipe. Berries during cooking it remains integer. From this there is more benefits and taste.

When you prepare jam from whole berries, do not take a lot of kilograms at once. It will be enough 1.5-2 kilograms, and the berries can crush each other.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
Products take in proportion 1: 1

Step-by-step recipe for making jams from raspberry:

1. In this recipe, it is better to take the best raspberry. That is, there must be clean, large, bought in the market for some grandmother or your own. Because in this recipe, we will not wash it.
2. In the container for the jam we will apply sugar and berries, while the products are not completed.
3. We need everything to be laid 5-6 hours. We do again all overnight. We clean the dishes with the future jam in the refrigerator.
4. Malina will give juice overnight. We need to merge and bring it to a boil. Leave it on slow fire for 10 minutes.
5. And we are still sterling our banks
6. Malina we send, boiled in the juice for about 20 minutes. It is not necessary to interfere with the berries in this recipe. Therefore, the fire is the smallest.
7. In dry and hot jars, we pour our jam. You can wrap, in something warm and allow to cool completely. I use an old cotton blanket. It is necessary in order to reduce the booster time of the jam. Then it will be very beautiful and natural in color.

Rasian jam with gelatin

This is a very interesting interpretation of raspberry jam. This recipe will have to your shower lovers or jams. Due to the fact that it turns out thick, it can be used as a filling for pies.


  • Raspberry 1 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
  • Water 300 ml
  • Citric acid about 10 grams
  • Gelatin 5 gram

Step-by-step recipe for cooking jam with gelatin:

1. In this recipe we will start with gelatin. It needs to be diluted with warm water and give to swell. The package always writes instructions.
2. Sterilize our jars in any way convenient for you.
3. We take large and not crumpled berries. If the raspberry is clean, without dust, then you can not wash.
4. In the dishes gently mix berries and sugar sand. Next, pour our weight with water.
5. We send on the slab for half an hour. Cook on the smallest fire, prevent the jam to be burned. To do this, use a plastic or wooden spoon. Metal raspberries can oxidize.
6. We send gelatin and citric acid into the container. Preparing for another 15 minutes.
7. The finished product is expanding on jars. Store in a dark cooler place.

Raspberry with sugar without cooking

Cooking raspberries this way allows you to maintain all the original vitamins and trace elements that are in it. Indeed, in this recipe it is not exposed to heat treatment. But there is not a big minus of this method - sugar more than usual.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 3 kg
The amount of sugar is used 2 times more than raspberries.

Step-by-step preparation recipe:

1. Here is not only selected raspberries for this recipe, but also crumpled berries. And so the raspberry we clean and turn into porridge using a wooden brush.
2. Now add sugar sand to the container. Very neatly mix all. We need sugar all dissolved. In time it is 20-24 hours. Periodically, everything is mixed with a wooden spoon.
3. When sugar completely disperse in the total mass of the jam, you can go banks.
4. In dry hot banks, we lay the finished raspberry mass, but not to the very top. We leave the empty 1-1.5 cm and pour sugar sand. Tightly tighten with a lid. You can use tight paper and rope in an old way. Store in the refrigerator.

In this topic, I told ways and the subtleties of the preparation of raspberry jam. Shared with you some secrets. I hope you too will find for yourself the "perfect" recipe for raspberry jam. And you will delight yourself and our loved ones with this useful delicacy.

Welcome to my feedback! Here will be songs, dances, delicious treats, as well as effective assistance in childbirth, folk recipes for colds, as well as interesting little-known facts. Why do I put Malina 5 stars? One star for each application! And I use it five different ways.

For raspberries in the garden, let's go,

In the garden, let's go to the garden,


Head, head.

`”*° .✿ ✿ °*”` RASPBERRIES `”*° .✿ ✿ °*”`

Raspberry Raspberry - a leaf-old semi-staple with a perennial rhizome, from which two-year overhead stems are developing 1.5-2.5 m high.

The rhizome is winding, rustic, with multiple apparent roots forming a powerful branched system.

Application first

Sunshine in the yard

And in the garden, the path.

Sweet you are mine


Our Malinik is behind the house. Favorite place of children. If I lost your child in the country - look for it there! Berries bloom for both cheeks.

You, Malinka, not in the rotch,

Not in the rotock, not in the rotock -

Pour into the body

In the body, in the body.

This is a real problem. Collect the berries with children unreal! Half exactly blind.

Therefore, it's easier to choose them on a glass and give to eat, during which time calmly devote

Like raspberries like

Score, gain,

Pies we will arouse,

Let's learn, let's tell.

All neighbors call

Call, call!

And pies, and cakes with raspberries.

But most often we eat berries just like that. With milk, with pancakes, with cottage cheese

The benefits of raspberry berries are simply unreal!

vitamins A, C, E, Groups in

folic acid,

salicylic Acid (Natural Aspirin)


fatty acid,

and other substances necessary for the body.

Help with:




    diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,

    cardiovascular system, especially for those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke.

    colds, ORZ, with cough, various inflammations,

    violation of metabolism.

  • essential oils increase appetite,
  • fiber affects intestines
  • pectines remove heavy metal salts

One ★ Berries!

Application second

I confess, I do not make the jam herself. Too, in my opinion, Murotno is. But always overlooks the jar from grandmothers. I love jam other, such as cherry or strawberry. And the raspberry - well, how is it? Therefore, here we have only one use - add to tea with a cold. I do not know whether there are any vitamins after all this thermal processing (grandmother's jam is dense, booby), but it's better not to die! I don't want feet ..

Too often, I have a jam for years standing, suaches, but does not deteriorate (sugar there is 1 to 2), and I am with a clean conscience add it to the dough to sweet cake.

Second ★ for jam!

Application of the third

Raspberry, rubbed with sugar (freezing)

But I do it myself. I twisting the blender (now just a brush, the blender still did not buy, after that terrible story..)

To the twisted mass of some sugar and the freezer.

I discarded a little and wait, when it knows. In this case, a little blackberry added to Malina

Where I use:

  • on sandwich

  • just so to tea
  • to the Mors Children
  • as a filling to ice cream
  • in dairy cocktails
  • in a cream for a cake (wipe through the sieve from the bones)
  • in Kashi.
  • in cottage cheese
  • to pancakes

  • Unlike jam, the smell is crazy! The taste and benefit is obvious!

    Third ★ for frozen raspberries


    Application fourth

    Dried raspberry

    Now the year was extremely harvest in Rasina. And I did not know where to give her. And remembered one "Babushkino" delicacy. The harsh 90s, nor sweets or chips. Only left the grandmother from a special bag to carry dry raspberry. And it seemed incredible tasty.

    My children now it seems so, but I feel no feelings already, and there is not the taste, and there is no sweetness .. The grandmother dried in the sun, and then on the warm stove he dried, everywhere such smells vitaly ...

    And I did so:

    i poured on a baking sheet, it crushed as homogeneously and placed in the oven by 50-60 degrees for several hours. This temperature leaves a lot of vitamins in the berries. Her goal is to save berries from the water completely. The berries in the end are greatly reduced in the amount, when pressing the juice does not flow, they are a little "spring" and hold the form.

    Store in a glass jar

    Where to use:

    • there is just like that
    • brew vitamin drinks
    • you can grind into powder and add to desserts (for use)
    • and you can even make different alcohol tinctures (I personally, I do not do it)

    Fourth ★ for dried raspberries.


    Application fifth

    Leaves of raspberries

    Bonus application. For future mothers are relevant.

    When I was pregnant with a second child, I just did that I read different ways "how to anesthetle", "how to speed up the opening of the cervix", etc ..

    And found information that the leaves of raspberries contain substances that

    1) prepare the cervix

    2) accelerate its disclosure

    3) increase elasticity

    In addition, the start of generic activity is accelerated, and the process is less painful.

    There is a scientific explanation

    Raspberry leaves contain a specific vegetable alkaloid called fragonrin, which causes brackets-hicks or "training" contractions. Such contractions are periodic cuts in the fallopian walls, which strengthens the uterus and prepares it to childbirth. All the same crimson alkaloids increase the elasticity of the vagina. During childbirth, it can save you from too strong gaps of the vagina and reduce pain.

    But the raspberry leaves need not earlier than 36 weeks, so as not to cause childbirth prematurely.

    My experience. We did not have giving. Neither raspberries or leaves. But I suffered everyone - get me raspberry leaves! I need raspberry leaves! As a result, the mother-in-law mined me a package of leaves, for which she is a huge human thank you .. because there was summer, I used fresh leaves, but if I had to drink them in winter, I would dry them and kept in a dry way.

    I took 4-5 leaves, poured them enough hot water (but not boiling water!), And drank like tea, three times a day. Very, by the way tasty! And if you add a couple more currant leaves - then in general, the most beautiful delicious tea was obtained.

    I drank them only in the second birth, which turned out to be the most ideal in the end.

    Fifth ★ for raspberry leaves.


    There is one more application, but he did not have enough stars, so I just put him a plus. This is crimson wine! I drank it once in the south, I really liked it!

    Maliainovoye Wineoooo, to a drunking aromaaaat ..

    Interesting Facts about Malina

    Raspberries applied in cosmetology

    fresh berries, as well as raspberry leaves and flowers help support skin in a tone, extending her youth, levets the skin color, whitens and nourishes.

    There are giant raspberry varieties

    the varieties are called varieties that give berries weighing 5-12 g, and reach 15-18 g. Gardeners with good care for large-scale raspberries receive 5-6 kg of berries from one bush.

    There are many raspberry varieties (red, pink, yellow) and even

    black raspberry, externally similar to blackberry, but it's raspberry!

    Most raspberries in the world grows in Russia

    first raspberry garden Located Yuri Dolgoruky. According to the ancient chronicles, this raspberry garden was so big that he loved the bears in him.

    bears actually love eating raspberry

    They enhance the branches of the paws, and then mouth tear the berries. Leaves do not touch!

    Total berry gets ★★★★★ +