Repair Design Furniture

The ficus leaves the green leaves of the cause. If the leaves of the ficus are falling, then the rainy autumn has come? Over-watering: the tree is "flooded

Many amateur flower growers absolutely do not know what to do when the leaves of the ficus fall. This condition occurs in all its types. Before proceeding with the treatment of the plant, it is necessary to find out the reason that led it to this state.

The main causes of leaf fall in different types of ficus

Since many species of this plant are grown at home, the most different factors... At the same time, do not forget that dropping the lower leaves is quite natural for tree-like ficuses with their normal development and growth. If this process occurs too quickly, affecting almost the entire plant, you should carefully understand the conditions for its maintenance. Often, the leaves of the ficus fall from waterlogging of the soil. However, he can practically "go bald". Suffers greatly from excess moisture Despite the fact that he is less demanding on the conditions of detention, waterlogging has a detrimental effect on him.

The situation is different with despite the variety of its varieties, they are all very demanding on the conditions of detention. So, ficus leaves fall off even when the conditions of its maintenance change. At the same time, the disadvantage sunlight, drafts, low temperatures, excessive or insufficient feeding often provoke this state of the plant. Frequent transplants, which interfere with normal development and growth, also adversely affect him. Often it is after them that the leaves of the ficus fall.

Almost all species of this plant (except for ampelous forms) must be transplanted regularly, since their root system grows rather quickly and depletes the soil. Almost all do not tolerate the change of their location, which also leads to the shedding of leaves. Often, this process does not occur immediately after the plant is rearranged, but after a while.

Why do leaves fall in ampelous forms

The first harbinger of insufficient or excessive illumination in ampelous forms of ficus is wrinkling of the leaves. There are other reasons for the deterioration of such plants. Drying out the soil and the lack of regular spraying also leads to shedding of foliage.

Leaves turn yellow and fall

Sometimes inexperienced growers start to worry, not knowing how their ficus tree feels. The leaves turn yellow and fall off during the growth of this plant constantly. This natural process should generally not be alarming. Only when this phenomenon spreads from the old lower leaves to the upper young leaves should one look for the cause in improper plant care.

In all types of ficus, leaves turn yellow and fall off when there is insufficient nutrition. When the soil is depleted, the plants should be regularly transplanted into a new substrate and periodically fed.

Some growers carefully follow all the rules for caring for their ficus, but the color of its foliage and its quantity still change. What else can cause such a painful condition? Answering the question about how, do not forget that ordinary pests can start on it, which greatly deplete the plant. To find these uninvited guests, it is necessary to carefully examine the ficus, and after establishing their species, apply an appropriate insecticide to destroy insects.

The leaves are getting dark

Dark spots often appear on the edges and tips of the leaves. If you do not take emergency measures, you can simply lose your favorite ficus. The leaves turn black and fall off at too high a temperature, dry air or when the plant is overfeeding with fertilizers. Leaves often darken in the cold season, when there is a need for heating the premises. Elevated air temperature and dryness are the main reason that the ficus begins to ache and wither.

Blackening of leaves can be caused by sunburn. When dark spots appear, it is urgent to remove the plant in partial shade.

Blackening of the leaves is also caused by waterlogging of the soil. That is why it is necessary to check its condition before watering. To do this, you can stick a dry stick into the ground to a depth of 3 cm.If wet soil remains on it after removing it, you should not water the plant yet. Having a good drainage system will also protect the plant from blackening of the leaves.

How to save a ficus

Leaves of this plant species fall off quite often, and only compliance with the conditions of detention can save them from death. So, for all ficuses, it is important temperature regime... Moreover, in winter time the room should not be colder than +12 ˚С. Ficus trees prefer good lighting, while other species prefer partial shade. Different forms of this plant relate to watering in different ways. So, they like frequent watering, and tree-like ones should be moistened only after the soil dries out. It should be remembered that all types of plants must be moistened with soft water. room temperature... Watering in winter period cut slightly.

In the warm season, ficuses can be taken out on Fresh air... Moreover, they must be placed in partial shade. In the air, the crown of these plants quickly becomes lush and green. A spring transplant is performed once every 2 years. Ampel forms can be transplanted once every 3-4 years.

Chemicals to improve the condition of ficus

In addition to eliminating the causes that caused the "baldness" of the ficus, you can use special means that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the plant. So, it is sprayed several times with the preparations "Epin" or "Zircon", which are excellent growth stimulants. Repeated treatments with such means will revive the ficus, and young green leaves will appear on it.

Ficus is one of the most beautiful exotic plants. Among other indoor flowers, it stands out for a variety of varieties, original look and rich foliage color. At home, caring for indoor ficus is quite simple. But under the influence of various factors, the leaves of the plant may fall off. This is especially true for small-leaved varieties. Why does the ficus shed its leaves, what should I do? About this and about correct cultivation we will tell you about ficuses in this article.

V natural conditions the plant is represented by shrubs, evergreen or deciduous trees and lianas with a woody trunk. They grow in the subtropical and tropical zones of Australia, America, Asia, Africa, where they reach enormous size.

At home, the most popular are two types of ficuses:

  1. Rubbery - with large smooth green leaves.
  2. Small-leaved Benjamin shrub with drooping shoots and dense green or spotted small leaves.

It is possible to note other types of ficuses that flower growers like for their exotic look and extraordinary beauty of foliage:

  • lyre is distinguished by bright green large leaves with wavy edges, waxy bloom and light embossed veins;
  • Bengali has dark green oval velvety dense leaves 15-25 cm long;
  • Pumila or dwarf is an ampelous plant species that has flexible stems and dull green heart-shaped small leaves.

For all ficuses, spacious rooms are desirable, since with proper cultivation in indoor conditions they grow a lot and turn into pretty over time.

Caring for indoor ficus at home

The flower pot must be placed in a room with good lighting... Otherwise, striving for light, the tree will begin to stretch. As a result, there will be significantly fewer leaves on the branches. If the room is dark, then the plant is best placed on the windowsill, or next to it. In this case, ficuses must be protected from drafts, which they cannot tolerate. The perfect place for an exotic flower is the space near the east and west windows.

Temperature and humidity

In the warm period, the air temperature in the room should be within 20-25 degrees, in the winter season - at least 16 degrees. In rooms with central heating in winter it is not recommended to place plants near batteries. Heating radiators strongly dry the air around, as a result of which the leaves of the flower will dry out and fall off.

In order for the foliage to always be beautiful, it must be regularly sprayed and periodically wiped from dust. At least once a month, the tree can be bathed under a shower with water at room temperature. So that the earth does not wash out of the pot, it is covered with cellophane on top or wrapped in plastic wrap. Such bathing is especially important if the ficus is grown in rooms with dry air.

Watering and feeding

The flower should be watered with settled water at room temperature. This should be done regularly, not allowing the earthen coma to dry out. Otherwise, the leaves will start to turn yellow. Watering is recommended when it dries well. upper layer soil. A constant excess of moisture in a pot of soil will lead to root rot and loss of leaves.

At home, when caring for ficuses in small pots, watering is done about once every 2-3 days. Large plants are watered much less frequently - every 5.7 or 10 days. It all depends on the volume of the pot and the air temperature in the room.

In summer, every two weeks, and in winter, once every two months, ficuses must be fed with special organic fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants. During the period of active growth, to stimulate the formation of new leaves, the dressing should contain a high percentage of nitrogen. In winter, when there is not enough lighting for the growth and development of new shoots, nitrogen is undesirable.

After transplanting, the tree does not need to be fed for two months. The new earthen mixture has enough nutrients for its growth and development.

How to transplant ficus correctly?

For several days he just needs to stand indoors, adapting to new conditions. And only then you can start the transplant. A special potting soil for ficuses can be bought at almost any flower shop. If you want to prepare the soil yourself, then for this you will need to mix sand and four types of earth in equal proportions:

  • sod;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • compost.

The resulting mixture should be moisture-absorbing, breathable and crumbly. Drainage must be poured into the bottom of the pot. To do this, you can purchase expanded clay. The soil for ampelous plant species is mixed with chopped moss.

The pot is selected 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. Directly into a very large container young tree can not be transplanted. Otherwise, until the roots fill the entire pot, the flower itself will not grow.

It is recommended to transplant by the transshipment method. That is, the plant is carefully removed from old container together with an earthen clod and rearranged into a new pot on a layer of drainage and a small amount of earth. After that, it should be covered with prepared earth mixture around and on top so that the planting level does not change.

By the same principle, young ficuses are transplanted every spring or summer. Mature trees do not need annual replanting. They need it only after the pot is completely filled with roots, which will be cramped, and they will begin to crawl out. If possible to transplant big plant no, you can simply replace the topsoil with new soil and feed it.

Ficus - propagation by cuttings at home

this species in indoor conditions is best done by cuttings. This should be done in the spring, so that by winter the flower has time to take root and get stronger.

The sequence of propagation by cuttings:

  1. By using sharp knife or a secateurs cut off the top. The length of the handle must be at least 10 cm.
  2. From below, the segment is freed from the leaves.
  3. Large leaves roll up into tubes.
  4. Milky juice will appear on the cut, which is washed off with warm water.
  5. The stalk is placed in an opaque container with warm water and a charcoal tablet diluted in it.
  6. For a vessel with cuttings, a warm place with good air humidity is selected.

After a few weeks, the cutting should give and develop roots, it can be planted in a pot with an earthen mixture. For better survival, the appendix can be made a mini-greenhouse, covering it with transparent cellophane or glass jar... Every day it needs to be ventilated and the humidity of the earth checked. As soon as the young plant takes root and grows, the cellophane can be removed.

So that the ficus does not grow in height, but branches, the top of the grown shoot can be cut off. This must be done when the tree grows to the desired height. A few weeks after pruning, the flower is fed with mineral fertilizers.

Ficus drops leaves - what to do?

It would seem that all growing conditions have been met, and care is strictly according to the recommendations of specialists, but all the same, the leaves of the ficus turn yellow and fall off. If ficus, there may be several reasons for this:

  1. In autumn and winter time ficus leaves fall Benjamin and other species for natural reasons. Only the lower leaves die off. In this case, there is no need to worry.
  2. Small-leaved species (e.g. Benjamin ficus) lose leaves can when changing the place for growing a flower. Some of them will crumble after you bring exotic tree after shopping home. But as soon as the plant adapts, new foliage will grow on it. Therefore, you need to immediately determine for him a good place, and no longer rearrange to another.
  3. If intense ficus sheds leaves, the reason may be in an insufficient amount of light and constant waterlogging of the earthen coma. How to save the plant in this case? Try moving it to a brighter spot, but not in direct sunlight. Also review the frequency and abundance of watering. The surface of the soil should dry well before watering.
  4. Insufficient nutrition can lead to ficus leaves begin to turn yellow, dry and crumble... This problem is solved by feeding or transplanting, if the flower is already cramped in the old pot and there is not enough nutrition from the earthen mixture.
  5. Ficuses have a very sensitive root system. When placing a pot with a flower, you need to make sure that it does not stand on a cold floor and there are no drafts. You cannot put it on the windowsill next to the frozen window either. Otherwise, the root system will be supercooled, and ficus can lose its leaves.
  6. If the plant is planted in the wrong pot, then it can also shed its leaves. So, for example, Benjamin's ficus requires small containers, and the rubber one does not like cramped growing conditions. However, in any case, too much capacity can become the reason that the leaves of the ficus begin to crumble.
  7. Incomprehensible spots and damage on the leaves may indicate that. The most dangerous pest of ficus is the spider mite. The reason for its appearance is most often the dry air in the room. Mites are located at the bottom of the leaves and suck the juices out of them. As a result leaves begin turn yellow, dry and fall off... To fight with spider mite it is necessary by spraying with special insecticides. If you do not destroy the pests, then soon all the leaves will crumble, and it will be almost impossible to save the plant.

Exotic and attractive indoor ficuses when grown at home will not deliver special trouble... Observing all the conditions for their placement and care rules, you can avoid various diseases and pests of ficuses, enjoying the attractiveness of the plant for a long time. Moreover, now you know why the ficus drops its leaves, what to do in this case and how to save the flower.

Ficus Benjamin is popular houseplant... Many growers fell in love with him for a wide variety of varieties and beautiful view... True, this flower is very capricious, besides, it is picky in care. For example, it sheds leaves more often than other domestic plants, since these lateral shoot organs, despite their attractiveness, are weak and poorly tolerated. negative impacts environment.

When not to worry?

Ficus brilliant, like other small-leaved plants, can shed some leaves during the winter and fall months. You should not worry about this, if the opal is not more than 10 pieces as a rule, new leaves will appear instead of them in spring.

Why do the leaves crumble and turn yellow?

Watering errors

However, if the leaves began to fall off at other times of the year, or their number exceeds the norm, then you need to pay attention to watering. It is this mistake in caring for Benjamin's ficus at home that often leads to leaf fall. To eliminate such a problem, you need to accurately calculate how much water will be just right for a picky plant.

From too frequent watering in ficus root rot may occur, which leads to weakening and shedding of leaves. But insufficient soil moisture is also dangerous for him, because when trying to preserve the woody part and roots due to lack of water, the plant begins to get rid of the leaves. Of course, after several waterings it will recover, but it will long time overgrow with leaves.

To avoid such mistakes in caring for ficus, you need to constantly control soil moisture... The soil between waterings should have time to dry out at least 1.5 cm deep from the surface. If the plant is adult, then it is better even by 3 cm. In winter, it is recommended to moisturize the Shiny ficus once a week. In general, the colder it is in the room, the less watering is required. By the way, you only need to use warm water for this.

When yellowing of young leaves is observed on a ficus, then, most likely, the reason is a lack of iron. In this situation the plant can be fed:

  • Ferrovit;
  • Iron chelate.

In this case, the soil in the pot must be damp. For example, you can first water the ficus, and the next day start feeding.

Also in winter months this tropical plant has a dormant period. Due to the lack of sunlight in the leaves, photosynthesis is suspended, the roots stop absorbing water, as in summer, so it is better to reduce watering. It happens that Benjamin's ficus leaves are strong shrivel and curl but do not lose their green color.

In addition, leaf fall near the tree can occur due to drafts and cold air, so the pot with it should be placed away from windows or balcony blocks.

Temperature regime

This plant thrives at temperatures of 18-25 degrees. If the room where it is located becomes too hot and stuffy, then the leaves begin to lose turgor, turn yellow and fall off. At temperatures below 18 degrees, the condition of the ficus quickly deteriorates, especially when the container with the plant is kept on a windowsill, cold stone or marble floor... As a result, its roots are overcooled and irreversible processes occur, which are noticeable on the foliage.

Exposure to dry air

Benjamin Flower does not tolerate dry air and high temperatures, therefore, you can often notice that his leaves are crumbling. What to do in this case? To prevent leaf fall, the ficus should be sprayed as often as possible from a finely dispersed spray bottle from a distance of about 20 cm. But it is still better to put a humidifier in the room.

Incorrect plant transplant

Ficus Benjamin should be transplanted once every two years. This period is considered optimal, since during this time the roots of the flower will have time to completely braid the soil in the pot. The transplant is performed in the following way:

  • First, the plant is pulled out of the container and shaken off of excess soil;
  • Then placed in another larger pot;
  • The bottom of the pot is covered with a drainage layer, and an earthen mixture is laid on top of it.

When a small gap remains between the walls of the flowerpot and the ficus in a container with a flower, then this distance is covered with soil with fertilizers. At the end of all work, the plant must be watered.

Depletion of the earth

Also, soil depletion can become the cause of leaf shedding. Why is this happening? For example, if ficus Benjamin grows for a long period in the same land without transplanting, then it drains the earth over time... To avoid such a problem, you need to constantly feed the plant. For these purposes, liquid fertilizers are mainly used for decorative deciduous crops. It is also advisable to regularly pour fresh soil into the pot with ficus.

Ficus pests Benjamin photo

Sometimes ficus Benjamin begins to shed its leaves due to the defeat of the scabbard... The female of this pest sits motionlessly on the plant. It covers the laid eggs and secretes a sticky secret that provokes the appearance of the fungus. It is not difficult to remove an insect from a leaf, however, it is not always possible to completely get rid of it, since it has a wax shell that protects the shield from the action of insecticidal preparations.

You can remove this pest from the leaves with vodka or garlic infusion. The top layer of soil will also have to be removed, as insect larvae may remain in it. Moreover, the procedure is repeated several times every week until the scabbard disappears.

Benjamin's flower leaves may turn yellow with spider mite infestation... These small pests up to 1 mm in length are able to multiply rapidly in dry and warm conditions. You can suspect their appearance on the plant by yellow and white specks on the leaves. If nothing is done, then after a while the thinned and discolored parts of the plant increase, which leads to the death and shedding of foliage.

Preventive measures

From proper care at home for Benjamin's ficus depends on its health and appearance. For prevention purposes, it is important to follow some tips when growing a flower:

  • In winter, you need to reduce watering and stop irrigating the ground if the temperature in the room does not exceed 10 degrees Celsius.
  • In a room with a flower, you should maintain optimal temperature from 20-25 degrees in summer and spring. In winter, a moderate temperature for a plant is considered to be about 16 degrees.
  • Constant refreshing of ficus foliage by spraying or wiping with a damp sponge.
  • It is necessary to put a flower pot in a room with sufficient lighting, but without exposure to sunlight. The best place for him is a window sill with east side at home.
  • Ficus requires moderate watering without waterlogging the soil, using warm water with a low chlorine content.
  • The plant should be transplanted in the spring - a young one can be every year, and an adult - once every few years.
  • Loosening the soil before watering so that moisture does not stagnate, but is distributed evenly over the ground.

When growing a flower, it is necessary to use exclusively high-quality planting mixture, enriched nutrients... If necessary, fertilizers can be added to improve the nutrition of the ficus.

Why do the leaves fall anyway?

Sometimes the methods listed above do not give any results, and the leaves continue to crumble. In this case, the reason for this may be rotten root system... Take the ficus out of the flowerpot, carefully clean the roots from the soil, and inspect them. When they look like gray strings, moreover, they are very slippery, it means that the diagnosis was confirmed. The damaged ficus is transplanted into new soil.

All rotten roots must be cut off, the same applies to dry and dead leaves. Later root system should be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect it. The cut should dry well, after which you can cover it with foundation, coal powder or ground cinnamon. For transplanting, you will need dry land. Watering the planted plant during the first days will have to be moderate.

Ficus Benjamin diseases

Ficus Benjamin, is a popular houseplant in the Mulberry family. The variegated leaves and flowing branches of the plant are eye-catching and do not leave you indifferent. Ficus is used to decorate the interior of houses, apartments, offices and shops.

This flower is unpretentious, but still, it requires compliance certain rules for care. If the cultivation technology is violated, the plant begins to hurt. At the same time, the leaves change their appearance and begin to fall off. This is due to several common circumstances.

Enough common reason lethargy and yellowing of the leaves is an excess of moisture.
If the plant also has darkened stem, and the soil began to exude bad smell, the reason for this, in addition to an excess of moisture, is an imbalance in the soil mixture, the presence of pesticides in the soil, or the wrong technology of fertilizing.

Ficuses are very sensitive to cold and react by yellowing and shedding their foliage. You need to buy ficus in the warm season. This will prevent the plant from freezing. Put the purchased flower on a cold tiled floor it is impossible, since its root system suffers most of all from this. In addition, leaves can turn yellow and fall off when foliage comes into contact with window glass in winter. The flowerpot needs to be set at some distance. The leaves of the plant should not touch the cold glass.

To avoid the stress of the shift external conditions, you need to highlight the ficus permanent place and rearrange it only when absolutely necessary.

The best place for a flower is on the eastern side of the window sill. To avoid sunburn, check that the straight Sun rays did not touch the flower.

Transplanting a plant can help eliminate problems. You need to transplant a young ficus annually. This is done in the spring.

An adult flower needs to be transplanted once every 3-5 years, as the roots grow and fill the space of the pot with them. Diameter new flower pot should be more by 3 centimeters, and the depth by 5 centimeters. A drain is placed at the bottom of the pot and nutrient soil... A flower is set on top, and the earth is covered. After falling asleep, the soil is slightly compacted. When the soil subsides or leaches out, the soil can be poured to the desired level.

To grow ficus, you need to use a high-quality soil mixture, enriched with nutrients. The soil composition should correspond to the composition from the previous pot, this will make it easier for the plant to transfer the transplant.

If the stems of the ficus Benjamin begin to darken and the leaves are crumbling, it is best to transplant the flower. If traces of rot are visible on the roots, they must be carefully trimmed and processed in weak solution potassium permanganate.

To increase the resistance and better resistance of the ficus to various adverse external influences, anti-stress agents such as Epin, Zircon are used. These drugs are diluted in water and injected after watering.

If the leaves are drying out due to the dry air in the room, this can be corrected by spraying the plant. Once every 2 months, a flower can be arranged warm shower... To protect the roots from waterlogging, the pot is covered plastic wrap... Leaves are wiped from dust once a week using a damp sponge. This contributes better development flower.

If there is a lack of light, a fluorescent lamp is located next to the plant.

The temperature indicators in the room for the comfortable growth of the ficus should be at around 20 to 29 degrees Celsius in the summer and at least 16 degrees in the winter.

For additional food flower 1 time in 15 days, the ficus is fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. You can buy special food for ficuses or universal fertilizers for indoor flowers. In the summer, feeding is reduced to 1 time per month.

In winter, the ficus does not need to be fertilized, the plant practically does not grow at this time. The flower can react to winter feeding with leaf fall.

To obtain a lush green mass for the plant, it is produced foliar feeding... Fertilizer is added to the water and used when spraying the flower.

There are quite a lot of problems in growing ficus, if you figure it out. The plant begins to dry out and grow poorly due to a number of reasons. This can be the result of improper care, disease or pest damage.

Leaves can curl when sunburn, freezing of the roots of the flower and lack of soil nitrogen fertilizers... To eliminate problems with an excess of sunlight and cold, you can rearrange the plant in a different, more suitable place. In case of a lack of fertilizing, the introduction of the necessary fertilizers will help.

Diseases and pests can also cause yellowing, curling inward and falling foliage.

Some of the common diseases that provoke leaf curling are cercospora and anthracnose.

The fungal disease cercospora often occurs when high humidity air. The disease manifests itself as black dots on the leaves. Leaves turn yellow and curl over time. To solve the problem, watering the ficus is reduced. The affected areas are removed. After pruning, the plant is treated with an antifungal agent.

Anthracnose appears as rusty spots on the leaf blades. Leaves curl and fall off. You can solve the problem with fungicides.

In addition to diseases, pests can also harm a flower. Aphids, nematodes and other pests suck the sap out of the plant and weaken it, leading to flower disease.

Aphids, in addition to damaging the flower, can lead to the development of viral plant diseases. To eliminate the problem, the plant is thoroughly washed with soapy water, and all damaged shoots are removed. After drying, the ficus is treated with Pyrethrum.

Nematodes can be recognized by the lethargy of the flower. These pests damage the plant's root system. By releasing toxins, they lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the flower. Leaves wither or curl up, the plant gradually dies. To recognize pests, the ficus must be removed from the pot and all roots must be examined. Small nematode beads can be seen on them. To eliminate the pest, insecticides are used. The plant is transplanted into a new land.

Ficus Benjamin can shed its foliage in late fall or winter. Most often the leaves fall from the bottom.

Sudden temperature changes, drafts and a decrease in room illumination very often lead to a sharp drop in foliage in a healthy plant.

Lack of moisture can provoke massive leaf fall. In this case, the plant tries to compensate for the lack of water in the soil. Adjusting irrigation allows you to get rid of this problem. For this, warm and necessarily settled or filtered water is taken. You need to water the plant after the top layer of the earth in the pot has dried.

Watering in winter should be reduced from 2 to 1 times a week. Irrigation is carried out no more than 1 time per week. If the room temperature drops below 16 degrees, watering is reduced to a minimum, and irrigation stops. Before each watering, the soil around the flower must be loosened. This will allow water to penetrate the soil faster and avoid stagnant moisture.

Leaves can be covered with brown spots due to improper watering. Excess or vice versa lack of moisture leads to darkening of the leaves. Transplanting a plant and normalizing watering allows you to get rid of the problem.

If brown spots appear on the leaves, this may indicate a pest damage to the plant or a flower disease.

The mealybug manifests itself as a white cotton-like bloom on the leaf plates. Brown, round spots appear on the leaves. This beetle sucks the juices from the leaves. They begin to darken, curl up and dry out. The plant stops growing. To remove the pest, the plant must be rinsed under warm water. After the ficus is treated with soapy water. In case of severe damage, the flower is sprayed with the preparations Confidor, Actellik.

When a scabbard appears on a flower, brown spots appear on the inside of the leaves. Ficus sheds leaves when damaged. Rubbing the leaves with vodka or garlic infusion allows you to get rid of the pest and prevent the appearance of fungal diseases. In case of damage, the top layer of soil must be cut off and replaced with a new one, since pest larvae may remain in the soil.

Without timely processing flower on the leaves, a sooty mushroom can develop. It manifests itself as a sticky coating and dark spots on the leaves. Without timely treatment measures, this leads to the death of the flower. The fungus can be removed from foliage with soap. Each leaf is wiped with a soapy sponge. The plant is treated with Actellik.

A disease such as botrytis appears on the leaves with yellow-brown spots with a dark edging. You can eliminate the disease with antifungal drugs.

Gray rot can be recognized by a dust-like coating on the leaves. Later, dark, almost black marks appear on the leaves. The damaged part of the ficus dies off. To eliminate the infection, you need to remove the damaged areas of the flower.

Leaves at the edges may dry out due to frequent watering... Reducing the amount of moisture can correct the situation. If the soil is waterlogged, the flower can be transplanted, if this is not possible, the top layer of soil in the pot must be cut off and new soil filled up. Good drainage system and loosening the soil makes it easier to pass water to the roots, nourishing the plant and not retaining excess moisture inside the pot.

Direct sunlight can also cause leaf edges to dry out. By removing the flower to another place, you can easily get rid of this problem.

Why Benjamin's ficus sheds leaves: video

A ficus that sheds leaves is not necessarily sick. Before taking drastic measures, you need to understand the problem. The plant in the right season loses old leaves so that new ones will grow in spring. Approaching the cultivation of ficus Benjamin with responsibility, there are no problems with this. The plant gratefully responds to good care and pleases with lush and beautiful foliage.

Ficus leaves fall off in winter - natural dying off or cause for concern? Ficus is a popular indoor plant. It is easy to take care of him: there are practically no problems in the content, and ficus rarely gets sick. What to do when the plant starts to wither unexpectedly?

In today's article, you will find out why the leaves of the ficus fall in winter and what needs to be done?

Ficus has certain stages of development, one of which is the natural shedding of leaves. Usually the plant is thus prepared for wintering. An alternative option for why ficus leaves fall in winter is old age.

In the process of aging, the aerial part ceases to be renewed, which leads to a sharp loss of leaves in the ficus. However, there are other reasons why ficus leaves fall off in winter.

Why do ficus leaves fall in winter:

  • Temperature changes;
  • Dry air;
  • Little light;
  • Oversupply of fertilizers;
  • Drafts;

Winter care for ficus has different criteria than spring and summer. In a dormant state, which is exactly in winter, lighting, temperature and watering are reduced.

  • Ficus in winter needs less lighting to bring the plant to a dormant state, but it is not worth depriving it of such joy at all. Likewise with the air temperature, changes in which will bring problems.
  • Dry air in winter, as a consequence of the heating season, is easily dealt with with regular spraying, in addition to watering.
  • Excessive watering and an excess of fertilizer will lead to the fact that the leaves, contrary to expectations, will begin to turn yellow. In winter, the plant needs much less frequent maintenance.
  • Drafts are the # 1 enemy of ficus. It is necessary to position the plant so that it does not "catch cold" and does not shed its leaves in winter.

In addition to the listed options for eliminating the causes, there are those that effectively cope with surprises in caring for ficus.

How to treat ficus if leaves fall in winter?

If in winter the leaves of the ficus began to fall off and the previous advice does not help, obviously more serious actions are needed.

What to do if ficus leaves fall in winter:

  • Use a biostimulator "Epin" or "Zircon", which cope with the stress of the plant and restore the balance of substances necessary for life.
  • Removing / pruning rotten areas, if any, and covering wounds with activated charcoal or charcoal.
  • Placing ficus in a mini-greenhouse and under a fluorescent lamp (tube lamps) if it is not possible to restore the balance of lighting and moisture level.

The last resort is ficus transplant in winter if its leaves fall off. It may be possible to save the plant if no other procedures help, but it should be borne in mind that the ficus at rest is weakened, and also sick, so the chances of a successful transplant are reduced.

When transplanting, it is necessary to carefully examine the root system and, if necessary, remove the damaged areas, carry out processing. The conditions of detention should be as suitable for the plant as possible, and the procedures should be careful and moderate.

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