Repairs Design Furniture

Decoupage of glass cans with an aging effect. Surface aging in decoupage and not only

Often, grandmothers can find a whole warehouse of old stabbed things that can be converted to beyond recognition. Either for some reason far from the old things were spoiled and sorry to throw them out, because they can still serve a long service, that's just appearance It brings it. These are the most suitable items for the decor and the conversion. It is these things that I want to give a second life.

Decoupage for today there is a fairly common decor technique. Today we will use it. In the master class, I will show how to make craklers without special varnish, as well as some elements of Shebbi style chic will be present.

Decoupage will be done on the old tray or it can also be called it - a plate for fruit.

What do we need:

  1. Same Decor itself - old tray
  2. Paints
  3. Napkin
  4. PVA glue
  5. Sponge
  6. Pussy
  7. Wood Varnish / Decament
  8. File
  9. Sandpaper

The first thing from which any work begins is to prepare the surface. I already wrote in my master classes how to prepare the surface to work.

All irregularities need to be cleaned, everything that can be kept, gently tear up so as not to damage the surface. When the surface is cleaned - covered with its primer or acrylic paint.

After drying, you can start decoupage.

My tray is much more napkins, and in order that the drawing does not look with a breaking, it needs to be placed over the entire surface. To do this, we will make the holes in some places and the napkin spread over the entire surface.

When the wet napkin, it is very difficult to work with it - the folds are almost impossible to eliminate, etc. This task will facilitate the file.

Perhaps you have already heard about this method, and maybe even tried to use it. Those who at least once enjoyed them will agree with me that it is much easier to work with a napkin by the method of the file. It is especially good to use it novice decopaics.

Decoupage with the use of the file.

This is a fairly simple method and you can see for yourself.

The file lies the napkin to the front side inside. It pours out some amount of water, we look until the whole napkin becomes wet, the field of what excess water We merge.

While the napkin on the file, I immediately did in some places a few holes, so that the napkin becomes about the same size as a tray.

Then the napkin with the file lay on the surface so that the file is from above, and the napkin between the decorated surface and the file.

Oversights can be done at this stage.

When the napkin with the file was put, carefully push the edges of the napkin on the surface, after which we remove the file.

What function does the file in the decoupage?

When we put a napkin on the surface, folds, which cannot be removed without a file. Also, if the napkin was not exactly applied, it can be moved, which cannot be done without a file.

At first glance, insignificant moments and help to make work qualitatively.

About this way it should look like. Of course, not perfect)))

Now we need to process the edges of the napkin in such a way that in the final result they were not visible - everything looked as one.

In this we will help sandpaper. When the napkin is still wet, neatly tear the edge and only after everything dried, we wash emery paper.

Splashing without napkins We carry the gold paint (the color of the paint takes such what we want to see in the final result of the crack.)

In the photo it may seem that the paint is bronze. Unfortunately, the camera could not pass the desired color.

She promised to tell how to make cracker not using multiple varnish. Everything is very simple.

Used with the help of plow glue

The whole chip here is in the globe itself. I have already tried to make cracker with the help of PVA glue and all the works of the pump. As I read that it is necessary to use the construction glue PVA and indeed, trying it to me everything turned out. So, glue for crabeller buy in building stores.

Well, let's proceed to the technique itself. We apply glue to those places of surface where we want to be visible cracks. Let me dry and cover the paint. I did it with the help of a sponge. The color of the paints took up the background color, climbing the edges of the napkin and in those places where he considered it necessary.

After everything is breathing well, you can see the resulting cracks.

And we will finish the decoration of the tray in the style of Shebbi Chic.

At the edges of the tray will pass emery paper. On the protruding edges tears upper layer Paints will appear to blame us. It is not necessary to rub the sandpaper strongly so as not to the tears and the bottom layer of paint.

And at the end everything needs to be secured by varnish. I used a glossy wood varnish. Covered in several layers. You can use a hairdryer, which will significantly speed up the drying time.

Here is such a tray turned out.

Because Only the inner side of the tray was damaged, I decorated it. Outer side It remained not touched.

In addition to the tray, you can make a similar decor at any other subject, for example on a vase, and you will already have a set that will harmoniously look at any interior.

Creative inspiration and good luck.

Detailed master class for beginners How to decorate a bottle of your favorite drink with a decoupham egg shell. Bottle will be great gift For a beloved man or father

Today we have prepared another interesting master class Titled "Bottle for wine decoupage and aged wine." Such a bottle can be used, both for interior decoration and as a gift. near man, relative or even a colleague.

For her manufacture you will need an empty bottle of original shape.

Be sure to wipe the glass acetone (it degreases the surface, which will make it possible to make a high-quality decoupage).

For the thematic bottle, pick up a napkin with a suitable pattern. It is useful for a napkin 25 * 25 cm with a picture of wine, cheese, bread and grapes. 1 \\ 4 part of the napkin will fit well into the bottle circumference.

Further, a degreased bottle is painted with acrylic white paint in two layers (paint should be with good shelterness so that the glass is evenly painted).

Now, unusual way gluing napkins. For the technology of decoupage bottles you can use not only special glue, but also the most simple anemia - adhesive pencil. Flame a pencil a round flat surface of the bottle on which the decoupage will be made.

Wait until the glue starts to push a little, and put on top, smoothly into the center of the napkin, seize it with your hand. Immediately place the napkin smoothly, because if it sticks out - it was impossible to tear it off.

Twist now from the whole napkin in a fragment circle, which glued.

Now wake acrylic varnish only a circle that is outlined by the bottle itself.

When the lacquer dries - remove the empty part of the napkin (which is not glued). Then, repeat the reverse side of the bottle.

A wine bottle with decoupage is interesting. We begin to make effects of the composition.

First we do blowers. The entire surface of the bottle, where there is no decoupage, dust with Luzhen Umbra.

This color then manifests themselves in the curbs.

When the paint snacks - arrow the usual candle and rub the bottle with it, since the sidewings have a relief - the most wax remains on convex surfaces.

On top of brown paint, paint an acrylic of ivory colors. This color comes to the tone of the napkin fragment.

After drying with light paint - arrow with a sponge for washing dishes and a hard side of the bottle. In those places where there was wax under light paint on the bottle, the paint was not firmly stuck to the surface and it easily shakes.

On the bottle there are very gentle and natural sweetes. This is the first stage of transforming the bottle into the rarity and its composition.

To fail to fix, you need to cover the entire bottle with a pair of acrylic varnish layers.

Now we proceed to the formation of the Decoupage itself, since the picture is too bright and does not combine with a durable sidewall bottle. We will make cracks using the Solo Goya two-component cracker.

We initially appreciate the first step of the crustaceous pair - Grandlak. We are waiting for almost complete drying, depending on the air temperature in the apartment (it might be needed 1-1.5 hours).

Then mix a couple of drops to wash the dishes with the 5 milliliters of the second step of the Solo Goya crabeller and wait until it dries.

If this layer is dried, small cracks appear on the surface of the pattern. We make cracks consistently on two sides of the bottle.

For cracks look natural, you need to "show" them. Take the oil paint of the color "light gold" and a cotton swab cover the paint in cracks.

Surplus the paint immediately wipe the tampon, the paint will remain only in the cracks and the picture becomes like an old fresco.

The same tampon wipe on the sidewalls of the bottle, so that a little gold paint remains on them a very thin layer. Leave the bottle overnight so that the oil paint dried.

While the paint dries, take a lid. Lubricate its dragon glue and wrap the hemp harness.

After the oil paint dries - carefully rush the second step of cracker under the jet of warm water. Golden cracks were already dried and not flushed, they created the effect of the old surface.

At the end of work, decoupage and the composition of the bottle for wine sprinkle with matte aerosol varnish. It will not glitter on the surface and emphasizes the mattness of the old bottle.

And so, if you liked this way to make a gift to an expensive person, then I ask you to look at the next master class on making

Those times have long passed when dishes and furniture in all in the country were the same. Now no one will throw out, but it will try to give things to the second life. We know that in addition to the decor there is also a decoupage.

Decoupage is a type of decorative and applied art. The word "decoupage" in French indicates "Cut". Working with this technique is cutting images from different materials: paper, napkins, leather, fabric, and sticking on surfaces for decorating.

Now this interesting technique received the second birth, it is used throughout the world. Decoupage is used in working with furniture, boxes, kitchenware, christmas tree decorations, life of life, bags, clock, and so on. For decoupage, the pictures are printed on a xerox or printer. In our master class, we suggest you to make a decoupage of the toaster with simultaneous anointing of it.

Very relevant topic - the formation of things you will decorate. Here are the main techniques, with which they carry out the formation:

Let's try to figure it out in the receptions of the composition in a decoupage, ranging from simple to complex. The most common and simple technique is "sweeper" with a candle. The most complex is cracker or crane. We have chosen to work the master class "Combining Currents". The master class is simple, even a beginner can cope with it.

Madeness and "Furiousness" is achieved by multi-layer staining: angles, sides, butts of the product are covered with a saturated, but not too dark color, then riveted with paraffin, then paint light color. Next, with sandpaper remove the top layer. So the effect of the composition appears.

Another simple technique. An excellent way to form a product, create a view of ancient and worn. The work is that paint is recruited on a flat synthetic brush. Surplus paints are removed with paper, and we apply to the pattern, ribs, protruding parts of the subject. So we achieve the effect of the formation.

Braching wooden products In decoupage, it is usually combined with a fifth. Braching technique is the removal of soft fibers with a brush from the top layer of wooden surfaces. For sea and braching do not need to buy expensive special means, You can use firmly brewed tea or coffee. We also use the veil. In places of pulbs, part of the wood is cleaned with a rigid metal brush or sandpaper, leaving bright areas of the subject.

Patting is traces of aging, imitation of dimming surface, as if this item was darkened from frequent contact with his hands. Patina is green with brown raids, which is obtained as a result of metal oxidation under the influence of moisture and air. Usually in decoupage, tagging is more applied to metal subjects. Patina is gold, colored, white, dark.

In addition to these techniques, the spray (splashes) is used for the effects effect. For spraying usually old toothbrush. The reception is that the brush is macating in the paint and the movement of the movement "from ourselves." Splashes fly on the product. This technique is often connected to the puros. In this work, you need to be neat, you can not dial a lot of paint to the brush, otherwise the blots will turn out.

Artificial formation of purples is the easiest and not requiring special skills process. The reception is to cover the paint of a dark shade of places where the blows should be. Then we drag these places with a piece of candles (paraffin) or soap. For example, on the white chair of the hurry will be blue or brown color. We rub the right places with wax. We cover these contours of white paint, dry, then spend on these places emery paper. This style is also called "Current chic", it is very popular. Our detailed master class It will help you to deal with this technique.

Well, the most complex process is cracker or crane. Craquelur is called cracking in a colorful or lacquer layer. This is one of the expensive ways to make up, since this technology requires quality crockels. Means for the formation are divided into 2 types: one-component and two-component.

  • The first tool is a transparent gel. This one-component means helps to receive colored cracks. To begin with, we define what color is the background of the product, and the color of the crack. Then the entire surface cover the paint of the color, which we defined for cracks. After drying, the paint is applied from above the crocheral gel. At the end cover the surface of the paint of the color that you defined as the background. Some weather you will see how beautiful cracks are formed. If large cracks are needed - overlap the paint background with a thick layer, if small - on the contrary, you need a thin layer of paint.
  • The second tool is called two-component, it helps to make cracks, as in ancient paintings. The effect of this means is chic. These cracks do not have colors and are visible only at a certain angle. At the beginning of work, the product is covered with a patinishing varnish and dries. For large cracks, the lacquer is unbalanced, for small - overcame. The surface is then covered with crustaceous varnish. After drying the crockel varnish, cracks are formed. Next, a swab, painted dry pastel, the paint rubs into cracks. Instead of pastels, you can use oil paint, eye shadow, and so on.

Currency formation (master class)

For our master class we took the most simple technique Equipment that does not require large material costs. This technique commonly used bright pastel shades, as if "burnt" in the sun or lost bright color from time.

To work, you will need:

  1. White acrylic paint.
  2. Stool.
  3. Sandpaper.
  4. Varnish for decoupage (the cheapest, water-based).
  5. Sponge.
  6. Pictures for decoupage.
  7. Candle.

Stool degreased. Declaring the tree can be gasoline, acetone, alcohol. We rub the candle all the protrusions and corners.

All the corners and protrusions are processed by sandpaper, in some places you can rush.

Print pictures on the printer, on ordinary office paper. Before sticking to the product, we wash the picture slightly and remove the extra moisture paper towels. The picture must be in mirror reflection.

The most popular techniques of spectacular interior design include decorating a variety of items using decoupage techniques. Most often for this purpose, bottles having elegant unusual shape. Decoupage Bottles do not require special knowledge or mastering complex skills, performed quickly, from the materials available in any home, representing large spaces for the use of creative ideas created by the imagination.

What is decoupage, the history of the emergence

Decoupage technique has a French origin, it was developed in the IVII-IVIII centuries. The word "decoupage" in translation from French means "cut", the form of decorative art itself is to cut out separate images from paper and sticking them to a glass surface. To obtain an exquisite interior decoration to the surface of the subject, elements made from other types of materials are additionally attached, followed by paint and varnish.

Types of decoupage

Decoupage bottles can be performed using the following techniques.


Deopatch (Patchwork Style Application) - Decorating the Item Reminds Production patchwork - The entire bottle surface is covered with paper sections, decorated with pattern. Usually for this use special paper designed for the manufacture of decopatcha. For more interesting effect, this paper is released with any interesting view Stylization, for example, under natural fur or fabric texture. In the absence of this material for Deopatch technology, other means can be used.


This type of decoupage is also called direct. An image applied to special cards for decoupage, rice paper or paper napkins, is cut, glued on the design surface very neatly, without forming folds and breaks. The method of fastening the pattern to the surface is determined by the type of material and can be wet, dry or using heating. Then the image is covered with varnish. After drying, the lacquer is performed by grinding of work and, if desired, toning or making a picture, giving it an additional volume.


This method can be used to design items made of transparent glass. Since the image is glued on reverse side subject, for example, plates or vases, its stages correspond to classic kind Decoupage, but are performed in reverse sequence. When gluing the drawing is located to the wall of the product face.


The second name of this species is smoky. The applied techniques and effects allow to obtain an imitation of painting, providing a harmonious combination of the glued pattern with a common background, with the creation of a holistic picture without a noticeable eye of transitions from some parts of the image to the other.


Style combining the use of painting with the creation of a embossed surface. The desired texture is given by tissue, natural materials: various croup, small shells, egg shell. For this purpose, you can also use a structural paste.

Rules of work

Decoupage bottles with their own hands should be carried out, taking into account the rules designed for this technique:

  • Should pick up bottles with smooth surfacenot having relief protrusions;
  • For more accurate cutting, it is recommended to use manicure scissors;
  • When using napkins, only the top layer of paper is pasted, removed from the cut picture;
  • It is better to apply a special decoupling glue to work, with its absence, diluted with water PVA (1: 1);
  • The gloveting of the figure is made as follows - lubricate the surface of the product with glue and apply an image to it, carefully moving and avoiding the appearance of folds;
  • When working with decoupage cards, they are pre-dipped for some time in warm water and dried, placing a towel;
  • After drying the glove drawing, it should be protected from moisture and mechanical damage to the layer of varnish.


Besides bottles and other glass vessels, and containers for decoupage can be used dishes, furniture, flower pots, kitchen cutting boards, bread, items made from textiles and much more.

To obtain a picture, not only decoupage cards, napkins and rice paper, but also cut from image logs. Cutting, they are covered several times with varnish and after drying soaked for 20 minutes in water. Then remove the almost transparent top layer and glued to the base.

For work, glue, alcohol, varnish, acrylic paint, brush, sandpaper, foam rubber segment or rags. Toning of the crafts is performed by acrylic paint, for the decor you can use a variety of sparkles, beads, bows, ribbons, shells and other elements. It is possible to use tissues, lace, kapron stocking, burlap, nut and egg shell.

Decoupage with napkins: master class

Decoupage bottles with napkins, photos of which are presented on the page, includes the following steps:

Selection of a bottle of suitable size and shape, removal of the label, degreasing the surface of the glass with alcohol.

Priming - coating with 1-3 layers diluted with acrylic paint, close in color to colorful picture, but having a lighter shade.

Cutting a pattern from a specially selected napkin and removing its surface layer.

If instead of decoupage glue, it is planned to use PVA, you should add some water to it. On a glue-covered bottle, lay the drawing, gently straightening and preventing the appearance of folds or air bubbles.

The skiing image is covered with acrylic varnish, it is advisable to apply several layers, allowing each of them to dry for some time.

Decoupage Rice paper: Master Class

No less interesting results are obtained when used in addition to rice paper napkins. Decoupage Bottles for beginners Step by step with each of the processes is easy:

Prepare rice paper, as well as a napkin, in the figure of which is used floral ornaments.

Carefully degrease the surface of the bottle - it will provide high-quality fixing of the working elements.

Paper should be broken with hands on small pieces to get uneven edges providing the natural type of base.

Attach the rice paper to the bottle surface in one of two ways. In the first way, excerpts are superimposed on the glass and impregnated with glue, followed by applying varnish. In the second, the parts of the paper are wetted on the glass, dried (the process can be accessed with a hairdryer) and then treated with acrylic varnish.

Subsequent steps are performed in the same way as decoupage bottles with napkins, about which is described above.

Decoupage Tights: Master Class

Decoration bottles with tights that are easily draped and take any form allows you to get very beautiful crafts. For beginners, it is suggested step-by-step execution Works:

  • Preparation of the bottle - removal of the label and degreasing surface.
  • Cut off the top of the tights, stockings in the glue, squeeze to remove the excess glue and put on the bottle, tightly pulling the material. The edges of the stocking is beautifully distributed over the glass in the form of elegant folds.
  • Give the material well dry for several days and apply acrylic paint.
  • Add product bright decorative elementsCovered varnish.

The scope on the bottle can be given by gluing egg shells to its surface. With the help of decoupage technique you can give interior items the new kind, completely transforming familiar things. The bottle of drink decorated one of the described methods will be a wonderful decoration of the festive table.

Piggy bank of creative ideas

How to Agreements: All Equipment Equipment

Actual Trend: Transformation various items furniture, they decorative finish and constitutionalization.

Methods of exposure to the surface are chosen in accordance with the interior, preferences or simply by mood. In this article, we tried to describe the main techniques, materials, sequence of actions and their results.

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Consider options:

Dry brush
. Patinating
. Glaze
. Spray
. Krakle
. Equipment "Furiousness" (Shebbi Chic)
. Etching (firing)
. Braching
. Additional mechanical impact



Dry brush

Dry brush - reception borrowed by decorators from painter artists. And if in painting this method create an image, then in a practical decoration, this is a great way to make an item, add it to the years.

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Essence of technology: A little paint is recruited on a flat synthetic brush, surplus wipes, it is done on paper (palette, rag) until every hair brushes will not give a separate line.

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And now with light movements, slightly touching the item, "pack", by paying the main attention to the protruding parts: ribs, convex pattern, etc.


Thus emphasizes relief and imitate scuffs.


Patina or Patinating

Patina - It is a greenish brown raid formed on the items from copper and bronze as a result of oxidation under the influence ambient. In a broader sense, under patina, traces of aging on any items created from any materials are understood.


Patinating in decorating - this is imitation of dimming surface, which in natural Looks like a change in color after a long period of time and frequent contact with your hands. Patin is dark, colored, metal, white (limeing).



The patinishing composition is applied on the verge, the corners of the subject or the opposite, in the deepening of the relief parts. There are several types of patination.

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1. Bituminous Pathina


Bituminous varnish is applied to the surface and surplus are also erased. Varnish remains only in the recesses, shading surface. Fastened by shellaic varnish.

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2. Patina based acrylic

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Highly diluted with water acrylic paint is spilled in the deepening of the relief, and the excess is erased with a clean cloth.

3. Chemical Patina

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A special oxidizing agent is applied to the paint with fine particles of the metal, which forces metal surface Surrender (oxidize) for a few minutes.

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4. Shellaic varnish

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Shellaic varnish gives surfaces warm light yellow shade or red-orange shade. Widely used in woodworking, to underline wood texture, used as protective and coating.

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5. Wax Patina

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Crops over the surface and tinting selected areas. Such considerable time. Gives the surface soft silky gleam.



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Lesstation is a picturesque technique, At which the lower layer of the colorful layer shines through the top translucent. The technique is widely used not only in painting, but also in the design of interiors, including it applies to painting items. The technique allows you to get deep intellectual colors due to translucency of the lescing layers.



Various paints and coloring compositions are suitable for lescing: watercolor, oil, acrylic paints, firmly brewed tea. It is convenient to use a solution acrylic paints. A wide palette allows you to get the desired color.
Paints are easily mixed with each other, bred by water or diluent acrylic paints to the desired consistency, quickly dry after application, after being resistant to moisture and mechanical effects and can be used on any surface.

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Technological process: A synthetic brush or sponge is applied to the prepared surface, waiting for drying and evaluate the result. The lesing does not allow to completely paint the structure of the base or the previously applied image, it only sets the tonality. To enhance the effect, you can apply a re-layer of the lesing paint, and then the color intensity will increase.
If you apply a few translucent paint layers different colorAs a result, we will get different shades that translucent each other.





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Spray - Droplets-splashes on the surface of the decorated product that create the image of the stuff over time reflect the history of its use.


Artistically blurred thing simple way Gets the unique visual charm and pleasant with tactile relief perception. This is all very important, since items selected for decorating are made for your favorite house and for expensive people's heart.

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The process itself is very entertaining. Before proceeding, you need to prepare workplace. For example, to store the surface with a newspaper or cloth.
From the tools need toothbrush or rigid brush. From materials: paints and water in a cup.

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Tassel wet the water and score a small amount of paint on it. We try the nail or toothpick to start the drops on the still the test surface of the sample, simply by taking the tool in the bristle.
If you have a small comb, you can experiment with it, spend a brush with paint treasuries.

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With a wide brush, you can simply shake the drops or knock on your hand, then small colored droplets break off with the brush and fly down. Deciding with the process of application, it's time to conjure.
Sprinkle is the last operation before varnishing. The drops of the same lacquer will differ from the total glossiness of the surface of the subject, this effect will make an additional breaking effect over time.



Krakle - artificial formation technique, creation of cracks in a colorful or varnishing layer.


1. Craques are divided into one-step (single-phase) and two-having (two-phase)

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Single cracker It looks like a cracked layer of paint, through the cracks of which the lower layer of paint or the base of the product is visible. The basis can be any: glass, metal, plastic, wood and him similar materials.
Dual-step cracker looks like a thin crack mesh (cracking lacquer) on the surface of any image or coating.

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2. Krakle from egg shell

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Gives a bright high-relief effect of configuring. The clean shell is glued on PVA or acrylic lacquer with pieces at some distance from each other. Sometimes the relief is additionally emphasized by patinating or a "dry brush" technique.



3. Fucking lacquer

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Colored self-cracking varnish. It is applied to the surface with a thick layer and left to dry. Forms large cracks.

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4. Microcrability two-component

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Gives the effect of thin cracks - cobwebs. Transparent, so often applied on top of images. After drying, the crack is often emphasized by patinating.

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5. Paint cracker

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Self-taking paint with the effect of one-step cracker.

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Technique is simple and consistent. The corners, the sides, the joints of the prubounding planes of the object are covered with a saturated shade, the colorful layer is rubbed by paraffin, then overlaps with light paint, most often 2 layers are required.

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Now the mechanics: Entry paper in the places of paraffin and the 1st layer of paint is removed the top layer. Thus, failure, imitation of use, effect effects.


In this technique, gentle pastel tones are traditionally used. With the "sweet" shades, as if burnt out on the sun or sweatful of time:

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Light pink;










White (but not snow-white, but as if lightly yellowed from time);






You can add "shabby chic" with painting, motifs from decoupage cards or napkins, add spray. Finishcoat There will serve several layers of acrylic matte varnish.



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Suitable for items of any size made of wood . Best of all the processing method is somewhat deciduous trees. In this way, you can give wood noble, saturated shades, without losing the natural beauty of the material texture.

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Etching produce various compositions - rubbing . Some of them have complex names or strong smell, but along with them there are many recipes available for cooking with their own hands, such as tea, coffee, compositions of leaves, bark; There is a mangartan, blue, vinegar. For those who feel a little chemist, quite a suitable event - tint wooden surfaces.


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The process can occur in two ways:


1. Manual staining with a tampon from a tissue that does not leave fibers or a synthetic brush.


2. Staining with soaking in composition for etching.

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Most often, the process takes place at elevated temperatures. After the selection and acquisition (mixing) of the desired composition, the wood is purified from extra and cleaned with sandpaper. Then the etching-filling process itself. As a rule, the recipe for the adhesive is attached to the exposure time and the estimated result. Mostly, the control is made visually and, of course, the very place is the place of creativity.



The most common method of mechanical composition of wood - brash. His name happened from the word Brush - "Brush".


The surface is treated with metal brushes, choosing the upper soft fibers, leaving only solid.

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The perfect way to make up if furniture from:

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This method is not suitable if the furniture is made of:

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Wood winning with firing or bribing


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It is performed using either open fireor, which is much more convenient with soldering lamp or gas burner.Directing the flame on the surface of the tree, you can achieve a different shade of wood - from light golden to black. Color depends on the initial color of wood and on the number of passages with fire. Then the brushing is performed - processing the surface of the wood with a rigid wire brush. At the same time, softer, burned parts of the wood are cleaned, and more solid (annual rings) remain in place.


More way - firing in hot sand
Small clean sand is poured into a metal container and heated to a temperature not higher than 200 degrees C. In hot sand, put harvested products harvested for firing and withstand it until they darken. If the tone of individual parts of the product must be blighted gradually, these parts are immersed in the sand vertically. The lower layers of sand are heated stronger than the top, respectively bottom part A piece will be darker top. Thus, the tone turns out from light yellow to dark brown.
The surface treated with brushes and light can be toned, applying the lesing method or dry brush, add images of a decoupage technique or add color spray.


Additional mechanical impact


Sometimes time comes in the form of a bug-tree. To simulate similar damage left by insects, the masters use a seboard, drill and even a laser. In the same way, small damage is applied - chips or scuffs are similar to those that surfaces are obtained by decades.


Another way to apply noble damage - Put the nuts, bolts in a cloth and beat it with this bag. And further artistically add to the desired result.

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Simulation of past decades techniques and techniques of composition in combination of chemical and mechanical processing, give excellent decorative results.

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For practical decoration, most in the arsenal of materials deservedly occupy the compositions on acrylic basis . It is convenient to use them in operation: almost odorless, diluted with water, easily washed off from the tools. Have a variety of effects (imitation of metals, oil colors, matte tempera) and various textures. The color scheme can inspire on the alteration, even if she did not flood. They are durable, resistant to water and to the impact sunlight.

Sebilkova Anna
