Repair Design Furniture

DIY soft poufs bags. Do-it-yourself bean bag - a detailed master class for different types of chairs. DIY bean bag chair master class

A bag chair is a somewhat unusual name for a piece of upholstered furniture of a special frameless design. Its other name is bin-running. This furniture has a unique quality. It takes any shape, completely repeating the curves of the human body on it. Such a chair is capable of performing the functions of a chair, bed, or ordinary chair.

The beanbag chair takes any shape and can serve as both a chair and a bed.

How ? Outwardly, it looks like an almost shapeless bag made of strong fabric, filled with a huge number of small balls of expanded polystyrene. This filler is absolutely safe for human health, has a high degree of moisture resistance, perfectly retains heat, and is very light in weight. The finished bag chair weighs only 2-10 kg. An upholstered chair of this design is not cheap, but you can make it yourself at home by making the necessary patterns.

Sewing materials

To make such a chair, fairly common materials are required. Their number may differ depending on the shape and size of the product. In any case, you will need:

  • fabric for covers;
  • zippers;
  • filler;
  • pattern paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine.

Image 1. Pattern of a frameless chair.

An armchair of any shape consists of a pair of covers of approximately the same size, which are inserted into each other. It is better to sew the inner cover from a denser fabric. Color and texture do not matter. The color of the outer cover should match the interior of the room. Average consumption of fabric with a width of 1.15-4.6 m.

Zippers with a length of about 56 cm will close the cases with their inner filling.

As a filler, polystyrene granules with a diameter of 3-6 mm are most often used. They are sold in furniture stores and in stores selling building materials in bags of different sizes and weights. The amount of filler depends entirely on the size of your bags. They should be 2/3 full. Some people use peanuts and other legumes instead of polystyrene balls. This is a perfectly acceptable option if the chair bag is not placed next to water. From water, the contents swell, rot, become unusable.

For a pattern, paper with cells of 2.5 or 5 cm is suitable. The details are marked on paper, cut out, laid out on the fabric and outlined. Next comes the work with the fabric.

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Chair making

How to sew a chair bag with your own hands? This is quite easy to do.

  1. First you need to make patterns of parts on paper (image number 1), then transfer them to the fabric and cut out. This work is so simple that even a schoolboy can handle it.
  2. A large piece joins on the sides, a zipper is sewn in.
  3. A round bottom and a seat are sewn to the sewn parts. You should get a sturdy case.
  4. The resulting cover is filled with expanded polystyrene balls (image No. 2) and inserted into a slightly larger outer cover.

Image 2. Diagram of the bean bag chair.

It is better to mark the pattern on paper with a grid applied to it. The grid squares will allow you to draw at any scale. Experienced cutters can mark directly on the fabric.

The finished cover is filled with filler balls by 2/3 of the volume through the neck formed by the zipper. They tend to scatter and scatter throughout the room. Some craftsmen first fill a plastic bottle with them, then push the neck through a slightly open zipper and empty the contents into a case. The procedure is repeated several times.

The filled cover is inserted into an outer shell sewn according to the same principle as the inner cover. The color, texture and fabric of the outer cover can be of any color. The outer shell serves only as a decorative function. You can sew several multi-colored outer covers for each chair and change them from time to time, thereby adding variety to the interior. Unusual soft chair bag is ready.

This chair can be of various shapes and sizes. Children like it very much, it is useful for adults as a kind of orthopedic remedy. It is found in the form of a pillow, ottoman, pear, ball. Boys love the last form. If you wish, you can sew a chair bag, the pattern can be used the same as in the picture (image No. 3).

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Image 3. Pattern of a beanbag chair in the shape of a ball.

  1. It is recommended to complete the outer cover with a zipper 100 cm long, for the inner one 30 cm is enough.
  2. There is never too much filler. Over time, it will have to be added a little to the finished chairs. And the most important thing is that after making a test copy of this funny item, most of them will definitely want to sew new models of such furniture for themselves and for friends.
  3. For the convenience of rearranging the bag chair, you can sew a small handle, rolled up of fabric, to it.
  4. The edges of loose fabric parts must be pre-processed on an overlock. You can replace it with a regular zigzag.
  5. For sewing the inner cover, it is better to choose a dense and slightly slippery fabric. Even simple synthetics will do.
  6. For the manufacture of an outer cover, velor, flock, jacquard, artificial leather, chenille, tapestry, fur, suede are used.
  7. The finished product can be additionally decorated with embroidery, applique, pockets for various little things.

Bean-run, bag, pear, drop, pill, ball, ottoman, mattress - these are the names of a slightly unusual piece of upholstered furniture, which is often called the phrase bag chair. A very convenient device for recreation is quite expensive in stores. But it can be successfully made by any person who knows how to use a sewing machine and carry out the simplest patterns.

Frameless armchairs are fashionable and comfortable furniture. They are especially in demand in the children's room. After all, such a chair is safe, comfortable, convenient and easily adjusts to any body shape. It is not surprising that such furniture was to the taste of the adult population. The shops have a large selection of different bean bag chairs. But it is much more fun and cheaper to sew such furniture yourself. A pattern will help you with this. A beanbag chair is completely easy to make with your own hands. The main thing is to put in a little effort.

What is a beanbag chair?

It is also called bin-bag. A beanbag chair is an amazing piece of furniture, frameless design. It has an almost unique property. This furniture can take any shape. It can function as a bed, chair, or ordinary chair.

Frameless furniture is made in the most bizarre and unusual forms. Below are the 3 most common options. To make them easier to sew, a pattern will be given. The beanbag chair can take the shape of a pear, a drop or even

Material selection

To sew the product, you will need 2 types of fabric. After all, a beanbag chair consists of an inner and an outer cover. Before choosing a material, decide on a model. Since each variety has its own pattern. It is better to sew a beanbag chair from one piece of fabric. That is why initially select a model and calculate the required amount of material.

The following materials can be used:

  • satin;
  • tisi (such fabric is used to make workwear);
  • raincoat or mattress textiles;
  • polyester material (it is durable and does not allow water to pass through).

How much fabric will you need on average? For example, you have chosen a pear chair pattern. The finished bean bag chair will have the following dimensions: diameter - 90 cm, height - 120 cm.This structure requires about 2.5 m of fabric, the width of which is 115-122 cm.

For an outer cover, choose a fabric that will harmoniously fit into your interior. The most commonly used materials are:

  • flock;
  • chenille;
  • artificial suede;
  • velours;
  • jacquard;
  • artificial fur or leather;
  • tapestry.

Cut features

Your soft beanbag chair will last for years. That is why the choice of upholstery fabric should be approached very carefully. In addition, it should be possible to remove the top cover for washing. To do this, be sure to sew in a zipper when sewing.

If the fabric chosen for the top cover does not allow air to pass through, then a special air valve must be provided. Otherwise, the chair can easily break.

Product filler

This is another important point to consider before making a beanbag chair. After all, the peculiarity of the product lies precisely in the filler, which allows the frameless model to take any shape.

So what should be inside the chair? The best filler is expanded polystyrene. This material has a long service life, does not damp, and does not cause allergies.

Tools and materials

Regardless of the model you choose, you will need:

  1. Graph paper. It is necessary to create a pattern.
  2. Fabric for inner and outer cover.
  3. Lightning - 2 pcs.
  4. Pencil, ruler, chalk, scissors.
  5. Reinforced threads.
  6. Filler - one chair will need about 300 liters of filler. This volume weighs 1.5kg (so don't buy 10kg styrofoam packs).
  7. Sewing machine.

Bean bag: pear

This model is very popular.

A master class will help to sew such a beanbag chair:

  1. Below is the pattern of the product. It must be moved, according to the size, to. If necessary (if the chair is sewn for a child), you can proportionally reduce the pattern.
  2. We cut out the material according to the prepared templates. You should leave 1.5 cm for the allowances. You should have 6 wedges of the main part, 2 - the bottom, 1 - the top part. For the outer cover, all the details are ready.
  3. Repeat the procedure on the fabric matched to the inner cover.
  4. Details need to be swept away. At this stage, you should consider the placement of the zipper. It is recommended to sweep it into the lower part of the product. This way she will not spoil the appearance of the model. Zippers should be on both cases. This will allow not only to wash the upholstery in a timely manner, but also to add filler, if necessary.
  5. Now we sew the parts using a sewing machine. All basting should be removed. To give the garment strength, two stitches should be sewn. It is best to overlock the edges.
  6. Now fill the inner bag with filler. This procedure is best done without children and animals. Polystyrene balls can easily become electrified and can scatter throughout the room. They are very dangerous if they enter the respiratory system! If the balls are still scattered, collect them with a vacuum cleaner. But to avoid this, it is recommended to pour the filler through a watering can, paper funnel or a plastic bottle with a cut-off bottom.
  7. The bag should not be filled to capacity. Remember that the beauty of this design is that it perfectly adjusts to the shape of the body. Therefore, the filler must be filled 2/3.
  8. Put on the top bag. Close the zipper. The soft beanbag chair is ready. You can enjoy your work.

Bean bag: "ball"

Such a model will not be able to leave indifferent any young football player. But you have to work hard with such a product. Sewing it is somewhat more difficult than the pear model described above.

So, a bean bag chair "ball" is made in the following way:

  1. A completely different pattern is used for the model. You can use the one below or build it yourself. The pattern represents For a classic product, it is a hex and a pentagon.
  2. When cutting on fabric, it should be borne in mind that there should be many such parts. Pentagons should be cut out - 12 pcs. And you need 20 hexagons. It is very important to accurately cut and cut the parts. Even the slightest deviation can lead to skewing of the model.
  3. Before proceeding with the assembly of the product, it is recommended to process all parts with an overlock. Better yet, trim the cuts with edging. Of course, it will take a long time, but such details will definitely not crumble.
  4. Now you need to sweep the product. Difficulties can arise with lightning. After all, the clasp simply will not fit on one edge. Therefore, the zipper should be positioned in a curve.

You already know how to sew a beanbag chair and fill it with filler. Therefore, this procedure should not cause any difficulties for you.

Bean bag: "drop"

This is another kind of frameless furniture that might interest you.

The pattern below is transferred onto graph paper. The bean bag chair "drop" is made as follows:

  1. The pattern below is transferred onto graph paper.
  2. When laying out the details on the fabric, be sure to consider this will protect the model from skewing. For one cover you need: 2 sides, 1 bottom, 1 top.
  3. Now sweep away the details. Draw lightning bolts.
  4. Finish the cuts and sew along the basting.
  5. Add filler. Close the zippers.

You have a wonderful beanbag chair. And most importantly - exclusive and inexpensive.

Frameless chairs are used to save space, so the question of how to sew a bag chair with your own hands often arises among residents of modern apartments, because ready-made copies are not cheap. Such interior items are bright, soft and can be a bean bag or ottoman, a giant pear or a ball. Sewing a chair bag with your own hands is not too difficult, there are several ways for this. With even a little skill in sewing, it usually goes faster, but a beginner, with the effort, can cope with this task, spending, perhaps, a little more time. Even if the work does not look perfect, this fact can be easily disguised as an author's idea and get a unique handmade bean bag chair.

The bag chair is popular due to the fact that it takes the shape of the body of everyone who sits on it.

DIY bag chair: choice of material

Frameless furniture is subject during operation to the same loads as standard furniture, and possibly to a greater extent. Therefore, before you sew a chair bag, you need to choose the right fabric for it. The material should be durable and pleasant to the touch, and everyone chooses the colors from those available to their liking. In order to sew a chair bag on your own, silk, satin, calico or satin will definitely not work, since they are too thin and fragile and are not intended for this kind of operation.

You can use velor for the outer cover, this fabric resembles faux fur, it is soft and fleecy to the touch, velvety and quite durable. Flock is similar to it in its properties, which also has water-repellent properties. This fabric is recommended for use by young children, as it is very easy to wash or clean and does not fade in the sun for a long time.

You can use chenille fabric to sew a bag chair.

If in order to sew a chair bag, fabrics of unnatural origin can be used, then chenille is a good option. This fabric has synthetic fibers in its composition, due to this, the surface does not form pills, is easy to clean and, like any furniture fabric, is strong enough. Jacquard is very similar to chenille, which also has a small percentage of synthetic fibers. Despite the presence of loop pile on the front surface, this coating does not dissolve if you accidentally hook and break one thread. It is recommended to sew a chair from such fabric, as it is durable and all dirt can be easily washed off from its surface.

The bag with your own hands can be sewn using artificial suede or leather. These materials are not budgetary, but a bag of them will last a long time. Faux suede has a pile and is very wear-resistant, leather can be embossed and is also very durable. Without limitation in means, you can use tapestry, it is a very strong and dense fabric of natural composition, on which a variety of patterns are woven. This type of material has antistatic properties, so it is especially good for sewing a chair filled with expanded polystyrene balls.

You can fill the chair bag with foam balls.

The fabric that will be used for sewing the inner bag can be any fabric. Breathing properties are mandatory characteristics, since air must freely pass through the structure, without interfering with it taking the desired shape. You cannot take fabrics that are slippery and too loose for the inner bag, lining materials used for sewing clothes will not work. You can take satin, calico or flannel, chintz and cotton are used in 2 additions.

Most often, the fabric sold in rolls has a factory width of 140-150 cm, which is enough to sew a frameless chair without unnecessary seams. A material of a smaller width is not suitable for every model, and it is impractical to choose a larger width, since the remains are unsuitable for further use and go to waste.

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How to sew a pear chair with applique

For work you will need:

  • coarse calico, satin;
  • outer cover fabric;
  • 2 zippers;
  • fabric for applique;
  • filler;
  • threads in color;
  • scissors;
  • tape measure;
  • pencil;
  • pins.

The pattern needs to be transferred to the fabric, increasing to the desired size. Most often, the pattern consists of a small lower part, which will serve as the bottom, and 6 wedges for the chair itself. The parts are cut out, leaving the necessary seam allowances. Before or after stitching, it is imperative to process the inner edges of the seams. If the fabric is thick and bulky, it is more convenient to process it in one layer before the cover is sewn. Artificial leather, suede and flock do not need this operation, as their edge does not crumble.

In order to sew a frameless bag with your own hands, you first need to fold and sew all the wedges one by one, while a small area must be left unstitched, a zipper is inserted into it. Two sewing wedges are folded with the right sides of the fabric inward and pinned with pins so that the fabric does not slide out and the seams are even. All 6 wedges are sewn in this way, not forgetting about the zipper. For a beginner in sewing business, it is advisable to start with the inner cover, on which mistakes are not so critical and practically invisible, and then take on the outer one, which must be sewn flawlessly.

The bottom is sewn last. The lower, inner cover, which any chair bag has, is sewn in the same way, but it is usually easier to work with it, since its fabric is thin and easier to process. To fill in the filler in the inner case, and remove the outer for washing or cleaning, a zipper is sewn into one of the wedges.

The zipper should be sewn into both cases with special care, making sure to check the tightness of the slider. A zipper that comes open will make it difficult to collect the filler and place it back in the case. The zipper on the inner cover is necessary, since the filler cakes after a while, it is necessary to fill it up so that the chair does not lose its shape. The inner cover for 2/3 of the volume is filled with a special filler, then the zipper is closed and the outer cover is put on it.

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How to sew a rectangular frameless bag with your own hands

To make such a piece of furniture, you will need the following materials:

  • fabric for the inner cover;
  • fabric for the outer cover;
  • threads to match;
  • 2 zippers;
  • filler;
  • needles;
  • tailor's pins;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • tape measure;
  • square.

Patterns can be drawn on paper and transferred onto fabric, or drawn directly onto fabric. They are cut out, leaving the required seam allowances.

First of all, in order to sew a chair, you need to connect the bottom and back, not forgetting to insert a zipper into the seam. After that, the side parts and the back are sewn together. The front side is sewn to the sides last, the seams are processed using an overlock or zigzag seam on a typewriter. After that, the chair bag is turned inside out.

In order to sew a rectangular armchair and ensure that this shape is maintained during operation, you need to process the seams with edging or make an additional line along their contour, attaching the seams to the inner contour at a distance of 0.7 cm.Then, the filler is poured into the inner cover, zipped and put on outer cover.

A bag chair is an easy-to-manufacture and stylish frameless furniture. It is quite possible to make it on your own. This will require a little patience from you, the necessary materials and a desire to understand all the intricacies of the process. The manufacturing technique, useful recommendations for choosing fabric and filler, common patterns - read about all this in the presented review.

Types of frameless furniture

There are a lot of options for frameless chairs and sofas. The most common are pear, banana and ball. There are also specimens in the form of a watermelon, a cube and a tablet.

Full-fledged sofas are more technologically advanced in manufacturing. They look impressive in the interior and can be either integral or consist of separate blocks. A common form of these sofas is straight. But there are also corner models.

Having decided to make such an original upholstered furniture, you can dream up and come up with your own version. But first, you should consider the well-known models and patterns for them, and then, by analogy, recreate your design.

Fabric for upholstered furniture

What kind of fabric do you need for making? For the top cover - any furniture fabric:

  • Furniture velor.
  • Chenille.
  • Jacquard.
  • Leatherette.
  • Artificial fur,
  • Nylon.
  • Velveteen.
  • Flock.

Choose a denser material for the inner cover:

  • Blended fabric.
  • Calico.
  • Cloak fabric.
  • Satin.

In addition to the fabric, you will need zippers of appropriate sizes, lavsan threads, Velcro to connect the upper and lower covers.

Bean bag filling

The most common filler for frameless furniture is polystyrene balls. This material is environmentally friendly, durable and moisture resistant.

Chairs filled with polystyrene beads can be used in wet areas such as a sauna, pool or terrace. And this is possible due to the low hygroscopicity of the filler.

Granules shrink over time. Re-fill every few years to maintain the desired shape of the product.

Styrofoam balls are extremely volatile and easily electrified. If inhaled, they can cause serious damage to health. It is recommended to use a respirator when working with it.

Patterns for bean bag chairs

Consider three common cuts:

will consist of six identical wedges (marked with 1) with a height of 1200 mm and a size at the base of 450 mm. The pattern of the top is a hexagon (marked with the number 2 in the diagram) with a height of 182 mm and a width of 210 mm). The bottom consists of four parts: two parts each, marked with numbers 3 and 4.

1) The main part combines the front, back and side.

2) Top part.

For sewing ball chairs you need 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons.

How to sew a beanbag chair

As you can see from the patterns discussed above, making a beanbag chair on your own with minimal sewing skills is not a very difficult task.

To make a pear chair, you need three parts:

  • Main part.
  • Top part.

The details of the upper and lower covers are made according to the patterns. In the inner case from the side ( b) a short zipper is sewn in. A long zipper is sewn into the outer case from the long side ( a). The covers are fixed to each other with Velcro.

After both covers are ready, the inner one is filled with polystyrene foam through the funnel. The funnel is made of thick paper, and its narrow edge is pushed into the inner capsule bag. The process ends by filling in the required number of balls. During the filling process, some of the granules may spill onto the floor, so thoroughly vacuum the room after use.

To sew a bag chair according to the given pattern, you will need:

  • Fabric for the outer cover, size 2500 x 1400 mm (the same amount of fabric is needed for the inner cover).
  • Two zippers - 1 m and 40 cm.
  • Filler.
  • Velcro 10 x 5 cm.
  • Strong reinforced threads.

You need to start work by making a paper pattern for a pattern. Then the pattern is placed on the fabric, and the necessary fragments are cut off.

The blanks have been completed. Now you need to fold the two wedges with the right side inward and sew with leaving an allowance of 1 - 1.5 cm. The rest of the wedges are sewn in the same way and the zipper is installed. From the front side, stitching is done, capturing the allowances. Then the bottom and top of the bag are sewn on. All of the above manipulations must be carried out with the inner cover. Having assembled two covers, the bag is filled with polystyrene balls using a funnel.

The history of frameless furniture

In 1968, three young architects from Turin: Piero Gatti, Cesare Paolini, Franco Teodoro approached the management of the furniture factory Zanotta with the innovative idea of ​​producing a frameless beanbag chair. The foresight of the factory director allowed this product to enter serial production and gain wide popularity throughout the world.

As representatives of "anti-design", the creators of frameless furniture were critical of the development of modern technology and consumer sentiment. They affirmed the theory of "flight", and through provocative actions they wanted to show that the logical development of rationalism leads to absurdity. The beanbag chair ("Sacco") has become a classic example of "anti-design".

The beanbag chair is impeccable. It is very pleasant to sit on it, as the filler easily takes a shape that is comfortable for the seated person. Having decided to buy or make such frameless furniture, you will get the best resting place and an original element of interior design.

Whether you're looking to diversify your home or just need some extra seating, there's nothing better than a compact and comfortable frameless beanbag chair.

Today, more and more bright and interesting chairs of this type appear, but if you want something special or are simply not sure that the purchased option will fit the design of your room, try to sew a pear chair yourself. Moreover, this allows you to correctly adjust the size and make it as convenient as possible for the whole family.

We invite you to find out together how to make a do-it-yourself bag chair at home.

Despite the fact that a lot of materials are required for the chair, and it is somewhat difficult to fill it, such an element of the interior is made simply and relatively quickly. The main thing is to decide on a pattern and be careful when sewing.

Bean bag, photo

What you need to create a chair

If you have been thinking for a long time about the question of how to make a soft ottoman bag with your own hands, it's time to realize your ideas: an upholstered beanbag chair can be sewn both in the children's room and in the living room.

First, check if you have materials suitable for sewing at home. Since the master class reveals the creation of a beanbag chair with your own hands according to a pattern, it is important to provide that the fabric or other basic material is of sufficient size.

A beanbag chair, a pear chair, a beanbag seat and even a pouf chair and an ottoman pillow - whatever they call it, because both children and adults like them ... What is needed to create a frameless beanbag chair?

Prepare the following materials:

To create a high-quality, comfortable and durable chair, it is not necessary to buy expensive materials. Such a new thing can cost you quite inexpensively, and it will delight the whole family no less than a ready-made chair made professionally.

Sitting bag on the floor

Making a pattern

We figured out the materials, now it is important to decide on the sewing scheme. They can be different: for armchairs-ottomans, elongated pear-shaped shapes and even imitations of a soccer ball.

Advice: if you are looking for how to sew a baby bag chair with your own hands according to patterns, you can use ready-made patterns for large chairs, but proportionally reduce the size of each fragment.

Ottoman bag, photo

We suggest you use one of the attached options for the pattern of a beanbag chair with dimensions.

When transferring patterns to the material for sewing, it may be difficult to create fragments that are correct in shape. To draw a hexagonal base, calculate the size of the top of the chair - and draw a circle with a radius equal to this value.

Next, you need to make notches along the entire length of such a workpiece - and connect such vertices to each other to form a figure of the required shape. Below is an example of a pattern and pattern for a bag-chair-pear with such a base and with detailed dimensions.

Sew a chair bag with your own hands - patterns

Another option for a pear chair pattern with detailed dimensions: this time the base is in the shape of a circle.

The next option involves the creation of a hexagonal base both at the bottom and at the top of the frameless chair.

Diy pear chair - pattern

You can also make a soccer ball from a bag chair pattern.

DIY baby bean bag

To create it, you need to prepare many fragments of hexagonal and pentagonal shapes, which will be stitched together.

Designs can be two-tone (interleaved) or include several bright hues.

Do-it-yourself bean bag: patterns, photos

How to sew a beanbag chair

After you have decided on a suitable pattern, you can start the process of cutting and sewing. Check out the step-by-step instructions on how to sew a do-it-yourself chair bag.

At the first stage, start cutting out all the fragments of the future chair on the fabric base according to the sketches made. Each piece needs to be cut twice as it is supposed to create an inner and outer cover.

How to sew an ottoman bag with your own hands, photo

Advice: so that the chair does not turn out to be too large in size (especially if you are sewing it for a child) - you should not make allowances for seams on the patterns.

A traditional bag-shaped pear chair will consist of six side wedges, a hexagonal base, a similarly shaped but smaller top, and a carry handle.

As a rule, the handle is made from a rectangular fragment: parameters 5 by 12 cm will be enough.

When sewing an armchair, the character of the selected fabric plays an important role. If you settled on a "free-flowing" material, you need to process all sections of the fragments on the overlock or go over them with a zigzag seam.

The next step is sewing on the fragments. Take the two side pieces, fold them face to face - and start sewing 15 cm at the top and bottom along the long side. This is where the zipper will be sewn in, so bartack where the seams start and end.

Important! The length of the seams is calculated taking into account the length of the zippers that will be sewn into the treated side of the chair.

After sewing on the zipper, you can work on the rest of the wedges. We repeat the procedure with stitching. They need to be ironed and smoothed in one direction. Grab the seam allowances that were made with the iron when forming the seam offset from the front of the parts.

The third stage of sewing is the creation of the handle. The rectangular blank is unfolded with the inside side, folded along the longest side once, after which the free edges are neatly sewn together.

After you go over the part on the sewing machine, it remains to turn the fabric out - and iron the surface to move the resulting seam to the center. Stitching is done along the seam.

At the next stage, the top is sewn to the future bag from a workpiece similar to the base. The handle made before is sewn to the hexagonal top on one side, positioned between this piece and the side gusset. Again it is necessary to iron the allowances and do the topstitching.

DIY bean bag

You also need to start grinding the base. To make it easier to complete this sewing step, open the zipper already sewn to the side. As you can see, there is nothing difficult! The inner cover of the chair is sewn in the same way.

We figured out how to sew a beanbag chair with our own hands, but there is one more important point. In order for the frameless chair to take the shape we need, it should be filled with foam granules. As a rule, it is sufficient to fill about two-thirds of the chair's volume.

DIY bean bag - filler

Since the filler is purchased in bags, it can be difficult to carefully fill it inside the chair and fill it with expanded polystyrene in a short time. Be prepared for the balls to scatter on the floor, and the foam will stick to your fingers, which will also prevent you from quickly filling the cover and completing the chair creation process.

Fortunately, there is a way to handle filling the interior of our beanbag chair without any problems. Take a bottle (one and a half liter is enough). Use scissors or a knife to remove the top and bottom: you will have a kind of pipe. Now open the zipper on the chair cover a little - and fix the plastic trim in the hole with tape. With the second side, the bottle is glued to the bag from which the balls will be poured (before that, cut off one of its edges a little).

Advice: instead of a bottle, you can use other blanks of a similar shape.

How to put litter in a beanbag chair

After making sure that the balls can only spill out of the bag through this hole, you can start pouring them into the chair. A similar procedure is followed with each bag. Check the chair's fullness periodically to achieve the optimum "tightness".

When the pouf armchair takes shape, close the zipper of the inner cover. Sit on it - and make sure that you are comfortable enough to sit on. Everything is fine? Then feel free to put on an outer cover - and call your loved ones to demonstrate your success!

Soft armchairs, photo

If you try, you can complete the creation of such a chair within one to two hours. This means that you can easily replenish your home interior with even a few interesting chairs of this type. And, most importantly, your apartment will have a comfortable, stylish and positive place to sit and, in general, to relax, where you can relax for both adults and children.


A short step-by-step instruction on sewing a beanbag chair or pear chair - the video below shows the easiest way:

Well, if you do not quite understand the procedure for creating a pear chair according to a pattern with dimensions, check out additional materials and master classes on creating such a comfortable ottoman.

For example, watch another master class on how to make a do-it-yourself bean bag chair: