Repair Design Furniture

Tea utensils that belong to it. Acquaintance of children with the classification of dishes: kitchen, dining room, tea room. How to wash tableware

Tableware - tableware that is used when setting the table. On an industrial scale, complete sets of tableware began to be produced only at the end of the 19th century. Until that time, production was carried out only by private craftsmen in pottery shops.

What tableware is made of
Quite a lot of materials are used for the production of tableware, each of which has certain advantages. Among them are:
  • Porcelain.
  • Faience.
  • Ceramics.
  • Glass.
  • Crystal.
  • Metal.
  • Plastic.
  • Wood.

Porcelain tableware is considered the most elegant. It has a low weight and high strength. It can be found in expensive restaurants. Porcelain dishes are the most expensive. Its price is directly affected by the thickness of the walls. The thinner they are, the more expensive the product is. Porcelain is very smooth and has a glossy finish. Expensive porcelain items are translucent. If you hit it, then a sound is formed that resembles the rumble of crystal. Sometimes the bottom of porcelain dishes is rough, which is caused by adhesion to the shelf of the oven during firing.

Faience tableware is inferior to porcelain. It has thicker walls and is porous, which can be felt by feeling the bottom rim and other kinks. It is a less durable material that also has a higher moisture absorption coefficient. To eliminate this problem, it is covered with a special glaze.

Ceramic made of clay with subsequent firing and glaze coating. These are inexpensive products, the cost of which is 10 times less than porcelain. They differ in good indicators of strength, but they break with enough strong blows. Ceramic dishes are thick-walled. It also comes in natural coloration.

Glass is also quite common. It is distinguished by high strength indicators. The glass used can be transparent or opaque. Cookware made of opaque glass is heat-resistant, so it can be used when heating food in a microwave oven. In terms of impact resistance, it is 6 times stronger than porcelain.

Crystal made from a special kind of glass. It is often used in combination with white porcelain, to which it can be as expensive as possible. It is used in luxury restaurants, and is also used when setting a festive table.

Products from metal have the highest strength rates. This is an inexpensive dish, the use of which is considered bad form when setting a festive table. It is made of stainless steel, so it does not add any flavors to the dish, since it does not saturate odors.

Plastic tableware is usually represented by disposable sets that are thrown into the trash after eating. It is inconvenient to eat from it, but it eliminates the need to wash the plates. Also on sale you can find more durable plastic dishes that are reusable. Such products are full of a huge variety of colors. A big advantage in their favor is resistance to mechanical stress.

Wooden is practically not used anymore. Usually it is used when serving ethnic dishes. The main disadvantage of wooden plates and cups is their tendency to absorb moisture. Thus, if the product is not processed well enough, then over time it begins to give off the smell of the spicy dishes that were served in it.

Types of tableware

In everyday life, a rather modest set of tableware is used, which includes only a few plates, cups and a couple of saucers. In fact, there are many types of tableware that are used in table setting.

In general, tableware is conventionally divided into 3 groups:
  1. Plates.
  2. Cups.
  3. Special dishes.
Types of plates

Plates are very popular tableware, the group of which includes products of various diameters and depths. Each shape is tailored to suit specific dishes. There are both universal cymbals and more specialized ones that are used less often.

All of them can be divided into groups:
  • Canteens.
  • Snack bars.
  • Dessert.
  • Pie.
  • For fish.
  • Kokil.
  • Menazhnitsa.
  • Dishes.
  • Salad bowls.
  • Saucer.
  • Sockets.
  • Bowls.

Canteens plates are deep and shallow. The deep ones have a diameter of 20 to 24 cm and can hold up to 0.5 liters. They are used to serve first courses. Small table plates have a larger diameter - up to 32 cm. They are used for main courses, such as side dishes.

Eateries they are also large and small. Large ones have a diameter of 31 cm. They are used for cold snacks, as well as cold cuts. Small plates have a diameter of 20 cm.

Dessert are deep and shallow. The deep ones have a diameter of 20 cm and are used for serving desserts. Small ones are intended for dessert dishes and usually have wavy edges. They serve cakes as well as fruit cuts.

Pies are 18 cm in size. Bread, croutons and pies are served on them. They are very similar to small dessert ones, but they have smooth edges. These are usually white dishes without any patterns or designs.

Plates for fish unlike the previous types, they are elongated, up to 37 cm long and up to 26 cm wide. They serve fish dishes. The dimensions of the plate allow the whole fish to be laid out, making it look more attractive.

Some of the most unusual are the plates. chill mold... They are rarely found in the home cookware set. Its size can be different, but it always resembles half of the flap of a flat shell, with a characteristic protrusion on one side. It is used for oysters as well as snack dishes.

Menagerie the most easily recognizable of all varieties. Its inner surface is divided into sectors, each of which fits small portions of different dishes. Usually side dishes and salads are used for this. The menager can have a different number of sectors. When used, it is necessary that each of them be filled with different dishes.

Dishes the largest, they reach up to 45 cm in diameter. They can be used to serve whole poultry, game, fish or large cuts of meat. Canapes are also served for meals. They can be either round or rectangular.

Salad bowls specially designed for serving salads, pickles and fresh vegetables. They have a wide variety of shapes. Salad bowls are usually small in volume of only 120 ml.

Saucer- small plates that are used as a cup holder. They are also widely used as dessert, which is a violation of the terms of etiquette, but it is quite acceptable in a family or friendly circle.

Sockets are represented by small deep plates up to 10 cm in diameter, in which jam, honey or jam is served. Their contents are scooped up and added on top of sweet dishes on dessert plates.

Also a very recognizable variety of cymbals is bowl... It has a small diameter of only 9 cm and is very deep. Often, bowls are on legs, resembling a small vase. They are used to serve jelly, berries or fruit salads.

Types of cups

Cups are presented in a more modest assortment compared to plates.

They are:
  • Broth.
  • Tea rooms.
  • Coffee.
  • Mugs.

Bouillon a teacup is a fairly common tableware that has two handles. It is intended for serving broths and pureed soups. The capacity of such a product does not exceed 400 ml.

Tea room can hold 250 ml. It serves hot chocolate, tea and cocoa. Often it comes with a saucer. It comes in a variety of colors and is usually sold as tea sets for different numbers of people.

Coffee very similar to teahouses, but have a capacity of up to 150 ml. You can also find very small 75 ml cups that are used for strong coffee. Large cups are for cappuccino.

Mugs- universal cups that are not used for table setting, but are used in everyday life. They are distinguished by their huge capacity, in comparison with coffee ones, but they are still used for drinking coffee and tea.

Specialized cookware

Such tableware is much less common than cups and plates. It is represented by a huge assortment, most of which can only be found in expensive restaurants, since they are not used in everyday life.

Among the current varieties of specialized utensils are:
  • Vases.
  • Coffee pots.
  • Jugs with a lid.
  • Sets for spices.
  • Sugar bowls.
  • Gravy boats.
  • Brewing kettles.

Vases are used for serving fruits, sweets, as well as cakes and pastries. They are deep or flat. Flat ones are more suitable for large desserts, and deep ones are more suitable for sweets and fruits.

Coffee pot used to serve black coffee on the table, which is later poured into the guests' cups. It can have a capacity of up to 1 liter, depending on the number of people.

Jug with lid has a volume of 2 liters, it is used to serve non-alcoholic soft drinks such as compotes, decoctions and or kvass. The jugs are usually made of clear glass to allow viewing of the contents.

In almost every kitchen, as well as on the table of any catering establishment, there are spice devices... They consist of a container for salt and pepper. Each of them has small holes, which allows you to pour out the spices.

Sugar bowl used to store sugar. It has a tight lid that prevents the contents from coming into contact with humid air. Sugar bowl capacity rarely exceeds 400 ml.

Gravy boat has a specific elongated shape. Its volume ranges from 10 to 400 ml. This tableware has an elongated spout and a rather large handle for a comfortable grip. It serves cold sauces and sour cream. Thanks to the spout, the sauces are poured directly onto the dish without using a spoon.

  1. What utensils are used for eating food?
  2. What types of dishes you know are used for the first, second courses and drinks?
  3. Think about what household appliances are used for cooking.

As you already know, food is prepared in the kitchen. This is a special room for food processing and cooking (Fig. 194). In some cases, the kitchen serves as a dining room. The basis of the kitchen arrangement is a stove, a food processing table, a kitchen sink, a cabinet for storing kitchen, dining and other utensils, food products, a refrigerator, and other electrical household appliances. In addition, the kitchen should have a dish towel and a hand towel.

Rice. 194. Modern Ukrainian cuisine

The kitchen should be kept perfectly clean and well ventilated. It should be well-lit, spacious, equipped with easy-to-use, easy-to-clean furniture. The kitchen is usually equipped with kitchen utensils. Dishes is a generalized name for household items used for cooking, eating and storing food.

Kitchen utensils are those that are used to prepare food. The kitchen utensils include a set of pots, cast iron, pans, kettles of various capacities, which are made of enamelled metal, heat-resistant glass, various alloys, etc. In addition, the kitchen should be equipped with a set of knives for peeling potatoes and vegetables, slicing bread, meat, fish, vegetable graters, meat grinders, finishing wooden and plastic boards, sieves, rolling pin, forks, knives, etc. (fig. 195).

Rice. 195. Kitchenware

Rice. 196. Dinner sets: a - dinner; b - dessert; в - tea; g - coffee

Tableware includes: table sets, consisting of deep and shallow plates, salad bowls, sauce bowls, tureens, plates for fish products, sets of containers for spices, tea, coffee, dessert and other sets (Fig. 196). Tea utensils include: cups, saucers, a sugar bowl, a kettle for brewing tea, a kettle for boiling water. The coffee service consists of a coffee pot, containers for sugar, cream, cups and saucers for them.

Cutlery includes: large, small and dessert spoons, forks, knives, various spatulas for butter, cake, etc. (fig. 197). The dishes must always be clean. It must be washed immediately after use, having previously been freed from food residues.

Rice. 197. Cutlery

In the dishes in which the food is burnt, you need to pour cold water, add soda and leave for a while, and then wash. In any case, the bottom of the pan should not be cleaned with a knife. When washing dishes, the following personal hygiene rules must be observed:

  1. Put on clean work clothes, a scarf or a special cap, carefully tucking your hair under it.
  2. Tuck up the sleeves of the clothes so that they do not touch the dishes during operation.
  3. Wash hands thoroughly and wear rubber gloves if necessary.
  4. Wash hands and gloves after finishing work; dry gloves.
  5. Clean up the workplace.

The products from which food is prepared must be fresh, of high quality, thoroughly cleaned. Vegetables, meat products are cleaned and washed, changing the water several times. After evisceration, fish and poultry are thoroughly washed. You should have separate boards for processing meat, fish, flour products. Do not pass meat after fish or boiled meat after raw without cleaning and thoroughly washing it through a meat grinder.

Peeled vegetables, dairy and meat products are stored covered for a short time in places inaccessible to flies and other insects before cooking from them. Waste products are removed immediately. In any case, ready-made (boiled, fried) and raw foods should not be stored together. The kitchen is cleaned every time after cooking: they wash the table, sink, stove, wipe the floor with a damp cloth. There is a general cleaning once a week, during which all kitchen utensils are washed and cleaned.

For cooking, household electrical appliances that you already know are used: stoves, microwave ovens, electric ovens, toasters, grills, steamers, deep fryers, electric kettles, coffee makers, etc.

After using kitchen appliances and other equipment, the following sanitary and hygienic and other requirements must be observed:

  1. Dispose of leftover food in a special waste container.
  2. Sort the dishes for washing. First, they wash the dishes with less fat residues, and then the rest.
  3. Wash the dishes with hot water and detergents.
  4. Rinse the dishes first in hot and then in cold water.
  5. Put the washed dishes on a special stand or on a spread towel to drain the water, after which they must be wiped dry.
  6. Place dry dishes in a specially designated place.

Laboratory and practical work No. 10. Acquaintance with kitchen equipment, different types of dishes and detergents

Equipment and materials: kitchen equipment, drawings, tables, samples of detergents.

Sequence of work

  1. Look at the figures and tables for the kitchen equipment, types of dishes and determine their purpose.
  2. Read carefully the rules for the use of detergents, using all the coding characters. Analyze what you read.

New terms

    kitchen utensils, dining room, tea service, coffee service.

Securing the material

  1. What devices are used for food processing?
  2. What kind of utensils are called kitchen utensils? dining room?
  3. What is the purpose of this dish?
  4. What items are included in the cutlery set?
  5. What are the basic requirements for setting up a kitchen?
  6. Why should dishes be washed starting with less soiled ones?

Types of kitchen and tableware

Well, young housewives, hello. We grow up girls, we grow up with our mothers on everything ready-made, but one day the day comes when we are left alone with the kitchen and with the kitchen utensils. We must live on. How would you use a cheat sheet now (briefly about everything in the kitchen). Therefore, I am starting a series of articles about the kitchen, about what it has.

Let's start with the dishes: what kind of dishes are in general, what they are intended for.
The hostess's dishes are divided into two types: kitchen and dining room. The kitchen is the one in which we prepare food, and the dining room is the one from which we eat.

Kitchen utensils: types and purpose

From the beginning, we briefly cheat, then we will additionally go through each item. Kitchen utensils are of the following types:

1. Pans (go to article "").

3. Bowls, colanders, cutting boards, rolling pins, beating hammers.

7. Auxiliary devices: mortars, graters, peelers, sieve, shovels (wooden and metal), slotted spoon, scales, measuring containers.

8. Useful little things: beaters, brushes, skewers, skewers.

Material for making kitchen utensils

Cookware manufacturers are trying to use scientific developments to increase the sales of their products. Therefore, we are constantly "pampered" with dishes made of different materials with different coatings. For manufacturing, aluminum, cast iron, steel (stainless steel), ceramics, glass are used, and titanium chips, teflon, ceramic composite, enamel are used for coating.

Tableware: types and purpose

Corrugated dishes are a delicate thing: here you have fragility, health, etiquette, all in one bottle. We deal with utensils several times a day, which is why it is so important that they are safe and comfortable for us.

The dishes are made from different materials. Take a look at the properties of these materials.

We will sort the dishes into the following types:

  • Porcelain (real porcelain thin to translucent)
  • Earthenware (dishes have thicker walls, and porous at the break)
  • Ceramic (this is clay dishes. There are two types: majolica and pottery)
  • Glass (universal material, can be placed in a microwave oven)
  • Crystal
  • Glass or crystal drinkware
  • From precious metals (these are silverware)
  • Cutlery (fork, knife, spoon)

Here is an approximate list of types of cookware. I will try to reveal in more detail the points of this list. As I write articles, I will add links to paragraphs. For anyone interested, stay tuned.

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Dishes are household items for cooking, storing and serving food and ready meals. The types of dishes are classified by purpose, materials, methods of use and a number of other characteristics.

Some kitchen utensils are required, others are advisory, rarely needed, or a luxury. In order to correctly compose a list of what you need and not buy too much, get acquainted with the classification and learn how to navigate the dish assortment.

Classification by purpose and use

By purpose, the dishes are divided into the following types:

  • Kitchen- intended for cooking. These are pots, pans, steamers, kettles, baking dishes and other utensils used for cooking. This also includes cooking devices - ladles, slotted spoon, crush pots.
  • Canteen- used for setting the table and serving cooked dishes. The group includes soup bowls, plates, dishes, tea and coffee cups and sets, glasses, shot glasses, everything that appears on the table during dinner. The group includes cutlery: spoons, forks, knives.
  • Storage products - all kinds of jars, containers, oil cans, bottles and containers. Anything used to store raw foods and cooked foods. Here, containers are distinguished with different temperatures of use.
  • Subsidiary- these are additional items such as spice sets, napkin holders, ice buckets.

Types of kitchen utensils

It is impossible to cook dinner without kitchen utensils, so you need to equip the kitchen with these important items. Cookware includes:

  • Frying pans are heat-resistant kitchen utensils made of metal for roasting on the stove and baking in the oven. Frying pans are classified according to the material of manufacture, diameter, depth, shape, type of handles, the presence of a non-stick coating and a lid. Read more about the types of frying pans.
  • Frying pans are varieties of frying pans for a narrower purpose. Frypots are suitable for both stove-top and oven cooking.
  • Baking trays - flat metal sheets with low sides. Designed for oven baking.
  • Pans - utensils for cooking first courses, cooking vegetables, meat, compotes, pasta. There are many types of pots on sale for the purpose and materials that we talked about.
  • Ladles, kettles and milk jugs are small pots with one handle for quick cooking or boiling water (milk).
  • Forms for baking bakery and confectionery products. These are all kinds of muffins, pies.
  • Forms and portion tins, baking pots. The julienne molds can also be attributed to this category.

Also, kitchen utensils include items that use outside the plate:

  • Colander is a wide bucket with holes for water drainage.
  • Bowls - containers for washing, cutting, mixing products. Bowls are difficult to do in the kitchen.
  • Sieve for sifting flour and straining the grounds.
  • Mortars - devices for manual grinding of nuts, spices, seeds.
  • Graters and manual choppers for vegetables, garlic, herbs.
  • for raw and prepared foods.

In the process of cooking, you cannot do without kitchen utensils... It:

  • Skimmers, spoons, shovels, forks for frying and other important little things that help to turn food and mix ingredients.
  • Pusher for making mashed potatoes. Progress has made its own adjustments here too, look what have appeared now.
  • Ladles for first courses and compotes.
  • Rolling pins for rolling out the dough.
  • Hammers for beating meat.
  • Knives, scissors and other cutting tools.

Additionally, the dishes can be classified by purpose: for cooking, frying, stewing, baking, baking.

Types of tableware

Tableware includes all types of plates, cups, items for table setting and special purposes.

Depending on the size and purpose, there are different types of plates:

  • Canteen - deep for first courses and shallow for second courses with side dishes and independent side dishes.
  • Snack bars - small and large for serving hot and cold snacks. Diameter from 20 to 30 cm.
  • Dessert with a diameter of 20 mm, for desserts and fruits.
  • Pie - for pies, bread, croutons.
  • Fish - are distinguished by an elongated shape.
  • Caviar - miniature flat for caviar.
  • Egg - with sides for scrambled eggs.
  • Kokil - shell-shaped, used for oysters, stews, salads.
  • Dishes divided into several compartments. Suitable for serving with sauces and serving several dishes at the same time.

Cups are also different:

  • tea rooms;
  • coffee;
  • broth;
  • circles - are large;
  • bowls.

Even more types of glasses, glasses and shot glasses. Almost every strong drink has its own dishes. The shape of the glass is not for beauty. It is conditioned by aroma, taste and the way of tasting. The shape helps the aroma to unfold and direct the drink to the right receptors in the mouth.

Cutlery for everyday life and a festive table

There are two types of cutlery - main and auxiliary. The main ones are intended for individual use. These are spoons, forks, knives, served to each guest on a plate. The main group is divided into canteens, snack bars, fish, dessert and fruit appliances.

Most often, for serving in everyday life, they get by with a standard set of cutlery. Etiquette lovers can buy additional fish kits, as well as special forks for spaghetti and crabs.

Auxiliary devices are used together at the table. These are various spoons and forks for putting salads and appetizers from common dishes on your plate, spatulas for cakes, tongs for pies and ice.

Cutlery is made from hard metals. For the mass consumer it is stainless steel, and for lovers of piece things - cupronickel and silver... Auxiliary devices can be made of plastic, ceramics, glass, wood.

Overview of materials for making dishes

Various materials are used for the production of tableware - metals, ceramics, clay, glass, porcelain, plastic, silicone. The choice of material is due to the purpose and operating conditions of the kitchen utensils or cutlery.

What kitchen utensils are made of

The first dishes were made clay, after firing, it became durable and withstand high temperatures in the oven and exposure to water. Nowadays, some types of kitchen utensils are also made from clay and its “descendant” ceramics. These are baking pots, baking pans, pans.

Kitchen utensils made of ceramics and clay can be put in the oven, but a sharp temperature drop must not be allowed. For cooking on a gas stove, use a flame divider. But on sale there are ceramic pans and pans with reinforced metal bottom... These models are suitable for all types of stoves, including induction and gas.

The most popular cookware in modern kitchen - metal... For production, types of metals that are safe for humans are used:

  • Cast iron is one of the best materials for cookware, durable and practical. Cast iron has natural non-stick properties, retains temperature for a long time, is not afraid of the effects of fire and heat.
  • Food grade aluminum is a durable and strong metal that does not need to be coated with protective enamel. Aluminum cookware is produced by casting and stamping. To protect them from burning, pans and pans are coated with non-stick compounds.
  • Black steel is a durable metal that is resistant to deformation and high temperatures. Requires enamel coating.
  • Stainless steel is an absolutely inert material, it is not afraid of acids and alkalis, it can withstand temperature extremes and does not lose its properties when scratched.
  • Copper is an expensive raw material used for exclusive cookware or some of its types, for example, frying pans for open fires and Turkish coffee.

Glass came to the kitchen with the advent of microwave ovens and electric stoves. Pots and braziers are made of heat-resistant glass, but the gas burner still needs a flame divider.

Silicone- a novelty in the kitchen. All housewives already have silicone molds for the oven and microwave, but pots and pots with a metal bottom for gas and open fires are still arousing interest and distrust.

Tableware materials

The tableware is not exposed to high temperatures and fire, so there is no need to use materials that are resistant to heat. But there are many other nuances. Materials of manufacture and protective coatings for tableware must:

  • be inert to acids and alkalis;
  • withstand contact with hot liquids and foods;
  • do not crack from temperature contrast;
  • do not be afraid of detergents.

On sale there are tableware made of ceramics, earthenware, porcelain, glass, metals, food varieties of plastic. Favorites on the table are ceramics, porcelain, earthenware and glass. They are used to produce dining rooms, tea and coffee sets, and other items for table setting.

Glasses, wine glasses, glasses and other utensils for alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are made from different types of glass: regular, crystal, heat-resistant, crystal. New - double glass that keeps the temperature of the contents and protects your hands from hot or cold.

Non-stick and protective coatings

So that the pans do not burn, and the pots do not oxidize from acids, the dishes are covered with various types of non-stick and protective coatings. Coverage is:

  • teflon;
  • ceramic;
  • stone (marble, granite);
  • titanium.

Learn more about the types of non-stick cookware coatings. There you will also find out which one is more reliable and practical.

Cast iron and steel utensils are covered enamel... Enameling is a complex process, but the coating is durable and scratch resistant. Enamel pots are suitable for cooking borscht, soups, stews, vegetable dishes and compotes. However, you cannot boil milk in them and do not cook pasta and dough products - they stick.

Ceramic ware is covered with glaze. Glazed products are more practical, do not absorb food and odors, but pots and shapes lose their pores - a natural regulator of the moisture content of cooked dishes.

On our site you will find instructions for choosing the best pots and pans, learn how to choose glasses and cups, learn how to buy inexpensive cutlery without losing quality. Add the site to your favorites to visit us again!

Tableware - Dishes used to serve the table and in which hot meals are served. The history of the emergence and reincarnation of tableware has evolved over the centuries, as it is inextricably linked with the culture of eating.

The roots of the art of table setting, perhaps, should be sought in the days of the Italian Renaissance, when merchants organized lavish feasts. Catherine de Medici took these Italian traditions of dining with her to France when she married the French king Henry II. But only under Louis XIV, that is, in the second half of the 17th century, the first rules for setting the table and holding ceremonial dinners were established in France. But this was the impetus for the development of the production of tableware, and by the middle of the 18th century no one was surprised by the abundance of factories producing porcelain and glassware.

This fashion was picked up by England, it was she who in the Victorian era (1837-1901) was destined to become a legislator and a zealous champion of the traditions of table setting. The types of tableware have reached their peak - from a chocolate fork to 8 types of salad forks. Not surprisingly, it was during this time that the highest level of tableware production in history was celebrated.

The present time dictates its own conditions, the modern pace of life does not allow us to devote so much time to eating as during the reign of Victoria. Table setting has become easier, and as a result, the number of tableware has also decreased. In ordinary life, we get by with a small set consisting of two or three plates, a salad bowl, a cup, a fork, a couple of spoons and a knife.

And yet sometimes, when we celebrate an event at home, we want to set the table in a real, beautiful and luxurious way, as in the good old days, when delicious dishes, placed on an exquisitely served table, were an indicator of culture and inspired guests and hosts to high conversations. Table setting is a whole art, which we will definitely talk about in another article, but for now let's return to our topic and see what types of tableware are used now.

Deep dining room Plates with a diameter of 20-24 cm and a capacity of 250-500 cm 3. Used to serve first courses, both hot and cold.
Shallow dining room Plates with a diameter of 27-32 cm. Used for serving second courses (side dishes and dishes with side dishes).
Big diner Plates with a diameter of 26-31 cm. Used for serving hot and cold snacks, cold meat dishes, sweet hot dishes with sauce.
Small diner Plate with a diameter of 20 cm. Used for serving cold snacks.
Dessert deep Plate with a diameter of 20 cm. Used to serve desserts with sauces.
Dessert small A plate with a diameter of 20 cm, usually with a wavy edge or pattern along the rim. Used to serve fruits and sweet desserts.
Pie Plate with a diameter of 16-18 cm. Used for serving bread, croutons, pies.
Fish plate Plate 33-37 cm long and 23-26 cm wide. Used for serving fish dishes.
Chill plate Used for snack dishes such as oysters, stews, salads.
Dispenser plate Used to serve several types of side dishes and salads, and to serve fondue.
Dish Round and oval, square and rectangular plates with a diameter (long) 40-45 cm. Used for serving cold dishes of fish, meat, poultry and game. You can also put canapes on them.
Salad bowl Deep plates of various shapes with a volume of 120 cm 3. Used to serve salads, fresh vegetables, pickles, marinades, etc.
Herring Oblong plate for serving herring and canned fish.
Caviar plate Plate with a diameter of 15 cm. Designed for serving pressed caviar.
Egg plate Designed to serve scrambled eggs.
Saucer Plates on which cups or glasses are placed.
Socket A saucer with a diameter of 9-10 cm. Used to serve jam, preserves or honey.
Kremanka A deep plate with a diameter of 9 cm (can be on a leg). Used to serve jellies, fruit salads, fresh berries.
Bouillon cups Cups with a capacity of 350-400 cm 3 with one or two handles. Used to serve broths and pureed soups.
Tea cups Cups with a capacity of 200-250 cm 3. Used to serve tea, cocoa and hot chocolate.
Coffee cups Cups with a capacity of 75-150 cm 3. The smallest is used for serving oriental coffee, the largest for cappuccino.
Mug Large volume cup with handle. The purpose is the same as that of a cup, but they are used for everyday life, they are not suitable for serving.
Bowl Cups with a capacity of 220-400 cm 3. Used to serve green tea and koumiss.
Kese (kise) Cups with a capacity of up to 900 cm 3. Used to serve lagman, pilaf and similar national dishes.

Special utensils

Rams Dishes with a lid for serving: round - for hot dishes of meat, poultry and pancakes; oval - for hot fish dishes.
Round vase A vase with a diameter of 20-24 cm with a depression, can be one-, two- and three-tiered. Used to serve fruit. It can be either on a leg or without it.
Flat vase Flat surface vase. Used for serving cakes and pastries.
Caviar In such graceful little things, they serve granular caviar.
Kokilnitsa A sink on a stand is usually metal. Used for cooking and serving fish and seafood.
Cocotte Device up to 90 cm 3. It prepares and serves special hot snacks such as crabs or mushrooms in sour cream.
Coffee pot A device with a volume of 200-1000 cm 3 for serving black coffee.
Jug with lid A device with a volume of up to 2 liters for supplying water, kvass and similar drinks.
Milkman A device with a volume of 100-400 cm 3 for serving milk for coffee or tea.
Poached woman Stand for feeding peeled eggs, boiled in a bag, to the broth. Also called a ladle-shaped saucepan in which these eggs are boiled.
Spice devices Small containers for salt, mustard, pepper, etc. Oil and vinegar are served in special bottles.
Glass Stand for serving soft-boiled eggs with a diameter of 5 cm.
Napkin holder Napkin holder.
Sugar bowl A device with a volume of 100-400 cm 3 for feeding sugar.
Creamer A device with a volume of 50-200 cm 3 for serving cream.
Gravy boat A device with a volume of 10-400 cm 3 with a handle and a drawn toe. Used to serve sour cream and various cold sauces.
Horseradish A device with a volume of 100-200 cm 3 for serving horseradish sauce.
Brewing kettle A device with a volume of 100-600 cm 3 for serving brewed tea.

All these tableware are made mainly of porcelain and earthenware. Dishes, in which not only serve, but also bake dishes, are often made of stainless steel and cupronickel. Spice dishes and small special dishes (for example, cupronickel or silver caviar with a crystal insert) are also often metal. Ceramic dishes are more appropriate if you serve the appropriate national cuisine dishes.

A separate topic for conversation is such types of tableware as