Repairs Design Furniture

Water drainage water supply. Surface water removal systems: closed, open and mixed. Preparation for installation of the system to assign excess water from home

The organized discharge of surface waters is the most important requirement of the placement of the site. Industrial enterprise. The accumulation of rain and melt waters on the territory of the enterprise makes it difficult to move the movement of transport, causes the flooding of buildings, and this can lead to damage to the equipment and the destruction of building structures. In some cases, with an unfavorable relief, the flooding of the territory may have catastrophic consequences. Incomplete and not sufficiently rapid removal of rainwater, even at small rains, leads to an increase in the level of groundwater, premature destruction of road surfaces and deterioration of the sanitary condition of the site. Along with rain and thawed waters, water flowing along the surface of the road coatings during their watering and washing is also subject to a rapid hole.

The organization of removal of surface waters is solved in the process of vertical planning of the site of the industrial enterprise and is one of its main tasks. At the same time, the vertical layout should ensure the most favorable conditions and to address the issues of transport and technological communication between individual objects of the enterprise. Selected by integrated solutions of the problem of the system of vertical schemes. The layout is largely determined by the solution of the removal of surface waters.

The vertical layout of the site, depending on the degree of coverage of the territory of the work on the change in the natural relief, can be solid, selective or zone (mixed). The solid system of vertical layout provides for the production of work on the change of relief throughout the site without any breaks. In the sample system, only areas directly occupied by buildings and other structures are planned, and on the rest of the territory the natural relief remains unchanged. With a zonal or mixed system of vertical layout, the territory of the industrial enterprise is divided into solid and selective planning zones.

For the sample system, removal of atmospheric water from planned sites should be organized and unscrew the rest of the territory.

The removal of surface water can be carried out by device of open drainage in the form of trays and a ditch or underground system of rain sewage pipelines. In some cases, a joint removal of atmospheric waters with household and dirty industrial waters is possible on shaded or semi-incident sewage networks.

An open type of drainage requires rather significant areas to place the datasets and causes the need for numerous artificial structures on the roads, it makes it difficult to transport links within the enterprise. Open waterproofs do not satisfy high sanitary and hygiene requirements: they are formed in them waters and the drop is easily contaminated. The only advantage of an open type of drainage is its relatively lower cost. However, the operating costs for the maintenance of open drainage is usually higher than on the rain sewage pipelines.

The use of an open drainage method is possible at. Some combinations of factors conducive to him, such as:

selective vertical layout system; Small building density;

the pronounced slope of the surface of the earth is not less than 0.005, the absence of Kotlovin;

deep groundwater occurrence; Rock soils, well draining soils; undeveloped scheme of railway tracks and roads; Small amount of atmospheric "precipitation (average annual up to 300-400 mm, q ^<50);

lack of harsh snow winters.

Sometimes the various areas of the territory of industrial enterprises have sharply different density of development, a different saturation of communication paths, underground and above-ground communications. In such cases, a combined zonal system of drainage can be applied: rain sewage is arranged on one part of the territory, on the other - the network of open drains.

Recently, in connection with increasing demands on the improvement of industrial enterprises, rain seasons were obtained. Open drainage system is used for settlements and individual areas of settlements with a reduced degree of territory improvement or with a small density of development and low rain intensity values.<720- В городах эта система часто предусматривается только на первую очередь строительства.

The main (the advantages of the closed (underground) surface waters of surface waters are the following: the presence on the surface of the earth only the lattices of rain-seekers; good conditions for the movement of transport and pedestrians - washed off from the surface of the pollution are immediately isolated in underground pipelines; independence from groundwater levels; favorable conditions for Attachment of internal drains; the possibility of removal of surface waters with flat relief and from low places; a small cost of operation; the lack of difficulty in operation "in the spring period; lack of need for annual repairs; the possibility of use for the possibility of clean, not requiring cleaning production waste.

Experienced builders and country residents know well that the "extra" water on the plot is bad. Excess water leads to the flooding of the foundation and the ground floor, washing the base, flooding the beds, the root of the territory, etc. As a result, in the spring, autumn and even in the summer in the country, it is impossible to pass without rubber boots.

In this article, consider:

  • How to equip water removal on the site.
  • How do you make a budget storm sewer.
  • Device drainage. How to make an inexpensive drainage and drain the wetland.

What water prevents the development of developer and country household

On the types of surface and groundwater, as well as the drainage and system of storm sewage can be written a separate book. Therefore, we leave a detailed listing of types and causes of groundwater, but concentrating in practice. But without minimal theoretical knowledge, it is taken for independent arrangement of drainage and storm sewage - throw money into the wind.

The fact is that even incorrectly made drainage system for the first few years. Then due to the colmattail (casing), the pipes wrapped in a geotextile, which was put in clay, loamy, etc. Soil, drainage stops working. And the money on the arrangement of drainage is already spent and, most importantly - the construction of drainage is associated with a large volume of earthworks with the involvement of equipment.

Therefore, it is easy to dig and shift the drainage pipe in 3-5 years after its bookmark - it is difficult and consolidated. The plot already lies, the landscape design is made, the scene is equipped, a gazebo, a bath, etc.

We'll have to break your head like removing drainage so as not to turn the entire area.

From here - the construction of drainage should always be based on the data of the geological study of the soil (Which will help to find a waterproof layer in the form of clay at a depth of 1.5-2 m), hydrogeological surveys and clear knowledge, which water leads to the flooding of the house or the root of the site.

Surface water is seasonal, associated with the snowmast period and the rain. Underground waters are divided into three main groups:

  • Capillary water.
  • Groundwater.
  • Ripper.

Moreover, surface water, if it does not take it on time, with infiltration (absorbing) into the ground turns into underground water.

The volume of surface waters usually exceeds the volume of groundwater.

Output: surface drain should be removed by storm (rain) sewer, And do not try to make a superficial drainage!

Storm sewage is a system consisting of trays, pipes or dwiners, breakaged in the ground, taking water from the drain from the site + competent organization of the relief in the household territory. This will help to avoid stagnant areas on the site (lenses, pools), where water will accumulate, which simply has nowhere to go, and further fear.

Basic errors that are allowed during self-contained drainage device:

  • Failure to comply with the right slope of laid drainage pipes. If you take averaged, the slope is withstanding from 0.005 to 0.007, i.e. 5-7 mm per 1 p. Drainage pipe.

  • Use the drainage pipe in a geotextile winding on the "wrong" soil. The tube in geotextile to avoid its casing is used on soils consisting of pure medium and coarse-grained sands.

  • Use instead of the cheaper limestone crushed stone instead, which over time is blurred by water.
  • Savings on high-quality geotextile, which should have certain hydraulic properties affecting the quality of drainage. This is an effective pore size of 175 μR, i.e. 0.175 mm, as well as transverse CF, which should be at least 300 m / soute (with a single pressure gradient).

Inexpensive storm sewage by their hands

The first thing that comes to mind is to equip the budget version of the storm sewage in the site - to lay special trays.

Trays can be made of concrete or plastic, but the price of them "bites". It forces users of our portal to seek cheaper options for arranging storm sewage and drainage systems from the site.

Denis1235 Member Forumhouse

I need to make an inexpensive livneemka, about 48 m long, along the edge of the fence, for the removal of melt waters that come from a neighbor. Water must be left into the ditch. Thought how to make a water removal. At first, it was necessary to buy and install special trays, but then they will remain "extra" lattices, and a special aesthetics for livnevka is not required. I decided to buy asbetic pipes and cut them with a grinder along, thereby receiving homemade tray.

Despite the budget of this idea, the presence of the need to sing asbotic tubes of the user did not attract. The second option is the ability to buy drain gutter (plastic or metal) and put them on a prepared base in a layer of concrete about 100 mm.

Portal users dissolved Denis1235 From this idea in favor of the first option, which is more durable.

Hooking for the idea of \u200b\u200ban inexpensive strawberry, but not wanting to bind to independent sawing pipes, Denis1235found a plant that produces asbestos-cement pipes, where they are immediately cut into pieces of 2 m long (so that when transporting it is not cracked the 4-meter) and bring ready-made trays to the site. It remains only to develop a scheme of laying trays.

The following "Pie" turned out:

  • Ground base in the form of a bed.
  • Sand layer or PGS with a thickness of about 5 cm.
  • Concrete about 7 cm.
  • Tray from asbestos-cement pipe.

When the device is such a strain, do not forget to lay a metal mesh (for reinforcement) to the joints and leave the deformation gap (3-5 mm) between the trays.


As a result, I made a budget livnee at the cottage. It was gone: 2 days for a king of the trench, two more days on concreting and installation of the track. I spent 10 thousand rubles on the trays.

Practice has shown that the track perfectly "overwhelmed" did not cracked and intercepts water from a neighbor, leaving the plot dry. Also interesting is an option for rain (storm) sewage user portal with nickname yury_BY..

yury_BY Member Forumhouse.

Because The crisis does not think to end, then I thought about how to arrange a storm sewer for rainwater in the house. I want to solve the problem, and save, and do everything qualitatively.

Thinking, the user decided to make a shower for removing water on the basis of flexible double-wall corrugated pipes (they are cheaper 2 times than "red" sewer), which are used for laying power cables under the ground. But, because The depth of the occurrence of the drainage route is planned only in 200-300 mm with a pipe diameter of 110 mm, was afraid that the gofrotruube when water enters the water between two layers can break in winter.

Eventually yury_BY. I decided to take the budget "gray" pipe that is used in the arrangement of internal sewage. Although he had concerns that pipes that do not possess such rigidity as "redheads" breaks in the ground, the practice has shown that nothing happened to them.


If she turns into an oval on the "gray" pipe, but in the place where I buried it, there are no significant loads. Only the lawn is laid and there are pedestrian loads. Setting the pipe into the trench and sprinkled with her soil, I was convinced that they hold the form, and the livnevka was working.

So I liked the option to install an inexpensive straw on the basis of "gray" sewer pipes that he decided to repeat it. All the nuances of the process clearly demonstrate the following photos.

Copy pit under the collection of water.

Align the base level.

Install the concrete ring.

The next stage - we fall asleep at the bottom of the fusion of the gravel fraction 5-20.

Mixed from concrete homemade well lid.

Mobile hatch lid.

We make the insert in the well of the drainage plastic "gray" sewer pipe, withsting the slope of the track in 1 cm for 1 mongor meter.

Sing the pipe with a mixture of sand with water so that there are no emptiness between the walls of the trench and the pipe.

So that the pipe does not fall, it can be pressed by brick or board.

We put the lid, mount the hatch and fall asleep everything with soil.

On this, the manufacture of budget livnev is completed.

Construction of inexpensive drainage and drainage of a wetland

Not everyone gets "Right" sites. In SNT or in new cuts, the Earth can be very wetrated, or the developer of a peatman. Build on such an earth a normal house under permanent residence, and not a light summer cottage - and difficult, and expensive. There are two exits from this situation - sell / exchange a plot or deal with drainage and bringing the site by order.

In order not to deal with various expensive alterations in the future, the users of our portal offer budget variants of drainage and drainage of the territory on the basis of automotive tires. This option saves a family budget.

Yuri Madigama Member Forumhouse

Peat soil is characterized by a high level of groundwater. In my area, water is almost in the surface, and after the rain does not go to the ground. To remove the upper water, it must be thrown out of the site. I did not spend money on the purchase of special pipes for drainage, and made drainage from automotive tires.

The system is mounted as follows - the channel is rotated, the auto strokes are stacked, the tires are covered with polyethylene, so that the earth does not fall inside. Polyethylene can also additionally press "unnecessary" in the household slicer slices. This will increase the overall rigidity of the structure. Water falls into the "Tirep" pipeline and then retire beyond the site.

But there are more "heavy" places where much more is to do.

Seryoga567 Member Forumhouse

I have a plot in SNT, with a total area of \u200b\u200b8 acres. The site has a building that I plan to complete and expand. Place is very low. Because drainage grooves for drainage in SNT, they are in a deplorable state, where buried, litter or clogged, then the water does not go anywhere. The cov is so high that water from the well can be drawn a bucket, holding it for the handle. In the spring, the water in the country is standing for a long time, the site is actually turning into a swamp and, if she enhances, then only in the summer in the world. Nobody wants to bring drainage drangies in order, so everything is swimming. Therefore, I decided that it was useless to fight my neighbors. It is necessary to raise your site and find a way to give all the "unnecessary" water from the plot.

We admit honestly: most of us would not want to have a land plot with a big lesson. This is understandable - the unknown scares. Let's decompose everyone together on the shelves, and then make conclusions.

Opportunities and disadvantages of a block with a slope

First of all, consider possible troubles:

  • the choice of location both at home and buildings is noticeably limited;
  • there are problems with irrigation, as water in the soil will be lingering for a short time;
  • completed movement on the territory, especially in ice;
  • it is difficult to organize enough area for games and entertainment;
  • the need to combat landslides and soil erosion;
  • a steep slope - a source of increased danger for children;
  • the unsuccessful orientation of the slope of the site relative to the sun can lead either to excessively or to insufficient illumination of the earth's surface;
  • the movement of air masses along the slope can lead to the drainage of the soil at the top and frosts at the bottom of the slope;
  • improvement of a plot with a large bias requires increased costs;
  • are likely difficulties with access roads;
  • water provision may be difficult.
Free plot for building a house

Now about the positive moments of household houses on the slope:

  • put on the development will go to you at a lower price, and the increased costs of its arrangement can be partially offset by its own creative work;
  • the problems of drains are easily solved: the territory of the courtyard will be dry, it will be possible to equip the ground floor in the house or cellar;
  • problems with groundwater on such lands - a rare phenomenon;
  • the slope of the hill always protects the house from the wind from one direction;
  • the cost of construction of the basement of the building decreases markedly, since all the extra volume of the Earth is easily used for partial relief leveling;
  • from the windows of the house, located high, a wide review opens;
  • when placing a plot on the southern side of the slope, it is possible to enhance the insolation of the compound, on the contrary, if the site is located on the north side, solar activity will be weakened;
  • a plot located on an eastern or western slope will have an average illumination;
  • apparently the most important thing: using a huge list of landscape design techniques (retaining walls, terraces on the slope of the plot, alpine slides, winding tracks, water, dry stream, special decorative plants, etc.) will allow to obtain a natural organic and unique design of land.

As you can see, minuses and pluses gradually flow into tastes and preferences. The following video considers some features of the planning of the site with a slope.

Thus, spending more forces and means to develop a plot with a slope, you get a more interesting and unusual result.

Of course, the degree of importance of the above circumstances is directly related to the value of the land level of land. To calculate it, it is necessary to divide the difference in the heights of the extreme points of the site over the distance between them and translate the result in interest. For example, if the maximum height difference is 3.6 m, and the distance between the difference points of the difference is 20m, then the slope will be equal to 3.6: 20 \u003d 0.19, that is, 19%.
It is believed that a slope of up to 3% is an even terrain, but a plot on a steep slope greater than 20% for construction does not fit.

Features of the placement of buildings on the slope

Construction plan on the slope

First, it should be noted that the underground and base part of the house on a plot with a slope will inevitably have characteristic features. Other buildings also concerns. Usually the house is located at the highest and dry place. Thus, the issue of drainage from the most important object is solved. Toilet, compost yam, the shower should be located below the house and not closer to 15-20m. Recreation zone - gazebo, brand, etc. It is better to do at one level with the house. Buildings, between which the most frequent movement is assumed, it is better to place on different sides of the site. In this case, the length of the tracks increases, but the overcome slope decreases. The idealistic version of the construction is placed in a checker order. The garage is conveniently determined at the bottom of the station. In this case, the garage building can be used as a means of compensation of the slope of the slope.

Strengthen terraces on a plot with a slope

There are two fundamentally different methods of planning uneven put on: without changing the landscape or with the maximum leveling of the surface of the Earth. In my opinion, it is necessary to use a compromise version of all possible methods of leveling the territory, as well as masking of the earth level drops.

At the same time, there is no point in seeking the full level alignment.

When planning an inclined surface, several tasks are placed: preventing the weighing of the soil; Ease of use of the surface of the Earth for recreation and cultivation of fruit crops; Convenience of movement in the territory of the city. First of all, the maximum possible leveling of the relief by moving the soil. It is possible that part of the Earth will be beneficial to take out from one or, on the contrary, to take the missing soil. Reasonable reception - the use of land extracted during digging, under the ground floor or cellar.

Creating terraces with stones

The second, the most common way is the terracement, that is, the creation of smooth sites located at different heights. The more terraces, the less their height, and, it means, is easier to arrange the slope. With the height of the terrace to 70cm, it is possible to create retaining walls. The best material is a natural stone. For such a design, it is necessary to make a substrate from rubble with a height of 10-20 cm. At a small height of the terrace, the stone can be stacked without a binder. However, in such a situation there is a danger of washing the soil with water during rain or irrigation. Reliable to make the laying of the retaining wall on the cement solution. The use of bricks to create terraces is considered inappropriate, since the multiple exposure of moisture and low temperatures leads to a fairly rapid destruction.

With a height of the terrace to 2 meters, reinforced concrete structures are suitable: foundation blocks, plates and monolithic concrete. Often it makes sense to create concrete retaining walls with some inclination, with the calculation of the squeezing effect of the soil. In difficult situations, do not do without a reliable and full foundation. It makes no sense to additionally separate the retaining walls with a decorative tile or a glue or cement-based stone. Frost and water will quickly spoil your work.

Concrete retaining wall

Constructively, "ventilated facades" are suitable here. However, in a decorative sense, such a reception is hardly appropriate. It is much easier and more efficient to lay in the formwork for concrete a corrugated surface with a special pattern. Subsequently, it is possible to decorate concrete resistant water colors.

It is very effective to use the French invention to strengthen the terraces - Gabions. Gabions are rectangular designs from a grid filled with natural stone. Ready modules from special durable wire can be purchased or done. Gabions are not afraid of soil erosion, since they do not possess absolute rigidity. They are also resistant against water, as they do not delay it in themselves. When filled with gabions by stone and rubble, you can add a certain amount of land, in this case the greens will soon be sprouting, which masks the wire and give the retaining wall natural natural look.
The easiest method of strengthening the slope is oblique mound. Mound better strengthen from shower with a plastic grid and geovel. Being planted with a lawn, special grass and shrub, such an embankment surface will be quite reliable and aesthetic.

Retaining Wall of Gabions

Water dispatch - two sides of the coin

It is good that in the territory with the slope of the water will quickly run and in the rain, and in the flood: under your feet will dry. However, quickly outgoing water can grab a noticeable part of the soil and destroy something. The conclusion is unambiguous: it is necessary to think about how to make drainage on a plot with a slope.
The optimal scheme seems when water is assembled from different sections with separate water devices leaving outside the yard. At the same time, each terrace ideally should be equipped with a wastewater system.

The simplest solution is to lay open concrete trays. The trays are stacked on a pre-prepared base: a layer of rubble of about 10 cm, the cement-sand mixture (in a ratio of 1 to 10) about 5 cm. Trays are easily cut off and driven up to each other with the help of the ESM. With relatively cheap trays there are disadvantages: they interfere with pedestrian walkways and their cross section is not enough when placed on common drainage at the bottom of the site. The last obstacle can be overcome by performing drainage channels independently from concrete. To generate channels, you can use the segments of the suitable diameter pipes. There are also options for stormwater shrews of a closed type that are manufactured by the industry. The upper part of such effines is closed with special lattices for water taking. Such structures look aesthetically, do not create obstacles to the movement of people. However, they are more expensive and more difficult in laying. In addition, the problem of insufficient section at the bottom of the steep section remains relevant.

Drainage with trays

Another variant of drainage is drainage channels. The system is closed and saves space. To organize drainage, trenches are tested with a depth of 0.3-1m. The bottom of the trench is sleeping with sand, sufficiently layer 10 cm, it is necessary to rub. The sand is covered with geocal, on top of which the crushed stone of medium sizes falls. The thickness of the crushed stone layer is up to 20cm. If a small flow of water is assumed in this site, then rubble enough to cover with geotextiles, and then sequentially fall asleep with sand and soil. With a large consumption of water in the channel, the perforated plastic tube is additionally stacked. The rules for laying pipes are the same as during sewage arrangement: a slope of at least 3%; smaller turns and sudden level drops to prevent accumulation of garbage in problem areas; Reliable pipe connection.

Tracks and stairs - section decoration

It is obvious that the movement in uneven territory can be difficult and even dangerous. Hence the requirements - to approach the arrangement of all ways to move people with special care. Note that even a relatively smooth track with a tilt of about 5% can become an irresistible obstacle during ice. So, the coverage of all tracks and stairs should be the maximum rough and ribbed. The steps of stairs must match the optimal size: the width of the sticking 29cm, the height of the approach 17cm. The slope of the staircase cannot exceed more than 45%. It is better to avoid spans more than 18 steps and provide for holiday sites.

Stair of stone

It is very convenient if the height of the steps of all stairs is the same. It is quite real. For example, when building your own house, we managed to ensure the same parameters of the steps on both floors of the house, including the base, and also on the porch and in the garage. The arrangement of the handrails on the steep rise is absolutely necessary, and even on quite gentle areas of the handrails will be fully justified.
Materials for arranging tracks and stairs can be a variety of: crushed stone, stone, concrete, wood, artificial coating and plastic lattices. Stairs, separate steps, winding tracks - all these attributes should be considered as elements of the decoration and individualization of the territory of the yard. At the same time, I consider it necessary to remind general requirements: the paths of movement should not become slippery and dangerous in rainy weather. Perhaps for children will have to provide special handrails.

Wonderful ability to landscap

Alpine landscape design on a plot with a slope can be called a pleasant necessity. The basis of it is natural stones, flowers and other plants. All this in the aggregate and various uses of application serves to combat the erosion of the Earth on the slope and at the same time is an ornament. Since water is poorly delayed on a slope, plants may be required frequent watering. Thus, for the garden beds and fruit trees, it is necessary to highlight the best sections: well-lit, protected from wind. Grokes on a plot with a slope located at the base of the slope may be affected by the accumulating cold air.

Strengthening the slope with the help of plants

Ideally, the whole area should be planted with various plants. On the slopes are used unpretentious precious plants that do not require a lot of moisture and having a branched root system. In different climatic areas there may be their preferences. As for the middle strip of Russia, it is appropriate to the use of shrubs: ivy, barbaris, lilac, Japanese quince, elderberry, jeep, and others. Wonderfully decorate the plot of coniferous plants: juniper, spruce, cedar, pine. Deciduous trees are well suited: Birch, Leschina, Iva (in wet places). For the arrangement of Rokaria, the luggage will be well suited, obscures, paint, bells, alpine carnation, surmas, etc. It is quite appropriate to the arrangement of the lawn sites.

In order to verbally level the terrain, high plants are planted at the bottom of the slope. Sometimes there is a need to close from the review located on the top of the slope of the construction, and then the strategy for placing tall and low-speed varieties changes.
Low fence along the retaining wall closes the ugly surface and decorate the landscape. It is extremely appropriate to create on a plot with a rocaria slope. To do this, on the slope the stones of different sizes are laid out and in any order. Interesting the use of stones of different composition and texture. Free areas are filled with rubble, marble crumb, etc. The gaps between the stones are planted with the plants described above. Thus, you can create the most unusual and amazing creative compositions with your own hands. Of course, the plants will grow only at quite suitable for this soil.
You can decorate the mountain garden with figures made with your own hands, or purchased in the gift shops.

Stones stream

The landscape composition of the "dry stream" invented in Japan is hardly uniform for surfaces with a slope. The idea is to imitate water with small stones and (or plants). At the place of the future bed, you must drench the shallow trench of the intended form of the stream. The bottom of the grooves stood with geotextiles to protect against weeds. Then the drainage is stacked in the form of a small rubble, and the wind is falling asleep on top. "Creek" is planted with flowers of blue and blue or dumbfounded by any rubble, preferably blue. Then the flowers can be planted along the coast. "Dry stream" can exist in itself, or take its origin from partially buried to the ground of a clay jug. Interestingly, if the track "will transfer" a small bridge through the "stream".

On the site with a slope is very interesting to use the next reception: the water removal canal is made in the form of a "dry stream" made of stones. During the rain, the stream will be filled with water, which will fall into a small pond at the bottom of the slope. It is quite functional and beautiful!
Arches on a plot with a slope will be very functional in combination with the bridge and staircase. Of course, the arch should be decorated with curly plants.
After reading the above material, you probably have already understood: opportunities for decorating a plot on the slope - a great set! In one of the articles, we will tell about a particular example. You will also wish creative success in the realization of the conceived. Perhaps you will help the following video.

At the stage of the design of the project and in the process of the construction of any structure, the system of water leads is necessarily laid. Properly installed, it reliably protect the foundation of the house or office and the territory of the site from the negative impact of atmospheric precipitation. Internal, road, drain and surface drainage should be combined into a single system, only as they are guaranteed to cope with the task. You do not have to save on them.

Video Guide for Installation Systems of Surface Watercolutions

Appointment of water lead system

The main task of the drainage system is to protect against the stormwater of the foundation of the building, as well as all types of coverage on the site and adjacent territory. The presence of a competently designed and assembled drainage increases several times the service life of the structure and reduces the cost of repair. Under the influence of constant precipitation asphalt and concrete collapsed and chosen after a year - a half. But if a linear drainage is provided on the territory, then the new coating will not be able to think not before than 6 to 8 years.

When drafting a drainage scheme, we need to consider all parts, take into account the peculiarities of the soil and the relief, the presence of groundwater, the flooding of the building, the intensity of the motor transport movement and, of course, the possibility of connecting to the system of general storm sewer.

The importance of drainage in the garden plot is difficult to overestimate

Regardless of whether commercial development is planned or a project of an individual residential building is drawn up, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention not to the cost of the drainage system, but on the expected load.

What should be the drainage system on the site

First, the removal of water on the site should be a comprehensive system. Its main components are:

  • water drive system with roofing;
  • surface system of water lead;
  • internal drainage;
  • groundwater removal system.

The latter is required in those areas where the level of groundwater is quite high, or the likelihood of seasonal sublopulations is large. It is especially necessary if there is a basement or an underground garage in the house.

The drainage from the roof, like superficial, is designed to combat the negative impact of rain and snow. In addition, it prevents the emergence of the rigor, which, as a rule, is a seasonal phenomenon. For houses with basement premises, the ridder becomes a pressing problem: a leakage septic ("cesspool") in the spring and in the rain period is filled in a matter of days.

Roofing drainage allows you to direct the flow of water from the roof to the right place

The roofing system is designed to collect all rainwater from the roof of the building and bring it to the catchment points. If during the construction of the drainage from the roof, it became an item on which they saved, the broken tracks, crushed steps and the dirty foundation will not wait a long time.

Surface drainage

The next mandatory element of the overall system should be a surface drainage. Removing excess moisture from the site by this method is carried out by installing a system of point rain-seekers and trays. It is not only effective, but also aesthetically fits perfectly into a general type of building and adjacent territory. The material benefit from the operation of the surface drainage is already felt in the first few years. The greatest effect is achieved with a combination of surface drainage with underground drainage.

To organize the water lead system from the surface can be used:

  • plastic trays (drainage channels)

Plastic trays are used mainly in private development.

They are made of superproof material.

  • concrete trays

Apply where there is a large load on the coating (roads, garages, entrance gates). The depth varies depending on the alleged water volume, the docking system ensures reliable mount and protects against shifts. From above, the products are protected by grilles made of steel or cast iron.

Concrete trays compared to plastic have greater strength and relatively low cost

  • polymerComposite trays

The material from which they are made are a carefully selected mixture of filler (granite or quartz crumb, sand) and binder mass, as a rule, polyester or epoxy resin.

PolymerComposite trays The most promising substitute for plastic and concrete analogues

The main function of the surface drainage is the protection of the foundation of buildings, basements and basement floors from moisture. In addition, it prevents the erosion of the soil, prevents the lap. The appearance of land in the winter and puddle in the warm season can also be prevented with its help. Road drainage makes it possible to prevent the dumps and the following dips on the roads, paths, sidewalks. With it, you can save the landscape of the territory in a constant form, since it is a reliable defense of the soil from leaching. By participating in the overall improvement and creation of a single style, the drainage has an impact on the development of plants. It allows the root system to harmoniously develop, protecting it from excess moisture.

Linear drainage

Speaking of the surface drainage system, it is necessary to separately mention its types and, first of all, a linear drainage, as able to cope with the largest loads. For its organization, trays are placed in the surface with the surface, while the mandatory slope should be five millimeters per meter of length. It is achieved by either laying under the tilt, or purchasing trays in which the inclination system is already laid. The drainage channel is directed, as a rule, in a well-tied sewage well. From above, each tray is necessarily closed with a decorative lattice.

Most often on the site are used linear clouds

For the protection of sewage from clogging in them, sandcloths are installed, which are also delayed and small trash.

Spot drain

The point drainage also firmly took his niche. It is a system of rainmobiles and underground pipes with access to the sewer.

Conventional rains are installed where heavy loads are assumed. From above, they are closed with plastic or metal decorative lattices.

Ranaremics are installed in places of major water flows.

Raipers with side removal of water perform the function of cleansing rainwater from extraneous impurities. This is important in cases where water is going for household and household needs.

Two-section drain drainage allows you to monitor its condition and clean it in a timely manner.

A rainer with vertical tap is used to collect atmospheric precipitation from the roof of buildings. They are connected with drainage vertically. In their design, the trap of the front air, which does not allow to spread to an unpleasant odor.

Cast iron rains are used to drive water from a roadbed. These are sewer hatches that are installed in places of organized slopes and are closed on top of grilles. Water falling into this system flows directly into the sewer.

Depending on the purpose of the drain drainage, it is mounted in the lowest places, under drainage pipes and watering nodes, a word, where the use of linear is not needed or not possible.

Various types of point drainage

Volumetric drainage

As a separate species, a volumetric drainage can be distinguished, representing a kind of "puff pastry" from geotextiles, lawn or geogrid, gravel, sand and soil. Keeping at the expense of the reinforced lattice natural loaf of the soil, you can provide the perfect water removal from the garden and park areas, open areas and lawns.

Inner drainage

The internal drainage is applied not only at the food or pharmaceutical industry enterprises. In everyday life, the most striking example of its use is the bath. The internal diversion system of water consists of trays and ladders made of stainless steel. It is designed to collect and remove sewage into a common sewer network.


The groundwater removal system is an engineering and technical structure designed to collect and disrupt infiltrated and groundwater. This is an extensive structure of pipes (drains) and wells located around the perimeter and interconnected.

If the drain is paired under the ground, the depth displacement system is formed. It allows you to bring water outside the site and reduce groundwater level. Such systems are used in wetlands and excessly moistened terrain, as well as during the construction of basement floors.

When performing the foundation drainage, preference should be given to polypropylene, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride pipes.

Even before the construction of the building, a building must be answered by several questions:

  1. What is the level of groundwater in the construction site? What is the structure of the soil? This determines, in fact, the very need for a system of deep drainage in the design of basement. For this information, it is best to contact geodesy specialists.
  2. Where will the soil and surface water be given? The water can be discharged into a storm or mixed sewage, as well as a drainage field from which water is subsequently evenly goes into the ground on a specially reserved area.
  3. Does the drainage pump and well need, or water will leave gravity? Be sure to define slopes on the site, and the discharge point is assigned in the lowest part.
  4. What size of the site from which water will be given to? Depending on this, a catchment system is selected with the corresponding bandwidth.
  5. What superficial pressure should drain drainage? That is, whether cars will drive cars by linear drainage, walking people or no one will come on it. For deep drainage, you also need to determine the load.

Drainage and catchment systems with a competent selection of materials, proper installation and timely maintenance work and protect the construction and plot over the years. Make a drainage independently - this is a very real task. However, if there are doubts about your own, it is better to invite professionals in this area. After all, the safety of basements and foundation is the security deposit of the whole house, and therefore its tenants.