Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a gas burner with your own hands? Detailed photo and video Instructions for the manufacture of burner on the workout from the soldering lamp homemade gas burner

Homemade Gas Burner Design

The device of the self-made gas burner includes:

  • metal case;
  • gearbox;
  • nozzle;
  • fuel supply regulator;
  • head;
  • node for fixing the gas cylinder.

The metal case includes a special glass, with which the mechanism gets rid of the possibility of placing the flame. This also includes a metal or other handle that does not exceed 100 centimeters. A wooden holder and gas hose is installed on top of the handle. With the help of the gearbox and the tube with the valve, the gas supply level is adjusted, as well as its length, respectively. The nozzle is used to ignite fuel, in this case the latter is propane.

The type of fuel on which the burner works

As mentioned earlier, the gas burner is also called propane. From here it is easy to conclude that, as a rule, it is propane in the form of fuel that is precania or a mixture of propane and butane.

This fuel fill a special balloon. Which is attached to the burner.

Gas burner production with their own hands

As you could understand from the list of items of the entire design of the device, it is extremely simple and does not have any complex parts that you need to spend a great time.

In order to make the aggregate with your own hands, it will take some time and strength. And if you correctly explore the material submitted in this article, as well as with all seriousness and accuracy to approach the process (since work is carried out with flammable substances), then it will definitely be fulfilled.

As practice shows and many living examples, on average, a person who has never engaged in the creation of self-made gas burners, 40-45 minutes after reading the instructions could already boast the burner made by their own hands.

How to make a gas burner with your own hands

So we came to the most interesting process. To the manufacture of burner. Below will be described in detail the entire process of creating this unit, taking into account all the nuances and councils.

So, you should start with the simplest, but no less interesting. From the manufacture of burner handle. In principle, the material can be used any. By the way, more reasonable will simply use the finished handle from some old and unnecessary soldering iron. The supply tube is made exclusively made of steel.

Do not forget to pay great attention to the size of all the details. For example, the diameter of the supply tube burner should not exceed one centimeter, and its thickness should fluctuate around 2 - 2.5 mm. This tube is inserted into the handle and fixed with adhesive or other qualitative materialsuitable for this purpose.

The burner housing, oddly enough, is also manufactured from steel. It is best to use a brass rod whose width should be about 2 centimeters. The divider can also be made of it.

Next is done by several holes in order to create circulation of oxygen in the unit. After all, as you know anyone: the fire cannot exist without oxygen. In the total number of such holes, there must be four: each diameter of about 1 millimeter. They are made in the rod of the burner divider.

The next step is necessary to press the divider by force, with which work was performed a little earlier, in the body of the gas device. The inner flange should be installed with a certain gap of the order of half centimeter. With this gap in the future, a huge flow of gas that comes to the stobble will slow down.

As mentioned earlier, the fuel supply is provided with the help of the nozzle, namely, propane, from his cylinder outward. For its manufacture should be used special metal prud. Here you will need a 2-millimeter drill in order to do deaf hole in the nozzle. For jumpers, we will need a 4-millimeter drill. The velocked holes are boosted by the hammer, and after they are pushed with all the favorite sandpaper.

After that, the hose from the gearbox is mounted at the end of the tube, which must be made of special rubber and tissue material. The fixation occurs by the usual clamp with an ordinary screwdriver.

After the mechanism, you think, is correctly fixed, you must set optimal pressure in the cylinder And give gas from it. The air from the hose after this should be completely ousted. Length of fire proper location And all the details should be about 40-50 mm.

In general, as mentioned earlier, the homemade gas burner is a rather unique tool that will come to help any owner in any unpleasant household situations. And the maximum ease of its manufacture can only attract all priorities to themselves even more.

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The homemade injection burner can feed from cylinders with liquefied propane capacity of 1 liter (and cylinders must be equipped with a valve with a hose) or from cylinders with a capacity of 25 liters.

One way to connect metal parts is a soldering of solid solders. For proper selection Fluice and solder Such compounds are significantly reliable and withstand sufficiently high loads.
The soldering of solid solder is carried out by various gas burners, with a superior and without it, using a fuel liquefied propane.

The figure shows the burner design. All its details are extremely simple and do not require high qualifications in manufacturing.

Fig. 1. Propane burner assembly:
1 - Hose, 2 - Gas valve, 3 - gas supply tube (6 mm diameter), 4 - screw-clamp M4, 5 - insert, 6 - nipple (from primus), 7 - four holes - air intakes with a diameter of 4 mm, 8 - Tube nozzle.

Fig. 3. Propane burner insert assembly:
1 - tube, 2 - stars with holes with a diameter of 1.8 mm, 3 - sleeve.

Burner nozzle is made from steel pipe Or is pulled out of steel 3 or steel 45 on the lathe. In the tip of the nozzle there are four holes that can be blocked by the internal liner; This is the most regulated by the air supply, which forms the flame burner. The insert itself is also pulled out of steel; It can be performed as a monolithic part or made up of three separate, followed by a propagate solid solder. In this case, the stars and a short cut of the pipe are fixed on the sleeve planted on the gas supply tube.

The gas supply channel is made from a copper or brass tube with an outer diameter of 6 mm and a wall thickness of at least 1 mm. One end of the tube is fastened with a gas valve with a cylinder connection hose. On the other end of the tube, nipple from the primus, with a worked part with a cone. To do this, there is no need to make any tip, since the junction part of the primus nipple has a M5 thread, and you just need to cut the M5 thread inside the pipe and wrap the nipple. In addition, on the same end the pipe is tightly planted insert, to which the nozzle tube is worn.

To adjust the flame, the burners open the valve, gas supply to the burner and light it. Then, promoting the tube of nozzle towards the overlap of four air intakes, achieve sustainable burning. Flame adjustment can be carried out and a change in gas supply to the burner.

After receiving the flame of the desired intensity and the form, the position of the nozzle tube is fixed with a clamping screw.
Such a burner works steadily and gives an even flame that allows you to warm up small parts to a temperature of 1100 ° C.
In case you do not have a silver-based hardwood soldering, you can use a simple brass wire or any copper-nickel alloys.

N. Vadimovich
MK 11 1993.

Gas burner do it yourself. How to make a homemade gas burner?

The homemade gas burner is a device that has a number of advantages compared to its remaining analogs operating on gasoline and other types of fuel. The main advantages of gas burners are as follows: they are easy to use, do not make harmful and unpleasant odors During use and do not smoke, such as gasoline. In addition, the gas burner is very compact, and therefore it is possible to use it in almost any branches of the economy. What is her features and how to make it do it yourself?

Gas burner device

The design of this tool assumes the presence of the following main parts:

  1. Gearbox.
  2. Nozzle.
  3. Fuel supply regulator (in this case of gas).
  4. Heads.
  5. The node where the gas cylinder is fixed.

What does it work on?

As for fuel, the gas burner often works on propane (either a mixture "propane-butane 9raquo;). They are filled with a separate container (cylinder), which, as we have noted above, is attached to a special node.

Is it difficult to make it with your own hands?

It is worth noting that in its design this unit does not have any complex elements and details. Therefore, the infrared gas burner is made with their own hands very quickly (as practice shows, no more than 30-40 minutes of time goes to work), and even a beginner master will be able to understand its design. In the case of gasoline devices, it will not be so positive.

Scope and design elements

It is used mainly for heating and drying materials, for cutting metal products, including pipes, and firing old paint.. The burner design includes a metal case (a special glass is also included, which does not give the wind to blow the flames), the nozzle (for ignition fuel), the handle that is attached to the body (by the way, its length should be no more than 100 centimeters), holder ( It is installed on the handle and is made of wood or heat-resistant plastic), as well as a gas hose. In addition, there is a gearbox and an applying tube with a valve. The latter regulates the gas supply level and, accordingly, the flame length is also.

How is the mini-gas burner done with their own hands?

You can start with the simplest - from the handle. It can be made of wood, and is best to take ready from a distorted soldier. The supply tube should be made of steel. Practice pay for dimensions. Optimal diameter Tubes must be about 1 centimeter. In this case, the thickness of no more than 2-2.5 millimeters. This tube must be inserted into the handle and fix. This can be done with the help of ordinary glue.

We do it, too, of steel, namely from a brass rod width of 2 centimeters. From it can also be made of the divider. Next, you need to do several holes. This is necessary in order to ensure normal oxygen supply. Otherwise, with the slightest draft, the flame of the burner will die or gas from the nozzle will simply won't be lit. How much do you need to do holes? They are in total 4, each of which has a diameter of 1 millimeter. These holes need to be made in the divider terminal. In addition, drill 2 radical holes of 5 millimeters directly in the housing. All this will contribute to the normal combustion of fuel in the device, which will have a positive effect on the speed and quality of the work performed.

How is the homemade gas burner on? Next, you will need to prescribe a divider into the housing. In this case, the inner flange should be installed with a small gap (at least 0.6 millimeters). This gap will serve to brake the gas flow, linked to the hole of the stamp.

How to make nozzle?

It will be pulled out of the metal bar. In order to make a hole in the nozzle, you will need to apply a 2-millimeter drill and make them a deaf hole. At the same time, the distance must be at least one and a half millimeters. For the jumper, try the drill with a diameter of 4 mm. The hardening hole is boosted by a hammer, then the end of the device is applied. emery paper. It is necessary to process it before the moment when the nozzle can be screwed down on the threaded tube.

Now the hose is put on the end of the tube (it comes from a gas cylinder gearbox), made of special rubber-tissue material. It is fixed by the usual clamp with a cross or minus screwdriver. When the operating pressure is set, make the gas supply and make the nozzle into the flame of the gas burner. It is necessary to do this only after the substance completely displaced the air from the hose. The upper part of the part should be grinding. It is necessary to process it until the torch length is about 50 millimeters.

How to collect all these elements together?

The case together with the divider should be screwed on outdoor thread Nozzle. At the same time, the gas burner, with his own hands, taking into account all the recommendations, should be submitted to a smooth flame. It is important to ensure that the fuel does not have a soot published during the combustion.

What if the burner smokes and serves an uneven flame? In this case, you need to gradually rotate the housing on the threads of the nozzle. It is necessary to do this until the gas will give such a characteristic smoke. If the threaded connection is very free, weave its FMU tape. Everything, at this stage, the gas burner is successfully designed with their own hands. Now you can safely use it in the economy.

A few words about working with a tool

To gas burner, with your own hands made, was safe to use, before the first launch, be sure to check its parts for tightness, namely soldering connections, locations of connectors and sleeves. After that, open the valve to the half turn and wait until the device feeds the flame. Here the ignition process is automatically occurring, so no additional action should be taken. Now adjust the level and length of the fed flame (it is done using the gearbox or the same valve) and proceed to work.

So, we found out how the gas burner is manufactured with their own hands, they learned its design and the rules for using this device.

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Gas burner with your own hands - carefully make from the girlfriend

In the home workshop or garage often the need for the use of high-temperature burner. Application for it is the widest - from soldering works Before repairing the roof. Not to mention the need to warm up the metal part for processing.

When metalworking for metal, a gas burner can split the workpiece for the purpose of subsequent hardening. If you are engaged in electrical welding - when working with some metals it is necessary to warm the place of the future seam.

In the tool stores for sale a variety of devices for safe work With fire. The burner on propane can be of any size and any configuration. The magnitude with a ballpoint handle for jewelry soldering:

Or a lot of nozzle ramp for heating bitumen on the roof:

The advantage of industrial options consist in a security certificate. However, there is nothing in the design that it is impossible to repeat at home. Since any product in the store costs a lot of money, we will tell you how to make a burner with your own hands.

Important! Homemade devices To work with fire carry potential danger. Therefore, the propane burner, made without technical expertise, is operated for your fear and risk.

How to make a burner yourself

Let us consider in detail the nuances to pay attention to the manufacture of the burner.

  • First of all, it is necessary to use refractory metals. A properly tuned burner can give up to 1000 ° C, so the nozzle must correspond to the flame temperature;
  • It is important to choose a reliable worker crane. If something goes wrong - first of all, the gas supply is overlapped, and the danger is eliminated. If the crane is missing - you will not be able to quickly rejuvenate the flame;
  • Connection node to a gas source (a valve or a 5-liter propane cylinder with a gearbox) must be reliable. It is during the operation of poor-quality shut-off valves that most accidents occur.

Consider a typical scheme and the principle of operation of the injection burner:

The hose (1) is supplied under pressure gas. As a rule - propane. The pressure is formed by evaporation of liquefied gas in the cylinder, and it is enough to organize a steady and directed flame. The gearbox is not required, the amount of gas is regulated by the worker crane (2).

The shut-off valve is located on the valve of the cylinder. Its function is only opening / close the fuel supply, the remaining adjustments are made using the working crane.

The gas supply tube (3) starts the jet into the nozzle, and ends with nipple (6), which specifies the direction of the flame. Nipple with a tube, in turn, is in the so-called liner (5). It organizes gas mixing with atmospheric air.

The insert with the tube and nipple is fixed in the nozzle with the screw. As a rule, the burner is collapsing, for cleaning and maintaining nipple.

The formed air-gas mixture is sent to nozzle nozzle (8), where there is an additional saturation of the mixture with oxygen from the air. For burning stability, ventilation openings are provided (7).

The burner is made by your own hands according to the drawing.

Dimensions are designed to work with cylinders up to 5 liters.

We will tell about the device insertion separately, the drawing shows dimensions:

Tube liner (1) by external diameter It should be per millimeter less than the inner diameter of the nozzle. Inside the puck (2) is boiled with air holes. The sleeve (3) is designed to fix the tube with the nipple.

The feature of the design is that by moving the tab inside the nozzle, you can adjust the air seats through the ventilation openings. This allows you to adjust the temperature of the flame across the limits.

The nozzle can be made from the steel pipe, but it will be better to pull it out of steel blanks on the lathe.
The nozzle shape must be somewhat narrowed at the output, then the flame will be forced and the temperature in the burning zone is higher. Used alloy steel brand 45.

Methods of manufacturing insert two: You can collect it from two tubes and a steel washer with holes. The design is soldered by a refractory solder, with abundant flux. And you can pull it out entirely of steel blanks. The second option is preferable.

Copper or brass feed tube. On the side of the hose connection, the flange is manufactured (can be made concentric ducts for better fixation). A suitable nipple is screwed into the working end. You can take it from the primus, or the gas burner from the household stove.

Important! When using nipple from the kitchen slabs, remember that there are different nozzles in the kit. For natural or liquefied gas.

We will suit the second option. When the burner is ready for your own hands, it is necessary to conduct a primary debugging.

The burner is configured on that gas that will be subsequently used. The insertion is slightly fixed with the screw in such a way that the air vents are overcooked by half.

Opening a working valve, and moving the insert, we achieve a smooth, powerful flame. After that, finally fasten it in the nozzle.

If you did everything correctly, the temperature at the outlet of the nozzle will reach 1100 ° C.

Go from the theory to practice. How to make a gas burner using branded materials:

Nozzle made from automobile pump classic design. Such objects are often lying in the garage without affairs.
Steel is used excellent, size is suitable for the gas burner.

In the rear, we cut the "rose", the ends we are reduced to the center. This bundle will be inserted with a feed tube.

The item approached the construction pistol for the mounting foam.
This is a fixture for reusable, so steel is durable there, and covered with refractory chrome.

The thickness of the tube is almost 1 millimeter, quite enough for stiffness.

At the end of the pistol tube there is a boller with a ball valve, for the formation of foam. The ball is knocked out with a thin selection, or Gypsy needle. The resulting hole is sufficient for gas supply to the nozzle. The tube with the nozzle is connected by semi-automatic welding.

  • To connect the design with the work valve, conventional plumbing safts with thread are used. This is simple water pipeNo special steel here. That part of the burner, where the crane is located - does not heat up to critical temperatures. Ball gas crane I had to buy;

  • The holder is made literally made of scrap metal. Handle from the footboard from the motorcycle. Slightly by treating the grinder, we get the optimal form. Clamp for fastening to the pipe burner - from the helm of the same motorcycle.
  • Finally the holder dresses a motorcycle handle. And the thermal insulation is good, and the burner is tight in hand.

    On the manufacture of one day off and 100-120 rubles for the purchase of crane and fitting for connecting with a hose.

    As a bonus, look at the drawing of the tested miniature device:

    Gas burner for soldering is made from the needle from the dropper. Connects to the cartridge to refuel lighters.

    Output! Homemade gas burner - reality. Just observe caution during operation!

    Simple I. effective method make a gas burner with your own hands - video

    Gas burner for blacksmith Gorna do it yourself

    How to equip a burner homemade gas mountain

    Closed blacksmith horn on gas with their own hands - the most common technical solution for a small forge in household. The presence of the main gas pipeline is not uncommon in modern houses, and simplicity of regulating the parameters of propane mixture in combination with high gas caloriness predetermine the corresponding metal heating efficiency under forging.

    Key element gas Gorna is an right choice (and sometimes the manufacture) of the fuel-fiber device - burners.

    Types of burners used for gas burning

    With the choice of the optimal performance of the burner, the Metal Ugon's value during heating under forging, the intensity of surface scale, as well as the total consumption of gas. For Gornov closed type The short flame burners are required, which provide fast and intensive mixing of the combustible mixture. It was then that the efficiency will be maximal, and the removal of combustion products from the Horn working chamber is uniform and efficient.

    Thus, the gas burner should provide:

    1. The largest angle of inclination of the finished gas-air mixture at the entrance to the workspace of the mountain.
    2. The high speed of the jet exit at low height and great width.
    3. Gaza gas safety.
    4. Stability of the combustion process.
    5. Insensitivity K. high humidity Inside the hill.
    6. Safety with the so-called "reverse strike", when a sudden change in the direction of thrust can repay the torch that almost immediately leads to an explosion in a combustible mixture.

    Gas burner drawings

    Gas burner drawing Drawing burner for blacksmith horn sketch for homemade gas burner

    Thus, for burning propane (from a cylinder or gas pipeline) apply:

    • Injector burners providing gas self-priming. With its simplicity, they are distinguished by low efficiency, since adjusting the ratio of components for a relatively small range of values. Regarding the mountain, made with your own hands, it most often leads to the need to work with a lack of air;
    • Tangential type burners (sierse), when gas flows along the axis, and the air flow - by tangent to the mixer body. Mixing here is quite intensively, but also the loss of pressure due to curvatures is also great. This affects the non-uniformity of the amount of air supplied to the mountain, and it is the largest where the heated metal is coming with a pendant mountain. Accordingly, the avgar and the formation of scale increase. The positive quality of tangential burners - their simplicity and reliability;
    • The vortex burners, where the guides of the spiral plates are used for stirring. In such embodiments, complete mixing occurs only in the mouth, therefore the regulation of work in this case is the best, and pressure loss is practically absent. A certain disadvantage is a constructive complexity, because of what even in the presence of drawings make a vortex burner for the mountain in conditions of a homely workshop very laboriously;
    • Combined burners that combine tangential and straight-flow supply. The adjustability of the combustible mixture is the best, since the change in the number of air supplied between the inner and external channels can be adjusted to the length of the torch in the mountain and, therefore, to control the heating time of the blanks under forging. The lack of such performances is large dimensions that for small mountains can be unacceptable. Also in minus you can put the technical complexity of the manufacture of a dual stream burner.

    Production and installation of burner in a closed gas horn

    Consider two options - make the burner "from scratch" using the recommendations of homemade masters with experience, or apply ready design, adapting / modifying some of its characteristics. It should be noted that in the first case you should have very high qualifications, as well as to have the experience of setting up and, at least repair similar devices. Otherwise, the case can end the explosion, burns, and other troubles.

    The easiest way to make a ball burner, which refers to a group of fuel-fiber assemblies with a tangential torch supply to the workpace of the horn is. Such a burner consists of the following details:

    1. Confucius terminal from heat-resistant steel type X18N9T.
    2. Steel tubular case having a double truncated cone form.
    3. Gas feeder head.
    4. Air-powered head.
    5. Mouth.
    6. Regulators of the amount of gas-air mixture.

    For the manufacture of such a burner is necessary: \u200b\u200b1.5 inches pipes, sheet blank With a thickness of at least 1.2 mm under the confusion, two fittings and three flanges - under the connection of the elements. The welded structure is better made of heat-resistant steel, while welding must be made under flux or using inert gas. Like air and gas pumping pipes can use sleeves high pressurewhose diameters will fit attachment Cases. Also fixing clamps and high-quality seals from benzomal-resistant high temperature rubber are also needed. All other elements are connected using a thread.

    Horn with self-made gas burner

    On some sites there are recommendations for the manufacture of burner housing by the tubular blank. But at high pressures of the jet, plastic hardening of the material can lead to the occurrence of the zones of internal stresses, which, when starting the burner, the cause of the casing metal is often caused.

    Option with a burner mounting from used gas stove much easier. Previously, it will be necessary to determine the cost of fuel required for rapid heat heating under forging. Selecting the finished design, set the power of the main unit (boiler, plates, etc.) for which the device was used. The product of this value on the efficiency (for gas it is 0.89 ... 0.93) gives the desired value of the power W.
    It is a little more difficult to establish a gas consumption of T. Algorithm Calculation Next:

    • The calorific value of the fuel q is found out (3600 kJ / m3 can be accepted for propane);
    • Using the T \u003d 3.6W / Q formula, the flow rate is determined.
    • According to the calculation results, all the necessary shut-off-regulating reinforcement is selected: valves, tees, sealing rings etc.

    The installation of the burner in the mountain for forging with their own hands is made as follows. Initially, a confusion is inserted into the prepared lobby hole, the mouth of the burner is attached to it through the leaf gasket from heat-resistant steel. It is attached to it the product itself, and screw the tubes for air and gas. Check the efficiency of the regulators, after which they produce a trial launch of gas from a cylinder or stationary network. All work must be carried out with a well-ventilated room. With the slightest smell of gas, installation works stop, and find out the source of probable leaks.

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    ATTENTION, only today!

    Want to know how to make a burner with your own hands at home? I propose at once 2 instructions: assembling the usual burner for laying roofing materials and the manufacture of a high-temperature cutter. Having made tools on the proposed schemes, you can warm up the roofing bitumen, melting tin and cut the low-melting metals.

    • Gas-burner (acetylene or propane) is a tool with which you can obtain a flame with a variable flame temperature and a torch size;

    • Normal propane burner - this is a nozzle with a regulator connected to the gas supply under pressure;
    • Acetylene burner - This is a cutter, for which the gas optic mixture is applied.

    Applying gas under pressure as fuel, it will not be possible to obtain a high temperature. But, if you mix propane with oxygen, the flame temperature increases at times.

    The figure shows the burners of two types:

    1. Injector - oxygen due to higher pressure sucks gas and sends to the mixer;
    2. Chestless - Oxygen and gas are served separately, but with the same pressure.

    Non-sensor cutters are structurally easier than injection burners. But injector cutters, due to the high pressure of the fuel mixture, are used during welding and with cutting metals.

    There is still an infrared gas burner, but it applies not to cutting tools, and to heaters. Heating element For uniform heat distribution, the radiator is located to the top and transforms thermal energy in infrared radiation. Adjustment of temperature and heating intensity is carried out by a tuning valve.

    We collect in 10 minutes the burner for laying a rubberoid

    For the assembly will need:

    • Nozzle and crane With the old gas stove (and the one and the other item can be bought in the construction market. The price is speaking);
    • Gas cylinder (You can do a hiking cylinder with a volume of 10-20 liters);
    • Connecting hose With claw clamps.
    Illustration Stage description

    Connect the nozzle with the crane. Connect the crane through the nozzle to the nozzle.

    Connect the gas cylinder with a burner hose. Connections are definitely tightening with cape collars.

    Trial launch. When the torn is closed on the burner, open the feed from the cylinder. Drive a lit match to the nozzle and open the gas supply faucet.

    Torch adjustment. Flame stream adjust, turning the tap: counterclockwise - more, clockwise - less.

    The homemade gas burner on efficiency and safety of the application is not worse than the purchase tool. I am confident that the instrument collected by the proposed instruction will be useful to you.

    Assembling a portable cutter for a home workshop

    This compact tool, despite the small power, gives a flame with a temperature of up to + 1000 ° C. To make a gas burner at home, we will need the following materials:

    • Pumping needle for pumping balls;
    • Thin needle from a disposable syringe;
    • Plastic bottle of 1.5-2 liters volume;
    • Two sets of droppers with clamps;
    • Copper wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm;
    • Flux and soldering supplies;
    • Nipple from the cycling or car chamber;
    • Thermocles and gun.

    On the mounting diagram shows the burner of a portable uninterblary cutter. I'll tell you how to make a tool on the proposed scheme with your own hands.

    Illustration Stage description

    Making a hole in the needle. Rates from the end of the needle 10 mm, we make a transverse incision triangular file, so that a small hole formed.

    Wash the needle. The needle from the syringe, with the help of pliers, wound up at an angle of 135 °.

    We try to work carefully so as not to pass and do not deform through the channel in the needle

    Still a sharp edge needles. The curved needle is stepping about a file or a grinding stone, so that there is no island left.

    The length of the needle area from the bending to the waste end must be equal to the length from the end of the thick needle to the holes done in it.

    Connect the needles to one node. Thin bent needle pushed into a hole. As a result, the end of a thin needle should write out of the thick needle no more than 1 mm.

    Winding copper wire. A plot where the thin needle enters through the side opening into a thick needle, we flush the copper wire. The turns of the winding make as close as possible to each other.

    Flice treatment. Made winding processing flux before soldering. Do not use rosin, because when working with a flux, soldering lipot better.

    Soldering. We disappear by the tin solder the wire winding. Warming up the coil with a soldering iron, so that the solder passed to the needle. As a result, the released plot of the needles must be completely sealed.

    Connect the assembled mixer. By the previously assembled node, connect 2 tubes of the dropper. One tube is connected to fine, and the other to the thick needle. On the droplet tubes, next to the mixer, wear clips, one for each tube.

    Fix clamps. Clips glue with each other, so that the adjustment rollers are located on the outside.

    Blown clamps can be burned with color. For example, that clamp that is responsible for the tube connected to the thick needle will adjust the gas supply. This clamp can be labeled red. The second clamp that will overlap the air supply, you can mark blue

    Sealing connections. We glue the thermoclaiming section of the soldering and plots of joined droppers. Thus, we will ensure the tightness of all connections.

    Take a pipe dropper through a plastic cover. In the cork, the hole in the diameter of the dropper tube is drilled in the tape refill. A tube has a hole in the hole.

    Connect the tube. One of the nozzles is tightly inserted into the tube, which comes with a gas can.

    Pull the pipe dropper through the plug. We do it so that the nozzle, fixed on the tube, rested in reverse side traffic jams.

    Apply sealant. Seal and strengthen the combustion connection. Now, if you wear a cork on a balloon, the nozzle presses on the fitting and the gas flow will begin.

    Install the nozzle for feeding compressed air . In Dn. plastic bottle The volume of 1.5-2 liters fix the metal nozzle with the check valve.

    You can use nipple with an old bicycle or car chamber as a nozzle.

    Install the burner connector. To the plug of the bottle, the connecting nozzle for connecting the dropper from the burner.

    The burner, the receiver and connecting hoses are ready, it remains to connect all the elements together.

    Tube from the cover of the gas can be connected to a thick needle. Tube from the bottle-receiver is connected to a thin needle.

    We join the pump to the nippel of the receiver and pump 2-3 atmosphere. If there is no pressure gauge on the pump, they swing in sensations. We put on the cover with a tube on a gas cylinder.

    The burner is collected and ready for use. How to use it?

    • Weaken the gas supply clamp;
    • Give gas from the end of the needle;
    • We gradually relaxing the clip with the air, we get the same flame as in the photo.


    Now you know how to make a burner with your own hands. Have questions about the proposed instructions? Tell us in the comments about what was incomprehensible - the explanations guarantee. By the way, do not forget to watch the video in this article, I am sure you will be interested.

    The main component of the gas boiler is the burner. Other elements are arranged around it.

    This burner can be created independently, only you need to take into account such nuances as the types of gas burners, for example.

    Before the classification of gas burners for boilers, determine what happens inside, and this is:

    • passing fuel material through the burner (in our case of gas),
    • adding air to this fuel.

    The design of the device must maintain the stability of the combustion of the gas-air composition.

    According to the method of supplying air to the gas flow there are several types of burners:

    1. atmospheric;
    2. with fans;
    3. diffuse-kinetic.

    Also, the homemade gas burner is different in the number of steps:

    1. One step. First of all, this is the operation of the device with a stable power: air temperature indicators in rooms or heat carrier are maintained at a certain level. This is the merit of ignition or turn off the burner in the required time. At the same time there are jumps of temperature within a certain spectrum. It is worth noting a rather modest operational period of such a burner.
    2. Two steps. The device is a dual-mode. With a weak load on the heating network, there is a half mode, providing stable boiler operation and less equipment wear. The nominal mode is turned on at large loads. The power of the device can be controlled gradually from zero value to nominal. therefore gas equipment It can work continuously and in optimal mode for long years.

    Concerning characteristic features Good burner, then this is: the efficiency of the device, nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide fall into the air;

    • decent device operational life;
    • simplicity of design;
    • ease of installation;
    • noise within sanitary standards;
    • fast reconfiguration with one type of fuel to another. This criterion concerns combined versions.

    Atmospheric gas burners

    They suck air like an inkjet pump. That is, gas follows through the ejector, where its pressure is reduced due to high dynamics. Air is introduced into the gas flow due to pressure surges.

    Pluses of varieties:

    1. simple design;
    2. compact dimensions;
    3. non-volatility;
    4. low noises;
    5. attractive prices.

    With such a burner, the boiler acting on hard fuel can be reailed to work on gas. To do this, you need to build a burner in the ashtar department.

    The impressive air volumes insertion implement in the gas flow can not be implemented. For this reason, atmospheric versions in boilers do not differ in high power. Their limit is 9 kW (average value).

    Fan gas burners

    The fan is responsible for injection air. Air is introduced by B. necessary volumes. Oxygen is supplied forcibly. Therefore:

    1. No capacity limitations. Thanks to the fan, the various volumes of gas fuel can be provided necessary quantity Air to provide total combustion.
    2. The combustion department (gas) can be isolated from the boiler room. Air flow into it comes from the outside - according to a special air pipeline. This reduces the threat of penetration into the house of gases from smoke.

    In analogs of atmospheric type, the closed department is not possible. Cause: Natural thrust can not cope with air resistance in the air duct and ensure the burner with the necessary air volumes.

    A boiler having a closed gas chamber can work without installing a separate duct. This is due to the use of chimneys. coaxial type. In them, the inner tube is arranged to eliminate flue gases. To get a new air there is a cylindrical tunnel. It is arranged between the outer and the inner tube.

    Versions with coercive air introduction can be configured independently. They require minimum user actions.

    Cons of fan gas burners:

    1. high prices;
    2. powerful noises when working;
    3. dependence on electricity - they need sources of stable nutrition.

    Diffusion-kinetic burners

    They are usually present in powerful industrial heating units. They combine the foundations of previous two types of burners.

    The process of self-creating burner

    Homemade version of the burner under gas boilersFunctioning on hard fuel can be made based on the valve from the gas cylinder, or rather oxygen. It is necessary to introduce homemade nozzle in its exit pipe. It can then be attached to the reducer. The connecting element becomes a rubber-free hose with independent manufacture.

    The inlet pipe is included in the balloon itself during the manufacturing process. It is required to put the cap. The cap is arranged a hole for joining the gibler, which is taken from the gas stove, or a soldering lamp.

    With the help of welding to the homemade cap, the nozzle is mounted. The nozzle is the element of the steel pipe. Its length - 10 cm. The density of the walls is 2 mm.

    The cap and the nozzle separates some space - 1.5 cm. Air is closed through it. For such a reason, three thick wire elements are mounted in the same way to the cap. And the pipe-nozzle is mounted.

    Ignition techniques for this self-made product Such:
    The opening of the crane on the main gas network, or on the cylinder (it is needed when the liquefied gas format is used).

    The nozzle holds the source of the fire: match, lighter or lit paper wick. Production is not difficult, at first glance.

    Opening a valve

    The power of such an appliance can be controlled by closing or opening the valve. The greatest temperature is concentrated in the green and blue part of the fire. To set up nozzle, you need to put a torch in its middle. For this, wire holders are slightly prevented.

    To create a working version of the burner to its noil, the tip is welded. The angle of its curved is 45 ⸰.

    The manufacturer may also be steel valve (also from the cylinder). On its outgoing segment, the plug with a hole under the journey is rolled. It takes from a soldering lamp. The diameter of its nozzle is 0.8 mm. The desired diameter of the burner nozzle is 3 cm. The nozzle length can be varied by nozzles. So the parameters of the torch are controlled. The regulator here becomes the valve.

    Nuances of service

    The maintenance of gas burners of any self-made version is meant only in its cleaning. This process should be annual. It is not recommended to perform it. After all, it will have to disassemble and collect the boiler. As a rule, the service is referred to service centers. Accusing contamination is eliminated by air purge. The air is compressed here.

    Customize pressure to the burners must be carefully. For example, for some of the current versions of the burner, 8-10 atm parameters may be detrimental.

    The need for cleaning the burner can be reduced at times if they put a filter on the gas supply pipe. This work is performed by the worker gas servicewhere to contact a special application.


    The gas burner for the boiler is going to go, but not fully, and not everyone can safely collect this important element. heating system. It is more profitable in terms of security to choose a corporate burner.

    Gasoline burners are quite often angry. They can be divided into 3 main types:

    • Gasoline or working on other types of liquid fuel.
    • Gaze.
    • Multi-fuel.

    The last type of burner is designed to work on different types Fuel. It so happened that gasoline devices appeared slightly earlier than gas. Despite the fact that sufficient number The time since the appearance of gas burners, gasoline burners are used in our time.

    Moreover, they are not just used, but all more intense are used. The thing is that each type of burner has near both the advantages and disadvantages. Under certain conditions, gasoline burners show the best results and high efficiency. This article is aimed at familiarizing readers with advantages. gasoline burners.

    The structural features of the burner depend on what type of fuel is used. For example:

    • There are burners that work exclusively on gasoline and in any more stuffing.
    • There are constructions that are also kerosene, except gasoline.
    • The work of any kind of burners requires a special device capable of maintaining pressure on an ongoing basis. Due to this factor, these devices are classified according to this method.
    • There are designs in which there is no pump, and other devices are equipped with a pump.
    • The burners are also classified according to the method of fastening the fuel tank.
    • Some types of burners are designed so that the tank with flammable is located separately from the burner and fuel is fed to the burner through the hose. There are burners, where the container with the flammable and the burner constitute a single design.

    Does the gasoline burner need fishing?

    • A very interesting question, since the gasoline burner has a certain weight and takes some useful space. When exit fishing is carried out, then every kilogram of excess weight is considered. Many, going on fishing in the summer, cost without gasoline burners, as you can easily regret the fire. But not always everyone is lucky and there are such situations where the bonfire does not work, especially in the conditions of bad weather. If the wooden branches wet very much, then without additional efforts and fixtures they will not light up. The presence of a gasoline burner will help break the fire without much difficulty, even if the twigs are wet. In addition, on a gasoline burner you can heat the kettle with water or cook food.
    • There is another situation when fishing is carried out to a dark and no one wants to kindle a fire because of fatigue. In this case, it is easier to use the burner to make a dinner, albeit faster.
    • When the cold and wet weather was installed for a long time, the gasoline burner will always help and do not have to think what to prepare tea or food.

    Buy or make a gasoline burner with their own hands

    The easiest option is the acquisition of the apparatus in the store, especially since the manufacturer offers various models. Determine which of the developments most suitable is quite difficult due to features in the design.

    Some models have too much weight, which does not allow them to take with them, especially if there is no transport. In the presence of transport, such a factor has no fundamental importance.

    Industrial samples are characterized by a high price, and only high-quality gasoline is required for their normal operation.

    As for homemade gas burners, there are also several options for their manufacture. For independent manufacture, there are already applicable parts from gasoline burners. After the assembly, a high-quality and efficient, and the main workable device is obtained. Such an approach is under power to anyone, even inexperienced fisherman. The gasoline burner on the principle of mixing the vapor gasoline and air flow. The burner is designed so that this combustible mixture is fed into the burning area constantly than and maintaining the combustion process. At the same time, in homemade burners For some reason, lower gasoline varieties are also burning, compared with industrial development.

    Gasoline burner with his own hands

    An independent manufacture of various fishing accessories has its advantages. The most important thing is that each of the masters will result in the device that he needs. At the same time, each of them for the manufacture uses its spare parts, which correspond to a certain method of manufacture.

    Fashion first

    • For the manufacture of the first burner, you will need two cans, which are usually thrown out. To use them on purpose, they are cleaned of dirt and washed carefully, after which they are dried.
    • One of the cans is taken and 4 holes pierce the nail in her day. The same holes make banks around the perimeter on the side.
    • The side of the can is cut off at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom. The result is the top of the burner.
    • The second bank is taken and is also cut across the entire circumference in the same height.
    • The second part of the bank will serve the bottom of the future burner. On the bottom of the bank lies the rush, after which the lower part of the burner is covered with top.
    • Gasoline is poured from above through the punched holes. As a result, gasoline is held with a vat, and only couples are ignited. The burner can be set fire.
    • The device of such a burner is sufficient enough. Unfortunately, it is also one-time, since after use, we can not count on the use of the second time.

    Method of the second

    The second design is more complicated, but it is more practical, since it is not disposable.

    What is needed for this:

    • The burner itself will have to buy in the store.
    • A car chamber is suitable as a compressor. Unfortunately, it should be filled with air from time to time to maintain pressure at the desired level.
    • As a fuel tank, a 2-liter canister is suitable, in the lid of which 2 holes are done, where the tubes are inserted. One of them should get to the bottom of the canister, and the second one is half.
    • A transparent plastic container is suitable for the receiver, which can close the lid tightly. The volume of the receiver is 10 liters.

    Assembly stages:

    • In the fuel tank, somewhere half, poured gasoline.
    • The compressor input is desirable to install the filter of the simplest design itself. To do this, use a plastic funnel on which the categorous stocking should be pulled.

    How does this device work

    The air from the compressor is supplied to the receiver, which smoothes the irregularity of pressure. After that, it enters the tank with gasoline, as a result of the tank, a combustible mixture of air and a vapor of gasoline is already displaced. This mixture hits the burner, it remains only to set fire to it.

    Method Third

    For such a product, a metal flat jar, pumice and not a large amount of gasoline will be required.

    How to assemble the product.

    • In a metal jar, PEMZA is quite tightly stuffed, almost completely.
    • After that, it should be impregnated with gasoline. It is done very carefully so that the gasoline is not blown. Making the burner is completed. Such a burner can give heat for 15 minutes. It can be prepared for a modest lunch or heat the tent in extreme conditions.

    Prevention against clogging

    • In the process of work, the gasoline burner can be clogged, so it is better to use high-quality gasoline, with a large octane number.
    • If you use special additives for gasoline, you can solve the problem of burner clogging. Such additives are used in injection engines.
    • So that the burner does not refuse the most inopportune moment, it is better to clean it after use.

    The better the gasoline burner, compared to gas?

    • Gasoline burner uses fuel that can be purchased at any refueling. As for gas, you need to still search for refueling, where gas cylinders are filled. Therefore, it can be concluded that gasoline is much more accessible, compared with gas.
    • As the gas is produced in the gas burner, the quality of its work deteriorates, which you will not say about the gasoline burner.
    • In the distance from civilization, although accidentally, but you can get some gasoline, but it is hardly possible to find gas.
    • Gasoline burners are distinguished by ease and compactness. They can be placed in a backpack and take with them hike.

    Work in extreme conditions

    In the conditions of air sparse, the gasoline burner will never refuse, but the gas burner will either burn badly, or will not burn at all.

    How to choose the right gasoline burner in the store

    The choice of burner in the store is not a simple matter, especially in conditions when it is possible to choose. The main thing is to determine in advance the criteria for which the burner will be selected, depending on the alleged conditions for its work. What you need to pay attention to:

    • It is better to choose the model in which there is a detachable connection separating the pump from the burner. This will simplify the task for cleaning the pump, if necessary.
    • The instructions shall be indicated how quickly you can boil 1 liter of water under standard conditions.
    • It should also be indicated how much fuel goes to boil the same 1 liter of water or indicate fuel consumption per unit of time.
    • If the weight is of fundamental importance, then this data should also be paid attention. In the presence of transport it is not fundamentally.
    • It is desirable to determine the presence of spare parts. Any apparatus sooner or later fails, and the burner is no exception. If there is no spare parts for repair, then, in the event of a malfunction, it will be necessary to simply throw it away.
    • The presence of windscreens is another important factor that may affect the selection process.

    In some cases, the use of gasoline burners can be justified. At the same time, we should not forget that behind such devices it is necessary to take care and use only high-quality gasoline.

    Alcohol burners are useful for fishing lovers, hunting, hiking. In one of the previous materials, we told using the vessel from the asterisk. Today we will look at the way to create a more bulk burner using an aluminum jar. Many may have a question why make a alcohol burner, if there are dry fuel in stores. Dry fuel can also be used to cook coffee or cook hot tea on campaign, but practice shows that alcohol burner Changes with this much better and more efficient.

    Let's see the video of the alcohol burner from the author of homemade:

    What do we need for the manufacture of self-made alcohol burner?
    - aluminum jar made of gas, beer or other drinks;
    - round-rolls;
    - Four match box;
    - Stationery knife;
    - medical alcohol;
    - Flomaster or marker
    - And scissors.

    First of all, we must cut off the top of the jar. To do this, we need to make a cut by a stationery knife and tear off the unnecessary part of the rounds.

    Next, put two match box, on them a stationery knife blade to a jar and cut off the bottom.

    The same procedure has to be done with the top of our aluminum jar, but this time with four boxes.

    We apply two matchbox to the top of the top, but this time we do not cut, but we supply a felt-tip pen or a marker.

    On the resulting line, put the labels or points through each centimeter and make cuts with scissors so that they start with the line to the niza of a piece of banks.

    Our alcohol burner is practically ready, and we can only collect its component parts into one. For this, we slightly fold the lower part of the top of the jar so that it can easily become in the second.

    It remains only to pour medical alcohol into our burner and test it.

    Attention!!! Medical alcohol, like the burner itself flammable. When used, be sure to keep the rules for handling fire and security rules. Keep the burner in gave from flammable materials and mixtures. Do not pour too much alcohol as it can lead to burner blast and serious injury.

    The burner works, which means that the next homemade is made in a good way. Thus, we can boil about 250 ml of water in just 2 minutes using approximately 15 ml of alcohol.