Repairs Design Furniture

How to calculate the required amount of board? Calculation of the volume of lumber how to calculate the Cube Class Class Calculator

The calculation of the cabbage of the boards will depend on the fact that the edged (including the planed) is a board, or non-iron. In the first case, it is easier to calculate the cube, since the lumber has the correct geometric shape of the parallelepiped. The cube of the unedged board is the one that the sides are raw, the ambulance is calculated somewhat differently.

Fortunately, the calculation of the cabin boards is easy. This will help you either table "How many boards in Cuba"or formula. The last option is more reliable and more accurate.

Calculation of cutting cabin

How many boards in Cuba (Table)

From this table, you can find out the answers to such popular questions: how to calculate the cube of boards, how many boards in Cuba, how many square meters of the board in Cuba, how many cubes in one board According to the most popular sizes.

Edged board

Cutting board cutting thickness 50 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3
100*6000 20 33 0,03
120*6000 27 0,036
150*6000 22 0,045
180*6000 18 0,054
200*6000 16 0,06
250*6000 13 0,075

Cubature of the cutting board of 40 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 Volume of one board (in "Cubes")
100*6000 25 41 0,024
120*6000 34 0,0288
150*6000 27 0,036
180*6000 23 0,0432
200*6000 20 0,048
250*6000 16 0,06

Cubature of cutting board 32 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 Volume of one board (in "Cubes")
100*6000 31 52 0,0192
120*6000 43 0,023
150*6000 34 0,0288
180*6000 28 0,0346
200*6000 26 0,0384
250*6000 20 0,048

Cubature of a cutting board of 30 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 Volume of one board (in "Cubes")
100*6000 33 55 0,018
120*6000 46 0,0216
150*6000 37 0,027
180*6000 30 0,0324
200*6000 27 0,036
250*6000 22 0,045

Cubature of a cutting board of 25 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 Volume of one board (in "Cubes")
100*6000 40 67 0,015
120*6000 55 0,018
150*6000 44 0,0225
180*6000 37 0,027
200*6000 33 0,03
250*6000 26 0,0375

Cubature of cutting board of 20 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 Volume of one board (in "Cubes")
100*6000 50 83 0,012
120*6000 69 0,0144
150*6000 55 0,018
180*6000 46 0,0216
200*6000 41 0,024
250*6000 33 0,03

where a is the thickness of the board

b - its width

l - her length

Cubature board They calculate in cubic meters, so before calculating the board's cube, all the values \u200b\u200bare transferred from millimeters to meters. For example, take the board "Society" 40 * 200 * 6000: its thickness is 40 mm (0.04 m), width 200 mm (0.02 m), length - 6000 mm (6 m). Now we carry out the calculation of the boards of the boards:

0.04 * 0.2 * 6 \u003d 0.048 m 3

That is, one board "Society" 100 * 6000 has a cubage of 0.048 m 3. To determine, how many boards in the cubee, it remains only to divide 1 to the resulting amount:

1 / 0.048 \u003d 21 Board in 1 m 3.

Calculation of cabbage boards of unedged

The unedged board differs from the edged the fact that it is not processed on the sides, that is, one side has an irregular shape, and it is impossible to indicate the exact width of the boards. Difficulties with the calculation of the cabbage of the unedged boards are associated with the calculation of the cabbage, which is easier to explain on a specific example.

Unedged board

Suppose you need to sew an unedged board with a rectangular structure with dimensions of 5 * 7 meters and a 4 meter high. Board you have a thickness of 50 millimeters (0.05 m).

To begin with, calculates the finishing area. To do this, recall the school) multiply the perimeter of the building (two sides of 5, two sides of 7 - as a result of 24 meters) to a height - 4 meters. We get 96 m 2.

Now the area multiply on the thickness of the material: 96 * 0.05 \u003d 4.8 m 3

It turns out that for the plating the width of each casing element, it practically does not affect the common cub. There are no exact cubic tables for boards of unedged and can not be, because it is unknown, with which part of the log was cut out the board, and what its thickness from both sides, but can be brought soon averaged data on the cabin boards unedged:

Calculation of cabbage boards: what you need to remember

All board producers rounded the numbers to the other side that is beneficial for them. There is an error. In general, a small one, but when it comes to hundreds of cubes or a shortage of plating boards, the question becomes an edge. For example, the volume of one board is 0.018 m 3, and the manufacturer rounded this figure to 0.02 m 3. As a result, instead of the expected 55 boards you will receive only 50. Therefore, always specify this information from the sellers.

We hope our article shed the light to questions about how many boards in Cuba, how to calculate the cabin cube, how many boards in Cuba and how not to get to see when buying lumber.

Repair and construction work often imply the use of sawn timber. But stores, forest-trading bases implement them more often, and cubes.

Everything is very simple and fast.

Method for calculating edged lumber

  • caliper, roulette or folding m, with known parameters of the length of wood products can be limited to a conventional line;
  • calculator - a mobile phone is suitable, a smartphone, if there may be problems with the account "in mind";
  • a piece of paper and pencil - to fix the results of the calculations, how many boards in Cuba.
  1. Volume \u003d length × Height (product thickness) × Width.

To prevent confusion when translating cubic centimeters into cubic meters, it is more convenient to record the measurement results immediately in meters.

For example, 0.132 cubic meters. m \u003d 6 m × 0.022 m (2.2 cm) × 0.10 m (10 cm).

Now, to determine the number of skimps in Cuba, you need 1 cubic meter. M is divided by 0.132. The result (7, 5757) obtained when buying timber needs to round up to 8 pcs.

This method of calculating the cube is also suitable for a bar. So you can determine how many cubes of timber must be purchased if the required amount of products is known, or, on the contrary, determine the required number of cubes.

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How to calculate the cube of the unedged board?

To determine the required volume of timber, the easiest way is to carry out calculations similar to the above method. Only the end result must be multiplied by 1.2 - correction coefficient. Of the unedged boards, you can get more than 70-80% of edged.

The width and thickness of each product are measured taking into account its further processing. The technique will help determine the number of cubes of wooden products needed to work if the final result is planned to be further processing - trimming.

When buying, the widest and finest boards are measured to obtain an average width. If the width of the lumber from the comula is wider than the tops, the average temperature of their size is used without taking into account the lubyan layer or bark with rounding up to 10 mm. In this case, the shares from 5 mm are rounded to a total of 10 mm, and the shades of up to 5 mm are not taken into account. Length and thickness of lumber are measured in the usual way. The volume of timber is determined by the usual scheme:

  • the volume of one product is calculated;
  • the overall cube of the beloved timber is determined; According to GOST, correction coefficients are used: 0.96 - for lumber from coniferous rocks, 0.95 - for sawn timber from hardwood wood.

In addition to the divisional method for determining the volume of unedged lumber, a geometric method can be applied.

Requirements for the package of unedged timber:

  • sawn timber is laid tight, without adhesive, horizontal rows;
  • with one side ends of the boards aligned;
  • all sides of the package are strictly vertical: According to the GOST offset of individual products, it should not exceed 0.10 m;
  • over the entire length, the package of sawn timber must be the same width.

Then the amount of the package is calculated, the result obtained is multiplied by the ratio:

Timber use in the construction of protective structures, erection of buildings, internal and external sheat, for flooring and roofing. The cost of such work without taking into account fasteners, builders and other related factors depends on the number of boards used. An experienced master to produce the necessary calculations will not be difficult, but far from the construction of a person or the one who first faces the purchase of lumber will have to face some problems.

The boards are not sold by weight or ply, and cubic meters. In other words, it is not enough to know only how many units of material should be purchased. It is also necessary to calculate how many cubes need to buy. Here, many homemade and beginner masters face the main problem. It is especially difficult to navigate when it comes to the construction of a bath or cottage, since approximate calculations will give an error. To make a correct cost estimate, you need to know how much the boards are concluded in one cubic meter, which will calculate how much lumber must be ordered.

What you need to know to carry out an exact calculation?

Lumber is a collective concept that includes:

  • bar;
  • bar;
  • lagging;
  • hORNE;
  • board.

The latter is a wood material that has a rectangular cross section, which can have different values. The board is most often facilited, and on the package there is a tag, where the volume and cost is indicated. This information is applied either by the manufacturer or storekeeper.
Boards are made from various wood breeds. They pass a variety of processing, differ among themselves in width and thickness. Consequently, in one cubic meter there may be more or less boards. It all depends on the specific type of board, as well as sizes. Therefore, calculations must be carried out to a specific form. Mainly calculates for two types of boards - edged and unedged.

Primary and secondary meanings

The variety and breed of wood do not play a decisive role in the calculations. They matter for the generally accepted standard size of one boards, which can be viewed in special signs. In other cases, no matter which breed is made of lumber, the number of products in the cubic meter will be equally. In other words, the number of boards and coniferous, and from hardwood, if they have the same dimensions, will not differ.
Three indicators are of paramount importance for calculation:

  • width;
  • height;
  • length.

These parameters, as a rule, are denoted by three Latin letters a, b and c. Therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance what the board will be used edged or unedged, as well as what size it will be. The variety and breed of wood are not taken into account. This greatly facilitates the calculations.

What methods of counting the number of boards in the cubic meter of lumber exist?

Counts can be carried out in two ways:

  • The first is mathematical. It is the usual formula for calculating the volume, which everyone remembers from school, and it looks as follows: v \u003d a * b * c. This simple calculation allows you to get the volume of one board. If divided 1 cubic meter on the resulting value, you can find out how much it contains it. From the opposite, you can calculate what the lumber cube must be purchased. To this end, the volume of one board is multiplied by their number.
  • Second - according to the standard. There are special signs in which dimensions are indicated, the volume and number of boards per cubic meter. They have every qualified builder, but the ability to conduct calculations independently are important, since it is necessary to find a common cub. In addition, for unedged boards, such a technique is not suitable, as they have non-standard dimensions.

If a standard cutting board is involved in the construction, you can use the finished sign. A non-standard sawn timber has to be calculated on its own.

How many boards is concluded in one cubic meter?

If calculations are conducted independently, the volume of one board is first calculated. Next, calculate how many such units can fit in one cubic meter, that is, the unit is divided into the desired value of V. There is one important point here. Calculations are required not in millimeters or centimeters, but in meters. Otherwise they will be incorrect. It is best to immediately translate the thickness and width to this unit of measurement.

Example of calculation:

Standard larch board length, pine, cedar, ate is 6 meters. Length and width are variatives. If the first indicator is 40 mm, and the second is 150 mm, the calculation is made as follows:

  1. Length and width are translated into meters. In this case, 0.04 and 0.15 are obtained.
  2. Calculate the volume of each board, that is, V \u003d 6 * 0.15 * 0.04, receive 0.036.
  3. The number of sawn timber is calculated, that is, 1 / 0.036, obtain 27.7.

If you need a total of 80 boards, then I buy 3 cubic meters.

Cubature cutting board

A distinctive feature of this lumber is that it has standard sizes. The amount of edged board is calculated in the same way as in the example above, that is, according to formula 1 / V (A * B * C). The main thing is to translate the cross sections in meters. By such a simple mathematical calculation, it is easy to calculate how many boards of standard length of 6 meters and a different cross section in one cubic meter:

  • 25x100 - 66.6
  • 25x150 - 44.4.
  • 25x200 - 33.3;
  • 40x100 - 41.6;
  • 40x150 - 27.7;
  • 40x200 - 20.8;
  • 50x50 - 66.6;
  • 50x100 - 33.3;
  • 50x150 - 22.2;
  • 50x200 - 16.6;
  • 50x250 - 13.3.

Thanks to the finished data, you can safely count the amount of material purchased and already know how much it will be spent on the boards. If the length differs from the standard, that is, more than 6 meters, these calculations will not fit. It will be necessary to count on their own, but the formula is so simple that no difficulties will arise with it.

Cubature of unedged board

This sawn timber is different from the edged board with non-standard dimensions. Calculate how many unedged boards in one cubic meter is much more complicated. This is due to the fact that the thickness with the width at different parts of the product is different. Simply multiply these parameters can not.
First calculate the arithmetic average secting. To this end, the maximum and minimum width indicators are measured, folded together and divided into two. Similarly come with thickness. The volume formula of one board looks like this:

V \u003d (AMAX + AMIN) / 2 * (BMAX + BMIN) / 2 * C.

The disadvantage of this calculation is that it is necessary to calculate the volume of each board. This is rather problematic when working with large volumes, therefore, the lumber is usually placed in the stacks, where the difference between the largest and small is a maximum of 10 cm. Make measurements, calculate the volume. The resulting value is multiplied by the coefficient of 0.07-0.09, which is an error in the gap between the boards. Than it is more, the higher the coefficient.


Calculate the number of boards in one cubic meter is not difficult. The main thing is to know the formula and sort out the counting algorithm. It is impossible to neglect the calculations. If they are made incorrectly, there is a risk to purchase less or more material. The first will entail the need for an additional purchase of boards, but already at a less attractive price.

Excess lumber is even worse than the disadvantage. Unnecessary boards when they simply have nowhere to adapt, you need to store correctly. Otherwise, they will become unsuitable for further use. In addition, the correct calculation of the boards is necessary to compile estimates to build a wooden structure.

Before buying a floorboard, you need to calculate how much the cubes of sawn timber for the device of a particular design. In this case, the accurate calculation can be done using a conventional calculator, knowing the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the thickness of the board. Such skills will be useful to you not only in order to calculate the volume of sawn timber for flooring, but also in case you decide to build a house, because wood products are used for the construction of various designs.

Since the price of all sawn timber is charged for the cube, it is important to be able to calculate the need for this unit of measurement. This is so calculated not only by the number of boards, but also other lumber, such as timber, rails, etc. The thing is that products with the same cross section may differ long. Therefore, after determining the volume, it can be understood how many Halves will be in one Cuba.

It is important to know: when buying a chalkboard from a valuable wood product, products are sold individually. The thing is that the price of such coatings is too large, and when calculating in the cubes there is a small error.

When calculating it is better to use the usual calculator. So you can get a more accurate result and take into account all the nuances of the future design of the house. Although if you need to know how many chalk cubes, for example, a 50 mm thick, you will need for a floor device, you can use the online calculator. Such a simple calculation can be done correctly. Nevertheless, it is always useful to be able to count the number of sawn timber.

During the construction of the house or the flooring of the floor, the calculation is carried out in the same order:

  1. First you need to calculate the total volume of lumber in the cubes. Knowing wood moisture, you can decide on the weight of the entire material. It will help to decide which product delivery method to choose.

Tip: When ordering the carrier, it is better to specify the overestimated weight (10-15% more). So you will have no problems with the cargo, because the moisture declared by the manufacturer may be slightly larger or less.

  1. Next, knowing the dimensions of the boards, you need to calculate the volume of one element. Then you can find out how many products will be in Cuba. Multiplying this number on the number of cubes, you will get the total number of flooring for your floor design.

However, such a simple calculation is applicable to edged elements, because they are processed from all sides and during their storage to the gapshots practically does not remain. To calculate how many Cubes of Unedte Boards are necessary for the floor device, you will have to use the correction coefficient, because because of the unprocessed side of the product when laying in the stack there will be too many gaps.

Example of calculation

Suppose that in the house you want to shop with a thickness of 50 mm room with dimensions of 5x6 m. Counting the volume of sawn timber and product number in such a sequence:

  • We find the area of \u200b\u200bthe room: 6x5 \u003d 30 m².
  • Since we decided to use a 50 mm thick board or 0.05 m, the step of lag can be made 1 meter.
  • Knowing the thickness of the element and the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, we obtain the volume of sawn timber: 30 m² x 0.05 m \u003d 1.5 m³.
  • Now using the calculator, you can calculate how many half a row you will need. For this, knowing the wound dimensions, we count it with the volume: 2m x 0.05 m x 0.13 m \u003d 0.013 m³. Now we divide the total volume of lumber to the resulting number for an element with a thickness of 50 mm: 1.5: 0.013 \u003d 115 boards.

Thus, using a conventional calculator, you can calculate the need for other lumber for the construction of the house: lining, timber, rails.

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Stall construction, any domestic master once faces the need to purchase boards. And here it begins the most interesting. Calculating the width and length of the desired quadrature, the novice is enough for the head - how to be? After all, such material in the construction markets are sold in volume, and not by area. Today we will try to figure out how many boards in Cuba (the table of average values \u200b\u200bwill also be provided by us) and how to produce all the calculations yourself. Also at the end of the article there will be an online calculator that will allow without any problems to fulfill all the necessary calculations.

It is important to know not only the size of the sawn timber, but also its volume

Everyone understands that the form and size of the sawn timber will depend on how much the cubic meters will be needed for one or another construction. But first you need to understand what types and types of material can meet. The main ones can be allocated:

  • Edged timber;
  • Planed beam;
  • Planed lump;
  • Edged bar;
  • Edged and floor board;
  • Unedged materials.

Each of these types has its own characteristics and is applied in its area. For example, the frame does not build without, but to sow them the wall - the top of irrationality. For this now we will consider each of these types separately.

Edged timber and its applications

The edged timber is applied in cases where aesthetics is not so important in appearance. It can have cracks that occur during its drying after processing. It is manufactured by drinking the central part from the usual log, and only after that passes the minimum drying. Such lumber although they are considered expensive, but still cost cheaper than planed products.

Planed beam: what is his differences from the edged

Differences here are fundamental. If no log preparation is required for the manufacture of the previous version, it is pre-dry for the planed, and only after that it goes to the panel. The surface of such a product is smooth, polished. The bar of this type can be even a good decor element. Simply put, if it is necessary to build walls under the finishing, the edged bar is purchased, but the plane finish does not require. It can be simply covered with varnish. If we talk about strength, then the planed product is less.

Planed Bar - What is his differences from the bar

In essence, this is the same, the difference here is only in size. The bar has a smaller height of the ribs, which means it is not suitable for the construction of frameworks or residential buildings. More often such material is used for decorative purposes. It also finds the application in mounting frames for the interior decoration of rooms or reinforcing jumpers of various wooden shields. The difference between the edged and planed bars and the same types of timber is the same.

Edged and floorboard: their features and differences

The differences in these sawn timber are also noticeable at first glance. Edged board is not acromene. It has a smooth form, while, at the same time, it is not suitable for finishing finish. In contrast, sexual has three smoothly treated edges (except for the bottom wide) and often has a groove on one side and spikes on the other. This is done for a more dense connection of them between themselves, as well as to reduce loads and eliminating the deformation of the floor during operation.

Unedged materials - what they represent

These are the cheapest products. When sawing the logs, only two opposite sides are processed. Thus, the edges of the boards are irregular. More often such lumber are used for rough construction.

How many boards in the cubic meter: standard sizes table

Some ask an interesting question - and how many square meters in Cuba. In fact, it is impossible to answer it! After all, in order to determine this, you need to know how to know the thickness of the board. Without this parameter, no calculations do. Let's try to understand how to calculate the cube.

The difficulties of large it does not represent, but requires care. We need to understand how many boards in Cuba. And for this you need to calculate the cubature of one of them in size. For example, the board with a cross section of 1000x250 mm and a length of 4 m. Then calculations, after the translation of the measurement units into meters, will be as follows: 0.1 × 0.025 × 4 \u003d 0.01 m 3. This will be the answer to the question how to calculate the cabin cube.

How many boards in Cuba: Middle Values \u200b\u200bTable

For example, there are boards with defined dimensions. How to calculate the cube of such a lumber by the number of boards? You can use the following table:

Board size, mmVolume 1 boards, m3Number of boards in 1 m3, pcsThe volume of overpayment when rounding in a smaller side,%
25x150x40000,015 66,7 1
40x150x40000,024 41,6
20x100x60000,012 83,3 2,8
25x100x60000,15 66,7 1
40x100x60000,024 41,6 0,7
50x100x60000,03 33,3 1
25x150x6000.0,025 44,4 1
30x150x60000,027 37,04 0,01
40x150x6000.0,036 27,8 2,9
50x150x60000,045 22,2 0,9
25x200x60000,03 33,3 1
40x200x60000,048 20,8 3,8
50x200x60000,06 16,7 4,2
It's important to know! To calculate how many square meters in a cubic meter, you need to know all the dimensions of the board. Without information about length, width and thickness, nothing will happen.

Average weight values \u200b\u200bfor different humidity

Breed nameRaw, kg / m3Dry, kg / m3
Birch880 650
Oak990 720
Spruce710 450
Cedar700 440
Larch840 670
Linden750 500
Aspen750 500
Pine810 510
Ash960 700

It turns out that one ash cube will be much heavier than the same linden volume. It should be borne in view when planning transportation.

How to calculate the amount of material

Consider how to fully calculate how many pieces of the boards will be in one cubic meter. This is done according to the following formula:

1 m 3 / (l × h × b) \u003d n pieces where

  • L. - the length of the board;
  • h. - width;
  • b. - Thickness.

As you can see, the calculations are absolutely not difficult.

Helpful information! If they say that the board is needed - it will be the size: the width is 75-250 mm, the length is 2000-6000 mm, but the thickness is always a standard - 25 mm. Often, this name of the size can be heard in building markets.

Calculator Cabinature Board or How to perform calculations easier

The algorithm of action itself how to calculate the cubic meter by quantity, probably now is understandable. But there is no desire to engage in various computing. And they are quite simple to make mistakes. Now we will tell you how to calculate the CDS, without producing complex computing.

For such cases, there are special programs called cubic meter calculators. What are they comfortable? The main convenience of such programs is their accuracy. Calculator calculating the board in Cuba is deprived of the human factor, which eliminates the possibility of error in the process of calculations. Another pretty weighty argument in his favor is the rate of computing. You just need to enter the correct data in the appropriate fields and click on the "Calculate" button. More from the user nothing is required. Online boards calculator in Cuba instantly give the result in quantity.