Repairs Design Furniture

How to make the horn blacksmith on the corner. Selection of construction and self-making for blacksmith horn. Tool necessary for the manufacture of gas horn



Make a blacksmith horn with your own hands - not the most difficult task. At the same time, you will get the opportunity at home to create masterpieces from metal. Of course, making the mountains do it yourself. It makes sense only if you are going to work with the metal, to joke some products.

Photo of blacksmith horn

Forged elements are actively used in industry and ordinary everyday life. It can be both huge complex structures and the simplest small crafts.

To be able to rive metal, it is necessary for the presence of a forge and a device that will warm up the metal to the required temperature in 1000-1300 degrees. How to achieve this at home? That's right, you need to build a mountain with your own hands.

The blacksmithing mining device is just intended to heat metal blanks to high temperatures.

Mountains have the same principle of operation, and differ devices only by type of fuel used. This affects the type of construction.

Modern blacksmiths preferring to work at home, use coke as fuel. This is due to the fact that the coke provides a high temperature with a small flow rate, it highlights a minimum of waste.

Nuances of independent manufacture

How can I make homemade blacksmith horn? To do this, you will need drawings with a suitable model of the heating device and a room where the equipment will be located.

Mountains differ in the type of heating chambers.

  1. Closed warm-up cameras. They are most effective because they minimize the cost of fuel, ensuring excellent heating of the blanks. But the billets themselves are limited in size, as they depend on the dimensions of the camera.
  2. Open heating cameras. Such a design provides that fuels are poured onto a grasp grille, and the air supply is provided below. The billet from the metal is fuel. Although fuel consumption is somewhat larger, but the blanks can be used larger.

How to make a blacksmith horn in order to get the opportunity to rush hardware at home? Consider each stage of construction construction.

Stock Foto Blacksmith Horn made with her hands

  1. Table. The table is the basis of the homemade mountain. Drawings show that this element is easy enough. Typically, the height of the table is up to 80 centimeters, and for the lid use a metal with a thickness of 5 millimeters. The working surface may have different sizes. It all depends on what metal blanks you are going to work. Another building option is to use corners to create a frame. The brick and grate grille are stacked inside it. The grille should be located in the center.
  2. The grille is mounted in a hole performed in the table. Then the refractory brick is closed on all sides. Wrap the table height directly under its growth so that the design is at the level of the belt.
  3. Subdivide. In order for the mining device to work efficiently, it requires high-quality blowing air. Due to oxygen, the temperature rises, the metal begins to melt. In traditional structures, the mines were used to pushe with a foot drive. But now everyone has the opportunity to use electricity, because the optimal solution is an electric fan or an old vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner serves the air of the desired force. In the presence of a frequency regulator, you will get a chic homemade mountain.
  4. Now all design elements are collected into a single system - homemade metalworking horn.
  5. Place the required amount of fuel onto the grille. First, use snapping and medium firewood, after which the coke turns. Turn on the subttage, place your workpiece over the fuel. Top to iron is allowed to add coke in small quantities. If there is no coke or there are large reserves from wood, you can use them.

This is the model of the simplest blacksmith horn. If there is a desire or opportunity, you can significantly improve your own equipment for a blacksmith, bringing it closer to the features of industrial horn.

What does industrial mountain

Professional blacksmiths use industrial mines that are characterized by increased efficiency and high reliability. Make an independent industrial blacksmith horn is almost impossible. But somehow closer to the homemade model to the ideal is quite real.

What is the difference in industrial mountain, and which components are part of its design?

  • Air supply nozzle. Homemade mines instead of nozzles use the hose of the old vacuum cleaner supplying air;
  • Refractory brick. There is a complete analogy of the home and industrial device;
  • Grate. Most homemade skins provide for the use of grate with a grate. Many make it out of old pans with thick walls;
  • Solid fuel socket. This nest allows you to conveniently load the amount of solid fuel is necessary. To equip a similar element, homemade mining problems will not be;
  • Carcass bricks. These are already stationary devices that are laid by bricks. For a simple mountain, such elements are already superfluous;
  • Air supply fan. We reviewed an example with a conventional vacuum cleaner, which copes well with the task of air injection. If you want, you can use fans or other similar devices;
  • Metal carcass. It is based on the table;
  • Air chamber. In homemade blacksmith, it is not, but if you need professional equipment, it will not be superfluous to equip the device with the camera;
  • Solnik. If you are going to regularly use your horn at home, we advise you to equip it as a asht. So it will be easier to care for the device;
  • Horker horn.

What exactly to complement your blacksmith device - decide for yourself. At the same time, we advise you to adhere to several recommendations in order to increase the efficiency of the device.

  1. Fuel can perform coal, firewood and coke. Although the coke is more expensive, but it is spent 5 times less coal, it allocates smaller amounts of soot and waste. Small coke - the most efficient type of fuel for the mountain.
  2. Alternative type of fuel for mining gas. Moreover, from cylinders or highways. Applying gas, the perfume you will not need. Plus gas to the ability to control the temperature of heating and availability.
  3. Above the mountain should be installed an exhaust umbrella consisting of a metal with a thickness of 4-5 millimeters.
  4. If the mountain works on gas, the sides need to perform holes for the burner.
  5. Blacksmith devices need smoke removal systems. This pipe is a height of 5 millimeters, the cross section of which is 30 to 30 centimeters.
  6. A good vacuum cleaner replacement is a fan from the stove that is installed on cars.
  7. If you do in the back wall hole, ventilation will be much more efficient.

Looking at the photo of Gornov and having studied the video of the manual for their independent manufacture, it can be concluded - there is nothing complex in the construction of such aggregates. Another question - Do you need you?

In a blacksmithous business, the mountain is used to warm and warm up the workpieces from the metal before thermal processing. The operating temperature in this device rises to 1200 degrees. By design, the device can be stationary and mobile (that is, to be placed directly in a specially equipped forge or transferred to a convenient place for work). For industry, the equipment is equipped with different devices, for household use, the mountain is produced in the simplest version.

Features of household blacksmith horn

Due to the high cost of melting installations, not every user can buy such special purpose equipment. For household needs to collect gas blacksmith horn with their own hands easy Subject to the correct definition of the shape, power and device of the supervision system. The household simpletic forge for art forging or casting from non-ferrous metal can be collected from several chamotte bricks and sheet steel.

Make the mountain at home to work with ferrous metal does not represent complexity. It is possible to make a simple design from a metal container, in the lateral part of which you need to make a hole for the gas burner. The fuel supply system can be collected from the cutting of the pipe and couplings, long bolts are suitable for the base design under the container. The lining of the gas focus is performed by swelling the solution from alabaster or gypsum, sand and water.

Mountains must be equipped with a protective casing, a ceramic tube or a suitable bottle. After performing the lining and drilling holes for supplying gas, the device is installed in a convenient location, but at a distance from flammable materials. The advantages of the design include the ability to move the furnace, adjust the degree of heating of the workpiece, which is especially convenient in the process of working with different forging materials.

Principle of installation of installation

Before embarking on the thermal installation, it is necessary to understand the principles of work of homemade mountain for forging metalTo simplify the design of the furnace for home use. At the heart of the device is based on an energy yield when burning a mixture of carbon and oxygen, the percentage of metal isolation in the molten form. In the process of smelting, carbon stops the metal oxidation reaction, the constant subdivination of gas into the fuel quickly increases the temperature in the mountain.

The process of heat heating requires certain skills and specific knowledge. It is not enough to collect mini-mountains with your own hands, it is necessary to learn to control the supply of oxygen into fuel, the volume of which should be not more than 95%. If the workpiece overheats, the metal carburization occurs, the steel becomes fragile, turning into cast iron.

Working out the drawing of the future forge adaptation, special attention should be paid to the type of energy substance affecting the design of the focus. By type, fuel for mining happens:

  • gas (Bhutan, propane);
  • liquid (diesel brass, fuel oil);
  • solid (charcoal, coke);
  • mixed (gas-liquid).

Depending on the planned work and the size of the workpiece, the thermal furnace can be with an open or closed zone of the hearth. The home master should be remembered that household gas can be used in the mountain only after pre-cleaning from sulfur using the "run" using liquid naphthalene. Products from a gas torque of metal cannot be used as loaded parts.

The main requirement to ensure the security of the master is the installation of a powerful forced ventilation system, even if a household solder apparatus operating on a balloon gas is used for the blacksmith horn device. The device will make it possible to engage in the manufacture of decorative elements of the interior and exterior in its own garage.

Making a soldering lamp furnace

Machining Mount for forging with your own hands, Soldering lamp need to be installed in a deepening, on the perimeter of which to lay chamotte brick with a grate grid. When laying out refractory bricks, it is necessary to observe the distance between the enclosing elements in order to ensure the flow of air masses into the combustion chamber. The angle of location relative to each other blocks of construction material is determined by the Master.

In the deepening, equipped with bricks on the grid, charcoal or coke falls asleep, it is put on the soldering lamp that is supplied under grip. The billet for forgings is laid in the gap between the brick masonry, the coal concentrate is set down to the bottom. To remove smoke over grate, a probe is installed, a tent or chimney.

Solid fuel device for forge

The simplest model of a solid fuel device for a private forge is a street open furnace, for equipping which does not require installation of the ventilation system. The construction of the structure provides for the fill of the reinforced concrete base, the basis of the structure must be laid a wall brick. The table is installed at a convenient height.In one wall left the hole for pissed.

Mountain under it is laid out of chammed bricks with a support for steel corners, an cavity for grate is left in the middle part of the structure. Ensure sufficient thrust in the focus will help chimney or probe, the air supply system is mounted at the final stage of construction work. Strengthening the craving will help the installation in the chimney of the electric fan or the installation of blacksmithing fur.

In the home blacksmith, the capacity for quenching parts and the gas-aircraft are not mandatory elements. They can be useful when in the process of working with bouquet steel it is necessary to carry out thermal or shockproof hardening. The gas-aircase is held:

  • drying and heated oxygen;
  • filtration of oxygen from condensate and extraneous impurities;
  • mixing air with twisted substances for steel doping.

For smelting of precious metals and creating alloy of non-ferrous metals, it is necessary to manufacture the manufacture of heat-resistant material. The device made in the form of a cap allows you to increase the operating temperature in the furnace without the risk of overheating of the billet and formation of a car.

Homemade Gas

For the manufacture of a simple home forge on Gas, you can use spare parts from an old bike. If on the lathe to make the "astector" from the gearbox, the device can function on butane or propane, heated closed mines of small volume. An important condition for using a portable design is a ban on the operation of the burner with acetylene, since the high temperature of the flame can burn the former "asterisk", and the oven simply explode.

To assemble such a device is easy, while the homemade Mountain for the forging is not much inferior to industrial, but it costs much cheaper. The main thing is to be observed in the manufacture and use of the security rule.

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"Horn" The Word of the German origin Horn, initially - "Rog", then Horn received many other values, if only the object somehow came into a horn or from him occurred; One of the highest peaks of the Alps is called Matterhorn. The ancient melting mountain, in which crop iron was obtained, looks like a signaling pipe from the horn, put down, so he became a mountain, and from him and blacksmith horn, although he doesn't look like a horn.

In the blacksmith horn, it is used to heat the metal before forging, cementing and other heat treatment operations. Gorn - the thing is very necessary to everyone who works with the metal: he Allows you to obtain in handicraft temperatures to 1100 and even 1200 degreesMaybe both large stationary and small desktop, and make a horn on your own hands does not represent much work and difficulties.

To enjoy a blacksmith mining traditional design, you need to be enough well-known and skillful master, especially in terms of the choice of fuel, about the lower it will be mentioned in more detail. Considerable experience requires the basis of the focus of Gorna - Furma - and a superior device. The use for the heating of natural gas, although it does not allow forge in the homeland of Damask blade or Indian Bulat WC, as a classic coal horn, but significantly simplifies the design: Gas mining can be collected for half an hour from 6 chamotte bricks and several trimming steel, and the temperature and temperature of heating will be sufficient for so popular now small artistic forging or smelting of non-ferrous metals and alloys under casting.

Device Gorna

Classic production horn is as follows, see rice on the right:

  1. mountain table from refractory material;
  2. topial (hearth) with a grate grid;
  3. air chamber;
  4. air drainage;
  5. supply air duct;
  6. air valve;
  7. camera (tent) Horn;
  8. window for feeding long blanks;
  9. horn umbrella;
  10. chimney (gas feed);
  11. removable horn;
  12. hardening bath (Badja, Lohan);
  13. gas-aircraft.

Principle of operation Gorna

To make Horn himself and successfully use it, we'll figure it out how Mountain works, which in it to what and that it can be reduced to it and simplify in conditions of home use without deteriorating the quality of metal processing. Based on the work of Mountains is the chemical reaction of carbon monoxide 2c + O2 \u003d 2CO2 + 188.1 kcal. According to her energy generation (94.05 kcal / mol, i.e. 12 g, completely burned, they will give 94.05 kkal heat) it can be seen that carbon is a very strong reducing agent, i.e. Equally connected with oxygen.

This carbon property from time immemorial is used in metallurgy for smelting iron and other metals: their ores are often appropriate oxides or their derivatives. Carbon is unceremoniously offeminating oxygen, and nothing else remains to be disbanded, except to stand out in free form.

In the blacksmith mining, the reduction capacity of carbon is also used partly as preventing the oxidation of the workpiece. Simply, the metal is not burned. But no less, high calorific value of carbon is important here: blowing enough air into the mass of fuel so that it is enough to burn it, it can be burned pretty quickly, and a large amount of heat distinguished and the temperature will develop high.

Dressing in the mountain is regulated in such a way that the oxygen fuel is slightly lacked, it will completely prevent metal oxidation. However, if the workpiece in the mountain redden, then the carbonization will go: the metal, especially steel, will, as they say, is said to be overly, disproportionate ascending of hardness, fragile. An example of absolutely risen iron - cast iron. In metallurgy, to obtain structural steel from it, the molten cast iron is subjected to redistribution: in the converter or otherwise, oxygen is introduced into it, taking extra carbon.

On another fuel

So the old carbon horn works. Initially, it was treated with charcoal, then coke. It is almost clean carbon. Basically gorn can be drowned and firing, giving them to pre-burn to coal. before charcoal; How - look later.

The mining device is much simpler if it takes a peeled monogaz, propane or butane on the fuel. They consist of carbon and hydrogen, which is also an excellent reducing agent and, connecting with oxygen, gives even more heat. Moreover, gas can be mixed with air oxygen in advance, even in the burner. How gas burners are arranged for the mountain, we will also look forward, but still we state the fact: gas mountains from bricks can be collected on an ambulance hand, if only the burner was, see Fig. (How to make gas mountains itself, you can also look at the video at the end of the section).

However, this concerns only pure industrial monoguses. Household natural gas, firstly, consists of a mixture of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons having a different combustion of various oxygen needs and different heat dissipation. Those., Configure the optimal air supply to heat the metal under high-quality hardening or cementing is fundamentally impossible.

Secondly, in the composition of natural gas in insignificant quantities there are sulfur, silicon, phosphorus. At least in the form of artificially administered in household gas for the immediate detection of the leakage of "Fun" - Mercptan. If phosphorus and silicon, with an accurate dosage, can still be useful (first - for surface phosphating; the second - to improve magnetic properties), then sulfur - the worst enemy of steel, cleaning its operational value, and irreversible, it is necessary to restore a complete overpacking.

Therefore, household gas as fuel for the mountain can be used, firstly, only after cleaning from sulfur compounds. The simplest, but by no means a free way to skip the gas from the cylinder before serving in the burner, through a container with naphtalin. He is not less than carbon to oxygen to sulfur. Secondly, heated in the Gas Mountain only not responsible and not loaded in the following details; Let's say decorative elements of artistic metal products.

Note: In the wood of sulfur, it also grabs with an excess for steel poisoning. But her and others, t. Alloying poisons can be smelted in advance, see below.

Video: Gas Mountains do it yourself

Purpose of Gorna

Now let's go back to the list at the beginning and see what in Mountain for what. And then we will already take the manufacture of a mountain according to the samples, discussed further or independently, based on the available materials and opportunities.

In industry on the lining of the table there is a predominantly quartz refractory brick, it serves a decade at an intensive workload. Homemade Mountains usually fucked by oven chamotte brick, cheaper and affordable. With irregular use, it is also enough for years.

The toproom with a grate grid, an air chamber with a drainage and a feeding nozzle with a valve form the heart of Horn - Furma. In industrial samples, replaceable tunts are used for different methods of heating and heated blanks. An amateur or master-to-individual is most often just one tightly mounted on a table with a solid perforated round holes with a grate grid.

Air drainage is needed to accurately and promptly, without rearing view from the workpiece, adjust the blow. It will not be able to sing the unfinished item and hardening it will not accept; Overheated and the overwhelmed will go under the hammer, and in the hardening bath it will lead it at least, or even crawls. And in any case will be unacceptable fragile. As it seems to determine its readiness for forging or quenching - a special conversation. But experienced blacksmiths know that torturing excess air to the atmosphere you need to have time in seconds.

The purpose of the chamber, or the tent, the mountain together with its umbrella and chimney - remove the flue gases from the working area. These in the preparation of coal mass (see below) is allocated abundantly, and no health is useful. The thrust in the chimney is needed good, because Front (working) window of the tent and opening for a long period (pipes, metal profiles) are open constantly.

As for the hardening bath and a gas-aircraft, they can be, and may not be, it's already at your discretion. Hardening bath must be needed if you are going to kill t. Naz. Damascus, bouquet steel products. They need a thermal hardening, i.e. From Horn - instantly in the bath.

Note: about the nrav of the past. Sometime, bouquet blades were considered the best, hardened in the living body of the prisoner of a strong enemy or, as a last resort, a muscular slave.

Gas-aircraft in industry is used:

  • For additional drying and heating air.
  • For the purification of blowing air from impurities and condensate.
  • For administration to the air gaseous alloying additives.

At home, super-super specialspava do not get; The problem of condensate in production occurs when the overall network of compressed air. In the low-powerful mountain, the air is sufficiently heated, passing through the openings of the tuner of the tuner, and it is possible to clean the household gas from sulfur, passing it through the naphtaline layer, as mentioned above. In general, make a gas-conductor, do not make your business.

Finally, morning. This is a heat-resistant cap, expanding the zone extremely high temperature. It is put if the mountain is melted in the crucible color or precious metals and alloys (gold melting point of 1060 degrees, silver 960, copper 1080, brass and bronze 900), cementing parts in the muffle, etc. It makes no sense to look for an expensive, in a homely forge, it will completely replace a dozen chamotte bricks, laid out on the part in the detail. In such a configuration, homemade mountain will be replaced and expensive.

How to drown horn?

To take finally for your own mountain, it remains to find out, but how to turn it? Then in the designs it will be easier to understand.

Best Fuel for Horn - Small Coke. The blacksmiths are called Koksik, the name was adopted and merchants. If on sale coke, and there is a coxic in fine packaging. It is Koksik, looking up to the region, 3 times more expensive than stone coal, but it goes to 1 forging with the skillful circulation once every 4-5 less.

Coke is practically pure amorphous carbon, carbon. Really pure: coke gas - valuable chemical raw materials, so metallurgists do not chellut. It is flammable at 450-600 degrees, so the extract is needed double: firewood is burned, and the coke of 150-170 m layer is applied to it and turn the blow to the maximum. When the coal will progrit (this is visible on the flame), the cocke of coke is unloaded, leaving the layer of 1 / 3-1 / 4 on the height of the entire heap of the entire heap, injected into the focus and enhance the burning fuel. The blowing is drilled to the norm for this operation and are waiting until the item dates back.

Damascus need charcoal, it lights up at a smaller temperature and burns faster, because Keeps a microporous wood structure. As well as how activated carbon in the gas mask, additionally absorbs the alloying poisons. The fact is that the bualants are picked out of the beam of the wire or rods of different hardness. The product itself is obtained by their mutual diffusion when forging. The process is very thin, and the blast adjustment is needed jewelry, and lightly porous charcoal on the manipulation of air drainage speaks instantly.

If they drown a stone coal, he needs to score to carbon. Volatile components, the coke gas must burn. This is again visible by flame color. But such a complete extraction of volatile, as in the coke battery, is not achieved right in the mountain, so on the corner it is possible to cow decorative or average quality of everyday product. As a rule, one boot of coal is not enough and it is necessary to survive. Loading on afterburning is put on the bottom of the side on the table and as the resulting carbon on the workpiece is progressed.

Firing drown in general the same as coal, but only deciduous. Just a bunch of firewood will rather run up to ash than completely release volatile and form coal. In addition, it is impossible to make it impossible to hit the wrong pinch to the part in the wood of harmful to steel impurities. Therefore, firewood on carbon in the mountain burned in the shell, see fig. The contracting is burned by placing close to it and as coals are triggered to be transferred to the hips.

We undertake for Horn

The novice blacksmith for the acquisition of experience and faint is best to make a mini-mountain of 6 chamotte bricks, see fig. The blade of the ax in order to shave it was possible, or the hunting knife in it would not split under the hardening, but you can warm the trifle for art forging, the ends of the long one under the forging or bending or melted the dragsmer in the tigel.

Shelves of the grate of the steel pipes, and the most grate - from the steel strip 4-6 mm thick. Copyrights need to be spinning at an angle to capture the blowing flow, as shown in Fig. Fuel - coke or coal. Razhihig and shirt - soldering lamp, gas or fuel and fuel burner. If a soldering lamp is used, it is used between it and the mountain need to put an asbestos partition with a window under nozzle: Mountains intensively radiates the heat and the lamp tank can explode. Enjoy this mountain only outdoors, because There is no umbrella with chimney.

Note: An interesting option is a small mountain on an ambulance hand of the minimum cost, see video:


The next design is portable Mountains from ... Gusyatnitsy. The design is clear from fig. The lining is a chamotte mergel in a mixture with chamoten sand (ground chamotte bricks, is on sale). Four lining after drying - in the course of work.

Prepared is not necessarily a fan from manual sirens, as in Fig. You can use any suitable, see below by attaching it to metal. This, by the way, will make a job with a long way more convenient. In this case, at the deaf end of the air duct, air drainage is needed like how for a mobile mountain, which will still be said.

The possibilities of Mountain from the Goosemann sewn than 6-brick, because The workspace is greater and open from above. But there are significant limitations:

  1. Inspection design: When cleaning the tuar (see Next about the stationary mountain), the nagar falls down and clogs the perforation of the air duct, even if its holes are oriented or down. For cleaning you have to break the lining.
  2. It works only on coke or charcoal, because There are no tables with space for burning.
  3. Dear exploitation: carbon consumption is comparable to such coal in real mountains.
  4. Low operating temperature, up to 900 degrees, because Not a foliage lining with a greater cracks.

About cavalry and sewing machines

Once, every squadron of the cavalry of all the armies of the world had a portable horn on the farm with a foot driven from the crank-connecting mechanism for the forging of horseshoes and horseshoe nails. He was called cavalry, see fig. If we talk about non-volatile mountain, it is much more convenient than the fan from the siren: both hands are free. Yes, even sequalous connants teach horses to put on a pedal with hoofs.

Now Cavalry Mountains can be seen except in the Museum of the Red Army. But - we will show the mixture - old sewing machines with a foot drive are still exploited and sold. And this is the same crank with the driving pulley of a suitable diameter and a durable bed for the table. Plus the wheels on which the mountain roll can be.

What is the fan?

Below we turn to the designs are already quite functional for which a full-fledged blowing is required. And electricity for the fan will be found everywhere. But what is the fan for the mountain? Once the mines thought for furs; To whom is curious, like blacksmithing bellows are arranged, see fig. on right.

Note: it is precisely on the remnants of blacksmithing fur in ancient times, archaeologists found that metallurgy in primitive peoples had a mystical sexual meaning - from Scandinavia to South Africa, the clay fitting Mountain was performed in the form of male genitals, and the nest for him in the mountain - female.

As for performance, it is enough 200-250 l / min for a stationary horn on Coke. Those., The power of the fan motor is sufficient from 80-100 W.

It is significantly more important that we need to push the air through a rather dense mass of the sword fuel. Therefore, when choosing a fan, first of all, you need to pay attention to the pressure being created by it at zero performance, T. Naz. Limit pressure. The meaning of this parameter is simple: the limit pressure of the fan will create, catching air into a closed cavity.

For the mountain, you need a limit pressure from 220-230 mm. RT. Art., What corresponds to about 0.3 ATI. Axial fans (impeller) This creates only industrial, type VN-2 or its analogues. Household exhaust and industrial cooling over limit pressure are generally not normalized at all and, as a rule, do not create the necessary.

In addition, they drive the air to the ultimate pressure slowly, for a minute, and with thin fork blacksmithing work, the blowing should be changed in seconds. The receiver is useless: when the valve is opened, the air will expand on the adiabat in it, which at 0.3 ati will give only a pshik.

Total conclusion: for the supervision of the mountain, you need a centrifugal fan-snail. The specification can not be found, the desired limit pressure will give any centrifugal fan by the very principle of its action. It is best to take the snails from the radiation protection systems of military equipment, they have high performance. True, food is 12, 24 or 27 in direct current, so you will need a transformer and rectifier of the appropriate power.

It is perfect for any old household vacuum cleaner, but here it is necessary to consider that its power will almost always be redundant. It should not be reduced by a lather or a thyristor regulator: the motor will work in the heavy mode of excessive sliding of the rotor and the resource and so relaxed old man will be small. It is best to make a wide air drainage in Furma, as in the stationary mining described.


Here in fig. - Drawings of a deservedly popular design: already full-featured mobile mountain, intended for use in the open air. It was this kind of such a device in mind when reflected about cavalry and sewing machines.

Pay attention to the node designated by the number 1. This is a drainage of fine blast adjustment. The drainage tube is retractable-moved, and at the bottom there is a longitudinal row of small, 1-2 mm diameter, holes. Airflower air to drainage, you can very accurately adjust reducing.


Stationary mines make experienced masters under their anthropometric data. A piece of hot iron-hot iron weighing in a few kilos in the ticks - the subject is extremely attendant, so the ergonomics of stationary mountains should be perfect.

Note: In the novel by A. N. Tolstoy "Peter the first", the case is colorfully described, as a young else king master gained a decent drainage from a subalkal blacksmith for awkwardness when the armature paws are awkward. Only the huge physical strength of Peter prevented the production state of emergency.

Take sizes

The approximate dimensions of the stationary horn are shown in Fig.

It is approximate, but the height of the table and its sizes need to be defined exactly:

  • We become smooth, legs on the width of the shoulders. Right freely lowered hand bend in the elbow.
  • The assistant measures the distance from the elbow bending to the floor. We add to it 5-7 cm, it will be the height of the table.
  • Now we take the largest ticks in the same hand, the assistant measures the distance from the abdomen before the ends of their sponges.
  • We add 10-12 cm to it, we received half the length of the diagonal table.
  • The length of the sides of the square table takes equal to 1.4 on the length of the semi-diagonal (0.707 from the total diagonal).

Note: doing the table is not necessary, because Details ticks will be taken different. And rectangular - it is possible if you work together with a grain.


The sequence of facilitation of stationary mountain is visible from fig. Aerier Furma with a superior from the vacuum cleaner or autophip snails is better lowering down, and the damper of the air drainage at the same time (PP. 4 and 5) make retractable forward. It turns out the air receiver is quite large capacity, and the damper can be put forward to moving the shoes.

Also pay attention to the whole grateproof, pos. 2. It is in this case special for Gorn. The secret is in crossed luggage, separating the slab on the squares. Nagar accumulates in them. If you screw holes in a smooth plate, then after each forging will have to be removed by a steel rod.

But why can not make a grid with a set of planks, like in the stove? Because the fuel mass is not sintered uniformly. In the slots between the planks, the air flow will jump where it is free to exit. In that place, the temperature will be higher, and the entire billet may turn out to be stained. An eye-eye master will not be noticed, but under the load, local fragility will affect. And the transmission of the air through the two-dimensional regular structure (single-dimensional chimney) reduces the irregularity of air distribution an order of magnitude. If the perfume is three-dimensional, as shown in Fig. With a mining device at the beginning, the unevenness of air distribution practically does not affect.

And how to be if there is no place to take a special car? Then an acceptable output is a fully self-made furma with a concentric arrangement of the holes with a diameter of 8-10 mm, see fig. On the right, such a system is not as quickly clogged and the blowing in the area provides more or less uniform. According to the principle of action, it seems to the soul diffuser.

To upgrade the air shower with a vacuum cleaner, fuel will blow out. You need to take a snail from auto pony or similar to it. To regulate the drinage in this case, too, it is undesirable, the optimal to uniform blasting is weak. It is necessary to embed a throttle into the air duct, and the bottom cover of the furma is removable only for cleaning.


And at the end we will give the drawings of a few burners for gas skins. For artistic forging, they are quite suitable, but, not say, from blacksmithing works, it is the most sought-after. All these burners are injection straight-flow. There are much more efficient and universal vortex too complicated for self-making.

The first, in fig., The most difficult. To make it, you need to be a milling mill at least 5 real discharge. But it works on any gas (except acetylene, see below!), The belligent mixture and gives a very powerful prediment: can blow and large stationary mountains described above.

Next (see Fig.) Simply and contains less details, although it is necessary to accurately sharpen a gender cones. Blowing is also fine, but it works only on propane. Under the butane nozzle is required completely narrow, but Bhutan is applied little.

Through a thorough outer surface of the D1 injector and drill the nozzle in one installation. The nozzle is drilled by a carbide drill and is perfectly scan. This is the main drawback of the design: a fine accurate instrument is required, not everywhere and not always available.

Below in fig. Two burners simpler. Left - accurate universal under household gas or propane. It can produce a maximum of a small mobile Mountain, but to sharpen the parts under the strength of Tokari-middle jack. You only need to own the technology of landing parts into hot tension. Which, however, is not difficult.

On the right - the burner-homemade. Most details, including nipple - from the bike. From turning, it is only required to sharpen in the size of the smallest star from the cycling gearbox. This burner is omnivorous: propane, butane, household gas cocktail, fuel trucks. But you can warm it only small brick closed mines shown at the beginning.

Note: in no case do not put these burners acetylene! Metal in the mountain will burn and before the explosion for not long!


Well, how to make a mountain, we now know. And what to do with it with metal - a separate big topic. Blacksmithing with Horn just begins.

Blacksmith Horn is indispensable in workshops and forge for creating steel products by forging hot metal at temperatures up to + 1200 ° C. There are many different models with a simple design and for different types of fuel, possessing various characteristics. How not to be mistaken in their choice and competently build?

Constructive Mountain consists of the following elements:

  • bases made of non-combustible material and having high strength;
  • refractory table;
  • fuel chamber with grate grid;
  • air chamber and drainage;
  • input duct;
  • air valve for air supply adjustment;
  • shatal shape chambers;
  • operance for feeding long blanks;
  • horn umbrella;
  • gas-aircraft;
  • baths for hardening blanks;
  • chimney for removal of combustion products;
  • removable horn.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of the mountain is based on a chemical carbon combustion reaction, which, with oxygen reaction, forms carbon dioxide with heat release. In addition, there is a restoration of metals, which is a very important aspect to form homogeneous high-strength details.

To maintain the optimal level of burning and temperature inside the fuel chamber, air ducts and air chambers are installed, which forcibly injected pure oxygen. Due to this, it is possible to obtain temperatures above + 1000 ° C, which are unattainable with the usual combustion of solid fuel (coal or wood).

At the same time, according to the technology of inflation, the air volume is selected so that the oxygen is constantly a bit lacked for the occurrence of the oxidation reaction. In other words, it is necessary to choose such a mode of operation to prevent the combustion of the metal.

The time of finding the smelted part in the mountain should also be limited, since in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, the metal will respond with it and form a high-strength alloy with increased fragility. These negative consequences can be avoided, introducing oxygen additionally into the chamber in such a quantity in order to have time to fully react carbon dioxide.

Appointment and use options

The blacksmith horn is made by their own hands depending on its main use and can be configured accordingly to specific tasks. Therefore, it is important to understand what each of its constructive parts are intended for:

  • the toproom with a grate grid, an air chamber, a valve and a nozzle, serve to burn fuel and heating the metal blank, depending on the temperature requirements may have an open or closed design, as well as not to be equipped with air superfluous;
  • air drainage is used to adjust the supply of oxygen and preventing metal embrying, allows you to create optimal conditions when heating and melting the workpiece;
  • the chimney tent or umbrella is used to remove carbon monoxide and other combustion products that can harm human health;
  • the hardening bath is necessary for the rapid cooling of the metal and the acquisition of optimal plastic and strength properties;
  • the heat-resistant cap or the burned, is used to expand the zone of homogeneous heating, which makes it possible to effectively melt the metal in the crucible (usually colored precious metals);
  • the gas-high chamber is used to dry out air, cleaning it from impurities, as well as to introduce alloying elements, is designed to obtain high-quality products with specified characteristics in accordance with a specific reference diagram of states and phases;
  • the table serves to accommodate on it all the elements of the mountain, as well as for partial cooling of the blanks, is a mandatory part of the design.

Gorn applies for the following purposes:

  • warming metal for subsequent forging or other types of treatment;
  • melting in special forms;
  • heat treatment in order to increase certain properties.

Classification Gorn

Before you make a blacksmith horn, you need to get acquainted with their classification to choose the most suitable design option. Classification is carried out by the following criteria:

  • according to the type of fuel used;
  • by type of construction;
  • in size.

Types of Ginn by type of fuel used

By type of fuel used, the mines are divided into the following types:

  • gas;
  • solid fuel;
  • on liquid fuel.

Blacksmith Mountain Solid-fuel

Gas mines have the most simple design, cheap in repair and maintenance. They differ as minimal weight, which allows them to be manufactured by portable or compact.

Solid fuel mines are characterized by the possibility of obtaining the highest temperatures of heating, relatively low cost of building materials for the construction and unpretentiousness in operation. For their extracts, it is permissible to use the following types of fuel:

  • carbon or coke, distinguished by high cost and increased efficiency (up to 5 times the flow rate is less than coal), there are no extraneous impurities in it, flammable at temperatures above + 450 ° C;
  • stone coal, the most common and efficient fuel, the coke gas is distinguished when combustibles, so it is necessary to wait for it while it will deteriorate, suitable for a forging of various decorative elements or mid-quality items;
  • charcoal, has a minimal fire temperature, compared with other types of fuel, but quickly burns out, it is distinguished by increased consumption, so it is effective to use it for the extract.

As a liquid fuel, it is permissible to use diesel fuel oil or waste oil. It is important to be pre-cleaned, since the presence of impurities will cause an unstable flame and emissions into the atmosphere of harmful compounds.

It is also the reason for the complexity of the equipment maintenance due to its frequent blockages.

Classification on constructive features

Homemade blacksmith horn according to constructive features can be classified as follows:

  • by installation method: portable or stationary;
  • by the design of the furnace chamber: closed or open type;
  • by posting: with side or central nozzle.

Types of mining in size

In size, mines are: small, medium and large. They are determined by the efficiency of the installation and are fully dependent on the intensity of fuel consumption and the operation modes of the fuel cell. The optimal efficiency of the fuel consumption rate is from 1 to 1.5 m / s.

The productivity of the mountain is directly proportional to the magnitude of the tension and the area. At the same time, the minimum tension is considered to be between 100 to 150 kg / m 2 · h. Values \u200b\u200boutside this range are economically unprofitable.

How to make blacksmith horn?

Before you make a blacksmith horn with your own hands, you need to prepare the necessary materials and tools. This will minimize temporary costs.

Instructions for creating a solid fuel mobile mountain

Before starting work, it is necessary to collect the following tools:

  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • file;
  • set of wrenches;
  • putty knife;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • clamp;
  • marker;
  • bulgarian.

Prepare a drawing of a blacksmith horn, you need to purchase materials for its design:

  • sheet steel with a thickness of 2-3 mm (recommended 09G2C);
  • rotary wheels 4 pcs.;
  • profile pipes of a square section with a wall thickness of at least 2 mm;
  • refractory cement;
  • air snail;
  • fastening elements: bolts and nuts;
  • stainless steel pipe for the diameter of the outdoor hole;
  • adapter.

Mobile coal blacksmith high open type is made as follows:

  1. We take a steel sheet and place a marker in the size of the desktop.
  2. Bulgarian cut the worktop, the edges cleaned with a file.
  3. Location on the cut sheet, the hole of the rectangular shape under the zherloh horn and the grinder is cut through it.
  4. We take the second steel sheet and place the elements of the parts under the trapezoidal zhero horn.
  5. Cut the elements of the vent, and then weld them into a single design.
  6. We weld the tank to the working surface of the table in the place of the cutting hole.
  7. I turn the design with a boring down the book, placing the location of the walls for the location of the coal.
  8. From steel cutting board for the working surface of the table.
  9. We carry out welding boards so that it is not for the seams of gaps, and the seam itself was durable and solid, the design elements are accurately centered.
  10. For the lower part of the ventilation, we cut out the walls for the supply of air ducts, and then weld them.
  11. We make for the reservoir renovable bottom, intended for removing ash.
  12. Attach the pedal to it with the help of levers.
  13. On the wall for supplying the pipe with air, we do the hole along the pipe diameter.
  14. From steel profile pipes, cut out the elements and weld the frame under the fastening of the working surface.
  15. At the bottom of the frame, we weld the bar for fastening the snail, and then fasten it to the bolts.
  16. Prepare the pipe for the air duct.
  17. We attach the air duct to snail and Zhero, if necessary, to enhance the design, we provide an additional fastening.
  18. To the bottom of the frame attaching turning wheels on the bolts.
  19. Docking seams with a refractory shp can.
  20. We form a refractory layer on the working surface of a refractory cement mortar on the working surface.

For a blacksmith horn on angle, it is necessary to test it with its warm-up to operating temperatures, but only after the complete pouring of the cement layer.

Step-by-step instruction of gas horn

To make a gas black horn, it is necessary to prepare the following materials in advance:

  • refractory brick;
  • sheets made of heat-resistant steel with a thickness of at least 5 mm;
  • thin stainless sheets (thickness up to 2 mm) for outdoor cladding;
  • steel profile pipes;
  • stainless steel chimney pipes;
  • refractory putty;
  • standard burners used in gas heating boilers;
  • fan for air injection.

The following tools will also be needed:

  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • file;
  • roulette;
  • marker.

Blacksmith horn on gas is manufactured in the following sequence:

  1. We take refractory bricks and fold the housing of the hill. If necessary, ends process the grinder with a special nozzle on concrete to ensure a dense docking.
  2. In the front of the structure, we create a small step of refractory brick, designed to maintain the optimal temperature.
  3. In the back, we put a rectangular hole for ventilation.
  4. From a thick sheet steel, we make the base in size of the brick housing of the mountain.
  5. In the end parts of the sheet we weld the profile pipes so that the bricks inside them are fixed.
  6. In the lateral part with a cutting hole for the supply of a gas pipe with a mounted burner.
  7. From the thickness steel cutting the top for the mountain.
  8. We weld at the corners of the case below and at the top of the corner.
  9. Drill in the corners of one hole and tighten the lower and top of the mountain with a spill.
  10. Cut from profile pipes rack for the mountain, and then all the details are welded according to the drawing.
  11. Install the mountain on the rack.
  12. Find the camera to the camera to remove combustion products.
  13. We have a gas burner inside the chamber and fix it to the place of input to the camera.
  14. Outside, the housing is wearing a thin-sheet steel, having pre-cut from sheets of parts with the desired size. All seams weld with a solid seam.

Independent manufacture of mining is not only inexpensive and relatively simple process, but allowing you to get a setup for specific needs.

Forge - a workshop for manual processing of metal blanks, mainly by heating and forging. Handicraft blacksmith workshops are kept passionate masters of simple and artistic forging, which, thanks to their hobby, retain the traditions of the case.

Forge are equipped with a hearth (mountain) and anvil. The blacksmith is carried out a huge number of metalworking: melting, molten metal fill in forms, forging, welding, soldering copper and brass, hardening, stamping, drawing, bending, twist, chasing and others. Ready melting furnacesin this shop.

In one of the previous articles is described by a talented craft. Here we will look at what kind of horn for the forge of her own hands made this master. Creating a homemade smokehouse at home, in almost the courtyard, he used how the metro station was put on one of the "Minimalist-primitivistic approach" forums. However, it should be noted, this approach turned out to be very effective.

The basis of the forge was the portable blacksmith horn from a pipe with a thickness of 1 cm, the weight is approximately 60 kg, the bottom of 1.5 cm. On the bottom surface, pegs were made. Under the bottom there is an empty part, to the base of which the pipe for supplying air pressure is welded. Air is served from the vacuum cleaner. The door is installed in the mountain to reduce heat loss.

Anvil is a piece of rail, welded to chapellars. The side of the anvil is made fasteners for the vice, which can be installed for torsit and other works if necessary. The distance between the mountain and anvil is about 1 m, which is convenient to work.

Checking the coal blacksmith horn shows how efficient the device. In the video, it is shown that using a small amount of wood coal for the sample, you can overclock the furnace to 1200 degrees.

Quick Preface:

About three years ago, I decided to make a blacksmith - I was tired of doing the handles, I wanted to sit in myself. Started literature, the Internet, I was sat down at the long-time familiar Kuznetsov. In general, to be honest - everything is not clear. Fans do even (!) In the bathroom (!) The forge. Vacuum cleaners are recommended, pots ... But I need to be small, but really "not on the knee."

Here is already the experience, I do quite good knives: mainly use bearing steel, as cheap and affordable. Basic principles for building forge:

Maximum cheap.
Most available materials.
Maximum convenient.

So, first - what is needed for the forge.


1) Common brick, though white, even red - thirty pieces, I took from landfills and from the ruins
2) Metal lattice. Best of all - metal pallets, better cast iron. I managed to buy in a rural store (economic) - Padones cast iron for the stove. If you wish, you can simply put the reinforcement, or cook the grille. Functionally - on it will burn coals, so that thicker, the better. Holes - accordingly, not more than one and a half centimeters (otherwise the corners will fall.
3) anvil. Of course, a piece of rail will be fit. But the anvil is better. This is not only one of the most "cost" parts, but also you will find FIG. But I was lucky, I found again in a rural store. But if you sharpen on the knife, then the rail is enough.
4) Fan. The most important thing is to think. I bought in the construction market thousand for two with half rubles - this is the second cost part, but quite lifting.
5) Aluminum foil sleeves - put on a fan, stuck the pipe from the water pipe.
6) Water pipe pipe, one and a half meters, diameter - with cans from a peas.
7) the can from the canning peas - on the one hand of the hole, on the other hand, and bent, performs the role of the guide and reflective jet of the air of the design - to think in the right place.
8) Big stump to install anvil.

Everything. General budget costs (for 2010):

Anvil - 900 rubles
Fan - 2.500 rub
Aluminum sleeve flexible - 80 rubles
Pallets 2 pieces - 160 rubles
Bricks are free, everything else is free.
TOTAL: fit in 4000 rubles easy.

How the forge is arranged.

The forge arranged simply.
It is necessary: \u200b\u200bblowing down with air, through the grille on the coal. At coals, the billet is lying. You can be poked in coal. From the sides closed with bricks. Point. Everything.
Therefore (see photo 1.) - First lay a rectangle from bricks. I did not bother on the topic "Cement, refractory clay, etc." - Just put bricks. Went - I will correct. Floor - replace. I don't need to kill the gate, you need a blade. Quite.

Seen on the top photo two rows of bricks ... Next - continue to spread
On the photo it is clear that the rectangle of bricks is composed, diverse. He, however, relies on the rail case - on the left below - but it was just a box, I also used it. In essence, it is two walls of bricks in two rows of the letter "P". Width - to put pallets. It can be clearly seen how I burned one of the pallets in Duri - I sought a "white glow." Achieved. Is it necessary?
In the headboard put the blocks more - just found such, you can just just from bricks. Here is a front view, from where the pipe with letting insert.

Two brick layers, pallets rely on them the edges, the iron box at the bottom - do not pay attention - we believe it is on Earth. Next, we continue the walls and the end - just a few bricks up.
Pipe is a piece of a tap pipe for imaging.
It can be seen how the pipe for imaging is inserted.

Top view: There are two more bricks. In fact, almost everything is ready. But experience has shown that - since all this is outdoors, it is better to bring the wall higher, so as not to cooled from the breeze. Therefore, lifted a little higher (there are no pictures, just added two rows of bricks. But this year, two years old - that's exactly both in the photo and came.

Now - subttage.

The following photo is a fan on a wooden pallet (made an ambulance hand) with a sleeve aluminum. The fan costs money - but here at least the old vacuum cleaner, even though the fur self-made - it is important that the air is served where it is necessary and convenient. Pipe does not heat.
Fan, bought in the construction market.

It is important that the air supply should be from the bottom up, I planted the edge of the pipe to the end of the pipe, which turns the air flow from the horizontal up - this is more than enough. Banks are free
The sleeve will be closed and closed on the fan with wire. No tightness, everything climbed, just to be held. Do not worry. On the following photo on the sun. Case - Fan output. It is clearly visible to the messed end of the aluminum sleeve, I am a bunch of pipe when working.
Fan output.

As I said, hereinafter, we take cans, tinted peas. We put on the pipe. The bent lid is a reflector, we direct up - and the pipe is under the pallets. The pipe is in aluminum sleeve, by ignion and tie the wire. We break to think. You need a switch, step up - turn off and turn on so that in vain does not blow when it is not necessary - the hands are busy.

Next - the stump supplied to the disk from the wheel, covered with sand. In principle, any such basis, the chaos are not Shatalosha. On the stump - anvil (piece of rail or piece of iron is more discerning) - and ahead. Everything. This is already from anyone - I managed to buy anvil - along with the fan it is two largest articles of consumption. There would be no money, I would take a piece of chweller thick or rail. The main thing is all working.
And this is the general view of the forge in work. If you need to hide from the wind - I repent the wall of bricks. It is necessary for a long one (for example, Koval One-meter spit from the reinforcement) - I remove bricks from the end - etc. Everything can be rebuilt in a minute.
Forge in work.

Good luck, guys! The forge is super. I talked myself knives - the main thing is that your hands are unleashed, and you can really not lick about other people's records - and make your own pieces. But this is a separate song!

I forgot to add about security: Sprinkle around with a sand, with a forging Always albeit a bucket with water (but not to drink during and after a forging for about 20 minutes - the teeth crackle, I'm serious) - because the pieces of the metal chopped chopped can fly away and hurts. Be sure to have closed clothes - I'm in a storm, in the apron - the glasses will not prevent too much. Shoes - boots, pants out, and then if a piece of metal flies - you will have to pay!