Repairs Design Furniture

How is a gas homemade burner for soldering? Gas burner do it yourself: options for home affairs Effective burner do it yourself

During construction, installation, repair, jewelry or other works implying local heating of elements to high temperatures, one of the necessary tools is a gas burner. The market offers enough a large number of Similar products, however, their acquisition will require the investment of considerable funds, which is not always appropriate. For example, if we are talking about periodic use of the heater for the soldering of metals during the repair of the car, then the gas burner can be made with your own hands. This will be discussed.

Types of gas burners

Before you make a gas burner with your own hands, you need to decide on which gas burners can be manufactured independently. The devices of this type differ in a number of factors, one of which is the gas used. So you can allocate:

    Acetylene burners - for a long time It was used when conducting welding, as it was allowed to achieve a temperature of over 2000 degrees, but gradually go out of use in view of the appreciation of the required consumables and high risk of technology.

    Methane burners - in private or industrial use Do not appear, since the energy used has poisonous properties, while not economical.

    Gasoline burners - have sufficient efficiency, but smoothies and require compliance with strict security rules.

    Of all possible optionsGas burners have the best availability, safety and efficiency ratio.

    In addition, gas burners differ in the type of design used:

    Atmospheric - the influx of air required to maintain combustion is organized by natural atmospheric pressure.

    Ejection - air flow is formed by the infused gas.

    Superior - air is supplied forced with a compressor, which is part of the burner design.

When choosing a design option, it is necessary to understand that the self-made gas burner is more powerful, the harder for independent manufacture There will be its design.

Stages of manufacture

Before making the right gas burner with your own hands, you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials, as well as perform the project's drawing. With a sufficient level of qualifications and availability special equipment You can make any of the options, but in most cases it is worth talking about simplest design. The use of burner is associated with a sufficiently high level of danger, so it is not recommended to make complex and powerful homemakes. At the same time, the mini gas burner is able to become quite effectively solving its tasks, while relatively simple for self-assembly.

Design development

The initial stage of the work is to create concept. If you take the simplest option as a guide, the burner on propane will consist of a gas pipeline tube, nozzles, nozzles and handles for retention. When drafting the scheme, it is necessary to reflect all structural elements on the scale. By the way, a small turbo burner can be made using a simple needle from a syringe and a canister for refueling lighters.

Gas conducting tube

For its manufacture, you can take the appropriate element of the pistol design for the mounting foam. Special attention deserves the fact that in this case the gas flow required for the injection flow is already installed. It remains only to pull out a small bulb on the spring, which serves to stop the foam. The diameter of the existing hole will be enough for the intended use purposes.

Adjusting valve

A simple gas valve can be used as an adjusting valve. Such an option is allowed to provide the possibility of changing the intensity of the gas flow, while not increases the external dimensions of the node. The combination of efficiency and simplicity of the design of this element can be compared only with its availability, while such a propane burner will last long.


For the manufacture of this element, you can use the appropriate diameter metal pipe. From one of the edges of this trimming, a number of propilov are performed, after which the resulting blades are evenly bended to the center.

Handle for hold

This element can be made of any submitted means. At the same time, the main thing is that it is necessary to ensure - isolation of the hands, since the working burner from natural Gas Will heated many of their elements.

Mounting process

When all structural elements are made, you can proceed to connect them to a single complex.

  • A nut with a suitable inner diameter is painted on the tube on the side of the nozzle.
  • From this end, the tube is put on the manufactured nozzle, and its curved blades are welded to the nut.
  • On the other hand, a nut is also painted on the cut, which is then inserted inside the diameter of the plumbing and brewed.
  • A gas valve is connected to a slope with a threaded connection.
  • On the other hand, the valve is connected to the second Sgon, which the "Christmas" adapter is hosted.
  • The final stage of manufacture is the installation of the handle for hold.

The adapter connects the hose that goes to the balloon and the main stages of the work can be considered completed. When performing work, it is important to ensure the tightness of the connection of the elements, so all threaded nodes must be additionally sealed with a fum-tape.

To give a burner on gas more presentable species All external metal surfaces It is necessary to polish. In addition, the graduation nozzle is subject to grinding, to ensure an even flame without jerks.

As can be seen from the above, with minimal use of the tool and the basic level of qualification, it is possible to make a simple burner on the propane, and independently. For a better understanding of the issue, you can familiarize yourself with the video for the manufacture of gas burner with your own hands and perform work by analogy. It is important to remember that compliance with the safety regulations is a prerequisite.

The purpose of this article is to tell how the gas burner is done with their own hands. Gas burners in small entrepreneurship, individual technical work and in everyday life are very widely used for adhesive, mechanical and blacksmith, roofing, jewelry, to run heating equipment and receipt for gas different needs Flame with a temperature of over 1500 degrees.

In a technological aspect gas flame It is good because it has a high reducing ability (purifies the surface of the metal from contaminants and restores it oxidized into a pure metal), without showing any noticeable other chemical activity.

In the heat engineering - gas highly energy relatively inexpensive and pure fuel; 1 GJ gas heat costs, as a rule, cheaper than from any other energy carrier, and the seeding of gas heating devices and the deposition of the soot in them is minimal or absent.

But at the same time, we repeat the capital truth: do not joke with gas. Gas-burner It's not so difficult, but how to achieve its economy and security - about it and will go further. Examples of proper technical execution and manufacturers on their own.

Choose gas

With their own hands, it is made exclusively a gas burner on propane, butane or propane-butane mixture, those. on gaseous saturated hydrocarbons, and atmospheric air. When using 100% isobutane (see below) it is possible to achieve a flame temperature up to 2000 degrees.

Acetylene It allows you to obtain a flame temperature up to 3000 degrees, but due to its danger, the high cost of calcium carbide and the need for pure oxygen as an oxidizing age is practically out of use and in welding works. Get pure hydrogen at home is possible; The hydrogen flame from the burner with a superior (see below) gives the temperature to 2500 degrees. But the raw material for the production of hydrogen is expensive and unsafe (one of the components is strong acid), but the main thing is the hydrogen, we do not feel on the smell and taste, it makes no sense to add mercaptan fragrance to it, because The hydrogen is an order of magnitude rather distributed, and an admixture of it to the air in just 4% already gives an explosive growth gas, and it can be ignited simply in the light.

Methane Not used in household gas burners at similar reasons; In addition, he is very poisonous. As for the vapors of LVZ, pyrolysis gases and biogas, then when burning in gas burners, they give a very clean flame with a temperature below 1100 degrees. Middle lodge and below average volatility (from gasoline to fuel oil) are burned in special liquid burners, for example, in burners for diesel fuel; Alcohols - in low-power fiery devices, and the ethers do not harness at all - low-energy, but are very dangerous.

How to achieve security

To make a gas burner safe in work and not devouring in vain fuel, the golden rule should be taken: no scaling and generally changes in the drawings of the prototype!

This is the case in T. Naz. Reynolds Realds, showing the relationship between flow rate, density, viscosity of the current medium and the characteristic size of the area in which it moves, for example. diameter cross section Pipes. According to Re, it is possible to judge the presence of turbulence in the stream and its character. If, for example, the pipe is not round and both of its characteristic size is greater than some critical value, then the vortices will appear 2nd and higher orders. Physically highlighted walls of the "pipe" may not be, for example, in sea currents, but many of their "tricks" are explained precisely by the transition of Re through critical meanings.

Note: Just in case, for reference - for gases, the value of the Reynolds number, in which the laminar flow goes into turbulent, is Re\u003e 2000 (in the SI system).

Not all homemade gas burners are accurately calculated according to the laws of gas dynamics. But, if you arbitrarily resize the details of a successful design, then the fuel or suction air can play beyond the limits that it adhered to the copyrighted product, and the burner will be at best smoking and voracious, and, quite possible, and dangerous.

Injector diameter

The determining parameter for the quality of the gas burner is the diameter of the cross section of its fuel injector (gas nozzle, nozzles, zibler - synonyms). For the burners on propane-butane for the normal temperature (1000-1300 degrees) it can be approximately taken as:

  • On the thermal power up to 100 W - 0.15-0.2 mm.
  • The power is 100-300 W - 0.25-0.35 mm.
  • Power 300-500 W - 0.35-0.45 mm.
  • The power is 500-1000 W - 0.45-0.6 mm.
  • Power 1-3 kW - 0.6-0.7 mm.
  • Power 3-7 kW - 0.7-0.9 mm.
  • At the power of 7-10 kW - 0.9-1.1 mm.

In high-temperature burners, injectors make a narrower, 0.06-0.15 mm. An excellent material for the injector will serve a segment of a needle for a medical syringe or dropper; Of these, it is possible to select nozzle on any of the specified diameters. Needles for inflating balls worse, they are not heat resistant. They are used more like air ducts in microgorellas with supervision, see below. In the clip (capsule) of the injector, it is sealed with a solid solder or gluke with heat-resistant glue (cold welding).


Doing the gas burner on the power of more than 10 kW in no way. Why? Suppose the efficiency of the burner is 95%; For amateur design, this is a very good indicator. If the power of the burner is 1 kW, then 50 W will take the burner self-deseprocery. O 50 W soldering iron can be burned, but he does not threaten an accident. But if you make a burner for 20 kW, then it will be superfluous, it will be 1 kW, these are already left unattended iron or electric splash. The danger is aggravated by the fact that its manifestation, like the Ranolds numbers, threshold - or just hotly, or flashes, melting, explodes. Therefore, the drawings of the homemade burner are more than 7-8 kW better and not to look.

Note: Industrial gas burners are available on power to many MW, but it is achieved by accurate profiling of the gas barrel, at home impracticable; One example see below.


The third factor determining the safety of the burner is the composition of its reinforcement and the procedure for using it. In general, the scheme is as follows:

  1. The burner in no case cannot be extinguished by the adjustment valve, the fuel supply is stopped by the valve on the cylinder;
  2. For burners with a capacity of up to 500-700 W and high-temperature (with a narrow injector, eliminating the transition Re gas flow for a critical value) powered by propane or isobutane from a cylinder up to 5 liters with outdoor temperature up to 30 degrees, permissible to combine the adjustment and shut-off valves in one - regular on the cylinder;
  3. In the burners to the power of more than 3 kW (with a wide injector), or from a cylinder by more than 5 liters, the likelihood of "slippage" Re for 2000 is very large. Therefore, in such burners between the locking and adjusting valves, it is also necessary for a gearbox that maintains pressure in the supply gas pipeline within certain limits.

What to do?

Gas-burners low power For life and small private production on operational indicators, the trail is classified. way:

  • High-temperature - for accurate adhesions and welding, jewelry and glassware. The efficiency is not important, you need to achieve maximum flame temperature for this fuel.
  • Technological - for plumbing and blacksmithing works. The flame temperature is quite desirable not lower than 1,200 degrees, and with the observance of this condition, the burner is brought to maximum efficiency.
  • Heating and roofing - achieve the best efficiency. Flame temperature is usually up to 1100 degrees or lower.

Regarding the fuel combustion method, the gas burner can be performed on one of the trail. schemes:

  1. Free-atmospheric.
  2. Atmospheric ejection.
  3. With superposition.


In free-atmospheric burners, gas burns in free space; Air flow is provided with free convection. Such burners are not economically, the flame is red, smoking, dancing and beating. Interest, presented, first, because any other burner can be translated into free-atmospheric mode with excessive supply of gas or insufficient air. It is in it that the burners ignite - at a minimum of fuel supply and even less air inflow. Secondly, the free influx of secondary air can be very useful in T. Naz. One-year-round burners for heating, because Much simplifies their design is not to the detriment of security, see further.


In ejection burners, at least 40% of the air required for combustion is suited by a gas flow from the injector. Ejection burners are constructively simple and allow you to obtain a flame with a temperature of up to 1500 degrees with an efficiency of more than 95%, therefore are used most widely, but cannot be made modulad, see below. For use of air, ejection burners are divided into:

  • Single-mounted - all the right air sucking immediately. With a properly profiled gas channel at the capacity of more than 10 kW, the efficiency of Over 99% is shown. Do not repeat with your own hands.
  • Double-circuit - approx. 50% of the air is suused by an injector, the rest - to the combustion chamber and / or the longing. Allow to obtain either the flame at 1300-1500 degrees, or the CPV over 95% and the flame up to 1200 degrees. Used in any way from the above. Constructively enough complex, but on their own repeatable.
  • One-year-round, often referred to the two-circuit - primary air is suitable with a stream of the injector, and the secondary freely enters the limited volume (eg, the furnace furnace), in which the fuel is trampled. Only one-dimensional (see below), but constructively simple, so widely used for temporary launch heating stoves and boilers on gas.

With supervision

In the burners with a superior of all air, and primary, and secondary, served in the combustion zone of fuel forcibly. The simplest microgorelob with a superior for desktop adhesions, jewelry and glass works can be made independently (see below), but the manufacture of the heating burner requires a comprehensive production base. But precisely, the burners with superimposses allow you to realize all the possibilities of controlling the combustion regime; According to the terms of use, they are divided into:

  1. Odor-mode;
  2. Dual-mode;
  3. Modulated.


In single-refrigerant burners, the combustion mode of fuel is either determined once forever structurally (eg, in industrial burners for annealing furnaces), or is installed manually, for which the burner must or repay, or interrupt the technological cycle with its use. Duplex burners work, as a rule, on complete or half-power. The transition from the mode to mode is carried out in the course of working or use. Duplex make heating (winter - spring / autumn) or roofing burners.

In the modulated burners, fuel and air supply is smoothly and continuously regulated by automatics that is working on a complex of critical source parameters. For example, for the heating burner - at the ratio of temperatures in the room, the outer and coolant in the return. Output parameter is possible one ( minimum flow The gas, the highest flame temperature) or there may also be several, for example, at the temperature of the flame at the upper limit minimizes the fuel consumption, and when it is falling, the temperature is optimized for this technical process.

Examples of structures

Taking over in the designs of gas burners, let's go along the way to increase power, this will allow you to better understand the material. And from the very beginning, we will get acquainted with such an important circumstance as preparing.

Mini from the canister

How the single-load mini gas burner is arranged for desktop work with a catering cave for refueling lighters, well known: these are 2 needles inserted into each other, pos. And in Fig.:

Preparation - from aquarium compressor. Since without resistance to the sprayer under water, it gives a markedly pulsing stream, you need a receiver of 5 liters of cores. The soda is not available in such, so that the receiver cork will need to be additionally sealed with raw rubber, silicone or simply plasticine. If you take a compressor for an aquarium by 600 liters and more, and the fuel is 100% isobutane (such cans are more expensive than normal), it is possible to obtain a flame over 1500 degrees.

Stumbling stumbling stumbling when repetition of this design, first, gas supply adjustment. There are no problems with air - its feed is installed by the compressor regular regulator. But the gas adjustment of the hose with the hose is very sad, and the regulator from the dropper quickly fails, he is also disposable with it. Secondly, the pairing burner with a canister - so that its valve has opened, you need to push the filling fitting

It will help to solve the problems first, the node shown in the pos. B; Make it from the same needle pair. First you need to pick up a tube for a sleeve, with a little effort to fit the plane of the can, and then, also with a little effort, plug it into the cannula needles; It may have to drill a little. But the sleeve should not hang on the fitting or in the cannula separately.

Then we make a clip for a canister with an adjusting screw (pos. B), insert the can, wear a regulator on the socket. B, and wrap the screw before getting the desired gas supply. The adjustment is very accurate, literally microscopic.

Soldering burners

The easiest way to make a soldering burner approx. 0.5-1 kW, if you have any gas valve in stock: Oxygen VK series, from old autogen (acetylene barrel stuck), etc. One of the embodiments of the solder burner based on the gas valve is shown in Fig.

Its feature is the minimum number of accurate parts, and you can choose ready-made, and quite wide possibilities for adjusting the flame by moving the nozzles 11. The material of parts 7-12 is sufficiently heat-resistant steel; In this case, the relatively inexpensive ST45 is suitable, because The flame temperature due to the complete lack of profiling of the gas channel and the ejector windows (which is not available) will not exceed 800-900 degrees. Also, due to the fact that this burner is single-mounted, it is pretty voracious.


A two-kinning gas burner for soldering is much more economical and allows you to get a flame up to 1200-1300 degrees. Examples of the designs of this kind with a squeeze from 5 liters of cylinder are given in Fig.

The burner on the left is the power of OK. 1 kW, therefore consists of only 3 parts, not counting the gas barrel and handles, so that the separate valve is not required to adjust the flame. If you wish, you can make interchangeable injector caps to smaller power; Fuel consumption at low capacity at the same time will noticeably fall. The simplicity of the design in this case is achieved through the use of the scheme with not full separation Air Contour: All air is sucked through the holes in the housing, but part of it is enjoyed by a burning gas jet through a hole with a diameter of 12 mm into the shocking agent.

The incomplete separation of air contours does not allow you to reach the power of more than 1.2-1.3 kW: re in the combustion chamber jumps "above the roof", which begins burning with cotton down to the explosion, if you try to establish a flame, gives me a gas. Therefore, without having experience, the injector in this burner is better to put 0.3-0.4 mm.

The burner with a full separation of air contours, the drawings of which are given to the right in Fig., Developing power up to several kW. Therefore, in its reinforcement, besides the shut-off on the cylinder, and the adjusting valve. Together with a sliding primary ejector, it allows in fairly wide limits to regulate the temperature of the flame, withstanding its minimum in this power. Practically, putting the flame of the desired strength, move the primary ejector, while there is a narrow blue jet (very hot) or wide yellowish (not so hot).

For horn and forge

The two-circuit burner with the full separation of the contours is suitable for blacksmithing works. For example, as for 10-15 minutes, to build from the girlfriend Mountain materials for just described, see video:

Video: Gas mountain in 10 minutes

A shore-blacksmith gas burner specifically for a mountain can also be built on a complete two-circuit diagram, see the next. roller.

Video: Gas burner for mountains do it yourself

And finally, the mini gas burner can heal and small tablet morn; How to make them together yourself, see:

Video: mini-mountain do it yourself at home

For fine work

Here in fig. Damn the drawings of the gas burner with the built-in adjustment valve for especially accurate and responsible works. Its feature is a massive combustion chamber with cooling fins. Due to this, firstly, the thermal deformations of the burner parts are reduced. Secondly, random gas and air jumps almost do not affect the temperature in the combustion chamber. As a result, the installed flame for a long time It holds very stable.

High temperature

Finally, consider the burner designed to obtain a flame as high as possible - by 100% isobutane without boosting this burner gives a flame with a temperature of more than 1,500 degrees - leaf steel cuts, smelves in a mini-crucible all jewelry alloys and softens any silicate glassexcept quartz. A good injector for this burner is obtained from the needle from the insulin syringe.


If you plan once to translate your old stove or boiler from firewood-coal on gas, then you do not have a different way out, how to purchase a modulated burner with supervision, pos. 1 in fig. Otherwise, any savings on the homemade will soon be eaten by a fuel overrun.

In the case when the power is required for heating more than 12-15 kW and in addition there is a person who is ready and able to take over the duties of an extract that regulates the supply of gas according to outdoor temperatures, there will be a two-door atmospheric burner for the boiler, the diagram of the device of which is given to positive . 2. Well in this capacity has proven itself. Saratov burners, pos. 3; They are produced on a wide range of capacity, long and successfully used in heat engineering.

If you need to hold on gas for some time, for example, until the end of the heating season, and then restore the reconstruction of the heating system, or run on gas, for example, a summer-and-and and and a half-party gas burner can be made with their own hands for this. Furnaces. The scheme of its device and work is given on the pos. 4. An indispensable condition - the furnace of the heating instrument must be with a confusion: if you start the secondary air into the gap between the yawn furnace and the burner housing, the fuel consumption will increase significantly. Drawing of the semi-third-winning gas burner for the oven with a capacity of up to 10-12 kW Dan on pos. five; The oblong holes for the fence of primary air should be outside!


The gas burner for roofing works with modern velocked materials (roofing lamp) is necessarily performed by a duplex: half-power warmed the underlying surface, and the coating on the full, after turning the roll is heated. Sendance is unacceptable here, so we spend time on the burner setting (which is possible only after its cooling) cannot be.

The roofing gas burner of industrial production is shown to the left in Fig. It is a two-integral scheme with incomplete separation of contours. In this case, such a solution is permissible, because The burner works at full power OK. 20% of the time of the technological cycle and is operated by the prepared personnel outdoors.

The most complex roof lamp node is hardly repeated at home - power switching valve. However, without it, it is possible to do the price of a small increase in fuel consumption. If you are a master wagon and roofing work epizodically, then the reduction in profitability because of this will not be noticeable.

Technically, this decision is implemented in the burner with connected pairs of air contours, see on the right in Fig. The transition from the mode to mode is carried out either by installing / removing the housing of the internal circuits, or simply moving the lamp in height, because The mode of operation of such a burner strongly depends on the oppression of the exhaust. To warm the underlying surface, the lamp belongs to it away, then a powerful wide stream does not excessively hot gases will go from the nozzle. And for the surfacing the lamp approach closer: a wide "damn" flame is spread along the roofing material.


This article discusses only certain examples of gas burners. The total number of their designs only on the "home" range of capacity up to 15-20 kW is calculated by hundreds, if not thousands. But let's hope that some of those described here are useful.

At home, very often the need for burner occurs. The purpose of such an appliance is very wide, for example, soldering works Or repair roofing material. Also in the garage it is often necessary to heat the part for processing. In the mainstreaming purposes, the gas burner is used to heat the metal parts with the objectives of the subsequent hardening. Therefore, many masters began to be interested in how to make a gas burner.

Gas burner design

In business stores for sale a large number different models Gas burners for safe use. For example, popular design on propane can be of various modificationsEven the magnitude with the usual handle for jewelry works. The advantages of factory models is a high degree of safety and product certification. But on the other hand, the design is not difficult, and make such a tool at home will not be a lot of work. And since any goods in the store stands on weekly, especially the burner, it is possible and you need to learn how to do novice masters.

The device of the gas burner includes such elements:

  • metal case;
  • nozzle;
  • gearbox;
  • fuel supply regulator;
  • node for fixing the cylinder;
  • head.

The body made of metal is also equipped with a special glass, with which the fire in the burner will not be wondering. The design includes a metal handle. As an alternative, you can use other materials for it. Its dimensions should not exceed 100 centimeters. A wooden holder is installed on the handle, and then the hose is stretched. There is also a gearbox with a valve. They can adjust the amount of gas combustable, its length and correspondingly submission. Such a design is equipped with a nozzle for inciting gas.

The gas burner is also called propane. This indicates that as a fuel for it, gas is propane or a mixture of propane and butane. Such a substance is filled with a special container or a balloon, which is located behind the burner.

Many are interested in how to make a burner with their own hands. As can be seen from the list, the design of the gas hand burner is not complicated, but on the contrary, even very simple for independent production. It does not have difficult elements to spend a lot of money and time to spend. For its production it will take some time and labor costs. And if it is mandatory to study all the schemes and drawings from professionals, and also take part responsibly to work, then a convenient and safe device will be released.

In practice, a person who has never engaged in the manufacture of similar designs, after half an hour or an hour he understands how to make an independent burner, and does it.

If we talk about the use of such a burner, it happens different. For example, there is a burner for the boiler, belligent design, homemade design From the burner for heating by household gas, etc. The burner is even managed to make a lighter. This design, of course, does not suit the execution of the functions of the gas cutter, but for some purposes it can be applied. There are also burners for melting copper already with a built-in nozzle.

Independent assembly of the product

Assembling the gas burner with their own hands on the propane - the most interesting and fascinating stage of work. For beginners and inexperienced masters, it is necessary to study it as accurately as possible to receive quality product. It is required to take into account all the nuances and tips.

To begin with, you should think about the most interesting thing - the handle of the product. To create it, you can use any material. As an option, the handle from the old soldering iron or other apparatus is perfect. The tube for the supply must be made only from steel. Other materials will not fit in any way.

It is very important at the initial stages to pay attention to the size of all structural elements. For example, the diameter of the tube for the supply should not be greater than 1 centimeter, and the thickness of steel - 2-3 millimeters. Such an element must be fixed on the handle with the help of glue or other substance for fastening similar parts.

Borner housing

The basis of the burner is its housing. It is also manufactured from steel, oddly enough. For such purposes, it is better to use a rod from brass with a diameter of 2 centimeters. For the manufacture of the divider may also be needed similar material. After that, several holes should be done in order to inside the product freely circulated the air. This is done in all a certain reason - the fire can not burn without oxygen. As a rule, such holes require five or six, and their diameter should be one millimeter. They are done in the divider of the design.

Next you need to build (suck) the divider in the burner housing. To do this, you will need quite a lot of power. On the contrast to the divider, the inner flange should be installed with a small gap of approximately half acetimeter, thereby slowing down in the future a huge stream of gas that enters the stall.

Nozzle device

For the homemade lamp on propane gas, it is also necessary to make jetworks. With the help of such a detail, fuel is provided. Fuel is propane, which is in the cylinder. Metal bar should be used for manufacture. It needs to make a deaf hole. This requires a 2 millimeter drill. The jumper should be done by a 4-millimeter drill. Such holes need to overtake the hammer and walk with sandpaper.

Further at the end of the tube mounted hose from the gearbox. It should be made of a special rubber and tissue mixture. The fixation occurs due to the fixation of the hose clamp. After a reliable fastening of the hose, it is necessary to properly set pressure in the cylinder and give gas to it. With the help of such actions, the air from the system is completely driven out. If everything is done correctly, the length of the fire should be at least 40-50 millimeters.

Homemade design is very good tool and a unique tool that will always help in the economy to the young master in any household situations. And since it is very easy to produce it, then the popularity of such a tool is growing every day.

What gas to choose

Gas burner for soldering with their own hands is made exclusively on such a fuel as:

  • natural gas;
  • propane;
  • butane;
  • propaneobutan mixtures.

In other words, on hydrocarbon mixtures with atmospheric air. If you use a fuel consisting of 100 percent of isobutan, then you can get a combustion temperature of 2000 degrees Celsius.

Acetylene is a substance that allows to obtain a temperature of up to 3000 degrees. But a similar device on this moment Not popular for several reasons: the need for constant oxygen, high level Danger, the need to use expensive calcium carbide for work and other reasons.

Get hydrogen at home is more than real, and such an apparatus is able to give a temperature of 2500 degrees. But the initial materials for obtaining this substance are also very expensive (the main mixture for obtaining is syntic acid). In addition, they are unsafe. Also, minus hydrogen is that he is tangling.

Such a substance like methane is not used in burners for a home for general reasons. In addition, gas is very poisonous. If we talk about methane quatara, they do not give a large flame when burning, and the average design temperature is 1100 degrees.

How to achieve security

Those who are interested in how to make a burner at home, you need to first understand all security measures. In order for the self-made design to be effective in the work, it is necessary to constantly follow the drawings of the prototype and make their changes there.

Very often there is a situation where the flame is unevenly lit and greatly smoke. To get rid of such an effect, turn the housing on the threads of the nozzle on itself. It is necessary to do this until the time when gas will give a good and desired shade, as well as a stream of fire. If the thread of the nozzle is very freely walking, it must be sealing the ribbon.

To a small gas mini-burner or another design made by your own hands, it was safe to use, it is required before the first launch and subsequently check for tightness. Special attention should be paid to soldering connections, locations of connectors, sleeves and others important moments. After that, it is necessary to wait, slightly opening the vet. Wait should be waiting until the flame goes. All stages occur on the machine, so do not need additional actions. After that, it is only necessary to adjust the flame level and you can start work.

Thus, the burner is the necessary tool in the home for beginners and experienced masters.

Modification of heating equipment, and simply speaking - its improvement is necessary to improve the efficiency of work. Maintenance of solid fuel boilers, constant control over the level of wood or coal in the firebox sometimes pushes owners to solve non-standard tasks. If you have the possibility of connecting the house to the gas highway, but there is no desire to buy a new special boiler - begin to invent homemade devices Heating water heating equipment.

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that any products of the handicraft production intended for the heating systems must pass a number of inspections, namely:

  • Obtaining a quality certificate.
  • Permits from the Gosgortkhnadzor.
  • Checking the design for compliance with the parameters of quality and operation.

To collect this documentation will require a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is much more profitable to purchase a factory gas burner for the boiler. But if the desire to collect and experience the product own production Great, you can make a gas burner with your own hands.

Principle of operation of the gas burner

There are several types of burners that may differ in design and work principle. For heating boilers, the following types are most often installed:

  • Atmospheric - with an open combustion chamber.
  • With forced air supply - with a closed chamber.

For self-making, the 1st type of burner is suitable, since it is much simpler and can be made of girlfriend.

The operation of the gas burner is based on the mixing of a dense flux of natural gas and atmospheric air. Vividly the principle of operation is shown in Figure:

For the manufacture you will need:

  1. Valve OT oxygen cylinder - He will perform the role of the nozzle base. You can take the widespread VK-74.
  2. To form a narrow-controlled gas jet, it is necessary to make a cap that will wipe on the valve. It is done in it and the fat is inserted (it is possible from the soldering lamp).
  3. The injector is made of steel pipe, up to 2 mm thick. Its length is approximately 100 mm. The mount is made with a welded method using steel wire. At the same time, a certain distance between the cap and the nozzle for air flow into the burning zone should be observed.
  4. To activate the flame, you can install a piezoelectric element, or flamm with matches or burning paper.

Gas atmospheric burner is ready. Next is made the basis for which it will be mounted for mounting into the chamber of the burning of the boiler. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the hole should not be closed completely - air will be acting through it to maintain the combustion process.

But can I use it with the same comfort and security as the factory? To find out this, consider all the disadvantages of the design:

  • No mandatory sensors. The most important of them is to control the flame. If for some reason the fire goes out, and the gas will continue to enter the nozzle - self-burning can occur. You also need a traction control sensor in the boiler that controls air flow.
  • Temperature sensor. It indicates border temperature modes, the non-compliance of which can lead to a rapid failure of not only the burner, but also the boiler.
  • To adjust the operation of the gas pressure burner from the central highway, appropriate experience and special equipment are needed.
  • The lack of a gas pressure regulation mechanism coming into the burner. When the pressure drop in the gas pipeline changes the power of the flame, which again leads to possible breakdowns and defects.

But not only the design of the burner may suffer from the above factors - it concerns the boiler itself. Each model of heating equipment is calculated under certain operating conditions. If the manufacturer indicates that this can be adapted to the operation of the gas burner with a forced air supply with power parameters up to 30 kW and installation additional fan To create thrust - means other conditions can lead to its breakdown.

If you wish to make a homemade burner for a particular boiler, we need to weigh all the "for" and "against". Is it worth risking expensive equipment, its safety and their loved ones?

Many home masters know what gas burner is. Due to it, you can perform welding, surfacing and other types of processing of metal products, heat them and connect. The principle of operation of such an instrument in mixing the combustible gas and oxygen. As a result, you can get a stable flame having a huge temperature that is hard to extinguish. Such burners can be universal or intended for certain works. The fact that the flame is stable allows you to apply this unit in air even in windy conditions. It can be used how to buy and do at home. If you are not of those who are looking for easy ways, we suggest you to figure out how to make a gas burner for soldering with your own hands.

Materials and tools for work

To make the usual burner, you will need the following details and tools:

  • bulgarian;
  • a hammer;
  • sandpaper;
  • brass blanks for nozzle and divider;
  • thin tube from brass Ø15 mm;
  • bruks of wood;
  • vice;
  • FUM tape or silicone seal;
  • connecting hoses;
  • adjustment valve.

Manufacture of handles and nozzles

Take the brass tube and make a handle to it. If you have a handle from the old burner, you can use it - it will be much more convenient. If there is no, you can take wooden barber. To handle comfortably lying in the hand, it can be processed. It needs to drill a hole for a brass tube. Their diameter must coincide. After that, the tube is shred into the bar and fixes there with silicone or epoxy resin.

For the convenience of performing the work, the brass tube must be bent above the handle at an angle of 45˚.

The next stage is the manufacture of nozzles. This is a time-consuming and long process. It is necessary to approach him with more responsibility. The desired size of the nozzle opening is 0.1 mm. It is clear that independently without special equipment to achieve this size will be very difficult, so you need to drill the hole slightly wider, and adjust the edges to desired size. Everything needs to be done carefully so that the hole is smooth and not directed the flame in different directions. Having done a hole, lock the workpiece in the vice. Then neat the hammer apply shocks on the future nozzle. It is necessary to do it vertically, with the "delay" to the center of the workpiece. Gradually, the part must be scrolled, providing the perfect hole without a slope.

After having made the detail, the head of the nozzle must be sanded it emery paper With shallow grain. On the back of the details should be threaded to connect it with the tube. The simpler connection method is soldering the penetration to the pipe. But it should be noted that in this case the repair of any details will be performed very difficult.

In principle, this is all, now you can connect to the tube with a gas cylinder, set fire to it and the unit is ready for work. But, now there are some difficulties that impede normal work and bring inconvenience. It turns out that adjusting the gas stream can only be opened and closing the crane on the gas cylinder. In this case, to achieve the required strength of the flame will be very hard. What to do?

Work on improving flame adjustment

To ensure normal operation of our burner, it is necessary to equip it with a divider and a crane. A suitable place to mount the crane near the handle, above 2-4 cm. But it can be installed on the supply tube. A crane from the burner has served as an autogen or its other analogue. It is fixed on the tube threaded compound. For compaction compound, use FUM tape.

The divider will be installed on the pipe with the nozzle. It also needs to be made from brass Ø 15 mm. The most optimal option is a cylindrical part with a hole for the tube with a nozzle. If there is no, do the following:

  1. Take brass truma Ø 35 mm and cut a piece of 100-150 mm.
  2. Recovering from the end, marker stall 3-5 points exactly distant from each other.
  3. Drill the holes in it 8-10 mm drill and grinding to them smooth feeds.
  4. Now you can adjust everything to the center and welcome to the burner tube.

To properly fasten the divider, it must be placed so that the nozzle performs 2-3 mm from the connection site. Thanks to this adaptation, you can achieve two goals: protect the flame from a strong wind and to provide it with a flow of oxygen, which is necessary for a more stable and strong flame.

All welding places can be smoothed by the Bulgarian. Then yours homemade burner Will look more solid. That's all. Now it remains only to let gas and use the burner for its intended purpose.

Making mini burner

If you need to work with small details or fees, then such a big burner will not work at all. In this case, you can make a small burner from the primary means, which will produce temperatures up to 1000ºC. You will need:

  1. Ordinary dropper - 2 pcs.
  2. Needle for pumping balls.
  3. Needle for medical syringe.
  4. Soldering iron.
  5. File.
  6. Copper wire.
  7. Pliers.
  8. Grinding stone.
  9. Flux for soldering.
  10. Thermopystole.

Armed with all tools, you can proceed to work. For convenience, we divide the process to such steps:

Through the thick tube there will be gas, and through thin (medical) compressed air. Change gas pressure and compressed air You can thanks to the dropper regulators. Such a small burner will be useful for use at home.

Gas-burner - useful tool in skillful hands. In order to have it, it is not necessary to go to the store and spend money on the purchase. Everything can be done yourself. The main thing is to prepare all the materials and tools, as well as explore the technology for the manufacture of the burner. Before you begin work, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the instrument device and the principle of its work. Then you will be much easier to fulfill everything yourself.


Look at the video on how to make a burner from girlfriend:

Video on the manufacture of a miniature gas burner: